A Pnir, Mr. CiiANDi.m, of (lie V. S. Gazetts, tints eu logizes the whig candidate for the office of Go Vernor of North Carolina: North Carolina. We hope to hear good news front North Carolina, relative to the pro ceedings to be hud on the first day of August. The gentleman selected by the whig as the candi date for Governor, is one every way worthy the vote of patriots. He is capable and honest able and willing todo his duty ; and we cannot doubt that the Whigs of North Carolina will manifest their ability to appreciate the value to their par ty and the Commonwealth, of such a man as Wil liam A. Graham. . All this is very complimentary, to be sure, and Very kind, but it will perhaps strike readers of the Gazette as a little remarkable, that so much anxiety should be manifested for the election of a violent anti-tarilT man. Mr. Graham was in the IT. S. Senate in 1st'?, had not only voted a gainst the present tariff, extolled by the whigs as the very acme of perfection, but used every o ther means in his power to defeat it. How very sincere must be the tariff homilies doily uttered through the column of the Gazette, after such a prayer for the success of one of the tariff's roost bitter enemies ! ' FnifiirrFfi. Railroad Catastrophic. The Reading Railroad Bridge over Mill Creek, the o ther side of Manayunk, gave way Friday, l'.'th inst., under a train of thirty five empty burden cars, which were passing it, and the greater por tion of the structure, with the whole ol the cars and tender, fell with a tremendous and destine live crash into the stream and road underneath most of the cars sustaining an entire wreck. The locomotive had nearly reached the opposite side of the bridge, when the engineer was sud denly made aware of his danger by a tremulous motion of the timbers. He instantly threw on all steam, and had just cleared the bridge and saved himself by jumping off as the catastrophe rustled. His escape was most wonderful. He was the only person with the train. The loco motive having been detached, kept on at a furi ous rate for some distance beyond Xorristown before it was stopped. The people along the road and the citizensof Xorristown were struck dumb with amazement, until the true state of the case became known. Spirit of the Times. Loss of thk Steamship M.ixcm:Ti:n am TwENTV-Kii.tiT Livks. This vessel, sailing be tween Hull and Hamburg, has been lost, with every soul on board. She left Hull under the command of Captain Dudley, on the 10th. with a miscellaneous cargo ; and. on arriving on the op posite coast, struck on the Marie Sand, on the coast of Ho'stein, about twenty-five miles, from the shore, during a hurricane, and bacame a com plete wreck. The number of persons who per ished by this catastrophe is twenty-eight, twenty-two of whom formed the crew, the remainder being passengers. The passengers were Mrs. St. George Smith, Miss F.mily Smith her daugh ter, Mr. St. George Smith, Mr. Rotherby, a wool merchant of Leeds, Mr. Frost, of Manchester, and one unknown. The loss is ascribed by some naval men to want of judgment. The value of ship and cargo, it is said, exceeds 2-1,000. Imports ami Kx ports of Xfw York. The New York Republican gives the following com parative statement of the Imports and Exports of the District of New York, during the first six months of the year 4S 13, ami the first six months of the year 1S1 1 : Imports l5rt. 111. Paying duty, 13.ssft.Hl 3?. n'2'i. 702 Free, ll,!UI,2fl fi.r..-ifi,0(i0 Total, 2l,&.'0.i7.' 3$.67(i.!i2 duties, t1,;i(V271 SM,121,I'J7 Exports Domestic goods, S.K.'M.f,70 ll.fi7.'!721 Foreign goods, 2. 1 s.,. Si,.', 2,112,310 Total 10,S.iC,,r,.',7 17,119,0.11 HAt.TI.MOKK MAHKKT. Oflirenf the Bu.timo Aisiiica, July 20. GRAIN. The supplies of the new crop of Md. and Virginia wheats continue to reach the market steadily but moderately. Frices have been steady throughout the week at 85 a 90 cents for good to strictly prime new reds, and at 70 a SO cents for inferior to good. Red wheats to command 90 cents to-day must be strictly very prime. Sales of family flour white wheats at 92 a OS cents ; one parcel of very superior, raised on Fool's Island in the Chesapeake, was bought for seed at 103 cts. No receipts of old wheats of any kind. WHISKEY, The market has been calm and without change during the week. Sales of hhds. continue to be made at 21 cents, and of bbls, at 22 a 22$ cents. roa TUB AMKaiCAft. Ma. Editor: Myself and neighbors me de cidedly in favor of again nominating EDWARD Y. BRIGHT, as" the Democratic candidate for the Assembly. Mr. Bright mule a very good mem bi r he was active and industrious always at his post, and did his duty faithfully. He was chair man of a very important Committee, sn.l one that required a great deal of attention and labor. His appointment to this station shows that he had the respect and confidence of hi fellow menitK-rs, and they any that we never sent a more industrious and attentive member. Mr. Bright took an active and lea ling part in retrenching the exenses of the Legislature, and in introducing principles of economy into every brunch of the Government, He was on the Com. mil lee of Accounts, through whose exertions the reform which distinguished the last Legislature was brought about. He went about saving the lC"ple' money in earnest. A few days afier the opening of the session, he offered the resolution which b came a lawgiving the Public Printing ami ISinding to the lowest bidder. This measure alone will save about Tkm Tiiocsakd Dollars annually. It wi suspected that greit frauds had been commoted by the punters under former laws. The Committee on Accounts aet about the investiga tion of these accounts with a determination to ferret out the frauds. Mr. Bright was one of the most industrious mid persevering nicrnUrs of that Committee. The result was that ovcichargcs of the printers, to the amount of thirteen thousand dollars, were discovered and suits directed to be brought to recover that sum back into the Treasury. The contingent expenses of the last Legislature were not one fifth of the expenses of the prceeed ing. Some $15 or f 20,000 were saved to the Commonwealth in this matter alone, by the csre and economy of the Committee of Accounts. Mr. Blight then has done bis duty faithfully and honestly. He has carried out the wishes of the people, and ought to be re-elected unanimously. Honor to whom honor is due. Let the faithful public servant be rewarded, and the best interest of the people w ill he faithfully represented. SHAM OK IN. FOR THE AMERICAN. Mr. F.mtor : It being in accordance with the usages of the Democratic party, for the people, previous to the formation of the County Ticket, to bring before the public the names of such in dividuals as they may deem most worthy to dis charge the duties belonging to the offices within their gilt, we would recommend to the consider ation ofthe Democratic Electors of Northumber land county, Maj. WILLIAM L. DEW ART as a candidate for the Legislature. Should the people see proper to elect Maj. Dewart as their Representative, we feel confident that they will find in him a public servant of distinguished a bilities, an intelligent, firm, and unwavering De mocrat of the JetVersonian school, and, conse seqnetitly, the laboring man's friend. M. my Democrats. .W .f IS II I K It , On the 22d inst., by the Rev, R. A. Fisher, Dr. N. L.vM is Prick to Miss Sahaii Lluvvuk, all of this place. On the 21st inst , by the Rev. J. H. Worrell, Mr. Roiierr Sf.aks to Miss Makv F.astk.r, both of Augusta township. PRICE CUUKI'AT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yuxtheimer. Smalt. Farms and Skii.fi l Fabmim: The following brief hut comprehensive letter copied from the New Genesee Farmer excites a good leal of commendation from the agricultural jour nals of New England : Small Productive Farm. I raised the past year from 20 acres of land, 700 bushels of jota toes, SO bushels o( barley, 2-1 bushels ol heats. l.' bushels of wheat, 10 bushels of beans. 1 tons of mowed oats, (i tons of English hay, 10 tons of meadow hay, 10 bushels of corn, 20 bushels of carrots, 7.' chickens and turkeys, and a great va riety of garden sauce. I have killed one hog, weighing 390 lbs , made 400 lbs. of butter, kept three cows, a pair of ox en, two heifers, two steers, eight sheep, four hogs. I have been on the place but two years, ami have j laid a clay loam, easy to work. I mix lime with I mj cuiuHiBi, uiiu MiiMer iny corn, jvoutioes uuii grass. I sort iny potatoes before sale. Finally, I cook every thing I give my hogs, and feed warm and keep warm. A. T. Atkins. Pibisi the Bloor. As the Blood in its life-preserving course is suljectto continual waste, nature has provided for the supply of the exhaust ing fountain, by the conversion of our food into new Mood. But whilst such ample means are pro vided for the manufacture of new blood, nature Ins been no less solicitous in providing fur the ex pulsion of that which is useless anJ decayed. This important office is performed bj the bowels, and when Nature (who is always struggling to throw pffoAVuding matter) requires assistance in her be nevolent intention, Brandieth's Vegetable Univer sal Pills will be found singularly adapted to the purpose, because tliry remove through the sto mach and bowels all corrupt humors from the body, in an easy, safe and effectual manner, producing no effect but what will finally conduce to the perfect purification of the Blood, and thereby cure the dis ease, (by whatever name it may be culled.) and fcie peiftct health to the whole system. A3 Purchase of II. U. Miirfr, Sunbuiy, or of the agents, published in another pail of ibis pajr. Wheat, Rtk, Coax, Oats, Pobk. Fmsrio, Hutteb, DtKSWAI, Tallow,' Diiikii Arri.cs, Do. Pkachks, Flax, HccKLtn Flax, Lugs, - So- SO 40 85 5 too 10 25 10 75 200 8 10 6 To the tor of IVorMiumlMT liintl Counts'. IT'ELLOW -CUTENS: I beg leave touff.r uiyoe f as a candidate fur the office of CO UN T Y CO M M ISSION E R, at the ensuing election. Should I be so fortunate as to be ilected. I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office with fidelity. FULLY LERCII, Khsmokin. July 27th, 144. 13ovouQti iOvtiCniiucr. WHEREAS, complaints have been frequent ly madu that a number of boys have been in the habit of assembling in the streets, M nihi, and disturbing the peace of the community, by shouting and behaving in a ilisordely manner. Thkhffohk, be it enacted, by the Bulges, as sistant Burges-es and Common Council, of the Hit rough of Hunbury, That, if Tiiaca or mo e boys shall be fuund together in the streets or alleys, ol the Borough, after nine o'clock in the evening, or at any liuie previous, shouting and making a noise or trespassing upon other eople's projieny, or o therwise behaving in a rude, riotous and di-oiderly manner, distuibing the peace of the citizens, it shall t the duly of the High Constable to at rest sucli offenders and convc) ihem before a Justice of the Peace, to be dealt with according to law, and every such person or persons olli-nding, shall upon conviction ol every such ellcnse, forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar, to ho recovered with Costs of suit before any Justice ofthe Peace, of slid Bo rough. One hall' to le paid to the person who shall give the information, and the other to the Burgess for the use of the Boiongh ; and forjnon. payment of said tine and costs, and want of suffi cient distress wbeieuf to levy the same, it shall be the dutyof the II gh Cons-able, having ubtauieja warrant from a Justice of the Peace lur tliul put posc, to commit the offender to the common pri son, there to remain for the space of 48 hour at hard labor, if said line and costs he not soon paid. Enacted into all ordinance, July 18th, 1844. Ketolvtd, That the above ordinance be published ten days, and that the citizens lie requested to meet at the Court House, on Monday the 2'Jlh uhi.no, at 4 o'clock, P. M,, to eppruve or disapprove of the same. A. JORDAN, Sutibury, July 20, 1811 t Chief Burgee. SliciM's Sales. Y virtue of certain writs of venditioni expo nas issued out or the Court of Common 'less of Northumberland County to ma directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in tha Borough of Sunhury, on Monday the Olh day of August next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., tha follow, ing described properly to wit t A certain tract of land situate in Point township, Northumberland coun- tv, adjoining the town of Northumberland, the West Branch of the River Susquehanna, lands lute of the estate of John Cowdcn, dee'd., and described as follows: beginning at a point at the West Branch of the River Susquehanna, thence north 28 degrees east, 85 perches, thence north 5'2 de grees east. 30 perches, thence north 62 degrees west, 141 and seven-tenth perches to a corner stone, thence adjoining hinds late of John Cow den, dee'd., thence down the West Branch of the River Susquehanna, the several courses and streams thereof, 147 and five-tenths perches to the plsce of beginning, containing two hundrtl and one acres and 16 perches, strict measure, be the same more or less, whereon are erected a large two story frame dwelling house with a cellar kit chen, a stone spring house, a pump of water, a fat Re frame barn with a wagon shed and corn crib attached, a large log barn, a large apple orchard and a good saw-mill. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William A. Lloyd. ifr Also : A certain tract or piece JiX-SL 0f an1 situite in Chilisquaque township, Northumberl'd co., adjoining lands of Francis (lib son, Peter ('amp, John Pardoe and other', con taming 77 acres mors or less, nearly all of which is cleared, whereon are erected a two story log houe, wealherhotrded, to which is attached a lot kitchen, a large log barn, a good spring house, a corn crib and two apple orchards. Also: Another certain tractor iece of bind, situate in the township afore said, adjoining lands of Samuel McDaniel, William Dehnrt, Peter Camp and others, containing 49 acres rnoie or less, about 3 acres of which ate clesred. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Reuben B rancher. Also: A certain lot or piece of land situate in Rush township, Northum- beilsnd county, adjoining lands of Jacob Neice, Godfrey Rockafellow and others, 'containing 31 a cres more or less about 20 acres of which tiro clea red, whereon are erected a small log house, a log barn and a small crchsrd. Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of George A. Dixon. Also : A certain lot of ground situate in the borough of funbury, Nor thumberland county, and marked in the general plan of said town. No. 100. fron'.ing on Fawn St., and hounded on the North by lot No. 180, (South by lot No. 191 and East by an alley, containing in front 60 feet and in length about 230 feet, wbeion is erected a two story log house and an old log stable. Veiled, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Daniel Young. jfrk Also : The one undivided fifth J LA part 0f six-sevenths, licing six thirty-fifths of a certain tract of land, situate in Augusta town ship, Noi thumheiland county, adjoining lands of William Reed, Asron Robins, John Clark, Jr., and others, c mtsining I wo hundred and forty. seeu acres more or less, about forty acres of which am cleared, whereon are erected a log house ind a log barn. Seized, taken in execution, and to be soi l as the property of ThJlnns Grant anJ Robert S. Grant. Also : A certain tract or piece of laud, sisuate in Coal township, Nor- thumlterland county, adjoining lauds of Jacob Gass, Philip Stambach, Lewn Dewatt and others, con taining two hi:ndrrd acres more or less, i.bont ten acres of which are cleared, whereon am erected a small log house, a small log stable and an old saw mill. Seized taken in execution, and to be sold as the prorty of Archibald Hodge and John I'enly. Also: 1 lie tine undivided sixth part, the whole into six equal parts, to be divided of a certain tract of land, situate in Coal township, Northumberland county, adjoining lauds late of Valentine Itiobst and of ollu rs, con taining two hundred acres more or less, shout fitly acres of which are cleared, whereon are erreted a tavern house, a barn, sheds, Ac, now in the occu pancy of Paul Koath. Also: 1 he one undivided mxUi p.ut ot a certain other tract of hind, eitunte in said tewiiship.suiviyed on a warrant in the name of Jeremiah Paul, containing 206 acrea and 18 perches more or less, on Siiamokin creek adjoining lands Isle of Valentine Urohst, dee'd. and others. Seized, t iki n in execution, and to be sold as the property of Charles A. Bradford. Also: On Saturday, the HJ of August, at I o'clock, P. M., at the house of Michiel Reader, in Turbulville, a certain lot or piece of ground, situate in Lewis township Nor thumberland county, adjoining laud of llenjamin Savitlgs, Thomas Kilbreath, Jacob Wertmau, and Abruhain W' Hause, containing four acres more or less, ull of which is cleared, whereon is erected a small fr.une house, a log stihle and a good well of water. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Dauttl Eckrode. FELLY MMRER.&'uriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbuiy, July SO, 1811. S THE Credit System COSTS TOO Ml ( II !! I T is now an ncknnu-ledetl fuel lh.it ihe ('ash SjsriM is ihe imy true one, both lor the Uuyei and Seller. Just received our scconJ sbn-k of New Goods this season. We opened a new store on the Ca-h Principle last Apiil, and the great reduction of pri ces it enabled us to n.ake, the saving and satisfac tion lha customer funis in us adoption has lender td our store universally p. piil.il with all who have given us a call. Our slock ol goods ciiit of all the virn ty of Pry ( limits, (luicirivt, Qiuenswute, llurd ware, Umils, Shoe, lints, lluniittn, J r., t)r., vniiilti krj't in a t'ountni Start; All of which we buy in New York and Philadel phia for the Cash tlnii, am1, generally from nun who sell fur C'uth Only. We buy our gondstbr.ip and sell them cheep; J we cirri do it, b cause we neither pa; the dibit of ol lien, nor ask our custo mers to pay for other peuj'le't goods." Every man pay his own debt," is our motto. We wish to extend the benefits of this system, and thtrefoie invite all who may hear ol oui stole to give us a cull, see for themselves, and act as wis dom d it tales. Don't miss the place. There are others who prattnd Id sell cheap, for cssh. Our store is Stirth of the Canal, in the brick budding opposite to Mr. A. Moiitgouieiy's stone house, c irm r of Mill street and lllooiiisburg road. Walk out, liy us, and on will be well paid for it. Kl.SxEL iV GK1LK. Danville, July I Jill, 1M1.-;'1 LIST Or CAUSES. lOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thutnberlaud County, at August Term 1814, commencing the first Monday, being the 6th. Hill.FltchetrVCo Stephen Wilson Samuel Reefer John Griffin's adm'x Jscob Leicr, sr. John A Lloyd vs James Tharp i FA Krsrht vs James Beard va 8 T Burrows va J &, II M Davison vs Rebeces Wells Bank of Northum'd Ac va Paul Gediles Ace. Eli Probst Robt Miner's sdtn'rs David Watson Dr Robert Philips Abraham Straub Wm II Miller Com'th of Pa John Aglcr Isiac DavU Jane Perry Daniel Hill I W Seit.inger John Hsrdirg, jr Philip Fox John Furmnn et al Martins rV Mathers Thomas Huff Frymire fir Evert Jacob Bnruhatt Anthony Watson Susannah Zcrho Raldy & Knso John (' Boyd Hugh Bellas, Ac John Wolf John Moray Jacob W Smith George Priueo James nnrret's a.Im's Maty Weeks Daniel Zerbe A Wife Wm A Lloyd Coai'th of Pa Smo Same Same S Swineharl A. wife Jacob Msyland Frederick KUtt J A W F Wsgenseller Conrad Dt sher's ex'r Himy Pctery A wife James Appleton, Ac Benjamin Camp Joseph Weilzel Jacoli Barnhnrt Elizabeth Long John R Ketler Benjamin Rohuis William Welch William Nice Same Stephen Derr vs Samuel A liobt McKee vs Willi im itibler et al vs Patrick Montague vs McOartoe A Purdy vs Jonathin Adams vs Wm II Frymire et at vs Felix Mntirer el al vs Chatles Craig vs John Bower vs Harriet Jenkins vs Jacob Meixelt's ex'r vs John fturver et al vs Wm H S.inderson vs Henry Fornwatt vs Augustus lluey et al vs J C B Nourso vs Samuel Bell ' vs Wm Stiizi-I vs Win McGinncss vs John M Housed vs John A Lloyd vs John C Grier et si vs Kii hsrd Henshaw vs William McCoy vs Overseers of Jackson lp v James F Murray vs Joseph Weilzel vs T A Billipgton'a ass'no vs Peter Snyder vs 13eilv A Ha.s vs base Romlnrmel vs Martin A Stock vs F W PollocK vs Charles Conilcy's cx'rs vs Sunn vs F W Pollock vs Peter Fersier vs II Yoxtheimcr et al vs Siirne vs Eli Shfer vs J , ceb McKinney et al vs t 'hirl. s Slmffer's exr's vs Wm Donnldson vs Jacob Weilb y vs Charles Huch vs J 'hn McGinncss vs Geotge Long's adm'rs vs John Pain'er vs Abraham Lawrence vs J..scph Keller vs Eddingei A Lawrcr vs Same The IMiilosopfilrnl WASHING MACHINE. rpillS WASHING MACHINE, pl.inand sim- pie in its construction, cannot fail to find its way into every fimi'y when its real value becomes known. The price (six dolbirs) is fixed at the lowest rale, in order to enable every family to obtain one. The inventor guarantees that it will not re. quire more than one fourth the usual quantity of soap That it will wssh in one-third the usual lime, and what is a matter of great importance, the tear and le ir is so rami, or al least so little, that it is not iercepltble, so that finest black worsted and woollen can bo washed, if necessary, in the same suds nith linen and cotton. This may seem strange to tbosn who do not know the princip!o upon which it works. It is the only machine ever in vented that washes upon the principle ofthe fric tion of water alone. All others wash Upon the principle of friction or robbing, Jiy bringing the clothes in contact with sumo p.trt of the machino. Independent ofthe gieat saving of labor, economy should bring it into general use. The poor man cannot afford to do without it, while the rich man will use it f.ii convenience, if nothing cl-e. Large fimilits will save fiom five to fifteen iloll.ua year in soap alone, and not less limn DO per cent, in the wear and tear nf clothes, besides the great saving nf labor snd expense in washing. The subscriber will guarantee that it will perform all tint he has stilted, if properly us. d. Ho bus secured from Ihe paten, tec, the right to Northumlieilatiil, Union, Lycoming Columbia, Luzerne and Clinton counties, II. B. MASSER. Sunlmry, June 22, 1811. O IT A GE 1! I II I lES. Fii ecTucs"of " t ue 13Zi tage Bible, Ihe cheapest book ever published, containing -the commentary on tho Old anil New Testament, just received and for sale, for six doll irs, by June 15. H. B. MASSER. I I ALORINES, a handsome article for Ladies' Dresses, lor sale cheap, by June 15. IT. B. MASKER. '"P WEED t LOTH, a handsome article, all wl. -- light and elastic, fc for sale, very low, by June IS. , for Summer Coala and Pauls, II. B. MASSER. II A II li HiOTL a 1ST. PL!SVI,ViU. Tho following list shows the current value of all tVnnsylvanis Bank Notes. The most implicit re isnce may le placed upon it, as it is every feek Mrefully compared with and corrected from BUk lell's Reporter. Itunkft In miUaiMplil(i. Nssta. Location. ,','- ' PutLltl. NOTES AT TAR. Bank of North America . , Bank of the Northern Liberties . Commercial Bank of Peon's. . . Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank Kensington B.mk , . Philadelphia Bank . , Schuylkill Bank Smithwark Hank Western Ilnnk , , , Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Bank ' Country Hunk. Bank of Chester County Wechcs(r Bsnk of Delaware County Chester nnk of Gcrmanlow n flank of Montgomery Va. Doylestown Bank Esslon Brink Farmers' Hank of Bucks CO Ollieo of Bank of Petui's. par par psr par par par par par par par par par psr pair par pur par pir Office Office Office do do da NOTES do do do AT Wank of Ihe United States flank nf Penn Township Girard Bank . MoyanietHiing ll ink Bank nf Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Pottsvillo Bank of I.ewistowri flank of Middletown Bank of Nnrthmiihctbir.il Germantown Norristown Doylestown Easlon Bristol Harrisburg" Theso Lancaster 1 offices Reading f do not Easlon J issue n. DISCOUNT. Philadelphia Sla23 Pottsville Lewistoivn Middletown Northumberland par nt I pir par I 4 1 Columbia Bank A Bridge co. Columbia vs Henry Steinmett Solomon Meng.is's heits vs Daniel Wertmsn Char'cs Geathart, jr vs George A Dixon et al Haas A Druckeniiller v John W Peal SML'EL D. JORDAN. Prothonntarj's office, f I'rfth'y. Snnbury, July 6. IS 11. $ ' Boot & Shoe .mump kif.i ri:n RESPECTFULLY informs the public th.it he has commenced the BOO V A SHOE MAKING business, in the house lately occupied by Dr. John B. Ptice, in Snnbury. He will war ran! his work to he as well made as any in town, at the following cheap prices Fine Siitehed Boots, ' st f 5 f0 ilo Fudged do " 5 00 Coatse do " H oO Women's Shoes Well Spring, at I 37 do do Pump do I 12 Turnrounds, " 1 0(1 Monrois, Coarse, " I 8? J do Calf 8 :li Fine Boots Footed " 3 "ft Coarse do do " 2 SO Sunburv, July 13ih, ISIl -It r.tulc of I Ion. '. Donncl, !'! IET I'EKS of administration on s:iid e-tnte have A been gmntcil to the ml scriher. I'iis. iii indeb ted to the est ite will pli a-e make immediate pay ment, and those having claims s .iti-l the s line ure requvsted to present them for rxnmiiihtinn and set tlement. CHARLES W. IIEGINS. Suubuty, July I'Jih, 11-1. tit Ailm'i. (fH-jjt.AUfii Court Salr. I N puisuance ol an onler of the Oiphaiu Court - of Northuinbeilaud rounlv, will be exposed to public sale on S.iiutday , the 2 ?th day of July mat., at the Court House, in ihe Bore. ugh ofSuubu y . to wit; A certain lot of ground siluale in the bo rough aforesaid, on Whortleberry street, and mark ed in the geneial plan of said town No. 318, ad joining a lot of Jicoli Young on the East, and a bit of Peter Goudhuri's estate on the Weal, Late the estate of John Epley.deci aseil. Sale to commi lice at III o'clock, A . M., ol said d.iy, when the trrins of sale will be mi.le known by II. B. MASSER, for GODFREY WATERS, AJm'r. Sunbiiry, July t, I All It. FJ2ST FE1T1TEP. & CO Manufacturers of DlliRCLlAS, PARASOLS, and SIX SIIADF.S, An. IF? Market Sheet, P lllIllllClplllu, 8NVITE tho attention of Meichauts, Manufac turers, Ac, Ac, to Iheir very extensive, ele gant, new stock, prepared with greal cure, and of fered at the lowrst possible prices for cash. The principle on which this concern is establish ed, is to consult the mutual interest of their custo mers and themselves, by manufacturing a good ar t e e, selling it at the lowest plice for cash, and realizing iheir own remuneration, in tho amount of ' -rln iownshij sales and quick returns. Rsnk of Chanibersbiirg Possessing inexhaustible facilities for manufac ture, they are prepared to supply orders to auv ex. lent, ami rrspecifully solicit the patronage of Mcr chants. Manufacturers and Dealeis. fXj A latge assortment of ihe New Stjlo Cur tain Paraol. Philadelphia. June 1,1814 ly Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Dj do branch of Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancaster County Bank Farmers' Bank of Reading Harrisburg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' A Mauuf. Bank Hunk nf Pittsburg West Branch B.mk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks County Bank Office of Bank of V. 8. Do do do Do do do Kensington Sav. Ins. A Prnn Township Sav. Ins. UTILE CF TTT2 n Samuel Oaks p April 1 1 ib, H I I. On motion f. J ol O. W. Ilegius, Esq. Ihe Court, Henry Flick. ) grant s rule on the juilituiciit and lien creditors of deli miaul, to up-H-ar on the first dy of next term, and shew cause why the pr cieils snsing from sule of dslend nit's real estate should not be distiibutid according to piioii y of Lieu. By the Court. SAMUEL D. JORDW, Prolhonol.irv's Office, J I'rulty. Sunbuiy, July tith, IS I. 1t P.TJLE CP CC7?r The Bank ol Noithunibt rland ) April id h I SI I. . J. On in. in, in of A. George Wiiser. Joidan, E-q., the Cou 1 1 f rant s rule on Ihe Judgment and Lien creditors ot defendant, to appe.ir on the fust day ol next teim, and shew cause why the piocei d.. uiismg fiom sale of ilefi nd snt's re.il estate should not he di-inbuied according til p'kitily of lieu. Bv the C. on. SAMUEL D. JORDW. Pn Ihunntarv's olliee. ) I'ruth'y. Sunbury, July dth, I H I I. 4l IXitlc ol Iraiiii'l l-i'ty, llstj., tit JE I'TERS te.'ttineniaiy on said e.tu e have U en J granted to Ihe sub-ci ibers. Pera.-i s iuilebied to lint e-iate will plta-v make imiuediste payment, and those having claims against the same, are re quested to piesent them for examination and settle ment. LEWIS DEWART, A. JORDAN, Sunbuiy, June S2J. 1844. -tit Executors. ro Si MISS lOX VAX. II1EREU Y nffei myself lo the Electors of N-ir-Ihuiiiheilaud County, ss a candidate foi the of fice of COUNT Y CO M MISSIONER. Should 1 be elect.-,!, I pledge invself lo dis. hurge the duties of said olliio with fidelity. I'EI EK BI.XI.ER. l.ywn Mshouoy, Jons lilli 1841. Olssolitdou of Pat lncrslilp. NOTlCF is hereby given, lint the partner-hip heretofore existing between Chri-tisn Reich and Nathan Greenawult, butchers, baa been dissol vid by mutual consent. All peisons indeblud lo ihe late firm are required to muko payment within one month from this date, after which period the hooks will be pi iced in the huuds of a magistrate fnt collection. Persons having claims against said linn are also requested lo present them for tcttle uient. C. REICH, N. GKENA WALT. The subscriber takes this opportunity ol iuf -ruling his obi customers and the public in general, hit he will continue to supply the town of Situbu ry w ill) fiesh un st three tiun s a week, as they have ilone heielofore. Thauklul for past favois, he so licits a continuance ol the custom of the people of Sunburv ami vicinity. ('. REICH. Norihuinlieiland, June 1, ISt t. if Come and Sec. NEW GOODS. Ctirap for (TaoU ov Coitus TI II Itl lSlulC has just relieved an assort-s-J-s mi nt ot New Goods, which he will sell at Ihe lowest piices, for ca-h or ( "omit ry Produce. fXj" Persons sro inviud to call ami judge for th in -elves. "est Rio Coffee for 12 J cents. Good do. for 10, and oilier articles in propoition. Sunbury, May 2o, 1841. HERR'S HOTEL, roicur.ui.Y TRiDitivr noi sr, !o. 1IG 4 lit'iiiii( trcct, PHILADELPHIA. rpiIE sU list' RIB ER, recently of 1 Reading, Pa., would inform the pub- .he that he has fitted up the above capi Scious and convenient istulili-tiinciit. and will always he ready to entertain visitors. His rs. t ililishe.l reputation in the line, it is hotied. w ill aifuril full assurance, that his guests will be sup. pl-ed wi'h every r.nnlort and sceommodaiion ; whilst bin hotise will be conducted under such at. isngeniiMits as will secure a character for the first respoDKibiliiy, and Kli-lai'loiy entertainment for in dividu ils and la'iubes. Chaise for boauling f I perdnv. DANIEL 11 EUR. Philidelphia, May 2.1. 1811 ly NOTICE to n:i:iiii.is tin.i.iM.its. WM. M. vV JOS. U. MAI LT.. M ANTFAt'TritERS AND DEALERS IN FOREKJN AND DOMESTIC STRAW GOODS, An. iiO, .Yor th Si eoml Sirttt, f opposite thf Mmliniii House, J . rmtiADELrHiA, ("i WHERE wdl 1 found a general aso.t-v-v'-p-Bienl of Florence Hr.iids, Ali ens, Ifui'-sfe latitU, Peddles, Willow Plait, Rice St'w, and the much admired Nespulilan Lace, and Fancy Bon nets, manufactured by us, aud for ssle at Ihe lowe-l manufacture prices. Merchants snd Milliners a invited to give ua a cdl upon visiting the City. djP N. H. We have ulo ronstamly making our stipeitor ba r end other edgings, sll of which will be soM cheap, for ca-h. Philadelphia, May 2, I !- 1v " A t)V iiriI0 4T,"csablo 'of lairbig 70 tons, shout half worn, will he sold cheap, aud on rrasonuble terms. Eliquir al this oilier. April 27ih, ISt I. Carlisle Pittshurg Hollidaysburg Lancastci Lancaster Reading Harrisburg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Pittsburg Willimiisport Wilkesharra A'iiptown Reading Pittsburg i-rto New Brighton do T?0 Chambersburg tiettysburg Montrose Eria Weynesburg Washington Honcsdulo Brownsvilla York I i i i i i i i i i i i failed dj lii H 80 2 B U it IViiik of Gettysburg Hank nf Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' A Drovers' Bank Franklin Bank ttoncsd.ilc 1) .iik Moi.ongabel i Btik of B. Yoik Bank N. B. The notes of those banks on which we emit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Pliilad. Iphia brokers, with tho exception of those w hich have a Wter of ri furence. BROKEN BANK 13. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed. Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do f.iiled Manual Labor Bank T. W Dyott, prop.) failed 1'owanda Hank Allehauv Bank of Pa. Hank of Beaver 15 iitik of Swntaru Bank of Washington Centre Bank Citv Bank Farmers' A Mcih cs' Bunk Farmers' A Meeh'cs' Bank Fanners' A Mcch'cs' Bank Haimouy Itistituto Huntingdor. Bank luntnta Hunk iiUmlte rmeii's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northutnb'd I'nion Col. Ilk. North West.rn Bank of Pa. Office ol S, hulkill Bank Pa. Agr. A Manur. Bank Silver L ike Bank I'liion Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Hank Wilkesbsrre Bridgu Co. I'onanda Bedford Beaver 1 1 iirrisburg Washington Belli fotito Plllsbnig l'lllsbnrg Fuycttc co. Grccncast.e Harmony 11 uutingdon no sabt Lewistovvn no su!s W urren Dundatf New Hope Milion Veadvillc Port Curbotl Jurlisle faileil Montrose closed I'niontown f.olecl Gi't-t-nsburg closed Wilkesb.irre noeulo no sale closed closed failed closi-,1 no sln failed failed falle.l no sala fiiiied no s ilo closed Ho salo closed GO"- All notes purporting to be on any I'eiiii.-yL vatna Bank not given in tho shove list, iiiay be set own as Irauds. m:iv .ii icmov. i i Bank of New Biuiiswick Uelvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank CotiiiiiCrcnil Dank Cumberliud B n.k ratunrs' Bunk runners' snd Mechanics' Bk Rahway Fanners' rind Mechanics' lik N. Biunswick Taniici' and Men hsuls' lik MidJletowii 1't. Franklin Bank o! N. J. Jersey City Holiokeu Bkg A Grazing Co Hobokeri Brunswick ltelvidere M.dlord Perth Ariihoy Bridgeton Mount Hj!y Jersey City Bank Jersey City Meclianus' Bank Patterson M in of nt nr. r' Bank Bellevillo Morris Cciiniy Bnik Morristown Monmouth Bk of ,. J. I ieehold Mechanics' Bank Newjik Mechatiici' and .tanur. lik 'Trenton Morris Canal and likg Co Jersey Ci'y Post Notes Newark Hkg A Ins Co Newatk New Hope Del Hii.Il'v Lumheiisvilla N. J. Matiutac. it'll Bkg Co Ho'ooketi tailed 4 par i par par i failed i full. .1 failed tailed filled fjiii.t i fail. .1 i p.r N J Proiecion A Lombard I k Jersey City ... I I I iTONE WARE f..r sale. s-' 'i'ifi Stone Jugs, from I quail to 3 gallons, Ml Stone Jais, from 2 to 0 gallons. For nle, ihesp.by Oct. 14 11. B. MASSER. Oruiige Bank Orange i I'aierson Bank l'alei.uti ; Peoples' Bank do , I'linct'inn Bank Piinceton Sulem Hanking Co H.ilcrn j Stsle li-Oik Newark -Man- Hank 1-lirabetlitow II . Sunn It ink t'amileii ! State Baisk rf Morris forlislol n ; flite Bank Trillion : v.ileii and Pbila.l Manuf Co Salem Sisx Hank Nt-wlou 'Trenton Banking Co 'Trenton t'ni- ti it. oik Driver U'ashii gtoti Banking Co. Ilackinsack it:i.iv iui I' --fWibnA llr.irulv w un U tltningt .11 i ll-o k ol ' Dulswaii- N iliiiingtoi) Uai.k i f S i J rn.i Smyrna ' Do " tririch Miliotd j I's'iners' Bk of Slate (4 Del Dover j Do I ranch ilinincton I I'v I'.ilich Geoigetown j I'ltlih .N'evvcislle (tiloii Bait. Wilinirijjtun i ti , I 'in ei IS' y On nil lanksmvikid thus () there sre ri, j thr counte'd il i r sllvrej iiotti of ihs various C- nomiuslions, in circulstioii. IiO s.ilo i i fa. let tailed f fulled i par pur i i pllf fa.le.l tailed 1 par i fail. J par ..r pur I par I ar I ,r par par I