The Millerites. . A correspondent of the Journal of Commerce, writing from Pridijcpor'., (Conn.) pives this nc count of the recent f:irililHje of the MiIUt ircs" in thst reginr. What confidence is to l" placed in its rrnreer't'on, wo cannot say : "On Thursday Inst Chittenden took tho stand, nnd endeavored to prove tfint the worll would come to nn end in IS 13. He spoke nf ihe J Judgment and Ftern:y with great deal of solemnity. During hie preaching, a man, tiretendinrr to be inspired, tnrsed up and down I in u twrt".'''-11!1-- -'a '-- THE AXVTX.IUCAN. Sntuntnii, Sept. tO, 1843. the encampment with a preen leaf hand, waving it over his horul and eryiiic 'Hallelujah' and 'Glnry'at the top ofhis voice. He soon began pointing hii finger nt certain individuals, making at the same titne a mut tering found with hi n;ontli closed, which the Millerites said meant the individual to whom he pointed was to all it.tenta and pur poses eternally dimmed. Tims he went from one to another sealing up forever and ever the damnation of individual?, ntid the len.derB all testified tliat the man usg inspired, and it would not answer to stop him, for that would he chining against the Holy (it.os', which f in ( could not he pardoned. At night, however, fie was taken off the proitnd by his father, and confined for a time. On Monday, another man by the name of Campbell pot inspired mid went through similar performance?, bcinp joined by many others affected in the same way. It is impossible to describe the scene. Any person wearing a breastpin, artificial flower in their bonneti, or a safety chain of gold, or a gold watch, was pointed out as lost. These fanatics would fall on their knees, and demand of others to full before them. They pulled off breastpins and finger rings and threw them a vay ; broke up safety chains and scattered them to the winds. One lady was induced to take out a whole set of false teeth and throw them on the ground, which were stmiped in the dirt. Others cut ofl their hair, which they were told was their idol ; others pulled it out, and dried to persuade their friends to do like wise. Two young ladies from Bridgeport were also inspired, and p'onounccd woe upon indi viduals who did not believe as they did, by poin ting their fingers and making this muttering noise, groaning, &c. A Mr. , minister of the Episcopal church at , mounted the stand to make some confession, and declared that he should be no longer minister of that par ticular church, or any other, but should do what he could for this cause. He was pointed at, however, by the inspired man, and had to leave the stand. A Methodist minister hy the name of Fuller, and a Baptist minister by the name of Gregory, were both sealed over to c icrnal damnation by these inspired ones. They were however not so easily frightened. The Methodist, Fuller, commenced praying. For a while all went well, the Millerites crying 'Glory,' 'Hallelujah,' 'Praise God,' &c, till soon he prayed for the poor deluded ones who thought they were doing God servire and were not, as king that the devil might be cast out of them. Whereupon the Millerites cried 'take him away,' 'stop him,' 'his damnation is sealed,' and laid their hands upon him. Fortunately there were friends enough to protect him. The Millerite leaders said all this was the (fleet of the Spirit of God, till Litch, of the 'Midnight Cry,' saw how things were going, announced from the stand that these things were the works of the devil, and that the Millerites mutt leave tin) ground. One Minister declared that the world would come to an end this year; 'it was just as sure as preaching. Othesof the Mil lerites 6aid it would bo in the seventh month from March, 1 Oil :ers that we should ne ver see the 1st of October, If 1-3. But the meeting en Jed and thu inspired ones fled. It was well for them that it did, for the people were about adopting such measures as would protect their wives and daughters from the in sults of these deluded men." Ilcmoxtatlc TRkct for Xcuilmui tt'i'Iiiiul County. Full CAtVAt ClI.MMlSSIOXEnS. .1AMKS CLARK, .1KSSSK M1LLKR, M. U. FOSTKH. Foh Co sunt", JOHN SNYDK1.. For Asi;mblt, EmvAim y. To CoMMIS!OirW, JAMES 1JUOV. Ton TnrrHi:n. JOHN FAKXSWORTH. Tow ArrtTon, AMJAIIAM S HITMAN". ( Foa fAtr. A frrsh supply ff printing pa per, vix: 100 reams similar in sire and quality to tlie hert on which thin is printed. Also fiO reoms of super royal, 21 by 23 inches, all of which will he sold it the mill price. "Hit Dtnlwlie Amrricnncr." We are about to commence the publication of t German popir in this place, tindef the shove tills. We bars been frequently solicited within the last three years, by a number of our Cerman friends, to s'sit paper of lliis kind, and when it is recollected thnt nearly one half of the population of this county is O.rmnn, it w II no! be snrprsirg thnt s want of a pspt r of this ehnrncter hns long li en frit. The Mahcnny nnd Jai kson townships alone, have a population rapable of yielding n handsome Hippirt to a Crimnn Press. Besides, in Shamnkin, Coal, Augusta and Rush townships, the number of tier, man taxahlea cannot bo lets than 400. In the i I per end of ti e county also, there has In en of bite yes-s rapid ii.cri'i-o , f (irnnno population. We shall endeavor to make the paper useful and in teresting, mid weliu-t we shall reciivefmm our (ii rman ftieiidn a corresponding anppo.t. Tlie first number of iho "Americ.nn r" will appeal on Wed ncsdny next. Eti.r.iTic xn Murri or Foarin Lit numr, urn ArnrsT, 1 S43. This excellent and re.illy valua'ile publication, though lute in coming to band, is slwnyi welcoino. We know of no puUica- jnt mide the dirove-y ibal II llv w nn old j orerbnirj witho'it beinff eberved. lid howrcr fedrralial h id run on the fnlersl ticket -ami be. suddenly railed their onenli in to anotlier bonl s des was ercssi mnlly (ivrn to tii'iii(r old rye nnd j which they were nearing. as if fearini a colliiion, squintini? at rards throiirh his sjc cks ! ! And what j nd when the eyes of the hon'mrn weie luineil for- bi on jlit about th:s su.hb n i lnnite in hone I John, j wsrd he quit tly droppej the pirkee into the river, think you t Principled Not exactly pr'nciple, but what In hon st .lohn's es'ininti in is synoirmnns li it nfVice ! He s s appuin'cl ptosecutini attorney for I.'uion rmirity in consideration of ono weikK edition of his silly piper, and every honest mm of both parties depioed him fnr his sordid trracherv to Forgvth. And yet, within one yenr sfter lhi exhibition of me.m duplirity and dUhnncdty, he djres to iiifuH the puhl c with his puerile homilii s about chnrae'er and principle. ! ! Out upon the nrr ml knave ! This fell uv Is ngn'tn in market, and I i'oiiIii not but lint the friends of Mr. Br'it conM They I mde.l. were paid ih. ir $1 ; Uo to..k a hack, ordering it to go to his house in Duano street, but on th w iv changed his mind, and ilruve la the residence nf his father, in P. arl street, lie t iok his trunks up stair into his filher's loim, tild him he wai gnin; to t'' lphi.1 on bu 'iiiess for Iih employers g ive his father five sovereigns, and af ter making some link' altera'ions in his trunk ilc paitid again in a cab, a little after ix o'lloik. and took passage on board the Swallow, for Albany. IiF.eovKiir or tii a Moi.t. An Extra from the KALTmouiJ ai a n ickt. Offirniflhe Daltimunc Amesicai, Kept. 11. WfIKT. Since our lait weekly Report advi ees hnve been received from England to the 1 Dili Aliens, the character of which, being fivjrablctJ the crops on that fide, bus rsusud a decline in rionr and Wheat in this and other markets. The fill in the prices of wheat in this maket, compa tn the price' of ihe day with Iho e of list Friday, 1st iiHtnnt, is about eight or ten cents per bushel, On Wedni eday, the day of the publication here of the tt i taiiia's nens, sa'es of good to prime Mr), and Virginia r,l were made at 95 cents. A sils of a pared of very goal Md. reds waa made ycstcN day at !tr cents. Today we quote gooj to prima Md. or Virginia reds at 00 a 95 cents. .S, carg .es of good Pennjivmia reds havo office of the Tiibime, gives an account of the reco- purch ise him as a sheep in ihe thamMe ; but he j Trry' 1,1 ew J "' ' 'no money, tin t )rl,n ,rpj ,,H we, y on ownrr8 ucctanU On is not worth the buying. He is universally de. j hnv occurred. A Mrs. H-ther Cornelia Kigeo, ; 'p,10(ay , ,a!e f n,is .lc-cription was mule from spised in Ihe community in which he lives, and hi I '"'ding in New Voik, tent for a colored washer- j tre 1(,0 r, . .) yi.tei,lay parcel of very weekly issue of viln slander can injure no one in j woman, named Angrline Osborne, and told het that , good quality, ufloat, wna sold nl 0." cents. Wo public estimation. TIJL'THS. ! she wi-hed her to take charge of a box containing ' would remind our IVnnylania iho ioine valuable jewelry, end that she should be well ,ni which i frequently found in their wheat compcnsa'ed for her trouble. The colored woman j proves a diawbauk to ita value, besides le took the box, but believing all wn n it righ', took jni; ililhVull of tale while, on the other hand, par- it to another woman, when it was opened, ami eels which are clear of smut and well cleaned fell fob Tns Avtr.nicAs;. Ma. Mascn : II is a long time since I med dled inysrlf about politics, but I cac't keep quirt lion ihut will compare with it. Being made up of 1 , any longer, when I see old f.dertlisis who have 1 $; ,(l(t0 found ac led up. Believing it to be the ( more rcaddy at the best current prices. choice selections from the best period cals of Eu rope, it cannot fad attracting the attention of those who can appreciate solid literature and vnluuble in foimntinn. A list of lbs nrticlea will l published in our next. The Museum is pub'i he I monthly, at fC per annum, each number containing 144 pages, closely ptiliicd. (j We have receiveil It r.ACK wood's Fiiixbuiio MaijaM.ik, for A tigtist, 1 s43, published monthly by the proprietors of ihe New World, at f 2 per annum. This is a cheap re-ptint if one of the most able and popular f ei i n! ii-ala in the Fnglih language, rnritjining much that is valuable and in. tereitiuz. rfi- V. IJ. Palvvb. Esq.. at his Peal Estate and Coal office, No. 5!) Pine Street, Philadelphia, is an thorised to act as Agent, and to receive and receipt for all monies due this office, for subscription or ad vertising. flj On our first page we have placed another of Mr. Weed's ii,t resting letters from Europe. qj" In our sdvt nixing columns will be f'lind several cer' ideates, strongly recommending O.ik- ley' Dr putative Syrup. The virtue of lbs extract of Sarstiparilla are universally acknowledged. Mr. Oakley's mode of preparing it has met wilh great success. (Xj We ak the attention of our readers to a communication in another column, from an old democrat of Northumberland. We know the old gentleman well a truer democrat never breathed, and he would be the last man to utter what was not true. (Jjf The wea'her hat been extremely unpleasant rainy and cloudy, during the whole of the week. (J3 We neglected last week to notice the "I.e iiioh DEMrcnAT," a new paper jus started at A I. lentnwn, ly Metir'. HrTTi:n & Wilso. The Democrat is neatly printed and ably edited. Wiliinm Forsythr. The conduct of this gentleman in running in op position to the ticket which he himself helped to form, and which he pledged himself to support, merits the condemnation of every d mocrat. We will not deal wilh him in the severe terms which he richly deserves, tut have him to be dealt with by the honest yeomanry of the county, on thj 2nd Tuesday of October, confident that they will testi fy on thnt day how hcsitily they despise the man who bcco'n s iho tool of a few diorgm:zers to de feat and destroy the demoeraiic party. Wo con gratulate tho drnveracv that the ptrty has got lid of Mr. Forytl:e an I hi d'torganirng clique. They wcie originally old 'federalists, and cam into oui party for ihe cake of office. Finding ihey could not role the narlv. ihev are determined to ruin it. and have joined thiir old friends for that purpose, i Several cattle w ere Molen in the southern p -rl of affording another pioof that "the Ethiopian cannot ! Chester county. Pa., la t week, and dmrn 12 or JilSfEl.LWT. Kitllnilat, Condensed unit Selected, Theie have been no pi nnies i-sued from the Mint with the rai.ed line under "oxkckst," since IS!H. A gentleman killed four bears in hall an hour, on the 12th uli.,in the par'sh of Assurnpiion, I. a. One hundred and fifty enb-tanlial dwellings and stores are going up in the city of Buffalo, N. Y. The Chippewa chiefs, warriors, Ac. are show, ing themselves off at Castle Garden, N. Yi.rk, at shilling a sight. Watermelon which are sweet and good near the rind, and sour in the centre, ate pulled from dead vines, and extremely unhealthy. Tolls on the Ohio Canal during the fortnight ending on the 3lt ult., exceeded those of the cor- responding period last year by $13,314,4?. 18,000.000 of iuhibilinta are in the V. States, and allowing them but two pair of shoes a year, it will require nearly 40,000,000 pair of shoce to co ver their feet. A company of one hundred Prussian emigrants pasted through New York to Wisconsin, last week an advance party of a U'ge soceity of Lutheran, comprising many thousands. The Penn Yon Democrat states, that Motimer Hopkins, a young man of twenty two years of age. cradled, on tho 3d ult., nric acres of whtcl in thir teen hours. The Astnr House, City Hotel, nnd other lradirg houses in New York, have raised their prices of transient board t J f 2 per day. Si. I.onia. Mo.. i rauidlv growing. five bun- en pt into oar party try ire lo break it up. I i ' money advertised as lost, they sent word to An democrat in the time of Jefferson and Snyder, and ; ten, Wilmerding St Co.; and had it safely deposi- Da. Uiundiiktii wishes mankind to consider 1 1 ave stuck to the party over since. I huvo lived 1 ti d in the vaults of the Merchants' Hank. UlnVc ! this truth, that health solely depends on the state in Northumherlind for forty odd years, and I if police were then hi nt for, and Henry ISagen and ! of purity in which the blood is kept, every part of know that William Forylhc and those who are: his wife wcie atre.-ted and committed for further j the b .dy being supplied daily with new blood fiom helping him to destroy the democratic pa'ty, were . examination. He is suspected of cnz an acc am- the food consumed ; consequently, according to the almost every ono of ihem fed.-ralists, or whigs, as i piles ol tho forgeries, idihou h a yet there is no e I purencsa of that blood, so must tho state of the bo they now call themselves, till about the year K10. j videnee agaiort him. The colored woman is nlso ! dy be more or leas ll. althy. To obtain, therefore, At that lime Mr. Foryihe began to want an office, j detained as a witness. The reward if J.VtltO for ; the most direct purifier of the Moo I, is a que-tijii of and contrived to make i eonlu believe he had turn tho annreheiision of the rogue S uin leis, and the i id democrat. But he was born fidonlist died j recovery of the money, will, con-e.piently, be di in the wool and never could be n democrjt at videj between officer Clapp, of Boston, and Mrs. heart; and this is the reason he has alwaya been j Hunt, ami the colored woman, Osborne, making disturbances in our party. He has now The Boston Pott of Friday says, Saunders was gone luck to his old friends, the federalists, and I ; brought upfT examination ot tho day previous, am glad of it; and they seem quite as glad to grt The charge was read to him, and he waived the him bark, fori see ihem every night gathering right to h'ar the rviderce agiin-t hi;n. He has disclosed to Clapp where miy be found the re tiain di r of the? 27.000, in I ills of the several banks which cashed the forged paprr of his empWeis. F. r wantofhdl in f 3.'i,000, be was recommitted, sub. jeet to a r quisition fmm the governor of New York. The prisoner received a salary of f 200 per annum - i from Messrs. Austen oV Co., but latterly he had Snuntlrrs, the Forgrr. j fa,a jn0 rxpensive habits, and incurred some The New York Tribune contains the following :, which he could not pay rut of his wages. narrative of the method in which Saunders perpe- j trated the forgery upon his emnlovers. and his suit- I Nr.w Pnorr.ssos (-et'NTrarr.iTiio. Tht Cin- round bis store, and consulting how to defeat the dem cratic ticket. j If anv one doubts a' word I have w ritten, let him call on Capt. I. sr., i r any eld citizen, and h will testify to its truth. AN OLD DEMOCRAT. Northumberland, Sept. 13, H13. no little import ince to every individual. It i- a well knowr. fact that RramlrtOti Fcj;e. Iitlile L'nivtrtal Villa are the most direct purifier of the blood. 'I'll' re w ill he no doubt of this when it is considered that Ihey have gained their present very extensive sale by their own intrinsic merit, proved by the numerous cuies which they have ac complished in every variety of disease, ijj Purchase of H. B. Mas-ser, Sunhury or of agents published in another part of this pajier. t ii i: it 1 1 i l i: ec. sequent attempts to escape w ith the spoili : cinnati Sun says: "We have heard it asserted It appeals that young Saunders contempluted . that a process of counterf. iting bills has been dis.. this forgeiy for some time, and practised upon the ! covered in this city, by the daguerreotype, which signatures, so as to enable hint to embticc the first favorable opportunity wbiih might present itself for the accomplishment of his design. On Thursday, the 31st of August, after having ascertained on tlie previous morning the amount of balances of his employers in various banks, and obtained clucks from ihe respective check books, he proceeded, a lone and without any accomplice, to fill up, sign and endorse the several checks, which were after wards paid, and of nhuh we have before given the particulars. He was about the stoie until ah 'lit eleven or twelve o'clock. He then went round and presented the checks at the various banks, all of which were paid without h.sita'i mor the slight est suspicion. He uferwa'ds ealhd nn Prime, j W..rd A King, and asked if ihey could draw on England for 1 3,000, and biing told ihut they j could ib aw for any amount, he left and went to j Urown, Brothers A; Co., atked the same question, and received the same answer. At the la'ter place j vear, lo supply a dei.isnd. ! chinches, aim, ere ncurly corn lit.!. Several lundsiiue A Strono Hint. The congregation of a church in Maine, a few years ago, in town mee ting, proposed to increase the salary of their i vorshlc notice of the handiwork of the mechanics change bis skin or the leopard his spo's." They continued federalists at heart they never bad any syn.pathy with the democracy and we icjoice that they have at last gone back to the party that they support d against Jefferson, Madison and Snyder. Lit the Hue democracy remain firm to their principles. They have beretofoie, i.n.1 will again triumph oiei these attempts to destroy and defeat the purty. Ocn Mn-UAXii s. We fiequently find fa- dred houses and tores have len completed this i , wal recognised as Austen A- Wilmerding's cleik. and was risked if he wanted the dratt for tl.em, lo which he replied in the uffirmative. HU being recognised was probably tho reason of his not returhing to either place. He then went M Fianklin's exchange offic, and also to While's, in Wall street, and at these two IIS miles before they w. re oveitakeu and recovered. The expeiiim-Ht was a bold one. The may be perfectly cuted without pain ! places he purchased about 2500 of sovereigns old ami fuithf'ul minister to an amount corres ponding with the increased expenses of living and the increased wealth of the socic'y. The motion was in a fair way of passing, then tu the surprise of every one, tlie old gentleman rose and begged his friends not to vote larger um for 1, if ii. On being pressed for the reason, he declared that he was opposed to voting any more money, because if too so JijUrult to gi t uhnt hud furmrrly hren votrd ! The people were set into a roar of laughter, the increase was voted, and what wan better, protnptly paid. A negro woman, nearly fifty-five years of age, belonging to a Creole family in the parish of Ft. I-undry, has hud thirty-five children. Her first horn at the age of twenty five. She gave birth to twins five times, to triplets three times. Twenty of her children are at present living. These facts are stated on the authority of an Opi'ouraa paper.---A'. (. Dre. y. pi i iii The Boston coi respondent of th New Oiltans Ficsyune says : "There was found among the papers of Mr. Chan dltr.of this city, who went last fall to South Car olina, for bis health, and died there in May, the following oiiginal epilsph, which lis desirtd should be the only inscription over his grave, and which I think is enough in a nu'shell ." "My name, my coumry, what are liny to thert What my ta a or what my pto 1 by the Finich specific. Mercury. We wonder if the specific is haul 2 take, if not, we will try it 4lhi h. 'A7. Muteum. SOU TtlS AMIMICAt. and Hank ol' England notes. He then went to the corner of William street and Maiden line and pot chased a large handsome travelling Hunk, which was sent to his boarding house in Duane street, fie next proceeded to the office of ihe agent of the The course of the Milton Ledger in its umnea. 1 Great Western and took passage in the name of of some of our neighboring towns. The mechanics of this place do not make any gruat pielciikinus or display in their work, although some ul tlu-m turn out, in a amall wuy, specimens that would t ear competition almost auywheie. We were induced to make these remarks by hming examined, a few days since, a carriage, ironed hy Messrs. Geo. Zim merman A Son of this place. In regard lo neat, ness, strength and finish, we have never seen any thing lo rxn 1 it, and we much doubt if it ran be e quailed by the mechanics of any of our neighbor ing towns. Tti-r.aiscii Mr. J. K. Frederick, Post Must, r at Williamspori, has been removed, and J. S. Titus appointed in his place. The Captain is making sad havoc among those office holders, who do not lorn the ir political faith so as to square with the opinion of the powers that l, at Washington. QT The members of the Philadelphia Bar re cmtly tend, ml a public dinner to Chancellor Kent, which he declined en accrhmt of his age. This vencra'de j it ist says he is now en the verge of eighty years. suied abuse of E. Y. Biiglil, the democratic can didate for Assembly, is too rrprehensilde to be per. milted tea' psas unnoticed. If ihe a. Ily, conceited editor, John Potter, wire genrraily known to the oters of ll e county, it would be unnecessary lo be slow a moment's time or attention upon him oi his vile and slanderous sheit;biit it is possible that his canting hypocrisy may impose, upon some, and some gentleman as from Ohio, and paid for it the sum of f 1 0?i. H said the passage was not for himself, but for another. The next we hear of him, he was st his board ing hi. use in Duane staeet, telling some ofhi. fel ow hoarders th il bis father had received a com mission in the liiitish Aimy, and that be was go ing lo England in the Great Western. He took a will become a subject for legislation, or the whole country will he flooded with notes that caun-.t be detected, so perfectly are they drawn fr 'in the ori ginal." T.oTtn I! ii or nil im, who cuts all sorts of fintas-. tic tiiiks occasionally, in the House of Lord--, is thus spoken of by the London Morning Chroni cle: "Af er all, it is hardly possible for Lord Brough am to he dull. He may Ise resl'es, ridiculous, f pili fill, vain. loirn'Minp, or misebbvous, but it inii-t be a ifTot for him tocas-e to 1 en leitainiiig. As 'clown of t'.e ting' in the Horse of Louis, bis seivice should be di-tinctly iccogni- 7.ed and gratefully acknowledged. Nothing comes j amis'! to lit in. He dmM not even seem to he trou bled with the recollections that there was once such a man as H.niy Brougham. It is peilnps. his o'n'iviousness of lb s fact which keeps him from dot ge; for he who once persuaded the country that he was a lawyer, an orator, a sta'esman, and a universal genius, is still a fph ndid specimen of the talking machine." A U t:M vn k itii.t: IsnriENT. The Baltimore Sun has the following remarkable incident : "An incident, somewhat remarkable, occur red at the late meeting in Fairfax county. The Rev. Mr. Rozzel wis delivering a discourse, in hisusual animated and eloquent manner, du ring which he described the sublimity end grandeur of the christian's triumph in the hour of nature's dissolution. A sepulchral stillness pervaded the assembly. The intensity of Ire!- I in" was bet-t indicated by full and silent tears which trinkled down the checks ol hundreds. Fvcry eye seemed rivetted on the speaker. Du ring this scene, Mr. U. remarked that ono of the happiest periods of his life was the hour in which he witnessed the triumphant exit of his venerable hither, (the Rev. Stephen (ieorge JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Answer to enigma of last week. 1. The InJIiieiisit ar'Vyltr (iiipie. 2. The fotver of Love lies Llreiliiif;" GEOCKAPHICAI. ENIGMAS. I am com; oeil of thirty letters. My 2, 5, 4. 20, is a cape in S. America. My 4. 3, 21, is a riv r in N. America. My 13, 8 29, 13, 0, is a mountain in Alriea. My !, t.2(. IH, is a rivei in the U. S ates. My 14, 2fi, 13, l l.'-tj, is a county in IoJiiua. My 20, 2fi, 29, 10, is a river in Afriia. My 17, 13, 20. 1, S, 20, is a cily in China. My w hole forms a boquet, that represents the kingdom of Great Britain. i i i; i), On Wednesday night last, Mr. JACOB IIII WVN. of this borough, aged about f3 vears. On the 8th iust.. Miss HANNAH HRKiHT, daughter of Mr. E. Y. Brigh', of this place, aged a bout 1 7, years. IMUCr, (TKKENT. (' irrti h d iivV,7y by Hairy Yn-Clhrimer. WllKAT, .... go KrK, - - - - T0 Cott, - - . - - 40 Oats, 2.S I'oiik, ...... 5 Flaxsikii, ... . IPO HfTTKII, 111 Bkkswai, .... 25 Tallow, 10 Dim. n A r ei.its, - - 'i 5 Do. Plaihks, - - 200 Flax, ... ts I! Kcx lkii Flax, 10 Eons, ...... 0 OUl'IliVH' COI KT StA t f 1 ..,l....l;,,.l al.n.iHn.v luiaiaN t.i Ti it to strip him if ihe "lion's .kin" and j carriage and left for the boat; his money, with the i ' ""' ""'"""' " V , exc-piions of the sovereigns and Bank or England j -,l- "' ..,. j. notes, amounting to about 26.000, in the same I "J don't btHi ve thut." Before he had closed bills which he had received from the banks, was his mouth, a yiUair j(ifh t, R species of bee confined in an old i.oehet handkerchief. The gold ! whose stir)'' is known to be one of tliO most ry The election returns from Vei moot, show a majority cf 224 for Mattocks, the whig candidate for Governor. The towns to bo heard from yet, gave a whig majority of 228 last year. The demo cratic Kiate mxiority in Illinois, is 7,182. exhil it the "ass's i ars" so plainly that none may mistake the na'ure of ihe animal. He prates a great deal about moral character. Hi moi d character I sh .11 not touch, for the aiaiplo reason th it there aie somo things so lender thr.t they will riot hear handling. He makes great pietensinns, loo, to sound political principles, and yet his prin ciples are so unsound and rotten, thai one is mr. prised at ilia man's impudence. Like all loguet, whether in morals or politics, lohn presumes that oeonle are blessed with bad memories, and his dc. 'inquencies will thus escape ob.-ervatiou. But a year ia too short a t'tce to steep the senses in foiget fulness ; and I wish the reader to tevert for a mo ment to this honett John's conduct at the last fall election, and mark how beautiful a specimen of prinrpU he then exhibited : Jesse C. Ilorton was the di mocratic nominee for the Senate. Wm. For- svthe was John's eandidste in opposition to the ... i r tuket. John ihreuRh tlie com.tuni columns di the "Ledgn" applied the terms weather cock, gam bler, liphr, and other choice cpitbtts to J, without stint, while he held up Billy as a veiy rr The eitutii.n of ihe Iti nrsl uuestion in I.e- picture of demociai v and morality ' He continued lam! Hi!l roi.tu uta vti h unubated ligour. O'Cun- I ibis abuse if the one and praise of the other umi' ni-l lately a ldrssscd a lurjje meeting ol Tara Hill, ' just, 3 duya, 23 b, uis and f.3 niinu'ss before the j e h'.rn mile fr. in Dnhliii. The number of pei- j morning if the diction, when honest John, through 1 . .........I u... -..;. ...... ..I r.r.o i.oi 'Pi uu -ll t !.,' it ul,1M .t..-l . rsi.itotlu inf.,, o.p.l llm Duhiic Suffice it, t larger, that thou sue l a tomb I r ...... .u UI ... J- . I ... . L ..' -.I I -li t 1. J f . . . ,1.., l. 1. j.I I.. ..n ..t m .M.I .V ... ..k.tii InMGH Pan. Thou kuo- it it. Lit :t hide. no ui.t r : oi-p'"ru w usuijim si.itic an, s.:a in course ........ ..... - ........... ... whom ' i ! o.i , i d.Jjli that hi baJ I ecu slaiiJciing Jesse, and bad he bad in his aide pocket. Arriving at the fool of Clinton street, ho found the Western had just lift the wharf. He immediately called a bo it men to take hun on board, and polling off for '.he Western, fol lowed her some distance down the liver, nuking signals which ware in.ilcr.tuod by the Western, but she was unable to lie to on account of tho current until she teachej t'.e Battery. Saunders and the boatmen, afl r llv y had got about us far as Roosevelt street and not succeeding in getting up with the steamer, becme discour .ged, uave up the chase, and pulled f-r the landing at Fulton market. Up lo this period all his siheme had succeeded, but now the sudden check on his adventures not only completely disarranged all his plans, but dUheartrned ; and as the boatmen, whose fares w eie of course turned to the stern of the boat where he wsa silling, necessarily caught his eye at every turn, he ihoogl.t he would bo dc. tected and became alarmed. Previous to his going on board the boat he had provided himsvlf with a small aviog stone, for use in an emergency, and he now managed to slip it into tho handkerchief iih ihe f 20,000 cf notes, unnoticed by the boatmen. A difficulty now pre I stilted itself, as he wis una'. U U th.'uw the ivuudit painful, sik.iVui sfiin Aim 9n the ongite, causing it to swell and inflame to such an ex tent that he was in great agony, and could not swallow food during the succeeding night. Me dical aid was found indispensible. Such an impression did tho wound make on the mind of the unfortunate man, that he lias since ac knowledged his belief that tho infliction was providential ; also that the minister tens right and he urvng". THE H.UXV IAY. St H. W. LON'orrtLO w. The day is cold and dark and drca'V ; ll rains and the wind is never weary ; The vine itslltlin; to the mouldering u o', But st eviry gust the dead leaves full, And the day is dark and dieary. My life is cold, and daik.and dieary ; It (sins, stld ihe wind is never wcaiy ; Afy tfiaughti tlill ilmg to the mouiJtrhiK Vatt, But the hopes of youth full thick in the hlat, And Ihe d .ya aredsik and dieary. Be still, sad heart I and (ease lepiuing 1 Hi Kitvu tus ciovu is Tats sua still hiiib, Thy fate is the common fats of all, Into each life some rain must fall, Sooie days must be Jsrk sjd dicsiy. TN pursuance of the Orphans' Court of Northum berland countv, will be expo-ed lo public sale on Wednesday the 25th day f OcloVr next, on the premises, to wit; A cerluin tiact of land situate in Shamoki'i township, in siid county, adjoining lands of Divd McWilliams, Elishi Ba ton and Ol.adiali Campbell, containing twenty-five acres, and on hundred and thirty-nine perches more or less, on which are erected a la'ge two story frame house, I l.arn, and other out hou-es. late the estate of James Caoipl'i'll, deed. Sale to commence at 10 o clock, A, M nl said day, w hen the conditions of sale will be made by WM.PERSINO, OBADIAH CAMPBELL. Sunhury, Sept. lfi, 1843. 5t. Adnir't. Valuable rami Tor Sale "WILL be sold, on Monday, November to, 1843, at the Couit House in Sunhury, that valuable, ir.ict of land belonging to the estate of Clir.spai) Shipmaii, d. c'd., containing 160 acres more or le-s, sitna cd in'Angustx township, Nor thumberbnd county, adjoining lands of t'.eorca Keel'rr, (ieoige Had, (ieorge Kaker. and Daniel Conrad. Conditions will he ma.le. kn wn on trie Jsy of sile. LEWIS DEW ART, F.reeulor of C'trittiun, tlec'J. Sunbtirv, Sept. 1 Oth. 1843. 7t. NOTICE. IS hereby given, that the subscriber bought of Henry Barlsher, nt Sheriffs sale, on Monday, ihe 1 1th inst., the following persona) property, to wit t one bay horse, one gray mire, 2 setts ol wagon harness, 1 grind stone', 2 dining ulVa, I mantle cl .ck, 1 d ... .hbs, 1 corner cupb .at, '.i bedsteads, bad and brdding, I writing dosk, 1 bs chet, 2 bu sau'," two horss wsons, coal stove. whi-.hhohai loaned l the said Henry Uartsher and Samuel Havtshi r, until ho think proper lo re move them, of which ihe iihlic will taks iioiiee, THOMAS A. BMiUNUrON. Solibury. Sept. 18 B13--3- A'r:rr.x'rn.. 'PHE Sham, kin and Rush Independent I llaUlhon Lf volunteers are com manded to imct for diiH, on Katun! .y the 7th day of October neat, at Kushvillc, in Rush township, at lOo'i U knf sai.1 day, ful'y ann.d and equippeJ, piovideJ with sit rounds of blank cartridges. Punctual attendance is requeu ed. By Older of Ihe Major. WIU IAM H KASE. IE, lets.