Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 19, 1843, Image 2

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    Mrs. Slgnm-nry In Ohio.
The following beautiful linrs fV. m Mrs. Smeieo.
nry .written on rending the rennrt of the Lunatic
A avium of Ohio, arc woithy her bend and heart, ami
but n hist appreciation of th philanthropic sprit
(if our State and people. They wore cntit.iioe 1 in
a letter Dr. Awl, ihi' Supcrin'ondont i.f ttf In
stitution, from whom wo oblain n copy fur publica
lion :
Written after reading ihe Report of (he ' Tr a
Tir Ai tvi" of that State.
Hull Sister of the beauteous West
ThronM on thy river's s-pn'k'ing tide.
Who slilldosl seek, with p;tying breast,
The sick to heal, ihe lost to guide.
Still o'er thy wounded children b. nil
Wilh bounteous hand and kindiica true ;
Intent thine Ulin 'St t-k i H to lend
The broken mind to luiihl anew.
The r MP, the core, to thee a'e dear.
Of ill to which the woild was hlind,
Or sunk in npalhy severe,
To torture and despair consigned.
Cloth M and rest. it' J () reason's swav.
Thou joyest thy suffering ones lo fee,
And hear idem pour llic o'ivc lay
To Heaven, and Happiness, and line,
Sav, is n .lion's truest praise
In pomp of lordly power to shine
The o'ershadowing pyramid to rune.
Or hoard the treasures of the mine 1
N.i ! no! wi:h sympathising heart.
Front sorrow's grasp the prey to w rest ;
And thou hast chosen that l etter purl
(ud bless thee sister of the West !
1.. U.S.
llartfoiJ, Conn., June 16, 18 13.
Repudiation Forlrnynl.
Litter from Sir J. M. Wilson to Gin. Win
field Scott.
TvOYAI. IToRIMTAL, ClIKl.SKA, Oft. , 1 11.
Mv Di:ar Cienprai. Scott : I'pwnrds of
twenty-seven years have now pas.-t'd away since
1 was opposed to you at Chippewa, mid was i.f
trr words your prisoner nnd filfow-sufi ri i
near Bulla lo. Yet during that time I have ne
ver ceased to feel a grateful recollection of
your kindness to me, nnd a high admiration of
those chivalrous feelings which animated yon
in battle. And it is the recollect on of those
stirring and by -gone times, and the elevated o
p'nion entertained of you by Sir Phinons Uinll
and myself, which now induces me to write
to yon.
Will yon then, dear General Scott, pardon
my writing to you ; am! inform ine whether or
not, in your opinion, the Legislature of the n
hove States are wanting in those high feelings
of honor and honesty fur which I gave them cre
dit ; or whether their present embarrassment
has nri en out of unexpected difficulties, nnd
that they had not sufficient time to meet their
engagements! If you be kind enough to give
me your opinion on this suhjoet I know it will
bo an honest one ; and I shall therefore npnie
ciatc it.
I often hear of you from your countrymen
who visit England, nnd I hear of your health
and of your cdvancenient in the estimation ol
the Union with great satisfaction.
The favorable impression I had received on
passing through different States of the L'nion
in both in respect of their moral tone, of
their industry and roFnuroes, nnd of the Saxon
lluod, which seemed every where spurring
them into active nnd hunortilde exigence, indu
ced ine in a credulous and evil hour to invest
nenrlyall the money I possessed, viz : X?,.r.0ti,
in New Orleans Canal and Nanking shares
and Mississippi nnd Indiana State Stocks ; nnd
now, alas none of these three concerns pay
their dividend ! I have a w ife nnd six children,
and two ot your tnu.-ket balls are still lodged
in my body ; and under this pressure from
without, (as well ns within,) you will not be
surprised if I sometimes feel a little nervous a
bout the interests of my family.
The "loom nnd distrust which the failure of
the United States Bank (and the States to
which I have referred) have produced in Eng
land is vprv oiuvi ? Vet still I wish, that
the same friendly feelings were entertained
by tie; citizens of the United States for Eng
lishmen, which Englishmen, I am happy to say,
every w lo re rntei tain (or them. Hut the bor
derers on Loth sides, I fear, area restless set,
and nothing save tin; wisdom and best exer
tions of such calm and dispa.srionate men as
yourself, ami those who are competent to sub
due and control the vices of the tiiihtilent, w ill
be able t-j preserve to those two jjreut countries
the Urging of peace.
We read wah great regret in this country
the accouuls of the doing vn both oiib s ot
your Northern frontier. There ir not an Eug-
Ifehtuau of ' churji ler and coin, hum fcon.s.; who
would not deprt cite u war with America ; but
you must look alter your people on the border
as well ns we. I think you will find us at all
tiiiien disposed to act fairly by you ; but John
Hull is u touchy fellow when you rouse him,
though willing to take more front his cousin
in America than from any bkly else, yet there
arc limits to his forbearance. Could you but
multiply yourself into a dozen Presidents of
as many States, I am sure all the ill feeling
would soon subside. As lor my single self, the
marked kindness extended both to General Ri
all and mo by your countrymen has conver
ted us more or less into American, and indu
ced t confidence in their public securities, ho
nor, and good fiith w hioh I am note afruil will
prove the ruin of, my deur General, yours rnott
faithful. J. Morii-mon Wilson.
CfitotMscniril Srniinilrr llslit.
Fur some days pasta recent elopement hn
caused no little talk in our city, and the facts
w Inch hac come to light are almost too humili
ating to poor, fallen human nature, to bear al
luding to. 1 1 appear, briefly, that Dr. Henry
It. IVuboily. a practicing physician in Cleve
land, was rolled some throe years ago to visit
professional')- Mrs. I'elden, wife of (.'apt. Clif
ford Hehlon, then in deliente health, nnd has
snbsi'ipiently been employed as the family phy
sician. Early in July Mrs. R. left the city on n
visit to her relatives in Summit county, nnd
nfter she had been absent some two week., Dr.
I'eahodv left the ei'y wilh a buggy, met Mrs.
1'.. in Portage county, doubtless by appointment,
took her into his conveyance, ind neither has
since been heard from. Circumstances attend
1 in" the meetin" and elopement were so mvstr
J riously arranged ni to lead the utistispect'iig
I husband ami his friends at first to suppose Mrs.
j 0. had been murdered on her way to visit her
i friends in Geauga county, but facts, terrible as
! death, soon removed the suspicion. The truth
j came out, tint Dr. P. hud abused the confidence
the husband reposed in his professional iutegri-
ty and in h'.s Inner ns a man had seduc d
j the wife from her fidelity and for years the
j depraved pbvsicinn nnd patient had been living
' in concealed licentiousness nnd guilt.
What ndds if possible to the enormity of the
conduct of the adulterer, is the fict that he has
not on'v deserted nn excellent and respectable
wife nnd tut interesting family of children, but
in addition to robbing them of peace nnd happi-rirs---,
he bus literally stripped thein of the con
veniences and necessaries of life. We are in
formed that tornise money for the llight, he
mortgaged his property, including even the
furniture, A c. ot the family. A more deliber
ate and aggravating wrong nnd outrage ha-
seldom been recorded in the Mack annals of
crime and wickedness, nnd in the deplorable
absence o! laws f tifTiciently severe to punish
the .educrr and the adulterer ns he deserves,
public opinion should brand the mark of Cain
upon his forehead, that in his wanderings he
mnv be despised and shunned of all men, until
dentil arraigns the moral leper nt the dread
bar of impartial justice to receive merited retri
Pen body is about 11 yenrs old,.") feet 10
inches high, rather portly, w ith full, brandy
colored face, speaks piick, and shows a rather
handsome set of small teeth, and is a great
hraggadocia. Mrs. I. is a very small, frail
looking woman, nliout years r.ld, and ha. no
children. We hope the press will give them
the notoriety such villany merits. Cleviland
lit raid, ofi.
Tin TiiTAt Maiiai ems. A lel'er in the St
Louis New Era, from one of the bind dispersed by
Captain Ci.ok, thus deseiibes the fate of the party
alter tin y haJ been disarmed tent to the i l'l.t
about :
Cols. Suiv. ly and W-jtfi. Id, wilh 70 men, start
ed to return, with five guns, to Texas. The Ca
manche Indians look advantage of iheir defence.
less stati killed lour of their men, and Jrove oil'
sixty bor es nud mules.
Wiiilield pursued ihem wilh five men, intending
to retal e the horses, but ho was suirouiobd by a
lout 1 oil Ini'i .ns. War.'ohl r. pelle.1 ihea'
killed? Indians, and le'.inued lo camp Without
ha iog a man hurt.
This rxpedi-ion was rnmni anli'il by Colonel
Jacob Suivily , and vas diviibd into four coinpa
nii s.
1'ievioils to our bre ik:ng up Andirose S oncer.
Son of J. C. Spi nci r. pre-ent Secretary of the Trei
sury uf tlie I.'niied States, u as our Judge Advocate.
Ilrvi vnKAiu.K K.vcis. The Hindoos have
the art of personating death so as to deceive
nble surgeons.
An elephant bred to war stands firm ngainsl
a volley of musketry, and JIUliulItts in the llePi
will not kill him.
The K-ipii;iiaiix attain the height of hut 1
feet '. inches, and tin: Mogul Tartans but 1
feet It inches.
We have seen trout, in a small pond, come
to the margin nt the call ol the owner, and feed
on crumbs of bread thrown to them.
A l!i:l litiL To.vsr. 'J'he foilnwing was
. . . . . .... . . .. ,
oolivcreil nt Hie ltn ol July,
by the Nashville Literary Institute of Pitts
burg :
"Uy John Fit zsinion Washinotnn : Provi
dence left h in childless, thai the nutioiis mioht
cull Inm Futher."
I.awvir Ci.Ansua. The editor of the Nat
chez Free Trader is very lucid on thesubject
of classical law. I le publishes the communi
cation of n correspondent who, he says, assures
him "in case any lawyer or juror made a per
sonal matter of any of his writings, be should
take summary process against him witlia writ
ol' capias ad faciendum, (throwing; his cap in
their fitce,) and chipping on the top ofit, the
writ of fieri facias, (making their noses bloody,)
and leaving nulla Itoua, (no bones) in their ha
lieu corpus, (good for nothing bodies.)''
Risiioi' lhoiis. On lauding at Liverpool,
his trunks were subjected to examination by the
custom bouse officers, and a ipjantity of snulT,
which some friend had provided, wag discove
red. The Bishop was oblige to pay about &(
of duty. "You must pay this in honor of Iho
Queen," said the officer with an i 'flic in I grin.
"For which," quickly returned the lothop, l,
flu m Id like to give her majesty a jtinch,"
ly is a row
lad like a mill', bosotn
HiCiiute it gruO) ouwii.
Stitiinln!, in, !8l:.
IIciikk ratio Tli tK't lor oi I!iiiiii
Iti'i laiKl County.
Fon CosonKH.
.mux sNvnini.
Fon ArM!ti.T,
i:i)v.i!i) v. r.ititsirr.
Fon CoMMisnm.
jamks r.i (V.
Fon Tiikm:iikii.
.mux F.vnxsuoimi.
Fon AeniToii,
rfj- Fon Sai f. A frc-h supply of printinrj pa
pi'r. vi.t 100 reims similar in si?e an. I quality to
tlie sliert on which thin is printed. Alco Till renins
of super rovnl, CI bv 2H inuhi s, nil of which will
I e sold lit the mill price.
(T;- V. P. I'ltnoi, Fs i. ot bis KenI Kslr.lp nnd
Conl oilier. No. ft" i'me Street, I'hihulelpbi y, is an
lboried to net n" Asfeni, nnd lo receive and receipt
for all monies due ibis office, for nut'svriptioii or ad
l I.... - I ;u . , 1 ,1,.
u j iii . .
eroding of Ihe whig county convention, which we
huve boon icipiesied to publi-h,
Tn a Ticket. The demornlie delegates
met in convention at this place, on Monday list.
Nome difficulty at fir-t neeiirod in ronsemienre of a
d ai1 le set of del. g itos having boon sotil from Tur
I ut. The th ee new townships, frame J out of old
Tu'but, each sent two, but as there town-bi s have
not been vet properly organized, the convention
excluded them, nnd ndmelrd th four delegates o
I. rtoj by old Turbut, Bs heretofore. After ibis, the
proceedings of the convention were rlmracti ri.ed
with the ertmosl h irmotiy and good foiling. The
tii ket, as f .fined, is a good one, und will, we are
roili,lent, g.vr genual ra iHlacti n to toe u!i ic.
The proceedings of the colivriition will bo found in
another column.
At ihe delegate Couven ion on Monday, W. llegins, F.sii. was rlertej the Kopro.
sentative, and .les-e ('. Ilortott, F.sip the Senalonal
delegates, lo the Convention to nominate Canal
Commi-sioneis, at Ilirrisburg, on the full of Sep
tember next. I!, fore the di legates took any action
upon this ma tor, a I. tier wbs rend from Lewis
Dewart, Fsq. withdrawing bis name from the con
vention os a c iiididale for Canal ComuiisMonr r,
ii ... o,,,,. U1 . ,.., ,.,K ,.,.,,. ..
.... ...... ..ri..o. ...... Ant. .11.. n. i, . 1.11
ness, from which he is now slowly recovering. We
regret that circumstances compelled Mr. Dcwail
lo take this step, as the State, in these critical
limes, would le u really bent fitted by his long ex
perience and well known dibits of economy. The
delcg iles wire inlroied lo recommend (Ion. I!
II. Hammond, of ibis county, as one of ihe Canal
(Jj- (i-rat rorni lainls w ere made last year, and
very justly, of il,e proceedings of the delegate c in
vention, which was held wilh closed doors, The
lasi convention was, however, attended,
and the whole proceedings conducted in such a
strict, fair mid impartial manner, that there was no
ro.uu lor complaint, and so far as we have heard,
have qiv, n satisfaction, excepting to a few in lere-
ted individuals
(j j Angu-ia twnhip, is now entitled to Tour,
and Sbauiokin lo three delegates. These old, popu
lous, and steadfast deu oi ratio town-hips well do.
s. rve this increusr.
. .. -
Q'j" Col. Carter, of the Lycoming (I'.i.ctle, seems
lo be su ruiiiidi .1 with oppoiirn's of all otts. In
one i f tlie last charges ag him, he is upbraided
mi account of Ins "loin lank foim." The I'ol.inel
conn nes iiiin-eii n un me ri in e u Hi, inai i.ii r.ropir
are no gieut shakes, nud ipiotes a Maine editor who
' iill iior tat eror vet p. i!itrbl,.Miil tbo wi, rid.
I . - . ,, -., ....... '
ior even in u ia:niw eiiuuii', ine iiiuuiiiiaiioii
springs from the thin w ick.
The Colonel might hate added, that Sliakspear
himself had no gr.-a op ni. n of lal folks, foi when
F.iUl .fl' was taxed wild I i ob.iiy, he leplied ;
"If lo bo fill, is lo be hated.
Then are I'liaro th's Ir ill kiue to I loved."
'J'he Colonel thinks, however, that he has seen
fit young girls who looked, talked und walked like
angles ducks, we had almost sa d.
y 'J'he Coiiiinouwfallh, published al II irri
bing, i liiled with the exposure of those who have
badll.eir hands loo deep in iheSi.le 'Ire ismy,
I . ... .... .. .. ..... I .. Ii I
mm ..' s, coi.riusneiv, inai in. . is' i.'initt o yis.
latum wis one of Ihu 1:1 if 1 rxnavag nt we ever .
had. 'I'be Stale Prinleis, and Speaker Wright,
are si veri ly haiidbd. 'I'be former, for overcharges
in ihe public p iul ng, i.mouniiiig to nearly f 1 1 000.
The latter, in relation to some appointments on
the canal.
The last Session, the same paper say), cost about
nine hundred dollars per day. 'J'he bill of Dr. Mc
Plieiaon, an apothecary, wf 1808,92. The Post
age bill was over 13,000.
(Jj" The Wetvors in Movainenaing have turned
out on a tiike, and have com milled number uf
outrages. Due employer had his boxes of yaru
bo kou open and desiroted, by having oil of vitriol
pouie.l up n il. Those n kos, or ruber riols, aie
. h-romini; too ficqu i t, auJ l.ould be foicib'y atop-
The editors of the Son' u y (J izeltc have taken
upon themoelves the lank of rcnnriiig us for ex.
pressing our opinion of Mr. V in Buren'swnnt of
popularity in Pennsylvania. They Rr.ivety assure
lb" ir rendeis that Mr. Van Hnren i, nnd
the manner they attempt tit prove it, will afford
amu einent at least, if not instruction. Hear them:
"To prove this, Van Huren's popularity, wo
will give the vote in Pennsylvania : In 1-:V2,
J ickson had !Kt,!H3 votes in 1-:I0, Van Hiiren
hnd 01, 17"i votes nnd in HID Vnn nuren had
M:l,0"( votes. From this it will br seen that
in 1""10 Van lluren had nearly one third more
votes than Gen. Jackson had in lS'.'J ; nnd yet
the American says Van nuren never had any
popularity in Pennsylvania."
The fi.r.elte must indeed presume much upon
Ihe iunoranrn and pulbbiliiy of its readers, if they
think they can palm ofl" the nbnvp statement ns a
.r inf of Mr. Vnn Huren's p"pula'ity in this state.
It is evident, front this statement, that they wish to
iinpre s upon the mi'ids of their reader, thai Van
lluren wa more popular than (Jen. J .ckson, be
cause be received a Inrgot vole. To ihow our read
ers Ihe fallacy, nnd wp might sy the absurdity of
the ni-ove, we need only slate that in IMJ not j
more than nalfilie vote of ihe State was polled, an 1
that, ccn with this small vole, Jackson's majori
ty was over So 000, whilst in lS2Sit was over
.'0,0(10. The true way of showing Vn Itur. n's
popularity would have been by comparing his mi
joii'ic with that of bis opponents. And how did
that st un' ? In 130 Van Duron succeeded by a
ti.njorby of a little ovei 4,000, Ilerks county alone
saved ihe State front going ag urist this truly popu
lar man. Hut what ea; s the rlimax of the ab
surdity of the (!.i7.ette's logic, nnd must even iis-
I toiiish itself, is its reference to the election of H10.
when Van Htiren actually lo t the State by a inn
joi'uy of "00 ng iinsl him.
If this is an evi.b pre !
..r l-.liv. n-i ii.ivp vi-t lit l.:irn the meai.iiis of i
... , , -
the t. rm, and ve trust we sh dl never excellence
any of it-results. Van Huron's popu'nri'y rum
pared lo Jackson's in Pcnu-ylvai.i i 1 Shades of
Democracy! who ever heard ihe like before ! Van
Huron, who in lSUfi old? siv d him-clf by the
skin of his teeth, and in IS 10 was actually bra'en,
lo be romp eel wilh (!en. Jackson, who at once
lection receive J a majority of .MI.I'OO, and at ano
ther, when the vote was sin .11, over S't.OOO ! Van
Huron, the tint if democri'ic ramhdate who wascter
beaten in Pennsylvania, a popular in in in this
stale !
As another evidence of Van Huron' popularity,
the (ia.itte stales that he received the vole of this
Slate foi Vice Presid. lit. Now if out memory
1 serves us. Prnnsj Iv .ni t cast her vote for Mr. Wd
kiua in Is:l2, which was in fact, ihrowing il a
way, rather than give it to Van Huron. The (ia
zette baa been most unf .rtunite in its references lo
Mr. Van Huren's populaiilv. We have never
saiJ any thing againul the private character of Mr.
Van Uurcn, but hie political character, we pr sumo,
is as open for discus ion, as thut of any oilur can
didate. Many of our reulersw II doubtl ss rerolle t the
first Van Huron me. ting held at lie Curt II . use in
Ibis place. Not more than eight or nine indivi lu-
. . . ... e i -
h!s iii tins town could ne lounu, who i r wrung:
t . -
, . . . ... r..-ur , ..g
lflfiufur man
rry Our friends of the Miltoni in, last week,
honied one of their columns with a figure that
looked very n "sinued cat," but which they
have digniliol with the tille of a "coon."
r. -t. D .. u . -. . . r Tl a Ir.ll.lnn rt Tl P..l,l
being in league with the devil, is well known, no j
doubt, by mo of our leaders. The Sheriff of j
Union county in a late paper, for s.le a .
tract of land, "Seized, taktn in t culion, and lo
he sol 1 us thr property of Diua Hell, now Dim
; y. Mo.txr M tTTi ns. K. lit f notes are now
j foV, . "J to 3 per rent, by the Philadelphia
Ledger. Dicknell .juntos ihrin at 3 lo Mj. De
mand noles have also improvi.l from a J lo 1 per
Qfj Ji p.!K HiiojisoN, of the Supreme Court,
ir-reiilly ibcided at Albany, that the voluutjiy prin-
j rij,t. t,f d,,. Hunkrupt law was unconstitutional.
; - -
(jj"1 The rX'insivr Iron and (! St v works of
- Messrs. Shoehl erger, at Pittsburg, were ihvtiov e.l
, ,y f,1(i on the lOlh in-t. Damage, 10,000. No
rjjTiiK AsiierioH. If women and young
! I idies would pay litore atleiilioii to ihe cultivation
, ,.f ,i,- ,ir..i.,n..,.! f ilio tinsel . roundish.
: -
moots, usually acquired in a boarding school, they
would make much boiler wives, and more useful of society. How often do we find young
l.idii in their attempts to he smart. peM and winy,
saoiificing all ihose nobler qualities of the mind
which are the true thar.ictcrilies of a well hied
and amiable woman. The follow ing lines, from
Professor Longfellow, one of the best uf living p;t.
els, are worthy of atlenlio i !
What I most prize in woman
Is her nlleclion, not her uil. llecl.
; (iinpar me wuli the great men of the e.trlh
Wit... Hiii I 1 Wl.v ii (ii.ii.iw nrtlolm ol.ifilu
- - -
Hut if ihou Invest unnk me, I say lovesl
The greatest of ihy ex exrels ihee ml !
The woild of atfrctioris ia thy woild
.Not that of man's ainhilion. In that slillnosa
Which most lircomea a woman, calm and hly,
Thou ailtosl by Ihe firo-ide ol the brait.
Fouling its flame, 'I'be rlrnirnl of fire
I puie. It rannnl change nor hide its natuie,
Hut burns as brightly in gipsy camp,
Aa in a palace hall.
Cj" Sam Slick has a quaint way of saying a
great many good things. Hour what he lays of lit
tle folks i
'The. littler fulka be, the bigger they talk.
You never eeed a small man that did'nt wear
high-heeled boots and a high-crowned hat, and
that was not ready to fight almost any one to
show he was a man every inch of hint; while
tlio big men are generally of a kind and gen
erous difpoMliuii."
(fj" Cii tni.ts Dit kks, The K v. Dr. Pur
bin, in a letter dated at Florence, in Italy, where he
first iB'-eived a eopy of Dickens' "American Notes"
ndininisters to him the most severn aid culling
rebuke that wo have met wilh. The following i
nn en net :
"The truth in, na his dedication indicates,
he did not go to America to study her institu
tions, and sec what is g wid there, as r.n hono
rable and liberal man would have done ; but
ho went, like an unclean bird, to find what
little carrion he might prey upon, and return
ed to disgorge his foul lucnl for the purpose ot
gratifying the morbid appetite in England, and
thus promote the sale of his book. Hence be
could ee no pnrt of the country but '.stagnant
pools of water' nnd 'old Mumps,' anil no part of
New York, but the 'tombs,' and the 'Five
Points,' through which he prowled with such
success nnd delight, ns in licnte his instincts
nnd habits, and from whence he returned to
the festive board, nnd, like nnotber Judns.snt j '11"1' J"h" T Matlti, Henry Gos ler, Win. For
smilingly down among those whom he was yihi', Goortjo (icarh.ut, Jo eph Nicely and John
preparing to stab in the tend crest part their 1). ltr.ii.!, n.
country. I 'oubtless,, Ins t enal pen found
its reward for so describing n voung ntu! viwe
j runs country, ns to destroy the inlhience of her
) rvaniiilo uiinn the nennlo i.f I'mrtunil iinl inm
the tide of eiuionitioii to Hriti.-h colonies."
The Fi.s.i tiiiNS. In Tennrxrre, Gov.
J n" (whig) has In en re-elecel. Indiana In
Ibis slate the whig have o-l ground lt().
The loss in 20 counties is over 4 000 voles. Ken
I achy will hive 4 dcniorrats, i.t least, in Congress.
The Democratic County Convention for the
nomination of caiulid.ili s to bo supported by the
Democratic cbi.ens of Northumberland,
c inveiieii bi toe i..uri House III riiiiluirv, on i
; Monday the 1 lib d..y of August, Hi t. W
I'lnsiril was e.illeu t.illie eliair, anil lltiiri r,m.
,,,r """ ' 11 aele.l as 'ccre'uries. I lie
follow ing n uitid b leg ilrs presrnted their creden
tials, and wcic adinuted to seats in Ihe Convention,
viz :
Tuilitit. John Kirchiier, John 1). Urittain,
Henry Ibadi-r, .loseph Nicely.
Milan. Stephen Wilsm, J inirs Covpi I.
Ctll.i.ptaiptr. Ned C ud, John T. M .tliius.
I'uiiif. D.uiie! Kiibins, An'honv Waison.
Strlhumhrland. Win. Foyh.H. (Sos-er.
ffmilinri. (ieo. Hritbl, Ch ules . Ilegin.
.l,'r.(;. Abraham Shipmui, Tbos. SnyJor,
John Vi.rdy, Irj.
uti. George Gearhnrt, Wui. Johnson.
Shanudiin (!. Milbr, Fniannel Zimmi rnian.
Coal. Win. Freely, Dr. John K. Ro1 ins.
Little Mnlinnai. F. lb aker Wm. Uoadarm. l.
Upper Mutuality. J. Hrtrirk. J. Mabch, Tsq.
I.mrir Mali'iliny. J Dockey. P. ISixler, F-ii.
JtietiKni. Jacob D. Ilufi'iniii', John 'A. Haas.
mo"",,t w".
cWrr,. That the Hon. George C. VVrlker and
Stephen Wilson be the co.if. rcos lo mo- t the en-
forces front the other c unt es in this Congression
al dbtrict al Muney, to iioininale a Deinocr.itie
candidate lo irpr.sent t'.e d'.sliirl in Coiigre.-s, and
, " X "'"" .osuppor. me
.i . i ....... .i
. ' t'lf Il',n- i,yl
The filliiivimr romm.inir .'inn wns riresontcil In
- - i
.lf- . . ...
vie i.onxeniion, ami unecieu 10 or enierru niuong
.no u, ,oe . ...... ....... :
y-Tnthr Pen, nrratir Urinates of the county '
Aoitiiuiititrluiul .
(itxTUM i :a : I have I eon mf.i'uied euit sev, r .1
, . , . , , , i .
.1 . ... . l. . i . .:
: lowusiups nave uiNirurieu in. ir oeienan s io supp.Ti
I . . , , , ,, ,
I ine in vour Convention for the . lin o of I .mnl
t 'ominissioner. For ibis reneivc I in ik of then
c itifo'ence, as v,ll as for ihe m iny i thor .via ot
i ..o-- I. ... . - i . . e .. ... l
j Kioiiuess wuiiti iiiit ioiiiiit ,i. 1 1 1 1 county iiui.'
manife-tcd towards mo during (he la-t twenty five
years, I aai truly gratified ; but the indisposition
under which I have labored for many we. ks, and
which still c 't.fnies me to my I ed, admonishes mo
that I should, at pre.-rnt, declii e the iiom'uia.ioii
which ihey have been roque.-ted to urge. great resiiort and es. em.
Your fi II 'W citizen,
On motion, it was,
Ucsohetl, That (.on. Jesse C. II or ton bo the
Stu itoiinl dologale, if D uipliiii county c incur, and
that Charles VV. Hegins be die Representative
delegate, lo the Deiiioci.nie Snie Couvi nti m, lo J
be held in Hiini-burg on lhe.1 h of September next, j
f or the purpose of nominating ctnd. dales for the j
office of Canal Coiiimis-i. neri, and ill .1 Ihey are ,
heribv in-lrurlcl to use iheir exertions to have j
r ? .... I)., u .ii.i tl II. t una ii i.t.n.l In ri i oi lion I
mi our D' tnocratic Candidate for thai olTi.-o.
'I'be Conven bill thou proceeded to ballot for a
candidate for member of Assembly, which resubed
as follows t
1st. 2d. ni. 4:li.
H 11 II 16
7 0 5 2
2 2 2 1
2 j o
6 fi 7 fi
4 4 0 4
F.d.var I V. Bright,
J irob (Ii aihart,
Charles Deiing,
Hugh II. Tea's,
Samurl T. Brown,
Peter Purm-1.
Whereupon FnwAUii V. Uaioirr
w as declared
duly nomina'od.
Tlie nomination of a candidate for County Com
missioner, Treasurer and Auditor resulted, as fob
lows, viz:
Fon Com missiom ttt.
James Huoy had 17 votes
John MiKiuney 8 "
J .cob Kline 6 "
Whereupon James Buoy was declared to be
duly nominated.
Foh Tmisi hcu.
John Farnsworth had
Thomas A, Ilillingloil
Whereupon John Farnsworth
duly noicinairJ,
Fob AiuiToa.
19 votoa.
wis declared
la'. !d. 3d.
Abraham Shipman, H 9 16
L'lnauuol Zimii. etnian, 0 II It
Peter Bixl.r, fi 5
James Heard, 7
V hcrcu on Abraham Shipnun wa dicldnd
duly llouiillaU'J,
On million of Henry Header, it wis,
l!es'd-rd, Tlinl the debitatei hcrel.y pledge
thetn-elvcs to support the candidates nominated by
this convention, nnd use their licst exertions lo se
cure thi ir elections.
A motion was made by Charles VV, Hcgins, that
bereafier Augusta township bo ent'ulcd to elect
rot-a de'epatrs to the county convention, and Sha
m 'kin t iwnship tiihv.k delegate, upon which mo
tion the yes and nays were taken as, it
Yris. CJeorRO llrigbt, Charles W. lit gins,
Abraham Sliipinan, Thomna Snydtr. John Yonly,
Emanuel Zimmerman, George Miller, Will am
Fegily, Dr. John K. Hobins, Frcdeiick Ueaker,
Win. I'oadarmcl, John Malick, John Ilelrick. Ja
mb D. Huffman, John 7.. Haas, John Dackey,
John Karchner and Henry bVnlcr. IS
Nats. S ephen Wilson, James Covert,
S . it was determimd in the nfTirinotivp.
A mo'ion wamide by Stephen Wils m, that
Tur'-ut, Dcla'Anre, Lewis, Milton nnd Chillisqua
.pie tiuvii-hin l e each enlil'ed to one additional
di legate; upon which motion the yeas and nayc
were taken as follows, viz :
Vi a Stephen Wil-on, James ('overt, Neal
('aul. John T. Mathia--, Anthony Watson. Henry
C K-b", Win For-ylb.e, John Ka'chner, John D.
i !J Ulan, Iii nry Header, arid .loseii l Aieev. II.
Nts. (Soorge Hrigb', Chailes VV. Hegins,
Abraham S,ipmnn, Thomas Rnydo', John Vordy,
Fmanu.l Zimmerman, Crorge Miller, William
Fegely, Dr. John K. I'obins, John Malick, Jacob
! D. Huffman and Peter Uixler. 12.
Sj il was d. t. rmined in the nogitive.
(In mo'inn, it was,
Hrsulrrtl, Th:it ti c standing rommiltee of last
year be e. n'inuej. Wm. FOHSY I'll K,
IIkxiit (iossi.rn. Vreaidcnt.
ClIlllLks W.Htr.ixs,
Frnni the MUlnuian Extra.
Wliii fonnly ('iiiivciitioii.
At a Conveirimi of the Democratic Whig dele
a ites of the ciiim'y of .Vtrthiunhrrl md, f i 'nd'y lo
a T.inlf alloubiig an adeipi ate revenue w ill fair
prntoctiou to A me icao industry, to a sound and
well regulated N.ei nial Curr. n -y, to i faithful
administration of the public d un .in. w ith nn cpi'i
table disliilnitiou of the proceeds of the s d. s of it
j among all 'he stales, to one I'lesid.'ittial 1
the lesireli n of the Vet i Po-.ver, held at the C mrt
llo.i-ein the Hoinugh of Suubury, on Monday, tlie
I till day of Align!. HI:!, in pursuance of a notice
of iIip Standing ('..inrniltee, Thom as H. Wa i ts,
i of Point, was appointed President, nud James
,lrl of .Vr,hmbe.iiiid. Sccrelarv.
! na,Ifl!) ,lf ,,)C tipv,.ri, llW 'i.;.,, ,vort. ,n
called over, and ihe delej it ill attend .nee piodu
red their creden'i ils.
(leu. Fuck. then, in mirsuance of instruction1
, frm U..r. 0l!h f Mi-n, ..irere.l ihe following
. cjon, ixhiclt laing seconded by John F. Dent-
. le', ol Lewis town-lnp, was on motion, riost. one.
,ir ..., : ...,. ... ,
, (r( si,n( nny j,,,,,.,.. , ,,1(,v n,ny h,,vfi r,.CL.ivt.J
froin their ro-.s-rtive dis.ricta.
hercas the Dolomite Sv-to'it of Nonunatron
1 .
i has become v. iv unsa:i.-t.n'tory to the people oflhi:
! coniilv, in i-much as '-t vear our pi.tiie.1 ..;ii.o.
1 nents In II tin - s i i xrmt euiie'ar", with ln-kfi
door nnd whoieas in our o-t million, the people,
in t'.elr c iHg-rgat- d wsl .m a' the pill", are rv uy
way competent to make the'r own selections for
Count ofii ors, Tlierefure,
llfolcet. That this contention rofonmend to
the Pcnplr and the Cun -tula'rx, the Volunteer .S'y
tfin for County Ojfircr, ns best according wilh do
moeriitic prin-'plrs, and lb il ii is then file inerpt
tlii nt for thi convention of Democratic Wlti.
Delegates to nominate any candidates f ir Ciun.e
. fl'u ers.
The several lown-b.ips were then c illej up ri
for iheir instructions in reg ird la eonnly ollicer
when it appeared I' struclions were given in favor o
the fell w ing o s mis !
For Assembly Dnn'ul firautig'im, of Nor
ihuinborlan I.
For C iinmissl iiie Churl t ., of Tuibu
to visiip.
For Treasurer Christian H.wcr, of Sill. I llry.
For Auditor Kimher Cleaver, of Coal town
'I he Resolution then offen d by (.en. Flick, ro
eommendii g the Volunteer System for Count i
Ojjirer.y, was lak'-n up far consideration, and a fie
being duly considered, was r.i il moi-slt adop
On Motion of J lines Reel, f!.-., of Chilis juaju
lle Jve l, That this convention now proceed t
the aeler'ion of I 'no peis -n lo l rec immended fo
I Canal Coiiimis-:cinrr and One person for Congre.
and that a Repie-ontalive D legale be chosen f
the S ile Couvon'ioii at Hairisburg in Sepiomb.
j next nn, Kv, i Conferees o represent Northumbo1
j land c oiinlv, in the Congressional Conference t
j be brIJ at ihe house of Charles Burrows, in Wi
j liamspor', on the 7th day of September next.
V In roup on, the convention proceeded to a no:n
I nation of a candid. ,ic for ('anal Comm s-ioner
randida'ii for Congress a delegate lo ihe Su
Conveniioii, and two Congressional Conferees,
John F. Deiiller, of Lewis township, nominal,
for Canal C inal Commission' r, William Twit
lLniy flibson, of Chil'squaque township, not
inaie I for Congress, Jlrnry Friee, Usq.
Elijah'id, of Uoliware town dip, non
na'.d J.thix L. Watson a the delegate lo the 6ta
(ieorgo Overjerk, of Turbut towhship, nomin
leJ Samuel 7', Uurruii't aa a Congressional Co
ferre, aud Jamoa Lee of Norlboinl erland, nomii
lei lit nry Cih.ton as the other Conferee.
On million, Iletolved, Thai the vole on Nomii
tioas be lAin viva voce. Whvicupon i