Highly Important from Texas. UrSCKrTlOJI of IMC Anmxiatio Rksolitioi Great Rejoicing The Philadelphia Ledger aaya, we have a supply of papers by a recent ar rival from Texas, up to the 25th ult., and we find they are filled with rejoicing at tee passage of the Annexation resolutions by the United States Congress. The citizens of both Galveston and Houston testified the livlicst joy immediately an the reception of the news, a fact which proves what the journals of that country have always asserted, that the people are strongly in favor of the project, however much the prominent poli ticians are opposed to it. It is from the latter that the only opposition to the measure is to be found. The vessels in the linrbor at Galveston displayed the Star-Spangled Ilanncr and the Lone Star in unison from their masts ; one hundred guns were fired in honor of the event, and an il lumination of the city was agreed upon with the greatest unanimity. A public meeting was con vened, at which (ien. Metnucan Hunt presided. A preamble and resolutions, expressive of the joy of the people at the prosppct of becoming once more citizens of the United States, were drawn up and passed without dissent from any person present. A committee was appointed to address the in habitants of Texas upon the great event, and ( every thing indicated an unanimity and fervor of popular sentiment in favor of Annexation, which we had scarcely anticipated from the rumors that have reach-d us of late from that country. It was also requested, bysp'cia! resolution, for President .Tones to call an extra session of Con gress, for the purpose ol'nscertaining the will of the people in respect to annexation. At Hous ton there was the same evidence of prat ideation It was hailed with a burst of enthusiasm by the citizens that has n ver b -en exceeded. The news of the victorious battle of Sun Jacinto scarcely excited such general and enthusiastic rejoicing, the sound of the drum and other musi cal instruments, the roar of cannon, and the loud shouts of th" multitude, resounding long after midnight. It is thought a favorable ind'cat'on on the part of Preid-nt Jones that he should have appointed th" Hon. David S. Kaufman, an ardent friend of Annexation, as Charge ilWfTuires to the United States. We ropy the following from the Galveston News : ''It will now be expected that every man in Texas will speedily make up his mind and de clare his sentiiiii-nts upon the proposed measure of annexation. Although th joint resolutions which have just received the sanction nf the U. States Government do not embrace all the pro visions, or give us that ample and rnmplete jus tice whiih we rould desire, yet they present to us no important or solid grounds of objection. We ccitainly rould not expect the Government of tin: United States to leave us our land anil yet assume the p.iym"tit of our national debt ; nor indeed rould we exp-ct that Government to iissnm our debt on any terms, while the amount of it has never b en ascertained by our own Go vernmeut, but is left to vagu" nnd indefinite con jecture ; so that in the United States it has beer) represented by men. supposed to be widl inform ed upon nich matters, to vaiy from fifty tn one ttnmhnl nt Minis .' And in reg.ird to our public lands, the showiii;! by this Government is still more indefinite and conjectural. So much so that our best inform.'d citiz-ns differ widely in regard to th amount of our vacant teiritory. Upon the subject, therefore, of our Government liabilities and unappropriated public lauds, all we could eipxt at this tini! was that they) should both be left entirely to our disposition ; and this accordingly has been done. The ques tion of boundary every Texan will be glad to liave settled by the United States If the United States rould be supposed to have an interest in this matter adverse to our own if we rould be permitted to make the preposterous assumption that the Government will have a disposition to narrow down and circumscribe her own limits, and enlarge those ot Mexico, for the purpose of doing injustice to the citizens of Texas, then in deed we mayobj 'it to this provision of the joint ' resolutions. j "II such absurd exceptions will be taken, in j pite of that complete identity and harmony of j interest that chururteri.es the two governments i if the opponents of annexation are determined to find fault with every provision that militates in the slightest d-gree against our complete so- ; sereignty auj independence, as we expert they j will, in artier to be consistent with their own de clared hostility to the measure (hen our thort I answer must he, that they argue against every j airoposed incisure iu detail, merely because they ! intend te oppose every possible measure that can be devised. Aad such, in fart, has been the case j lip to this time. The Treaty of Mr. Tyler was piused by our government journal at that time, chielly span tbe greuud that it deprived us of our public lands. The government journal at this time is opposing the Joint Resolutions because they leave us the incumbrance of our own debts, and impair our sovereignty. Mr. Benton's reso lutions are objected to because they settle no thing but the naked question of annexation, leaving the details to be determined upon by ne gotiation and coir.pjoinise Mr. Brown's, again, are found very exceptionable, b 'cause they set tle too much, leaving too little to negotiate. In order to satisfy saco abjections, it is evident we must renounce annexation altogether ; and we now forewarn the people of Texts not to allow their early attachment to the Anieiican Union to be weskeaed, nor those strong ties of affection of interest and kindred to be alienated by such captious and designing arguments against the overtures of the United States, nor by specious promises of transatlantic friendship and 'strin gent alliances' with European monarchies, from which this country is to be inundated with for eign wealth, and Texas made the Eldorado of America. '-To our friends in the United States, we will nay, (and think we shall be sustained by the e- vent ) that, at least, nine tenths of the people of 1 1' '. 1 .! J!1 " I '. I I'.' 11111' I i '3 this country are unchangeably ia favor of An nexation ; and of our planters and farmers, the bone and sinew of the land, including the early settlers, whose strong right arms and indomitable courage have triumphantly achieved our liber ties of those more than nineteen-twentieths look to their re union with the great American family of States as the sheet-anchor of their hopes Single-handed and unaided, thry have secured their freedom and they want no foreign powers to guaranty their independence. While they de sire the friendship of all nations, they do not ex pect unbought fuvors fr m any. They under stand the essential elements of civil liberty too well to be dazzled with the empty name of na tionality, purchased at the expense of political dependence. Their desire is to secure a govern ment for the sake of its blessings, and not its name. l!ut if any name can have a charm in this country, the privilege of saying ''I am an American citizen" is the proudest distinction known to the people of Texas." President Jones has vetoed the act of Congress reducing the duties on imported goods. The Galveston News says that Gen. Arista has sent despatches to the Texan Government by way of Corpus Christi. The purport of these despatches is said to be nn invitation to the Tex as Government to join the Mexican General in an expedition against the Camanche Indians that have become the pest of the Rio Grande settle ments. Just before the New York left Galveston, a British man of war entered that port, bearing despatches to Capt. Elliott, British F.nvoy, from his Government. It was said that this vessel had a vast amount of money nn board, and that the despatches contained instructions to Captain Klliott to offer to guaranty the national indepen dence of Texas, provided the annexation resolu tions are rejected. It was further reported that the French Government had also offered the same guaranty on the same conditions. Private ad vices assure us that when these prepositions were made known in Galveston, the people snapped their lingers, saying "the foreigners were too late." Capt. Klliott set out for the capital immedi ately after receiving his despatches M. Saligny, the French Charge, was already there. There is a report in the Texas papers that Santa Ana bad made his escape. BUAVT'S CoNlll'IT ClIKAP CoNVFYANCB The Cumberland Alluhaninn mentions an in genious mode lor the conveyance nf coal, about to be constructed by Mr. Brant. It is made up uf three? plank?, one for the Iwittom, and one for each side . It is about 12 inches at the bottom mil 1(1 inches high at the eides. Ti coal it thrown into this conduit at the; mouth of the mine, where the water is also le't in, and it floats off with tho greatest rapidity. It will carry from one thousand to two thousand bosh, id per hour a distance of two and a half miles. There is not much friction, and consequently very little breaking or wearing- away ol the lumps olcoal. If Mr. B. cm procure an abun dance of water at the mines, and con.lriict his conduit to Cumberland, i will certainly bear a way the palm of cheap conveyance. It is be lieved he will sucreed. The distance is about ten miles, the descent sulTicient, and the encour agement flattering. Uruoi'KAN Missionary Societies. From such reports of Protestant Societies of Europe as are at present accessible, (inol of them tor 1SH.) the amount o' their annual receipts ap pears to be nearly two millions nt dollars, viz: English Biptist Society ."St'.Ni. 171 ; Church Mis sionary Society 4ftJ.j;H ; General Baptist So ciely 9.-JUI ; Berlin 1 l.fi'.Kt ; dinners, 2.(101 ; Dresden l.ftly; Free Church of Scotland 59, 0:W; French Protestant Society 10,293; Ger man Evangelical (Basle) '2(i,frf; (JIhsjow 11,. 100; Scottish 9,4-7; Moravian 0:1.749; SVes leyar, imi 0TH ; Rhenish Netherlands 11.891; Netherlands 25 97 ; Glasgo-v African 0.304; London V7,IWi ; I.nwtanc 903; Halle 244; Hamburg 2.771 ; Oat-pe! Propagation 303,949. Total ascertained $Ie!:0,495. An Amu Fr.MU.ir .Mrs. Martha Tahcr, mIio was born in this town. March lOih, 1741, completed one hundred nnd one years on Mon day lust. She rcHidts with her daughter, Mrs. Knight, and enjoys good health. Mewjxirt Mercury. A Coi.orfu Woman of Indian extraction, 122 years old, strong and active, still lives in Nor folk. Kilr'rt front leu don piper. We're not iiirs.lvrs, When nature, l ei. g oppressed, commands the mind To suffer with the ho.ly." This is a truism conceived by the nisstrr mind of Stwkspearr, which neither sophistry nor argu incut ran rrfuic. To ull those who are sutfeiing from bilious attacks, indigc-titin and flatulency, we would with pre it ainrciity n commend, ss a never falling leuicdy, Rrao lieth's Pill. The testimoui uls we have had submitted to us in favor nf this s.lmirshle medicine, ful'y justify our speaking of these Pil s in terms of the highest pr ose. fj" Purchase of II. U Mssscr, Sunhury, or of the scents, published in snothcrpart of this paper. PIUCK CU It KENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthetmer, Wmsst, . B5 Rra, ..... 60 Co an, ...... 40 Osts, ...... 25 Pork,. . . . 6 Fiiisssn, ... . 112 Buttkr, . . 12 East, .... .6 KsKswit, ... 25 'Pa now, ... 0 Dai tu Arrtra, . . . . 60 Do. PslCMkS, . 150 Fti, ..." .8 Hicaisu Fiii, ," .It Jt II It I E It , On Thursday evening the 3d inst., by the Rev. Daniel Trites, Mr. Frederick Merrill, to Miss CatiirRIMc Harrison, all of this place. On Wednesday last, by the Rev. Wm. R. Smith, Dr. Reeo, of jersey Shore, to Miss Mart Grant, of this place. HAAS'S HOTEL, STJ1TBUP.7, K o r t li ii m fo c r I n n 1 County, PENNSYLVANIA. HENRY HAAS RESPECTFULLY informs his friend and the public in general, that he has taken the brick stand, in the Borough of Sunhury, lately occupied by John Haus as a public house, (west of thrStae Heuse, and nearly opposite the Court House,) where he is prepared to Accommodate hi friends, nd ill others who may favor him with their cus lorn, in the best possible manner. His BAR shall epwkle with the choicest of Li neon, and his TABLE shall he well supplied with the very hest the markets afford. In short, no puins nor expense will he spared to render his tinnse in every way worthy of public patronage. A literal share of ru-tom is therefore solicited. Sunhury. April 12th. 1845. Km REMOVAL. WASHIITGTOIT HOTEL, West tide of Main nt., in the Unro' of LYCOMING COIWTY, PA. riME subscriber would rrspertfullv inform his JL old f iends and the (ravelling puMtc, lhat he has recently taken and flitted up, in a -uperiur manner, this spacious brick edifice, sign nf GENERAL WASHINGTON, where he is pr.pard to accommodate travellers and visitors in (he very I est and pleasing style. His house is siluaicd io the most phasanl and rentral part of the dor.. ugh, convenient to business, and is large and (he rooms airy. Thinkfulfor 'he liberal support while keepini tbe tdd Muncv Hotel and the Aineri.no Hotel, in this borough, tor the pant three yeers, he icsp ct fully sulic.ls a conuuu mrt of ih.- s nv THKODORE WELLS. Money, April 13th, 1845. if N. B. The llarrishuig. Northumberland, Potts, vile, Danville, Willi im or(. Lock II iven and Bi'llehinte St iges strive at and ilepari fr irn this j Hou-e daily. T. WELLS. NORTH IT M B E I L A N I) SniEGE CC1FA1TT. V1V Election for officers of the N . r hum ' erlnnd Bridge Company, (o seive tot one year, will lie i.cM nt the house of Ja.nea Lee, in Noilhum lierUnd, on Monday ihe 5th ( y nf Mav next. The election w II open al I o'clock, P. M-, and c ose at 4 o'clock, P. M. The Lo. ks and accounts ol the Company will be so' mitted to the him Mi l tiers for ihcii inspection, l the mine time and p ace. JOHN B. BOYD, Pies'u Northumberland, Apid 12, 1 815. 4t To llie Electors of Nuriliumhcrlantl County : PELLOW l II IZEXS: I heg Icive to . ff. i intself as a e ndniate, at the csituiug election, for die ullice of 4 omity t'oiiiiiilNMloiicr. ehnuld I be so f otunate as to be elected. I pledue myself to discharge the duties of the otlice w tli .io,ii..tncss and fi.lelitv. CHARLES WEAVER. Stinhurv. April 5i!,, 145. Ctl'TIOX. Notice is hereby givt n. that I will not p iv a note, given by me lo Joiiaihnn Thirp, dated oil or sb iut the l-t ol March, for fifty dollars three month afier dale, as I have not received value for ihe same. El'HKMM R. MILLEIt. Sham, kin, April &th, IH45 3t. ((-orpc Xdliurt'sj Ilalr. OTl(.'E is herely g ven thai Iclien nf ad Lm .Ministration h.ive hern grinl.d lo the suh.ri ber. on the estate of(ieore Neiharl, laie of Au gu-ta towm-hip, Noiihumherl -nd county, dec'.'. All pers ina iniletited lo said e-'ate, i.r having de nim 's gaimt the s line, are reijue-ted to meet (he suWrih r. on Mon.l.y th- I2lh div of May next, at (he house nf the deccu-e.l. for seiil. menl. JACOB ZAKI M.W, April 5th, 1815. 6t A 'm'r. iVotico IS hereby given. lha( ihe subscriber hss purrha srtl, at a ssle held by Thomas A. ltillinnion, constahk', in AutfU-ta dwiiship, nu the lit h of March, the following property, which was sold hv anid C'liisiahle as the property of J II. lihodes, and which I have since loaned tJ said Rhodes duiing my pleasure, via : 1 Cray Mare. 1 Dun Mare. I Dun Colt. I B in. die Cow, 2 setts II ar nets, I Wagon and Ladile s. I Sled, I Plow, I Harrow, 6 Shoala, 1 llrass Clock, The uudttiJed half nf the Whent an 1 live, in (hv ground. JOHN WYNN, jr. Augusta, April iili, 1845 .tt V W V K e in o v a 1 . nit. joiix w. im:al. HEM'ECrFCLLY informs (he ri (izens ol unhury and its vciui'y. th t lie baa removed to the B.ick llous. , io Ma ket slrett. I. lllltrlv neriuiieil I v u. nj 1. 111 MeuJrii ks, en-t of Ihe st ne formerly nr. cupi'd by Mi. lei Sl Marti, and now hv l a T Cle. merit, wheie he will h happy lo rcit'ive c ills in (he line of hi- r f. s-ion. ullluy. March i'Jih ISI5 IEDSCIITES, r?js, DvusTurra, paints, FI1IIE suhtcribei keeps constantly for sale on (he L most reasonahle terms, sn sortmenl of Medi clues, Drugs, DyrstufTs, Pain's, Oils, Varnishes, &r. Being largvly engaged in grjnilinu such ar'icles as (linger, Musiaid and Pep, er. be has (Ii m l.ir sale of a superior quality, below the market puce. He would menti .n thai he has s Patent. M ichm woiked by steam power, which riiahli s turn to s. II Pi'Tri of the very b. sl quality for 3J ceuU a lb. in Ula.ldira, and 9 cents in Bulk. He ct'iifiiltutly asserts that his prices are such as lo give, saiirfjciion lo those who m v favor liuu with a call. J. W. W. (i()l!I)0. No. 152 We-I Pratt St . Baltimore, uppoaile Bal timore and Ohm Rail Road Depot, N. B. No ch 'igs made for dtlivciing Goods in any pari of ihe city. March Bib, 1845. 3in LIST OF JURORS OF NnrthumherlsnJ County, fur April Term, A. U. 1815. fraiil .Tiiroi's. Tiirlmt. John M'Corinick, David L. Ireland. Lewis Wm. Htimel. Drliiwnre. Jacob Broin, Miltiin.-Jese Dcriickaon, John Ooodlandcr, Heniy Mtrine. CMIli.iijurlqHr. .laeob Brown. I'mnt. Wm. L'ghou. Anguxttt.iee Bstisn. Henry Bloom. Sfiomokin. Samuel Hilger, J-se Weaver. Upper Mnhonnf,. William Shadle. Lrm'rr Mlthnnny. Daniel Zerlte, jr., Nicholas Broms, (diaries Brosiua. Jiicksnn. J -rem'sh I.onRs,lorf, Eli is EMcr, Michael tJna-ingei, Jacib filler, Adam Campbell, Win. Oroh, John Wert. Travcrs Juror.). Delaware. Jjcoh Mosteller, Franklin II. Car ver. M'tfim. Joseph Rhoads, Wm. Hinan. Chillisqunque. Charles Hale. Siirthumberlund. Joseph Vrndyke, David Dodae. J'oint. I.orenn H msel. Sttnbwt. Charles Hilemnn, John P. Pursel, Ciideon Market, tieoiae Buchei, J 'hn Amo'd. w4fitriifi( Joseph Weit.cl, lacoli Sebor. Samuel Kieff. r, John Ziuimermsn. William Fii' man. Jacob (5ss, snr., Ai'sm Neidie, Joseph Ss- vulge. J icob Renn, Benjamin Kb'Bhlaum, Robert 'ainpMI. jr., Daniel Conrad, son of John Sliamiikill Joseph Hoover, R..lc( Farns wnt Ii snr. . Abraham Brsdy, Moses Ritchie, James O iss. Isaiah Morg iu. Ilufh. Cieorae MiHcl ler. John Obent uf. Coal 1'aviJ Thompson. J sepli llird. I pper MiihoiHH Did Clark, Samuel Risslei, George Paul, Jacoh tieis. hmrr Miihinioy Jicnl Lei ker, S .lomon H. t keil, Jolm Kiehl. Jamb Stepp, Win. Sliuffcr. John le i k" r. I.Htte Mnhnnny. Jacob MiMrr. Jiulmon Sjinuel M.ilich, Jacob Seiler, snr. relit .Iiir or. Leier.". David Mover, Samuel Lerch, Michael Wm!' er. John Tweed. Delauvtrr. James Ohkes, Peter Kbckner. Phil ip Prta-ler. M,lln.1 hn Murray, F. W. Pollock, Simon Kami Ipli. Ciillisiunrpie. Daniel P. Caul, Samuel Bnk heimer, Ne il ( 'aul. I'mnt Jaims Shriner, Sunburn Wm. Miiriz, Herry Weis, Walter i Bell. Aiiutit. Joshua Folk, fJeo'B" Hde, Culel E'y Maik Slauiitu, Thomas Meudt iihalt. Sianwk!n D mel H 'as, jr. Hush Ahrabam HotTintii. dial. Joseph Sny.ler, Pemheiton Bird, Wm. Feielv. (ieorce Armstrong jr. Vppir Muhmuiy. Daniel Mover, John Mslich. Dnvi'l Kei'7.. Liiu-er Mahnnoii. Daniel Roihermel, Peter Bo el. JitJonn. Michael Bobb, David PchwaMz, John ! '"lark jr. Dwtulr of Villiam Itcrtser, 1crM. TnsO 1'H'E is hereby jt've. , (hat hirers teiamen JJ larv on li e r a'e of Wdlnini Reeser late nf Aotfti.ta township. Northum'w rlaud counlv. dee'il, have hern er nteil to Ihe sul'scriliers. Per-ons know illtf ihern-elves in lehte.l. w ill plea-e rail and make payment, and those Iibmiiu cl.io.a avaiuat the i state are reipiested tu present (hem for ert mmaiion and settlement SMi:EL KEE-iER, DAVID KEENER, AugUfta, Mairh 22d, I8ft fit Executors. 15 o t & li o c MAKING. fllHE tubsrnU r. late of ihe I) in if B rk iV Bio M. kiu-r. wou'd re-iit 'crfuHv inform his IJ cu-l. m- rs .ml the pul"ic gei eril'v. tint he now . ceupie- . , . . t .i . . it. i , .. t! inv new tiuiitni.fr. M3r tu ncmy n:iu,'i m i r hop, and i pn sue (Jeorje Hrinht's D us? sl 're, in M.rk'l -treet, Siinhury, where he n.ie tU lo caiiv on his foim r tnisii efs of hoot &. snoi: m.vkino. in all iis van. Us I rai ches. He wi l he piepnel u do a I kinds ot work In bis hue at the sh Htst no tice. Mill in ihe nioHl ilnral le inn tier He is (ha. k ful for h inn r palion ie, and b stric' attei.danc- (o bu inet-s ami re.isonable rhargts, will endeavor ( der-erve a conuiiuai.ee of it JOSEPH BECK. Simbury, Feb. 22 ', 1845, 6m ITS C?s?ETIlTGS. riHE sub-rribera have received, and are now I JL 0i,ing a splendid s-s..rlliieiit of (he fu. lowing K od. Saxony, Wilton and Velvet Carpeting) j Brussels ami Imperii! 3 ply d i CAI'- I I ! ll- PET. i INC. l.iiri stiperfine and Cine Lxr ins .to Engti h -h nl tl cV Dinis-k Venetian do Am. ricm I a tiled and I'ni'tl to l'litllit-li I truuge ls and Wool, n Fl .or Cloihs -1 i r and I'.i-.aue Bork ngs Eiiihost-e l I'iano am! Cable Covers I.. n Ion Chenille and Tuf'e.l Rugs Door Malta of eveiy tles. rii.iion. Al.SO A la'Be and rxtt nie s-o'tmc t of Flonr Oil Cloiti-, Iroin one I, i eigh' yards wide, rut lo fit eve ry tlesriiplion of rooms or p.a-a jes. A l-n, low pticrl 1 1 grain Can el ncs fi m 31 J ,i G'H rents ier yard, toucher with large ari l rden si ass.iitinriil of g hhIs u-ua ly kepi by c.npei merehanls. The ubove g.m 'a wd1 lie soi l wkolr.iile or retail al the loMesI mark' I prices, ('.niory ilnlt h nit aiiilii'heis are partirulailv intiirtl lo rill n ' exa mine our vt.H'k In fine iimki' li then s leruoll". CI.AL'KSON RICH A MI I.I.KJ N. Successors (o J seph llliickwo'd No. Ill Clie-nul, c 'iner ol Kr .iik't'i I'lue. I'hila.lehhia. Feb 'UK 1845. U M It'll liLLAS "& 7 V A IIASOLS, CHEAP rOR CASH. J. V. SVAIIT'S Umbrella and l'arasdl ManulacUiry. So. 37 A'orA Tfind ttrret, two duort below the CIT' HOTEL. V Ii 1 1 u tl e 1 1 h I a . tLWAYS on hand, a large sl.K-k of I'M BRELLAiOand I'ARASDLH. inclu iim the ale. new si)le ol Pinked Eilgrd I'ara-ols of the trsl woikmmslnp and materials, a. prices that will make i" an nhjecl io Country Meichan a and oilier. lo csll and naruioe his st.uk b. fore pu'cha-uig elsewhere. Fe 22. 1844 - l GLASS. 8 hy 10, Ih-.i qunliiy, Cul Nails, ull sites. Salt, hy the seek and barrrl, Hats and Caps, ol Ihe beat quality. All for ssle at reduceJ pricss, hy Sunbury, Oct. 5ft, 1844. 11. B. MA88BR. WISTAIt'S II AM OF WILD CHERRY, A Caminanil llalaamle Preparation frem Wllrt Cherry- Bark amt Tar, The bent remrify known fo the world for the eure of cntiirhti, ailin. anthma, trmip, bli-edinf of the lung, whnopinn emigh. bronchitis, mjlii ema. thort nets of breath, pain and weakness in the breast er tide, liver eom,'ilaint, and Ihe first stapes of CONSUMPTION. We will not assert that this BALSAM will cure Consumption in 1st a-orr form bill it has cured manv after all ether means nf relief had been tried in vain. And why not 1 It seems that (he WILD CHERRY wis destined hy Nntoie lo be our PA NACEA for ihe raaema tliseasea of this c dd la litude. Let not the despairing invalid waste his m ney and loose TIME, lo him si all impnr'snl. in txfirrimrnting wiih (he trashy nostrums of the dir. Imt use ot ante a medicine lhat will ru-e. If a cure be p s ihle a medicine that science apiimves. and manv yi ars of experience have demonstrated that it nlmnys relieves. 'There it no such thintr as fail." in the history of this wonderful BALSAM Evidence the most convincing eve lei ce lhn( no one enn doubt, fully estahli he. this fact. For Ihe sake of brevity we ee'ect the f"l owing from thousands. Isaac I'lsj't, E-q., Editor of the Pokeepaie E icle. une of ihe in st influential journals in the stae of New Yoik. t its undei the authority of his own name, (hit a young Isdy. a relative of bis, of very delicate consti'u ion, was attacked in Fell. 1942 wiih seere cold which immediately produced pit (illtf i f hlond, rough, fever, and oiher dangerous and sl.irnii' g symptoms. Thr-'Uah medical ueal'iieir ml rue she pi'tial'ytec ver-d during summer. Bo! on ihe return of winter she was attack' d more i "lemly than at fi'St. he became srarrelv aide in walk anil wa- tmutded w th rnuiih. chills and fever every day, and appealed to he going rapidly with ronminiii'ion ; at this (ioe, when there wa n sign of improvement, Mr. PlaK proruretl a !o'(le i f W israH s B(.si or n.n t-HKittrr. which she took, ami it s eininiilv resl.iretl ber. She g it see. roi'd. and befmr it wa- half taken she was restored to ptrfrct health, which -he has enjoyed to Ihe pre sent time, without the slighter! symptom of her for mer di-e ae. Mr P att nv "the rnre c ime under my own oh seivation and I cannot be mistaken as to the facts." EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM A POST MASTER DATED l'rsiBi"Bi!. Washington ro., Maine, Apr. 21), 1844. MIL is i C BETTs. Deir Sir: At (he re quest of manv nf inv frren.li in this place and virl. niiy who are afTlirted ti'h consu option and liver romp'sui's, I take the Ip.rr'V of asking you to ap l o'lil some ime in (his county a agent In sell Wis rsa's Balssm ny Wim ('iir nar. and to end bi'n a few d 'T.en. aa there is none of i! for sale will. in 200 miles f- m this I have no doubt that it would u e-1 with a ready sale if ii were whsre it could l e piorured without too miirh expense arul delay. Mv wife was attirkrd about six m nlhs since with what (he physicians railed ihe first s'age of c n-oimptiou a Complaint very prevalent in this cMon of country. Having seen the Ua sam at ert set) in August. CT- 200 MILES FROM IIC&C, I t ok the pains tn send therefor a hottle of it, which she look, and which helped her so much that I sent for to hotiles more, which i-he has also la ken. an I he now ssva she lias not felt so well for -is years as she does at this lime. All those who have inquired of me and us enained what effect the litl-tam had, are anxious lo have come f ir sa'e In this viruiiiv, which is ihe rsu-e of my writing you Plea e inform me hy rptn n of m 'il whether you conclude (o srinl nine, ami if so tn whom, in order hat it may he known where it ran be had. I urn wiih re ieci v-'Uis, etc. P. (J. FARNS WORTH, P. M. The whole Country is fast learning that no medi rim no phvsicnu no prrparatlon of any kind whatever ran equal L'h, Wisriti's Balssm ot I Lit t.HF.KHf. 1 Till I.V UOMtLRI I L ( l ltr, W r. H.i.r., ( Iner.la co. N. Y. Sept. 15. 1843 l'eai S i I ,.e it in the tmVicd to inform y u ihat in J nnari lot I a ii'a.ktd hv t ve v vio. lei' I fo'd, aus d I v v." k: c in ihe wter, which -t 'lietl on mv 'u is It v i a romp ml : hi s vt rj a e e pi.u in n. In. a.-t mi! -i hs, and als.i a e is1 ies-' i g c ugh. I ''mi in atte: .!i in e : the 1 est me. ir d aid in i.nr v..l g. , hut al er eihaus'ing all iheir ski'l o no av il. iliey pronoun, e I my tli-enie a rosriHsiKii riin irTnv, and thiy one and all i;iire me up to die. Atler much prrsunsinn I got 'he i on-cut of mv phvsir au to u" the Bslsim or Win, i;a . ht pr. pared by Da Wisrsa. I put- cha-rtl of the Ag. nl in our place one h .ille, before usii g half of which I t egan to gain strengih, and it w a very evident my rough was much hetter snd my s mploins n every way improving. I have low us. d liner imiths, and ant rettortd lo perfect hmllh This re-uli is sl me owing In (he u-e of DK WISTAR'S BALAAM OF WILD CHER, li V ; snd I dike this method of g vmg y iu Ihe in f nn iiion, panly in pay you the debt of gnlitude I owe ynil. and partly lhat othett. sio.ilsrly atllictetl ma) know w here io apply lor relief. V.iv irulv voi.is, JAMES RfJK. Mm. I'lLsm Druggist, under djte of Watrrville, S. pt 'illh, K , writes; The .tat iiieni given y u by Mr. James age ia well known to he true t'V (r.ia whole community. I r rl inlv was s most rems'ka le cure. The sale of the Httl-nm i irry go nl, and its success in cures tiu y lli icung. Yours reap, rtfjllv. D. D. PALMER. Till-: MOST KKMAIIKAnisE CUItK KVl'.ll HKCOIiDKI). Hiiinosrm n. N. J . Apnl 20, 1841. On or ahoui ihe IJ h day of Octoher, 184 I, I wis taken wt'h a violent pirn in the si te near (he liver, which i niiHiineil lor a'oul liveiliys. and was fol I'mnt ly the Ire.ik ng of an u'nr, or alsrs. iu wiully, wh c'i rel rv. l the pain a h'lle, hut caused in. lo throw op a great qiiumtv of ollensive matter ami iil,t miirh I.Io.hI Bting grra'ly al innedal ibf. I applied to a physician, hut he said he ihouj' I he cool, I tlo hul ti if fur me eicp' g lit some Mercury T'lU. wh ch I lefusrd lo lake, feeling a islitil i at ihev c old do me no good ; many o htl Mil dies stir lln ii procured hy my wile an.! fiien.ls, hul none thd me snv gootl a' d ihe til, cliarge n( hi. Hid hi.iI couupM n still c nt nunl ev.rv fi w days ami al last heroine ,i nirensive thai c il d scarcely hrea'he I w .s also seized with a vi. olt i.l rough, which at limes cau.-cd me to raise mu. h inoieMiMtl than I had done before and my disease continued in this way, slill growing worse, U'.lil February, whin all hope nf my rec very waa given up. and my (i-euls all thought I would ille ol s CisLLoriae Ciirbuhptiosi. At this moment, when my hie wasapparen ly drawing neat i'. cln-e I heard of DR. IS TAK'S 11 Al, tj A M O F WILU1HELRY and g b.,e wllnh Usviii iik iM.ni4Ttl n,i hy ,h Uae of only three b liles.af this BteJis slimy (.am were remtivid my fosjgh. n,J Mu,t o( (.i.j ,,) C(W. rnpli. hi eni rely stopped, and in a lew weeks mv he , Mi was s. i far restoied as to triable me to w.i k at my trade, (wbieti it a f arpenltr,) and up to (his 'line 1 have rnj yid goial health. THOMAS COZENS. (mrrssTta Codbti, N. J , ss. FenRaally cams brftre bic, the u(scrihr, oneef the Justices of (bo Peace in and for the ssi J roen ly, Thomas Cozens, and bring duly afTirmrJ se-. rottling (o law, saiih the above statement is in tit., things true. Affirmed before me, on the 20th of April. 1448 J Clkmrsjt, J. P. S Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL. SAM. "SATl'RPS FAVORITE TRESCRIPTIOV' a (irescripilnn congeniil to our wants, as it is pie pared Irom chemical extiacls from substances whicli the author of nature has placed in our ewn bud for wise purposes, lhat many who know nothir.a: of the mode nf its preparition sre endeavoiing l reap pecuniary bcnrflis by selling sn atticle similar in name, nr in Rppearance, or by representing th ir own trash as suierii r to thisBALSAM, or by put ting up a mixture and Solemnly ssaeverating lhat it is imported from a foreign country, which is not tha rase. All these ilrceptive arts goto stvow tli.l WiTn's Btst is known to tha world to bsj -THE GREAT RE MED V," and lhat to tell any mixture it must he i7r (his in name, or pur- port In he like il in su' slar.re. OTT Believe noi ihe cunningly wrought fabrica tions Bnd lake on'y the original and genuine Wisrtn's Bslsam nr Wit.n Cntnnr. NO OTHER CAN BE X.XSB XT. Address .11 orders to ISAAC BUT IS, No. 3 Ann St.. New Y rk. Agents, JOHN W FRIUNf. Hunburi, D BRMTI'USAM. Krthumberland, J. K. MOYER. Hlimm.hmtr, 3. WAI.'OONSKLLER. SeHm-Crm-c, BROWN & CREASY, Mjjlmvilie. Feh. 22.1.18 15 I y iTirT)(7iai, a lis liii , wa uT i CANTRELL'S Celelir.'ilrd r.imily .lledit ine! nJW.L not cure evefv (hing. but still rem .in unrqiialled in their several departments hy every thing ever ottered to the public, who have voluntary came forward snd offered numerous and highly respectable tisiiiiioniaU of their supetii.r i llicsry. Cantreir s Compound Mcdirotcd Syrup of Sar saparilla t or, Atiti-Srorhulic Sytup, for tbeci.ro ol Scmfula, (Jhronic Rheumatism, Chronic Swel lings of the Joints, Eruiitions of the Skin, and all Dica-rs arising from Ihe abuse of Mercury, ic, unsurpassed by any thing in the market, cotuhi. ning all the virtues resident in the Sarsaparilla with a modem medicament, only lately brought nut t'y the most respectable medical authorities. Price, 50 rents r b .ttle. Cuntrell's .Inti-Dysprjilie Vuwder, for the ro. lief and permnnenl cure of (h it most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia, ill all its forms and stBges. It is truly a most vahl able remedy. SjlJ ia bottle ai 25 and 50 cents each. CuntrtWi 1ue Mixture and Tonic Metlicu mtnta, stands nt the head of the list unrivalled hy my, or all Ihe innumerable medicines in u e htnug'iout the length arid bresd h of (he land, for (he core of Feti.r and Aoce in all its stages, snd from all its consequences. Residents in Fever and Ague districts should never he without it. The suhsc iber will forfeit EIF I'Y DOLLARS where his medicine fails to perform a cure in the most obstinate Ca-P. Sold Who es;.e and lielail bv CALEB CKE. SON, at bis Drug Warehou-e. No. 6 North Thitd. Street, Philadelphia; also, bv the rigulirly ap pointed agent. SETH W. ROBERTS, Wholesg'r Druggist, N'o 54 Water Street M bile. Prepared or.lv by tlie Subscriber, corner r,l C Aft. f 'ENTER and SECOND Streets, below i'hrlstU an, Philadelphia, where Ii ia also retailed. Oiiserve, none are genuine wiiboo( die signature of JOHN A. CAN J 'HELL. C'aiitrcll'a 4sTii RIKtiirc, or Toulo Klftllcaineiita, For the curt of all R linus affections, if taktn na Cnriliitt to directions. It is a never lading remedy which no faiiii 'y oughi to be without, especially in low msriy countries. As this medicine is put Up under the proprie tor's immediate inspection on the most scientifli priocples, he tig Pun ly Vegetable, and havintt tried its elKcai'V on thftiisahds, for Upwards of 1 1 vt ars.and lohis knowlcilxc when taken strictly ac rnrdii g to dueclious, there has not bt eu one In lure. I 'utter such crcum-laurrs I recommend it to th public, adding s ceriifi -an in support of my assor turn. I. John Hums, do rertifv lhat 1 was in (he ship '' ti h ceo IMant of Pbiladeli bis, ('apt. Reed, in June, 18C7, bound 'o Liverpis'l ; took the fever and ague and laid in Liverpool nme I me und r the iloc'or's l amia, went fium t' err to Haltim re, lay in te lotirmarv for lour or five weeks from thence hi I'hi'adelpliia j was six months under Dr. ('oats ; foni thence lo New Y' rk went to tl w Hospital, temainrd there about four wieks witbou'. any relief died every thmg without anv benc6 r for five esrs. Herring of Csntrell's Ague Mr x tu'e from s fiiend, I went to l.is store, told '.u.rs h w I was atrlicted, and got a bottle of his mixture and used it ace r ling to directions. Il m.ido a r lecl cure, and I have not bad the least return since. I do with confidence moinmcnd it to the public. JOHN BURNS. IodlcalrI Sj rup of Samaparllla. I Inladt Iptna, April lOllj, IS4 1, Mr. Joh A.Curint, Deer Sir, Having lien afflicte.i for upward' of two rars with ulceration of the throat, de-troy it ihe whole of ihe soil paltle, '.'nen through tho upjier part of mv mouth into my nose, from which sever al pieces of hone raine out, which partially dfrtrov rl my sp'erh, through a kind Providence nJ your Medicated Syrup of Ssrs aparillj, I am now ie-K,r, , lo prrfict beillh,and my sight, which was so mucta iniairtd, is as strong as w heti a ly. I thought it a duty I owed lo you snd those situr. larly alfctiid, lo make it public. Youis, R.spoc fully, SAMI Ef, KIRK. Corner of Tenth and Catrs Sireels. I. Cahril Jonston, No. 6 Reck, Si,ert. ,U cei. lifv lhat my wife, Jsne, was ef'.u ied for two yraia wiih Hheumaiism.and at la I was enlirelv di-a' led. so that she was obliged to he conlined (o d , bear ing ot Cant-ell's Mlic,t,,j yV(up 0f tSarsparil!s, or Anti Si-.Hhu'ic S.rr.p praruiej four b.,t. wbuh couipl. iely re .mived all her pains and t tl lies from her li.ii,s; tv,lm,ire hoi I Ies made a pt tecl cure, tj' r , , nrnj )0 n(.r hin.-e- hold duiita as. uhusI. tl UllilL JO.NM'ON. Philadrlnia, Jan. 2d, 1844. Kj" T)e-rripirve PampbUts may be had of the agrnts fOiati. J J. W, FRILING, Sii' bury, Vov. 9. 1844. ly .?c . Mi.tiuottiii Coal AT NOimiUHHERLA.N D. flHE Suhsrntier has a boat load of exrelb rt X KhaiiMsx n Cos! at Nonhumheilmd, whicli he olV. r lor sa'e at (ho lowest iccs. Persons wishing lo pmchtse will rail nn ihe snhscii fr t Sunbury, or E. P. Misnimn, E-q. at Norihutnti. larsi. H. u. MAS&KR. Sunhury, Jm. 4lh, 1S45. ()() u-Mii7.li; 1W 100 Bairils do., sl fl 75 cash, f t sal f7 U.HENDKICKR. Sunbury, Ore. Ith, IM4.