Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 02, 1845, Image 2

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    From tho N. Y. Mirror.
!nno!, July 1.
My IV-nr Motrin Having some delay in gi
ving my liule Imogen her first English dinner,
we saved our passage by hair minute, anil
were off from Liverpool at 4 precisely. The
distance to I-omlon is, I believe, 2'JO miles, and
wa diil it in five hours an acceleration ol speed
which is lately introduced upon the English
railways. There arc slower trains on the same
route, and the price, by these, ia let's. There
are also three or four different kinds of cars to
each trnin, and at different prices. I chanced
to light upon tlio first class, and pnid !i for
two places my nurse and child counting auntie.
1 understand, since, that many gentlemen and
Jadieaoftrm most respectable rank take the ne
cond cl.iss cars (as few Americans would, I
'am sorry tosny, though there would be two de
grees still below them.)
This travelling at forty odd miles the hour
yives one's eyes hardly time to know a tree
from a cow, but here and there I got a distant
view in crossing a valley, and recognized the
lovely mral beauty of England; the first im
predion of which lasts one, like an enchanted
memory, through life. Notwithstanding Ihe
great speed, the cars ran so evenly on their ad
mirable raits, that there was no jnr to prevent
one's sleeping or being-comfortable, and 1 awoke
from a very pleasant dream to rind myself in
As I was dressing to dine out on the follow
ing day, t flopped tying my cravat to send for a
physician, nnd here, if you please, we will
make a jump over twelve days, and come to a
bright morning when 1 was let out to walk in
Hegfiit street.
It is extraordinary how Utile tlio En.flish
change ! Regent street, after four or five
years, is exactly what Regent street irns. The
men 1iave the same tight cravats, emits ton
t-mall, overhrus-hod whiskers, and look of being
excessively washed. The carriages and horses
exactly the same. The cheap shops have the
same placard of "kwxino off" in their broad
windows. Tho blind beggars tell the same sto
ry, and are led by the same dogs ; hut what is
Mill stranger than all this sameness, is that the
ladirs look the 6amo .' The fashions have per
haps changed in the milliners' shops ! But
the Englishing that is done to French bonnets
after they are bought, or the Englihh way in
which they arc worn, overpowers the novelty,
and gives lira fair occupants of the splendid car
riages of I.ondon the very same look they had
ten years ago.
Still, there arc (some slight differences obser
vable in the 6trcet, and among others, I observe
that the economical private carriage called a
"Rroughman," is very common. These are low
cabs, holding two or four persons, with a driver,
ond perhaps a footman in livery on the outside
seat, and one horse seems to do tho work as
well as two. This fashion would be well, inlro
duced into New York that is to say, if our ci
ty is ever to be well enough paved to make a
drivo any thing but a dire necessity. The pa
vmg of Jxnidon is really most admirable. Vast
city as it is, the streets as smooth as a floor all
over if, and to ride is indeed a luxury. The
break-neck, hnt-jamming and dislocating jolts
of Hrnadway must seem to English judgment
an inexcusable stain on our public spirit. And,
apropos of paving the wooden pavement seems
to bo entirely out of favor. Ur-gont street is
hi id in wooden blocks, and in wet weather (and
it rains here some part of every day.) it is so
slippery that an omnibus which has been stop
ped in going up the street is with difficulty
Marled again. The horses almost always come
to their knees, though the ascent is very Blight,
ond the falls of cart and carriage horses are oc
curring continually. Nothing seema to do like
the McAiiam pavement, and wherever you find
it in london, you find it in as perfect order as
the floor of a howling alley. I see tint all hea
vy vehicles, (hy the way) are compelled to have
very broad wheels, and they rather improve the
road than sKiil it. A law to the same effect
should be passed in New York, if it ever has a
pavement worth preserving.
Observing I jidy Dlessingtou's faultless equi
page Mantling at the door of the Cosmorama, I
went in and saw her Ladyship for a moment.
She said the was Fullering from recent il'ncss,
but I thought her looking far better than when
I wa lant in Euglund. Her two beautiful nei
ce were with her, and I,ord ; and the cele
brated Vidocij (tur tins was what they had come
to hi t-,) was showing then, the disguises he had in his wonderful detections of criminals,
tin- weapons he had taken from them and all the
curiosities of i. is career himself the greatest.
I liMikrd ut tho Prince of Policemen, with no
liltlo interest of course, after reading his singu
lar memoirs. He ia a fat man, very like the
outline of L'uis I'liillippos figure, and his head,
enormously develoMd in tho perceptive organs,
goes up so small to the top, as to resemble the
peur with which the King of the French is com
monly caricatured. Vidorq's bow to me when
I came in uae the model of elegant and respect
ful suavity, but I could not express a feeling of
repugnance to him, nevertheless.
J made a couple of calls before I went home.
The chief topic of conversational b.ith houses
w as the charms and eccentricities of an Ameri
can bulla who has lately married into a noble
family, Bho seems to have enchanted the ex
clusivca by them with the must uti-del'ercntiul
freedom. A low evenings since, blm chanced
ti bo surrouudud by a hull' dozen high bred ad
mirers, and conversation going rather heavily,
she proposed a cock fight. Dividing the party
into two sides, she tied the legs of tho young
men together, and set them to a game of fisti
cuffs ending in a very fair representation of an
action between belligerent roosters! One of
her expressions was narrated with great glee.
She chanced to have occasion to sneeze when
sitting at dinner between two venerable noble
men. "La !" she exclaimed, "I hope I didn't
splash either of you !" I have mentioned only
the drolleries of what I heard. Several instan
ces of her readiness nnd wit were given, and as
those who mentioned them were of tho clas
she is shining in, their admiring tone gave a
fair reflection of how she is looked upon as,
the most celebrated belle nnd notability ol high
life for the pi f sent season.
Fours, faithfully,
N. 1. Wii.i.m.
mi. NO I T.
At the recent Semi-Cenleunial Celebration
of the sitonding of Union College at Schenecta
dy, N. Y Chancellor Wai.wortii pave as a
toast, "Our venerable nnd venerated President,
who understands the true secret of teaching n-
A ........... L. n I . ' Tl.n Knn.irnl.ln .
Dr. Norr responded, and the following sketch I
K'urui iot-iiin-i'-i. o . i
of his remarks is taken from the N. Y. Tribune : j
He wasdressed in a long black coat and a blue
or purple cap, from beneath which his silver
hair trembled in the breeze. No one could see
him without loving him, nnd at the same time
mourning that his life must end so soon, for
'l'mt his aged temples grow
The blossoms of the grave."
My children, said he, I come at the request
of many pupils. Thnugh sickness told mo not
to speak, yet I co ild not reltise a request co
ining from my children and their children.
My children we have but one lit'e to i-nd, and
therefore let us live it well. Man is mortal.
Institutions such ns this never die. Ity them
we transmit to other generations our influences.
They have done much good by reviving letters.
hut more by reviving 'he reading of the bible.
Where has the bible gone and has not carried
with it line of arts, love of letters, love of li
berty ! The bible alone meet the case of man
Chemistry can never discover an E ix r which
can reanimate the urn hut the bdile teaches
us how life shall spring from death how mor
tality shall ho clothed with immortality.
When fifty years more shall have passed a
way others will come up here I shall m t be
here. Many of you my older ch Idren, shall
not be here be it so. We shall separate niter
these ceremonies are ended, but not fir ever
we shall meet in another world. I have been
young, and now am old, yet I declare, that had
I to live my life over again, I would lite more
than I have done for God and my country.
Were I to live ever so short a time, even if no
longer than the merest ephemera Un iting in the
sunbeams, I would rather soar with the eagle
and be lost among the star, than meanly to
grovel in the earth with things that perish.
Some of you will be alive at tint next Jubi
lee, when I shall be forgotten. The cold earth
shall soon rest on this aged bosom ; and this
arm shall be cold and senseless to the appeals
of the poor and the distressed. Rut you, my
children, see to it thai, while you live, the poor
shall never want a friend, nor tha defenceless,
defenders. And should it be my happiness to
reach oh! happy thought those mansions uf
bliss, let eveiy angel bear tidings from Earth to
Heaven of your good works. Let it be told in
those Mansions that other lira iuerds, and Hales,
and Howards, and Granville. Sliarpes, have ari
sen. Nor feel your work accomplished till mi
sery and vice shall cease on this planet, and vir
tue and happiness be universal. I shall close
lhee remarks, my children, by offering the fol
lowing sentiment, "The Alumni of I'nioii Col
lege distinguished less by honors rcceivrd
than conferred having rendered their Alma
Mater, while in the greenness of yuuth, vener
able by their deeds."
"This oil hand speech nnd sentiment," adds
tho Tribune, "were received with great ap
plause. The speech was a true piece of elo
quence, not mom lor the beauty of its laneuige
than for his tones ami manner of delivery, extended view of the subject. In 1S3H an In
which Cannul be reported." I temal Improvement Convention was held at
. .. . Williainsport. A large number of delegates,
A Girl Siiuv.i.fiu to Pkatii hy Svakf. from different sections of the State, were present.
A little girl, about eight years ol age, was stran
gled by a snake last Week, near liailihl nlge, in
Lancaster county. Pa. She hail been sent to ga
ther blackberries in a field, a short distance from
the house, ami being absent for a longer time
than usual, her parent proceeded to seari h for
her. They found her quite dead w ith a large
black snake coiled around her neck.
We find a scrap
in the American Agriculturist, gmng directions
UH I" I. di dni iiu V9H iim mi uii'i inn, niiru
" 3
a horse is unmanageable, as some horses are
The writer says ''The rein passes from the
ring of the riht side of the bit, up the riuht side
ol the bead and over it b. bind the ears, then down
. ,. ,-,i i ,, .: i ,
the eft side tbronuh the ling ol the left aide of
the bit, which gives a purchase upon the mouth
i -i. ., ... l... .1... i... ....I .. i
that cannot be resisted ; the groom thus manag
es him w ith the greatest ease.
Poiaio Pi i.iim.s. The multiplication of
starch lactones at the present day will put in
the power of some of us editors to get some o
ther kind of a pudding than a sawdust one. We
put in for a potato pudding, now and then. Tho
following, "ihri tiiy." is the best way to make
them. To one quart of boiled milk, add, gradu
ally , as in making hasty pudding, a quarter of a
pound of potato flour, or. in other words, potato
starch well pulveiied a quarter of a pound of
sugar, and a little bn'lei when cold, add three
eggs and bake it half an hour.
Ji';e I'unmr,
a 1 1. i iii i it
fiat unlay, .1 nl 3, !84:.
It. l'Jirntilt, Kq., at hit Heal B8m
tale and Coal f title, corner ofiidantl C'hrnut '
Slrieln, riitlailrlihla, U antkorltfd to art an
.Ifrnt, ai'tt rrerlfit lor all insure tine thin
oWrr, far mbrrlplton nr ailvertMnf
.linn at hl.i Ofl1ce,yt. Ifltt AVmas rrff,
.Intl S. K. Corntr or Itnlltmorf ami Calvert
... I
., ilalllmore. ,
- I
OAm Ivonr Screw, belonging to the top of
a flute, was lost in this borough sometime since, j
The finder, by leaving it ut this office, will be j
liberally rewarded. j
IVP"The season of ln-a', thank fortune, lias j
Passed. The iiiht hav become cool and plea-!
.... .
j faut Though the clouds have worn something !
. .1 . . f - .1- t .a I.
ni u uireuieninir aspect, lor ute last wees, we
have bad but one shower. More rain would not
come amiss, nevertheless, we should be extreme-
ly thankful to a merciful providence for the
bountiful harvest already bestowed on us.
07" Imteiikst ok S'ia'ie IIkiit. The quota
for this county, was uid into the State Treasu
ry yesterday.' Lfttkhs. Our readers will find,
in this weeks paper, several of Mr. N. P. Willis'
letters from Europe, where he is now travelling.
Mr. Willis is extensively known at home and
ubroad, as one of the most pleasant and iuterest
'ng American writers. His letters from Europe,
published iii the New York Mirror, about ten
years auo, were much admired and very general
ly read. We shall continue them as they come
C7"Tr:xs. The news of the confirmation of
, , 1 , 1 ,1 ..
the Annexation resolutions by the I onvention, !
now in session
, . u.niin n.r, n,i. .. . i. ... in nitii-
I 1 .........,,... I I. k
ly important. There was, it appears, but one
. ,
dissenting voire in the Convention, in opposition
to the resolutions Tho member who dissented
s Mr. Iiache, and w hat is somewhat singular, he
is brother-in-law to Mr. lal!us, our Vice Presi
dent, and Mr. Walker, Secretary of the Treasury,
both ardent friends of annexation. President
Junes, of Texas, is very longhly handled in the
Texan papei s, on account of the opposition he
secretly made against the measure of annexation.
CT7"There are a few of the peruliur democrat
ic organs that occasionally give vent to their ma
lignity and spleen, hy attempting to traduce
lien. Cameron and the democratic members who
voted for him as U. S Senator. These effusions
are as impotent as they are ridiculous. All Un
democratic papers ol Xoi thiimberland, Union and
Columbia counties, nine in number, have ap
proved of his election, and nine-tenths of the
people are with them. And yet we find a few
irresponsible (Kipinjay editors, insolently stig
matising these men as traitors, for obeying the
wishes of their constituents.
Rail Rmitl from riiilmls-1 pliia In Erir, by way
of I'uttsvillr nml tlir Siinbury and
Erie Rail Ron!
We have shown, by estimate and statements,
in three previous articles of this paper, the great
importance of Ihe completion of the Shaniokin,
Mahouov and Schuylkill Rail Road, to the Read
ing Rail Road Co., by iucieasing its m tt receipts
about !r'.'.0, 1100, and therefore add ngto its actual
value at least four millions of dollars. And we
have shown also, that this link of about twenty
five miles, which is wanting to make a coutinu.
oils line of Railroad from Philadelphia to the
Susquehanna, at Siuibuiy, taking the very low.
est estimates and allowing for every contingency,
would ay more than 10 per cent, on the cost of
its construction.
These estimates were based on the present
state of trade of the Susquehanna and its tributa
ries, without reference to further improvements
through the populous, rich, and fertile districts
of the Susquehanna valley, rich in mineral
wealth and agricultural productions. We shall
j continue by taking a more comprehensive and
The result of their deliberations was an applica-
tion to the Legislature for the incorporation of
the Siinbury . Erie Rail lload Company. The
menioi iulists, in their application to the Legisla
ture, say :
"The clf.rts of our sister states, show that,
it we even regard the preservation of what we
possess, capital and riiterpri.e must be aw aken
ed to further action, in the construction ot line,
ureal central rulway. The earlier and later
navigation of our Cnnn's has Isen the subject
of bon.-l ;
inn ine leariss sinnes o: .ew ...
, . , ,, , . ...
i by railway to Erie, uiilci a spirililv counlerac-
,, liy rn,.r;,,.,lc competition, will soon show
, it t,, ilv been a vain and transient boast. Shall
! Pennsylvania look idly on dunn"; lour months
'he years, and on Ihe openuiL' ol our canals in
ihe spring, find, that during Ihe winter, while
: . 1 , . , , Y ., ,
i the canals of her own, and ol other tales, were
blut ,, ,ie rc(t ralw,v. 0 .,.w York, and
those on our South also, had been drawing oil
the wealth of tho West to their own cities!
To hold what we hove, and more clearly to
keep pace with other States in the laudable
race, we, also, must make a railway to lke
Sectional prejudice, or selfish calculation, can
not influence honorable minds againsl this rail i
road ; and the groundless apprehension that our
canals may be deficient in tonnage, ought not
to impede its thrmation. New York already
finds her canal choak"d up, and boats delayed
for days, with tho multitude of cargoes; and,
doubtless, were the funds even now subscribed
for the road to Erie, our own augmenting trude,
and our suiwrior mineral wealth, would offer a-
t Lundanco to our navigation, before it coul J bo
completed. Various portions of tlio road, and
its branches, whoso treasures are now impeded,
or concealed, will pour their tonnsgp ino the
caniilu in the spring, nnd into tho Columbia rail
road in tho winter anil, at all seasons, lighter
merchandize and persons can be conveyed with
superior despatch and certainly.
The net of incorporation was granted and a
survey of the route made by competent Engi
neer , who have reported that it wasentirely prac-
ticnhle to canst nut a Hail Road, of easy grades,
j without any inclined planes, from thia place to
Erie. This route is by way of the Wcat Branch
the Lake, and is shorter than any other
known. It also passes over ground much more
favorable than the New York nnd Erie Rail Road,
which is now rapidly progressing to completion
under great and numerous disadvantages, and
would, therefore, enable Philadelphia to compete
nw. ...n..u. It i rAr ll.a T ,.L- V..
"""" ' " 4"
lure has given to Philadelphia advantages in se-
; ....
curing this great ami growing trade, which she
CBn O,)toin without much difficulty, and which,
j( 5t, will be entirely owing to her own supine-
am n,.Ri,.t.t. Her powerful rival, N. York,
is now making Herculean effoits to monopolize
this trade, by the construction of a Rail Road
throiitfh the Southern tier of the counties of that
State to some point on Lake Erie. The follow-
' alt- r I : . . .'It I .1 I -I I . I
uiu muie oiuisuiuces. w in snow uie oec men su
periority of the route from Philadelphia to Erie, 1
by way of Pottsville, Siinbury, and the West
I'ruiich of the Siisiiiii hanna.
Miles, j
1. Ruflalo to New York, by Erie Canal, .'.OS
2. Punkiik to New York, by Erie Railroad, Oil ;
3. Cleaveland to Philada. by Mahoning canal 507 !
I. Cleaveland to Philadadelphia, by Sandy :
nnd Heaver Canal, 57.1
!i. Erie to Philadelphia, by Chenango route, M:i '
0. Erie to Philadelphia, by Siinbury and
Erie Rail Road, -111
Thus it will be seen that thedistance between
Philadelphia and Erie, by the Siinbury and Erie
Road, will be 1011 miles shorter than the New
York route, r.cnides, tha navigation of the Lake,
ut Erie, opens about one mouth curlier than at
IHill'alo and Dtmkiik. These advantages, which
Philadelphia will have over New Yoik. in ron-
tending for the trade of the Lake, are to obvious
. , , ,
tli:ir thil' must urn Ijimr fin-c:i r 1 1 V riillini!iiiil
J e, . ... ........ ,
nit HiiciiiHiii oi me i nnioiiisis hi in irtui-iiiiiiti ;
pitulists of Philadelphia
and other places,
We shall resume the subject
For the American. and offer a tribute of respect to the man through
Mr. Editor : Taking a walk through your, whose inlluciice the measure was consummated,
beautiful Rorough, I was much struck with the j On the 'it h we appointed committees on the
liiie crop of Thistles and Nightshade growing! plan adopted by the Virginia Convention, to re
in your streets ami alleys. They appear to have j port on the various subjects submitted. It called
been cultivated by the authorities with some I forth some discussion which was creditable to
considerable care. Cpon enquiry, I find no pro
vision has been made for the cuttir.i and gather
ing uf this valuable crop. I would, therefore.
suggest to the honorable council, in the abst-nce
of their efficient chief, that a I'orouu'h meeting
be called, to take into consideration the propriety
of appropriating two hundred dollars for tin
reaping, curing and safe-keeping of the aforesaid
valuable crop. Ci i.tiva roit.
A Temperance Mas Meet inn of colored pen.
pie will be held at Milton on the 4th of August.
Several speakers, white and colored, will address
the meeting.
The I.ewishorg Chronicle says some 12 or 15
fine brick buildings are being errcted in their
flourishing and prosperous village, together with
a numb-r of frame ones.
RrcAiUK; Raii.iioap I'pwards of twenty-five
thousand tons of coal were taken to Philadelphia
by the Reading Road, the week ending on Thurs
day. The Schuylkill Navigation Company took to
the same city, seven thousand tons.
Arn-ltTiMii Casualty. The Lycoming Ga
zette, published at Williamsport, says: --An
accident of rather a serious nature occurred near
this place on Friday morning last. A young man
by the name of Francis II Campbell, son of our
worthy townsman F. C. Campbell, Esq., while
in the act of discharging an old gun, had a por
tion of his right hand blown offby the bursting
of the piece. We understand the injury is of
such a character, as to irretrievably destroy the
use of the hand. Let this suffice as a warning to
' all who idly sport with owder.
TlIK IxrllFASK of Mam i ai ti rimj
It is estimated by a gentleman of intelligence
and well acquainted with the business of Pitts
burg, that 51,0011.000 are added yearly to the
actual wealth of that city by its productive in-
i dustry. Large as the estimate is, it is altogether
probable ; and we are not sure that in propor
tion to the means employed, the same ratio of in
crease would not be found to exist in many other
manufacturing communities of our country.
Iron, in some way or other, is now produced
in twenty-four of the Cnited States and in one
territory, Wisconsin. Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Florida are the only States, and Iowa and
the Distritt of Columbia the only other sections
. . ,r, ...j,.,.,. :,.,
Anotiiik r.onv was found on Thursday, a
mong the ruins of the fire in New York The
Tribune says, a huge bundle of charred Ledgers
was grasped under the circling bones of the left
arm, while the lingers of the right band clutch
ed some scattering pieces of gold. The skeleton
lay crushed upon the steps, and the poor faithful
wretch was joyfully making his escape from the
burning building with his employer's books and
his employer's gold.
Tiif. Dii vkrfm k. Among the books recover
ed in the ruins of the New York fire, it was
found that all entries made in blue ink were to
tally erased, while those in black were uniform
ly legible. Tixas. A gentleman from Texas,
now iii Europe, wiitcs that a colony of 15,000
Sw iss are preparing to leave their country and
j settle in Texas tins tail
From the Picayune of 20th inst. 1
Late and Important from Tti.
Awxminn Hulijied Death vf Viet I'reniileiit
K. L. .Jmlfrum Iiicu' tmtt and Dcprtdutitnt
tif Hit lndian$Oentrnl Airur.
P.ythe arrival of the brig Hope Howes, Capt.
R. (i. Shaw, from Galveston, yesterday, we are
apprised of the glorious and gratifying fact that
the question of Annexation has been fully con
summated. Thus, by the Home and unwaver
ing conduct of a tree people, have the machina
tions of traitors at home and enemies abroad
been loiled and frustrated. Honor to the Repub
licans of Texas for the part they have taken ill
the achievement of the purpose !
We giva our worthy correspondent's letter,
which embraces a clear and saccinct narration
of the proceedings of the Convention, up to the
latest period at which it was possible to receive
Austin news :
Acsiis, July 7,
The Convention assembled on the morning of
the 4th, and unanimously elected (Jen. Rusk to
preside over its deliberations. On taking the
chair he made a short address, which w as well
delivered and suitable to the occasion. A com
mittee of fifteen was goon after appointed, who
reported by their chairman. Judge Lipscomb, an
.- . i t .1 . . ...1 e
ordinance assenting, on ueiuiu 01 me neoiue ui
... . . . e. .. . 11.,
the Cnited States Government. It was adopted
with one disspnting voice but five members ab
sent It was engrossed and signed by nil the
members present. It it not a little singular that
the only dissenting voice was Richard Rache,
the father-in-law of your Secretary of th Treasu
ry, and brother-in-law of the Vice President.
After the necessary resolutions were passed
for the transmission of the ordinance to tho Cni
ted States, a resolution was offered by Co!. Love,
and unanimously adopted 'That the members
wear ciape on their left arm for one month, as a
testimony of regret for the decease uf Gen. Jack
son." Whatever differences of opinion may ex
ist as regard his political acts elsewhere, Texas
owes him a debt of gratitude. To him wc are I
indebted for the privilege of becoming a nieiuber
of the great American I'nion a measure so im-
' 1
.u. ..... trt .... nn.l f l..m. In fnu Tl. . tt . i
I . ' ..' . 1 1 1 .
... ii...
. 1 ....
. . 1 T 1 ... I . . I . . I ! I I
i noil men aiijoiirneii. 11 was a novel ceienruiion i
f the Liberty Pay to surrender the indepen
dence of our nation, and, hy the act of the w hole
people, assent to its incorporation with another,
the speakers it was the skirmish that precedes
more heavy firing.
The delegates to the Convention, for intelli-
j gence, integrity and worth, would rank high in
any country. There is not, pet haps, much of
brilliancy, but a great deal of matter-of fact sense
and sound knowledge; and I predict that we
shall form and send you a sound and sensible
Constitution, free fiom the worst features ol" ul
traism. The terms of annexation are not, perhaps, such
as we had a riuht to ask, but so anxious are we
to free the subject from farther agitation in the
Cnited States, that no conditions whatever will
be annexed to the Constitution differing from
the resolutions passed by the Cnited States Con
gress. A despatch was received from the Cnited
States in the morning, and Major Ilonelson ani
ved on tho evening of the flth, having been de
tained at Washington by serious indisiosition.
These despatches relate to the occupation of our
frontier by our troops. They are now on their
march the foot by water to Corpus Christi, on
the west bank of the Nueces ; the dragoons by
land to San Antonio.
The step is taken that will decide Mexico in
her policy. Foreign troops will soon be upon the
soil she claims. Her choice must be a declara
tion of war; or, if she is wise, riegociation. She
may acquire money by the latter defeat and
disgrace only by the former. To-day a resolu
tion was passed requesting the President of the
C. States, in behalf of the people of Texas, to
send troops forthwith to our frontier. This res
olution is a sanction, on Ihe part of the people of
Texas, of the movement rioted above.
The intrigue of those in power here, which in
its commencement was advised by the ex-President,
has been dissipated by the power of the peo
ple. The Executive occupies no envied ikm.
tion ; I am inclined to think he has been victim
ized by his friend and patron, as well as her Ma
jesty's Minister. True to his faith, however, he
issued his Proclamation admitting a state of war
and a disputed territory, which, if not intended as
treason to the countiy, or proceeding from dis
appointed hopes, w as excessively foolish.
Lord Aberdeen has avowed to lr. Ashhel
Smith that her majesty's Government will not
interfere in the question, so he writes home.
This removes one of the prospects of war ; so if
you get to loggerheads w ith John Hull, it must
be about Oregon. Jonathan will light for whales
and lumber, but seems to have but little fancy
for it if sugar, cotton or negiocs have any thing
to do with the matter.
This once flourishing village is in a state of
entire dilapidation and ruin the effects of an ar
bitrary exercise of power, without cause and
without precedent, andalthough the author of all
this ruin is elected a delegate, he will not take
his scat ; he cannot, he dare not look upon hun
dreds whom he has in his wantonness ruined!
Gen. Tarrant, a delegate from Fannin, was oil
a visit to San Antonio. He, with Mr. Howard,
delegate from that place, had for some time been
expected. Painful apprehensions have arisen
for their safety, as many Indians are on the fron
tier who have committed many murders lately.
We are entirely exposed to the attacks of In
dians and Mexicans not a soldier on guard, and
but few firearms. So callous has the people of
J Texas become to danger, that they scarcely ever
prepare to repel attack. On my way here I met
a young man, with two young girls, in a buggy,
no protection whatever from attack, almost at
the very spot where young Homsby had been
killed two weeks previous by the Indians. They
were in high glee laughing and talking merrily.
I could but think that an hour might consign
them to death, or a worse fate.
The Hope Howes reports only 40 hours from
Galveston to the Calize. The latest Galveston
paper we have is of ths 12th inst. We are in
debted to Capt. Shaw and Mr. Nick Boilvin for
papers, &c.
The P.ritish Rrig Persian arrived at Galveston
a few days ago, from Vera Cruz. She brought
despatches fur the government, and was to re
turn as soon as shs heard from Washington. It
was rumored at Galveston that the was thera for
the purpose of learning the lute of the Mexican
proposition to President Jones, and if they were
lejectcd, that the fleet of Mexico would be down
on Galveston without delay ! We hope the Gal
vestonians will not evacuate their city on tha
strength of this fearful rumor.
The Hon. K. L. Anderson, Vice President of
Texas, died on the 10th ult., at Fantrop's Mont
gomery county, of fever. The papers ar in
mourning for the sad event.
Mr. Edward Bourne, a native of Coventry,
., ,,, , , .
England, left his residence on Hear l reek Lake
in a boat, on the 3d ult., and is supposed to have
been drowned on the 4th.
Ashhel Smith has been recalled from England.
Speaking of this, the Gal veston News of the 12th
says : ' We should like to know what he went
for. w hat he has done, bow murk money he has
hi( hted. w hen he is going again, or what plan
w ill next be fallen upon to disburse 0111 public
The following appointments have been made
by the President ,
Hon. Allen, Secretary of State.
Hon. W. 11. Ochiltree. Attorney General.
Hon. J. A.Greer, Secretary of the Treasury.
The reports of the crop throughout the coun
try are highly favorable ; Galveston and the o
ther cities and towns continue healthy ; emi
grants are fast pressing into the country from
the adjoining States of the I'nion ; and the pros-
1 l"'r's of Texas, view them through w hat phase
we will, are prosperous and encouraging.
I I c rj
Tiik Nbw PosTA'iF. Law. Thompson's Fatik
note Reporter furnishes the following interesting
analysis of the rates of postage under the new
law, which went into operation on the 1st inst :
"One dollar and fifteen cents of American coin
age, in silver, weighs one ounce. A fifty cent
piece and a live cent piece (say 55 cents) are al
most equal to half an ounce.
Those who wish to ascertain what their post
age will be, can with silver charge weigh the
papers before folding the letter.
We have made a variety of experiments and
j give the results below :
Two sheets of common letter paper folded,
Fout sheets of lit'ht French paper folded,
Ten Hank notes, in letter paper,
Fifteen bank notes in French paper,
A half eagle in French Paper,
A quarter of a dollar in common paper,
A chi'd's cap in French paper,
A child's frock in French paper,
A lady's handkerchief,
A full Irock (no flounces)
Turnip seed for a quarter of an acre,
Ribbons, to trim a bonnet fashionably.
100 pinches of snuff, in Frsnrh paper.
N. B. If the distance is more than 300 miles
the postage will be double Love letters nr.
often so light that they weigh nothing ; on sue!
there will be no postage.
An Early Aiti.ioant The Postmaster C'
neral hns received an application for the appoint
rucnt of Postmaster at Galveston, Texas. Thi
chap know s the value of being in time.
Patriotit Sf.mimk.nt Col. Seth Salisbury
at the late celebration of the 4th of July, at th
seat of Government, gav the following chara.
teristicand patriotic sentiment, alike woithy th
cause of the democracy and creditable to his th
votionto its principles. At this crisis in the .1.
mocratic party of Pennsylvania, when the led.
ralists are talking loudly of carrying the State ;
the fall elections, mrh rntimnil will be receivi
with high approval by ' the toiling millions
coming as it does, from a friend suable, so si
cere and constant to the cause of republicanisn
it will cheer on the democracy to union and'
victory, and a sound republican Legislature w i
be elected on the second Tuesday of October -The
decision of 11 1 w ill thus h gloriously r
asserted in 1I5, by the honest hearted democr
cy of the Keystone State, Rut to ihe seiilimen
"The ascendancy of democratic pril.cipl
mut be sustained at every sacrifice, nnd by e
ry honorable exertion. The decision of 1
will be gallantly re asserted by the people
Pennsylvania in 1M3, by electing a republic
Legislature. -I'nion, concession. everythi
for the cause." Inty and gratitude, as well
the integrity of the democratic party, call I
harmonious and energetic action." I'ultni
lMroFTtT to Tailors A Hoston judge I
decided that a tailor is bound to make yo
clothes a proper fit, and failing to do so, you m
return them within a reasonable time. That
before they are hull" worn out. The other i
portant question, how soon they should be p.
for, if kept, wa. postponed for fuither conside
tion by the learned judge.
Tim Rioht to the IIrefxiiis. A young f
was fined, in New Orleans, lately, for appe
ing in the street in boys' clothes. The just
admitted the right of married women to "wt
the bieeches," but denied that singlrt fenia
had any business with any such an article.
Pkkskcvfs It is said that to set newly m;
preserves for several days, open in the air, i i
of the best methods of making them keep thiol
the summer, unferniented. It is worth tiyui;