tMMMWWW BJ Chivalry- at a Dlitonnt. Dl'Kt.t.llO, LxRrEMT AND ASSAULT AND BaTTK- t. -Mr. R. W. Pooler, the individual engaged . as Mr. May'a second in a late "affair of honor," in which Mr. Cochran wa murdered, it now charged with being concerned in a little transac tion, which savors very strongly of dishonor, and is Anything but chiva'.ric, or exhibiting that sen sative regard for reputation which duellists usu ally boast of so much. Mr. Pooler, the Balti more papers tell ns, M'as arrested on Monday morning in that cii.V, at Barnum's Hotel, where lie had been sojonring for some days, by officers Hays, Zcll and Ridgely, enlarged on the oath of Mr. John S. Lirtx, who is also boarding at Bar rum's, with stealing from him the sum of $200. The Sun says it is worthy of notice, as illustra tiveof his notions of gontilhy, that, on his arrest for fe'ony, something being said of the affray of the previous evening, he asked the officer who the person he had struck was. Tie was informed that he wus a young man much rer pectod, and the son of a bookbinder in this city. "A book binder !' exclaimed Pooler, '-enly a bookbinder T Why, I really thought he was a gentleman, or I should not have quarrelled with him." On hear ing this, a wag remarked that the difference wan decidedly in Hickman's favor, he being a book binder and the ether a highbinder. The fact as stated before Justice Gray areas "follows: "On Saturday evening last, Mr John S. Lutz, to whom Pooler had introduced himself, in vited him to share'Vis ror.m with him, it being a double bedded one, and on retiring at night, left liis pocket book on the table, containing; in one department, three ?-i0 reles, and in auditor 1 18 of smaller flrnominalions In the morning lie rose first and went downstairs; on returning 1 the room, he had occasion to look into his pocket liook, and discovered that the three SoO notes were gene, ami fn of the smaller money. Tie immediately 'informed Pooler of flie fact, who expressed woll feigned .surprise at so remarkaVle and unpleasant an occurrence. Lot, then runf a bell for a servant, and ertt ft.r Mr ',. Buruuni. who instantly took rneusnres for a thorough in vestigation nfl'io hffjir The room, beds, furni ture, &c, were all duly examined, when it was deemed advisable to search Pooler, and accord ingly 'he was desired turf) rip: "he (lid so, and ai each article of clothing was taken off, it Was carefully examined, Pooler earnestlv denying n ny knowledge of tin money. Being stripped to his draweis and linen. lie asked to be allowed to go down to the yard, but was refused, and direc ted to strip further ; he remonstrated about the cold, when a pair of drawers belonging to Mr. Lutz was pulled out of a lot of clothing just re turned from the w ash, and he w as told to pnll off his own and put these on ; with a good deal fumb ling he did so, and then got into Mr. Lntz's bed ; PRICK CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthetmer, Wheat, .... 85 Rti, 60 CoHif, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 25 Pork, ...... 6 Flaiieso, ' . . 100 IloTTun, ..... )3 Btaswax, 25 Tallow, .... 10 Damn, 75 Do. Pxaches, - ; S00 Fiax, ... .8 Hkcklid Flat, J 10 Ens, . 10 "(;nol Intent Fire Company." A STATU 1) MEETING of the Company will lie held on Tuesday evening next, at 6 o'clock, t the Court House. Ponclual attendance is re quired. CHAS. J. BRUNEI?, March 2, 1844. Secretary. "Washington Fire Company." nIIE members of the "Washington Fire Com. 1 ... .... ...... ..i. ..I . ,u. T p Illy n,r. iij'irnii u l YJ iiivv. a. tuc vimc Hons", on Mondav Evening, March 4h, at 0 o' clock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required. March ?. J COB YOUNGMAN. See. here he was observed to be working aliout under TAVERN" LICENSE. To the Honorable C. G. Donnel, Esq., President, and hts Associate, Judges of the Court of Quar ter Stssinns of the eoumy of Northumberland i rilHE petition of Charles Stoea, of Northumbrr. X land, in said county, humbly represents, that ho continues to keep a house of public entertainment, at the well known aland, on the corner of Front and Quren streets, in Northumberland, and it well prepared f r the accommodation of travellers, Sec. Ho therefore prays your honors to grant him li cense to keep a tavern duiinir the ennina ve ir. and he will pray, Ac. CHARLES 8TOE3. To tbk Jcnos ahoti MinTinnxn : The sub scribers, resilient of the (own of Northumberland, hen by certify, that Charlc Stoe, the applicant for the license, is a man of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and accom modntion of strangers and travellers, and that a pu'.t lie house there i necessary : they therefore rccum mend him as a proper rron to be licensed to keep the clothes, and presently he kicked the drawers ut at the bottom of the bed. and then got out Hiimself, and Fat down on a trunk by the side of tBiese drawers. Mr. Lntz then went and exami ned the bed, thinking that Pooler had left the mo riey in it. but whil? doing so, Mr I'arnnm saw Pooler pushing the dawers under the bedstead, and immediately drew them out; on examining them the whole of the money was found in one of the legsthe elastic 'terminations'' having clo sed upon the notes, and prevented them from falling ont upon the floor With the Tecovcry of the money, it feems, the party wronger! was satisfied, but the facts having -come to the knowledge ef the oflioeTs above named they coIlccteH the evidence yesterday morning, and on It mode the arrest ef Pool t, who was .iorthwith.cominitted lor trial." Phil, leilg HAITI. WORK .HARlwKT. j7i"' f &e Dan.ra AtHci. Feb. IB. FLOUR The market for Hewar street Flour has been rather inactive to day, and the sW fur as we are aflvit;od ew.braee Vxvst ,iXt barrel good standard Vranck at Si CSj. The receipt jorice contimt at fj Tift Holders el" the C ity Mills Flour continue to ask S4 ", ltt we hear f no sales. ft R A IX SmaTl jaarcels of pood to best reds received by wasrens, tell at SO 100 cents. We quote white Com at ,'S a 3"J cts and yellow at 4 1 a 4'J cts. tats are worth 20 a tts. WHISK F.V. Sales of bhd. continue to be rnadct 2'J its and .'lots for bbls. Dm. Csimihitn's Pitt. When gruan'ng umler fell disease, Who was it rtrt prncutetl us ee, With pill could not fnl to pletse 'Taa Braiidre'.h. Expeiienee'a test these Pi!l have ateod. And sUoders foul from Umgguis rude Still praised by all the wise anil noo.l, Is Braiidreth. (J Purrh.ire of H. B Maser, Sunbuiy , or of the men is, puldihcd in another pait of this paper. .rr ,i it it 1 1: it On the 3d ult.. by tho Rev. R A. Fifher, Mr. CiiARi.ts Dti.uKc to Miss Hannah Bknskl, both of Rush township. Onthellth ult , by the same, Mr. Gkorcje ScnwKNf K, sr., of Shamokin, to Miss Dov es, of Mahonoy. ' On the 2 1st ult , by the same, Mr John Hkn- ' v Arr to Miss Sarah Ann Basslkr, both of fcclinsgrove, l nion county. " rule or COURT. T N the Court of Common Pleas of Northumber. -- land county. January 6th, 1844. On motion of Charles Pleatanta, Rule on the Judgment credi. toia of John C. Boyd, lo appear by the first da of next term, and shew cause why the monev raised from the sale of John C. Boyd's life e'lae" in eFr. tain lands in Rush township, sheaj , J. . buled according to i.rn.riiy l.wn, - y )he Cour . . 8AMUE' D JORDAN, rrmnonoiary's Uttice. l I'rolWu Slicrirt's Sale. (Y vtrtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued oul of the Court of Common Pleas of b rland C"finty, to ine ilirrc'rd, will be exposed to public sale at fhe house of Peter Ileiss !. in t'pper Mahonny township, on Jatn'd iy the 16thirayof Mjrch next, at I o'clock P. M., the following de scribed property, to wit : A certain Irtel of land situo'e in T'cper Maho niy township, Northumberland county , containing W acres and 00 pechrs, adj inmg lands of Jonas Kiscuhari, Davit Malich and Peler Beissel, on which is erected a small fr imo house arid k'tchen and a small bam. About 23 acre of said land is clcs ed, whereon are several fruil tree. Seized, t irk en in execution, and to be sold as the propcr'y of Henry Xenmin. FEI.IX MAURER, StfriJr. Sheriff's Office, Siinbirry, March 2. lfcVl. Shcrilr's Safes. Y virtue nf sundry wrks -of vrruKiiniri exp - n is, issued out of the Cirnrl of Common Picas ol Aorthnn.berl mil counly, lo n d rei li .I, will lie exposed to public a.ile, at the Court Hiiue in Ills' Borough of funbury, on Monflay the I si day of April ncxi, at t o'c'ock, P. Millie foflowmg ilc-cri-U'd properly, to wit : 1 he one undiviciKicu sixth pnrt, the whole into sit equil part to be divided, I ot a ccrt.iin tract of lantl, luule in t onl townMnp, Noithunibeiliiud county, adjoining lauds bile of Valcnt tie Brobst, dee'd. and olhers, containing two bundled aires nore or le., about CO y acres of which aie cleared; whereon are erected a Tsvrn house, a biro, sheds, &.c, now in the occupancy of Paul Ronls. Also: The one tinrJiviiled sixth pari of a certain oilier tract of land, situate in said townthip, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Jeremiah Prful, containing 06 acres and 18 penhes more or less, on Sham, kin crek. adj lioiug lands late of Vjb niine Bro't, dee'd. and others., taken in execu'ion. and lo be sold as the property of Ch irles A. H rail ford. Also: A certain lot or piece of grrund t-itunte in Ihe lown of Shamokin, Coal township, Northu:nberland county, in that p:irl of said town IiJ out by J.ibn C. Boyd, bound ed tn ll.e s iu'h by the DanviPe 6c Potisvdle Hj'I Rosd, and en tin eust by Shtmokin s'reei, on Ibe west by Ruck street, and on Ihe north by a street ; wheieon are creeled a large two story frame Tavern house and kiichen, painted while, an ice house and fountain pump. Also: J wo other cmtliguous lo' of ground situate in the lown at r s.iid, and mnk' il in llie general plan thereof Xos. 1 and 2, bounded on the north by Lot No. S, on tha south by a Mrud or alley, and fronting en 'h in,o kin rtreet on the et, containing e,uh tSA fi fienl, and in bugih or depik 190 fwt ; whereon are erected a tw, glory frame house and kitchen, painted while and two frame st:iles. tSe eotk ta'senin execution, aird lo be sxtd as the property ol Jacok Kram. Also: Ihrce certain lots of ground situate in Cliilhiiuamtn township. Northumbeiland county, No. 1,2 A 3, adj iitung lamlsuf John V tK-ent, and iiulu.ling all the I md public hnu-ti. Wm H Waplet llr.imigim E P Shannon J Youngmsn Henry Wenck John WheaMey Wm. A LI yd "taveux To the Ihtnnruhle C. O, T Withingtntt J M Cake J R Priestly John I.ei-enring Thos Oaskioa John Shriner March 3. 1844 3t LICENSE. Vimnrl. En., President, and A i.i Astocinle, Judg'S nftlie Cnurt nf Q iar trr Sessions of the tnunty nf Kirthnm1crtandi rilllE petition ofCalharine Williingtoii, ol North L uml eiland, in said county, hum'dv represent, that she continue to keep a bouse ofpubtic entertain ment al her old stand m Northumberland, mid is well prepared for the nccommndition of travellers, fee. She therefore prays your honoT to grant her a li cence to keep a tavern, tari:ig the enduing year, and she will prav, eke. 'AT H A R IN E WITHINOTOX. To thk .Icnor.s imvt nvsiTiosF.n : The snb seriieiis residents of Noith'A, hereby ceriitv, th rt Ciiih.irine Withingion, the fir llveliccne, is a linly of good repute fir bore-iy ar:d tempt sin e, and is well provided with fenuee room and conveniences for the lodging and rccomnnv!alin of slrarieera nrrtj travellers, and that a public bun-e there is irrresssry: they Ihercfvre recommend her as a prop peion (a be licensed to keep a fublic house. 11 Brae.itesm Wm Wflsn John Wheal'ey Win Forsyth J Vinii goian C Wiioit Wm IT Wiiples J R Priestley E P Shannon Jotm Tapg.irt Wm M'Cay A E Kap A C Barre t Mi.rch H, 1841. 3 Tavern Uccn)e. To the Honorable Ellis Leiw's, Esq , President, and hit Associates, Judges nf the Court of Qnnr ttr Sessions, of the county of Northumberland. TlilE petition of George ConraJ, of Augusta .1. township, in said county, humbly represents, that he continues to keep public house of enter tainment, in his old stand, in August township, and is well prepared for Ihe accommodation of travellers, ckc. He therefore praya your Honors to grant him license to keep a tavern, during the ensuing year, and he will pray, Ac. GEORGE CONRAD. To THK JcnoRS AROVK MKSTIOKF.n : I he sub seribers.reaiileots of Augusta township, hereby certi fy, that George Conrad, Ihe applicant for license, is a man of good repute for honesty and lemierence, and is well provided with house-room and conveni ences for Ihe lodging and accommodation of stran gers and travellers, and that a public house theie ia necessary : tin y therefore recommend him as a pro per person to be licensed lo keep a public house. Samuel Lantz ( Leiseriring Peter Culp J:ieoh feah .tt Gerge Savidge Philip Wciscr George Keefer Henry Byerly Jhn JSterner Abraham fliipman Abraham Wolf John Yordy March 2d, 1814. Ht Tavern I.Uciise. To the Honorable C (5. Ihmnrl. E".. President, and his Aisticiart, Judges nf the Court nf Quar ter Sessions of the couufg if Kurthumhrrlnnd : TllllE petition of Franklin A. C,rk of Slnmo JL kin, in said county, buinldy represents, lh-.l he Coniinue to keep a house of public entertainment at bin old stand in the town of Sh im.'kin, and is well prepared for the accommodation of travellers, Ac. He therefore pr ,ys your honors to grant him a li cense lo keep a tavern, during the ensuing year, and he will prav, Ac. FRANKLIN A. CLARK. To Tnx Jrnatnt tnovs mkstioskb; The sub scribers, residents of the lown ol Shamokin, hereby bv certify, (h it rranklin A. Clark, the applicant for lt license, inn man of good repu'efor tmnesty and tcmperatrce, nnd is well rrovi.led with house room and cimversietrci a for the lodging and accom modation of stranger an I travellers, and that a pub lic hmise there I nt-ees-ary : .hey therefore recom mend him as a pr yi" person te l licinscJ to keep a pHblie houte. W I) Gearhart Solomon Eikert J din K Roh'.i s Willi im II Ci.erington J.icoli Hair James Walles M reh 8 IH44. 3l Tavern Uceiwe. 7b f7i Honorable C. (7. Dunnel. Esq., President, and his Associates, Judges of the Court of Quar ter Sessions, of the county of Northumbei land : fTtHE petition of John Haus of Sunbury in said JL county, humbly represents, thai he continues lo keep a public house of entertainment, at his obi stand, and is well prepared f,ir the accommodation of travellers, Ac He therefore pravs your Honors lo grant him a license to keep a tavern during the ensuing year, and he will pray, Ac. JOHN HATJS. To Tin Jrnnts above sttxTiorttn : Tho sub scribers, resident of Sunbury, hert lry certify, that John Haus the applicant for the license, is a man of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided for house-room and convenien ces for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers, and that public house there is ne reary : they therefore recommend him a a pro per person to be licensed lo keep a public house, Thomas A Bdlington Thomas O llegini Edward Oysltr Geo W Kiehl Geo Mar in Abraham Erwin t'hules Pleasants John Landau S.imunl D Jordan D Rockefeller Frederick Laziru Samuel Fetlcr Feb. 24th, 1824 3t liwcen lot No 3 and the Canal, rontain'ng each J ofen acre mere or k- ; whereon are erected a ; temperance, and is well provided with hou e-room TAVEHX LICENSE. To the Honorable C. C. Vonvrl, Esq. President, and his Asmieiotrs, Judges of the Court of Quar ter Srsvinris of the Cuunty of Korthumhrrlutid : 'TMIE petition" of Paul Rorti, of Coal township. J- in an i I count v, humbly represent, that he sti'l occupies his obi stand al '-Mount Carrm-I," on Ihe Centre turnpike, and i well prepared f.n the ae commod ni'Mt of travellers A c. He therefore pray youi honors to grant him a license to keep a tavern during the ensuing year, and he will alwavs pruy, Ae. PAI L ROTH. To Tt Jrnnrs above tf.stionii! : The sub scribers, re idents of Co il t wnhip, hen bv certify, that Paul Roth, the applicant for the license, is a man of good repnte for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with houe room and conveni ences for Ihe Inditing and accommodation of tlr.m gers snd travellers, mid that a public house there is necrs-ary : They therefore recommend him ss a proper person to be licensed to keep a public, house. Jacob Bair Joseph Dimmich Stephen Bittenbendrr Will am II Olierington Stephen Eisenhart Msthew Brmagan Richard Woolverton Thomas Curan Stidraui Eaton Daniel Evert John Mnscr Jeremiah Zimmerman March 2. 18 1 4 . 3 1 "VERN LICENSE. To the Honorable C. (!. Dtinnel, Esq., rrrident, and his Asot:a1es, Judges nfthe Court of Quar ter Sersir.nt oj the county nf Northumberland : j flllE petition of Jsc ib Lfisenrina, of Slmire kin .. townthip, to eaul rrrnnly, humbly represent s that he continues to keep a h ui-e of public enter tainment at his old stand, al Bear Gap, and is well prepared Tor the accommodation of t avelbts, Ac. j He therefore prays your honors to grant him a li- j (sense to keep a tavern during the ensuing year, and he will prav, Ac. j JACOB LEIDEN RING, j To Tax JenoFS abovk m niTioiiKn : The sub- ; scriliers, resident of Slisinokin to.vnship, hereby certify, thi.t Jacob Lenenring. the applies .t for the j license, ia a man of good iepute lor honesty and I Daniel Evert Peter Bonghner David Haas Matliew ttranagan Wm FaEely ) Zimmerman Solomon Manx TiiK'm I.Urnse. To the Honorable C. ft. Don nil, l?q.. President, and his .isfoeiotes. Judges of the Court of Qiar ttr Sessions for the county nf Sorthumberland : flHE peijiion of Jmnes Lee, of Notliumbcr JL land, in s ii I comity, humldv reiiremnts, that he contmU' S lo keep a hoiK of pu! he entertain Tavern License. To the Honorable C. G. Dunnel, Esq., President, and his Associates, Judges nflh? Court of Quar ter Sessions, of the county of Northumberland .- riIIE petition ofChrstlan Kablo, nf Shamokin JL township, in said county, hunddv represent", th it he alill continue st his old stand in sai I town ship, on the rosd lending fron Shamokintwwn lo Sunbury and D mville, and also from Irih Valley to Ihe Bear Gap. and is well prepared for the iccommo- ,1st on of traveller, Ac. He therefore prays your Honors lo grant him a licenso lo keep a tavorn, during the ensuing year, and he will priv, Ae. CHRISTIAN KABLE. i o tk JrnF Aiinvt stssTiorrj : I he su'i seribi rs, residents of Shamokin tsp hereby certify. that Kable, the applicant for Ihe license, is man of good repute for honesty and temperance. atul is well provided with house-room and conveni euce for the lodging and accommod ition of stran gers and travellers, snd that a public house there is necessary: they therefore recommend htm a proper person to be licensed to keep a public house. Daniel Haas Jacob Mover Jacob Wirtely Benjamin Stcttzel N..,im n Hummel George Persing Feb. 24th, 1S44, 3t Geo W Slertfl Joseph Kaseman Jacob Haas John Runkel jr Henry Wscr Solomon Fsgely Tavern License. To the Honorable C. G. Donnet, Esq., President, ana ms Assoeinres, Juagts of the Uourtoj Quar ter Srsi'ons, of the county cf Northumberland .- THE pillion nf Ira T. Clement, of Sunbury, in a iid county. humbly represents, thai he intend to keep a house of public entertainment in the stand now occupied by C. V. Wharion, snd is well pre pared for the accommodation of travellers, Ae. Hi therefore prays your Honors to grant him a licens tn keep a tavern during (ho ensuing year, and ho will pray, Ac. IKA T. CLEMEN I , 1 O TRR Jl'DOF.S above mkhtiokkd . I he rub- scrihera, residents of Sunbury, hereby certify that Ira T. Clement, the sui licaiit for the license, is man of good repute for honesty and Temperance, and i well provided with house-room and conveni ences for the lodging and accommodation of strang ers and traveller, and that a public house there is necessary i they therefore recenmmend him aa proper person lo be licensed to keep a public l.ous nenjirniii iiotiuncts William Matlz Geo Weiser Samuel Hunter Thorns A Billington Joseph Eisely John W Peal Charle Miller Feb. 24th 1844 3t Geo. Bright Frederick Lniarus C deb Fifher Charles Weaver Gideon Maikel E Markky T Tavern License. To the Honorable C. G. Donnel. Esq , Presideit, and his Associates, Juilgrs of the Court of Quar ter .Vs-iror, oj Ihe county of Northumberland . HE petition of Catherine Boulton. of Sun bury, in faid county, humbly represents, t'nt she continues to keep a public horj-e of entertain ment at her old stand, and is well prepared fir tho accommod ition of traveller. Ae. She prays your Honors to grant her a license to keep a tavern, during the enumg veir, and she will pray, Ac. CATHERINE BOULTON. To thf. Jrner akote xr.TioKEii : The sub cribers residents of the to n of Sunlmrv, hereby cer tify, lhat Cathrtine Boulton, the applicant for thft, is a woman of good repute fir honesty and tempi r mce, and is well provided with hnucro irt and conveniences for the I dgmg snd accommoda tion of strangers and traveller, and that a uhlie house there is ncce sary : they thci f re recom mend her as a proper person to be licensed to keeji a public house. Ira T Clement S S Bonghner JiMieph Eisely Frederick Lacarus Henry S Gobin Samuel Fetter Feb. 17ih. 1814.- Edward Oyter, C D Wharlou Geo Martin I) Rockefeller John Haus W I. Dcwart At Tavern License. To the Honorable. C. G. Donnel, Esq., President, and his Ass-cia'es. Jutlgesijthe Court of Quae tee .Vision oj the l onnfy oj Nnrthnmbirland : TIilE pitition of Daniel Conrad of Augusta town I. ship, in said county, humbly rcpiesent, that I be ha urchased that hou-e situate at the forks nf mem, nt his old slan I. in snid town, a-.J i well pre. j ,h' Tu'p, hocken and Plumb ( reek road, where he pird for the aceomimaluiion of Iravelleis, A , He therefore prays your Honors lo grant her a li cenae t.i keep a tavern duiiug th" enanina year, and he will pray, Ac. J AMES LEE To tii k Ji or, t abovs m r.tTio rn : The Mil scriber-, rciidenis of Northumberland, hereby cer tify, lhat .fumes Lee, the applicant for the K.-eie-e, is man nf good repute for Imnes'y and temperance, and is well provi led with houe-rooin and c nv. ni ences for Ihe lodging ai d necomm "datum of stran gers and travellers, and that a public Imu-e therj is neces iry :tl.ey therefore recommend him as a proper person lo be licensed lo keep a public huuse. J mies Tngart Wm T Bod Joa-ph Hoffin an J R Pr 'onlcy Wm Forsyih Wm A Lloyd M itch 2d, 1814 31 John Sluimr A E Kspp D Biautigam Samuel Shannon Win II W a plea T Williingtoii Fib. 21ih, 1844. 3t Sunbury, March 3. I 6t r NOTICE. M-.state of Jas. Lemon, jr. dee'd "taOTICE is hereby giv.n, to all persons having lj claims or demands .gainst the estale of said deceased, to make thorn known to the subscriber, and all person indebted lo come forward and set if the same without delay. JOHN NIXON. Toinl township, March 3, 19 t.i. 6P Adm'r. two story frame dwelling houi-e, a store and ware hou e, stul'le, died, ivi Scited, I k en io execution, and lo be sold as the property of John T, Mathias. MAIso: A certain lot or piece of land situate in Shamokin lowhi Nor. ihumbiiland county, a ' j imng lauds late of Ann l'( ml erton, and b nd of now Lewis a-tme, con tabling 12 acres more or less, about nine acr. s of wl iih are cleated ; whereon is erected a small two s'ory frame house. S' it d, t iki-u in execution, an J to he sol. I as the projierty of Henry Fry. FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. Sheriff's OiTice. Sunbury. March 2, 1814. $ iNotice. TS hereby given, lhat Err S. Hayhursl, assignee nf Wi jjon L ia-iiring. hss filed hi account in the office of the Proihonolary nf Northumberland county, and that the sime will be presented lo the Curl, on ihe rlrt day of April Term next, for con firmation and allowance, unle-s cause lie sh iwn to thecontrury. SML'EL D. JORDAN. I'm honotary's Olfice, Prolh'y. Sunbury, M .rch 2, 1841. J tc TAY Kit " LI (3lTNSE. To the Honoruble C. G. Ihmnil Etq.. President, and his Associates, Judges of the Cuurt ofQunr. tee Sessumt of the County of Northtmbcrla'ui . TIIIE peliiion of Rebecca Wells, of .'e l(humber J. land, in said county, huud ',y ie- .rerfnts, lhat he conlinues to keep a houj of ubh'c entertainment, at Ihe well known Hand, ,, the Maikel House, and U well pi-pred ',0, the accommodation of trai vellers, Ac. Sb (herefoie prays your honors to gran ner , t'lCl.nse u teep a tavern, during the en suing jcar ,a ,he will prav, Ac. REBECCA WELLS. To the Junncs absvs mbbtiobed t The sub scrilxrs, lesideuts, of Norlh'd , hereby certify, lhat Rebecca Wells, the applicant for Ihe license, ia a lady of good repute fur honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for ihe lodging and accommodation of atrangers anJ travellers, and that a public house there is ne cessary t ihey therefore recommend her as a pro per person to he licensed to keep a public bouse. and cnrveiiiciiof for ihe lodging and accommoda tion of strangers and travellers, and that a public house theie is necessary : they the efore recom mend him as a proper person to be licensed lo keep a public house. J hn r isher John B Tictsworlh Jsainh Miller jr Firderiek Kaseman Gass Geo'g Miller Joseph Kaseman Joseph Roth Benjamin Smith Joseph Fry Adam Dimmich John Dm kelbergor March 2d. 1844 3l 'later it License. To the Honorable C. (!. Donnel, Erq., President, aid hit Aisocjntes, Judges of the Com t if Q'ia: trr Sessions of the county of Northumberland ; riH E petition of Georce iSmilh, of Jackson lsh-., X in said counly , huifiMv reprc euts, that he ron tin nes In keep a house of pubbe eritert liument, at his old aland, and is well prepared fir the accommoda tion of traveller", Ac, He thcnfoie pravs ynur honors to grant him a license lo keep a tavern dur Ihe ensuing ) car, and he wi'l pray. Ac. GEORCE SMITH. To Tar. Jrnnt's a bov t. Mts r1051r.11: The sub serili, rs, re. idents of Jackson, hereby c -rtify, that Oeorge Smith ihe applicant for the license, is 1 and he will pray, Ac a man of good repute f.t honesty and temperance, and iawell provided with bmi-e room and conveni. ences for the lodging and accommodation of stran gers snd Iravtllcrs, and that a public house there is tn cessary : they then fore recommend him as a proper peis m lo lie licensed to keep a public houe. niii n'ta to keep a public house of entertainment, irid is well prepared for the accommodation of tra velle a. A". He therefore plays your honors to grant him a licence lo keep a tavern during the en suing year, and he wiil prav, Ac. DANIEL CO RAD. To tii Jrnnxs abovk ia r.Tiost:n : The sub scti' ers, reaiden's of Augusra town-hip, hereby eert.fy, that Daniel Conrad, the applicant for the license, is a man of good repute for hnnoty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and ao eommodalion of stranges snd travellers, and that a public honse there i necessary : They therefore n commend him as a proper person lobe licensed to keep a pubbc house. GeivgR Keefer John Trailer M'Cbael Arnold Fr derirk Haas Samuel Sdjve Israel Coopit rtulip V ei-er John Snyder G I.ei-enring John Kremer S unuel Gehringer Peler Culp Tavern License. Tit the Honoruble C. G. Dunnel, Esq., President, and his Associates, Judges if the Court of Quar ter Sessions, of the county of Narthumbi:rland ; FlilE petition of William M. Weaver, of Sha ft, mokin town-hip. in said county, humbly repre s 11's, lhat be conuinue lo keep a be u-e of pul-l c entertainment at his dd stand, and is well prepared for the accommodation of traveller. Ac. He therefore prays your honor to grant h m a license to keep a tavern, during ihe ensuing ycai, Jes-e llen-y I Wm Di ppen J D H irm. n Michael S nilh Michael Forney Michael Ho Ii March 2d. IR14. Hi S niuel Sin'th ('alien Mayer Ad un Darnel J dm llainilt n Benjamin 'Pre in Amos Kcmbel WILLIAM M. WEAVER. To trr Jcnoss abovk M K "i n on i. ii : The sub scriber, ics dents of Shanii kin lap. hereby certify, hut Wm. M. Weaver, the applicant for the license, is a man of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided wilh house-room and conveni ences for the lodging and accommodation of stran gers and triv. llers, and that a public house there ts n- tes-ary : ihry therefore r commend hnn as a proper per-n to be Itccnsid to keeps public hju-e. TAVEHX To the Himnrublc C. G. LICENSE. Donnel Esq., President, and his Associates, Judges of Ihe onrt of Qunr tcr Sessions of the county of Northumberland : fMIIE petition nf Jonathan Purser, of IVnt town L ship, in said cuntv, humbly rei-,eents, th it he lis pu'eha-ed lhat house situated lite miles be- I law Danville, on the North Drsr,, h of the Su(iic- j hsiina, whie he intends to eep a pubic hou-e of j enteiiainmeni, and is w,l toepan d for Ihe accom- I modaiion of travel e', Ac. He therefore prays your honors 1 1 grant t,m a bcen-e to keep a tavern du ring ihe en.uirig year, and he will piav. Ac. JONATHAN i'UKsEL. ToTtit Jltcks inure : The sub sciibera, t .-s.deiiis ot Point towns'. ip, hereby certify, that Jonathan Pursel, the appl cant for ific license, ' .nan of good repute for hone-ty and lemp r a'oce, and i wtll provided with house room and convert lences for the bx'ging and acmmmod it un of a rangera and travel'ers, and that a public house there is necessary : Ihey therefore recommend him as a proper peison to bo licensed to keep a public house. Elijih Koucher Jacob Conrad Solomon Fagely D miel Haas Jos. ph Kaseman Jacob Haas l .24ih 184431 Jacob R Haas Solomon Weaver Jes-e II Wagner Andrew Knarr Daniel J Rote Joseph Allinson IVortliiimberland County, hs. In llw Orphans' Court of said counly, ot Jan. Term A. D. 1S4I. N motion of t 'hurles W. Hegin, E-q., tb ' t'ourt award a Ruin on lacob Long, tJcore Long, John Long, Catherine, in'eimarricd with Samuel Gonseil, Mary, intermarried with Jonathan Katherman, Harriet leuig and Jane Long, of whom Lot Bergstresscr t guardian, Sarah, intermarried wilh William Countner, Elizibeth, intermarried with John Malich. Catherine, intermarried with Da vid Gibson. Polly, intermarried with William; Rhoids, and I.ydii Ann Shearer, being the chddrent and heir at law of George Long. sr.,dec'd .daugh ter Elitabeih, intermarried with Peter Shearer, and' who deceased previous to the death of said intcatatsr, heirs and disirilmtees of George Long, sr., lata of Aogu-1a township, Nonhumlierland county, dse'd.. to appear in oar next Orphan' Court to be beld for said county, to wit: on the first day of April, 1841, and accept or refuse the estate of sail Georga Lung, sr., dee'd., or show -cause why the tame should noi be sold. Ccrt'6ed from Ibe record of our said Orphans Court, this 13th dav ,,f .1 .ne.arv, A. D. 1814. EDWARD OYSTER. Feb. 24ih, 1841 6t iVk O. C. Tstate or Solomon I'eilu, Iec'd- "TaOTD'E is hereby given, lout let ers of d-mints-iiitioR on the etate of S I unon Pei sing, dee'd., lare of Sh imokin lownfiip, Northum hitlaud coiniy, have been gianted t ihe subscri ber. All peit.iiis indebied lo aid, a well as all those having claims against the same, are r. . quested to call on ihe administrator for setilemen who will leal home every other Saturday from il'.s dale, for that pi.rpose. EMMAM EL ZIMMERM , Feb. 17th, l44. Ct Adm. For Rent. yilE large and commodious T AY ERN STAND - in the town of Shamokin, N oriu, n.jdand r . now occupied by the sub-cub' r. The shove pro. pvrtv is situated in the Shui jokin Coal Region. For l.rm. app'y t JAt:OB KRAM. ShamAin, Fell. 10ih, 181' if. '1 Tavern l.ltcints To the llonorulile V. 11. Donnel. Lq., President, and It's Anxociutrs Judges "f Ihe. Court of Quar ter Sessions, nf the cnnniy of Sorthuinberland '.- !H l. petition of Jacob Kiam, ol I oal town- .h p, in said county, humbly irpivscnts, th it he continues 10 keep a litem at hi ol I stand, snd is well prepared for the aecoinin ula'i n nf Irawl- j l.i.d -C ltd il...r..r..-.. rt.u.a '.uir lf.,iii,rtt t.t crnitl I ,..-, - r. :...,iv ft- i:t him a license to keep a tavern duitng the ensuing l'l,',r I"1"""" rr" ercb , f Shamokin 1'sp , year, and he will pray, Ac. j 1,1 Ml'' nir.nbly represents that he con- JtUlU MtUI. .... . . use r nu,,ic .i,, ., ! ni 1 id nua in ,...... 1 : ... .1 ." .111(1 m 11. h 111 1 in w. 1 iirt-iiurn Tavern Lleenwe. To the Honora'de C. G. Dnnn-I, ., and his A.,iatcs. Judges of ht cmr Qua Ur Sessions of the County of Nrlhumbtrlnaa , D Brauligam E P Shannon Samuel Shannon Was Forsyth John Wheatley James Taggart March 3, 1841. 31 Jnhn Tagaari Wm H Waptca John Frick Wm A Lloyd J R Priestley C Woods Daniel Robins jr Jacob Troxel tieorge Lusher James Nsblt Robert Curry John Nixon Match 21, 1844. 3t Dsvid Nixnn John Powl William H ousel jr John Lseock Leonard Pfouta John Pfouta To tiir. Jvnor.s abovr mv.ktio n : The sulr scrilier, residents of Cod lahp., hereby certify, thai Jacob Kram, the applicant for the license, is a n an of good repure for honesty and Tempi r mce, and ia well prov. de I wilh house-ioom and e n'enteifTs for the Udging and acco nmodation of -trangers and Iravelb r, and that a public house Ibete is nei f sa' . Ihiy then I iiv leeomiiii lid him as a prop son lo be liceuctd lo kevp a public bousj. John lb nl John Mosrr Jacob B or Willium Siepben Bittenbender Malhe-V ir Stephen Eisenhart 1 1' tit stand in f r the accom' p.r- '''-ringlon naen niiu iru ooivcrioo II m- . ... ,, . - 1 r-' Dtiiiiiinii r.aion j March 2d. 1' ,44 r ' remiah Z.mirierman nil- ,.r ...... X. 11.. ,i.n. ftro a s jih 01 u.rnr', in- iiivn liei ,' r y"ur honoia to grant him a license, to "P iaverj Ju,ing the cnsU ng yearand he will l'rj" . 'VC FELIX I.EKClI. ' " tux Jt'Boia ABavt MtiTlOBEii : The sul i .1! ers. residents of Shamokin tsbp., hereby ceriil'y, ( thnl Felix Len h, the applicant for license, is a mail Ol goou repine lor lionriiy anil iriiin:rnin c, and is well provided with house r 0111 and conve nieiriet for ihe lodging and accommodation cf strangers and fravelleis, rnd that a public house there is necessary. They therefore recommend him as a proper person lo be licensed lo keep a public house. YT.fV.ni7l.?; II V7 JL B Jt ZZLl -lJ CO -ZLi jL.. rpiIE subKiibe, rKCtfuly ilifi)tmi hig o(, fUi x tom,r, Ibe public generally, thai he in tends to '..Hitir.ue in hi old s and, opposite the UouV, lloei(.( in Sunbury, Nonhumlierland C"Uii '7 Pr.., where he is Well prepared lo give autmfac V.on to sll who may fjvor him with thsir custom. Belria thankful fur past favors, he hopes lo receive continuant of public patronage. CHARLES D. WHARTON. Sgnbuiy, Match ?J, 1841. 3t . , Notice P k berel.y jven ltisl 1&ve purchased ihe fob att '""..ig articles, sold at Constable's ssle, on " e 3d ult., aa th property of Robert Grant, 'hii h srtu I. a I h ive loaned to the said Roliert, until I see proper to remove, via 5 One Bay Maie 30,00, 1 Gary de. 40,00. t Bay Home 30 HO, I B v Mare 30,00, 1 Black Cull 33.00, i Plough 3.00, 1 Wagon 30,00, 3 Shoals 4,87, I Sled 4.00, 4 Setts Harness ft. 60. I Tbieshiiig Machine 30,00, 1 Cupboard 1,00, 1 Harrow 3.10, 1 Cultivator 100. Tot d $i Ift 47J. DEBORAH GRANT. Mcrch 5. 1844. Bl. BLANKS . foil SALE AT THIS OFFICE. Hash II Teile Solomon Fsgely J icoh Miller John H ifer Daniel Pagety Amos Feb. 34th, 1844. 31 Samuel Hales Reuben Snyder Daniel Miller John Tens jr George Fox Jscob Luch Nails. 'PWO KEGS OF NAILS were left al ihe He lei i f ihe subscriber in Sunbury, about ihe 1st of April Isst. The owner is nque.ud income f.uwiii, prove i.ropei'V, pay chsrees. and take them .way. CHARLES WEAYER. Sunbu y, Feb. 24;h, l14 Jt SLi:i;il, nearly II. D. MASSE R. Public Sale. n.OCO Acres of Land. . ILL 'oe a dd. at public auction, at the hou' .T 4r 'jf Daniel Herb, in I'ppcr Mahonoy town- tpi -v,orthuinbtrUiid county, on the 1st day ot vi iv eX, '.,MM acres of Timber I-niit3, itu ited. chii fly, in t;oal t-iwuship, said cnunH . 1'he Vahoiioy creek pas-es tlirouh a c onsiderabU portion of the property, afTardinu sTveral cxtflle; t mill seats The taxes have all been ptidup, I n indisputable title, clear of all incumbrances, w.'l be given 10 porch iser. The site wi'l be continue d Ii una day to dav, until the whole ia s dd. The leims will lie mule known on the day cf sale. A. JEtNUEN M I). PETER WOl'sQUKT. Feb. 10, 1814 tf W.V. , Agerl. er-y- The Ponsville E r poiium and Dmv ll.i ti lligencer will continue ihe above until forbidden, and rh nge thi ofTice. AS ihe ,ub-ciilier intends to remove from Son' u ty, be reiursls all peiaons knowing thems. Ives irnlelitcd to him, on book account or otherwise, lo call and settlo the same mi or before Ibe loih d iv nf March next aa no longer indu'K- iice can be B' vcn- Prompt alleulion 10 this nmiee will save cost. JOHN BOGAR. Sunburv, Feb. 3. 1844 31 rotate or John Xeldlsr, dee'd. "tftJOTIl'Eis hereby given thai lell.rsof a,! ministration have been granted by ihe Re Kith r of N ilhumber'and county, to the suUrriln-r, in the estate nf John Neidig, sn'r., dee'd., late of Au gusta said county. All rson, there. . re. indebted to Ihe said estate, aie requealcd n nuke payment, and all lhe having claims I present them I t seiibment, on Monday anJ Tu. -day ihe 6th snd 6h of Maich next, al the latere-'-deece nl the deceaed. ADAM N EI DIG, Auuu.ta, Jan. 27, 1844. fil Adin'-. I.LI.I A T J V new, fx a de. cl.i 1 Fib. I0ib, 1H44. heap, by WILLIAM J.MAUTIN. .TTCniTET AT LAV" , suNBtjny, pa. FFH'E. m the budibr. occup ed by J. UlJOiu, tin Maikel street. Oct. SI.l, 1843.