Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 11, 1845, Image 3

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    phlet proving that his trial iliJ not in any way
take iti rise in any difficulty about doctrine or
trattarianism. The proceedings of the Conven
tion are to be immediately published, and will
form a large volurni;.
We should have been mosthnppy to have re
corded the fact of an fecquital, but it is otherwise
The church, whatever may be its humiliation
at the frailty or indiscrection of some of its pas
tors, may console itself in the reflection, that the
cause of religion is never injured by a f.iitliful
and fearless discharge of duty.
Mr. dishing In China.
A brief ocrnunt of Mr. Ctishing's tr.ivels is
given in the New York True Sun:
At Bombay, Mr. Cushinir was the guest of
S ir George Arthur, a fornirr Governor of Up
per Canada. During the period of hia brief
Ftny, he bund time, in company with Mr.
Fletcher Webster, and Mr. O'DonncI, an uttvvhe
of the l.rpatinn, to make an interes'tino- excur
sion to the Mahratta country one which plea
Fed them far more than they could possibly have
anticipated. The journey was mat.', p-trtly in
conches and partly in palantpiins. Tiiey went
as far as Pootiah, situate in the Southwestern
part of the Decern, in Central India, and former
ly the c-ipital of the Mahrattas. It in somewhat
celebrated for having b-'en captured in by
Sir Arthur Wellesley nnd the "Iron Duke."
Here the travellers saw the largest cantoments
of English t roups in India, and attended a grand
review, where the American Minister received
the highest military honor.-'. They also visited
a celebrated Brahmin temple, being carried there
on the backs of the sacred elephant", and escor
ted by the English Political Resident, Mr. War
den, who is f.vornhly kiiown to many of our
countrymen, after whom he inquired with great
Mr. Cushing resided in China exactly nix
months to a day, and doling the whole period
' constantly engaged in promoting the ob
jects of his mission Ry the non-arrival of the
St. I.ouis sloop of war, which lay, very singu
larly, a lorg time at the Cape, and through the
lontinued obstacle of the Northern monsoon, he
.vbs under the necessity of remaining at Macao
intil the Imperial Parliament actually antici
wted his movements by despatching a commis-
sitin to him. It consisted of Tsi Yeng, an im
perial delegate and plenipotentiary ; Wang,
reasurer of the Provinces of the two Kwangs,
,i nd Pwan Pwan, another high dignity of state.
Tsi Yeng is a Tartar of Imperial blood, and
the same person who negnciated with Sir Hen
ry Pottinger. 1 1 is name, we might as well state
here, has been erroneously spelled Kying in the
Engl sh newspapers. The personage seemed
to huve the full confluence of his sovereign, as
Ire was appointed, with all the powers of a plen
ipotentiary, to negociate with the French and
American I.egat.uns, as soon as they armed.
For two weeke the two Commissioners were
Miplojed day and night, with the exception of
heir meal times and a tew hours given to
epose, in discussing and arranging the various
uestions in controversy between the two Go
'ernnients, and in negotiating the treaty now
efore the Senate of the United Slates, It was
. t last agreed upon and drawn up in Chinese
nd English, but finally prepared in the Tartar
lialect, which is the language ut the Emperor.
It was signed at ten o'clock at night on the
d of July last, in the Sanctuary of the Temple
e have already mentioned, and from w hich, as
e have stated in part, the priests ai.d their i
ols had bee.n previously displaced, without the
ightesl hesitation, to make room for the Coin
tissioner auii Ins suite. This circumstance con
inns the opinion entertained hy many res dents
China, that the Imperial Court there t no par
icular regard paid to any religion.
Mr. Cashing has left for Washington, where
e will remain a fortnight.
A FitKAK ok Foutunk.- The Pottsville I'm
nrium of Saturday makes record of the follow
ng freak of the blind Goddess Fortune :
"A poor but sober anil industrious shoemaker,
fthe name of Hoover, residing at Port Carbon,
a this county, received information lately that a
elative of his wife, who lately died in Germa
y, had bequeathed to her father, of the name of
naffer, who lived at Orwigsburg, and was also
i indigent circumstances, money and property
the amount of one million and a half of dollars!
r. Shatter has been dead for some time, ami
is. Hoover, his daughter, being the only child,
r. Hoover thus falls heir to the immense for
ne. The necessary documents, establishing
le validity of the will, tut. have been received,
'hristopher Loeser, Esq., has been chosen as
Itorney in the mutter.
We perceive that the friends of Mr. Clay still
rnpose to have a marble statue of him, carved
ut for immortal veneration. Considering that
hey say he was cheated out of his election, by
'he Democrats, it is unkind in them, to say the
least, to with now in Inm to dtiul him them
Tmk Towm of Milwaikie, only eight years
old, has now a population of eight thousand peo
ple and a daily newspaper. At this rate of in
crease the town of Milwaukie will soon be enti
tled to the appellation of city.
KiuNAfFiNc Some apprehension exists in
Kingston, Canada, that the system of kidnapping
for purposes of dissection, or "Burking," is car
ried on in that city.
An overseer in one ot the Providence factories
was discharged, when thirty of the girls 'struck,'
gave three cheers, and refused to work until h
was reinstated.
Monstroi.'s CosrmAcr rouan out. At N.
York, on Thursday there were arrested four co
lored men, William Wales, alias Bombay, Jere
miah Simmons, Geffrey Overton nnd Samuel
Finney, on complaint of another colored man
named George D. Morse, whose life they had
threatened to take. The circumstances attend
ing the case, the News says, are as follows. It
appears that a conspiracy had been formed a
mongst the colored inhabitants of Princess Ann
County (Va.) to murder the white population of
that portion of the eastern shore and such of the
blacks as would not join with them in their deeds
of murder in the course of the holidays. Several
negroes in New York were cognizant, if not ac
tually engaged in aiding the insurgents, and one
of the number, named Hodge, had gone thither
to take a part in carrying out the plans.
The facts of the contemplated insurrection and
the names of several engaged in it, having come
to the knowledge of Morse, whose parents live
in the section of the country referred to, and for
whose safety he felt alarmed, he wrote, or caused
to be a written, a letter to the authorities of Vir-
i:.... n t.. 1 .. ,i.. ..t. :....
illiil, l um n m II 11 a 1 1 1 1 ! an in: Mirw uu mc nuiijic k
which led to the arrest of Hodges, nnd r. veral
others implicated in the matter. Wales, Sim-
mons. Overton nnd Finnev. having bv some
means been apprized of what had transpired,
suspected Morse of having communicated the in
formation to the authorities, became so enraged
against him as to threaten to take his life;
whereupon he applied to the Police, who caused
them to be arrested and held to bail in the sum
of $.100 each.
Oi.k Bri.t.'s Eovk Ahventi'Re. The Courier
dest Etats L'nis publishes a very romantic story
of a young lady of high respectability in Boston,
who followed Ole Hull on to New Yoak, nnd had
herself conducted to his room, confessing herself
willing to be her slave; and that the violinist
reasoned with her on the impropriety of her be
haviour, and conducted her to the steamboat and
sent her back, sorrowing, to her friends. The
Sunday Atlas says : We have heard another ver
sion of the story. The lady did not, as we learn
follow the violinist to New York, but visited him
at his hotel in Roston. The result is much the
same as that published in the French paper. Ole
Hull was an honorable man ; but the lady, we
grieve to record, is, we hear, in a lunatic asylum.
The strength of her passion overcame her rea
son, and she was suffering under the direst of ca
lamities, madness, when she visited him.
Indian Courtship. A party of fourteen In
diana, mule nnd female, have lately started tor
England from the Northwest Territory, the
speculation of taking live savages to bestirred
at by John Bull proving a profitable one. Thebc
Indians say that their mode of courtship is some
thing as follows : The stricken Romeo discour
ses sjch music as he is able to extract from a
rude flute before the wiginan of the copper co
lored one until the damsel comes forth, and then
he commences pelting !ier with sticks. If she
smiles, and does not throw the sticks buck, it is
a match on the contrary, if she fakes it into her
head to throw the aforesaid sticks back, the poor
swain puts up his pipe and looks for another
wigwam, or, in other words, "puts that in his
pipe and smokes it." This is one way to make
and reject love. Picayune.
Linf.s n Du. lliiAwniir.TH's Pills.
He came fioin afar, to the laud of the hrae,
To cure our diseases, and snuteh fiom the grave.
Long, long had Columbia her eufl". ring sons mour
ned, Rut now she rrj decs, for heidih has returned.
What prize shall we giv , or what honor li slow 1
Willi what wreath shall the PhiLirhro
pists brow ?
Thy name, Dr. Rr.iudreth, ' inccril eJ on our souls,
And thy fame shall extend from ihe line to the
poles ;
llewatc of all Druggists, who strive to deceive
Their miserullu imi!Htinn can nt ver re it ve ;
The Agents mlverlised, sell ihe genuine Pills,
Which remove from the loily the ciusc of its ilo
rXj Purchase of H. B Masser, Sunbury, or of j
hn agents, published in another part of this p.ier.
.Tf .1 It it IKlt,
On the 2d inst., by the Rev. J. P. Shindel, Mr.
Hkmiy IIi.iiiim to MissMakia Woi.k, both of Au
gusta tow nshtp.
On the th inst , by the same, Mr Isaac Dm m
in.t.i.FH to Miss Makv Cumiad, both nf Augusta.
Hy the same, some time since, Mr. Jamks
Ross to Miss Hkmuktta Com. iion, both of Au
gusta township.
On Thursday, the 50th ult., by the Rev. A.
Brittain. Mr. j.v. 011 G. Gknski., tu.Miss Ei.i.k.n
Fisiikr, both of Koaringcreek tp., r ohindiia co.
On the 2nd inst., by the same, Mr. Pau i:so
Fisiikk, of Rush tp., to Miss Makv An,
of Shamokin tp., Northumberland co
Onthe Sth ult., by the Rev. J. II. Worrell,
Mr. Hakyian: S.nvi.H!, to Miss Mary. Ann Ram-:,
ull of Rush tp
On the Qi'.th ult , by the same, Mr. Maiii.ox
Hi'KK, o Augusta, to Miss Hannah Vami.nk.oI'
Shamokin tp.
riiici: t:uiuu:.NT.
Corrected weekly hy Henry Yojctltetmer.
Wheat, .... 85
Utk, Ml
('ohm, . . . . . 40
Oats, 35
Pohk, - 5, ... .
Rkkswix, .... 25
Tallow, ... 10
Dnitii ArrLV.s, . SO
Do. PsACHkS, . 150
Flit, ... .8
Hecklid Flax, 10
Eoos, .... .10
Call and So Hie.
PERSON knowing ihemselv. s bubbled to
the subscrilwr, are requested to call snd scttli
llitnr accounts, on or la-fore the UOth day of Janu
ry next, after which time those of lung standing
will be placed 111 the hands of a Justice, for coll. c
tion. II. B. MASSER.
Dec. 11th, 164 1.
AT I A XVI 1,1,12, FI?.XSl'I,VAXI.t,
On Wednesday Evenitiff, Jan. 22, -T
V ADIE8 AND GENT1.1 Ml N fr. m
distance, who wish to enjoy a pleasant even
ing, are n specifolly inv ted to favor us with their
presence. The I) A IX will open at G o'clock, P.
M., with a Brand promenade, in the large and com
modious saloon of the Engine House.
fXj' T1CKE TH, f 2, admitting a Gentleman and
tX3" For Tl. kets, apply to II. B. Mswr. Esq ,
Siinhtiry ; at the nfhee of the "Milton'sn," Mlton ;
to I)r. Joseph Priestly, Noilhumherl.irid j or to the
ffm, DonaM-nn. Gen A. Fiick,
Joshua W. dimly, William Coir,
John Best, Jon O. Montgomery.
Dmville, January lllh, 1815. 2t
T7Olt trial in the Court of Common Pleas o' Nor
Ihuml erland County, at January Teim 1315
romnienrirur the first Monday, being the Cth.
Sritzinger, alienee of
v John Garver rt n
v- George I.'in reiiro
vs J I llsrkenherg
vs Wm M'C.y
s John F Murray
vs Joseph Writ d
v. Isaac Rnnlaritii I
' Sirph.n Dcir
i Fry mire for Evert
! Bellas fi Ellis, Ac
Herd fir Murray
J W S niih
Daniel 7.erhe A Wife
VVm A I.loyd
vs Martin A Stock
Siini'l SwinehaitiV wife vs Peter Fester
Corimd Dcsher's ex'r vs J McKiuney ct al
App'e'on, endorsee of
hJwantscV erree vs Wm Donild-on
Dimuiig fur Gamp
vs 1 .iroh VVorlley
s Charles Ruch
vs John Painter
vs Alir iham f.swrence
s Joseph Keller
vs H'-nrv Hteiumeti
vs John W Peal
v J C U Nou'se
Joseph ritzel
John R Keiil.r
I Renjimin Robins
! I'lenlice for Welch
! Stephen Derr
i Haas rV Drurkemiller
j Wm A Lloyd
; Unlet Smith
vs Augustus cc John lluey
H T Hollineshend tV Co vs Peter Lazvus
Charles 1) Wharton vs Henry liardsher
E P S'-annon vs Dennis Waters
J Ji W F Wsjgnnselh r vs Eli S iter
I A W Johnson et al vs John O Boyd et a!
j John Ross's ri'rs vs G SS Wal'isit al
j Oiuir'es Gale vs S ime
I Christian 1, Weimer vs Hub .n V M'Coy
, D.miel Rrcsius vs J. hn A lShisler
Joseph Mimmn vs Shamokin A- Iron Co j
i rowiesiv uiri-nacn vs Mogenilolilrr v nrnsuacn
j Fjfiely. Gleaver rt Co vs Thomas M'Fall
I It R Geaihnit vs John G Young
I Dar.iel Mover rc Wife s Daniel Frvmire
1 Ahrshsm Troutnian ct al vs Ghri-linn Tchupp
John U Miller vs in M Gsy
Claire Genevieve Dasque vi Daniel Dunkleberger
Hume vs r-ame
George Oyslet ' vs John G.irnhnrt et al
John Bobb s Diniel Dornseif
Welsh, Pemp ft Frick vs George Ovslcr
Folger for Troxcll
vs Henry P Follmet
William Farmw
Charles A Towar
Light iV HolfuinB
S tV J Bird
.1 & J K Tr, go
Hiiycs, Elliot, Lyon &.
vs Abraham Klaze
vs George Eckert
vs J A P Montague
vs John N Lain et al
vs Wm M 'decry et si
vs Mil'er Frvmire
Jar. ib Scihrit
George Leiluich
Henry I'upp
Henry Ma-ser
Jordan V I'urdy
Henry Hitchinan
(irorue Eckert
D M Nechler
Mnrhell f r Ruber
John A Housworth
Rums A. EimIv
Ehcubrih Wii zel
( ieoige Ei k' It
Dim, I M'Kn ght
I) S Spare
Henry M is er
vs (ieoige G M'Kee
vs Henry Masser, Esq.
vs George Slnlcy
vs II. nry Folk
vs .lot-cph Allison
s George Ku!7.
vs George W Towar
vs .1 Dines Th rp
vs J neil liwine
vs ticurue Heckcrt et al
vs S me
vs D Lev y' rx'in
vs G'-orue W Towur
vs I! Rii'haiilsiio ci ul
vs Henry sti t'ler
V Will t'l 'ar V el ill
PrnihonotarC oflice,
Sunbury, Dec. 1 1th 1s t 1
OF .Norihiiuilx'tlund foul ly, lur January Term,
A. D. 1 8 is.
raiiI .furor.
Turhut. baa.- Du. kle.
lUltiwure. Win B Irwin, John Beard, Abra
ham Sismer.
MiInn. Lew is E Evai s. II J Eckbeil.
('hil'Siptiitpic Joseph Fordesman
Sortliuntlierltnid. J Youngmxu, Benj Hein.
Aitgusla Henry Malicli, siir.
Slmimikiii. John HolVinaii, James Y01 nm.
Mttxh. ls:,sc Esse, Wm Ruthermel, Jscoli Ar'er.
I ppir M11 li 1 it vy. Gideon A.lam, Sobinnni
Folk. Samuel .at.
lAitrcr ,Mtiiitmtiy. jonai. an I'oiK.y, neoiue
' II nis, Andrew Deny, J cob Snider, j.., Elijah i
j liver y, John B iwmsii, jr. ,
1 I'ravci'M Jiiroi'si. j
j Turhut. John I'm, j
I l.i ins. Adsin Schuyler, J i.'ob Ifunsii'kei. j
i Ihliiwiire. J lines Kulhc rt, John Ht'ile, L.iac
j Vincent, John Fog Ima.i, Daniel Nicholas,
j Milton Michael Kramer
I (.'liilifiumpie. Thoinus Hul.hi n, John Heller,
Win t, Robeit Lyon, IMvvird Buoy.
I'oini. John I'fouiz, Allan New l riy, jr., Win
I Dentb r.
I Northumberland. Win H W apples.
i Suntiurt. liuies llu-tc J, John lldeman, tieo
( B YountMiiau.
Augusta. .Isroh Rhouls, ('hades Robins, J is
! Lvtle, Ptiihp G ml. Amlrew K i h.rnun, Peter
: Vandliug, licora Siler, J hii Yoiily.
j Siainiii 11. Morgan Hughes, John Hurt', Fur
; man F.-rusworih, John K (.'..inpl.ell,
j A'kai George A D ion, Beiij.uuiu Malhias,
Jacob Snider, Ale I inuei I'auiplied.
fin, I. David Tlioit!iiii. Mich.icl Dek, snr.
I I'ppt-r Mtih'imiy. (i-erge ll.iss.
I l.tmir Maliiiiiin. Huh Keii.ble, John Mis-
tier, snr., Henry Wist.
Jucktun Dsniel lloliner, jr.. John Kiehl, Hen
ry L it-lis, Benjamin lleim, Jscob Weioer, jr.
I'i'fit Juror.
Turhul. J sines Ar.nslioiig.
Isti'.x. John Khipi'.
Ihlnwurr. Jacob Do-hler. snr., fieome pox.
Sjniuel Dt-srmoud, David T Mack y, Jarrd Ir
wine. Milton. Isaac Hoii. l, Henry W1II1. I111, George
Ei'er", Michael Slioe.ii.,kcr.
Cliilihiiuuiptc Thomas Allen, James Jordan,
Andrew F.lzer, jr.
J'oint. Daniel Vankirk.
Northumberland. Abiaham Hollopeter, Jacob
Sunbury Chuile Weaver, Prler W (iiay.
Auguita. Jacob Evert, Joseph Lytic, RoU rl
U I'u.stil, Jacob Dcwill, Thomas jr.
Kwli. Joseph Patten, Alrxandei Moo:e, Cas
per Herd, lamb Rued, jr.
Little Mahanoy. David Dunkleberger.
Jackson Charles Kolhermel, Micliai I Creaiiu
tier, Peter F. r.ler, 1'tUi Keed, Jcub Bohi.vr.
Nov, UOih, 1844.-
Sliaiiiokiia Coal
flH E Siihscriher has a boat loid of excell. nt
JL Whatnokm Cost nt Northumhcrl ind, whicli
he oilers for sale nt the lowest pr.ces. Persons
wishing In prchise will cull on the suhscii'ir at
Sunbury, or E. P. Shannon, E q. at Northumber
land. II. U. it.
Sunbury, J.m. 4th, 1S45.
LL persons indebted to the etlo ofjotin
B l,egiieu, late ol l otnt tnwnsrup, ilecrase.l,
are lierel.y no ified to make piymen', without de
lay, to the sulircrilier- and t'me hsvii g claims
against said estate, w II present them ilnlv suthen
tualed for selllinitn. JOHN B. IIOVI),
North'd, Dee. 28, 18 U. fit Eiecut rs.
Lost! !
SOMEWHERE between the residence of the
subscriber, in Ch li qu .que townslun, North,
uiolit rtand coiintv , and the loroiiuh of Sni'tuitv,
on Tuesday, the l'Jth insl., a smull I'ockkt Hook, '
eoniiiiiiing a note of li nol from Tobias Uu mert and
John Murray to subscriber, as the administrator of I Murray, il.ile.l in Januirv, IH'J'I; nnd I
sriothi-r noie of hand li same, fur f 18, dated in i
181(1; a siit'pums witnessese-, and five dol
lar lull on (he Bmk of Noithuruheiland. The
finder, by returning it, will he suilub y rewarded j
or by leaving Ihe p ipers at ihe Post Dilic-, Sunbu
ry, or forwarding them to ihe m1 sciiber, mav keep
the five dollar bill. JAMES F. ML' It RAY.
Ch ItFqu .que, Nov. 30ih, 1 H 1 4. tf
Ci'Irltrnfcd I'amily QtMlirincs
7ILL not cure everv thine, but still rein -in in Ihfir ili-partmoi.ts by
every thing ever nlTered to the public, who have
voluntary eiime forward snd tillered numerous nnd
highly rispcctable tes:iin niiuls of their suprri.r
ellic icy.
Cnntrrll'.s Cnmpiiunrl Mf til valid Sinip nf Stir,
tripnr lln ; or, Ann-Seorbiiiie Svrttp, for the
of Scorfula, Chronic b'hen.n .tisoi. Chronic Swel
lings of the Joint', Enipt'oin of tlie Skin, mid nil
Disea-es arising from the abuse of Mereti'v, iV-.,
unsurpassed by any thing in the ina-ket, eonibi.
nirig all the virtues resident in the Sar-nparill.i
with a modern in' dtcaineut, on'y lately brought
nut by ihe most respectable medical authorities.
Price, 50 cents per lu tile.
Citntrelt'tt .liiti-Diivprplic l'"trtfer, f"r the re
lief anil prrmnni'iit cure of i!mI most distressing
complaint, Dyspcpsi-i, in all it forms and stages.
It is tiuly a most vnhi ible renudy. S.dd in bottles
at 25 and SO cents each.
CiintrrlPi .Igur. Mixture and Tonic Mrilint'
mrnta, stands al tho head of ihe list unrivalled by
nny, or all the innumerable medicines in u-e
throughout the length and bread h of Ihe land, for
the cure of Fkvkh and Aner. in all its stages, and
from nil its consequences.
Residents in Fever and Ague districts should
never I without it.
The cr will forfeit EIF'I'Y DOLLARS
where his medicine fails to peiform a cure in the
most obstinaie ca-e.
Sold Who'es de nnd Retail bv CALEB CRES.
SON. at Ids Drua WVehonse, No. fi North Third
Street, l'hiladelibin ; also, bv the r cul irly ap
point, d audit. SK I'll W. ROBERTS, Wholesa e
Druggisl, No. 51 Water Sireel, Mobile.
Prepared oi:lv bv the SubRcrdx-r, corner of C A R.
PEN PER and SECOND Str.ets, below I'hristi
an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailed.
Observe, none ate genuine ithoot li e s.L'ea'ure
unfit'Il's Ainu' .Mixture, or Tonir
.llnlic aiuriil:i,
Fur the cure of nil li limit tifficlionn, if token lie
cor'liittf to direction.
Il is a never failing .remedy which no fami'y
oughi to be without, esp.ri.illy in low in.r-1 y
com tries.
As this medicine is put Up under the proprie
tor's iiinn. di.ite inspection n the most hciei.til'u
prioc ples, lx"ug Pur. ly V.gelnhle, nnd bavioi:
tried its clhcdcy on thou-iind-, f r upwards of I'i
vears, and lohis knowledge when mken lrictlv ac
cord in u to dii ect ions, there h 1- not hi en i iie fa lore.
Coder such r rrutntancrs I recommend it to the
public, adding a cenili. an in support of my n-sei-tion.
I, John Burns, do retli'v thnt I was in the khip
Tob.icco I'lilit of I'hll.iilel, hi 1, t'upl.
June, 18i7, biino-l 1.1 l.iveri.ool ; toon the fever
and ugue and taut in l.iv. ipool moiio I in-' un.b r
the doctor's I amis, went fiom ll-eie to It i'lnm re.
lay in ihe Inlinnary for four ur five w.i ks Iroin
thence to Pbiladi Ipb in ; wnssn 111.11lhsnn.h r Dr.
Goals; fiom thence to New Y' rk . nt to II e
Hospital, reiru'ri-d dure i,l 1,011 fur w.rks
anv relief tiled .very lb 111! wohoiil snv benefit,
for five ye.ns. lie 1 r 1 1. c of Ca. Orel's 11ue Mu
lu.e fr.nn a frit-id, I wei I to I 'n lore. I 'I.I hioi
h w I was ntllicled, and gi I a I , . 1 1 1 ol his iniviirc
and us. .1 il ar-eor lintf to .lireclions. Il 111 e'e a . r
lecl c ure, and I have in I bail the lensl r. tun .inc. .
I do with con lid. lice rcionoiici d o to ihe pnblic.
!Hllt alrl Syrup ul'S;irsasii Ilia.
I'h, I id. Iphia, April lilih, Is I I.
Mr. Joint A. I'vs i hi li ,
Dear Sir, II. mm; be 11 nlllic ed for tipw.nd . ol
two vears with ulceration ul the tbioai, .le trov i g
the whole if die soft piloe, then 1 h n.uvili Ihe upper
part i f uiv mouth into inv nose, Irooi whie'i s. ier
til iece. of boi.e came 1 ut, which partial y .Ictiov
e.l niv sp. rcli, ibrouuh a km. I I'r .v nh 111 e tnl vour
Medicated S.up.'lS,rs p nl ,, am now le-tor. d
lo pcit. cl be jltb, and inv sialit. w Inch w is .0 much
impair' d, l a troiiu as iv hen n I ov.
I ibon-hi tl a duly I ni .1 to y.iu and iIiom' snni
l.irly ull'ei I' d, to ill ike It public.
VoUis, R' spec 1 1 1 1 1 V ,
s it K.I. KlliK.
Corner of Tenlh and t..a rs StuvU,
I, (!a''lil J. nsl oi, No. '. lb -kl. ss Sl;cet. do e. 1.
Iifv thai my wile, J me, was nllbc rd tor two yean,
wnh lib. noil i-in. and at la-t was enl rely ill a li-.l,
so thai she wssubbeed to be routined lo b- d ; fell
ing of Cant'i'H's Me.liealed Syinp of Sam ,p irilU,
or Ami Scoibuiic Syrup, I pr.uie l four h ttl s.
which coinpl. I. Iv reinoved all her pains and slill
from lu r Innh.; two more bottles made a p. r
fecl cure, SI e is now able t a' tend 10 her house,
hold duties as u.ujI. GABRIL JONsl'ON.
PhiUdclpliM, Jan. 251. IH1I.
jj De-rriptiva Pamphlets may be had of ihe
agent, (Giati..)
fcunhuiy, Nov. 9, 811,y Jgent.
GLASS by 10, best quality,
Cut NsiU, nil ne,
Salt, by ihe ik mid barrel,
H it. and Gaps, ul the t.t quality.
All for sale at m,ln,cd 10 c. , by
fmibury.Oct. 2, let a I. il.B. MAS&ER.
va: p.t a im: com polw i,
ron ma eras or
Till Medicine is ofTered to the public gener
ally, from a full conviction that it is superior
to any other medicine now in use. for the rure of
Dy.p. pia ,iver Complaint, Nervous Debility or
Bodily Weskness, Ac.
Its rfTeetshsve been tested in a private practice
. fne.r eiiiht years, and it is now more etiensively
circulated, al the solicitude of many who have re
ceived the niost signal benefit from the u-e of it.
The f iorviog j one among a number of certifi
cates leceiv. d in relation to the success of this me
dicine :
Lancistkii Co. March 18.
Da. Oman W.,
7)rar Sir: It is with great p'easure that I in
form you of ihe success ntendiiig your Dyspeptic (
Medicine, whi'e employed in my p notice. From
past experience, I firmly believe that in eight cases
out of irn,trj Dyspeptic, by ihe use of your medi
. ine, may emir ly rid himself of this thorn in ihe
pathway of life: not only in dyspeptic eases, but
in id1 rises of constipation, and diseases depend ng
on a dibihia ed slate of the nervous system, loce.
tber with a t.npid stiteof the bowels, will your E-
li x ir befoui d of inestim dile value. Numerous in-
staiirea wherein Ihe us. fu'nrss of the medicine has
been realised, may I for warded, if reqnirrd. I
wi-h y. u grea' success, and recommend the medi
cine to the sull'cr tig ( art of mankind.
Youts, with ureal respect,
Cfj' For sale at the store of II. B. Masser, agent
for the pr 'prietor, Sunburv, Pa.
October 2fith, 1811. ly
TBV1E sabserile r has just received from Philadel
1 plua a fresh supply ol Nkw Goons, consisting
in part, nf Mmuliii Ihininm, Crnpe Drloino,
Cashmere de Lrox.-c .Shmt'l, llimlkerchrifi, JfC.
Also, Hi arrr nnd S Ik Hutu, a good asHoiltm-nt
ol Mrn'i unit Hoys' ('apt, Clrocerie, I.iiuors,
Salt, .c Ac, all of which will be sold at the most
reasonable terms. Stone Jar 11ml Jug, cheap.
Sunbury, Oct. 5th, 1H1L
BAGS Salt,
100 Darr.l do
1 75 e ish. fir sale
Sunburv. Oct. 19th. ISM.
C a r ) c t i n g s .
No. 1 1 1 Cieinut Street, Corner Franklin Spmre.
TT AS just reci ived and is now oiening a verv
A' esteusive and beautiful assortment of CAR
1'F.TlNdS. The goods are fresh, and of new
st Ira, and I riim purchased principally for Cash,
they will be sold at the lowest prices; they consist
in p ot, of
Splendid Bius-e's, "v CARPET-
Beautiful iinpeiial 3ply, I INGS,
Super F.vra Incrain, M!olors war-
n 1, 4 4, 5 K Twilbd Venetian, ranted
" " " Plain do. J ni'RAnt.F.
A l.irue stuck of well seasoned l)IL CLOTHS
of all width, Ri os, BiiniNos, Ac., tocelher with
an extensive arso'tnienl of Luw priced Carjictins
of all de-rriplions.
QCj" Purchasers are r.ipies'ed to call and see us,
when they will find an extensive assortment at the
most reasonable prices,'phia. Oct. f. h. ISM. if
A II K V A; Kl C A I,
South Kust corner of Market anil 1th sis..
U THERE th y alwavs ke.-p on hand an extcn
sive i-s ..tin ut of HA TS Zj CA I'S of everv
di script ion, got up in Ihe he-t and most Approved
slj le. I'eis ns derirnus ol purchasing superior aril
ch s on ihe most ri ai 11 .ble terms, will find it to
.heir adMinlHge to call b. f re making purchases
ebe h. re
Philadelphia, Oei. r t 1 1 . MIL lv
sin (;i:in "s pa i knt
rilHIS M . chine his now been ter-ted by more
1 than thirty families in this neighborhood, and
has given entire iitilactioo. It is so simple in its
co Htrurth'ii, that it cannot get out of urd. r. It
. 0101 ns no iron lo ru-i, mid no -piings or rollers lo
uel out of n-pair. It will do twice as much wssh
ini!, Willi Icsx thiol hall the wear and tear of an) of
the I ite inventions and what is .f greater in por coms but lit le over half as much as other
washing machines.
The sub., ribrr has ihe exclusive right for Nor.
thumbed ind, l iiioii. L coiuuig, 1'olumbi i, l.n
i. rue and Clinton counties. Price of single mi
ll fit. II. II. MASSER.
Ti.e follow ii a ceit'licate ;s fiom a few of I hose
wboha.e llie-r 111 uhi. es in use.
Soi.bury, Aug. 24, IrJIl.
We, ihe sulserilM-rs. eemly that we have now
in u-e, in our faiiuliis, "Sbogeit' Patent Wash-
11. t! M , chine," and do nol lit. itate siviugthil it is!
a niosl tii rlb nt inveii'l'll. I hat, III a-hllig.
it will -aiemore ibau one half the usual labor.
Tnal it do. s not require more than one thinl the
osii.d .pi inli'v ol .0 pand water; and that there
is n 1 rul.t'ii'g. and con. qiieiiily. little or no wear-
iii r I. aiuij. I'h .1 it kn.H'kj "If no bullous, and I
Dial li e finest elo h-s, si c'i 11s collar-, laces, locks
Iril s. rvc, may lie isbeil to a ve y sl.ort lime
without li e leitrl 1 1 . j 1 1 1 v , a. d til liRl without stiv
a.p.i.eni i ar and teu', llatevsr. We iheit'fore
eh eit. illy recommend it to our ti ieuds and lo the
public, as a iiioj-I u -iful ..d l.ih. r savinu machine.
emuLEs wMiEcyvs,
A. io:tN.
Ills S E WE It.
Ills I'l.EXsANTS,
Glti:tl M RKI.E.
Hon. GKti. C. WE,
IIhih's Hotki, (toiin rlv Treinont II ou-e. No.
I Hi Ch snul s uet,) 1'liilj.lelplna, SeplentU r
21.1, IHIL
I have um .I Shug. it's Patent Washing Machine
in in v liou e upw of eight month-, and do not
licnate to tay that I deem it one of the mo t use
lid and valuable talioravi.ig machines ever invert
led. I formerly kept two women continually oc
cupied in washing, who now do a much in two
.lays as tin y then did in one we. k. Them is no
wear or tear in w ashing, and it requires not more
ihao oue-lhiid the usual quantity ot soup. I have
had a number of odi. r in chines in my lain ly, but
. this is so decidedly supeiior to every ihmgrUe, and
no li'tle liable to grt out of lepor, (tint I would not
i .lo without one it ihry .houl I coi l.n limes the
I price they aie sold for. DANIEL 11 ERR.
' 'PUKED! LOI 11, a hainLome article, all wool,
! buht snd el sue, lur -utnmer L ais and Pant.
lo' sale, very low, by
i June 15. H. U. MASSER.
. l .. . .
1 in in.t
At An. 41 Strnwhmry St. Philadelphia.
flHE Rent of Ihe suhrtribers in their present
I situation being very low, and their term
CASH, they are enabled to aril at such low price
that customers cannot fail to be satisfied, and they
invite the people of Northumbeiland and the ad.
joining counties to call and eismina their stock,
as they otTer an enrellent assortment, comprising
Beautiful lmreril, Spiv, "
Superfine Ii grain,
Heav Twilbd Venetian, VCARPET1NGS.
Fine English Worsted do.
Plain S'riped do.,
With a large Stock of well seasoned Floor Oil
Cloths of ail widths, for Rooms, Halls, Door Pie
ces, fee. Also Furniture Oil Cloths, Beautiful
Hearth Rugs, Table Covers, Floor Baise, Rag Car
pets, Mailing. vVc Ac , together with a large Stork
. f low priced Ingrain, Entry and Stair Carpels,
Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest prices in ih
No. 4 I Strawberry street, one door above Ches
ntit, near 2d street. Entrance also at No. 50 South
Second sl.eel, Philadelphia.
Sept. 28ih. IRt 1 Urn
s p XTni'sh hides
T A X N E il S' ) I Ii.
.'lOOO I)iy La Plata Hides first quality.
inOO Dry La Guira. do
IOOO Dry Salted La Guira, do
20OO Dry Salt, d Br ail Hides, do
3. Ba!es Green Salted Palna Kips.
JO Bales Dry Pa'na Kips.
I "JO Barrels Tanners' Oil.
Tanner' and Curriers' Tools.
Fur sale lo Country Tanners at the lowest prices
ond upon the best terms.
N. B. The highest mtuket prices paid for all
kinds of leather.
No. 2l,S(Mih ' hird St. Phil.delphia.
Sepirmber 14. IML ly.
Country Merchants.
rilHE Subscribers respectfully invite Country
X Merchants who are ahotit to purchase Fall
and Winter Supplies, to an examination of their
respective Slocks, believing that their several as
sortments are as complete as have ever been ollei.
cd in Ihe Philadelphia Market.
With storks nf Goods in their several Depart
ments of Ihe ch. iccst kinds a determination lo
sell on terms w h ch cannot fail to prove sati!-fclo-ry
and a disposition lo please old and new custo
mers, wil1, we hope, be a sullicient inducement lo
purchasers to call at our respective establishments.
Silks and Fancy Goods.
W A R P Remington 80 Market Street.
Ashhurst Remington 50
Buck ft Potter 116 "
Yard A Gillmoie 109
Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods.
Reynolds, A Co 105 Market Street.
Buinett, Wiihers A Co 120 "
Scott & Baker 1 5(1 '
Wise, Pu-ey A Wisa 154 '
Hardy fi Hackers 46 N. Second Si.
Importers of Cloths, Cassitners, Vest
ings, &c.
William H Love 147 Mitket Street.
LambeitDuy 108
Hardware and Cutlery.
Michsrl V Baker 215 Market Street.
Edwaid S Handy A Co 9S "
Importers anil Manufacturers of Sad
dlery Hardware.
Horn A Knrass 215. Market Street.
Boots, Shoes, Honnets, Caps, Leghorn
and l'alm Hats, (Sec
W E A J G Whelan, 158 Market Street.
Levick, Jenkins & Co 15D "
M Conrad & Co riO "
Manufacturers and Healers in Drugs,
Medicines, I'ainls, 0U, vVc.
Thomas P Jam. a 212 Market Street.
Polls, Linn A 2l:tJ '
Robinson, Cod lis & Co 87 "
Edward Cole 51
Thompson Pancmst A Co 40 "
Hats, Caps, Furs and Trimmings.
I, Kenton lifi Maikrt Strict.
John Sauerhter A Broth, r 02 "
Hooks and Stationary.
Giiag A Ed on 9 N. Four. h Street.
Hogau A Thompson 30 "
Importers of 5riiisli and French Fan
cy Stajile Stalionary.
L I C hen A Co 27 S Fourth Street.
Henry Cohen 3 "
Importers of Hosiery, Gloves, Trim
mings and Fancy Goods.
Seiley A Severing 2 N Third Street.
Parker A Lehman 3 "
Comhs, IJitishcs, Urootns, cc.
Thonus Cooper 3 N Front Street.
Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staple
A F O t 16 S Fouith Street.
Manufacturer of Patent Lard Lamps.
E.lis S Aichei 34 N SeconJ Stuet.
Manufacturer of Patent Floor and
Furniture Oil Cloths.
Laae Macuuhy, Jr. 6 N Fifth Slrt-el.
Manufacturers and Importers of Pa
per Hangings.
Howell A Br.1h.1s 80 A 143 Chesnut Si.
Philadelphia. A -.must 21. ISIL 3m.
TO Mr.ltllll.MS X. 3l.Mi:K!.
Xo. 3t, Xorlh Second Strert, f opposite the
Madison iloutt;J
WHERE will bef und s general assotl- rJ
iv Hieill ol 1 lorencr iiruiop, .-vnri-., iiui'o.
lands, Peddles, Wilh.w Flail, Rica St aw, and tlx
much admired Neapolitan Lace, ami Fancy Ui.
nets, in inohic lined by us, slid for sale at Ihe 'owe t
manutsclu'e prices. Merchants and Milliners a.o
iiiviie.1 10 give us a cdl upon visiting Ihe Cily.
(X N. B We have ulso cnii'lamlv niakina
aopi tior 1 nd ott.r edgings, all uf winch I
he sol.) ch.ap, lor rash.
Philadel, Ins, May 25, ISIL ly
l)ALORINES, a handsome article for I.u Ji.
' DresM s, tor sal cheap, by
Juiiv IB. 11. B. MASER.