Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 13, 1844, Image 4

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The f, Mowing list show tin' rurri nl vnltie of all
t'enrisvlvaniri Bank Note. The ml implicit rr
iance may ho plan d it, a it i. firry ii'tek
:areful!y cnmpnicd with at d corrected fioin Bhk
aisll'a IlrpcrtPr.
IMnlts In lMiKa?ciiih!:i.
... , Disp. i
P A R.
Pank nf North America .
ttr.nU nf thp Northern Liberties
Commercial Dank of Prnn 'ii. .
Fsrmtra ami Mechanics' Butk .
KeiisiiieMon Hank
I'hila.lcljihiii Ti:mk
!)ti Ik rl Bank .
Sinithwark I lank . .
Western Hunk , ,
Mechanics' lintik . ,
Mui.uiitcturers' & Mechanics' Hank
Country itatiks.
Kink nf heater County
1'(ir?k of Delaware County
Hank nf Oprinautiv.vri
flank (if Montsomery Co.
Doyle s!.ran Bank
I'.asloii Pank
Farmers' Bank of Rucks co.
Office of Hunk of Tcnti'ii.
O'hce lo do
OlTiee 1)0 do
Office do do
Hairishutg",. Three
Lancaster I office
I'p.tding do not
Enston J Issue n.
Philadelphia 25a52
. par
. par
Par k of the United States
Patik of Perm Township
Git oral Bank .
Movamensinrj B n:k
Pank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Punk of Poltsville
Punk of Lewis-town
Pank of Middletown
Pi'iik of N'orlhmiibeilar.d
orthumber!a;iJ par
Columbia Punk & Cridirc co. Columbia
Carlisle Bank Carlisle
Exchange Uank Pittsburg
Do do branch of Hollidnysburg
Farmers' Pank of Lam aslei Lnncaslci
Lancaster County P ink Lancaster
Fnrniets Dnnk of Heading Reading
llruristhurg lianli"
Lancaster Pank
Lebanon Pank
Merihantsi' & Mnnuf. Bank
' Pittsburg
Hank of Pittsburg
West U ranch P. .Ilk
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Hank
lierks County Bank
Oilkc of Bank of U. S.
Do do do
Do do do
Kentinclcri Sav. In. A
Penn Toivu.hii Snv. Ins.
Bank of Chanitierl.urg
Bar.k of Gettysburg
H ink of Kiir-quohanna Co.
Krie B n.k
PaimerA- Drovers' Bank
franklin Bank
II Blik
Moponirahela Bank of B.
Vork Bonk
ISew Brighton
(ii ttyaburg
N. B. The notes of thoFe banks on wliich we
pmit quotations, and uubt-titute a tlath ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those, which have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed
Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do failed
Manual Labor Bank (T. W, Dyott, prop.) failed
Towanda Hunk
Alleghany Ca.iU of Pa.
Bank of Peuver
Hank of Sn atara
Hank of Washington
Centre Hank
City Bank
Furn:cr it Moih'ca Bank
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bunk
Furmer' & Mech'cs'cUuitk
tlamiony In." iluto
lluntingdiir. Pack
Jtiuiatu Bank
Lunil frnien'a B.nk
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Biidpe Co.
Northumli'd Union Col. Ilk.
North Western Ba,k of Pa.
Ollice ol Sehnlkill Bank
Ph. Atr. & M miif. Bank
Silver Lake Bai k
Union Bank of i'enn'd.
Westtnorclund Bank
Belt, folitu
Tayette co.
no sale
no i-ale
no fnle
Iluntiiig.lon no ralo
Len iatown no salt)
New Hope
V 1 1 km
Port Cuibon
no sale
no tale
Wilke.-harrc Biide Co,
Wilki ati.irrn no sale
(Xj- All notes purpoiting to he on any Penn-yl-varna
Bank not given in the uhove lict, may be set
dowu as frauds.
Bank of New Bi un.wkk
Pf Ivklere
Perth Anihoy
Mount Holly
HelviJeie Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
Cunilierland Bai.k
Farmer' B.-nk
Fjirnii m' and Mechanics' Hk Hahwav
Farnirrs' and Mechanics' lik N. Biunsw'uk failed
Farmers' and Mi reliant' Bk Middletown Pi. i
Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City
lioboLcn iikp & l.ruzang I o Ilohoken
Jersey City Bank Jersey City
Mtchauiis' Bank . Patterson
Icnufai tur. rs' H .nk Belleville
Morris County Bank Morristown
Monmouth Pk ot .. J. FretholJ
M.thanics Bar.k Newark
Methanics' und Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Catul and Bkg Co Jersey City
Pott Noti
no tide
Newark Bl:g iV Ins Co Newatk
New Hope Del Uiiluti Co Lambeitsville
N. J. Mamifac. ui.d Hkg i'u Ilohoken
N J Prt'tcctuii Louilaidlk Jersey City
Orange Bank Orange
Patf-Mon Park Pateisuli
Peoples' Pank do
I'rimrtiiii But.k Priiieeton
Tallin II iiikiiig Co Suli ni
btate Bauk Newark
ftute Bank F.lizabelhtown
(State Bank Camden
Ktale Bank of Moris Xlonistovvn
cfute Bunk Trenton
Salem und PhilaJ Manuf Co r'ilein
Sussex Bank Newton
Trenton Co 'I'rentoii
Union Bank Dover
Wathiiigton Banking Co. llackct.sick
Pk cf Wilm &; Brandy wint Wilmington
Bank of Delaware
Batik nf Smyrna
Do liamti
Fannirs' L'k of tiuti i f P
Do hramh
Do l, h
Do Irinh
Union B.-.nk
Xlovi I
(' n
Ni'ive tsile
JJ- Under fi s
nT-On ill I ai ks marked thus (') ihcre are i is
ther cour'tMt-il or allcud notfs if Ilia v.r.ous de
Bon.inaUui.j, ui enculativt.
Cirent Western Indian Pnnmrii,
Compounded entirely of Vegetablj
Substances ;
Frrcfrom Culumrl and all other Mineral.
For the history of ihi medicine, ami na uniivalli J
and truly surprising suc.-cs-s and popular
iiy, see large bills
ST in recommended as a cathartic, for
family use in dyspepsia and all hiliuu dbcrj.
ea, it is invaluable for Asthma it is cniat.loipd a
ppcific, no rase bavins yet nccisricd which it linn
faihd to cure for common elds, imflainmniory
diseases, rhf umatism, aHeetiona of the liver, cVc.,
aiid for females, H inn s:i!p nn.l pcellciil remedy.
From pr, Sluf P'r.i. of flingtuniifon, A'. Y.
Mr. F.otijili'v Pear Sir: I h ive Used your Great
Western Indian Panacea in my family, m d hue
repeatedly prescribed it for patients under my care,
and am atified thai it is nlwsvsa safe, aiid in very
many cases nn invaluable mtdicinc. It r.prra'ea na
a I ,xtic without nana, a, or pain ; and while it if-
In iii'.i :lv oinialcn iief a ad upon the stomach
Bi d liver .n an idea five, co, rietiin acidity, and re
storing the h. allhy Condition of tluuc mean'".
Vety re' eifiil'y vo'hs, 8. PST,
For..lely JOHN V. FIMLINf;. Soi.burv,
JA( til'. liHiaili: NvlUimberland.
I.y 20 h, I S4:J. ly
D. Wat ci
1 1PP(M I'UI.1.Y informs the citi7cin i.r ll c
- noroimh of Noribunibeilai;d, and its vicinity,
that lie has commenced l!e
TniloriitfT IZtitHCs.,
in a'l i's various I -ranche, in the shop fortnerlv
eci u ied by Henry S. Thoma-, iMrei tlv o poii.
Fnmvth's sturp. As he red ives the New Yoik
and Philadelphia Fashion qu nti r'y, he i enabled
to do nil jobs enirusied to him, alter the iicutcitt and
latest sivle, and upon the shmtpst ni't'Ce.
JVi.riiomdTrlatidiinl C'.'.l. 181.1. ly
"J " ESPEC TFI. LLY informs the ct lens of on-l-ury
and its vi.inity, that he has I , ken the
i fSce formerly i ecu ied by Dr. John Peal,
he will lie happy to receive calls in the line nf I, is
profession. Apiil 22d, 1MH.
13anici Yarick,
EOS leave to ii.f rm the ciiizms of Sunlmy
and its vicinity, tbat he has commenced tin-
ni.A ( khm n i i in r, rsi x i-:.s.
in Ma'kil ftre.t, Sonbury, tast of .! l.n IV par'.. 1
store, and diieetlv opposite Ib.e po-t ntiiee, where I e !
intends to carry on llio bnsimss hi all its various '
brat ehes, inchulinp, Turin nr, Nuhiiitg Mitt In, in
arid Rtijide Spring, Irunintr Curriui'ts.lcilh Er
tension or i-tumling dps, Shurius; Hint's, Ac
Orders will be promptly and punctually utiendid
to, and work done cheap, for cueh or Country pro
do ce.
Xj" Hoisp Shoeing done at f 1 per artt.
Siiidiiirv, A pril 16ih, l'lo. ly.
IS o o t & Shoe
.11 a i 1 i ii I r v i 11 ,
ESI'tC'l 'FULLY informs his Iri.nds and
old cusl. liters, that he has removed his
iwot$- sunn ESTAr,Lisn.Mr,.T
to the frame hni'ilinjr adj lininu his dwelling lionse,
between thsl und Dr. D. T.Tiites i,Tiee. a lew doois
west of his old e. ti.l I sbtm n', in Maiket street,
w here he inter ds to carry en the above business
extensively, in all its tYrr'ors brunettes.
Being ll nnklul lor past fivois, he hoe-, by etriei
attention to busin- and liberal charges, to ci'e
general satisfaction ; and that he w ill continue to re
ceive a liberal .hare of public patronage.
April Blh. 1813.
2?j7, Xorth Third, nlmeClUm lill St.,
TJJOHN DUNCAN, hue from the Peini!va
nia Fanner, and Saimn I Pike, jr., U e of A
mi riciui Hotel, Columbus. diio. take pleasure in ac
qnaintii g l),eir f. j, nds and tbe niblic upiii fabv thai
they have taken the liirge and enminodions Hon 1.
lecinl'v I lliitl'V tbe M.ssis. H ilt, on llu- site
once oei opied by the old rstahlirhed Hotel known
us the Bull's Head, in Third stieel above Callow
hill si.
'I bis Hotel is finished in the very best poss,l,,
manner, in d of the best materia'. Its local on is
v. ry ih siiuble, particularly loreouiit'y im rrhants :
tlii' arranj-enu n's for healing and vemilHling laeb
room is such as to secure any lemperaiurp. The
If di.. o ins Hie all light and airy, all furnished ilia
neat Hy , so as to iiisiiie (on. but.
Tbe r. ceiii g parlors are also fun i'lied in a in
perb si j le, tbe windows Hie on the French s'yle.
foimii g an entrance to a Imlcoriv in front, w in. I
niaki s a pleasant recess. Piol'culai ttt. mi, n has
been given to the beds and bidding, which, with
the furniture, are Piniii ly new.
t loin years experience in Intel husiiiff.s, we
trust, by stiict assiduity I.', businesi, to make tbi
hoiiFe a desirable stopping place. Our table w ill
alwnya leeupplied wnh the Very hist our maikel
can alVord, and our bar with the best
wines of ihe most nppioved hiands.
P. S, 'J'liere are first ibIp stablinj ind carrinte
houses atlnihed to the hotel, MKndcd by ca if l
and so! er ho-ilem and mil chareri will be low, in
accord nice wnh the present rund
J'hiladilphia, Oct. 7ih, IS12.
(Gentrul Stage O.f.rc,)
rocr xo iw gtt: -is:- ,
l'emisyl iitHsi.
fllllE S,,b-criher respeciftilly informs I, is frier Js
B. and the public in gencial, that lie has taken
Ihe above
I N THE B O It () U G II O F M D N C Y,
and that he is now well prepare to acpoininodiitv
ah wtio may favor him with their custom,
II s Si. i h'ino ArAUTMi.'is ire well aiie.l, and
rnmfoi tal lo,
I !i- 'J' hi s ah d Bah will a't-nys he u-iphtd
l.ith the best the niatkel cnu nlh.rd.
His SrAhtiKii, which is wis d. will V under
tin- chaste id pond and catilul hostlers,
lie f. i Is cniin.'enl, by ttriM utteiitioti ta I u.-inrss.
and an esn est desiie to lei ih r c mfortthle tho-e
vviio may pa'rnidxe him.lhbl he will mil fail logivtf
gcnrrsl s.ii.fa. linn. H. B. WEAVE H.
Mui-pj, Oct. 1st, 1 841. if.
I n J-i
The brut' 'method for the Ahnliiion of Disease
it to chanse om-f pur if; the Uoily.
ixniix VEfjnT.iiii.K rii.i.s
J'orlh ttmrrtcan follrge of ftrtiVh,
Are now acknowledged to be inplieat Meditirio in
the World for the cure of
Ja pRt'A T.'SK ihry completely rb annp the sto
HP mai h and bowels frnm tlv fp and cor
ri'pt linmoTS wl kh are the enure not only nf
Headaehp, Ciiddima.. Valpilntinn of tho lleirt,
l'n;n in the Pi ties. Pvhi umnVm and but
every mahii'v ir eider, t to man. SAID INDIAN
Vri;r.T.T"l V. PILLS fl e.rniii cure f r in
te trrt'i'i I, .en i't, d, in rvrim. uoi.lo'v and pu'rid
I rver. b -c Mo-e
m-'ib d 1 -1 1 an,
I It 'll, rue 'beer
filso. w hen the
ircmbin-c and
t'orm .-.. 1 m
t''i V p'enl'He ibe'v fiOol tho.e j
w ' 1 en r i.Tned lull e eiiru-:-v,frl
; ...Uel l T-VPhH. So,
Mi-.ii" impnrliv is d l e.xiied on the j
iMHHi'lr, P'ii'niT t'ii,n, ii.r.ima. j
iii:,. r.i'.j i.'iir.KM vrts.M, i
CO! Tie. V riihiVI. di ,i.
I i relbil i i n !'- nn en. .in 'o
rffi tal e I'lllit rim v I
.iv.. r, lr f, nn-J if
prrrevi t d
ni.i a to
d r. eti'iin t II mo-'t
i I e a pel feci en e ol
Vioni ibr. e to ix ef '
ken cv. ry nicb.t eo-
afsuM H' , mid n
the fl) .,v, puMif 1
S.llil Im' 'i (i.l
' n', ii
n id. ibca,
b e Pill, t
ii fT bed, " i'l i a b"'t 1''r;'f
tbe I mi'v fr.nn . vi ll: n7 tba' !
;i e'im lele!v rid !
e ! 1 1 lieabh, '
l' at lit "ti-m, t toot, .v 1 1 p ,i" ol rv. rv eesrr'p. ;
lion, w i'l be Vn lii'K DRIVEN ri:t)l 'l iir. BO. j
DY. Portlier. P 'f re:ioti, w- ni, troiii silihlili j
ebai'Ri ol sin o-phrrc. or in v oil er the pp
s-pi-r.i:nli iselie'ivd, o tit lie humors w h ell shoi.M '
p.i-s . IV bv th sl io i re l' r, ivn inwardly, raus'iiu !
MEADAC!!!:. f;iDDINIS. n.u-ea an, I si. k- '
I .s. pun i i lb. b. ins. Watty ai d ii fluincl e es, j
s .re t'oo',1. b,:ur-i tie , eoi it' , ronsvrrptnnis. 1
rl eiim .tie i ains in vaiinns i -nts f t! e le i!v, nn.l I
many nth. r sinn'on, ,.f CA I'CHING C H.D ;
HVr'c;..' lntHiiii Yrrt utile Vi'h i ! 1 in'mihlilv
eive in n eili le r. lii-l. I'r. in th'e.' to sir of ui ! j
Pil's taken i pi i.ijht on g -ina l.i b ,, w i'l Vi a i
si o,l tun.', m l en'v remove nil li p a!" ve uiipb as oil
smto(i,s. Inn ihe b,'y w 11, in a shor' time, be j
n stor. .1 to i en sounder l e d h i' nn bi T. rp. I
IN;. PV...V h.iliri Vti'..dlt: V.'xwi.l be a- '
en ,in! e..r V i fl, by the s'.on ai h and bow. is, tln.e
lorub lit' "ii.V humor-, w! ieb st ip up all the air
ce!t v the -ui-rs. ..lid li e cause, not oi ly i f tbe
n'-inT ihsir. fs i u' r--mp1.i'mt. l et when neVepd,
nO.-n ii in ii tile- iii that mo pdn n,llnl ma'i'i'v ca!le.l i
I (l.M MI TK'.N. It sh 'ii'd be n'soie . i,! j
I I tt : I T. j'i.' I,f d.'tm Yi'rr!a'. '.:l,'s are a e. Main '
ni.p for I' I IN TUP MDi:.ippT.s-i...., n .u- ;
si a. rn d -.iliis.. bis if np',1 ti e, eiMiiieio sn. a
y. II. . 1. 1 ce nt ihe : kin in d eyes. Htnl i Vii v nil et I
symptom .1 a t r d ni diseased si,,e ,, i l,t- bur; I
I cans, t! i y pniL"' from the body tliiwe impuriiies !
whiili if d.po-i'-.t i - ii i ibis important ore in, are I
i!u- cm. e et i-vry vr.-i. ly .f LIYPI! Cl1. j
PLAINT. l.i n a li.itii u is'i.'.l ly not ,'
I r- i;- an i f t eilion tt e only means ol pr. vent. ;
if.-; i e itr.M. I. 1 e,,,.. ii'ii eei-s i t a I I I II, Aii. ,
is to expel all lot ms, mid i vil d'Spos.d etu s from
the ecoiifrv. ll. 1 ke m-iim.'r. w to ll pain or sick- j
i i s- i f tii v kind, ii iln n'e that the is sinu i
p'ii c wnh nt, ' nl tois. ti e iii-i- ti is to L'.Y '
II. I. AM. Vl' III IIIS, ( I iiuiors lo
I ea- h an. I I le.),'li trill be the etrlmn rtsttt.
That tt e piii lipl.'ifiuriiif di-ease. by -tMiiing
and iiiily im ihe I oily, is btiielly in pecord nice
with ll e Inns which ijovi rn tbe siiim d icotioinv;
niii! ll properiv enr ii .1 . Ut bv the U-e of tbe a' nve
niioed WlilGH'I'S INDIAN vpci: lAliLE !
1'lLl.s, w ill rpilainly result in ihe cmpl. ip Alo
I lion ol ; we nlli r the lolli.wing l.timuii
rils, Irmii p. rs- iis i f tho h'gb.'sl re eeial iliiv in
New Yoik, wi n have leei ntiy boi 11 elilid of llio
n.nst oli'liniitn lompiaints, solely ly the its.' ot
Wmnin's 1mav 'io r iiik Pims, of the
AVfi American ('i lttgr of llai th :
.T v i i . L. 1., hmi. ft h 1 :s i 1 .
Do.lor Wil'iani WiirIiI De r ir It is
cr. ! sn ' i f.i lii ri I inform nn nl .-.iy haiini; been
ei.loelv con d of Py s eps'a. of I've year, hi -Iii g,
bv iu' lisp of y Olll IM'IH Vl-RITtlll.K Tills. iiv to i)ift'if.if wi h voi r relel'tati il m-ih-
ii e. 1 I id I . i ii nt. .!er l! e hamls nf seveial I'liysi
(in I s. mi.! vh ri.iu n i theiui ( I u a'l t
no i tl'iei. Alter ii-n g one Ci cei l Lux of jour
Pibs, bow. ver. I i V pi rii I eed so mm h bei elil, lb it
I ic-i.Iim! to p. r-. i te in the nf ll.t m tu t ni.!,nu.
in ibrei t.i.i s, w 1 i, I I nm hat pv to si-ile, I. s u sult
t it in a p.rb rl cure. Infinitude lo you bi lie
en a! I no til I I ii e i. ei n i .1, and a! o i i i! e h. e
dial clitefs
ll'.-ke t'i'.il
en tl. s sl.i
same, it oi
silllilolv H ll! ..( ll II, aV I'O l: !. e.l 111
f y our e)i 'raoiil ii i v lin'ei. ine, 1 send
em. ni won lull 1:1 e-iy to pnhiish the
, tl ink pr. pi r. 1 om
.Niw Vi ik, June I 'J, 111
(i.C. BLACK.
Mr. Pi. hard 1
V. a, o,',!,- l'
his, ajtii.t for W light's Indian
le,.. So I I ave .. en i.Ilhe'ed for several yea's
w i ! i.-i. ai I ;i, d ei-in ral d. l--!itv , ie
oi i. .1 nt ru es ... i h p ol s tn ti i- i,h- nn I t.ti, r
ihstn ssi. a. mpl.i't All i having Ir rd vniinns
m. i'ii .i.e.. wih... I IV e' . I m ii- ci. -ii ..I. , I v a ti a n !
10 make 1,'ii'ff Pr. W-ighl'a Indian V. jelable
Pills, which 1 am happy to stale, hive lelieve.l me
in u nn st! , ifii! in. on, i r. 1 have n.-ed ihe me
ni. n e. n- y , ' III fc tln-i I toi e. an I have no .Ion hi,
1 a pi rse" e: i:ei in 1 hi' ii.e i f the in. .hei n a."i'or
i'ioi; t . ,'i.t eiions ih t I i.'iill in a slioii lime he
pi t e Iv ie lo-,-.'.
I most il:.i i;l v n i . mini nd s .id P I's to nil p. r
s. I;, siln lally l.;i'n '. .1. S! li 111 'be full belie! thai
1 1 p same I I'i.el'ei .1 n s ii ts w i II f, II . i heir t.i-, I te
ll. cin j i ins sinciii ly, Hh.N'tlV A. I'i M i I F.
W'a wiis'ug, Uli-iei co. N. Y.
Nsw ii k, s, j
This is to ceitify !..,l I i:.
hl'IO A'llit Tll'.l . Pll-4 W'tli ill
t!t : I a ire in ir. Iv r.ire.l n, - ell cf I
. ';n. i
d W Miner's
gie i'c.-I bei e
e fr.-i'iii nt ut
! Im l.s li' li k u hii h I had pi. V iom iy
Inn si.ljeit. A.N.N MAIM A Tilt i.M I'M )N, '
:V.I-J ( ireeti v ieh s'r. .-'. N. Y.
To Vr. Piebtnd D.n;:i.-, Agent loi i.olu's p..
(1i. lt Vl eel.dile I'l. Is,
f.t r t i f-.'.v.
As 'hire bip nl l!.i lin e main wielced prrsnns
I i s! i i.ii. il in s.'l'ii'u a r- rh i' in. .t:."riie un-
d' r '1 e in, ll, e nl li p Inihaii Vei;el il le Tills and as
tl e.-e ! s , fi.te im n are so uiieily reikh ss of con-
1 1 i:lo i.e. :-, mai'V vii'iial le I vi s u.uv be I si in t
' i
i ni si ijin i ce nl (.singUiar ttn iultul compounds,
the iih! c lire cautioned against piucha-ing any
l'i:ls. iinhss on the li.'.es of ihe bi ts ihe Inllowing
wor.lii e is found :
(Indian J'uroatier )
or thr main il ami hican ioi i.ii.i op iifaitii.
And alse to be espevi.y careful against pureha.
sina said medicine of any peison eiiepi the rigu
Inr pilveiiifed ..pen's
IL B. Masser, Suiil nry Win. Forsyth, Nor
tbiimbi rlum! Ja.-nh Haas, Shaninkin Samuel
Herb, V.ahoii, j IN t rly & D. II a as, Auirusla
Thnnas Pollmer, .Miiton Itelaiid A Meixell, 10 H, I' per, Tuihulsville James
I'eid, I' ie H. Klase, Soy il. rslow n
II. II. Kiobil, P. M.. Ely. burg P. O.-Wm,
Lei-enriiip, M. Union Coiner.
Ollice and Griierul lepoi for Ihe eale of
Wrisrht't Jndiun Yttetulle Fills,
FJMA. May 1H3. ly
r. O I N T Til B N T,
mngwohms, riMri.r.s on the face, and otiick
rt'TANEot'a tniPiniNs.
CTj" The fnhiiviiiir eertifca'e disei ibes one uftftt
mm! extraordinary cures ever effected ly any
PiutitiEt.puiA. February If), 1813.
TpOR twenty year I was severely afflict, d with
Ti.T-rrii op the Face and Head: the disease
comnir nc J when I wr.ia spventpen years, old, and
continued until ihe Fall of 18:10, varying in vio
lence, hut without ever disappearing. During most
of the lime, creat part of my fine was envrri d w ith
the eruption, fTe'iiently a'tend. d with violent itch
imr; my bead mvil'cd at timi until it felt as if it
Would biiM the swelhn : was su rr it. lhal I could
scnr.-i ly B't mv bal fm. Vmrinrj ihe lour? period
lil .1 1 Wis nfTiiele l i h ti e disease, I iise.1 fl urral
many n pbrnlion-', ( iMVTti tln in s vend eelehialed
pre)i notion-) as w l as t ..ItiriLt inw nd rem 'dies,
ilii'lndini; n number of b til. of Stctim'a I'linttfrfi,
r.xlro. l t'f Scrstipttri'iltt, T. c. In fa,-1. il y.-oli!d ha
impossible l.i ei iimna'c nil tho medieints I used.
I was ulsii under the p ire of livn of ihe most dis-tii-pi'i-iheJ
phyiei 'na cf ihi- ciw, but ivitli .ut re
eeii'n g im eh benefit, and 1 ih"-paiicd nf ever being
eond. In the Ml ot M:t(l, the dnea-e ;,l the time
1 eti g v. iy vio'ent, I poiniiienr ed usinc the 1'n.te
Olnttiuul, (prepared bv Vai".-!i..!i it l)ij'.) In
a few :i liealions the violent iteliint! C'-ii-'d, 'he
swel'ii g a' n'pd. t! e . ru tioii b' i.' in to i!i-i pear,
iilnl hi I relh dns, ,1 t j ir ihe di easit w a . . nlue'y
cuied. It fViss tio-.v Ut n r.-srte a v, sr and a he. T
since, mi, I ihi ie is mil a ve-liue nf the ih-i u e re
main imr. except ll e t-p rs fmiu the deep pits formr-d
by liiv di.en.-e. It is inip s-,',!e for me to ih s, ri' p
ina ctri-fiiat.' tin-s, i my ol i! e .lt-vi-e ni.l oiv
sulV, rin,' lut I wi'l lo pv i d to tive a fuller nr.
eoiinl to anv fn r .'ii wa-iiig further s iti .f icti.ui,
who will e .11 nn me. At ti e limp K comm. t ce I
iisintj the I! se tliu'mir, I v. ou'd have pivin him
diidsnf do la s to ! e n,l nf ihe disease. Since u
sirn it. I reemioii. mh d it lo -ever il persons,
(ainn'ofj tl em my c-"hei, w ho h.i I the ii-i use bad
Iv on In r a 'in,) win. iv re i I cured bv ll.
.1 W.HS I.TIJ.NIM.I.. N. i;,n, ll .ee St.
t)'i' lie Hose I) ntmenl is pi.pned bv E. II.
h r.
at 1 h
and I'. ne
site. 1-, I'l.i ad. Ij.l.ia. ami soid oil atpnev in Sonbu.
ry. bv II. P. M A I!,
M .y l!'!i. 111. A'zent,
Et4' OiitfECQcuf, Coy 'iiti
a moor or its rrncAcv.
I'm i in i i i ii 1 1. May '.'7th, 1 :l't.
rPIM" i- to eerii'v t! a' I wis s.n re'v aOi eie.l
i'h 'I't tii r 'ii llo hands ar.d f- el for upwards
ot 1'i'v yei-s; ll,r i!,m i-r w a nnen.l. A i.neiiilv
W 1 : I I I It, ll li f.ud S' el! I a, .ipp , , t a
l.iilnbirel i byshn list, tin.) us. d a crea'. m.-.i V appli
cations with, nt tlVeeiii.g a core. A' out a y. ar
si nee, I up j I i d lie i !.-.- I luiimi lit, w l.ich entirely
lo ('' it.t- r el i ii-'. r.'.i.l a f. aft '.ie.ti v.. i,-,-,,
at. Iv rnri .1 ihe ilnea-e, w l.i, :i ll i re ! as ',. en no
r. Ill' Ii oi. ..'ibon-..', I ,a,i nev. r l i en n l ' it a
uny lin.e h.r loity yens. i!l 1 1 A hD S V AI , i;,
I' -b ventli. beb.w Sp.iiee Sttei I
Cj- The L'.."p On tin. 'i t i. r. p .red hy P.. !1.
Yau.hnii. S null Past corner i f Tl-ir.I and Pare
Stm is. I'l.i.'.. ill lj I. in, an.! s lil on ni nrv ;n V-'ui.bti-
iv bv ii. P. .M.'.s.-nt,
' May 1 t'h. !I1. AL: s.
Oftht HOST. OI.'fMi:.'l f,.r T'lhr.
LTIK'Uf.'H tl.p sn;-. rioritv nf iho prepaia'i li
-V oxer all nth, is is fully i s n'.liln .1. ihe r -pr e
lors lake pb a in lav ne before- the public the
following i efofca'p from a r-pecta!!o physician,
n prndu .1,. of th" Ui iiers ty o! Peiinsi Ivaiii j. Dr.
Pj'.iub, having I'm. ml in tl i irii.rdv l!:il relief f r
a ledinus Mm! di-neri eal la affei lion which ihe means
w i tilts Ihe ranu-e nf i i roles-1 ai ( ille I I ) alhird.
bus l.i he. I all d to C ive il Ins l piohnti .1), ill ill Ug!l
'he pn -indices and ir.'t re. is nf that prnlession aie
i ppese,! to aecri t lo'lni dlef.
riiiui'fM'iiu, s.pi. 10, iir,,
I was recently litnih,d w it!i a ledinus herpetic
pi I'p'i 1 1 w I ii h e,oe ed In is t K nne si 'p of mv f ice,
i.n.l CXI. i di d i.ver the ear. Mr. Vuimhati. piopne
I. I nf the Hose tit toiei.t, nl sell ing mv fact, uiss
'e.l on mv 1 1 vii
I ' 1'
id which he hull-
de I n.e a jar. A i'. i h lo common will) die meiii-
t eis nt my r, f. .-i..t,, I i! ist imtiii n tin e .Mid dissp.
pme i.l Ihe li'.ina n Ms m'stiiims palmed upon the
pnl lie I y i: nm an! pr, I. n l. r-, I f. el in jus ice hound
loeM-ipt the Hose ( In. to,, in Imtii tba' e'a-s of mc
d inns, ami ,i eie ii my 'ipi til, -.lion, an it em ire
ly i urn! llie eiuphoii, nhh ta'. it h al rcs;ird ,he
ii-n I ai i l ci.ii .i . DA.NL HAI (ill, M. D.
(V' Ihe Hose Oinlineot is prep .red hy 11 B.
Viiin. han. South P..l em i r nl Thud hi d I! ice
M.ens, Piiilade'j lii.i, and sold mi ai. nrv in Sun
bury, ! v 11. II. M.WFI!.
M iy 1 I'll, KH. Acent.
j. Air Xj a izT-. yn."& CO.
Sia.ti' tiini TiiIkh-i'ii M iJiiiilacUirci's,
Vn. U'.l AorZi H i st i-m i.'i r nf Km e and Third
Sin t In
rPHE urder -ici.pd have f. lined a Co-pirtners!iii
-A under ihe firm of . I. MAVI.AND .In. A I'm.
as successor, t i llie 'ale linn of Jttftih Alt'tl'tld iV
Co., and w ill p .ntinee ihe 1 usiue-s at he old esta-lli-hmi
nt, en ll cr own nrconiii. In Hil.Ii. i..ri in
the-r nun close attention si., I exp, lii-nce Ut iiiiiuy
yen s, in ti e mai.ul lure of thi .r ccft h rated sniill'-,
A c., the oiB i v pel ii u.-e ol ll e senior pB't rr of the
l .'i linn, w ,11 nl o he .!. voti ,1 lo 'he inlercsi of ihe
new cm cetn and :.s no i n.-itiou and cup will he
spared to insure l!:. ir ch.hN, a' ail lilil s of ihe e
ty I e-i ii'ii.luv, llo v so!.,-,t a coiitinuiticP of the ot the I. ci.ild an. I m-t ,.i. rs of the Inie
firm. 'i'lli'M VS ADAMS,
Plula.h Iphin, May llih, IS -HI. ly
:n it gd rja L3't3
lritirtt 7'' rd und mr S'ri t Is,
fJHl ml ni. Iter r. spr, t.'rjllv aiinotiiifi a tithe
.It pu' he, thai I e h s n em d a 1 Intel ill ill, com
mn.iioits I ri'k I uildii-g a 'r. ite on li e comer of
1 I in! Pine stn i ts, w 1 eie ho w il1 be happv to
wail ip ii il.ose who m iv l.tin wit, their
ci inpni v. T'i P..i;!e Hole! i la'gp ami Coiin ui
er;t, nr .1 fnmishi d ii, ll e Iv I in .'i in si le. I' i
pr. vide, 1 will) a I:. i n in, h. r of viell aired and
cniiih it l ie s " pli n spiii Inn nl-, Innim, private, Ac. Peisnns siung i.haii.sporl on bu
siness oi pleasure, may ip-l as-ur. .1 that every ex
ertion will le used lo ni der their sojourn al Ihe
"Eagle I lot, 1" pleasant and aijrieahle. His Tal le
will be supplied wnh the very In at toe mai ki t af
fords, and his bar wnh die choicest wines and other
liquors chaiges re sonahle, Tim Paalo Hotrl
possesses pieaier advamafres in point of location
than anv olhei similar i sl lhlishment in the borcugh,
beine situate in Ihe business pari of the tow n, and
w ithin a convenient distance nf the Court House
and Wilbanisporl and Phnira Pad Ih pot.
Sufliripnl Stabling provided, and good and trusty
ostlers always in attendance.
Attentive, accMi.modnlni; and hone-t Servants
have been im, loved, and noil ing left undone thai
will add lo the comfort and accommodation of his
guests. f .
There will be a earrtags always in alleiidairo al
(hp Boat Landii g lo convey j asset gers to uiETrom
tbe House, Ine i f charge.
My 11th, lr.4a. ti
BiiRlnesi attended to in the Counties of Nor
thumlerland, Union. Lveoming and Columbia.
Tnnin Haiit Sc Co.,
Lnwun tt Binnot,
ITt, Ci-mmimos & IIawt, yi'.'iiad.
l-.ETSoi.ns, McFaiii-i. & Co.
SpsntMo, Jiion Sl Co.,
To C'onntvv
TIin Subscriber, Asent of I von cV Harris, Hat
ManilfaelureM, for N w York, Phil utelphia,
H tltimore ami oilier larau cities, w I osn Unix are
highly cominrn.led f ir n.-nf f ;. ttrd dtir''!,.lit.,
hris oil I rml a fn-l rale 'isseiiinnt of IIATtf and
CA s ui'. il'le f, r Spr;np a .le., h ch will I e sold
vi ry low. foi ensh or f npn-.'el credit, ftl llie ritittl
rhettn store. So. 40, North Third Mr..-!, o p .si'e
ihe Ci'y Hotel. Phihi lelphia.
RtiHrtiTF D. W'.T.KI.N'SO?!. ,l,.n.
N. II. Orde-s I. r Hats ill the rttttl; 'i. pro.optlv
Bit.'iide I to, Tho hiutst rk in t'i or tra it
given f.rr I'ur ,' n..
Pbd nh'lpliia, June 11, ll:,.--1y
LL ppmi-fK indihli'd to tlie t'nio nl T.vnn
II nr s, und. r I' p u in v of ' . . Th leher.
Hit and ry
s-reel. Ph 'e'
art nt, Ni
. -Id Norlli Thin',
to mike i"itM"li.
a. are ri oiielcl
me settlement nf ih ir a. cot, nts wi;h ih siibscribc-i,
' Ii. ir legally atnlioi ie.l ncenl, w ho is fully inpow.
i led to si tile and roll, et hp "ci oiint- nf said linn.
.lime 4th, I "10. ( Ant nt.
An. till Mot tit Third, ;. . A:vi Strvt,
PIlll.ADri VillA.
AI'COM MODVl IONS pint KM t:TV riKsnsa.
pr.AKI.ES WFISS. I .'e .1 ll e " hi'e wtl,"
v- iilnl "Mniiiil Vetn.sii I'otj-e." rrspeelfnllv in
foiwts lvs friends ninl custnmers. thai I p I i- b-.ronie
tl.o proprietor ef t!i" rbo- wi II '.now n 11, 1. 1.
Cmui'i y Mc ichntits w ill finl theulcve II, eel a
central I cition, and Ihe be-t of fare Pi r-nas tra
vei'.np with rivale cotivey anee will find ti !aif.e
V i'l nud cood stabliuc for horses, and the l is nf
nrlVis. Ilo-udiln: ,1 pel dor,
Mav Uih, 1 ).'. If.
( 'otniiiissinit iV I'lirwardinir Mi i'i-lotnis,
Foot of ll i!Jw Si m l lltil Ii:;id
It N' Tl! I. I'l 1. V W I n r ,
1 f AYINU as oeiatid v i h tin m J.neh Par-el,
' I ne nl P. a?t mi, I',.., r. r-nei ifnlly inform t, n il
i'l it . d ami the pi.l.'ie pel i i. ilv, (!,..( th. v ha-.f ta.
k, tl til t I iru- mii-.I wt I Kri.w ri st ate and w h.i.-f at
fo. t of W.IU .Stru t Ha hna.l, 1 .1. ly o. copiel by
.'..oh I ri r I . ii . when- thev pit po'e doiita r. Gi'm 13:
Cminii se ai and Fnrw ari'.ino Hi, -inc.-., nn-1 f nm
'he local n.'van'a res nf the place I ii'.i conn, cii .1
wi'hill 'I e ill ! e menls lhal have th. ir
n it'll in the ciiv, the;, flatter tin nisehes ibey will
he iiblr to do husii.ess Jo as gie ,t, if In I center '
vantasp, and upon lis reus nahle terms as rir.iv
house, and thev nssute their that anv con
s;ai un nts made to them shall their stricl t-
ii ilintt, mid mi cautions sp.iied to giv? entile aulfe
faction. 'I'll, y nrp n'so prepared to receive 5r,d forward
goods lo onv point on the Delaware nud Li-hxh
rivers, helwei n Manch Chunk, P iston ami I'lnbi
i!i l, bin, via Delaware DivM..n and I.ehiuh Cm Is;
als . to anv point on il e Jnni .ta river, or Nor Ii
and st 1': aoehes oi llie Su-q"i h iiina via f'chuy .
kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Fide V,'..toi
For ihe accommodation of Bnsts riming or pn.
ii'C via Schuylkill and Uninii Canals, a Sif ni;,. at
will h.t k pt i jptessty for towimi hmitj from the
Schuylkill around lo the Del ami bar k, which
will enable merchant to have their produce deli
ve e,l on the 1 le'nwnrp, and iheir goods sl ipp.d at
a sn ina n( Jjt) to'i,rpcr cinl. oo the pr.r.s fir
haiilit g aC'O: s, with iidvantag,- they re
sp. cilully solicit a share nf pair, nri'.-e.
William II. Ilmin, )
II nm V . Kiyte , J-
los. pli B .ri.rl. 3 Philad .May M, 1S3 !
(;eiior::l toisimlislon Mvi IianN,
For the Stttr "f Flour, (ra:ti, .Sit, Vc a.
l.l 1.1 I 1 I I. l.i li iorm their liieml
:lu MercliBiils generally, ihal they have ta
ken ihose Inrite mid coiiimodions V. harvra, ii!i two
Dorks, ninth of Chesnill stn el, on the D, law ir,
touether with the N-i. 13 South Wlurvps,
wlicielhiy would he ph :i-e.l to i.e. ive consign
ments of (ir.nn, Fli'Ui, Seed. W'hi-key, Iron, e.
&r, Peina; iilso well pn pan I t i furw an! nil kinds
ut Merchandise bv the Schnv I'.ill and Union, or hy
the Clipsnpi ake mid Ti 'e U aH r I 'm,u!s, na low
bo .ts are I ept expnssly f u the purpose of towing
boats 1 i i I er lou'e.
Men ! ;,i ts w ill le I P pa"ii-ular to spml tl'.eir
go, ds def.ii ed ly irlir i .tnn'-, ta No. 19 Sot 111
I ives, h Ciien M, itf.i t ami ( liesntit nine's, nn
the Di law are. w iih ,1 i,. l,,a;s are, imp my ing iheiil
which route ihey w..h ihem lo he shipj ed,
(J j- Pla.-iir and S..It lor ta!.', at th lowe-t mar
ket price. BOLTON & U' .
N'li'ch IH. ISpt. No. I!) Soii'h Whines.
natiuit t im 1:11 s7
iioniburit .Strut, tl-.tlt iniin e
HAVP com-taiitlv fu Pruning Paper of So
sizes uinl qualili. s. Ci.. riltiui Pitj i
and plain, Letter l apt r, white and l ine, tilled ill d
plain, Hanyii g Paper, line and coinm in, llnvil ,pe
Paper, do. do. n., '!,u:n, rfotih'p ciow it, eiow ll mi l
i'tiasri.l 'i:i p'liu Pn eis. Col. .ied Mediiirri tn.d
lioyal P.ipeis, Ho. nut, Hinders' and S la'A Hon
ii. aids, Papi r, sml ail ail ( It s in 'heii hue.
whiili thev will sill mi i.Ci-.l'.iiiioJa:ing t' r.i s,
11 gl.e.t price given f.-r old rr.2-.
M..n!i hi. It- I.h P.'.kioii. .Vd
V..i rOwJ.lX.ili JT vlt
VN aitic'e unequalled fur cleaning auJ fioinn a
highly durable and most hiiilianl polish to sil
ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, Bnitania ware,
'I'm, Si. e, Cutlery, and lor restoring tho luttro on
varnished carriaue, i&c. THY' II".
Prepared an t sold al wholesale ami retail, hy the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Fjii.-h Company, Owcgo,
Tioga rouniy, N. Y,
W M. FORSYTH. Agent for Northuni'd,
11. B. M ASjiElt, Agent for Sunbury.
November SOIh,
No. 71 Callow hill Street, Philadelphia
r Three aloi-e Second.)
HOK Findings always kepi on hand, which he
oilers for sale on the loas-t terms. Country
MeichanU are parucnWrly to c ill anJ juJe fov
PluUdrlphia, Novfui-'tr 13, 1812 ly.
s ami
G. V". & L. B. TATLO?..
if vFFEK FOR SALE, at Ihe South East Cor
V jV tier of 7''rA and Market Streets, fhiludcl-
Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted,
do do do pegged do
do do do water proof, double solca
and double Uppers,
do Cidf-skin do do do nailed
and upper,
do Heavy Water Leather Boot?,
do do Neats do do.
do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin,
do do do dockers do
do Fino Monroes warranted
do Kip do
do C,,'f do
do Cornsp ik
do do Shoes
do Pine do
do .vii Ho
ito I all and Seal Skin Pumps.
d'. J i' t So, I,, with and without o!p.
d.i Carpet ihi do .),.
do I'm, :,l V.'a-ranto.l Water-proof Moec.isint.
I 'lu 11.1 i,)
thir. tunned India Eubl-sr-r shoes.
l.'i nl emens' do Over shoes.
i h every ntln r de-c iptioii of hoots and shoC.
Put Cins .,; rvi-y di si rin-ion.
Tr iveli r.i? Trc.i hs .!",v,iy di-r-ription.
'ineii.,n 'i'rni ellitiw Hna.s,
Patent Gum Plaftie f hoe I'lackin?.
P. I rr-ts , f r.l! l.itn!:,. P,n Leaf H its.
I inladi Iphia. N... ember 111. 1).3 y.
t)F EVPKV DESClill'i'Ii'N'.
Nn. 's.?!l Nnrili Wstior direct, l'hila.
J i? ANUFACTUREIJS .1 in Oil, f
1V.L rvi'"V d.s-. -ript:o:i Knh lor binning ami
hi i ' i ; r : i . e; pn, i i ... -,v hii h w ill ho sold much
lowirthau they ran be proi i;n d elsewhere, and
w..'iaii ..l iuipi ility to i -qua! any in the city. Any
o.l .' add hy Ihe eiot : any t..-: re; res. nre,lt
may be relumed vv ilmut tnrv expeiup to tin- pur
i h n-t-r, and ihcuiopiy will 1 p ii fniiih J.
I luar stink now i: si. in-consists i.l the follow ing
oi's, vi :
sa'.loii:, Winter Pier., l.-.d Sp.
et m j 2
10.1 till
'... t eti
do Colorless Oil,
Pall and Sprint: Sperm Oil,
inter S.
Ml.-, hunt.
do Pressed Wha'oOil,
Sou. in r ii do do
Common !.a!e Oil,
.1 .
i :oip. rial S i r.i ' Oil,
Cod Hank O l,
Nea s Foot Od,
7 . (' -I: a Oiiw Oil,
Tal I'erV I V,!',
vi ) 'i'l'.i-i ( ompT'V ba- a r.;imVr nf Vessel i n "
i! iei',1 in the Co l Fisln rv, nud Tanners mav i . ly
U on i'l'lai'u' at all tones Oil ns pure as inquired.
P'mlaih !, hi.'. Nov. I.t.
.? iiisrsCl tVt'.'m'r A e;)!V,
ncrn riArrs &. t.iziv c:rANr.Lrnsk
An. II Aoi.a'i Wultr Strtrt. I'i.tmi: i ,'..
? A VP cuiis-ni.tly on hand, a ircm-i .1 assort
l tiii-nt of, Si ine 'i'w incs, iVc, v It. '.
lai'.t Hopes, Flshi'ig Kopet. W hile Roprn, .'
hi Hopes, 'J o v Lines for Bo.its. A Ism, a
complete ii-soilirient of Siiue 'I'w iiies, Ac. such as
Il.'ilip M ad in. .1 Hi rring 'I'w inp, Best Patent Gill
Ne: '1'ivi'.", t.i'.:,ii fluid and I lei a iim Tl ti e, Shoo
Tl.ri :i 's, Cv c. iVc Also, Hi d Cords, I'lnugh Lines,
llaliers.'I'races, I'otton and Linen Carpet Chains,
Ac. nil of which they w ill dispone of on rmsptiulilo
tellliS,'-. Noveinbci III. mii. ly.
.I:tr! li iNtn:4'i A. Son.
I EM'ECTFULLY it. hums th. ir In. nd- mid
J k s k i.-ially it.'.! ihey still cn
tinue to keep in the old stand. No. IMC Nollh:id
sirrit. Phihnh Iphi.i, all u,ds nf
Whiehihty w ill ..ell n the ni j '. ucciniiiod itini;
un.l ir i,..iii le l-t in.
N. li. Ail i'ii. 'da .-el.: w ill be pUa; viitcej i.lid all
oulers promptly ji', inle l lo.
I"..,laili lpl;:j, N, vemtiei 111, ISP,'. ly.
.srr; l.i :;,, ct.)i co.
Xo. l.'JS Alai kirt Street, 'lii!-ai!.-t
NVITE '.he avrntion of Connliy Merehn.'iia
to the:r exti'iisivp a-sorlment nf British Frei ih
in d American Dry Goods, which they oU'cr lor s.lo
on ihe m .-I rea'-.tnib'e t,
Pl'.il:i hlp!i;:i, Nov. n'.her I'l. SI?1T.
J . Y. S V A IN,
I'liiluilia and Parasol Manufacturer.
A'o. No'. '.''ni.' tit-ret, tiro doors b'lolo the
fV'v Unlit, i'tihiriiidiut.
Ci lT'NTlCi Men bants und others ar sclii itrd
to riainiiie l.ia aasi.iti.ui.l hi foic puich.isiug
si w 'iere
Plnlii it
iii. N'ov.-mle I'!, ly.
TTT IIH -t.lf a sun I Pa-Hi, coil'i:. ing about i no
!-ii'. I.e.1 tool I. ii ncr. s. nm re or le-6, situ ito
in Point l 'W tis!..;i. Noi hi.n.l i rlnud C -Utitv, about
t.vo mil s i.l oi" Noilhiiriibi il .nil, on ihe main
ran I jea 'its from that pVn e to 1 1 in villi, adioin nt
land, ol .loi n l.ealiou, Je-se I '. Ilnih ti uiiii others,
no .v in th? oei'i:p'.i:i y i f attiin I Paj i P. A! tint
forty acres of s.i.d l -et are i Intnl. end in pood
s nt ot ill i al i :i. un w h i h III re is a smnll
iTi.t d. 'Ihe )o, p. rl v wih he .-old in r asoi able
li'iinr.. Fi" f iih. r c lit 'ilai-, pi isoi.s ate rcj'.n'it
e.l loapnly to l'.e 1-ulsctii. r.
11. B. MASSi'ii, Asrent,
Nev. 27rh, 1I2. if Sunlmrv. Pa.
. i i. i. ii r
.V1 HtlA'S Cl.issi.-iu I'leiionsry ; I.pmj'iir'a
In.; Am -w orth's do ; t'olhs.!,.; Pnghsh un j
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. Ar l'i. n's Cu e v; Man s I a in Hc idei; I ''gill y' do.;
Ai li'e'.v's l.a'in I csr,-iis; D .ni.i y. m's Lexicon;
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Majoia; Adams's Hoiumi Ai.ti'iii;ics Piin ock
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j ders; Lni.rsoii'a Geography and Hi-tocy; Oh ey'a
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l Pike's do.; Lnnrsoli's do.; Cobb's Spelling Hunks;
I 'I'owii'sdo.; Cobb's Table Bonks; Fa
j iniiy Lihiaiy; Cottaae Bible.; Family do; Clh.ter.
al do.; Bibles and 'IVstmnria; Paikei's Ex.
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of American Laws; 1 em ison Natmal Magic! Che
inirlty for Beginnersj English Excieisie adapted to
Muriay's firuiumer. Sequel to Cuintev'a S..iiig
Bork Amirican Cluss Buok; llaboll's Schoolmm
lei's Assistant, A ureal variety ofBlai.k Bonks, Ac.
Augusi 2S. IH13.