Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 05, 1845, Image 4

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    Trull or ainrnl Conrnjre In K.very lny I. If
Have the courage to diHcharge n J;bt while
ymi Imva pot the money in your pocket. Hive
the courage to do without tlmt which you do not
need, however much yon may admire it. Have)
the courajro to ppnak your mind when it is tie
ropsary Hint you should do so, and to hold your
tongue when it is better that you should be ?i
lent. Ilnvo the courape to speak to a friend in
n "needy' cont, even 'in the slreet, and when a
rich one is nigh t the effort is less thnn many
people take it to be, and the act is worthy a
king. Have the courttge to set down every
penny you spend, and add it up trcekly. Have
the courage to pnw your host's lackey at the
door, without giving him a shilling, when you
know you cannot afford it and, whnt is more,
that the man has not earned it. Ilnve the rou--rnge
to own that you are poor, and you disarm
poverty of her uharpest sting. Have the cou
rage t'j laugh at your personal detects, and the
world will be deprived of that pleasure, by be
ing reminded of their own. Have the courage
to ndTiiit that you have been in the wrong, and
yon will rcrnovo the fact from the mind ofo
there, putting a desirable impression in the
plncc of an unfavorable one. Have the courage
to ndherc to a first resolution when yon cannot
change it for a better, and to abandon it at the
eleventh hour, upon conviction. Have the cou
rage to acknowledge your age to a day, and to
compare it with the average life of man. Have
the courage to mrkc a will, and, what is more,
a just one. Have the courage to face a diffi
culty, lest it kick you harder thnn you bargain
for: difficulties, like thieves, often disappear
at a glance. Have the courage to avoid ac
commodation bills, however badly you want
money : and to decline pecuniary assistance I
from your dearest friend. Have the courage
to shut your eyes at the prospect of large pro
fits, and to be content with small ones. Have
the courage to tell a man why you will not
lend him your money: he will roped you
mora than if you tell him you can't. Have the
courage to "cut" the most agreeable acquaint
ance you possess, when he convinces you that
lie lacks principle : "a friend should beur with
a friend's infirmities'' not his vices. Have
the courage to show your preference for hon.
esty, in whatever guise it appears ; and your
contempt for vice, surrounded by attractions.
Have the courage to give, occasionally, that
which you can ill a fiord to spare ; giving what
you do not want nor value, neither brings nor
deserves thanks, in return ; who is grateful for
a drink of water from another's overflowing
well, however delicious the draught! Have
the courage to wear your old garments till you
can pay for new ones. Have the courage to
obey your Maker, at the risk of being ridiculed
by man. Have the courage to wear thick boots
'n winter, and to insist upon your wife and
daughters doing the like. Have the courage
to acknowledge ignorance of any kind ; every
body will immediately doubt you, and give you
more credit thnn any fttlse pretensions could
secure. Have the courago to prefer propriety
to fashion one is but the abuse of the other
1 live the courage to listen to your wife, when
you should do no, and not to listen when you
should not. This applies to husband. Have
the courage to provide a frugal dinner for a
fViend, whom you 'delight to honor ,' when you
cannot a fiord wine, offer him porter ; the im
portance of moft things is that which we our
selves attach to them. Have the courage to
link a visiter to excuse you when his presence
interferes with your convenience. Have the
courage to throw your muff" box into the fire or
the melting pot, to pass a tobacconist's shop,
and to decline the use of a friend's box, or even
one pint h. Have the courage to be independent
if you can, and act independently w hen you
may. English it'cnllewan.
liusiMj k lloiiNtj. Tha following were in
old times considered directions for buyiug a
horse :
If one white fool buy him,
It two white feet, try him,
If three white feet, deny him,
If four white feet, and a white nose,
Take off his hide and give him to the crows.
A writer in the Utica Gazette thinks the fol
lowing variation of these directions applicable
to shopping ladies :
If one comes she'll buy,
If two come, they'll try,
If three come, they'll deny.
If four coine, you may suppose
They'll ouly look at goods, and off they goes.
A young aspirant for admission to the bar
being questioned ycbterday by the Examining
Committee, with a view to discover his fitness,
mudo tho subjoined reply to tho following in
terrogalory :
il 'May a man's wife become his partner in
business 1
A 'She may become bis nheping partner ;
but 'the books' furniah no instance when bhc
has tutu a hiti ut partner.' I'ic
A farmer sowing his ground, some dandiea
cjiiio riding uhui that way, when one of them
called to him with un insolent air:
'Well, honest fellow,' mid he, 'it is your bu
biueus to sow but we reap the fruit of your la
bor.' To winch tho countryman replied, 'It
id very likely you uniy, lor I uin Mowing hemp
A gallant wa v. as lutely silting by the side
of hi beloved and being unable to think of anv
thing fUe to ay, turned and aked her hy the
was like a tailor. 'I don't know,' mid the w ith
i pouting lip, 'unless it is because I am sittin"
leside my goose. The fellow was imnicdi
itly troubled with aaticlt iu the side.
II AN It Si O T 13 LIST.
The f .Mowing list shows the current value of all
.'cnnsylvonia Bank Notes. Tho most implicit re
liance miy I placed upon it, as it is every week
jarofullv compared with and corrected from Biik
null's Reporter.
I.uiiKn 111 I'hllariclpliln.
N. Locate. MItim
Bank of North America , ,
Hunk of the Nmlhern Lilwrtics .
Commercial Rank of Ponn'a. .
Farmers' ami Mechanics' Hank
Kensington Rink .
Philadelphia Hunk
Schuylkill Bank
Snnthwaik Hank .
Western Hunk .
Mechanics' Dank
Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Hank
Country Itank.
Bank of Chester County
I5nnk of Delaware County
Bank of Oermnntown
Rank of Montgomery Co.
Onylostnwn Dank
Haston Hank
Farmers Batik of Bucks co.
Office of Bank of Penn'a.
Office do do
Office do do
Office do do
.Westchester par
Chester par
Gcrmuritown par
Norristown par
Doylcstown par
Easton par
Bristol par
Hairishutg" These
Lancaster I offices
Reading f do not
Easton J issue n.
tank of tho United States
Bank of I'enn Township
Giranl Bank
Moyamensing Bank
Bank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Bank of Poltsvillc
Bank of Lowislown
Bank of Middlctown
Bank of Northumberland
Philadelphia 31ao2
Northumberland par
Columbia Bank & Bridge co. Colombia pBr
Carlisle Bank Carlisle 1
Exchange Bank Pittsburg; 1
Do do branch of Hollidayshurg 1
Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancaster, par
Lancaster County Bank Lancaster r
Farmers' Bank of Heading Reading pat
Harrishurg Bank Harrishurg 1
Lancaster Bank Lancaster pi
Lebanon Bank Lebanon 1
Merchants' tt Manuf. Bank Pittsburg I
Bank of Pittsburg Pitching 1
West Branch B ulk Williamsport 1?
Wyoming Bank Wilkcsharre i
Northampton Bunk Allentown
Berks Count v Bank Reading
Office of Baiik of V. S. Pittsburg failed
Do do do Erie do
Do do do New Brighton do
Kensincloii Sav. Ins. A da
Penn Township Sav. Ins. do
Bank of Chamhersburg Ohumbcrsburg 1
Bank, of Gettysburg (Gettysburg I
Bank of Su-quchanna Co. Mr.nlrose 35
Erie Bank Erin 2 J
Farmers' tc Drovers' Bank Wnynesburg 2
Franklin Bank Washington I
Honcadale Bank Honc.sdale I $
Mnnnngahela Bunk of B. Brownsville Ij
York Bank Yoik 1
N. B. Tho notes of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those which have a loiter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W
Pownnda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bunk of Swatura
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Farmers' A Mech'cs' Bunk
Farmers & Mech'cs Bank
Fanners' & Mech'cs' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bunk
Juniata Bank
Lumlierine.u's Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co,
Norlhumh'd Cuioii t'ol. Bk.
North Western Bank of Pu.
Dyotl, prop.)
Fayette CO.
tireem' nstle
New Hope
M eadillc
Port Uurbon
no sale
tin sale
no sale
no calo
no sale
no sul ii
no sub
closed I Mice of Sehuvlkill Bank
a. Agr. &. Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Ba:ik
Union Bank of l'enn'a.
Westnioielaml llnuk
Wilkesharro Bridge Co.
Wilkesharre no sale
(Tj All notes purporting to he on any Pennsyl-
vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set
lown as Irauus.
Bank of New Biuuswiek
Perth Ainhoy
Mount Holly
N. Piunswick
Mlddletowu Ft,
Jersey City
Uelvideie Bank
Burlington Co. Bunk
Commercial Bank
Cumberland Bank'
Farmers' Batik
Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk
Furmers' and Men haul' Bk
Franklin Bank of N. J.
llobokeu Bkg St Crazing Co Ilohoken
ersey City Bank
Jersey City
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturers' Bank
Jersey City
Morris County Bank
Monmouth Bk of N. J.
Mechanics' Bunk
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk
Morris Canal and Bkg Co
Post Notes
no bid
Newark Bkg & Ins Co
Ilohoki n
New Hope Del Bridge Co
N. J. Manufsc. and Bkg -'o
N J Piolecton & Lombard bk Jersey City
Orange Bunk Orange
Palerson Bank Pulersoii
Peoples' Bank do
Princeton Bank Princeton
Salem Bunking Cu tSuli iu
State Bunk Newark
State Bank Lliubethlown
Slate Bank Camden
Slate Bank of Morris Moriistown
tllale Bunk Trillion
Kulem and Philad Manuf Co Salem
Susses Bank Newton
Trenton Bbiiking Co Trenton ,
Union Bunk Dover
. par
Washington Banking Co. Hacketisuck
Bk of Wilm & Brandy wim:
Bank of 1 .tinware
Bank of Smyrna
Do blanch
Farmers' Bk of Stale of Del
Do branch
Do branch
Do brunch
I'nion Bank
(TJJ I'mlei 5's
fTY' On all bunks marked
thus () there are ei
(tier couiileif. it or altered notes of ihe various ii
noiiiiuulioiiJ, in circulation
ii am am or wim ciircnitv,
A f'omnnnntl rtnlsnnile Preperet Inn from
Wild Chrrrjr Itnrk strut Tr,
77c best remedy known to Ike world for the rure of
coughs, colds, asthma, croup, bleeding of the
lungs, whooping rough, bronchitis, in flit'
enzn. shortness of breath, pain and
weakness in the breast or side,
liver eamfilnint, and the
first stupes of
We will not assert that this BALSAM will cure
Consumption in ist morsr" form, hut it lias cured
many after nil other mpans of rlicf had been tried
in vain. And why not 1 It seems that tho WILD
CHERRY was destined by Nature to lie our PA
NACEA for the ravaging diseases of this c- Id la
litudn. Let not the despairing invalid waste bis
money and loo-c TIME, to him s nil important,
in .r fieri matting with the trashy nostrums of the
dT, hut use at once a medicine that will cure. If a
cure he p. s-ihle a medicine that science approves,
and ninnv year of experience hive demonstrated
that tt always relieve.
'There is no such thing as fail," in the history
of this wonderful BALAAM. Evidence the most
cofiviueing eveilnxo that no one ran doubt, fully
rstahli-hes this fact, For the sake of brevity we
select the f. owina from thousands.
Isaac Plait, Esq., Editor of the Pohecpsie Eacle, !
one of the influential journals in the slate of
New Yoik, slatis undei tho authority of his own
nntne, th il a young Indy, a relative of hi3, of very
delicate constitution, was attacked in Feb. 1 S 12.
with severe cold, which immediately produced spit
ting of Moral, rough, fever, and other dangerous and
alarming symptoms. Through medical liealinent
and caie she paitiatly recovered during summer.
But on the return of winter she was attacked more
violently than at litst, sho became scarei ly able to
walk and was linuhlcd with cough, chills and fever
every day, and appeared to he going rapidly with
consumption ; nt this time, when there was n sign
of improvement, Mr. Piatt procured a bottle of
Wistar's Balsam or V'Vilii CiiKnnr. which she
took, and itaiemingly restored her. She got a se
cond, and before it was hslf taken she was restored
to perfect health, which -die has enjoyed to the pre
sent tune, without the slighter! symptom other fir
mer dine isc.
Mr. P'ntl savs "the cure cme under my own oh
seivalion and I cannot he mistaken as to the facts."
Pi'mbbofk, Washington co., Maine, Apr. 29. 1814.
MR. ISAAC BUTTS. Dear Sir: At the re
quest of many of my friend in this place and vici
nity who nre afflicted with consumption ami liver
complaints, I take the liberty of asking you to ap
point someone in this county as agent to sell Wis
taii's Balsam or Wii.ii Ciif.iiiit, and to semi him
a few dozen, as there is none of it for sale within
200 miles from this. I have no doubt that it would
inert with a ready sale if it were where it could be
piocurcd without too much expense and delay.
My wife was attacked about six months since
with whnt the physicians called the first s'age of
consumption a complaint very prevalent in tins
si ction of country. Having seen The Balaam ad
vertised in Augusta.
I took the pains to send there for a bottle of it,
which she took, and which helped her so much that
I sent for I ao hotiles more, which t-he has also ta
ken, and he now says she has not felt so well for
rix years as she docs at this time. All thos who
have inquired of me and ascertained what effect the
Balsam had, are anxious to have some for sale in
thi vicinitv, which is the cause of my writing you.
Please inform me by utmn of mail whether you
eonctude to send some, and if so to whom,, in order
that it may he known where it can he had.
I sin with re-pect yours, etc.
The whole country is fust learning that no medi
cine no physician no preparation of anv kind
whatever can equal Da. Wistau's Balsam of
Wild Ciiihbt.
a Tni'i.v AVoxin:urn. rnm
Wathrvillk, Oneida co.. N, Y. Sept. 15, 1813.
Dear Sir I owe it lo the afflicted to inform you
that in January la-t I was attacked by a very vio
lent cold, caused by woikiog in the water, which
settled on my lungs. It v an accompanied by a ve
ry severe pain ill my hresst and sides, and also a
dislies-iuK cough. I had in attendance all the l ent
medicul aid in our vill.ige; but after exhausting all
their skill to no avuil, they pronounced my di-ease a
comihmf.Ii coMsiMPTiox, and I hey one and all
gave me up to die. After much persuasion I got
I lio con-ent of mv physician to use the Dalsim of
Wilii Cmkmht pnpared by Da. WisrA. I pur
chased of the Agent in our place one bottle, la-fore
using half of which I began to gain strength, and it
wis very evident my cough was much belter and
iny symptoms in every way improving, I have
now used three hollies, and am restored to perfect
heulli. This re-ull is al me owing lo the use of
RY ; ami I lake this ineth,nl of giving you the ill
foim ilioii, partly lo pay you the debt of gratitude
I owe you. and partly that others similarly afflicted
may kimw where to apply lor relief.
Veiv liolv youis, JAMES KAfiE.
Ma. Pai-mku. DrugiiUt, under d ile of Wall mile,
Sept. Slih, 11:), wrilis:
The stst imni given you by Mr. James Sage is
well known lo be Hue by this whole cumiuuntty
II cirl .inlv was a most rcinaika1 In cure, The sale
of the Bal-Hiu is very good, and its success in cures
liu'y lUitering, Yours n up. ctfiillv.
II, N. J , April 20, 181:1.
On or uboul Ihe 1 3th day of October, lull, I was
taken wi'h a violent pain iu the side near the liver,
which continued for about five days, and ws fob
lowed by the breaking of an uVr, or abscess, in
wardlv. which relieved lhi nnin a li'tle, but cuu-e.l
iled ,,, 0 throw up a great quantity of offensive matter
i and also much blood. Being greatly al
failed H,p.d to a physician, hut he said be ih ul t
4 ! he could do but liitl for me except g se me Some
I"" ! Mercury 1'ilU, wh ch I refused to t-ike, feeling
l'"r ratistied that they could do me no good ; man) o
J ther Mm dies were then procured by my wife and
i i friends, but none did me any good and the ili.
charge of blood and corruption still continued cv.
few davs. and al last become so offensive that I
cou'd scarcely breuihe. I ws also seized wilh a vi
olent cough, which at limes caused me lo ruiae
much mute blood than I had done before and my
disease continued iu this way, still growing worse,
until February, when all l.opo of my recovery was
given up, and my fiiends all thought 1 would die
ol a tiALLoemu Consumption, At ibis moment,
when my Ida was apparency drawing near its close,
I heard of DR. W Is PAR'S BALSAM OF
WILD CHELRY, and got bottle which re
lieved mi iMMiiiiATiir ; and by tho use of only
three bottles of this mrd cine, all my pains were
removed my cough and spitting of blood and cor
ruption entirely slopped, and in a few weeks my
health was so far restoicd as lo enable mo lo woik
al my trade, (which is caritcutcr,) und up to this
tune I have enjoyed good heullh.
GuirctsTr.R Cnu vrr, N. J , sh.
Personally came brl'.re iue, the subscriber, oucof
the Justices of the Peace In and for the (mid cotin
ty, Thomas Cor.ens, and being duly affirmed ac
cording to law, saith the above statement is in all
tliitiL' true,
Affirmed before me, on the 20th of April, 1813.
i. Clkmknt, J P. J
Such is tho unprecedented success of this BAL
a prescription eongeni l to our wants, as it is pie
pared from extracts from substances which
the author of nature has placed in our own land
for wise purposes, that many who know nothing
of the mode of its prcparoion are endeavoring to
reap pecuniary benefits by selling an article similar
in name, or in appearance, or by reprcenling their
own trash as superior to this BALSAM, or by put
ting up a mixture and a demnly asseverating that it
is imported from a foreign country, which is not the
case. All these deceptive arts goto show that
V istvh's Balsam is known to the world to be
"THE CHEAT llEMEnV." and that to sell
any miiture it must be like this in name, or pur'
purl lo be like it in stp'stance.
OTj" Believe not the cunningly wrmmhl fahrica
liana an ! lake only the original and genuine
Wistau's Balsam or Wu.n Cinant.
Address nil orders to ISAAC BUTTS, No. 32
Ann St., New York.
Agents, JOHN W. FIlIUNCr. Sunburi,
D. BRAIM'KSAM. Northumberland,
J. K. MOYRR. llloamshurg,
J. WAOOONSELLER, Srl'ns-C'rovr,
BROWN CREASY, MiJltnville.
22d, 1815 Jry
Cclobralcil Tainlly JScdicint'
WILL not cure every thing, but still ri main
unequalled in their several departments by
every thing ever offered to the public, who have
voluntary came forward sod offered numerous and
highly respectable tciiimoiiials of their supeiior
CiinfrclPg Compound Medicated Syrup of Sue
saparillai or, Antt-Seorbiitic Syrup, for the cure
ol Scorfula, Chronic Rheu.n itism, Chronic Swel
lings of ihe Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, and all
Disea-es aiising from the abuse of Mercury, iVc,
unsurpassed by any thing in the maiket, combi
ning all the virtues resident in the Sar-nparilla
with a modern medicament, only lately brought
out by the most respectable medical authorities.
Price, 50 cents per bottle.
Ciintrell's .Inti-Dysprptie Powder, for the re
lief and permanent cure of that most distressing
complaint, Dyspepsia, in nil its forms ninl singes.
It is tt uly a most valuable remedy. Snld in bottles
ai 25 and f0 cents each.
CmJrell's .1'nie Mixture and Tonic Meilira-
mrnta, stands at tho bead of the list unrivalled by
nny, or all the innumerable medicines in use
ihioiighoul the length and breadth of the lurid, for
the cure of Ftvi.H and Aor r. iu all its stages, and
from all its consequences.
Resident-! in Fever and Ague districts should
never he without it.
The tuhscrilier will forfeit EIFTY DOLLARS
where his medicine fails to perform a cure in the
most obstinate case,
S. hl Who'esale and Retail by CALEB ORES.
SON, at his Drug Warehouse, No. B North Third
Street, Philadelphia; also, hv the n gul irly ap
pointed agent, SE'I H W. ROBERTS, Wholesa'c
Drucgisl, No. 54 Water Street, Mobile,
Prepared orlv by the Suhscrita-r, corner of CAR
PENTER and 'SECOND Sir.els, below Christi
an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailed.
Observe, none are genuine without the signature
i'aiitrelr.i Ajrtic Mixture, or Tonic
Ii(IU amoiita,
For the cure of all Itilinus affections, if taken ac
cording In dirtctions.
Il is a never tailing remedy which no family
ought to be without, especially in low marshy
As thi medicine is put up under the proprie
tor's immediate inspection on the most scientific
iniuciiiles, being Puri ly Vegetable, and having
tried its itficacy on thousands, for upwards of 12
years, and to his knowledge when taken strictly ac
cor. Una to directions, thrre has not 1m en one fu lure.
t'nder such circumstances I recommend it to the
public, adding a certificate in support of my asser
I.John Burns, do certify that I was in the ship
Tobacco Plant of Philadelphia, Capl. Keeil, lo
June, 1827, bound lo Liverpool ; took Ihe fever
snd ague and laid in Liverpool some time under
the doctor's hands, went fiom there to Baltimore,
lay in the Infirmary for four or five weeks from
thence lo Philadelphia; was six months under Dr.
Coats ; from thence to New Yi rk went lo ihe
Hospital, lemained there about four weeks without
any relief tiled every thing without any benefit,
for five years. Hearing of Cantrell's Ague Mix
luie from a fiiend, I went to his store, told him
how I was afflicted, and got a Kittle of his mixture
and used il according to directions. Il made a per
lect (lire, and I have not bad the least return since.
I do wilh confidence recommend il to the public.
nicrtlrutetl Sy rui of SnrMnparllla.
Philadelphia, April 10th, I Ml.
Mr. Jon A.ClRTHtLL,
Deur Kir, Having hern afllicted forupwarjs of
two years wilh ulceration of the throat, destroying
the w hole of die soft plte, then through the upper
part i f mv mouth into mv nose, from which seer
nl pit e of bone came mil, which partially destroy,
ed my speech, ihrniiL'h a kind Providence and your
Medicated Syrup ol C;ir.ipilll.i, 1 am now lesloreil
to perf, el hc jllh,nd in v sight, w hich was so much
impair, d, is as strong as w hen a boy.
I thought it a duty I owed lo you and those siiiii
l irly ull'ecl, d, lo miiks it public.
Yours, R, spcctully,
Corner of Tenth and Coates Slreett.
I, G abril Joiisb n, No. 6 Reckless Street, do cer
tify that my wife, Jane, was afflicted for iwo years
wilh Rheunia'isin. and ut lat was entirely di.-alded,
so that she was nbbued to be confine, I to hi d , hear
ing of Cant ell's Medicated Syrup of Sjisiparilla,
or Ami Scorbutic Syrup, I procured four buttles,
which compbtcly remoed all her pains and still
ness Iroiii Her luniis; two in, re noines inane s per-
rv I (eel cure. Sbe is now able to attend lo her house-
hold dolus as usual. G ABRIL JONS TON.
Philu.Ulphia, Juii. 2'M, 1844.
tjj" DefCripiive Pamphlets may be bad of the
senta, (Gratis.) J. W. FR1LING,
Sunbuiy, Nov. 9, 1841. ly
A S II II Y & II O C A 1
SoufA JT?i corner of Market and ith ..
niERE they always keep on hand an exten-
sive sssortment of HA TH (J CA PS of every
description, gol up in Ihe best and most approved
sit le. Peisous dcrirous of nurchjsing superior arti
cles on the most icascnuhlo terms, w ill find it to
Iheir advantage to call before making purchases
Philadelphia, Oct. 6lh, Hit. ly
THE valuable prniertiea of Oakley's Deptira
live Syrup of Sarsaparilla, as a purifier of tho
blood, is so well known to the public generally,
that it is unnecessary to occupy much space in set
ting forth the advantages to be derived from its
use t wherever the medicine has once been Intro
duced, it takes precedence over all others t eveiy
one that has taken it, have derived ro signal bene
ficial results from it, that it is recommended by
them with ihe u'most confidence. Physicians of
the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it
lo patients under their care j containing nothing
deleterious, but being composed nl the most mild,
yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered with
confidence, as the cheapeat and most efficient pu
rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few
bottles, especially in the spring months, will he at
tended wilh a most decided improvement in the ge
neral strength of the system, eradicating nny seeds
of diseaie that may have been generated, besides
giving health snd vigor to the body. -For Ihe cure
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter,
Pimples or eiuptions of the Skin, While Swelling,
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, &c. Tho nu
merous certificates in ihe possession of the subscri
ber and his agents, fiom physicians and others, are
sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su
periority over all preparations of Sarsaparilla.
S.ihl wholesale and retail, by the proprietor,
GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 5lh street. Rea-j
ding, Beika Coanty, and to he bad of the following :
persons : 1
ji iiorioumuertuuu L-oiinrr, ,i, u, .inssrr,
Sunbury ; Ireland ft Mixel, McEwensville ; D
Kraust r. Milton.
In Union County. J. Gearhart, Selitisgrove !
A. Gutelins. Miffliiiiuirg.
In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash
Reading. March 14, 1R13.
Mn. Oaklkts I believe it the uty of every
one to do whi.teverin iheir power I ie, for Ihe h"in
fit of their fellow man, and having t ad positive
proof iu my own family, of the wonderful properties
of your Depnrativa nyrup ol carspnrilla, 1 m -st
conscientiously recommend it lo ihe afflicted. We j
hBd Ihe misfortune to lose two of our children, by
the breaking out of ulcerous sores thai covered lb
face, head and neck, although we had some nf the j
most scientific physicians to attend th-m and had
tried all the known lemedies, including Swaim's I
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
was atturked in the same manner, her face and
neck was completely covered; the d,schari(e was so j
offensive, and the disease at such a heicht. that we ,
despaired nf her life. Seeing the wonderful effects :
nf vour Depuralive Syrup .t S:irsBpari!.i, we wcie
induced to make tri:i I ol it, as tiie last n s rt ; il
acted like a charm ; the u'cers commenced henline
immediately, a few bottles entirely resioreiUier to
her health, which she has enjoyed uiiiiiterinpte.lly
ever since. As a puiioer of ihe blood, I verily be
lieve it has not its cipial.
JOHN MO l ER, Tailor,
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
Douglassville, April lPlh, 184:1.
Ma. Oaklkt: My son Edmund Leaf, bad the
scroftda in the most dreadful and distressing man
ner for three years, during which time he w is de
prived of the use of his limbs, his he ol and neck
were covered ith ulcers. We tried all (he differ
ent remedies, but lo no a-fTect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of NonUtnwn. and also Dr. Isaac
Hiester, ol Reading, lo use your Depurnlive Syrup
of S.irsapBrilla, of which I obtained several bottles,
the use of which drove the disease entiri ly out of
his system, the gore healed up, and the child was
restored to perfect health, which he has enjoyed
uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of
many persons who seen him during his affliction.
I have thought it my duty, and send you this certi
ficate that others who have a like affliction in the
family may know where to obtain so valuable a
medicine. Yours truly,
Sept. lf, 1S43 ly
To Country Jlca'ciiaiits.
Hoots, Slmcs, Uonnets, Leghorn and
Palm Leaf Hats.
(I. AV. & Ii. II. TAYLOR,
at the S. E. corner nf Market and 1'ilih Sis.,
VFFER for sale an cxlensie assortment of Ihe
"-'above ar'.icl. s, all of which they tell at unusual
ly low pi ices, and paiticul.uly invite the attention
of hovers viniting the citv, In an examination of
iheir 'slock. (L W. A L. B. TAYLOR.
Philaih'lphia, May 2S, IM4. ly
rPhe public will please observe that no Brandieih
-I Pills are genuine, unless the box has three la
bels upon it, (the top, the aide and the bottom)
cell containing a fac-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. IlHANiiRkTH, M. D. These la.
M-aia engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense of over f 2,000. Therefore
it will l seen that the only thing necessary to pro
cure the mediciue iu its purity, is to observe these
Remember the top, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly auilu ri
xed, and hold
For the Bale of Hrandreth't Vegetuble
Northumberland county : Milton Mackey &
Chamheilin. Sunbury II.B. Masser. M'Eweus
ville Ireland iV Meixell. Northum''eiland Win.
Forsyth. Georcttown J. & J. Walls.
Union County: New Berlin Bogar tt- Win
ter. Selinserove George Gundrum. Middle
burg Isaac Smith. Beavcr'ywn David Hubler.
Adamsburg Wm. J. Muy. Miflliiisburc Mensch
& Ray. Hailleton Daniel Long. Freeburg
O. & F, C Mover. Lewisburg Walls iV G recti.
Columbia county i Danville E. B. Reynolds
& Co. Berwick Shuinan V Itdlenhouse. Cai-
lawissa O, G. Brobts. Bloomsburg John R.
Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington
Robt. MtCay. Limestone Balli ft M;N"ich.
Observe that each Aueut has an Liigravid Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation of
Dr BRANDREI H S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will a'so be seen exact copies ol
ihe new lubels now used upon the Uranartln J ill
Philadelphia, office No. H, North Rth street.
June 24th. 184:1.
Nos. yu and 31 North Thinl Street,
Near the City Hotel,
CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in-
vites Ihe attention of persona desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, lo his extensive Sales Rooms,
(both public and Piivaie.) for every description of
Household Fumituie, where can be obtained at all
times, a lurge assortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattrasses,
&c, at very reduced prices, for cash.
(jij- Sulcs by Auction, twice a week.
May avih, 1813. ly
rou ti:tti;ii.
fl'TANF.orsl BKL'tTMNs).
(J"j The following certijica'e describes one. of the
most extraordinary cures ever effected by any
pMiLAnti.FiTtA, February 10, 1833.
IOR twenty years I was severely afflicted wilh
TaTTK on the Face and Head: the disease
commenced when I was seventeen years old, -and
continued until the Fall of 1830, varying in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During most
of the lime, great part of my face was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch'
ing; my head swelled at times until it felt as if it
would burst the swelling was so great, that I couM
scarcely get my bat on. During ihe long perioj
that I was afflicted with the disease, I used a great
many aj plications, (among them several celebrated
preparation-) as well as taking inward remedies,
incl uding a number of hollies of Swaini's Panacea,
I Extract of Sarrapnrilla, cVc, In fact, it Would bo
impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used,
I was also under the care of two of the most dis
tinguished physicians of this city, but without re
I ceivmg much benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fall of 1830, the disease nt the time
j lieing very violent, I convnnnced using the Hose
Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan & Davis.) In
( a few applications the violent itching ceased, the
swelling abated, the rruption began to disappear,
and In-fore I had used ajar the til -ease was entirely
ciiied. It has now been nearly a year and a half
since, and there is not a vestige of the disease re
mainitie, except the scars from the deep pits formed
by the disease. It is impossible for me to describe
in a certificate the severity of ihe disease and my
suffering, hut I will be plc isrd to give a fuller bc
eoiint to nny person wanting further satisfaction,
who will call on me. At tho timI commenced
using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun
dreds of dodats to lie rid of the disease. Since u-
sing it, l nave recnmmenticii u lo several peri'ous,
(ninoncr. them my mother, who ha,! the diseuso bad-
y on her aim,) who were n'l cured by it,
Cj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. II.
Ynuiihan, Sou'h Kant corner of Third and Race
strei U, Philadelphia, and sold on airency in Snnhu
ry. by H. B. MASsKR,
May Mlh, 1H13. Agent,
fSoKC OiMiriK'ttt, for Teller,
PiiiLAnvLniiA, May 27th, 1S39.
i 'TMHS is to certify that I was severely allbcte.I
1 -- w ith Tetter in the hands run! f.-ct for upwards
' of forty years; the disease was attended generally
with violent itching and swelling. I applied to a
number of, and used a great many appli
; ca'ions without effecting a cure. About a ar
i since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely
j stned the itching, and a few applications immedi
! ately cured the disease, which there has been no
', return of, although I had never lieen rid of it at
any lime for forty years. RICHARD SAVAGE,
Eleventh, below Spruce Street.
(jj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vanjhan, S uth East corner of Third and Riice
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu
ry. by H. B. MASSER,
May Uth, 1.143. Age!.
OJ the ROSE OIXTMEXT, for Tetter.
LTHOlJGH the superiority of the prepniation
over all others is folly es.ablished, iho proprie
tors lake pleasure in laying before the public tho
following certificate from a respectublo physician.
j a graduate of tho I'niversity of Pennsylvania. Dr.
! Danish, having found in this remedy that relief for
I a tedious and disagreeable affection which the means
i within Ihe range of bis profession failej to afford,
I hns not hesitated to give il his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of that profession aie
opposed to secret Remedies.
Philaiiklfuia, Sept. 19, 1HH6.
I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic
eruption, which covered nearly one side of my f.ce,
and extended over the ear. Mr. Vnughau, preprie
toi of the Rose Ointment, obscivmn my face, in-i--led
on my tiying his preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. A liliough in common with the mem
bers of my profession, I discountenance and disap
prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon the
public by iunoiaul pretenders, I fed in jua'ice bound
to except the Rose Oinlmi nt fiom that clas of me
dicines, and to give it my approbation, as it entire
ly tured the eruption, although it h id resisted the
usual applications. DAM. BATCH, M. D.
(Xj" The Rose Ointment is piepared by E. B.
Vauuhan, South East corner of Third and R ice
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agtncv in Sun
burv, by H. B. MASSER.
May lllh, 184:. Agent.
Corner of Third and I inn Streets,
THE subscriber respectfully announces to the
public, that be has opened a Hotel iu ihe com
modious brick building situate on the corner of
Third and Pine streets, where be will be happy to
wail npon those who may favor him wit!, iheir
company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni
ent, and furnished in ihe be t modern stvle. Ii is
provided with a large number of well aired and
comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, pri-nle
parlors, tie. Persons visiting Williamsport on bu
siness or pleasure, may rest as-ured that every ex
ertion will be used lo render iheir sojourn at ihe
i "Eaglo Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. HisTul le
i will be supplied wiih the very best the market of-
I lords, and Ins bar wilh Ihe choicest wines ami oilier
j liquors charges reasonable. The Kaule Hon I
i possesses greuler sdvautaues in point of location
Ihari any other similar est ahlihmeut in ihe borough,
heine situate in the besiness purl cf ihe lown, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
; and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot.
Sufficient Siabhng provided, ami good und IruMy
ostlers always iu attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and hone-l Servants
have been employed, and nothing left undone that
will odd to tho rouiloil and acorn. inflation of his
There will be a carriage always in attendance at
the Boat Lunding In convey to and front
the House, fice of charite,
Mav 14th. 1N42. If
.Hiciisu'l Weaver V Kim,
Ao. ClA'orA W'uter Street, Philadelphia.
MAVE constantly on hand, a general assort
ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, iSiC, vix:
i ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, M.inil
la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, such as
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twice, Shoe
Threads, &c. tee. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines,
II alters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains,
&c. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable
Philadelphia, November 1 3, 1 43. ly.
NiM:iiiNc7"c;ooi)st co.
No. las Market Street, Philadelphia.
INVITE the attention of Country Merchants
to Iheir extensive assortment of British French
and American Dry Goods, which they oiler for said
on lha most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, November 13, ISti, ly.