-J? -1 1 II A TV K KOTE MST. The following lint shows the current value of nil Pennsylvania Bank Notes. The most Implicit re lanca may I placed upon it, it la every uetk urefufly compared with end corrected from Biik nrll's Reporter. llnnkt In Philadelphia. t.. Disc, it? Pmtin. par . par par par . par S par par . par par pat par NOTES AT PAR. Rink of North America . . Bunk of the Northern Liberties Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , Farmera' anil Mechanics' Bank Kensington Bank Philadelphia Bnnk Schuylkill Bank . . . Soulhwark Bank . . Western Bank . . Mechanics' Bank . . Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Bank Country Bankn. flank of Chester County Westchester Biiiik of Delaware County Chester Hank of Oermantown Oermantown Rank of Montgomery Co. Norristown Doylrstown Bank Doyleatown Kaston Bank Easton par par par par par par par Farmers' Bank of Bucks eo. Bristol Office of Bank of Penn'a, Harrishurg'" These fiflice do do Office do do Office do do NOTES AT . minister I offices Rending f do not Easton J issue n. DISCOUNT, Rank of the Uni'ed States flank of Penn Township Philadelphia 25a26 par Girard Bank . . J 6 Moyamonsing Bank . par Bank of Pennsylvania . par Miners' Bank of Pottaville Potlaville I Bank of Lewistown Lewistown 1J Bank of Middlelown Middlctown j Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par Columbia Batik & Bridge CO. Columbia J Carlisle Bank Carlisle j Exchange Bank Pittsburg j Do d branch of Hollidaysburg J Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancastet j Lancaster County Bunk Lancaster Farmers' Bank of Reading Reading j Harrisburg Bank Harrisburg Lancasler Bank Lancaster Lebanon Bank Lebanon Merchants' & Manuf, Bank Pittsburg flank of Pittsburg Pittsbuig West Bianch Bank Williamsporl Wyoming Bank 'Wilkesbarre Northampton Bank Allentown Beiks County Bank Beading Office of Bank of U. 3. Pittsburg 4 i b failed do Do do do Erie Do da do New Brighton Kensington Sav. Ins. A do Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Bank of Chambersburg CbamhersbiiTg Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg Rank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose Erie Bank Erie Faimcr' & Drovers Bank Weynesburg Fianklin Bank Washington Honesdale Bank Honesdalo Monongahcla Bank of B. Brownsville Vork Eank York do i 30 3 2Ja3 1J li H i N. B, The notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do failed Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyott, prop.) failed fpwanda Bank Towandu Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford Bank of Beaver Beaver Bank of Swalara Harris'rurg Bunk of Washington Washington Centre Bank Bellefonte City Bank Pittsbuig Farmers' Si Mech'cs' Bank Pittsburg Farmers' Si Mech'cs Bank Fayette co. Farmers' Ac Mcch'ce'aBaiik Greenrastle Harmony Institute Harmony Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon Juniata Bank Lewislown Lumbermen's Bank Warren Northern Bank of Pa. Dundtiff no sale closed closed failed closed no sale failed failed failed no sale no sale no sale failed no sale closed n sale closed New Hope Del. Bridge Co, New Hope Northuuib'd Union Cul. Bk. Milton Not lb Western Bank of Pa. Meadtille Office of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon Pa. Apr. Ac. Manuf, Bank Carlisle Silver Lake Bank Montrose Union Bank of Penn'a. Uniontown Westmoreland Bank Greepsburg fuiled closed failed closed ilkesbarre Budge Co, Wilkesbarre noaale 0j All notes putpoiting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above U4, way be act down a frauds. SEW JEItSKY. Bank of New P-iunswick Brunswick failed i BelvWne Bank Burlington Co. Bonk Commercial Bank CumlwrUnd Bank Velvidere Medford Perth Arahoy Uridgeton par i par par farmers' Bunk Mount Holly Farmers' and Meehauica' Bk Rahway Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswick failed Farmers' and Merchant' Bk Middtetown Pu j Franklin Bunk of N.J. Jersey City failed Hobokeii Bug & Grazing Vo Hoboken failed failed Jersey City Baok Jersey City Mechanics Bank Miuiufjeturtrs' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co Post Notes Newark Bkg & Ins Co New Hone Del Bridge Co Patterson Belleville Morristown Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City Newark failed failed i failed par no sale Lamberts wile Hoboken N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co failed failed i N J Protecton &. Lombard bk Jervey City Orange Bank Orange Faterson Bank Pateison failed Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bunk Princeton 8alro Banking Co 8lem State Bank Newark Slate Bank Elixabeihrown Slate Bank Camden State Bank of Morris Morti6town State Bank Trenton Calem and Philad Manuf Co Salem Sussex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dever Washington Banking Co. Harkena&ck mXAYVARK. Bk of Wilm & Brandy wins Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyina Do bianch Millord Farmers' Bk of Stale of Del Dover par failed failed failed Da branch Do branch Do brunch Union Bank (jj- L'nder 5'a ITT On all banks maikrd Wilmington Geaigt-town Newrastta W lining toil thus () there are thj c our t. fi it vr allured n"tta vf tha var.oua Counterfeiters DEATH BLOW, HPhe pu'ilic will please observe that no Brandreth Pills are genuine, unless ihc lni has three la. bels upon it, (the top, the aide and the bottom) each containing a fie-aitnite signature of my hand writing, thus B. BAntitTH, M. D. These la. heNate engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over $2,000. Therefore it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly auhi ri ml, and hold CERTIORATES OT AGENCY, For the sale of Brantheih's Vegetable Universal Pills. Northumberland countv s Milton Mfirkey & Chambeilin. Sunhury If. B. Masser. M'Ewens ville Ireland Meixell. Nortiiuml erland Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown J. & J. Wills. Union County New Berlin Bogar A Win. ter. Selinsgrove George Gundium. Middle, burg Isaac Smith. Beavertown David Hubler. Adarruburg Wm. J. May. Miftlinsborg Mensch & Roy. Hartlcton Daniel Long. Frrcborg G. & F. C. Moyer. Lcwisburg Walls ft. Green. Columbia county : Dnnville E. B. Reynolds St Co. Berwick Shuman & Ritlenhouse. Ca' tnwissa C. G. Brobts. Bloomsburg John R. Moyer. Jetsey Town Levi Bisel. Washington Robt. McCay. Limes-tone Ballot ft MsN'nch. Observe that each Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agencv. containing a representation of Dr BRANDRETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will alao Vie seen ciaet copies of the new labels now upon the Braiulrelh 1'ill Boxes. Philadelphia, office No. 8. North flih street. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. June 24th, IMX Hover's Ink. JOSEPH XV HOVER, Manufacturer of Writing and Imiclli blc Ink, No. 100 North Third Street, six doors below Race, (east side,) PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY informs rountry merchants and others, that he constantly keeps on hand a large stock of his suporier Black, Blue and Red Ink. Bnd also a superior quality of ImlelliMe Ink. His ink is put up in bottles varying in size, fnm t to 32 ounces, and will be sold on reasonable terms. I he excel'ent qualities of this ink has so thoroucbly established its character, that it is now extensively used throughout the country. . For sale at the store of If, B. Masser, Sun bury, Pa. May 27lh, 1843. ly LOITC-LEY'S Great Western Indian I'nnaten, Compounded entirely of Vegetable fcubstances ; Free from Calomel an d all 'other Minerals. For the history of this medicine, and ita unrivalled and truly surprising success snd popular ity, see large bills IT is recommended as a General enthartic for family use in dyspepsia and all bilious disea ses, it is invaluable fur Asthma it is consideied a specific, no esse having yet occurred which it has failed to cure for common colds, imfiammntory diseases, rheumatism, affections of the liver, etc., and for females, it is a safe and exrellent remedy. CERTIFICATE., From Dr. Silas West, of Rmghampton, 2V. Y. Mr. Lonrjley Dear Sir: I have used your Great Western Indian Panacea in my family, snd have repeatedly prescribed it for patients under my care, and am satisfied that it is always a safe, and in very many casea n invaluable medicine. It opera'es as a laxiitive without nouses, or pain and while it ef fectually obviates costivencfs acts upon the stomach and liver as an alterative, correcting acidity, and re storing the healthy condition of those organs. Very respectfully vonrs. S. WEST. For sale by JOHN W. FRILTNG, Sunburv. JACOB BRIGHT Northumberland. May 20th. 1843. ly ' MERCIIANTS HOUSE, jVo. 237, AorA Third, above Cidlowhill St., PHILADELPHIA. JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylva nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., late of A oierican Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, take pleasure in ac quainting (heir fiiends and the puMic generally that they hove luken the Inrge and coinmoiiioua llottt, recently built by the Messis. H .rt.oo the same site once occupied by the old established Hotel known aa the Bull's Head, in Third atieet above Callow- httl t. This Hotel is finished in trie very best possible manner, and of the best materials. Its location is very desirable, particularly for country merchants ; the arrnngements for hentir.g and ventilating each room is such aa to secure any temperature. The bedrooms are all light and airy, all lurnuheu in a neat style, so as to injure comfort. 1 he receiving parlors are also luiMshetl in a su perb style, the windows are on the French s'yle, forming en entrance to a balcony in fronl, wliu ti makes pleasant recess, Pnrticulai attention hs been given to the beds and bidding, wbicti, with the furniture, are entirely new. From years' experience in hotel business, we trust, by strict assiduity tc business, to make tbi house a desirable stopping place. Our tattle will alwaya l supplied with the very best our market can afford, and our bar wiih the best liquors and i wines of the most approved brand. f . S. I here are first rate stabling and carriage houses attached to the hotel, attended by caisful and sober hosilers, and our charges will be low, in i accordance wiih the present haid times. Philadelphia, Pet. 7th, 1848. WTON HOTEL, par i (General Stuge Ufhee?) KLv.ir nu roa- da tst 9 X.VCOMXWTO COTJNTT, Pennsylvania. i par i rrnllE Subscriber respectfully informs his frienu i X and tha public in general, that he baa taken ar the above i LARGE A NT) COMMODIOUS HOTEL, IN THE BOROUGH OF MUNOY, par and that he is now well prevtare-J to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. par par IDs SLtrrma AriaTiTS ue well aired, and par comfortable. par HisT.aLcaan Bim will aWaya ba aapplud par with the best the msrket ran afford. pr His Bi'iauaa. which is goid, will li under par the chare of eood and careful hostlers. par He fieU confident, bv strict attention to business, and an earnest desire lo render c m fort a hie those who may paironiae biro, that be will not fall togiv ri do- The best method for tht Abolition of Disease i$ to cleanse and purify the Body. WMCJIIT'S INDIAN TEOETABLE PILLS or Tits Jrth American College of Health, Are now acknowledged to be the best Medicine in the World for the cure of EVERY VARIETY OP DISEASE. BECAUSE ihey completely cleanse the to maeh and bowels from these hilliousand cor ropt hnmors which are the caus not only of Headache:, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heirt, Pa'ns in the Bonce. Rheumatism snd Gout, but everv mnlndy incident to mnn. SAID INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS are a censln cure f.r in termiltent, lemittrd, nervous, inflnmatoty and putrid Fevers, because they cleanse llie P'dy firm those mmbid hrmnrs, which, when confined to the cireu lntinn. are the rnuse of nil kinds of FEVERS. to, oltn, when the sump impurity is deposited on the membinne and muscle, cruising p-iin. inflama lions and swellinos culled RHEUMATISM, GOVT, Ac, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied cxi ns alwavs ertiiin to ci'-e relief, and if persevered with, accordion to directions will most ossmedlv, and without fnil, make a perfect en e of the above psinfi 1 n nlmlies. From three to sit of said Indinn Vrpetnb'e Pills t.ikcn every niiiht go. ing to bed, will In a ihmt time so completely rid the body from every thing thai is opposed to health, tbat RhctimMim, Gout, and p do of every iWrip lion, will be literally DRIVEN FI!OM THE BO DY. For the s me reason, when, trom sudden cbanpos of almophere, or any other cniifC, the per spiration is ebeck d, anil the humors which should pivs off by the sHn are thrnwn inwardly, rnustng HEADACHE. GIDDINESS, muses and si.k-net-n, jain in the hum a, wa'ery and inflnmeil eyes, sore throut, hoarsencs, congl s, consumption, rheumatic pains in various purls of ibe body, mid many otlor svmpiom f CATCHI.Nf COLD. Wright's Indian Vrtirtnhfe I'M will invariably give itnmedi .te relief. From three to sin of said Pills taken every niiiht on goina to bi d, will in a short time, not only remove all the above unpb asnnt symptom, but the body wll. in a short time, be restored to even sounder heiibli than !ofore. ASTHMA, nu DIFFICULTY OF BREATH ING. Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills will loos en Hnd enny off, by the stomach and boweis, thorp, tough phbpmy humor--, which stop up all the sir cells of the lungs, nnd re the cause, not only of the aboc distressing complaint, but when necleeieil, often terminate in that mo e dieadful malai'y called CONSI MI'TION. It i-hon'd be alsoien ernbeird thai Wright's Indian Vegetable I'illt are a certain cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE. Oppression, nau sea, and sicknesa, bi-s of appetite, costucnesa. a vellow tinge of the tkin nnd eyes, snd every other symptom nf a torpid or diseased slate of Ihc liver; because they puree from the body those impurities which if di posited upon this important oro.au, sre the cniHe of eery variety if LIVER COM PLAINT. When a nation iseomulsed by riot--, outbreak and ri hellion, the only means of prevent, hig the dreadful coiim quenees of a CIVIL WAR, is to eipel all tmiiors, snd evil dspns d ones from the country. In like manner, w hi n puin or sick ne of any kind, indicate tbat the body is struc gliriH with inten si foes, the true reiredv is to EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMOUS, (Traitors lo health and life,) Health will be the certain result. That the principle of curing disease, by cleansing and purifyii'g the body, is strictly in accordance with the laws which govern the animal economy ; and if properly ranted out by the ti.e of the al-ove named WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ceitainlv result in the complete Abo lition of Dbese ; we offer the following teMimnni als. from person of the highest respectability in New Yoik, who have leccntiy been cuied of the most ohflinate complaints, solely by the use of Wrioht's 1mi 'FGF.rBt.i: Puts, of the North American Cvlbge of Health : JjivAtcA.L. I., JuneOih, IS41. Doctor William Wright Der Sir It is with Brent snti-factieii I inform on of ;.iy haviric been entirely cured ol Dyeiepaia. of five years standii g, by the ute of your I.hiiian Vro r.T lit. 1'n.is. Previous to mee'ing wiih your celebrated midi cine, I had hi en under the bands of several Physi cisns, and bail trii-d various medicines ; but all to no effect. Alter uii g one 25 cctit box of jour Pills, however, I ixpi rieiieed so much benefit, that I ieolvtd to preele in the use of them acrniding to directions, which I am happy to state, 1ms result ed in a perfect cure. Incrurauile to you for the cn at biiiefil I hive irreived, and iilo in the hope ibiitntbiis ciniiljily sfjlictid may be induced l m e tiinl of your extra, rdmny ineilieine, I .eiid you this stniemint wiih lull libe.ty to publish the same, ir von think pr. per. Yours, Ac. New Yoik, June 10, ltl. U.C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dei nia, agent for Wrighl'a Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sit I have been afflicted for seeral years wiih inward weakness and general debility, accom panied at times w nh pains in the side and other disliess'n g complaints. Alt. r linviriu tried various medicines w i'boi 1 1 lb CI, I was persuaded by a fi it nd to imike trial cf Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, which I am happy tu stale, have relieved 100 in a most wolnl, rial manner. I have m-ed the me dicine, as yet but a t-hoit time, anil have no doubt, by a perseverance in ibe use of the medici ie accor ding lo directions, tlwl 1 shall in a short time be perfectly re-tored. . 1 1 ,1 I most willingly recommend sni.i ruts 10 super sons similarly arllii ted. and in the full belief that the same l-enoliei.il results w ill follow their use, I re main youia sincerely. HKNRV A. FOOTE, aiwarstiig, L later co. i. . Nw Ychk, Sept. S3, IS41. This is to certify ll.nt I have used Wmioht's iNniiw YliTmr. Pill with the greatest bene fit; having rniirelv cured mysell of the freipaent at tucks of Sick Headache, to which I had previously been subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, ay. l.ri'enwicli street. i. V. To Mr. Richnid Di nuii, Agent for Wright's In- Uian Vegetable Villi. C.I V T I .V. As there are ut tins lime many wickeil persons builv iPEaged in selling a counterfeit medicine un der the name nl Hie liuliari Vegelul.le 1 ills and as these (tt sptrate Uii n are so utterly reckless of con- iqurnces, that many valuable l.ves may be o6t in consequence ot using their itreadtul compounds, ibe public are cautioneil ogainst purchamg any Pills, unless on the tides of the boxes the following wording is found WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE 1 ILLS, (Indian Purgative.) Or THK WOBTH AMKBICaH COLLieS or HlilTB, And alse to be especially careful against purcba sing said medicine of any person eicepl the regu lar advertiaed agents. AGENTS FOR NORTHUMBERLAND CO., Pennsylvania. H. B. Master, Sunhury Wm. Forsyth, Nor thumberland Jacob Haas, Shsmokin Samuel Herb. Mahonov Bverly & D. Hsua, Augusta Thnmaa Follmer, Milton Ireland St Meixell, McEwensville E. S. Piper, Turbulsville Jamea Reed. Pottserove H, Klase, Snyderstown II. H. Kncrbel, P. M.. Elyaburg P, O. Win. Leii-enrina. P M. Union Corner. Otfira snd General Denot for the sale Wriehi's Indian Vrettable Pills, W ho leas le Retail, no. loa It At Tit tJ lilt 1.1. ltllL,A UDl PI1IA. May S1,I3. ly ROSE OINTIY1ENT, rim TETTER. RINOWORMIS, rtMft.EB ON THE FACE, AND OTHER Cl'TANEOl') Eltt'PTtoNS. rx5 The fdlnwing eertifica't describes one uf 'the most extraordinary enret ever effected ly any application, PHir.Atr.tPHtA, February 10, 1839. T7OR twenty years I was severely afflicted with Tkttkii on the Face and Head! the disease commenced when I was seventeen year old, and continued until the Fall of 18H6, varying in vio lence, hut without ever disnpjiearing. During most of the time, great part of my face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing; my head swel'ed at times until it rVlt n if it would burst the swellinj was o gtpst. that I could carci ly get my hat on. During the long period that I was afflicted wiih the disease, I tiseit a great many n plications (among them several celebrated preparations) as w. II as taking inward remedies, including a number of bottles of Strain's Panacea, Extract of Sarsaparila, Ac, In fact, it would be impossible to enumeiate all the medicines I used. I was also under the care of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this ciiy, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the fall of 18:5(1, the disease nt the time being very violent, I commenced usins the Rose Ointment, (prepared by Vsughnn fc Davis.) In a f, w applications the violent itching ceased, 1 he swelling abated, the 1 motion hcean to disappear, 1 and bef.re I had used a iar the disease was entirely cuicil. It has now lieeu In arty a yar and aim!! since, ami there ts not a vettge of the disease re mairdnu, except the scars from the deep pits formed by thollUcmc. It is impossible for me to describe in a crrtificale the severity of the disease and my audi rinp. but I will be pie sed to aive fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction. who will cull on me. At the time I commence J using Ibe Rose Ointment I would have given bun dtcds of dodins to lie rid of the disease. Since u sing it. I have recommended it to feveral persons, (among them my mother, who had the discaso bad ly on her in,') w ho w re a I cured bv it. J AMES Dl'RNELL, No. 15fi, Race St. Xj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. II. Vauhao, Sou h East comer of Third and Race stroi ts, Philadelphia, and sold on auency in Snnbu ry. bv H. B. MASSER, ' May 1 1th, 19 n. Agent. lloc Oiiiliiicnl, lor Teller. A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. PiiiLAnit rttiA, May 27th. 18.19. "PHIS is 10 certify that I was severely afflicted -- with Tetter in the hands and fi rt for upwards of forlv years ; the disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to 1 number of plnsicians, and usd a great many appli cations without effecting a cure. About a yi ar since, I applied tl e Rnc Ointment, which entirely stopped ihc itclniu.and a few applications iinmedi an Iv cured the disease, w bieli there ha been no return of, although I bad never Itch rid of it at any time for fitly years. RICHARD SAVAGE, Ehventh, below Spiuce Street. fj" I he Rose tliiitnienl is pTepareu ly I'.. 11. Vauuhan. S null East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu ty by H. B. MASSER, May Uth. 1943. ApelL MEDICAIj ArrnOBATION Of the ROSi: t)lTMF.T,ftr Tetter. ALTHOI.'GIT the superiority of the prcpaialion over all others ia fully established, the proprie tors tuke pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician. a graduate of the I niversily ol I'ennB) ivunia. ut, Baugh, having found in ibis rernrHy that relief for a tedious and disagreeable affection which the means within the range of bis profession failed to afford, has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of that profession aie opposed to secret Remedies. PlMHIiLLPUl, Sept. 19, lS.'IO. I was recently troubled with s tedious herpetic eruption, w hich roveied nearly one si.'e of my face, and extended over the car. Mr. Vaughau, proprie tot of the Rose Ointment, ohseiving my face, insis ted on my ttyine his preparation, nf which he han ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem hets of my profession, I discountenance and disap prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by knoi nt a-. tenders, 1 feel in justice bound to except llie Rose Ointment from thai class of me dicines, and to give it my approbation, as it entire ly tured the eruption, alihooftli it h id resisted the u'su.d applications. DAN L. B.U'GH, M. D. lj" The Roe Ointment is piepared by E. B. Yatiulian, South East comer of Third and R ice Stieets, Philadelphia, and sold on ag ncv in Sun- lurv, hy II. II. MASSt.K, May I4lb, 18-tn. Agent. J. 1MAVL AND, JR. Sc CO. Sinifi' and Tobacco j1 an 11 lac Hirers, A'f). 1)0 Xorth "West corner of Race and Third Streets. PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned have formed a Co-pnrtnership under the firm of J. MAYLAND. Ja. A Co.. as successors 1 1 the late firm of Jufnb .Muylund St Co.. nnd will c .infinite the business at the old csta blishioent, on thetr own account. In addition to their own close attention and experience foi many years, in the manufacture of their eefebruted snuff-, Ac., the long experience ol the senior paitoer of the late firm, w ill uUo be devoted to the interest of ihe new concern and as no exertion snd care will be spared to insure their goods, at all times of the ve ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of the fi ends and customers of the late firm. TIIOM S ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, Ja. PhiladelphhOlay 14th, 1843. ly EAGLE iirar as rn? :mn bl. 9 Corner of Third and Vine Streets, WIlilLIAiyiSrORT, PA. rriHE subscriber n siiectfully announcea tithe X public, that he h ie opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building aituate on the corner of 'I bird and Pine streets, where he will be happy to wait up. 11 those who may favor him willi their company. I he Lacle Hotel is large ono conveni ent, antl furnished h, the be-t m win stile. 11 is provided with a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping spsrtmeuts, rooms, private pallors, Ac. Persons visiting V illiamsport on bu siness or ptessure, may rest ai-ured thst every ex ertion wilt be used to render their sojourn at the "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. Hia Table wtll be aupplied with the very beat the market af fords, and bis bar wiih ihe choicest winea and other liquors thsrges reasonable. The Eagle Hotel pnsaesses greater advantages in point of location than any other similar establishment in the borough, bring situate in tha business part of the town, and within a convenient distance of the Court House and Williamsporl and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants hsve been employed, snd nothing left undone that will add to the comfort and accommodation of bia csrsta. There will he a carriage alwaya In attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from of and the House, free of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. May Uth, 1843. tf H. Ba MASSE?., ATTORNEY AT LAW, BUITBUnY. TA. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor. thurpl erland, Union, Lvcoming and Columbia. 11.r.r Ini Thom.s TTa aT A Co., Lown Sl Babox, Habt, Ccmmihos & Haut, Philad. RifroLtis, McFAtAD A Co, 8r-r.mo, G0011 A Co., To Cnimtrv MERCHANTS. yHE Suliscriber, Agent of Lyon A Harris, Hat Manufneturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large rilies, whoso Hats are hiuhly commended fir qtmd coin and durnbility, has on hand a first rale assortment nf HATS and CAPS, suitable for Spring sites, wh'rh will Ve sold vrry low, foi cash or nppioved credit, at the ttrted cheap store, Tin. 40, North Third atrort, op,si'e the City Hotel. Philadelphia. ROBERT D. WILKINSON. A'ent. N. B. Orders for Hats in iherua promptly attended to, The highest price in tush 01 trade given far Fnr ntcin. Pbijdelphi, June 11, 1R13.--Iy ALL persons indebted to the firm of l.von A Harris, under the agency of O.N. Thaeber, Hit and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi ate settlement of liV ir accounts iih the suhscrilier, their legally euihoiizcd i.gent.who is fully empow. eled to Settle and eollerl the accounts nf said firm, ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1842. tf Agent. GOLDEN SAYAN iY. Gl A'urth Third, above Arch Stree t, PHILADELPHIA. AITOM MOIIA1 ICINSJ FOR Btr.VEVTV r KSlNl. OHARLES WEISS, late of the "White Swan," and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends and customers, that I e has become the proprietor of Ihe abnv! well known Hotel. Coturry Muchant will fnd ihe above Hotel a centr:il location, and the best of fare Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a large yard and good stabling foi horses, and the best of j ostlers. lloariliua $ 1 per via v. May I4ih. 1842. if. ' WirTHElLltCslT & CO., Commission & Forwnrflinjr; McrHinnts, j Fvot of Willow Si reel Rail Road, j ON THE HI 'I. a w nr., ' HAVING associated v i h them Joseph Barnet, I late of Easton. Pa., resnertfully inform their j friends and the public generally, that tticy havr ta. knthit large and we l known store and wharf at foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occnpiel by ; .Iseob Martin, where they pnpoe doing a General Commission and Forwarding Business, and fioni j the local advaritaees of the place being connected w iih all the public Improvements that have their outlet in the cilv, they flatter themselves they will l-e able to do business to as great, if not gieater ad- j vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other j house, anil thev assuie tlieir tnenus mat any con signments made to them shall have their strict at tention, and no exertions spared to give entire satis faction. Thiy are also prepared lo receive ar.d forward good 10 any point on the Delaware nnd Lrh'gh rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila-tit-1 1 his, via Deluwnre Division and Lehigh Can .Is; slso, to anv point on the Juniata river, or North and Wist Branch's of the Susquehanna via Srbiiyl kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide Watei Canals. For the accommodation of Boa's coming or go ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Sio.mhoat will bi kept expressly for towing boats from the Schuy lkill around to the Delaware and back, which will en-dil merchants to have their produce deli vcted on the De'aware, ami their good shipped at a saving of &0 to 75 ia-r cent. o! the prices fir hauling across, w ith tin se advantages they re- sneclfullv solicit s .hare of piilr naee. W. HE1LMAN A CO. Willisrn Heilmsn, Wilhnm W. Keyscr, y Joseph B rnet. 3 Philad , May 1 4, 1843. ly BOLTON Sl CO. C.rnrral nniiiiiion ler hunt, For the Sidi tf Flour, Uruin, Seed, .c, 4c. 11 F.sPECTFl'I.LY inform their friends snd k ,,e Merchants generally, that they have ta ken those large and commodious Wharvi a, with two j Docks, noith of Chesnut stnet, on the Dclawire, j togethrr with the store No. 19 South Wharves, I where thev would be pleased lo receive consign- j menla of Grain, Flout. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, A: e. j Ac. Being also well prepaied to forward all kinds j of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by ( the Chesapeake imd Title Water Canals, as to'v- boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of towing i boats by ei'l er lou'e. I 1 1. ....... ..,'.11 .ma I,a noriifii1.tr tt sen,! ibir 1 1 . , iv-. 1.1 w.....u troiHis iie.ui.e.i nv eitncr cbiihis, 1.1 His, 1.1 i. u, i j .owm Wharves, belwien Market and Chesnut sine's, on ihe Delaware, with directions accompanying them which route they wish them to be shipped. (Tj Plaster and Sail for ulr, t the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON & C' . March 19, 1H13. No. 19 South Wharves. iiom.itT 1 in 1 r.u & so, PAPER. MANUFACTURERS, Lombard Stmt, Valtimore. HAVE constantly for sale. Priming Paper of al. sir.es and qualilu s. Cap Writing Paper, ruled and plain, Leller Paper, white and Hue, ruled and plain, Hanging Taper, fine and common, Envilope Paper, do. do. medium, doub'e ctowu, crow n and eina sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and Royal Papers, Bonnet, Hinders' and Siiaw II, n Boards, Tiuue Paper, and all articles in ihcn hue, which thev will sell 011 accommodating terms. ILghett price given for old rags. KOLKUl L.AIill.li eV C-U., March 19, 1843. E!kton. Md CEIVTSCLXTZ PCLIIiH." AN artie'e unequalled for rleutnng and giving a hiuhly durable and most brilliant polish to sil ver, German Sliver, Brass, Copper, Briltania wre, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, snd for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, Vc. I rt K 11. Prepared and sold al wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. runny I n, Agent lor iMortnumo, II. B. MASSER, Agent for 8unbury. November 30th. 1842. ' PI.TEIl DEWEJ.'S. LAST MAKER, No. 74 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia ( Three doers above Second. J SHOE Findings alwaya kept on band, which ha offera for aale 00 the lows.t terms. Country Merchants are particul irly lo oil and judge for themselves. Philadelphia, Nevatnaer 13, 18. 'y. G. V. &, L. B. TA7LOH. "fcFFER FOR SALE, at thr 8outh East Cor- W ner of Fifth nnd Market Streets, Philadel phia Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double soles ami (Inutile uppers, do Calf-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Ncats do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crocker do do Fino Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do dj Shoes do Fine do do Kin do do do do do do do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Socks with and w ithout soles; do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rublrcr shoes, f teiitlemeiis' do Over shoes, W'iih every other dpse iption nf hoots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnets of all kinds. Palm Leaf Hats. Philadelphia. November 13. 1842. ly. ta: jsl OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NHW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY No. 2'.) North Water Street, Phila. Tft H A N I ' FACTE It E RS and dealers in Oils of i i." H every description both for burning and I manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much j lower than they can be procured elsewhere, ami warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any ' oil sold by Ihe company not proving as represented, I may be returned without airy expense to the pur 1 chaser, and the money will be refunded. I Their slock now in store consists of the following i oils, v'17. : 1 30,(100 gallons Winter Bleached Speinn 3 3" o Oil, fiOOO do do Colorless Oil, do Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, do Winter Sea Elephant, do do Pressed Whale Oil, do Summer do do do do Common Whale Oil, 15,1100 10.000 20,000 fiOOO l.r),(itm 200 Barrels superior Slra "s Oil, 300 do Cod Hank Oil, SO do Neats Foot Oil, 75 CaJis Olive Oil, Tanner's ' tils. . (JjThis Company has a number of Vessels en gaged in the Co-I Fishery, and Tanners may tely (1kmi getting .l all times Oil as pure as imported, Philadelphia, Nov. t;t, lSli. ly. .?li lincl Wt itvcr X, Son, ROrE IVXAKEIZS & SHIP CHANDLERS. No. 13 North Water Street. Phileidt'iihiu. A r. consiBiitly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, viz: I ar'd Hopes, Fishing Ropes, White Roe, Manil la Ropes, Totv Lines for Cmal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac. such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent (Jill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and lleriing Twine, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton snd Linen Carpel Chains, Ac. nil of which they will dispose of on re asonable tetms. Philadelphia. November 13,1142. ly. Jarob Fiismntli & 8011. I ) ESPECTFULLY informs their friends and - acquaintances geierally that they still con tinue l keep at the old stand, No. S4G North 3d sired. Philadelphia, all inds of TOBACCO SNIFF ANV SFO'ARS. Which iluy will at-li n the nut uccoaimodutini; and icusoiia le trims. N. 15. All coods sold will be guai inteed and all orders promptly Illi tided to. Philadelphia, Nuvcinhci 13,164?. ly. SPElilNG, GOOD Jc CO. No. I Us Mitrkt Street, PliilatJelphia. NVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of British French nid American Dry Goods, which they offer for sale on the m.i-l reasonable term. Philadelphia, November 13, 1843. ly. J. W. S W A IN, lTiiiliel!:i and Parasol Manufacturer. Air. 3V tWi 7'ui strrel, ttvn ditors below the Cili Hotel, Philadelphia. lOUNTR Merchants and othera arc solicited to examine his assorli.ieul before purchasing elsew here Philadelphia. NoveniWr 13. :42. -ly. FC?, SALS. OR sale a sma! Farm, containing about one ,, ,.!.. I nml r.m nrri i. morn or le-a. situate t IV.ii.t 1,111.111 nu N nr. 111ml er and countt . aonut 1 - 1 ; - two noli s ubovo Nortl.umlieil-niu, on ine main road b ailing from that pi n e to Danville, adjoining land, ot John I eghou, Jesse O. Horton and others, no in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. About forty acres of said liacl are clean d, and ill good slut- of cu tivation, on which there is a small barn erectid. The properly will he sold on n asonable terms. For further particulars, persons are request cd tospply to the sul scribi r. H. B. MASSER, Agent, Nov. 2?fh, 1843. if Sunhury. Pa. LIST OF BOOKS, foH slLfc HI 22. U. Sl-5353I3Iie. NTHUN'S Classical Dictionary; l.rmpritr'a do; Amswoith's d..; Cobb'a d. English and Geiioan do ; Anthon's IVsar; Anthois Grammer; Anlhen's t'leeio; Mail's LaHo Reader; Ogllby sdo.J Andtew's Latin Lessons; Donnegan's Lexicon; Fisk's Gre. k Eu tc ses; Davie.'a Legendei; Gracca Majora; A.h.m.'s Roman Antiquitien Pmnoek a Goi.Umilh's Kngbind;do. Greece; Lyell's Elementa of Geology; Mrs. Lincoln s Uotanyt t. irmenis 01 Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Portei'a litietoricai Hea ders; Emerson'a Geography and nisiory; umry do.; Parley's do.; Smith's Grammer; Kirkham a do.; Kav'a Readers; Gobi's do.; Uubirs Anlhmeiicsi P.ke'a do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical t a mily Library; Cottage Bible; Family do J ColUter al do.; Small Bibles and TesUmenls; Parker a . arrises on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Bauer a S .iol's Rest; American Revolution; Marryatla Nr vets; Mre. Phelpa on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Nsiural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Eiernsce adapted to Murray's Grammer, Sequel to Comtey'e Spelling Book; American Clssa Book; Detroit's Schoolmas ter'a AssislsnU A great variety of Blank Books, c August 8. - BLANKS TOR SALEAT THIS OFriOC general satisfaction. D a, WKAVCK Munry, Oct. 1st, 1843. tf : " in cuculatiofi.