no SHERIFF'S Y virtue of sumhy wiits of Venditioni Expon as and Levari Facias, issued out of the Coun of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, to tno directed, will he exposed to public salo at t lie Court limine in thu Borough of Sunbury, on Mon day the Cih day of November next, at I o'clock, P. M., the following described property, to wit : Two certain contiguous lots of (rrmind situate in the town of McUwcnsville, for. niorly in Ttirluit, now Delaware township, Nor thumberland county, containing each CO fret in front, and ICO ft et in depth, bounded by a lot of Ja cob Modeller on the north, by nn alley on the jcpiith, an a"ey on the west and by main street on tho nl, whereon are meted n brick Fniindiy, tn which i attached a blacksmith' shop, the main building beins 55 '-el in front, and a pait of slid building extending bark 105 fi et. There i- nlso at lached tn the same, a frame building CO foci by 15, where the licrsc power is kept for the liso I'fsaid Foundry; ihote is also an office in front pat of said bri -k building, and ateo a frame stable on said lot. Seized. ti.ken in exeriM ion, and to bo sold as the property of i'iiam Sti-ii 1 nnj Isaac Housi I. Also: A!! (lie oofetulanl's interest in three cer'nin cont gunus lots of proi;n l. S'tuato in the hoiotigh of Nollhnmhi aland, Norlh;iri!crland county, bring double lot., and extending from the Danville road to water r-'fect, and marked in the general plan of said town Nor. 21, 50 and 15, con i taii.iin; n the whole two acres more or loss. , Seized, taken t,i eyect.linn, and to be Sold as the proper'v of Jo-tnli Chapman, j Ako: All tiio tlctVinlaiit's interest! (nuppo-ed to be the undtvil-d third pvt) ofaC'l- j rain tract of land stiiate in Atmusta township, Northum' eilind cnunlv, adjoining lands lute i f ! William Shiprn.m, dee'd., land cl N'clud is Ship man, deiil., Conrad !' a-'ir, Leonard li. e'.l and o -tbers, rr.iit.iiniim two hundicd acres more or less, ohont .10 cr.s 1. 1' which ae cleared, whereon are j erected a em ill I c house ne.d a frame bain. Seized, taken in er.oeu ion. end to be s ilJ as the jarop-rty of ti'ts'avc Koss. Also: A Inl of ground situate in the borough of N rihumberlHiid aforesaid, con tail ing five acres more or less, bounde I n--rlh by Wi-slway, ' smith by the west I ranch of lha river Sus(jnrhan;ia, west by a Inlnfjaincs Kay ami on the east by a ro nl hading to the river, whereon are erected a larje two story bi irk mill and ilw. Ping boose, known by the name of the ' Colli Re." ?, ak n in execution, and to be suld as the piopcy of Josiah Ch ipman. Also: A!I that certain liouse situate in Pos'i '.owrsbip, Northumberland couny, on the road leadini; from the 'Liberty Pole," in s iid town ship to tivir at Hoyd's .Mills; the siy.o of the fiont building isKl'iei by 10, and a kitchen annexed to it, the size of which is f feet square, both of which are two stories h:c,!l. Sei7.ii, taken in execution, and to Le sold ns the property if David Faux. Also: Ail tliat certain two story biiek buil.lii!- situate i.n the ca-t aide of main stiect in'tlie ta rough of Milton, Nofthiinitictland -county, raid building being sh ut 3(1 fei t in front, ami obof.t 40 or .')0 f ct in depth, adjoining 'tho three storyline!! tavern in the occupancy of Mi t.h el Kreiner on '.be north, nnd a two story brick 1'uilding the property of Gen. Kobctt !I. Hammond on tin' s uih. Siv.-d, lak.Mi in eiiecutinri, ord to be sold at the j oioperty of Henry Friik. Also: A certain tract r,r piece of i land simile in Coal township, Xnrthrm! eiland ! Seized, taken in rxecutiou, end to bo sold a the properly ofDniel Iloatr.. Also: A certain two story stone dwelling house and tho lot or piece of ground and curlibige apputteuant to said building, numbered in the plan of the town of Shmnnkin, at laid out by John C, Boyd. IVo. 0D, situated on the eat sido of Shnmokin street. So. zed, taken in execution, ami to be old as the property of Henry Vox heimer. Also ; On Thursday tlio 2nd day of November next, at the houe of Charles D. Wh ir, ton, in Siinbury , at 10 o'clock A. M., ceitain truct of unimproved land simile on th waters of Shnmokin creek, in Coal township, Northumberland county, bounded by hnda la'e of David F. fiordon on the west.Thomaf Cadwalladui nn the east, and William Hnvd, Burd Patterson cVc. Co. on the norih, containing 1763 acies more or less. Also : A certain tract of unimproved land i:tuate in Coal township aforesaid, bounded bv liitids i .f Tl. tnaa Cadwallnd. r on the west, David F. Cordon oa the east, and on the north by land surveyed in (he names of Wilbam Tonilinson and ticorgo ('oldron and others, containing 1 TOR octes more or leu. Also : A certain tract of unimproved land situ ite in Vt I township aforesaid, bounded by land of Thorns ('adwallader on the east, land surveyed to John I'rady on the notth, nd Thomas Cadwallader on the weit, contatng 400 acres more oi le-s. Also : A certain tract of unimproved land situate in Coal township aforesaid, bounded on the w c-t by land survey rd in the name of Esther Cramer, land of David F. Cordon on the cant land surveyed in the rnmo of Jliarn Crrcen on the ivrth, containing tllil acres more or less Seized, taken in erecn ion, and to be s. Id us the property of Willi;ini fiU i. Also; Bv virtue of a writ of Fieri i Fa. Mas tn trie directed wil bo fold at the Hooin nf C. D. Whutoii onSiturdiv the 4 h day of No vcnibcr next et Z o'clock, 1. M , certa n tract of land situate ill Slimimkin townr'nip, Norlhuiiiber l imlcounlv, adjoining lards of John Evere'.jr., Valentine Kluce an.l William Mart;, coniaining I 3d acres moie or n s, about 1 S acrca of which are j cb aied. Seize', l iken in ee '".Hion, nnd to be sold ae tho propeity of William K. Io::es. FF.LIV MAUIJER, Sheriff. herifl's OiTice. Sunimry, Oct. 11. IPt.l. ivorici:. "R hereby civen, that I have purchased, at a de h'ldbv I hns. A. Iidhnutou, ronstable of Sun- bury, nn the fiOth of September last, the following articles, sold as the properly of Henry Hnnnabach, which pro city I have loaned to said liannabach until I see fit In remove them, viz : Ot.e half dnr.en chairs, 1 corner cupboard, 1 bn te iu, 1 table, I wood stove, 1 wheelbarrow, S alio, vcls, 1 spade, 1 cart, U setts of wagon harness, I sell of buu'gy harness, 1 sett of plough gears. 1 lot of old rlvih", 1 cutting box. 1 gray mate, 1 bay horse, 5 bushi Is of oats, 1 sin ill lot of hay and straw. WILLIAM KKIEGI'IUAUM. Sunburv, Oct. 7, 1 S4.1. 3t. rnuii'y, n Ij-'iniog lands of (Irorge !,o:ig. look an l oi!o lil'OUl '.'"i iieres er eied a lo - h. S, i. .1. t .ken s. eon'n nin : acres more ot les, I'fw h ch are e'eared, whi reon ire ':se and a loj b.-iin. an, ,Vc. in i xeeniion. and to he sold us die In the ('ourl nf Cnmman I'frat f ."S'orlhitm- fifrlttKrt Count!, ft'o. 10, 'itrrmber Trrr. Maiy Smith, by her next fiict'd, Keny Uihr 5 r!uiiss Subpofin --.. for Divorce. Hubert Smith. TZ'WW. said dclondanl is heieVy re.;iired, to lio and B appear betore (he. Judges of (he Court of Com mon IMcus of Noithunibeibnd county, at a Couit of Common I'le.' to be held at Sunburv, on the first Monday in November ritxt, to answer the complaint Henry j of the said Mary, 1LL1. .VfALKtli, JiinJ. Sheiiil s f'lrice, J Sunburv, Oct. 7lh, 1SLT. It. J pMperty of Samuel Weikb-. J A!s-; A i-ei Ltin lit or piece o( l.ind i F'tu-ite in K'irli t-iw nliip, Noitliunil erl net, i linii -jj lauds of'i Nieee, ti idlrey lioike- fi ller and o'hers, C 'utaiiiins 31 acn n iinnr -nr ! f s, ' ,la ol Xortt. vml;r h:nl I A the i iri lisiih Uocrt tlMlt l which are ileaicd. whereon are log, a log I'ain and and to be so! 1 at the lilnii.t CO seres e ee ed l small oietiard. S. i.ed, taken in ex culion. piopi rly of (ienrga A. Dunn. Also: A certain lot of ground situ ate in the borough of Mill. n, Noithuiiibeibuvl roi-.i.'y. io that iart of said town called lj-in-r Mil- I in, and in- tkid in the jencral p!an of faiilt iwn j rccoru, auu tirtttii ; . 4 iio!iiii g on tlie man or tint t tnit, at6o on ihe inn tit by a ttreit, on the easl by an a!l(v, wbe-coii are ciee'eil a lu'gn two sn-ry tuii k d-.vePing bouse, to whi. h is a't.ihc.l a laige tia;ne kitel , a fiame stab'e, wagon shed, cVc. Also: Two certain contiguous lots of gionnd s tua'e in I'pper Milton nforesai,!, ah I marked in ihe general plan thereof, No-, fit) and 01, hounded on the rn-t by the caunl.on the sonth by ! nn alley, on the north by a fircet and on the. west I by astrei ', win reon are erected a large itone and leiik steam mill, engine house, atore house, ,Vc. 1 b'so : a two tt- ry frame drilling house, Bud a j frame stub'e. Also: A ccrlaiit lot of qfounit situate i .llaikli, tltcl. t'n:;ntif, s.v. I sa:J cornt", at Angus' tenn li"l'l. On motion oft'hailes V. Iliiiius, En.. the Court print a iii'e on the ht irs and h-rnl IIFIM 1UTIVI. 8YKIT. fllE vnluahla properiics nf Oakley' Dcpnra I live Syrup of Sarsapaiilla, as a purifier of The blood, is so well known to the public fiirr allv, tluil it is uni'Cccss. try to occupy much spuce in set ting fonh the advantage to be derived from it use; wherever Ihn medieiim h.i once been intr dueed, it take precedence over all o'thera ; cvety one that has taken it, have derived f signal bene ficial results from it, that it is recommended by them with tho trmost confidence. Physician of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it lo patients under their care ( containing bothing deleterious, but being composed of the m st mild, yet cfTieiieious vegetable is offered with confidence, as iho cheapest ml most efficient pu rifier of ihe hlnoj now known. The wo of a few hotiles, especially in Ihe spring months, will he at tended with most decided improvement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds of di.iese that may have been generated, besides giving hea'.'h and vigor to the body. For the euro of Scrofula or King Evil, Kheumaiisin. Tetter, Pimples or eiuptinn of the Skin, White Swelling, Fistula, Chronic CoMsh Asth.nn, Ac, Tho nu merous certificates in the possession of ihe subscri ber and his agents, from physicians and others, arc sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su periority over all preparations of S irs ipar'.lla. Sold wholesale nnd rot nil, bv Ihe proprietor, GEOrcCE W. OAKLEY, North 5lh street, Hea ding, links Cocnty, and to he had of the following pet sons : In Northumberland Cmititt II. 15. Mnsscr, Sunbury ; Lelind V Mile', McKwciisville ; D. 1 Krauser, Milton. ' In Union f'nunty. J. ftcarhait, Selinsprove ; A. (iub lius, Mifllinbllrg. j Columbia Cuvnt'j. K. W. McCay, Wash- i iue'.on. j Heading. March 11. l4o Mn. Oaxt.t.t: T believe it the duty ofewr one to do whatever in their power lit", for the b ue fit nf their fellow ms i, r.nd having had po-i;ivc pr?of in my own family, of l!-.e woinleiful properties j of your Dep.mtico Syrup of Farsap irills, I tn fit I conscientious!;,' recommend it to the afflicted. Wc had the misfortune t lose two nf our children, by t the breaking out of ulcer.v.ia sores thai covered thr I face, head and i.eek, although we had some of the most scientific physiciar.s lo attend Ih m and had tried all the known remedies, including' Panacea, without avail. Ann'her of my chilJten was attncke.l in the same m inner, her fa?e and nerk was completely covered; the disehirce was so offoueive, and Ihe disease at such a height, that we despaired of her life.' Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depuralive Syrup .t S irsaparid i, we weie induced to make trial of it, as the last res irt ; it acted like a charm; the u'cers commenced healing immediately , ft few bottles entirely restored her lo her health, which she has enjoyed uninteriupteilly ever since. As puiificr of the blood, I verily be lieve it has nut ita equal. JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Heading. PonglassiUi April 15th, 1913. Mn. O4K1.F.T: My son Edmund Leaf, had Ihe scrofula in the most dreadful and diMresdng man ner for three years, dining wh'ch time he was de prived of (he use of his limbs, his head and neck were covered with uleeis. We tried all the diA'er- cut remedies, but to no i fleet, until recommended ( It Dr. Johnscn of Nonistown. and also Dr. ItEm: j Ii icster, ot Ilea l;n;, to nr.e y ror PepCrnti ve Syup j ol Salhapa. illr, of " htch ! oMi.incd frv. i i! bo ila. ' (ho Ut.u of wbii'o d-eve the di-f a-e ,'ntiri Iv out of ' his system, ihe core hcaVd up, f.nd lite chil l wis j restored to pcifcct he!:li, which he ha enjoyed I uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of t many peisonr. who seen lriin ddiou hir ariicti-n. I have thought it niv duly, and send vou this certi ficate that other who have a like affliction in the family may know where to obtain so va!uuh!u a mci'icin;. Vours truly. AMELIA I). LEAF. Sept. 10, IS 1.1. IV EIIIAITGIC, HOTEL. Cfnlir tihrcl, n;ii(i.i'f thr To'.VS I'O I TS1 II Ml, P i. IIali , .r. v.. fi v. s s i r, . jttSk AO tPF.C I'CCLLY announces to fltsT -t W ''"' '"tvelling camunimiv that he has taken the l.irco and splendid eslnh- lishmeut, the Extinnn llorsr,, situa. ted at the corner of (Centre And Crdlowhill streeln, nearly opposite the Town Hull, in the borough of Poltsvil'c, which has been thoroughly repaired nnd iiutcri illy improved for ihe ncconiinn.tation of visit ors. The Hotel h fo'ily f. front on Centre!., and one hundred and thiriv eight ft. on Callowhill, linen storirs high ; il is admirably provi led with Parlors, Sitting Uoonia. Readini; Unun, nnd largo airv Chambeta ihe most spaeioiif, pleas nit and conve nient Dining Room in tho country a new and su perior Uailriig l'atabliehmcut ; mid every conve nience and comfort to render it ht all respects a most desirable Hotel. Nopiviisor expense will be spared to furni-h the Table and H ir with the bet that ihia and the Philadelphia Maikels Bfl'ird j and with n determi nation lo devote his entire personal nttnnti m to Ihe comfort and aecoinm idation of thoe who may fa vor him willi call : aided by active, c ireful and obliging servant, he hopes to give general satin faction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, with ns to vis'.t this hi'.'hlv interesting nnd healthy Coal b'oion, will be provide.! with Parlors and Chambers, which he feels confident will i!eae the m isi fastidious (Jj Th" Sta'.ilittg nlt iefo'd, is large and -ell coiisliuel, d. Mid Mipertiiteuded bv experienced i v.! riili-niive Osier-. Horses and l'arria'i s may be ha 1 at any liino to Convey pi -xtond to any pail of the paym evaws, At'. i0 jouiIi nt strict, ojmovtf thn v.v..7irrnt;r, PHILADELPHIA. ("( y p f jV(1. 76 South Suvin jifrn-t.) M innl'.n:turcr'' of Iinptnved and Patent Fire and Tbief.prnof Chests and Doors. Water nn I Pro. vision Conbr-i, and Filtcri rs, Kif'iccra. lord, Hoisting Machines, eVc, cVc Srti t cotilinues lo m ike I'iiiV ,iiirr'nr-",rT-rra !i?:? 'ilM' ri'lebraled WATER t.lool- tlittV 'ii;;.-V,.r, and Fillerers, Kefiigern. I s ... SXiAaKSTOXTIIXNCS-. il'"l'fe I 1)1 Itl C I' III il II &. S O II rjIU'. m!.i-eip ers borctiy infirm tb" p't'ilic, thr! H they hnve en'ered into paitnrrstdp. in the miAcnsMrriiirre- Ty?rr.stt wli'rh will lieieifier be carr'ed en i t ibe nil rtliiJ in Snlibnr;,, under the firm nf 'Cent -si Zimmerman oV Soil." where be. w;,l e. ndnet ihrt bii-ilies in all it" vviou I fT-hes, ln"ludiiir 7'o-n-i'lrr, iViA;?ij rh. f'nn' Carr:-;fi, Sit of. ir'i (?.' fi. On'er wi ! I.- ri-mel n d uue- 1. i. ..1. . r ,l.- - i -a noiil Ol no- loueil linn jH iinii.e sdniie. with improve. 'rtBiB""",nt'4' "I" l"" ''l"bl niateiials :'C3?E'uJ workmanship, fX''"" Tho Chotibt nro tr.nnuf.icturpd without plank of miy description, of lllo best which ia calculated to re,r-.isl btirclai and heat as long a-i any manuriiclured in the United Slates a trial ot which ho is wi'ling to nuke, with any other, to vided Ihn trial bo made of cheats idready sold (i custonicrs, and not manuf icturcd for Iho express ! purpose of a trial. Purchasers are invited lo call bef nn purchasing elsewhere. (' C I'lON'. A I persons are caution'-d ngiin-t j making, using, selling or eau-mg to be sold, nny Kevholo covers fir Fire Pi oof t :i,es's or doo's of any kind, simi'ar in coiistiueli on lo my patent of July Huh, 1811, ns they will bo i!ealt willi accord ing ID the Patent Liw. M .y h, If) -13. 6m. Cabinet-Making crVcir IMaJlisJiiun1.) Inallv all. ii. b d n. or eonitry pro rjr Ki,o.i .. d - S:ii,bii'y, March I If, Br. J. n s i ti fi . fr tndl 1" r.-i'F.c rii' 1 V ,:,v ;,n.l l.l.V i-iforr.i-- i'k e l rein ' S"ii vi' iiii'v , ti- il h- has 1 '. .-ii he ofiice t 'l-n tly e- cu ted I v Dr. Jo' r. t'e.iil, where he ,51 be 'u'l'iy to reeeivo calls in it;' t no nf bit pr fes-ion. Apiil 2".!. I S!:t. rIMl -- i UK i.PwT lopciiori XT S ?. S HIP. hi'-iiiT enterid inlo a p ir'r1 in bv Valuable P imt a mull repn seulatives of Jacob MjIicIi, late nf Augusta towusbip, Noitl.iiiiibeil.iiiil county, dec J., to appear at cur next Orphan.-' Couit to be held at '-uui'ii.y, said county, to wit : on the f,r..t Moi'dii;- o No vember in V, and accept or ri fiise ihe real e.-tatcnf said dee. an'.', nt the vilutii.iu, or shew cau-re why the should n be told. Fxtractcd from the d r-epli mber 55ih, A. D. EDWARD OV.STEU. ent. 30th. ISIo-. "t ( Itrfc. O. C. tin ?I.iSse:il, again, and for the I tunc, calls uiinll all will aie. indebted him, on bonk account or otherwise, to conic forward and make sitt'em tit. Those who neglect thin no tice will have their tccutlts placed in toe hands of a Justice, for collection. Sunburv. Sept. 3(Hh 1811. TILL be sold, on Momley, November f. 18 to, at the I. Hou.-c in Sniibuiy. that valuable tract of laud belonging to the estate of Cbt Shipman, dee'd., contain n,; ICO acres i more oi Ic-s, situa'ed in Augusta township, Nor- IhunibeilMid County, adniiirg l.u dj ot Cieorge Krolt-r, Cenige Ha l, (eoige Kakir, and Daniel Conrad. Condition will 1h made known nn the daycfsile. LEWIS DEW ART, Fxtculnr nf Christian Shitman, ,kc'd. Sunbury, Sept. 16th, 1 813. 7t. 'to j VCLBEP.T & J.1T1TET, c un'ry, d'l'An Omni'.ms rur.s this Ho'el dai'v t and from (be Depot, to meet the C irs. lor the ac c oiiiniodaiioii of persons travelling m Ihe Kul Road. No charge f r omnibus fare to ihis Hotel. Potisiille. Ja'y S, ll:l. fim 'otsiifvrl"rllci'.,i' DEATH 3 Ii O V. rphe ptlt-lic will ileape observe dial no Eranilrelli -1 Pills are genoine, unless the box ha three la he's upon it. (the top, the si .'e and the bottom) eirh rentainiug a f ic-iiuile signnturo of my h iiid wriling, thus 11. UintuKiTn, M. D. These la. bel-aio engraved on s'eel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over f '2 ,()(). Therefore it will be seen that the only thing nrce-sary to pro cure it.e medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the lop, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly anhori red, and hold j CEHTICATES OP AGENCY, j For the sale of liramlmh' Veritable Univtrsiil j .. " I Norlhnnibeila"d eounlv : Milton Mackey & Chimbc'tin. Sunburv II. It. Ma-sser. M'Ewens ville Irel ind ,V Meitell. Norihumetland Win. Forsyth. Ceorcetown J. ,V J. Wslls. Union (' uinly : New Uerbn Ftogar A- Win ter. Selinsijrove Ceorge Cundium. Mid.lle- bnrg Isioc Smith. Heaver'own David Hoblcr. Ad im-burc Wm. J. May. MifHinshuie fc Rav. Haitlelon Daniel Lone. Freehnre C vV F. C,. Mover. I,ewibiirg WIU ,V Crccn county : ll.inville V!. It. Rcyiiu'da it'o. Derwiek Shuinan A; R Henhouse. C.r-tawi.-;..d ('. O. Urobls. niooiosbuig John R. Mo, r. .irtrfy Tmvn Levi lib I. Washington Kot't M. C.iy.' Lime tone Itallici &. McNiuch. 0!i. crve cac'.i A scut has an I'ngrav.d Cer tificate cT Agency, c iitaining a icprcr.-ii'.aiion of Pr URANPRIVI H S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be scrn exact copies nf ! ihe item io VA uatl t.p-ii the. Brxnilrtlh '. Prr:. Philadelphia, office No. P. North Sih street. IS. BRANDKETH.M. D. June :ilh. 1st .'.3, Antlrins 4V ?friiicr, l:uruarilitii: ainl Goneral Produce COMMISSION Ml. urn AM s, ScoiuJ li'h irf tihu' f li ter St . on thr Delaware, F II X L A 1) !5 L T II I A REFERENCES: : TT"SESI'ECT11 1,1, mlc ' I II fe. Sunburv and vicinity, il'orm Ihe eilirns of. that he recently i coiuineiiee, ilm ( AP.fM'r-M K!.(i lU'SINKSfsJ i in nil i'a branches, in Mmket street, Sunhury, im- i ' nvdiatelv bit v the pest office, where ho will be j rea ly to reeeivo at-d execut all orders in the line t of bis busines-, with promptness and despatch, and ; in ihe best style and manner. Hi prices will be ! low, in accordance with ihe times. j I (jJ Lumber and Country Produce taken in Ex- j i chance. May 2?th 1S4'). 1m ! (:n'YFi:iiS i iTiir: "TvVcl iox, i j AWU SALZ53 ROOMS, j , X(s. 'JD and ill North Third Street,' ! Ncir tlie Citv Hotel, j , rillLADCLPIHA. 1 CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in-' , vites the atlt ntion of person desitous of pur j chasing Fiirni'ure. to his extensive Sales Kooms, tt in th practice of the law, will be I a- to .illenil to nil boslui entrii .ti d to their caiv. Ci'l'.-.vti ms w ill be proieii!v attended lo. Tin y may always be found (it 1'ieir oir.o. Market strict, Siinbniv, lorni'-ily occupied W:n. Dcwait, I'.ee'd., m a vi.ire-iowin. WILLI 1 L. DEW ART, I'll KLES J. p.UCNnR. S-unbnrv, Feb. lib, 1S13. ly. HOUSK, Xo. 7, AorA Thinh Vm- ' utlowhill 6'., PHILADELPHIA. OHN DL'NCAN. la'e from Ihe Penns-ilc I'ii Firmer, and Simm-I Pike. jr.. la'e of A mi rican Hotel, Columbus. ( thio, take pleasure in ac qiiniiitinr; their fiiemU and the put tie cnrr illv lint they have tnkeri tho larf;o end coniniodious Hot. recently Iniitby the H it!, on the sarin silo once occupied by the t. c-i'a'i!isl;e I Hotel Icrtrii sa tlic Dull' Head, in Third :t:ect abovo Ciilio-.v-hill si. This Hold is linir'ied in the very best pe?, ibV manner, nt-.d of loo be-t mu'rrkils. Its location i very de.-.iia !c, particularly for country inercli-nts ; tho air,in;:emeni for hiatii.g and vein;! iting i ach room is rucu as to s: core any tctiipcralure. I h in a (both public and I'nvate,) for every description of, brdroonuare all lichl nnd airy, till lurtiUlicd Household Furniture, where can bo obtained at all ! nelt ty'., si as to in. uie lomfort. times, a laree assortment of faahionablfl and well j The ieceiiia parloia arc ul-o f. manufactured (tatiinct Furniture, Itcds, Mslirusjcs, .Ve.. st verv reduced prices, for cash. (t7 Sialos hv Auction, twice a xveck. May !7di, 1S'43. ly C.rcnl Vonloni Imllan Paunir:!, Mensch Compounded entirely of Yrgc table Stilistant'cs ; r ri rf. oi i CnhiHt! nml nil Mii;:ri;i;. For il.c history ol '.his medicine, and its utuiva'.lcJ and tiuly surprising racer and popular ity, tee largo lulls j Houry r.iriiuni ,('o. ,.!aivis, 'Prague Curd, ltrav. I'jicrofi, I'o. l.atiiv;l,'c. Wiiliaiii.-.on, Uuircuslis (ii'o. Luckey, ci to. (tlnk, Ci'irimt::ii. Ed.el, So inc'er Ragin I St, J,.hn Smith, Eso , ill the boroduh nl .Milton nf,,res ml, in that part of mid lown call il 1, oner Milton, froulin? on Mi- hoiiiniT sin et ar.l I" unJrJ on the west by ft lot ATTi:.TIO.. t'nion Indrpcndcnt liatta lion of Volunteer, 71)1" are cO-nitianJe.l to meet for drill. In Selins (trove, on Saturday the 21 ill day of October next, ai 10 o'clock. A. M., each number pr ,vi. led with 13 rcuinU oi b!i;il: Cuiridgcs, and in full uni- form, noiioricl for drill. Dv Older Cciiri ul C'oinmltsrjn tlrrc hant, So. il l,ir,;mi'ice fit.; tulow rijtli, PIIIXjASEXjiVillA, et the low-cal pri-.-cs. Vt. A. Jaxet. John F. W., E,i., nn the cist by art Alby I M--and on the sniiili by an alley, contaiuinrr in widih i l -j . i lUi li , t .,J in l.naf, ?,i0 (,-et.wli. reon are rre'fd 1 It ?, form, ryuppcd lor M .iio j:o;iei. ' 1 ' l ' it two story flint;) JvMlii.ij hjjso ui.J a fi tla. , b.'e. I Also : A certain tract or piece of. bind sil'iVe formerly in Turbu, row Delaaaie. ton u-hii, Northumberland county, adjoining lnn.! i cfR bert MelCe--, Abr ah nn Siirner, Jacob Hotfumn ; and i-tlurs. co ila'tiin 50 acri s more or less, about ! 45 acre? of whi h are i le oed wb. reon are eiei I- I ed a two story log dw, il ng house, itid a log barn, large orehaid, a good spring of Wuter, cVc. t"e zed, taken in execution, mid to iie Sold ae (he T'loperty of William H. Miller. Also : A ceitain tract or piece of land situate in Au.'U't township, Northumbi ilaud j ,3 HUMMEL. At'ft. nci"j.innir VolJnttrr tfull to j in in Pie n ir id. Sent. ;o. is l.l. OltrEll.V COiliT Sll.lf. TN ur--usnco of ihe Oiplunis' Coutl of Northiim- brrland ccii'ilv, will be exposed to public sale on Wednesday tb,. ;5 h ,l.lV n Octo1 -cr i.ext, on the premises, to wit t A u rt dn tirt ,,) im.j bjtu:,t in r;h imi.'sin lownsliip, in s .id county, adjoining lauds of David McWilliams, E'.ishi Daiton and Obadiah county, Hiljiiiii'ug Isn Is iif Aaron Hohins. a lot of I Campbell, eonta j.iiig iwenty-fivo acres, end one litinilrcd an I 1 1 , 1 1 1 y -1 1 ; n h p relies moio or less, nn which aie erected a barge I ,vo story frame house, barn, and other out Iioum s, late the estate of James Campbell, dec 'd. Sulo lo Coinrticnce at 10 o'clock, A. M. fifsaij diy, when tl'.o conditions of sale will be made known by . WM.PERSINC. OD A UI A II CAMPBELL. Sunhury, Sept. 10. !f.;3. 5t. Adnn's. Daniel Keller, land of John Myers, Mrs. Clak and Peter Over 'orf, jr., containing 30 acres more or less, .diout 20 acre- of which are clciued, whereon are erected two log dwelling hous. s ; there re abo two wells of water and scino fiuit trees on said remises. 8i itteil, liken in etecntion, nd to be solJ the property of Duncan Myer. Also: A certain tract or piece fjf tmJ situate in Little Mahonuv .,,,,khin. Nnr. thunibeiland Htlh. Daol: acres more ..joining lands Ianel county. unrnsief ,ntl others, contsining 44 ui ic.s. etiout 3a scies oi wnun are,i, v. heron ere erected small log hous nj a log barn, Ac. Soiird, tsken in execution, anJ to I solJ i the property of Henry Sninehart. ' Also: A certain tractor piece of lar.d, situate in Chdimpjaipje township, N'orthuin lierlsud county, sdjoiniiig lands of Jamr Csmeron, Philip Foust, Philip Folliner snd Philip Lung, con taining ftfiy acre more or le-s, neatly sit ol which is cleared, wheieon are erected t two story frame hojse, ftame bank barn, wifgon houte, an or. crijrJ, s welt of wter, A.C. CHEAP CLCCKO. C.RKAT UAirC VlXS J'OIi ('AHII rilHE subso'ibcr has nn band, (left with him for JL cale,) a handsome assortment of elegant Itrasisj ClotliM, warranted good, which he is aulhunsed to r,ll at eight and nine dollars. The same kind of clocks have been lately telling by Pedlars, from 20 to dollars. Jhoie who want bargains sn.ould cull on- II. J. MASftER. Sunburv, August 20, 1 H 13 ""ECP constantly on hand Inipult-d Secarx, lJrr.ndies-, Liijucrt, A.c for cash. C.J. U' r, jr. August th. Is 11. Cm AsiIItV A: lUK Al', 1 1 at ( : v m a . i ' i a ( :tc it i : i s, South I'.nsl corner of Marlrt ami llh sts.. I'hilaiH Iphla, I IF.Sl'ECTFPLLY mtotm the p-.iblk. thai they will con-tanlly kerp on li-nd a l ire's ns-c.ii. iner.t of Huts. Caps and Fur, to suit ihe !ll trade, i f the be t quality. Py strict attention to bo-i-n-ss. and by si lling Ihcir stork nl ll-.o I.i-.ven j rites, thov thennctves in be tig ib'o to ive entire s .t-rtact on. AuiiHi a. IM:i ly JAMES S. SMI 1 1 1 S Wholcsa'r loiU l'sialillunri:t, No. Rv! Xortli Tl.ird Street, xsxzXjAsx:x.fxixa, "TniERE is to tie found the I uge.-.t ' of Clocks iu Ihe I'mted Stat are r nir, slMl:e, imoiWici Cc io, A'ki-s, Poitcl I lo , I.e', '.Lewstirs. nnd oil er Eight Day Hrs'S ('locks; C Jerome's lirij'ol Miniifie turiue Cumpaiiy, Atkins, Portfr ,V Co.. Hill's, (i.iodrieh cV Co., Pom Btvilln, II. Weltoti's, and other Thirty Hour Brass Clock ; ltoatdinn & Welle's. Hopkins & Alfred's, H. C, Smith's, and olher Wood Clock-. Solo Ag.nt for Crane's ctlehrated Ve ir and Month Clock, as well bs several of the above men tioned. ALot Church and Hall Clork. (jj- Watchmakers, Merchants and other?, will find il to their interest to call. Looking Clisscs manuf icturcd. Philadelphia, Aui!U!-t 5, 134'.'. Dm Reed, liro. V Thnili I Rogers, Hro'hers "v I'o, W. R. Thouip-oii A. Co, K ! fit Sieen ,"c ('o. J. Si J. R' sker'., Mulford Alter, J. It. Wel-h. : rj. .lot-rih i Hon. VmlhnJ. Solllber. Cso . Bo-tv. Will, llluli r, CharjhiJ, Ta. Hendrlik. Sunburn. Pa. i iiuifii ij'iim m. nun , t;-cj, David U. Poitei, V.k. Robert Crane. Esq., Messis. P. Marlin, j Jerry Share, Tn. Htrrhb'trg iVm. M'Kelvy ,V Co.. Wm. k. Hoft'.splc, Efj Mwlurg, I'a. Lewis Hurfoid.E-e. Walls A- Cie.-n. B T ia Teconiinended as a general cathartic for H. family u-e in dyspepsia and all biliocs di-ea- pes, il ii invaluable. for Asthma it is considered a ' specific, no case having yet occurred which il has j faihd to cure for common elds, iinfl.imniuinry disea-c, tin uiiu'ium, aiTcctiona of the Im r, Ac, and foi icmiilcH, it is a sa'e and exc, llei.l icinc iy. CEIlTIilCATC, From Dr. Sil,is ll'c.r of lhn!it:mpti'.n. 1. Y. Mr. Loncley -Dear Sir: I h ive used your Croat Westi ri: Indian Panacea in my family, u ml have j repeatedly prescri'ied il for patients under my care, nnd am sati.-ned that it is ahvavs n safe, and in v. ry many cases nn invaluable medicine. It operates ua , iiltxilive wilhnut nausea, or pain; nnd while it el' ; I'ectU'iily ohviiites costivenes acts upon the'toinarh j ai d liver as nil itlu iati- e, coi reeling nciJtly. and to- ! storing the In allhy condition of those ri.un. Very ie-peelfol!v vourr., 3. WEST. i For sale by J IHN W". I'lIILlNC. Sunburv, JA OU UKI(.;nT,No:lhtimlicrlnd May 2ti'h. I S i l. 1 y ni A'iii.Ks .niT.iiiSs" ATTORNEY AT LAW,r ihe nliiee totint ily orcui i. d by it e !es ( i. Doiini I, opposite tlip Oi e ,i 11 use. He will aitend lo bucincs m vP (' l)t(, of Norihunibeiliind, Union and Coiutuv,ja c.hiuii.o May 20th, lS-l.l. hej in a perb style, the wiudo-.v.i aie on the IT rr rich st'e, I lormii g p.n entrance to a balcony in from, wlmh makes a pleasant recess. Pniliculai attertion has been given to th beds and bidding, which, with the furniture, arc entirely new. t rom yia's' eXieriei!i.e in hat el businrss, w trust, I y strict assiduity to business, to make this house a desirable stepping place. Cur table wilt aliv.iv-i be supplied with the v, ry hist our miret can aflord, and oui bar wiih the best liquors auJ wines ot the mi st sppioved brands. P. S. There arc fir.t rat3 slahling 'ir.a carrini houses iiltached lo tlie hotel, tt'tuded l y ca.tful and sober bo-tl-rs. arid our charcci xs ill V L'-.v, in accordance with the present haid times. Pinladi !p!:.a, U.t. ?io, 1S42. I A ION HOTEL, :"l.. i LVCOXSIJiTCr COUNT'S', ffHn Siibsi-ribt r ret pes lulfv in!ori:.s hisf.ioi.P: lilt: ho has tskb ' "L and til rj public in cenrra the above i. n (. r. a vp co I N ,i ' h r w J.J l! O r t r (. m rl ) O F" M C N ( it I- l; , H AS ta'.ien the Q Hon. ( haile l.u:ic,it:ir j Jones, Murphy A Co. ' K. A. Prowti A Rrollici 1 J. K. M.Hirehead.Fso. I rit't-'wi; Morgan A Andeison, I.eirislur;, Fa. V. W. Kin z no A S n, Lock- I lure., i'a. sicirettA: Poiter, l.iwittou n, I'a. J. D. Wafers j i'. rpni; I F jlly 1 V I an 111' w ho .. i ! H .s, .-. im to- , ,' ! P-T t tlrt .he I C:t till ;,., ... il:.; SriuiM., wi. t!-e -ii.i.-jc of g.nj -i: 1 Hu f. el. coiiti. lent. and an eariK'sl uc: e l.i ui w ho nisy patroioie iiiin, ilia. gc in lal ksiislaclion Munoy, Oi t niuod -. 1 T.I. Is Is U-, III IlOS. rtti- I i.'l 'ii'ion tn i-2.o-,s ,!-:-r c ?i, .i !.- to -i;e v.-til n .1 f ' ir, -H. il. U L VV FTi Ceo. Picsl uiv, St l.wi Julie "id, lHl:J. Iv , lo.-eph Paxton, I'si i Cjlu'iibiit (V Mioi inforun ihe citi.-ens of ihe ! 'ornl'iib ,,f rtli.,1 :.i:d its vieiiiilv i!;.-.l ho has coinr.irnei d Iho i ,t 'niIoriisS iliiijcs:. ! m v, Ps various I raiiches, m the shop lormeiiy n'',-,i ied bv Henry S. '1 iotni, directly opposite' Forsyth's store. As he nn ivei the New ork ' and PliilaiMpliia I"r..'.!ii. ns ,oi ut, r'.y, lie is ei;.-.l'le.'. I to do all j-. bs i n'H'i "d to bin:, alter the neatest ti I.,tcst ;;tvle, nod f.iioti tiie nlioilol lo-lice. D' J. ist, 18!". if. V. 1 1 1i s, cmrens ol uutiLv a, moed bis oii'ico to tllO i t Ce.'.rne firioiit. in ni ilo I Kespecti'jlly info .ns t : e d vie d -y , tli.i. 1.b has r. i.i.r. i.,..i ..... :...i l ed. :d Nun: id, Tr?'f-Y rt - Mt "St W V, ' a f V1T? l,.'t: pul l. i-l;t. iv lie 111 eimi I' eiicouia; H;,t,--..o tent en t able oi.a- i:i..v it Si4i , e 1 ,;iiid at X, eeil pie i-'uvt, Su l-nrv, nr; r.' jenetit be in lli;', ins .Inn.- tin: re . I' th v, Oct. I- U's, li!,lrj nrolessioim1. :i:r-,i h' nic'-re t'.ir-l.s for '! '.ins tec. iw,l. in ihe ! of b l ice, nnd tiu-t-i, I y pminp' r set" !u- pr. i, s-ion, and rea-, lie wn, eon'ii.'ie ti rrce.' :it i m :.- assortment s, nnm, i which Man'.if.icttirtr f Writing ;jnl In b!u !n!, No. HH' Third Sin-it, djor In-low H.'ico, (ivift :-.i,l.) PHILADELPHIA. I ) 1 I'DC TFI LLY iiilorma country ine.-c'o.iiits and nihi l-, ilial Im co:i-lan:lv l.i cps on hand a laree stock nibts enperier Mac'-;, IHue :iid Red lik.utid iilso a rupen ,r iinlity ot liuliili'la i,'K H ink ir put up in b. tiles -.atying in n..ev (,,,, 1 lo G'J ounces, and will bp Fold on ri " d,in;iblti terms. The et . rllei.t i;nalitits of thi','mk has so llioronebly esiab!i.-b.-d ita clniacter j, la ,U1W rxteiisivi ly utp.l throughout ihe country. For tale tl ihe store r' n li ul.,r. fs.,.,. nnry, i a. fc- A w s. fsV -S.T em m w K"&l'.CS have to info.r.i the citizens ,? f;r' a:-y (? O aid its ieinitv, that be ba-i eoMinienci d ' u, in Ma. kl strei l, Sunl-ury, ea:t of John J,, ,.'s store, mi l ilueci'y epposite the po I i !'.'e u,( ,,, .t, 'litcnds o carry on iho l-.iis.ness in all ,s r iii!.A:r.!.nn i. nnl'sM. and rivriMiin. 7i.P.lli ROAD. ! i ir. in lies, im hi., ' i.n: various I :nj F.Hy.'ic Sp' 1 1, in:: iii.ij; y ' if. .-,;;.-i II ;-V ,r, , ,'' . n.irin cr s.uikU'I j f. )., " imfiiir ,,',... ,V:-. OnU-r- will be pror.ii.i'.y and i,i:nclu .Hv etieitded jr tah or co'.i'rt.-y pro- O , 4: m v,i:r: (;,. 1 1 1 i ti t: g -r;i' l: i: a' p mi:nt, r Mav 27ih. IHl.i. ly to, and wor'.: dene fK.oap ilttee. aj' Hotso Shoeing done at f 1 pet sell, . .'uubur,-, April LV.h, ISlU Cm s. tlMlTi mbsciiber will scV, fl bi 1 J Ru s a and lliu- ery reduced pt'ees, Sunburw, Auu. Hal. stink of Heaver. tn. '. of the l-sl quality, l H. II. M ASSV'!. AgtiUJor ''ne .,,1,. f Sonthtcorlh Manujw. tnrine Ctpinpniiu's ' sVr.KKm wnrrixo PAr'Er.sss arth(!i;so io :i Alinr'r sjtrcct PHILADULPHIA. ' ' rgHH following kinds coiisiv.nlv on hind, snd J for.tale to lln- Trad;rf lt the towrrt inaikct pt e.s i me u-k I l0l (,.,, 12. H, .nd I flit,, IB ot & S h o v ' rro:n Phihid. Ipl.ia, i Fl. 1.1 Pot! .a il!..'. , For rit's - i le, , F.o I 1. i H-'tl. I br. '.l i- ,- 1 ii :. v.! ' h 'tn, I r.-.:, at lit i nt ,, m! j l-a H 1 ottr.' Al llil. 1, P't ' e ai the I.-'!- A.M. D.i, Dsil at i: rONK WAKE f. , t,. n(4 U,.a I- V w chfp, v Q, -' S' IU litllSll, -tone J;-i f,om 3 , f. ggnn, j.-r ,,tc Oct. 14 H . MASTER. A Tl'r&liliix "tlmlilnc lur S:lo. rl1Vit: snbscril?r cfleri f..r tale THRKSlDo 1. MAI HIC, nt nnj in good The Maebine h. been Hie I. an I rove,- to I,, nn esei I lenl tne II will be Sold at redneed prier, m,d nairiinted. App'y to ft. U, MASSFR, July Ut. 1N43. .11 .i r I i n fjKspp.CTFl'LLY HIHII f r aale by July K, li:t, II I) MHJ LK. I.jeeml wr.ile; ,-,xirt super, and superfine Folio Po-ts, blue ,r,, w..rc ; Eitra super Picket and Comui'..,c, j,,,,, t.lue and white ', I'st a s0 er l.iiien Not papris, long ; do. broad; superfine and fine C'ounling bouse C'aji', blue ami while; Him super Cottiie Cupi mil l.nti rs, i, on and ruled, "ttei.tion in bb.o up I while ; Supcrlsiiii i- rrm li I'osu, plain sid r till .1 : si; i , one Sri i, I.' i s a- d Pos's ; Sujierfme and line C' s mil Pi'i's, it.h d nod pltin, I lue nd white, vru,u-i 'lii.d.t es an l prices. a-d-, Tit.i-.ic, rjiivcoiie. tVrsr- Ac , A 1-loK M Also llor.nit Hoard.!, Ti snd 1 ndwsie piii. y 8 I" 1 J. f .n I v iv i it i iiifoi in, hi; fiiiiu'j au.l A, oM ciisloun is, lln.t he ha-' lemoved lilt In Ihe fra'iin Htii'il iii.T adjoining his dwelling house, hr'we, n that nnd Dr. D. T. I'lilfb' iiflice, a few ,!i ois vet of bis -ld i -lal bsliiin nl, in Maiktt klicet, wbeio he int i. ds lo cniry on lbs sbno bu.-i.iiss iien-ivi Iv, in ii.'l its tuu'ori br.Tu.'.r;. Bc'ipn ibeukfiil for past f ivors, he hope;, by miel bill ness and linnal iriar.',eH, to (jive Kei.e' d saiisfiiciinii i and that he will continue to ie-ci-nc a lil'eul 'bare uf public piltonage. i pi.l fiib, ILI. town, for which I .s :. vi 1 ti; l.lillllti-. i. .1. A..M S i. The down '. ,'p ti tin u! N -r aie alljwt ! si a li ktUtlO'.l, f.1 It F V Pslwern Ft it: v llilwttn Kcadir ' Ilelween do : 1'itLitsi' Il.d j .1(1 ,t C? (! A- ' i , i ,V 1 f-'i A do A- Pc'.'sxil'e Trt k I. r nnno i;h iiii' ioh-i 'irr ov. rtetween Pottsville A Pl.i! i.h Ipl.ia IletHcen Ue-'oU! V lleieeen ."v f1 i Cl'l t (in :ts u.. BLANKS FDii HA I F. AT Tilin CKI'lt K. Ad the tia.ns wi.l slip tor way passengers si (he usual p-.'ioU. Cr' A'-t p 'cet',;'"s -ir, iei ' t J ttu 7 t'vkets tiefor ' i-s -I- '. fsv n.y , ,.-i, - t'.'U. p