Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 23, 1843, Image 2

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    Yankee dork Abroad.
We find tho following letter in the Roches
ter Democrat:
It is well known throughout tho Union that
Connecticut ia the Clock State. We are re
presented in every town by the tick wc give.
For tho last three years we hove been gradu
ally pushing our notes of time, into foreign
countries ; mid such has ben our success that
within a few hours' ride of this city one thou
sand clonks arc finished daily; and it if a fair
PHtimale to put down five hnndrcd thousand
chx ks as being manufactured in this State last
vrar. This year the number will still be in-
rrasod, as John Bull is fd flow in his move
ments that there is nohof e of reform until he
has plenty of Yankee monitors Those we an;
ow sending him by every ship that clears
rem our seaport.
In 111 a few clocks were) exported there
an experiment. They were seized at the
Custom House in Liverpool on the ground that
they were undervalued. The invoice price is
1 50, and the duties 00 per cent. They, how
ever, were soon released, the owner having
accompanied them and satisfied the authorities
that they could be made r.t a profit, even thus
low. Mr. Sperry, of the firm of Sperry &
Rhaw, was the gentleman w ho took out the
article. lie lost no time, after getting posses
sion of his clocks, in finding an auction house.
They were made of brass works cut by machi
nery out of brass plate, and a neat mahogany
case enclosed tho time piece. Tiie first invoice
old for XI to jfti, or about S20 caeh. Since
that time every packet carries out an invoice
of the article, and 40,000 clocks have been sold
by this one firm, Sperry &. Shaw. O'.her? are
now in the business, and the North of Europe
has become our customers. India, too, is loo
ked to as a mart for these wares, several lots
having been forwarded to the pir'.s of China.
A driving business is now daing in this line,
and clocks to the amount of about a million of
dollars a year are now manufactured in the
State, which, 1 assure you, gives employment
to many hundred persons, who are fed mostly
on Western Wheat, Pork, Butter, Cheese and
Reef, and clothed in part by Western Wool. In
thoi t, from this one branch of business, at least
100,000 will go to your section of country
this year for the necessaries of life to sustain
the workmen. Our folks have got a notion
that it is better to draw from 3 to 00.000 a
year for these clocks out of foreign nations in
canh, and thereby enrich the country, than to
import the pay for them in English goods,
which impoverishes the nation. hat do you
think 1 S.
The Personal Manner of Washington.
"What a personal presence was that of the
Father of his Country ! All accounts agree
in this. We heard an old gentleman pay, not
long ago, that when a clerk in Philadelphia, he
used to walk two or three squares every morn
ing, to meet Washington as he came down
Market street to bin quarters. 'The dignity,'
Fa id he, 'of his movements, the grace of his salu
tation, and the culm sweetness of his smile,
were beyond description or comparison.' Sit
ting the other day on a log, scarcely a stone's
throw from where Andre was captured, and
not far from the little Sleepy-Hollow Church,
we conversed an hour with a Revolutionary
patriot, tremulous with the palsy of age, who
pointed out ti U3 the npot, over the Toppan Sea
which lay before us, where Andre was hung,
and where, on that day the troops 'spread out
thick and black a long way from the gallows.'
lie lived at Verplanck's Point, close by, when
Arnold came down in his barge and went on
board the Vulture, all which he himself saw.'
They fired two cannons at the barge,' said he,
from this side having got news of the treason
by express but the gun burst at the second
dibcharge, and tookofTthe legs, to the thighs,
of a poor fellow, who was brought to our house,
but he died in two hours.' 'The army then lay
at Bedford,' continued the old veteran ; 'and I
tiw General Washington almost every day.
He was a liable looking man; his countenance
wes terribly pleasant. He did not talk much,
but even the little children fairly loved him ;
and they used to gather about the door of his
marquee every morning to see him ; and he
used to pat their heads and smile on them, it
waa beautiful to see' How uniform ond uni
versal is this 'testimony of the eye' in the re
collections of Washington."
The Mormons at the Wkst. The follow
ing concerniug tho increase and condition of
the M or mom; at the Wmt is from a private let
ter to a gentleman in this city, dated
"Keokvk, Iowa Tor. Aug. 27, It 13.
"Thd Mormons have had a great accession to
their number this Spring and Summer, mostly
FingliBh. The City of Nauvoo has become the
receptacle of many thousands of poor, deluded
lunaticri, who are deceived robbed and oppres
sed by their corrupt and designing loader, in
a manner thut is truly revolting to the Christian,
Patriot and Philanthropist. I regard that Peo
ple as coinbiniug the elements of an explosion
that w ill, sooner or later, reduce thi rn, as a
sect or society, to a state of chaos and anarchy.
There aeenis to be already the premonitory
symptoms o! a convulsion among them. Ma
ny are the spirits that hetitate not to manifest
their disaffnetion and disloyalty to their prophet
and leader." jV. V. Tribine.
Eusworth and Foo have walked their
thousand miles in the desmbf-d time, which
was thousand conencutud hours, or '21 miles
a day for 4'' dan I'.leworth ib to have il
vtr pitcher frtsfcr.'.t to him.
Saturday, Sept. 23, 1843.
Democratic Ticket for H'ortIium
brrlaiul County.
Fun Caxal CoMMtsninsKni.
Fon CasnnK,
Foil AsASMBtT,
For CoMMisio?irn,
Fon TnttscKKR.,
Fon ArriTnn,
Fon Sat.1:. A fresh supply of printing pa
per, vi?. 100 retm similar in sire and quality to
the sheet on which this is printed. Also 60 reams
of super royal, 21 by 29 Inches, til of which will
Lc told at the mill price.
(Jj- V. B. Paimeii, Eso.. nt his Real EstMe and
Coal office, No, 59 Tine Street, Philadelphia, ia au
thorised to act aa Agent, and to receive and receipt
for all monies due this office, for tubacriptiou or ad
vertising. fXj Some excellent article on our first pnge.
The one in relation to Jonx Randolph is highly
intere sling.
fj Money Mutters remain about the same in
the cities. Relitf notes are now quoted at 3 per
fXj- The price of groin baa somewhat declined,
as will be ren ly reference to the noiice of the
Baltimore Muket.
tjj FntsiiFT. The late rains have raised some
of the streams higher than they have been for mi
ny years. The Juniata waa higher than it had
been since 1810. Considcrible injury was done
to the canal, hut the whole main line was expected
to be open' J from If ollidayaburg by Thursday last.
Seveial of ihe piers of the new acqucducl, on mid
dle creek, below Selinsgrove, have sustained con
siderable injury, but not so much as to retard the
Qj" Cawai Commissioners. The nominations
lately made by the Detnoeratic Convention at Har
lishurg, meet with general approbation, and there
can be no doubt of the election of the nominees by
an overwhelming majority';
fj The whig conferees have taken up Gen.
Frick as tbeir candidate for Congress in this
district. It must, however, be a forlorn hope in
any whig candidate to attempt to defeat the demo.
craiic party in this district.
5j ReTnENcnxKNT axii Uei-obh. While the
last legislature wasted the people' money, in taking
upon the subject and abusing the other b-anche of
the government, the present Board of Canal Com
missioners were earnestly engaged in introducing a
system of reform, which bus saved thousand of
dollar in the Treasury. We have never had a
more able and efficient Uoird, and the energy nd
honesty of purpose with which the expense apon
our canals and rail road have been retrenched, cn
title the members of the Board to the thanks and
gratitude of every tax payer.
fjj Let every Democrat remember that Wil
liam Forythe is making his minn attempt to de
feat Bn 1 drttrny ho Democratic pany of this coun
ty, anj that too af'er hnvins pn sided over (ho Con
vention which formed our ticket, and pledged him.
elf to so port the candidates nominated. What
cnnfulcme can Ihe people place in a man who thus
violate a solemn public pledge 1
Hon. John Snyder ami tlie Tariff.
We did not receive the proceedings of the Con
gressional Confeiees, who met at Williampoit
on the 13 inst., in time fr publication in last weeks
paper. The Conferee were unanimous in favor cf
the Hon. Jou.v Sninta fur ro e'eclion. Iu Ly
coming, Mr. Snyder, we have been citdibly inform
ed, will run ahead of the party vole. Much has
been said by bi opponents, accusing him of free
trade notions, and a being oppoied to the present
tariff. Mr. Snydci isnot in favor of fee trade, nor
is lie opposed to the tariff He say the tarifj is not
exactly st ch a one as ho would, but as we can
not expect to get just what we want, he is witling
to give the pre-ent one a fair trial, and i oppoged
to it being dutuibed. Moreover, Mr. Snyder is
Wlllln? to rairv out th. vifna of his enn.lilnenrc. if I
even they should differ fom hi own. We have
always advocated a tariff that Would afford revenue,
and also, in its operation, protection to our manu
facturer, mechanics and laborer, against the pan.
per labor of Europe, and would be the lust In sup
port Mr. einy.ler if we believe J that he would at.
tempt to des'roy or oppose the present tariff.
gj An institution ha beenestablithtd in Brook
lyn, for the purpos of batching chicken by steam.
Wonder if they could not iue one at Milton, to
hatch out patent democrat! Tho Idgermau
would do wf II lo eel on Ihe ticul,
Cj'The "d.f. rider" of Baltimore, bad ee'e
bration at York on (he I3ib. On their return a
dreadful accident occurred on the rail road. Four
p. rsons were mrious'y injtufd, one of whom had
ho'h hie kg r-u-kcii.
"You Can't Come it."
Peter Ysndling and a couple more nf the Nor.
ihumbfrland gentry, took tho trouble of travelling
through the tipper end of Augusta, one dny last
weik, to tell the people that if K. Y, Bright, the
democratic candidate, was elected, ho would have
law passed to compel Auguata township to make an
embankmci.t above the bridge, to keep the water
out of Sunbury duting floods in the river ! ! ! This
story is too ridiculous to he believed for moment.
No such law could be pas.ed, nor was it ever
thought of until it entered the heads of some wise,
acres in Northumberland, who thought, although
it wns a very silly story, that it might do to deceive
and gull the prople of Augusta. But we are not
quite such ignoramuses on this aide of the tivrr aa
they take us to be. It ia true, ilia', u few ye.iri
since, they boasted thai they "had all the intelli
gence on their aide, of the river, and therefore ought
io have all the offices;" but they ought not to
suppose that we are complete funis.
Peter, and the fellow a w i h him, knew ih it they
were uttering what was entirely untrue, without a
thadow of foundation. Try it agjin, Peter. Per.
hips the crew about Forty the'e comer can invent
something bearing the semblance of truih, and the
only difficulty in ynur t ailing it about, i, that the
man who is enuglit in one fibehiiod is not likely
to be again believed, even if he should jr..k tho
truth !
Our Side.
At a county convention, two years since, one of
the Northumberland d'sorgHniseia said, "we have
all the intelligence on our side of the river, and
ought to have the offices, fur there aro very few on
yrur sido of the river that are fit to fill an office !"
One of our demociats was very near breaking his
jaws at the time, for his impudence. Such an as
srition is so silly, thut we did not suppose that any
number of Democrats in the Forks entertained
such an opinion, and yet they seem to act aa if
they did, for they want all ihe offices. But the Dc
nvcrary on tliis aide of the river will how lb
disorganising Democrat of the. Fuik" that we have
a fiw democrats fit to fill a county office, and that
we know enough to defiat thiir attempt to destroy
the Democratic pnr'y.
The Dlsorganiscrs' Candidate-.
William Forytl e was a Candida's for Shoriff,
against the D mncratic tickrt in 1824, and gtt but
3t5 votes in (he county!! Of this number, he
receivid but 113 votes in tho tlx town. hips on this
side of the river ! ! W hat a mighty popular man !
His popularity has not increased much in the last
twenty years. He run in opposition to the Demo
cratic ticket for the Senate, last fall, ond was beaten
upwards of 1000 votes! and not yet satisfied with
his former defeats, he is out again, in opposition In
the ticket for the Assembly. Tliu , it ia een, thai
Forsythe has been trying to destroy the Democratic
par y cf this county, for the last twenty years, and
yet pretends to be a Democrat. But the Dcmocra
ey will give him, and hi diso'ganising crew about
Northumberland and Milton, such an overwhelm
ing defeat til s full, that they will not try again, very
soon, to divide and break up the party.
ITow is it?
We have two third of the population of ihe
county on this aide of the river ; we give two thiidn
of the Democratic niiijoiilic annuully polled; our
mi'jori'y is annually incrfaxing, while ihe majority
in the Forks it diminishing to almo-t nothing ;
el ihe Democrats in the Foiks want to have all
ihe offices. They have the Senator, the Pro
thnnotary, the Commissioner, and another jut
nominuitd i n the ticket, an auditor, and forsooth,
they muet have the member of Assembly too.
Any thing more gentlemen!
The Ticket.
A number of our whig friends express ihem
elvci very warmly oppose d to the formation of a
ticket in ll.i county. They pntend to be in favor
of the "volunteer syklcm,'' and endeavor to per
uade even dc mocr .t that the ticket eyr.em it en
tirely wrong. This conduct, lossy the least of it,
if very inconfistent. Do they not annuully form
a ticket for the support of their party, in every in which thiy have a muj uily 1 Have
the whig no-tiiket" in Union county f have they
none in Dauphin county ? To be sure they have.
Now they would bed. fated in both thee counties
if tin y adopted the "volunteer sy stem," but the
whig there cry out, "stick to the licki't," and you
bisr noll.irg from ibem bb-iut the beauties and
nch of the volunteer system. No, no, they are en.
tiiely too wt. e for that. Lit our whig frit ml then
te honor about the matter. Let them candidly
acknowledge that tf.ey favor the volunteer system
in this county, for the purpose of dividing and de
stroying the Democratic party,
Every Democrat see that this is the ease. We
say then to the Demociacy of Old Nor'hurubcrland,
stand by the timo honored unuagea uf your paity,
and you will, a you always have, triumph over all
opposition and attempts at disorganhaiion.
The following advice to boys fiom ihe Port
land Tribune, mny be of service to many of the
young lada of this plare. Boy generally act with
out leflectiou, and seldom think how much their
future prospect in life depend on the conduct of
their rarly years:
"To Dova. Boya, listen to us a moment. Do
you wihli lo become good men and influential
citizens! Do you wish to command the re
typed of the wise ond good! Then abstain
from all that is evil. Go not into improper so
ciety ; use no profane or indecent word ; speak
no falsehood ; never cheat; never lie; be per
fectly honest. Remember your conduct now
will have an influence over your life. If you
ore virtuous, and improve your time in useful
pursuits, wo have no hesitancy in saying that
il'you live ycu will become ornaments tosocie.
ty. On the contrary, if you yield to bad e..
ample and influtnci s, have no regard to virtue
or truth, break the Sabbath, wander about with
the profane and idlo durini; your leisure
evenings, we tell you pla'nly that it will prove
your rum
Pc careful thin to do r ght,to hive
tho fear of Cod before yon, and to w ilk in the !
paths of integrity. Then your early days will
be precursors of a plorious manhood and an
useful and happy life."
Cjr "Aim at the stcrp'e if you should strike the
roof," is an old and wise saying. Few men
come to any thing without corresponding efforts.
Cowpei, whose poems sp irkle with gems like the
following, thus speak of
Low Pursuits.
"To dally much with subjects mean and low,
Proves thnt the mind is weak, or makes it so,
Neglected talents rul into dec.iv,
And every effort ends in push pin play.
The man that means sucees, should soar above
A soldier's feather, or a lady's glove., summoning the muse to such a theme,
The fruit of all her l.ihor is whipp'd cream,
As if an eigle flew alnft and then
Stoip'd from its highest pitch to pounce a wren j
As if the poet, purposing to wed,
Should taive himself wife in ginge rbread."
Cilllorlal, Condensed and Selected.
Contributions to foriy-nir.e religious and chari
tahlo institutions in England, amounted, last year,
to upward of 820,000.
The steamboat M.issichuse'ts, the fines', boat on
tho line briween New York and Providence, erst
f 150,900.
a r. ,i ti , c- ti r .. f
A Father K,l!r,l by h, .Ton. John Barnett. of
t :n- . i..i.. i.:n.. i i. i.:. .... I. .
...llV.vim, n.V was l.uriy hmmu wT ...a .....n,
a youth of 21. He was drunk ht the time.
A woman was dreadfully burned at St. Louis, j
Mo., by the explosion of a spirit gas lamp.
It was :
not supposed that she would recover
The Concord Railroad his five locomo-ive en
gine., nam' d Amoskeig, Piscatfqu og, Hoolisett,
Penacook, and Sonhegnn. Kegular j iw-breakcrs.
Senator Niles is insane, and under medical treat
ment at ihe Assylum in Utica.
Columbia Railroad. For the prist month the
receipts are over $51,000.'
Two French shipa of war have been ordered to
the Chines') seas,
A large amount of money ha9 leen collectej to
support the freedom of the Church in Scotland.
The Merrimack Print works, it Lowell, Mas.,
manufacture rising 1000 pieces of calico per day.
Pe.ichc in Wilmington, plenty and cheap la-t
wek. Fifty cents a bushel for the very best.
Senator Tallmadge doea not intend to resign h'a
scat in the Senate, and remove to the Vcs.
Reed Birds. A sportsman caught 1020 reed !
birJs, with a net, in the meadows below I'hiladel
pbia, on Friday night.
No fact hotter Illustrates tho progress of ihe I'ni.
nited Slate than thU In I79d the revenue from
the general Post Office was f 37,9 )5 in 1830, ?4,
37S.313. Itissail Mr. Tyl r will not return until the firnt
of October, and that he hai I .t hw he.irt to one of
tho daughters of a distinguished public officer
Among somo contraband goods recently seized,
were sev. nti .two silk whiskers !
The military force now in Ireland, amounts to
35,000 men.
The printeJ books in the B.itish Museum Li
brary, occupy ten miles of slit.'.
Three of the democratic member elected to
Congress from Tennessee, are mechanics, Ander
son Johnson is a tailor, J. W. Black well is a copper
smith, and J. W. Jones is a saddler men of fine
t ilenis, and have rien by persevering industry and
their own good characters.
A German entered ihe Bank of St. Louis, Mo.
ii nit demanded a share of the "Hard." He grabbeJ
a', a slock of gold, but Mynheer was grabbed by ihe
The oftener csrpetsnre shaken, the longer they
taut, as the particles of sand which colle-t upon
ihem grind ihe thread.. Sweeping them also
wears them.
The U. S. Ship Falmouth saikd from New Yo'k
on Sunday, for Boston.
ron mi; Ar.nicA!.
"Turn Out, Turn Out, for William Forsythr."
I notice I the above in the Milton Ledger of
the Dili, fur a meeting at Irelind's School House,
in Turbut township (quite a fuilure.) A you
have not heard ihe particulars of the meeting, I
will tend ihem to you for puhlrraiion in your valu
able paper. It w.i attended by Stephen Wilson,
David B. Montgomery, and five olhera belonging
to their party. After a hard triigg!e ihey micceeJed
in appointing a chuirmin, after which they ap
pointed a cotnmiitee to diaft resolutions, which
took but a short time, as Steve bad them in his
pnekit ready diawn up. All he had to do w,, to
haul them out, ind read them himself. It appears,
Sieve would make all the inoes and David B,
would secoud them ( fine way of gelling at mg.)
From the above you can learn that the people in
Turbut will not be gulled by a parcel of disappoint
ed office hunter ; but that they will stick to the
ticket. In their repott they stated that Fotsythe
would have -100 majority. Their meeting did not
look so, although theie was notice given 10 or 12
day b. fore, and ihey were riding all over the town,
ship, ral'jing their forces. I believe Bhhiht will
have at least one hundr. d and fifty majority in Old
Tuibut, nothwi hutan ling the exertions of Steve
and Davy U., a Turbut will not be gulled by a
few disappointed office hunters.
Tonn bt 4 Tiota. The keeper of the ani
mal in the menagerie, while eihihiiing.a few day
ince, in New Castle, Mercer county, P., entered
th den of wild beast , a wa hi wont, and wbilxt
playing with hi savage customers, had hi arm
dreadfully lorn by the tiger. He was lying on hi
back at the time, and with great presence of mind
be raised hi foot, and with a sudden exertion of it,
threw the liger from him, and gained hi feet, and
awing tha brute back by hi manner, retired from
ihe cge, and fainted from thrni.ct of tha wound.
i It is fiareJ bin trm wiilba's to he impuUttd. -
A Hundred Year Hence.
A hundred years hence, whnt chance will be made
In polities, morals, religion and trade !
In cnmmun'tira duped by pretends- md knaves.
Who would flatter the mas. to be willingly slaves,
And riot and shine at th' public eupcnse
How things will be altered a hundred years hencel
The heads of the tadios such changes w ill find
(We do not here apeak of mnt ition of mind)
From three I tuhrl bonne to neat li'tle hats.
Or sroops, Nnvarinos, or Oip-ies, or flats ;
Nay, beads will be changed loo, in scienco ond
Before wo h ive numbered a hundred year hence.
Our laws will become the popular rules,
Our prisons be turned into national schools ;
Thieving and fighting, and tippling and gaming.
('heating and fighting, and mututd defiming,
F.v'iy species of vice is a silly pretence,
And people will know it a hundred year hence.
To Pnr.sRvii Mkat ijc Hot Weaturb. Tirst
wipe the meat gently and lightly with a clean cloth,
then dust every patt with pure oatmeal. It mut he
wiped gently every two or three days, and fresh
j oatmeal dusted upon it. The meal imparts a sweet
j flavor to the meat. It, muet be all wiped away l
j fore the meat is put down either to be boiled or roas-
; ted. iMildun Globe. j
i j
j Worm tx Tns PArn Thkf. A writer in the ',
J Cincinn iti Gazette m iinl,.iru that the malady of ;
the peach tree is caused by worms ; mid say that
I ' ' '
, unfaiing,yi by pouring W(l, ahnnnl ,)()i,;ng aroum, !
i. . . i
,he rao(( jn ,he au,mf) whcn ,,c rgB ftfc ,l,.p ,s,.
ted, and in ihe Spring, when any that escape the
fuat boiling will be hatched the heulth, vigor and
fecundity of the trees are preserved.
j A Doc ron's or Mtn. A New York
I piper tells a story which displayed li e advantage
I of perfect pre of mind when dealing with a
nuiiiiac. The Doctor of the Lunatic Asylum on
; Bl ickwi U's Island wis in a b.itleau with lunatic as
hen suddenly the latter seized him by
the breast, hild him at arms-length ovei Ihe stJe
of ihe boat, and demanded, "Grog, or I'll ihtow you j
to ihe fijhe," The doctor fixed his eve upon the I
maniac. "Bill," said he, "it was a great oversight
not to have brought the bottle along, hut liy hold
and we w ill pull hick and get it. It certainly was a ;
very great oversight. Bill laid him back in tho
sheets, took up his onr, and in a few minutes the
bout lay alongside the aylum dock, ond the mani
ac waa secured in his cell.
The Peach Tkauc. The Newark Advertiser
remarks that some idea of the extent and
value of tho peach crop to Monmouth and some
oi tne western coiiiuics oi we w Jersey, "may i
... . .... .
be formed from the fact that a steamboat of
large size, which run3 every night during the
peach season from the village of Washington,
on South river, a few miles east of New Bruns
wick, in not sufficient to transport the whole?
produce sent to the New York market alone.
j Though she carries 10(H) brisket at a trip, (the
freight being 0 cents a basket,) we are inform
ed that our smaller vessels have been employ
ed this season on the same route, to meet the j
demands of the trade. We believe the yield
this year id much above an average." J
Tun Hohkiiv Bi'sinhsn, like almost all o- '
thcrs, must submit to a revolution ! There is ;
now in the American Museum Inhibition '
Room a little machine worked by a dog, making
1 stockings at the rate of dozens per day !
rVoll.,rr.n . C 1 1 . I ... ,., I I ,1 '
1. 1 l,. 1 1 v. 1Mb IIUOl 1IK1U; 11113 III.ILIIIIMT,
and the economy hy which' it may be managed,
defies all competition. Hitherto tho Eurune-
uns have been able to manufacture hosiery far '
cheaper than we could, but now we can com
: pete with them successfully. The invention
j of this rotary knitting machine was perfected
j last winter by a young man, named French, of
I Cabottville, Mu.s. It is a remarkable con
I trivance.
j Swallowed Whole. The wife of the Rev. '
j Mr. Ihirnham, of Boston, coughed tip a half j
grown live frog the other day, which hopped a- j
bout a little and then turned on its back and
died. The Rev. gentleman thinks his wife I
swallowed it when a tadpole. We shoud sup- j
pose so, otherwise it would be difficult to bwal- j
low the story. ;
Office of the Baltimore Ami.bica-, Sept. IS. J
(.'RAIN. There has been a fair supply of wfeai j
at muket, and the sales of good to prime yesterday '
and to-day were made at 90 a 93 cts, and of ordi- ;
nary to good at 80 aOO eK Sales of Family Flour j
White Wheat at 93 a 105 rta. Sales of Md. Bye .
at 49 a . Wets, Corn is dull. We quote Md. white j
at 45 a 48 rt and yellow al 49 a 50. A .ile cf j
two parcels of Pennsylvania yellow at 43 a 50 cts. j
W IIISKKY. Whiskey is' very dull ; hhds tell j
at 23 J cts, lather scare. Sale of bbts. at 54 c'.. ,
3oine holders ask S4 J a S5 cts.
Pcbift tuk Bioon. As the Blood, in it lite
preserving course is u' ject to continual waste, na
ture ba provided for the supply of the exhausting
fountain, by the conversion of our food into new
blood. But whilst ample means are provided for
ihe manufacture of new blood, nature has been no
less solicitiou in providing for the expulsion of lhal
which ia useless and decayed. This importint
office i performed by the bowel i and when Nature
(who is always struggling to throw off offending
matter,) requite assi.tsnce in her benevolent in
tention. Brandreth' Vegotable Universal Pill will be
found singularly adapted to the purpose, becsusa
they remove through the atomach and bowel all
corrupt humors from th body, in an easy, safd an J
effectual mnnor, producing no effect but wht will
finally conduce to the peifect purification of the
Blood, and thereby cure the disea , (by whatever
name it may be calhd,) and give perfect hcabb to
the whole system.
ty Purchase of H. B. Maser, Sunbury or of
jnt f ubliehcd in another part cf this pper.
I 111 l,
In Little Mahonoy town.hip.on Sunday the 17 h
inst.. A Hit A HAM KOTHAKMEI., E-q., aged
about Cft yeur.
In this place, on Monday last, HENRY, an in
fuit son and only child, of H. B. and lliana M.
Master, aged 7 innnthe and 13 days.
' sin could blight or sorrow fade,
Death camn with friendly care,
This opening bud to Heaven conveyed,
A ii J bade ii bl som thcio."
Corrected tveeky by Henry Yoxthetmer.
Wa rat, .... 85
Rtk, ...... 50
Cum, ...... 40
Oats, .25
Pork, 6
FiAXarkii, ... . if)0
UtTTTKII, - .... 0
Bf.f.swat, .... 25
Taliow, .... in
Diiikii Apri.cs, . . 75
FlX, ... .8
Hkcklkii FlaI, 10
Eon. fj
To the IMcf foi N or ortlniinIer
liiml Coiiitlv.
P.U.OW CI I IZKNS At the solicitation
of my fiiends, I offer myself as a candidate for
A S S K M 1 L V
at the ensuing t leclion. Should vou elect me, I
ai ine ensuing ueciion. miould vou elec
,ei, f ,0 BC( wj,h an,j fili
' " ' .
Sh.imi.kin, S,pt. 23, 181331.
..i .. . fv...i k i,.u A c...,
buiy.on the 1 0th day nf October, 1813.
John H Welch et al vs James Hustcd
William Mor tz
Mary Weeks
John C lloyd
(enter Hill
Diniel Hosdarmel
vs O P Duncan
v. Byerly Sc Haas
vs A W Johnson et al
vs (Jeo-gc Hill' Ei'ra
vs Daniel Zerbe et si
v SensholneV Bergitresser
vs Andrew Forsyilie
vs J icob Gas
v John A Shissler
v Martin Weaver
'?n" s"v;V'r 7 J1
(;,,,,,,, fj Wclker
I) inn I Bro-iua
Joseph Jlill
I'haile Doutv Wharton vs Airon Crosby Fisher
Prothonnt-irv's Office, J I'lutfi'i.
mce, I
SI3. 5
Suufoiiry, Sept. 23 IS 13
Valiialiif I'ai in lor sale.
TILL be sold, on Monday, November fi,
1st:!, nt the Court House in Wmituiry , that
valuable Inct of land belonging to the i st.itc of
Cbr stiaii Sliipin.m, ibe'd., containing ISO acres
more or le, situa ed inAugusti township, .Nor
thumberland eoiiutv, ailioiniug lands ot (ieorgo
1 Kretcr, (ieoige II nil, Ueivge Kiker, nd Daniel
! (ol1'J'1- Conditions will be made known oniha
. i .... ....
Kxecnto- nf Chriiian fiiinaian, ilce'd.
Sunbury, S, pi. Ifiih. 1813. 7t.
oiti'iiiw toi kt sii.i:.
, T N purMimee of the Orphans' Conn of .rthum
; berland county, will be exposed to public, sale on
, Wednesday the 2.Vh day of October r ext, on the
! premises, lo wit : A certain tract of land situate ill
Shimokin tmvimhip, in s iid county, adjoining lands
. of D iv d McWilliams, Eli.-hi Hsrton and Ohadiah
I Campbell, con'sitiing twfnty-five acres, and one
I hundred and thirty nine pi rche more or less, on
j which are erected a la-pe two story frame house,
i bnru, and other out houses, l.-ite the estate of Jame.
: Ciimnbell, di-e'd. Sale to c miirvt rice al 10 o'clock,
A. Nl of said (1 1 v, when the conditions of sule w ill
. be made kuoMi bv
Simbiirv, Sept. Iti, 1813. 5f. Ailmr's.
rosirciBnr.'H'.GtT era
T S berel y gien to all persona intere-trd in the
- umstioi b fn trial, iiml the distribution of tho
1 proceed of the i-ales of John II. ( 'owdeu's es ate,
I :.. i . CI ri rf-
I 1 Ul "1U I'l '.-.MOMI.III I 10 ,.R (l t 1 1 1 Oil COUIUV, IO
a: ne ir. if tbev think oroner. on the nrr. nd 'Iiied.iv
j of November" term tint of the said couit, when
; they may be beard in the t renvses, By the c urt.
, ?cpt. 1G
1S43. 5t.
S hereby given, ihe subscriber bought of
Henry liait-her, nt Sheriffs sale, on Mond.iv,
, llic II th inst., the following personal property, lo
i wit : one bay hor.e, one gray mare, 2 setts of
wignn harness, 1 grind stone, dining tables, I
j m inlle cb ek, I d z. ih-in, 1 corner cupboard, 3
, bedsti ads, b.d and bi dding, I writing de-k, 1 big
i chest, 2 bu eaus, 2 two horse wagons, 1 coal stove,
w hich he has loam d to ihe said Henry B irtsher
I and Sainui I Bart.-ti. r, until bu thinks proper lo re
I move them, of whir-h the public will take notice.
1 Siir,burvS. pt. 1G h, 1813 3t.
nPIlU Shanv kin and Hush Independent
- Baia'bon of volunteer are co n
rnuul.'d lo r.i'et for diill, on Saturday
the 7th day of October next, at Rushville,
in Hush township, at 10 o'cloi k of said
day, fully aruv d nd equipped, provided
with six rounds of blank cartridge.
Punctual attendance ia requested. By
order of the Maj t.
Sept. 16. 1R43
N Ihe night of Ihe 30th ult., a prunis .ry
note of II irty fuc dollars, dated June 7lh,
IS 13, payuble lo the subscriber ninety day after
date, and signed by Joseph Wallace. All person
are hereby cautioned against purchasing sa d note,
Northumberland, Sept. 4, 1813 3t.
"aa,f CD H"a"ci ia
To tlic C ili.i iis or hiiuburr.
AT the last stated meeting of the Whington
Fire Company, it wa
Resolved, That Ihe citizen of Sunbury be notU
Ced to call it the State House, on Monday evening
Ihe 2d of Oclol er next, and jj whether the miney
contributed by them for Ihe purpoae of purchasing
a bell, shall be refunded, or judiciously expended by
the company. A non-attendance of Ihe r ilium
will be cotisj Icred a willingness on their pait, thai
the money be appropriated to the use of the com.
pany. A a bell i contidered a useless article, anJ
the amount of money collected insulficient to an.
wer the purpose, we have come to Ihe eoncluion
not lo purchase o. c. By order of the company.
Sept. 9ih, 1843. 3t. Secretary.
rTIAKL NOTICE that the .ubseriber, on lha 6th
L diy ot Septemb.r inst., puirhaaud of Sol mrn
Eckerl the following person! property, viz I One
bay mare, saddle and bridle; and that he has l,ft
ihe said property in th possession of ih said Solo,
mon Eckert on loan until hi plcatur lo remote
th lima. It i held by him, and in no other w,
of which the public msy take notice.
fcrt. 9,h, 1643 3t. - CEO. ECKERT.