Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 15, 1844, Image 1

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. It. n.1SSRH, EMtor,
Office in Centre Alley, in the rem- of It. D. Mas
ser's Slore.
THE" AM eTuiI" hTpublished every Satur
day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to be
paid half yeurly in advance. No paper discontin
ued till all arrrarugea are paid.
No subscriptions received for a less period than
six mouths. All cominunicationa or letters on
business relating to the office, to insure alU'lilion,
tniiM he POST PAID.
You Itrmrmlirr U Don't You I
py TIIOS. 11 A Y.N ES rtAII.Y.
You remember the time when I first sought your
When a smile, not a word was the summons to
When you called me a friend, till you found, with
That our friendship turned out to he love in dis- old.
Absolute acquiescence in the decision of the majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which there is no appeal but to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism. Jarrnnsoit.
II)' Master & Elsclj.
Siiiiburr, IVorllnuiiborlniitl Co. Vi. Saturday, June 13, IK 1 1.
Tol. IXo. .IS M hole No, lft 4.
Tho successful illustrations of Professor
Morse's Magnetic Telegraph, during the sit
tings df the Baltimore Conventions, and the ra
pidity with which questions were sent to Wash
ington and answers returned, a distance of for
ty miles, have awakened curiosity as to the
nature of the invention, and the applications to
which it may be directed. Scientific persons
understand perfectly the tnoilus operandi, but
the great mass only witness its wonderful ef
fects, without comprehending tho manner by
which they have been brought about The in
vention may not bo considered original with
Professor Morse ; tho principle, it is true, is
But the Professor has been many years
You remember it don't yu ?
You will think of it won't you ?
Yes, yes, of all this remembrance will last,
Long after the present fades into the past,
employed in bringing to perfection the applica
tion of the principle to the purpose under con
sideration. Fulton lost no reputation because
the steam engine liod been invented before he
applied it to the propelling of bouts, and for na-
Yon remember the grief that grew lighter when , tional nnd mercantile- objects, this rapid trans
sllilre(l; i mission of questions and answers may be spc-
vviin me uuss, you ren.emuer, i-ou.u u..s.u u- c:b11v .,sflfll, Trll ;, . ,- ,
compared , inmrovenienl likn tlm ttnnm mminn . l,;l. .,
You remember how fond was my earlier vow ?
Not fonder than that which I breathe to thee now.
You remember it don't yon ?
You will think of it won't you ?
Yes, yes, of all this the remembrance will last,
Long after the present fades into the past.
Railway Actihents. The annual report
of the officers of the railway department of the
lnard of trade, which has just made its appear
ance, with a copious appendix uf statistical mat
ter, furnishes a beautiful illustration of the safe
be applied to a great variety of useful objects
Rnd purposes, manufacturing and locomotive.
The principle of this telegraph is the same pre
cisely as the electric or galvanic machine.
Many of our readers have surrounded the ma
chine in the museums, each holding on the
chain, and each receiving n jtortion d( the
shock from the spaik. The spark, running
with the rapidity of lightning, may extend a
long the wire thousands of miles around the
with some of the departments, before- adjourn
ment. Wo add tho following from the Balti
more Sun.
This is proverbially the lion of the day, and
its performances have won for the inventor
much applause. Its practicability and useful
ness have been fully tested. No sooner will
the country hear of it than they will demand
its extensive introduction. It is a happy cir
cumstance that with the latest improvements
it is erected with little expenditure ; even a
single wire will answer for communication it
tho ground is used for half the circuit this is
nil that is now used between Washington and
Baltimore. It is well, however, to put up two
wires, to insure n circuit, if one wire should be
injured. The whole expense of this Telegraph
is within $'200 per mile, exclusive of the pa
tent. The question crises, why not make- immedi
ately on appropriation to extend tho Telegraph
during the summer el least to New York, and
thus sec how far (it may be added, how trium
phantly) it would sustain itself without aid from
the Treasury ; aflbrding Government and in
dividuals the opportunity of making the termi
ni and intermediate locations, places of con
stant communication. It is said that a few
hands will put up easily one mile of Telegraph
per day several gangs could, if required, com
plete the Telegraph to New York in sixty or
ninety days. Who would hesitate to expend
.isiO.lHHJ for this laud ihlc object, and this sum
is fully adequate I Railroad companies seem
willing to allow the privileges of setting posts
From the Rochester Democrat.
Some seventeen years ago, I was a 'prentice
boy' in the then city of mud, now the goodly
city of Rochester. The business of which I 'vas
obtaining knowledge, was conducted upon Ex
change street, though I biardetl in one of the
streets in the western part of the city.
In roitiij to mv tea, I was in tho habit of
meeting almost every evening, for many weeks
in succession, a small young well dressed and
good looking girl, with n tin pail in Iter hanJ.
I soon afterward took my leave of Mr. and
Mr. II. and their interesting and happy family ;
and not n day since then, has my mind boon
without its remembrance of THE dlRLAM)
1 1 nn TIN PAIL.
I beliovu the admission is general ; that no
boy passes his nineteenth year without having
experienced, at least one tender and 'eternal,' (of
course) passion, and that very few girls gel fair
ly through their sixteenth year scatheless of a
romantic love. The tender sentiments is pecu
At length my curiosity became excited, and I ywf () lccnSi B( jsJ something 1,C the
mumps mid ineuscls it comes only once in a
Just as I was entering the laat half of my nine
teenth year, (it matters not how long ago that
wn) and beginning to think of whiskers, tobac
co and other modern cvidencce of manhood, I
fell desparately in love. I knew at the time
that it was the maddest thing in tho world to
voluntarily yield myself up to a passion which is
very cleverly caricatured by French cooks,
when they put a live fowl before a slow fire
am) roast it gradually, for the purpose of swel
ting the heart ; but show me a youth who lis
tens to, if he had any when his head
and other 'rixins' ore in a broil of tenderness,
resolved to ascertain if possible, the daily cr
rand of the girl. Having met her the follow
ing evening, I tuned upon my heel and fol
lowed her at a distance that would not ex
cite suspicion in any one. I at length stw
her enter u small shoemaker's shop on South
St. Paul street. 1 subsequently learned that
the shop was owned by an industrious young
man, and an excellent mechanic, and that he
was the girl's husband ! Ho had been married
a few months, and possessing no other capital
than a good trade, n pond nninc nnd a robust
constitution, had rosolved to economize in the
orticlc ol rent, by hiring a house in the suburbs
of the city. His breakfast was always ready
for him, by dayhrcok, and taking his dinner devotion and romances, and I confess that I was
world if necessary and the great ingenuity of near their tracks, oud might in return have the
ty of railroads under good management. J")u. 1 the present improvement ia tho application of j benefit of placing on the same posts a wire for
ring last year, S 1,000,000 persons have been
carried an average distance ot 15 miles each,
and out of them only one passenger has lost his
life, namely on the North Midland Railway, on
the PJth of January, IS 13. Tho state of the
accidents for the last four years stands thus.
Kill tl.
140, last five months of
l 11, for the year, il-l
li:j, B
It appears that ninety-four and
i -11
electricity to the rapid conveyance of intelli- their private use.
genco. Colt's submarine battery is on the same And would not tho superintendence of this
principle. A copper retort of powder is float- work, under the general direction of Professor
ed under a ship's bottom, from which a covered well performed by officers of the army,
wire is appended, and the powder ignited at some of whom need active service, which
any distance by galvanism. The turningof the would cost the government nothing additional
glass plate or cylinder in an electric machine to the present pay. May there not be danger
produces c.cctricity, which, liko air or water, in delay ! The people will have a Telegraph
seeks to establish on equilibrium. The inven- If the Government refuses to establish it, this
tionofthe galvanic battery by the immersion dangerous monopoly may fall into the hands of
ot different metallic plates in acid produces e- those who will not only make cxhorbitant de
half miles 'ectricity as by friction, and this is the simple mands upon the Treasury, but upon the people
of railway were inspected and opened during UHU raPlu "gemot communication. One ofthe Ought not the Government to secure, belore it
connecting wires is always immersed m a cup is too late, the right at least to use the mveri-
of mercury, into which other wire is dipped lion so far as they found it expedient! This
whenever a stream of electricity is lobe sent privilege would shield them and the people also
a late number of the New Orleans Bee. Com- j along the entire line. The agency is perfectly from an cxhorbitant tax (or communication of
ment is unnecessary : I understood, but the method of uniting or ab- I important news. A single instance of T
A bull right between a ferocious bull and a , brevniting, of sending a message by mere lines graphic despatch is given. The vote for Polk,
number of dogs, will take placeon Sunday next, or dots, is a species of handwriting novel in as nominee tor the Presidency, by the Bulti
ot o'clock P. M. on the other side of the ri- application and in whicii there is grcut merit I more Convention, was sent to Washington,
1 13. English paper,
We clip the following advertisement from
(a) .
(c) . .
(e) .
if) .
to) .
(P . . .
iq) -to
. . .
(s.) . . .
(u) . . -iv)
. . .
wi .
ix) .
ver at Algiers, opposite Capal street. After the j and ingenuity.
bull fight, a tight will take place between a j The following is the Alphabet used :
bear and some dogs. 1 he whole to conclude)
by a combat between an oss and several dogs, j
Amateurs bringing dogs to participate in llie j
fight will he admitted gratis. 1
Admittance Boxes 50 cents ; Pit 30 cents.
The spectacle will be repeated every Sun
cay, weather permitting. PEPE LLULLA.
A Maukki-Man. A convict has escaped
from New South Wales, and is thought to be
now in 1jinlon, whose outer skin is a picture
show, being emblazoned w ith figures of Adam
and Eve, tree am! serpent, B. S. T. S., a bust
of a man, mermaid, halt-moon, ship, George and
the Dragon, man, birds, heart and darts. Hope
and anchor, T. crown and flags on the left arm;
seven dots between the finger and thumb of the
left, man and glass on the back of the letl hand,
ring pricked on the middle finger of the lell
hand, two pugilists on the centre of the chest.
Ilia name is True-love Smith, and he is about
twenty-four years of age. He was tried at Cam
bridge on the 15th of May, lH), and sonten-
when three cheers were given for him, and
three more for the Telegraph and Mr. Morse,
and all this scut to Baltimore and exhibited in
writing to the Convention, before the presiding
olliccr announced the official result of the bal
loting to the Convention. Tho distance tra
versed was eighty miles, besides about half a
mile between the terminus ofthe Telegraph and
the place of the Convention. The velocity of
j the Telegraph is, at tho lowest computation,
two hundred thousand miles per second.
with him, he saved the hour each day, which
most persons spend in going to, and returning
from that meal. Many economists would have
been satisfied with the saving of as much time
as this bet ween the rising and going down ol
tin; sun ; but not so with the young shoemaker,
lie also wished to save the hour devoted to ten
and therefore had that meal daily taken to him
by his pretty wile. This arrangement enabled
him to spend the whole day and so much of the
evening as he choose in the shop.
The industrious habits ofthe shoemaker were
soon discovered, and met with a due rewind.
Customers soon flocked in upor. him, and he
was obliged not only to rent a larger shop, but
to employ an additional number of workmen
But the increase of business did not wean him
from the plan he had early adopted ol saving his
time his third meal still having been taken
to him by his wife in the little tin p.iil
About this time I left the city, and did not
return for some twelve years. 1 had not, how
ever, forgotten the shoemaker, hav ing from my
first knowledge of him, discovered the germ of
success in his manner of life. I the spot
' where his old shop had stood, but it had given
place to a new brick block. In vain I looked
about for his sign it was nowhere to ho seen
I was at length informed by a Inend, that two
years previously he had removed to Ohio.
"Do vou know anvllim" ot h:s circuinstan
ccs ? I inquired.
"I do. In the first place he took to Ohio a
Unit rive thousand dollars in cash, from three
thousand of which invested in real t state near
Cincinnati, he has alroodv realized three tunes
that amount. The other two he put uitoa puk
establishment and that sum hasjirl.led linn a
lame profit. But even had he not resorted to
speculation," added my trieiul, "he could not
but have suseecded in life, so ihoroie-h wen
his business habits, and especially as those hub
its were seconded by an industrious little wife.
I have recently returned from a visit to Ohio
and have again seen the shoemaker and hi
wife. He is now in the prime ot life and pos
ccd to transportation for life itself in his tenth i ami uv i,0 combination ot these two, all the
vear. We do not, well 6ec how such a mark- i
cd character could long escape detection.
The Adveutinkr. During the
last fitly years the 'Morning Advertiser' has
distributed from its profits to charitable purpo
ses no less a sum than tteo hundred and thir.
ty-tico thousand, six hundrtd and sixty
pounds ; a fuct unparalleled in the history of
tho press of this or any other country.
We bay so. Cattcrpillars enicrgo from
chrysalis and become butterflies ; but when our
butterfly girls get married, they go into tho
ehrvsalis state, and become catternillars. Old
bachelors are mere grubwornib tho same to
day they were yesterday, and will be the 6amc
to-morrow they are to-day.
Varieties. The Good Old Times. 1MI.
Paid 1 Is. fid., the expense of bringing a here
tic from London ; and lor one and a halt load
of wood to burn him, 2i.; for gunpowder, Id.;
audastakc and staple, 8d.-AVcorc of the
Corporation of Canturbury.
An eccentric divine, in speaking of the ava
ricious and grasping disposition of man, remark-
cj "Jf t farmer possessed the whole world, he
would want a little piece of Venus lor a potato
Bear L'p. Never cry for spilt milk. If you
have done wrong, or made a miscalculation, be
more careful in future. You have taken a leap
in the dark, and plunged in the middle of the
ditch. Fool that you are to remain. Out with
you like a man. To lament that you were in- g0SM,8 ni, Buq!e fortune and nil unsullied repu
considerate and hasty will not help you out, or ; atj for probity. Never having had any per
make your situation more comlortable. Call OIK, I acquaint-ince with him, I inquired hiiuout
1 he operator lias betore him the two cMrc- (or help, and people will laugh ot you as they a,i itro,iCl.d mvsell as a Kiahest.-nmi. This
initios ofthe wire traversed by the electric flu- pase on. The only course for you is to gel out : wa iltc j ,lC 0li rnonii, and I very cheer
in. "Uy bringing tin: wires m contact, auu in- of your situation the best way you can, ami J ,-uly 0,.L.,.,,t,.,j invitation to lake tea wiili
stantly separating them, a Hot is mane ; ny u,cn you are out say as little about the matter ; ,lh)i Improving a moment of silence at the la
keeping them in contact tor a little tuiio, a iiusn; as possible. 1 he reason why thousands pr rish
on the threshold of life, is because they are not
philosophers enough to hear Willi magnanimity
the little trials and perplexities which by care
lessness and indiscretion, they have brought
upon themselves. They go about from one to
another, and relate their mishaps, when they
should wear a bright face and keep up good
words in the lungunge, and all the numerals,
may bo written and read."
Communication by telegraphs is a very old
invention. Wc find the remains of old lowers
all over Europe and on the sea coasts, which
in ancient times, were used as modes uf rapid
intelligence, and communication telegraphs spirits, and expect bi tter luck in future. There
on shore, and telegraphic signals and commu- ncVcr lived a man who never saw a dark day,
nications amoni; ship of war of .ho same nation, iid whoso path was not at tunes tilled will
are now in general use. Lines of telegraphs thorns,
from IiOiidon and Paris to the naval citations and Look about ye, ye men of little faith, ami re-
sea coast, have been many years in operation, solve, come w hut may, rise from ymir desxn
ble, I remarked :
"I fear, Mr. II., you are not so much of an
economist el lime, as you used to he."
"Why not V be inquired.
"When I first lu eiinie acquainted Willi Mrs
1 1. , you could not nlliiid time to go to Ua, and
she used to carry it to yon."
"Ill 1 little tin pail," said t he bur-ting into h
"Exactly '."
"Indeed Mr. W. have you know u Us i long!"
I then made myself known as the foinier ap
prentice of .Mr. It. ami was iuiuiediau Iv recog
nized bv Mrs. II, as one ot her taihtbl ac-
a greater fool than the majority of my sex and
The 'course of my love' ran Binooth enough
tor a wlnle; but tins ilnl not deceive me i
knew 1 should pet to the rapids and whirlpools
too soon for my comfort. I was like the drun
ken Indian in the canoe alxive the falls of Ni
agara, I just look draughts of delicious nectar,
and allowed the little shallop of my tatc to take
it. own way ami make the best bargain it could
with the treacherous waves. My resignation,
however, did not make my suffering the lighter,
the crisis came I stood on the e Ige of ihc pre
cipice I looked pilcously around tor help I
shrieked in the most pathetic and romantic
tones; but u would not do, over I went into the
maihleniu Hood. I felt tor an instant that it
was all up with us and then there was a blank.
When I awoke again I found myself in bed
very weak ami very wretched. The doctor told
me that 1 had been threatened with inflamma
tion of the bi a i n, but that a rheumatic fever had
stepped in instead. What a cold bath to ro
mance. I who was dying ot a broken heart to
be labelled 'rheumatic' 1 hated the man from
'.he moment and bwore to be revenged, nnd I
have kept my oath his bill is unreceipted yet
My young readers and 1 am now writing
especially to them, w ill know what the forego
nig intans without nny further explanation;
but lct some sore, crabbed old maid, or fussy
old b iulielur, should accuse me of putting non
sense in type, I will just add in plain terms that
after a niu-t tender season of love, which com
menced in the w arm months mid lasted till the
cold. I w as very politely informed, by a very po
lite mother that I was a 'wild rake, an unprin
cipled libertine,' and that she looked upon my
atlciitiouH to her daughter with displeasure.
I lere was a da.nper. I a rake! who had never
dared to read ceutain chapters in the old testa
ment, for fear of knowing more than a modest
young mail should ! I a libcrline, who had ne
ver hoked in a lady's lace without blushing!
The rharge astonished me; the Virtuous Sur
li t e with less reason was not more indignant ;
but astonishment and indignation did no good ;
both ended, as belore, with the rheumatism.
When I recovered, a most devoted friend of
'lli! piriies' handed a pretty three cornered
note, tin1 st ! of w hich was white wax, of course,
represented two hearts, very barbarously run
through with a skewer. It (the note not the
skewr r) wasi from 'my ow n one,' and was full
of lender terms 'broken hearts,' 'crushing af
fections' 'blighted hopes,' 'oigliuiit regrets,'
undyit love,' &ic, &c, !cc.; every hotly,
knows how th;se strong expressions are sprin
kled in. The P. S put new life into me. It ran
thus :
"l. c lui'hs at locksmiths. Come to my
t f'piarB I insertion, . fO CO
I do 2 do .0 7'i
l do 3 d . . . t on
Kry tuheiiunt inmrtir.n, OW
Yearly Ailrciriiapmcnt: one column, $25 hlf
column, f 18, three munrps, $18 ; two squares, f 9 ;
one square, $5. Half-yearly : one column, $1" ;
half column, $12 ; thrne iquarei, $9 j two equarre,
$5; one square, $3 AO.
AtWertioemnnt left without directions a to the
length of time they re to be published, will be
continued until ordered out, and charged accord
(j-J-Siiteen lines mako a squire.
lar importance. 1 did get up and found herself
in mine I forgot which it was all the same
'My own love, (a pretty appellation; isn't it,)
was in raptures, and so was I, she wept, and I
sung to her
"O, why is the cirl of my soul in tears."
(tlo I quote correctly !) until she wiped her eyes
and began to talk. Then 1 knew she had re
gained her composure, for I have always obser
ved that a woman never talks when she is ex
cited it is a yell or a snifHe, and cither is not
We laitl great plans that night. Elopement,
hasty marriage, prayer for ma's pardon every
thing was fixed Upon. In the binall hours of
the morning I prepared to leave. 1 approach
ed the window and looked out, it was unusually
dark. There is on especial proverb against
jumping in tho dark, but I did not think of it
just at the moment, more's the pity.
Tho farewell kiss was burning on my lips
the soft adieu ringing in my ears, as I took
the jump. Powers of mud ! I found myself
immersed to the lips in a hogshead of warm
meal slush a compound which, however good
for fattening hogs, is not exictly calculat
ed for a hot bath. How it got there, or how I
got into it, I did not ascertain, for the bark
ing of the dog called my attention to a new
danger. The beef I held in my hand as I leap
ed from the window, and I now contrived tt
draw it out ofthe. meal, with Ihc hope of si
lencing the dog, here I attempted to cxtricato
myself from the unpleasant situation in which
I w as placed. But tho dogs tho' they like beef
well enough, arc not particularly fond of Indian
local, but, as I soon found to my cost. The
enemy came on with a fierce yell, as I held out
the beef, a ctiddcn flotl of light, exposed tome.
and two or three grinning servants and a host
of 'family friends,' tho ridiculous scene in which
I was figuring. 1 attempted to rise and explain
as Mr. Wise did a few months ago in Congress
but the dog decided that it was out of order,
and compelled mo to 'duck' my head quite un
der to avoid his spring, arose but to hoar peal
of laughter and dodge In the same way again
from the vilo animal who continued lo )uap
over me with the agility of a cat and the fe
rocity of a tiger. I thought my lime had come,
and was about to resign myself to my fate with
as much dignity as it was possible for me to ex
hibit in a hogshead, when my persecutor, re
lented and called the dog oil. 1 was then taken
out, scraped down, and allowed to depait, but
llie story of my mishap became know n and I
was greeted with laughs of derisijn at every
Against this however, I bore up bravely, till
I was informed that that tair one for whom I
had encountered all these perils, had played ma
false by marrying a cousin, then 1 swore sol
emly never agiin to dabb'c in love or meal
slush, and thus ended my first and last love af-
Sir Walter Sxu i .--When the volu nin
ous author was near his end, he expressed u
wish to Lockhart, his son-in-law, that he would
read to him ; and when asked Irom what book,
he said "Need you ask 1 There is hut one !"
Ixtckhart then read the 1 Ith chapter of St.
John's (Jospel, "Let not your heart be trou
bled," iVc.; to which, says tho biographer, Sir
Walter listened with mild devotion, and then
replied, "Well, this a great comfort I hasu
followed )ou dihtiiicily, and 1 feel as if I wcio
yet to be inysill again !"
Sidney Smith, hearing a person in company
boad of America as a very healthy place lo Ine
in, could not uliaiii from contradicting it by thu
following remark. 'Healthy, sir ! why Amci
ica is the fert.lo soiuce of all sorts of complaint,
and to my ceitain knowledge, a precious lot it
PcmisvU anions have got the tic-Joliur-ou-e.
Him i llmsiwni.s. Domestic older,
like theatrical Machinery produces the griatcd
pleasure when the strings are concealed.
Some oi:e savs a ladv never ioohs 80 en-
and questions and answers are transmitted and dency. l'p out ot the ditch anil tax your j qnaiutances in Km hesier.
I received in the space ol a tew minutes from sta- powers to the utmost of your ability. Never
I Hon to station ; but it is Iho rapidity w ith w hich j, never remain w here you arc but push
orders may be transmitted through the magnet- forward rise higher and you will yet bo some-
ic telegraph, particularly in tune ot war, winch t,ig in the world, you can win honors make
constitutes its greatest value. For the trans- your fortunes, and die in peace with the world.
mission of orders to purchase goods, the rise or
fall in stocks or in cotton, the drawing ot lot
teries, and other speculative objects, it is ques
tionable whether this mode of communication,
managed by private individuals, is at, all desira
ble, as it may give advantages to one class over
another; hence the vary great importance of
its being connected with tho United Stales
Government, and under tho control of sworn
officers. Congress will undoubtedly see the
importance of this suggestion, and pass a law
cutabliahipg a telegraphic bureau in connection
Will you do it !
Mr. Eddctar Supposo one man licks ano
ther and is sewed for Assail and Battery and is
bound Over to keep the piece, and llio tiller
w hat sewed him licks a friend of hiz.en ami is
licked agin by another friend oftoihcr's and to
ther is way lade and licked by a whole gang of
'em, a'nt he jeftified in licking the first one of
'tut when he conies Acroos Yin. Please an
swer thi in your next paper and very much o-
bh.FC A Co.NbltNl KtLDLK.
But thut pai! what do you think lias be
come of that !"
"That, I suppose washing since numbered
among t lie things that were," I answen'il.
"By no mean.-," raid he, at the same time
tipping a wink to Ins wile.
She orose from Ihu tabic and left the room,
and soon relumed Willi the identical pail, as
they both assured me. I need hardly say that
it bore palpable evidence of the ravagoj ot
"But what is your i bject in picociving thut
pail .'"
"Its associations. We hmk upon it, as one
ol the earliest inntrumenU w inch contributed
to our niece in li'e, and as tucii w e shall ever
tlicn.h it.',
w ,n,low that look into the l.ule garden at 10 j rlliclluUs. as when she attempts M
to-night. In scaling the wall look out for the j turU.a lUfM&h ull
biokeu glass embedded on the top ; and don t j orlJ, pu,it.w.
toilet to put a beefsteak in your pockets to pa- -- - -
eifv the do.", it he slio ild attack you. lie is Ilird Uoi!td eggs oipsaiu to do a cure r r
very fi-ncious, and nu ImJ his tetth tiled yes- , love; they lie so hard upon the stomach so to
t,.r,'ay." i make the Miller r forget the weight upon his
I wax in rapture.-. What did I care for tho heait.
wall ! I would eat through it, gl:isoj and all
and as for the dog, with his filed teeth, w hy my
ace its at the butcher's should answer for the
faithfulnesj w illi w huh that job had l ien per
formed !
TenoYUk came, and I was oil to the n il
dezvous. The wall I yot over at the expense
ol a rent m my coat and a sli-hl scratch on my
person; I caied for neither- llohlm,' three or
four larjje slices ol beef I threaded the narrow
walks and gained the designated fcpol beneath
t!. The iiiht was very dark; but
, lie thut in ver changed any of his epin n,
never corrected any of hi mistakes ; and h
, who was never w i.n' enough to find any mis.tul.iH
j in himself, will not be charitable enough to tx
' (Use what be reckons nn!akes ill others,
i . .........
! M in, w it.i ali In- ekiil and iut!u-tiy, u lo lit
! told thut in skill and indii-Uy he is outdone l y
i the humble bee, w hoc-e lulmrj hie regular and
iiicts -ant.
Why ix I lie It iiii l like a m
iwo bnjiht eyesshiniiig from the casement, told It. cu.ise it make M i m.ol. Wliv
me ail that I was anxious to learn. I low I got V like a jxui.jj pt iiilihiitt ! lh.t
in the window und thtend it, is ol" nopatticu j ' p. v.
Ilrtllllljj It I I '
is the t. nt r
tails, it liiukes