Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 04, 1844, Image 4

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Tbe following list liowa the current value of all
Pennsylvania Bank Nutca. Tlio moot implicit re
ianre may I placed upon it, an it is every wrek
jarefnllv compared with ai d corrected from Bick
nell'i Reporter.
llntilts In Philadelphia.
v.-. t Dic. t"
flnnh of North America .
Bank of the Northern Liberties
Commercial Bank of Penn'a. .
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank .
Kensington Hank
Philadelphia Bank
Schuylkill Rank
Pontriwark D.iitk . .
Western Bant ,
Mechanics' Dank .
Manufacturers' & Mechanics Bank'
Country Rank.
Brink of Chester Comity Westchester
Punk of Delaware County Chester
H ink of Oermanto'vi) (Jcrmantown
Rank nf Montgomery Co. Norristown
Doylrstown Dank Dovle.flown
Easton Unnk Easton
farmers' Hunk nf Buck CO. Bristol
t N'ice of Dunk of Penn'a.
Oflice do do
I Mice do do
Ollico do do
Harrisburg" These
Lancaster: i olliccs
Keating f do not
Easton J issue n.
Hank of the United States
Philadelphia 25a2G
. par
Bank of IVnn Township
Oirard Bnnk 6
Moyamcnsing Dunk . . par
Bank of Pennsylvania . . par
Miners' Hank of Pottsville Potlaville 1
Bank of Lewistown Lewis-town 1J
Hunk of Middletown Middletown j
Hunk of Nnrthumbeilnnd Northumberland par
Columhia Hiink & Bridge co. Columbia
Carlisle Bank Carlisle
Exchange Hank Piltshurfr 4
T)o do branch of Hnllidaysburg
Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancaster
Lancaster County Bank Lancaster
Farmers' Bank nf Heading Reading $
Harrisburg Bank Harrisburg j
Lancaster Bank Lancaster j
Lehanon Hank Lehanon j
Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Pittsburg I
H:ink of Pittsburg Pittshutg
West Branch Williamsport 6
Wyoming Bank Wilkesbarte li
IN'nrtlvsmptoii Bmk Allentown
Berks County Bank Heading
Office of Bank of U. S. Pitlshurg
Do do do trie
Do do do New Brighton
Kensington Sav. Ins. A do
Pcnn Township Sav. Ins. do
Bank of Chambershurg Chamhorshurg
Bank of (ieltyshurg f ii'ttyshurg
Brink of Su.-quciiauria Co. Monlrosu
Erie Bunk Eriu
Paimcrs' & Drovers' Bunk Wnyncsburg
Franklin Bank Washington
Honcsdule Bank Honcsdalc
Monnngahela Bank of B. Brownsville
York Bank York
N. B. The note of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those which have a letter of rtference,
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
I'hiladelphii Loan Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Bunk (T
J'owauda Bank
Philadelphia failed
do failed
do failed
W, Dyott, prop.) failed
Bedford no sale
Bcavtr closed
Harrisburg closed
Washington failed
Belli finite closed
Pittsburg no sale
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of Swatara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Farmers tfc Mech'ca' Bank
Fanners' & Mech'cs' Bank
Farmers' A' Mcch'csUank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bunk
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Drl. Undue Co.
Norlhuinh'd Union Cni. ISk.
North Western Basik of pa,
I lllice of Schuvlkill Bank
Pa. Agr. &. Manuf. Bank
(Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
Pittsburg filled
Fayette co. failed
(irccncnstle failed
rlarmony no sale
Huntingdon no sale
Warren faded
Dundutr no sab
New Hoe vlosej
Milton no sale
Mi-ndville closed
Port Carbon
Carlisle failed
Montrose closed
Uniolilnwn failed
(reenshurg closed
Wilkt-sharre no safe
Wilkesliarrc Bridge Co,
(Xj- All notes puipoiting to be on uny lYnn-yl-vania
Bunk not given in the ubove list, may he tt
down as fraud:).
iM:w ji:icm:v.
Bank of New Biuuswick
lb Ividi'ie
1'iTth Amboy
Belvidcie Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
Cumberland Bank
Farmers' Bank
Mount Holly
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Hahwav
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswitk failed
Farmers' und Men hauls' Bk Middletown Pi. j
Franklin Bank of N. . I, Jersey City failed
lloliokeu Dkg& lirazing Co lloboken
lersey City Uauk
MtchanUs' Bank
Manufacturers' Bunk
Morris County Bank
Monmouth Bk of N. J.
Mechanics' Bank
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk
Morris Canal and Bkg Co
Post Notes
Ncwaik Bkg & Ins Co
jN'ew Hope Del Bridi' Co
N. J. Maiiufac. ai d like Co
Jersey City
Jersey City
no sale
N J Fro led on & Lulltbuld Ik Jersey City
Orange Bank Orange
Paterson Bank Paieisou
Peoples' Bank tU
Priratlon Bank Princeton
Hub in Banking Co tSulciu
btate Bank Newark
fctate Bank Klir.atielhtown
Blale Bank Caimlcii
htule of Morris MoniMown
Klale Bank Trillion
S.ilcm and Philad Munuf Co Sub m
fiussii Hank Newion
Trenton Bunking Co Trenton
Union Bank Driver
Washington Banking Co. Hackensack
BkofWilmeV Brain!) wiuu Wilmington
Bank of Delaware
tSaiik of Smyrna
Do branch
Farmers' Bk of Siuie i f Del Duvet
Do branch Wilminutnn
Do branch (ieoigitoun
Do braiuh Newcisile
Vniou Bank Wilmington
np Under 5'a
fXj" On all banks marked thus () there are l is
.htr coiiiMot. it in ul'ered note of ih v jr. bus de
rjominstloiiS, m a ru.'u'i. n.
C'oiiiiirrPiHri s'
'Phe pu' lie will please observe that no Brandrelh
Pills are peni.ine, unless the ben has three la
bels upon it. (the top, Hie sii'e and the bottom)
etch cnntiiiniiie a f ic-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus H. natiniFTii, M. D. The la.
bel- aie enyrnved nn stepl, lieautifully desianrxl,
and ihinenl an etpeu-c of over f2, 000. Therefore
it will he seen that the only thing n'i esary to pro
cure the. medicine in its purity, is to observe these
Kemenitw r the top, ttie side, and the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly sullen
zed, and liokl
For the sale of Ilramrni) Vegetable Universal
Northomheilnnd countv : Milton Mai key &
Chaniheilin. Sunbury If. B. M iser. M'Ewens
ville Ireland ft. Meixell. Northunibeiland Wm.
Forsyth. (!eor)etown .1. V J. Walls.
Union Cotnity : New Berlin Hogar & Win
tT. tstlinsgroc (ieorge Ciiiidium. Mid. He
burn Isaac Smith. Be.ivcTtown David Iliibter.
Ad:im.bura Win. J. May. Mifilinsbtiiri Mensch
Hav. ILi'tlelon Daniel Loin;. Fieeblirg
(J. F. C. Movct. Lewisbuig Walla & ;ieen.
('olumhia county : Danville 13. !$. Reynolds
fc Co. Berwick Slniman t R lteiihouse. Cnu
tawissa C. (?. Droits. BlooinsbMre John R.
Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Hisel. Washinuton
Robt. McCav. Lime-tone 1 ! all'"? fz. McN'"ch.
Observe ihat each Acent has an Kngrav. d Cer
tificate of Aeenev, wni!iiiiing a repres-'ntaiion of
Ur BRANDHF.f H'S Mannfacioiy at Sing Sine,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
the new luleit now used vpun the Brandrelh I'M
Philadelphia, o.Tice No. 8, North fib. street.
June Mth, 1843.
Croat WrMrrn Indian Piinnieii,
Compuundud entirely of Vegetable
Substances :
Free from Cufomtl anil (ill ulhrr Mineral.
For the history of '.his medicine, nnd its uniivallcd
and truly surprising success and popular
ity, see large hills
T is. recommended as a general cathartic for
family use in dyspepsia and all bilious disea
ses, it is invidiiidile for Asthma it is considered a
specific, no case having jet occurred which it has
faihd to cure for common colds, imflaniinatory
des, rheumatism, all'ections of the liver, &c,
and lor females, it is a sate and excellent remedy.
From Dr. Silan ll'ul, nf Ilingiampfnn, y. Y.
Mr. Lonuley Dour Sir: I have used your (Jre;il
est, rn Indian Punacea in mv family, and have
repeatedly prescribed it for patients under my care,
and am satisfied that it is aluavs a sale, and in Vi rv
many casis an invaluable medicine. It operates ns
a fixative vn!,oiit nausea, or puin ; and while it f
feclually obviates cosiivenos acts upon the stomach
and liver as an nbetalive, correcting acidity, and re
storing the healthy condition of those orcans.
Verv respectfully vonrs. S. WF.ST.
For sale by J(iIN W". FliiLI Nf!. S-uid.nrv,
JACOB 1IRIUHT No-tliuinberland.
May 20ib, lS43.-ly
J. D. Waters,
" KSPEtM'FUl.LY informs the citizens of the
- oorough of Northunibeiland, nnd its vicinity,
that he has commenced the
Tailoring; liisiiics,
in a'l its various brandies, in the shop formerly
occupied by Henry S. Thomas, directly opposite
Forsvtb's fr-tnre. As he reo ives the New Voik
and Philadelphia Fashions quxitcrly, he is enabled
to do nil jobs entrusted In him, alter the neatest and
latest style, nnd upon the shoitest riot ice.
Northumberland, Apiil S2d, 1843. ly
KF.SPECTFI'LLY informs the citizens of Sun
tatry nnd its vi inity. lhat he has t.ikeu the
office formerly occupied by Dv John Peal, where
he will be happy to receive culls in the line of his
profession. April 22d.
Nu. 2:iT, .V011 ''n't il.iihm r f 'ullmrhill
H "UN DUNt'A . late from the Pennsylva
P nia Fanner, nnd Sumuel Pike, jr., laie ol A
1111 ric 1111 Hotel, I 'olu minis. I diio. take pleasure in nc
quuiiiiing llirir fib uds and the public p neruHv llit.t
they have laki 11 the laru'e and commodious Holt I,
recenlly built Vy the Mom. II ill, on the same site
once x('tiiieil by the uld olablithed Hotel known
as the Hull's Head, in Third stieet above Callow
hill si.
This Hotel is finished in the very !ct possddc
manner, and of tin- best materials. Its location i
very desirable, particularly forcountiy nietrhanla;
the airantirmeiils for heaiii.g ami ventilating each
room is such as to secure any temperature. 'ITe
brdioomsiue all liRbt mid airy, all luiuislieJ in a
jKa( sly'e, so as to insine tomfort.
The n reiving p.irkirs are also fun ishe.l in a su
perb ft le, the windows are i tho French s'yle.
fonning an entrance to a balcony in front, whnh
makes 1 pleasant recess. Pnriiculai ttentioti has
been given to the lids and bidding, which, Willi
the furniture, are enlinly tH'w.
front years' eiH-rience in hotel business, we
trust, by strict assiduity tr. businesi, to muke this
house a desirable stepping place. Our table w ill
always be supplied wuh the very hi st our market
can alford, and our bar with the best liijuors and
wines of the most approved brand.
P. S. There are ftr.l rate stabling md carriiue
houses att iched to the hotel, ttitndcd by ca iful
and sober hostlers, end our charges will b low, in
acconlance with the present haid timts.
I'hiladelphia. Oct. -ih, IK42.
((Uncral .Scujje t ift.rr,')
xn tt T tj- or:
l'i iinj It aula.
riJIF. Hiibfcriber respectfully infuims his friends
I and the public in geneiul, lhat he lias taken
the above
t N T II 13 U O R O U (j II OF Ml? N C V,
and lhat he is now well prepare to accommodate
ell who mny favor him with their custom.
His Suifiiii AriUTHt.TS ue well a'ue.l, and
His Tbi a in Ilia will alvaya be sapplnd
won the Ih'si Ibemaiket can ellonl.
His Sthliku, which is pd, will Is under
the cbnree ol good and csretol hostlers.
He let Is confident, by strict atleiilion to business,
and an earnest desire to render c infofttble those
who my patronize him, that he will ool Uii logiVv!
geiurl salisluc linn. II. B. WJiAVER.
Muncy, Oct. lit, 1M2. If.
The brl method for the Ahotition of Disease
it to cleanse and purify the Dodtj.
or Tim
Vrf h Imrrlrtnt Coltrre of Health,
Are now acknowledged to he the best Medicine in
the Work! for the cure of
BME('AUSFi they completely cleanse the sto-
0) 9 marh and bowels from tin sc billious and cor
rupt humors which are the cause not only nf
Headache, fiiddiness, Pnlpitstinn of the Heart,
IVns in the Bonen, Rheumatism and fioul. but
every ninlndv incident lo man. SAID INDIAN
VFonTABI.E PILLS are a certain cure for in
teimittent, remitted, nervous, inflamiitory and putrid
Fevers, because Ihrv cleanse ihe p dy from those
morbid hi mors, which, when Confined Inthc circu
lation, are the aanse of nil kindsof FP.YFR3. So,
nlso, when the same impurity is deposited on the
mem him e and muscle, eaitslntr paiu. inflama
lions nnd swellines called RIIHUMATISM,
OOI T, A c, Wrirjhl'sTndiiin Vegetable Pills may
be relied in as nbvavs 'ertain to uive rilief, and if
persevered wilh, aiTiiidloc lo dinrtion" will mns
nssiindlv, nnd withou' fail, make a ierfect cu e of
1 lip above piilnfi.l 11 ;il. lilies. From three lo six of
said lodinn Vegetali'i' Tills l iken eviry niuhl go
ii'C lo bed, will in a slool lime so completely rid
the body from i vcrv thiim thai is opposed ta health,
tbat Rbeurnati-m, (lit. nod pdo of every descrip
tion, will be l.Mi rally DRIVEN FROM THE BO
DY. For the same reason, w hen, Iroui sudden
chances of atmn-phcre, or nny other cause, the per
spi'nlion is checked, and the humois w h cli should
po-s nil" bv the sk'11 nre thrown inwardly, causinc
HEADACHE. OIDDINUSS, nausea and sick
ness, pain in the In m-s, wa'eiy and ii. flamed eves,
sore throat, hoarscne-a, comjhs, consumptions,
rlieiim.itie pains in various nrts of the hotly, nnd
mnnynthir svmptoms of CATCHINf! COLD.
Wright' Indian Vi net aide. Vi'ls will invariably
give immediate n lief. From three to six of -aid
Pills taken every tiichl on coins lo bed, w ill in a
short lime, not onlv remove all the above uti b as mt
svni(oms, but the body w II, in a short time, he
reslori'il lo even soorn'er heal b than before.
INC. Wright' Indian Ymtltdde Fill will lo..s
eisMndcany oil', by the stomal h and howeis, thoKe
IoiirIi phbemy humor-, wl ich stop up all the air
cells of the lutms, m,d are the rause, not only of the
above distressing complaint, but w hen nelei ted,
often lermi'iates in that n o edirndlid malady called
CONSUMPTION. It shon d be a'soien cn.bei. d
that Wrii'.l't Indian 'i I'rlnlf'r Fills area cirtain
cine for PAIN IN'THi: SIDI3. Oppns,ion u-
sea, nnd sickness, lo-s of appi the, costitcm a, a
yellow lingo ol ihe -Kin and eves, nnd every other
symptom a terpid or diseased stale of the liver;
lecaiise ll ey puree In in the body those impurities
which if ib posited upon this important ori in, are
tho can e of every Moiety of LIVER COM.
PLAINT. When a u nion is convulsed ly riot-,
otnbri.'k and n hellion, li e only means o( prevent,
inn the dreadful const ijuenci s of a CIVIL WAR,
is to expel all Iraimrs, and 1 vil d sposed ones from
the ronn'ry. In like manner, u In 11 pain or sick
ness of nny kind, indicate that the hotly is siruc
Bling with inleri l toes, be true remtdv is lo EX
health anil hie,) Hinllli irill he ttie eirtmn retnll.
That the piint iie of ( iirini! di-ease, by cleansing
nnd purilving the body, is sir icily in accordance
with the laws which govern Ihe animal troi'oniy;
ami if properly canicd t ut bv the u-e of the in ne
PILLS, will ceil.iinly risull in the compute Abo
hlion of Disease ; wt oiler the following testimoni
als. fn in persons tif the hicbtst re.-pectabdily in
New York, who have lecenliy been uted of the
tifost obstinate complaints, solely by the use ol
Winriur's lt. i Y it: i.r t hi.k Pitta, of the
yurth American Colli gt if llta tli;
Jam in-a. L. L, June Oth. 1811.
Doctor Wil'iam Wright Dear Sir It is with
( saii-f.iclii n I inform you of ;.iy haviuc been
ttitirely cured of Dyspepsia, of live years standii g,
by the use ol your 1 mo m 1 r, s 1 a iii.k Pitts.
Pievious to mcciing with your celebrati tl lindi
cine, I hail been under the hands of several Physi
cihtiF, and had liii tl vatious inctlicin) s ; but all to
no elli'ct. Alter u-ii g one 25 cent Uix of jour
Pills, however, I expirieneed so touch bei elil, lhat
I restiUttl lo per-t veie in the use of ibi 111 uccoiibng
lo tlireclioi s, wl ich I 11 1 it ba py to slnte, has result
ed in a perfect cure. Iiic'aliludo lo you for ihe
great bem (it I h ive received, and abo in the hope o.'(m is aily it 111 '( tl may be induced in
III Ve liial of oiir ex 'ra.adiiriiy medicine. I semi
toil Ibis stK mi lit with lull libcily to publish the
same, it vim think pr.-pc. Yours, c.
New V ink, June Istl. C.C. BLACK.
Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian
Yt m -table Pills.
Dear Sn I have hi en airlicted for several yeais
with inward wtakioss and yent lal ihtubtv. acctm
panicd at limes w nil pains 111 tin- side and other
ilisliessii g coinpl. no's. All. 1 bavins lncd various
f lie dicine- w I' hoi It tl". el. I as nt 1 -u uh ,1 bv a li it 11 I
to mike trial if Dr. Wiicbl's Indian Veueluble
Pills, which I sin happy lo slate, have relieved me
in a uiosl w i liib rtul maiint r. I have u-ed the me
dicine, as vei I 111 a slioti tune, and have no doubt,
by a pt rs.-veritnce in ihe use 1 I ihe nieihci-ie uccor- 1
dine lo duel lions, th. t I s'oa'l in a short limo lie j
perfi c'lv re-tore l, i
I iiiosl wdln c'v recommnid said I'dU to nil per
sons siinilaily i.iUicletl, and in the full belief lhat
the same ltiTicial n suits will follow their use, I re
main vouis siuceie-v. HRNRY A. FOOTE,
Waiwurstng, L'lstei co. N. Y.
Niw Yciik, Sept. V't. 18U.
This is to certify that I have used'm
Imhix Vioitaiiik Pitts with ihe greatest bene
lit ; hav int! t n'irt Iv cured mvsi It of the Ireout lit at-
links ol SK'k Hi ud. 11 be, to whitb I had previously
Mi ti'ret mi 'ch streei. N. Y.
To M.r. Riebard Dtnnis, Agent lor right's In lettable ''l is,
t .1 I I I .V.
As there arc at this lime many wicked persons v t ticagetl in st l'mc a cuiiilt lit it 101 dome uu
Ut the name of the Indian Vi cetalde Pills and as
these desptrale nun art- so uneily ret k less of con
si ojuences, lhat in inv valuable bvts mny he lost in
coiiseipicuce of using il.eir dreadful compounds,
ihe public ere cautioned ngauist purchasing any
Pills, unless on ihe 1 ides of the bolts the following
w ordine is found :
Indian Furgatire.)
or Till HOBTH AMI.HICAN llltl.ll.I (If HEALTH.
And else to le esieeially careful against purcha
sing said medicine of any rsou except the regu
lar advertised agents.
J'i nnsyli aniii.
H. B. Masser, Sunbury ni. Forsyth, Nor
Ibonibt iland Jutuli Haas, Sbamokin Samuel
Herb, Muhnnoy llverly tV D. Haas, Augusta
Tboinas Foilmer, Milton Ireland vV Mem II,
McKwensville E S. P ja-r, Tuihulsville James
1'eed. Potiscrote II. Klase, Snvdi r.tuw n
II. H. Kimbel. P. M Elysburg P. O Win.
Leiscnriug, P M. Union Comer.
Ollice and (irnerul Dt poi for the sale of
Wright' 1 Indian YtgrtuMe J'llt, Wholesale anil
PHIA. May SI, 143. ly
ton ti:tti:r.
(Jj The fidlmcingeertijieait dtserih ime of the
most extraordinary cures ever efftted by any
PilittnriPHiA, February 10, 18HS.
TpOR twenty years I was severely afflicted with
-- Tkttfii on the Face and Head: the disease
commenced when I was seventeen years old, and
continued until the Fall of 183(5, varving in vio
lenre, but without ever disappearing. During most
of the time, great part of my face was covered w ith
the eruption, frequently attended w ith violent ilch
inu; my head swelled at times until it fvlt na if it
would burst the swelling was so g-eat, that I could
scaict ly get my hat on. During ihe long peiiod
that I wnanfUicted whh Ihe disease, I usetl n great
many n plications, (atiiona them several celebrated
prep nation-) as Wi II as takintt inward remedies,
including a number of bottles of Strm'm'g Fnnaren.
Extract if Sarsnptirilln, cVc, In fact, it would be
impn-siblr to enumerate nil the medicines I used.
I was also under Ihe care of two of the most tlis-lincni-hrd
physicians of this city, but without re
ceiving much benefit, anil I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fall uf ISHti, the disease at the time
being; very violent, I commenced usina the n.e
Ointment, (prepared by VniiL'lian V Davis.) In
a f. vv applications (lie violent itchinu censed, 1 ho
swelling aba'ed. Ihe rupl'ion began to disappear,
and beb-re I had used a jar the tli-easo was entirely
cured. It has uo'V been nearly a viar ami a half
since, ami there is not a ve-ti(ie of the disease re
maining except Ihe scars from the deep pits formed
by the di-easc. It is impi sstlile for me to describe
in a certificate the severity nf the disease and my
snlli ring, but I will be pleased to give a fuller nc
count to nny per-011 wanting further satisfaction,
who will call on inc. At the lime 1 commenced
using the 1! se Ointment I would have given bun
tlreds of do bis lo be rid of the disease. Since 11
sing it. I have r commended it to several persons,
(anion them my mother, w ho had the disease bad
ly on her nun,) who wi re a I cured bv it.
JAMES DUKNELL, No. 1.10, Rice St.
fXj' Tho Rose Ointment is prepared by E. 11.
Vaujhan, Sou h East co-ner of Third and Race
strei t-, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in touhti
rv. by H. B. MASSER,
M.iy 11th, 1 S 1.1. Agent.
Hose Miitti(ciit, for Teller.
a ruoor or it's l rric.xcY.
Pit 1 1. 1 11 1 1. r 11 1 a. May S7lh, lS:i?.
rPHlS js to certify ll-at I was severely alllictrtl
with Tel'er in ihe hands and f, et for upwards
ol forty ears ; the disease was attended gtiier.illy
with violent itching ami suelliin;. I appbeil to a
I'liliihcr nf 1 hv sic 1 ,ns, nnd usul a great many appli
cations wilhiut Heeling a cure. About ayiar
since, I tippl ed Ibe Ruse Oinlint iil. wbicli entirely
stopped the itching, and a few applications 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 -titt
ly curul the disease, which (bere has been no
return of, sllhoinih I had never been rid of il nt
any time for lorly years. RICHARD SAVAM'.
Eleventh, below Spruce Street.
j" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vauhnn, S mill Ea-t corner of Tbi.'tl anil Race
Slieels, Philadelphia, and s.-ld on njenrv to Sunbu
ry by 11.11. MASSER.
May Mth. 134.1. Aget.
(if the IKiSi: OI.TMi:.T,fur TUter.
I.TnoUUH the snpt riorilv of the pre pata'n 11
J over all olio rs is fully es'abh-hed. the pr -pr e
lors take pb tiMire in hivini; before the public t lie
following certificate from a respectable physician,
a cratluale of the University of Pennsv lvaiiij. Dr.
II limb, havint; found in this irmnlv thai rebel fir
a tedious and di-unn-cabb- nlVei'tion which the means
within the ranee of bis profession failed to atlord.
has not 1 1 1 s i 1 11 1 1 d to cive il his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests nf that profession ate
1 pposcd to secret Remedies.
l'HitAi.rti'ui t, S, pt. 1!), is:lfi.
I was recently troiibbd ith a tedious lier petit
eruption, w hit h coveied nt arlv one si 'e nf my f ice,
and exlenth tl over the ear. Mr. Vnnghan, proprie
lot of the Rose Ointment, obseiving mv face, inss
ted on mv tijina his preparation, of which he han
ded me n jar. Alihnuch in eotninon with the mem
beta nf my profession, 1 discountenance slid disap
prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon the
public by iiMitiinut pr, lender--, I feel in justice In Illitl
loexcipt the Rose Ointment from Ilia' c'a s of me
dicines, nntl lo uive it mv approbation, ns it entire
Iv Hired the eruption, although it h id resisted the
u-ud applications. DANE. B A It ill, M. I).
Cj" The Rose Oinltoent is prepared by E. B.
Yauuhan, South East corner of Third and Race
Snei ts, Philade'phia, and sold on agnicv in Sun
burv. by H. B. MASSER.
Max I lib. IS IM. Agent.
Sntill' tuiil Toliacco I;itiulacturfrs,
.Yd. OR JNnri Yi -at corni r nf Hurt and Third
Stri i ts.
M'MIE undersiuned have formetl a Co-partnership
-I under ihe firm of .1, M A Y L N D. J 11. A Co..
as successors to i lit late firm of Jacali Aluiluiid V
Co., and will continue the business ut ihe old esta
blishment, on il eit own acconni. In addinon lo
ibeir own close attention nnd experience foi many
years, in the manuf niure of their celi bruled snnll-,
tVc. I In- long c 1 pei if lire of ihe senior paitnei of tie
I tle firm, will nlso le devoted lo the interest of the
new concern and as no exertion and care will be
sparetl lo insure their fo,ds, at all limes of the ve
ry Ivsl tpiahiy, liny solicit a Continuance nf Ihe
confidence ol ihe lucuds and customers nf the l ite
Philadelphia, May Mlh, IS4:). ly
n n cxi rn
( 'nrm r nt Third mid 1 inr Stru ts,
riHE subscriU'r resieetfullv announce to ihe
I public, lhat he h is opened a Motel in the com
modious brii k building situate on the corner of
I bud anil Pine streets, where he will be happy to
wail i p 11 those who niav favor him vvitli their
company. The Eagle Hotel is la'ge ami conveni
ent, and furnished it, the be-t m t!ein stv le. i is
provided with a huge number of well aired and
comfortable sleeping sparlmenls, rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Persons visiting WilliamsHirt on bu
siness or plt a-ure, may rest ns-und lhat every ex
ertion will be used to render iheir sojourn at ihe
"Eagle Hoti I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table
will be supplied with the very hist the market af
fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and other
litjuors charges reasonable. The Eagle Hotel
possesses greater advantages in point of location
than any other similar establishment in the borough,
being situate in the business pari of ihe town, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
and Williamsport and Eltnirs Rail Road Depot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty
ostlera always in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants
have been employed, and nothing left undone thai
w ill add to the comfort and accuiumodaiiuu of his
There w ill be a carriage always in attendance at
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, lite of charge.
May Mth, 1843. tf
Busfnesa atlended to in the Counties of Nor
ihumlcrland, Union. Lvroming and Columbia.
Refer tor
I noa Hkt Co,
Lowrn Ac BAunn.
Haut, CcMMinn cV. Haut, Philad.
Rr.t!otns, McFam anh Ac Co.
SpEHtxn, 'loon cV. Co.,
To Country
'"PHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon & Harris, Hat
Manufacture, for New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and other large cities, whose lints nre
highly commended good tnht mid dtiml.tlHy,
has on hand a first rnte ns-orttn'-nt of HAT.i and
('APS, suitable for Spring sde, wh'ch will l e sold
very low, foi cash or appioved credit, al the nrtid
cheap store, No. 40, North Third slri; t, opptsi'e!
tilt; City Hotel, riiila.lclplna.
N. B. Orders for lints in therore'i. promptly
attended lo. The highest price in tash or trade
given fir Fur t;n..
Philadelphia, June II, lf-n --1y
"lQsT CI 13 XZ2 m
A LL persona imh bled to the firm of Lvnn A
H urs, under the agency nfO. N. Thaehcr,
lint and Cap Manufacturers, No. 4(1 North Third,
street. Philadelphia, .He reipiested to make immedi
ate settlement of tin ir accounts with the subscriber,
their legally auihoiied agent, who is fully rmpovv
etetl to si-1 lie and collect the accounts of said firm.
June 4th, 1842. If
U U li ) 1, W A IN
Yo. ti'J y art It Third, above Arch Street,
irciiMvietH i itiNia tint srvcM V ri nsoNS.
"t A 1M.ES WEISS, toe,,! ibe " W bite Swan."
J and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in- ', '"' ""I'1 the company not proving ns represented,
forms his friends and customers, that I e has become 1 ""'y ,,c returned without any expense to the pur
the proprietor nf Ihe abov wi ll know n Hotel. I chaser, and the money will be refunded.
Country Metchanls w ill f nd the above Hotel a , . Their slock now in store consists ol ihe following
central location, and the be-t i f fare. Persons tra
velling with private conveyance will find a large j
yard and good stabling for horses, and the best uf j
nsl'eis. Hoarding f I inrdav.
May Mth, IN 4 2. tf.
Vl. MZ'LlIi.lT & CC,
C'oinniissiou tV: Fnrwnnlinir .Mcrclmuls.
runt nf itlnic Si n't Unit l'oild,
I TAVINd nssociatid V i h ihem Joseph Burnet,
lale of Easton, Pa., ri snet tfiilly inform their
friends and the public geneially, that they have ta.
k. 11 th t large anil we I known sdire ami wha.f at
foot of Wi!hw Street Railroad, lately nt-cupiel by
Jaeub Martin, where thev pinpose doing a (ieueral
Coiumi-siou and Forwarding Business, nnd from
the local atlvau'ages of the place being conni eteJ
with all the public improvements lhat have iheir
outlet III Hie city, ttiev natter themselves they will ;
be able to do business lo as gie it. if not g'cater ad-
vantage, nd upon as reasonable terms as any other
house, and Ihey nssuie their friends lhat any con
signments made to them shall have tht ir strict at
tention, mid no excilioii spared to give entire satis
faction. They nre also prepared to receive nnd forwanl
goods to any point on the Delaware ami Lehigh
livers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila-
del) bis, via Delaware Divisi, 11 and Lehigh Can ,s; ;
also, lo nnv point on the Juni ita river, or Nor h
and Wtsl Blanches of ihe Su-ipieh 11111a via Sehnvl- J
kill ami Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide Watei 1
For the accommodation nf Boat coming or go. !
ing via Schuylkill an. I Union Canals, a Stemiboat
will be ktpt expressly for towing bouts from the j
Schuvlkill around lo the Del.iw are and back, which !
will enable merchants to have Iheir produce deli-
veied on the De'nwnre, and their good- sbipptd at
a saving ol .10 to 7.1 per cent. o the prices for I
hauling ncioss, with tin se advantage they re- j
sptcllully solicit a share of patronage.
W. II Ell. MAN A CO. j
William H. ilnun, j
W ilhatn W. Kt vst", y ,
loseph B .rnet. ' 3 Philad , May 14, 1 1-1.1. ly
For the Sale oj Flour. Orittn, Setd, -Vc, Se.
EspECTFUI.l.Y inform iheir friends and
he Merchants Generally, that they have la-
ken those large nnd commodious Wharves, with two j
Dotks, north of Chesnut strict, on the Delaware, !
together with the store No. 19 South Wharves, j
wbeielhey would be pleased lo receive consign- !
ments nf Oram, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. ;
Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds j
of Merchandise by the Schuylkill nnd Union, or by j
the Chesapeake and Title Water Canals, aa tow- j
boats are kept expiessly fjj the purpose of towing
boats by 1 i her route.
Men hunts will ph ase he particular to send their !
g-oi ds destined by either canals, ,, No. 19 South
Wharves, between Market and Chesnut stree's. on ;
ibe llebiware. vv oh tfireeliiins nrrnmn invintr ihem
which route ihey wish ihem to he shipped.
(jj- Plasicr aiid Sail for sale, at the lowest mar-
kt l price. BOLTON & C'.
March It), 181.1.
No. 19 South Wharves. ,
ItOltl.HT 4 4K i lilt & SOV,
l.innliiiril Stmt, llnlttmore, j
HAVE constantly for sale. Printing Paper of al,
sines and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, ruhtl (
and plain. Letter Paper, white nnd blue, ruled and
plain, Hanging Paper, line and common, Envelope j
Paper, do. do, medium, doub'e ciovvn, crow 11 and ; Wiappmg Papers, Coloietl Medium and j
Royal Pa 1 -e is, Bonnet, Binders' and Suaw Hoi '
Boards, Tissue Paper, and all articles in iheir line, !
which they will sell 011 arcomtnotlaiing Onus.'
Highest price given for old rags.
March 19. IMS. Elkion. Md j
VN anie'e unequalled for cleaning ami giving a
highly durable and most brilliant polish lo sil
ver, (icrman Silver, Brass, Copper, Biiltania ware,
Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on
varnished caniage-, tic. TRY IF.
Prepaied and aold at wholesale and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego,
Tioga county, N. Y.
WM. FORSYTH, Agent lor Northuii.'d,
II. B. MASSER, Ageul for Sunbury.
November 201 h, 1842.
No. 74 Street, Philadelphia
C Three doors alien Second. J
SHOE Findings always kept on hand, which be
oilers for sale on the Ion est terms. Country
.Merchants are particularly to c ill anJ judge for
Philadelphia, Xovemwr 13, 1848. ly.
G. W. & L. B. T.V7L0P..
f 1TFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor
1 jT tier of Fifth and Market Streets, , Fhitadel
phia Mena' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted,
do do do pegged do
Jo do do water proof, double sole
and double uppers,
do Calf-skin do do do nailej
and uppers,
do Heavy Water Leather Hoofs,
do do Neats do do.
do High quarter Shoes, Cnlf-skin.
do do do Crockers do
do Fine Monroes warrsnted
do Kip do
do Calf do
do Coarse do
do d,i Shoes
do Fine do
00 iv ip ,o
do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps,
do List Socks with and without soles;
do Carpet do do ,
do Pnleii! Warranted Water-proof Moccasins.
Ladies' do do do do
Ladies' tunned India Rubber shoes,
tieiil'eniens' do Overshoes.
Wiih every other desciiption of hoots and shoes.
j r ur IBps of every description.
; Traveli ng Trunks of ev( ry description.
Venetian Travelling Hags.
I Patent Cum Elastic Shoe Rlarkint?.
I Bonnets of all kinds. Pnhn
Philadelphia. November 13, IS42. ly.
vy uvnr A1) Dir. rnMPAYV.
No. '! North Wntcr Slrcct, l'liila.
MANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of
everv description both for burning ami
manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much
lower than they can be procured elsewhere, anj
warranted in quality lo equal any in the citv. Any
oils, VI7.
30,0(10 gallons Winter Bleached Speim
fiOOd do do Colorless Oil,
1.1.000 do Fnil and Spring Sperm Oil,
10.000 do Winter Sea Elephant,
20.000 do do Pressed Whale Oil.
fiOOO do Summer do do do V ?'
1.1,000 do Common Whale Oil,
200 Barrels superior Stra.'-j Oil,
iino do Cod Hank Oil,
.10 d
Neata Foot Oil,
t.l Casks Olive Oil,
Tanner's ' bis,
(Jj'This Companv has a number of Vessels en
gaged in the Co.1 I'lshirv, and Tanners may rely
upon getting al all MucsOil as pure as imporied,
Philadelphia, Nov. I.I. IS 12. ly.
.T!ich:ii' Wc.'ivcr A, Son,
Ao. l:t An7i Wutrr Strict. Vhiludi.lphiu.
r. constantly 011 hand, a general assort
ment of Cordage, Seine Twines. Ac, viz:
fl J
I ar'tl Ropes, Fishing Rones. While Rones. Manil
la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment of Seine Tw ines, Ac. such as
Hemp Shad ami Herring Twine, Best Patent (Jill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twire, Shoe
Threads, A:e. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines,
Halters, Traces, Cotton ami Linen Carpel Chains,
fuc. all of which they w ill dispose of 011 r asoiiahle
Philade'phia. November 13, IHtC ly.
Jat oh I'l isiuulli Son-
ESPECTFULLY informs their friends nnd
ncijuaintanees ge lerally lhat Ihey still con
tinue to keep al the old stand. No. 246 North 3d
street. Philadelphia, nil Voids nf
Which they will ll n the mj '. accommodating'
and reasuiia le terms.
N . li. All goods sold will he guai inteed Old till
orders prompt Iv ittemlrd to.
Phlladi Iplua, Ncvemliei Id, 142. ly.
SI'DIJIM.;, GOOD vSc t o.
No. iris Market Sli-cut, l'liilailuljiliia.
NY ITE the attention of Country Merchants
to their extensive assortment of British French
and American Dry t'lootls, w hich ihey offer for sale
on the m.i-t reasomible terms.
Philadilphia, November i:t, IS42. ly.
J . W . S W A I N , "
rn.lirella ami l'ttrasol Alannfacturcr.
No. 3 V Ami7i Tint it ttrcet. rirri doors Itlnic tht
Citv lluttl, Fhiltidtlphiu.
COUNTRA Meuhaiils and others nre solicited
to examine his usaorli.ienl before purchasing
elsew here
Pliila 'elhia. November II. '.42. ly.
32k Ba ct
fTI iR sale a small Farm, containing about line
hundred nnd ten acres, more or less, situate
111 Point township. Nordiuml erland Couulv, about
two milt s above Noitbumbeil mil, oil ihe
road leading from lhat place to Danville, adjoining
! "'" l egnou, jesse t.. noiron ami oiners,
: now in Ihe occup tticy t f Samut I Payne. About
j forty acres of said tract are clean d, and in good
siaif 01 cu to anon, 011 wtucn ttiere is a small parn
erected. The property will he sold on n asonable
let ins. For further pailiculars, petsons are retpuest
ed to apply to the sul sciihtr.
II. B. MASSER. Aaent.
Nov. 27ih. IR42. if Sunbury. Pa.
V NTH UN'S Classical lictionsrj; l.enipner's
do.; Amsworlh's do ; Cobb's do.; English and
(erinan do ; Ambon's Ca-sar; Anthou'a (iiammer;
Anthi ll's Ciceio; Mail's Latin b'eadei; Ogilly'sdo.;
Aruhew's Latin Lessons; Dniieg. ill's Lexicon;
Fisk's (ire. k Kxeicises; Duvies'a Legeutlei; tiraet a
Msjora; Adams's Rtiinau Autitpiittcs; Pinuock'a
(iiiiUmitli's England, do. (irtect ; I.seH's Elements
nf (ieology; Mis. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Reader-;
Emerson's (icngraphy and Jlistorv; Olney'a
do,; purli y's do.; Smith's Crammer: Kirkham's do.;
Kav's Reatlers; Cob! 's do.; Cubh'a Anlhmeiick;
Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books;
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa
mily Library; Collage Bible-; Family do; Collater
al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Parker's Ex
ercises on Composition; Fruil of ihe Spirit; Battel's
S .inl's Rest; American Revolution; Marryalt'a No
vets; Mra. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism
of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che
uiisliy for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to
Murray's drummer, Seiue to Comley'a Spelling
Book; Aim rican Clasa Bt.ok; Daboll's Schoolmaa
ter'a Assistant; A great variety uf Blank Books, Ac.
August S8, 1H43.