Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 29, 1844, Image 3

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    citizen. Now, it is just nothing at all, that this
doii not Agree with that old-fashioned book, the
vihle, or even with a sentiment of a heathen po
I, that man was born to raise his eyes towards
the heavens for hogism has completely explod
ed all antique and serious notions.
Probably, too, the learned hog paid his visit,
in the nick of time, to nssit in training our
young stump orators for their rhetorical efforts
during the present political canvass. Influenced
by the example of his eloquence, how they will
declaim against their adversaries. On one side
they will, after the most approved hog manner,
turn up clay arguments, and hurl them in the eyes
of their opponents, and, on the other, root up the
poisonous puke, and dose their daring enemies :
So that it will be, on both sides, a very hoggish
contest that is, to say, it will bo carried on
in the most decent i.y-1e. and both parties will
return Irom the battle field covered with glory,
as the learned hog comes out of his gutter-bnth
after his careful ablution.
Hut, if our young orators should not have so
profited by the example of their master, ns to
distinguish themselves very particularly by their
eloquence, they may, at least, have acquired the
very accomplished art of grunting, which may be
as profitable to the community as the method of
speaking articulately, practiced by many, which
consists in vox et pretere.i nihil, words, and words
Now, I do hope that none of my readers will
i L t I. .1 I- l I' 1..
ilium mm & consuier mem lit any inner iigui t
than that of most rational and respectable citi
zens, who are proof against all humbug, and ar
dently desirous of advancing the interests of sci
ence, politeness, morals, and religion. And. cer
tainly, no reflecting mind, that is not imbued
with a fanatical spirit, and puritan notions of
morals, could have the effrontery to censure
those persons who are so forward to advance the
best interests of the town by patronizing all new
sciences, and all the accomplishments of the age,
such as rum drinking, card-playing, gambling,
nigger songs, profane swearing, circuses, then
tres, fashionable dancing assemblies, and all the
kindred arts of refined social life.
Certainly all good citizens should feel grateful
In such for the honor which their most orderly
conduct reflect upon the town, and, especially,
should parents thank them for the immensu aid
which they render to them in training up their
children in the way in which they should go.
Posterity itself will certainly do homage to their
memory ; and, while the names of all the weak
minded and puritanical christians of the town,
will sink into forgetfulnoss, theirs will be em
blazoned high on the roll of fame. Who does
not sigh for their distinction ? Ye dull citizens
awake, and rise from your sloth, and join the no
ble company, that ye may commence with the
loft y spirits of the age, and attain to the sacred
honorsof such virtuous dead the benefactors of
Sunbury, the lights of the world!
From the Wi oil stock (Vt.) Age.
Tin? Nominations. The writer of this is at
preeent in a position to judgo ot the reception
!jivcn by the democracy of the Union to the no
minations of the Baltimore Convention. Since
the days of (Sen. Juckwm no such entliiif ianm
has been known, as that which animates the
w hole pnrty from one end of the Union to the
other. The lines which hn ve eincc the expira
tion of Gen. Jackson's Inst term somewhat di
ided the democracy, are all completely anni
lilaled all breaches arc now closed nil diffi
ulties settled, and with a perfect fueling- of
larincmy the old soldiers and the new recruits
Hi-ne up to the contest with a spirit of union,
id with a determination to carry the day, that
-'ill be psrfectly irresistable. The euthusiamn
lint pervades the whole South and Went is be
out all precedent, while in Virginia, I'ennsyl
aiiia, Maryland and New York, the cry of Polk
nd Dallas rings like th? old. battle cry of "Old
Iiekory to the rescue !" F.very man who has
ver been a democrat, but who had been sepa
tied from the party by doubts or niisunderstan
injs, now comes back to the battle again for
le cause. We are all together now, and we
mil sweep coonery from the face of the earth !
very man to the work !
Tub Den. Skitled. The Cincinnati Com-'
CTcial says: One of the pnrties to the late con
inplotvd duel, S. E. Hopkins, son of Judge (J.
. Hopkins, of Maryland, returned to that city
Saturday evening. The other party was
lm B. Clay, son to the Hon. II. Clay, and not
rnry Vluy jr., as was stated. When the par
's arrived on the ground the whole difficulty
is settled by Mr. Clay apologizing for the in
t to Mr. Hopkins, which occurred a few days
ice at Lexington. It appears that Mr. Hop
is had taken tea with the Hon. II. Clay and
nily, at Ashland, John I), being one of the
npaoy, after which they spent a few minutes
tli the ladies, when the gentlemen retired,
il some dispute occurring young Clay gave
tpkiut the lie. Mr. II. did not resent it at
time, he, being a guest there, but on the
xt day he scut n challenge, and they met
uhove stated.
Mvstl'Riks of Gamiii.ii. -Some discover
, recently made in a house occupied by gam
rs in Baltimore, show that the game ofchance
oinetimes reduced to certainty by its protes
s. On investigating the place, it was din--ercd
that a hole had been very ingeniously
forated through the centre of the floor, a
le where the card table stood. A telegraph
wire was placed in the vicinity ot this, which
tttached to a tasel or signal in the gaming
m. The presumption is, by those who hava
1 1 ni ned the premises, that a person was ala
tied above, who looked through the orifice
ntioned, and when he discovered the rtalo
he different hands, uuinber of trump. &.C.,
-e hi colleague a igual, by which they un
fetood precietly how to piny and how to win
ir advcrtan.V money.
Ai Imtrkssivk!. When Col. Benton, in
the U. S. Senate, openly clinrged Mr. McDulRe,
of South Carolina, with treasonous designs, in
volving the integrity of the Union, and added
that he, Colonel Benton, would meet Mr. McD.
at Phillippi not with voice or pen, but with the
sword, to die if need be, in defence of the Union.
Gen. Clinch, of Georgia, went over and grasped
Mr. Benton's hand and said that he would be there
with him. Immediately after Mr. Benton took
the hand of John Quincy Adams, who was seated
behind him, and said "Mr. Adams, you are
passing olTthe stage, and I am passing away al
so, but while we live we 'fill standby the Union."
Office of the Baltimore Ametmciw, June 21.
I5RAIN. On Saturday a load of 1000 bushels
New N. Carolina red Whcst, soft and in bad
condition, was sold nt 75 ct. This was the first
parcel at market this season. To-day a small par
eel of New Virgiiii:i red Wheat, in good condi
tion, wis Mold at 100 els. We note a sale of old
Pennsylvania red, of go d quality, at 93 els. Sales
of Md. whito Corn at 3 a 39 cents veiy prime
would bring 40 cents. We quote yellow at 42
cU Kales of Oats at 29 a 30 eta.
WHISKEY'. Prices have declined. Sules of
hhds. at 2 1 cis. and of bbls. at 22 a 23 cts.
Ma. EniTon : Myself and neighbors me de
cidedly in favor of again nominating EDWARD
Y. BKKillT, as the Democratic candidate for the
Assembly. Mr. Bright mule a vciy good mem
her he was active and industrious always st his
post, and did his duty faithfully. He was chair
man of a very important, Committee, and one that
required a great deal of attention and labor. His
appointment to this station shows that he had the
respect and confidence of his fellow mcinlteni, and
they say that we never sent a more industrious
and ait' n'ive niemlter.
.Mr. Bright took an active and leading part in
retrenching the etpenaes of die Legislature, and in
introducing principles of rc momy into every
branch nf the Government. He was on ihe Com
mittee or Accounts, through whose exertions the
reform which distinguished the last Legislature
was brought about. He went about saving the
pe pi. 's money in enrnest. A few days after the
opening of the session, he offered the resolution
which became a la, giving the Public Primirg
and Binding to the lowest bidder. This measure
alone will save about Tks Thousand Dollahs
It was suspected that greit frauds had been
committed by the primers under former laws. The
Committee on Accounts set about the investiga
tion of these accounts with a determination to
lerret out the bauds. Mr. Bright was one of the
most industrious mid persevering members uf that
Committee. The result was that oveicharges of
ihc piiuters, to the amount of thirteen thousand
dollars, were discovered and suits directed to be
brought to recover that sum back into the Treasury.
The contingent expenses of tho lust Legislature
were not one fifth of Ihe expenses of the prcceed
ing. Somo $ 15 or f 20,000 were saved to the
Commnnwealili in ibis matter alone, by the care
and economy of the Commitee of Accounts.
Mr. Blight then has done bis duty faithfully and
honestly. He has rained out tho wishes of the
people, and ought to be re-elected unanimously.
Honor t' whom honor is due. Let the faithful
public servant be rewarded, and the best inlercs s
of the peoplo will be faithfully represented.
Mr. Editor : It being in accordance with the
usages of the Democratic party, for the people,
previous to the formation of the County Ticket,
to bring before the public the names of such in
dividuals as they may deem most worthy to dis
charge the duties belonging to the olfices within
their gilt, we would recommend to the consider
ation oi'the Democratic Electors of Northumber
land county, Maj. WILLIAM L. DEWART
as a candidate for the Legislature. Should the
people see proper to elect Maj. Dcwart as their
Representative, we feel confident that they will
find in him a public servant of distinguished a
bilities, an intelligent, firm, and tinwaveiiug De
mocrat of the .Icircrsonian school, and, const'
sequently, the laboring man's friend.
Many Dt.Moiit.irs.
Corona anii Coliis. Our bodies are c manu
ally decomposing and reorganizing their constitu
ent particles; the decomposed particles are car
rieJ oil by the blood uud discharged through I lie
skin and bowels. That which pusses through the
skin is termed perspiration or sweat. A stoppage
of thia perspiration is called Cs'ching Cold, in
which case the decomposed particles that should
leave the body through the skin are retained in
the blood or thrown back upon the stomach and
bowels, causing headache, flying pains, coughs,
iVc Such being the cause and effect of colds, it
must be apparent to every one, that at such a time
large evacuations by the bowels are neces-aiy, in
order to relieve the alimentary canal of the aecuinu- '
lation uf humors, as well as slimulule tho Moo J to 1
open again the poies of ihe skin.
Br..iidethi Vegetable Universal Pills being an
effectual Assist nit of Ns ure, will po found singu
larly effective in accomplishing this desirable pin
pose j because they purge from the stomach and
bowels those humors which are the ciue of dis
ease, cleanse the blood from all impurities, remove
eveiy caute of pain and wraknrss, and lestoio the
constitution to petfitt health aud vigor.
Chemists and Druggusta never have the genu
ine medicine for sale.
(J3" Purchase of H. B. Massrr, Sunbury, or of
the agents, published in another part uf this p ier.
.W.f it I K U
On the loth inst., by the Rev. R. A- Fisher.
Mr. Matthias Are to Miss .Maiii.oa lit-ai.tu, j
noin ol 1 emu township, I uioii county.
Ou the same day, bv Georiie Wciser. Eso., Mr.
John Dual to Mus Si s.i.s ALiu, both ol this
On the 23d inst., by David Marti, Esq., Mr.
Jous Mums to Lii,i4 AsroM.both ofKotiriog
Cietk township, Columbia couuiy.
fill IB partnership heretofore subsisting between
the kubseribeis, under the name or firm of
M Carty &. Davis, anJ which commenced on the
first of A pill, 1816, is this day dissolved by mutu
al consent. Thomas Davis, who will continue tho
business at the old stand, No. I Jl Mar kit Street,
i fully aulhoriM-J to leceive all debts due lo the
Phildt!jLi, M.y 51. Hll. Juiis2'J, at
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxlhetmcr,
W M K AT, .... Sf(
Rr, .... .f0
Coss, ...... 40
Oats, ...... 25
Pork, . . . . 6
Finotn, .... . mo
Buttkr, . . . . . o
Bf.f.swat, .... 25
Tallow, .... o
Dm mi Apri.tcs, . . . 75
Do, Pkachm, 200
Flat, ... .8
Hkcrlrd Flat, 10
Eons, .... 6
" sOOl Inlont Fire t'oiiipiiiiy.
A STATED MEETING of Ihe Company wilt
lie held on 'Tpcsdiy evening next, at 8 o'clock,
nt the Court House. Punctual nlti'mlancc is re
quired. CHAS. J. BKUNEU,
June 29, 1811. Srrretary.
"WukIiiiikIoii Fire C ompjuiv."
'TMIH members of the "Washington Eire Com
-- P'tiy" are requested lo meet at the Satp
House, on Monday Evenimr, July 1st, at N o'
clock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required.
June 29. J ACOB YOUNGMAN. Src.
TlHE new Miliiary Company of An
JL gusta township and vicinity, will
meet nt Ihe Market Square, in Sunbury,
on the 4th of July next, at II o'clock,
for Ihe purpose of drilling, and adopting
such measures as tiny lc agteed upon.
By order of Ihe
29th, 1844.
A LL persons indebted to the late firm of Wood
fc Hhawn, are requested to cull and settle
their accounts within lliirly days, and save costs.
The books sre in the hands of John Wood, jr. and
J. P. Christ, st the ol I stand.
JOHN WOOD, sn'r , Surviving Partner.
Hunhury, June 22. 1 8 i 1 . 3t
18 hereby given lo all persons hit rested in tho
A estate of William Leisenrine, late merchant in
Bush township, Northumberland county, that the
uudersigoed has been appointed an auditor to ap
portion the assets in the bund of his assignee, t.i
and among those entitled thereto, and that he will
aitend for said purpoi-e at his office, in Sunbury,
on Saturday, the l:lth dav of July next
Sunbury.. Tune 22d, 1844. 3t.
"IFFERS his professional rervices to the iufiabi-
' tanis of Norihuinlierl md and its vicinity. Ha
ving attended, for some time, Ihe Practice of the
Philadelphia Hospitals and Dispensaries, hnfels
confident of being able to treat properly any Sur
gical or Medical case that may be placed under his
Beferencc: Doctor James S. Dougal, Milton.
Northumlieiland, June 22, 1811. 3t.
Ilslate of Daniel Ix y, lNq., decM.
JETTEItS testamentary on ai1 estate have been
granted to the subscribers. Persons indebted
to ihe estate will plia-o make immediate payment,
and those having clsims against the same, are re
quested to present them for examination and settle
Sunbury. June 22d. 1814. -ot Executors.
I-' or Kit Ir,
Monday the loth f Julv next, at 12 o'
clock, will be offered for sale, ut the dwelling
house of the late Daniel Levy, Esq., dee'd., in
Sunbury, among oilier valuable Law Biviks, tho
following ;
P L E A D E IPs Ass 1ST A N P
Also, a number of Mii-cell.inoous winks. Also,
Chairs, 'Tables, Book BnJ Psper Cases, I 'urpeling,
Sunbury, June 22, 1841 4t ExV. Ae,
The riiitosulii ,U
'PHIS WASHINtJ MACHINE, pluu and aim
pic in i s coo-truetiun, cannot fail lo find iis
way into every fiuii y when Us real value liecomes
knoivn. The price (six doll rs) is find at the
lowest rate, in or.ler to enable exeiy family to obtain
one. 'The invcu or yuaiantees that il will not re
quire more llinu one fouuh Ihe usual quaiiluy of
soap That il will warh in oncibirj the usual
time, and whut is a in ittrr of great iinportance, ll-e
wear and tear is rothino, or at les t so little, that
il is not (lerceplible, so that finest black worsted and
woollen can Im9 washed, if necetsari, in tin) same
suds ith linen and cotton. 'Tills may seem Hrange
lo tbose who do not know the priucip'e upon
wbicb ii works. Il is the only machine ever in
vented that washes upon the principle oft bo die
lion of wat 1 alone. All others w.udi upon Ihe
principle of friction or rnbb ng, by bringing Ihe
clothes in contact wiib some part uf Ihe machine.
Iudeieudeul uf ihe gieal saving of labor, economy
should bring it into general use. The poor man
cannot afford lo do without it, while the rich man
will use it fo convenience, if nothing el-e. Li'ge
families will save fiom five to fit'teeu dollais a jear
in soap alone, and not less than 60 per cent, in the
wear and leir of clothes, lside the great saving f
labor Slid expense in washing. The subwriber will
guarantee that it will pet form all lint he has slated,
if properly us d. He has secured from lbs paten
tee, Ihe right 10 Noithumlieiland, Union, Lycoming
Columbia, Luurue and Clinton counties.
Kunbuiy, June 22, 1814.
f ALZORINES, a liaii.lsono silicie lol LaTiuV
DreMtes, lm iale tbfap, by
June 15. Jl. B. MASSEK.
Slieiiff's Sales.
KY virtue of certain wiils of venditioni expo
nas and fieri facias, issued nut of ihe Court
of Common Pless of Northumberland County lo
me directed, will be en posed to puMic sale, at the
Court House in lbs Borough of Sunbury, on Mon
day the 15lh day of July next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
the following described property to wit:
A rcilaiti true! ol l;i rid situ;itc
in tho borough of Northumberland, st the
south west corner of ijueen and Third streets, and
marked in the grriend plan of siid town No, 158,
whereon are erected a larae two story double frame
house and kitchen, painted while, a wash house,
smoke house, and a frame stable.
Also: Another certain lot of
nrounil. sitiintn in the. bmoiicrb nf Nniltiinn.
berlnml afiresaid, fronting on (jueen slreel, and
marked in the general plan of said town No. 157,
boon, led southward by the Ltiihersu Church lot,
eastwniil by an alley, and nonhwnnl by lot No. 1511,
whereon Iti erected a small log house, weatheibourd
Also: Another ceilain lot of
l.SL ground, situate in ihn borough aforesaid,
aud marked in the plan aforesaid No. 1X0, fronting
on (jueeti street, and boitmled noilhwaid by lot No,
185, snulhwt d by lot No. 187, and westward by
Duke rtricl, whereon is erectod a two r lory log
Seized, taken in execution, and lo be sold as Ihe
properly of loliu II. Miller.
Also: A ciMtiiin Iracl of land si
tuate in Augusts township, Northumberland
county, on the north side afthe Mahonov Moun
tain, ailjoining ibe R:ver Sii-quch anna on the west,
Sylvimis Sbipmsn and Jeremiah Wetz I 011 the
north. William R. Brown on Ibe east and Robert A.
Parrish on the south, containing 200 acres more
or less.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Willi.nn R. Jones.
Also: My virtue of a writ of I.i-
vari Facias issued out of the Court of Com
inon Pit as of Northumberland cnuiu y, to me di
rected, a certain tract of land situate in Cal lown
ship, Norihurnilerland coun'y, bounded aud descri
bed as follows, to w it ; beginning nt a sione. thence
by laud of John Il.iyd, north A degree west, 170
perches to stones, ihenee bv land of William Wil
son, south HliJ degrei s west, 243 perches to stones,
thence by same, soirh Sti.J degres west. 71 per
ches to a chesnot, thence by same, south 4 I J de
grees west, ttfi perches to r while oak, thence by
land of Piter Minirer. seudi 87 degrees ast, 51 j
perches lo a chesnul onk, ihcnce by same, south
52 degrees cusl, 99 perches to a while oak. thi nee
by the same, s uh 2 degrees east, 49 aud eight
tenths perches lo a while oak, thence by land of
Michael Krole, eal 81 and nine tenths perches to
a white oak stomp, Ibence by same, north 80 and
four-tenths perches lo a hickory, ibence by sme,
north 87) ea t, 08 pi lches to a pine, and thence
by land of Frederick Ciamer, north 01 J eisi, 105
perches to the place of Is'tinning, containing 367
acres and 18 peiches and allowance,
Seizid, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Calvin Btythe aud William Ay re.
Also: My virtue of a testatum
f writ of venditioni exponas, issued out 1 f the
Court uf Common Pleas of Dauphin county, lo
me directed, all the defendant's interest, supposed
10 be t'.. undivided inoiiy of a certain tract of laud
situate in Coal township, Northumberland couuiy,
surveyed in Ihe name gf Matthias Zinimeirnan,
containing 307 acres more or less, ailjoining hinds
surveyed in ihe names of Peler Msurer, Michael
Krotl, John Nicholas lUily and others.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Calvin Blvlhe, one ol" the firm of
FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. '
Sheriff's Office, i
Sunbury, Juue 15, 194 1. 5
T w o IS r i 11 l I e C o v n
f"1AME to the vubseriN'r, reidiug in Aou-ta
J township, near Soul urv, on ihe fith iosi.
On one of f e imws llirre is a large bell. The
owner or owners are requested lo come forward,
prove properly, pay charges, mid lke them away,
or else they will be disposed of according lo l.w.
Angus'a township. June 13 1st 1. 3t
Mv C'ciils llewarO.
B19 AN AWAY from the sobseiiber, in Shaimt
H, kin, Ni-rthumbeilaud couotv, 011 e.loes-
11 iy the 5ili of .tune, an indei.ted In und bv, na
med JOHN ESljl'IR E, iilsiut It) yiars of age, of
a lair rouiplelioii. Iigbl hail ; had mi "lieli he wi nt
away, a Grey Keuiuiky Jean Rouiul.iboi.1 and
sniped pantaloons. All peisous ate catilloiied a
g dust haiboring said boy, or rredii'mg biui 011 n y
.iceoniil. Any perxin returning said boy will re
ceive Ihe above reward, bill no charges piid.
Shamokin, June 15, IS 1 1. 31
I HEREBY i ll'ei my-. II 10 the Electors of Nor
' Ibuudit il u.d County, ss a candidate lm lm of
fice of
COI ' NT Y COM MlssiO N E R.
Shohl.l I la1 elected, I pledgo inyscll to di harge
Ihe duties of said ollice will ti.leltiv.
Lower Mah'iooy, June I5ih Is It.
j rPIIE pnli ic. is heiebv iioiifinl not to lr.;sl iny
I s on, AN I HON V HUFF, a minor. 011 my ae
I i'oUi.i, as I have dclciuiinej inl to av anv tie t
coritracied by him. HENRY HUFF.
Rush township, June 15, Is II. :ii
j "0'"'AtiE BIBLES. Five ii.pte. of li e Cot
I w I age Bildc, Ihe cheapi si I 00k ever ulbhil,
j containing Ibe commc utarv 011 ihe Old and Nov
j Tt slameiil. just lect ivid and for lie, for six d.. irs,
I by June 15. . 11. MASSKR.
!ri.i.. 11.. . , 1
I ri.u 1. ii 1 11, a liunoi-oiiie srncie, all wool,
light and el.isiic, lor Suiiuner Cu s -slid Pants,
for sale, very low, by
June 15. H. B. KIAnsER.
Maiuif.iclniers of
Ao. 1U1 MnrKtt Strut,
I Ii 1 I n l 1 i h I a ,
BNVITE Ihe attention of Meiclunls, .M iniilac
lurers, Ac, Ac, to their very extensive, eli
gaul, new atiH-k, prepated with great care, anJ ol
ft red st ibe lowest p lasiblr price for rash.
The prioeii'lo 011 w hich this concern is'
ed, is lo consult the mutual interest of their cu-to-uivis
and ihriu.elvrs, by in. nul aetuniig a good ur
ttce, sidling it at ihe lowiul price lor cash, and
realizing iheir own reinuniralton, in the amount of
sales and quick letuius.
Possessing inextwu.tihle facilities for uinnufsc
tine, they sre pirpaied In supply nidus lo any ex
tent, ami it sp.i-ttuliv solicil the palroiuge ol Mil
1 bants, Msoul o luiert and DeaUos.
0"7 A la'ge ssouilmiiil ol ihe Niw MIe Cui
tain Paiasol . '
PhiUdilphii, June I, Irtl. ly
T II Fa Is I VI 1 AO C,
a r UJ :ms a wt'Mar.R
"N Ihe 1 1th of May. 1814, we propose lo Issue
Ihe first number of a work lo lie composed
chiefly of choice articles from the Periodical Liter
ature of Europe.
Boston having become the point of communica
tion with Ihe Old World, and Ihe intercourse being
now so frequent, we tlitt k it the best location for
nur office, and believe thai such a compilation may
be issued once a week, from this citv, as will be
read with pleasure and profit in all parts of the
United Siatm.
Tiik Livish A of. will be conducted in the spirit
of Liltell s Mil-nun of Foreign Literature, (which
was favorably received by the public, for the past 20
years,) but as it will be twice as large, and wi I ap
pear so niton, wo shall not only give spirit mid
fieshness to it by many things which were exclu
ded by a month's delay, but shall also, while thus
exli riding nur scope and gathering a greater and
more ttrseiivc variety, be able so to incresso the
solid and substantial pint nf our literary, bi-totieal
and political harvest, as fully to satisfy tho wants
of the Ainetican reader.
The rl (borate and si atcly Essays of the Ediu
burgh, (Juniterly, and other Reviews; and Black
wood's in bio eiiisnis on Poetry, his keen politi
es! Commentaries, highly wrought Tales, and vivid
descriptions of rural and mountain Scenery ; and
ihe contributions In Liternlue, History and coins
rnon lite, by lbs sagacious Snectitor, the sparkling
Esainim-r, 'he jiiilii inn Alherreum, the buy anil
industrious Lilerirv Gazette, the sen-ible and com
prehensive Itrittinni 1, ibe sober and resectable
Christian Observer; tin se shall be intermixed with
the M lilary and Naval reminiscences of Ihe Uni
ted Service, at d w ith Ihe best articles of the Dub.
lin Univer-ttv, New Monthly, Fraser's, Tail's
Ainswnrlh's. Hood's, and Sporting Magazines, and
of Chambers' admiral le Journal. We shall not
Consider it beneath our dignity to borrow wit ami
wisdom from Punrh ; and, when we think it good
enough, shall use the thunder nf The Times. We
shall increase our vaijely ly importations from the
continent of Europe, and from the new growth of
the British Colonies.
Geographical discoveiies, ibe progress ef Colo
iiiztiii;n, (which is ex'entling over iho whole world.)
and Voyages and Tiavels, will be favoiile mailer
for our selections ; and in general, wo shall syste
matically and very fully acquaint our readers with
the great depsrlnu nl nf Foreign affairs.
While we a-qure t make hc Livimo Ann de
sirali.e to all who wish to keep themselves infoim
rd of the rapid progress of the movement to
Statesmen, Divines, Lawyers and Physicians to
men of business, and to men of leisure il is a still
stronger obj cl of our ambition to make it attrac
tive and useful lo their Wives and Children. We
believe llint we can thus d.i some good in our day
and generation : and hope to m ike the Wotk indis
(icrisat'le in every well-informed family. We say
indispensable, because in this d ly of cheap litera
ture il is not pns-ihle to guard against the influx of
what is bad in t -sti' and vicious in morals, in any
other way ihnu by furnishing a Millicieiil supply of
a bealiby chiracler. The menial and nioial appe
tite niu-t be gratified.
We hope, that, bv " winnowing the wheat from
ihe chall." by providing abundantly for the imagin
alion, and by a huge collection of Biography, Voy
ages and 'Travels, lli-tnry, and more solid matter,
we may produce a woik which shall be popular,
while at the same time il will aspire to raise the
standard of pubi c ta-te.
The Living Age will be a large pamphlet, hand
somely piinied, mid stitched in a cover, containing
a much inatier as an ordinary duodecimo volume,
and upon good type and paper.
Each nutnls'r sold sepniaiely, and with the usual
discount to wholesale dealers. Persons at a dis
tance will be supplied by mail, on their remitting lo
us si y sum of mom y thd may be convenient.
There will be tbir v six numbers, making three
I irg" volumes, in the remaining part nf 1MI.
Ptiee of each volutin' of twelve numbers will be
fl 50. I'osttna-t r. or other persons who may
lend us l eir aid in gelling up a subscription list,
will be 1 nt 1 1 d lo four copies of any volume, on
remitting to us five dollars. The copies lobe ud
drtsst'd as ill' y may order.
118J Washington Street, Boston.
IHsKoltition uf lartiirrhit
TkTOI'lCE is hereby given, that the partnership
I. crctof. re existing between Chri lian Reich
and Nu It 11 Greeiiawalt, butchers, lias been dissol
ved by mutual consent. AH p'-isons indebted 10
the I lie ft 111 are iiquin d to mukti pay ment within
one it Ill I10111 tins date, alter which period Ihe
books will be pi iced in ihe hand of a magistrate
lor e- llt'i-ii 'ti. Persons bating claims auin-t said
firm aie also riqiltstid to pre-eltl them for settle
ment. C. REICH,
'The tuhn-riher lakes this opportunity of inform
ieg bis old cu-ioiiiers and Ihe public in general,
lial he will Continue In supply the lowu ol Sunbu
ry with Irrsli un al ilnee liiniK a week, as ihey have
ilone heretofore. Thanklul for past favors, he so
licits u coiiltnu nice ol the custom of ihe people of
Sunbury and vicinity. C. REICH.
-Northiiinbeilainl, June I, 1 S44. tf
KERR'S HOTEL, " nti:iovr iiotsi:,
No. ll; iM Siiiit lice!,
'PUG SUBSCRIBER, recently of
vy Reading, P i., would inform the pub
""ii'"' ''"! ho has lilted op the above capi
.i!irSeioiis ami colicetiieiit t sfabliohnient, and
will ulusys be rtady lo eitleit in vi-itors. lines,
l.ibl che.l reputaiioii i t the line, it is hoped, will
alVonl full .1--111 nice, that his guests will be sup-
pi el wi b ( very 1 1 1 f r t and sccotnin. ilninn ;
wh Is' bis house will be conducted under such ar-
aunt Hid ta as will -ecu'e a ch.ricter lor ihe first
iesu in-ibililv, and sa'i-lactory eiiterlaiuinent for in
divi.'u di at d I nnil r-.
l.'harge for boat Jii.g I per d iy.
Ptiil'iilelphia, Mav 25. HI 1 ly
'I'O CtMlllll'V .llt't'CllUlll's.
IJnois, .Sliiios, IjiiihioIs, I.oohoia and
ralm I.eaf Hats.'
(i. v. l. n. r vYLoi:,
ot the S. 11. conn r nf Market ami t 'ltth Sis ,
"AFTER f r ss'e an 1 vleusiie suvoriinent of the
"-shove ai'iel s, all of which they sill al unusual
ly low pi ices, and pirticul uly invite the attention
of hovels visiting the tuv, lo su (lamination ol
ben sio.k. G. W. L. B. TAYLOR.
PliiUilelphia, May '.'.'t. Dill. ly
'DOC TO It J. H. MASS I. It,
CZZZH RESPECTFULLY informs ihe cit
ieo of Sunbury and its vicinity, thai
Jf ji he h removed hi otlicu lo the while
t'Sin bull. ling in Maiktl Squsie, east of lis
T. I b iiienT st no. all I ioiNu distr ly eppo ito Ibe
po-l illice, where he will he happy to leceive ra'b
III Ihe hue of bis plofesloll
Htmbuiy, M.v Lb. IS1J.
Come and See.
curat) for asti or eou'u
nil. HI ISSI'll has just roeb'ved an assort-
ment of New Goods, which he will sell at
the lowest prices', for ca-h or Country Pri'diiee.
fXj- Persons arc invited to cill and judge for
(Xj' Best Rio Com e for 12J cents. Good Jo. for
10, ami other articles in proportion.
Sunbury, May 2"i. IS 11.
to iiir.iuii tvr.s sSt
W W. M. & .JOS. K. SlAULIs,
manufa:ti;rers and dealers in
foreign and domestic
straw goods,
.Yo. 30, Xnrth Srrninl Slrtrt, ( ojymtitc ft?
Madison Jlottsr, )
(Tfv) WHERE will be found a general assnit- f"s
lV--ient of Florence Braids Alberts, Rut-sis
lands, Pe, lilies, Willow PI lit, Iice Straw, and Iho
much admired Nespolilan Lace, and Fancy Bon
nets, manufactured by u, and for sale at the lowe-t
manufacture prices. Merchants and Milliners am
invited 10 give in a call upon visiting the City.
fj-j- N. B. We have also constantly making nur
upeiior hair und oilier edgings, all of which will
he sold cheap, for cash.
Philadelphia. May 35, 1911. ly
'"PIIOSR peisonx having demands against the
- Conimonweallh lor labor performed, or mate"
rials fuini-hed for the n pairs ef the
iorlli llram li Canal,
prior to the 'Jill day of January, ISlf. who hava
not handed to the subscriber an account of the
same, are ri quested to do so nt iho earliest possible
moment, in order that they may be put in form f r
settlement, as soon as the fund appropriated for tho
payment of old debts ran be obtained,
Tho-c living al a distance are requested lo for
wird by mail or other wi-e. W. !. MAFFE T,
Wilkesbarre, May II, 141. if Supervisor.
ITcnnj S. Ilauhnaii,
EGS Icavo to inform the citizens of Sunbury
ml its vicinity, that he has commenced the
M.AtKSM.TIlIM; nrsiNKss,
in the shop formeily occupied by Daniel Yar ck,
in Matket street, Sunbury, east of Ira T. Clement's
store, and illici tly opposite the post ollice, w here ho
intends to carry oil tho business in all its various
Orders will be promptly and punctually atlcndnl
lo, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro
duce. Hoi so Shoeing done at ft per sett.
Sunbury, April 2ilh.
TTav :TinrvXx s
Patent Fire ami Thief Proof In mi
Chests, Slate lina! Refrigerators,
with Filters atlachetl when
.Yo. 70 Southlhirtl St., opposite the .rcin.-,
"TTl-eep for sale 'Davilt Evans'
... .if. 11 1 it- . . 1 11
Pj' .'rt.'rci tet raicu v uter jinn i rovi.
kl ' :'i' :.tsion C. ohrs, unit Patent IV-
: . . 1, - ii hi nit 1 , 1.11'1 1 n, ii , .
S' .,' T-i.,,,;
"I.,.,.ir,, V'.r.. t.iirt 'I'liil Pr.,.,1 I.
yORSftStt ,y "' Chests, for pre-ervin?
JV i , Bivks, Paper
'apers Deeds, Jewelv,
Gold, silver, iVc, Arc, nu!n
of Bo I- r Iron, (and not ov r Plank a loneiy-fino
out nf every one bundled now in ue and for mi!o
Hie uiadi',) wih firs! rate L s ks nnil David Event.'
Patent Keyhole ('overs, similar to ibe one exhi; it
ed nt the Philad'-lplim Exchange, for ihiee months
in the summer of ls4, when all the Keys weie at
liberty t be used, and the Chest not opened, al
though ihe expi linn lit was ti'ud l y at least toOl)
peisous, line of the same Locks was tib d bv
Robliem, at ihe Delaware Coal Ollice, in Walnut
street, above Third, but di I l ol siiCi't'td.
(Jj Hoisting Machines, Doors, superior
Lot ks. and all kinds of It, 111 h'a.bngs, Seal and ('"
(iving Picsses, and Sinilh ork lieiii rally, on hand
or maiiufuiturcd at the tltoitc-t iiolicc.
(Xj f'AU Tli )N 1 do hereby cauiioii all per
hoiis ngiin-t linikiitg, u-ini;, selling, or cauing lo
la? sold, any Keyhole Cuveis for Fire Proof Chen's,
or Doors, of any kind -initial in piinclple lo my
Patent, of lllth Jll'v, 1 S-1 1. and aUo againa! I.lliiu
Refriiertitois wnh Shite, for which my Patent n
daleil 'Jt'.ih Mat. Ii, any iiiftliigeiiii ut w ill
be dealt wi h according lo law.
Phil eh Ipliii, Apd! Ui. 1 Si 1 -I . i y
IS o o t 8z o c
ii::ii n. it 11 o s 1 i' s
ft U 1.1) iiiforni llietr fiii niU and the puhl o
gem rullv, t hut ihey have c-iiiinotici d tho
above 1 11 i nen tit n'l its vaiicus huliche?, in the
shop hitelv occupied by Xavier Engirt as a watch
maker f-bop, tt-l of the Red Lion Hotel, in Market
ftie I, Sunbury, w here Ihey are piepured to cxt)
cute a'l or) us in their line, with
They b pi , I y -Iricl attention I" Uoonei--. inotle
ru'e ihargi s, un I the iluiahih y iheii woik, l )
un lit an '. ree.'iie a Oiaic of t!.o public patron ge.
Sunt'.: -y, M.111I1 oOtfi, I ft 1 1. ly
'),-: W 1 POUAHS FLA I HERS, iur ld
."V'V i,.ty Wi i tty (jimmi y ,, an, i
purt'haseis, for cj-h, al prices tioiu 10, lo, a d
otl cents per pound. male B-i's, ll..!i is and Pillows, Cur led
Hair Mat la sis. Mo- do., and ufber kind In suit
any rie ails, ii'w .ys on hand. Culled
Hair and New Oilcans M w by the bale 01 single
pound. Also:
Blanket,., Mustillct Qii!i, Couifoi'.ablca uud
Bdlsleads of. ill ib si itpnons.
TJj" Com Irv Mt 11 hauls will liud il lo un 11 ad
vantage lo call bi tee pu 1 h i.-ing.
S, E. cii'i er of Srvoiid and alrii.1 its. Thilu.l.
March 'Md, I ml I. Mm
1 iV il. Itlli I', cat nl le of canting .0
Ion", about ball wmn, u i I ! , , cheap, ami on
ica-onah'it It rms t'npiuva' tl.i-. oilui .
Apttl t'b, I'll.
A MS oti Mini I.H:;s f,.r s ,le. i lo a! . f.
ca-h. by II. U MAS.-Eli.
Ihc Joth, t -1