Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 07, 1844, Image 4

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    MlXQ Of Tllli SAliT IttVKH WUIHf.
Ti.xi: Itoiv, hrotjtrr row, or Canai.'ian lout King.
'"Sadly we list our fnnerat chime,
Horribly out in tune ami time.,
3 1" t when the Star of the West grows ilini,
We'll Fins: nt the 'jug' n parting hymn ;
Row brothers, row; the stream run? deep
Wake up, Webster; you're fast asleep!
Steadily our shnllop is homeward hound
Hoarsely the ripple is mtirmurinu round
Listen ! our fugleman raises the song.
.And its hurt heir is 'Josey, oli Jim along.'
How brothers, row ; the stream inns fast ;
Salt liver is gained, and our glory's past.
Our money is gone, and our hills are due ;
Credit, dear! rredit, dear! Where are you?
I. enters and pipers, no more we'll dine
On baron boiled in Falerniail wine.
How brothers, row; the stream runs fast,
The glory of cider and kin is past.
5-wiftly we near the arid shore,
Pulling and tugging the heavy oar ;
Sadly we sit on our thread-bare cloth,
Fishing for meat in our coonskin broth.
Row brothers, row ; the stream runs swift:
Rouse up, Harry, and give a lift!
Meirv we've been in days gone by,
Pleasure lias beamed from our lordly eye,
Rut now the autumn of Joy is come,
Our sentence is passed, and we succonrh.
Rest, brothers, rest ; the distance is pa&t;
Salt River is gained, and we are fast.
lbre, where the carrion buzzard 11 ics,
Ticking out famine's insatiate eyes,
We'll i at our shodows, and blow away,
Like mist from a mountain tall and gray.
I Me. brothers, die; our day is past ;
S.i i t liver murmurs our dirge at last."
Anecdote of I.tctU. llinUi r.
Lieut. Hunter, the talrnlod inventor of the
iulmiereJ l'mpullor, was lmpiently ami bun
drably alluded to at tho. dinner on Thursday.
(A dinner uivuii tit Richmond to the oflict-re of
the cutter Legare.) An anecdote in his history
too fiood to be lost, and wort hy of a place in our
national nnnnlB, was related by Lieut. IVrter.
Lieut. Hunter had been tent to the W itt In
dies to couture a notorious pirate in those wa
ters, known as tho "Little Devil," and who was
tiually killed by an American officer in single
coiiiimt. lite Ainerican :orcc was on me iook Hank ot i;ettvturg
(Hif, in eitihuscade, we believe ; hut it to chunc- Hank iifSoMptehunna Co.
. d that Hunter was captured by tin; pirate., j iu,tvj iik
while separateil I'rotii liis party
The ciniiinand -
( r of the cut-thtoats, "Little Devil," a man
olfurious temper, and never falsified any pro
mise of vengeance which lie made. 1 1 miter
w as taken to a tccret pluce, nnd there informed
ihutmilest he betrayed his party, lie should be
hung un thoFpot. His answer wan, Kiiior-like,
'I lung- nnd be d d !" No sooner said than
liori. He was tnt-tantly hung up and lull. In
a few minutes they returned, took him down
nearly sense!e;, and again told him that if he
would betray the whereabouts of his party his ,
:te should be spared; (here was gold which!
aiiould he bin ; and, moreover, his return to his
men should be s.0 manag-cd that nothing slieuUl
hp suspected of the truth by ihem. The alter- ;
tiiitive was install, death by Imnginjr, without'
niie of reprieve, far it was his Jnr-t chance.
His lueouic re)!y aoaiti was, ''Ilunij anil bo j
il d '." Tiiey hung him again and left him. j
15ut by good fortune bo was found before lite
was quite gone, by stunt! of his men, taken
tlon'ti inse lisihle, atid happily restored to life.!
The story reflects the highest honor upon Lieut. ;
Hunter, and we hope the government Willi
f-huiv hi no kindness to to meritorious and gal-J
laniun cincer, oy ai least encouraging ins re-
cent and iinporlitnl invention. It is the least
it could do. Iiiiliindiid Star,
Fki.mixh Ovucrs. When l")r. Franklin's
tuother-in-law fust discovered that the young
man hail a hunkering lor her daughter, that
good old lady haul she did not know t-o well a
bout giving her daughter lo a printer there
were ulready Iwit printing offices in the United
Slated, and bin; was not certain the country
would support them. It was plain young
FpiiiUin would depend for the support of his
family on the profits of a third, and this was ra
ther a douh'fut chance. If such an objection
was urged lo a would-be son-in-lavv when there
were but two printing offices in the I'nited
dilutes, how ( in ii printer hope to get
now, when the Jast census shows the number
to be loo?.
Oiiscle ri: L.i.a. Cohbctt once indulged in
the following :
"Talk indeed r.f your pantomime and gaudy
shows your proeersions, and installations, and
coronations ; give me a beautiful sight, a neat,
smalt woman, heating her oven, and setting her
own bread ! And ii tliu bustle dues make the
sign of labor glisten on her brow, what man
would not kiss that oil, rather than lick the plas
ter from the cheek of a duchess?''
That would not do now at the ''West F.nd"
no, no.
Ari'uoriu vt i'. Al a temperance celebration
in Ohio, some liuid eince, the tanners of Che
viot bore on thwir banner a aheafot' wheat, with
tho following motto;
As our lap-sbeuf we freet it!
Ia.'t uii properly treat it,
Nor distil it hut eat it.
Married, in Dover, N. Hampshire, Mr. Hi
ram Snow to Miss lloxmna 1. (ientletiiau.
Wo read that ponplu turn to grass;
And one Iihs changed to salt, w g know ;
l!ut strange things now come to pass
A (itaiUiitan lian turnod to Snow,
The fdlowiim list shows iho current value of all
Vnusj Imiiia Hunk N. itcs. Tim most implicit re
iiince may I placed upon it, as it is frvry week
art fully Ciiuipiircil with HI d corrected from Hiik
lrll's Reporter.
It;iiilt In IMillsulrlplilii.
, Disc. 1ST
' 1.OCT.0H. ,.,.
flank ef North Amctirn i
Bank of the Northern l.i!erties
('ominrreinl Hank of Prim's. . ,
Farmer' and Meelianics' Hank
Kensington It ink
Pliilnil. ldii.i Rank
Sclmy Ikill llnnk
Soulhwaik l!ank
Western Hunk .
Mechanics' Hank .
Manufacturers V Mechanics' Punk
Country ItitukN.
Hunk of Chester County tstehcstef
Hank of Delaware. County Chestiir
Hank of (crinniitoivn (irrmantown
Hank of Montgomery Cu. Nnrris'nwn
Doylcstown Hank poylestnwn
Easlon Htink Fusion
lo not
ssue n.
Fanners' Hank of Pucks co. Hri.-tol
DUice of Hank of Peiin'a. Hatrisburg'
emeastrr I
(ending f i
Ollicc do do I
'111 tco do do He
OlVice do do FtiMi'ii J I
"snk of the United Slates Philadelphia 2'2a'M
rtank of Penn 'J'ownship . . par
(Jirard Hank . . i
Movamrivsing It oik . . par
Hank of ''ennsylvania . . par
Miners' Hank of Potlsvillc Potlsvitlo 1
flank of l.ewistiiwn Lcwislown M
Hank of Middlotovvn Middlelown lj
Hank of NiirlhutirWilnnd Northumberland par
Columbia Hank A Itridgc co. Columbia par
Carlisle Hank Carlisle 1
Exchange Hank Pittsburg
Do do branch of llnllidavshuig i
Farmers' H ink of Lancaster Lam-aslci par
Lancaster County Hank Lancaster par
Farmers' Hank of Heading Reading j
Hatrisburg Hank llarrishurg I
Lancaster Hank Limcusier pit
Lebanon Hank Lebanon j
Merchants' V Manuf. Dank Pittsburg j
Hank of PiitHbnrg" PittfbutK
West Hiancb It mk W'illiamsport 1T
Wyomimi Hank Wilkt'shnrio IJ
.N'orthaiiipton Hank Allenlowii
lictks County Hank ift sdiog
Office of Bank of F. S. Pittsburg failrd
)o do do Frie do
Do do do iScw llrighton do
I Kensingloii Snv, Ins. A
Penn Township Sav. Ins,
( ii ttysl urg
Hank of Chambfrsbuig
I Franklin Hank
Ilonesilale II mk
Monongahi la Hank of H,
Vork Hank
IS". H. 'I he notes of those banks on which we
omit quotations, nnd substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by Ihu Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those which have n letter of refer, nc.
H R O K E N H A N K s.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphii Loan tb.
Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor HaiiK (T. W
I'owaiKla Hunk
Dyolt, prop.)
lielb fonln
Fayette co.
t in enrastle
1 1 ii loony
Lew i-ion n
1 bin, I, , If
New Mope
M ilion
Port Caibon
I 'niontown
ilkrsl .ine
no sale
no sale
Alleghany Hank of Pa.
t f T
l I. . r l
Hank ol Washington
Centre Hank
City Hank
Farmers' & Mei h'cs' It. ink
Farmers' tt Mecb'rs' Hank
Farmers' - McrhYs' Hank
llaimony Insiitule
lluiitingdoi; Hank
lulilata Hank
.lumbermen'.; li .nk
Northern Hank of Pa.
New Dope Del. Hiidpe Co.
Norlhiiinli'd Cnioii Col. Ilk.
North Western llaik ol Pa.
Office of S, buy Ikill Hank
Pa. Agr & M.niuf. Hank
Silver LAe ll.ii. k
no nr
no sale
v s.le
no s.i
no sale
no sule
j ,-tlmI1 lluljk r ivni.'u.
Westmorland Hank
Wilkisbaire Fudge Co.
fjj' All notes purpoiting to be on any Pcnn-vl-vauiii
Hank not given in the ubove list, may be set
iown as bauds.
irv ji:km:v.
Bank of New Uiuiihwirk
Hruiiswiik failed
Midtord par
Penh Ainiioy
Uridgeim, po
Mount H dly par
N. Hiunswii k failed
Mlddietowu Pi. I
Jer-ey City failed
Hob. .ken tailed
Jersey City failed
Pulleisoii failed
H. Ileville tailed
Morr, slowii j
Fieehold failed
Trenton pur
Jeiscy City
Uelvideie llsuk
liurlington Co. Hank
I'ommercial Hank
Cumberland Hank
Farmers' Hank
Farmers' and Mechanics'
Farmers' and Mechanics'
farmers' and Merchant.'
Franklin Hank of N.J.
Ilohuken HKgcv (ilaiillg
lersey City Hank
Mechanics' H ink
Mainifictur. r' Hank
Morris County Hank
nioninouiu "Ji oi .-v. j.
.in. .-
.Michaiiick Uaiik
Mechanics' und Mauuf. Hk
Morris Canal and iikg Co
Post Notes
Newark Ukg Ac Ins Co
New Hope Del Hiidge Co
no &ale
1 .uuibcitsvitte
Hoboki ii
N. J. Maiiulac. snd Hkg (
N J J'rotecton i Loinhaid I k Jersey City
failed .
Orange Hank Orange
Palerson Hank Palersoii
Peoples' Hank do
I'll i ileum Hank Princeton
Salem Hanking Co Salem
State H ink Newark
Slate Hank' Llizabelhtowu
State Hank Camden
Stale Hank ol Morris MoriUiowii
Mliite Hank Trillion
.drill snd I'hilad Manuf Co Salem
Sussex Hank Newton
Ticuton lliiiiking Cu Tientoii
I'liioii Hank Dever
Wanbitijslon Hanking Co. liaekeusick
Ul of Wihn iV lininily wnn V ilmington
Hank ot Deliware Wlliiilliglou of Smyrna. Siovin
Do blanch Mdloid
Fanners' lik of Stale of Del Dover
Do branch Wilmington
Do brunch (ieoigetown
Do brain h Newcastle
Cnioii Hank Wilmington
(! Fnder 5's
d y On all banks marked thus () there are ei.
tbtr loijnte fi it or nli.-re.l notes of lbs var.ous tit
lioiuinulions, in riiculoUou.
li:il ItlTIVH SYlll'l.
(HK valuab'a iironrriies of Oaklrv's Dcpmn-
live Synip of Sarsapnrilln, as a purifier of ibe
hi. ml, is so well known to the public generally,
tliat il is unneceps ny to occupy much spare in set
ting for'h the advantages to be derived from its
use j wherever the medicine has once been intro
duced, it lakes precedence over all others i rvriy
ciicthat has taken it, hnve derived so signal bene
ficial results from it, that it is recommended hv
them with the u'most confidence. Physicians of
the hinhest standniB in the pTofesion, prescribe il
'o pfliieiits umlcr their care containing riothing j
deb terbnis. hut being composed ol the most mild, j
yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered with
confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu- !
nfier of the blood now known. Tim use of a few. ,
bftliles, csiecially in (lie sprina months, will be at-
tendril iih a most derided inipiovrmrnt in the ge j
ni'ral strrnaih of tbc system, eradicating anv feeds
of disrate that may have been peneratnl. besides,
giving health nnd vioi.r to the body. For the cure ,
of Srrolula or Kmos F.vil, Ivheumaiisin. 'IVttr', j
Pimples or eiiiptions of the Skin, White Wivellina, ;
Fistula, Chronic Cough Albmi, cVc. The mi
merons rertifica'rs in the possession of the slit srrl- ,
tier and his saents, from physicians mid others, are
sufficient to convince tin- most skeptical of its s.
periority over all preparations of Sjrsnpatilla.
Sold wholesale and retail, by ihn proprietor, ;
CFOU'M: W. 0KLi:V. North 5th siren, Hen- ;
ding, links Conniy, nnd to be bail of the following
prisons :
In !'nit!iiiilin land t'nunly. II. 15. Msr,
Sniibiirv ; belaud 1t Mtxel, M lOw ensville ; DJ
Krausrr", Milnm,
In Vwnn Cunolij. J. (Irsrhatt, Srliiegrove !
A. (iutrhns, Mltilllibutg.
Culiimhia Cdinili. H. W. MrCav, Wash
grading. Man h H. 1 8 Ft.
Mn. O.vKiKt: 1 believe il the uty of every
one lo do w hatever in their power I ie, for the bur.
fit of their Ii How man, and hav ing had po-rive
proof in my ow n family, of the wonderful properties
of your Di pur.itivo Syrup of Sai saparill a, riv st
conscientiously recommend it to the afflicted. We
had the mi-fortune to lose two of our children, by
the brraking out of ulcerous sores that coven d the
face, head nnd t ei k, titthnngh we bad some ef thf
most M ienlific physicians to nt'end tie m and had
tried all the know n remedies, including Swsini's
Pniiao a, without avail. Another of my children
was a'laike l in the same manner, her tare ar il
lierk was roioplelely covered; the discharge was so
oll'eiisivv, and the disease at nnh a height. I hut we
despaired ol her I fe. Seeing ihe wonderful ellerts
of your Deptirativr Syiupot S irsHparill i, we weic
indued to make tii il ol it. as Ihe hint resort ; it
acierl like a cliniin ; the ulcers commenced hi aling
imiiiedialely . a f i w hollies entirely restored her to
hi r health, whi'h she In.s enjoyed uninte nuitedly
ever As n purifier of Ihe bio. d,I verily be
lieve it has not its npml.
JOHN MO FH, Tailor,
Wnlnnt street, near Fourth, Heailing.
Dotiglassv ilie, April mth, 181:1.
Mb. Oaki it: My son IMmiind Leaf, had the
scrofula in the most dieadliil and distiessing man
lier for three years, dining which time, he wis dc
piivrd of the use of bis limbs, bis he.ol and neck
weie coven-d with ulcers. We lib d nil ihe differ
cut reinedii s, but to no effect, until reeoiiiini tided
l y Dr. Johnson of Noni-town, sod nlso Dr. Isaac
Hicsiei, ol Reiubi R, to use your Depuiiilive Syiup
of S.irsapiirilla, of w hlch I obtained sevetal liotilrs.
ibe use of which ibove the disease eoiin ly out of
his system, the sole he did up, and the child wis
rectoied lo prrlect health, which he has enjoyed ,
tiliinteriui leilly ever, to the astonishment of
many prisons who seen him diving h.s Htlbctiou
I have thought it mv duiv, nnd sen. I Vou this eeih-
ficiite that others who haves like affliction in the
family may know where to ohum so valuable a
niciln ine. Vein truly.
s,pt. lfi, I !:. lv
ami in a icorAi.
Smith y.'u( vormrol and itli sts..
lMiil:i,D Iphia,
i F.SPF.CTFFLLV mtonn the public lhal Ihev
! " will consirtnrv keep on bund a logs hssoiI-
. svin ii'iimi.
. uont ol Hats. I nps ami r urs, to sun ine i.iii iraoe, (
of ihe be-t qunlitv. I'V strict al'ention lo tuisi.
loss, and bv selling tluii stock at the lowest prices, j
thev tbitu r ihemtclves in being able to give entire
ilislaction. August Ti, l"1.t ly
'Plie pu' ltc will please observe that no Hraiubelh
' Pitls nre genuine, unless ihe box has three li
bels upon it. (the top, Ihe fide
ml the boltoml
! each containing a f ic-simile signature ofmv hand-
writing, thus H. IS ii s urn r it, M. D. These la.
' bel-aie engraved on steel, beautiluliy designed,
1 nnd donest an e pense of over 'J.otltl. Therefore
. it will be seen that ihe only thing nrccssary to pro
cure ihe iiieilii iue in its purity, is lo observe these
, label..
Reinembi r the lop, the side, nod the bottom.
: The following respective prisons are duly auln ri
I zed, und hold
For the sale of IS run.! it ifi't IVg7i;c I'niitrml
j I'itU. ' counlv : Milton M ickey A
Chiiiibeihn. Siiiiburv H. H. M isser. M'F.nens
ville In land At Meivi II. N'orihuin' eiland Win
; Forsyth. Iirorgrtowri J. A .1. Walls.
I'nion County: Nrw Hog.u A Win
ter. Selinsgrov, Ceorge (nindiuui. Mid.Me
: burg Isaac Smith. Heaver' own David Ilublcr.
Adamsliurg Wm. J . Mav. M ilUuisburg Mensch
A Hay. Haillrton Daniel Long. Fieeboig
i u. iV r.t . Clover. I.ewisluirg alls v lueeo.
! ('olumbi.i county : Danville K. H. Reynolds
A ( o. Hcrwtck s H ltenhouse. Cn'
tawissa C. (, llrobls. Hlooiiisburg John R,
Mover. Jeiscy Town LeviHistl. Washington
Hobt. McCuy. Lime-tone Halh-'. k
Ohseive that each Agent has ait Fngraved (Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation of
lir HHANDRi: TH'S .Mauufuiory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also he seen exact copies ol
par I the new 'attin imir und upon Hit IliandrttU J'iI
; iHi.rts.
j Phihdt Iphia, office No. 8, Noilh Sihstieet.
I June 21th, 1H11.
I city l ri.M'n itr. accthiX,
Nos. and ill iNortli Third Street,
I Near the City Hotel,
CC. MACK FY, Auctioneer, respectfully in-
vilis the attention of persons desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, to hi eitcutive Sales Rooms,
(both public snd Piivale,) for every description of
Hons. hold Furniture, win re ran be obtained t all
times, a large assortment of fashionuble and well
manufactured Cubimt Furniture, Reds, Mstnasses,
Ac. at very reduced prices, for cash.
Otr" falea by A net ion, twice a week.
My SVtli, 113. ly
rou Tirrn-jt.
(fj" Thf faltiiwint!; rrrltfra'e drwihr one iifthe rriraorditinry cure ever rjfeclril hy any
PHii.Atir.iritt, Febrimty 10, 18:13.
TOH twenty years I was severely aflliclnl with
-1 TtTTKii on the Face nnd Head: Ihe disease
commrnrid when I was seventeen years old, and
continued until the Full of IS'.lti, varying in vio-
lenre, but without ever disappearing. During most
of ibe time, great part of my face was covered with
the eruption, frequently Attended with violent itch
ing; my head swelled nt limes until it felt ns if il
would burst the swelling was so g'c it, lhal I could
scarcely get my hat on. During the lonif period
lhal I was afflicted with Ihe disease, I iiseil a great I
many a, pucai.on, (nmonS inem Severn, ce.eor, ,e
prep nations) as w. II as taking inward remedies,
ineluiling a number of hollies, of Sirm'in'x Vanarm,
i'.xtrucl nf Sartttpnrilla, Sir, In fact, it would be
impossible lo enumeiaie nil the medicines I used.
I was nlso under Ihe c ire of two of ihe most dis
tinguished physicians of this city, but without re
ceivmu much benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cure,!, to tl-e I ill nt .m.o,, tne . nsea-e m ine one nni, V(S, li,nill.h,.g of ,,p s,Hr1I,.l,iina via Srhuvl.
being very violent. I commenced us,,,,, the hoe ki, sfJ rii()n of C,(lnI,l,BUn allj Tuc V.lte,
Ointmtnl, (piejiarril by Vanghail & Davis.) In i j(inn
a f. w appliealintiR the violent itehing c ased, th ,,lir ( lr. nc(.ommodalion of Hoals cminc or go
swelling abnied. the .niftion began to disappear, I .( ,...( s,.u,vki ntu i'njn camU, a iStennboat
ami brlore l liaH usr.t a pir Ilie tiKoasn was rnitreiy ,
ruied. It has now been nearly a viar and a half ,
suire, nnd there is not a vestige ol Ilie disease r
nuiitiing, exec nt Ihe sears from the deep pits formed
by the disease. It is impossible for me to describe
in n rrrtificnte the severity of the diseiee and my
sufficing, but I w ill be pie ised lo give a fuller nc
count to nnv person wanting further satisfaction,
who will call on me. At the time I commenced
Using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun
dreds of do'.lats lo lie rid of tho dltease. Since u.
sing it. I have recommended it to several persons,
(among tl.rm my mother, w ho had the disciiM) bad
ly on her mm,) who were a'l cured hv it.
.1 Wills DI'HNF.LL, No. Ion, Race St.
'Xj' ' he Rose Ointment is prepared by 1. H.
Viiughnn, South Fast comer of Third and Race
streits, Philadt Iphia, and sold on agencv in Simbu
rv. hv IL U. MAssFR,
' May 1 1th, IS IH. Audit.
Kom' Oiiilmrnl, tov 'Vvitvv.
, moor or lis r.i i'K'Acy.
I'm i i t n m rii i t , May "7th, ISil'.l.
'PHIS i,
with Tel
to cerlitv that I was severely alllirud
tier in the hands ami h el lor upwards
ol forty years ; the disease was attended generally
with violent itching and swelling. I applied to a
number of physicians, and usul a great many appli
cations without ell'erling a cure. About nyinr
since, I appl.ed li e Hose Ointment, which entirely
stopped the itching, and a few applications nnmcdi
nt, y cured the disease, w hich there has been no
return of, although I had never licen rid of il at
any lime for forty years. RICHARD SAVAliF,
F.h venth, below Spiuee Street.
Qj' The Rose Ointment is prepared by F. H.
Yaughnn. S mth Fast corner of Third nnd Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and s dd on agencv in Sunbtl II. H. MASSF.R.
Msv lllh. X Arnt.
Oflhi- liOSi: (l.TMi:. T, fr T'llrr.
LTHOl'(;il the superiority of the prepaialloti
over sll olio rs is I'ullv established, the pr 'pr'c-
n,rs luke phasiirc in laving before the public the
following certificate from n respectable physician.
a graduate of ihe I University of Pennsy Ivaui i. Dr.
Haiigh, having found in this remedy that relief for
a tedious and di-agreeiil.r nll'ei tioti w hich the means
within the range of his profession failed lo afford,
has not hesitated to give il his approbation, although
the prejudices and interest!, of that profession ate
opposed to secret Remedies.
PuilAUM.rUM, Sept. lfl, ls:lti.
I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic
eruption, which covered nearly one si. V ofmv face,
mid extended over the car. Mr. Vanghail. pioprii -lot
of the Rose Ointment, observing niv l ice, insis
ted on my tiying his pu parntioH. of which he han
ded me a jar. Although in common with ihe inein
beis ol mv profession, I discountenance and disap
prove ol the numerous nostrums palmed upon the
public by ignoiant pretenders, I feel in jusuee bound
toexcipt the Rose Oitittnml fiom thai e!a-s of me
dicine, and lo give it mv h. probation, ns it entire-
ly ured the eruption, althoiigii il hid resisted the the Chesapeake nnd Tide Water Canals, as tow
Ufud applications. DA N L. H A I ( 11 , M. D. j boat arc kept expressly for 'he purpose of tow ing
tjj The Hose Ointrnent is prepared by 15. H. I bonis hy eh her route.
Vniighan, South Fast corner ol 'Thud and Race i Merchants will iile.ise be particular lo send tin ir
i Streets, Plnladelphia, and sold on ngancv in
bury, by
it. F.H,
May 1 1th, IS 1:1.
1 lover u Ink.
Muimraclurcr of Writinc; ninl Indolli
ble Ink, No. 1 (Mi North Tliird Street, tix
diMirs below Race, (east side,)
I Fsl'FtM'FI l.l.Y intorms couriiry merchants
- k Hnd oihrrs, lhal be constantly keeps on band
a Urge st. K k ol bis supcrier lllack, ltlue uml Red
Ink, and nlso a supem r quality of linl. Ilil le Ink.
. H.s ink is put up in bottle vniymg in sir, Irom
I to 3'i ounces, nod will be sold on riasomtble
terms. The excellent qualities el this ink basso
' thorouirhlv etabl-bed Us ch iruelcr, that II is now
xti iisively Used Ihrougliout Ilia C'lio'iv.
, For sale at the stoic ef II. II. Master, Smi
bury. Pa. Mav SDb, IH:t. ly
D AS taken ihe oH'.ce tom.eily occupied bv li e
If Hon. ( bsrlcsli. I, opposite the Couit
House. He will uttend to business m ihr Curls
ot N or thumbei land, I 'nion und Columbia counties.
May .'lllh, l-i 1.1.
1 1 1 1 1 In i
(fi'i mint .Stun r IHl.rr,')
h: rkj mr ,
1I1K Sidiseriber respectfully infoims his friend,
and the public in general, that he has taken
Ilie above
I N T II V. H O H O F (! II O F M V N C V,
ami that he is now well prepare! to acconiinodute
all who may lav or him with their custom.
Hi Slii.pi mi Arm in KST tre well uiie.l, and
His TiBLi tun IUn will a!v;ays le tapplud
with the best the niuiket can allord.
His 8rii.iNn, which is gotd. will l under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He feels confident, by strict attention In l nintis.
and an earuett desire to render cmlomlile those
who may him, that he will not fail to give
general satisfaction. II. 1!. WEAVER.
Muncy.Oct. 1st, Hsl'i tf.
Wit. rZEILlAlT & CO.,
CoiTitnisfion IVrvvanlinj? Alcrcliants,
lyoc1 of Willow Sim I Rail Jloail,
TTAVIMJ associated wiih litem Joseph Darnel,
Al Into of F.nslon, Pa., respectfully inform their
friends and the public generally, lhal they have ta.
ki n that lartre and well known store and wharf at
foot of Willow Street Hailroad, lately oec.upie I by
Jncob Martin, where they pmpose doing a Hern ial
Commission and Forwarding Husiness, ami fiom
the local advantages of the place being ronm ctrd
with nil the public improvements that have their
outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will
be able to do business to as great, if not gicatei sd-
Bm) h n.stuc l,irir'fripni)s tll!,t nnv rmi.
mn,. , ... sIlB ,mvp ,n,.ir Mrjr, ,.
. , . , . . .
leuiioo, tnu no exenious suarcii iu uive (.'nine saus-
r .
lai i ion
Thry are nlso pTepaied to receive and forward 1
goods lo nnv point on the Drlaware and Lehigh I
rivers, brlwern Maucb ('hunk, Rnsion nnd Phila- :
i!el hia, vin Delaware Divisii n and Lehigh Can.ils; ;
also, lo nny point en the Juniata river, or North
, . , r,I,.ssiv ,. ... . i,0,,s flm ,he
S(.M kl to' ),. ,waM. ni wbi.-h
' will rn:.Ltt inerrtmolM lo have their lirodorc deli
vered on the Delaware, anil their goods sl.ippid nt
a saving ot fttl to 7! per rent, on the prices fir
hauling nc.rtiss, with these adviintagrs they re
spiclfully solicit sh oe of patronage.
W. ill.ll.MAA iV t.O,
William llrllman,
U'.lli..i vv l.
j losrph Hiirnet. Philail., Mav 11, 1H-I.1. ly
! SimlV and TtfLacco !Miuniluctiirc;rs,
.Vo. !)! .orth at rornrr if liarr and Third
i Stru ts. '
I rPHR undersigned have formed a Co-partnership
j under the linn of J. M A VI. N I). Jit. ot Co..
j as successors to the late firm of Jarah .Mnilond i
' Co., nnd will continue ihe business at the old esta
I blishim nt, on their own account. In nd.liiioii lo
! I heir own close attention nnd experience foi inanv
i veais, in the niniuif.icture of their ccfi Iir.itcd snol!'-,
e the long experience of the senior partner of Ihe
j late firm, will also be devoted to the interest of ilie
I new concern ami ns no exertion and caie will l.c
spared to insure their goods, at all limes of the vo
! rv best quality, they solicit a continuance of the
'. ronlideiice of the fiiends and eu-toniers of the late
, firm. TIIOM S AD VMS,
J. M AYL.VND, .la.
i Philadelphia, Mav Mth, 1 -:. Iv
I To ( omit i v
j PIIK Subscriber, Agent of I.voii & Harris Mat
- Mainifaelurers, for New V ork, Phil delphia,
i Haltimore nnd other large cities, whoso Hutu tire
I highly commended U eimd fd-it and ditfil.ilii,
has on l and a fir-l rate assertiivnt ol HA 1 S and
(!.VPS. suitable for Snrina s des. rh rh will be sold
very low, foi cash or nppiovcd rredit, at the rirYrrr"
cVevn ,vorc, No. 10, North I lord stre-l, urn ast'e
the City Hotel, Philadelphia.
HO Hi. in I). VV .MNSO., Arfnt.
N. II.
Ordersfor Hals in the roia ' . promptly
attended lo. The highest pric in task or trade
given far Fur sArit..
Philadelphia, June 11, lS.13.--ly
f.''ii i ;il 'omiiiissioii llci f lianfs,
Fur ' Suit- of I'ltiur , (.'rain, Stid, ,r., ,c.
1 ) I'sPFCTFFI.I.Y info
he Merel.anls general
form their friends and
,l!y, that they have ta
ken tho-e large nnd commodious Wharvr s, w ith two
Docks, north of Ohesnut street, on the Delaware,
together with the store No. 19 South Wharves
wheie thev would be pleased to receive consign
ments of (irain, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac.
A c, living also well prepared to forward nil kinds
of Merchandise hv the Schiivlkill and l'nion.or by
goods desiined by either canals to No. l'J South :
Wharves, between Market and Chesnut streets, on
the Delaware, with directions accompanying I he in j
which route thev wish them to be shipped.
rjj' Plaster and Sail lor sale, at the lowest mar
ket price. HOLTON A C'.
March 10, 1SF1. No. 19 South Wharves.
i.omltnrtl Strut, lliiltintorr,
HAVE constantly for sale. Printing Paper of al.
sies and qualities, (hip Writing Paper, ruled
'; and plain, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and
I plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope
j 1'aper, do. do. medium, douh'e ciow n, crow n und
I extra sr.ed Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and
Roval Pat ns, Rootlet, Hinders' and Snaw Hon
Hoards, Tissue Paper, and all aiticlrs in thru line,
iv Inch they will sell on atcoininodsiiug terms.
Highest price given for old rags.
March in, IH:t. Elklon. M.l
.Vo. 2:17, Anri Third, ahm r ( 'ullou hill St.,
fOHN DI NCAN. laie from the Pennsylva
nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, j-., la'e of A
mi rii an Hotel, Colnmbus. I Ihio, lake pie tsiire in ac
tpiuiiiling their Ii iends and the public gencrallv that
On y have taken the large and commodious Hotel,
iccintly built by the Missis. II itt.on Ihe same site
once occupied by the old established Hotel known
ns the Hull's Head, in Third stiecl above Callow.
bill st.
This Hotel is finished ill the very best possible
manner, and of the be-t materials. Its location is
very desirable, particularly foreouiitiv merchants j
the airangcmenis lor healing and ventilating each
room is uch as to secure any temperature. The
ludrootns ate all light and airy, all furnished in a
licit style, so as to insuie loinloit.
The receiving parlors are abo fun ishe.l in a su
perb style, the windows ate on the French style,
forming an entrance to a balcony in front, wlmh
makes a pleasant recess, Pioiiculai attention has
been given to the beds and hi tiding, which, with
ihe furniture, are entirely new.
from years' eipcrience in hotel business, we
trust, by strict assiduity tc. business, lo make this
house a desirable stepping place. Our table will
always be supplied wilh Ihe very best our niarkrl
ran afford, and our bar w ith the bet lojuois and
wines of the most approved brands.
P. S. ihere are lir.t rite stabling krtd cornice
houses attached to the hotel, atttnded by ea ful
and so! cr hostlers, and our charges will be low, in
accordance with the present hard time.
Philadelphia, Oct. Vlh, I St'.'.
Husinefs tttended lo in Ihe Counties of IVoN
thumlrrland, Union. Lveoming and Columbia,
liefer lo I
Tim mas IIaiit & Co.,
Lnwrn A, Daiirow,
Haht, (,'cMMtwos & Hatit, yVhihul,
Hetsioi.iis. McFAnr.Mi A- Co.
SrEni vn, 'Joon A. Co.,
G 0 L 1) E N S V A N
'a. Oil Xorlh I'liinJ) above Arch. A7r7
Ar OMM(il) M IONS FOR Sf.VKM'V ri'KS()S.
( MIAHLFS WF.bSS, late of the "White Swan,'''
-...I i.r....i ' II II .r..l!
noil ..mum iitiooii noose, resorciiuiiv
, i.: , r-: . u . I .. , .i . i i i
lorms Ins friends nnd customers, that he lias become.
the proprietor of the ahovi well known Hotel.
Coun'ry Meichtmls will fmil the above Hotel a
central location, and the best of fare. Persons tra
velling with private conveyance will find a large
yard nnd good stabling for horses, and the best of
ostleis. Hoarding ?! prrdnv.
May lllh, if.
Corner of Third and Vine Strri ls,
TIIIF sidicriher respectfully announces to the
I public, that he h is opened a Hotel in the com
modious hrii k building siluale on Ihe corner of
I bird ninl Pine streets, where he will be happy to
wail upon those who may favor him with their
company. The Fagle Hotel is large and conveni
ent, and furnished in the best modem stvle. It is
provided w itti a large number of well aired and
, comfortable sleeping apartments rooms, private
: pallors. iVc, Peisons visiting Williamsporl on bu
siness or plea-airc, mav rest ns-urcd that every ex
i ertioii will be used to render their sojourn at the
"Fagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. llisTable
will lie supplied with the very best the market nf
j fords, and his bar with die choicest wines and other
I liquors (barges reasonable. The Fagle Hotel
possesses greater advantages in point of location
' than any other similar establishment in the borough,
' being situate in the business part of the tow n, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
and Williamsporl and Flinira Had Road Di pot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, nnd good and trusty
: ostlers ulwa', s in alii inhinre.
Attentive, accoinnioilntiiig nnd lione-1 Servants
hav r been i inplov eil. i ml nothing left undone tint
will iidd to the coinlott and accommodation of his
; Tin re will be a earriagr alway s in attendance at
' the lioat I . muling to convey passengers to and front
the House, free of (barge.
Mav 1 lib, 1 S 1-3. if
N nilicle unequalled for cleaning and giving a
igblv durable and most brilliant, polish to sil-
vt r. (ierin
n Silver, Iiras-i, Copper, Htittailia ware,
' m, Mi el, t.utbrv, and lor restoring
ihe lustre on
, vamisiied carriages, ,vc. i m it.
Prepaied and s .d at wholesale and retail, by the
Susqueh anna Chrysolite Poli.-h Company, Owego,
. ' loga ei
otintv, N. V .
WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northutu'd,
H. H. MASSFK', Agrnt for Sunbury.
November 20111. I N IC.
Ylitliat'I Weaver .V Son,
An. Kt A'or; Witter Stru t. I'hilnd, Ipliiu.
fP AVE constantly on lunula general nssort-
mi nt of Cordage, Seine Tw ines, iVc, viz :
1 ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Hopes,
la Hopes, Tow Lines for ('anal Hoats. Also, a
complete assortment of Seine Twines, cc, such as
I If i ii Shad and Herring Twine, Rest Patent (.ill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twice, shoe
Threads, &c. o c. Also, Red Cords, Plough Lines,
Halters, Traces, and Linen Carpet Chains,
iVr. all of which they will dispose of on n asoiiahle
Philadelphia. November 1.1, 1H-12. ly.
M'J'.I.I.NC:, COO!) vt CO.
iX.i. IMS Mark.-t Street, riii!a.!el'lti;i.
NV'ITE the attention of Country Merchants
to their extensive assortment of llrilbh French
and American Dry ( ioods, w Inch they idler for sale
on the in ist ii asoiiahle ti nils.
Philadelphia, November II. tsti. ly.
.1 . W . S V A 1 N ,
l"iiilif(.-!lii and ltrasci Manufacturer.
So. UV Atii Tim it ft ml, tiro doom In low the
City Until, I'hihidi litia.
(OCNTRV Merchants und others are solicited
lo cxuuuue his iissoiti.ienl before purchasing
elsew here
Philadelphia. N'ovrniUr I t. IKpJ. ly.
OR sale a sin t'l paim, coiitaining about ene
hundred and ti n acn s, more or le-s, situate
in Point township. .Moribund rrland counlv, about
two nubs above mil, on I lie main
ros.l leading from lhal place to Danville, adjoining
lauds of John l.cghou, Jesse C, lloiton and others,
now in the occupancy of Samut I Payne. About
lortv acres of said tract are cleatrd, and in good
slat" of cu'tivation, on which there is it small bam
erecti il. The property w ill be sold on reasonable
leims. For further particulars, prisons are request
ed lo apply to Ihe u! serihi r.
H. H. MASS EH, Acnf.
Nov. 2?th, 1 tf Sunbury. Pa.
llllt SAI. K HT
ci" r i-sj 3 " ' " '
A-NTIION S Classic
x do.; Amsworth's do
assicul Dictionary; I.empritT's
Cobb do.; English and
(I'einian tin.; Anthon's ('.Tsar; Atithon's (irainmer;
. Anlhcu's t.'tceio; Mail's Latin Reader; Ogill ) 's do.;
Andicw's Latin Lessons; Doimegan's Leiieon;
Fisk'slircik Exercises; Davies's Lrgrndei; (irarru
Maiora; Adains's Roman Antiquities; Pinuock's
(ioldsmith's England; do. (ireece; Lyell's Elements
el (ieology; M i. Lincoln's Hotany; Eli uieiits of
Hotanv; Iiiidge's Algebra; Porter's Rheloiieiil Rea
ders; Emerson's (ieogiaphy and History; Olncv s
do.; Farley's do.; iSmith's (raminei: Kiikhuin's do.;
I bins' Readers; Cobl 's do.; ("obb's Aiithinetu k;
! Pike's do.; Euii'rsoii's do.; Cobli's Spelling liooks;
' Town's do.; Cobb's Table Hooks; Evangelical Fa
: mily Lihrarv; Collage Hible-; Family do ; Collattit
i al tio.; Sinail Hiblcs and Test uuenls; Paikei's Ex
j etcises on Composition; Fiuil of ihe Spirit; Haxiei's
i Saint's Hist; American Revolution; Marry att's No-
vets; Mrs. Phelps on Cheniisliv; Iliad; Catechism
I of American Laws; Leiterson Natural Msgic; Clie-
miswy for Ueginners; English Exeiciscs adapted to
Murray's Crammer, Sequel to Coiuhy's Spelling
Hook; American ("hiss Hook; Dahull's Schoolmas
ter Assistant; A great variety of LUai.k Uooks, Ve,
August 'it, HVi.
rou sall: at this orncn