Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 31, 1844, Image 4

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    II 4MH X OTi: LIST,
The following Kl shows lite current vnlu of nil
Yrvnsvlvanin Hank Notes. The most implicit re
ianee may I- jilacnl Uxin it, a it is errry intrk
mrefnlly compared with i J corrected from flick
acll's Reporter.
ItuiiUs In lMillnilt-Ipltln.
Stmt. Locatio. V.'""
Clink of North America . ,
Hank of the Northern Liberties .
Commercial Rank of PennV . ,
Firmer' and Mechanics' Bank ,
K disunion D.uik .
I'hilnihdphin Bank , .
-Vhuylkill Hank
Viuihwaik Bank , ,
Western Hank , ,
Mechanics' Bsnk , ,
Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Batik
Country Banks
Mink of Chester County Westchester of Delaware County Chester
II ink of Ccrmniitovvn of Montgomery Coi
IViylotiHn Bank
i.K'oM Bank
V rmiT- Dank of Bucks co.
i )Vn p (,f Bank of Penn'a.
"ii k of llie L'niicd States'
- i nk of I'oiiii Township
f.iranl Hank
Viivemciising B ink
flank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Bank of Pultsvilhi
Hank of Lcwislown
tlank of Middlelowit
Mank of Nnrthunfticrlnnd
l 'oliimliin Bank A Bridge to. Columbia
llarrisburg"). These
Lancaster I nflire
Bending f do not
Euston J issue n.
discokn t.
' Philadelphia 22a24
. . par
I 1
Northumberland par
Carlisle Bank Carlisle
Ex. liange Bank Pittsburg
' ) il l branch of Hulliduysburg
I antiers Il.itik of Lancaster' Lancjslci
I uncaster County Bank Lancaster
Flintier' Bank ol Kefti'ing R. uilinj
lla'rislnttL' Bank Harti-hurg
l,Miii-asTr Bank Lancaster
i '' nii'ti Bank Li Innon
Mer.hanis' & Msnuf. Bank. Pittsburg
'I nk of Pittsburg Piltshitig
W r.t Buiiii'h Bank W illiumsporl
A yoiniug Bunk Wilkosh.irio
Northamiiton Bmk Allenlown
lieik County Bank Heading
Otlice of Batik of lT. R. Pittsburg failed
P.) do ilo F.rie ilo
lt i ilo do New Brighton do
Kensincloli Sav. Tus. A do
IVnn Township Sav. Ina. i!i
flank nf Ohamberslmrg Chtimbershiirjj; I
Hank of ( icllysburg (ietly.sburg 1
i! ink of Susquehanna Co. Montrose 35
Erie Bank Erin It
Vnpiem' A Drovers Bank Wayncshurg I J
1'iaiikliii Bank Washington 1J
H.nifstlale Bunk Honesihile I
Monnnirihela Bank of B. Brow nsville 1A
V'o.k Bunk V'oik i
N. B. The notes of those banks on whit!) we
omit quotalion!i, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
.urehssed by the Pbil brokers, with llie
ixis-p'liou of those which have a letter of n fen nee.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Iphia failed
I'liiladclphi I Loan Co. da failed
Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do failed
Manual Labor Buns ( T. W I'yott, prop.) failed
4 wanila I! ink
!le;linny Bank of Pa.
ISank of Beaver
II ink of Swatara
l( ink of Washington
I'l i.ue l!.iik
i!ity Bank
Farmers' A- Medi'es' Bank
Farmers' ii Mech'cs' liank
Farmers' & Mi a liVa' Batik
llaimonv Institute
lliintliiriliT. Bank
.'ill. lata Bank
..mill i mini' Bank
Northern Bank of '.
New Hope Ui l. BnJce ('o.
Noithunib'd Lnion Col. Bk.
North esiern Ba'ik of Pa.
ntlii-e of ischiiyll.ill Bank
I'a. Acr. iNc M inuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bai k
I 'uion Bank of I'nin'n,
estiiHiielunil Bank
H ilke.-barre Budge Co.
All null's purporting to be on any l'eiin-yl-'niu
Bank not given in the above lid, may he set
Jowu as fraud.
ma .ii:ksi:v.
Bedford no sale
Beaver cloud
Jlarrishurg closed
Washington failed
Belli funic close, I
Pittsbuig no rule
Plltsburg failed
Fayette Co. failed
(irecncai-lle failed
Harmony no sale
llunlingilon no sale
Letvistown no sale
Warien failed
UuiidaH no sale
New Hope dosed
Milton no sale
MeatUilln closed
l'ort ( 'urbon
CarlUlc failed
Montrose closed
I 'liiotitown failed
iireeiisburg closed
W ilkesbane nnsale
II ink of New Biuiiswick
Kelvideie Hank
liurliiipliin i'i. Bank
''iiiiinerrial B ink
..'nuiU'rl.iiid Bank
' u huts' LI. .nk
f'arrnera' and Mfehanies' Bk Ifahwuy
,v'ainiir' uiul .Mechanics' Bk N. Biuusw'uk
I'arinerii' and Men bant' Bk Mtddletowu 1't
l'i jiikliu Bank o! N. J. Jersey City
lloboken LI-C& Viratnig C-o tloboken
Perth Amboy
Mount Holly
lersiy (.'ity Bank
Mtchuniis' Bank
Maiiufactureis' Bank
M ini Coiiuly Bank
Voniooulh lik of N. J.
Mii buiiiis' Bank
Mechanics' and Maim f. Bk'
Morris Canal and likg t'j"
Post Note
Newaik LIKli A Ins Co
iVi-w Hope Del Biiilce t.'o
N. J. Mauulac. uiul 1)1. K Co
Jersey City
Jersey City
l.atnbf rlsvillu
lloliokt ii
N J Pioleclon &. Loiubjid Ik City
I'ali isoii
Jlai kens( k
luil. d
no kale
Clonic and Sec.
en rap for CaoIi or crouu
tri JJrotrurr.
nit. I ISSr.fl hn rerb'ted an nort-
nii nt ot .New (tombs which he will pe.II at
the lowest piieen, (or cah or (Jounlry "rodiice.
QJj" Persons are. invited In Call and judge for
llu m-f Ives.
j" BeM Lin ColVee for 12 eenta. (!ood do. for
10, and other sriii Irs in propottion.
Sunbuiv. May "", Ifi L
To t'oiiiilry .llert liniil.
IJools, Slmes, I'.onnel?, I.cgliorn ami
Tiilm Loaf Hats.
(. W. vV Ti. II. 'I'AYLOR,
at the S. '. cnriitr nf Murh I unit l'i II h Six ,
KFnil for sale an cxtiMinne HBoriincnt of the
"-'nbove arMcb a, nil vT which they sell at innisiinl
lv low piicps, and paiticul ailv invite the altentinu
of buyers visiting Ihe eiiv, loan lamination of
ihcir stock. C. W. A L. B. TAYLOR.
Philailelphia, May 25, 1841. Iv
Orange Bank
Paterson Bank
Peoples' Bank
Piiiicetou Bank
iSulcrn Banking Cu
Male B ink
Pilule Bmik
hiute Bank
I jle II ink ol .Morris
State Bunk
Falein and Philad Manuf ('o
Hussel Bank
Tieiiton Banking Co
l nion Uulik
Washington Banking Co.
ii:ivov tin:.
Bk of Wilm A Brandy wine ilrninglon
Bank of lie lawaic
Bank of fciiiij rna
Ho bluitetl
I'ariio r Bk of Hate 4 L't I'
Do branch
Ho branch
Ha lifauch
l nion Bank
(Jj- Under 6'a
(O Ou all banks muked
thar counteifrit or altarvd notes of ilia vj'.ous d
i.aminaUoiia, m ciiculatioii.
'PIIOSE pel son having demand ftuainsl the
Commonwealth for labor performed, or mate
rials fuinhhcd for Ihp repairs of ilia
Noi lli Ilraiidi Canal,
prior to the Dili day of January, IS 1 1, who have
not haiided to the subscriber an in count of the
same, are r iiiested Vo do to at llie earliest possible
moment, in order that they limy be put in form for
settlement, as otn as the fund appropriated for the
payment of old dt bis can be obtained.
Those living at a distance are requested to for
ward by mail or otherwise. W. . MAFFKT,
Wilkcshirre, May II, if Hnprrviior.
I) OCTOK J. 11. MASS K 11,
HESPECTFCLLY inform ihe cit
i.en of iSunburv nnd its vicinity, that
he Ina removed his nlhYe o the white
building in Maiket f ou m; east c.f Iia
T. t h meiil'a st.ue, and immediately opposite the
post iillice, where he will he happy to receive calls
in the hue of his profession
SSunbuiVj May 4th. 1S44.
DA V 1 V A Ts '
Patent Fire ami Tliiof Proof Iron
C'lies-ts, Slale lint'il IJefriperalors,
witli V'illcrs atiaclicil wlien
Vo. TO South third St., fo.vr're llir llxchtnigr,
mani F.;ri;i;i; and
IjJ'lSf ffkeep for sale Haviii Kvaxa
f;s!-?:';:.-iiFeeMlateil U ntrr and Provi-
' ; ffsioii t .. olers, aiiil l ateiit 1 r
Cl'T ' s' Criiium Fire mnl Thief Pioof I-
j 'Wr' Chc-t, for pie-ervino
-VVjfJ.Boeks. Papers. Deed. Jewel)',
-- r woio, Oliver, ar,, eve, uiiii;r
of Dub r Iron, (and not over Plank as n neiy-live
out of every one hundred now in use and lor sale
are made.) u iiti first rate Locks and Havid Evens'
Patent Keyhole Covers, similar to the ono exhibit
ed at the Philadelphia F.ichaiigc, for ihiee months
in the summer of Is4"i, when all the Keys were at
hbeily to hs uaed, and the Chest Hot opened, al
though the experiment was tiled ly at least I .'nil
persons. One of the same LorVs was Hied by
Itobhers, at llie Delaware Coal Otlice, in Walnut
street, above Thud, but di.l not socio d.
ijj' JIoii.1 ina, In n Doors, su i'rioi
Links, and all kinds ol Iran Ka laijs, S,-., mul (',..
pying Pi'esses, and !SmilboiU feln rally , on bund
or inunuf'.ii lured at the shortest notice,
QCj- ('.r nn-l ,1.. hi rel y c.uiioit all per.
sons q mist niakii c. lisini!, si lln i;, or muring to
be sohl, any Keyhole Covns for Fne Proof ( 'In sts,
or Doors, of anv kind similar in piimiple to my
Patent, of 10th July, IS4 I. and also Kg Hi si l.'llii
Kelrijeratois wnh lale, lor wh eh my Paieni l.
daleil S'lth Man h. 1S4 I, as any inliiii(;i n.i nt will
be 'bull wnh according to law.
Philadelphia, Apil H, ISI1. ly
oot l' Shoe
llKC'K & II It OS I l)I S
70VL1) inform the.r fiiends and the pul l c
gem rally , t bat tin v bate coinmeui eil the
above business in all its vaiiotis branches, in the
shop lately occupied by .Vaii 1 Enu'irl a- a watch
maker shop, ia-1 1 f the lied Lion Until, in Market
strei t, Suiibu'y, w here they are prep m d to 1 xe
cutn all onl'is in ibeir line, with
Tlley hope, by rtnel aln mnm 10 luisiuess, inodc
raifl charges, and the durability of tin 11 work, to
meiit and receive a share, of the public pitiou ige.
Suiibmy, March litlih, 1M4. ly
""E?.. P. E. T.STI1TS,
I E.-PEC TFI I.LV informs li e public that he
A has made .Norlhuilibcrland his pi ice of rrsi.
denre, and is ready to uttend to any calls in the
line of his profession.
flj- He may at till limes be found ul Mr. James
Lee's Hotel.
Northumberland. Dec. lOih, 1811. if.
imiss i:i;iir iiv i..)c,as.
riHE subscriber has just n reived, for sale, a few
I of the above relebra'ed Ei:bl Hay Clocks,
which will be sold at vciy reduced prices, for ca b.
Also, hi pei ior 3(1 hour Clm ks, of I' e l est make
and ipiality, whii h will be sold for cadi, hi f Ml.
Also, superior Brass HO hour till.
Dec. 2. li-13. II. 1). M SSF.!:.
M A in IV,
.T L.7
thua () tin re are i
(ieoigelow 11
Mil si .I AM .)
OFFICE, in Ihesecoiel .tory of the building or
ciiied by Dr. J.B. Masstr, on Maikel stieel.
Ocl. 21.1. IH4.1.
11 E sotisciiber will sell oil' bis stock of Beavrr.
liii'sia and Biush Hats, uf the best quality, at
very reduced lices.
Kunbury.Aug. 6, 143. H. B. M ASSE II
1 'I'liM Khliiff 3Iacliliic fur Nate.
fllllE siibs,nber often for sale THIiESHINO
1. MACHINE, lie w and in good onbi. The
Muihine has l-een tried, and proves to be an ricel
lent one. Il will be sold at
warranted. Apply to
July 1st, 1U:J.
reduced price, and
II. B. MASfeElt.
flHK valuab'e prnperiioa of Oakley 'a Dcpma
1 live Syrup of ISnrsaprirtlln, as a purifier of the
blood, is so well known to the public generally,
that it is unneeesaiiy In ocftifv much spare in set
ting fonh the advar.'er, l,e derived from ita
ime; wherev; r the moc'icinn ha onee lieen intra
iIiipp,,, it tnkra prrreilpnee over all others: eveiy
one thai hnr taken it, have derived an sienal bene
Fn'inl repiilta from it, that it is recommpoiled bv
them with ihe n most eonfidrnre. Physicians of
the highest st in line in the nrofession, prescribe il
10 paiienl under their care eonlalriing nothing
del. ler' but being eomjioscd ol the most mild,
yet 1 Micaeioiis vegetable materials, it is offered with i
ronfldenee. as the cheapest and most rfuViPiit pit-
rifiet of the blood now known. The use of a few j
hollies, especially in the spring months, will be at- ,
lemb d with a most decided impiovi ruent in the ge
neral slreimth of the system, crailientltm any see.l j
of ilisen-e that may havp been generadd. besides;
fiivihz health nnd vil-iT to (lip body. For the cure
of Scrofula or Kinijn Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, i
Pimples or ciuplioiis of the Skin, White Swelling, j
F stnlii, Chronic. Couch, Ac The mi- i
merotts ceniHca'es in the possession of the subset!-
her nnd hi nitents, from pliysiehuis and others, are .
snlliririit to conv nee Ihe most skeptical of its su- I
pcriorily uvel all pn par nioiis of Hnrsiipiuill.1. I
S,.d wliii'p-ale nnd retail, by the. proprietor,'
i;i:oi;t;n . OAKLEV, North m stre., liea- !
iliim, B'iks Conniy, uud lo be had of the following
pi iKons : j
In XnrlhumhfTiiiul t'utititi.'li . B. Masstr,
Siinbiiry ( I'fbinil iSt Mixcl, MeKweusv ille ; DJ !
K rails, r, Milton. J
In t'liiim Cnmiti. J. (ienrhnrt, Selinfgrove I !
A. (;uti hns. Miflliuburg. j
Ctmnliu County. K. W. McCuy, Wash !
inglon. I
Tieniling, March 14, ISPt.
Mil. OtKir.t: 1 believe it the ulv of every
one to do whali vcr in their power I ic-, for the b lie. I
lit of llieir (1 How man, and having had po-i'ive
pioof in mv own family, of the wonderful properties '
of ynur 1). piiralne Syrup ot Saissparilli, I m st
conseieuliou-lv recommend it lo the nltlicted. We
hud the misfoitune I lose two ol our children, by
Ihe brrnkina out nf ulcerous sores that covered the
face, head and i.eck, ultbnugh we had some nf tlu
most seictitifir physicians to nt'end Ih m nnd had
tried all the. known IcrnPilies, including Swaim's j
I'unaci a, without avail. Auoiber of my children
was at'uikc.l in the same m inner, her face uial ,
nei k was cnop'elely covered; the bi barge wns so
ollensive, nnd the disease at such a he'ghl, lhat we
despaired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful clleels
of your Dcpuraiivf Syrup (.1 S iisapnri l 1, we were
uiihienl lu make trial of il, as the last resort ; il
acted like a cl.arin ; the n'cers commenced henline
immediately, a b w bottles euliiely reslori'd In r to
hi r health, wbiih she h. is enjoyed nriinli rni tedly
ever since. As a puiifur ol the hlo-d, I verily be
lli ve it has not its 1 apial.
Walnut strerl, near Fourth, Kradiug.
Donglassi!le, Ajril 19th, 181:1.
Mil. 0kii:t: Mv sou E.'inuinl Leaf, lia.l the
scroltila in the most dreadlul and 1 i -t 1 t s-i 11 11 man
lier fur tbne years, dining winch lime he wis de
prived of the use of bis liin!, bis he .il and neck
were con red with ulcers. We tried nil ihe difler
cut renoili, s I ut to no 1 IT. ct, until recommi nded
l y Dr. Johnson of Noni.-town. find also Dr. Isaac
H 11 sit r, ol Keudii u. to use your DcpUrnlive Syup
of Sarsnpurilla, of w bieb I obtained sevclal Isillles.
ihe use of which ibove the direa-e emin Iv out of
his n stein, the sore he di d up, and the child was
restored In perfect heabh, which be has enjoyed
uniutcriupleilly cv.r sii re, lo t'ie asb iiisbmcut ot
many peisons who seen du ing Ins hflliclioii.
I have tltoimht it niv du'y, and sii.l mi this ceiti
tVjte th it otle's who (uvea like Hillirtioii in the
family tuny know ivbere lo obtain 80 valuable a
1111 ill. -inc. Yours truly.
AMELIA P. LEAF. in, 1 s in. 1 y
Sunlit J'.iisl i tiriii r of uiul L'i sis.,
I F.Sp:C I Frl l.Y ml .im ihe public lhat thrv
will roii-taiit y kiep on li .n.l a I ors as-o.l-nii
nt of Hits. Caps and Furs, to mt the fall trade,
of tbe be t ipialny. By slriel aHention lo hu-i-in
ss. and I y tin 11 sl.K-k at the lowrsf prii-es,
llii'V llallir thi uiseUis ill being able to cive entire
s AugiiRl .r, I ly
Oiiislri Ivllr-i s
rlbe n' lie will plrase observe thai no Brau.beth
Pills are genuine, unless ihe bin has ihiee la
bels upon il, 1 1 lie lop, the ai.'e ami the bottom 1
each cunt liinni; a far-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus U. II m in 11M ni, M. D. Thesi' la
bel aie engraved ou steel, beautil'tilty desimicd,
ami sline ut an expense nf over f,tWO. Therefore
it w ill lie seen lhat 'he only lliiug loce-saiy to pro
cure ihe iiieilicine in il purity, is to observe these
Kcinemhi r the lop, Hie side, and tbe bottom.
The follow ing respeciive persons are duly auln ri
7.1 .1, and hold
For the sale of liraiuln ill's i'rgttutife Uiiirertul
Norlbiiuibeilaid county : Milton Mat -key iV
:h ainbi ilin. Sunlmry H. B. Masser. M'Ewena-
ville In land ek Meixill Nonhum' ei land Win I
Forsylh. lieiiiuel.iwu .1. A .1. W .IU. ;
I 'liion C .unty : New Berlin llngai A Win- j
Ii r. Selinsiirove (norgo (iiindium. Mi. I. lie
huri Isaac niib. BeaM-riown Duvid llublc.
Ad nil-bur' Wni. J. May. M itlliusbuia Mcnsi I,
A' Kay. lllil. ni Hmiel L.oig Fre. buri; j
li.A F. C. Miiycr. Lewislnirg Walls A (jicen.
Columbia cni.niy : D uiulli H. B. KewmMa j
A Co. Uerwiik Sliuman A I! Henhouse. (V.
lavilssa I', (i. Brobts. Blooiiisiiurc John If. j
Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Wasbinglon
I KiiK. Mi Cay. I.iincst, me Bailie' . i h.
Obseive that each Atseiit bus an Eriuruvnl ( r-
; it'u ate nf, ronlaiiiinit a irpieenluiiuu nf
; ir BKANPKETH'S Manulactory at Sing King,
I ami upon w hich w ill a'so be seen enact copies nt
1 the item lulu it m mi ujkiii tie ISraiiJiitU J'iI
1 liuirn.
Philiih Iphia, oTu e No. 8, North Hihs'reel.
B. BltA.NDKEl 11, M. H.
June " lib, 1n1:i.
Nos. V.".) and Nortli Tliini Street,
Near t h o City Hotel,
MACKEV, Auctioneer, repeelfuly in-
ilea the atlention of perso'.a desirous of pur
chasing Fuiliiluie, lo his rilensive Kules Kooms,
(both public and Piivale,) for every description of
Huusihold Furniture, whare can be obtained at all
limes, a lurce asoitrm nl nf fushionuble Ind well
manufactured Caboitl Furniture, Beds,,
Ac, at very reduced prices, for cash.
(7- Suit, by Auction, twice t week.
May 2lh, 113. ly
rou ti:ti i:b.
niNawoHMs, on tub rur., amd other
fiTANwiiN rntnniNs.
O'j' Thf fiillntfiiiir crrtijicn'r. tlnrrilm nne nflhe
most rxtraimliiwrij ottrcs ever rjficteil by uny
Pmt.AnrrrtnA, February 10; 183S.
lfMl twenty years I was severely afflicted with
Tktthh on (ho Fnce and Head: the disease
roinmciiced whrn I was seventeen years old, and
continued until the Fall of 18:R, varyinft in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During most
of the time, greal part of my fare was covrri d with
the eruption, frequently aitcnded with violent itch
ing; my head swel'ed at times until it fellas if il
would burst the swelling was so g eat, thai I could
I scarcely net my hat on. During the long period
j that I was afflicted wnh the disease, I useil a great
I ninny a plications, (among them several celebrated
I preparations) as v. II as tukinu inward remedies,
j including a number of bottles nf Rimini' Vitnaera,
T'xlract nf Sursiipurilln, A r, In fact, it would be
' iinpo-sible lo euuniera'e nil the medicines I used.
; I was bIso under the care of two of the most dis
i lineuishcd physicians of this city, but without re
! ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being
1 cured. In tbe fill of ISIlfi, the disease at the lime
i being very violent, I commenced using the Knut
j Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan A. Davis.) In
, a few applications Ihe violent itching ceased, iba
1 swelling abated, the iruotion began to disappear,
i and bebire I hud used ajar the di-case was entirely
' cured. It has now Iwn nearly a yenr and ,1 half
j since, mnl there is not a vestige nf thr disease re
maiiiinc. except the sears from the deep pits formed
! by Ihe di.-ense. It is impossible for me to describe
j in a certificate the severity of the disease and my
I snfli tiiiir, but I will be pleased to cive a fuller nr.
! count . any person wanting furiher satisfaction,
who will cull on me. At the lime I commenced
' using the Ki'se I liniment I would have given hun
I du ds nf ilollais lo be rid of the disease. Since u
1 sing it, 1 have recommended it to several persons,
; (among them my mother, who had the disease bud
I ly on het arm,) who were a I cured bv it.
I JAM Ea DirivNFLL, No. lofi, Kace St.
1 iTf The Hose Ointment is prepared by E. B,
j Vaujhnn, Svh'Ii East corner of Third and Kace
I, Philadelphia, and sold on neencv in Sunhu
! ry. by H. II. MAssKK,
May I4lh. 1813. Azmt.
IJo-c Oiiilciiciif, lor 'S'tilcr.
Fun nu em . May 27lli, WV).
r,Illt is to certify I was severely alllic'cd
with Tetter in the hands nnd feet for upwards
of forty years j the disease was attended generally
with violent itching and swelling. 1 applied to 1
noinbirof physicians, and used a great many appli
cations without ellecling a cure. About a yi ar
since, I applied the I lose Ointment, which entirely
stopped the itching, and a few applications immedi
ately cured the di-case, w hich there has hi en no
return of, slthousli I had never U'en lid of it at
any lime for forty years. K1CIIAKD SAVAI.E,
Eleventh, below Spiuce Street.
(Xj The Rose Oiuluieiil is prepared by E. B.
VaUL'hau, S mill East corner of Third and Kace
Streets, Philadelphia, and s Id oil aiienrv in Suiibu
rv. bv H. B. MASSEK,
" May Hih. 1813. .4i,'c.
of tiw iiosi: oi.TMi:.r,for rtiir.
VLTHOt'Cill the superiority of ihe prepaiatioii
over all ntlu rs is fully established, the roprie
tors lake pleasure in laying l fore ihe public the
following ceilificaie from a re-pectable physician,
a graduate of the I'niversity of Pennsylvania. Dr.
Bauijb, having found in Ibis remedy that relief f ir
a tedious and disagreeable nlTc. tioii which ihe means
within Ihe range of Lis profession failed to nlVoril,
has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of lhat profession aie
pposed to secret Remedies.
l'liinot i run, Sept. 10, lS.'lfi.
I was recently troubled w ith a tedious herjaMic
eruption, which c.oe.ed nearly one sb'o of my face,
mid extended over the ear. Mr. Vnunhan, proprie
loi of llie Kose ( liniment, obseiving my, ml
ted on my li) inc his preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. Allhouiih in common with the nient
I eis ol ti 1 y profession, I discounti nance nnd disap
prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon the
public by iniioi mit pn tender-, I feel in jus icc bound
to except Ihe Kose Ointmi lit from thai c'ass of me
dicines, nnd to cive il mv spprolmtton, u it 1 n'ire
Iv Hired the eruption, ubhough it had lesisted the
u.u.l iipplicalioiis. DAN L. BAt (ill, M. D.
(Jj" The Kose Oiutiiient is prepared by E. B.
VauuliHii, South East corner ol Thud and K ice
Streets, Philadelphia, and told ounguicv in Sun
bury, by H. B. MAsSEK.
May 11th, I8P1. Jsent.
vm. ::eiliait & co.,
Commission At Forwardinj sMcrclianta,
loot if Willow Slrcit Hail llond,
nsr thr iinawinr.,
TTAVINd associated nith (hem Joseph Darnel,
A lale of Ea.ston, Pa., respectfully inform their
friends and the public generally, that they have la.
ken lhat large and well known store and w harf at
foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupiel by
Jacob Martin, where Ihey puipose doing a (ieueral
Commission and Forwarding Business, and fiom
the local advantages of the place bring connected
with nil tho public improvements thai have llieir
outlet In Ihe city, they flatter themselves they will
be able to do business lo as great, if not greater ad
vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other
house, and Ihey nssnte their friends that anv con
signment matin to them shall have their strict at
lention, an J 110 exeitions spared to give entire satis
Tin j are also prepared lo receive and forward
goods to nny point on the Delaware and Lehich
rivers, between Mauch Chunk, E.iston and Phila
ih Ij hia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can ,ls;
also, to any point on the Juniata river, or Nonh
and V( st Blanches of the Susipiehaniia via Srhuvl.
kill and t jtiiou, or the Chesapeukc and . Pido Water
For the accommodation of Boats coming or go
ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, n Stpimboat
w ill lu? ki pi expressly for lowing boats from the
Schuylkill aronud lo the Delaware and back, which
will enable merchants to have their produce deli
vered on the Delaware, and their goods sl.ippid at
a saving ol 60 to 75 per cent, ou the pnres fir
hauling aero, s, with these advantages they re
spectfully solicit a share of pntronace.
William Heilmnn, )
William W. Keyser, C
Joseph Burnet. 3 Philad , May 14, IS 13. ly
Smill" nnd Tobacco Manufacturers,
.Yo. .orlh West rorm r of Huct nnd Third
rP II E under-icued have formed a Co-partnership
under the firm of .1. M A Y L AN D. .1 b. Ac Co..
na successors to ihe lale firm of .lucnh .Mnilnnd A
Co., and will e.tulinue the business ut the old esta
blishment, on their own account. In addition to
their own close attention nnd experience for manv
years, in Ihe manufacture of their cefebraled smill-,
Ac, the bum experience of the senior pnilner of the
late linn, will also he devoted to the interest of the
new concern ami as no cxeition ami care will le
Business attended In in the Counties of Nor
ihund crland, Union, Lvcoming and Columbia,
liefer tnt
TnnyiAS II a 11-r A Co.,
Low r 11 A Barrov,
Habt, CuMMiani A IfAtiT, yP.'tilmh
KtTni.n, Mc Fa hi Attn A Co.
Si-KMian, 'toon A Co.,
iVo. (i'J Aorth Third, uhove Arch Street,
pHAHLES WEISM, late of the "White Swan,"
and "Mount Vernon House," respectAilly in
forms his friends and customers, that he has become
the proprietor of the nbov well known Hotel.
Country Metchants will find the above Hotel a
central location, nnd the best of faro. Persons tra
velling with private conveyance will find a large
yard and good stabling for horses, and Ihe best of
ostlets. Boarding fl per day.
May Ilth, 1812. if.
ET n: CD T17 BIS ETi 9
Corner of Third and Vine Streets,
THE subscriber respectfully announces to lh
public, that he has opened a Hotel in the com-
moitiiuig tirn k buililing situate on the corner of
'1 bird and Pine streets, where ho will be happy to
wait upon those who may favor him witli their
company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni
ent, and furnished in the liest modern sly le. Il is
provided with a lurga number of well aired and
Comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Peisons visiting Willinmsporl on bu
fincss ni plea.-ure. roav rest as-und lhat every ex
ertion will l e used to render their sojourn nt tho
"Eagle lloli 1" pleasant and agreeable. His'I'ablo
will be supplied with the very best the market af
fords, and his bur with the choicest wines and other
liiUors iharges reasonable. The Eaulo Hotel
possesses greater advantages in point of location
than any other similar establishment in the borough,
being situate in tbe business part of tha tow n, and
w ithin a convenient distance of the Court House
and Willinmsporl and Llinira Kail Koad Depot.
nibc'icnt Sialilnig provi, led, and good anj trusty
ostlers always in ntli'inlauce.
Attentive, uccori.nioibiting and honest Servants
have been 1 1111.I.0 e.l. and iiothiuz left undone that
spared lo insure their Boods, nt all times of Ihe ve- ! !"M 11,0 '4""hl "J accommodation of his
rv best quality, they solicit a continuance nf the
confidence of the tin nils mid cu-tomers nf the bite
Philadelphia, May I lth, 1 H CI. ly
To C'nuiifrv
'pilK Subscriber, Agent of Lyon A Harris, Hal
Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and other large cities, : Kmo Hats are,
hiuhly commended for timd tnlit and dur'i.ility,
has on hand a firl rate usiiortmiit of II A I S and
CAPS, suitable for Spring sites, wh'ch w ll I e sold
very low, fiM cash or appiove.l credit, at the nrtrd
cheap store. No. 40, North Third afrut, opp isi'e
Ihe City Hotel, Philadelphia.
N. B. Orders for Hats in the rnuh. promptly
attended lo. The highest price in tusli or tra-la
given far Fur iking,
Philadelphia, June 11, 18t3.--ly
.tifr;il nmntltssloii Men limit,
Fur tlit Utile of Fhur, L'ruin, Sttd, kc, Ac
I I'M'ECTFl'LLY inform their friends and
:he Mercbiinls nenerallv, lhat they have ta
ken those large nnd commodious Wharvi s, with two
Dorks, noitb of ('hesnut street, on the Delaware,
together with the store No. I'J South Wharves,
where they would bo pleased to receive consign
ment of (irain, Flour, Seed, thiskev. Iron, Ac.
A c. Being also well prepared lo furwar.l nil kinds
of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and t'nion.or by
the Chesapeake and Title Water Cnnals, as low
boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of tow ing
boats by ci her route.
Merchants will pleise lie particular lo send their
C.'i ds declined by cither canals, to No. Ill Snulh
halves, belwi en Market and ('hesnut slneis, on
the Deluware,. w ith directions accompanying them
which route they w ish them lo be shipped.
(fj' Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON A C'n.
March Ml, 1811. No. IU South Wharves.
iioiir.iiT c akti:k so,
Lombard Street, liitltimorc,
I I AVE constantly for sale, Printing Paper uf all
J-A and qualities. Cap Writing Paper, ruin!
and plain, Letter Puper, white and blue, ruled and
plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope
Paper, do. do. medium, doub'e ciow n, crown and
extra .-I7.ed Wrapping Psiera, Colored Medium and
Koyal Papeis, Bonnet, Binders' and Stiaw Box
Boards, Tissue Paper, und all urliclea in their line,
which ihey will sell on arcoinmodstine terms.
Manufacturer of Writing nnd Indelli
hlu Ink, No. HWi Ninth Third Street,
disirs below Eace, (eiist side,)
I EsPF.CTFI I.LY informs country merchants
I and others, that he con-tinlly keeps on hand
a large slock of bis snperier Black, Blue Mid Red
Ink, and also a superior ipiality of Imh Hit le Ink.
His ink is put up in bellies varying in size, from
1 lo 33 ounces, and will be sold on reasonable
lerms. 'J'he ricrl'r I ipialnies (if this ink has so
j tborouehly 1 sislili-l.ed its rh iraeier. that it is now I Highest price given f. ld rac
extensively hm'i! Inrouetioiit lliv coutiny.
. For sale ul the store of 1 1. II. Masser, Sun
bury. Pa. May 27lb, 184:1. I y
susiEuny, pa.
AS Ink. 11 the otlice occupiid by the
Hon. ( builcs (i. I loi.n I, opposite the C.irl
House. He will mli ml to loinness in the Courts
ol Norihuinbf iland, l nion un l Columbia coun'ies.
May SlUli, I S 1.1.
Tberu will be n carriage always ill attendance at
the Boat 1. muling to convey passengers to and from
the House, tree of charge.
Mav Mih. 1 12. tf
N aitic'e uiii'.ualled for cleaning and g.virig a
- highly durable and most brilliant polish lo sil
ver, (ierinan Silver, Brass, Cop r, Briltania ware.
Tin, Sli id. Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on
varnished carriages, c. TRY IT.
Prepared an. I sold at wbolesa'e and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego,
Tiogs county, N. Y.
WM. FOKsYTH, Agent lor Northum'd,
H. B. MASSER, Agent for Suubury.
November 211th, 1812.
.Tlicliai'I Weaver fc on,
Art. 1:1 Xnrtli Water Street, Fiilntttjihia.
A Is constantly on hand, a general assort
ment of Cordage, Mcine Twines, Ac., viz :
lard Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, .M anil
lu Ropes, Tow Lines lor Canal Boats, Also, a
complete sssorlment of Seine Tw ines, Ac, such as
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent (Sill
Net Twine, Cotton Slud ami Henine Twice, Shoe
Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Itcd I 'onls. Plough Lines,
Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet ('bains,
Ac. all of wl.ii they will dispose of on reasonable
Philadelphia. Novcmbei 13, 1812. ly.
No. 1 :is Market Street, Philadelphia.
NVITE Ihe atlention of Country Aferchants
to llieir extensile assortment of Britirh French
and American Dry floods, which they i.ll'cr for sale
on the m .-I reasonable t. rms.
Philadi Iphia, November 1:1, 1812. ly.
J . W . S V A IN,
Tuilii-eHa and Parasol Muiiiifacturer.
A'o. 37 Smith 1'lniit itrnt, two doors beluw the
Citit Until, I'liiadrlphut.
COCNTI! 1 Men burns and others are solicited
lo examine Lis ussoili.ienl before purchasing
clsew here
Phila 'elihia. Novsmber 11. 1842. 1 v.
March in. Il:l. Elklon, Md
Ta 1 f
III ivs
(tSfinrol Siatie,',
a: a:.! ::Gsj ctz: 9
IViiii.Mlt aula.
flHE Siib.-crrber respectfully Uitoims his friend.
I and the public ill general, thai ho has taken
the above
LARCH A xn couuopiors
I N T II E B O It O i: (i H O F M V N C Y,
and lhat he is now well prepare! to accommodate
all who may favor hi in with the.r custom.
His Sn iriNii ArAHTHkaTS iro well aiie I, and
Hi. 'Ft b li i 11 Br will aNays he soplnd
with the best llie maikel ran aflord.
His HTttLiau, wbkh is god, will V under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He feels confident, by stric t attention lo buaiurss,
and an earnest desire to render comfortable those
who may patronize hun, that he w ill nol fil logive
general satisfaction. II. 0. WEAVER.
Muncy, Oct. Ul, 184?. tl.
.Yo. Mori It Third, alum Ci.llouhtU St.,
OH N DUNCAN, late from Ihe Pennsylva
nia Firmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., laie of A-
mi rican Hotel, ( 'olumbus. I Miio, lake pleasure in uc
iiintiiig their fiieudsand Ihe public gciierully that
Ihey liave taken the large and commodious I Lilt I,
ien ntly built by the Messrs. II alt, on llie site
once occupied by the old esiubli.hed Hotel known
as Ihe Pull's Head, in Third sliecl uhove Callow
hill st.
This Hotel is finished in the very best possible
manner, and ol ihe hcM iiialerials. Its local. on is
very di suable, p.iriicularly forcouiiliy Hu rchants j
the airangemeuis for hi atii.g and veiKiluliug raeh
room is such as to secure any temperature. 'J'he
hfdroomsare all light and airy, all furnished in
neat style, so as lo insuie toinloit.
Tbe n ci iving parlors are aho full ished in a su
perb style, Ihe windows are on Ihe French style,
forming an entrance to a hurcony Ul front, wlinh
makes pleasant recess, Purliculai ailention has
been given to the beds and bedding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely new.
from year experience in h.itcl business, we
trust, by strict assiduity to lajsinest, lo make this
house t desirable stopping place. Our table will
always be supplied wnh the very best our market
can afford, and our bar with Ihe best Injuoi and
wines of Ihe most approved brands.
P. 8. There are first rata stabling nd carriage
houses attached In the hotel, stir nded by ratful
and solier hostlers, and our charges will I low, iu
accordance with the present haid times,
Philadelphia, Oot. 7ih, 1843.
OR sale a small Farm, containing about vnt
hundred and ten acres, more or le.-s, situate
in l oiul township, IS oriliuml erlnnil coiiutv, about
two mih s above Nortl.uuiberl and, on the main
road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining
lands of John l.eghou, Jesse C. llor'on and others,
now in the occupancy i f Samuel Payne. About
forty acres of sunt tract are cleaicd, and in good
slate of cu'livatiou, on which there is a small bmn
erect, d. The property will be sold 011 n asonablt
let ins. For further particulars, peisons are request
ed lo apply to the tulscrilnr.
II. B. MASS2R, .4jjr,,
Nnv. S7ih, 1X42. if Sunbury. Pa.
nm tin
NTJION'S Classical Dictionary; l.empricr'.
do.; Am
(crnaaii do ; Aiiibou's Ca sar; Anthoii's Crammer
Aiitheu's Ciceio; Mutt's Latin Rcudei; Ogiily'sdo
Andiew's Latua Ia'ssoiis; Doiiingau's Lekicon
Fisk'a (ire. k Exercises; Duvies's Legeudei; (iraeci
Muj.ira; Adams's Roman Auticpiities; Piniioek'
(iojiUmilh's England; do. I i recce; I. yell's Element
of (ieology; Mis. Lincoln's Botany; Elements o
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical lies
dcrs; Emerson's (ieogrnhy and History; Obey'
do.; Purlt y's do.; Smith's (irammci: Kirkham's do.
Kay's Rcadirs; ('obi's do.; Cobb's Arithmetics
Pike's J a.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Bookr
Town's do.; Cobb's 'Fable Bonks; Evangelical Fa
inily Library; Collage Bibles; Family do; Collator
ul do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Patkei's Ex
ficises 011 Composition; Fruit of the SjHrit; Baxter'
S .ini's Rest; American Revolution; Marry alt's Ni
vets; Mrs. Phelps on Cbemistiv;; Cstecliisn
of American Laws; Letters on .Natural Magic; Ch
inistry for Beginners; English Exeicist s adapted I
Murray's (iraininer, Seijuel to Comlcy's (sjielliu
Bitok; American Class Book; Daboll's Schoolmas
ter's Assislanu, A greal variety of Blank Books, At
August SS, IM42.