Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 15, 1845, Image 4

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    A Dftngernua Man,
There is a terrible fellow aornewhrr? "down
east" whn might not to be permitted to run at
largo. 1 to threaten to play tlio very devil,
and break thinjr, nil in consequence? of hi
faithles gal. If ho should happen to put hi?
threat into execution, the Lord have ineiry on
us ! His first threat it,
Ill grasp the loud thunder,
With lightning I II play,
I'll rend the earth asunder,
And kick it nway.
'J'hat'a attetnptinjj consideiab'e for nno mnn
however, if ho has a mind to tako tho reanmt
nihility, and pay the damage, let him amuck a
way ve ore not afraid. lie next say :
The rainbow I'll straddle,
And ride to the moon,
Or the ocearl I'll paddle
In the bowl of a spoon.
That won't hurt anybody. Go-a-hmd, old
chap, we like to encourage a laudable tpirit of
I'll fetfireto the fountain,
And swallow up tho till,
I'll eat up the mountain
And be hungry still.
Coo I erneinns is thorn no way to appease
hi wrnth and stay his Ftomach ! Must we Ftif
f'T all this because ho and hin pirl hnvn't nny
t'linj to pay to each other at present t No ne
ver ! down with him down with him1, we say.
The rain shall fall upwards,
Tho smoke shall tumble down,
I'll dye tho grass purple
And paint the sky brown.
Hear that ! a pretty world this would be,
truly, vith the rain falling up. the smoke turn
Minjrdown, tke grass dyed purple, and the thy
painted brown. VV'u might as well live in nn
old bnot with a dirty sole for the earth beneath,
and brown upper leather fur the heaven above.
Ths sun I'll put out,
With the whirlwinds play,
Turn day into night
And sleep it away.
There is no doubt if he cuts that caper, the
tnn will feel as much put nut about it as we
hall. We leave it to the whirlwind to say
whether they are to be trifled with or n-t ; and
na for his turning day into night, and sleeping
it away, we would just as lief he would as not
if lie can do it.
I'll flog the young earthquake,
The weather I'll physic;
Volcanoes I'll strangle,
Or choke with the phtistic.
Oh, ho ! he dare not clinch with an old he
earthquake, and so he threatens to flog a "yonng
'un" of the neuter gender! Coward! why
don't you take one of your eize 7
The moon 111 smother
With nightmare and wo ;
For sport, at each other,
The stars I will throw.
Serve them exactly right they have no bu
siness to be out wli.'n they ought to be a-bttl.
The rocks shall be preachers,
The trees do the singing,
The clouds shall be teachers.
And the cwtnets go spreeing.
That's all well enough, except getting the
comets upon a Fpree. We don't like that "pret
ty well."
I'll tie up the winds
In a bundle together,
And tickle their ribs
With an ostiich feather.
O, crackeye ! now he does it ! We didn't
think it lay in the gizjrd ( mortal to do hull
us much.
Really, we think such a desperate and dan
gerous individual ought to bo caught, cast into
h rpitler's web, and safely guarded by one flea,
two musquitoca, and a vigilant wood-louse.
There id no knowing what the chap may do.
FoitTi riiE, gentlemen, fortitude. Faint not
lag not keep up your courage and go on.
dve up to-day, because a lion is in your
fmth, and (he veriest bugbear on earth will
scare you to death tomorrow. Death bus
iiwept away cvi'ty friend you had not one is
left to weep vt Mli you. Have fortitude. Ano
theryear will you by those who
love you. The fcca has buried your treasure
the fire has devoured your dwellings. Furii
tude and you will htcure your properly aain.
Your bosom companions have proved treacher
ous ihcy heap vile abune upon jour name to
the winds of Heaven they spread your faults and
foibles. Have courage, and the blander will
die away. A twelve mouth henee, and the
grave of all of them will be dust. Von are (if
business, sick a in! destitute, with none to speak
an encouraging word. Have fortitude beBr
up manfully, and your sorrows and puins and
anxieties will disappear. Fight hard against
depressed spirit?, nml dull, and melancholy
thoughts and f irehsliiio,
"In stiugoling with niisfoitune,
Lies the pool of irtue."
any Phak.-penre and no you will find. Y"ii
had better ilio than lo.-e your good Fpirits ; fir
while you live you will be hut a dunce, nml a
bone lor every lubber to pick at. The very
brutes will shun yon, or Mop to pive you a bile
as you pass ulnnj. Portland Tribune.
A runaway apprcut re is thus described in
an eastern piper "Ho j thick et, umally
wears a glared hut five fttt high, and iron shod
shoe with cn eyes.'
"Will you take a pinch ofsnuf), Mr. Sprig
pins 1" "No, I thank you ; if my nose had been
intended for a duit hole, it WuuUl hava been
turned t'other aid up."
X O T 13
Th following list Miowa the. current value of all
'ennsylvani Rink ,V,tea. The most Implicit re
liance; may I phtcetl upmt it, it i rreri week
:arefully compared with ard corrected from RUk
noil's Reporter.
ltonli in ritllailclpliln.
Drse. lis
Nir. Locatio. ,,
Bank nf Nnr'h Ameli a . , pur
IVmk nf the NorH'em Liberties . , par
Commercial Rank nf PennV . , pnr
Fnrrprrs' and Moehanica' Hunk pur
Kensington U ink . par
I'hiladelphia 1 iiik , . . par
Schnvlkill Rank . . . par
S"iiliw.'irk !?ank . . pir
Western Rank . . . par
Mechanics' Pink . . par
Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Hunk par
Country ltnuU.
Rink of Chester County
Hank of Delaware C o:my
H.irik nf (.frniantiiw n
Rank of Montgomery Co. .
0'iylesiown Rank"
Easton Rank
F turners' Rank nf Rucks co
Oilier of R ank of IVnri'a.
)iriee do do
Offire do do
Office d do
I,:inc:isti r
"ink of the United Mutes
rtank nf I'enn Township
tiirard Rank
Moyamrrwino R ink
Rank of Pennsylvania
Miners' lUi.k of I'liltuvilht
linuk of l.rwixtuwn
Rank nf Middlelnwn
Rank of Nerlhiiiiilieibind
rhiludi Iphia
Nnrthiinilierlfliid pnr
I'oluintiia Rank & Uridge co. Columbia pur
Carhle Rank Carlisle 1
Exchange Rank Riltfl'iirg' 1
I) j ! br.inch nf l(ilhdns)iur) 1
Farmers' H ink of l.anraslci !.iine3!ei pir
Lancaster County R ink Lnnenster pir
Farmer' Hank of Reading Ki'ailiiu; pm
llnrrisbnri! H.irri-lnirn 1
liincas'er Rank Lnocns'er pit
Lehnnnn T' link L li'iimn j
Merchants' A M.miif. Rank I'iitclni's I
Rank of Pittsburg riusluiiii I
Weal Riant h R .nk Willinuisinrl 1
Wyoming Wilkefl niie I j
Niirlhnmptoii li ink Allentown
Reiks Cnunty lliiilt if' admit
OHice of Rank ol 'IT. S. Pitlsl.urg failed
Do do do Uiie do
Do do do IS'ew Rrighton ihi
Kenfinctoti Sav. Ins. A i'o
Penn Township Sav. Ins. do
Rank of Chanilerliurg ('hiuilx'rsliiirir 1
Rnnk ol (iell)iliurg (iittyaliiifg t
Rank of uruucharma Co. MiMitroe 3.ri
Erie Rank Kri 'i
Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Wvnesburn 2
franklin Rank WnaliiiiL'ton I
tlonesd.ile Rjnk Hoiiesdulti l
Monnngalicl'i Rank of R. Rrowusville 1
Vntk Rank Yntk 1
IN. R, 'J'he notes of those banks on which e
.unit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are mil
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wi ll the
exception ot Unite nhich have a letter el r lrrnre.
Philadelphia Kav. Ins.
I'hiladelphii Loan Co. .
chuvlkill Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor R ink (T. W
I'ewaiida Rank
Mleghanv R.uik of Pa.
U ink of Reaver
Rank ol Swainra
Rank of Wnsiiiiigt.m
i't Hire Rank
Parmer' cv Me h'cs' Ri.r.k
Faroiers & Mech'cs Rank
b'uiiner.' V Mei h'ci' Rank
Haunony Insiituto
Huntingdon Rank
luniata Rank
unilxTuien's Rank
Northern Rank of I'a.
New Hope Del. R ridge !o.
Norihumli'd Cnimi I'ol. Rk.
North Western Ra-ik of Pu,
ntl'ice tif Ki liii tkill R ink
Pa. Aur. fie M inuf. Rank
Silver Lake Rank
I'ninii Rank of Penn'a.
Westuioielaml Rank
I' l,,hia failed
llo falleil
do f .ilo.l
Dyoll, prep.) (ailed
'I owanila
I!,, Ilo, J
li itrishurg
Pell, finite
l'Mt! l;r
Payette co.
t ir. eucast o
II ntuioi'V
no ssle
fi. l!nl
no rale
no a?
llontiNH Ion no ale
LcM ii-iown no f ile
.on n
li n.l .lt'
New Hope
M ilion
Port Curium
f Hrli-le
Montfi iw.
I 'nmntow 11
I tri el.:l Ui'g
V. Hki sliane
in nie
el weil
no sale
n llkesnnrrp isnilue I o. M llki sli.ine rnirnle
fj" All miles piiipoiliiif! to he on any I'.o.n .
vama Rank not given in the u''i)ve li t, may .e et
Jown as frauds.
m:iv ji:hss:y.
Bank of New Riunswick R-un?ujik
Bclvideie Rank Relviileia
RurliiiRlon (To. Rank Mi dlord
Commercial R ink Pi rili Amboy
Cumberland Rank l'ri.l,-etnii
Farmer' Bi.nk Mount !l .!!y
Farmers' and Merhaiiies' Rk Railway
Far nu rs' and .Mechanics' Itk N. Hinie'wiik
Farmers' Hi d Merchant' Rk .Mid. Hi -tew o I't
Franklin Rank of N. J. Jersey City
llohnken RkttvV- Crazing Co lloli .ki n
lersey City H ink Jrr y City
Mechunic' Rank I'ntlerion
Mannf ii lur. rs' Rank Rilleville
Morris County Rank MorriMown
Monmouth Rk of N. J. preeholj
Mechanics' Rank Newark
Mi chai.irs' and Manuf. Rk Trenton
Morris Csnsl and Rkg Co Jt im y City
Post Notes
Newark Rkg & Ins (To Neivaik
no sale
New Hope Del limine Co LarnbeiNwIlo
N. J. Manufac, and 1JI-K Co liol.oh u
N J Prolecton & LomUiid I k JcrM-y Cily
Orange Rank
I ranie
Paiermn Rank
Peoples' Rank'
Princeton Rank
Sulem Ranking Co
Stme Hank
Siie It ink
rilale R ink
Slate Rank of Morris
tle Rank
Salem and Philad Manuf Co
SukM'x Rank
Trenton Ranking Cu
Prinei ton
Cam. leu
Mori Mown
To in on
New Ion
Trent in
I nion liuiik
U aliingtoii Ranking Co.
Rk of Wilm &. Rrjiidywiiic Wilmington
usiik ul I law an
Rank nf Suijrim
Do hunch
Farmer' Rk of Male i f De
Do brunch
Do brunch
Do branch
I'nion Rmik
cry- Fnder 6'a
(ieoigi town
Qjr On all banks markid thus () tbrra are ru
trier riin.iefi ii ! attired nous e 1L0 vsr.ou J
licwiimiinr.k, iu iiii ululiwb.
If A X Ei
1 hee
I otlices
f do not
ir.ii uativu sinrp.
IlfE Hhlnh'n properties of Oakley's Depnra
I tive Syrup of Snrsnpnrilla, as purifier of the
blond, jg t well known to ihn public generally,
that it is unnecessary to occupy much spare in set
t og forth the advantages to be derived from its
use; wherever the mciUcirt Iibs onee ipen intro
ilneed, it takes 0'cr all others: rveiy
onelbnl hns Inkm it, have d rived so siunal bene.
fieial reulis from it, ibnl il is recommended by
them woh the u most confidence. Physician of
the h'gbesl stm ling ill the pinfesMon, pirscribe it
M pB'ienta under their rare eoulainirig noihing
li h lerinii. hut In it.ff eoinjinscd of the m st mild,
vel i Hicaeiiiiis vegelabte ma'erinl, it Is nlt. rcd w i'h
ci.rfidi iice. ns the cheapest and ino-t elllcieiit n.
rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few
hollies, especially in the spring months, will be l
leiiibd i:li a ni 'Sl derided iniptovrnn nl in the r;e
nrral strne:!i eft'ie ovsiem, endiraiing snv rfr-U
of i!iRcae that mnv have been gi-nernl'-d, lienhlea
giviliB health nml viiji-r to the body. For the cure
of Srrolula or Kincs Evil, Rheum atism. Teller,
I'iinplen or riuptioii of the Skin, White Swelling.
F'ctu'a, Chronic Cough Ath.tii, fir, 'I'he tm
nierous renificn'es in the posession of the nul si rt ai'd hit agent, trom pbysicians ami others, are
snincierit lo ronv nee the nioal skeptical nf i'S su
periority over nil picp ir i:ions of S irs apirilta.
Sold whole-nl.i riiI retail, bv the proprietor,
CITOKCC . OAKLI'.Y, North 5lh sire. I. Hea
ding, Rrtks Conniy, and lo lie bnd of llie following
prisons :
In Kitrthumhrrhintt Cuuuty.. R. Mas.v,
Siinbtiry ; belnml ck. Mixrl, .McErtcnsiille ; D
Krauser, Milton.
In Union Cminli. .1. ficnrln-rl, Srlbi'grovr
A. (.nti lins, MilUinbii'g.
In Columbia County. . . McCay, Vhli
Rrading, March H. ISH.
Ma. OvKi r.r: I believe il the uty of every
one lo do w hutivcrin ibeir Mwcr I ie, for the b lie
filoftlipir fellow ins. , and hnving had po-i ive
proof in niv own family, of the woiiderful proper'ies
of your Depnr atie Syrop of Sa:sip irilln, I m t
c..n '.rntiiin-lv recommend it lo the atHielerl. We
had the nit-foitnne to lose two nf our children, by
the hrrnkina nut ol ulcerous ..res thai covered lln
faci , bend and k. nllhoiigh w.' hail some el ihl
most -rientilic pl yncians In at'eral th m and had
triidall the known temedic. including Swniiii'n
I'aiiHcia, without avail. Another of my children
was ai'iuke.t in the same manner, I rr face ur.d
In t k wii- coo'p'etelv coV4r.d; llie d srhargp wns so
nlletisivf, si d the disease at such a he'ghl. that we
It spun d ol her life. Seeing the wonderful eflt'cls
of v our I'epi.r.i'ivi Syrup r.t S itsupari 1 1, we were
induced lo rmil.e tri il of it. a the last ti ri ; il
need like n cl ami ; Ibe u c rs conienenci d I. i nline
ininribatelv . a f. w bottles entirely rr -lored lo r In
her l.eilth, whieh she Insei joyitl iionilenoptetlly
ever since As pnifo r ol il,e b!o d, 1 verily be
lieve il has not its ctpial.
JOHN MOYF.R, T ib.r.
Wiilnut slieel, near Fouilb, Kradin.
D.mgl .Mtille. Aril 19th.
Mn. Oakikt: Mv son Fi'nmnd Leaf, had llie
scrotals in the must dread til m.d dMrrs-ing mnn
ner fm thr.e yesis, dining which lime he w is de
piivftl of the use f bis iiui1 . Id be.ol and ink
weie rovind wi'h ulcer We tri.d all die ibff-r.
t ut rcniedi. a, I in to m ifln t.unt l reconimt ml. d
by Dr. Johnson nf N'or.i-tow n. and also Dr. Isaac
Hii sler, ul Rendu g. Iii use your Depuraiive Syrup
nf Sarsripurillft, nf w I ich I obtained srvernl hollies,
the use nf which d-ove li e tb-ea-e eioirt Iv out of
Ins system, Ibe sore bedeilup, and the child w is
restored to perfect health, which be has rd
uiiiritcriupli illv cv., to the ast. ii tdimi nt ol
in i r i y pe.smis who seen him do ii g Ins hHIicIioo.
I have thoimlit il my du v, and send v u this certi
ficate Ih ii oil c wli.i bavi a I ke affliction in the
family limy know where In nbl.i.n so valuable
im ill. inc. " Your Imlv .
Sept. Ki. I sin ly
C omiiIi r(i IU I '
rPhe pu' lie w:ll observe that no Rrarubeth
I'ibs are germ. lie, unless the box bis three li
bels upon it. (the lop, i he sn e and the bottom)
e-tth cutil .in in 1 1 n f .( -imile sin. ature of my hand
writing, ibiis R. liaiii'iorii, M. D. These l-t.
hrl a ie eimritved no steel, I't nul fully designed,
and done at an etprm-r i f over 3.(11-0. Therefore
it w ill lie seen thai ttie onlv ihiim nrei-naiy to pr -t
lire the inetlicine in us purity, is lo observe these
Keineniher th" lop, the side, and ll.e bottom.
The following ie-pi ctive persons are duly aulln ri
Ted, and ho'.l
For t!ie sale of lSriimlrfili'. 'i Uuii-trtal
i '.
I Northoii.lieilai d coinilv : Milton M ickey A
Chitiiihi'thn. Sunhury II. R. Masscr. M'Ewpi.s
I ville lii'lmd& Mrixill. Nm ilium' cil ami Win.
Forylh. (tenrgetown J. vV .1. Wills.
I Lnioii C iunly: New Riilm Rog.o & W'n
I r. Seliesiirove ( teorg (luntli mil. Mid.lte.
biiH Liae Smith. Reaver' iwo David I f".
At! uoshurg in. J. May. Mililmsbuii! Menseb
j Ac Ray- Hailleloli Daniel Loin;. Fretburg
j tJ.iV F. C. Mover. LevTishiirg W nlU A: (ireen.
' (Toliimbi i cut. my : Danville l". R. Reynolds
; At t.o. IScrwu-k Miiiin.ut V K t'i'iiboiie. ( a'-
lnwissu I ', (i. Rrobls. lRoiiiiisburg John R.
Meyer. J.isey Town Levi Ristl. Wasliineion
Robl. MrCav. Lime-tone I) illiet MrNmch.
Obseive i tint each Aurnt has an Kngrav.d Ct r
ificale of Agencv. rnnlaining a repM s' iitalion of
Hr lilt AMllii: I ll's .Mantil ictorv al Sing Sing,
and upon whirb w ill a'so he seen cvscl copies ol
I he ntw lubtU new uxetl uian the llrandrtlh J'ill
Phil idetphia, n.Ttce No. . N'otlh Bib street.
Ji ne 21tb, lM4:t.
( lTY 1 I'UM Tl'liK ArCTlOX,
Nos. 'J'.) ami :il N.irlli Third Street,
N ij u r the fit y Hotel,
ft C MACKRV, Am timierr, re-peclful'v in
- tile ihe ttlli 11H011 ol peisn- s desirous of pur
t lia-ina I'llililline. In his extensive Sab a Rooms,
(loill pill lie nml I'livrtle.) oi 1 very description nl
1 1 In I.I Purnilme, wh. re tan l i.l.l tinetl al nil
limes, a larue as.oilmcnt nf I islnonid.le ami wi ll
lintnufailurt.l Cshim Furniture, Reds, MaluasM's,
Ac at very nil mt. I prices, fur cash.
07" Sa'lHti bv Auet 11,11, tw ice a week.
May 2'ah, 1843. ly
-t.TTC?aTSJ AT L.7T,
suNBuny, pa.
OFFICE, in Ihe second slury nf ibe building oc
cupied by Dr. J. R. Masstr, on Maikel stieei.
Oct. 3 l-t. IH43.
A Tlu-i'Kliliiff Alaclilue Tor Sale.
rilUE subscriber nlUns f r sale a TH RESHLNM
X MACHINE, new and in good outer. The
Machine has been tried, and prove, to he an excel
lent cue It will be suld al a reduced price, and
warranted. Apply lo II. U. MASTER.
July 1st, lf43.
ttiNOwoni!, on tiik rwv., and otiikh
rt'TAMKotisi rnt vi itiN.
flfj' The following errtifim'e dnneriheit ant of the
must extraordinary curet tver rjfrctetl by any
PiiiLAiir.teiit a, Feluiiary 10, 18H3.
TOl? twenty year I was severely afflicted with
TtTTRU nn the Face and Head; the disease
commenced whrn I was seventeen years old, and
continued Until the FhII of Itf'lfi, v living in vio
lence, bnl wiilioul ever disappearing. During most
of li e time, prent jisrl of my f .ce was enven d with
the eruption, frequently aiteudrd with vio'enl itch
ing; mv head swel'ed at linns until it fell ns if it
Would burst the MVi-llin 1 wns so feat, that I eoiiM
caret ly get mv bal on. During the long period
thai I was afflicted wi ll the disease, I iiseil a great
ninny n plication., (nuiong Ihem vend celebraled
prep nation-) as w II a lakinrr inwaul remedies,
including n number nfii ilth a of Sit'nim'n Vannrca,
l'..rtrart of Sarsopurillti, Ac, In fact, it would be
imposRible to erinrrieia'e all the medicines I used.
I was also under the care of two of the most dis.
lingiiished physicians of ibis cily, but without re
ceiving nn ch benefit, nod I despaired of ever being
cured. In ibe f ill of IS:trt, the tl seii-p i.t the time very violent, I eomiiienccil using the Vi'nse
Ointment, (prepared bv Yniighan i't Davis.) In
a few application the violent itching ceased, the
swelling nba'ed, the eruption began to disappear,
nml before I hud used a jur the disease wns entirely
enird. Il hns now been nearly a vt nr and a half
since, nnd there in not a vc-ligp nf Hip disease re
niaininc. except Ibe scars from (he deep pits formed
by the discse. Il is imp. ssibte for me to deacril e
in a rrrtificate the sen rity nf the disease ind my
suffi riiig, but I will be pie iscd lo givp a fuller sc.
ennui to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will cull on me. At the lime I commenced
using the Rese Ointment I would have givrn hun
dreds nf do'lais lo he rid of the disense. Since u
sing il, I have recommend, d it lo sever il persons,
(among Ihem my mother, who h i. I ihp di-raso bail
ly on hci arm,) who w. re a I cured bv it.
JAM ITS DCKNKLI., No. 15fi, Race St.
rrjj" The Rose Ointment is pi. pan d bv IT. 1!.
Vfliihnn, Sou h L ist coiner of Third and Race
shc.t, Philinlt Iphia, and sold on auencv in Sunhu
rv. hv II. R.,
May Hth, 1H13. Ajrnt.
ICosc (icit!t(iut, I01 Tetter.
Pun n t rni, May 27l!i, ls:t'..
rT,ItlS is o certify II ni I was severely aril Tied
A with 'fetter in Ihe hands and feet for upwards
of forty years ; the disease w ss attended generally
with violent itching nod swelling. I sppbed to a
niinihi rof plivsici..ns, and used a great many Rppli
cs'ions itlttiiiig a enre. About a y-ar
since, I rippl ed ti e Rose Ointment, which entirely
slopped ibe itching, and a ft w applications unmci'i.
alt ly cured the th t ase, w hidi there has In eu 110
relurn of, although 1 bud never been rid of it at
any lime for forty yeais. RICHARD S AVAMT,
ITIevrnlh. below Spruce Slret I.
The Rose Ointment is prepared by K. H.
Vaueban, S unh Fast corner of Third and Race
Stierts, Philadelphia, and sold on ascnev in Sitnbu
rv bv II. R. MASSLR,
" May ftih. 11 3. Agrmf.
OZir ROSE OI.TMi:.T,for T'ttrr.
A LTHOFOH the superioritv ol the prepaiaiion
over nil others is fully es'nhli-hed, the pr 'pric
ier lake ph asure in laying before ihe. public the
following ccriifica'r from a respectable physician,
a gmduaie of the I'm'tersily of Pennsylvania. Dr.
I!. iimb, having fumd in ibis lemedy that relief fir
a tedious and ilingieeuMe aifeetion which ihe means
within Ihe raripe nl' l is profession failed lo atl'ord.
has nut lui'nti d to give it his a'pp'iibatioll, nlltl U.;S
the prejudices and Interest nf thai prnlessinti ate
opposed to secret Rt iiicdics.
PiiiLAiii.Leui, s.pi. in, lsnn.
I was recently Iroubltd with a tedious herpetic
eruption, which cue etl luarlv one side of my f.ce,
mid extendi il ever the ear. Mr. Yallghaii, proprie
lol nf the II. 1st (liniment, obseiviug tut fucs, insis
ted no rny ttyrng bis prt p oatlori. nf whit It be han
ded me a jar. Although in common with the metn
beis el my pr. fessioii, I ilisi onnlrnance nnd disap
prove nl llie uumt'ious nnsl turns paltnnl upon the
pel lie I y ionoi ant pr. tender-, 1 feel in jus. ice bound
to exit pi llie Rose Ointiin in fioui I tils' c nf rne
d cmts. mid lo give it mv spprobation, as il entire
ly t uretl the eruption, although it hid rrsi-lcd llie
u-u .l 11ppl.e11i.1ns. DANL. RAICH, M. D.
fj" Phe II.' Oinlnient is by IT R.
Vauuhan, South Fast corr cr el Thiol ai d Race
Sireeis. Ptiilude 'ptiiu, and Sold 011 sgt ncv in Sun
burv, by Jl. R. MASlTR.
Slay Hlh, I81II. Asrnt.
lloveis In!:.
Manufacturer f V ril inx and liulelli
blu Ink, No. 1 (Hi North Third .Street, six
door below Race, (east hide,)
l" F"riTC'l FI LLY informs cottony merchants
k 11 1 d oile rs, that lie con-litutly keep tin hand
a 1 11 CP slot-k ol his stiperier Rlatk, IIIiih nd R1-1I
Ink. i.n l i.lso a siipein r ipi .l.lyol Indelli1 le Ink.
II s ink is put up in h. Hies vaiying in sie, fi..m
1 in 3'i nunct's, and will he wold on rensonal le
It rins. The'ent qnaluies nf this ink basso
Iborouehly rstnbli-hed lis ch arucier. that it is now
exit lisivt y used (broiled. ml ll-n coiiniiv.
For sale al ihe sloie of . R. Massrr, Su
burv. Pa.
Mav 27ih, I81:t. ly
13 13 'S '"ken Ihe otliee loiincily occupi. il bv Ibe
3 jj Hon. ( hsrles O. 1 1. .1 in I, opposite the Court
)l use. Up will a tend to business 111 ihe ('.Hills
I of Nonbuinl eiland, I'nion and (Tolmubij rtuiies.
Mav '.'ntli, I k4 :t.
((Vrnrrn .Shine tl),rrt
anr blt mi ai Tsr"
I'fiiu) Ivmiia.
TV, Subscriber nspecifully informs bis friend,
and the public in geneial, lhat he ha taken
the above
and lhat he is now well prepare J to accommodate
all who may favor him wuli their custom.
Ilia SLtsriao Ar k r lihts ure well aiietl, and
Ilis'PaaLKian Rau will a'vaya be ajpplnd
with the best the maiket can allord.
His SrtaLiao, which is gotd, will la under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He ft el confident, by strict attention to business,
and an earnest desire to render e mforUble those
who may patronize him, lhat be will not full logive
geneul satisfaction. H. R. WEAVER.
Muury, Oct. Ul, 184S. if.
W ,V
Commissinn Forwnrdinj? Morchnnts,
1 vol of Willow Street Rail Road,
AVINfJ associaltd vi h ihem Joseph Darnel,
btle of Kaalon, Ph., n spet tfully inform their
friends and the public generally, lhat thry have ta.
kt n th .t large and we'l known store and wharf al
f n t nf Willow Street Rmlroad, lately ot Topic I by
Jaeoh Martin, where thpy purpose doing a (ietural
Commission and Forwarding Dusinets, and f om
the locnl ndvaniaues of ihe place being eonni cted
with til the public improvement lhat have their
outlet In the city, they flatter ihrmaekea they will
be able to do business lo as pre it, if not g-eater ad
vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other
hnusp, and they assure Ibeir friends that any con
signments nmde lo Ihem shall have their sirirl al
teiilion, nnd no excitions spared to give cutiiu satis
faction. They ore also prepared to receive and forward
goods 10 any point on the Di laware and Lehigh
livers, between Mniicb Cl unk, Faslon and Phila
delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh (Tan iN;
also, to nnv point on ihe Juniata river, or Nonh
and Win! Rranches of the Susqiiehanoa via Schuyl.
kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Tida Water
For the arcommodatinn of Boat coming or go
ing via Schuylkill and Union (Tanals, a Steamboat
will be ki pt expressly for towing bos! from the
Schuylkill around In the Delaware and back, which
will en ble merchants to have ihcir produce deli
vered on the Delaware, nnd their goods sl ippid at
a saving ot 50 to 7! per cent, o'! Ihe piicea fir
hauling acio-, with these advantage they re
sptctfully solicit a share of palrons'je.
William Iliilman,
William ". Ktyser.
Joseph Rurnet. 3 Pbihd ,May M, 1R43. ly
Sntili Juiil Tobacco Manulacturcrs,
A". !!'.) .Yorft West earner of Race and Third
rr,Iin undersigned have formed a fTo-parlnership
untler the firm of.f. M A YLAN I) .In. eV Co..
as successors to the lale firm of Jatab .Maylaitd d
Co.. nnd will c uitiiitie the biisine-a at ihe old esta
blishment, on their own account. In addition lo
their own close attention and experience f i many
year, in the inaniif.ii'lure of their eefebrnted snulp,
tSic, the loujg experience of the senior partner of the
l ite firm, will also be devoted to the interest of the
new concern and as no exertion and care will be
spared lo insure their goods, at all times of the ve
ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of ibe
confidence of the fi tends an.! cust imers of the late
J. M Y LAND, Jr.
Philadelphia, May Hth, 1813. Iv
To Country
'T'H K Subscriber, Agent of I. yon iV Harris, Hal
Manufacturer, for New York, 1'hil iilflphiu,
Hiiltimore nnd relicr large cities, wl nse Huts nre
highly commended for ood tnl-it and durability,
has on land -a fir-t rate iiaorlm 'lit of HA I'S arid
(TAPS, suitable for Sprina ile, wh ch will - told
very low, fH cah or appioved credit, al ibe neted
cheap ntorr. No. 40, North Third atpi-l, oppihi'e
the Cily Hotel, Philadelphia.
N. R. Order for Hats in ihe rimh. promptly
attended in. The highest rica in ta.ih or tra-le
given far far kin.i.
Philadelphia, June 11, Ift
Ornrral t'oiiiiiiisfoii .'lri t lianl s,
Fur the Sole of Flour, drain, Sird, tr., o,f.
1 KsPF.CTFFLI.Y infirm their friends and
- k he Merchants generally, that they hate la
ken those large nnd commodious Wharvi s, w iiti two
Docks, 1101th of Chesiiut sin el, nn the Delaware,
together with the store No. 19 South Wharves,
whetetliev would he pleased In receive consign
ment of (train, Flout. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac.
Ac. Rciiig also well piepaied In forward nil kinds
of Merchandise by the Schuylkill nnd I'nion, or by
the Chcsnpi ake and Tide Water Canals, as tow
boats are kepi expo si-ly foi the purpose of towing
boats by t i her route.
Men-hunts will ple..e be particular lo send their
goods destined by either canals, t i No. 19 South
Wharves, be 1 ween Market and Chesnut streets, on
the Delaware, with directions accompanying iheiii
which route ihey wish Ihem to lie shipped.
fjj- Piaster and Suit for sale, at the lowest mar
ket price. ROII'ON &. CO.
March 19, 1843. No. 1 9 South Wharves.
Lombard Stritt, llullimorr.
HAVE constantly for sale, Priming Paper nf ah
sizes and tpislitit s. Cap Writing Paper, rulnl
ami plain. Letter Paper, white and f lue, ruled and
plain, llkiiging Paper, line ami, Envelope
Paper, do. ilo. medium, douh'e ciow n, crow n and
extra sized W rapping Papers, Colored Medium ami
Royal Papeis, Ilo, nut, Hinders' and Simw Roi
R. .aids. Tissue Paper, and till attu les in their line,
which they will sell nn arcoiiumklaiiiig terms.
Highest puce given f.n old ran.
"March 19, IH43. Elkl.m. M.I
An. 2:?7, North Th ird. above Vutlou hill St.,
"HOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pe.nnsvlva-
tP ni. Firmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., la'e of A- j
tru ncal) Hotel, Columbus. Ohio, lake pleasure in ac
qiiainiing Iheir fiicnds and the public generally that
thi y have taken Ihe large and commodious Holt I,
icctiilly built by the Messis. Hart, on the site
once ocrupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Hull's Html, in Third slieel uhove Callow
hill si.
This Hotel is finished in the very !est possible
manner, and of the best materia'. Its huatioii is
very desirable, particularly for country merchants;
the airaugeineiH for beaiii.g and ventilating tach
room i such as to secure any temperature. The
bedrooms are all light and airy, all furnished iu a
neat style, so as to inuie comfort.
J lie receiving; parlor are also fun ishe.l in a su
perb style, the windows ate on the French atyle,
fuming an entrance to a balcony in front, athiih
make pleasant recess. Piuticu'ai attention ha
been given to Ihe bed and hcddin , which, wilh
the furniture, are entirtly new,
t roin year' eiperience in hatel business, we
fust, by strict assiduity tc busincsi, lo make this
house a desirable stepping place, (iur table will
always l-e supplied with the very beat our tnaikel
ran afford, and out bar wilh Ibe best liquor and
wine of (he most appioved brands.
P. 8. There are first rate stabling and carriage
house attached lo Ihe hotel, attended by cartful
and (iler hosiler, and our rhargea will U low, in
accordance with the present hard liois.
Philadelphia, Oct. 7ih, 184).
H. B. MA3SEP.,
Rusinesa attended to in the Counlie of Nor
ihutnl crland, Union. Lveoming and Columbia.
Heft r vat
Th IInT eV (To.,
Lnwnn A Rnno?t,
ITawt, Ci'MMtso cV Hat, yl'hifad.
Rt5toin, McFBi.!n cV: Co.
Spratvn, Orion Sc Co.,
No. (')'.) North Third, above Arch Street,
plIARLF.S WEISS, laie of the -White Sw.n,"
and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in
forms his frit mis arid customers, thai be has become
llie proprietor of the abov well know n Hotel.
Cnuii'ry Meichanls will fnd Ihe abov lintel t
centtiil location, and the best nf fare. Persons ira
veiling with private conveyance will find a largi
yard and good stabling foi horses, m.d Ibe bent o
ostlers. Koardiitg$l pcrdar.
May Mlh, 184a. tf.
ix-jSc ao nz xr. 9
Vomer of Third and Vine Stru ts,
rilHIT subscriber respectfully anrroirnce to th
fi. public, that he his opened a Hotel in the corr
inodious brick building iinile on the corner i
'I bird and Pine s'reels, where he will be happy t
wait upon those who may favor him wit'i ihe
company. The Eagle Hotel is forge nnd conven
em, and furnished in Ibe be-t modem sUle. It ,
provided with a large number of well aired an
comfortable sleeping Hpartments, rooms, prival
parlors, Ac. Person visiling N ilhamspnrt on In 01 plca-ure, mav rest ns-un d lhat every e:
ertion will le used to render ibeir sojoii'n at tf
Engle Hot. I" pit asinl and agrtHble. His Tab
will he supplied with the very beat Ihe market a
fords, and his bar with die choicest wines and oth
ltiuors 1 barges re .amiable. The Eaale Hot
pnsr.csi'es greater advantage in point nf Incati.
than any oilier simil n eslahlishtneiit in theboroug
being situate in the biislneii part of the tow n, ai
within a convenient distance of the Court Ilnu
and Willianisporl and Elmira Rail Roul Depot.
Sullicienl Sinl ling provided, and good jnd trus
is tUrst always in iitteiidance.
Attentive, accoii.iootlntiiig nnd hone-l Servar
ha. p been 1 iridoed, 'ind iioll ir g li ft ntidone th
will add lo the iiiinfoil and accuiiiiuodatioii of )
There will be n carriage always in atlendancp
thp Roat Liiiiiling to convey pasi etigers to and fr,
ihe House, Irte tif 1 barue.
Mav 1 tlh. t12 . tf
AN arlic'e tiiiriiinlle.l lor cleaning anil g.virn
b.ii'blir ilnr.ilile slid most l.riltistit ,i..l.l. t..
ver. fiermi'ii Silver, Rrass, Copper, It r it 1 1 ri in w.i
Tin, St. el, Cutbry, nml for restoring the lustre,
varnished carriaues, Ac. TKJf IT.
Prepared an t sold at wholesale and retail, bv I
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owej
Tioga countv, N. Y.
W.M'. FORSVTH, Agent i"or Norlhum'd
H. R. MASSKR, Agent for Sunhury.
November 20th, 1843.
.Tlicliail Weaver V 0:1,
jV. 'i Xtirth W'nttr btrert. Phil'uie'iihia.
1 a r v ... 1. . 1
, t4 it'iisMiimv 1111 inim, n trt'iipr-il
a eeiiPi ii ass.
input of Cordage, Seine Twiuea, Ac , v
I ar il hopes, t ishing Hopes, White Rope, Mat
la Ropes, '1'ow Lines for (J I) eits. Als.
complete ass ortment of S( ine Tw ines, Ac. such
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Rest Patent (
Net Twine, Cotton SIih.I and llening Tw ii e, S
Threa, Is, Ac. Ac. Also, Red Onrds, I'lough t .1 r
Halters, Trace. Cotton a:id Linen;t Che
Ac. all nf which they will dispose of on reason,
let ins.
Philadelphia. November 1.1. 1 (PJ. ly.
nim;ji!.u, coon & co.
Xo. l.-JS Mark-t Street, riiiladd.!.
aNVITE the atieiition of Country Merer.,
to ibeir extensile assortment of Rrilish Fro
and American Dry ( loods, w hich they offer for,
on the most reasonable ti nils. '
Philadelphia, November Id, ISIJ. ly.
rmlirella and I'arascil Manufacliii' i
Art. 3V Sixili Thml ttrrri, tu-o door Ltluu
Citti Until, I'liiluiUIiliia.
OI.NTR Men-hunt and olher are solic
to examine bis asat.iii.ieiu lit lore puich.o
Pbila 'el hia. Novrmla-r 11. :12. ly.
57T')R sale a su.VI Farm, Conl'iii.lng about '
hundred and ten acres, more or le s, siiis.
lit Point tow uship. Nonhiinil i rl.tntl Colinli , a'
two mill nbovH Noitbiinibeil .ml, mi the ni
road leading from thai pine lo ll.tiville, adjoin
laruL nf John l.eghou, Jesse (!. lion, n and olb.
no in the occupancy of Samuel P yne. "Al
forty acres of saitl tisel are ch an d, and t i a
slat -of i u tiviilion, on which t! ere i a small I
erecb d. 'I'he properly will be .old nn reason
lei ins. For further particulars, peisou are rcq
ed lo apply to the ul scrihi r.
II. U. MASS?:!?, Asm
Nov. 27ih, 1S4S. tf Sunhurv.
LILT. 113. iSi3
A NTHON'S Classical Dicilousry; Leuiprii
J do.; Ailisworth'a do ; Cobb't do English
Herman ilo ; Aiithou' Ca-sur; Aiiilnui's (iramn.
Antheu' Ciceio; Mail's Latin Iteader; Ogill y'si
Amhew'a Laliti Lessons; Doiineitan's I.exir
r isk a Ore- k Lxelciscs; Davies s Legeiidci; (ira
Majoru; Adam.' Roman Antiipiilies; 1'innoi
(ioldsiniih's Engl and; do. (ireece; I .jell's Eltmr
nf Ocnliigv; Mi Lincoln' Roiauv; Elements
Rotany; Rridge'a Algebra; Porter's Rbeioricul R
tiers; Emerson' (ietigraphy and fli-lory; Oli.i
do.; Parley's do.; Siiiilli's (taiiimer; Kiikbnni's
Kay' Readers; Cohl ' do.; Cnbh' Arilhinei
Pike'a do.; Emerson's do.; Cold's Spelling Roi
Town' do.; Cobb' Table Rooks; Evangelical
mily Lihtary; Colt age Rible-; Family do ; Colbtt
al do.; Small Ribles and Testaments; Parker's I.
enises nn Composition; Fruit of ihe Spiril; Raxte
S .ini's Rest; American Itevolutiun; Martyatt' N
vels; Mr. Phelps on Chemistiy; Iliad; Calechis
of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che
miatry for Reginners; English Exercise adapted i
Murray' (irammer, Sequel to Comlcy'e Siellin
Riiok; American Class Rook; DbIhiII's Scboolma
lei' Aaaistant; A great variety ofRlauk Rooks, At
jAugusI 2S, HJ42L