Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 19, 1845, Image 2

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    tr -ti i t lit flrftsrttnite.
Wo have already noticed the progress rnndf by
the Dtatnmi nnd.r the command of Col. Kear
ney, which loft Fort Leavenworth on the lth of
May, ftf I"J KH-kjr Mountain. We have now
advices from them to the 4th of June, in tamp
near the folk of the Platte. They consist of
five companies, amounting in the aggreeate to
2S0 men. So tar they hail met with no interrup
tion!. On the 21th of May they full into the
Oregon trail ami after that passed every day
some party of emigrant moving towards Ore
11 and California, with their families and flocks
unit herds, lesembling the movement of the Isra
elites through the w ilderness. The Dragoons
.-nt bark from the forks of the Tlatte, two wa
gons, which had hauled provisions that far for
them, and gave them directions to disinter the
remains of the late Mr. James II. Marshall, of
this city, and take them to Fort Leavenworth,
subject to the further directions of bit family.
Mr. M was buried last year, nrar one of the
l.iam lies of the Utile Kivcr, whilst on his way
to tin- mountains for the recovery of his health.
It is understood that the Dragoons arc follow
ing th Oregon trail, to near the f'outh Iiss in
the Mountains, io order to make that toad saf j to
emigrants. They are, of course, much relieved
lV tkeii presence, as they no longer apprehend
difficulties with the Indians, bavin such an
in iin il pjrty on the same road with themselves
The wi-hmii and children se paiticularly grati
fi.'d. It i-. further understood, that the Dragoons,
alter going tuthe South Pass, will retuin to
J'oit I.aiainie, on the Platte from that point
s ioi to Hi nt's Foit, on the Arkansas, and re-
Saturday, Jul 19, !843.
lL"Funeral obsequies, in honor of the memo
ry of (en. Jackson, Wert observed ny the citi-x-ns
of Lewisbnrr, on Saturday the Sth last.
Th processsion was formed, under the direction
of !en. Abbot fJreen, of Lewisburg, which, after
passing through the principal streets, repaired to
thv Presbyterian church, where large number
of K-'lies awaited them to witness the ceremonies.
An ei logy on the occasion was pronounced by
Geo, W. Graham, F.s,
C7"Aivi;rtiimii. The Public Ledger says
that during the six days of last week they pub
lished, in that paper, eight hundred and thirty
four new advertisements. The patrons o( the
t n. at t ne-t r.-
tale md Cm) OIKet, rmrmtr f."f and Chrtnut
u. f - MLl..l.rSa im mtAlhmtitiM tit art nm
. . , . ... Ledger understand the value of advertising. The
lgrnt, mrd rrrrltd tor mil mantra du thin I . e, . . , .. , . .
, circulation amounts to vo.uuu uaiiy, anii t in
mmrr. tor amtnerttdtan mr tut errt I ..... i k
' ... . . greatest in the Union, except thr New lork Sun
.f' mt hla tHlea, Ym. 160 .umhsi tlrttt, 1
I . . - , . , . . Ct 1. I
trr A rnllnn artntv is nliotir neinc esiaonsn-
,1m ft a K. Camtr mf ttuMmmrt mnd Cmlrert
at a., Balttotmr.
Fnrlhrr Haw from Texas.
Capt. Foster of the revenue cutter Woodbury,
arrived at N. Orleans on the 4th inst., the bearer
of despatches from Maj. Donclson, to the U. S.
The Woodbury brings intelligence of the death
of Col. Marshall, of Nashville, Term. He was
the bearer ol the despatches brought over by
Capt. Foster of our Government. He reached
Galveston from Washington, Texas, on the 2Gth
ult. From extreme exposure on his journey, he
sickened ; and although he had every medical
aid which could be put in requisition, he expired
on the 28th ult. His disease was congestive fe
ver. The weather at Galveston was excessively
hot and dry when the Woodbury left, and com
plaints were made of the exceeding drought ; still
the city was considered quite healthy.
Funeral solemnities were to be observed at
i -i t ....... i. i in nnn i
............ .-. Cialve.ton on the 1th of July, in honor of the
t II IS n if vt u j.m in i'luv r v ifiis. i
t lie limited partnership principle. The Miarear
. . a ....... I -
he weather nay.een exireme.y no, ,r j aiw,y u,,stri
the last week. .'ii cainruay lasi uie inrriii"ni'--tet
tool at 91, on Sunday at and Monday
at '.'S.
(fj Pestii to Hossrs. The recent hot wcalh- j
e to these noble animal. W r j
understand, that a team of four boises on the line j
Qj Gov. Porter's anthracite furnace, at Har-rivl....-
una nut in blast on the t'th inst. The
memory of Gen. Jackson.
In reference to the recent reports that Mexico
has been concentrating troops upon her North
eastern frnntries, the last Houston (Texas) Tele
graph says
"It has been satisfactorily ascertained that
Mexico is wholly unprepared for the emergency
t - .. : np i t nftrta
... . ' niiititiA nni-fvf'r pavn H iv ill biiiii i'i
- I I ..nk . trt I i.d tin i u liinilll M : " ....... B - j . ...
rrnasmT.i.ri.. , ,.... -. ...... i Th. I.i. ...m... 1I..1 .k.u.l .....t
ml nil Ol the lIOVlll CV IllllCrS IMirM I'Ui i.n . ' ' iuiiiui r,,.: ,n. ,.,,1, ,,..u.r
of stages between this and PoUsville, died on
the Troad Mountain, on Monday last, from the i
effects of thu extreme heat. )
C7"The lat Danville Democrat corrects some
few of the statements of "A Traveller," publish
ed in-onr lust, in relation to the Iron Works at
that place. The Democrat says the Montour
turn to Foit Leavenworth, on the Santa Fetrail; j Company will require 0. !(' Ions of coal the
tlms affording protection to the traders to that 1 coming year, instead of 200.0IHI tons. That their
country. It is expected that the Dragoons will j rnaee will average about 200 tons per week,
ai eonipli-h thin duty by th. last of September. j at a profit ol about $11 per ton, independent of
WeaNo learn, that two companies of Dragoons (fpl.t, roniiiiiiiuis..c. We tupposed that there
were to march up the St. Peters, to Lake Tia- j was an rl fr in tne ttat. ni nt, but even accord
ver; thence to the North Red Kivcr visiting 1 ; Io ilt. IVniociat the profits niu-t reach
the Suui.x and their country. Tbe Sisi'nns have ' nearly SIOO.tK'O per annum. The same (taper
of elevating stock, proved defective. The fur
nace was therefore blown out, to repair these de
MoxTir since 1637, inclusive, compiled from
four observations each day, (except Sundays, of
which two are registered.) at noon, at No. 41
Chesnut street, out of doors and in doors, (the nut
of doors being from a thermometer hanging in a
Northern exposure,) the other two registered e
very day in the morning, about 6 o'clock, and in
the evening, about 10 o'clock, from a thermome
ter in another place, hanging out ol doors, with a
Northern exposure. The same thermometers in
each situation having been used throughout the
whole period.
June. July.
IS 10,
7fi 6
70 2
73 0
1 t
73 6
83 2
77 8
7i 1
August. Aveiage of
Jhe 3 months
73 4
7.7 S
72 8
71 S
7fl 8
71 8
Tn Oatk has ot intM Tx .There ii
misconception among some of the conductors of
the press in regard to the manner of Governor
Dorr's liberation, sorre of them being under the
impression that he has taken the oath of allegi
ance. This is not the fart. Hr htt token no
onA. He is unconditionally discharged, without
a restoration of his civil rights. The act, by
which he is discharged, also provides that he
may, at any time, be restored to his rights, on
taking the oath prescribed, before the Supreme
Court This he has not done, and this he nevrr
will do. His friends will have it in their (tower
after one or more elections, to restore all hit
rights without petition, and without an onlk.
Providence Herald.
F.srrE op as Am.ihatob. An alligator
" twelve feet long,' escaped from a show box at
Brooklyn. X. W.niade for the Fast river, and has
not been heard of since. The New York Mirror
I intimates, that the music of the lUnd, playing
From the above it will be seen that the warn . " Home, sweet home," awoke soft remembran
est summer within the period mentioned was that j ces of his iVive place on the banks of the Mis
of IS IS, each summer month in that year being sissippi, and by this time be is most likely olTtho
warmer than either ofthe other years. 1 Capes of Florida
The thermometer hanging in front of No. I?
Chesnut street has been observed to be 100 de
gress anil upwards on the following dates.
head. The pumps to raise water for the purpose j thousand troops in the country east ofthe Sierra
.Mailre, prove to be utterly erroneous, and it is
now found that the forces in the eastern pro
vinces are as weak, if not weaker, than they
have been florin? the last five V.ven in
C7-A new Railroad between Taltimore anil j Mrla(nor it u Mil) ,nPr(, arc now ,om(, ,woor
Washington is talked of. The high l-re charged h,jnUrrj ,rnop, ,n, v w reinforcements
by the present company will not be tolerated. that have recently arrived from the interior at
" " . Saltillo, Monterey, and other large towns, are
CT-Xrw Coi vrKiums -Connteif. it . -s, on ,uttie-tmt to pp,v the )oss in ,he Rar.
the Mi.lill. town Tank, Middletown. Pa., altered ' ' 1
from some broken Punk. Letter A. Vignette,
a female w ith a child in her arms. Paper light
complained of the '-Half Preeds" from the set
tlements in Canada coming into their country,
quarrelling with them, and killing their hulialo
The Dragoons will put a stop to such incursions
We are glad to see the Ihasoon thus nsefully
employed. It is by such service that they will
recommend themselves to the countty, and an
swer the enJs for which these regiments were
raised S.v lAini llrp , July 3.
The accounts from Nauvoo that reach ns
through the Warsaw Signal are neither letter-
inn to the character of the people, nor indicative
nl h iriiinoy and go:id fwlinjj aiiiiii th .Mor
inurii? themsi'lves. The Signal contain numer
niisntateiin iil of violence in or about Nauvoo.
Irvinu I bulges was inurdereri there ; lie said
Ins best frivml killed him ; yet he gave no name.
The Signal thinks he (rave the name, hot it was
eupprt-s-ed. William Csckenstos, late S'lrrifl"
tiites that the company would run more than
iO.liuO tons of freight on the piopo-ied Kuilioad j
between the Susquehanna and PoUsville. j
7The lWhn Iron I'nion County,
erected by Messrs. Wilson, Green Mitchell,
ol" Lewsbnrg. were recently put into operation
and are making first quality ol" iron. At the
Uloomshorg Iron Works, two Anthracite Fur
naces will be put into bla-t in a few weeks
The products of nearly all the furnaces on the
Susquehanna would seek the Philadelphia mar
ket, if the proposed Railroad from this place to
Pottsville, was completed, llesides, during the
close of the navigation, fur many of them, this
would lie the only available avenue to market.
CT7HoNor.Ar.LE. Mr. Samuel Aurand.of New
I'.crlin, whose property was destroyed by fire a
few years since, and who is now Register and
Recorder of I'nion county, advertises lhat he
will pay back in Recording, the amount which
individuals had contributed at that time towards
Signed Simon Cameron. Cashier ; Mercer Rrown
President. A good imitation.
Also, new altered 5-'0 bills upon the P.ank of
Delaware, Vignette, Pat Lyon's forge in the cen
tre. No Twenties upon any solvent bank with
that vignette are genuine.
risons caused by the frequent desertions. The
scarcity of military stores, clothes, and arms, in
dicate that the new Government is even poorer
than that of Santa Ana, and its military resources
are scarcely adequate to defend the frontier from
the assaults of the Indians"
1 v.a,
ll I.
IS 13,
lot j
101 J
! Nrw Cotton Kactokieii continue to go up
j it lmwell, and dividends of twenty per cent.
Ier annum are certainly powerful iiiiliinemciita
to nspitnlisla. A turps an I rqilt-nilid new mill
i now receiving itii machinery ; nnnllier is go
ing up. and workmen are digging the fminila-
I tion of a third. Our New York capitnliKls are
! moving, and we understand factorii'S arepoing
j up in our vicinity one in Newark, one in Rronk
! lyn, and one in WilliamshnrL'. Haifa dozen
j ri.tton factories in the vicinity of New York
City would Im vc some influence on the tariff
GoVF.fiNoit Stkf.i.r . iiikRiioiir Isf.AMi Lk-; qinjttion. .V. Y. Sun. rk. Governor Steele, of New Harnp- I ......
.hire, in presenting to the Legislate of that ; Ei.rr-rRO.VAOt.vrisM.-We learn that gen-
State the resolutions of Rhode Island in onswer Unman ol rmnsylvanm lias niwovere.i a means
June 21 , at noon,
11 .jg 11
July s, at 1 P. M .,
Aug. 5. nt 1 J "
July t,at 2J '
" 10, at 3 "
" 2S,at3 "
Aug 6. at 2J "
July 20. at I "
June !i, at 3 "
July 1 1, at 2 ami I J,
I'ltittl. Ltifctr,
of Hancock, has been ordered to leate the holy j bis losses.
city, lie isarcused of being the correspmdenl 1 cT-The thermometer, at Philadelphia, stood
'f the Warsaw Signtl. ratriarch R.ll Siniih, at Xl)i at o'clock on Monday afternoon lat We
briithcr of the Prophet, whose wife recently thought it quite hot enough there when it stood 1
lied, agiin married having been a idowcr a- j at joi, on a certain Monday in the beginning
Ihiut H Jay. IIk wife is about lflyears ofage 0f June.
mid hu is y."i. The ttilit among the Nauvoo I q-j-The HkaT. As every one"A. somewhat
Saints is growing wider. U:ll Smith head one iterPSted in the present hot weather, we pub-
parly, the twelve disciples the other. The di-
vmiiii b- tween Hill Smith and the Twelve ap
pears lobe growing wider every day. A gen
tleman who was in Nanvon, at the lime of the
Me murder, state?, that the Twtlveites charged
the crime on the Sniilhiti s, and tier tcrsa. In
the last Neighbor appears a long article in re
lation In the power and authority ofthe Patri
arch. It laburi to prove that Smith has no
more power than formerly, and is evidently in
liinled to rap the foundation ofthe pretensions
ret up by him on account ol his Patriarchal of
fice. Hill will be a troublesome customer to
the Bicthrcn.
fTp-The different departments of the General
Government, previous to the late law, paid not
postage. Now an account is kept and the amount ,
charged The amount is greater than we had j
...n,J,se.l From the 2.1 to the Uth of July, the ;
amount, in weight, was 0.0IS lbs. 13.J ox., a-
niountingto $13.72 1.23, for eight .lays postage.
It is but sheer justice that the government pays
its own postage.
Z7K correspondent of the Tublic Ledger,
in describing Ponibay. thus alUb-s to a hospital
kept expressly for the cure of animal of all
kinds. The doctrine of metempsychosis, or the
transmigration of souls, is probably the cause
of the care and attention bestowed on these ani
mals :
"At mr visit the hospital contained oxen,
sheep, goats, monkeys, poultry, p geons, and a
variety ot small birds, with an aged tortoise,
known to have been there seventy-five years.
The mot extraordinary warn is mar appoinicii
to rats, mice, bugs, and other noxious vermin ;
the overseers frequently hire beggars from the
streets, for a stipulated sum, to pass the night a
mong the fleas, lice and bugs, on the express con
dition of suffering them to enjoy their least with
out molestation."
Tiik Watkii Coal Tralr There have been
towed to and from Philadelphia, from the com-.r...iw-1-nieiit
of the season up to July 1st. four-
Siioitixo nv Mm. r srtFR tiif. Nkw Law.
A lady, at Saratoga, saysthe New York F.xpress,
sent last week to a fashionable dealer in Sroad
way for a lace collar, directing several to be
foi warded by mail, that she might select one.
Half a il'iren were sent, from which one was se
lected and the others returned by the same con-
I vevanee. I he whole postage, inclinling that on
the original order and on the packaga returned,
was 23 cts.
to the series passed by New Hampshire, declar
ing the imprisonment of Governor Dorr to be
unjust and tyrannical, makes use ofthe follow
ing language :
It appears that thos resolutions had on the
I.fgislatne of Rhode Island the usual eff.'i t ol in-
lish some extracts fiom the Loston Traveller,
which says :
" On the 12th of July, just twenty years ago,
Saturday the themometer at six in the morning
was S2. and during the dav it rose to 'JS. On the , . i,,i and sixtv four canal baats To and
13th, the mercury ranged variably at 100 to 101. j ((oln ,t,imre during the same time, one
On the 21st and 22d, it rose to 102. Many lost j t(l0,an, J fifteen boats. Ol the number
their lives in consequence ol" the heat through ex- I ,owe, t Baltimore about one fourth were laden
cessive fatigue, or i.T.prudence in drinking cold
water. Twenty-five or thirty fell victims in
Boston alone. Two hundred deaths occurred in
with anthracite coal.
Bkklin Iso WoRkS. The Lewisburg Chro
the first week in July, in New York CO more j v, MVS) "We were much gratified on Mon-
than ever happend in one week. Thirty-three of 1 ,4V ast, to see the first metal brought to town
these died from drinking cold water. A youn
lady in Salem was so powerfully effected by the
Tnr Kno or mt Tt iitm. Miss Blanchard,
who some days since, in the face ofthe day, and
... 1 1 1. . .1. - r
mine nresence il riuuni rns hi iiie ciiiti-ii i . . , ... . , , . ! e .1 e l. .
1 . t- ... t. . 1 ...:.u c.. .. l .1. 1 ti..A . .... n...t. r..itr ititftiiths from the
.. , .... 111 , , t 1 warus auakcvi wiui ins, tniii hmhiihi-h wh. icarn iney writ- n-i
Nm? Orleans, shot the scoundrel who robbed her 1 , 3 . . ...,..,:.,
. . ' , , . , , . , i the night. The heat w js equally destructive to I , ,,enceiiieiit until they were in operation
of her lair fame, died on the 2rth ult , either from ! : . r l . ' . i: . - i I... I ,11 H,i;,,.tUa
, . . ! rne uruie creaiion. j wijr iimni" - j w unirtr, is i -
in various places were lost by owner of stages; . r(,arroa( furnace has been put in operation in
and even the lish in some of the toud were suf- , Pennsylvania. We have understood it is their
focated and died in large number, fiom the in- j intention to build as soon as possible, in conneg
tense heat. At the sug-stion ofthe Mayor, the in with their already extensive works, a roll
master workmen of Dostun suspended their labor , u.g mill. Our Imro.igh is already under obliga-
. I from 12 to .1 o'clock, for several days. ! tion to Mr. Mitchell forth advantages it has
made at the new work erected by Messrs. Wil
son, Green and Mitchell, ill Hartley township,
sun for a short time, that derangement ensued. I t),jt county. We understand Mr. Mitchell has
Another lady in New York uas so overcome by the metal and finds it beyond Ins most san-
the heat, that she fell in the street, and wasafter- ! j-uine expectation. This is cheering indeed. e
The increase of letters mailed, and generally
prepaid at the Cincinnati post office, has been
about 20 to 23 per cent, since the new law
went into effect. This is highly encouraging.
the Cincinnati Gazette says. as a large propor
tion of these are for long distances, and pay 10
cents eech. It should also be recollected that
there are no private mails in the West, and so
great an increase cannot be expected at once, as
in the Eastern cities,
Rf.ihttion or Fakf. Since the reduction of
fare on the Washington Railioad, the fare be
tween Richmond and Petersburg has also been
Fisk ft Rif E, merchants of Boston, failed a
bout two years ago, for $191,000, and settled
with their creditors by paying 53 per cent
They have since been successful in business, and
have paid the balance of their debts, principal
and interest.
Sao Affair. At Oswego, on the 23th ult., a
i hild was sent to a neighboring store for salts
by mistake saltpetre was put up. A young lady
10 yeas old, took the dose, and died a horrid
Thk Mormon Tsmpi.k. The last stone of the
Mormon Temple at Nauvoo has been laid, but
the interior is not yet completed.
The New York says the Magnetic Telegraph
between that city and Philadelphia is to be com
pletei! by the 1st of October.
IrrrtFcos. The brig Cameo, from Antwerp
arrived at Philadelphia, passed, on the 1 Ith June
in lat. -12, long 30, more than one hundred and
fifty icebergs! Three ships were among them.
of npp'ying tlm force oeneratt-d by Klectrrt
.Magnetism to the propelling ol Railroad Curs
and Trains, so ns to re-'uee immensely the cnut
of motive power. The invention has the fur
ther effect fif preventing nny ruining offtha
tracl:, and so rn-uriej the enfety of piscngers
controvertible truth when spoken in the ears of , fr,,nl whit Into hitherto b--en a lnnnidfilile dan
tyrants every uhere. That body, instead of re- ! ,,, r, esiecially while Hi rapid motion. lie id
futing their errors, if errors they contain, lost j mv (..kj ,mt ,ient fi.r this c iilntrv. and in-
their dignity, if any they ever had, flew into a , j8 . j0 go r . p.ltrne helitre the process
passion, and denounced that which they could (( ,iiscl(a,.j lolie pll, n. SUmM his eangilino
not controvert. Their effusion of spleen would nntjclpl)ti()ng 5r r(n ,,..,(, there is hardly a hunt
not nave neen nonceu oy me, were n not lor me . . ... ... .,, ,. ,, ... , . ,
3 ' to the revoliitien which will tollow.orto the
mndrtl rebuke of bis F.xcelleney, the Governor of 1 . , , . . -,.
3 . , i profits of the in V'litur. A- i. tribune.
Connecticut. I hat public functionary has seen
fit to censure you, and also to praise bis ft nlnr I TB Xi:w Vrbsilkxt of IIavi., Tierrot, is
friends in Rhode Island. They, no doubt, are ,ail , witnollt education and full ofthe pre
worthy ofeach other. John H. Stski.e. j judice and superstition of his race. Heisofpure
Council Chamber, June 13, 1813."
Tub Chops. The Nashviiln Whig of the
VI1 inst. snys, the corn crop in that region ne
ver presented (o promising an ospect as it does
The Alton Telegraph says, that the wheat
crop in Illinois will be very lair the corn ne
ver looked better, and liny and oats are giv d.
The Wheat crop in Washington county (Pa.)
is ex"el!eut better titan lor many years; the
oit cri p will b) goj), and the corn is to ning
on finely.
The Williarn'port (Md) B inner ray the har
vest is now entirely gathered in, and is one of
the heaviest that has been cut a numb -r o''years.
Many ot our farmer have informed us that as
to quality and quantity, it has rarely, if ever,
been supassed.
Hor:E-RA inu Arf-ipKXT. The New York
Tribune, of last week, says : '-The horse named
by Mr. Conover, in the Hurdle Race on Monday,
belonged to Mr. John Van Sicklen, of Long Is
land ; the first rider of the horse, Mr. Mason,
was thrown, and is not expected to live ; th se
cond rider of the same horse was also thrown,
and badly injured ! the horse lost the race, and
African blood, and seventy-two years old. At
his entree into the capital, a grand feast was
prepared, at which the President arid suite were
invited, but he utterly refused to partake of any
part thereof, upon the ground of fear that they
designed to pois -n him. He subsequently par
took of some plain soup, wh:ch had been pre
pared under his own eye, which, when it had be
come sufficiently cool, he ate by dipping it out
ofthe pot with his bare hand, and tlius conveyed
it to his mouth. At uiglit, wh -n h was intro
duced into his bed chamber which hid been fitted
up in a style of luxury and splendor befitting a
i hi-f magistrate, h refuse J ti occupy it, or even
to lay on a bed at all ; prel'criug, to sleep in a se
cluded and guarded apartment, upon au old rot,
sans matelas, sans couverture.
Office uf the Haiti monk Americas, July It.
GRAIN. There is a fair supply of new wheat
at market to-day. The sales of good to prime
Md. reds have ranged from s to l cents, and
two parcels of very superior, machined, were ta
ken at 02 and 03 cts. Inferior lots range as low
Ml cents. The sales of white wheats, fair to
prime, are from 1'0 to 100 cents.
the i ir. cls of poison or the ravages of an insane
A Vti.i uii.c Divi ovrnt is ArtCA. It is
rl:ited in a h'Her recently published in the Co
lumn of the National Intelligencer, that a new
r ice of iiooplo have been discovered near th
Million et-labli died bv the American Board at
Cannot An Writk. Virginia and Ten
nessee contain over fifty-eight thousand persons,
over twenty -one years of age, who cannot read
and write.
CriFAr RetiEiiY For removing the disagree-
ile smell from any putrescent matter a littlt
copperas dissolved in water will render it entire
. , ,- . : c- a. i, va i auie smell rrom any puirescenr mauer a nine
... . . rariiiVA irnin rns piiciim a iiiru ri'uMy-
I W W . u u'lin AIlvk... I I mmi.c.uin lit ' - -
now general, that Mexico will he mad enough to I .r "'-X J""1 .-ew.nfcd."
1 he - .J. ' .
F.asifr Uaii.roair Itiere is some uuier-
Hie SaUstn. ho are described as being lar eu
petior loanv utii the coit. ami whose Ian-' ,,'l',J,e w-r sa't he l ulled Mates
; it. t. ...,....: ... ....i.i;oi... .. i, ........... ! r.Asrriis
.Mlie is represented as one id the most perfect " - ...... 1,.,.,.;i.i ,.trM,U J.,wn Fast.
... ,.: ,,: ..ii.i., ..ii. uh I.... I Vera Cruz, of June 21th, which says : ,m ' , , . . . ,.. I Louis Phillippe, in filling the vast galleries of
and Imrmoi'iiHis in all I be uorld ; no a- ... i The ra"e for railroads in that section ot the coun- . . .
I. t.. .1.-;. .mnu..t of divi- ! '""' paintings ami sculpture, ex-
may w r a ... .. .- .
ly inmlorous in a very short time
Paimini; ano SclLrTlBE
The sales of good Md. white Corn were made
was distanced ; and Mr. Van Sicklen, in going ! " "-"""'J '"". lu-u-y mere .... u.e..
home from the race on Monday night, w j hut very little of tin d -scription in market, and
thrown from his wagon in the streets of Brook- , on'' P'"0''1 w ' "kon' ' "P- 1 ' Th
Ivn. the wagon wheel. ,i.sed over bis neck, and j Pr,c"' h"ver. could not be realiz-d late, ,n the
lie died in great agonv yeste.dav morning, hout ' Y we I""1- 't t about 12 a 13 cents.
1 i o'clock. The horse was called Snaky ll.ssey. j " Saturday sales of Md. yellow were made at
' I2J a 13 cents ; to-day ' it is probably a shade
Wimmiwm Ci.kanko Bt Stcam. A very j higher, but we know of no sales by which to
simple method of cleaning ind-iws i now co- ; make a positive quotation.
mmg into general use in E igland. The win
dow is first duste I with a bunch of feather, or
durtiug brush, and when all the dust is tin.
roughly removed, place a bowl ot b illing hot
water at the base of fie wiudo ; the steam
immediately covers the glass, which is renvived
! WIllsKKY. Sales of hhds. are making at 20$
' cts , and of bills, at 2 1 J a 22 ct.
Thob or OCR Clriiuss who de-iM a goo.1
j Medicine, will find .me in the jusi'y Celrbrsird
Pills of U ifter LI no Ir th, which have (lerfuiiied
j cur. s upon tV-iu-jnJ ol helple-san I hiqieless (v r
j sons, alU r the u-ual rcieulific skill of physiccm
had c. ii sol. d iheni with the n-inrnoe Ida, they
niong them a tradition tlutt ntoe to centurie
ago a stranger came to tlu ir Country and iu
iiucteJ them in finlizalinii and their duties;
vs ho ar acquainted wild the facts and truths
af the I lolv Scriptures, and who are remarka
bly prepared lor the rci piinn id turther know
ledge. They are at pic nt removing frmn
ill j interior Lev irds tlte ci.-l, and tiie inirsiun-
a i it's cherish the Imipo that through their agen- i
Government is marching tioops into the in
terior, no doubt de.-tiued lor Texas: and every
kne' . f prestation is going on for war. The)
are actively engaged in pn-paiing 'he Castle of
St Juan dc L lloa for a vigorous defence. We
sha'l have war, uu t of that there i nut a fhado.v
.tl a doubt thdi-rs have been receiced hereto
reinot e l!ie public aithives to .latiipa, w hich bniks
; rather warlike.
All is anxiety to hear the final "action ofthe
(tended upwards of b0. 000,0001' about 3,300,
000 jiounds sterling.
by wash leather, and finished off with amv
' " . . - , ' ther, quite clean and dry. The method s.ive
time, prevents that cloudy appearance lett by coui i u i no more, i ne r.iM-nie m me.e i urn, as
whiting, and produces a more brilliant and du- , ': anti-luli us and innent medicine, are unriv .
: led 1 all who u-e t'lcm rcr tutmeud ihein J iheir vir-
.. . ;, Tiioit ami I liristiamv mav be wule vl-r- .. - .. . - l ... n t. . ,t. . I
j - j j irxdlit on l tut. llieot uuesi nn, nnii.ii w .11 w , .ic- I.. . . .,l ne
j ... .. i mile, pays 8 (ter cent , ard is worth lis
uniui'vu. 1 aiisriiaii lira iiirsr ir'lllWI U m I.
dend The Lowell and Nashua roail, ol l I l-
. . . ....... ; 1 ,
miles, cost 9jn.vii.1u per nine, ro coiisii ... 1 j
pays 10 per cent dividend, ami is worth 121 per j
.... .. , . .. , . -i . con . I
cent. llielo...or.l,.. u . jo in... a (.ih( (.,,,1, t, IVHows of M issisipi. The
000 iter mile, and it pays 12 per cent dividend. . . r.,.- ..... i
and sel at 113 1 2 per cent. I lie r iiciu.itg ,
I load, of 30 miles, just opened, cost $23,000 per
! mile, and it stock is now worth 123 12 per ct.
1'he Taunton road, of 1 1 miles, cost $22,727 per
Di r.i.i.iNi;. Duelling is denounced by the
j penalty of an infringement of this act is expul
sion from the fraternity.
Nli.fc.-si line your mummg i ,hrt , Ua,.. r.o... au American gentleman i
y.Mir metal pan be put iu a kettle ol boilmj
.. .. i A. .... .. ... .1 1, ' .nji nf lliA nsna la-
-alii, iiiam juiii iiiii ....w w. i I savs
keuhut from tiie kettle, and cover it with auo-
signal tor these le'low to art ............ , ,i..u- ir.rL- 11 miles.
The Baltimore American contains a letter of l ........ . . ... . , n -..nt uml
cost oj.tiyi per nine, paj " -.-,
..II. t I 10 t o The I'.astern 51 niiles. cost
at Vera Ciu. to bis friend iu Ballirnoie, which . .,, . . M, .j ..It at
ej 1, t I J " 1 w
! Ill I ks Hmlrxi intl Main. f6 lllUfl. COit
War brt?ea lliit conutrv and the TnileU ... - . , .-ii.
... i Ml ' Cs',J I wr nine, jhtyi o i www
il,vroltfteUl,.u. lly tbui process you w .,1 ?u,c, lueTltalfle. My opinion is now no ' The w,n ,M Dlie., eo.1 119.370
gel double the canity of good rich crextn. completely iltangcd, aivl f.omthe coi.liuued and I "... ,..11.1.11 ne. rent and is
. . .... , -.- - :. I - - " "
liiosl retei.l uews iroiu irt, ii apvrs iu osr ; woro jqi.
reduced to a certainty that that country will be!
. ,. i - -ill - 1 . M ..... r:.L..It l,r.,tl,er
1 united to l!.e Mares, w men win oe conswereu m (i..n,. miici... 4.
Tim Mim, I cuiilJ btliete is inhabited, sa d , heie tantamonrit to a declaiation of wr. This ( of N. P. Willis, is making soie noise in tier
avii old ladw. Im.i ran ..i il. i.t. I k.. t Wlit figure this cnuntrv i manv by his musical attainments. It is ex-
pit when ihcu is uothing left of llio luoon but j will make in a war with their poweiful ueishUr, . peeled that he w ill becomes bright star
4 alfvik. I ifinainstobe seen " i musical woild
I'jruars, try this. It i cheap, and comes fiom
l,ix.xl authority.
A Si'rct'i.ATiNo Widow. The willow of F.d
ward II igbee, a dealer in fish, the New York
Sun says, Mid to a physician the head of her
deceased husband, who died about a fortnight
ago, in Wallabout, I I. This was discovered
after tl.e kmlv had keen buried. At the reniiest
, . . . -. . a r 5 following toast was given at a temperance din
of the relatives it wss dimnlerod. A piece of .
carpet had been substituted for the head ofthe
rntil, inili.l. ll.nn an ntlit.r
..w.v .- - I
- - lues surpass all eu'ojy, a id mu-t le used to heaps
A Cashier with a Mmai.i.- 11ais Lewis r, .fi ,,,, The we-k sod delic. s will be slrengil..
A Hall, the Dank cashier, who was so nearly I (.nfJ ,,y u.,( , ,,y hrinft , ,,. nmovm
murdered by Wells in Monroe, Mich., has lh, rill e ,lf ,.e we.kue.w, the gn.-s and corrupt
far recovered as to be able to resume hi. place in j (f h- mW Thi,y (iffl fU ng- ja
the bank. 1 he bullets are not extracted, but he .. , . . , , , ... ,
1 the diet, or cale of any kind. Plain directions ac-
walks a short distance with little pain. I . . '. , . ...
1 company each box, so that every one is his own
A Morbid Taste A girl, named Ann Gray, ' coniieieni physician.
was committed to prison in New York, on Mon
day for stealing three novels. She was arrested
while reading them in St. Paul's Church yaid.
Temper a suit Toast isj Yaixeflanp. The
deceased. His brother has been confined to
bed ever since, suffering deeply from grief and
Prix It is said that Mr. Livingston,
Secretary of Legation at Madrid, and M. De
Beauvaillen, editor of the Globe, are to figure in
the ring at a bull fight, sword in hand, a mania
j furc., or peisvus who kill the bull.
ner : ' The revolutionary army and the cold wa
ter army Ihc one drove the red coat from the
(and, the other therrJ norr."
Faiiier Matthew vs. Father Mai.tiii's.
Ann Dunn, the teetotal wife of an itinerant and
teetotal fiddler, was delivered in Manchester, a
short time ago of her twenty second child ' When
the midw ife handed it to poor Topa, the fiJdler
facetiously exclaimed, 'What, the pledge again '
how often must I take it ?"
rjj Purchase of H. It. Msssrr, Sunhury, or of
tha saenlr, published in another part of this paper,
. A U H I K U ,
On Sunday, the 13th inst , by Christian Bow
er, '. Mr. Gcorue Wit-oN to Mies CaIrarine
Gail, both of Augusta township.
Martin Weaver's Estate
"jy OTIC E is hereby given, that le'ters of aJmin
1' i.imtii.n hate b. en gr.iuted to the sulwcriber,
on the rlaa of Martin Weaver, lite of fhamokiii
tnwn-hip, NoithuinberUnd couuiy, dee'd. Personr bied to said estate or having dcoiauJs agmi
the tame, are rrqueud to call on Ihe subscriber for
seplemeui, at I ho public h.iuse of Win. Weaver, on
ihs 20th of August next.
Sbamokiu tshp , July 19, 1 815. 6t. AJut'r