PRICE CURRENT. Corrtftrd weekly by Henry Yiixlieimer. AV'HiiT, S.I Kit, . .60 ('or, . s .... 40 Oit, ...... 25 I'oK, ...... ft FLtiirm, ... . too Ucttkh, ..... 10 lltMffii, .... 95 Taiiovr, .... to DniEii Acri.v.s, 75 Do. PtAciim, 200 FUx, ... .8 Hxcatsii Fnx, ' 10 Eoos, ...... 6 X T 1 C K . Win. Donaldson A; wifc" Tn Ihe Common PIp.ih of I'nion county uf Ati gust teim, 1813, No. 202. vs. Tho West Brunch Dink at Willinmsport, fur the use of Ellis Lewis, Esq. y Amicable action in nnj the President, Di- asumpsit and issue form. reclora and Company of rd and directed liy the court. For (fin 1 on the tho Bank of ruiiueylva l in. J second Monday of No vctnher Term next, for the puipose of determining whether the Legacies bequeathed ly the l ist will . mid testament of John Cowden. lite of Noithum , hcrlnnd, drr'd., ore payable, and if so, whether thev : have bo. n paid or nthcrwis" satisfied or In r red, and i how much each Legatee is entitled to receive out ' of the proceeds of the tares of the real estate of John j II. Cowden hy the SherilTof said county, so fur a the sa'd real estate was derived hy the, raid John II ! 'Cowden by devise from hi laic Id liter, John Cow- j den, deceased. I Therefore, notice is hereby given, to all persona j int. rested in the question for trial in this cause, ; and in the distribution of the proceeds of aula oflvo estate of John II. Cowden, that the paid cause will j tie for 1 r i I on the second Monday of the Novem-I her Term next, in New Berlin, in raid county of' Union, when a-nd where kII persons interested tn the above ipicstion or otheiwise, may attend if they ithink proper und be heard. : By the Conn, WM. EOsIIONO. Oct. 2fl, 1 S43 .It. J'roth'y. ' x ( ) tT (Te 7 ' - j Mary TJradfotd To ihe Common Pleas of j vs, V I'nion county, of August, ane defendsi ts. 3 Term. 1843, No.S03. j Issue din di d by tl.e court on the question, as j Hi IVo 20", and f.u trial the secud week of No- j vemher Term next. ! Notice in hereby given 1o aTl persona interested 1 in the qiieaions fir trial in the n'ioe cause, and . in the distribution of ihe proceed of sa'e of tlm ra- ! tale of John Cm J 11, llint the said cause wilt bo for trial on the second Monday of November Term j next, rrt the Co. in House, in New Berlin, in faid j county of Union, when and where all persona in. 1 tercstnl in the questions for Irial or olhciwUe, may j ottuid if thi'V think proper nod he heard, I Bv the Court. YM. EOSIIONO. Oc'. S?. 1 sin. rjf. Prolliy. Norii' e. Elziheth Wallis ) In the Common Pleas of vs. V-l'nion eoiiniv, of Angut Same d. fend nt. 3 Term, 1S43, No. 20-1. Issue directed hy the Coutt on the question!, aa ' in No. 202, and for trial the second weikof No. ! vemli'T Term nut. Notice is hrrehy given to all persons interested in ihe queirtinn for trial in the chore cause, and in ihe distribution of the proceeds of sale of the e lute of John II. Cowden, that the said cause will he for trial on the second Mond iy of Novemher Term nrxt, at the ('oust House in New Merlin in said county of I'nion, when and where all peisons interested in the questiena for (rial 01 otherwise, m.iy attend if tiny think proper and he heard, 1 Uv the ( 'ourl. WJI, IJOSlIONCi, Oet. 2P, 1 K 13 3i. I'rnthrj. x o t i ( 1 : . Cow den S, W'allia 3 In the Common Plea of r. V I'nion county of August Suine tlefeihhints. 3 Tel 111, 184.1, No. 50."). Iue directed hy the Court on the questions sa in No. 202, an. I for trial the second week of No M'rnher Tenn net. Notice is heiehy (jivmto all persons interested in the qnes'ioiia for did in the above cau.e, mid in the distiil.ution of the p'Oi-cc.U of fate of Ihe rs M.ite of John II. ('i.wden, that the raid rmif will he for trial on the aecoii.l Monday ni Novemher Terjii next, at the Couil llou-c in New Berlin, in raid county ot I'nion, wlwii and where all persona interested in the question lor trial, or otheiwisv, may at), nd if they think pmr, and l heard, Uy the Court. U'M. KOSlIONfi. Oc'. 28, IS 13. 3'. N () iHvid (5. Ba'iiitz 1. f.ime defoi dants. T I V E . 3 In the ('ornmoii P:i of J-I'iiinii county of August 3 Te in, IS 13, No. 200. Issue directed nv 1 lie I ouit 011 the que-tion-', as in No 202, and for trial the second week of No vember Term n. xt. Notice is her hy r-iv. n to all persons in'eresled in the qncHtioiis for trial in ihe above cause, and in the d mrihirion of the proreeda of sale of the estate of John H. Cotv.l. 11, th'it the said caucw il be for trial or1 the fecon.l Monday of Novemhrr Term nex1, at the Court House in New Berlin, in said j county of 1'nion, when and where nil per ou. in teretted in the questions for tria', or otherwise, may allind if ihey think proper, and he hcnl, Bv tho Court. WJI. IiOSHONO, Oji. 28151331. 1''y x or 1 c e . Sar.h Jale Bradford) In the Common Pleas cf f.. C Union coun'y of A 11 just amc defrndants. 3 Term, 1843, No. 207. Iue duected hy the C.urt on the questions, sa in No. 202, and for trial the second wick of No vember Term next. Notice is hereby given to all persona intcrc.ted in the questions for trial in the above caue, and in the distribution of the proceeds of a!e of ihe estate of John II. Cowden. ihal the aaid caue will be for trial on the s.eon.l Monday of November Term next, at the Couit House in New Berlin, in said county of I'nion, when and whire all persons in. terested in the questions for trial, or otheiwise, may attend if they think proper, and he heard, By the Court. WM, ROSHONO, Oct. 28. 164331. I'ruth'y im'thi'Voart of t'ommn I'ltaM f .VrAum. berland County, .V, 10, .MWM&rr Ttrm. Maiy bmiih, ty her next ) fiicnd, Hcn'y Giba.m, Plurina Suhpana vi. ? forUivoice. Robert 8milh. J riIIE aaid defendant U beieby required, lobe and .B. appear bcfoie the Judges of the Court of Com. mon Pleas of Northumberland county, al a Court of Common Pleaa to be held at Sunhury, on the first Monday in November next, to answer the complaint of the aaid Mary, FELIX MAUBER, Sheriff, fheriffa Sjiilurv.Oct. 7lh, 1843. 4t. $ SIIEUtFFS KY virtue ofsundry writs of Venditioni Expon aa and Levafi Facias, Isiued out of Iho Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, to tnc directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Sunhury, on Mon day the 6th day of November next, at I o'clock, P. M., the following described property, to wit : Two certain contiguous lots of ground situate, in the town of McEwensville, for. morly in Turhut, now Delaware township, Nor thumberland county, containing each 00 feel in fiont, and 1C0 feet in depth, hounded by a lot of Ja cob Mosteller on the north, by an alley on the south, an alley on the west and by main alreel on the east, whereon are erected a brick Foundiy, to which is attached a blacksmith' ahop, the main building being 5.) f. et in front, and a part of said building extending back 105 feet. There is also at lached to the same, a frame building 20 feet by 45, where the horse power w kept for the use of said Foundry; theicisnlso an ollice in front part of said briik building, ami also a frame alable 011 said lot. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William Stiizrl ned Isaac Hoii l. Also: All tlic defi-mlanl's interest in three certain cotit;gunus lots of ground, situate in the borough of Noithninbi iland, Northumberland eountv. being double lnt, and extending fiom the P.mvillc mail to water street, and m inked in the j general plan of aiid town Nos. 21, 20 and 19, con- j taiidng in the whole two acres more or less. ! Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Joiah Chapman. j Also: All the delVnilant's interest; (supposed lobe the undivided third put) of a r. t- 1 tain tract of land situate in Augusta township, ; Northumberland eitontv. ndioitiinff lands late of I William Shiprnan, dee'd , lands of Nicholas hip man, dee'd.. Conrad RiaUer, Leonard R.-cd an I o Ihers, cntrtaminff two bundled acres more or less, about 30 eres of which a?e cleared, wherecfli are creeled a sm ill log house and a frame barn. Seized, taken in ex"eu 'ion and to be Bold as the property of (iustavne K.ts. Also: A lut of ground situate in the borough of Northumberland aforesaid, con. laining five acres more or less, bounded north by Westway, south by the west branch of the river Susquehanna, wcot hy a lot of Jamea Kay and on Ihe east bv a ion) leading to Ihe river, whereon are erected a lurge two story biick mill and dwelling house, known bv the name of the ' College." Seized, taken in execution, and to I sold as the rroperty of Josiah Chapman. Also: All that rertnin home situate in Kind; t .wnt.hip, Nnntrumher'and enuntv, on tho road h ading from ihe 'Liberty Pole," in a iid town ship 1o river nl Boyd's Mills ; the s'ne of tho front building is 28 f.l bv 16, and a kitchen annexed to it, the size of -which is 10 tect square, bath of which arc two atories hih. I Seized, taken in execu'ion, and to lie solJ as the ' property of David I'liux. i Also: All that cerlain two story brick building situn'c i n the cat side of miin ; street in the Uirough of Milton, N.vlhii'iihnil i:d ! count n, said building being ah ut 30 fei t in Iroi.t. anil about 40 or SOfiet in depth, adjoining the j three gtoiy biiek tavern in the occupancy ofMi--ch: el Kremer on !he north, and a two atory biiek building the property of lien. Robeit H. Hammond 1 on the s u'h. ! Seized, taken in execution, and lo be sold us the 1 property of Henry Friik. Also: A certain tract or piece of land situate in Coal township, Northuin! eiland county, adjoining lands of (iforge Long, Henry ; Klockand oiheis, con'aining 37 acres more 01 less, ! about 25 acres of wh eh ate e'eared, whereon are i iricted a los house and a to? barn, an orchard, cVe. Seized, taken in execution, and to be suld as the property of ShiiikI Weikle. AUo: A certain lot or piece of Lunl situate in Rush township, Noilhurid erUnd county, i adjoining lands of Jacob Nierp, (jodliev Rnekc. feller and others, containing 31 acies more or It as, about 20 seres ol which ie cleued, whereon are cieeted a email log house, a log bain and a small orchard. ! Seized, taken in exrnlion, and to be solJ as the 1 property of (ienrga A. Dixon, j Also: A cerlain lot nf iironnd situ-j ate in the borough of Milton, Nuiihuuihc tlaud 1 county, in that part of said town called Upper Mil- i ton, and nnrked in the general plan of said town ! No. 77, fronting on Ihe ma n 01 fiont slieel, also j hounded on the north by a street, 011 the cist by j an alley, whereon are erected a large two story 1 biiek dwelling house, to whl .ti is a't 11 bed a l.nge j frame kitchen, a frame stable, wagon shed, oVc Also; Two rcrlain contiiimnis lots; of ground s tii'i'e in Upper Milton aforesaid, and 1 marked in ihe general plan thereof, o. AO and f. 1, j bounded on the ta-t by the canul.oii the south by an alley, on the north by a street and on the wrsr j by a street, whereon arc rrec'ed a hre slone and . bii.k steam mi!', engine boue, store house, Ac. a'so : a two st ry frame dwelling house, and a fraui stable. Also: A certain lot of giounil situate in the borough of Milton nfores iid, in that part ol raid town call; d Lower Milton, fronting on Mi honing strict and bounded on the west by a lot of John F. Wi.lfiiiger, E.-q., on the east by an Alley j and on the south by no ullcv, containing in width 1 30 feet and in length 20 feet, wheieou are erected ; a two story trame dwelling house and a fi nine ta- , hie. ! Also: A certain tract nr piece ofj laml situate formerly in Turhut, now Delaware . township, Nor hunil erland county , adjoining Inn, Is ! of Robert McKee, Abraham H irui r, Jacob lloirin tn : and othirs. cm ta iling fiO acres m re or bss, about 4 ft acres of whleli are cle.ned wh. reon ar-erei t-j d a two story log dwelt ng h.iu-e, and a log barn, : h large orehai.l, a aoil spring nf water, cVe. j Se red, taken in i xecuti on, and to be Sold as the property of Willi tin H. Miller. ! Also: A certain tract or piece ofj land situate in A uj list a township, Northunibi rland : county, adjoining lands of Aar. n Rohms, ,o of Daniel Keller, land of John Myers, Mis. t'lak and Peter Over.loif, jr., containing 30 aems more or less, about 20 acre of which are denied, whereon are erected two log dwelling bona, s ; there are al-o two wells of water and a inie fiuit trees on s.uJ piemisrs. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the ptopeity of Duncan Myers. Also: A certain tract or piece of 1 jnd situate in Litlle Mahonoy township, Nor j thunibeiland county, adjoining lands of Daniel Heib, Daniel Dornsief and others, containing 44 1 acres m re or Ic-s, about 24 acres of which are j cleared, wherou are erected a small lug house and a log barn, Ac. Seii.'d, taken in execution, and lo be said ts Ihe j properly nt ileniy owinetiart. Also: A certain tractor piece of hud, aituate in Chilisquaque townshij:, Norlhum. berland county, adjoining lands c.f Jamea Cameron, Philip Foust, Philip Follmer and Philip Long, con taining fifiy acrea more or le., neaily all ol which is cleared, wbeieon are erected a two story frame house, a frame bank ham, a waggon house, an or chai J, well cf wi'rr, Ac. Seized, taken in execution, an I to be sold as the property of Daniel llontz. Also: A certain two slory stono dwelling house and til lot or piece of ground and curtilage appurtenant tn said building, numbered in the plan of the town nf Shamnkin, ne laid nut by John C. Boyd, No. flD, ailualud oil the cast mdo of Shatnokin street. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the properly of Henry Voxtheimer. Also i On Thursday the 2nd day of November next, at the house of Charles D. Vh.u. ton, in Sunbury, at 10 o'clock A. M a certain tract of uni:iiiroed land aituato on ihe Waters of Shamokin creek, in Coal township, Northumberland county, hounded by Itnds late of David F. Gordon on Ihe west, Thomas Cadwnll idei on the east, am) William Bovd, Kuril Patterson Ac. Co. ou the north, containing'UiM acies more or less. Also : A certain tract of unimproved land situate in Coal township aforesaid, bounded by lauds of Thomas Cadwallad r on tho west, David F. (ioidon on the cast, and on the north by land suiveyed in the names nf Will am Tnmlintm and tieorgo Coldron and others, containing lVfiS ncrea more or less. Also : A certain tract of unimproved land situate in Coul township aforesaid, hounded hy land of Thorn is Cadwallader on tho eat,lnnd surveyed to John Biady on the north, and Thomas Cadwalhuler on the west, containg 4U0 acres more 01 le-s. Also : A certain tract of unimproved land situate in Coal township aforesaid, bounded on the ert by land surveyed in the name of Esther Cramer, land of David F. Gordon on the east nml land surveyed in the name nf William Green on the north, containing 400 arres ninie or less Seized, taken in eieru'ioii, and to be a oh! as the properly of William Silvis. Also: By virtue of a writ of Fieri Farias 10 me directed Will I sold at the Houso of C. D. Wh nton on Saturd iy the 4'h day of No vcmber next t 2 o'clock, P. M , a eerta n tract of land situate in Shamokin township, Northumber land enuntv, adjoining lands of John Ever', jr., Valentino K lace and William Mrlz, containing 30 acres more or less, about 12 acres of which are denied. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold os the property of William It. Jones. FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. SherilY'a Office. 7 Snnborv. Oct. 1 I, 1843. S ''R in the Court of Common Plcaa of Nor- thutntiland County, at November Teim A. D. 1843. coniriienvitig thcfnsi Monday. Jacivb Shilz S;imn vs Stout A Flick v J .hn Stout Stephen Wds n vs F A Kr.cht .1 Brown f r C Brown vs Henrv I'rick Sainmd K lTer Douaal A McChvry John Hummel John (ililVell Jacob Le.scr M Enoch Hower's ex'is .1 II Fianigiui Ac William H Brown John A Lloyd The Bank if Norlh'd vs .Iarne Beard va 'bristopher II Baker vs E P Hun, noit vs S T Burrows vs J..hii A II M Davison vs I hn Knorr vs Wni L H. nisei vs Peter Berlicn vs Ilebecci Wills vs Geddes A J. R Priest Iv Ac v S A Kolert McKco vs 11 Flick et al vs John Cowden ex'r vs llunh Hellas vs S.1100 VS .lo' ll It Millet vs D M S, rider vs Packet A Cummin; Eli Broh-t K hen Miner Datiiil Braiiiigim David F Gordon Same Chii.-tian Philips Francis Ball's iidrn'r J Houheiidobler Ac J .mi's Lemons' aihn'is vs .line Kipp Dr Fiederiik Tieon vs William Grow Thoiuas Ne-bit vs John T Mathiaa Same s Sunn Same vs Suuu David Wal-on vs Putiiek Moiitiguo Phdip Weier s Joseph Wullisjr S.nne vs iSsnin Robert Philips vs Mcl 'aitce A Fiirdy Henry Ropp vs (ieoige A Peter Shiley Jonas Kclchnei's ex'rs vs John Peal et al A' raharn Sir nib vs Jonathan A. lams Kicitt for Long v Nicholas Long's aclm'r SMl EL D. JOKIMN. rr.ilhouol uvV tllhee, Prvth'y. Sunbury, Ort.'2t, IS 13. ms t r it 1: t a 1 1, 1: It s , F Fon ign and Dom. stic Merchandise, nf the County of Noithumbeiland, who have, and who have not paid iheir Licenses. WHO HAVE PAID; Mosteller A Schwentk Gideon Shadle Win. II. Fnniire A Co Pttei tt iel Iridnnl A M.ixell Amos Vastine William Ilas (ieorge Krostua Il'autigim A W.pples lohii Hn, gamut .linolhau W alls A Co I'eter Bmrel Seh Ca.lwalla.lei ll.i.iy llverly Grorge Corny James Reed Sjmel Herb It. A D CI pp A. A C. I'osa William D.-ppen John ('h aoiherlain Kaufman A Call Daniel Hol hoe Daniel Swutz JohuG. Renn William Kates WHO HAVE NOT PAID: Issic Brown Wood A Rhawn fseth I. Co .ily Hampscy iV Davis R, H. Hammond J. P. llacln nberg E. L. Piper William Forsvlhe Mathew s vV 'o C. B. Mm ca T. R Pomp John "weney M . Chamhetlain, assignee ol 1). L. John Miller Jae .b Briuht Miller ,V Mar r John Vouni; l a T, Clem, nl John Bogar Jnhn Frvhng II. B. Masser (ieo P. Buy. rs Jonathan Siui.h Jacob II i.m Haitnuil II Ki.a' le Willi mi 1'. rsiii4 iV ('o Adam II ri Milan AV'iltiaiii Seoll do. Kaufman A. Reedy Samnrl John R oV in. Fatrely J. C. Boyd S. Bird Sliamokih Coal fc Iron Co. . Notice is hereby given, lhal the Treisurcr is compelled, by law, to commence ruila scainsl all those, who do not come forward and pay their been ses on ui before the Pill day of November n-ii. CEORCJE WEIsER. Sunhuiy, Oct. 21. 1843. Tramurtt. OTfl.M' WARE f .r sale. 115 Slone Jugs, tiom I quait to 3 gallons, 60 Stone Jara, from 'i lo 6 gallons F.-.r silo ' heap, by Qt t. U II. U. M A'jSER. Jacob Jlullr;,, uct'd. S'orthumbtrhind County, ts. f N the Orphans' Court of said county, at Augnat A leim fi?. ()n motion cf Charlie V. Hegin. F'9i','.ne Court grnl a ru'e on Ihe heirs and legal representatives of Jacob MJieh, late of Augusta township. Norlbuinbeiland County, dee'd., to appear at our next Orphans' Couit lo beheld al Sunbury, for said county, to wit : on Ihe fist Monday of No vember next, and accept or refueo the real estate nf saij diciased, at the valua'ion, orahrw rsnse why , the nhould not be sold. Extiacted f.oui tl e record, and ceitifud September iiftth. A. D. 1H43. EDWARD nysi ER,, IKO.-fl CUrk, 0. C. I OAKLEY'S ii:rt itATivi: sviiri. riHE valuable properties of Oakley's Depura I live Syrup of Hursaparilla, aa a purifier of Ihe blond, ia ao well known to the public generally, that it is unnrcessiry to occupy much spare in set ting forth the advantages tn he derived from ita usej wherever the medicine baa once been intro duced, It takes precedence over all others 1 eveiy nnethat has taken it, have derived 10 signal bene ficial results from it, that it ia recommended by them with Iho u'moat confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it lo patients tinder their care j containing nothing debterious. but being composed ol the moat mild, yet efficacious vegetable material, it is offered with confidence, ns the cheapest and most efficient pu rifier nf ihe blood now known. The use of a fuw hotiles, especially in the spring months, will he at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge. neral strength of the system, eradicating any teeds of disease that may have been generated, besid -a giving health slid vigor to ihe body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples nr riupttons of Ihe Skm, White Swi lling, F a-tula, Chronic Cough, A-e, The nu merous certificate in the. possession of the subscri ber and his agents, from physicians and others, are siifl'icient to convince the most skeptical nf ita su periority over all prep .rations of S irs ipaiilla. S,.,l wholesale and retail, hy the proprietor, GEORGE V. OAKLEY, North Sth lrei I. Rea ding, Brrka County, and lo be had of the following pel sons : In I'arthuiiilrlunrl Cimnly H. B. Masser, Sunbury; l-eland A M xel, McEwensville; I). Krau-er. Milton. In Union County. J. Gearhart, Selingrove ; A. Gut. lius. Mifllnihurg. In Columbia County. R. V. McCay, Wash ington. Reading. March 14. IMrt. Mn. OAKtT.r: I believe it the duty of every one to Jo whatever in iheir power lies, fir the b-ne. fit of their fellow in v, and having had pn-iiive proof in mv own family, of tho wonderful properties of your Pepuralive Syrup of Saisapirilla, t m st conscientiously recommend it lo the afflicted. We had tho mi-fottiine t lose two nf our children, by the breaking nut of ulceroua s ires that covered the face, head and reck, although we had aome of the most scientific physicians 10 attend them and had tried all the known tenin.lies. including Swaims Panacra, without avail. Another of my children was attacked in tho aame m inner, her face and nerk was completely covered; the discharge was so offensive, and the disease at such a height, thai we despaired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful efl'ecls of your Depurative Syiup nt S irsaparid 1, we were induced to make tii it of it. as the last tea irt ; il acied like a cbaim; the u'cers commenced healing Immediately, a f w hoM'c. entiielv restored her tn her health, which she Ii.scm'i .ved uninterruptedly ever since. As a puiiOer ol ihe blood, I vertiy be in ve il has not its epi il JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut strcit, near Fouith, Reading. D.mgla-s-.i'lo, April 19:h. Hl.l. Mn. OiKLtT : My son Edmund Leaf, hn I Ihe scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man ner for three years, dining wlvch lime ho wis de privtd nf the use of his limbs, Ids he .d and neck were covered with ulcers. We tri -d all ihe diff r cnt rernedi.-s, but lo no effect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown, and also Dr, Isaac II tester, of Rendu g. lo Use your DepUrntivo Syrup of S irsapardl.l, of wliii h I obtained seveial bo des the use of which d'ovc the disease Cotiri ly out of Irs system, Ihe s ue he di d up, and the child w is rcslored to trlrct health, which he hai cidiicJ iiiiinlcriuptedlv evt r, to the astoiiishnn nt ol ni niv peisms who t. en him du ing his t.fll ction. I have thought il inv du'y, and end von thi. certi ficate lli it ot'.e-a who have a like affliclion in the fin.ily may know where lo ohta n ao valuable a intdi iue. Yours tru'v. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. lfi, I S -13. I V 1 17 ?l i SSlVlt, as'iiTirr and tor theTbiTl time, calls upon all who uie indebted to him, on book ai count or otherwise, lo come f twarJ and make M-ltd in. nt. Those who neglect this no tice will have their accounts placed in the hands of a Justice, lor collection, Sunhuiy, Sept. IJOili lfi 1.1. Valuable Farm iL -IDs-XL sALLiISs, J'lLL be sold, on Mondav, N--enrr f. 1813, at the I oort House In Honlmrv lhal valuable iract of land bet mii g to ihti istuo of Cbr stiao Sii.pniaii, d. c'.l. , contain. tig 160 at:-.- more (ir les-i, niuuied in August 1 townsliip, Nor thumhcrl and rouiily, adjoining laid o!' George Kieler, Cieoige M i l, Raker, und Daniel Conrad, Conditions will be 1111 b' kn iwn on the d..y ol sile. LEW IS DEW R r. iJ'c:i'0 - :f i'l.rivlimx SiipuiiiH, itfc'J. Siiiiburv, Si p! 1 .:. IM:. Vl. ClilvVT WWW, A I.NS l'OIl CASH. riVlli s ibsi-ril-er h is .111 hand, (left vv i 1 1 1 him lor I ale,) a ass. rtment of eh :.iut BJiiiss Clr.K) warranted goo1, which he is. authorised to .11 tl j hiieht'cu ltely rclliug by I'e ll.irs, fr..m III to 'Jo i dollars. "I'hoiC wl.o waul I arya n. shoul I c dl j "-on, II. B MASTER. Sunbury, Aur-u-t 50, 1 S 13. ! II AT sV CAP .MAMTACTCRI'IIS, 1 South Knst rorm r of V.rt Ar and 4.'i sis.. , Miila(lliliia, rFSpEC !TI'LLY mlorm ihe public that they will e.instant'y keer on tvnd a larrjs hso-I-menl ol Hals. Caps and Furs, to suit Ihe fall trade, j of the be-t quality. By strict attention lo hiisi- loss, and l y selling their stock at the lowest prices, thrv fisticr themselves in being 'ib'e lo eie entire stt.sfaet.on. Angiial S. IS41 Iy jTOr ks " srs.M 1 rns 1TIiolsal 'loc U IMaMlluiieiit. No. 8-J Xntth Tliird Street, ?ZIILADELPHIA, VXniE'.'.r is t l be fnind the largest assortment ' of Clocks in the United Stales, amoi g which a-e Finn stville. Hill's (inodrieh cV Co, Atkins, Poitei A, Co., IviV, Biewslers, and other Light Day Brass ('locks; C.Jerome's Bris'ol Manul'ac inline Company, Atkins, Porter A' Co.. Hill's, Ooidnch A: Co., 'otriinlle, H. Wehon's, and i.ihrr Thirty Hour Brm Cbaks; tl..aidiii..n A Welle'., Hopkins A Alficd's, II . C. Siliilh's, and other Wood t 'locks. Sole Anent liir Crane's n lebratrd Ye ir and Month Clocks, as we'l as several nf the above men tioned, Al-o; Courih and Hall Clocks. (jj Watchrimkers, Merehauta and others, will find it to their interest in call, L'.rOkine (ilasies manufactured. Phda.h Ipliia. Auiiti-i .r, ni l. Sin 1 'I ttit rvhiiix rla hint- for alo. 'I HIE iilb-.M I r a'e a TH I; l 1 1 1 fj tt'HlE, i e'ini.l in c "id o il 1 '1 p Ma. bine ha Ir.i. Irie.i ao-i roves a i r ne ' lint rue It ill be s .1 I at a lediiee.l pre 1 a 1! warranted. App'vio II, M. M AE U. Julv lit, 19n. ar-t- EZCIHAITGE MOTEL. Onttn S'rrrt, npniitt th Town Hall, lOTT8r 1 1,1,13, IM. J . C. L E H S I O . ESI'EC TCL LEV announce! o H, the travelling community that he has taken the large and splendid estalv 3 liahment, 'he ExcHtnaa Hnrrt, situs. ted at the corner of Centre and Callnwhill atreela, nearly opposite the Town Hall, in the borough of Poltsvil'e, which has been thoroughly repaired and materially improved for the accommodation of visit ors. The Hotel is forty ft. front on Centre st and one hundred and thirty eight ft. on Callowhill, three stor'n a high ; it ia admirably provided with Parlors, Sitting Rooms. Reading Room, and lirge airy Chambers tl.e most spacious, pleasant and. conve nient D'niug R o:n in tho country- a new and su peiior Bathing Establishment ; and every conve nience and comfort to render it in all reapecls a most desirable: Hotel. No palia or erpense will he spared to furnish the Table and Bar with the best that this and the Philadelphia Markets afford ; and wilh a determi nation to devote his entire personat nttontion to the comf rt and accommodation of those who my fa. vorhim wilh a call t aided by active, careful and obliging servants, he hopes to give general satis fiction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishing to visit ibis highly interesting nnd healthy Coal Region, will he provided wilh Parlors and Chambers, which he feels confident will please the most fastidious, Tho Stabling attached, is largo and well constructed, and superintended by experienced and attentive Osiers. Horses arid Carriages may be bad at any timo to convey persona to any part of the country. (j"An Omnibus runs from this Hotel daily to and from the Depot, lo meet the Cars, for the ac commodation of peraona travelling on the Rail Road. No charge for omnibus fare to this Hotel. Potlsville, J.ily 8, 1843. Cm WOLBEF.T & JiLlTlTET, General Commission Merchants, No. 21 Commerce St., below Fifth, PHILADELPHIA, T7"EEP constantly on hand Imnorted Secara. J-- Brandies Liquors, Ate, at the loweat prices, ! for cash. C. J. WoiaraT, jr. Wuc. A. JursxT. August 5ih, 1843. 6m ri'.HE subscriber will sell ofThis stock of Beaver, j JL Russia and Biush Hats, of the beat quality, at j very reduced price. 8unhury,Aug. 6, 1843. H. B. MASSER. t'ounlorfcllcrs' DEATH BLOW. 'T'he pul.lic will please observe that no Brandrelh - Pills are genuine, unless the box has three la bela upon it, (the top, the aide and the bottom) en.h containing a fic-simile signature of my hand writing, thus B. Brixuhith, M. D. These la. hrl-aie eniiraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done al an expenso of over f 2,000. Therefore it will be seen that the only thing necosaary to pro cure the medicine in ita purity, ia to observe theso labels. Remember the top, the aide, and ihe bottom. The following respective peraona are duly auhori red, and hold CEIITIOATES OF AGENCY, For the sale of BrandreiKt Vtgetable Universal Pills. Northumberland eountv ! Milton Msckey ft t'himheilm. Sunhnry H B. Masser. M'Ewens ville Ii eland A. Meixell. Northumi'eiland Wm, Forsyth. Oeorgetown J. & J. Walls. Union Oiunty: New Berlin Bogar A: Win ter. Selinsarove George Gundium. Middle burr; Isaac Smith. Beaveriown David Ilubler. Ad misburg Wm. J. May. Mifflinahurg Menach . Ray. Hartleton Diniel Long. Freeburg (. A; F. ('. Mover, Lewisburg Walls ot (Jrccn. Columbia county : Danville E. B, Reynolds V Co. Berwick Sliumjii s Riltenhouse. ("at tawissa O. (. Brobts. Bloornshurg John R. Moycr. Jersey Town Levi Bisel. Washington Robt M.Cav. Limestone Balliet cV McNmch. Observe that each A cent has an Engraved Ccr tificateof Agency, conluiiiing a representalion of Dr BUAMiHEPII's Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon whiei- ill also be seen exact copies of ihe ntu Inhrin -. t used unl tl.e lirandreth Pill Mores. Phil 1. Mp' i 1, oflice No. R, North 8th street. B. BRANDRETll.M.D. Jon.' 24i . tld. BSrirt, Aiiitrovs & .ll'ltcvcr, Furw.trHiniT and lieneral Produce COM M 1 SSI OX yiE liCH ATS, Sicnnd It'hnrf nliove. Rare. St . on the Ihluifure, P II I LADELPIIIA. HP. TERENCES: 'eiiry Fi.rouni cW I o, i larvis, Trabue ct Curd, Brav, B ircroft, it Co. j Louiavile. Willi hi son. Burroughs fjeo. Luckey, oV. Co. SiCli'k, j Cincinnati. l'.Uel Spmc'pi cV'Raguel St. John Smith, Esq, Reed, l!ro. ck Thorn 1., Portland. Rogers, Broibers it 01. ; Joseph Souther, Esq., W. It. Thump-on S; Co, lloston, Ro! ert Sieen A Co. Hon J. A J. Reakcrt, j Wm. Bitter, CknrfxrU, Va. Hendricks, Mulford A Alter, ,B J. R. Welsh. E q Sunbury, Pa. Philadelphia ,R. Hum. s, E-q. David R. Porter, Ei-q. ( Rolierl ('rane, Esq., Messrs. J. A I'. Martin, ( Jertey Shore, Pa, UarrUlnrg KVm M-Kevv lV (.. W m. K. H Uloacle, Esq., litoomsburg. Pa. Lewiilluiford.Lsq. I Walls A Creen. lMiu-ater Lewisburg, Pa. Jones, Murphy A bn, . ,,, .... , 0 E. A. Brown fc Brother.i 1 ' W- rK'? IIn" & J.K. Moorehead.Esq. i Lock- llaren, J'a. Pittsbur. Sleirett A Putter, Morgsn A Anderson, ' j l.ewistou n, ra. tieo. Tied ury, Esq. Joseph Paxton, Esq., St. Louis I Columbia Co, Pa. June 3d, 1813. I y "if7 S. L.VT.E1TCE, ajnil for the tali of Svuthworth Manufac turing (.ompany't SUPERIOR W1UTIXG PAPERS; Warehouse No. H Minor Street, PHILADELPHIA. ffllHE follow ing kind coiia'antly on hand, and U for sale to the Trade al tho lowest maiket pi ces -.- Fine thick Flat Caps, 12,14, and in Ihe., blue and white j Ex'ra auper, and superl'u e Folio Po ls, blue and white ; Extra super Packet and Coir.meicial po.ts, blue and white ( Eitia super Linen Note papeis, long ; do, broad; superfine anJ line Counting bouse Caps, hlue and white Extra, super dingus Caps and Letters, plain and luled, j blue and wluie ; Superfine French I'osls, plain atld ruled ; Sii erfiue 'ei mon Caps and Posia ; Superfine end fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, Various qualities and prices. Also Bonnet Boards, Tissue, Envelope, Wrsp-! pin, ahd Hardware pnper. Ac, Ac. j Slav ST. lrU3 Sm. rOK SALE AT THIS OFFICE. m DAVID EVANS, Aii. fl South (l$lrcct, npnnsilethe Uxcltaitfir, PHILADELPHIA, ( T ormerly of No. 70 Smith Strand street,) Manufacturer of Improved and Patent File and Thief-prnof Chesta and Doors, Water and Pro vision Coolers, and Filttrers. Refrigeia- lors, Hoisting .Machines, Ac, Ac, Still continues to nukn this celebrated WATER Cod- Sifanil workmanship. 07" The Chests aro mnnufactitrcd without jdank of any dem-ripMon, of ihe best material wlcli ia calculated lo resist burglata end heat aa long aa any manufactured in the United States a trial of which he is willing to mako with any olhcr, pro vided the trial he inudo of Jiesia already sold to customers, and not manuf ic'ure 1 for ihe expresa purpose of a trial. Purchaaere arc invited lo call before purchasing elsewhere. CAUTION. A:l persons are cautioned sgiinst making, using, selling or causing to he sold, anv Keyhole coera fit Fire P101 f Cbes's or dooia of any kind, similar in construction to my patent of July 10th. 184 I, as they will be dealt with accord ing lo the Patent Law, M iy 27ih, 184:1. Cm. JOSEPH B. HOVER, Maniifactnrcr nt' Writinji and Iiuiclli b!o Ink, No. lflfi North Third IStroot, bix (lour.-, below Race, (cast side,) PHILADELPHIA, j j) EPECTFL'LLV informs country merchant's 1 and others, that he constantly keepa oil hand a large stock of bis auperier Black, Blue and Red Ink, and also a superior quality of Indellible Ink. His ink is put up in bullies varying in size, from I to 32 ounces, and wall be sold on reasonable term. The excellent qualities of this ink has . thoroughly established its character, lhat il is now extensively used throughout the cnuntiy. For sale al the store of H. B. Masser, Sun bury, Pa. May 27th, 1843. ly Cabinet-Making (Aow FiSl.'sblis-liitient.') VILLIAIC HOOTS?. RESPECTFL'LLV informs the citizens of . Sunbury und vicinity, that he has recently commenced Ihe CAR I X ET-M A KIXG BUS IN E S S, in nil its branches, in Maiket atreet, Suribnry, im mediately la low the post nlTice, whern ho will ba ready to receive and execute nil orders in the lino of his business, with prompm. s and despatch, and. in the best style and manner. Ilia pricea will be. I low, in accordance with the times. 1 (jy Lumber and Country Produce taken in Ex- , change. Slay 27th lf-43. fim I crrVFiNii'CiprTuT3iTox; AND PRIVATE SALES ROOM!?, Nos. v0 and .'U North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHIL DELPHIA. O C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, iespectful'v iu- I - ' ites the attention of persons desirous of pur 1 chasing Furniture, li bis extensive Sales Rooms, (lioth public and Piivats-,) for every dcsciiptlon ot Household Furnitute, wheie can be obtained ut all times, a larce assortment ef fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Bed, Mattiasses, Ac, at wry reduced prices, f.11 cish. Sales hv Auction, twice a week. May 27th, 1813. ly L01TC-L37'0 ; faout VoNlciii Iii'.lian Pii:i:uc.t, ! Cotnnuimded entirely of N'egetah! j Sub.stnnees ; : Free from Calomel and all other Mintrch. ' For the history of this medicine, and its uniivatlid I and truly surprising; suc-ess and popular I ity, see large bills. 1 TS'V is recommended as a general cathartic f I family use in dyspepsia and all bilious disea ses, it is inv duable for Asthma it ia considered 11 specific, no case b 'vip.j vet occurred which it bus 1'aihd to cure. hi "n 1 on elds, imflaminatory di.-ea -TS, rheuuia -is.n, .ill' noiis of the liver, A'c., and foi iViiniles, it sis,.- end excellent remedy, CEr.TirlCilTE, From )r. Si lux Ui' ot P, .mfliamplon, S. Y. Mr. Longley lb n Sr: 1 have u-ed your Great. We.sliri: Indian Pan ire a in mv family, and have reieatcdly pre-crtl id 11 for piiier.ts 1:11 ler my care, arid am eatbfie.) t'.int It i alw ivs a sale, and in verv I many cases an iuvrduable lo. !i. :ne. It niera'e ns i a laxative without nan tea, or pain ; and w hile it if. ! fi tluallv obviates costivene. s artsunon the stomach and liver as an alicialive, coirecting acidity, and re storing tlie healthy condition of those oru'-ins. Verv'v vours, S. WEST For sale by JOHN W. FRILINO. Sunbury. JACOB IJ KKI 11 1", Norlliumbeiland. May 20th. 1 S 43. 1 y en ARK i:'s W. i 1 iTcTi ns. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUJYBTJHY, PA. AS taken Ihe ollice formerly occupied by iho Hon. ( hailcs (j. Doiitn I, opposite the C um House. He will a'tend to business in the C'ouru of Norihunil.eiland, I'nion an I Columbia counties. May 211th. IS 1:1. aniel Yariek, SLACKSlvITH, lEfiS leave lo inform the citixms of Sun'.uiy and its vicinity, that he has commenced the REAL K SM IT I IX (i 15 1 SIXESS. in Maiket ttreit, Sunbury, tast of John B. g ir- store, and diicctly opposite the post office, where lis intends tj carry on the business in all its varioua branches, including, Turning, Making Mu'l Iiont and Lliptic Springs, Ironing Carriages, with tension or Standing top., Shming llurses, ejc. Ordess will le promptly and punciu illy attendi J to, and work done cheap, for cash or country j ro. dilee. (fy Hoisc Sh.ieiug done at 1 per if It. Sunbury, April 15th, 143. (!m o ot & Il o c ii.iT'j-i.arcp.T. 1 . 1 u mmi yfrTif-WM"' 5nd Filterers, Refrigera. teUakWjtCtors, both of the round and ij3, m" Jr mpntr nf lha litait mmarinlai .11 artin I v iv i n , KESI'ECI FI LLY iulornis bis tn.nd an. old customer, thai he kjas removed ly t HOt)t SIIOL r:STMlUSIl.t'T to the Iramu binldiiig adpiiiiing his i'weUr',,g bona, between thai and Dr. D. T. Titles' ntliea, a ,.w west of hi old estat bshmeiii, in MaikH street where he ii.t-nda lo carry on llm above tnint. t x'ensivily, in all its vnrinug branches. Beam Uiai i..t past f ,v,i, ,o e, by sir et atttft.Uoii lo busuies. and libeial rh'ireee, logii general satisfaction j and that he will c.nbiiue ig rv. cciva a liberal share of public palTonace. Apiil 8lh, ISJ.t,