UtiUUU IPCBOWCBU0 g . S TTn S ODDS S A IL IL IE. (D r s 9 0 Ssmgg lsirfIIbiEl ALL OP HE Vf ILL SELL AT vaF.y MODERATE PRICES, A1TD ON REASON ABML1E TEEMS, HOUSES & LOTS. j 1. A large and elegant two story stone inaii-j sion house with basement story, all highly finished, and situated on the east side of .Market street, in Selinscrrove, Union county, being the residence of the subscriber. The lot on which this house stands is very handsomely j improved, and planted with choice fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, with all the necessary improvements; of a large barn, piggery, wagon fched and coin crib, carriage house. Ice house, smoke house and poultry yard.; The whole constituting a most desirable and beautiful residence. PRICE, 83,500. j 2. A large two story wooden house with ex-; tensive back buildings, and highly improved garden and lot of ground. This property is situated north of and j adjoining No. 1, and also forms a desirable residence PRICE, 1,500. i 3. A two storv wooden house with lot of. ground, situated on the east side of Water street, in Selinsgrove, well finished throughout, with log stable on the rear of the lot. PUICE, $500. 4. A two story wooden house with one story kitchen, and a log stable on the rear of the lot, situated north of and adjoining the last named property, No. 3.' A well and pump, to accommodate this and No. 3, in the yard. PRICE, 500. 5. Lot of ground in the town of Charlcstown, acres. on the Isle of Que, situated on street, 40 by J80 feet. ' A desirable lot for a dwelling house. PRICE.f'JOO. G. Lot of ground adjoining Selinsgrove and Penns creek, and fronting on Walnut street, containing about half an acre of ground PRICE, !?200. CANAL PROPERTY & WARE & STORE HOUSES. 7. A very valuable property on the Pennsylva- nia Canal, on tho Isle of Que, adjoining Selinsgrove. The improvements are such as to facilitate mercantile and trading business to a great extent, and consist of a large two story frame house, occupied as a dry goods store; a large and commodious ware house, 40 by 80 feet; a long range of staUing ; and an extensive wharf, 400 feet long, with hoisting crane, &c. It is situated on the berm bank side of the canal, and in every respect calculated lur an extensive business. 1 K1LJ.., ss;,ooo. BOAT YARD & DRY DOCK. 8. A large and convenient boat yard on the Pennsylvania Canal, and laying south of and adjoining No. 7. On this property is erected a one and a half htory frame dwelling house, well finished ; u large shed and office fr the accommodation of boat builders, and also a very complete dry dock, into which boats for repair are floated out of the canal, and into which new boats erected on the yard arc also launched. A very desirable property. PRICE, vJ.ooo. FARM of 200 acres: J). A large and exceedingly valuable farm, containing about 200 acres of choice limestone land, in a highly improved state. On this farm there are about 140 acres under culture, divided by good fences into fields of ten acres; a large two story house with kitchen attached; a well and pump of excellent water at the kitchen door; a large and convenient bank bain with wagon house, sheds and corn crib attached; a large press house with every convenience for making cider, at the font t'f the orchard, which consists of ten acres of choice grafted apple trees ami pear trees. Lime stone is quarried in any quantity within 100 yards of the farm buildings, where lime is burned. It lays within one milo of tho Pennsylvania Canal and Selinsgrove. A very desirable farm. PRICE, 13,000. FARM of 220 10. One. other large and valuable far in o' about SiiO acres of lime stone land, and also situated within one mile of tho canal and Selinsgrove. It is we improved, there being about l.'K) acres well fenced and under culture, the balance being well timbered wit cak, pine, walnut -and chesnut timber. The buildings consist of a large and well finished two story farm hou with kitchen ; a large barn with wagon shed and corn crib, &.c. attached ; a spring house and "never failin spring near the house; a smith shop, and two lime kilns, capable of burning one hundred bushels lime per da; built adjoining an exhaustless limo stone quarry. There are also three orchards of bearing apple trees on th farm. PRICE, $10,000. FARM of 250 acres. 11. A farm situated on Penns Creek, abou 31 miles from the canal at Selinsgrove, with the public road leading from Selinsgrove to New Rcrlin, the se of justice of Union county, running through it. It contains about 2i0 acres, of w hich there arc about oO acr of first rale meadow land, the balance upland and principally red schale. .About one hundred acres arc cleare the balance being well covered with oak, hemlock and white pine timber. The buildings consist of a well li ished two story farm house with several fine springs of water close at hand, a large log barn, corn crib, sprii house, &c. On this farm there is a mill scite with '0 feet fall, on a stream of water tributary to Penns crec This farm might be advantageously divided into two farms, and will be so divided if purchasers desire it. PRICE, 5,000. WATER POWER. 12. Jl water power on Penns Creek, of G 1-! feet fall, unimproved. It is situated between the two tracts of land, Nos. 11 and 13, and within 3t miles of t Pennsylvania Canal, at Selinsgrove. A public road leads thiough this tract, along the east bank of Pci creek PRICE, r00. WATER POWERS & WOODLAND. IS. Jl tract of woodland containing about T' acres, situated on Penns creek, immediately opposite No. 11. This tract is well covered with white oak t pine timber, with Wolf run flowing through it and emptying into Penns creek, affording an excellent scite fo: saw mill with from twelve to twenty feet fall PRICE, 1,500. 14. Tract of woodland, unimproved, situate on the east side of Penns creek, adjoining No. 13, containing about yoo acres of excellent red schale upla Wolf run, tributary to Penns creek, runs through this tract, and a (lords a superior scite for a saw mill. 'J land is heavily set with white oak and pine timber, and is susceptible of being converted into an excellent fa PRICE, 3,00 15. One other tract of woodland, imiii proved, situated in Penns township, about 3 miles from Selinsgrove, adjoining lands of John Raily, G. Sr and others, containing 187 acres and iy." torches of excellent red schale upland. Wolf run also passes thro this land, affording fino water power. The land is well covered with white oak and pine timber, and is sus tiblo of being converted into an excellent farm. PRICE, y,00. 1C. Tract of woodland, unimproved, situate in I'nion township, adjoining lands of Michael Sanders and others, and not more than one mile from Sunb j on the opposite side of the river Susquehanna, containing about 115 acres. This land is very good red sc. i soil, capable of being converted into an excellent farm. A stream of water, tributary to the river. Mows thro i this land sufficiently strong for a saw mill. The land is well covered with white oak nnd pine timber.-PRICE, ! 17. Tract of unimproved woodland, situate . in Centre township, Union county, containing 100 acres, adjoining lands of J. Wittcnmycr and others. Mie burg is within three miles, ami Middle creek within one mile. There is a saw mill on the tract of land adj ting, at which the timber of this tract can be wrought into boards and other sawed stuff. PRICE, aoo. (CP In consideration of the scarcity of money at this time, I will sell any or all the above property on terms to suit the times; and in cc cash be offered, a reasonable deduction will be made. Further particulars may be obtained by addressing tho subscriber at Sclinsgro Union county, Pennsylvania. Selinsgrove, July 24, 1844.