epsW?5 Ilestnt-ntlnn nfnltlfle to it riirrokre War- I lira On the 27lH Marrh, 11 1, General J nekton fought the crlrhroteil battle at llw Horse Shoe, with the deck Indians. The General posted the Chcrn kee Regiment, togrth'f wilh the mounted Ten nessee Volunteer, under Gen. Coffee, on the op positeside of the river, so a to rjrround ilia lon1 in! prevent Ihe enemy escaping in their canoe. In order to enable the Cherokee to engage in the con. flirt," lVWr,"a Cherokee warrior of Rre.il bravery nil resolution, with two companies, swam the river anJ carried two of the Creek canon across the river to their company. Thia enabled the Chernkecsto obtain their canoes, with which they succeeded in carrying over a force strong enough to attack the enemy in the rear and dislodge them from their breast woik. "Whale" received a Run shot wound in' the shoulder, in the taking of the first canoe. In '.810, President Madison had three rifles made nt Harper' Fi rry, to he presented to the three warriors who first swam the river, to gether with medals for eaoh. The rifle intended fir "Whole," however, he never got another per son having ohtained it. On the fact bring com municated to the War Department hy Governor Umler, the nemt of the Cherokee, the Secretary of War hat had another rifle prepared, to be pre sented to the Oid Warrior. There is on it, a plate j likeness of General J ickson, and a silver plate is inserted in the sloek wilh this inscription: "Pre senled by the President of the United States to Whalf, a Cherokie Warrior, for his signal valor and heroism at the 1J itilc of the Horse Shoe, in Maicli, 18H." The rifle, reeompanied by the medal, will be presented to him by Governor Bu.lcr, (now here) on his return to the Cherokee agency. Tie mountipg ind enctav ng on thij rifle has hrcn executed in a licautiful and workmanlike manner, by Mr. Kohert Keyworlh, Pennsylvania uvenuc Washington Cor. ILill. Sun. Coir.Mniix Wiikat. This wheat was brought into this country about six years ago, and into this section of Maryland by Mr. II. R. Smeltzer, about three yews ago, who has R veil it a fur tri;il. It brushes and grows someihing like rye. It ripens bout eight days earlier than the common wheal, and hence escapes the ravage of the fly, and the rust and smut. The simple th.it we have seen w. ighed 03 lbs. to the bushels. It yields, as is thought, about 8 bushels to the 100 sheaves, nnd not fai short ol 40 bushels to the acre. Hall, paper. Two curious philosophical litcts arc stated on the authority of the Foreman of the Knpownlk in tho Navy-Yard at Charleston. One is, if ynti heat tar, such ns they use for their cables, 1(H) decrees 'rotir boiling heat, you may dip ynttr hand in it with the greatest impunity, and they are in the constant habit of doing si ; the other is, the leathern Ftnips coining from the engine, and working the machinery, arc highly charged with electricity. By standing upon u lion conducting Imi'y, find holding the fingers over the straps pretty close, you become charg ed with the electric fluid, and can give out sparks as from the electrifying machine. n.tVriHORK MA HURT. Office of the BtLTiMonK Amehica, August 53, FLO L II. There is no Susquehanna Flour in market ; fresh ground parcels would re.idily bring S-ihsnr Fermi. Rye Flour 1st at fo" 15 a f l 3.V GRAIN. A full supply of when was poored in upon the market yes'crday, the aggregate re. reipts of all de-cripiions being little, if any, short of .10,0110 bushels, all new crop. Notwi'hstiiiiding this heavy supply, the market rem lined steady, and previous prices were fully sustained. The S ites of gm.l to prime pared of re Is, both Mary, bind and Virginia, were made al lOOlo 103 cents, and one cargo of superior Virginia red was sold at 105 cents. A portion of the receipts were damp, nnd, more or less, in .j,J condition, and these sold ns in quality nnd c ml tiori nt S5 a 03 cents. A sale of prime Md. w hite nt 110 rents. A parcel of ve ry good Pennsylvania red was sold at 105 cents, and another, having considerable smut in it, at 100 rents. A third parcel, very smutty, was s d I al 05 cents. The bulk of reee:p's was tiken by pur chasers hi lore noon. VII!SKi:V.-S.,es of hhds. at So" cent.. Iljrrcls arc dull at 5.i cents. Tiik Tun t r. Kixr.iniM. The world we inh.i bit is diviiled into three grand departments, named the Miiitrul, the Yigrluble and th Animal king doms. The first named forms the base of the o therlwo; l' us the vegetable kingdom derives lifv nnd nutriment from the mineral, and the animal kingdom is suportcd by the vegetable. No mineral mbslance c 'n become a part of an animal body, because it cannot le digested. Quick silver is a mineral, C dome I is sublimvcd q'i;cksil ver ; therefoie, calomel cannot be digested, but when lodged in the body acts as a corroding poi son. Insteid, therefore, of Cal :nel use Rratifret.'i'$ Vegi tuble Uitkertal I'ilh; because they are a medi cine exiiar.trd entirtly fiom vegctahles, and known t.V long experience to be pcifrctly innocent, and yet of mure power as a purgative, or cleiner of the aliirw ntaty canal, than any o'.her medicine. Their ffect eu thesysttm is so eay that it is a remarki b'e fact that the same dose may be given to an in fant or adult, without ilia possibility of doing any injury but on the contrary, good. fj Purchase of H. M. Manser, Suubury, or of a Cents p'jbliiheJ in another part of this paper, i ' 1 iool Intent Tire Company." A STATU D MEETING of the Company will lie held on Thursday evening next, at 7 o'clock, at the fcchool House. ' Punctual attendance is re queued. CHAS. J. UKIJNER. Sept. 2. 1 t 13. Stcretary. "WuMlilngton I'lre Company." rPIII" memU'i of the "Washington Fir Com - piny" are requested to meet at the State House, on Monday Evening, Sept. 4th, at 7 o' clock, preritctv. Punctual attendance is tequirrd. Srpt. 2. ' JACOU VOl'NUMAN, toe. Tun s: i it. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. GEOGRAPHICAL ENIGMA. I am cimpoed of sixty-two letters. My 1 , S, n, 1 fl, 4. is a river in Georgia. My 10, 11. 10, i stiver in Louisiana. My SI. H. lo, 10, SO, is an island west of Cali- for niti. My 10. IG. 50, Stl. is a county in Oho. My II. 10, H, 1 1, i a I ike in the U. S. My 4, 17, 10, 3fi, 11,49, is a country in Asia. My M, IfS, 19, is a cape in ihe I. S. My 10, tfj, .It, HO, is a riv.r in Illinois, My whole is a prove; b. .rr .1 n it i k v , On the 17th ult., bv the Rev. A. Brittsin, Mr. Josrpn Wr.tvrn.of Rush township, to Miss Mi nx Tittup, of iShamokin township. On the same day, bv ihe same, Mr. StMrt:r. Tlrr-n t) Mrs. Pur-nt Mili.kb, both of Roaring Cierk 'onnship, Columbia county. i i i: it, To the borough of Money, on Ihe 2.1d ult., Mi-s MKKCV ANN ELLIrt, eldest daughter of Wm. Cox Kllis, Esq. PRICE CUHREXT. Corrected wickty by Henry Yoxthetmer, Win: at, .... 8.') Krc, - . - . . f.n (liim, ...... 40 Oats, 25 Pork, ...... ft Flaxsi i n, ... . loo Bl'TTKtl, - . . . . to Rkkswax, .... 25 Tallow, .... 10 Liii i n A rrt.r, "i 5 Do. Pmciif.i, . 200 Fiat, ... .8 Hue kle ii Flat, to ElOS, () LOST. SOME time List week, by the snbseriber, on the Centre Tumpik", between his residence and the Tulpchocken K ad, in Augusta township, Nor h umbetland county, a i.o; cmiv, altout 9 or 10 feet long. The finder of the same will confer a fsvor by returning it to the owner, ABRAHAM RICH, Augusta. Sept. 2d, 1S13. 3t TS hereby civen, to all ps-rsons interested in the estate nf George Hill, dee'd., that the iiiidi'rigued wis lute'y appiiinted by Ihe Orphans' Court of Northum'ierl irnl county, an ami tor lo ilisttibute the balance of the account in the han Is of the exe cutors of s iid dee'd., lo and Btnong the persons en tilled to receive it. Said auditor will attend at his office in So.nbu,y,nn Tuesday theSCth day of Sep tember, for said pur pise. CH RT.HS PLEASANTS, Sunbnrv, Sept. 5, 1513. -1' AuiVtur. IS hereby civen to nil persons iniere-ted in the ts'nte of (n-i rge St, dry, dee'd , th t the under sicned wm lately appointed by the Orphans' Court of Northumberland rniintv, an auditor to audit the scronnt of the administr it ir of said estate. Said auditor will attend at h s olfice. in Sunbury, on Thuisday the SSth dav ol September, for said ur pose. CHARLES PLEAS NTS, Sunbury. Sept 5. 1843 It Auditor r.statc of Cicorsc Toii?, snr., dcrM. OTICE is hereby civen to the heirs nnd leg il representatives nf George Long, sen., of Au. eusta towi.ship, Norlhuiiib 'rbiiid county, deceased, that by virtue nf a writ of partition and valuation, issued out of tho Orphans' Court of said county, to me ilirerteit, no inquest will be held al Ihe late residence nf iid lUveanl. in AuguMa township on Friday the fit ta day of Octob. r next, at 10 ,'. clock, A. M., for the pirpnse tf m iking partition of, or to v .hie and appraise the Real Kstate of raid de. ceas. d. FELIX MAURER, Slier, Jf. MieriiT Olfire, Sunbnrv, August 2fi, 1813. f't R N pnrsiianre of certain writ issued out of the K Ci iut of t 'ommon Pleas of the county of Nor thutnheiUivl.and In me rl redid, tl ere will be sold nt public sale, on the premise, at 11 o'clock, A. M., TuimIiv the I0'h of Septemln r rex, the Iters, ta e nf John ". Boyd, in the two following descriiw. rd tracts of land, situate in Rush township, in the said e.'imty nf Nortlui i be; land nno of which is bounded i the nolth by the norh east branch of the River Susquehanna, on the south by land of Jacob Red. an I on the east and west by other land nf s lid .fiilin C. li.ivd, containing two hundred and fifty seres more or les--, of which about two hundrrj an I twenty five itcres are cleared, and whrre- n are erected I rge dwelling house, several small tenant and nut-houscs, two bams, and a tone gri t mill ; ami the ct!;er tract (bring hill land) is b: milled on the north by lha l)inv:l!e A. Bear Gap Turnj ike K.ud, on the south by land of Nathan 1'cgg. on the rn-t by other land nf Mr. ti yd, mid on thu west by land of Mr. Hall and others, containing one hundred and forty acres more or less, of wliich about eighty acres are clear, ed and whereon are erected a small tenant houe and barn. To be sold us the property of said John C. B 'v.l, by I'E I'ER LAZAUIM. Sunbury, Aug. 50. 1813 4l Srquntnrtnv. CJRF.AT IJAIMJAIXS FOR CASH. rilllE subs-eriber his on hand, (left with him for I tale,) a handsome assortment uf elegant Itras Clocks, warranti d good, which be is authorised to II si right and nine dollars. The same kind i f cloek have been lately selling by Pe liars, from 50 to i!5 dollars. Those who want larga'ns should ell soon. II. B. MASTER. Sunbury, Auju-t 56, 1813. riIIE subset her offer for sale, all tht lot or 1 piece of sr..uud, situate on the West Drsi.ch of the Susquehanna, in Ihe borough of Norlhum. berland, containing ahova five acies, whereon is erected, a spacious brick building, known by the name of "The Collrge," and lately fine I up for a Grist Mill, with two pair of burrs. The West Branch Csnal passes thtoojh the sum clos tn tha building, Tho Burrs, Elevators, Bolting Cloth, Smut Machine, or any patt of the fixtures or ma, chineiy.will be sold ner.srate, or loeihef with the building or lot. It would a drsirahla situation for, and possesses many advantages to a person desirous of establishing a foundry. p(,r fuiiher particulars enquire nf I), URAL'TIGAM. Trustee- for I wish Chapman. NorlhdinU'itdiiJ, Au;uM !'., ItJlJ, tf, PUBLIC SALE. 71 LI. be sold at public vendue, on Saturday the !)(h day of Si pteniber next, on the pre. mirs, two certa'n Iritrls nf html, belonging to the estate of Benjamin Taylor, dee'd., situate in Sha rnokin township, Northumberland county, one thereof containing twenty acres more or less, and the other containing nine acres nvue or less both in a high state of cultivation. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M., of said day, when th.s conditions will be made known by ISAM EEL F I'll MAN, Ailm'r. Shamok'n. August 19ih, 1S13 3t. ('011 11 (.v TrcnMiirrr. To the VAer.tor of Xorthumberlaml County: BELLOW CITIZENS r Through the solicits tion of my friends, I have been induced lo of fer myself as a candidal for the office uf TKF.ASFHKR. Should 1 be so fortunate ns to be elected, I p'edue mvsclf to discharge the duties of the ollice to the best of my Ability. JOHN SHIPE. Sunbury, August 15th, 1913. Ccnoral Commission Merchants, .Vo. 21 Commerce St., Mow Fifth, rillZaADELPIIIA, T'EEP constantly on hand Imported Segars, Brandies, Liquors, etc., at the lowest prices, for cash. O. J. Vnt.nrnT. jr. Wm. A. Javmt.t. August 5th, 1813. fim II AT , CAP MA MJF ACTUR CRS. South r.nsl cornrr of Marlrt ami th sts.. riiliatlclphla, " F.SPECTFl'LLY inform the public that thrv wilt eoiKlatitlv keen nn hnnd a Litlfs ussrvl. I ment of Hats. Caps and Furs, to suit the fall trade, of the be t quality. By striet attention to busi ness, and by selling their stork at the lowest prices, Ihpy fl itter themselves in being sb!e to give entire s.tisfsetWin. August 5, 1813 ly j a m l'lsrsTmTrs lTholosalc Clorlt INtablKlimrnt, No. SvJ North Third Street, riiir.ADEi.rniA, TTIIERE is to be found the largest assortment ' of Clocks In the United Stales, among which are Forrestville, Hill's Goodrich ti, Co , Atkins. Porter fe Co., Ives', B'ewstcrs, nnd other Eight Day Brass Clocks ; C. Jerome's Brts'ol Manufac turing Company, Atkins, Porter tt, Co., Hill's, Goodrich ft Co., Forrestville, II. Weltoti's, anil other Thirty Hour Brass Oh -ks ; Boardman & Welle's. Hopkins - Alfred's, H. C, Smith's, and other Wood Clocks. Sole Agent for Crane's celebrated Year and Month Chicks, as well as several of the above men tioned. Al-n : Church and Hall Clocks. (jj Watchmakers, Merchants anJ others, will find it to thrir interest to call. Looking Glasses munufictured. Philadelphia, August 5, 1313. 3m J23 2 nO.;Cl-'-32 riIHE subscriber will sell nfl'bis stock of Beaver, JL Russia atid BtUsh Hats, of the lest quality, at very reduced prices. Sunbury. Aug. 5, IS IX II. B. MASSER. TO TIIK Yt ITERS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. I? EI. LOW CITIZENS: At the earnest sot ci tations of many of my friends, I am induced to oiTi-r myself as a candidate for the ollice of CO I TXT Y Til K A S II II V. 11. Should I be elected, I will endeavor to discharge the duties of the office In the best nf mv ability. CHRISTIAN BOWER. Sunbury, July 25d. 1RI3. Ceiiltc Stirct, opposite the Tows Ham., I'OTTMVII.I.i:, I A. .1 . c. I !: s s 1 r. 9 ESPF.CTCI'LLY fjirf B 4. the travrlling cum announces to cimmnnitv that be 'HcSL has t iken the large and splendid cial- ri.i's 1 l-? Iishment, the Kxcium.s Ho rn., situa. ted at the corner of Centre and Oallowhill s'ri'cts, realty opposite the Town Hall, in the borough of Pottsvil'e, which has been thoroughly repaired and materially improved for the accommodation of visit ors The Hotel i-. forty ft. fiont on Centre st., and one hundred and thirty eight ft. on (-allow hill, ihtee stories high ; it is admiral. ly provided with Pallors, fitting Rooms. Reading Room, and Urge airy Chambers tl.e most sp.teious, pleas mt and conve nient Doiing Room in lh country a new and su perior Ha li ng Establishment ; and every conve nience and comfort to render it in all respects most de-irable Hotel. No pai is or exjieiise will be spared lo furnish the Table and Bar with the hct that this and the Philadelphia Markets sfford ; and with a detcrmU nation to devote hia entire pi rsonal attention to the comf rt and acointnodtri n of those who may fa vor him with a Call ! aided by active, careful and obliging servants, he hopes to give gemral satis faction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishing to visit this hlghlv interesting and healthy Coal Region, will be provided wilh Parlors and Chambers, whiih he feels confident will please ihe most fastidious. (TJj The Stabling attached, is largo and well constructed. Mid superintended by experienced and attentive Osiers. Horses and Carriage may be had al any time lo cr nvey pir.-ons to any part uf the country. fjj- An Omnibus runs from this Hotel daily to and from the Dep.it, to meet tho Curs, for the e comuiodation of persons travelling on the Rail Road. No charge for omnibus fare to this Hotrl. Pollsville, Ja'y , 1813. f.m C O I T N T Y T I ! ! i A S C 1 1 K 1 1. TO TIIK F.LF.CTOliS OF SORTHVM- nilKl.Wh H!.TY. TELLOW CITIZENS : I have been induced to oll'or myself as a candidate for the ollice of County TrraMirrr, at the coming election. Miould you think me worthy of your support, and I should be so sue. ces.-ful as tn he elected, I will endeavor to give gen eral sali.-fjctioii to all who msv be concerned. JOHN FAUNS WORTH. Sunbury, June Cllh. 1813. CITY rciCsi TCIIK AVCTION, AND miVATE SALES ROOKS, Nos. 29 and III North Thiol Street, Near the City II o t e I, PHILADELPHIA, ri C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-pcctful'y in- vile the attention of pcrs.u.s desirous of pur chasing Furniture, to hi extensive Sales Rooms, (both public ami Private.) for every description of Household Furniture, where can l a obtained at all time, a Urge assortment nf fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mdltras.es, Aic, at vrrv reduced prices, for csh. 03" Hales by Auction, twice a week. May 27rh. 143. ly DitiKirt7it:HHii;si T bv July l.H13. II. B MASSER. Cotintir Ufin j DEATH BLOW. rPbe pu' lic will please observe that no Brandrelh J Pills nre genuine, unless ihe boi has thrco la bels upon it, (the top, the s'ule and the bottom) erieh containing a fic-simile signature of my hand writing, thus B. B1iAMi111r.ru, M. I). These lo-bel-iare engraved nn steel, beautifully designed, and done nt nn eipense of over f i.OiiO. Therefore il will he seen thut the only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, nnd tha bottom. The following respective persons arc duty auhori zed, and bold CERTICATE3 OF AGENCY, For the sale of liramlri th's Vertulile Universal nth. Northumberland county : Milton Mai key Chanibeilin. Snnburv 11. B. Masser. M'Eisens- ville Ireland V Metti II. Norrhutnlnland Wm. Forsvlh. Georgetown .1. cV .1. Walls, I'niou County: New Berlin Bogar iV Win ter. Selinsgrove George Gundiitin. Middle tmrg Isaac Smith. Beavir'own IHvid Hubler. Ad unsburg Wm J. May. Millliiisburg Mens, h ft R "V. Hartleton Uanirl Long. Freeburg G. fe F. Mover. I.ewisburg Walls eV. Green. Columbia county ! Danville E. B. Reynolds j X Co. Berwick Siiiiman sV Kttenhoue. tn'. tawissa t'. G. Brolits. Bloonisburg John It. Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington Robt MeCav. Limestone Balliel oV McNinch. Observe thit each Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate nf Agency, containing a repress illation, uf I)r BIlANHREf ICS Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will n'so be seen exact copies nf the neiv lulu-Is in 11- uteri upon Hie Urandreti I'M liore. Phihdelphia, o.Tn r No. R. Nmth fith street. B. BRANDI.ETH, M. D. June 2 lib, IS 13. A Tlirrslilnc illat litnc for Salr. rptlE subscriber offers f r sale a THRESHING L MAt'Hl.N'E, new and in good order. The Machine has been tried, an I proves to lie an excel lent one II will be sold nt a reduced price, nnd warranted. Apply to II. B. MASSER. JulyJIsOSjS. Hart, Andrew V .iriicvtr, Forwanlinu ami (loneral Protltice COMMISSION IKHCIIANTS, Sieoml tf'horf alxn-e flier St . on the Ihlanwe, 3? II I LADELrHIA. REFERENCE: Henry Farnum cc t.'o. j.laivi, Trabuc rV ('uri'. Bray, B.ircroft, & Co. Isoi'.sviHe. Williamson, Burroughs. Geo. Luckey, ct Co. ct ('lark, I Cincinnati. Eckel. Sp.ing'er A- Ragml Sr. John Smith, Esi , Reed, Bro. cV Thomas, ' Portland. Rogers, I! 10! hew Co. .Liseph Souther, Esq., W.R.Thompson & Co. j lo7i. Rolcrt S.ren & Co. illon. Wm. Biijler, J. & .1. Reakcrt. Clear tJ, Pa. Mulford &. Alter, jB Hendricks, J. U. Wil-h. V. q. I SunlniTy, Pa. Philad-lphia ,R. Hum , Esq. David R. Porter, Esq. Rolierl Oane, Esq., Mcssis. J.vSc P. Martin, llarritlittig Wm. K. Ilolloagle, Esq Lewis Hurford, Esq. l.aneatcr Jories, Murphy vV Co. E. A. Brow 11 & Brother J. K. Mooiebend, Esq. l'ith'mrg. Morgan A Anderson, Geo. PiCol ury, Esq. St. I Amis June 3d. 18t3. ly Jersey Shore, Pa. Wm. M'K'elvy & Co.. Hloomsburg, Pa. Walls $: Green, Lewisburg, Pa. T. W. Kin'z;ng ck Son, Loek Haven, 1'a. Sterrcttct Potter, Leviitmrn, Pa. Joseph Paxton, Esq., Columbia Co, Pa. DAVID EVANS, .Yd- ?t South d slrrit, opposite the Exchange, rilll.ADF.l.IMIIA, (Formerly of fin. K S.mth Strond tlnel.) Manufacturer nf Improved and Pater. I File and Thief-proof Che-ts and Doors, Water nnd Pro vision Cooler, and Filterer. Kefiigera tors, Hoisting Machines, etc., cVc, fljTjV'","si, Sritt. continues to make KapffSr' ,VJ-lhi celebrated WATER Cm.! .d I'lltcrers, R.fiigers il'srrifl A"Cniis, both nf the reund and !t- s rr-.- 1 - :.. ; i?rSW mriits. of the best ' I-i' ' "! 'Jrjr r a 1 1 d wo 1 k inn n 4i i p. imnr.ive matciials O'V" Flu; t'hi'sis re.; iii iniii'ictiirt'd without pi. nik uf any desciii.ion, of the best mut r nl wheh is calculated to re -i t buigl t's ami heal ns long ns any manufacture,! 111 the Tinted Males atrial ol winch be is wi ling to make wilh hiiv other, ( ro vided the trial be made of chests aliea Iv s il l lo eustouu rs, arid not manufactured for the express purpose nf a trial. Purchaser are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere. CAUTION. -VI persons are cautioned "giitlst making, Using, sellirg or c ni-in; to be snld, anv Kehole covers f'l Fire Pro if Chesrs or doors nf any kind, niuii nr in construction to my patent of July ll'th, 1811, us tin y will bu tlcult wilh accord- I llig to the Patent Liw. I M y 27 h. IS in. r.m. Ink. twr v ! JOSEPH S3. HOVEH, j M amifartnriT of Writing ntni Inli lli ! ble Ink. No. HHi .North Third Street, t-ix j thi.rrs bi'hnv l!:uT, (erist hldi',') ! P1IILA!)I3I.PKIA, 1 1 ) EPF.C ri'l l.l.V informs country rihants ! nr d oihcrs, ibat be con-t uitly keeps (.11 band a large stock of bis soperier lilac!,. Blue mid Red I Ink, mid nlso a superior quality of ludilliile Ink. I II is ink is put up in brttli s varying in size, from I I to 3'J ounces, and will be sold on reasonable terms. The cxielent qualities of this ink has so j thoroughly establi-bc.l its ch tracer, that il u luw cxttnsively iisa il I'.r iii'ioul In counirv. For sale at the store of II. B. Master, Sun bury, Pa. May 2Vth. I S 1:1. ly " IT. S. L . V?E IT CJ 3 , Agent for the solo of Snullurorth Mauufac turina Com pan if a siTr.uioi! YtiiiTiNt; r vrr.i.S; iirclnniso No. .1 !it;nr .Street, PHILADELPHIA. rBIIl' follow ing kinds coi.s'mitlv on bsn.l.iuiil jj for sale lo 1 he Trade at the lowest market pr ces : Fine Ihii k Flat Caps, slid Wills, blue and white; I'vira super, and supertiie Folio I'o-ts, blue and white ; Extra super Packet and ( 'oir.niercml posts, blue and white ; Extra .U ei Linen Note papei. long ; d , broad ; nipeifine and tine ('outiting house Cai, blue and white; Extra super Congress Cap and Letters, plain and ruled, bin and white ; Superfine French Posts, pluiu slid ruled ;Su erfuie Seirnnn Caps and Posts; Superfine nd fine Cap and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, vsriou qualities and price. Also Bonnet Boards, Tissue, Envelope, Wrap ping, and llaul.are papers, A.C., cVc. May 27. 1843. 6m. FOR SAl l) AT THIS OKFIC'K. Cabinet-Making CVcwv r.s(altli1iiiirnt.) 7ILLIA1: HOOVEP. KF.SI'ECTFITI.I.Y Informs the citizen of . Sunbury and vicinity, that ho has recently commenced ihe CAT. IN FT- M AKIN ( i 1HJ SINFSS, in nil it branrhrs, in Market s'rent, Sunhurv, im mrdiately In low the post office, where he will bo rea 'y to receive and execute all orders in the line of his busines-, with promptness and despatch, and in the best style and manner. His price will be low, in accordance with the lime. (ij' Lumber and Country Produce taken in Ex cbsnge. May S 7th 1843. flm IToiTGLETS rc.it Wf'Mriu Indian l'anatca. Con 1 pout tiled entirely of Vi-gtlahl Snhstancps ; I'rrr from Calomel Hint nil other Minerals. For the hisinty of this medicine, nnd Its uniivjUn! nnd truly aurpriiirig sucess and popul r i'v, see large bills H T is recommended as a general cathartic for g family Use in dyspepsia and nil bili ns di ca ses, it is inv.ilu.ible for Asthma it is cot side rd a specific, no case h iving yet occurred which it Ins failed lo cure for common c. I.'s, imrianitna'ory diseases, rheumatism, nfleetions of the liver, Ac., nnd for females, it is a sale nnd cvellent remedy. CERTIFICATE, From Dr. Sias Writ, of Itm shotiijifaii, .V. V. Mr. Lnngley DearNr: I haven-ed Vnur Gie'it Westirr. Indian Panacea in my family, and have repeatedly prescribed tt for patients un'ler mv care, and am satisfied that it is nlwavs a safe, and in v, ry many case nn invriluable medii-ine. Il opera'es ns a laxative without nausea, or pain ; and while it 1 f fertniillv obviates cnstivcncr s acts upon the stomach and liver as an alterative, correcting acidity, and re storing the healthy condition of those organs. Very respectfully vours, S. WEST. For sale by JOHN W'. FRILING. Sonburv. JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland. May 20th. lS13. ly CIIA11T.KS YV. IIK(!INS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBTOY, rA. HAS taken the nflice formerly occupird by the Hon. ( baric G. Donm l, opposite the Court II use. He will a'tend to business in the C urls of Northumberland, I'nion and Columbia counties. Mav 20th. 1SJ3. liters. 1) F.SPEC TFCI.LY informs ihecilir.eni of tlic nrnugh of Northumberland, and its vicinity, that he ha commenced the Tailoring IIuiiiosi, in a'l i's various branches, in the shop formerly nerut ied by Henry S. Thomas, directlv opposite Forsvth's store. As he reci ives the New York and Philadt Iphia Fashions quarterly, he is enabled to do all jobs entiusted to him, after the neatest and latest stvle, snd upon the sboitest notice. Northumberland, April 22d. 1SI3. ly C3"B."I ASSEi r ESPECTFt'LI.Y informs the citizen of Sun-- I'tiry nn.1 it vicinity, that he has t ikeir the nfKce formerly occuicd by Dr. John Pcl, where he will be harpy to receive calls in the line of his profession. April 22d. !P13. Daniel Yariek, EOS leave to inform the citizens of Sunbury and its vicinity, that ho has ccmmcnccd Ihe I lU.ACKSMITIIIXG TiUSINKSS, ! in M.nket slrctt, Sunbttrr. cast of J.din 11 'girV I store, and diirrtly opposite the po-t ollice, where he I intends to carry on lb" business in all its various t lirai'i-bes, including. Turning, Making Mill hot j I and I'l'ptif Springs, Ironing Carriages, with l.C I tension or Sinmlinz lops. Shoeing Horses, Se. (Inlets will be promptly nnd punctually attended 10, and woik ilonc cheap, for cardi or country pro duce. ffy Horse Shoeing done at f I per ictt. Suiibiirv, April 1Mb, 1813. Om B o o t & S h o e IAITTTFACTOP.T. XI .1 1 t i 11 I i' iv i 11 , TSTJ EI'EC I FI'LLY informs hi. frbtid. anJ B l&i old rust une'S, tbal he has removed his ;of7'V SHOF F.STMiLlSIIUFST to the frame building adioining hi dwelling house, between thai mid Dr. D. T. TiitiV nffiee, u few door west i.f bis eld e.-ln! I s'imeiii, in Maiket street, , where he interds to rnrrv on the above business exscntivelv, in all its vuri-ms branches. Bi '.ng tbsi.kful forpist fiv.-.rs, l.c h.qeshy strict iitti titi.m l'i business and libiral eh irges, to give I general satisfaction ; and that be w.d continue to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. I Aprd St'., 11 3. A A!?I). T. . I.. Pl l0, Thankful for pist fa. vors, it spcetfu il y il. tonus the n. habitants ol uii.iurv anil fouu rv uroiinu, ii, 11 no nas. iskcii Ins n'-iilcneo and ollice in urn kit street, in ibe cist end nf ll.f buil.liuu (vcup.i'.i by John liojut'e store, win re he vvi'.l be b:pv l.i w ait upoii all who fa vor him w iih tlieir e il's. Sunbury, April 1st, ll'i. flm blaciesbiitiiing" ti v r k 1 111 iti 1 111 a 11 &. s 11. T IllIE sii'seii ers beieby lotorm ihe public, that l!.e h iveen'ered into partm i.-bip, in l!ie uiaAcicsriiTJiirjc business, ub eli wi I birc ftcr be earr cd 011 at lire old stand in Sunbury. under the lirm 'l ' liiorge iiiimermau Son," where ihev will condin t ihe I II ine.s in ull its vii 1 ion-, brain hes, iuclii hug 7'ivjj iny. Making M II Iron.-, Imnio,' f.irr.ttg: . '.'... ing lionet, ,. Hitler- will be piompily ai'd pu.ie liiallv nil. 11. bd to, nnd woik doi c ri.tup, tor ca ll or counirv produce. Q V l.in.111,; June at one dollar per "ft. GF.GKtiE ZIMMERMAN, J. 11. .I M MERMAN. ' Sunbu'V, March 1 llh, HJJ. 1 fl"tlV'" Pi.?TlTEP.OS:?. 'Pll II E suhsciiUtra, having eiiter.il into a p inner- in 111 the i ruiiie ol Hit.- law, .vrit te liai py lo sllend to all bus ne.s enlrtisti.l lo llieit care. CilU'.-.lioiiK will K1 pMinptly attcii.le.l to. They may ulwavs be found nt their oll'iee, in Msrkit streel, Sui.buiy, fonucily occupied by Win. bcwarl, dee'd., as a store-rntini. WILLIAM L. HEW A KT, CHAHLES J. BULNEK. Sunbury, Feb. 4th, ly. A FiTiTi VopjT7o"f KOtSB (IN rMi:M'7ct;tivid ami for sale by U. U. M ASSE 11. Nov I9th, ltPi, HATTER, lERY LESPECTFCLLY lg, lPva to in f form his customers, and the ublic generally, that he elill coirlnues tha HATTIIMG BTTSINrSS, in all its various brant In s, in il.c st.op neatly nppti. site the Buck Tavern, formerly oceuplrd bv llen rv Hans and himself, under the firm of Haas Ac Druckemiller, which firm bus been mntu.il'y dissoN veil. He ho es, by his long exp rienr e in Ihe abuvsi business, and strict attt nlion thereto, to render gen eral sni.-iaciioti, anJ receive a liberal khaie uf pub lic patmnage. Sunbury. I let. 15th. 1612. ly. J LOUSE, Ao. 237, Xortli Third.nltnx rCutlowhillSt., PHILADELPHIA. "ffOHN l'UNCAN. late from lha rnnsvlva 90 nta Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., lare of A-mi-riciin Hotel, t'nlutnl tis, Chio, take pleasure in ac qnairiting their friends and the public generally thnt they have taken the Inrge and commodious Hottl, tecniily built by the Messrs. Hart, on the earae site once on npled by the old established Hotel know n ns the Bull's Mend, in Third street above Callow hill St. This Hoi'd is finished n, r' very bes possible manner, nnd . f the la st 1, Vs. lit, I 'ration is very desirab'e. pH, n ,,!. . v metchants ; the arrttngt men s for l.e-rir.,; n,r v. .itihitutg each room i slti h Bsliseeore n", 'en pera'ii e. Tho tf ilro.jniS nre al! I't" I r,.t 11 . "Ii turnirliru It: a nctt ,y,e, f.t as to tn-cie rn.fo Th r e i.-ii.g p"'or ' , n:-hed !n a -u perb style, ll e wind -. 1' v formi g nn eir'iu 1 e f : rcr- " b . : makes a ph asant rtcss. ."ir i rulnr utiiii 1 u ! been given to Ihe beds are! bidding, v! ich, with the fuming, nre entindv new. From years' experience in k.ilel hnsii,rs-. wo trust, by strict assiduity tc. luisinesa. 'o make this house a desirable stepping place. Our table will always be supplied with the very best nur market can afford, arid our bar w ith the best liquors and wines of Ihe most approved brands. P. S. There are first rate stabling iilid carriage houses attached to the hotel, attended by ca;bil and sober host Icrs. and 0111 charges will be law, in accordance with the present hard lime. Philadelphia. Oct. ith, lst'J. " UNION IIOTIX, (Grnrrctl S,:ge Office,) tYCOIrlINO COtlNTV, I unsi lvunia. rilHE Sub-criber respeclfii'Iy informs his friei.da 1 and the public in general, that ho has taken the ubove la nan axd commodious SOTS L, IN THE BOROUGH OF M II N C V, nnd that he is now well prepared to accommodate, al! who may favor him with their custom. His Si.Kf:risr Acahtw ksts arc well aire,!, and comfortable. His Tahi-k Atn Bin will n'ways bo J, pli. J with the best the maiket can all'ord. His SiAHLi.r, which is pixul, will under the charge rif good and careful hoctleis. He f els confident, by iti iet attention to hu.'inta, and an earnest desire to render comfortable those who may patroniio him.ihat he will not f-.il logive general satisfa. tion. II. B. WF.AVEK. Muncv. Oct. Uf, lfi4'i. tl. aHdard. DI-. 1. T. TrllfS, r.espectfuliv infoi .11. tl lilir.eiis of Sunbury and v iciiiiy, thai l.C has n -moved bin ollice to tbe budding lately ueeuj i. d 1 (teorge Bright, in maiket st'cet, Su.bury, wheo he may be found at all hours, uiilerrs profi -ssionah e engaged. L'lf. TIltTEP if turns h "innre thanks for ! encouragement he has ice, i cd. in the line of h s profession, in this place, and mi l , iy iiromp1 n tentrun lo the duties of bin protofjmii. nil able charges, that he will con.iuue tu tc i. . liber il .hate of the puhli.: ptitnMiige. Sunbury. Oct. 1st, t-l'i. tl'. """" a cMm Dr. J. IV. Peal 1-S-Vive ter,-.! : . till acknnwh ttc;nic)l tn the peo; t : Htitl Riirroucnling country, tui thfil pisl : nient in the lino of hu lub .i"ii ; at . ' the atno time am. ounce to th..i, tl-. ' tends lo cor tinue the practice of n.r .l . . various d. partments. He would. H i relnre, soil t a coiniun in-e of their coiifidcree and pttron.ice. He riav be fnttnd at all times -t ii s otfi.-p, nt tbo norrh 1 sal corner of BU kbeny an I ib er street., unhss pmfessioimllv engiunl. Striburv, Oct. 1st. !r.?.- t" i)K." J. N. Si ji.;k, SURGEON 'VIS'S. v i-sr-L't' ! Fi'L" V f. . .. .- .:. .t ; -. - iii. ir.. . '. ; !..-. ' plaee of r.' ' lie .,.. c I' in t1 e l;iie rf ... f Ju'v t . niiLAintrnn. ek..; . RAIIi I . .. ir isv, r- .sl'.m MF.u au!:..;k.mi.nt. Chonitr a f Hours, On ivn 1 1 1 i.n -; 1 in in r, Ai uir. 1, H-,.1, The pa... ii .'.er will buve at the Kdlowing hoi.rs: l-'.Hwli'nr.i in,.; Pol'.i-ilK Fr.-nt Fhila.'clpl.i ., nt A. M. ) n .. ! Front I:t.tt,ville. 1.1 A.M. S J I o-ii-a of,-'. li -.-J.nnr. I For rottsvi'le. 'at HI A. M.' i . .. J For I'hil .d.dphia, t i A. M. S I Itolll lisins na-s nl Pol'-' n. 'I he down t'li ' 1 biejkt'a-ti at I'.e.ioii t, .11 d t.'re up trim at .i" i town, for ttl.iih 1 5 11 'nitres allowi 1 at station. r.i it t: s. Between Pollsville tv 1'lnbidj. f.SO A fi.-'O L. iKccn liiadiog V tl .',51 A 1,7." Between do A- Pettsville, l,4t" At 1 .00 Ecihsu.vi TnKtis r. 00 u roil UkriHiixt. t r fir. Belweeii PuftiviHe tV Philadelphia, $5 Ci' lli'tween Heading A- do. 3 I'll Bel ween do. A. 1'tittsv ille, i lll All the trains will stop for wy passenssrs at the usual points. g All passeneer t.re ?eucstrd to proenri llieii tickets before the lriu start. My SI, miS. tl-