Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 16, 1844, Image 4

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    rtWHllm I.M.1U in i,.Mii ',
11 A A K X OT1! LIS T.
The f dlowine; list rhowa the current value of oil Bank Notes. The tmvt implicit ro
Jance uny I e place d iioii it, as 'n . every week
aarcfully compared with at J Corrected fiom Biik
ntlfi Rcp.mer.
liutiUs Ii PhlaUIiUi;i.
, t Disc, tv
AM ' Lor at.... ,.Bil4l)
Bank of North America
Bank of tho Northern Liberties
Commercial Bwk of Pi nn'r.. .
Farn-cra' nivl Mechanics' Hank
pnr ,
Knii'gton Bank
Philadelphia Kiink
Schuylkill Bunk
Pouthwark Tank . ,
Western Rank . , ,
Median ira' Bnnk , ,
Manufacturers' ot Mechanics' Punk
Country BnitUs.
Prink of f'hrstrr County W rstchester el Delaware Count Chester
IWiik of Grrniantown Ccrmnntown
F-ink of Mon'f omory Co. Nnrri--own
Doylestown Bank Pojlestown
Easton Rank Fusion
pr i
par I
Pft:mrr' Bank of Burks to. Bristol
par ,
l)(I"ue of H ink of rVrm'a,
Ofnre t!o da
li.'fice do do do do
llsm-! urg Thrs
l.iinr mirr I r.fTicrs
;do not
issue n.
Hank of the United St,itoi,
Bnnk of I'i-nn Township
liirerJ Wank
Moynmrnsing Hnik
Dank of !VMn!:ylvntii',i
M intra' Hank of rottiville of I.owiMown
Jlank Middlctown
flunk of Nnrtlimrihril.iri'l
Cnhwri'iiA Dank & fridge CO
rijilad.dpliia 2Da2C
7a9 i
NiirthnmherUnd par
L arii1o Dank
lxi'hange Dunk
Do do hratich of
Fiirmcris' of l.nnc aetPi
l.nni-astcr County 11. ink
Farmers' Batik of lvrading
Ilarrijihurg Bank
l.mcaa'rr Hank
Uolmnon Hank
Mcr(!::ints' & Mnmif. Cunk
Hiiiik of PiUfchnTR
West Hinnrh
Wyoininn Hank
Northampton 11 ink
lii'ikt C'Hitily Uurik
t)ir,co of Dank of U. B.
I)j do do
Do do j
Kensinaton Suv. Tim. A
C.i r lisle
New Brijjldon
(ett el Uig
1'rnn Township !fav. Inf.
Tiatik of t'li.imhiTbhtirg
U.iKk of fioityshurg
Bunk of Su-quchannii Co.
F-rie Bai.k
Fjiirirr' A- Drovera' Bank
F.anklin ll ink
II,)li( ,-Jalo ltllk
dT-ti'nngahrla Bank of D.
Voik Bank
Wivr'cii rg
Brow nuvill
K. B, The notrg of thoFO hanks on which we
omit quotation, nnd auhotituto 0 dash ( ) rue not hy tho l'liiluli Ipl.ia hrokerK, with the
nception of those whiih liave a leltrr of inference.
Miiladolphiu Sav. Inn. Fliiladtlj.hia
l'hil:idc!ihin Loan Co, do
Schin Ik ill Rav. Inn. do
Munual LalorBank (T. V Jlyolt, prop.)
fovcanda Hank
Alleghany Batik of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of S atari
Bank ol Washington
Outre Bank
City Hunk
Farmer' & Mech'cs' Bank
Farmerfc & Mech'cs' Bunk
Farmers' & M.'rhWilia.ik
Harmony Instittito
liuntingdor, Bunk
ioniuta Bank
Li;mhrnr.eii' Bunk
Northern Bank of Pa.
Kiw Hope lvl. Ilih'cs Co.
Nor;hnii:!i'd Union ("ol. Bk.
North V.'eti rn Ba'.k of Pj.
njiee of Sehmikill Bank
Pa. Acr. & Matntf. V Ji.k
Ptivcr I, ike Bat k
L'n.oti Bank of J'riin'a.
V Pftirnielaml Bank
Bell, i'otito
Tayetlo co,
no sale
no sale
no talc
Jiuntingdon 110 sale
LeniMlown 110 sale
New Hope
Port Carbon
Montri so
f ireriisi.urg
no rnle
no tnlc
cIjh d
full, d
closi d
H'riker-hairn Bnde Co.
iiktsh.irre no sale
CTj' All notes puipottirg to he on uny Pemiryl
tamu Bit k not given iu the above tut, tuny he set
down a dands.
.ht jceisi:y.
Dank of New Biuinauiik Brur.swi.k
. i
Kelviileic Bsnk Belvidtre
Burlington Co. Batik lli.'loid
Conitncrctal P-aiik rih Amboy
Cutnherland B-ink BriJge'on
rjtm. u' Bi.nk Mount Holly
Form' is and Mechanics' Bk Railway
Furmtri,' nnd Mechanics' Hk N. Biunswirk
Farmers' and Merehanls' Bk Middle town Ft.
l'ranl.lin Bank cf V J. Jersey City
llohoken IskfiiV Orunng lo Ilou .ken
Jersey City Bunk
Jersty City
Mechaniis' B,.nk
Miiiiiifjctui. rs' Bunk
Muiris County Bunk
Monmouth lilt of N. J.
Michauicb' Bank
Michunics' and Mauuf. Bk
Monis Canal Bud likg Co
Tool Noira
Newark Bku & Ins Co
New Hope Del Co
Jersey City
no 1 I
i !
N. J. Mauutac. to d Ukg o
ti J J'roleclon &. Ixunluld Ik Jersey City
Oranue Bank t'ranec
FaterMin Bank l'ateisun
Peoples' Bank do
Fiinceton Bunk Princeton
fSul. ni Banking Co Salitn
Stile Bank Newark
tiato Bank IMixaheihtown
tiiate Bank Camden
Slate Bank of Monis Monistown
Sute Bunk Ti.iiton
Sulem and Phtlad Manuf Co ah m
Sussex Bunk Newton
Trenton Banking Cu Tiei.lon
I'liion Bank Dover
Washington Banking Co. Hackenstuk
P,k cf WHm cV Brandy ink W itminglon
Bank of Delawaie Wilmington
Bank of Su.ynia Bn.vtr.a
Do Itaixh Mlord
Farm, rs Bk of ktnte of Di t D"vef
I rati' li
C. ore., tow n
K. i -stto
Uniou Bai k
rjQ- Under S's
rrr- (le. nil banks ma.kid thus () Ihere areri
ther r ounteefeil rr abend nciss of the vsr.out
ttyOixaiftfeS, w ciieusH-'n.
XcrUiumlioiiand County, ss.
In i!it Orphnn' Court of tuid county, nl
Jan. Term A.D. 1644.
fN motion of Charles WY ITcgtn, E--rj the
Court award Rulo on l.ici.b Long, Georcc
Long, John Lone, Catheiine, in'etrmarrird with
S en.uct Goneit, Maty, intermarried with Jonathan
Kathrimri, Harrii 1 J(org nnd Juno Long-, of w li.nn
Lot Porgstresn r u puardian, S.itah, intcimfl'ri d
with WiHkm Oounlucr, Elir.rheih, iiilcimnrred
willi John M.,lich Catherine, intermarried with Da
vid GiIh.iii, Folly, intermarried with Willi mi
tSlimd', nn.l I.ydis A tin Slinirer, hi iie the rh I lien
ntnl l.eiis at lew of Goorpe Loin, sr., d. rM , danuh
tor Elir ihcth, intormani. d w itll Peter Shear, r, ami
who deceased previnu to ihe death of said inti stale,
heirs nnj distributee of George Lour, nr., bile of
A up 11 ta townsh'p. Nor diumlcr land county, di-iAl..
In rppeir t our next O-phans' to lm licM nid rounty, to wit : on thr firvt day of Apiil.
1 P J 1, ami Bi-i r 't or refine 1 tic of mid (Ji!orR
1 .01 : p . tr., iltc'd., ir k!iov rauec wl.y t!i cainr
slo'iiU! n t he aiild.
( rliOf d fiom ll-.r rrrnrdi if our mi J Orphan'
Court, thi 18ihi!v of .1 inttarv. A. 1). IS41.
Feh. 51th, 1S4I 01 IVliD.r,
Estate or Solomon rcrNiusr, (U'tM.
TSXTOTK'C i hcrohv Kivin, tlmt lot era of nd
niinivintiiii; i.n the rtite of inloinon IVt
nop, (h e'd., hilo of .wh im 'kin t.iwnxhip, Nnrthum
hi rlut.d rounty, have l-ron printed to the nulni ri
lur. ird. h ed to mid e-t iti.'. a well
1 as ul! those ti i r'ainn riR .inut the tinip, ar, r-
1 ipnsted t cull on the nilnunistr.itur for M'ttlrment,
wliii will I cat home rvery other Saturday from
tli. a dule, for that porj iup.
Feh. 17th, 1841. 6t Aliii.
For Kent.
TMIE large and eomninliousTA YEKX STAND
in the tuivn of Sliainolvin, Nori huuilifiland Co.
now occupied hy the euh-eiiher. The nh ive pro
perty is fiiiinlid in the tMiamokin Cnd Kea'on.
For t. rma, D.p'v to JACOll KKAM. Fe!..' Kith, IS VI. tf.
Inipor(trs niul It-a!rrs In
S E G A II S, 13 A N D I E S, G I N,
W I . E 8, .Vc.
Xo. 21 Commerce St., near Fifth St.,
. nilLABEIirillA,
. .1. i ntBV.riT. jr. )
W M.
A. Jasm t. S
n AvnrrrJ.
Pinet, r..ti!li.ui it Co.
Per m l Frerrs.
Jnmiarv 20 h, IP I V-
rn Ana
IWooiHille, llarrineo.
t'liuef. l.oid II) run
I TAMS MIOUEDEKS for file, eheao, f,,r
II rah,ly 11, B. M ASr?EH.
Die ami
1"TPECTFI'I.I.' inform, tie pul'lie that he
' l as made Northumberland his pise." of rrsi.
drn. e, nnd is ready to attend to any calls in the
line of bis profession.
rXj" He rimy at all times he found at Mr. James
l ee's Hotel.
Northumberland. Dee ICth, 1M3. tf.
Jr inter's Inh.
A I"' w k'g for sale, at a small advance f r rash,
H ly Dec. 9. H.B. MAS?E.
im iss iiay ci.ot lift.
riHE suhsriiher has just r.ceived, for snle. a few
.B. of the nhov- celebrated Eiyhl Day Clwks.
which viill he sold ot v.-rv reduced prices, for ca h.
Also, superior AO hour Clock", of Ve l est make
and quality, which will he sold for ca-h. at ?1 60.
Al'i, superior Brass 30 hour Clocks, Bt ?S 00.
Dec. 2, 1-13. H. B. M ASSER.
Cym.NR W AKE f r sale.
O 2C
206 Pintle .lues, fn.m I quart to 3 gallons,
f0 Slime Jais, 2 to C al!..n. For sale.
cheap, hy Oct. 14 H. B. M ASSETS.
"WILIjIAM j.iah j ix,
FFICE. in Hie building occupied hy J. Bloom,
on Mti' street.
Oct. 2Kt, IS43.
AM! ICY st r.u,
Sovlh Fast romer cf Narlrt tmd Ath ..
IMitl-.iilt Iptila,
T") FSIT.CTFUI-I.Y tnl. rm the public that thev
will'y keen on h -nd a 1 ops usor.
men! nf lints. Caps and Furs, to suit the fall trade,
of Ihe he-1 cjuality. By strict al ention lo I'Uri
n ss, and by aelline their stock at the lowest prices,
thr-y tlaller ihcno-clvis in being nhle to eive entire
s itishict'-on. August 5. 1843 ly
srrr -T gnfQ-'?yl Tii? T - rJ :.-M
THllE subsciihei will sell ofl'his stock of Beaver,
fl Russia and Biush Hats, of (he best quality, ut
very reduced prices. j
K.,.i.n. a MA ft inn I? n MAssETt !
A Tlut-s-Iiiii .llacliinv for Sale.
TBTIIE subscriber ofi'era for sale a THL'EsillNG
I. MACHINE, new and in good oid.r. The.
Machine has hern tried, and proves to be an excel- J
lent one. It w ill he sold at reduced price, an J
warranted. Apply to H. B. MASS Lit. j
Julv 1st. 1843; i
C al) i n c t-3I a k i n g
(A'eiv rslaltishniriif .)
Esi'LCTFULLY informs the t-itizem of
V Hiinhiiry und vicinity, that be haa ivceutly
couirne nerd tha
in all its branches, in Market street, Sunlu.ry, im
in. dint -ly I " I w the ost oll'ne, where he will he
rra.'y to r. reive ai d exrrule all or.lrrs in the line
nf his business, with prompt ne.s and despatch, and
in the lest riy'i) anJ manner. His pricis will he
low, iu B'-cordanee with tl.e times.
(j- Lumhir and Couulry Piuduee taken in Ei
chaui:e. May 27ih 1H43. fun
civY i'hm rniE rc rio,
Nos. W and 31 North Thinl Sticet,
Near t li o C i t v Hotel,
par '
CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, resperlful'y in-
v'o.s ihe uttrnlion of perso'.s desirous uf pur
il oii'd I'o. i.i ine. lo hia riteiisive K,.lea R nuiis,
i'N. Ii ja.i' li.- mid P.ivnt.-.) fur every description ol
ll.nis.ii. 1.1 Vuri iluee. wh. re ran le obtained al nil
nines, u h.r. e n-s..rlmi nt of and well
manufactured (.' -.h.ii. I Purnlture, Beds, MutlikSits,
&.e., at very r. dured prices, for rash.
Sain hv A union, twice week.
May 2 'Ah, Jy
ii:ii;nATiTi: simp.
riHE nhi;ih' prnprriiei of Onkley'a Deptlta.
1 I. tire Syrop of Knraapiirilla, an a purifier of the
hlood, ta ao well known to ilia puhlie Rcmrilly,
tint il v.nreeeraity tf orrttpy much pare in pel'
t'npf forth the advatitnera to oe derived from its
tia-1 wherever the medirina haa once lpen lntro lalii f pri-erdenee orr all otlieia i evny
or f that has taken it, have derived no fitinnl hi ne
firinl reanl's from it, that it in rerommetidc.l hy
them with the 11 mort ennfidi tiee. Physiri ins of
tho hi(;hest nanlinc in the pr(, present's it
to patienti tinker their rare J ennt iinioR nothina
del. terii'iH. hut ln ii jr emnpoted ol the m 'at mild,
yet 1 IVic.icioim vefretuhlu mate:inlj, it i oil' red with
t onfiJenee, the che.iprst and imwt ell'eirnt pit.
r'fn r of the Mood now known. The me of a few
huttli a, espec i il'y i'i th rp'ioi! tnninh. will he 11 1
teiidi d wiih a to. 'ft di ridivl improvi r-ii nt in the pe.
neril mrenr'h of the eviMetn, era lie.i ntty irrd
of disra-e tlmt 111 iv hive hrrn c net it., I, lurid
ff'vinq li.'id ih end via. r to the l.o.!v. Tor the eurp
of S, rn!u! 1 or Kfcs Eil. Fiteum-itV'n. Titter.
Piniph'H or eniptiin-i of the SVkin, White MivrMin?,
F flti'a, Chr.iric C.iojh Athor, cVe, 'J'he nu-
! nierr.ii entitle ret in tl.e piea-i n ot (tie riii Tt
j I rr mid hirt iitii'iiti., fi.'in liVH':riiw and othir, v.rr
i hi.ITh ient to ( 00 v lire the m.'Ot fl r tieil of i s hi
J periorhy over till pn p ra'i in of t? its ,p nill.i.
j S Id xl ii'e-nh' and rrt ii', hv the pro Ti li r,
; CEOh'CE W. IIUM.KV. North fnh .In-.l. I'u
; ilinu, I'.' ika Cit.n'y, no J lo In hud of the following
' pi mono :
In .Vrwi.'i V
Siii.lniry ; I el md
KiaiH. r, Mllii.n.
'1r.1t C,tt.'! TI. B. M.-..v,
V M.xel, McEaeiibville ; D.
In Union Ci'imi;. ,T
A. (int. hns, M.flliiibuii;.
(Ji iiih .rt, ?eli-igrue ; '
' Columbia County. K.W. McCay, Wash
ington. B' a line. Mar. h 11, tin.
Mn. (lmt.Kr: 1 h. It. ve it the duty of every
one to d wh .t.verin lb. ir power liej, the h n -fit
ot their h llow mi", and havit c had p i-i ive
pioof in mv own f.iurly. of the wi ndi ffnl propertiis
of vovir D. oor.itiio Svrn.i of Snimn iri'.l. 1 r.i st
eoiisrienlioH-lv reronntn i.d it In the nfllti't. d. We
had the mUf.ntn'io 1 1 .se two of our children, hv
the hrrakinu out ol u'eerous s-irc lha' roercd the
face, hi nl nnd I ei k. i.tth ' hid some ef the
I'l'.sl M-ientifie pl'vti'ianj lo nil. i d tin m mi l had
tried all the known l.'n.edies. iueludioi; S.vnhii!,'
Piiiii.ri a. w itbiiot Ani.ther of mv
! was a'nuked in the snii.e 1,1 inner, her foe ord
neik ws eon 1' eioen.l; the .1 seha'ce was ?o
fli-i if iv . ut d lie disease nt no h a height, t'oat we
ihsp. rrd ol Iter I f 'eeirj th- wond.-ifnl elli-els
J .'f r lVpi.r rive Syiup ol S ,.-.i ar; I ., we wen'
j inibrid tn node t I ol it. n l! e I t i. s rt ; it
! acted like a cl aim ; the it'ri rs r. urneiii'. d l.t ahi'a
iniiitedii'elv. a f hu! f iiiilelv rrsloied hi r t
I her he i'ili, win h she h seoj 'Md nn.iit. riu, t. d!
I ever since. A a puiil'i. r ol ll e hlo d,I verily he
ll, vc it h is lo t Its pi il.
JtlHX MD YEH, Tailor,
ti- .... . l. i. l r.--
I v ...(..'. v.ii-et, iiiui i u.if.ii, iirunii.
Di.i.Riiiiii', .rii mil., in.
Mb. OtKitT: Mv s..n IMmnnd Leaf, ha 1 the
s. ri.lhla in il do ad ul and dr-lo's-iti j man f.r il.r.e yens, ihninc wh rh time he Wis de
privrd of the u" of his liinh", hi. heid and neck
weir covered witli ulcers. We Iri .! all the ihll'-T-i
nl remcili. s, I ul lo no fl rt, until recommend, d
ly Dr. Johnson of NoriUtown, aod aUo Dr. Isaac
Hi--tcr, ol Keadii p. tn use your DepUit.tive Syrup
ol S irsiparilhi, of which I ol tained several bu lb s,
the ue of whieh drove tl.e di-fa'e entir. ly out of
lis system, the sore heded up, and the child wis
restored" to ttrfict health, wliich he hss rnjovrd
nniiiterrUj l.illv ev. r si' re, to the a-t. nishmi nt nf
In mv eiNon w ho i. en du ii ; los ufllirtioti.
I h ave thi.nuht tt mv du'y, and -nd v.'ii this cerli-fical'-
th o ..I' e s wh i have a BlTlicti.ili in (In
finity y know where In i.hla n so valuable a
it.. .In ine. Yours Itulv.
AMELIA D LEAF. ir., isn ly
Matiiirin-ltiuT of Writing niul I title- i I i
llu Ink, No. 1 t i .N'.'ii'i Sheet, m hi hiw Kiieo, (en-t Hull',)
i" Esl'EI "I 'Fl I.I-Y informs ennniry inerehsrts
k Ai d oil. - is, that he eon-tantlv keeps on bund
n; if his superior Black, lilue Mid Bed
li l;. nnd n Iso a sopor .. r mi-ihty of Imhl'ille I r -k .
II s ink is pt.l up in b. ttles vnyin ill s're,fi. ni
I to ,12 ounces, arid will he soil on n ns-nnhle
Imiiis. The e el'e- I ipiih'es e.fthisii.k has so
Ihoronuhlv esnbli-hed its cb .r .cter. tint It Is now
ext. ri-'i-. lv used i.l the coninv.
. For sale at ihe stotc of H. B. Massrr, Sun
hurv, Pn. May 27th, I8V1. ly
AS taken tin- ..Ibce oceupi'd by the
on. ( hai'cs (i. l nil I, opposite lbs t 'oltil
Hons.-, He will a tend to business in the O nrls
of Xorthiimheihio.t. Union and Columbia counlirs.
May 201 b, ISM.
Ciitnilci It tin s'
'Ili. U lie Will please nb-eini that no Briluhelh
1 Pills arc pen. ilu-, unless the I ox has lliiee- Ii-
bets upon il. (llie lop, the si.'e and the holt. in) cont-iiiui l ti f .e-imi!e si'ialme nf my h md-
wriliuii, thus II., M. D. I 1 cse la.
brl-um eil:-.raved on sloel, hennlifiilly desiiMied,
and done at an e iponse ..f over f2.lli'0. Therefore
it will he seen lluit 'he onlv thina iieei-s .iy lo pro
cure ihe medicine iu iu purity, is to nhscne these
laliels. t
ISeinemb. r the (op, the side, and the bo'tom. I
The follow ing lespeclive pels, .lis ate duly auln ri i
zed, and hold !
For tho salo of lirundreik't Yegetiibte Universal j
i'i lis. I
Norlhuiiiheilai d count v t Milton Mu kry e& )
Chamheilin. Sunl.ury II. B. M.isser, M r-sens-v
1 11 e In-hind A Meixelh Xorlliuin' eiland Win.
Forsyth, fieoigetown J. Sc J. Walls.
Union Onunty : New Berlin Bogar cV Win-te-r.
Si liusprov-e George Gun.liuin. Middle-
hurg Isxsc Smilh. Beaver'own Duvid Hubler.
Ad.unsl.urg Win. J. Msy. Mifilinsburp Mensch
cV It iy. llar(le(un Daniel Eonn. Freehurg
G.A: F. C. Moyer. I.ewisbnrg Walls &. Green.
Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds
iV Co. Berwick Shuman -St Ritlenhouse. Cal-law-issa
-(5. G, Brohts. Blootnshurg John It.
Mover. J.-isey T.iwn Levi Bisel. Washington
Buhl. McCay. Limestone Ball fc MiNinrh.
Obseivo iliat each Acer.t has all Engraved Cer
tificate of Aeeiicv, ronlniiiing i lepresenlaiion of
Dr BltANDItETII'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will a'so be seen exact ennios
the iichj luleU now used ur-'r.i ihe '";, uVrA I'ill
Roxcs. '
I't'l'adelphia, ofP;r "j;;,, fi Xoilh ftth street.
Jem 24ih, 1843,
m ., 1 .' . 1A1
Cirent Western Indian l'ana oa,
Compounded entirely of Vegetable
Frrefrom Catomtl nnd all other Mineral.
For the history of this medicine, and its ttniivalltd
and ttuly surprising sun-en and popular
ity, see large hills
TTT is recommended is 1 r.enersl cathartic for
J4 fiini'y use in dyrpcpnia and all hilion dMen
sib, it is inv.duulilt Axtliin i it in eoi Ptdered a
Fpecifie, iio eai'e having yet occurred which it hns
fail.d to rurc for common cold, imflammntory
dis'a e. rli' iintHtiFm, afli etions of the liver, cVe.,
and for females, it is a sn!o otid excellent icmcdy,
Fr,m Pr. &iu W't fl.tif llinhmnplon, Y. 1.
Mr. I.or.cloy lh nrSir: I h'ie Used your Croat
Wei-t. rn linliMi Fniineen in my f.uni'y, mnl have
repenti'dly pteeritu d i' fur p:itii t.ts tunler my care,
and am e'ifie.l tliat it i hI.miv n 1 u and in vi rv
irniy c ists nn tip .n'oslde no dieiin-, It opeia en as
1 I X.itivc without n:i"s- a, or pain ; nod while it cf
fi 1 tnilly nhvi.itc roiiveiies Bi ti upon slon'neh
ai d liver as an nl native, rn. ri etioa nr'n'ily, and re
ftorii," theh.a'il'y c inilitioii of thoe i r,iin.
'erv re-wrfu!'v onr, S WEST.
For sale hv J'UIN W. FIMMNO. Snnhurv.
j.M'imi i;i;h;ii j'
:o h. W.. ly
N. t'lUinheilaiid.
i "
1 E.-PKC I I t'l l Y iof.irrn- i!ieeiti:en-of ll.e
i ornnuli of Nor I uMihdland, and its vicinity,
that ho hm roinmi iiee.l II e
T;i : i 01 1 j 1 1 1 i is ess,
I in B I I's vnr.i.iH ! mm I r-i.
in tl.e
. I'ccui.te.l hy lienry S. J homa', iirecl'V opjn-il.
' F.nsvt'i's stoie. As he rcc ives lite New York
and l'hihot. Ipl.i i' im ipi ut. r'y, he i . nal o d
I to do nil jobs . n'ms ed to, alter the neat, st and
latest s'vle, "t.d up. i: the sh ile.-t i i.t e.-.
Norihiimhrrl and. 22 I. 1 ly
' Sir. P. Mj. U I 3 1$ Jl.j I a .
1 E.-'FEOTFUl.EY informs the r:tens of Son-
.' I inv mi I its vi ioitv, lb it he has I ken the
I'fVer f... nu r'y ccui. d by Dr. John Peal, wheie
he will he l.i.ppy lo receive calls ill the line nf his
pr.fes-ion. April 2 2d, If 4:1.
ante! "Yarick.
eniiS I, ii- In it, I, nn the ei .. lis i f Sun1 my
aid its vieiirlv, tba- he has cotnnieneed the
in Ma k-1 r-tre. t, Snnhury, i asi nf .1 hn I! eir'
s'ore nnd ihiertly i pp. ie the post i.ll'ice, where he
iiili-n.ts ,i c .rry on the business i i nil ils various
branch, s, in. hi. liner, Turning, Milking Mi'l Irons
nnd l'.lijitic Sjir'ngs, Inmin? Curriiigi-. iritii li.c
tension or St';ui!:r.j ,';nn'ng, 'r.
I Inters will le pt.netu.llv nt'end.d
to, m d w ork rheaj., for ciieli or country to
il uce.
fl'j" Il.usr Sh K-ii'B d.'lie nt I ei f.'tt.
Sii'ihnry. April loth, ly.
Soot & li o c
T3 : v t in I v v. i n .
I"T$ Es'l;C'l I'l l, I, Y ii loims his tri.nds nr.d
old rul. nieis, thai he has removed his
r.ooTA- snor. i:s'
lo the fian.e hni'iling adj. lining his dv, lliiii; hulls.,
bet w c. n thai nnd Dr. D. T, 'I'.il. s' rHieo, n lew
vi"t of Vis ..Id r-t.d I' lit, iu Matkrl tlreel,
where he intends to rnrry on the ahovc t uriness
i xren-iv. lv, in nil i vt-rimi.i briiticl.t.
B. iiip tl urhfnl for past f.v. i s, he h.. (-. by stiirl
ntl. i tion In business nnd lib. ral charges, to piie
prneral ratisfnelion ; and ll.nt he will rontiiiue to re
ceive ii liberal -hare of public putronujre.
April 8th. 1S43.
-Y. -liT, Xoilh ThinKnbmi Colltiuhitl St.,
TJOHX 1 I X CAN. hue from the Pennsylva
f3 nin Fnrmir. nnd Samuel Pike. ir l.i'e ol A
nn ricaii Hotel, t 'uluiubiis. I 'Ico. lake pleasure in ac- j
ipi'.ii'lii'B their f i I. da Bt.d the public lien, rahv that
: th. y have nditnthe nnd commodious Until, 1
; itunt'v hui'l hv (he M.ssi 1 1 rt, on the sane site i
i onre ore upie.l hy ihe .1.1 esiahli.-h. d H.'lel I.l own
as Ihe Bull's in TliirJ stieet above C
' hill s.
t This Hotel is iu tin very best possible
; manner, r.i d of llo best n.n'e-iiu'e. Its locat on is
i vi ry di sieable, paniculaily for enuiilry merchants ;
j tl.e atranp. nirnts for h.aiirgaud veiiiilnting each
room is such as to secure any temperature. The
: hi ihooiiis are all I : j 1 . 1 nnd airy, all luruished ilia
t iieut tty'e, so ns to in-uie con fort,
The i-reiving p n lors arc nl-o fun "she I in a su-
perb st) to, the windows an en the Fieneh s'yh.
I g an rntiniiee to a hiVoiiy in front, xvhi.h i
makes a plea-in I it er's. PiuiienUi att. nlion has ',
lieu given to ihe h. .Is and hi ihiu. g, which, with
the furniture, are rn'i'. ly new.
r roin y.a's in h a.-l hnsinrss, e
irusl, bv strict nss diiitv lo I ns nesi, lo make tint i
. u desii able sloppinj I ajr table will
1 uIauvs lesupi.lred with the v.rv In si our maikit
jean nlford, and in bar with the best h.piois un.l
wn. sol ibemosl ap love. I hum I-.
P. S. There are fist lalo subline urd
hou-cs nllai lied to the hotel, rl.iinhii lyeaihil
nn.l ei ho-ilers. iiud ourcbar..( w.ll he lo-v, in
accor.hini e wiih the pre-ei.l IkihI
Philadelphia, Oil. (di, lr-42.
(ient nil Stage,',
TxSel tur "kr 9
ltiiii3 Ivuniu.
rilIE Siih-eriber respectfully informs his friends
1. and the public in general, thai lie has Uken
the above
I N T HE 11 O It O U G 11 O F M U N 0 Y,
and that he is now well prepare to Bceouimodute)
all who may favor h in Willi their custom.
IDs Si KtriKu ArAurstts rs Lre well aired, and
His I able Ain Bab. il always ta aDpphrd
with the l est .,t! maikei run alVord.
I'.'.s SrAatisio, which is pesd. will Va under
the charge nf good and eaielul liosllers.
He f.eUcoiiCidi-i.l, by sHict utleiitiou t I uin(.s,
and an carnr.t ih-sim to mule r c mfi'iluble those
Who may pal ron ile l.llll, that he will not togiva
gnu ral suiisi'a. Hon. H. il. WEAVEK,
Muncy, Oct. 1st, 184?. -tl".
The best method for the Abolition ef Disease
it lo cleanse and purify the Body.
.Vj7A American College or tfealth, j
Arc now ncknnwledaed lo he the best Medicine in 1
the Work! for the euro of j
LCALSE (hey completely ihanse iho sto-
ma.h and hnwela from tin sc trillions and cor- I
nipt humors which am the enure not only of .
Headache, Giddiness. Palpitation of the lleirl, ;
Po'ns in the. Bones, Rheumatism and Gout, but
every ninhidy ineidei t to man. SAID INDIAN
VEtiETABI E PILES nr.- n c rtain euro f ir in'ttei.l, temitti d, nervons, irifiatrn.loiy and pu'rid
Fevers. Iiec.iuse thev ele.irse the p n'y firm thrv-p
morbid hnmnrs, which, hen totheeiieu
I lioti. are the muse of nil k nd of I V. VI'KS. So,
also, when the same impurity is d. t o-in d on ti e
nenihiir r cod rnr.sete, r ots'r.ff p.ih-. inf! im-i-
Cons and swellines e died IMIEUMA'I h'v.1,
(itll T, Ac. Wricht's Irdl ri Vi-jetal le Pills m iv
j It r lied i-n lis a'wai s i rt tin to jjivo r, lief, and it
prrseverr.l vith, nre.odli c lo iliwrtions wdl ntol
i PffiO'dlv, nnd wilhnut fail, ti'i.he a perfect c.l 0 of
t! e abi ve pninfi I nul.dic. From three lo six i f
I said Indian V. peiid.'e Pi'ls t k. ti cv.ry ni.jht po.
ii 7 to hid, will i a slinil time so rompletety lid
i the bodv fr un rveiv tlottij that i -. op;.-sed to l oahh,
I ti nt Rl. rum oi-tn, Cool, nod p i" of i very .'ewr'i-
lino, Wi I I
v Dili YEN FIIOM 'J-lii: BO-
DY. For the s ton lesson, wlen, Imm
ehai ces ol ntn o id i le, or any oil er etu.- e
the I Or.
sni ntion is el., elo
nnd the humors wh'ili shoul 1
pes . !I t'V th-
in ss, i ain in th
shin nri'tl'.'W n inw ai.llv, can -mp
GlDDIXESf, nausea nnd sick-
1'. in s. wa'eiv ro d ii ll itped eves,
sore t'.roa',
', hoar.rene-s, i-oi.ghs, con-um lion-,
pains in Viiiiou puts of the h .'v. nnd
rueum .t r
trviiv.thir r.vmp'nms if ( VH'ill.M. I til.H,
Wright' lnet'i'ii Yinrtohlr l'i !x will iniirinhly
!!:ve inn tor. lief. From thiee to rix of said
P. I's I ; 1 1, i li . i.rv I, p hi nn r; .'og ('. tod, will in a
short li-.iie, r., t on1) icmove nil ll.e above unph as n.t
svmton,s. I til the bo ly w II, in n sh rt t:iue, he
le-torrd to urn p.ion.'i r I eal h t' nil before.
INi;. l'.VV7.7 loci nn Yigtt, :!,!e Vills wi'l !",.
r n i.rd e r y i IV, 1 y the stoo ai h nn 1 I o.' . is, llto' e
loi pb hi. in V liunn r , wt ii ii sl"p up ail the nir
ceils I th.i lures, cie.l are the . an e, not only of ll.e
a' ovc ilis.n ss i. eolitpla'iit. I ut when nerjlecled,
nil. n lein.ii n'r- hi leo edn n.lful ma'ni'y called
I (INSI'M Tl H t.N. Il Ao 'it'll he a 'so tea rmheifd
tint !', " ....'. 'o.Vi.oi lii'f.'i.-Vi' fills nre a c rlnin
cure !', r PAiX IX 'JUL' SI DE, ' Ipj r. s-ioo, ro.u
srn. nr.d sickness, lo-s of nppi lite, cosli enrsa. n
v.ll. w tii uf the (kin nnd eyes, end i vi ry oil er
-yn. ti.lo it n t. r id or d'n :ird s'ate of the livi r ;
leenioe tl ey pori'.' from the body those iuipnritirs h if d.po.-ile.l upon Ibis Important era m, are
ih e n e rf crry variety if I.IYI'.I! CUM-
I I . v in it n I. an. n is roliiui.-ru i y noi , j
i nil r. ,l ntvl n 1 e!;i,.n. the in..y inoM's o" pn i out.
il.p 'he drea.lf.,1 Coiireijueiiecs of a CIVIL WAI5.
is CT el all traitors!, nnd . tit d sposid i ins from
the c,-.f.;,-i v. Ill The nvir.prr. w h. n pron or sick-pes-
,if nny bird, iitdicnte that li e body is struj
filini w ith int. rrnl foes, ll.e line reti.n'v in lo EA
PEL ALE VOIiBlD HUMOUS, (Tiniion lo h mi l l.fe.) ti tilth will Ir tU cerfum ttni't.
Tl.nt the principle i f eiiiinp di-ease, by e loun-iiiH
nnd piiiifvii.c iio- body, is siiictly iu nicoidinie
with ll.e laws which pnv.rn the animal economy;
and if properly rarii. d cut I v lite u-e of the above
PILLS, w ill ceitaiidv r.siilt in ilu cnmplite Al o
I lion of Di-easc ; we oiler the li liowing testimnni
ids. fiom p rs. tif of the hiplu st lo.-pectnbili'y iu
New Yoik, who have irreutiy leen rmed of the
r.ost nl slinate ron lainls, solely by the us of
Wihoiit's Im.ian Yin i:r in 1'ili.k, of the
An" American Colli gr of liiuHh :
Jamaic., E. I., .Tui-o t)E. 1 SI I .
r.irlnr Wil'ia-i. Wripht De .r S.r It is with
pre I sati f ii-tt. ii I inform von of ;.iy having been
i itii. ly e u 1 1 tl of Dv-pr sia. of live v i ars si a ruin g,
by ihe use of your I ni N Vii.iiai.ii Pii.i.s.
Pi.vious lo meetinu with your celebrate.! muli-
cit.e, I had bu n under the hands of seveial I hysi-
cinns, and had tried vaiiou- nrtdi. inis; but all to I
no rllict. After u-ii g eue 25 rrnt 1 ox of jour j
Pills, hiiwi vi r, I e up. licnced so much benefit, that !
I re-oliidto perscveie iu the use of lliein accoidina !
to ihr.ctioi s, which I am Lai pv to slate, has resell-
i.l in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you foi the t
c tf n 1 1 m lit I have received, and al o in the hope
that ollu rs similarly afilirt.'d nmy ho induiid lo ;
in, .he trial i f )nur e xlr.ioiiliiri'y'.ii ine, I sei .l I
tin this st item, nt with full 1.1 ety to publish the 1
i-aine, if v mi think pr. I or. Your--, Ac.
.New Yoik, June 10, l 1 1. li. C. BLACK. '
Mr. Richard Dorr.
sent for Wiic
j Viceti.hh Pills.
I Hear Sir 1 have hern nfflictc.1 f r srerat
I wi h inward xve.ikne ss and pen. ral d.liiity, ae.'ui
pai.iid nt tiincs w iih piinsin the side nnd other
I dislr. ssir g eoiuplain's, Alt i laving ire.l various
j inrdiciues w i'hont e ll'.-cl. I was rr"ii ..!. ,1 by a fl i. n I
i to m.ike trial if Dr. Wiiphl's Indian Veiseluhlt
i Pills, which I am happy to tr.t-. hive relieved me
! in v most wonderful in inner. I have used the me
I ilieii e. as ve I but ti shot! t me. and have no doubt.
v a i.erseveralice in in." u-e . i tt.i
ine.l ci ie necor
a short time he
du a to iliiei lions, (li t I shall in
pi i'i ody le.-loii' l.
I most willii plv n i crni.ii i d said Fills lo all per
sons similarly i.lllicl. d. ai d in ihe full belief that
the s.iiue ben f.i ial it sii'ts will follow i heir use. I re
main )uui8 siuci ii ly. lil'.XIiY A. f'OOTE.
Warwa.s ng, Ulster co. X. Y.
Niw YriiK, Sept. 20. lull.
This is to certify li nt I I, rue used Wiiniui's
lil'io 'niiTIil.l. Puts w .lb ihe prca'est hei.e.
111 : hav ir -j e irii. lv cine, I mv m li of ll.e In iju. i t nl
links nl Sick Head. .. he, to vi bii b I bad
.T.l 2 Greenwich sine.. X. Y.
Te Mr. llicl nrd Diliuis, Agent lor WiigUl' Li
llian Vegetable l'i. Is.
r.i r t .v.
As there aie ut this time many wi. ked persons
hiisi'v e lipnpcd in s. I'u i! n e. ur tert'ei' medicine tin
.'. r Ihe n one of li e Indian Y. petal le Pills and a
Il o-o .'is, e rule noli are so niteily rei bless i.f nu.
n ipii nei s, that ninny xa'urd le lives nmy he lost iu
eons.'Cjui l ee of Using their dreadful compounds,
I tier public, Me cautioned opuinst puiclne-ing any
Pills, unless on ihe tides of Ihe boxes (he follow log
wording is found ;
hi Jinn l'urgeitive.)
ot Tns kortii AMrnii-AS eoiiii.r. or hfai.tii.
And also to t especially raielul against purcha
sing said nn . Iii ine uf any person eiccpi the regu
lar advertised spenn.
AG EMS run KOnTlllUni-nLASD CO.,
J'( nnsytvutiid.
II. 11. Massrr, Sunhiiry Win. Forsyth, Nor
ihuiuherland Jacob Haas, Sliamokiii Sainuil
Herb, Muhonoy Bverly & lh Haas, Aupusta
Themaa Follmer. Milton Ireland V Meix.ll.
McEwi-usvillr E. S. Piper, Tuihutsville J jniei
I'etd, Pollsprove - II. Klase, S'-vj, rslow
11. II. Ki.o-h.-l, 1. M El'iurg V
I.eisriiiiiig, P M, Vli';, Corner,
tlllice and (lPneru ' f .
t'enoi I;,r the sale
Wr'u),,', ladia, tgtint! Fi.'a. Wholesale an.
Retail, No, ifj RACE iSTKEtX PHII.ADEL
Fin. May 21, 1S43. ly
j I'on tettkh.
j niNovvoiiMs, riMptxsi on the tkt-r., asb otiiek
j i TANroi'sj rr.fti kins.
I Cfj" Tlit fnU'Wing eerlifica'e druri ibc oic if the
j most extraordinary cures ever effected by any
' application.
Piiit.Ant-irinA, Fcbtuory 10, 1839.
; T7r,rc twenty years I was sevcrrly nfllirte with
I Tr.TTK.H on the Face and Head: the disease?
I enmmrnrrd when I was seventeen years old, and
; rnntinurd until tho Fall of ISHO, Tarying in vio
I lone c, 1ml without ever disappearing. During most
, of tl.e time, preal part of my f ice was covered with
the eruption, l'rep:enlly attended with vio'enl itch
ii'!?; mv I rad swiped ut times titttil it felt as if it
w. ,i,ld I nr-t ihe -Wi -llin.- wn so g that I could
-cam ly pet my hat on. During the lontf period
th it I wa- afflicted wi h the disease, I used a preat
many n pl'i i li..n, (am ii3 them s: vend celebrnlej
rep nation-) as x. II rj. tak'ma inward rem-'dies,
in lodiiiR a nuinbi r of billies nf Sinthn's I',
r.rtrnrl i f Snr.-.iipurii'ii, A c, In far t, it would ha
itnpo-sihle lo I'i'iimeia'r alt the luedieiues I used.
I iv as i,l-o under the Cure nf I wo of the most elis
In "--i.i-lif ,1 phyi iciMiis of this ci'v, but with oil re-
reivmg H i ll het i lit, nn.l I etespair-. d of ever liemr
cnrid. In the f .11 of I3:lfi, ihe diseaso l the time
b.-ii e ' v, iv v'to'er.t, I commenee.l usina tho 7.'or
(Hiif hiof, (v'fp'r.d hy Yatthaii it Divis. In
fl f iv a: lie itions the vioh nt itchins c ased, tho
swi bii i; nl n'ed. the . nr ti..n heuari to disipprar,
and 1 1 1 re I h .d u-i d a .r the di t ,,r e w a e ninety
riiii.l. Il l as I ow lieu iioir'y a slid a ha'f
l in e, nu;! rr' is not a vcMiii- of the .hsoa-e re
maipii.'j. i xci'j I ll.e sr os from th. deep pits f
hy the di-ease, Il is imp, ssihle for me to d. s ri' e
in ii e irtifiran' the si uritv of tl.e diseire snd my
sole nn.' l ot I will be p'e ,s. d lo eive a fuller nr
connt to nnv pi r-..i w rn ti rr further satisfaction,
who will e.ll on me. At the lime 1 eo i.nii'i ee.I
u-inri Ihe IS- se Ointment I would have riven him
ibrls nf do bus to be ri.l i.f ihe ili.e.lse. Since u
sins it. I have n con. ii i tub d it to -evrnl persons,
fa i ..I.'.: il em my mother, w ho had the ili.-tase had
ly on la t mm,') who w. re a I cured bv it.
JAMES liriiNELL, No. lo'l, St.
iX )' The IS.-se ( hutment is i. pared l.y E. I).
Vaiu-hi", S .u h E .M on in r of Third nnd Itace
stro I Ii-i'ide Ipl.ia, an.l sold on auel.ev in Snnhu
rv. bv H. II. MAS:-Kit,
M..v 14tb. i"n. rl..
tSo-r .;? ti;:?.K ii!, ihv Tvtti v.
a moor or its
I'u 1 1 in i r iii , May 2" th, I Hti'l.
rJ'"I!!-' Is to i rrii'y I' ut I was severely alll.rted
J with 'I'elti r in Ihe hands nnd feet for upwards
ol forty i cars ; tl.e disease was attended p. morally
'a.l'i vi.ii i.l itilrii" nn.l soiliin:;. I np.I:id to
i ntn!'. r i (' In r-ie; I s, and uji d a pr. at m.r .y nppli
ca'i'.ii s wiilo nl ilVectii j; a c re. A'. out a V-nr
sir .cr, I : p; I i d t! e ISose (linlmrnt, which entirely
-to; I cd the i'elrn.:. nnd a f. w npplieati lis immedi-
ntl v
cnrid the ili-ea-e, w liieli tlii-te has hi en no
r. t ti r it of. i. !'h ..o!i I had l ever been rid of it at
any linn f,.rf-ity y.-ars. IMCIIAliD SAVAGE,
Eleventh, he low Spineo Street,
t'l The Pose On, Inn nt is prepared hv E. B.
Yiiui hiiu, S nrh l'ust corner i f I'hird and II, ice
Streets, I'hll.ul. lj hia, and s id on a jciicv iu Snnhu
rv. IV II. B. MASS EE.
' May Mih, ln. Agt-ht
Of the HOSE (!l.TME.T,fir Telle t
LTHOUflll the superiority of the prrpnra'ioll
1 oier nil ollu rs is fully e s'li'di-hed, the pr.pra J
tors ,,ke pi. a-uie in lay inn I" lore the public tin
lollow rei-, heu'e ir..iu a rosneetnble nhvsiciail
a prndiiale of the Univers'tv of Priuisi Ivanii. 11
Hiinch, having- found in ibis that relief f j
a tedious and .li-nun eah., ntVei lion w hich the meaiH
within the
has not h.
r.iope of his j n.fcs i. m hilled to nlliird,
i'.at. d t pive it bis approt .iti li. nlth.-iiuh
the pn imlii es and ir.'i resls nf that prolcfsion ate
. iipo-rd to set ret fSein. dies.
Puii.Ai.iiruiA,S,pi. 19, lunf..
I I was recently Iroi.l nil with a lidious herpetic
i erupti. li. w hii h cooed ne ai ly one si 'e uf my f.ce,
an.l ex', t d. d ..vor the ear. Mr. Vauuhnn, proprio
i I. I of the Hose Ointment, obseiving mv face, iin-s
! led on my I'vinn his pr. p nalion. ol which he han
I de 1 i. r a j ir. A i'.honuh iu cmmiion w itll the no iii
I I eis ol mv profession, I discoiinti nam e add disup
' piove o( tin num. r. us i, ostiums palmed upon the
! pul lie 1 v i :i ot mt pr. tend, rs, I feel in jus-ire hound the h'ose Ointment fiom thai c'ass of me
et. rims, und to Live it mv apt rot ation, as it e ntire-
; Iv eurul the eruption, nlih, itnti it hid resisled tiiej
: u-u I i.pi I i-a-ioi s. DANE. BAUGII, M. D.
I Q'J,- The IS ne Ointment is prep .red by E B.
Yauiihun, South East coiner nf Thud anil Race
! Sireets, Pp.ilailc'phia, and sold oil up. rev in Suu
1 I inv, I v 11. B. MA-SEIS.
i May'l lib. ISB1. -4-rr.
j J. m&STiA 2 JR. & CO.
! vnu' ami Teibacco jManiilactnrcrs,
! An. till .An)i if Ran und 'Third.
Sin i tx. 1
. rpiIE un.liT-igned have formed a Co-partnership
; 1- under the firm of J, M A Y L AN I) J n. it Co.,
I as successors to i lie- late fi r ill of Jueufi .Waifanrf d
Co., and will c r tir.ue the husine-s at 'he old esta
hlishmi i.t, on their own nccm-nt. In ii.l.liiiou te
; their own close atteniioii an. I experi.iice f.n many
years, in the manufacture nf iheir cell hrated tliiill ',
i ic., the lona e'xpi lii-nce nf (lie senior pai of ll.e
late firm, will sl-o be eh vo'ed lo the interest of the
new concern anil as no exertion and care will he
i sp.ued to insure their ajoods, at nil limes of the ve
ry I e.-t ipiality, th. y s, licit a eontinu nice of the
ronr.deiirc ol ll.e ft .ends an I customers of the lato 'I llo.MAS ADAMS,
J. MA VI. AM), Ja.
Philadelphia, May Villi, IS lf!. ly
!0 A. G Xi !Ea
n'w ap rn jj-
( 'orm r ol' 'I'h rd and ine Slriels,
wxiai-iAr.isroiiT, pa.
I'll snl scriber r. -po. tfullv- announces to the
I ul he. thai he h 'S ot ened a Hotel in (he rom-
moihotis hii. k building si.tii it. on the roiiier of
"I II i ; J Slid Pine stre. Is, where he' wdl he happy lo
wail ip n who may favor I. itll wit'i iheir
corrpany. Tb.f Eaple Hotel is ln-pe nn.l conveni
ent, nr. tl fun i-lo .1 ir. (he be t in dein si , le. Il is
pr. v iih il w nil a hope n.imhrr of well aired and
cniiili rt d ie e-ti-cj ing rpai imenls, rooms, privnto
nil,, rs, Ac. Pl-isoi.s visiting W iiliamsiMirt on bu
siness oi p'oasure, may rest ns-ur. d that every rx-e-rliun
w ill I e used to render their sojourn st the
"Eaple Hot. I'' pleasant and agreeable, HiaTuhla
will be supplied with die very best the market af
fords, ond his bar with the choicest wines and other
li.jnors tharpes re. suitable. 'Ph. Eaatlo Hotrl
pusscsses greater advantages in point of lo-"4iii)n
than any othei similar e st nhhshment in lT,e boron-'
bring situate in the business part of the to" n
wilhin aronv. ni.nt distune-. f ,!w oui;' jiJJ,
and W llh.msport tAmi, Bond Depot.
Sulhe.enlSo iilini, p, vlj4,j Bnj guoJ gnJ x
ott.era -.ways in tndance.
I Atten"l,P( accoii.unHluiing and honest Servant!
I p0 i,een i mi-loved, and nothing left undone that
will add lo the Comfort and accommodation of hia
There will ha i carriage always in attendance it
the Boat Landing to convey passenger to and from
ihe House, free c-f charge.
May 1 1th, 1842, tf