Latest from Tesasi The; Texan papers, are to lhi 1 3th inet. On the 14th, the day following, the national vessels were lo be sold at public miction. Some of the pa pert seemed violently opposed to the proceeding, rid earnestly colled fn the citifons of GaNeston to oppose it. General Mmphy, United State Charge ta Texas, has left the neat of Government, (Wash ingtnn,) end i now in Galveston. Strange ru mora ere afloat, about the cause of hit removal from thence, end other matters in connection therewith. A correspondent, writing from Gal veston, pretends to give the reasons: Philadel phia Ledger. "General Murphy suspected some secret ma chinations between the British end Tex3 Ov vernments, highly detrimental to the United Sta'cs interests, and forthwith set about discovering the nature ot the mystery. This he was enabled to do during President Houston's absenco at the Indian Treaty Ground he being furnished with well au thenticated and undoubted copies of the entiie treasonable correspondence held by the President with the representative of the British and Mexican Government binding himsrlf to send commis sions to recognize the nominal sovereignty of Mexi co, provided that Government will thereupon cede Texas to Great Britain, a eons! titration ! Tex as will then be a Briii.-h Province, by cession from Mexico, and consent of the Executive of (he Re public ! the confirmation of the Senate and sanc tion of the people can lie relied on it is supposed after sustaining the ordeal which the President has led them through. Once a province of Great Britain, and the immediate nbolition of slavery fol lows, as a mutter of course but a "consideration" is secured for the slave-holder. Free ports, cheap goods, Ac. A'., nnd the consequent influx of Euro, pean population, will soon compensate the people for the empty name of o Republic, which has mocked their eirs during Houston's arbitrary reign ! Rut what, you ask, is to be tho Traitor's reward (OYKRXOR GKNKltAl. FOR LI FX, WITH A LAI1BK RAT ART AMI A 11 1 II II -SOI? Sill 10 TITLE, WILL RR1I1F. IIousTojr to sfll his Covsitiit ! The corres pondence which I allude to fully explains the mys tery of the President's war against the Navy. The vessels were to be sol I in New Oileuns la-t spiing t after which the Mexican Navy were to take lialveston and control the coast to be secured by formidable inland invasion. The ccs.-ion to Eng- j laud was then to follow, by agreement ; and the pnrple nf Texas would look upon their new mas ters as very saviours, and ndo t any foim of go, vernineiit that their deliverers might prescribe." Mr, McDitfi f. The Washington (Georgia) News of the 14th u!t. say: "Mr. McDuffie a. listed at n political discussion last week, in Elbert county, when he w is mi t by nine of ihe Georgia Whigs, in which, somewhat to the astonishment of the Democrats, ha confessed that his opinions retire to the cnnstiluttona'ily of a United States Dank were unchanged, he still brlirved it to be Constitutional. 'I hough his health was very much j improvfj, he contemplates retiring fioin the U. S. Si iialc next year. n a i. t i no it r. m a n k et. ' Cficc 'if the 11 al ri mom r. A v Kit ic a k, Nov. 3. Vt HE I. The supplies of tho week have been spiite limned, and an a-lvaice of 4 to 5 cent" per bushel has be, n realized on the closing ra'es of Fri day lnl, in tho fare of the fact that no correpon lini adv. mre lias taken place in Flour, and that the taller aiticlc is selling at a price w hich cannot remunerate the manufacturer. The refer ri il to tm k hire on Monday I il, when sulci of good lo prime .Mi!, nnd Virgin a redd wire sold, both for shipment and grinding, M 90 a (l.r cents. Thise p ices have lovailej llirougliout the week, i. ml we continue to quote them to-day. Sabs of family flour white wheat have been made nt 1 00 a l()fi cents for good to strictly prime. Willi.:. V in lihd. 24 its., and in bbls, 25 cts. Rkmaiik ov IJiviiiixo Bleeding may alio iate the symptoms of some diseases, as the impe ded circulation is rendered more free by iibstracliiig a foni n of the ciirulnt ug fliii I ; but it is man fest that only a small portion of the impurities are taken by this means, because the pure blood will flow with the most freedom. Braudielli'e Vegetal le Universal Pills possess the unrivalled powir ef sli iiidlaiii g the blood to d (-charge its impurities into the bowels the sewer provided by nature for that purpose hence it is strictly in accordance with na ture, can-ing her to do that which is required to produce a hrahhy condition of the body. Su h being the case, il is ivident that they can be ml uninsured with safety to mkaiicod age, as well as to helpless infancy, and invariably with the mine beneficial results. rj" Purch ise of H. B. Masser, Sunbury, or of agents published in another part of this papir. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer, WaiAT, Rrs, CoBir, Oats, Pons;, Flats BKi), Btttxr, BlRSWAt, Tallow, I'Ritn Arri.r.i, Do, Puca ss, Flat, Hkcklcd Flat, Eons, 85 60 40 25 6 100 10 25 10 75 200 S 10 c "Washington fire Company." rPHE members of Ihe "Washington Fire Com. - piny" are requested to meet at the Slate House, on Saturday Evening, Nov. 11th, at 6 o' clock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required. Nov. 11. JACOB YOUNGMAN, See. Notice. rPHE Subscriber hereby respectfully informs the public, that he hs stopped selling goods on credit, as hns heretofore been done, believing that this coarse will redound to ihe advantage of his customers and himself. Hit also earnestly requests those who are indebted to him, to call and make set tlement. Country Produce, of every kind, will be taken in exchange fi,r Store Goods. I HA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Nov. 4, 18 IS. 2t. TS hereby given that I have purchased the follow. - ing articles, sol. I nt Sheriff's sale on the 2 1 at till., as the property of Daniel B' isius. which atticles I have loaned to said Dame' until ! see proper to remove them, viz : I Gray Horse, fSM.OO 1 do. do. 3i oo 1 Brown Mare, f, 75 1 Two horse wagon, 1100 1 Sled, 3 00 1 Plough, 1 .10 1 dn. 2.05 1 Harrow, 2.2.1 2 Sett of harness, 1 ,(if I Cow, 7 59 1 Heiffer, 3,00 1 Bu i, 3 R(l 4 Pipgs, so 1 Lot of hay in the barn 3,00 J Of 21 actes more or less of wheat in the urouiid, at $ 1 GO per acre, 10 80 J Of 7 acres of ive in the ground, at 80 cts. per acre. 2 SO J Of 8 acics of com in shock, al SO cts. per "cte, 3,20 J Of2aeiesof buckwheat, at 80 ctf. per acre, fiO 1 1 .01 of oats in t'ie barn, I, ."in 1 f.ot of rye, 1 tl 1 Lot of wheat in the sheaf, 1 5H 1 Lot of potatoes, 25 1 Mantle clock, 2.00 1 Bureau, 4,55 Public Sale. ILL he offered at public sale, at the House of Jacob jLatsermng, (Hear tiap I avein,) In bhamnkln township, Northumberland county, on Ratuidsy the 85th day of November next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. . 1 LU.IBfjE TltJC'T OP r1Alt, Situate in Shsmokin township, Northumberland county,, on the Main Road leading from Irish Val ley to Roaring Creek Valley, adjoining lands of Benjimin Tilghman and lands late of Ann Pern berton, nnd running within about 10 rods of the Danvilla Turnpike, and within about 50 rods of the Centra Turnpike, containing 102 arret and 40 perches strict measure, about 30 acres nf which are cleared; whereon is erected a large and commodi ous two story dwelling house, with a rtevrr fating spring of water near the door, About 12 acres of said land are excellent meadow ground, and the residue of a red shale soil of a very superior qua'ily, and is well timbered and watered. The terms of sale will be, J of the purchase mo. nry cash, and the balance in equal payments, with interest, at one and two years, secured by Bontl and Mortgage. A Deed with general covenant of warranty will be given. WILLIAM M. TILGHMAN. N. B. Persons wishing sny further information concerning said land, will pleaso eall on me at Philadelphia, David Rockefeller at Sunbury, or Mr. Adam (iilger in Shatnokin township, who resides near it, and who will shew the land to persons de sirous of purchasing. W. M. T. Oct. 2H, 1843. 5'. In the Common Pleas of Union coimtv of Au gust trim, 1913, No. 202. Amicable action in smnipsit and issue form ed and directed by the court. For trial on the A ngusta township. .v .i n it 1 ; o , On the 5th u't.. by the Rev. J, H. Worrell. Mr. UiiiRct II. Book i: r Miss AttinAll. Ruojil, both nf Rush towiithip. AtlmiiiitratorS Notice. TsYTOTICE is hereby giv n, thst letters of ad. rn.nisMr.iti on of the cMa'e of Andrew K. Rus sell, late of tie borough of Sunbury, Northumber land county, dee'd., have been gianled by the Re gister of Northumberland County to the subscriber. All persons, therefore, indcbled to the said estate, re requested to make psyment, and all those ha ving claims will present them for settlement, on Friday and Pituruay the 1 6th end 16th days of December next, at the house of Cbsrlea Weaver, in the borough of Sunbury. JOHN RUSSELL, Nov. llih, 1843. 6t Adm'r. Executor's Notice. A LL persons indebted lo the estate of Catharine 5 Ross, lata of the borough of Northumberland, dee'd., are hereby notified to settle thsir respective accounts immediately, and all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated foi stttlsment, to James Tag gart, the acting executor. JAMES TAGGART, JOSEPH R. PRIESTLY. N3rth'd.,Xo. 11, J 843. St. KltfutnrM. $ 130,59 JOHN BO WEN. Oct. 28, 1313. 3t LIST OP CAUSES. Y7OU trial in the Court ot Common Pleas of Nor--- thuin! eihiud County, at November Term .V. D. IP 13, commencing the first Monday. Jacob Shitz vs Stout A Frick Same v John Stout Stephen Wilson vs KAKneht .1 Brown f-r C Brown vs Henry Prick Samuel K. ffer vs James Braid Dougnl & Mcl'lerry s Christopher II B iker Jotii, llmniiv I t E P Shannon, John Gulf. 11 vs S T Burrows Jacob Leiser sr vs J hn cfc II M Davison Enoch Howei's cxs vs I hn Kneor J II Flningaii Vc vs Win I. Ilou-el William II llroun v Peter Berli.-u J hn A Lloyd vs Rebecs Wells The Bank ifNorth'd vs (ieddes J, R Priest- Iv etc Eli Brob-t vs S ,- Ko! en McK. e R lu'rt Miner vs II Krl k et ul llaniil Driiitigirn vs John ( 'owden ex 'r D it, tl I' Gordon vs Hugh Hellas S.iiiin vs Same Chti-tian Philips vs J it n B Miller Francis It ill's adm'r vs ) J Secbb-r J Houjliendohler Ac vs Packer & Cummings J lines loinons' silm'is vs J iiie Kipp Dr Fiedeiiek Ticou vs William Grow Thomas Ne.-lut vs Jodii T MithinS Same vs S.mia Same vs Sm. David Wal-on vs Patrick Montague Philip WeUer vs Joseph Wallijr Same vs Same Robert Piolipa vs McCattee Al Purdy Henry Ki.pp vs Guorge A; Peter Shilev Jonas KeU-hnei's ex'rs vs John Peal et si A' raham Straub vs Jonathan A lams Kreilz for Long vs Nicholas Long's mlru'r SAMLEL D. JOIiDVN. Prothoiiot iry's Office, J ProlWy Sunbury. Oct.21. IS 13. S " irr.S T ) F It E T 4 I I, ifli S, "' F Fori ign and Doin. stic Merchandise, of the County ol Notlhuinherlaiid, who have, and who have not pii'l thrir Licenses. WHO n.W E PAID: Mosteller ft S,herick (Jiileon Shndle Wm. II. Fivmire A. Co P. lei II. i.el A Mrixrll A mo, Vastme Wiliiirn Has George llrostos Biauiigam A VppIee ! hn Jo.othan Walls rV Co P. ter Iliirrel Seih Csdwsllader Henry Hyerly (ieorfte Coney James Re-d Samel Herb B. A D. CI pp A. A O. Ross William Deppen Mm Chamberlain Kaufman A Carl Daniel Ilobhoe Daniel Kw.utt John G. Renn William Kates WHO HAVE NO P PAID ! Isaac Brown Wood A Rhswn Seth I. Comly Ira T. Clement Ilainp'ey A. l).via John Bogar R. II. Hammond John Fryling J. P. Hschenberg II. B. Masser E. L. Piper Geo P. Buyrrs William Foraylhe Jonathan Smith Mathews A, Co Jscob Haas C. B. Mernck Hartmsn II. Km' le T. R. Pomp William Persing A, Co John ttweney Adam Bingaman M. Chamberlain, snignea William Scott of D. L. Suieck do. John Miller Kaufman St Ready Jacob bright Samuel John Miller & Mans R. A Wm. FsgMy John Young J. C. Boyd A, S. Biid Shamokih Coal St Iron Co. . Notice is hereby given, that the Treasurer is compelled, by law, to commence suits against all thoae who do not come forward and pay their been aea on or before the lHb day ofNevemher next. GEORGE WEISER. f unbury, Oct. 21, 1843 Treasurer. Wm. Donaldson A; wifo The We t Branch Bank at Williamsport, for the use of Ellis Lewis, Esq. and Ihe I resident, 1M rectors and Company of the Bank of Pennsylva nia. J second Monday of No vember Term next, for the purpose of determining I whether the Legacies bequeathed by the last will and lettament of John Cnwden. late of Northum I berland, ilec'd., are payable, and if so, whe'her they j have bei n paid or ntherwis" satisfied or barred, and how much each Legatee is entitled to receive out I of the proceeds nf the sa'es of the real estate of John j H. Cnwdsn bv the Sheritfof said county, so far as the ssid real estate was derived by the said John II. j Cowden by devise from his late lather, John Cow i den, deceased. I Therefore, not;ce is hereby given, to all persons I inits rested in the questions for trial in this cause, ! and ill ihe distribution of the ssjoceeds of sale of Ihe i estate of John II. Cowden, that the said cause will be for tiial on the second Monday of the Novem ber Term next, in New Berlin, in said county of Union, wfei: and where h'1 ei ria interested in the ab vo questions or otherwise, may attend if they think proper and be heard. By the Cour', WM. ROSJIONG. jOct.5S.lS43.-4t. Vro'h'y XOTllfET i Mary Bradford T In the Common Plena of j w. v Union conntv, of August ; Same defendants. J Term, 1843, No. 503. Issue directed by the court on the questions, as J in No. 202, nnd for trial the second week of No vember Term next. Notice is hereby given tu all persons interested in the ques ious fr trial in Ihe above cause, and in the distribution of the proceeds of a'e of the es tate of John H. Cowden, ihat the said cause will be for trial on the second Monday of November Term next, al the Court House, in New Berlin, in said county of Union, when and where all persons in. terested in the questions for trial or otherwise, may attend if they think proper and be heard, Bv the Court. WM. HOSHONG. Oc'. 2S. 1SI3 It. Vmth'if. MITIC K. El ztbeth Wallis In ihe Common Pleas nf S Union county, of Aiijti.l Same defend int. 3 Ti nil, 1 S 13, No. 20 1. Issue directed bv the Court on th" que-tions, ss in No. 202, ami for trial the second week of So-veinli-r Term next. Notice is hereby given lo nil persons nit r s'e l in the iie-li oi- for trial in the above cau-e, and ill the ili-lr ilio'i .01 of Ihe proceeds of sale of the es tate of John II. Cowden, that the said cause will be for trial on the second Monday of November Term ii' xt, al the Const lloue in New Berlin in said county of Union, when and where all persons interested in the qnestiens for trim) or otheuvi-e, may at. end if tiny think proper ami be heard, By li e t 'ourl. WM. ROSIIONG, Oct. 2S, 1H 13 4t. V01 v Cowden S. Wallis In the Common Pleas of vs. s Union eounlv of August Same defendants. J I'e'in. IH43, No 2('5. Issue directed by the Court 011 the questions "s j in No 202, snd f.T tiial the second week of No vember Term next. Notice is hereby given to a'l persons interested ( in the question for trial in the above cau.e, nnd ; in the ihstrdiution of the pmcreda of tale of the ea- slate ol J dm II. Con den, that the said c mse will i he fir trill oil the s.-coiid Monday of November j 'Perm next, at ih Cou t H oi-e in Now Berlin, in ! ssid county of I'niun, when and where all persons : interested in the questions lor trial, or otKerui-c, : may atdnd if they think proper, an I be l.eaid, 1 Bv the Court, j ' WM. KOSIIDNU. ' OCJ28, 1843. 41. WAV j X OTKX J DividG. Barnitz In tl e Common P eas of ! !''. v Union eoiintv of August j S ime defendants. jTenn, IS43, No. 506. I Issue directed by iho Court on the que-lion--, a 1 in No 202, and for tiial the second week of No- ' ti-mber Ti tin next. ! Notice is hereby given to nil persons in'erested j in the questions for trial in the above cause, and in tie 11 siiiiui loll ol the proceeds nt siilo ol Ihe slate of John II. Cow. 1. 11, that the said cause w ill l e for trial oi Hit) second Mortlsy of NoietnWr Per in liexr, at the Court House in New B. r in, in said county of Union, when snd where all per-onsin terested in the questions for trial, or otherwise, may attend if they think proper, and he heard, By the Court. WM. ROSIIONG, Oct. 29, IS43. 4t. Prtth'tf. Sarah Jane Bradford In the Common Pleaa of . V. Union county of August Same defendants. 3 Term, l43, No.507. Is-ue diircied by the Court on Ihe questions, as in No. 802, and for trial the second week of No vember 'Perm next. Notice it hereby given to all persons Interested in the questions for trial in the above cause, and in the distribution nf ihe proceeds of tale of the estate nf John IL Cowden. thai the said cause will be for trial on the second- Monday of November Term next, al (he Court House in New Deilin, in said county of Union , when snd nhere all peisons in terested in the questions for trial, or otherwise, may attend if they think proper, and be heard, By the Coinl. WM. ROSHONO. Oct 28, IS43 4t. rrrtKy WILLIAM .T.MAiri'IX, ATTOP.1TET AT LAV", STJNBTJIIT, PA. FFIOE. in the building occupied by J. Gloom, on Market street. Oct. 2 Kt, 1843. OAKLEY'S nCPUKATlVK SYIUIP. IIE valuable properties of Oskley's Drpnra I tive Syrup of Sarsaparilla, as a purifier of the blood, is an well known to the public generally, that it is unrcc.cFS iry to oecupv much pneeiti ret ting forth the advantages to da derived from its use; wherever the medicine litis once been intro duced, it takes precedence o"cr nil ntbios : eveiy one that has taken it, hav derived so sianal bene ficial results from il, that it is recommended by them with the 11 most confidence. Physicians of Ihe highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to parieuit under their care ; containing notion 7 del. terious but licit g Composed ot the most mild, yet iffieaeious vegetable materials, it is off- red wi ll Confidence, as the 1 henpesl and inor t efficient pu rifier of Ihe blond now known. The use nf a few bottles, especial')' in the spring month, will be at tended with a nvst decided improvement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating env seed of disease that may have been generated, bestd s giving health and vigor to the body. For Ihe cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism, Ti tter, Pimpl 's or eitiptioiu of the Skin, White Swi Ming, F stula. Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac, The nu merous ecr;ifieaie in the possession of ihe subscri ber and hit agen's, from physicians nnd other?, urn sufficient lo coivnce the most skeptical rfi's su periority over all prep ira'i ins of S irs iparilla. Sold who!e-ntc en. I retail, by the proprietor, GEO HOE W. OAK LEV. North filli street, Kea ding, Beika CoEti'y, mid to I e h id of the following petsons : In Korth'imbtrluntl CniiTiti. II. B. Masser, Sunbury; Icland A; Mxel, McEweinille ; D. Krau-i r. Milton. In Union Cmiiiti. J. Gcurh irt, Seliugrove ; A . Gut- tins. M iffbiihurg. In Columbia Cunty R. W. McCay, Wash ington. R ading. March 14. 1R43. Mti. : I believe it the duty of every one to do whatever in their power lies, for the h-ne-lit of their fellow man, and having had po-itivo proof in mv own family, of the wonderful properiirs of your Depurativo Syrup of S sap irilla, I tit it conscientiously recommend it to the afflicted. We had the ini-fottune t 1 lose two nf our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous s ires that covered the face, head and 1 cek, although we had some nf the most scientific physicians to attend tlv m and had tried all the known letr.elies. including Swairns' Panacea, w-t'inu! avail. Ano'her nf my children was att.ukel in I hi; same manner, her (ace and nc.k was completely covered; the discharge was so olleiisiv,-, ami the disease nt such a height, tl at we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depurative Syiup of S irsapariilt, we weie induced to make trial nf il. n the last rr e -rt ; it acted like a cl aim; the u'cers Commenced healing immediately, a f w bottles entirely re-tored her to her health, which she lis enjoyed nniiitertudedly ever since. Asa puiifier of the Mo id, I verily be lieve it Ins not its equal. JOHN MOVER. Tailor. Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Douglas i'l,-, April 19th, IS 13. Mir. Oaklet: My son Edmund Leaf, had the scrofula in ihe most dreadful and di-tiessing man tier for three years, during wh eh time he wis de prived of the use of his limbs, his bead snd reck were covered with ulcers. We tri d all the ditT r. cut remedies, but to no fleet, until recommended I v Dr. Jobnon of Nonitown, ami al-o Dr. Isaac Hiestei, of Readme to use your Depurative Syrnp of Sarsaparil'.t, of which I oMained sevetal buttles ihn us of w hich d'ove the disea-e entirt ly nut of li s system, the s ire healed up, and the child was restored to pufect heahh, which be hat enjued uninterruptedly ever, to the astonishni. nl nl minv persons who seen him du ing his eftl cttoo. I h no thou jhl it in v duty, and send von this certi ficate that nt! crs who haves bke affliction in the fmii'v mny know where to obtain s valuable a 1111 di' inc. Vi-ur irnh . AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept, 16, IS43 . ly SJTC.Ni: WARE f.r s.le. k J Jots, fioni I qua t to 3 gallons, ,i Jars, f 001 5 lo 0 guTms For silo cheap, by Cel. I 1 II. II M SSEK. nit. ?I iSSsilt, acain, and for the li-t tune, calls upon nil who lire ind. hted ! him. 'ii I k nccouif. or ali-rw ire, lo come I 1 iv ar I bii.I make ul, m nt. Those who neglect this no tice will have their accounts placid ill the hands nf a Justice, for collection. Sunbury, Sept. 3'lih. IP 13. (u:i:a r jjauc ains tor vasu. ritllE subscriber his on fund, (left wi'li hiiti tor 1 sale,) a handsome ass rlinetit of elegant strasv ClixKsi, warrnnl.d coo l, w Inch he is aoilini t-e,l to . II ut eight and nine dollars. Thu same kind i f clocks hate been lilf ly -elliug by P? Ilsrs, from 20 t- 'Jfi dollars. Ttio 0 who uant la'gans shoul I c .11 s.0.1. II. B MASSER. Suiibury, Auju-t 2fi. IS 13. II at cm!i:i:s, Smith Ilust enrwrof trtikrt ami 'h a... Iliilal4'llil:i, TI'SpEtrrFUI.LV ii.t rin the public that lh will coii liin y keen on h-iula lugsao l menl of Hats. Cups and Furs, to suit the fall trade, of ti e be-t quality. By strict al'cntlon to busi ness, and by si Ming then stock al the lowest prices, thi'v flitter ihfiiiMlves in bemr nb'o to give enrire sutistacl.on. Anjust 8, sil: y .1 A M KS S. 1 TlT'S IVDnU salo ( Itx K i:.talt!sliiiMt. No. S-Ji Nr.rtli Tliinl Stint, ntuiaADrr-i'irrA, iT'IIERE is t 1 be found Ihe lirgest assortment " nf Chicks In the United Mat, s, miini g wl.n h are Foirtsti;le, Hill's Goodiich A. Co, Atkins, Porti r A. Co., Ives', B ewsti rs, anil ol er Eij'.t Day Bias ('locks; C. Jerome's Bristol Maiiufic luring Company, Alkins, Poller A. Co., ll:ll's, Goodrich A Co., Forn stviliw, H. Welton's, nnd other Th'rty Hour Brass CI a-ks ; lloardniart A Welle's. Hopkins &. Aifii'd'g, II. C, Sinilh's, and other Wood Clocks. Sole Ag'nt for Crane's celebrated Veir snd Month Clocks, as well as several of the above men tioned. Abo : Church and Hall Cluck'. gr Watchmakers, Merchants and nthers, will find it to Iheir interest to rull. I.ookinc Glasses nianuf irturrd. Philadelphia. Auusi S. 1313 3m A Tlirrhin Alacliluu Tur Salt-. fpiIK snb.erder olfeis f.r ssle THRESHING I MACHINE, ne anil in good order. The Mucbine has been tried, and proves to be an excel lent one t will bs sold al a reduced price, and warranter!. Apply to L p. MASTER. July 1st, 143. SZCJHAITGE HOTEL Ccntit SiTf.nt, oppn.i! the Town II all, I'O I TS VI 1X12, 1A. J . C . Ii K S S I fl . ESPECTCULLY announces to the travelling community that he has taken the large and splendid estab lishment, the ExcRAtiax IIotvl, situa. ted at the comer rtf Centre and Callowhill s'reels, nearly opposite the Town Hall, in the borough of Pottsvil'e, which has been thoroughly repaired nnd materially improved for Ihe accommodation of visit ors. The Hotel is forty fl. front on Centre st., and one hundred and thirty eight ft. on Callowhill, three Morii s high ; it is admirably provided with Parlors, Sitting Rooms. Reading Room, nnd large airy Chambers the most spacious, pleas int and conve nient Dining Room in the country a new and su perior Batlrng Establishment ; snd every conve nience and comfort to render it in all respects a moat de-imhh! Hotel. Nopaiisor expense; will be spare 1 to furni-h the Table and Bar with tho best that this and the Philadelphia Maik'.t.s allor.l ; snd with a determi nation todevo'ehis entire personal attention to Ihe eoiof nt end aeenmmodarimi nf those who may fa vorhim with a call ; aided by active, careful and obliging servants, he hopes to g've satin- fiction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishing to visit this bi:;bly interesting and healthy Coal llogion, will be provided with Parlors anil Chambers, which he feels confident will pleae the most fastidious. fj" The Stabling attached, is large and well constructed, and superintended by experienced i.tid ai'i ntive Osiers. Horses and Carriages may be bad at any time to convey piraona to any art of t'ae country. An Omnibus runs fiom this Hotel daily to and from the Depot, to meet the Cars, for the ac commodation of persona travelling 011 the Rail Road. No charge for omnibus far to this Hotel. Potlsville. J.ily H. 1813. 6m VCL3EP.T & JAITITET, c;oiic ral ( omnilsloii Mc-rcliant, So. 21 Commerce St., below Fifth, PIIILAEELrillA, KEEP constantly on bund Imported Segars. Brandies, Liquors, Ac, al the lowest prices, for cn"h. C. J. Wot.nrRT. jr. Wm. A. Jaxxkt. August 5 h, 1843. Gm Ljo ctJ3 Tso: riJ -isa a riUE subscriber will sell off his stock nf Reiver, 1. Russia and litush Hats, of the best quality, al very red uced prices. Sunbury. Aug. 5, 1343. IT. B. MASSER. f otiiif f'rf'cf It' rs' DEATH BLOW. rPhe public will please observe that no Brnndreth Pills ere genuine, unless tho box has three l i bels upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) each containing a fic-simile signature of my hand writing, thus B. BninniTn, M. D. These la. hel- ate engraved on steel, beautifully designed, nnd done at an expense of over $2,000. Therefore it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these label. Remember the top, the side, and li e bottom. The following respective persons are duly auhi ri red, ami hold CEHTICATE3 OF AQEITCTT, piii DAVID EVANS, ;ViJ.7a South, oppnnli tle F.xt.h 'i; rj PIIILADELIMIIA, (Formerly of AV 78 South Sicontl ifrtet,) Manufacturer of Improved ami Pntei.t Fire ami Thief-pronf Chests Slid Doors, Walr snd Pro vision (Coolers, snd FiltenTs. Rifrigers tors, Hoisting Machines, Ac, &c Still continues to mikt hit celebrated WATER Cool. i'rs, and Filtcrers, Refrigera tois, Loth of the round and sousre shane. with imnrova iV--rV'---,inents, of the best materiali rrZ.imSmi workmanship. The Chpsts arc mnnnfiictiirod without I pi ink of any description, of the best material which ! is calculate.) to resist burulais ami heat as long as j any manurac lured in the United Statea a trial of I which he in willing lo make with any other, pro- vided the trial hn made nf chests already sold to I euttomcrs, and not manufactured for the express purpoBi' nf a inn!. Purchasers are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere C A V MOV A 1 persons ore cautioned egiinst making, using, selling or causing to be sold, any Kevhole cowis ft Fire Proof Ches's or doors of I any kind, simi'ar in Conslruclion to my patent i f July lO.h, irS4 1, 11a they will be dealt with accorl ing to the Patent Law. M ,y 27 h. 1R43. fim. 8 JOSEPH E. 2IOVER, Matiiifacturrr of Wtitinr; nnd Indo!'!!' I lo Ink, Nn. lilt. North Third Street, aix injurs bi'ov Race, (past side,) PiaLADEI-PHIA, ly ESPEC'I FI LLY informs country merchants - arid nlhers, that he conMantly keeps on hsr.r! a large stock of his auperler Rleck, Blue end Ria! Ink, and also a superior quality of IndclliMe Ii.k. Ilia ink is put up in bct'.loa varying in size.frara 1 to 32 ounces, Bnd will bo sold on reasonablt terms. The excellent qualities ofthis ink has(r ihnrouiihly established its character, that il is now extnivey uned throughout the country. For sale at the fore nf II. B. Masser, Sun. bnrv, Pn. May 87th. 1S4. lv C a h i n c t-M a k i g (nv ltnhlislmipii1.,i RESPECTFULLY' informs the eifzens of feft. Punbiirv and vicit ity, tht be has recently commenced the CADI XET-M A K I XO I1USIXESS, in nil its branches, in Market s'rect, Sunbury, 1m mrdititely below the post otlice, win re hn will he ready to -receive ar d execute !! orders in the line of his business, with promptness and despatch, snl in the best style snd nintii rr. His priees will bo low, in accordance with the limes. 'jy Lumber and Country Produce taken in Ex change. May Siih 1H43. fim (Trr'Y"F 1s1 Ti'i inLT c Tilrs, ASTD PRIVATE SALES KOOMS, os. 'Jl and :u iorth Tliird fetrect, CIlr the Citv Hotel, nni.DELPi;iA. nuiiiiui, , r wvi.'V ....: :.. v e 1 .l 1- 1 1 1 it ' t I .' .tv. i i. i , .iiiuhiinii, ji.-oecii ui 1 y 10 lir liii- nil. ii.iiiii 01 iiv Pith Northtimberlaml county : Milton M ii kcy iX: Chatnbeilin. Sunbury II. B. Masser. M'Ewens ville In land A. Meixell. Northum! eiland Wm. Forsvth. Georgetown J. A J. Walls. Union C unity: New Berlin Bogar A; Win ter. Selinstrrove George Gundiltm. Middlc bnrg Isaac Smith. Be.ivertown David Ilublor. Adimsburg Win. J. May. Mifdinsburg Mcnach A' Ray. Hartlcton Dtuii'l Long. Freeburg G. A F. O. Mover, Li-wisburg Walls A Green. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Remolds A: Co. Berwick Shttnian Ac R tlenhouse. Car ta wisen C. t. Brobt.s. Bloomsburg John R. Mover. Jetscy Town Levi Disci. Washington Robt McCay. Limestone Ballict & McNinch, Observe that each Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation f lr BRANDRETII'S M.inuficlorv at Sing Sing, and iion which will also be seen exact copies of the rifio hibeh new mril upen the Brandrcth 'ill i'.rea. I'hdadi lidiia, office No. P, North filh s'reel. B. BI'ANDKETH, M. D. June 2 ltb, I t-i-l:!. CSart, AikIici.s tV .Tl'Stcvcif, Fiirwarilinn :ind (it'tieral Produce COMMISSI OX MICHCIIWTS, S'tcoi. ll'htirf nhorr fi'rc .S7 . roi the Delaware, P HI LADSLFHIAi REFER ENCJES: Henry Farntim A; Co. il nvis, Trahue s5c Curl, Hrav. Harcroft, A . tjn. j l.o'iinvilie. Wiliiainson, Burroughs ieo. Luckey, A' t'o. A Clark, j Cincinnati. Eckel . SpmgVi A H'lgite! Sr. John Siuiih, Esq, 1 Portland. Joseph Souther, Esq., 1 ZiWon. Hon. Win. TlLler. 1 ( karficll, r. ill Hendricks, I Sur.'atTy, Pa. , 1!. Hum. s, I? if. i Uo! ei t Cr.ine, Esq., Jrr-f! Shore. I ,:. Heed, Bro. A I'homa Rogers, Broil. crs A. Co. W. R. Thompson A Co. R.d 01 1 Seen A Co. J. A J. R. ukcit, Muiford A Alter, J. I!. Wel-h. E q. .rii:!,:d,lp',ia David R. I'orter, Eq. 1. -s,s. J.A. P. Marl m. l.'' Win. IC. H '(V,age, Esq Lew is Hurfoid, E-q- I.fineaslrr .lues, Murphy A Co. E. A. Bron St Brother. J. K. Moorehcad. Esq. l;.v'.t'c Merman A; Anderson, (ieo. Picsl u.y, Esq. St. a June 3d, ISM. ly I jWm. M Kelvy A Co.. j .' rotfburg, I'd. j W..1U A (i.e. n. Iwisburtr, '(. P. ". Kiirr ng A s.ip, LocV linen, I'a. Sie-rutA P tier, .etr:,'.7)yi, Pa. Iitsrpb Paxlon, Esq., Columbia Co, Pa. persot.s itesiro;;s ol pur- chasing I'uinititie, to his extensivj S.'a R .om-r, (both pu' lie an I Privftte,) for every dcsci i,,tion cf Ilouseho'd Furnituie, win re can bo oht iinrd at i-M limes, n brri-e assnittncnt i f f ishonal!o and well manufacture. i Cilmu t i'lirniture, Beds, Mattraaies, Ac. at very reduced prices, I ir cash. fjT" Sales bv Auction, tivicw a wei'k. May t7th, I :" 3. ly f.icul lVrstrni luilla.j Iatia u, Cotr.potirided fr.iitvly of Vfgct.ib! J Sii!itsl;in"es : Frf from Calami I ami n'i -r Mineral'. For the his'or t '.bis uie.ltcir.e, ntni its iiioiva'o. 1 and truly surpris'n g so - e-s and popul ,r ity, see l.-.r:'" bills P is reeoinitiL'oiii .1 as a ncncr d cathi'lic fos family u-c in dvspepb and nl' hill his di-i t si s, ii is in v.ihi ible for Asihmi it is cii side i-d a specifc, no case b.aving vet eccuried which it lm I'.nbd to cure for common C 'hls, iniflaiirna'oiy diseases, rhetnnati-tn, alVectinns of the liver. Ac, and Or Icruf.les, it is 11 sVe and exceileut teuiedv. CETtTiriCATE, From Dr. Silas W'.-t of IUnltmpton. .V. V. Mr. I.onoh'V D-arS.r: I have u-ed V our Greit e-ti rr: Ltih.iu Pan icej in mv family, and h en repeatedly prpsrri'ied it for patients tin 'er mv care. j and am satisfied that it is always a sate, ami in v rv 1 minv eases nn imaluuMe medicine. It operates J a lax dive without naur.ea, or pain; and while it rf ' fci tu illy obvi i!"s cosliveness acts ttpon the stomac'i ; and liver as an nireialive, co. ret ting acidity, and re ' storing the ii althy condition of those orttans. I 'ery rcspectfoilv vouts. S. WEST. For sale bv JOHN V.'. FRII.ING. Sunbury. ' JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland. 1 M.y 2tlih, lg :'.. ly I ( iiAin..s w. "TiTrciixs" : ATTORNEY AT Ii AW, S taken the "llicr i.iinieilv occupied bv t'.nl Hon. liailt's (i. llontt' l. opposite the Court II us-. II" rl uiii-m! to I'Umiicss 1.1 tUe t nrls of Norrlitn.da i n,l, Uiiiini sti.l I'oluuibia counties. M n ;in ls.'.i. 1 at for the .' of S'ulhworth Maaiifac- tnrinii C ompanti S Sl'riSIOII MUTlMi PAIT.HS Warelioiiso No. .'! Minor SlrCs.'t, PHILADELPHIA. rRHE follow ing kinds constantly en hand, mid fir sr-.le in ihe 'I'rado al the lowest imt-ket pr ces ; Fine thii k Flat Caps, I '. 1 1, nnd I " I! s , I hie mil white; ExItA super, ni.d s'jpe'Cu.e Folio Po-td, bli.e an I vx'niie; Extra super Picket and Coniiiio'cial posit, blue and whit" ; Etra siier Linen N 'le psics, long ; do. broad ; superfine un.l fine Ci tu tin;; bt.ue t'aps, bloc and white; E!iu mprr Cfoieas Caps and l.i tt. r-, plain and niied, l i e and white ; Suptrfili'' Frt nch Posts, plain nnd ruled ; S111 erfioe Set men Caps aod Posts j Superfine hi d fine Ca e and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, v . nous .nd price. B .a'ds, Tissue, Euvalupe, Wrep sing, and Hardware ptpers, Sic., Sic, May 87. 1813. 6m. BLANKS FORFAIT. AT TIMSOFnt'E, v t ArrirTs Li.m W.srvi,f:l s a.) nTJFGS h ave t 1 n f. r.o 'he cit r.eiis of Siin'.iiry Ijjai.d il s i -n I' . tha' be b is commenced the liltACKSM H ill NCi I I s 1 x i : s S . in M 1 k' t sire t. funburv. asi of Jd.ti i g r'. store and ,in,c;lv , Ihe post ollice, where I r uiteii Is to c i;i on the h isiocs. in all t' s varii-o brt'iebi-,, in, Ituli'oi, ''. .''!, , Making M 7 Lur ' an ! .'."; '( ;.', ". Urui'iy f.'arr:ai , lu ten nn or .s'.' :non.g t ll,d 'a, IH duce. r w .ll be priiini'tlv Wolk done cheap. Shining Hordes, Ac. and pi nctu..!lv at' ended for cash or country pro. Ij lloiso Sh oeing done at Jl per sett. Suiibt::v, April loth, I-1:L dm i o i i & ! li o c II a v i i ti B r v i n ,'i.r 1 11 l.l, ii- iiis in. nds ana o'.l eiisi linos t 1 be bis removed his imtiTA- smu: r.STMH.isitii:v to the frame I'liiiibr g ndi nning bis dwelling house, between ih it and Dr. D. T. T Itis' ollice, a few doi-ne west ol bis tt ,1 I shim in, in Mjikfct st'ret, where he ii.t-nds to 1 arrv en ihe above business1 ex'ensivi l, in h its nirinm branchei. Being thankful torpid f.vius, be ti"ie, by stnet atlei lion lo business r.nd liberal charges, to give general satisfaction ; mid he will continue lo re ceive a liberal of public palronsg. Air. I nth, bii.