Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 04, 1843, Image 1

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ti:ums orjriin .4mkiiic.ix."
pint ns or aiti:rtisi.k.
I squars 1 insertion, . f rt 50
1 do 3 do . .11 'in
I do 3 di . . . . 1 Oil
Rvi'ry ubsqnrnl inserticn, . - 0 '.';
Yearly Ai1er(imrnU : ons c olnmn, fiSS ; hi. If
column, f IS, three fquarrs. f I? ; two squnrcs. f 3
one squire, ?'. llalf-yrly : on oolutnn, H ;
half column, J 12 i three squares, fS ; two square,
f!i ons square, f-1 B0.
Advertisements loft without directions at lo tho
length of time they arc to bo published, will I
H. U. MASSEK, PvausasRSAHo
II. II., lUlitor.
Ojtct in Centre AlTeyufaYtwof 11. D. Mut
fer't Slure.
THE AMERICA is "Hi published svrry Satur
day at TWO HOLLARS per annum lo be
pjiJ half yearly in advance. IVo paper disconliu
lied till all nirrnragos mo paid.
Nosulucriptioni received for a less period thin
six month. All communications or letters on
business robititiir In the office, to insure attention,
mum l.c POST PAID.
Absolute acquiescence in th decisions of the majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which there is no appral hut to force, the vital principle and immediato parent of despotism. Jirrssso.
Ity Masscr & i:iselj-.
Simbury, .ortliumbi-Iau Co. Pa. Saturday, Xor. 4, 1813.
Vol. 1-
-o. G lTliolC o, Hi-l.
T if X .-: it-; " i- -A JT "W 1
I no not maurii mv friends lire fn'ss J
1 dure n.1 B'ieie f' r sin of nvr.e ;
I wop f t tliiw who to oVuth,
(!reit God ! in thin rich world of thins.
So tnsnv ree there r to s(,
And field ijo wvii'(; broad niih grin,
And yi t wli-it n'ter mi-cry !
Our very brothers lie in pain !
Then? !y their dirkd'cd hcvlh-vtone nit,
'i'li. ii el.i ilrm -liivp ini il'v round,
A 'mo m livlli (o.l. 't wore Fit
Tor iheae poor men to cure the ground.
A t'd those whn dally bread hive none,
ITlf starved, the lone, lor.B winter" day,
Pond pi'rti'i ei:7.!ng on their yniif g,
Too w Lolly sul one word to soy.
To them it seems llirir find has curs- d
This r ire of. ir sinrc they . re born ;
"Wil'irp 1o toil, nnd yet deprived
Of co i. iiioii wo'id, or ftore of rort).
I do noi weep (or my own w ca,
They are ns mulling in my eye ;
I ivrep for lhoe lio, stiirvcd and fro?.",
l)o cu m' tlicir fiod und lovo to difl.
rii li-i 3 il nmity of I lie Soolln l-enuty nf the fvm hi
Misirc? of the roy mouth !
I', nil il'v l ent '!--o 1 1 its duly
J.iili tl-.y Mood I eh., tliy hcau'v t
Art thou f Ir, nnd art thou cold 1
Art thou Mvi,rn to wed for gold?
fin thy fo i head ritleth pride,
Crowned iih scorn iid fulcon-rycd ;
l!ui heiientii, nieihinkK, i!wm twim-kl
Silken (truil.a that sf,i diviriert.
Can micti null. he f,l and cold 1
U'jtil thou thou wed for gold 1
We, who divell on N"..r;hem r.iith,
Fill ll'.e I'io7f!i air ilh mi!lr,
Soar i'pon the w ings of hiuishi.-r,
(Thou::h we droop the moment ;.f;rr :)
!ut. ihr..iuh iill niir rrhmr rold,
None vviil ihi ir hearts for f, ld.
From ihs New Nirrnr.
Itrcnllrrt loiti of .Toll n ICanitutiili,
It mny ho renir-mWeil that in th! year 1922
it wns hy no meana crrtnin who would bo t lie
fnvoritn candidate for tho I'roeidt'nry. Several
liisiinguislied incn wore talked of Crawford,
Adnni?, I.ovvtv.los, Coy, Kitijr, 4.c.
The night hrlore Randolph failed ho was
invitod to ppr-nd the nvi'tiinrj at the horspitable
mansion of the late Mr. Coldon. A Frloct foxs
of the li'erati were invited to meet him, nnd he
was very tilkntivo until politic wrre intro
th;red ; lie then bemine silent, and seemed to
tnke nn intereat in the conversation. The sub
ject of the next Presidency was freely canvassed
by the other eentlemnn, nnd nt lenpth a learn
ed physician present, t amine round to Mr.
Randolph, rather abruptly Fiiid :
'And pray, Mr. Randolph, who is the most
talked of in Washington as the most happy
man V
'Ilis name, sir, is' Legion,' replied Randolph,
j in his tnott formal maimer, soon alter which ho
j Mr. Randolph never wished t have any to-
pic of conversritioiioicn? upon him. lie was
, very arbitrary in hi a taste, and the surest way
1 nf Foc.uriii an intellectual treat from him wns
; to permit him to introduce the ritSjec t, and
! ch.v:;o it as of) en as bin fancy dictated. We
j soon (litem ered this peculiarity of tempera
1 merit enVoard the ship, and ini!iil;re 1 inn ohs
heart's cm, tent. S lmi'timcs however, ctr
! ton. ofmy forefnthors ! Mny her greatnes? in- J hibition, wc observed growing in flower pr,t., I to try the Piinceton at sea, and returned to this
cten'sc thioiirrh all tim ! Fevernl healthy Ftnlks ofl'Vyplian wheat ap-' phice last night to finiih her equipment. The
pronehinrr to maturity. Of the appoannce ol- i Princeton has periormed o well tinder nil cir-
would o;
1. 1 ul
: young irnici
purposely, to show his indepete'enco ,
Randolph wnnid rctalin'.e by lavishing the ir.ost
j unmeasured abuse upon the Russians, amongst
: whom the Virginian iiitended to pnss the next
I two or three years of his 1,,'e.
j Vottr father, sir, will regret the day he has
j permitted you to g i among the dciiii-ivages
to lenrn the 'art of wtir ;' or, 'to butcher your
' lellow-crcnturcs,' more correctly speuking. 'ou
j will lose your lovo of liberty, t-ir. Vim will
j be taught to consider tir, virtue ; and all the
- . - - - j Inndinarks of morals, sir, will quickly be effaced
FAVr-.Mso p Hoo.s. Wc would here re- j fr0in your Vont!ifnl mind. In after years, sir,
mar!;, that the putting up hogs for fattening, ! yo tt'in n'.ivc to monra ovcr -time misspent
should not be delayed until cold weather, as , nml ulonll niisr,ri,,,-.cj ; On my return to
they gain much Outer under the iaileencc of, Washington, sir, I give you fair notice, ! hull
heat than cold. Whn: .iif:iu'.l in ihrir P'Pf, j try to persuade your father, my o'd friend, to
th-y should have alU-wanccs of charcoal, rot- ; rt'(.nll his '! sou.'
tm wood, a.hcs, and salt, given them every i p0()r f, i(l.v . )1P now hes in the cold Suv.
few d ivs ; b: provided with
IIio le't.-rs of ihtroduction procured him n mo.-
n-cU iinteriai.-, a? ii.ouid and leaves from the : fllvrnUc recent icn tt tio; court of Russia. II
It was past eleven o'clock at night when we
reached the dock, nnd wo remained on board
till next morning. liefbro parting Randolph
said to me :
I don'l viiah you to tell any one that I nin
litre. I do not covet any attentions at present,
sir. I have come to England to srp, anil vol
be scm ; to hear, and not be hfurd. I don't
want to be made n lion of, sir. Vom understand
me. I havo farmed a friendship for yen, which
I hopo, will be continued, sir; and when you
conic to Ixindnn, yon must instantly inform me
nf your arrival ; fArrrismy address, air. God
bless yon ; and remember you tell your father
not to give you whiskey punch or north?
I only remained two days in Liverpool, and
tho morning I embarked for Dublin I called to
say good-hy to Randolph nt his lodgings. I
found him in conversation with a venerable
looking The moment I entered
the room he turned around and said :
'1 am delighted to see you, sir ; and nt this
moment, 'above all days in the year,' as McRory
says, because it enables roc to nnUc you ae.
qoainted with the finest specimen of the old
Virginia gentleman now in F.nslan.!, sir, the
friend and ro'inUvmen of Washington, from
whom he recived his present appointment, liie
beloved of all Americans who xi.-it England
Mr. Jar;irs Maury, United States Consul : am),
Mr. Maury when 1 inform ;voi, that this
centleiiiiKi's grandfather received tram General
Wiinhin.'ton a gold ri'ig, contain inn; his like-
ness, as a mark of his personal respect, I am
sure you will give him the right hand of fellow
ship, sir.'
Mr. Maury blushed, nnd so did I ; but his
truly warm reception after this singular intro
iluction soon put mo at my ease, and I passed a
most delightful half hour with him and Ran
dolph. Wo listened to on epitome of the his
tory of irginia since the Revolution, from
Randolph, who took it for granted that he could
not in any w-ny so much amuse his ancient
friend as by detailing to him all the principal
events that had taken place since his departure
from tho 'ancient dominion.' Rut I was obliged
to tear myself away, nnd, nnce more bidding
Randolph good-by, and thanking Mr. Maury for
his very kind invitation to the hospitalities of
his house, I went on board the sTeanier 'Wa-
i terliio,' bound to Dublin. Altera rough passage
together of the wheat, we could not supply a
belter than the preceding description. The
seeds from which it was produced, arc said to
bs three thousand years' old, having been ob
tained under the same singular circumstance
ns tho above., that too much cannot be said in
praise of her. Wo crrived at Sandy Hook on
Wednesday, in 2IJ hours from Newcai.te.
Wc wont up to tho city of New York to show
ourselves and to give notieo to the Captain of
the English Steamer Great Western that 1 de
With regard t the wheat in this mummy signed to have a trial of speed with that ves
being nctua'ly 3000 years old, we would re
mark, that the age oftho mummy is indefi
nite. Mummification dutes from times anterior
to tho Pyramids dow n to the days f St. Angus
tine, in the fifth century after Christ. The
age of this wheat may be only 1200 years ! E
gyptinn whent found in the tombs of the 19lh
Dynasty, i. c. from B. C. 122 to R. C. 1 170
has grrniin&tcd when sown in Grrninny. It is
frequently found in the tombs of Egypt, as may
be seen on reference to Sir J. G. Wilkinson's
I "Manners and Custom."
Ve-fl the MtiJUnnian.
Citrtnltt lni titiui mul Hie Slrnm Mmi-of-U'nrVniift,
llin Trlm-rloi). j
Wo publish the official report made by Capt. j
Stockton to the Secretary ol the Navy, of the
trial ofspeed made between tho Princeton and
the Rritii'h steamer Ureal Western. The re
Milt was stieli ns to make it a proud day fur
Capt. Stockton, and the country proud of hav
ingsuch a fjn. The tireitt Western has long
been a favorite ves el on both sides oftho At
lantic, nt.d tuck prcc.'iieix ' wiih the public
over all the ocean steamers for sped, skilful
c omniaiid, kc. The net of challenging a ves
sel v. Mi such an established character to n tri
nl of powers with one which was fti'.l, in amea
mro, but nn untried experiment, was nn act of
daring which few would liave ventured on, and
none who arc not actuated by that noblo spirit
of chivalry, for which Captain Stockton is so
eminently distinguished.
There is not nny thing whatever new, but , . , . ... IWoton hftd
only improvements ir. tho arts, as applied to ,,,. ,,cforc -ho WM awire of,0 intctUion af
ship-building, machinery, am! steam power. : tlje Gfeat Western. Notwithstanding tho
The model of tho Princeton is said to bo as ; prMUr d;,,tanre IC had passe(1 overi sie met
perfect as any thing that ever floated on the lho Wrrtfrn again at the Black Buoy on the
water. Every one who sees her, is struck w,ih f)utc.r nar) an,i tiere pMWj unJer her 8lrrn
admiration nt her perfect symmetry and grace- i . . ..,, di8tant. !lPn i,auidd ,ID 011 a
On Thursday tho Western came out oftho
East river, and the trial took place, from the
Battery to the sea, in which we gained a most
glorious triumph in the presence of many thou
sands of our fellow-citiiens, assembled to wit
ness the useful and exciting contest. The
following account which was made at the time
by two gentleman who camo on board for that
pnrpoae, I prefer to send you rather than
trust my own pen on the subject. You will
allow me, however, to add that tho Princeton
is now admitted to be the fastest and most beau
tiful, as she will hereafter be admitted to be
tho mofct formidable ship afloat:
At 33 minutes past 2 o'clock, P. M., whilst
the Princeton was lying in the North river, the
Great Western was seen passing the Battery,
under a full head of steam, blowing off strong,
and with her fore and aft sails set, the wind
blowing fresh from the westward. The Prince
ton immediately started her engine, gave chase
and coining up astern of the Great Western
soon passed with no sails set, and the yards
f(,uare. The Western then set her square
sails, and the Princeton following her example,
uiadisail n!so,on.l continued to widen the gap
between the two vessels.
I W hen tho Princeton had arrived at the
Buoy of the middle below tho Narrows, she
! was more than a mile ahead of the Great Wes
tern. Here the latter ship, to make good the
distiMiccsho had lost, took tho "Swash Chan
nel," which is three miles shorter than the or
ful appearance. Tho mnehinery is said to be
of the roost perfect character, in design as well
m in finish. Tho ship, the machinery, and
every thin?; roT, verted therewith, has been
woods, niar.-li, mud, the scrapings
Bi'd vard, eorr.stalks. refuse y'.rtr.v, and otTal of
every kind, to l converted by thcisi into rtia-
ii water ai i ,. .... . i,..;m. i i. i ,
I i .am i K' n ill a in tiiiii.iv iiunii cili.'i I Sli. f. . , ... , i . -,
t'v vol,',, , , ,. ; it'iiii1 I, Hours, i lomei imseil ujongMOC , ..;:,...,! 1. ,n,t rmwtr.ieto.l nnd eveented
i;nav, in me river Jney,;it. iniitiiio hi.
and in ar.utiier hour was fast nsli r-n in i com-
quickty r in the army, and became a fbvorite for,H,,.c ho nn s! nri,. for) ,,, ,!)0 ,rut!l
;a the very highest circles. Ilis deaf:, occut- ! uutbnl would have received
red several years ago, after a short illnc
fmni the
the road
i Jj.' l ie in; ir re '.jijr lee.i.s ol corn, H t.rim .f lit'..
would be woil, every lew days, to give thrni j U fif;s 0f April we iv.a.le the land about
noon. 1 l;e wind had cinnrerl sincn llandoiph 1
H. I no natrona"o on liie Hudson river a small.
dirty, comfortless boat and all the passengers
vegetables of yotue km!, hj they tend to koep !
their fy-tein cool, nnd pro. note tho regular C'
vacua'Lion of their bowels.
predicted that wo would strike 'Slio h'ai!,'
nv.d we first mi v the hii-h mountains of Done
gal. The atmosphere was beautifully clear,
and " o ran along thecoat near enotieh to see
the hoiires, 4c. Towards nigh?, Randolph
raid to mo :
Well, sir, I not." b. hove the anecdote rela
ted by Aithur Yo ing. In his noieson Ireland,
i . . a.... i... .... i. i.: . .
. i , . , r .' v - .mil on- ii'iv i.iiiih r ii... tv , i r- oii, n
trees seein.'d g-cit.v iiir,'rov.l, and t'ie peach-I '
. i . . .'i . '. i .. voiing buy. some instance from homo, in the
re Kim more toan throe tunes a; much rs tliev
i .i . " f ountv Meith 1 iiey camo to a tree : lho bov
flid the two prcv. ous years, and the frait serin- I ,, , , ., r.i"
. , , , , , viis om'iii.miou, sui open nun BSKeu, Tamer,
Ashes am o goo-1 siibttitutc for . . , .
wna? is ii'ii never tinving feen one t.einre !
I coast
have 1
teen !'
It was t.yi true.
I.ime rort Fiu ir Titris'. In tho fitumn of
111, wo !.!. h ire the ro-'ts of a i.tiutber of un- i
thrifty npj.'.e and poach tn-t s, and lelt them ex- i
pi?i during tin: w inter, relumed tho dirt in j
the spring, ntid applied ti the roots of each tree j
o bunt half a b'lf'ue! nlVn !i ne. Last year the j
r.l improved.
, it- i- ,i , , i vwiai in wi'ti .. iirvrr onmi' eren ti;i? oe
tin)", and or-hoarv lini" wotihl probably do as ; , , . , , .
,, ,. " ,, , ' ' ! Here havo we been sailing alonir the lnh
wc-.. us .lie gas .iir.e. iMaicure J armcr. . , , , , ,
! for a w hoiC dav, and nut a smrr'.e tree h
. j . . o
... . ,1
Barren are the mountair..-;
A N'or.i.i: Pijo. -A Halifax paper states that
a child was plnviiiir With a New found la rid !oLr
on Roach's wharf, Halifax, a short time since, j wf Dunre-u). No trees arc to be seen; and it
and by some accident rlipped ovcr the end of! ;s no wonder that an American should bo struck
the wharf into the w ater. Tho 'dorr inimcdi- astonishment, just arriving from his own and ns rather an imperfect account of them has
were glad er.o.ig'i to leave her.
Egyptian A i chivolo- applied to Acrlcut
C itrr I
The universality ol the application of Nilotic
researches apt'y exemplified in the follow ing
extract from the I.erd (Eng.) Mervury :
Wiii-At Tiiuec Tiiois.vm) Year Olh.
Four years ago a fiirnd of the Earl oflladding
ton hating occasion to unrol an Egyptian muni
my, was stirpised to ft ml a few grains of wheal
enclosed along with the body : and having
made a present to his Lordship's Coiintets of
four seeds, it was sent to his Lordship's mag-
iiificent seat of Tyningham, in Et:t Lothian,
end s.taii in a fivorablc spot in the kitchen-g ir
garden, on tho 1st of November of last
year. Through the kindners of his lord
ship's worthy and excellent gardener, Mr.
Ford, wc have been favored with a right of
tho praduce of these highly interesting seeds,
j under the immediate super ii.teinlence of Cap-
tain Stockton. To him belongs all the credit
(i'siicoe-, and tho renow n which it sheds on
the country, for tiieso extraordinary improve
ments in the r.vts; ns, in the event ofa failure,
bo would have been 'bli:.'e.l to hae bomo all
t he odium consequent t!i.r' 'o. This, a'ter too
expectat'on of the public had been eleated to
the highest point, wouM not han been either
light or measured. Cap'aiti Stockton's prnf-.s-si'iiml
as well ns scientific reptitntion w stakeil
in tku result of the experiment. Thus far bo
came up with the island of'Ralhlin,' or 'Rag
hery, but tho tide ran so strongly sgainct tio
we passed it very tlowly, notw itlistnnding we
ately sprnvg after tl.e cliild, (who was only s'x
j t ars oli!,) uod s ;?.:iir the v.Vi.t of his little
frock, drought him in'o the dock where there
was a stage, and by which the child held on,
b it was unable to f:et on to;i. Tlifi do;f, soc'iti"
it was tioaKe to pull tho little follow out ot the j !:d tifl'lreei.jour in favor. As Mr. Rsndcljdi
water, rail up to a yard a.lj .iuing, and where a Sas,,1 "I1"" rugged eltore, ho said :
little girl nf nine years of a to wm2 lir.nging up ' 'That island I b'.ve wishi-rl much lo ree. ;ir.
clothes. . He seized the g'rl hy the frock, and i' f"ITorC 5"" Rru aware thut its inhabitants
iiotwithttar.dinir her exertions to get away, he a r'.ost peculiar race. They dow n
fucceedod in dragcing her to the t)i-- who- . With Ci n'ctnpt upon t!:e f.Ti.'-irrtf, u they
the child was still hanging V.j the J(3 (j ,t'l0 ' call Ireland, (only throe miles distant !j nnd
stage. On the f:rra ta'-: i 'e,i, r,;i,i the greatest curse known to theni is, 'May
wcii-wooted shores. appenrca in a contenip-nary, wc ventnro to
The moon a chimiirr brit'litlv when we ' lav before cur readers the following brief de-
line parallel to her. When coming alongside
Captain Stockton wished Captain Iloskcn a
'; pleasant passage, and tho crew of tho Prince
ton gave the Western three cheers. The
, Princeton .hen rapidly passed ahead of the
Western, in two minutes crossed her bow, and
, then hauled up lor the Cspes of the Delaware.
From tho time that the Princeton passed
Castle Garden till iho finally left the Great
.Western was one hour nnd fifty-six minutes,
continued until orderad out, and charged accuni
inRly. fXj'siteen lines make a squaro.
Tl Doubling FrtiicliiUBU.
" thall get tome ilerps, nevairc." Mons.
In years by-gono, when Rockawny was the
focus of fashion as a watering place, and bifora
Saratoga and Ballston had superseded it, tho
Half-way Houfo, at Jamaica, used to bo filled
with travellers on their excursions, who gener
ally stayed there over night, and pursued their
.. journey to the sea shore in the morning. One
warm Bummer's evening, when the hoiife was
unusually crowded, nn Englishman" rode up 1 1
a gig, and asked for accommodations for the
Landlord. I'm very sorry I cannot enter
tain you, Sir, unless you will accept of supper
and loiling with a French gentleman up stairs.
Traveller. 'No, I won't sleep in the same
room with any d d Frenchman,' and off us
rode with all the glum looks ofa real John Bull.
In about half on hour, however, he camobncl:
and said he believed he 'must put up with it.
But this expression about the Frenchman, had
by some means reached that gentleman's ear.,
who had determined, being a stout man, upon
the course of his conduct towards his civil visi
tor. Tho Englishman stalked into the room
the Frenchman was all smiles and bows John
Bull slightly nodded and snt down as grum ns a
bear. About an hour elapsed without either
speaking, when tho Enclishmao got up and
gave the bell cord a pull. The Frenchman
started also from his seat, and gave the string
r wo pull. Up camo tho waiter, (who had re
ceived his eve before) and awaitod orders.
77ti7. 'Waiter, cook mc some supper.'
Frenchman. 'Yc?, vnilaire, you cook m
two snppaire ! '.'
Bull started, and looked grim the French
man elevated his eye-brows, and took a lingo
pinch of snuff. Supper being ready, the fol
lowing scene took place at tho table :
Bull. 'Waiter! bring me a bottle of wine.'
Frenchman. 'Vaitaire, coma back here,
you bring mo ftco bottle de vino !' Bull kn.t
his brows Monsieur elevated his, shrugged
up his shoulders, and took another pinch of
Bull. Waiter, bring me, ah, what tho d I
do you call it, a pie or tart.'
Frenchman. 'Vaitaire, come back here, you
bring me two, vat is de diable you call him, ah '.
two pie '. two tart '.'
Bull growled, and starting from his soat,
rung the bell. The Frenchman jumped to thu
string and gave it a desperate pull. The wait
er (who was almost C0iifu!s,cJ witii laugii'er i
camo hunying in, wbtsn Hull roared out, 'va:t
cr, go dow n stair ?.nd Vning me up a b-jot j tel.
and a pair of slippers 1'
Frenchriivi. 'Vaitaire. ccmo back here- --
dorins which time the had beaten her three , 'ou Z" Uov Uir, you bring mc two s.ippurc .
The Princeton occupied one hour and thirty
ev.e minutes in going from Castle Garden to I
fieri boe-',. jack ! Tho waiter soon rtturiica w i'
tho articles, when, Bull roused to the highest
P:.lch, 'thundered out, 'us'iter, bring tne up a.
Sandy Hook Point, a distance of more thac. i car.dle, and show tne up a parol stairs, into a
I twenty-one miles; thus showing her speco. to 1 room with one ted in it.
. 1 1 -. t nil... 1 1 . n tiinrliian 1 1 a rnr !.....
has succeeded, and ti uniherj far beyond, it n - ! , , . , , '
.... . , ' nnd that against the flood tide, and pre vintr 'itr
nenrs to us wlmt i. snio t UHnTimio exneeta- . 1 "b '"rl
latter end
end usages,
They huc
tti.-. A - t r ' . . , ..... r , i f rein nil t-e
.... -.., reKoiniiT ine nil e le
. ,..', . ..,.t a. i;t,. i tlifir own laws
i'.'W IfUltl IllS Oeril'll.s Miuio.oil , ami our, nt.n-
. ... . r.i - i..r... l,t .1 mi ,,J it ff theniselves, pay great
u:g uic inLc- ui .! ' ' .. . .. ,.. ... , .... t. i;,,t
ineir i.iiiuioru umi prueio, mi'(ji;
deference to
took a leap otf the stage, and swam round to
the end oftho wharf, and immediately return
ed with its hat in his mouth. It is said that the
father of the child to whom the dog belongs
when leaving the country w here he former
ly resided, rescued it from tho hands of sonic
prions win were about to execute the poor
animal for 'aiiiing a sheep.
Culync George Cheyne, a Scotch physi
cian, when a person was talking about the ex
cellence o! human nature, exclaimed "Hoot,
hoot, man ! human nature ia a rogue and
tcoundrel, or why should it perpetually aland
,r med cf laws an'? tf rel'g'on V
scription of them : Although there may bo
nearly n hundred stalks, rantring in ler.g'h from
nearly five to upwards of six feet, the leaves
are broader than usual, nnd fully an average
as to length. Tl.e grain is in two nws, or
triplets, and line or two that wc counted, con
tained swenty triplets on a sole, ur forty on the
ear. Tho cur mnlsinsa few bubs or awns o:i i
tho upper end, nnd is open and di.-tu.til b. Uveeu j
the grains. H flowered nearly a fortnight h.-1
fore nny of the i irietu s sown at tlicsumu " n.
od ill the neighboring fields. A few , ains r'
the modem Egyptian wheats wcr sown
with it, and certainly no two rlll.;(,s
moro entirety u.ssiuinar yUd
turns, could have ever anticipated. In this he
reaps n rich rcwatJ. The country, whii h he
has Ions; gulhiiliy served, derives the benefits.
This is not all. The armament and its cha
racter are yet to be spoken of. Two wrought
iron guns of ereater weight than history gives
any account of having ever before been foreed.
The s niillcr one, tint teen or fourteen feet long,
and carrying u ball weighing 210 pounds the
larger, sixteen feet long, and carryings gretter
weight of metal these, also, the original in
vention ol Captain Stockton. Tho experiments
that have already been made prove, wc unl r.
stand, that thcj-o guns dischntge a ball w,tn
the accuracy of a rifle nod with mo' tjr,eic
effect. Tl.e union of those t";liu.n,0(ls r,.
giues ofdestru. tion will, stc.u ,.r wh,cl
the ship can be propelled ,.i,i,,,r' . ' ,
' 1 1 . either .mekward or
f if.v ird, mid against w .a ,),. ,
orcurrent, will
lend to nn entire e ..,,. ;. .. , . ,
..-MIL e I A (!, do (,f i ,i(l
w a; lire. a
to be the fastest sea-going steamer the world.
The Great Western accomplished, tho dis
tance to the Bar in considerably e,fjtimc than
she had ever done befor( having been well
prepared for the occasir n
The Princeten V.aj yi(tr fulj compliment of
coal in her bunk ers, s also the greatest part of
her water an', gtor-s, and a quantity of coal on
dock cqtia', t0 tp fl 0f her armament.
Y'jur obedient and faithful servant,
i V Acer Lost Carr, a waterman, laid a wa
. 'gT at he and a big dog would both leap from
I tho centre arch of Westwinster bridge and
land at Lnmbctli within a minute of each other,
i he jumped off first, and the dog not being in the
Frenchmen. Vaitaire, coma back here
you bring r.itip two canJ'e, s'l.nv me up two
pair staire. and give uie two room vid two bed
in ch he 1
Bull could stand it no longer he kicked tha
boot jack out of his way upset tha candle on
tho table banged his head against the door in
tho dark pitched the waiter do vn stairs, an!
then rolled after him to the bottom, and darting
into the bar room, ordered his horse and gig,
swearing he would never sleep in tho hous
w ith a mad Frenchman.
Ah ha!' exclaimed Monaieur, 'he no like da
d d Frenchman. Vol, Morblen, I shall get
6om sleeps to night, all alone by myself. C'c-.t
fait' and he went quietly to bed. MA l'OI.
Sios Board. The following is on a violin
maker's sign board, at Limerick : 'New Vil
lins mad hero and old ones reppird, also nsv
. ;- .i,'.i.,l f.O!,vv,l In ul in rl ot his
" ' , 't" 1 headi ribs, and backs mad on the shoitest no
li. iU r by the neck, and dragged linn on shore 1"-ttu '
. . i tice, IN. it. iioes mcuue.i, vi.t. at w -.i-.-,-
be wrought
n to nmiisement of the soectator
,.i-.iter 'stige ia ehiiiuter v :i! , l-triMSH Erio.i nr. A Spanish soldier
nassey, paintr.
Loss and Gain. A mm
n l
l 111 to
iii'toro... .... . re --'i-. I I,-, -.-. .vii.l 1 ...i... .... i ar,ri,ii..nt ofttii. kinn'k wter.
, I 11 ' l . c . . . .1 i. . v. -..- - nuiiriii'i. -I HlC . ...IIIH..I is . .
w ie..i,- .-. .... .-. i . , ti... c, fl,,. tried and rightly enough 'lie who tuid a good soii-.ii.
re l'l lot i , Ul-l U I on l 1'. o.o. i . . u ni- i.i'.i, v.ii
ot wit
for an honest livclihotMl, and the savercst pun
ishment practiced among them is bunis'iment
to Inland!'
Next day we run down tho Channel, pissing
and meeting hundreds of vessels, from tho state-
lv Indiainan to tho small fishinsT-smuck. Tha
American ships were easily discovered Trote- tie
British by their icnifs canvase, bright 'J.j .
sharp bows. It was a very excil5;11, bCr na
Randolph was in fine spirits. T ' t 'fM
England brought back lho ,1Jon tim(J. t0 hii
memory, and he Ae& ,rH 0ri&
Thank od,' 'xcimed he, 'that I havn
heel t'bold, ftltf )er of nSskspears, of Mil
can bo
tnn.liiril isi
dwarf not more thai' ... c . , . . , ,
. lour i ... i.i.rt, close v
. . i , .n, lm-l.rtfl , r
Dl uiiu uuiui.u ill A-firv - , , ,
crery of the car, nnd its
rrnnnm reci- . .
b " .lUianc
fS to its ancient progenitor,
.nan that of barley to w heut. It
" n, t ?' eater '
,1 IK I .. , I ., . I I l.
jCeU.esi to auu tnai iir. rorj to....
I "rwa'.d to his harvest with infinite anxiety, and
I '! Una cost him no little care to protect them
from the legions of antiquarian blackbirds which
beset it try ing every opening in the netting
with which it is enclosed, accming'y determi
ned at til risks to compare the food of the an
cient blackbirds in Egypt with that of the mo
dern ones in Tynningham. 6'cortman. (The
other tisy, in er e of the rooms of tht rby Ex-
' .? oftr.iM 1 since th" application, by
of steaiii oo.ver to l rooe'.lu. Ual and
11 .oinutives.
Tlio iiaii.e of !-:loi.!i!e;i i'- Jisiiurd, in 'l
ture tiino, to adorn lho I'.iges of history as a
splendid contributor to the ijloiy of his country,
by the improvements in science and the nr's,
lor which she is so eminently indebted to his
nubile mint and brilliant crrnius: ''iat na"""'
. . . . .... . i
wnl a so stuno aiooiiLT the ritrhest ot mute who . sim
now are destined, hereafter, to occupy a nitcbe
in the ten. pie of lame. Brave, prompt, ener
getic, generous, kind, benevolent, and rhivalnr,
the country rejoices in having, and oilers ho
mage to mch a son.
L S. Si kami iiiw PnisccroN,
Philadelphia, October Ql, H13.
Hon. Davju Utx-tiiAW,
iSccremry cf the A'avy :
Fiii. : I l ave tlio honor to infbtro ycu that I
let the I'eUwitr..- t ti Pues'lay, tl 17th int.,
i.leine.ed lo die for intrudinir utHiii her. The
Pi ii.ccss, however, eondetcended, in consider
ation of the circumstances, to pardon Ihe offen
der u 1 1 tl very Irndolently Mn i I'ft.
SoMtTiiiNu Nr.w. A novel mode oftcr
t'.sing for a wife' has been adopted by an inb-
itant of Dn.burv. Oxfordshire. A da;
law, gains a good sou he who gams a bad onsj
loses a dau
type portrait of the gentleman is p'.RCtd in a
ii with the following unueriicaiii .
Wanted, a feui'ilc companion to the above
apply wi'.liin.'
A Bmmfu!m Footpau Gilbert Burnet,
alter luuog been robbed ofhis watch and puiso
by a footpad, wss obliged to exchange coits
with him, as the thief look a stiang fancy to
his. Nut long ft(r' Bifhop Burnet put his
hand one of the pockets oflhs lobbri's coat,
vi ht-re he found bis watch and purse, and mthe
ctlur a tetiudf table tj'iat.-tUr st gold.
Disobedient children, if preset ved from tha
. gallows, are reserved tor the rick, to bu tor
tured by their ow n p.teter.ty. One comp. ant
ing that never father had so undutilula ehiM
as he haJ, 'yes,' said bis son, with Ices gia
than truth, 'my grandlathcr haJ.'
Feavufil. A beautiful sentiment is t':i
follow injr, by the celebrated lgan "Over
all the moiiicnUol life religion scatters her fs
vors, but reserves her best, her choicest, her di
vined blessings for the last hour."
The following humorous definition was gi
ven by Sheridan Irishman, a machine ti-r
converting potatoes into human nature.'
Why is lightnig like a thief!
is inclined to ttttl.
Becanre it