changing the franking privily. Almost every Slate in the Union linn now petitioned Cnngres upon this subject, and there is, but little doubt that Congress will Hot fuvnrnbly upon it. THE TARIFF AGAIN. Mr. IRWIN presented memorial from mer chants of New York testifying in behalf of the beneficial effects of the present Tariff declaring that miller its present influence business had re vived, and the country hud every where become more prosperous. Mr. Irwin moved the reference of the memo rial to the Committee of Way and Means, and its printing. The reference wn agreed to, but the printinjr Was refused. From the Daily Sun. PKNXSVlsVAXIA LEfJlSI.ATtTlF.. llAHi:iHrn;, Jan. 2'2, 1MI. The bill for giving the printing to the lowest bidder came up, and on motion of Mr. Sullivan, was referred to th? Committee on the Ji diciary for correction, with instructions to re port on Tn -sday next. The bill to compensate J. W. Hammond for services in the Treasury de partment passed three rending. llmsK or Ri:rRKKvr.tTivK A letter was presented by t ho Sp-aker, from the Clerk, sta ting that he had appointed as transcribers, .Tno. I I). Allies, Ilenrv OversUin and (teorgi1 M. ! man. which was real. The Speaker th.-n pre- j sented a letter from W. J. ft. Andrews. Clerk of J the Hons., resigning that office, which was read , by the Assistant Clerk, and laid on the table. The resignation is understood to be in conse- epi-mee of a difference with the Sp aker, on the j subject of the resolution, promising to employ! two Triiiiscribimi Clerks named, instead o I those I Appointed by the clerk. Th ' following resolutions w.t- nTepvl mid a dopte.l by Mr. Ilinchnini. to instruct the eoninit te." on V.ducation. to impure into the expediency of providing by law. that each comity shall rais its own tees for school purposes. I!y Mr. Tus tin. instructing th' committee on the .Tndiciary to impure into the exp -dieney of repoitinga bill. to prevent a.-iifiiors from Incoming witness s in ; cas -s whore suits are brought by th aignees. J '.,. tl.., r..e..r iii.kiit. , i ii I'.e l i- Piviile t ' ' ' , instructing tie- sain- committee, to impure into the expediency of modifying the law relating to count v rates and I'vi-s. I'y Mr. Rnuitiliut. in-' structing the satin" coiiiinitt '.' to report n bill to reihic th' exp 'tns of th? Courts of this Stat', j l!v 'r. Brady. T"ipt -sting th? Auditor (i.-ti.Tal j to furnish a statement of th" iinio'iut of taxes, for State purposes, b'vieil in x :. the amotint paul in. ami the a mount still dir- th" Treasury. A communication was received from Hutter S; Bigler. ai-knowl.-ilgiiig that they have by nn rror. overdrawn about SMtO, and that they are villing. if their bon Is are approved as the fler ivm State Printers, to have the same deducted. )ii motion of Mr. Hrackeuriilge, two thou-ntnl j.ipies of the tabular statement, accompanying the Iovernor"s Mesag-', and relating to assess- inents, were ordered to b" printed. The joint resolution of th" S-nnte. repealing so much of the j law, of last session, as directs the tiovernnr to give over to the State Print-r. the reports of i the Heads of 1) -pal tin- lit -. pasil three readings. The following bills were read ill place. I'y Mr. Tu-tin. a bill to authorize th" Commission ers of Spring (iarden to exteml I'iddle street to Callowhill str ef. I'y Mr. Pail -y, a bill dir-c-ting the Canal I'oard to clos- the outlet look at Coliinihia unless th- Tide Water Company will rec-Mve their own notes in pavntent of tolls, or a portion..!" it. I'.v Mr. Tntin. a bill providing '. . , ., , ., r lor the elect .on ol Mate 1. dual inn 1V tne I.eis- ture. Thr Cnmm'Hcr of hirel's-itTon were in session ... this afternoon. C. M'Cnrdv, ofthe Intellicencer. I and tin. Simeon Carii-rou. were exainined; from i these witness-s it app -ars that P. C. Sedwick. J received an obligation for VlilOH. on b -lmlf af the j Intelligencer, for the W hig vot-. John II. Di- , mock had bi-for given M'Ciudy tin obligiitiou j for 1.100, and a proposition had been made to, him by V. Rest, with the same view price not named. The notes in favor of Sedwick. and notes for VJ-VI0 in favor of Then. Fenn, are in , the Middletown P.ank. placed there by !en. Ca ineron, to whom thev were given for safe keep ing. The examination of lieu. Cauieion, w ill be ! .... I tvilliioieo iiiiiiiiiiii. IIkafm-ss. A work on the Fair, highly spoken of, lias been published in Imdon by Doctor 1 Ycarsley, who has devoted many years to a study I of this particular dis-ase. The doctor is divided- y opposed to syringing the ear for the ptuiiose , of melting the wax. a very common practice, tut- less, he says, there is so great an accumulation of brad nil as toobstruct the sound; wax he con siders a natural accretion, and its presence in moderate quant ities indicate, a healthy condition ami is not the oi i-M.i oltlie disease which p,o- ' fuMic sale or outcry, on M .ml ,y ihe I'.h day of . . , , r etuuaiy m XI, at the houre of I'etci Sti) Jcr in Au He advises never to pick tie- ,..,,, jt) CUI,, , , f. Ihlill ituce iieain ss. ne .tiivi-e-, .-,., ,..,...... cars, und in I elation to heal ing, never Wet the hair nor wash the le ad with cold water ; and in i i .t t;. ... i tl,;.... -.1 using a show or bath, or in oidiiuu y liatliiug, Jl- mi. m on , c wajsto piotect the had and ears. Never stop a discharge from the ear, unle-s under pioper advice. Never apply to the outer passages any thing which cause heat or pain it affords only a temporary relief. The doctor udvises deaf pa tients to he particular in their diet Stomach derangements he consider a prolific cause of deafness, and never to be exposed to w et or windy weather. These hint are of importance, found ed, as they doubtle are, on great experience. Ori-.r.ATioNs oktiik Uxm:n Statks Mist. A repot t from II. M Patterson, director of the Mint in thi city to Congress represent that "the w hole coinage in the United State during the past year amounts to within a small fraction of li .1100.000 and exceeds, by more than one Lal, thai of any former year Of thi coinage. Iiltire than $8.0110,11111) is gold" exceeding by nearly 7.n00.tr00 that of the MX precccding ) cur Vn7. Ltdxtr. QfAcmtHT. The Philologist, Walker, informi us thai the word at the head of this article rrlntn to ''mean or bad acts in Physic." The faculty pro nounce It quackery to attempt the cure of disease in any way different from regular practice. Thua scientific and philanthropic h iracter, after much tudy and research, discover medicine, which in every case I ssena ihe amount of human suffering, and cures many disease formerly considered incu r .bio. Thia ia surely not a "mean or bail act of Physic." And yet because he d.ica not follow the antcquatcd dugmaa of the Faculty, hia Philanthropy is C:d ed Quackery. This Philanthropist is l't. Praud.clh, whose Vegetable Universal rills, by purifying the blooil, cure every kind of disease j be caue they assist Nature in eipclling from the body nil those impure humor vthich not only Cuu-e, but I produce disease. iXj Purchase of If. It Maser, Sunbury, or of the agents, published in another part of this p iper. The learned und caustic Bishop Warburlon once said '-It is wrong to define man to be a reu- j soiling animal ; (ill we can predicate of him is, i that he is nnanimal capable of reasoning. .n .1 n it 1 1: n j On Sjndiy list, by the Rev. R. A. Fiher, Me. ' Jon llowt:, or this place, to Mi )IaI Haas of August. 1 1 this pt .ee, on the 23 1 inst., by the Rev. J G. ' Mil . l. II I.- n. ..... ... M. t- I v- i .i. m- i. . i v . l)n the J.'ith inst , by the Rev. A. Brittain, Mr. Jkrf.miaii Hakt, of Rush township, to Miss MRV Kwm:' -"''''. i) n:u, Tn lV'lt.t town.hin. on the tfirh in.t . fr JOHN NKIlHiS, aged about 85 years. In this place, mi Sunday last, Miss ELLEN l.l'Ob I , Hge.l ,'mnt 4 3 enrs. On Sumlsv t, EMZABKTH, infant daugh ter of Mr, Sit is Bougtiner, of this p'ace. 1MMCH (HIIlllKNT. Carrrettd uxikly hy lltnry Ytixihtimer, VVllKAT, .... 8.r Rrr., 50 40 25 5 I no 12 25 10 55 200 8 10 1(1 DllHI, 04TS, Pork, Fl.xsFFn, Buttkh, Bkkswax, - Tallow, Dmikii Afpi.fs, - Do, Pkachks, Flx, Hk klf.ii I'm, Funs, 4ilV:;!iigl)ti Tire C'oiiiany., r'l'tlR minilwir of Itie rRtiinnlon Fire f!om- T innv" nre reiricstid to mrft at the State House, on Mi.nd.iv Evening, Fib. 5ih, at fi o'- i cloi k, precisely. Piuicliial attendance is required, Jin. 27. JACOB YOUNOMAN. Sre. " c;nod Intent Fire Company." A SPATE!) MEETIM.J of the Company will he held on Thursday evening next, at 6 o'clock, at the School House. Punctual attenilaricc ia re quired. CHAS. J. BUHNER. Jan. 27, I Pit. Si-c-ctitry. INtate of Hitlracl Ueel, le c I. yOTICE is hen-hy given, tha' the underiigiied las l.een a,p nteil an au :uor, liv the Or phans Court of ,rthuinle lmd ceuntv, to nppor- ' ion li e a sets in the h-unls of the In j in. I am aig ihe crediler-, accoidiiig t liw, and ! a d aii'litor will at'end a' Ids office on Tue. I da the 6lli d.iy of Fclitiuny in xt f- rsaid purpese. I ('HAULER I'LEASANT.i, Jan. 27. H!4. 'it Andimr. IMittt: or.loliil ft .'!! I iU t UL I "TVJ'O'nCE is hereby niven that letl rsof ad- I miniKtr ition I ave been granted by ihe Re- ' einr of N ilhuiribr r'and county, to the niscril-er, I I in the estate o!.lohn Ntidig. sn'r.. dee'd., late of An- . !'"' 'n'n hip. in aiid county. All p rsnns.lh. re ! I I, re. indebted lo the said estate, are requested to ' ; , , , ' .. umke pumcnt and all in e batn-a; claims wdl j pie-ci t iheni f 'r aeltl. ment, on MomIsv the f,th of' Much next, at the lale of ihe a- cc.ved. iinti vrnao ADAM NE1DK.. ! Augusta. Jm. 27, 1811. fit Adin' LIST OF CAUSES. FOR triul lie Hot. EMU Lev. is, at a S.-ec al Court to be held at Suubury , the 12ih .'sy . f Fel'iua.y, A. D. 18 11. I Will am Mori'i vs O P Duncan ; Ma y W.rka a Hyr'y fc Haas . John C H .yd s A W Johnwui el al ficorgc II II va George Hill's ei'rs ! Th as W'o.hI A; Co va Andiw Forsylhe ! Ilsi.i'-I llros ua v John A Sliis li r , J is ph Hill Martin Weaver Charles 1) innli'v hartoii vs A a on t.ooby r iMier S mon 8 td -i'sheiia J cu'i Mil it'd v Is sc Hill va Heoiy Yxtheimer at al va Same vs Hugh lleJas v Same vs Shsmok n Coat and I- ron Company va Jjinea S Dnugalet al vs Henrv Masser E a Frebruk Kiel! David F d'ordon Same ay Wi od & Snyder 11 L D.cffenbnch &.c ;hai'cs D Wh rton SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Frothonnlary's Office, i Sunbury, J nt. 27. IS4 4. S Vroth'u Oitli:iiis1 Court Sale. N pur.u mce of mi oidci of (he Orphaua' Court I of Noithuin'.H il .lid eotin'y, will be et posed to , town.hin .in said county , lr . .nimlc in the lo.viiship aforesaal, con Isinii g oi e hum red ami -even acre and ntneiys ! nine i eicht s, adj iuing I ml of I'etct Suvdcr, 1) n,- . . .. . u i i 1 l llenniiiger, ami the river Sus.pii hiiina, win reen 0r. etas at iwj rt.r leg house audio- lurn, an i pn-tllcnt urc!.aid. a spring lutuse with a never f.iil- inn soring. Via: At the same tune anil place, a c iuin tract uf land situate in ihe low uship afore said, containing two ncrts snd fifty-seven perches, adjoining land of Peter Snyder, Daniel Ileiuiinger and oiheia. The Hollulid Run Creek run. through aid land, and there ia a good water power on the last described liact. Late lite estate of Jacob Ma Itch, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of .aid day, when the condition, of .ale will he made known by JOHN MALICH, PETER MALICH, Sunbury, Jan. 20, 1844. Adui'i.. Caution. riIIE public is hereby notified, that my wife S. L iah J. Chamberlain and myself have sepirabd, and that I will n.x hold myself iepnn-ible for any debt ihst she bat, of may hereafter contract ; on my account. LEMUEL t IIAMBERLAIN. ' SUaoiokin, Jin. 17ih, IBM. 3l Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of sundry writa of venditioni expo, nns, issued out of the Court of Common Plena of iXorthumberbind county, to me directed, will he exposed to puMic aale, at the following placea, to wit t On Saturday the 1 Oth day of Februiry. next, at 1 1 o'clock A. M., at the late dwelling house of John Fetatcr, dee'd.. (now (ieorge Peiffer,) in Lit tlo Mshnnny township, Northumberland county, a ceitain tract or piece of Isnd situate in enid tnwn ship of Little Mahonny, adjoining lands of Daniel Herb, Daniel Dorn.-eif, the hcire of Leonard Fcra tcr, dee'd., and others, containing 182 acrea and 153 pc'che, airict measure, bo the aame more or less, about 100 acres of which are clesred ; whereon ate reeled a large two rtory dwelling house, a spring house, a targe hnnk turn, waggon ahed and other out-buildings. There is also a large apple orchard and number of chony and other fiuit tree. Se x d, taken in execution, and to be sold aa the property of Peter Fcrater. Alsot O.i M.'iiduy, the 12th d:iy of Februiry next, at I ' bs k, P. M nt the Court Hon, in the ho ongh of Sunhury, all the defendant's interest, rupio ed to b- the undivided third part of a certain tra.-t of land si uatein Augusta township. Nerilui'ii hertand count v, ailjoining lands late of William 8liipmao, d. cM . land late of Nicholas Khipinan, tlet'M., Conra I Rsker, Leonard R.ed and others, containing two hundred acres more or lea, ahmit thirty acrea of which are cleared ; whereon are erec ted a email log house and a frame barn. Seized, taken in execution, and to be a dd aa the properly of Augustus Rosa. FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. ShetiiT 'a Office, Sunbury, Jan. 20, 1844.) VOLBEF.T fcTjAlTlTET, Importer nnd Ieilors In. SUGARS, H R A N 1) 1 E S, G I N, W 1 N E S, A:c. An. 21 Commerce St., nrnr Fifth St., VXXXXiASEZ.riXXA, (.. .1. A oi artiT. jr f Wm. A. Janslt. S antsms, srnnns Pinrt, Caai!liiiii & Co, I Wooihille, IJirnnco. I'e'ini Fren s. I'vucs. Lmd Byron Jmuiry 20 h, 1844 fun Democratic- County ""HHE Democratic pvtv of .tlcetln?. Noithumbeiland Ml countv are hercbv requested to choose drle- g lies in the rever il lioroughs and townships of the county, in the usu.d m de and numticr, to assem ble in county convention, at Sunbury, on the se cond Tuesday of Fibruary mxt. to it : the 13'h of Fcl-ruary. (In iog court week,) to appoint dele catea to tc'resi'iit ibis C 'lioty in the Democratic S'ste ('onvciiMon to lie held at llarris'.nru on the tth of Match next, to nominate a candid ite to be supported by the people f..r the office of (Sovcrnnr of Pennsylvania for the en-uing 'hrce years. The primary meetings to be held on the Salurdav evening immedia rly picceeiling the rouil. A g ne l c unity of the Dcmoera'a will nl-o be held at Sunbury, on the second Monday in Fe bruiry, Hcine tl.e I'.'th nnd court week.) for the purpo-e of expie-sing their views on the picnent condition of uui National and State iiffiir. J. F. WOLFINGER, A. JOUDAV. WM. FAOELV. WM. FORSYTH E, Jan. 13, 1844. Standing Committee. SECOND IMIU.AIIKI.IMIIA SEMI-ANNUAL SALE )E BOOTS & SHOES. i February, IS I I. j On Tttrsilay and W'ednrsJuy, l'rtt.Cilh cj- 1th. rilllE snbiCii er will sell at auction, at his sto e, ! A. No. 203 Market alreel, for c sh. 2,001) casta of , UOOTS. SHOES UUOGANS, HATS.&e., j cemprisinj a general and complete assortmenl of I fr.i-ti and se aonahle gomls, now being received di- i reel from the nianufieliirera. ! I'urcbasers are assured th it eery rase offered ill txt-i ively I e sold to the I i;lict bidder ; and the CHtd gne ill entlirace the la-gest and best asvorted ! st'ick ever oll'i- ed at auclinn in this ci'y. I Tbe suhscrilH-r'a arrangements with ihe manu facturers ate such, that regular emi-nnntlily sales will continue to be beld aa they have Iwen the past year; and on the first Tue-dav in Felirutry and ', Auuu t of each year, a great semi-annual s ile. ' t'stulogues will lie prepared, and the ij.isids open- j ed lor examination the dav prtvioua to the s-ile. GEO. '.V. LOUD, Aiirmrierr, ( 20S Maiket a'reet. Philadtlplua, Jan. 1 3th, 1X44. 3t ; Stray Bull CAME to the premises of the subscriber, in Rush toweabip. about ihe lal of October lot, a P.UINDI.E DULL, with a white fare and white leijs, and a upon one hoin made with a iw. Sal I Hull is Mimtosi d lo be uh ut two vest old. The owner is leuuested to come foiward, prove prniriiy, pay chmge. and lake him away, other- wire he will he a dd according ta !w (ODFREY ROCKEFELLER. ! Rush township, Jut). 6, 1844. I.Tsvl of lsellei-x, J 1 EM AIM.NC. in the Po.t Ollico at Augu.ta, ! At j.n, , 1H44 ; ... ' Jobn Kb miiig, Wm. Keilin, ils. n Scrvis, 2 Dauial Cm r ol, i Win. i:mpWII, Nalhaniel Lytic, Ci.l-br.iy, J sine Rom. Daniel Coi;iaJ, Jacob bloom, p. M. Augusts, Jan. fi, 181 1. iVOTHT.- I I he public wid null. t firm 1 ' N 111 II. Kime has withdraw 11 Iroiti Ibe . f Fuly, Ks Co., and as Wi'.baui and IS. I'.i ue'v have I cell con liu lintf tl.e bu iues, hit will , mil piy any deles ol said firm, j Dec". 3itth., 1813. I2t. I r A M s jiii SHOULDERS lor nlo heao, for 1 L II. B. MASSER. Dec. 30th, 1813. "ibPv. P. E. TASTXITE, TESPECTFl'LLY informs the public that he has made Northumlierland hi place of real dence, and i ready lo attend to any call in the lint) of hi profession. He may al all time be found at Mr. Jame Lee's Hotel. Northumberland. Dee. 10th, 1843. If. Mate of Urn. lUley ;u, Ie:M. U-TOTICE i hereby given, that letter of ads f oiinisir.tion upon aaid cstite, ha thi il.y Iw-en gran'ed to Ihe subscrilier. Person know ing thsmselvc to be i.idehled In .aid estate, are leipie.t ed lo make immediate payment, and those having account or demand .gainst the '' 'tUra'. ed to iirtMiil them loi riiminulion and settlement, 1 ABRAHAM sill I'M AN, Augu.ta, December 2d, 1S13. Ct. OAKLEY'S Ii;iL'IlATIVI? syiii;i. riHE VHluab'e propertiea of Oakley's Dopnra 1. live Syrup of Sarsapaiilla, aa a purifier of the blood, ia an well known ti the public generally, that it ia unnecessary to occupy much spare in set ting forth the advantages to be derived from ila uae j wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, it takea precedence over all othera : evety one that has taken il, have derived eo signal V-no-final results from it, that it ia recommended by them with the irmnst confidence, Physiciana of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to patients under their care ; containing nothing deb terioua, but being composed ol the moat mild, yet efficacious vegetnble materials, it Is off-red with confidence, aa tho chesest and most efficient pu rifier of the Mood now known. The use of a few bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge. neral strength of the system, eradicating any seed of disease that may have been generated, hesidca giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kinga Evil, Rheum itism. Tetter, Pimples or euipti m of the Skin, White Swelling, F-stula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac, The nu merous ceriifica'es in the possession of the sul rl licr and hia agents, from physicians and others, are auflicient to convince Ihe moat skeptical of in su periority over all prepinti m of 8 irstp trills. K,.ld whole-ale an I retail, bv the proprietor, (SEOKtSE V. OAKLEY, North 5lh Mre.l. Res ding, Beika County, and to h had of the following pet a uis : tn Knrthtimhrrhnd County. II. B. Mass-, Sunbury ; Ireland fc Mixel, McEwenavillc ; D. Krauser, Milton. In Union County. J A. Uuti'lius, Mifftinhurg. Genrhrt, Rclinsgrove ; In Columbia County. R. W McCay, Wash- ington. Reading, March 14. 1843. Mn. 0ut.F.r: I believe it the duty of every, 1 one to do whoever in their ower the b -ne-j fit of their fellow mi", ami having had po-i'ive ' proof in my own family, of the w.iinlciftil iro(M-rties , ! of your Depnr.ttive Syrup of Ssrsnpoilh, I in st j conscientiously reconimetid it In the alllirted. We ( had the mi-f.irtune tt loe two of our children, by j the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered tin face, bend and reck. Hilhough we hid some of the j iiiosi scientific physicians to aueri.l lh-m and had ' tried all the known leiiie.'.ies. including Sivaims' I'anact-a, without av til. Another of mv children was attarke l in the sniiie ni inner, her face nnd neck was completely covered; the d-srhn'se was so offensive, and the disease at such a he ahl. ihst we ih-Apvrcd of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your I'epnra'ive Svrup f.t S usaparill i, we xvetn ' induced to make tri ll of it. as the last ris irtj il . acted like a cbarm; the n'cers rommenecd Ik alius immediately, a f. w bottles cntiielv restored lor to l:cr health, which she hs enjoyed iininlcri nrlc.llv ever since. A a purifier of Ibc blo-sl, I vculy be- In ve it li ia not its eipial. JOHN MOYEU. Tailor, I Walnut alreel. near Fourth, Reading. D..ngl.ssi!e, April 10th, 143 Ms. 0si.F.t : Mv son Edmund Leaf, hal ihe : scroftil.i in ihe most dreadful and dii-trcsong mm 1 1 ner for three years, dining wh;ch time he wis de- '. prived of the use of bis limt. his lieu! and neck ' were covered with ulcers. We tried all ihe dill'.-r- ; cut remedi.-s, but to no effect, until recommended j ly Dr. Johnson of Nor.i-town. ami ul-o Dr. Isa ic 1 ' liietcr, of Rembi'g, to use your Depurative Syrup i I of S.irsaparilla, of which I obtained several bo'tles. I tho use of whirh d'ove the di-ea-e eniinly out of I ' his system, the s ire he tied up, ami the child was j restored to perfect health, which he has cujoied j uuioteriunledly cv-r since, to the astonishment of! ! niinv peisona who n-cn him dicing hia affliction. I I have thought it my du'y, and send you this certi ! ficate ttut ol! e-s who have a like atlliction in the i fi'i'ilv may know where lo obta.n a.) valuable a ' nnd i inc. Yours Huh . AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. K,, 1913 ly IJr'uitcrs Ink. few kcrj for sale, it a small advance f ..r cash. Iv I'ec. 9. ILK. MASSER. rORESTVILLE itii iss i:i;ii r iiv c i.oc k.. 11 E subsciiber hs blst nceived, for sale, a few T of the above celcbra'ed Eicht Day Clock. which will be sol I at vi rv reduced price-. fr ca-b. Also, superior 30 hourCl.tck-. of tbe lent and oualitv. which w ill be . .Id fu, r.-h. a, f I 50. Also, superi ir Bras. 30 hour Clmks. at f 00. Dec. 2. 143. II. B. M ASSER. . - . TV r V ( OOnS i'li yJT J rilHE subscriber haa received a freli u p!y of 1 Fall OoihIs. which he will sell cheap for rash oi country produce. H. B. MASSER. Sutd.uty. Dec. 2d. I'll. (JTO E WARE f.r sab-. 225 Stone Jugs, from I tpia t to 3 gallon.. Ml Stone Jais, front 2 lo fi gallons. For sale, cheaply Oct. 14 II. II. MASSER. WlllliM 1 Mvirciv ' .l T CP.XTli Z fT ia-VVf STJITJlURV, PA. FFICE. in the buitdin,; occupied by J. Bl-wm, on Market slieei. I. SI-1. Mid. Oi A Nil II V X. KOCH, HAT At CAT MAM'IWl-Tntl.US, South I'.ii't vnrmr vf Mdrkrl and ilh tt.. I'lilladclplila, 1 F.SPEt'TFULIiV ililetm ihe public (hat they k will cotistnlit'y kteo oil hoid a lirassssfl t uieiil of Hats. Caps ami Fuis. to suit the fall trade, of tl e best ipiality. By stiict al'enlion to lui-i-in os. nnd by selling then stin-lt at Ihe lowest prices, they flitter ihrmst-lvci in being -dife to pivemtire satisbtctioit. Ati;nsi B, I S 1:1 ly v 1- A y fs .--l j i ?. f a -e M ---r's ; f"IIE rUb.ciib,r will st II . tl bis aim k of Heivn, L Russ a and iuA Hats, of the best tjM'iiiiy, at vrry red ucc-d lit es. bunbury.Aiig. 5, 18t3. II. B. MASSER .1 Tltti'Milii Maclilnc lor Sale. fllHE ubscriber oiler for sale a THRESHING L MACHINE, new and in good oidci. The Machine ha been tried, and prove to he uu excel lent one. It will be sold al reduced price, mid warrsntrd. Apply lo 11. U. MASSER. July 1st, I8U). il I V It I I -S w. n kc; I X 8, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, PA. AS taken the tillice fonneily occupied by the Hon. Chaile O. Donml, oppotite tliet;uurt II uae, liv win ,,-itti .-...- - 11 1 ..!.. .i.;.. - 11 11. :il .., 1 ... t. .tallies, in In, t:..lirl. Ol iVorinUIIH'CliailO, Ulltoil "U v-umuieia vuuioi... Mav -Oth, 1S13. I'OU SALE AT T111SJ tiVnCis. C'ountorlrlleiV DEATH BLOW. 'TMie ptil lic will please observe that no llrandreth 1 Pilla are genuine, unless the box baa three h bela upon it, (the top, the aide and the bottom) each containing f ic-almile signature of my hand writing, thus U. RaisnKRTii, M. D. These la. bcl-aio engraved nn sleel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over 2,000. Therefore it will lie seen that the only thing nr rosanty to pro cure the medicine in ill purity, ia to observe these label. Remember the top, the aide, and the bottom. The fiill.twlng respective persons are duly auheri r.ed, and hold CERTIOATES OF AGENCY, For the sale of lirandreih't Vegetable Universal J'ih. Northumberland county t Milton Mackey &. t'hambetlin. Sunbury II. B. Masser. M'Ewcna ville Ireland A Meixell. Norlhum1eiland Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown J. A. J. Walla. Union County New Berlin Uogar & Win ter. Sclinsgrove George CSundium. Middle burg Isaac Smith. Beavertown David Hubler. Ad tmshurg Wm. J. May. Mifflinshurg Mcnsch fc Ray. Hartluton Daniel Long. Frecbtirg (i. iV F. (. Moycr. Lewishurg Walla &. (Jreen. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds tk Co. Berwick Shuman As Rittenhouse. Cal- tawissa C. G. Brohts. Bloomsburg John R. Meyer. Jeiaey Town Levi Bisel. Washington Robt McCay. Limestone Balip ft MiNoich. Ohscive that each Agent haa an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of ilr BRANDRETirs Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also bo seen exact copies of the tiew labrl now used upon the lirandrcth l'ill Ifoxr. Philadelphia, office No. 8, North Rth street. B. BRANDRETII, M. D. June 24th. IH43. Hover's Ink. JOSEPH E. HOVER, ! Manufacturer of Writinp; ami ImJelli- blt! Ink, No. 10(5 North Third Street, ei.x 1 doors btdow Race, (east side.') ! FHILASBI.FHIA, I) l'.sPKCTFl.I.LY informs country me'ehatil. k nnd others, that he constantly keep, on n l irge stock of his snprpcr Black, Blue nd Red Ink.iiiid also a superior qntlity of Indellil le Ink. : IL ink is put up in be tile vaiytng in sire, fr.-m I to 32 ounces, and will be sold on reasonable turns. The excellent qualities of this ink has o tborooghly established its character, that it is now , extensively used throughout the country. , For sale at Ihe store of H. B. Masser, Sun ' bi.rv. Pa. May 27(h, 1S43. ly 6 1?1b1 fa ft 4- WrTflla S 1 V j (riv ltaliliwlniiriil.) WILLIAIV: HCCTEP. i Jft ESPEC TFIM.LY informs the citirens of ' 2 wL Sunbury and vicinity, that he has recently r.ioiim ni rd the i cAiiixi-yr-MAKixc; m, , in nil iia branches, in Market street, Sunbury, im 1 mediately he I iw the post office, where he will he . rea ly to receive and execute all orders in Ihe line of his business, with promptness and despatch, and j in ihe best style and manner. Hi price will be low, in accordance with the times. I h'J' dumber and Country Produce taken in Ex j cbange. May 27th 1H43. Om ! (:rrYWi.NiTUUf aUctiux; AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. -". and 31 North Third .Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CO. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- vitca the attention of persons desirous of pur chasing Furniture, to hi extensive Sale Rooms, (iMith public and Piivate.) for every description of Ileus, hold Furniture, where can be obtained at nil times, a Isrce assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattresses, I ve.. al very rcouceu prices, ror casn. . . - i fO Sales bv Auction, twice a week. May 2Tih. 1H13. ly LCITC-LET'S (.rent WeNtem Indian l'ltniuca, ( 'iiiiiTMiiimliifl ontii-olv of Vcyetahlo ; ul,.i,nen.. ... , , i x-.i. ; r from Cu lomel and all other M.nrral. H' S medicine, and ... uncalled """X urps.g .uceesa and popular- , Ity, see large lulls. ... . HT is recommended a general cathartic for IB f:,ml,y dyspepsia and all bilious di-ea- ia invaluable for Asthma it is considered a ircife, no case having yet occurred wtncn II lias faibd to cure for common colds, imflammalory tlisea-e.. rheumatism, alfectioiie of the liver, Ac, and fut females, it is a safe and excellent remedy. CERTIFICATE, From Pr. Silnn Wist, of Rmhmnjilnn, -V. Y. Mr. Longley -Dear Sir: I have used your Circat West, rn Indian Panacea in mv family, and have : repeatedly prescribed it for patient, under my Care, ! and am satisfied that it is always a safe, and in very ' nnny caw an invaluable medicine. It operate as a hi ttive without nausea, or pain ; and while It ef f tec luallv obviate cotivene act upon Ihe tomarh ' and liver a an alterative, correcting acidity, and re i storing the healthy condition of lhoo organs. 1 Very respectfully vour. 8. WEST, ' For sale by JOHN W. FRILINO, Sunbury. JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland. May 20lh. Daniel Yarick, BLACESlfCXTH, Bniii" leave to inform the ol Sunbury and it vicinity, that he has commenced the 11 1 1 ( K sm it 1 11 x ( : hi s 1 M :ss, in M l kit street, Sunbury. east of J tin B 'gar n'ore and diieclly eppes-i,. the pol i llice, where be intends tiv carry on the bumoea- 11 r'l 11- tr locbes, inehidiiis!. 7'u-"i'"t'. M M ....... .. . . . . r. . . . nous hi" unj f.lijif e ."irii, -vi'o,' .-t Kn'ion or Stmiding !". .'( it ?. . ie -7 :.l' Ae V ut'erded Orders will be niii ilv am! pm to. nud wolk d ine cheap, for ca )l or country pto- duce. rfj- lloise Sh.viog done al f I per sett. Sunbury, April I full, HI. ly. Hoot & S li o fS IrCi-lTU.CJTCP.T, I M a v t i 11 I v i 1 11 , I g EM'LC l FULI.V inlnrir IW lie nds end j old cost .m-v. tSal 4 I, is removnl hi i-oo''ty :: iT.n!.ls!Mn.T to the Iia n,' biiidie.i? sili iinioa bis dwrlliug house, ' hetweei that and Df.'jt, T.Tiite efih e, 11 lew doot wc of hi' ( 'i e-tall.stmi. 111, III Maiket stieet, : . , 1 where be i 1.1 .t. to carry on ibeabive buun - - ,. . lr, '.icina thankful f.vois, be h . es by slprl hit, nlien to bosincss and hU ral ch irk s, to givit eneral aatisfa. lion ; and that he will continue 10 re ceive a lil-eril bre of -ub!te pations.e, Apul fth, IS U. J. D. Waters, 1 F.SPEf M FULLY inform, the citiren- f tl e -1 lorouch of Northumberland, and its vicinity, that he has commenced the Tniloriiii? IIiimim's. in a't i's various branches, in the ahop iorm, rly oerUiied by Henry S. Thomas, directly oppo-ite Forsvth's store. A he receive the New Yoik and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, be is enabled to do all job entrusted to him, alter the neatest and latest style, and upon the shottest notice. Northumberland, Apiil 22d, 1843. ly BLACKSIvilTHiNGr li e o r p e Zimmerman & Son. ffHE suUerilier hereby inform ihe public, that J. they have entered into partnership, in the BiaACKSAxrrxxiNa business, which will hereiifter be carried on at the ol I stand in Sunbury, under tho firm of Oeorpe Zimmerman eV Son," where they will conduct the business in all its various branches, including Turn ing, Making Mill Iron, Ironing Carriagrt, Slior ing Honrs. c. Orders will be promptly ard punc tually attended to, and work done cheap, (or cab. or country produce. (Jj Shoeing done at one dollar per elt. GEORGE ZIMMERMAN, J. II. ZIMMERMAN. Sunbury, March lllh, 1843. lJrJ.n7MSSEil. RESPECTFULL Y inform the cititen of Sun bury an.l it vicinity, that he haa taken tho office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, when he will be happy to receive call in the line of hi profession. April 22d, 1843. TITERS HI P. THE subsciibeis, having entered into a partner ship in the practice of the law, will tie happy to attend to all business entrusted to their care. Collections will be promptly attended to. They may always be found at their office, irx Msrkct street, Sunbury, formerly occupied by W m. I ii-w art, dee'd., as a store-room. WILLIAM L. DE WART, CHARLES J. BUI NER. Sjtibur-, Feb. 4lh, 1843. ly. MERCHANT'S HOUSE, sYo. 237, Xorlh Third, alimrC,.llow!.ill St., PHILADELPHIA. TTOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylva- 9 nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, ir lire of A ' inericnn Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, take pleasure in nc I tpiaiiiiiuc Iheir fiiends and t tie public ueiirrjllv that j lliey have taken the large nnd commodious Hotel, recently built by the Messrs. Hart, on the game site onco occupied by the old established Hotel known as the Bull Head, in Third sticct above Callow hill at. This lintel is finished in the very best possible maimer, and of the best material. Its location is very desirable, particularly for country merchant ; the arrangement for healing and Ventilating racli room is such as to secure any temperature. The bedroom are all light and airy, all furnished iua ne-it style, o as to insure comfort. The receiving parlors are also fun i-hed in a su perb style, the window are on the French style, forming an entrance to a balcony ill front, whiitt makes a pleasant recess. Pnrttculat attention ha been given to the bed and bedding, which, with, ihe furniture, are entirely new. from years' exierience in hotel business, wo trust, by strict assiduity tc business, lo make thi house a desirable stepping place. Our table will always l e supplied with Ihe very best our maiket can afford, and our bar with the best liquors and wines of the most appioved brands. P. S. There are fir.t rate stabling r.d carriage houses nllnched lo the hotel, attended by caitful nnd sol-er hostler, and our charge will be low, ia accordance with the present haid time. Philadelphia, Oct. 7lh. 1842. ' UiN ION HOTEL, . (itcinl Stage ',) &n 'clj iy az: "3JLr 9 LYCOMINa COUNTY, I'cmis) Ivania. TllIIE Subscriber resjtectfully informs hi fricrJ JL and the public in general, thai be haa Uh.en the above la liar. An commodio HOTEL, IN THE BOROUGH OF Ml'NC Y, and that he is now well prepare to acCoimnodali all who may favor him with their custom. Hi SurriNO Ar.aTav.STl (.re Wvll aired, anil comfortable. HisTiBLCAn Bin will al.y be aaj'hij. with the best the maiket can afford. His Sta a li an, which 1 good, will la under the charge of good and careful hostler. He ft els confident, by strict attention to buwiiiev. and an earnest desire to render comfortable thosn who may patron ire him, that he will not fail togiv general satisfaction. H. B. WEAVER. Muncy. Oct. I at, 1 12 if. THE riiiLAPELrm.., reading and pottsvillc RAiL ROAD. Chung e of Ilnurt. O sun aftx a SiTraniT, Aran 1, lt43. The passenger trr.ins will have al the following hours : l'li:.i,uhlvhia and Vtlnille. Vr in Phils jelpbia, at B A.M. ) Kr m Pol'sville, at f A.M. $ Daily Hours rf fitting Heading. F iv.'.ville, at i A. M. F"i Vbilsdelnhla, nt 7, A. M $ Daily. .ih ttaies pa.a at Poltslow n. I he down tia n b ., i;f .1. si Reiidlno. and the tilt trin at Noriis- ,on, for which 10 minute are station, i I'M JI K S. i Between Pott.villc V Philada. ! II, l. ceil Reading A. do. j Between do V Pottville, .wed al racU 0 A f 2,50 ::: Al 1.75 t,40 A l.t'O UkTl'MXiaU Exci hsiom Tica.T "ood roa riT hat. Between Pultsville V Philadelphia, f5 f B.twreii It.admg A do. 3 Uctween do. & Potlsv.lle, 2 0I ihe trains will top for way passenger al the i'-"' "i' ts. ,ry Ml pissenger sre retpirsied to ptacurj tin li ticket, before the liain lait. M iv 21. 142. if. Frts'. si.pi voi ROSE OIN i t. :NT.Te e,v,.,i A and for sale by 11 ii MAttt. Nov. l'Jth, leli. ji j 1 1 1 I