Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 24, 1845, Image 3

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    w ji n a i j? n
On Thursday the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. P.
Shindel, Mr. Samijil Snyder to Miss Maki Wki
sen, both of this place.
In Danville, on Tuesday the 13th inst., the
Rev. Milton C. Ligutner, to Miss Martha
Bamt, both of that place.
On Tuesday the 13th inst., by the Rev. S. S.
Rhedden, Mr. O. P. Piper to Miss Eliza Finnev,
both of Lewis township.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxlhetmer.
Wheat, 85
Rn, . . . 50
Coin, ...... 40
Oats, ...... 25
Pork, 5, ... . It" J
U utter, . la
EflBH. .... .6
DuMfftt, . 25
Tallow, ... 10
Flax, ... .8
Heckled Flax, . 10
Dhikh Appi.kk, . . GO
Do. Peaches, 150
XZ2 jSX. lr HL JH- -
TaJOTICE is hereby given that (tie Books of
X the NsnTM B hath Cabal Compabt will
le opened on Tuesday the seventeenth d uy of
June next, at two o'clock in the afternoon t the
Plitenix Hotel in Wi kes'iarr", Pa., where the un
dersigned, Co.nmtseinner under the law for tint
jiii' pose enacted, will attend to receive subscript
tiona for stock of said company.
O. M. II dlen'ack, theater Bu'br,
Sam'l. li d and, Geo. P. Steele.
E. W. Siiirde vant, Garrick Maltcry,
Kob't. A. Parrish, CL. Ward,
V.E. Pinlet. N. Ovecfield,
. D. Phe'pa, Henry Siark,
Wni Colt, 8 F. Jlendlry,
Wm. M'CeKy, Get. Mark.
Joseph Priestly, Thn. P. Cope,
Henry King, El hu Cbauncey,
Henry Drinker.
Mat 24ib, I815.-.H
DR. G. Bkbj. "Smith's Sugar Coaled Indtan
Vegetable Pills," are now ttie favorite mrdieine
of this country. Manv new remedies have been
discovered and HilT.-l into brief notoriety, but we
bave no knowl dge of a medicine combined an
riueh that is efficacious and pleasant as these Pills
The idea i f Inking PPI heretofore hits been nau
seating in the high' at degree. Much cied t isdne
Dt Smith for hr-ngirg out this valuable medicine.
We know of morn than twenty cure of diseases
considered by other doctors as dangerous ; one
se of confirmed Dyepep ia in particular, which
Came undei my own immediate knowledge.
We have tried hem ourselves and in nor fami'v,
fir headache, colds ant piins in the s'de arid
I Tims', and we can say, we never saw their equal,
both for pleainntnt s and efficacy.
One word in reference to those whnlesi'e mtr
drrert, who, not having h.nesty enough to wo k
for an independent livelihood, counterfeit nr im
itate -uvh valuable remedies as Dr. Smith's Pills.
8'tgar Cuattil"' Pills originated with Dr. G. ! nj.
Smith who nlied for a Patent long b f r any
b dy else ever hear t of them, theiclore it wi I he
acen (h it all other Villi cl omitiK to he "Sugar
Co-ited" are spmnu end d inge oua, and wo oil -vise
these who buy to examine careful y the box
for ihemte'ves, and ace that Dr. Smith's nime is
on it.
S.dJhy JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury.
WM. FORsVTHE, Knrthunfd.
TVOTICF. ia herHiy given, that the subscribers
-' huve left iheir honks ml notes in the hands of
urge a i i-rr, Esq., for rettlrinint and collection.
All persona Middled to the be firm of Miller ot
Mar I, are requested to p y up by the first of June
act, and al pcrs-tis not enmpying with theatiove
nut ice, mav expect eurt to (mi hrouvlit aiiHUist them
for upredy colleclio:i. C'HA IM.Es MM.I.RR.
Surd.urv, May I7lh, 115. 3l.
aHE suliscntwrs would rcctfully inform the
. Cnizen of Sunbury and llie public Eeiier.illy,
tlixt ihev huve Hlrcl H--rcl the shop of Mr. Willmm
JIo.v.m, in Market tnet, ore do r west of the I'uitt
Oll'ue. where they will continue th
C'aIiiiict-.T2nkinj; Ilusiiicst,
in all it branches. The public may Xwcl their
work d.-lte in tbe la'ert st lo. They hei, ty strict
attention to lJ-ina , 1 1 merit t chare of pubt.c
(j ColFms mnde to oT'ler on the shortest nitire,
and conntrv prod.tce (idten in exchange for work.
8unbury, May t7 h. 1 845. ly.
THE SL'Bt RIDER hue hren appointed agent,
for the ..le ,.f I'ttNK AD MEYER'H CEL.
AN08, at thi Ac. 'Chese Piano bave a plain,
massive und U ati'rful exterior fini h. and, for ileplh
ai d tweetnee of lone, and elegance of workman
hip, are not su 'panned by any in the United Slate.
Ttie f'4!oinc i reeosnniendaiinn from Carl
I)ict, a cclibiated js'rloimtr, and Uiiosrlf a Uin
uf'.ic:uier: A CARD.
Havino bad the plu-ure of Irving the excel,
lent Piino Forlea munfactured by Mr. Meyer, and
xhihped al the l ot exhili ion of the Fr.nklin In.
ttitu e, I f. il it due to tire true mrrit of the maker
io ileclare that iheae instruments are quite equal,
and in some reFprct even urrioi, 'o all the Pi
no Fortes, I s.iw at the eajuLds of Euiope, and
duting a sojourn ef two ye .r. at Pris.
These Pianoa will be to d at the iiannfactirer,s
lowest Pbiladrlphia prices, if riot aoDiediiiiR I wer.
Persona are requested to call and examine foi
tbemaelves, fcl h resilience of the subscriber.
Sunbury.May 17, 1845. 11. B. MASSER.
1NFOKMS her friends, and the public in gene.
lal, that abe haa opetted new mm! handsome
assortment of
with which be ran supply them at very reduced
prices at the Old (Staio, W'est of I he Post Office.
Suntury, M y 10, 1845. if.
ALL PERSONS indebted to II. H. M.a tr, on
bo'ik account, or otherwise, ia requested 10
call ,nd settle wiihoul delay.
ttuubuiy.May 17, 1845. II. B. MASSER.
IT 1MB, oft aiijierior quality, can now be had
U A at tbe Lima Kilos ef Henry Maaaer, in Sun
bury. May 17,1845.
To the Electors of Northumberland
A T the solicitation of number of persons, in
different parts of the county, I kave Consented
to be R candidate for the office of
of Northumheiland coun'y. I need hnrdly assure
my felluw.eitiien, that if I am elected, I will en.
deavor to discharge tbe duties of the ofBce faithful
ly and impartially.
Sunbury, May t7lh, 1845
To the Electors of Northumberland
'"PHE auhacriber, from the encouragement reeei
- ved from his numerous friends, hereby offers
himself as a candidate for the office of
of IVo'thun.berland county, for which he aolicita
the ufT agia of his In low ciinens. HhotiM he be
elected, be will fulfil the duties of ihe flici wild
Suiihury, May 17th, 1845.
To the Electors of Northumberland
IELLOW CITIZENS j I would respectfully
offer mysi If to your consideration, as a candi
date for the office of
M'll U TiifKVO T.I It 1.
Should I be elected, it will le my pleasute. as
well as du'y, to attend to the business of the office
with fiJility and punc usliiv.
Sunbury, May 17ih. 1845
To the Electors of Northumberland
JU'.LLOW (CITIZENS. I have Ircn induced
to oiler mvnell as a cntliuate lor the ultice oi
At the ensring election. Should I fortun.itely be
elected, I herety promise, fuiihfully and impartial
ly to discharge the duties of d office.
Sunbury, May 1845.
To the Eleciors of Northumberland
FELLOW CITIZENS. I hereby offer my
self hs a enndidale, f r the oflire of
I can only promise, should I lie fortunate eunuch
to he re-elected, to disch irge the duties of said office
with fidelity and iinpani ili'v.
Sunhurv, May 10, 1845.
To the Electors of Northumberland
IELLOW CITIZENS. At Ihe solicits ion of
a number of my friends, I bave consented to
be a candidate for Ihe office of
I promise the cit Zi lis of the county, thtif I m
elected, I will endeavor In discharge ihe duties of
Ihe office faithfully and irnpnrtinllv.
Sunbury, April 10th, 1845.
To the Eleciors of Northumberland
1ELLOW CITIZENS: Aa I have been great--1
ly encouiaged by my friends, 1 solicit your
auppoit for the office of
S H K R I V F.
Should you confer this office upon me, I shntl
endeavor to discharge the dutiea ih'-reof with fide
8unhury, April 19th, 1845.
To the Electors of Northumberland
IELLOW CITIZENS Hiving been encou
raged by mv friends, to offi r myself as a candi
date for the nllire of
I respectfully solicit your auppoit. Should you
see proper to confer the office upon me, I will en
deavor io dich nge the duties ihtieof with fidelity
and impartiality.
Sunbury, April 19th, 1845.
To the Electors of Northumberland
County :
IELLOW CITIZENS : I beg to offn
mveelf aa a C iiididate, at the ensuing election,
f.if the office of
County Conmiittttloner.
Should I tie no f 'rtunaie as to be elected, I pledge
myself to dischare the duties of the office Willi
pfoRiptnea and fidelity.
Sunbury. April 5 h, IM5.
AN Election for officera of iho Centre Turn
pike Road Company, leading f ont Rending
Io tSun'iUfv," will be held in the Horough of Hon
bury, on Monday lie 2d day of June next, at the
bouse of ElrnlieVi W.itrel. The election will open
at I o'clock, P. M., and close at 4 o'clock, P. M.
The account of the Company for the p,al jeur w II
he submitted to the Siockhobler present, al the
same time and pUce. JOHN B. HO YD,
Northumberland, May 10, 1845. 4r.
Hobt-it rurtitittortli's l(al.
"WTOTICE is hereby g ven that lettets of adini-
iiistr .tion have been granted Io Ihe su'wcri
ber.ou Iho estate of R.ilieit FarnaAOrlh, Nr., dw',1.,
late ot Shamokin lon-iip, Northuin'ierluud co.
All raona indi bird loraid est ite ar reque-ted to
make immediate payment, and all those having
rlaimawill preatnl Hie sam-', duly autdeolitai id, Io
ihe subscriber ill Sunhurv, or al the resilience of
buubury, My 10, Ie44, Cl. AJm'r.
Orphaik' Court Nalr.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan' Court
of Northumberland county, will he ao'd at pub.
lie vendue, on Sciuiday Ihe24lh May inst , on the
premie, to wit t A certain tract of land ai'uate
in the township of Shamokm, in nd county, e w
laining twenty-seven and three-finirth acre and
eight sfrchra, adjoining land of Jacob it David
Heed, Geo. Hummel, Daniel Campbell, and the
HhatnokiQ Creek, on which is ereced log dwel
ling bouse, bank barn and small orchard. Al
ao al ihe aama lime and place a certain oilier tract
of land, aituaie in Ihe lownahip and county afore,
aaid, adjoining land of John Reed, Jacob A Da
vid Keed, 8hinlel & Ynungnian and Vincent Den.
gler, containing 31 acrea and 38 perchera of w hich
about twelve acrea are cleared. Late Ihe eatate of
Henry Zimmerman, dee'd. Sale Io commence at
10 o'clock, A. M. of aaid day, wbeu tbecondiltcua
of sale will be wade known by
dian of the minor child en.
bunbuiy, May 8d, 1846. t.
BY VIRTUE of the power vested in me. by
the will of the late Thovas Ohist, dee'd..
will be sold at public ssle on Wednesday, the 23d
day of July next, athe Minsion House, upon the
premises of the Msnsion Farm of the late Thomas
Grant, dee'd., in Augusta township, Northumber
land cotawivOsiiiai.ite on ihe cat able ol the Ri
ver , equidistant, and about mile
from the Bomulfns of Sunbury and Nnrthumher
land, all that valuable estate, lata the Mansion
Farm of sa d Thomas Grant, dee'd., adjoining the
farm of Samuel Hunter on the south, bind of Tho
mns Robins on the east, other land of ihe lite Tho
mas Grant on the north, and Ihe Suqtiehanna Rio
Ver on the west, containing, together, two bundled
and twenty six acres and seventy perchea. more or
less, of which about two hundred and fifteen acres
are cleared and about one hundred and fifteen acrea
are first rate River bottom land.
'I he improvementa consist of a two story double
firm house, 40 feet from by 30 feet in depth, vrilh
frame back building and frame kitchen, ami stone
milk hoiiso and oven attached, and a punp ami
well of excellent water in the kitchen, a atone
smoke house, a large bank burn, 1st story stone.
2d do. frame, 80 fret long by 36 feet in d. pth, a 2
atory wagon house, with gianary above and Corn
crib at ached, a frame earring- house and gmmry.
and a largely brnand table, with a new and
improved cider press, with shingled roof over the
same. And
ALSO j A two story hiick dwelling house, con.
tabling in front 26 feet and in depth 27 feet. 10
inct es, and brick two atory kitchen, 20 feet in front
by 14 feel, 6 inches in depth. There ore upon
the premi es two apple orchards in eieellrnt order,
ofthe most valuable fruit, one containing about
eight and Ihe other about nine acres.
This Farm Is one of the most valuable and pro.
duclive in the 8 late, ia in the highest atate of cul
tivation, and located In the heart of a district,
which, for salubrity of climste , ami picturesque
sci iv rv, is unsurpassed. It is situate on the pool
ofthe (Shamokin dam. at the eastern termination of
ihe Northumberland Bridge, lis proximky to the
thriving boroughs of Sunbury and Notlhuniherlind,
ami ihe probability that the hi'ls contain valuable
bodies of Iron Ore, and itaadm rahle location in the
heart ofthe Iron and Coal regions of Pennsylvania,
to which there is a heavy and increasing emigra
tion, gives thia roperty an additional value, and
renders it well worthy of the attention of cupital
isis and fnrmere.
Terms m-ide known on ihe dav of sale.
Adm'r., Ac., of Thomas Grant, drt'd.
Sunbury, May 1". 1845. St.
OriiliuiiM' Court Sale.
IN pursuance of an order rf ihe Orphans' Court
of Nnrihumbcrbind county, will be sold at pub
lic vendue or outcry, on Katuiday the 24th day of
May inst., at the Court Houae in ihe borough of
Sunbu y, to oil: A certain tract of unimproveil
land, situate in the lownshi of Aui usM, in sa d
county adjoining lands of Jamb Shipc, tSeo-ge
Conrad ami others, containing 93 acrea and 16
lurches. Late ihe estate of Willum Gearbait,
dee'd. Male Io commence al 10 o'clock, A. M. of
said day, when Ihe term will be marie known by
Sunbury, Mv 3, 1845. 4t Ou nrliin.
lctoruli Granl'H lltitatc.
TrTOTICE is hirrby given, that letters of sd.
ministration have been granted I r the sub
scriber, on the estate of Deh irah (t an', dee'd.,
late of Augusta township, Norlhiimbeilaiid county.
Alt persons indebted lo said stale, will make im
mediate payment, and three having wi'l
present the same, duly auth--micaied. to Peter Lata
ius, Sunbury, it 10 ihe aubscriUr, No. 112 Walnut
street, Philadelphia.
April 19ih, 181561. Adm'r.
- H AAS'S" liOTKLi"'
S TJ IT B TJ P, 7,
X o r I li ii in li r r 1 4i ii il Count y,
RESPECTFULLY inform b'w Iriends and Ihe
. public in general, lhal he ha taken the I r k
Dlaml, in the Horough of Suulury, lately ncrunied
by John llaus i a public hrnis '. (weal ol Ihe Stare
House, and nearly npfiosite the (!nuit Hun r,)
where he is prepared to accommodate his friends,
and all others who may favor him with their cus
tom, in the best possible manner.
His DAK shrill sparkle with the chotcret of Ll
U oaa, and his TAULE shall be well supplied
with the very best ihe market afford. In -hort, no
pain nor expense will be spared to render his
bouse in every way worthy of public pa'ronage.
A lil eial share of cu -torn is therefore solrcitid.
Sunbiiry. April 12th, 1845. 6in
West utile vf Mtiin ft., in Ihe lUtro' of
J.ff -clt SkJ C3 'TiT 9
riHE subscrilirr would leapectfully inform bis
L old f iends and the lrv, lling pubi c, lliat he
haa recently taken and fimed up, in a .Uarior
manner, Ihia paciiu brick edifice, sign of
where he is prepared lo accommodate Irav, lrrs and
visitor in ihe veiy l-et and pie-sing t e. II
house i rituatrd in the most pleasant and cenlr.,1
part of ihe horough, convenient lo busineaa, and
i large and ihe rooma airy,
Thinkful for the liberal support while keeping
the old Muncy Hulel an I the American Hotel, in
ihia horough, tor ihe past three yeers, he iesp.x'1
fully aoiicts a continuance of ihe amn.
Money, April I2lh, 1845. if
N. U. The lla-risbing, No'thumberland, Potta
ville, Danville, Willi ,m- orl, Lot k Haven ari l
llcllefonte Stage arrive at and depart from this
Hou e daily. T. V ELLS.
Haulel lit-llcrit i:itatt.
"TTOTICE i hereby given, that leib ra of adrnin
istralion have been granted to ihe aubsr r tier,
on the estate of Daniel Ke ler. Lie of the Uirough
of Sunhuiy, dee'd. AH persons indt'lted to said
rsiale, or having claims (gainst the aanie, are re
quested to call on the aiihscriber for arttlemerrt,
Sunbury, April 19th, 1845. 6t Adm'r.
It c m o v a 1 .
RESPECTFULLY informs the ri-
Mlitens of Sunbury and its Vieiuiy, th.l
be ba removed to ih Hi irk Hoa-, in
sfc- Market street, formerly occupied ly
Ueiijarmn Hendricks, east of ihe alore formerly or
en pod by Midei & Maris, and now by Ira T. Cle
ment, where ba will be hippy to reteiva tails iu
the line of bis profession.
Sunbury, Much V9ib. 1815.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY airlueofa writ of Levari Facias, issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of Northum
berland county, lo ine directed, will lie exposed lo
public sale, at the hou-e of Franklin A. Clark,
in lha town of Shamokin, on Wednesday the
28th day of May I o'clock P. M., tho fol
lowing described property, In wit t
All that cettrin tract of Coal Land known as
'The Wetheiill Tract," situite in Conl township.
Northumheilind county, and bounded and descri
bed aa follows 1 beginning al a heap of stones near
the southerly aide of Ihe Greit Road, a coiner of
land autveyed in Ihe name of Samuel Clark, thrnce
by ihe same, routh 211 perches, lo a p at, thence
by formerly vacant land, (now surveyed In the
namea of William Green and Ro!e t Grav,) east
2G3 perches to a small nmiked blacknak, thence
by land surveyed lo Robert Gray, north 13 perches
to a marked Clresntit, cast 28 perches lo a marked
che-nul oak, north 10 perches in a marked chenut,
east 30 perches to a marked cheanut, thence by
land survetcd in the name of J dm Hrady, tnrtlt
129 perchea lo a marked wh teonk in the middle of
the Great Road, lhucn along ihe middle of the
eiid road, ai d by land surveyed to Wni. Lrmbirt
ami Luke Fuller, north 78 degrees wes, 62 per
ches to a marked w hiten ik in sai I road, s nlli 76
degrer wi Ht, 82 perches to a marked whitenak.
north 80 degreea west, 132 perchea to a marked
whilCiink, and north 56 ib greia west, 80 perchea
io the place of lieuitiiiing. containing 330 acrea
mote or Ics, about CO iicres of which me cleared,
where in are erected a log house and log barn, a
brick k in, saw.miM, tec, nl-m a huge nntbr cite fur- :
nac. engir c house, a store hoti-e, and i.b.'ut 18 j
or 20 dwelling h' U-es. Therj arc also rvi ral co il I
veins and drifts, rail road tracks, &c, rVc, on sa d j
ALSO Another Irmt of land situite in Coni !
township nforesai.l. known aa ihe "William t!od
Trict." and descri id asf.dloAs: l euinning at n
pine, thence muring by land nirvey.d lo .leieminh
Paul, north 63 degrees east, 30 p, relies to a white
oak, aoulh 20 east, 12 perc'ies to a stone,
thence by land surveyed to Merrick Star, north 61
degree east, 60 perches In a sloiic near a pine,
north 49 and one tenth ierchee to a maple, noilh
58 degrees wel, 81 perches to a whi'eoak, south
81 e'egrees west, 32 J peiclies lo stories, ibenee by
land smveyed lo Andrew Shuber. south 12 ilegrce
enwt, 61 perches to a p rsl, north 78 degaaes east,
16 perches to a post, south 12 degrerseasi, 40
pi rchr s lo a jmi-i, sonih TH degrees west, 16 perches
lo a po-t, and south 12 degree east, 15 perches lo
ihe place of licginiung. containing 43 aciea and 147
perches und a'low, more or less.
ALSO One full equal undiv ded fourth part
(ihe whrde into four equal psrl-r la be divided) of
mid in all thai cnlaiii tmci nf land situate in t'oal
lownsh p aforesaid, and known aa "The Meirirk
S,ar Tract," and described hs fol'ows: beg'nning
at a stone.tbenee by land snrveved to Jrsse llrooks,
norill 74 digress farf 240 perchea lo a so .e,
thence aoulh 16 b gees ra-t, 85 pere're. lo a atone,
Iheisc south 6U degrei'S r- ri,'J(l prrch s to a st' lie.
aouih 31 d as', 35 reiches to a slor, srilb
2 degrees west, 35 lu rches lo a st,,n , south 31 de
grcea ea.t, 60 perches lo a dead pine, south 63 de
grees west, 87 perchea to a m .pie, thence north 27
degrees west, 35 perrbi-a lo a eione, thence n,,tli
61 dr grees easi, 57 reirbe io a stone, noilh 5:1
perches to a maple, aouib 58 degier a west, Nil per
ehes to a whllenuk, sranh Hi west. 80 per
chea It a slone, south 74 degrees w,st, 58 rerches
to a stone, north 16 degnes we t, 8 perches lo a
alone, south 74 degree west, lilt) -rrhes lo a stone
heap or dead white, ak, nor h 16 degree wcs. 106
ierches to a .ne sml place nf hi ginning, contain
ing, by a rrcent suivey, 206 acies and 7J perches
ami al owance.
ALSO I Ine undivided fouilh prt of 155 aria
or shares, (the whole into 226 p Tts nr aliares io le
divided) ol and in 13 tract ol t'oal lying
coutiuoMS to each oilier on ih waters of Shamo
km and Mahniioy cree ks, or aa much thereof as is
si u re in Coal township, Nortbuinberl rod county ;
which said tracts were surveyed in pursuance rf
13 ianan' fit 400 acres each, all bearing da'e Ihe
I Kill d.y of Mav, A. D. 1703, grand d lo William
Etlioti, George Aslon, Cale r Lw n s. John Young.
John Whiirmaii, J.eoh J ml n. Rirlianl Tunis,
John Warner, Dmiel Reese. Willi m P rier. Wil
li on Ml ler, Peier Dehavi ii and Wi liam Poivell,
nnil palenled 'o J. hn N icbo'son on the 17ih, 20ih,
23,1. 24ih and 25th days of October, A. D I7(M.
and which said tracts of land two by ihe ofl'n i.rl it.
turns of iii vi y, computed to contain 5346 acre
ai d 129 pcrcl.e and allowance.
AI.SO At the same lime and place, by virtue
of a writ of Veil !iti ni Eiponns, lo me di eclid,
A certain tract of land Coal lownship
afnicsaid, udjoining the first aUrve ib criled I old,
surveyed ill ihe name of Sninuel Weilicill, I mil
surveyed in the name of Wrn. Green, mid land of
Mi l 'arlv, Davis, Jordan and others, containing 06
sen a more or less, w hereon aie erected almut 15
dwillrng houar a, a aw-imll, and a pari of tbe Cast
ing h' u e nf Ibe ShainukiH furnace. There are n.
an several co.d veins oja iod on aaid pieui ses, und
a blanch tail to. d
AI.XO-Tlif undivided moiety of 13 acrea more
or !, adjoining ihe above tiari, surveyed in the
lianie of S rinuel Wilhrnll and oiheis, la-ing part'nf
a tract aurveyed in tiie name of I, .dsn dray, Upon
which a coal vein or dull is opened,
Seiz' d, taken in rxccu'imi, and In be .,, as it e
properly ,.f the S!iani"kiil Coal all.! I nn Coinyany,
wilhnot'ce to Hrnjiinio II, Yarn' II, ass gnee of
the h nn.rk'ii Coal and Iron Cinpauy, tieore
Armstrong, mr , an I oiheis, Irrieienanl.
FELIX MAl'REK, Hhniff.
Shenll sllllice,
Sunbury, A. 26, i45
ta lihhmnulile, Shjm rinr und Mt ilium
Fancy atd Staph: Diy G'rW.
No. 188 Cliosntit M., lie! v ecu SSevcntli
ami I'ainlith streets,
P h 1 1 a tl o I p Ii I a
18 now in icgular receipt of New Siy'e Sdka.
lou el r. ''e laines, L rwoa Organdies, Jaconet,
Ginuhama, H arege. Ms'ipn a, Enli ills, llHleoriues,
l.'ambrc, t'biinr.e, ll .inl' nines. Alpica and
rber seasonable Dress tioods; als.i. Sh,wls, Scarf-,
Veils Embioidi ries, Itos eiv. Laces, tiliive. Lin
en. t'aml lie ll .iikf-. t.iul Iri.h Linen ( Calicne al
12 1 i la. a yard, Muslina, and other heap Goods.
Slrargeis will find it p r tli dial ly to their uoeir.t
to call, as tbe good are all war raided, and the
hu rst cuth price iuva iably named fut,
l'hilad.lphia, April 26th," 1815. 2m.
cheap ron CAS XX.
Umbrella and Parasol Manufactory.
No. 37 Soiih Tut il ttrert, two duort leluU) the
I Ii 1 1 a l e 1 1 li I a .
I.WtVS on land, a large atiak ef I'M
J UltELLAiand PAR st)LS. iuclu ing th
laiisl new si) le ot Pinked E tgcJ Para-nla of Ihe
lesl workmaiikliip and inaUiials, al prirvs ilial will
make i an ubjeel 10 ('ounlry Meichauia and oilier,
lo call and examine bis ttiwk befur purchasing
elsewhere. Fl,t 22, 1845.- ly
A Compnnnit Halaamle Preparation tram
Wild Cherry Bark and Tar,
The bet remedy known to the world fur the enre of
touirn, eoltl. aithmn, crown, blrctling of the
lunir, whooping cough, brtmchitii, tnftit'
una, ihnrtneit of breath, pain arid
wenknc in the lirentt or aide,
liver enmfdainf, and the
firnt tttigen of
We will not assert that Ihia BALSAM will cure
Consumption in ist wont firm, but it haa cured
manv after all other means nf relief had been tried
in vain. And whv not ! It seem lhat the WILD
CHERHY was destined by Natuie to be our PA
NACEA for the ravaging diseases of this e dd ta
li Hide:. Let not the despairing invalid waste his
m iney nnd loose TIME, to him a i all impor'ant,
in txierimrntinf; wiih the trashy noil rums nf ihe
d if, but use nt on re a medicine that will cure. If a
cure be p.B-ilde a medicine that acience approves,
and manv years nf riperience have demonstrated
lhal H nlmnyn relieves.
There i no nrh thing n fail" in the history
nf this wonderful 11AI.SAM. Evidence the most
convincing evedence that no one can doubt, fully
eslabli he this fact. For the sake of brevity we
ae'ecl the f I owing from thousands.
Isaac Plsit, Esq., Editor ofthe Eagle,
one of Ibe m at influential j iirnal in the slate of
New York, alalia nndet the authority of his own
name, that a young lady, a relative nf his, of verv
delicate const i ulion. wa attacked in Feb. 1812,
wiih seiere cold, which immediately produced spit
ling rf blood, cough, fever, and other dangerous and
alarmii g symptom. Through medical liealment
"ml cue she pvlintly rec verrd doring summer,
lint on the return of winter she was attacked more
vi'denlly than at frst. she became scarcely able to
walk and wa- troubled w:th cough, chills and fever
eveiy day, and appealed to lie going rapidly with
consumption ; tit lhi time, when ihere was n sign
of improvement, Mr. Plan procured a bottle if
Wistaii's litis! or Wiin Cnrnnr, which she
took, and il s.emingly restored her. She ! a se
cond, and before it i half ukrn he was restored
lo pirf rt hntllh, which she h is enjoyed lo ihe pre
eeni lime, without ihe slighter! symptom of her for
mer di-e ae,
Mr. P ait savs "the cure came under my own ob
seivntion ami I cannot be mistaken as to the facts."
Pr i a a ok a. Washington co., Maine, Apr. 29, 1844.
MR. ISA AC BUTTS. Dear Sir: At the re
qucsl of manv of my friend in this place and virl
i.ity who are idHrcled with consumption and liver
enmp'aim, I lake the li'-ery of asking you to ap
point some one in this eooniy as agent lo sell Wis
ru's 1Ils oe W t lii Chknrt, and to send him
a tew dor.en. ss there is none of i' for sale within
200 miles from ihia I bave no doubt lhat it woubl
me. I with a reedy sale if ii were w here il could l e
pi or u red without ton much expense nnd detav.
My wile was atiecked about sii m mill since
wiih what ihe physicians railed ihe first atage of
C'li-nnipiinii a complaint vi ry prevalent in this
s-c'ioii of country. Ilaing seen Ibe Balsam ad
vert skI in Augusta.
I t rk the pains In semi there for a bottle of il,
which she look, and which helped her so much lhat
I sent I o botde more, which she has also la
ken, and he now siys she h.n not fell so well for
ix years aa she does al this time. All those who
have inquired of ine and aaeeitaincd what effect the
Balsam hid. are anxioua to have some for side in
thi- virmiiv, which ia ihe cnu-e of my writing you.
Plea-e inform me by relu n of mill whether you
conclude to send -oine, and if so to whom, in order
that it may Ire known where it can lie had.
I am with re wet vurs, etc.
The wh'de country is fist learning that no medi
cine no 'phvsican no preparation of any kind
whalevii caniqnal Da. Wiaran's Balsam or
Wilii Ciikrrt.
i nii LV woii:iirrij ci ke,
a rr avn.l.r., Oneida co N. Y. Sept. 15, 1843.
Dear S:r I owe it to the afflicted to inform y u
that in J iiiuary I i-t I ntiaiked by a veiy vio
lent cold, caused by uoikit g in ihe water, which
sctiltd on my lungs. It v as a companiedby a ve
ry s. ice pain in my breast nd sides, ami also a
disiies-mg r.'ugh. I had io attendance all Ihe I -est
mei'ic d aid in our villige; but after exhausting all
their ski I o no a iil, ibey pronourtre I irry di-ease a
coriKMr.n covsfwfTiov, and ihey one and all
gave we up to die. After much persuasion I pot
he consent of mv phvsirian to use the Balsim or
Wiin Ch i ant pr- pnred by Dh Wisraa. I pur
chased of Ihe Agent in our place one bottle, before
using half of which I I to gain strength, and it
w a very evident my Coug'i waa much better and
my symptom m every way iinpr ving. I have
n"W uaid three Imiilcs, and am rrnttirtd to nerftct
health. Thi re-uli i al 'iie owing to ihe n-e of
RY ; nud I lake this method of giving you the in
foul tli. in, par' ly to pav you the debt of gratitude
I one mi. and partly that others si nilarly afflicted
Ilia) kmw where lo app'y lor relief.
Verv trulv yotiis, JAMES HAGE.
Mn. Palmf r. Diujigist, undei date uf Water ville,
Sept Slih, IK43, write;
The slat, niem given you by Mr. James Sage is
well known lo be nue by this whole eummunttii.
It e. rl only wis a most remarka' le cure. The tale
of ihe Hal-am i very po id, and iia success in cure
tiu'y lU'leruig. toui
lUinniNFiim. N.J, Apiil 20. 1911.
On or about ihe I3ih day of October, 1S41, I was
taken wi ll a violent p on in the si le near the liver,
w hit h ron'iniifd tor ''! five d.iya, and w f. d
lowcd l y the breaking of an u'c.T, or .itscess in
wardly, whtcli relieved ihe pain a little, but caused
me lo throw up a treat quantity of offensive matter
sml also much blood. lb iug greatly al aimed at
ihu, I applied io a physician, but be said be iboug I
be could rl but li lb' for me exc-pi give m' "ine
Mercury Villi, b ch t refused lo lake, f eling
la'isl'nd thai i hey c uld do ine on giiod ; many o
dnr r in die were lin n r eured by my wife and
fi lends, but none did me any good and the lis
charge of blood ami corrupt ill still continued ev, rv
fw days, and al I. si lecorne s,i cfT r sive thai I
cud searr-ely breathe I w .a also seized w iih a vi.
olenl cimgli, which at lime cau-t d me lo raise
mu h I than 1 bad done la fore and my
diaeaae continued in tins way, anil growing wnrse,
Qriiil February, when uli hosi of my rec very n
given , and my lneHila all thought I would die
of a GALLoriaa CuRai'wrTin;, Al ihia moment,
when mv lite waaapparen ly drawing near itsrlo-e,
1 braid of DR. W IS I'AR'S It A Ii It A M O F
W ILD CIIKLRY, and got a bottle which at
LiLvtu mk immi.Hiatilt ', and by the use of only
three b idea of ihu nied ciw all my pains were
removed my cough and spiling nf t'kxid and Cor
inplioii entirely aioripeJ, and in a tew wiik mv
he.rltb w so far restored a to enable me to woik
al my trade, (which is a cvrienli r,) and up lo tbia
UtUd I have enjoyed good In atlh.
GLOrCISTIR Cocmtt, N. J , as.
Pera. nelly csme bi fore me, the gbscfilr, one of
the Justice of the Peace in and for the said enan
ly, Thomas Cozens, and being duy nflirmel no
cordmg to law, saiih the above atalcment .is in a l
thing true.
Affirmed bif.ire w, on the 20ih of April, 1813.
J Cllmint.J P. S
Such ia the unprecedented success of this BAL
a prescription congenirl to our wants, aa it is pie
pared Irom chemical extracts from auhstances whic'i
the author of nature has placed in our own Inn I
for wise purposes, lhat many who know nothb.ft
of the mode of its prepantion are endeavoring to
reap pecuniary benefiia by sellini an aiticle similar
in name, or in appearance, or by representing iluir
own tia-h as surerior to this BALSAM, or by put
ting up a nvxture and s demnly asseverating thai it
ia imported from foreign country, which is not tint
case. All these deceptive arts goto show th it
Wi-tb's Ha is am is known to the world to I a
"THE fl HEAT HEM ED Y," and that to
any mixture it must be like this in name, or pur.
purl to be like il in su ' slance.
(Tj Believe not the cunningly wrought falui i.
lions tint lake oii'y the original and genuine
WiaTAn's Balsam of Wu.n t'limnr.
Address all oiders to ISAAC BU I' l S, No. ot
Ann Sl New Yoik.
Agents. JOHN W. FRII.INn. .frmiry,
D. BRAIITIGAM. Northumberland.
J. K. MOVER. Hlnnmnhuig,
J. WAt.GONSELLI'R, S, InCruvc,
BROWN Ac CREASY, Mfilmrille.
Feb. 22d, IS 15 ly
DYrsTurrs, taints,
flUIE subscrilrei keeps constantly for sale on the
JL most reasonable terms, an assortment of Medi
cines, Drugs, Dyestulls. Paints, Oils, Vurnishes, oc.
Being largely rngsged in jr Minimi such arncle
aa (iinger, Muelnrd and Pepi er, Le has thi ni lor
sale of a superior quality, below ihe market price.
He would mention that he has a Patent M .chine
worked by steam power, which enables him lo sell
Pcttt of the very lust quality for 3J cents a lb. in
Itladdi rs, and 3 cents in Bulk.
He Confidently asserts lhat his prices are auch
as to give satisfaction to those who mav favor him
with a call. J. W. W. GORDON.
No. 152 West Pratt St., Baltimore, opposite Bal
timore and Ohio Rail Road Depot,
N. B. No ch rrge made for delivering Good in
any part of ihe city.
March 8ih, 1845. 3 n
Boot & Shoe
riHE subscrilier, late of the firm of Beck & Bro
JL ius, would rc-peclfully inform his old custom
ers and the public generally, lhat he now occupies
the new building west of Henry llaupt's Tailor
hop, snd opposite Ceorge Bright' Drug Snre, in
M rrkei street, Sunbury, where he intends lo cany
on his former business of
in all it vaiious branches. He will be prepared o
do all kinds of work in his line at the shortest nr.
tice, and in the most durable manner. He ia thai k
ful for lornier patronage, and by strict attendance to
bu-ine-s and reasonable charges, will endeavjr lo
deceive a continuance of it-
Sunbury, Feb. 22 I, 1845, fim
riHE sub.-criliers have received, snd are now
Il opening a splendid assortment of tbe following
Saxony. Wilton and Velvet Carpetings'
Brussels and Imperial 3 ply do CAR.
Extra superfine and fine Ingrains do i PET
Kngtiah shaded cV Damask Venetian do 1NG.
American twilled and tig'd do
English Drugetls and Woolen Floor Clolha
Stair and Passage BiK'krngs
Embose I Piano and Table Cover
London Chenille and Tufted Rugs
Door MulU of every description.
A laige and rxtenive essortmcnt of Floor Oil
(.'lolh-, Irom one lo eighi yards wide, cut lo fit eve
ry description uf room or p issues.
Also, low piiced Ir grain CaiCtings from 31 to
02 cents per yard, together with a large and exten
sile assortment uf goods usually kept by caret
The above good will be sold wholesale or retail
at the lowest market prices. Country merchant
and others are particularly invited to call and exa
mine our slock In fore making then selections.
Successors to Joseph Blackwood, No. 1 1 1 Cbeaiiut,
corner of Franklin Place.
Philadelphia. Feb 231. IS45.
11bI II V A; It 1A17
South J'ust corner of Marl rl and 4th sfs..
til THERE ihey alwv keep mi hand an rxton-
sive v iitin. ni of HA TS if VA I'S ot evrrv
description, gol up in the U-t und mosl approved
slvk". 1'er s . us dciirous ol purch isiug suH-rior mij.
cbs on the most reasonable terms, will find il t,
their advantage to Call hi fere making purchaser
Philadelphia. Oct. 5ih, 184-1. ly
i: r a m.i: c on vol i,
13 V S 1 E PS I A.
Till' Medicine ia offered to the public genr
ally, from a full conviction lhal it issuperii
to any other indicme now in ue, for the cure r
Dysp. psia, Lier (Complaint, Nervous Dulilil
Bodily Weakness, &e.
lis effect bave been tested in a private prarlii
rfneir tight years, and it ia now more extrusive
cirrutsted, at the a.rliciiude of many who have i
ceived ihe niot signal benefit from llie u-e of it.
The following j one amon-j a number of ci-rti
eaies rvceived in leUtion to the success of this n
Lvcastvh Co. March I.
Da. fiMiaaa W, iir.s.
Dear Sir.- 1 1 ia with great p'easure lhat I
form you of ihe auceess attending your Dyspe;
Medicine, while employed in mv p aiiice. Fr
past i J pel nine, I firmly Uln-ve thai inerght cu
oul of leu. Ihe Dvsprpiic, bv ihe use ol your no
ine, may en ir. ly ml hnnsilf ol ih ihoin Hi
pathway of lite! not only in dysjaptic rases,
III alt case of constipation, md dova-es deieud
on adrbiliia'ed state of ibe ne nous ryatein, Ii
ther st ile of ihe bowel, will your
linr Ire found of inestiui iblc value, Numerou
slairCes whe ein the ux-fu'll. ss of the incdicine
been reali-ed, may I foi w arded, if repined
wi-h y. u great success, and lecoiuuicnd ihe n
cine to Itio suller ng pail of mankind.
You!, with ere it re-peel,
(J- For sale il.v store of 11. U. Masscr, .
for ihe proprietor, Sunt ur, Pa,
(Molar 2rV.h, 1841. ly