Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 08, 1845, Image 4

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    BR1RP IlIITOnr Of TKXAi.
As tho "lorns star of Texas" sc-ems to be the
tar now to which ell eyes are turned, lomc
account of its political history cannot fail to hp
interesting. Tho following account is fur
nished by a writer in tho N. Y. Sun.
It i not denied that from tho discovery of
Louisiana to the year 190:), Texas bclonrred to
France, and formed a part of the territory of
Mexico, In that year France sold Texin nnd
Louisiana to the United States, wo hrl.l it ns
twit Territory for 16 year, or until 1319, w hen
we transferred it to Spain, and during our pos
session it formed no part of the Mexican tcrri- j
torv. At the time of our transferrin! it to
:nanJ VII trim, nrRmln Ms.yi.-n was ill
h State of revolt against the mother country.
We could not therefore in tranferring Texas
to Spain, foe considered a giving it to her re
volted colonies.
Texas became independent of Old Spain and
of ell the world in 1636, before Spain acknowl
edged tho independence of Mexico herself.
What ground is there for assuming that Texas
is now or ever has been Mexican Territory,
which she lias a right to stil jugate at will while
wo have a right to acquire it by treaty with
out her con&entt The only party really enti
tled to consideration in this matter is Old Spain,
anil as ahe haa made no opposition it ia reason
able thot she has no objection. The only con
nection which ever existed between the citi
zens of Texas and the people of Mexico w as
tliat of a civil compact or bargain. A compact
can only endure ao long as it is faithfully ml
Jiered to by the contracting' parties. In 1921,
Mexico mado a constitution similar to our own,
which like ours was ratified by the states farm
ing the confederacy it professed to be nn' in
strument of limited powers preserving to each
state its own sovereignty ; each i tnte had its
Cluvernin, Legislature and Judiciary. A l'rc
f'l.icnt and congress were to be chosen nt the
head of the confederation, precisely like our
own. The people of Texas, whose territory
had been sold to a foreign king who could aflnrd
thf m no protection, being at the Mine s-cvo-ed
from the United Slates, were compel,
li'd from their feeble state to seek other till:n
df. As the constitution of Mexico v. ..s of a
democratic character, it was arranged that
Texas, and Coahuila should form a clts-tinct
state and enter the confederacy as a member,
with the dstinct understanding that whenever
Texas should become sufficiently populous to
become a separate and independent a!-iS; th;
should be admitted as such. The constitution
if 1925 was so formed that it did not prohibit
the introduction of slaves from the United
States. Under its administration and authority
they were continually carried into Mexico
and apprenticed to theiT owners for 99 years.
In 152 1 this federal compact went into opera
tion, continuing in full force until IH'io when
Santa Anna, a successful General in the rebel
lion formed the design of subverting the con
stitution, erecting a Central Covernient, ma
king himself supreme Dxtator. Accordingly
the nriests, who feared the Protestant f.iilh un
der an entire free government, and especially
through the Northern states ofCoihtiila sod
Texas, united their interests with Santa Anna
to (fleet I lie contemplated revolution.
In 1825, they succeeded in electing a Con
gress who proclaimed the ft-.! era! constitution at
cn end ; pronounced all separate Governments
dissolved and decreed thut oil power and au
thority thou'd be concentrated in the city uf
Mexico, from which edicts were to emonate fur
the Government of the emp're ! The Romin
Catholic religion was declared the established
religion of the land, and the States including
Texas, were called upon to swear allegiance to
the new form of government, and surrender
their private arms to the Agents appointed to
receive, and also to subscribe to the Catholic
fuith as the rlablished religion. An armed
force was scut into Texas and Coahuila at tho
time the:r 1 gifcluturo was in session. Several
members were seized and imprisoned with their
Governor, without being charged with any of
fence. Gen. Stephen Austin went to the city
of Mexico to intercede for his countrymen, and
without accusation was thrown into a dungeon
and confined two years, which so undermined
hia constitution as to cause his dedtti. This
violent, traitorous and Hidden revolution and u
surpation caused several of the states to tu'-e up
arms in defence of the federal constitut on of
1824, among which were Zacctecas, Durango,
Texas and Coahuila. In a short time Santa An
na having the army and the treasure, forced
them all to submit except Texas alone. On tl.i
handful oftiee-born Americans, Santa Anna in
his pride and pow.'i determined to ;our til the
vials of wrath, denoiiccin them as prates, ami
demanding their ui conditional sul mission, cr
threatening them with extermination from the
land which they had improved and made larti.e
without protection or aid from Mexico.
The people of T xis resisted and drove their
invader mil of tlx' territory, cltc'iind tlitm
reives inili-pemleiit, hihI loruu d a
and eoverniiifiil i f liie.r nun. We mi,
and it in ch srly apparent, Hut Tix..t- IhiI no
connection with M xit'o, other limn that i.t a
Civil cmpact. Texas was bound In r, main h
a member of the fiderel faintly, and had r.o
right to proclaim u par'ii inn and independence.
1 . ...I .1 I .. . n . . n r. v. ....... t ...
Xui wnen u.b ci..,.p.i .. .p-.... .... .
,....t...n ... u a r.drtl.l.rv.ltlt it At r.V t-n Mil. I .11.
tered to wind; when a central dictatorship was
estsbl'shed for a repuhl.c, snd the peop'e called
upon to simbrace and swear sllegianre to a re
litfion to which they wers oppiaed. it became
righteous snd proper lo rotibt. The compact
was at an end, snd Texas wss as free In become
independent, or to form now alliances, as lie
wss before tho civil compact of connection wss
formed with the Mexican confederacy. Thia
H the simple snd just explain I ion of the poet
t:on of Texas, as fortified by history.
II A li OTi; LIST.
TliB f.ll.iwliie; list shows the current value, of all
.'cnnsylvania Dank Notca. The mint implicit re
Lance miy he plao J upon it, a it U every week
:arcfully cninpared Willi ai d corrected from Bick
nail's lli'piuicr. ,
Itankn In IMilladclplilii.
, , Disc, in
it a M F.. iiiira-riiiw.
, par
. par
. r-ir
. par
flank of North Ame-ica .
Bank of lln "Smthcm Liberties .
Commercial Bank nf PennV .
Farmcra' ami Mechanics' Bank .
Kensington Dank .
Philadelphia Kmk'
j Schuylkill Bank
! Si'lthwatk Bank
Mechanics' Dark .
Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Hank
Conn try ISnnkn.
Rank of Chester County
(tank of Delaware (bounty
H ink of (ermanlowii
Bank of Mnntanmery Co.
D.ivlcalown Dunk
Gaston Bank'
Pinners' Hunk f Bucks co Brl-tol
(lt'ii-e of Umk ol j'l'i.n'a.
Offire do do
Office So do
Office d. do
N O T 7. S AT
Hirrislmrg" The-p
I.nncwter I oIFum-h
I'e uliiig f do nl
Knxton J issue n.
h is cot; nt.
"lok of tlio United M:ite
dank of Peon Tovwiahiu
Philadelphia 25
1 1
. . far
(ti'ard Bank .
Moyumi nsinjt B ink
Bank of Peiw Ivsnia .
Miurrs Bank of Pottsvillv Pot'svillo
Hank of I.ewi .(own Lcwirtown
Bank f f M'ddlet.iwn Middlotown
Bunk of NiT!hninl'i!ilnn.l irthuinlirrUnd
Cohunliia ll ii.l, & Dm! go co. Coliiniliia
Carlisle Bank (Carlisle
Ei-hange llaLk Pittlurj
Il.i d branch nf llillid.i!hurg
Farmers' D oik f Lancaslei f.ancaxti-l
Lancaster Ooonty 11 iile l.'ineastcr
Fanners' Bank ol IJindieg U. s.Iiiin
Huirisl'U'fr Hoik Harfi-lioi,
Lancaa'er Ba'ik I.ane is'er
I.el'-Mion Itntik I.i-liaiioii
Merchant.!' cV Matmf. Bank Piitsorg of Ptiti.luir" Viitluig
West H-nnih I) nk V.'illianiNport
Wyoming Hank Vi!ke.-l ano
N'orih-iniptoii 1) ink A!leiito,n
Reiki County I'ai.k Peadinc
Oriiia of liank of U. S.
fa lie,
Dj do ilo 1-iio
D:i dj do Kew Ilrinhton
Kensineton Sav. loa. A i'a
Peon Township Snv. Ins. do
Hank of (ham!eriilinrg (!handierslnrg
Bunk ot (uMtvt-l'urfl Ctiltjid'U'g
Oank of SuMjUL-iianoa Co. M. otiose
Erie Bui.k l'riu
Faimrr'kV Iliovrrs" Bai.k Wsyneslnirn
Franklin WHshtuBlou
ll.nicsd.dt Il.i.k Honesdale
Mot otii;i!n 1 1 lt.itik of U. Iironnstille
Vork Bank Yoik
N. B. The notes of llmse hanks on which e
atnit quolaiions, and sulislilutn a dash ( ) are not d l.y the Philadi Ipl.ia lirnkers, wiili t!ip
exception of tin se which have u loiter ol n Itrilicc.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Pliiladi I, hia
Philadelphia Loan Co. do
Schuvlkill av. Ins. du
Manual La!or Bank ( T. W Dyilt, prop.)
I owunda llni.k
'J owa'.da
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of licairr
Bank of Hwatara
Dunk ol Wnsliingt.m
Centre Bank
City Hank
Farmers' ,V Mech'c' Bunk
Farmers' & Meeh'e' Uank
Fuimi-rsW MechVs' lljnk
liaimony Institute
Hunlingdor. Itank
Inni-ila liai.k
.juiiilit'riiici.'i H-nk
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hone 11. -I. Bridge Co.
Harris! urg
Pit:.-! uirf
Fayette c-i.
(irceiK a-t e
It ainionV
110 sale
c 1 1 wed
mi --alp
f ii ltd
no rn!r
limiting. !nn no sale molvii no sale
an en
New Hope
Mi ad villi
Purl Carl. on
( 'arliIo
Monti. p
I 'ui.iii'own
In ensl.i.rj
W ilki ali.irie
no tile
i -osid
Norllmmli'd I'nion Col. I!k.
Noilh W'fs-liTii Ba'.k of
Ofliee ot Silinytkill Bank
I'a. Aer. & M .nuf. Bank
fil. J
no sale
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bark of I'enii'a.
Hiinnii lan.l (tank
V ilkeal'.irre Bridge Co.
All n6te purpinti' r to de on any Pui'ii-yl-rama
Bank not given ill ;hi- -ot lit, may U: et
Jown as frauds.
Bank of New Biunswick
Bclvideie Bnk
Uurlinptou Co. Bank
Joiiuiif iciul B ink
Emilia rl ind Bank
?armeik' B.-lik
farinrm and Mechanic..' Bk
Parnitrs' and Mnhsnics' I'k
Farmer' nnd MenJuniis' BU
At. .It .id
Pi nil Aiiif...
Hrl.l :et.. n
M unit Holly
N. Itiuosu'uk failed I
Mid la turn Pi,
Frank liu Bank of N.J. Jen v City
llol.okeu Bkg .& (iiazilig Co I loll -ken
leiaey City Bank
Jelsty City
Mitliaiiiis' Batik
Mauufulur. ra' II mk
Morris l.'ounty Bank
Monmouth Bk of N.J.
Mirhaniea' Bank
Mechanic. and Mnnuf. I'k
Mortis Canal and Bl.g Co
Pott Notes
Neivaik Bkg eV I:is Co
New Hope Del Uiidue C
M. J. MauufuC. and lil.i! Co
N J Pro!, clou Si l.oii.i iud I k
Orange Bank
Pa'ers.m Bank
Peoi lea' liank
l al'i noli
lit lh i!ie
'I l. lit. vil
Jc.o. J City
o a ale
f.vli t
I., i led
New aik
I -aitt''Htill.i
I il.l't'kl II
.Ii-i.-i) t 'i'y
t Ir ine
Pau ih.ui
faili . I i
par j
I '.inn leu
'J'n tlll.ll
New ion
' Piilieflon Bank
ts'aieoi 1! Hiking Co
State b-Jik
Hiaio lisiik
(Siate ll-.nk
J'l'ite If mk of Morris"
Sn.te Bunk
Salem and 1'l.ilad Munuf Co
feus. I Bank
Tit mull Hanking Co
( mull Bank
j j y a.l.ington Banking Co.
tii r iw
. Bk t.f Wtlin A Brandy wuu W ilminton
I - I .... . J
liank ui iM.wa.'t
Bank of bmyina
Do binih
Faimirs L'k of IState i f Dii
Do branch
Do branch
Do branch
I'l.ion Bank
(Tj" t'uder 5'e
Dovi t
(leoigctnw n
W ilininian
(Tj On all l auks maikcd thus () thrra sr ei
Iher count f. it or altered notta uf the vr.oua ds
i.tciituiiot.s, ie iitfuliiiii.
'IHE valusb'e proirnies of Oaklev'a Depuia
a. live Syrup of tfarsapmilla, as a purifier of the
Mood, ia o well known to iho pul.lic generally,
that it ia unnecessoy lo ncrupy much sjmre in set
ting forth tho advantage to be derived from its
use j herrvrr lh medicine haa once been intro
duced, it lakes precedence oer all otheta t eveiy
one thai has taken It, havn derived so riunal bene,
ficial results from it, that it is recommended by
ihem wiih the n mint eonfideiiee. Physicians of
the highest Msn-ling in tho, prcscril it
M atient-i under their rare ( containing r.nthing
del., hut b. ing composed of the mst mild,
vet efficacious vi-gctnhle materials, it Is offered with
confidence, as ihe chei'pol and most efficient .u.
nfiet of ihc blood now known. The use of few
bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at
tended with most decided improvement in the ge
neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds
of disease that may have been generated, besides
giving health snd vig. r to the body. For iheciire
of Si roluhi or Kings Eil, Bhenmatism. 'Filter,
Pimplet or eiuptions of the Skin, White Swclliiia,
Fii-lula, (.'hronie Cough Asih.m, &e. The nu-
. , r . , .
rni-rmis ceriifu-a'es iii the po-session of the sul srrl -
, , . . r , - - i .u .
ler aril n m agents, tiom iilivsiciaos nml olhrrs, arc
. . . . .i ' . i ,-i -.
sufficient toco.'V.iice he m.'st skei t ciil of is su-
peri.uily ovei all prepuratioiis of Sars ipaiiPa
S..I.I whole-nle mil rei .i!, ht the proprietor,
CKtinci: W. OAK1.KY, North Sth Mreil. Itea
.ling, Beiks Comity, and to ha had of the following
pel tons ;
In Nnrthumbtrhir.d Vnitnty II. B. '!!,
Sunhury t belind iV M ill, MiEeiisille ; D
Krnus. r. Milton.
hi I'mon County. J. Goarh-rt, Si limgrovp
A (Int. 'ins. M fllmhuig.
7r Columbia Ci unti. U. W. McCoy, AVaah
R.adiiig.Manh 14.
Mil. 0m.t : I beliive it the i.ty of every
one In du whi.t.verin the ir power I to-, for tho b n--fit
of their Mlow in n , sod having had po i ive
pioof in in v own family, uf the wielciful properties
of your D. -pcratie Symp of f-'.a.snp .rilla, t m si
ens, icntiou-lv reeomnieml it lo the afip. te.l. We
had the ini futiine 1 1 f-se two of our childien. by
the t.rrakttvi out ol uh erous aores that eoveinl lh.
face, hem) ami i e k. i.lllioogh w- had some i f tf.f
most srieritific p' Mrtan lo nl ei.d til m and ha. I
Hied all the known ten edies. including wniiu's
Panacta, w ilhoot av ail. Another of my childien
nas in the stone manner, I cr face gr d
neck wa con p'etely; ihe d sihargp was so
ollei.sivv, ond the ilisease at such a he ch'. that ive
defpnired nl her life. Seeing the w.ind.-iful elfeels
of your Depi.r ative Syinp i.l S nsa.ari I ., we weie
imlu.-.d to make (rial if it. ns ll.e turt in-rt ; it
ac ed like a ckann; the u'cera eoiinnenci d healing
unme.liaiely. a f w hottles entiiely rc-toii d h. r tn
her health, which she h-.seij-iyid un iitetiU ledly
ever since. As a pnificr ol the h!o. d, I vi nly he
hive it has not its eijoal
Wulliut street, near Fonith, U.-adin.
D..iiglssillc, 10th, ISl.t.
Afn. OiKitr: My son I'.'mnnil I,c.-.l. had the i
scrolnla in ihe most diead'id and i' m ill-
i er for lhr e years, d.nina wh'cli lime he w s Je
pnvf.l of the ut of his Inn' -. I.i- he .d and ink
woe con red wi h ulceia We tii. .1 all ihe ilifT-r.
cot n nudes, I ut to im .IT. rt.unll recommend, d
I v Dr. Johnson of Nor.i.-town. and ul-o Dr. Isaac I
lli. st. i, nl Iteadn g. to use your DepUMitive Nvinp
ol Saisapurdla, of w hich I iil tained sevei .l ho' lea
ihe ue of which ihovi- the di-cse nut ol
Ira s!eui, the sote l.c.lid up, and tl e clul.l was
restored to rlect lu'allh, which he has enjoyed
nninteriupte.My evi r si re, lo the ai-t. n'tshnit in ol
many pe s. 'tis win. s. en him du it g Ina uffltclion
I have thouiiht it in v du'y. and send v u thiseeiti
ficatn that ot! e s wh i have hke still. 'ion in ihe
faniilv inny know where lo uht u s.i vnluuMe a
niedieiiie. Voura l.ulv.
Nip'. Ifi, 1943. ly
C i!lci t Kri s'
fJ",hc pu! lie will i!.-.ise ol. serve that no (Iran. In it.
Pil's are gpn. me, uidess the lot haa tlnee Ii
he's n '.in it. (the top, the si.'e ai .1 the Pott in)
enh eoiiiaiiiiiic n f .c-siiniV t:; atuie of my hmd
writing, thus It. Hb i si him tii. M. D.--'J hee la.
Pel oie engrave. 1 on .feel, la ant. f. I'y doimd.
nnd done at an evpen-e of over fS.ltntl. Thercfire
it w ill he teen thst ihe only thing nrrc-saiy to pro
i ure the inniicine in its purily, is to ol'rno these
Bemeinh' r lh" li".p, the side, and the bottom.
'I he f . II. .wing ic-.ei iie jieraons are duly hiiiIi. ri
zed, and bold
CCnTirifl-T-TES Or AGI.irCY
Foi the salt- of lirandrrth't Wze'ulU Vniccreul
I'ilU. ''ilj. d eoiililv t Milton M key &
Chamlie.ini. Sunhurv 11 H. Maimer. M'Ewens
ville In I tod A Meix. ll. N'oiihum! eilnnd Wm.
Forsyth, (ieoigelovvn J. J. Wills.
Union C unity; New Uerlui liogar ft Win
Ier. Selii'suruve fJisirge (jundium. Mill, He
Inns Isaac Sini'h. Beaver-awn David Hul ler.
Ail nnliirc Wni J.May. M.fllinsbuig Mensrh
& Kay. Ha tleton Daioel Long. Freehurg
li. & F. C. Muyer. (.ewishnrg Walls & Gieen.
Cotumhi i eoniity : Danville E. B. Keynoldt
VV Co. Berwick Hiiiiiiau ."t H Henhouse. Ca'
tawiesa '. (. Biohts. Biooinshurg John B.
M.-ver. Jeisev Town Levi His. I. Washington
Kohl. Mi Cay, LiuiD-toe.e Daili-' ft MrNi'icli. i
til. serve ihnt each Aeenl has an Kngrav. d Ci r-
tilicale of Atf. lu v. a ntation nf ,
Hi BRANDRiM'H'S Maiiulncnry ai ii.g Sing, I
and upon which will aVn be ecu etact topics el J
ihe rifie LLet'i iilw ute.t upon tl.e UrauJnth J'ill j
Phd id.-lpl.ia, O.T.CP No. 8. N'oiil. Pth s'n cl. '
ii. bkandi;i;tm.m. d. i
June Sith. 141
.Wis. .".) ami ill .NCrili Tliinl Struct,
Keif the City Hotel,
p C. MACKEV. Auctioneer. re-peetfuPy in
--' tin ihe am ntion i.f pers.e a d sirnus of pur
rbaiiii Finrii'ine. In hia eX'rnsive S d. a K ionis,
(both pn'-lic si d I' iint. ") ,,i , ve.y dieripltnri ol
HoumIk hi r uinltitre. w In re rn I .ine.l at all
tune, a larue a.s.nin.rnl of fashionable and wi ll
manufactured Cabin. I Furniture, Beds,,
Ac., at verv reduced prices, for cisli.
fj7" ShIos bv Auction, twice a week.
May SVlh. 1843. ly
OFFICE, in the second atory of ihe building oe
copied by Dr. J. B. Ma.air, on Market stieei.
Oct. 811. IM3.
t"l'lu t-Klilns niarhlnc fur Sale.
rpHE snh.rriber oilers f r sale a THPESHINU
L MACHINE, new and in good oider. The
Machine has been tried, snd proves in he an excel
lent one It will be suld si a irduced price, and
warranted. Apply 14 II. B. M AL'M.
Jel Ut,
VOIt TlilTEIt.
(jT The following eertiica'e denrrilct one nfltte
nintl extraordinary curet ever effected by any
pHitsnr.trniA, February 10, lfiHS.
TOH twenty yeas t ws severely afllicti d with
Tsttkii on the Face and Head: tho disease,
commenced when I was seventeen years old, ami
eniitiniipd until the Fall of 1816, varving in vio
lence, hut without cvpr disappearing. During m-s
nf the lime, great pari of my face was covered w ith
the eruptinn, frequently attended with vio'enl itch
ing; my head sw. l d nt tinxs until it felt as if it
would hurst ihe swelliiu was so g.e it. that I eou'd
earci ly get my hat on. During the long period
that I was nffiicled w i'h the disease, I tise.l a great
many a plications, (among them a. veral celphrated
j rep iiation) as w It as taking inward remedies,
I including a number ofh,.ltl. s of Swaim'g Vnnaem.
I Extract nf SamapnrilJa, Ac, In fact, it would he
i impn-silde to euumoa'C all tl medicine I used.
' 1 was also under the care nf two of the mo.-t dis
tinguished physician! of this eilv, hot W itli 'iit re
n i.iih ... i u iTiiri.i, i ui-iii, i, ru .ti rm iifioir
: , , C la.,a , , .
... I. ....-.. II I t
1 "-..".,. ia. mi in, nit, iosi-nn i.i uie nine
i . . , . , , . ...
! hemg veiy violent, I commenced Using (he Ko$e
. ; , , , , , V , . ,
a t. w a plications the vtnlent itching c ased, the
swelling aha'ed, the irui.ti.m began to disappear,
and before I had used a jnr the. ilireaiie was entirely
cuicd. It has now been nearly a ytar and a half
since, nnd there is nut a ve-tige nf tlie disease re
mainine, ejcepl ifie sens finm the deep pits formed
K tia I, : ..:i.i. r .. ... .t ....
j .'j n,-. ii , mi y. nniiric no (lit. lit tiriM l.'-
t in a certificate the severity of the discato and niv
stilli ring, but I will be ple.srd to give a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will cidl on nie. At the time I commenced
Using Ihe li. se Ointment I would have given hun
dicds nf du l.m to lie rid of the disease. Niuco u
sing it, ( have recommetidi d it to several persons,
(among them my mother, u ho hi I the clt-ea-e bad
ly on her B'm.) who w. re a I cured hv it.
J AMES DUHNELU N. tTifi, Pace St.
fry 'I'l.p osi Ointment i pr. parcil by E. II.
Vaujhao, Roti'h East comer of Third and Knee
rv. hv
Mav H'h. IPI3.
BCohc (Miilzncul, for Tc.lci.
a moor or rrs r.rncACY.
PiilianiLniii, May 2?li, 1R:11.
r PHlS is to certify tl at I was s. verely alll cted
with Tetur tn ihe hands nnd feet for upwarda
of forty years ; the disease was attended generally
with violent itching and swelling. ,1 applied to a
t.umhirof I'hysici .ns, and used a great many np. Il
ea ions without clTr.-ting a core. About a y ar
since. I appl ed ti e ll.i.e Ointment, which rutin ly
stopa'd ihe itch na.otnl a f. w ap.licnti. na iinmedi cum d ihedi-iase, which there has bien no
rt turn of, although I had never lcpn ti.l of it ai
any lime for f.-rly years. KKII AUD SSAVALE,
Eleventh, l-ow Spruce ftrert.
rj" The Pose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vauidinn. S iu'Ii E?.-t corner of Third and Race
t-eets, Philadelphia, and s. hi on aencv in Siin'.iu
ry hv 11. B. M ASSKK,
May tltb. 19 tt. Agc-t.
()t the ROSV. f)l.T.UF.ST, for Ttttrr.
LTHOt'fJfl the si perinriiv ot ihe irepaia:i..n
over all eth. rs is fully es'abli.-hed, the pr pne
lors inks pb aue in lay ng hi f. re 'be public the
follow infi : certificate fr..m a respcetahle physician,
a grailuaie r.f ihe Uniiersity ol Pei.usi Ivarii. Di.
llangb, having f aind in this lemedy Ihnt relief f.r
a led'.-us and di-iigrt pal.e alVeetion which the means
within the range of hi profession failed In alford.
has rot lit shut, J in give it his appmbati.-n, idtli- ugli
the prejudice ai d ir.ieresl of t!i3t professian an
. pposed to accret Kenndii s.
Piiil.r.r.t.pui,S, pi. 19, 1S.10.
I was recently iioohbd ttli a tedious herpetic
erttpti. n. uhii h C"eed oi nrlv one si 'e of my f.ce.
and ext. nd. d over the ear. Mr. Vuiitihun. proprii
lot nf the Kos,- I lintinent, nlwiiiiiig my fa.-f, 'U-I--lei)
on my I vine his pn partition of which he han
de l n c a jr. A ll. -n.-Ii in cononoii with die inern
leis ol my pr. lo.-ii.ii, I dir. oiini. n inre and il:sap o I the li una roll nnst. urns .a!m. d upon tl.e
pot tic I y i-jiioi ant pr. r-, I In I in jus ice bound the Koae. Oiolnii lit lioni lha' c'a-a of me
.1 a Hies, nml to give it mv npprobatioo, as it entire
ly lured the eiuplioii, alili..uiii n h nl resiMed tho
li-ii.l Hpphcatiiius. DANE UAll.H.M. 1).
fXj" The l!ose Ointinei t is piepar. d l y E. B.
Va.iuhan, !'oul!i Ea-I co.nir ol Thit.) aid Rice
Streets, Piiladc!pliia, and sold on agi nev in hun
burv, hv 11. B. MAI'li,
May Itlh. Ifilll. Airent.
Movent Ink.
Manufacturer of Writinu nml Imlelli
b!e Ink, No. KH5 .ort!i Third Street, six below Knee, (east sidi,)
II EH'ECTFI LEV informs country merchant
t and iitheiH, lhal be con-tni.tly keets on hand
a laige stock of hit atipeiier lilaek. Blue snd Bed
Ilk. and idtiii a rupeiior qa ihty of Ind. Pi1 le Ink.
li s ink ia put np in b.-ltles varying in size, fiem
1 lo 32 ounces, and w ill be od on nasonnble
nuns. The ex. elVit ipinluie of tha ink has to
IhorouL'hly eatabli-bed us cl. irHC'er. that it is now
extensively used throughout lha cnunirv.
For tale at lint atoixs of H. II. Masscr, Pun.
bury. Pa. M .v 27ih, lfit.1. lv
(:ii.uiLi:s w. ui:(iis,
Ei'Ksynv. VAm
J W AS I ken thi i.llice loin.pily ivcetipi. d I v e
? n Hon. ( hai'cs (i. Donn-1, c-pi osile tl.e Com!
I also. H' will a tend In business in the C nil
i of Northuni', Cniou an I Coluuihi.i ennn'ie.
j Mav ?Ulh. I s-1 :.
((ir itf rot iNi','j
Lvcoivrijsra county,
rrmisi) Mania.
riHE Sobicril-er respectfully infonn bis friend.
1. and the public in general, that ha baa taken
the above
a O T E L,
and lhal ha is now well prepare i I.t
al who may lavor h ui wilti ihur cuslom.
His ttiiriae AriaTMia is ue writ site. I, and
HiiTasLsaan Bn will a'vays be sj,pli.d
with the best lb uiaiket can allord.
Hia Stasliso, which is, will Is under
the charge of good and cairlul hostlers.
He ft el confident, by sliii l sllenlion In bu -in.
and an earnest deaire to render cnifortahlti lliosa
who may patronise hiiu.ihat he will not fsil togivo
isneral aaiufarlinn. H. B. WCAVEK.
Muney, Oil. 1st, 143. if.
Commission Ni Forwanlins Merchants,
Fool of Willow Street Rail Road,
oar the nit watt a,
TTAVINO aasociotid wi h them Joseph Barnel,
late if EnHtiin, P.i,, ri spp. lfolly inform their
friends and the public generally, that they have ta.
ken lh t large and well known store and wharf at
font of Willow Street Railroad, lately occopiel by
Jacob Martin, where they pupose doing a tiein ral
Commission and Forwarding Business, and f om
the local advantages of tho place being connected
with all lha public improvemenia that havn their
outlet In the cily, they flatter themsplt-es they will
be able lo do business to as great, if not giea'er ad
vantage, and UHin as reasonable terms aa any other
house, and they assure, their that any eon
aigiiments made to them shall have their strict at
tcntion, and no exertions spared lo give eutiie satis
faction. Tiny are also prepared to receive and forward
goods lo any point on the Delaware and Lehigh
rivers, between Maoch Chunk, Easlon and Phila
del his, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can .Is;
also, tn any point on the Juniata river, or Norn
and Wial Blanche of the Sui-qiichanna via Schuyl
kill and 1'iiion, or the Chesapeake nml Tide W.itei
For ibe accommodation of Boats coming or go
ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Steunhoat
w ill h.' ki pt expressly for low ing boats from the
Schuylkill ground lo the Delaware nnd back, which
will en hie meichants to have their produce deli
veied on the Delaware, and their goods ahippid at
a saving ot CO to 75 per cent. o the pricea f ir
hauling ne na, with thise advantage ihey re
spectfully solicit a share nf patronace.
W illiain ll.'tlman,
v illiam W. rviyse
Joseph Burnet. . 3 Philad ..May It, 1813. ty
J. m A"STL ANS, Jli. &. CO.
Sniil' iiiul Tubncco Muiiulaclurcrs,
.o. U'J Aorfi IlVsf carnrr if Race and Third
rr,HE ui'der-igned have firmed a Co partnership
J- end. r the firm nf. I. MAVLAN D Jn. A- C,,..
n successors to tfip late firm of Jncnh .M'tylunI t.
Co.. and will C 'nlioue ihe biisine-s at heol.l esta
l lirhmi nt, on tl.e r own account, ri ml liiion to
their own close atlention and experience f a tunny
years, in tl.e manufacture of their cefi brat.-d snuff-,
A.C, the long experience of the senior potti er of ti e
lale firm, will also be devoted to ihe interest i f the
new concern and aa tut exertion and ea'e will le
spared tn insure their goods, at all tiim s of the ve
ry best quality, they solicit a continuance, of the
confidence ol the fiends and customers of ihe tate
Philadelphia, May Mlh, 1813. ly
To Country I
rpilE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon cV Harris, Hat j
Matmf icturer. for New V..rk, Phil idelpli'm,
Baltimore and other large cities, wNistj lints are
highly commended tjoori ci-i and durnhility,
has o i I and a fir-t rale aawitm nt of II A I'S and !
CAPS, suitable for Soring sites, wh ch w ill t-r ,.!. '
very low. f.n cash or appinvptl credit, at the twted
rhenp store. No, 40, North Third ntrv"t, oppivi'e
the City Hotel, PhilaJelphia.
N. B. Orders f..r Huts in ihe rrij S . promptly
attended to. The highest rice ill task r trade
given f ir Fur ikina.
Philadelphia, June It, 18t3.--ly
Cs'rnrrnl !itmisioii 7lorcliaut,
Fur the Salt oj Flour, drain, Sitd, yr., iVe.
1 EPi:crr
he Merchi
1'LLY inform iheir fiieuds and
limits cer.eraiiv. Hint ihev Inne ta
ken iho-e i irce nnd coiomi..boi:s Wharvt a, ith two
lak, to nth of Closnul strict, on the D.lawire,
locether w ,tl. tl.e si. op Nn. t'J Sonlli Wh ines,
whe ell ev would be pleased li rcci ive cniislin of ( train. Flour. Sc. d. Whiskey, Iron. A' e.
Arc. Being also well picpaipd to f.irwar.l all kinds
of Merchandise by the Schuylkill snd Union, or by
the Chivup. ake an. I Ti.le Wuier Canals, as tow
boats arc kept expressly f.u the purpose of towing
boats by ei' route.
Men bants will please be particular lo en.l their
good desiinc.l by eilbcr canal-, t No. ItfS .nlli I
Wh. lives, betwet ii Murkcl and Clnsout str.-eia. on i
Ihc Delaware, with direction accompanying ihem j
which route ihey wii-h them M be shipi e I. '
dj- Plaster and Suit for .ale, at the lowest j
ki t price. BOLTON At Co.
March 19, IRIS. No. l9Snutb Whaive.
ItOItFHT I'AKTl'.ll & S(.
Lombard Street, ilulltmore,
HAVE constantly for sale. Pruning Pupcr of ah
sixes and qit a lit it s, Cap Writing Per. ruin)
and plain. Letter Puprr. white and blue, ruled and
plain, Hanging Paper, line and coinin n, Euvtlonp
Paper, do. do. medium, douh e cow ri, crown ami i
extra sized Wrapping Papers, (Colored Medio m and
l.ovai j ansa a. uo.inti. Dtn.iera aim eniaw urn i
It. .aids. 'I'isaiip Pant r. and all uiti.l.a in thcii line.'
w l.i. Ii ihey willwll ou acciiiuiodaiiog t,
llt;hel puce given f t old tags.
March 19, 1813. Elklon. M.I
So. .VorIi Third, r.Vit c (.'utlvtrKill
"POHN Dt:.CAN. late from the Peniisylva
fjj ui. Fainter, and Samuel Pike, jr.. Is e ot A
nn r.ri.n Hotel, Columbu. I hio. take pleasure in ac
qtiaii'ling their fiii ml. and tin public generally thut
tiny have taken Ihe Urga and cmnmodiiiiia Hotil,
ict iiity built bv the M.ssts. Halt, on the .ai.te site
once occupied by the old e.iablished Hotel known
s the Bull's Head, in Third .Heel ahova Callow
hi!', i.
Thi Hotel ia finished in the very best possible
manner, and of the best n atiiia's. Its local on is
very disiiable, particularly for country oiei chant. ;
ihe airntigemi'ins for heatit.g and viuitluling i neh
room i such a. tn secure any lempeialure. The
brdioomsaip all light and airy, all lurnishcd in a
neat sty'.e, ao as lo im-uie lomloit.
'i he rrceiving parlors are also furnished in a su
erb style, the window are on the French style,
forming an entrance to a balcony in front, whuh
makes a pleasant recess. Pmliculai alteniion baa
been given to the bed and bedding, which, with 1
ihe furniture, are entiit ly new. I
from yeara' rxperienca in halel business, we
trust, by strict asaalmly tc husiuett, In make ibis !
house a de.irab'e stepping place. Our Uble will
alw ays la supplied wnh lha very but out market
can adord, and our bar with the be.t lupjora and
w ine of the most approved brands.
I. 8. There are first rate stabling and carriage
bouses attached tn Ihe hotel, itltndfd by ca f il
and aol'er hosilera. and our charge will b low, in
accordance with th present haid tttns.
Philadelphia, Cel. 7ih, l4.
Business attended lo in the Counties of Nor
thutnl erland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia,
liefer Ini
Tito at is IIaiit rV Co.,
Toiwrn ft Batiito,
Hist, Cvmnikos A Hart, yl'hilad.
' Hr.tivnuns, & Co
Prsato, Jonti A Cn.,
cr a rj&j jaz m
Ao. (iU Xorlh Third, above Arch i'.rctf,
pHAPLES WEISS, late of the -White Swan,''
and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully ina
forms his friends and customers, ihnt be has become)
the proprietor of the abov? well known Hotel.
Ci.unny Mcichant will find the above Hotel a
central b ention, and the best uf fare. Persons lra
veiling with private conveyance will find a large
yard and good stabling for horses, and the best of
ost'ei. Hoarding ft perdav.
May 1 1th, 18 12. if.
jsm cr :hi: et 9
Cormr of Third and Vine Struts,
THE subscriber respectfully announces to the
public, that be haa opened a Hotel in the enrn
moilioos briek building ailuate on the corner of
'I bird and Pine streets, where he wilt be happy to
wait i'p..n ihosp who may favor him wit', their
company. The Eagle Hotel is Ij-ge and conveni
ent, snd furnished it, the be-t inn.lern tle. It ii
I pr .M.1. .I with a laige n.tmlier of well aired and
I comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private
! pallors, Ac. Pcianns vi.ting Williamsport on hu-
stticsa ot pleasure, may rest ns nn d that every ex
: erti .n will le used to r.-nder their soj.iun nt thr
"Eagle Hot I" pleasant and agrt-pahlp. Hia'l'ahlr
will lie aiipp'ie.l with the vi ry hi at the market af
j fords, and his bar wi'h he choicest wines and uthei
li.juor.-5 hages re s.inahle. The Eaale Hole
. iosR.-sea greater advantn&ps in point of loeatior
i tliaii any othei aiimhir establishment in ihe borough
j being situate in Ihe business purl of the town, am
j within a convenient distance of the Coml Huua.
mid WiMiamsport and Elmirn Kail Itoad Depot.
I Sullicient Sialiling provided, and good and trust-.
j o-tler always in attendan.-e.
i Attentive, Hccoii.m.i.lalii g and hone-! Servant
, have I.t en i mj-lnyed. ami mill ing left uuib.neth j
"iil add to tl.e con. (nit ui.d accinmodatioii nf hi
. UUP-I.
'I'here will bp a carriage always in attendance a
ihe Pont .milium to convey pasi-cngrr. to audfron
the limine, Ine of charge.
Mav 1 It!,. Ii:. tf
anic'p une.pnillcd for e'eaning and giving
highly dnral le ami most brilliant p .psh lo si
ver. (Si rin' n Silver, I'nss, Copper, Urittania wan
Tin, Si el. Cnthry, and for relnrii g the lustre i
vani shed carriage, Ace. TKlf IT.
Prepari.l an i s dd a w holesale and reiai', by th
Siisiiiehanna ''hrysobte Polish Company, llnrj.
Tioga iMiintv, N. Y.
Wl". FOUSYTH, Aeer.t for Northum'd,
II. B. M ssEI!, Agenl for Sunbury.
November 20th, IS-PJ.
.Tiiclinrl Weaver .V 01,
Ao. 13 AorM Witter Strttl. I'liiludefphin.
AVE cons antly on hand, a general ..sgor
meiit nf Conlau.', Seine Tw ines, tfce., vi
I ai'd l.ope4. Fishing liapes, White Itoies, M.mi
la I'oprs, 'l ow Lines tor Canal II. mis. Alsn,'in ussoitm.-nl of S. ine Twines, Ac, such i
Hemp Slmd and Herring Twine, Best Patent Ii
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Honing Twit e. Sin
Thrca 's, A'C Arr. Also, lied louts. Plough Line
I I alters. Trace, Cotton and I. men Carpel Chain
Act. all of which they will disposa of oil n sou..1j
It tins,'phia. Nov. mU-i t .1, I "Mi. ly.
sri'.iviM;, (.(jd & To.
KIS JInrliot Stro.'t, I'ltilaHeli.lii.'
the attention of Country Merehap
to itieir extensive a-soriiu.-nl ot Ilntnli t rem
and American Dry lioods, which they oiler fjr sk
on the rn nl u as.'iiablc I. nils.
Piiiladelj-hia, November 1:1. 1 142. ly.
J . W . ,s V a IN,
rttilirella and l'ur.-isol Al.-tniifncltiroi
.Vo. 3 V Ar;A Tiuttl ttrr't, ltd drt LeoW ti
City liuttl, Vliiltuli liihui.
Ol'NTliA Meiihnts airj others are -oli. iti
to examine his bi fore purchasu
eUew here
Phila 'elj hia. N'oveniter II. :i42. ly.
?C?a SALE.
fTOIt sale a mi:l Farm, cm Mining about cr
humped and ten acn a, inure or le a, situut
in P. ii.t t.-wiishiii, Nor'bunil i rlaud coiintv , bInm
,w" "' ''0 n.l. on trie mai
above Noitl'Vimbci! nil.
r 'ad h a.ling from that phu e tn Danville, sdjoinin
'an.U of John Leglu.u, Jesse C. Morion and other
j ",,1V '" 1,18 "wuP'Ury of Samuel P..yne. A hot
j arris nt ami tract are rl. ai. .1, ami in pOi
atai oi cu Itvatmu, on wtucn mere is a small pa
erect. .1. 'Che properly will l-e sold on r asona
lenns. For further patliculars, prison, are reijut
ed to apply to tl.e sul sciih. r.
II. U., Aent,
Nov. Cttli, f-15. tf Surihiry. I
llll till III
N'PJION'S l'la:icdl Difiiouary; l.empriet
do.; Ainswnrth'a do Cobb' do.f English an
l tier man tin; Amhoii'a Casar; Alittiou's liiimme:
i Anlhen's Cicem; Mail's l atin b'eadei; tgilby ado
j Ai diew's Latin Le.-sons; Dolinegdu's Lexical
. Fisk's (ire k Eit icises; Davips's Lewendei; (trace
, Mn jora; Adam.' Komaii A nt i;iiii it's t, Pinnoek
Ooiilsniitli's England; do. (ireeci; L) ell's Element
i of tirnlogy; Mis. Lincoln's Holany; Element.
B. taiiy; Bridgi's Algebra; P. .iter's Khitmical It.
ders; Emt-rsoii's (ieogiaphy and History; Olney'
do. Parity' do ; Smith'. Crammer: Kirkham's do
Kay's Headers; Col. I' do.; Cobb's Arithmeiick
Pike's do.; Emeroti' do.j Cobb' Spelling Books
Town's do.', Cobb's 'Fable Books; Evangelical Fa
mily Library; Collage Bible-; Family do; Collater
al do.t Small Bibles and Testaments; Parker's Ex
ercises on Composition) Fruit of the Spirit; Battel's ,
S-iol's I test; American Revolution! Marry alt's No
vels; Mis. Phelps on Chemiatiy; Iliad; Catechism
of American Laws; I .Piter, on Natural Magic Che
mistry for Beginners; English Exerciaia adapted 10
Murray' Orammer, Spqilcf to Comley'a Spelling
Book; Ain.riran Clan Hook; Dalmll's 8choolmaa
tar's Assistant; A gruat variety of Blank Books, Ac.
August SS, IHU.