Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 02, 1843, Image 2

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    .- ,1-'. I..J
Th Rank of Knelnn.1 An Interesting
" We availed ou'relv ibis morning of (tip fi"
minion obtained ly Mr. Wigg-n, to visit the
if Eaijj'snd. An officer (Wacer or t'sher) with t.r
re I dress caat nr. J three-cornere J hat, escorted hp
lei-turcly thtough an institution thai in so po'ent i"
controlling and regulating the monry pu'svions of
Europe. It situated in Thread-needle
but fronts upon half dozen o'hrrs, and ormpics
fin iircp.ilar area of eight acres. There are r,o win.
lows through llie cvlerior of the building. I'gbt
br ing supplied by rkv -I p.hts md open courts with
in. There is a clock, by which bank time iskpt.
with dials indicating the time in sixteen dill' rent
i.lmcs. The hark with its various offices are open
lrom9 A. M. till f P.M. The bank Inn it piint
in elTice, book bindery, engraving office, A c.
ft am th tVi xanJria Gairtte.
The AMi:ntrAN Gkvvr Yard, in AVw Or
linn, is encompassed by a substantial brick
wiill. The receptacles for the dead are so ve
ry different from uhnt wo nre? accustomed to
in this section td'the cnutitry, thntl was forced
to notice their sineuUrity. They are built of
hnok nil above groend agninst the walls, and
Throughout tho enclosure in row, throe and
f ur stories, and in block like building.
They re cal'ed oven", and resemble Bommvhtit
in the'r appenrsnee the ordinary baker' ovens.
They are eboul 1 inches square at. the mouth,
and the same w i.'t Ii tlie whole depth. Into
these the coffins ore shoved and theoutside clo
sed in with a slab of marble or slate, on which
is the inset ip'io". The prices fixed are 50 dol
Checks, blank books. Ace , are ill printed within tlie , nT:t each, and four dollors a foot for ground to
bank, as are the bank nut.'. In the room where i mij upon. wandered through the ground
the circulating notes aro tinted, there are ria'i j upwards of on hour, and found many of those
presses, all constantly employed, and which throw oven unoccupied ready for sale. It iscustoma
wff .h-iit 8000 impressions daily. J ry urepnro oxfenMvely in this way every year
We saw two pres-ie rolling (iff five pound notes, ; before the sickly season conies on.
end other upon the various denomination up t.i j There are no towering monuments, or sod
n XI 000, which is tho la-cst note the lunk issues, j ,PI, grnvos, or planted tombstones, or vaults,
The dates and numb, rs of the riitcs is supplied by I or ncafy fcncCl jn fntnily lots, as meets the
mailer prc?sc in ai.o her toon,. The rp,-r is ,lc- j ry(, in onr ynn ()c jniajnos lim.
Iivercu to the presfis cottven, vn hlin.lred r.e. is , w . -, 0l,.;I1(T ,u,on .. .cene before him
at a time,) and when woik'd aid returned .mother
bundled sheets are given. Pies:ncn work five
tiours, and earn fiom two to three guineas a week.
In the office where redeemed notes are examined,
cancelled, Ac. IH6 clerks are constantly employed.
When we entered tlis rorm tur attendant wj reprimanded for bringing stranger there,
i nl on I eing informed it was "the Governor's or
i!ti," we were allowed to pas'. Forty thousand
different notes are frequently sent to this office, to
t e cancelled, in a day.
The bank, you know, never re.iuc a no'e
When returned to the counter for payment, a not
it cancelled, filed away, to be burnt at the erpira
tion of ten yart. The armory of the bank con
tnin a hundred stand of muskets, with pistols, eut
lesecs, hand grrnaJes, &c., and has a night guard
n8 strong. In the office where the bank notes are
counted into pnrcels, tied with twine and placed in
pigeon-holes, we found five staid, methodical, mat
ter of-fact looking clerks, whom you would trust
fur their facet. One of these old chaps, with the
precision of "Oin Owen" and the good nature of
"Tim Linkenwoter," took his keys and unlocked
the depositories of paper wealth. The "ra.s" of
each denomination were in separate parcels. When
we cume to the 'high number,' he placed four pack
agi s in my hand, and remarked, ' you now hold
X 4,000,000 serlinj in ynur hand, tir? Yes, I
u as actually in possession of twutt muion or
noLtAns a sum much larger than the whole es
tate of John Jacob Aster ! Cut it all returned to
ils pigeon-hole, and left me a far happier man than
those who are encumbered with overgrown for
tunes. Another of the clciks opened the gold dormito-.
ries, where repose an endless numSer of bags, each
containing eight hundred sovereigns. We were
next and finally conduced to a subterranean region,
enriched by gold and silver bullion. Here bars of
the precious metals were as plentifully heaped us
thof-e of iron and st el are in the stores of our friends
IVr.edl, TownM'iid and Corning. Tho silver
we ('id not meddle niih. Put we hindled bars of
f'o'd, each weighing right thousand pounds ster
'irg, lh;it were piled in Imnow loud of seventy
' pounds sterling each. Much of this but
I on was te ent:y received from China, ai :iii in
lu!metit upon the sum John Hull nukes the ('(
I.btials p.iy for their obstinate irliual to "take opi
um." T he Hank of England has nnw, in papr
and specie, ne.uly thiity rigkt millions of pounds
sirrling. Th re are ibt hiiinlied persons, in its
various depa'lments, oni-Mo'ly employed within
ihe walls.
anintij a strange pcojde and in a strange couu
I noticed the names of several from this
pluce, who "paid the debt of nature" in the Cre
scent fity.
And the fullowinp, fo full of uiinjilieity, and
yet i very comprehensive, I could not help
making a memorandum of It was chiselled in
the annexed order :
Poor Caroline.
D.ed September 4, 16.39.
Only 23.
FurDr.RUK W'ii.kiso.n.
Died March lU.
Aged 29 years.
Poor Frederick the I t was thine,
Full soon to follow Caroline.
Poor Caroline ihy husband sleeps
Beside ihee. ar.d no longer weeps.
Kecei-e, reeeive, oh Power Divine,
Poor Ficderick and Caroline.
Saturday, 0, 1843.
Democratic Ticket Tor Xortluini
bcill Comity.
joiin sxYDi:n.
For Aisr.Mnir,
EDWAH1) V. nilUiUT.
Fob Commission,
Fon Tiirisrnra,
(TJj Fob Saie. A freh supply ofprintinif pa
per, vlr: 100 reims similar in sire and quality to
the sheet on which this is printed. Also fid reams
of uper roynl. "I by "8 inches, all of which will
Le solJ at the mill ( rice.
crj- V. H. Pi.Mrn. Fsu. at bis Ueal Ftate and
J'oal office, f.:l Pine Sireet, Phil.nlelphi i. is au
thorised t.i act as Agent, an l to reci ive and receipt
for nil monies due this office, for subscription or ad
rjjf On our first pige is an interesting let'er
from Mr. Weed, now travelling In Ungtand. An
sccouiit of the Dank of England, in another column,
is also from his pen.
The weather has been exceedingly warm
Jiiring the present week. The nighu are, h iwever.
growing cool and damp. This is the scih ii when
fevers begin to ret in.
SHS.JL.lia HI I ' ! !..!.!
The Apiiror.rliins Cl-ctlon.
There is but litilw said in regrtrd to politics at the
present time tnnch less than we bad reason to
suppose there would be, judging from the eteite
ment and interest manifested by the fiiends of Ihe
different candidates on the itay of the di legate con
vention. Out such was the fair and honorable
manner with which ihe proceedings of the conven.
tion were conducted, that not the least complaint
from a single disinterested person who witnessed
them, was ever heard. Nor do we believe thst there
is a ronsistent democrat in the county who is tint
sitisl'icd wi'h the That the small squad of
diaotg.Miisers who managed last year to foim a
ticket with closed doors, should be dissatisfied with
the fiir, open ai d honor. d ie manner which charac
terised the proceedings of the la'e convention, is not
su-prisirg. Knowing that a large mijrity of thn
people were opposed to ibem. nnd that they could
never succeed without some kind of bargain, sale
and management, they of course feel indignant that
the people have thwarted th'm in their deiiin. The
democratic parly will, however, be but tit le dis ur
bed by the machination of these interested, ollire
hunting, patent democrats, who are never sitisficd
with the tii ket, except when Ihey or their particu
lar friends are pi ced upon it, nnd these are the on
ly persons that have nnde any objections to the
flj" Our in igh'-ora of tht Claelte, a few weeks
since, asserted, and have since uttemptcd to prove,
ihat, Mr V;in Puren was a popular m-n in Penn
sylvania. This is a tnk thai few, veiv few of Mr.
Van Dureii's meal jealous fiiends would have un
dertaken. To nrove Ibis (he fl 7ct of lastwrik
Kitllorlnl, Condensed nil Selected.
The Piitsbureh Americjn stales thai ihe (Jreil
We tern Iron Works, near that city, will be put
in operation again in a few weeks.
It is stated that the Hon. N. P. Talbniid jo has
purchased lurid in Tayeheedih, Fond du I.ati
coun'y, Wisconsin, and will there fix his residence.
Cream Chresr, a new article, and said to be a
Insurious one, is just introduced into the D.iUimnre
The .Oneida Conferenre of ihe Methodist F.-
piscopal Cburrh, commenced its session in Wilkes,
barre. Pa., on Wednesday lat. The lie. IJishop
Wauch presided.
The steamboat Knickerbocker made her first tdp
from New York to Albany, in seven hour and
thirty .thtee minu'is, running time, 3d nii'e.
There are over four hundred p isoners in the
Ohio Penlten'iary ; and dining the last year, the
nett inc me of the establishment exceeded 21,000.
The Clock Tru.te.
Our rea Icra are aware that our ingenious Yankee
brethern have fallen upon a new item of export to
England, In the article of excellent but cheap eight
day clocks. A piragrnph in the New York Her
a'd has some interesting pirticolsrs on Ihi? sn' ject,
khow'tig that the tr.idc has already become import,
ant In extont as well as largely profitable to those
who arc carrying it on :
"The clicks in question hive brass works cut
by michinery, out of brass plates made for that usa
in Connecticut. They are fit'ed up in pnlUhed
mibngmy frames, in a neat manner, and when
fin 'shed, form an eight d.-iy timepiece, which cannot
, be rixalled in the world for accuracy. These arti-
chs have long been known to the public of this
country, but are strangers to Europe, until intro
dored there in the spring of lfitt, by the firm of
i Pperry and Shaw, No. 8 Courtl md s. The first
: invoice was taken as an experiment, The duly is
j 20 pr-r cetit in England The a-tontshment with
which these specimens of American work were
vieivid was vcv, not only for the beauty and
The hemp raised by Mr. Clay, at Ashland, Ky.. I f xrri(.nrP 0f t' e cl. eks themselves, but the beau
is considered in every resp-ct equal, if not superior I ,irn nn! rmiu,in(, pi,h of the cases excited great
to ihe best Kusil. I - I ;.,:... .,, n, ffrel nov.'ltv ttmro. unit pin.
Mrtfwdirm. The Pi'lsburg, Annual Confer
ence of the Methodist Epis-epd Church, com-
Gi-o a a Manvri At a late meeting of
the MaBsachusettd Horticultural Society, as we
learn from the Boston Transcript, one of the
most prominent object of attraction, was the
produce of two seeds of sweet Corn, planted by
.1. R. Teschemacher, in the Public Garden,
Charles street, on the 12th of May lust, in
poor sandy soil. One without any manure ;
product, one stalk, one ear, weight 1 pounds.
The other, manured with Guano ; product,
eipht (rood ears and lour or five useless ones;
weight, eight pounds. Only two spoonsful of
the Guano were used on this hill. These spe
cimens were taken from a small piece planted
with Corn at the same time. Every other hill
was manured with Guano, and the cflect is the
same throughout the whole.
Nlw im ci Tin Tomato. -The f.'heraw Gaz.
stbtif, that, in ad.Jitioti ;.' the advaiitngte of the
Tcmato tor table m..-, the vine is uf great val
ue as food U f ciulr, e;;)oe:a!!y cows. It is
stated tht a C';v fed on Tomato vines will
ive more railk, and yii-'.d butter cf finer flavor,
und in greater tbundance, any oiiicr lonjr
feed ever tried. It U thought, toe, that irtore
good food for cattle, and ot '.iss expense can be
raised from a given fjnar.ti'.y cf ground planton
in Tumatim than from any -y..!wr vegeTabl in
the Southern country.
A Mux a Mintte. The editor of the New
Hope Gazette, in a lute number of his journal,
has published an interesting account ofhiti de
fcent of the river St. Lawrence, frmii Kingston
to Montronl, in a small ftoam schooner on the
Hriscnn principle. He cleserihes the hcenery
on the route as the most beautiful the ima
gination can depict. At one place in the Ce
dar rapids the water is said to run at the rate
a mile a minute, and he passed over three miles
in four minutes. At the Ijichinc rapids, ten or
twelve miles from Montreal, vessel" go down a
fill of seven feet, and dart along with iueon
eeivable rapidity. In these rapids the channel
is in some places so narrow, that ix feet either
way would prove fatal.
MfRnrR. Three negioes, the slaves of a Mr.
Chapman, near Athens, Ala. decoyed their mis
tress into the woods and murdered her on the
11th ult., in tlie absence of their master. When
he returned, they attempted to serve him
the same way, as they had previously conspired
to do, and sent him word thht one o! thrm was
sick down in a field, and wanted him to come
menced its t-ession in that city last week.
At Providence, It. I., a fellow has been arres'ed
for catching girls in Ihe stieets ami kissing them.
He mti-l be insane.
Il is said that, should the Arabs be subdued in
Algeria by France, it will always require at
fifty thousand effective troops to iniin'ain Flench
Printers generally make good lawyers and phy
sicians, fiom their pri vious acquaintance with
In London, music affords a to more , ty mid Shiw turn out 300 per week.'
than five Ihsusand peisons.
lli sixrss. A genlleman c ilb il yesterd .y morn
fj" Fruit, this season, appcirs t ) be ahundnit.
Peaches and apples of excellent quality are daily
brought to market.
contains nearly a column of miller, which, if it j
does not e tal lish its position, exhibits tit least a J
new system of logfe, which would even m ike Presi- :
dent Tylni's man, John Jones, look up in amaze
ment. The following is a specimen :
Hut Mr. Masser does not like the notion of
taking the lnroest number of votes to measure
popularity. He says : 'The true way of show
ing Van Enron's popularity would hive hern
bv comnarinrr his majorities with that of his op
ponents.' If this mode suit.s him better we will i I"""- J
tuko it, and see if il will not b"ir lis out in the j Montesquieu observes of the orators of his time,
assertion that Van Huron was the most popular j what they wanted in drplh th y g ive you in :
iorrrifiC candidate, in lYnris Ivania. nut ex- ! ,,, 'n,j, cuiting remark is unite us aiudicable ,
.-".... f--l t..l I V..- !.. 111;
o-pun;; :". - ' I at the nresent time.
ll'tflj. At Mobile, Ala. both parties have come
not yet be im't ited. The first invoice sold at fiom
j i t t' JC" ench, or about f20; sinre that lime not
! only has every packet to Engl in. I carried all in
v,iiee, but large quantities have been sent to the
north of Euo; e, and the bite India bound ship
have also taken cnidi'rsdile quantities. They are
aKo finding their nay into all the pruts of Europa
i at a great profit to the en'erpri-ang makers. The
amount shipped since the fir t experiment in IStt
has been near 40.000. clocks, wh'ch, at 520. reach s
: es the important sum of ?-(!),000, and stunds next
, to the article of roe in exports of American pro
! duce. The niimVr of these clocks manufactured
J annually in Connec lrul is .100,000. Messrs. Sper
The steamship Acadia left Uotnn on hri last i
trip, wiih forty-six passengers for Euglari I, four- !
teen thousand letters, arid a large number of pi- i
fj"j" A Nw AcAnKMT. We are pleaded lo see
that our enterprising townsman, M'. Gideon Mar
ket, is rngag.-d in erecting a building in market
street, designed for the academy of this place. One
of the rooms of ihe public school house has been
used for this purpose, heretofore, which will now be
required for the increased nuuilu r of scholars to the
common school. Mr. Markel deserves the thanks
of ihe coinmnnity for this act of public spire. A
building of litis kind has long been wanted in S?un-
Cy Tiis RuxrtnTiox to nominate Canal Com
missioners will assemble at Htrrisburg on the 5th
mat. I his will be Ihe most important convention
that has assembled in ibis stale for many years.
Three Canal Commission will be elected. One
for the term of one year, another for two, nnd a
third for three years. In the nominations muny
different interest, (,f course, will be consulted, and
combination enteied, into. If the convention
should buib t for e;i(h candidate separately, iheie
may be nic dilla-nlty in making a choice, wtrch
w. u! J k quiie h m:ijoiity of the whole of the vote.
We pristinie, how eve, that the three strongest
will unite their strength. The act of asaenibly re
quires thai the term for ach, vii : 1,2 an l 3 yeais,
meat le determined bv lot after Ihe rhdion.
ren were not opponents, in politics, but in this
eontroverfv thev ure, and therefore their votes
ma v he compared. In 1SJI2 Jackson's vote was j , on agreement not to have any linnlirg hous-s
. . . - 1 41 1 .
INI.'INJ; in pmii un liuren s vote was w .,t.. 0)fl) on et.rti(,n ()jy nr ,0 lsve Bny Clnv,.y,nrP
1 rns cive.s v nil oiirrn n iiihjoih v to if-
ver Gen. Jarkson a larger majority than any
Gen Jackson ever received. Thus it is evi
dent that according to his own mode of judging
of popularity. Van Huron was more popular in
Pennsylvania than Jackson."
Bn', seriously spi aking, the th'ng is loo plain to
admit of any argument, andenn be disposed of in
a very few words. The tie, lo prove Mr. Van
fliiren's popularity in Pern Ivania refers to bis
votes. And what do they show ! Why, that he
was Ihree times tiefore the people for office once
for Vice Pre-idenl, and t ire for President, and
was defeated in this sta'e twice out of three limes,
and when h'- d.d succeed it wn only by a small ma
jority of 4,000, and that, too, when Ihe democratic
party usually gave its popular candidate fiom SO
to 30,000 majority, and gave Gen. Jackson more
than that as often as he was a candidate. And
yet the Gazette would foil have us lo Ixlicve thai
Van Ituien was even ware popular than Jacks.m.
in Penn'a. Why doe not iheGasrile show how
nnd when Mr. V. II. got the vote of this state for
Vice PrisiJent ? This fictis alsmt a ea-dy ex
plained, we presume, as the other. (The wh. le
ibing, bowi ver, is loo nbsiird to waste a mument'ti
tore upon its dittcusd n.)
running to biing in votes.
GamltHni omrj. A cornspondent of the
at the counting house of one of the iron merchants
of this ci:y to purchase fifiy tons of pig iron. In
the course of the negotiation, the merchant was
ld to inquire to what purpose ihe iron was t.) be
applied 1
"To make weights for Yankee cloiks."
"Why what can you do with so nuny clocks 1"
'They are sbii e.l to England."
Think of that ! I'ifl'i f")' of iron f t cle-k
weights; each clock requiring, probably, lessthitt
five pounds. We saw it staled some lime sir.e i l
an English paper th it these clocks were being in
troduced into the manufact.iring district of ft eat
A Clme Curt. Kelso, the. Whig who voted for
a Democratic l ulled Slates Senator in the Indiana
fXj1 Whkv Ciinvkxi. nt. The editors of the
Il.irrisl'ing I'uion, in reply to the statement of ihe
Argus, and someollur papers, in relation to the
alleged over charges made by them, in Iheir ae
count of public piloting, say that they wit' take
"S(i;e c-itivtnirnt iicctiiicu" to prove the whole
ilime f ila. The editors, we Mesiiine. aie rtul so-
The few ,!i-a pointed oiVico hunters who oppose it, fiwU,( 3J th(.
o,.g...,o..a.e ...e, a, omr r, , .. , . . . .
willing to conform lo its usages and piiuciples, mnvenieiil "
fjj Tiik TiCKir. We have made numerous
enquiries throughout the county since Ihe di legale
convention, and find ihat the people are penera'lv
well satisfied with the tiiket. Eery good ileum-
erat, we ate coiil'iib nt, will bo found in its favor.
"pay Vole
0- Ctiscrni Cor'ri. There is, unfoilun.itelv,
division in this county. The Democratic dele-
. . . I ...t. If I .....A fl, ..Kin I.. .
cairn niri 31 ni'in iia.i u, rui stic .n- .
erce on anv one ners.ui for member of Assembly. ! ''"' J the l-ice, say
fjj" Some of the New York papers deny the ex
istence of Ihe yellow fever at Itondout, bioughl
I there by the ship Yanda.
N. Y. American s iys there are COO of them in that j lliitatn, and almo-l every workman w is W irnii'j
city. j the owner of one of them. I'iit. U. S. Cnz.
The luunati Catholics are erecting a splendid ( - - - -
edifice for public worship at Alton, Illinois. Upon-r.T nioM tiik r.r. (if true.) Fmin
Ir sVA t.-The,e are at thi lime construct. ' -econ.l number of a new paper just est .blish d
ingal Liverpool, sixteen or seventeen vessels of ! ''". Arkansas, by the title of "Tho
iron but i.ot one new ship of wood is building on ! N""1' Atkansas," under da e of August 9t!i, wo
the stcks. The speed of a new iron steamar ..ti j C'TV He following :
Ihe 'I'hanies, call, d the "Prioce of Wales," i, .aid j "bnrtnnt fit,,, tht Indian N.rr'on.-The fol.
to be s. v. nteen miles an hour. ! I'wii'R b iter, from an intelligent citi.en cf this vi.
cinity, now in the West, contain m ist iiop.iitant
information. It will be recollected that KiniiK was
I bil'...t ..I. .11,1 fiv.t a . 1. u flA a. til. PA.lta .aC it, A
Legislature last year, has been defeated by one vote. ! , ,
1 Iloss party. Ihe ilea h of IJo-is was doubtless an
If some common salt be put it.. the w.,te when , f rt.,aia!i()M. jt mu ;, ,x a g,.rius didi-
washing cubbages or greens, preparatory t i co, k- j ru,y .
ing them, the sriiilj, slugs, worms, Ac. wil come i '!!: tti i.'s Pminit:, (Aiik..) July IS.
nut ai.d sink to the bottom, ao that tb'V need not be i To a-iir I'niroas of Tiir. Aiikwsvs Dkar
boiled with the vegetables, (t is iriiio-sible lo wash . Sin : All is eon-lematioii here .nil -ns the Chi r
ih. 111 out, except the cabbag-she taken lopi.ees,
and people generiPy like to luve ihe vegetable
served up whole.
Miss Marthu-uu. The subscripiion now mis
ing for Miss Martineju, who refucd the pension
offered lo the late English Goverameiit, reachis
the sum of 1,000.
Wooden .VuCi,'. in Canada. Some of the in
habitants of the Home Di-triet, Canada, have been
piactisiiij upon the stupidity of two of the mag is
Ira es. and rei Ieuirhiii2 their own pockets, bv bring
ing in squirrel's scalps for premium, instead of ! '"'. hen his p wition of Chief of lis Nation, and
wolve'.scali.s. Wolv.smustbe scarce in Can.l i , c msequei ces which .arc likely to fl .w from
i . i i i .. i i t. . I
at this rate, or else the n. .gi-tra'tfs are green-horns. 'ni a arc cons.oereu. u wou.o us- uter
, .. . . . ' ty to In- lallli tiled. -V,;. Inhl.
The Lowell Courier says that the Mcrmrack j J
Print Wmk in that city inainif.icture rising 10t:t(
kee : Joa Iloss m h 'I'td. gen'leinan d re: t
from the t.eiglibo'hiviil of It ss arrived here a few
! hours ng i with ihe news. The truth of the report
J is not doubled here. The piilieulara are not, as
i vet. ascertained "
No doubt is expressed by the publisher of the
jiru'hofihis informal! on I'n il it is cinfirine.l,
' we may be allowed to Impe that it is not true,
, though circumstances induce the apprehension that
, it may bo. 'I'he de.i:h of . urli a man as K is.s by
j violence would be of itself an event In le deplored i
Col. John Morehcad and J. P. Hulintt were the
there the negro was rolling on the ground. , (,j Mtf ,,l.,vrlllioll. The fri. nd.of
cuiiiii.iTis.'iiiu ;reai pain, mu wuu an nv eou- ; wiibdiew mid
A Lot for the Antujvvrv. The otiginal
charter of the lands of Pownirde, in the year
K).")7, was lately discovered by accident in an
( id chcet. It runa as follows': "!, Maleolin
Kilmnre the King, the fitst vf my reign given
to thee Hirroti Hunter upr and nether l-am's
ofl'owniodi? with all the Doiinds within tho fioisl
with the Hoop and Ilooptown and all the
Pounds up and down above the earth tu Hea
ven and all below the earth to hell as free to
thee and thine as ever God gave to me and
mine and that for a Bow and a Rrond arrow
when I come to Hunt upon yarrow am! for the
mair faith 1 Bite the white wax with rny teeth
before Margrat my wife and Mall my nurse.
"Sic subscrbitur "Malcolm Kanmore, King
"MarjrHt. Witnrss
"Mall. Witness."
London Time.
coaled tinih.-r him ; hut Mr. Chaptiuin foiled tho
p'ut by taking a friend with him. Ilecoining
alarmed by tho strange conduct of his slaves,
Mr. C. soiioht for his wi!' and found her dead
body. Tho tlaves were then arrested ; tho mur
derer escaping, and whirling an o.e at his mus
ter as he ran to the woods on the master's ap
proach. The murderer was 5 1 years old, from
Virginia, ami now (itstes that ho murdered his
master and mistress in that State.
The grave and reverend Kditor of the Maine
Temperance Herald perpetrated the following
pun in his last paper :
'During a late thunder shower at New-Ha
ven tho lightning struck a gropgery ; but on
- finding what a disreputable place it had got in
to, it Lolled, and was eff like rrrn ."
"The handkerchief! the handkerchief!
cried Othello. "I Un ,' it," cried a sailor in the
pit, "blow y .ur ;.tve with your Enters, a n! fro
ea wiih the play !"
nude s'poi'le rumination.
Clinton i halt, in conjoin ti n with ng and
Poller, Iwo menders. As things l md. Lveomit g
will unite upon mail fi-un Potter, and Clitiloii
will full between ihe two. The only wxy lo si-
Ooe of the pbyticiin
tin re have been in all
CO cases. 7Vo, at least, if not more, died with the
genuine, admitted, coffee ground black vomit.
At tfmpt to l'uisov The overseer of a
Mrs Fitzhugh, in Stafford Co Ya., was recently
badly wounded by some clave women whom lie
attempted to make work in a field, contrary to
their will. Tl.rv heat him with their lines and
would have killed him, but for the timely ar
rival of s uue neighbors. Soon alter ho was ta
ken nick, and they came near poisoning him by j
boiling the l.rads of snakes and reptiles and in
fusing the liquid into his medicine. He esca
ped, however, his wife detecting the poison.
The negro boy w ho was their instrument in ad
ministering the poison has been tried and ac
quitted. UsrotiTi's.iTS Miktakf. A man by the
name of Ieavitt was shot by mistake one even
ing a week or two since near Multawankeag
stream. lie woe supposed to be a bear. Tlie
gun contained a heavy charge ot powder and
two bulls, which took effect in the abdomen and
pruhiccd death in about two bout. Faster)
.1 rp '(.
Xrw fnunttrftits.
IliMnisarHii Rivt, Hiauisnran, Pa. "0's
j litter A, pay J W. Weir, Feb. 5, IS3!. In the
, genuine, the tlrrd Twenty on lower margin corn-
range matters would be for Clinton to cull another j ptences iinmcdiati Iv under the '-r" in eash'r. in
convention. j the bad note, under ihe 'li." This is the only
perceptible difference. Well calculated to deceive.
Paper thin and while.
Mivehs' IUsk, PoTTsvti it. Pi. 5' altered
from Heliefl's. Vignette, three men, anvil, cVc.
(In right end, a female figure, and on left end, a
nice! ill on head of Wa-hiuuton. The plato of the
genuine two is altogether different.
piece of calico per day. The Me rimack prints are
celebrated all over Ihe country f.r their beauty and !
durability, )
Tiik Giuvtres. The Lancaster Inttlligencrr '
says: "Among tho cu w of the ves-rl thus iny
teriou ly bt, we recognize Ihe name of a ' I in '
whose fate we feel a lively interest. We mean '
CicoHiiK Mitvsii it.i, one uf llie th ce m;d-hipmMi
the son of a printer, wliolivid and died the fiend ,
of (Jen. Cameron, of NLddleiown. This orphan i
boy was taken by the General, and adopted into hi
faoii'v. 'I'he la 1 soon grew up in ihe ardent a!T c- '
tions of bis foster.failier, and In came de ir lo him '
Diskasf. Yi i low Frvt a. The Hoalth Otli
cer of New York, Dr. Van Hovenburg. recently
a'lowid be schooner Yanda to discharge her cargo
at Kingston, ihooh several cases of yellow fever
we.e on board. A letter appears in the New Ymk
paprrs from a Mr. II. Komevn, stating that disease
and death have followed in her track. A highly ma
bunant dis ase, csl'ed 1 y some bilious and by o
tin rs veil. iw leva r, is prevailing in the immediate
m ighbothood white ehc discharged her cargo. One
die I Thursday night and another on Fri lay, and se
Vi ul olbeisiire now down w ith the same sp:cies of
disease, all having slcki nn 1 since her arrival there,
and s ane within a fev diys, she having left tho
fjj' llr(MT A. Mciitr-Mii-Mii is now f.iiily in
the field, as a candidate for tiovetnor. Ho has
many strong liiii.ds in this county.
(Ij- MostT MiTTtus. Kelief notes ure quoted
this week at "i to SJ. This is approximating
very nearly to specie value. We ce, that a
number of Hank that have rrsiunad specie piy
merits in full, on all th mauds when presented at
the counter, are qm.led at J to 2 cr cent discount
in Philadelphia, because they do not make their
notes par there by keeping fund for their redemp
tion in one of the city Hank.
Gr. v. Jacks!), A report hd reached New
York, by way of Cincinnati, of the death of this
venerable and patriotic soldier. The report waa,
however, without the (lightest foundation a con
temptible joke, played off by pai-sa-nget in one of
tho stag's.
iXj-Tba yellow fever is prevailing in New Or
leans. About SO deaths occur theie, weekly.
An ingenious yankce bus lati ly succeed' d
in making a whittle out of a pig's tail." The
next thing h intends to do i to "make a silk puro
out wf un's c -"
Stbic t Liciirsixn. The barn of Gr.o.
Mr.Aiis, Esq , of Catlawissa township, wvi struck
by lightning, on Friday evening last, and consumed
wiih all it contents, consisting of sorr o eighty
bushel of cleaned whcul, about 130 bushel of
wheat in the sheaf, a 1 org- quantity of hay and oats,
and a great many agricultural implements. Mr.
Mears ws ut th time s oring away some oats,
which they had hauled in just a short lime before,
when the electric fluid communicated itself to the
very heap on which he was standing, igniting it
instantaneously, so as to leave him but a vary nar
row escape from being burned himself. Nothing
but buggy and aelt of harness were saved, and
the los is estimate J lo be about $1000. There
was no insurance on the property.
This unfortunate occurence give aJJitional evi
dence of tha necessity and utility uf lightning roj.
on barns, &C, a well a tb advantage of havui;
property iusured. Pan: lit Dtinxat,
as if he had been hi son. (Jen. Cameron gave . d,l0n Friday or Saturday 1 ist. t'hil. I.fgfr.
him an exee'lnt education, nnd finally procuied j
him a m:d.hipW warrant. j ' Pat Ltois. Locksmith."
The youthful seaman was sent out in the Oram- ; A uia na, ol tins Hue, loun.ied on a well known
pus. He wrote from the everal port where she j domestic Incident, was performed at the Arch Street
trurhrd to his lnefaciors, in the lively language t Tl.eatre, on Saturday evening, lo crowjed house,
of a grateful and anient mind, telling of all he saw, j This latter result was probably aided by tho legal
and avowing all he hoped. His letter soon cea- j action taken by i;ne of the friend of the princis
ed their regular visits. Anxiety now t.i k the j pal character in the play to prevent the perfor
place of quiet expecta'iou ; until at last, the dre id- I mince, under the apprehension that the author, in
ful su-picion was realised thsl he perished wiih the his hero, had held the memory of Lyon up to ridi
gallant Grampus, and laid him down to die in the J cule. Tho Court, however, having refused to grant
arm of the awful mysterious Deep. We have the injunction desired, the play went on.anJ p'
heard it said that the b ss of thi orphan boy is I veil anything but derogatory of tho c!.rcter of tha
mourned much by Gen. Cameron and hi faini I h. re. 'I'he great aim of the author seem t hae
ly, a if he hd been one of his own ofTspiing.
Fatal Accimst.- On the Snd iut., a young
man belonging to Waterloo. Monroe county, Id,
named Constantine L. Omelvcny, accidentally shot
himself. II staiti d from hi fatkur't on t gunning
excursion, anJ pievious to lis ting hi piece, un
conscious of iu containing load, placed hi fool
upon th lock to ris it, and put his mouth to ihe
munle for the purpose of blowing in it to : r
tain if it wa clear: hi foot sinned, and discharged
be. n to show him the suiject of conspiracy, nd
greatly wronged and pciseculed individual. It waa
rsp-urously received by the auJience, sud wtobo
repeated. J'hit Lctr'
A KtMASS-iSti! Fact. A Dsptist clergyman
and his wife, who rrsidn in th vicinity of Uoston,
bsve Ihe pleasure daily of gathering around their
fireside, four daughter who were born in ths four
different qu alters of the globe, vii ; on in Euiop.
or in Ati ens in Africi, on in America a fact
the whole con'enti into hi mouth, killing him in- j probably unp.rab lied in th h story of any other
,itny, I family in New L'ngViJ- Bos.'ch Journal.