Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 23, 1844, Image 4

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The following is q paasnge from tho laugha
ble tale of desperation, one of the rich articles
which are embraced in the literary remain of
the late Willis Gaylotd Clark. It is only ne
cessary to premise that the writer is a Phila
dclphia student, who, alter a stolen fortnight a
mid the gaieties of a Washington season, finds
himself (through the remissness of a chum) at
Baltimore on his way home, without a penny
in hia pocket. He stops at a fashionable hotel,
nevertheless, where, alter tarrying a day or two,
Se finally, at the heel of a gram dinner, "omnes
aMits" in his private apartments, flanked wiih
abundant Champaigne and Burgundy, resolves
to disclose all to his landlord. Summoning a
servant, he pays :
Ask the landlord to step tip to tny room and
bring his bill."
He clatters down stairs, giggling, and shortly
thereafter his master appeared, lie entered
with a generous smile, that made me hope for
the befit his house afforded, and that, just then, I
was credit.
"How much do 1 owe you," Faid I. He
handed me the bill with all the grace of private
"Let me see seventeen dollars. How very
reasonable ! But, my dear sir, the most disa
greeable part of the matter is now to be dis
closed. grieve to inform you that at present I
nni out of money, but I know by your philan
thropic looks that you will be satisfied when I
tell you that if 1 had it, I would give it to you
with unqualified pleasure.
"But yon see my not having the change by
me is the reason 1 cannot do it, and I am sure
you will let the matter stand and say no more
about it. I am a stranger to you, that's a fact ;
but in the place w here 1 came from, all my ac
quaintances know me, as easy as can be."
The landlord turned all colors. "Where do
you live, any how 1"
"In Washing , I should sny Philadelphia."
His eyes flashed with angry disappointment.
"I see how it is, mister ; my opinion is that you
are a blackleg. You don't know where your
home is yon begin with Washington and then
drop it fjr Philadelphia. You must pay the
"But I can't."
"Then I'll take your clothes; if I don't, blow
me tight."
"Scoundrel !" said I, rising bolt upright, "do
it if you dare ! do it I and leave the rest to me!"
There were m more words. He arose de
liberately, seized my hat and my only inex
pressibles, and walked down stairs.
Physicians say that two excitements can ex
ist at the same time in one system. External
circumstances drove away, almost immediately,
the confusion of my brain.
I arose and looked out of the window. The
snow was descending as I drummed on the
pane. What was I to do 1 An unhappy "sans
cullotcs" in a strange city, no money, and
slightly inebriated. A thought struck me.
I had a large, full cloak, which, with all my
other appointments, save those he took, the
landlord had spared. I dressed immediately ;
drew on my boots over my fair drawers, not un
like small clothep, put on my cravat , vest and
coat ; la d a travelling cap from my trunk jaunti
ly over my forehead, and flinging my fine hingj
mantle gracefully about me, made my way
through the hall into the street.
Attracted by shining lamps in the portico of
a new hotel, a few squares from my first lodg
ings, I entered, recorded some name on the
books, and bespoke a bed. Everything was
fresh and neat ; every servant attentive ; all
angered well. I kept myself closely cloaked,
puffed a cigar, and retired to bed to mature my
"Waiter, just brush my clothes well, my fine
follow," said I, in the morning, as he entered
my room. "Mind the pantaloons ; don't spill
any thing from the pockets ; there in money
in both."
"I don't sec no pantaloon."
"The devil you don't ! Where are they V
"Can't tell I'm sure ; 1 don't know, s'elp mo
"Go down, sir, and tell your master to come
up here immediately." The publican was with
me in a moment.
I had arisen and worked my face before the
glass into a fioniliuli look of passion, "landlord,"
exclaimed 1 with a tierce gesture, "I have been
robbed in your house robbed, sir, robbed ! My
pantaloons and a purse containing three fifty
dollar notes are gone. This is a pretty hotel.
I thia the way you fulfil the injunctions of
scripture? 1 am a stranger, and I find myself
taken in with a vengeance, I will expose you
at once if I am not recompensed."
"Pray, keep your temper," said the agitated
publican. "1 have just opened this house, and
it is getting a good run ; would you ruin its re
putation for an accident ! 1 will find out the
villain who has robbed you, and I will send for
a tailor to measure you for your mining gar
ment. Your money shall he refuiult d. I)o you
not see that your anger is use lets I"
"Mv'leur sir," I replied, "I thonk you for
your k.iulness. 1 did not mean to reproach you.
If those trowscrs can be done to-day, I ball be
i-.itibfied : for time is more precious than um
nry. You may keep the others if you rind
t tern, and in exchange tor the one hundred and
forty dollars which yuu give tuo, their contents
are yours.
The next evening, with new inexpressibles,
and one hundred and forty dollars in my purse,
I called on my guardian in Philadelphia for six
ty dollars. He gave me it, with a lecture on
tullegiate dissipation, that I shall not sron for
I'd. 1 enclosed the money back to tny hnnnr.i
l.l landlord, by the first post, settled my oilier
lull at obi t 'rusty 's, thu til at publican, aud got
my truuk by mail.
The following lit show the current value of all
?ennylvm Bank Note. The most Implicit re
liance may 1 placed upon it. a it I every wnk
sarefnlly compared with ai d correclej from Biik
nell't Reporter.
IlaukN In Philadelphia.
. Disc, fit
Nr. I.ocat.o,. rHtAn
Bank of North America
Bank of tho Northern Liberties
Commercial Bank of Penn'a.
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank
Kensington Bank
Philadelphia Bank .
Schuylkill Bank
Snuthwark Bank
Western Bunk
Mechanic" Bank . .
Manufacturers' A Mechanic' Bunk
Country ltankn.
Bank of Chester County
Bank of Delaware County
Bank of (Sermantnwti
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Doyh-atown Bank
Easion Bank
Farmer' Bank of Buck co
Office of Bank of Penn'a.
Office do do
Office do do
Office dti do
Doy lento wn
llarrishurg" These
Lancaster I nflice
Beading (do not
Ea.lon J issue n.
Rank of the United Elates
Bank or Perm Township
(ii'ard Bank ,
Mnyamenoing B tnk
Bank of Pennsylvania
Miners Bank of Pollsville
Bank of Lcwislnwn
Bank of Middlctown
Bank of Northumberland
Columbia Bank A tlridgeco.
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
Do do branch of
Farmer' Bank of Lancaster
Lancaster County 11 ink
Farmers' Bank of Beading
Harrisburg Bank
Lancaster Bank
Lebanon Bank
Merchant' & Mnnuf. Bnuk
Bank of Pittsburg
West Branch U nk
Wyoming Bank
Philadelphia 25
. par
I i
. . par
. . par
Potiville i
Lcwistown 1 J
Miihllctnwn 1
Northumberland par
Columbia par
Carlisle I
linllidayshurg i
Lancaster par
Lancaster nr
Reading par
Lancaster pit
Lebanon j
Pittsburg j
Pittsbutg j
Williamsporl If
Wilkeshane - 1J
.Northampton B ink
Berk County Bank Reading
Oliice of Bank of II. S. Pittsburg failed
Da do do Erin do
Do do do New Brighton do
Kensington Snv. In. A do
Pcnn Township Sav. In. do
Bank of Chamhershurg Chamhershurg t
Bank of (Jeltysburg (Jeliysburg 1
Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose 30
Erie Bank Erie 2
Farmers' & Drorerit' Bank Waynesburg 2
Franklin Bank Washington Ij
Honesdale Biiik Honesdale I J
Monongahcla Bunk of B. Brownsville ij
Vork Bank York I
N. B, The note of those batiks on which we
jniit quotation, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the
exception of those which have a letter of r ference.
Philadelphia 8a v. Ins. Philadelphia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed
Schuylkill iSav. Ins. do failed
Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyolt, prop.) failed
I'owanda Bank Towanda
Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford
Bank of Beaver Reaver
Bank of Swatara Harrisburg
Bank of Washington Washington
Centre Bank Beibfoiite
City Bank Pitishuig
Farmers' & Merh'cs' Bunk Pittsburg
Farmers' A. Mech'ca' Bank Fayette c.
Farmers' eV Mech'ca' Bank (Jreeucal:e
Harmony Institute Harmony
Huntingdon Bank Hunting. Ion
luniata Bank Lewistown
umlierineii' Bank Warien
Northern Bank of Pa. Dundair
New Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Hope
Norlhumb'd Union Col. Bk. Milton
North Western Baik of Pa. Meadville
Office of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon
Pa. Agr. A. Manuf. Bank Carlisle
Silver Lake Bank Montrose
Union Bank of Penn'a. Uuiuntown
Westmoreland Bank (ireenshurg
no sale
no rale
no sale
no sale
no sale
no sale
no sale
Wllkesharre Bridge Co.
Wilkesharie no sale
rXj All notes purporting to be on any Penu-yl-vania
Bank not given in the above list, may be set
lown as frauds.
Bank of New Biunawitk Brunswick failed
lielvideie Bank Belvidere J
Burlington Co. Bank Milliard par
Commercial Bank Perth Am'my J
LUmberl,inu U ink Hnugcton par
Farmers Mount Holly par
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway
Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk N. Biunswitk failed
Farmers' and Merchant' Bk .Middlctown Pt. J
Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City failed
Hoboken Bkg A (irazing Co Hob .ken faibd
lersey City Bank Jersey City tailed
Mechanics' Bank Patters in failed
Manufacturers' Bank Belleville faded
Morris County Bank Murristown J
Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold failed
Mechanics' Bank Newaik i '
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton par '
Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City I
Post Notes no sale j
Newark Bkg Si Ins Co Newark J j
New Hope Del Bridge Co l.ainbcilsiille j
N. J. Mauufuc. and Bkg Co Hoboken failed ;
N J I'roleclon A. Lombard bk Jersey Cily failed
Orange Bunk Orange A
Palerson Bank PateiMin failed
Peoples' Bank do
I rinceton Hunk rrinriluii
talent Bunking Co Tall in
Ktale Bank Newark
fSiaie Dank Kli.iU ibiow n
(Slate Bunk Cainilen
Slate Bank of Morris Monistnwn
SiKte Bunk Treiiiiui
Salem and Philad Manuf Co f-alein
fiuiiMi Bank Newton
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Bank Dover
Washington Banking Co. tiackrnsack
Ilk of Wilm & Brauilywiue Wilmington
j ( (.
Hank of Uelaware
8my rim
Do branch
Farmers' Bk of State of Del
Do branch
Do branch
Do brain u
Union Bank
rjjf Under 5's
thus () there are ei
(j y On all t anks markeil
I ir rounle'leil or altered
rioui of the vir.ou !
miualioi,, is) ciiculiHJ!.
1CI"1 II ATIVI2 SI ntip.
ri'tHB vatuab'e prnierie of Oakley' Bcpura.
1. live Syrup of FWsaparilla, as a purifier of the
blood, I so well known to the public generally,
that it i unnecessary to ncrtipv much space in set
ling forth the advantage In he derived from ila
use ; wherever the medicine hn once been intro
duced, it take precedence over all others t every
one that baa taken it, have derived o signal bene
ficial result from it, that it is recommended by
them with the U most confidence. Physician of
the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it
In patient under their rare j containing nothing
del, trrinus. but hiing composed of the moat mild,
yel rtricaeiou vegetable materials, it is nlb-red with j
confidence, a ihm cheapest arid most efficient pu- i
rifier of the blood now known. The ue of a few
botiles, especially in the spring month, will be at
tended wiih a mot decided improvement in the
neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds
of ilisea-e thai may have been generated, besides
giving health snd vig, r to the body. For the cure
of Scrofula or King Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter,
Pimples or eruption of Ihe Skin, White Swelling.
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac. The nu
merous ecriifica'e in the possession of the subscrl
!er and his agon!, from physician and other, are
sufficient to convince the most skeptical ofiissu
eriority over all preparation of S.iraparilla.
8. .Id wholesale and retail, bv llie proprietor,
OEOKOE W. OAKLEY, North Mh streil, Rea
ding, B'lka County, and to be had of the following
prisons :
in Horthumlierfar.A ('nunty -H. B. Masssrj
Siiribnry ; Ireland oV Mixel, McEtvenaville ; D
Krauser. Milton.
In Union Cnunfi.J. Ocarhart, Selinsgrove !
A. tiutelnis, Mifllinburg.
7r Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash
Reading. March 14, 1841.
Mb. O.Ki.rr: I believe it the uty of every
one lo do whatever in their power I ie, for the b'ne.
fit of their fellow man, and having had po-i ivp
proof in mv own family, of the wonderful properties
of your Depurative Syrup of Sa'sapnrilla, I m st j
coiieieiiiiouiy rcconimciui n 10 uie nnneien. , e
had the mirfortune to .se two of our children, by
the brrakiug nut of ulcerous sores that covered tin
face, head and neck, although we had some of thf
most M-icniific physicians to attend th ni and bad
tried all the known teiupdics, including Swaim's
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
was attacked in the same manner, her face and
neck was completely covered; the discharge was so
olfensive, and I be disease at such a begin, that we
despaired ot her life. Seeing ihe wonderful effects
of your Depuraiive Syrup of S.irsapari.l.i, we weie
induced to make trial of it. as the last resort ; it
acted like a cl arm ; Ihe u'cers commenced healing
iinrsedialely , a ft w bottle entirely restored her to
her health, which she hss enjoyed uninteriuptedly
ever since. Asa puiifier of the blood, I verily be
lieve it has not its equal,
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
DniigUsMllr, April 19lh, 1043.
Mr. OiKi rt : My son Edmund Leaf, had the
scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man
ner for three years, dining which time he de
prived of the use of his limbs, hi an'o neck
were covered wiih ulcer. We tried all ihe differ
entremcdiis, but to no rffi ct, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown, and also Dr. Isaac
Hiesler, of Rending, to use your Depuraiive Syrup
of Sarsaparilla, of w hich I obtained several boiiles.
the use of which d'ove the dieae er.tin ly out of
hi system, the sore healed up, and the child was
restored lo perfect heahh, which he ha- eejoted
uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishrm nt of
many persons who seen him du ii g hia affliction.
I have thouiiht it my du'y, and send you this certi
ficate tint oil cs who have a like affliction in ihe
family may know where lo obtain valuable a
medicine. Yours truly.
Sept. 10, 143 ly
(oiiiitci (rllri-N'
The pu' .lie will please observe that no Brandreth
Pill are genuine, unless the hoi has three li
bels upon it, (the top, the aii'e and the bottom)
chi h containing a fic-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. B!i(nth, M. D. These la
lel aie enuraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an exeiise of over f 2,0(10. Tin refore
it will be seen that the only thing n'cessary to pn
cure ihe medicine in it purity, is lo observe these
Remember the top, the side, and the boitom.
The following respective jwrsons are duly auheri
led, and hold
For the sale of Hrandmh'i Veifttalite Universal
Norlhumbeilai d coiiutv : Milton Mackey &
Ch.imbeilin. Suuliurv H. B. Masser. M'Eoens-
ville Behind St Men. II. Norihuin'ilarid Win.
Forsyth, (ieorgetown J. & J. Wall.
Union County : New Berlin Hogar eV Win
ter. Selinsgrove Oeorge Oundium. Middle-
tmrg Isaac Smith. Ueaveriown David Hubler.
Adamsburg Win. J. May, Mltllillsbu'g Mensch
it Ray. Haitletnn Daniel Long. Freeburg
tJ.V V, C. Mover. I.ewisbnrg Walls & (ireen.
Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds
I'd. Berwick Shunian V R tteuhouse. (''-
lawissa (', G. DroLts. Bbxunsburg John R. j
Mover. Jciscy Town Levi Bisil. Washington !
Robt. McCay. Lime-tone Bailie Mc"'"cb. I
Observe that each Aitenl has an Engrav. d Ccr- j
'ificale of Agency, condoning a representation of i
i ir Bit AND RET IPs Manufactory at Sing Sing, j
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of .
the new lain is now until upon tie llrundrrth fill j
Philadelphia, office No. 8. North ftih street.
June 24th, IH4:1. j
city ri iiMinn: Arcriox, i
Nos. and III iNorlli Thiiil Street,
Near the City Motel,
MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-pectfnl'y in-
the attention of persons desirous of unr
cha-ing Furuiiuie. to his extensive S.ib-s Rooms,
(boih pu' lie snd 1'iivate.) for every description of
Hons. liul.l Furniture, win re ran lie el. I lined at nil
lime, a lare assnnment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Bi ds, M amasses,
&c. al very reduced prices, for cash.
07 Sales bv Auction, twice a week.
May 2Vth. 1813. ly
ii.TTCP.lTE7" AT L.V",
OFFICE, in Ihe second story of ihe building oc
cupied by Dr. J. B. Ma&str, on Market street,
Oct. 2II, 1813.
i TlirPkliliiff Mat til lie lor S:lv.
rpHE snbscnlier olleis f r sale a THRESHINC
I. MACHINE, new and in good ordn. The
Machine ha been tried, snd proves to be an excel
lent one II will lie sold at a reduced price, aud
warranted. Apply lo II. B. MASSER.
July 1st, 113.
rm TirrTr.n.
RtNaWOHN"), MMPl.fisi ON Tllf. FArR, AND OTHKH
ffj 7Vie fnllttwintr crrtijica't dctcril one of the
mnxt extraordinary mres ever effected by any
Phii. nrrrni, February 10. 183S.
TJ'OR twenty year I was aevercly afflict- d with
Tkttkm on the Face and Head! the disease
Commenced when I wa seventeen year old, and
continued until Ihe Full of I8:lfi, varying in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During ml
of the time, great part of my fiee wa covered with
the eruption, frequently attended wiih vio'ent itch
ing ; my head swel'ed at time until it felt if il
would lnr-t the swelling wa o g-eat. thr.l I cou'd
rarcely get my hat on. During the. long
that I wa afflicted with ihe disease, I used a great
many plication, (among them several celebrated
preparations) a w. II as taking inward remedies,
including a number of bottles of Siraim's Panacrn.
Extract of Sarsnpurilla, eVc, In fact, it would be
impossible to enumeia'e all the medicines I used.
I was also under Ihe care of two of ihe most dis
tinguished physicians of thi city, but without re
ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fill of ISHfi, ihe disease at the time
lieing very violent, I commenced using the Hone
Ointment, (prepared by Vaiigban At Davis.) In
a few application Ihe violent itching ceased, the
swelling aba'ed. the r motion began to ilisnpear,
and la-fore I hud used ajar the di-ease was entirely
I cured. It has now been nearly a yiar and a half
since, and there is not a vetige of the disease re
maining, except ihe scara from Ihe deep pits formed
by the disease. Il is imp. asible for me to decril-e
in a rrrtincate Ihe severity of the disease and my
suffering, but I will he pie .si d lo give fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will call on me. Al the time I commenced
using the R. se Ointment I would have given hun
dreds of do'hns to le rid of ihe disease. Since u
sing it, I have recommended it lo several person,
(among them my mother, who had the disease bad
ly on her arm.) who were a I cured bv it.
J AMES DURN'ELL, No. 160, Race St. -
Jj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Yaughan, Sou h East corner of Third aud Race
sire. Is, Philadi Iphia, and sold on nuencv in Sunhu
ry. by H. B. MASSE R,
May 14th, 1911. Aaenl.
ltOM! OiiBliiiriH, for TetTcr.
a proof of rrs EFFICACY.
I'muniUHiA, May 27Hi, I83'.t.
THIS & to certify it al I was severely alll cted
wiih Tetter in the hands and feel for upward
of forty years ; the disease waa attended generally
with violent itching and swelling. I applied to a
nuniht rof physicians, and used a great ninny appli
cations without cflWiiiig a cure. About a y ar
since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely
stopped the itching, and a few application immedi
ately cured the disease, which there has been no
return of, although I had never U-cn rid of it al
any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAOE,
Eleventh, la-low Spruce Streei.
Cj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vauthan, S iuth East corner of Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and s.dd on agency in Sunhu
ry by H. B. MASSER,
May 14lh. 1843. Aftemt.
Of the ROSE OITMF..T,fr Tltr.
ALTHOUtJH ihe superiority of ihe preparation
over all others i fully e'ablished, the proprie
tors lake pb asure in laying In f.. re the public the
following certificate from a respectable physician,
a graduate of ihe University of Penn Ivania. Dr.
Baiigb, having found in tbi remedy that relief fir
a tedious and disagreeable afli-rlion which the means
within the range of bis profession failed lo afford,
has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of lhal profession aie
i prsised lo secret Remedies.
PHiLsnrLryit, Sept. 19,181(1.
I was recently Iron!. lid with a tedious hera?tic
eruption, w hich coveied nearly one si 'e of my f ice,
and encoded over the ear. Mr. Yaughan, propne
lol of the Rose Ointment, observing my face, insis
ted on my ttying his preparation, of whick he han
ded me a jar. Although in common with ihe mem-U-ts
of my profession, I discountenance and disa
prove ol ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon Ihe
public by iunoi ant pri lenders, I feel in jus ice hound
to except the Roan Oiiitimnl born thai class of me
dicines, and lo give it my approbation, as il entire
ly tured the eruption, ahhoiigh it h id resisred Ihe
usual application. DAM. BAUOH.M. D.
The Rose Ointment ia prepared by E B.
Yaughan. South East corner of Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on sgincv in Sun
bury, by II. B. MASSER,
May 14th. 184:1. A(rnt.
Mover1 s Ink.
Manufacturer of Writing ntid Indelli
bio Ink, No. HKi North Third Street, eix
disTt below Itace, (east hide,)
1EsECTFt'LLY informs country merchants
k and others, lhat he con-tmll keeps on band
a large stock of bis superier Black, Blue snd Red
Ink. and also a superior qu ibty of Inch Hi! le Ink.
His ink is put up in bellies varying in size, from
1 to 32 ounces, and will be sold on reasonable
terms. The eieel ei t qualities of this ink ha so
thoroughly established Us character, lhat it is now
extensively used throughout lbs country.
. For sale at the store of II. II. Masser, Sun
bury, Pa. .May 27th, 184:1. Iv
AS taken the oliice lorn eily occupied by the
Hon. ( hailes (i. Donrn I, p osile the Couil
M'-use. He will attend In business in ihe Curls
of Northumberland, Union and Columbia counties.
May 20th, M43.
( fieri ral Siae Oftice,'f
?n gl.t rraj clz r
I'riuiNyli 'uiihi.
rilllE Subscriber respecilully infotms his friend.
I. and Ihe public in general, that he has taken
the above
and that lie is now well prepare! to sccuiinnodatc
all who may favor him with their custom.
ID Si i.riu ArAKTHirs tre well aited, and
Hi Tattle txn Bar will alvay be sjppli.d
with the heal theuiaiLut can alford.
His Htimlibo, which is g.xd, will It under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He ft el confident, by Uriel attention lo busintsa
and au earnest desire, to render e infnrUhle those
who may patronize him, that he will nol fail logive
general kalistacllon. , J, WEAVER.
Muniy, Oct. 1st, 1812 if.
Commission At Forwarding Merchants,
toot of Willow Street Rail Road,
TTAVINd aasociated wi h them Joseph Barnet,
AJ Isle of Eastnri, Pa., reieclfully inform their
friend and the public generally, lhal ihry have ta.
ken th it large and we'l known store and wharf at
foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately nccupiel by
Jacob Martin, where ihey purpose doing a (ieneral
Commission and Forwarding Business, and
the local advantace of the place being connected
wiih all the public improvements that have their
outlet In the city, they flatter themselves ihey will
be able to do business to a great, if not g eater ad
vantage, and upon a reas.mnl.le lerm a any other
house, and they assure their friend that any con
signment made lo them shall have their strict at
tention, and no exertions spared lo give entire satis
faction. Tin y are also prepared lo receive and forward
good in any point on the Delaware and Lehigh
rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila
del I hia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can .Is;
also, to any point on the Juniata river, or North
and West Branches of the Susquehanna via Schnyl
kill anJ Union, or the Chesapeake aud Tide Water
For the accommodation of Boats coming or go-
tog via Schuylkill and Union Canal, a Siemibnat
w ill be ki pi expressly for towing boats from ihe
Schuylkill (round to ihe Delaware and back, which
will en ble merchants to have Iheir produce deli
vcied on the Delaware, and their goods sl.ipprd at
a saving ol 50 to 75 a-r cent. o Ihe prices fir
hauling sctoss, with Ihe! advantages ihey re
spiclfully solicit a share of pntrnce.
William Hellman,
William W. Keyse', C
Joseph ll .rnel. J
Philad .May 14. 1811. ly
Snuff rind Tobacco Manufacturers,
So. ) Aorfi IVcst corner of Rare anil Third
rPHE under-igiied have formed a Co-partnership
1 under the firm of J. MAYI.AN D. Ja. & Co..
a successors to the late firm of Jaeah .Matfond J
Co., and will c uitinue the business at the old esta
blishment, on their own account. In -addition lo
their own close attention and ejperience for many
year, in the manufacture of their cefebrated HHill"-,
&e.. the long experience of the senior partner of the
bile firm, will aUo be devoted lo the interest of the
new concern and aa no exertion and care will be
spared to insure their goods, at all times of the ve
ry 11 quality, they solicit a continuance of the
confidence of the friends an. I customers of ihe late
Philadelphia. May 14th. 184:1. I y
To t'ouiilry
rPHE Subscriber, Agenl of Lyon & Harris, Hat
Manufacturers, for New York, Phil.idelphiu,
Baltimore and other large cities, wtose lints are
highly commended f.r gmtd coin and dumhility,
has on hand a fir-t rate asiitm"ut of HATS and
CAPS, suitable for Spring ile, wh ch will l e sold
very low, foi cash or approved credit, at the ni ted
cheap store. No, 40, North Third trt, opp ii'e
the Cily Hotel, Philadelphia.
N. B. Orders (or Huts in the roii4. promptly
attended In, Th highest rica ill tush or trade
given Fur ikins.
Philadelphia, June 11, I813.--ly
Griici'iil C'uiiiiiiInmIuu r liauls,
For the Stile of Flour, drain. Seed, e., 4c
EsPECTFULI.Y inform their friends and
V (I,, Merchant generally, that they have la
ken those large and commodious Wharvr. wiih two
Dim Its, north of Chesnut streei, on the D. law ire,
locether with the store No. 19 South Wharves
where they would be pleased lo receive consign
ments of (irain, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron. Ac.
Ac. Being also well prepared lo forward all kinds
of Merchandise by the Schuylkill snd Union, or hy
the Chospcike and Tide Water Canals, aa tow
boats are kepi expressly for the purpose of lowing
bonis by ci her route.
Merchant will ple.-e Ire particular to send their
coeds destined by either canal-, t. No. 19 South
V harvrs, hclwien Market and Cheatiul streets, on
the Delaware, with direction accompanying ihem
which route they wish Ihem to lie shipped.
Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON A C' .
March 19, 1841. No. 19 South Whaive.
KOItl.IlT ( & SOX,
Lombard Street, Itattimorr,
HAVE constantly for sale. Priming r.qnr of al.
sixes aud qu.liiie. Can Writing Paper, ruled
ami plain. Letter Paer, white and blue, ruled and
plain, Hanging Paper, tine and common, Envelope
I' a per, do. do. medium, douh'e crown, crown and
extra sued Wrapping Papers, t 'olored Medium and
Royal Papeis, Bonnet, binder' aud Straw Box
Boards, Tissue Paper, and nil urt:clea in their line,
which ihey will sell on urcnmioda:ing terms.
Higherl price given for old rags.
March 19. 184:1. Eiklon. Md
iYo. 2.T7, Sorth Third, nlmve Culhu hill .,
"JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylvs
uis i jimn, an.l Samuel Pike, jr., Is e of A-
mi ncan Hotel, Columbus, I lino, lake pleasure in ae
qnuii.tiug their ftinidsaiid Ihe public generally lhal
tney have taken toe large and commodious Hotel,
recently built by the Messrs. H.ut.on the site
once occupied by the old eslablihed Hotel known
as ihe Bull' Head, in Third slu-el ubove Callow
hill st.
This Hotel is finished in the very best pivssible
manner, and of the best miie,ial. lis locution i
very desirable, particularly fi.rcountiy merchants;
the srrsngements for lieatir.g and ventilating each
room is such as to secure sny lemperaiure. The
brdroomaare all light and airy, all furnished ill a
nest style, so as to insure comfort.
The receiving parlors are also fun ished in a su
perb style, the windows are on llie French style,
forming an entrance lo a balcony in front, whiih
makes a pleasant recess. Piirliculai attention has
been given to the beds and bedding, which, with
ihe furniture, are entirely new,
from years' eijierience in hotel business, we
trust, by strict assiduity tc. buainesi, to make this
house a desirable stopping place. (Mir tilde will
always l-e supplied with the very btsl our market
can afford, and our bar with Ihe best liquors and
w ines of th most approved brau.U.
P. S, There are first rale stabling tnd carriage
houses attached lo the hotel, slit nded by esislul
sod solr hosilcrs, snd our ehsrges will t e low, in
accordance wiih lite present bsid times.
Philadelphia, Oct. 7th, 1842.
Business attended to in the Counties of Nor
thumlerland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia.
Rrlrr toi
Thomas Ht 6i Co.,
Lows Al Bakhon,
Hant, Ccssnfli & Haiit, yrhilad.
RxTNOttlS, MrFANttNn & Co.
Srrarvo, 'oon St Co.,
A'o. OB North Third, altove Arch Strttt,
OH ARLE3 WEISS, late of Ihe "White Swan,"
aud "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in
forms hia friends and customer, lhat he has becoraa
Ihe proprietor of Ihe abovs well known Hotel.
Country Merchant will find the above Hotel a
central location, and ihe best of fare. Persons tra
veiling with private conveyance will find large
yard and good stabling fot horses, and Ihe best of
oslleis. Boarding f 1 per day.
May 14th, 1842. tf.
Corner of Third and Vine Street,
riHE subscriber respectfully announces lo th
JL public, that he hia opened a Hotel in the com
modiou brick building B'tuate on Ihe corner of
'I hird and Pine streets, where he will be happy lo
wait upon ihoae who may favor him with their
company. The Eagle Hotel is Kirge and conveni
eni, and furnished in the be-t modern slvle. It is
provided with a large number of well aired and
eofiif,rtahle sleeping apartment, rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Person visiting WilliamsMrt on bu
siness or plea-ure, may rest as u red lhat every ex
ertion will I used to render iheir sojourn at tha
. i. . ... ... . . . . -
l"rRle Hot. I" pleasant and agr. cable. His Table
will he supplied wiih the very Inst the market .r.
fords, and bis bar with the choicest wine and other
liquors charges re .onable. The Eagle Hotel
possesses greater advantages in point of location
than arty other similar establishment in the borough,
being situate in the business p:irt of the tow n, ami
within a convenient distance of the Courl House
aud Williamspnrl and Elmira Rail Road Depot.
Sufficient Siabling provided, and good and trusty
ostler always in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and hone-l Servants
have Iwen cni-loe.l. and nothing left undone that
will udd lo llie comfort and accommodation of his
There will lie a carriage always in attendance at
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, free of charge.
May 14lh. 182. If
A N anie'e unequalled for cleaning arid giving a
highly durable and imrsl brilliant polish to sil
ver, (iermi.u SiUer, Brass, Copper, Brittauia ware.
Tin, St. el, Cutltrv, and for restoring the lustra oa
varnished carriage-, Ac. TRV IT.
Prepared an I sold at wholesa'e and retail, by ike
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owe.i,
Tioga county, N. Y.
WM". FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd.
H. B. MASSER. Agent lor Sunbury.
November 2tlth, 1843.
.Michael Weaver &, Son,
A'o. 1 3 A';rA H'uer Street, fhiladclphia.
W?A VE cons'antly on hand, a general assort
j ment of Cordage, Seine Twines. Ac, vix:
I ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Rom?s, Mam'l
hi Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, t
complete assortment oi neine wines, Ac. such a
Hemp Sliad and Herring Twine, Best Patent HiU
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shot
Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines.
H alters, Truces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chain
Ac. all of which Ihey will dispose of on rr ssoiublt
Philadelphia. Nov. mher 13. 1812. ly.
Xo. Ills Market Streei, Philadelphia
NVITE the attention of Country Merchant
to iheir elleusue a-sorlment of Brilirh French
and American Dry floods, which ihey ..tier for s ilt
on the ni -t reasxiiHble ! rms.
Philadelphia, .NoveinU-r 13. IhI J ly.
I'inhrella and Pir;isil Maniiracturer
Ao. 37 Xmth Thud ttrrrl, ion dimrt below th
Villi Hotel. I'liimltlpfna.
COUNTK Men haul and are solicipi
lo eismiue his assoiii.ti nt before purcli.ismi
Philadelphia. NnvrmUr I I. 1842. ly.
fTt'lR sale a sma I Furm, containing about sr
hundred and ti n ucr.s, more or le-s, situ it
i in Point township. Nonhuml rland count -, aliou
two miles above N ot ll.uiubci I ml, on ihe in.i.
r td leading from (hat place to lb.nvill.:, adjoiiim
I lands of John l.eghou, Jesse I'. 1 1 -( it and other.
now in the occupancy of Samui I P.iyne. Abo
j forty acre of said trad are clean d, and in go,
. slut, of cu liioii, on which there ia small ha
j erect, il. The properly w ill be sold Ml r asonal
; leim. For further particulars, prisons are requer
I ed to apply to the ul scrib r.
j H. B. MAVSKR, As,nt,
' Nov. 27ih, 1842. if Sunlmry. P
rim iu r
:l -i. L2i U2
ANTHl).N'S Classical Dictionary; Lentprier's
do.; Ailisworth's do; Cobb's do.; English and
(lermsu do.; Antrum's Ca-ar; Anthon's tirammer;
Antheu's Ciceio; Mail's Latin Reader; Ogilby'sdo ;
Andiew'a Latin Lessons; Doiinegau's Lexicon;
Fisk's Ore. k Exercises; Davie' Legendei; liiacca
Majora; Ad., in.' Roman Anliquiiies; PinnoiV
(iolilsinitli's England; do. lireet e; 1 ell's Ehnieut
ot (ieologv; Mrs. Lincoln's Bolauy; Elements of
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rheioiical Rea
ders; Eaicrsou'a (ieography and Jlisiiwy; Obey
do.; Parley's do.; Smiih' (rammer: Kiikham's do.;
Kav's Readers; Cobl ' do.; t'obb's Arithmetick;
Pike's do.; Emerson' do.; Cobb's Spelling Books;
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Biioks; Evangelical Fa
mily Library; Collage Dible-; Family do ; Collater
al Jo4 Suiail Bibles and Testsmeuls; Paiker's Ex-erciM-a
on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxter'
S. int's Rest; American Revolution; Marry alt's No
vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; lli.ul; Catechism
of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che
mistry lor Bi'ginneis; English Exeicisra adapted to
Murray's (iraiiuner, Sequel to Coinley's Spelling
Book; Am ricaii C'ias Bool; DaboH's Schoolmas
ter's Assist jnl; A great variety of Blank Book, Ac.
August 88, 1812.