MORS' Ei.ECTRIC-MaCKKTIC Tcr.EtJIt ATM. Thif wonderful machine is likely, ere lonp, to become a successful rival to all other modes of transmitting business and social communications from place to place. With a line of the telegra phic conductors extending from this cily to New York, the merchants of either city would 110 longer send their letters by mnil or express, and be subject to a delay of thirty-six hours for the answer. They would be compelled, by the Batumi course of events, to use the telegraphic conveyance, by which means they might get an answer to their communications in from half an liour to an hour and a half, according 'o the dis tance their correspondents might bo from the telegraphic office. It would require no longer time to communicate with New Orleans, if the fdegraphic conductors extended thus far, than it Would with New York, or than it would between School street and Court street in this city, where the telegraph is now in operation. The only time consumed is that required for striking the characters (the electric fluid travelling the cir cuit of the conductors at a velocity of ISO, 000 miles in a second,) anil Professor Morse has made 1UU of the characters in a minute, through a long communication between Washington and italtimorc. It would, therefore, require but ten minutes to tiansmit a communication of 1.0(H) Utters, which would be much larger than the. majority of business letters. Professor Morse Las a system, also, by which all communications hrough the telegraph are made private. The nost private business letters, or the great glow ing epistle of love may be communicated through the telogiaph. without a word or sentence being intelligible to any one but the writer ami his cor respondent. b-iniun lhtili Ailv. Improvement in the mmtcti,rk or I- The attention ol't'm ironmasters ha been ttracted t a process of considerable importniici ntely introduced into their manufacture. The ippiieatinn of electricity, tn supersede several ftbc expensive processes, has been tried in the IVelsh and lb'rbyshirr! furnaces with ory result. It appears tlmt tin; costly fuel nd labor required for the purification of the ore om mlphur, phosphorus, iind such Fiihtle ele ment, create its li gh market value ; and these eing nil electric iicontivr, hav.i introduced the w process, whereby the impure stream of me tl, after flowing- from the blast, id, in its inn ent of cousol nbit ion, suhjeeted to a powerful oltaic battery, which so ilisiieaa liic impure cmponetits that in the process of puddling they re readily oxtr icted. The I union blacksmiths, I is staled, have tested this iron after a single e-heut iiifr, and pronoiiticre it equal to the best ictal in the mirket. Ry the patm? process an xperiment was tried by Dr. lJn by wliom a oil red it iron was held in enntnet with a mo jrate red heat, and that gentleman is tindcr ood to have staled tlmt in a few hours the me 1 was converted into steel. Should these ficts rove what they seem, they are calculated to uct m m this seriously important branch of .ir trade. llnulith paper, Some fellow describes woman as "a sign on 'Inch to hang dry goods." The ladies can re rt by describing such slanderers as blocks up l which tailors exhibit their skill. II ll.TIM OltK M tllKKT, VJTtre etf lite. DtiTiMoHK AxKnirns. Nov. 1 1. tili.l.N. lie supply o Wheat to-ilay was ; ht. The sales are steady at ss a : cents for ! wj to strictly prime reds, and at 'i a SS cents ir inferior to kooiI. Sales of Corn, old and new, ; . .11 a 42 cent, for white, and 1 1 a 1-5 cents for ! How. Sales of ( hits lit a 5b cts. j WHISKEY. The deinaiul is very limited it ' tceuts for bbls. We qiuitK hhd.s. at i.'0$ a V!? its. Piairr Tits Uluihi As the blind io its life. vwrviug enure is rulij. ci to continu d wa-le, na- I re ha prnvi.hd fr the of the uliiu-oing . untain, l.y tie ennversi.m nur into new ; ond. Hut whilst nifli a in i e menus arc provided ! f the mniufdCiUie new blu.d, nature h ,s lieeu i lu solicit. m in (). i.! i . in for Hie rtpu!-i n ot .nl which is usele s and decayed. This input, nl office in peif rimd b ihe bow- Is, and isiien ature (wlm is always tiu.:i;li:ig lo ihr iw oll'nf tiding liimte,) r.ijiiirr uSH-t.i cu in be: Kim to- j fit intent. on, llrn.drh' Vcrj.-'abUs I'nitrr-al ; ill will be fumd siuguiuily ail lid to lie' .ur TS), It'CllUSe til')' reilliVe I It i Ull ') the M.iMacIl j J towels all Ci-rn pt humms fiom the b dy, in an j jy, sfo n 1 4 ir ci uhl inaniu r, producing im t f j t but what will finally conduce IJ ihe prrficl pu- ra'ion of ihe lilnod, and ll;cr( !y con' l o ill ' e, (by vhfi'rver ikiih' it nity tm cut cd,) jii.l ; ' perfect health the huV system, (j Purchase of II. 11 Mus-i r, S'onlnify, or of ' . snents, puMiheil in armthi r prt nf this p' ; SH.W.M 111111 " 1 "-' t I 1MIICU CI'! till 'AT. j Corrected uuekly iy Utnrif 'ixlUfiiiicr, Wbut, ' . Rri, fill 40 25 6 mo 12 2ft 10 75 200 8 10 T Cs, Oats, Po II, FlAisriiri, BuTTm, TtltSWAX, Tiiiov, l)aiu Amu, Do. Psirncs, r"iA, IlsckLtn Fiat, Ebs. EVAN. lUTIIEIIAN SYNOD OF Just I'rnnsyloania, MET at Uradiug in ihe precreding week, and among other iinporisul business, pas-ed a res.jlu tiiwi an account of the doleful condition of ihe Church, 14 appoint the first Thursday in December Iteil as a dsy of humiliation and prsyer. It bd that Chiisiiaus nf all ileiiouiiliHtiuns will kumhla themselves, and pray with us for a revival of Kaligiou, ou m.J day. J- P. SHIN JEf(, '. (t. Picu'lcnt uf llic ts)iuJ. Assignees' Kale or VAMJA1UM! COAL I,IS, Situato in Coal Township, Norlhum laml County, rcnnsylvnnia. WILIi bo sold at public auction, at the El change, in the city of Philadelphia, on rilVUSDA V, the 2-th int. the Mowing tracts of Anthracite t'Oill Imitlsl, lo wit t No 1, CnntnininK 213 acres, slrir.t measure, it hi ing thnrqu d undivided one-founh part of 1UJCK ItllHiU TIIA CT, which cnnt.iius, by esiimste, in all 813 acres, strict me isme. Upon this tnrt there sre several mines opened : seme of tin. in are imw lieing worked. Thereon sre alio crtctel four iwn-stnty llOliUI.K F II A MR 1.1 It rlllllU: IIOIIM'N, built to nccomiuoibite eight families; a Fram. Si di'e, Smith fhnp, s branc h K nl lait, iilioui a quarier of a mile in lengih, lending fiom the Hiinbury and Doivil e nod Poltsville Rail Koul to the coal mines: mid other improvements soba ble lor a complete Coll eiy. Huik Hun pisses ihroogh Ihe middle of this tract. No 2, Containing 973 neres 43.J perches, strict measure, it being the cquul undivided one half part of r.KKi-:x nmriK tract, which contains, by estimate, in all, I N 74 ncres 87 perches, strict measu e. The SMinl'iirv and Dan. ville and Poltsville Kil Rond pisses through it, (mnr t' e middle,) an I also the Kliamnkin ctrek. Vlin le mines of Iron tire, and h great nmnlier of Coul Viens, li ive been mseovered and oM'ned u pun ihi IrHCt ; but none of llie cosl iens have yet teen work-il fr m irkel. Tbe iilmve one half of the Irict will be sn'd to gett er, nr in two equal one fourth pai's. of 4 CM arrrn 101 J perches enrh. l i suit pun hnsers. No. 3, ('ontii'iiing 22R acrer, s'net measure, il lie nc the undivided nne htlf pil of the i:s i in:n ckha.mou thact, c nt linieg. hy e-timite. in .dl, 4S2:icris stiirt measure. Valuable Iron Ore his been found iipnn this true!. Then on are also erected a . SMAI.I, DWKI.MNi; HOlF. and Ttt a Saw-Hill, noon a hrineh of Sha- ! Sr4, liinkin creek. which passes tbrouyh it. lVITEfea A tlTx AnPiiHi ite Fu nare, now in hlnst. is situs led wiiliin a quarter of a m le of Muck Kidge, anil within a mile of Cieru Kiilge and Esther Creamur trscis. Tie nho'e of tbe ah.ivo ilerril-d I.nnds are sim ile I in the SAhhm,i'i Cfrj Hrgim, iier ll e limn of Sh nn.ikin. which is I!) mdes v nil Mad lo Sunluiry, and 30 miles bv Ihe proposal impro. veil route, without inclined pl.ines, lo P.illsr il.i. They sre all w ell timt ered, and are ntl Cmil I.niiii except about 20 were nf I!n fc Kidge, inin the iilj 'ining red shell And in quantity and qun'. i' cf(?ol. ineeiher wi ll convenient s.lnpiniinn by ravine, for numerous opi nir ps for niin-s ahne water level, tin y me not iufeii ir lo sny I, and in lb it rec'ion, "r perhaps in PernsvlvunH. Persons wi-liine lo view the Lands sre re.pert fully referred l Mr John Undd, of Su-bury ; nd for further pnnj. ulnrs resperling them, nn I Ihe lesion generally, lo ihe suliscriln r, at Lancaster, or Until Palter on, F.sq , tl Porville. Speeimens nf ihe C ml md Iron lire, and a map ot the ts. too ther w ith a more psriicalsr de scr ption nf ihe region, wil' lie lell at the Exchange in Pliilidelphiii foi inpcrlion. Si!p will commenre t 7 oMfk, P. M.. when cnniliii eis will he nude known, anj attendance Ijiveli, hy J AMES D. I, NNE, Assignee of George Heckert. XTI, ('. M nkel sireet. Hon ih it niny seiilied hind-. N-v. Ifith, J. Wol'erl. Auctioneer, No. fl Phi'ailetphia, will g've any infirm i be ties red rifpecnng the aliovc do nti John FiVrrlN INIalr. TOTII'E is g:eo Ihsl letters nf ad- niinistr tio i li ve leen ersnled to ihe su' Hi n's'r. nn !be est ile of John Even, .,f Shsnmkin township, di c'd. All persons iudelited nr having cVins i;stnsi sad estate, nre ri-qm sled lo csll on the Mil. sen! er f or t ef ire the fi st dsy of llecemlii r next. JOHN EVER P, jr. hamokin. Nov. !. ISM fit Adm'r. LIST CP " "fcF Fur ign 1 1. mi si e Merehamlise, of the V y C-.-u is ef .Niiilhiiriilieil.iiid, who hare, and who have tint pii.l rheir I,iceiies. Who h ive lMltl : Witliani For 'Mho Eonoiu 1 iV J Ksulfiuin Siinuel h niiKiit Penjamin H ffner Wm H Wnpples Wm (! Scott lsn:ic Dinwn Dm'el H ilatine Wm II Frvmire A- Co John (! Renn Th (m is I! Pomp (iideo'i Shs He ill Ca-lwvd'a ler Pe'et Heisel ( Cnrri y Wdlinin Dej.pen iiii- I V H irw-n k John K .rl .1 I n twi etii y iV Son D nii l SaiiI Pel I Mell .WMll Win K' luis iMivn I! iis (iiorge lSinsnis J P Hcki i:hor .1 .tin l)iiie:imaii J.UHC l'e. d SpoU Ai Deny Who liue not I'ahl: Mill r et M.irli lieorae V 'Power Wooil A Ke.iWll In-luud & Me'Xcll John Y"iin- II iv A: Hepburn l a P Clement E 1, Piper John It.'UHr Fli tiln r Maiheivs H It M isser JI irimnii II KnaMe John V Filling Vaine i Co lleorge Itiitihl J icoh II ia liu vers V Hut d Wm J Ksse Mosteller A- Swenk Win Si li Fsgely Seth I Cotnlv Co Samuel Jehn I! ..bert II H.immoiid 'I hos A- rh.ts A Postb y Wiltiim Heiney Joi n Smitli Chiis II Mi iri. k 1' t. r li rn l John Cia.Nf. rd J A J Walls T S M iekey A Son Smiuel Herli , Noiice i-hereby given, ihnt the Treismer i rompi lied, Iy law, li eommeiice KUils against all those who do not cmee f .rward and psv their breu ses on oi lifue the th ilav of Novenilei n:i. JOHN' FAKNSWOIM'H, funbury, Nov. 2. 1 8-1 1. 'IWimurer. .noticf. of nisTiiinivriox OI JOHN H. tOWDEN'S ESTATE. I N the ni itler of the proceeds of the real rs'ate of John II. Cowden, sold by the several shcrill'j of Northuinberliind, Lycoming and Union coun ties, and now eoiisideied in the. Court of Coiiiinjii Pleas of Union county for distrihulion, Rotlt e h-rohy (tivrn, To all persons inteiesti d in the distribution of the proceeds of the sheriff' si lea Bf.renid. that tie Court nf Ceminnn Plea i.f Union county has sp. pointed Wednesday, the Iwenly-sevenlh of No. ve nder nut, to make disliihution and a final de ciee among all Ihe creditors and legatees intrusted in said disirili jlion. Hy older of the court, WM. imsHONfJ, PtoiH'y. New ISnl.n.Oct SCiit, 18M.4I iS't i'lisi FIFTY DOLTjARS RF.WAItD ! CANTRELTj'5 relclirnlrd l'ainilj Medicine "W TITJU, not cure every thing, but alill rem .in V V unequalled In their several departments by every thing ever offered In (he public, who have voluntary came f.irwird sod rife red numerous and highly respectable testimonials of their superior i file icy. CnntrcWs Compound Medicated Syr'tp "f &i" mpardln or, A ill '-Scorbutic Syrup, for the cure of Scorfuls, Chronic Hheu.n ilism, Chronic Swel lings of the Joint, Eruptions of the Skin, and all Disea-es arising from the abuse of Merru'y, i-., unsurpassed by any thing in Ihe maikel, comhi. niug all the virtues resident in the Sar-ap.irilhi with a modern medicament, only lately brought out hy the most respectable medical authorities. Price, 50 cents per buttle. Ciintrrtl's .Inti-Piffprptif Powder, for the re lief and permanent cure of most distressing complaint, Dyspepsii, in all its forms and singes. It is truly most talu.ible remedy. SS t J in bellies at 25 and SO cents each. Cuntrcll'i .re ,1f 'x'nrc aid Tunic Mrdieti' mcnta, ft inds at the head of Ihe list unrivalled by my, or all the innumerable medicines in U"e throughout the length and h of the bind, for the cure of l' a and A hit. in all its st.iges, and friiti all its consequences. Residents in Fever and Ague districts should never lie without it. The subscitr will forfeit EIFTV DOKMRS where his medicine fails to perform a cure in the most ohsiinale case. K dd Who'esale and Retail bv CAT. Eft CRES SON. at bis Drug Warehouse. No. North Third Street, Philadelphia : also, hv the'rrgtil irly ap pointed agent. SETH W. ROBERTS, Who'le-a'c Druggist, No. M Water Sir. i t. Mobile. Prep-ired orlv hv Hie Sulmrrihrr, corner nf V. R PUNTER and SECOND Str, els, belo Chrisii an, Philadelphia, wdiere il is also retailed. 0!scre, none are genuine without the sienaturc nf JOHN A. CANTREI.L. CanlroU's Aprnc IHIvlnro, or Tonic lMllaiiirttf a, i'or the cure nf nil It 'oil nff rt.'ruw, if taken ac cording to dircct'on. It is a never failing remedy which no family ught ! be without, especially in low marshy countries. As this medicine is put up under the proprie or's imni"dnite inspection "n Ihe most scientific principles, Purely Vegetable, and having tried its rfficry on thousands, for upwards of 12 years, and tohiv knnwhilge when laken strictly se conling to diieclions, there ha not been ene fa lure. I'nder such circum-lanrrs I recommend il lo ihe public, adding a ceriifi. a'l in support nf n.y asser tion. I, John Iturns, do certify that I was in the ship Tnlncro PUnt of Philadelpbi i, Cant. Reed, in June, 1S27, bound lo Liverpool; look the fever and ague and laid in Liverpool some lime under the doctor's bainls, went fiom there to Ha'limore, lay in the Infirmary for four or five weeks bom thence to Philadelphia; was six months under Dr. Coat ; from thence lo New Y. rk went lo the Hospital, remained ihere about four wreks without any relief tried every tli'nii without anv benefit, for five years. Hearing of Canlre'l's Ague Mix tu'e from a fiiend, I went to bis store, told him h w I whs afflicted, and gnl a bottle of his mixture snd used it aeeor.liug lo directions. It made a per lert cure, and 1 have not had the least return since. I do with confidence- recommend i' to the public. JOHN UURNS. Mr'llratctl Syrup of Sarsapai Ilia. Ph.! id. Iphia, April I0ih, IK4I. Mr. Jon A . ('a sTHkLt, Drar Sir, Having lie. n afllic'ed for upward- of two ear with nlcemtion nf the throat, destroying the whole of ihe sofi p il ite, ihen throuah Ihe upper pnrl of my mouth into mv nose, from which sever, nl piece of bone came nut, which paiiially destroy, ed my speech, through a kind Pr ividime mid your Mediraled iSyrupol Snrs .psiill i, I am iiowie-lnnd to peif. cl he.dlh.nnd my sight, wh'ch w.isso much impair' d, is as strong as w hen a boy. I ihnouht it a doty I owed toyou and those simi larly street, d, to make it public. YnUis, K spec fuPv, SAMUEL KIRK. Corner nf Tenth and Coa'es Streets. I, fiahril J 'iisl in. No. 6 Re.-kh-s Strret, do cer tify tlisl my wife, Jne, was afflieied for two years with Hhcumvism. and at U t ws entirely dl-at led, so lhal she was obliged t be confined In bed ; bear ing of Caritiell's Me i sted Symp ( SjiaipariMa, or Ami Scorliu'ic Syrup. I proeote I fmr h. Ill s, which ce:opb ey removed all her pain ami slill' ness from her limbs; two mi-re hoi lies made a per fect cure. S' e is now able to aitrnd to her house hold d ii lies as o-u.l. li 11IUL JONSTON. Philadelphia, Ju. 22 I, 1841. dj" De-criptive Pamphbts may be bad of the agents, (tiratis.) J. W. FRILIMi, Sunbury, Nov. 0, IM1 ly .lent. .ri'''.'nir-f9 vcuirrim.i: iiioim, hi i; Til t'f n i. r i) v r i; ps i a. Till" Meili.-tne is nllii cd to lit public gener ally, from a full convieli hi th il il is superior I i snv olher mulicne now in use. fir the cure of Dvsp psia, Liver ( ! on j.lain', Nervous Dehilnv or llo. lily We.iknes. Ac. lis i flees have been tesle.l in a piiv.ite practice f ner light ve.ns, s.-d it is now nr. re rt'ensively fiiciihili'd, si i he s ilici'u.le of minv who It.ive re reived the ino-l i u n 1 1 hem til from tbe ue of it. The fi'l w big is one among a number of n rtifi r.ites leceiv'L'd in illation to the (iircrsi of this me. il c no : I.A'CASTrit ('o. March IS. Da. litoanr. W. Allkv, 7,r Sir : U is willi grrat p'e.isure that I in form you of die success anendiitg vout Dyspeptic Medicine, wln!e t iii I .yed in my p sciice. Fro n past ixperience, 1 firmly btliive thai in eight ce out of leu, the Dyspeptic, by the use nl your me li- ine, may rnt'ir ly rid himself of ih ihoru in the ilhw.iy nf life: not only in dyspej Pc eisc, hut in nil cases e.f connipiitinil. and diseases depend ng i on a dihllitu ed stale of ihe in ruiis svkiem, loue. titer with a lo'pi l (taenf the howeb-, wi l your E- i lixir be fou d of mrtlun t ie value. Nu.nenu- in stances heiein the usrlii'n. f of the medicine h i been reali-ed, may Is' lotwanled, if required. I wirh yell great success, and lecouimeud the mrdl riue to the part of minkin.1. Youis, wild great re-peel, KOUliKP Ali.NEW, M. D. ry- For sale at the st re of H. H. Masner, agent for ihe proprietor, Sunburv, Pa, Octolier 2lMh, 1841 ly eflrsi. roll lilt' I HAS receive J the reienl style nf Fiuhionahle Full Millenery, and will m:ike up Itoniie's nf all kinds in the latet style. She tins also for Bale a vsriely of rhnieo arlieles, such as I 'alicoes, Clott , RihbiUis, Ladies' Cravats, Ac, Mid respectfully re quests her customer ami others lo call and sec, Sunbury, Nov. 9th. IM4L 3i i nn ,,A,;s s"ur VW 100 barrel do., al f 7R essh, fr sala ley U. HENDRICKS. bunhury.Oct. I'.'th, 18-11. l'Ntatc r Col. John Jonra, OerM. E TTERS of Administralion on said dece. A dent's estate, have been granted lo the sub. sender. Persons knowing ihem-rlves indebted to said estate, are teqnes'ed lo miko immediate piy. ment.and those having demands against the same are requested In present their nrcounls fur cxamin alien and selilement. The admini-ttalnrs will at tend nl ihe dwelling house of Ihe derrssed, on the 16th of Novemlier next, lo examine accounts and mnke settlements. WM, II. Mt'ENCH, EMS HA KI.INE. Siinhurv, Oct. 13, 1814. fit A.bntV .11 U liar 1 ItiMkrlilUr'si llsile NOTD'E is herel y given, that h l ers nf Sitmin islration huve been trsitled lo Ihe snhs riber. on ihe rstaln of Mirhnel llo- kefeller. dee'd., lute of Augusli to'vnship, Notlhuinherland county. Per sons indi bted in said e-liile, nr hiving claims ngainsl the same, are re.pi. stcd to rail on the stihcrilier for selilement. ISAAC ECKMAN. Octolier l!)ih, 1841 tit Adm'r. LASS, ft hy 10, best quiliiy, t'ut iNsils, all S', Salt, by the sack anil barrel. H-its and Caps, of Pic best quality. All for side at te. Itieed prices, hy Sunbury, Oct. 20, 1841. II. n.MASSER. " A II II V It O A 1 WHOLESALE & RETAIL HAT & CAP IIAiUFACTCrJiUS, South r.nst corner of Market and 4tli fs., l'hlladrlpliln, ITfHERE they always keep on hand an extcn sive a-s .rtm. nl i f ll.t TS a CA I'S of every description, got up in Ihe best and most approved slj lo. Pris .ns nVriri us of porch ising superior srii cbs on the most n asnn dde terms, w ill fird ii lo their advantage to call In making purchases elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. .Mh, t8M Iy nilUSSKLS, I.N (i RAIN AM) VKNETIAX C a r p c t. i n s . Joseph it ii iPi noni), A'o. 1 1 1 Cicmttt S.'reet, Corner Franklin Spinre. rillLADKLl'IIIA. UA just recti veil ami is now opening a verv eilensive and beautiful assi.rl.nent of CAR J I'ETIXCS The ponds are fresh, and of new ; styles, snd being purchased principally for Cash, ! they will he sold ul ihe h wesl prices; they consist j in ptl, nf ! Splendid Hume's, 'I CARPET Heauliful impeiml 3p!y, I.MiS, Super Ex'ra Ingrt n, Colors wsr- 3 4, 4 4, S 8 'Pwdled Venetian, I ranted ' " " PI. in do. j DVllAHLi: A l.irgft stock of well sensuied I'lL CLOTHS of all w ul i Ii, Ri r:s, Hiuhnhs, Ac, tngelher with so extensive aso.tincnl nf Ijiw priced Carpeting of all descriptions. crj- Purchasers are rrques'ed to csll and ee us, when they will find an extensive assortment at the most reasonable price. Phil .de'phia. Oct. ft h, 1814. tf t CHEAP CARPET STORE, OIT TZXE CASZ2 3PLAIV. At .. 11 Strnwbary St. Philadelphia. TIHE Rent of the suhscriliers in their present L situation being very low, and their term CASH, they are enabled to sell al such low prices lhal customers cannot fnil to be sat sfied, and they invite the people of Nnrthumheilund and the ad joining counties lo call and examine theii stock, ss I hey otler an excellent assortment, comprising Ileautiful InqH ti il, 3ply, Superfine L. grain, Heasy Twill. .1 Venetian, -CA RPET1NGS. Fine English Worsted tl . Plain S'fped do. tth a Urge Stork of well sensonrd Floor Oil flo hs of ail nidtlis, for Rn.ims, Halls, Door Pie ces, Ac- Also Furniture Oil Cloths, Heauliful lies. Hi Rugs, T.ihte Covers, Floor Hniie. Rag Cur pets, Maying. e Ac , together with a lrge Stock .f low priced Ingra ii, Entry nnd Stair Ctrcu, Wholesale and Retail, al ihe lowest price in the city. hl.DlilDCE A 15 ROTH ER, No. 4 I Strawberry street, one door a'nwe Ches iiui, rear 5.1 street. Entrance lis.) at No. SO South Second sneet, PhHaih Iphia. Sept. 2Hih. 1 8 I t Mm s iTiTiK inSTiTvTKX'r T than ihiny famdu s in this iieighhorh .od, and h is gien entire -atisl.,elio-i. It is o simple in its construrln ii, t tint it cat not gel out of prd. r. Ii cooiim no iron to ru t, snd no .piingsor rollers lo eel out of repair. It wdl ito twice ss much wash inre, with less ihnn hill the wiar and tear of an) of the lite invention', and whit t nf grea'er io.pnr i ante, it cost but lit le over half as much a other washing machines. The siihsi ril-er has the exclu ive right for Nor. Iliumhi rlaml. Union, E'Cnmieg, Columhii, l.u r.erne snd Clinton counties. Price el siog'e ma chine fli. H. U. MAER. Tie fallowing ceitificste ' Imin a lew of those who have these in chi-ies in use. Suuhiity, Aus. 24, I8J I. We, the subscribers, certii'y thai we have now in u-e, in nor families, '.Shiigeit's t' item Wish ing Miiehine,"and do r nl bt silate su ing Ihit it i a most ix.'i lb iit iiivrn'ion. Th il, in Wa liing. tl will save more than one h nl ihe usu.d labor. I' it does not require more than one thirl the usual qn ititi' V of so .p and water ; snd ill -it iheie is no I'jbiung. au l const qnently. loi'e or no wear ing er If at iiii! lint it knoi k elf no hniions, mi, I Itial the finest clo.hes, sneli as collars, l ircs, lurk, lulls, e., nuy be was'n.l in a ey shott hme wn'ioi.l Ihe li'.sl iupiix . a dm fait without sny nppaieui wear and I. a', w hiitevr. S'o therefore cheiil, illy le, oiiiiiii'imI it to our frit and t i the uhlic, as a mosl useful nnd lah..r s ii g machioe. CH MILES W. HECINS, A. lO'tHAN, CHS WEWER. CHS PLEASANTS, tilHEOV MARK I.E. Hon. tiEil. C. WELKER, lll'.NJ. II E.N DRU'Ks, (ilDEON I.EISENR1NU. Iltaa's ILitkl, (foninrly Tri'inonl II ue. No. 116 Cln snul aut ot,) Philadelphi.1, September 211, 1814. I have usil Shugi rt's Pt-nl Washing Marl ine in my hou e c.pwards nf right months, and il mil hesitate to isy that I deem it One of ihe mo t use lol and taliuhle I ihor savy g machines ever inven ted, i formerly kept two w in eii roiilinusby oe rupied in washing, who now do as much in two ilay as ibi-y then ill. I in one wet k. There is no w,ar or tent in washing, and il require uol ne.rv lhati one-third the u.ual qnaulily nl soap, I have bad number nf nihil m chine in roy I inn ly, but this is so i!ih ideilly supeiioi to every thing else, and so li'lle l ahle lo get out of leptir, lhal I would not do without one if they shoul I cost leu limes ihe price Ihey are sold for. l WILL HE Kit. B l..l IUM, hiilhonie aiticle for Ludo' Dirsses, U rtt(4 thtn, by June 15. II. U. MASs-LK. VAMJABI.E FARMS, C'ioSAJ, PIIOPKRTY, W ATEH POWERS, II on nom aul IiOlH Tor Male. FI1HE Subscriber offers for sale the following de ll seiibcd Valuable Property, all of which he will sell al very moderslo prices, and on reasona ble terms, vie : HOUSES A LOTS. No 1. A targe and elegmttwo story stone man slon house with hisetm nl storj , all highly finished, and sHua'nd on the rial side of Market street, in Selr sgrove. Union county, being Ihe residence of Ihe subscriber. The lot on which this house slain) is vety hinds tmcly improved, and planted wi h choice f'uit nnd nrnamditil trees and shrubs, with nil the recess try improvements of a large bam, piggery, wag..n he I aril corn crib, carriage house, ice hou-e, smoke house and poultry yarj. The whole constituting a most desirable and beau littil ics'dence. Price, f 3,!iOO. No. 2. huge two story wooden bouse with ex tensive hark buildings, and highly improved gar den and lot nf ground. This proerty is situated notth of and sdj inintr No. I. and also forms a de sirable residence Price, 1,500 No .1. A two story wooden house with lot of round, situated on the eas( side of Water street, in Selincprove, well finished throughout, with log stable nn ihe rear nf the !o'. Price, ft00. No. 4. A two story wooden house with one sto ry ki'ehen, and a log stable on the rear of the lol, situated north of and adjoining the last named pro perly. No. :l. A well and pump, to accommodate ibis .mil No. 3, in the y inf. Puce, JMH). No. 5. A lol nf ground in the town of Charles tnwn, on the Isle of Que, situated on street, 40 by 10 feet. A desirable lot for a dwelling h e. Pri c, f 20(1. No fi A lot nf ground adjoining Srfinsgrove and Pei.ns creek, and fronting on Walnut street, containing about half an acre of ground Price, f-.MIO. CANAL PROPERTY .V WARE & 8T0RE HOUSES. No 7. A very ralunhle properly on the Pennsyl vania Canal, nn the Lie of Que, adjoining Selins. grove. The improvements are such as lo facilitate mercantile snd trading business to a great extent, nnd consist nf a larne two stoiy fnme house, occu pied as a iby go..ds st ire; a large and commodious w are house, 40 by 80 feel ; a long range of slubling ; and nn eilensive wharf, 400 feet long, with hoist in a crane. Ac. It is situated on the berm bank side of the rsnsl, an I in cery respect calculated f..r an rtlensite business. Price, 5,000, IIOAT YARD AND DRY DOCK. No. 8. A larje and convenient Hoal Yard on the Pentisvlvania Camd, and laying south of and niljoiniug No. 7. On this property is erected a one stnl a half story frame dwelling house, well finish ed ; a large shed snd rfTire for the accommodation of boat build rs, and also a very complete dry dock, into which boats for repair are floated out of the canal, and into which new !ohs erected on Ihe yard sre aln launched. A very desirable proper ty. Price fli.noo. FARM OF 200 ACRES. No. 9. A large and exceedingly valuable faim, containing about 200 acres of choice limestone land, in a highly improved stale. On this farm Iheie are about 140 aeies under culture, divided hy eo-nl fem es into fields uf ten acres; a Urge two si t? hou e with kitchen attached ; a well and pump of excellent water at the kitchen door ; a large snd convenient bank barn with wagon house, sheds snd corn crib an ached ; s large pies house with every convenience for making cider, at the foot nf ihe orchard, which consists of len acres of choice g ailed apple tires and trees. Limestone ia quarried in any qnan'i y within 100 yards of the farm buil lines, where lime is burned. Il lays within one mile of the Pennsylvanis Canal and He liusgrove. A very desirable farm. Price, f 1 2,000 FARM OF 220 ACRES. No. 10. One oilier large and valuable farm of a hout 220 acres of limestone land, and also situated within one mile of ihe rnnal at Sebnsgrove. Il is w. II ioq roved, there being about 130 acres well feneeil and uniler culture, the balance being well timhee I w ith oak, pine, walnut and chrsnut timber. The hu'ldino consi-l of a large and well finished I wo stoi y o home w ith kitchen ; a large barn wi'n W'igon shed and corn ciib, Ac. attached ; a spring hou" and never failing spiing near ihe hue; a smith shop, and two lime kilns, capable of binning ene humbed bushels lime per day, huilt ai'ioining so rxhatistless lime-tone quarry. There. are also ihree orchards nf heating apple Ireea on this fiirtn Piice. flO.tKKI. FARM OF 250 ACRES. No. 11. A farm en Penrs Crc. k. abmit 3 miles from the ranal at Selinsgrove, i:h the public road le tiling from Selinsgrove lo New llctlin, the seat of justice ef Union county, running through it. It contains about 2S0 acres, of vrbh h there are about :i(l acres nl first rale mcdow land, the balance up land and principally red schale. About one hun .Ir. d acres are cloir.-d, the balance being well cover ed with oak, bemim k and whilo pine timber. The budding enn-jist nf a well fmirhed two story farm house widi fine springs of water close at haie'., d l.atge log barn, corn crib, spring house, Ac. 'mi this fa in there i a mill sr ito with 20 feel fall, on a slieam of water tributary to Penns creek. 'Phis f inn micht be adinn'ageously divided into iwo farms, and wi l be so divided if purchasers do- sire it. Price, f.),C00 WATER rf)W El. j No. 12. A walir p-.wer on Peim ('reek, of CJ j feet f II, uuimproie I. Ii is situated between the ' two tracts of laud, N . II and 13. and within 3J I p. ilea nf il e Prnn-vlvama ('anal, st Selinsgrove. A ' pul'l c mad lead-i through this tract, along ihe east bn k ef t'entis cre.k Puce, folio. WATER POWERS - WOODLND. No. lo. A trait of woodlmid containing about ; IS aeies, situ. led on Penns creek, immediately op. p.isi e No. II. Tins trad is wed covered with ,' white oik and pine timber, with Wolf run flowing 1 through it and empt in 4 into Penns ere. k, atloriling ! an ricellcnt sei'e f .r : aiv m II with from twelve In twenty I el f II. Price, f l.olrtl. No 11. A liscl of woodl in.l. unimproved, siliM Ifil 011 ihe ra-l s d of Penns rreek. adjoining No. i 13. coritiin ng ?hout 200 ncie of excellent ted h lie upland Wi if inn, tributary to Penn creel:, 1 runs ihio.ictl ibis tnel, and all' a superior seile lor a saw mill The hud is heavily st with whi'e ! o k and plus limber, and is silsi epliMe of being eon- I vi rlrd uno an rxcelb lit farm. Price, f 3 0U0. I No. t.i Oi e other imci f woodland, unimpro ved, siiuated in Penns town -hip. alsiut 8 mile f.otn S, bnsgrove, 'idjoiiiing lauds of John Uaily, It. Sm.ih uo l other ,c uUiuii.g 187 acres and 12.1 pi-iche of ii. 1 II. 1 I ieil ss-h-ilt nplind. Wolf run also parses ihrouiih this hod, stl'uding fine water powi r. Tbe land I well covered with white oak and pine timber, and is susceptible of being e n vniiil into an eAcrltenl farm. Price, f 2.800. No. lit, A tract of wooillaud, unimpmvrd, situa ted in Union township, aJioming lauds of M rhael j Sander and others, and not more than ono indu ' from Sunbury, nn the oppo-iie side of Ihe r.vei i Su-qiieh n.iia, conlait.ii.g i.IkhiI 145 seres. 'Phis land I very good ied rrhale soil, rapl le of Is ing , runt, rinl uno an 1 xcellenl farm. A stirain nf wa- 1 trr. l ihulsry lo tbe titer, llows through lhi Isnd sulliceuily strong fu a saw mill. Tbe land is Will ; eoteii-d with while nak snd pine timber. Piice, j 12 ion. ! No. 17. A trcl of unin proved roo,lliiil, silus- j led in I'eniie township, Union count v, ronlauiiuB ino an. a. adoiiuug Und. of J V ill. muter and olhro. Miudltburj; u wilUiu lime m.U, Slid Middle creek wiihin sne mile. There Is taw mill en the tract of land adjoining, st which tha timber of this (net can be wrought into bjards and olhef siwed stuff. Price, f 300. OCT considers ion of Uis scarcity of money st Ibis limn, I will sell any or all the above property on letms losuil the timis; and in rase cash be offitrad, a reasonable deduction will be made. Farlhar par ticulars may be obtained by addressing tbe sal sorh Inr at Selinsgrove, Union county, Ps. H. W. 8NYDEII. 8idngrove, Auenst 3, 1844. 3m NEW GOODS. fllHE saliseriher has just received from Philadel- JL phia a fresh supply ol New Ooons, consisting in part, nf Muutlin Delaine, Crape Dtlainet, Cashmere dc .Yo.w Sliitvdi, Handkcrchcifs, $. Also, H ater and fi Ik Hals, a good assortment of M-n'g and Hays' Capt, lroccric$, Liquor t, Salt, e. .Vc, all of which will be sold at the most reasonable terms, .S7one Jars and Juffs, cheap. II. li. MASSER. Sunbury. Oct. nth, 1844. SPAN IS HHI DBS TA NX lilts OIL. fiOOO Dry La Plata Hides first quality. :.-)0 Dry Li (iuira. do IOOO Dry Salted La Coirs. do tiOO Dry Salti d Draxil Hides, do :!." Hales Cireen Salted Patua Kips. '20 Hnbs Dry Pa ns Kips. 1'iO Uarrels Tanners' Oil. Tanner' and Curriers' Tool. For rale lo Country Tanners at tha lowest pricea and upon the best terms. N. li. The highest maiket prices paid for all kinds ofleather. D. KIRKPATRICK & 80N3. No. 21, South Third St. Phihdelphia. September 14. 1844. ly. TO Country Merchants. flHE Subscribers respectfully invito Country X Merchant who sre about to purchase Fail and Winter Supplies, to an examination of thvJf respective Storks, believing (hat tboir several as sort merits are as complete as have ever been oflui ed in the Philadelphia Market. With storks of Good in their several Depart ments of the choicest kinds a determination la sell on terms which cannot fail to prove satisfaclo ry and a disposition to please old and new custo mers, wil', we hope, be a sufficient inducement to purchasers to call at our respective establishments, Silks and Fancy Goods. WARP Remington 00 Market Sued. Ashhurst A Remington 50 " Iluck A Potter 1 16 Yard A Gillmote 109 - Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods. Reymdds, VcFarland & Co 105 Market 8lreet. Huinett, Withers & Co 120 " Scott & Raker 150 Wise, Pusey A Wise 154 -Hardy A Hackers 46 N. Second St. Importers of Cloths, Cassimers, Vest ings, &c. William H Love 147 Market Btreo. Lambert Duy 108 Hardware and Cutlery. Michael V Raker 215 Market 8trec4i Edward 8 Handy A Co 98 Importers and Manufacturers of Sad dlery Hardware. Horn A Knrass 215J Market Street. Hoots, Shoes, Ionnets, Caps, Leghorn and l'alin Hats, &.c. W E A J (i Whelan. 158 Market Street, Levick, Jenkins A Co 150 " M Conrad A Co 60 Manufacturers and Dealers in Drug, Medicines, Paints, Uils, &c. Thomaa P James 2 12 Market StrocU Pott, Linn A Hanis 213J - Robinson, Co'bns A Co 87 " Edward Cole 54 Thompson Pansosst A Co 40 " Hats, Caps, Furs and Trimmingf. L Kenton 176 Maiket 8ut. John Saurrbier A Brothrr 63 " Books and Stationary. Giigg A Elliott 0 N. Fourth Street. Hogan & Thompson 30 Importers of nritish and French Fan cy Staple Stationary. L I Chen A Co 27 S Fourlh Streot. Henry Cohen 3 Importers of Hosiery, Gloves, Trira mings and Fancy Goods. Selley A Severing 23 N Third Street. Paiker A Lehman 8 " Combs, Brushes, Brooms, &C; Thomas Coeper 3 N Front Street. Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staple! Goods. A F O t Monroso . ICS Foutth Slrcot. Manufacturer of Patent Lard Lamps. E.lts S Archer 32 N Second S'net. Manufacturer of Patent Floor and Furniture Oil Clo'hs. I sac Macaulcy, Jr. 6 N Fifth Slrecfl Manufacturers and Importers of Pa per Hangings. llewill A Druthers 80 A 142 Chesnul St. Philadelphia August 21, 1814. 3m. f P WEED L() I'll, a handsome article, all wool, light and elns:ir, for Summer Coats and Pants, for sale, very tow, by June 15 II. D. M ASSER. NOTICE to .nunc 11 ix is a. iii.mi:k. M M. M.v JOS. K. MAI IsL. MAM FACTI KERS AND DEALERS IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC STRAW GOODS. .Vo. .10, Sorth Second Street, C oppotUt Mildinun House, J PHILADELPHIA, iT, Will' RE will be f uiiid a general sssoil- "! 1 .ttnent uf Florence Hiaiil. Aller's, Rul-rV I.111.U, Peddles, Willow Plait. Rice SI aw. snd n .1 much sdmirr I Ni Mpnlilaii Lace, snd Fancy II .n. nets, maiiutactiired by us, and sale al the lime I inmiihit'iu.e price M. snd Millinei 11 in nit ii el 10 pits in a i- dl tisiiiug Ihe l'ii (FT y. 11 We hsve nl-t cm. isn lv mskmg i-nr siiptimf h.r sul it'll" ti'ii'iigi, all ul ttsMih Milt lie sold 1 hrs, I n a.di. I'hiUd.lel.u, M.y 2. I' M. ly