Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 29, 1843, Image 3

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Ant wet to Enigma of latt week.
"Goto tni Art, not) aiveoiae, ceimnift
WAtt aud a wm."
t am composed of forty-three Utter.
My 16,-R, 94, 51, 34, 14, it a country in Europe,
My 10, 4, 8, 7, 6, 8, 4, if a town in fprn.
My 17, 28, 9, S, if a river in Prufii.
My 8, '4, 18, 7, 34t, if a gutph between twocoun
' triet in Europe.
My 10, 24, , 34, ft, 9.1, it a defer! in Afiica.
My 4, (, 3, 4, if a lake in the U. 8.
My JO, SI, 7, 17, 31 i a county in Pennsylvania.
My 17, 3, 7, 17i it one of the United State.
My whole, it what our forefather pledged to
cure, the bleating we now enjoy.
Pi biit thi lUoon. A the blood, in it life
preferring courte it subject to continual watte na
ture hat provided for the eupply of the exhausting
fountain, by the conversion of our food into new
blond. But whiltt tuch ample mean are provided
for the manufacture of new blood, nature htt been
no lee tnlicitou providing for the expultion of that
which i ueles and decayed. The important of
fice i performed by the bowelt, and when Nature
(who it always struggling to throw of offending
matter) requir. assistance in her benevolent in
tention, Brandreth'a Vegetable Univertal Pill will be
found singulitly adapted to the purpose, becaute
they remove through the stomach and bowelt all
corrupt humor from the body, in an easy, safe
and effectual manner, producing no effect but what
will finally conduce to the perfect purification of
the blood, and herrby cure the di tense, (by what
ever name it may be called.) and give perfect order
to the wholo system.
Q-PurchaM! of H. B. Mataer, Sunbury, or of a
gents published in another psit of thit paper.
On Sunday evening Ian, WILLIAM HOPPER,
of thit borough, aged ubout 38 year.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthetmer.
WassT, 100
Rra, 50
Otrnr, ...... 40
Oats, 25
Poarc, ...... 5
FLAXsrco, ... . 100
IlvTTta, ..... io
Bkkswax, .... 25
Tallow, .... (0
Daixu Aert.m, . . 75
Do. Pkach at , 200
Flax, ... 8
Hkcklbd Flax, . ' 10
Eees, 8
"Good Intent FIrc Company."
A STATED MEETING of the Company will
lie held on Thursdsy evening next, at 7 o'clock,
at the School Houte. Punctual attendance ia re
queued. CHA8. J. BRUNER,
July 29, 1843. Secretary.
"Good Will FIrc Company."
'T'HB membera of the "Gjod Will Fire Com.
- pvny" are requested to meet at the Court
Houte, on Monday Evening, Aiigutt 7, at 7 o'
clock, precisely. Punctual attendance ia required.
July 29. J. H. ZIMMERMAN. See.
l?OR trial in the Court of Common Pleat of Nor---
thumrUnd County, to be held at Sunbury,
on the fir.t Monday of August welt, it being the
seventh :
Jonph Trego vt Mattin A 8t k
John Sheriff vt John Haa
Houghton for Wharton va John Smith
Henry llulT vt Chrittopher Campbell
Puisel cV Pfoun vt Frederick Birkcnbine
Wm A l.lowl vt Martin A Slock
Thoma S Bonham vt Caroline Nours
Jotia R Ketilcr vt John Murray
Jacob Shi's vt Stout fix Frick
Same va Sme
J . hnR Miller vs Chsrles Crsig
flack, assignee of Almtd v H M Davison
Boone, assignee of Ege vt Sam
Daniel Br.niut vt John A Shinier
William Burmin v J k R M Daviion
Stephen WiUon v F A Kracht
Brown ft Brown vt Henry Frick
Samuel KetT r va Jamet Beard
Dougal fit. McOleary va Chrittopher H Baker
Com'th of Pa for Vtnvtlcih vt John Frick
Enoch Howec' ci'r v John Knorr
John A Lloyd vt Rebecca Well
John OrilTen vt S .mu'l T Burrowt
Bink of Northumberland vt Paul Geddra & J R
Jacob I.eier, nr vt J fit II M Davison
William K Brown va Peter Berleu
John Hummel va E P Shannon
John Painter vi Joteph Johnton, Ate
John Hufman vt Robert McKee
John H Flanigan, Ac vt Wm I. Houtel
Prolhonotary't Office, i
Sunbury, July 29, 1843.$
f Democratic citizen of Northumberland
1 county are requested to meet in their aevrral
township, on Saturday, the 12ih day of Augutt
next, tti elect delegate to meet in county conven
tion in Sunbury, on Monday the 14th of Augutt
next, for the purpote of selecting a suitable candi
date for Congreas, Aaaembly, Treaturer, Commit
ioncr and Auditor, and Delegate to the State
Convention to be held in Harriehurg, to nominate
eandidtt for the office of Canal Commiaaioneia.
By order of the Democratic
July 32.1, 1843.
IELLOW CITIZENS :-At the eameat aol ei
taliona of many of my friends, I am induced to
offer mytelf a a candidate for the office of
Should I be elected, I will endeavor to diaeharge
the dutie of the office to tb beat of my ability.
Bunhury, July 32d, 1843.
A Threshing Machine for Sale.
THE subscriber offer for tale a THRESHING
MACHINE, new and in good order. The
Machine ba been tried, and prove to he an excel
lent one. It will be fold at a reduced price, and
warranted. Apply to H. B. MASSER.
Jul? 1st, 1843.
July 1ft, 1813. lit D. MASSER.
Sheriff's Sales.
Y virtue of aundry writt of Venditioni Expnn
at and a writ of Levari Facia issued oat of the
;ourt of Common Plett of Northumberland eoantv,
to tne directed, will be eipoted to public tale at the
Court House in the Borough of Sunbury, on Mon
day the 7th day of August next, at I o'clock, P.
MH the following dercrilied property, to wit t
gK All that certain tract or piece of
X. land aituate In the c'ly. of Northumberland
foresaid, beginning at a white pine corner, adj lining
lamlt of Biddte fit Co., thence north 75 degreea eaat,
134 perchea to a pile of store; thence north twelve
degree wett, 196 perche to a post I thence north
eighty-eight degreea weat, 23 perche to poet
thence north seventy-five degreee wel, 69 perchee
to a pile of stone thence touth five degreee wett,
48 petchea to a poat; thence south eighty degreea
wett, 30 perchea to a pine ; thence aouth thirteen
degreea eaat. 195 perchea to the place of beginning,
containing 1C5 acret and C4 perchea and allowance
of fix per cent, for mad, dec.
Also : Utic other tract ol land sit
uate in the c unty of Northumberland afore.
said, being butted, bounded and dcecriled at fol
lowi : 1-eginning at a white pine, adjoining land
of the Asy'uin Company, thence north twelve de
gree wett, 171 peichet to a corner; thence aouth
eighty-one degree went, 46 perchee to a cmcr;
thence aouih seventy-four degree weft, 68 perche
to a pile of atone ; thence north aixteen degree
wett, 8 perchet to a pilo of t tone ; thence aouth
seventy four degree weal, 100 perchet to a pile of
alone; thence north aixteen degrcei wett, 106
perche to a pile of atone ; thence north seventy,
five degree eaat, 218 peiche to a pile of ttone :
thence north twelve degreee weat, 80 perchet to a
gum ; thente touth seven y-four degreea weat, 275
perchet to a p;ne ; thence aouth fifty-five degreea
wett, 112 perche! to a cbcnut. fallen ; thence couth
eeventy eight degrees west, 196 perchet to a che.nul
oak ; thence north, fifty -four degree to a cheinut ;
thence weal, 124 perche to a ihcsuut; therce
uih seven y degrers west, 55 perches to a pile of
stone a corner of Sarah Rrca'a land ; thence
aouth twelve di greea ea-t, 159 perchea to a poat ;
thence norh eighty-five degrees east, 255 peichet
to a pile of stone; thence north seventy-five de
greea eaat, PR perchet to a pile of atone ; thence
aouth twelve degreea eaat, 388 perches to a pine ;
thence north seventy-five degreee eaat, 129 perche
to a white pine ; thence north twelve and a half
degreea wett, 294 erchef to a pile of atone ; thence
touth eighty. four and a half degreea east, 2)8
perchea to a pile of atone, formerly a maple ; thence
touth aixty-one degree eaat, 64 perches to a white
pine, the place of beginning, containing 1012 acrea
43 perchea and allowance.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be told ia the
property of Burd PalteMon.
Also: A certain tract or piece
of I indituate in Ruth township, Northum
berland county, adjoining lands of William Bear,
Jr. Peter Roadarmel, John Penny! and others, con
taining twenty acrea more or lea, about 12 acrea of
which are cleared, whereon are erected a two story
frame dwelling house and kitchen, frame imoke
houte and a email log barn.
Si ixed, tjken in execution, and to be told at the
propeity of John Bear.
MAlso: A certain tract of land
aituate in Coal township, Northumberland
county, adjoining lands of 8loman Bolig, Philip
Dunklelergrr, and Mahonoy creek, containing 64
acrea more or lean, abiut 40 acrea of which are
cleared, and whereon are erected a email log houe
aad a new log barn.
Seixcd, taken in execution, and to be aold at the
rroDertf of George Gotshsll.
Also: A certain hall lot o! ground
situate in the borough of Sunbury, fronting
on Market atreet, it being one half of lot No. 29,
adjoining lot No. 28 on the wett, and on the eaat
by part of tame I t No. 29, on which it erected a
two ttoiy frame houe, a small frame office and
frame atahle.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be (old aa the
property of George Wriser.
Also : 1 he equal undivided moie
ty or half of two certain Ialands, aituate in
the river Sutquehanna, in Augusts township, Nor
thumberland county, nppoaite the dwelling house
of William R. Long one thereof called "Mrody'a
Msnd," containing 37 acret more or leas, about 25
acrea of which are cleared, and in a high Mate of
cultivation, dec. The other thereof called ''Round
Island," containing alout 3 acres, neirly all of
which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation.
Se'ied, taken in execution, and to be aold aa the
property of William R. Jne.
Also: A certain tract ot unim
proved laud situate upon the waters of Shamo-
km creek, in Coal township, Northumberland coun
ty, bounded by land' la e of David F. Gordon on
the west, Thomas CudwalUder on the east, and
William Boyd, Burd Pa'terson cV Co. on the north,
containing 1768 acrea more or less.
Also: A certain other tract of
.XT unimproved land situate in Coal township,
Noithutnberland county, bounded by Isnds of Tho
mas Cadwallideron the wett, David P. Gordon on
the eaat, and on the no th by land autvryed on
warrant in the name of William Tomlinton,
George Colerain and other, containing 17G8 acrea
more or le.
gtgi Also: A certain tract of unim-
ICT proved bind tituate in Coil townsnip, Nor
thumtierlnnd county, bounded by land of Thomas
Cadwalladrron the east, John Brady on the north,
and 1 homes Cadwalludrr on the west, containing
400 acn a more or leas.
Also: A certain tract of unimproved
land aituate in Coal towuahip, Northumberland
County, bounded on the wet by land suiveyed in
the name of E-ther Cramer, land of Davit! P. Gor
don on the eaat, and land aurveyed in the name of
William Green on the north, containing 400 acret
more or lets.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be fold at the
property of William Silvit.
SheritT'a Office,
Sunbury, July IS, 1843.)
Notice of Rule of Court.
in tne Court of Common I'leat efitua County.
At-aiL loin, in-ij, on
motion of Mr. Bcllat, rule
to ahow eauae bv the firtt
Vday of next term, why
leven thoutanu dolUra ot
the proceedt of tale should
not be piid over to plain
Extracted from the Record, and certified Julv 6th,
1843. 8. D. JORDAN,
July 8th, 1813. 4t Truth'y
The Manufacturers'"
and Mechanics' Bsnk
of the Northern Liber
ties, in the county of
John II. Cowden.
Notice of Rule of Court.
J th Court of Common J' lea ofiaid County.
Aran lotn. ibj, on
motion of Mr. Bellas, rule
Mo ahow cauaa by the 15 rat
day of next term, why
Catharine Rot, sur-"
vivtng executrix of John
D. It om, dtxea.ed,
Henry FornwalL
the money ratted from
aala of defendant's narao.
nal property by Sheriff Maorer should not be paid
to plainiff.
Extracted from the Record, in I certified July 6th
M3. 8. D. JORiN. "
July 8th, 1813. It t'roth'y.
ted at
Centra Street, oppoiite the Tows Ham,
J . C . LESSIfl.
RE8PECTCULLY announce to
the travelling community that he
haa taken the Urge and tplendid eatab
liahment, the Excaaaea Ilont, aitua.
the corner of Centre and Callnwhill streets,
nearly opposite the Town Hall, in the borough of
Pottsvitle, which haa been thoroughly repaired and
materially improved for the accommodation of visit
ore. The Hotel it forty 0. front on Centre tt and
one hundred and thirty oighl ft. on Catlowbilt, three
storirs high ! it if admirably provided with Parlore,
Silting Rooms. Reading Room, and large airy
Chembere the moat spacious, pleaaint and conve
nient Dining Room in the country a new and su
perior Bathing Establishment ( and every conve
nience and comfort to render it in all respects a
moat desirable Hotel.
No paii or expense will be spared to furnlah
the Table and Bar with the beat that thit and the
Philadelphia Market afford and with a dctermi
nation to devote hi entire personal attention to the
comfort and accommodation of thnae who m.vy fa.
vor him with a call t aided by active, careful and
obliging servant, he hopes to give satis
faction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishing to visit this
highly interesting and healthy Coal Region, will be
provided with Parlora and Chambers, which he
feels confident will please the most fastidious.
The Stabling attached, is Urge and well
construct! d, and superintended by experienced and
altrntive Osiers. Horses and Carriagea may be had
at any time to convey person to any part of the
fjAn Omnibus run from thit Hotel daily to
and from the Depot, to meet the Cars, for the ac
commodation of person travelling on the Rail
Road. No charge for omnibu far to this Hotel.
Pottaville, J.ily 8, 1843. 6m
PROPOSALS will be received nntil aun-down
of Friday the 1st day of September, 1843, at
the town of Sunbury, for the repair of the Mahan
tango Aqueduct, on the Susquehanna Division.
Plans and apecificatione will be exhibited three
days previous to the letting.
Supervisor Susq. Div. Pa. Canal.
July 8th, 1843. 8t
John EHrly'g Instate.
NOTICE if hereby given, that letter testamen
tary on the estate of John Eisely, Ute of
Sunbury, Northumberland county, dee'd , have been
granted by the Register of said county to the sub
scriber. All those indebted to the above estate are
requested to call and make payment on Saturday
the 29ih of July, 1843, at the late reridrnce of the
deceased, and those having claima will present their
accounts, well authenticated, for aettlement.
July Itt, 1843. Executrix.
07 Back lumbers it ill Supplied. f)
A Sew Reprint.
two rotList rtiafiRSLa const I8j cti.
THE Publi.her of the New World aanouncea
that be ha commenced the Re-publication
of this most celebrated of the migaxinea, at a price
which will insure it a very large circulation.
"Blackwood" haa long atood at the head of the pe
riodical literature of the world, and it continues to
maintain that diatlnction, without a rival. Profea
tor Wilson, ita editor (old "Chrittopher North,")
it unrivalled at a prose-writer and a poet, and his
contributor ate among the first living authors of
Great Britain.
It will be issued in a double number of the New
World, within 24 hours after the arrival of the
EnglUh Steamer, and aent by the first mailt to sub
scribers in all parts of the United Statea and Bri
tiah America.
TxaMt. TWO DOLLARS per annum, for
one copy Five Dolltre for Three copiea Eight
Dollara for five copiea and $15 for Ten eopiee
ptytble in advance. Single copiea I8j cents.
Any Poat mailer, ot other person, who will ob
tain 10 fuhtcribeia, and remit f 15 therefor, shall
have an extra copy gratia. Subject to newapaper
postage only. Address J. WINCHESTER,
July 1st, 1843. Publisher.
Jacob !tf allch'a lint ate.
Northumberland County, m.
AMONGST the Kecorda of the Orphant' Court
of ssid county, at April term 1843, it ia thua
contained :
"April 10th, 1843. on motion of Alexander Jor
dan, Esq., rule on the heirs and legal representa
tive of Jacob. Malich, deceased, to appear on the
first day of next term, (August 7th. 1843.) and ac
cept or refuse the real estate of said deceased at the
Extracted from the Record, and certified April 17th,
8unbury. June 24. 1843. Ct Cl'k O. C.
nr. n la n co unty.
PELLOW CITIZENS: I have been induced
J- to offer myself aa a candidate for the office of
County Treasurer,
at the coming election. Should you think me
worthy of your aupport, and I ahfluld be to auc
cearful aa lo be elected, I will endeavor to give gen
eral tatinfaction lo alt who may be concerned.
Sunbury, June 24th, 1843.
HR. Mas?r haa removed hit ttore, into
the new building adjoining the old ttore,
where lie hat opened a new atsoitment of Dry,
Gaotti, Groctriet, Queentware, Hardware, ?e.
All pertone having untitled accnunta in bis
book t, will tave cottt by attending to them toon.
Sunbury, June 10th, 1843.
Agent for the tale of South worth Manuac
turinff Company's
Warehouse No. 3 Minor Street,
THE following kindt conatantly on hand, and
for aale lo the Trad at the loweat market
pricea t Fine thick Flat Cape, 13, 14, and lfl Iba.,
blue and whites Extra auper, and tuperfine Fulio
Pott, blue and white ; Extra auper Packet and
Commercial poate, blue and white Extra super
Linen Note papers, long do. broad ; aujrfin snJ
fine Counting house Caps, blue and white t Extra
super Congress Cap and LcUers, plain and ruled,
blue and while ; Superfine French Poeta, plain and
ruled (Suferfine Sermon Cap and Post; Superfine
and fine Cip and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and
"I'i'.s, Various qualities and price .
Iso Bonnet Boards, Tissue, Envslope, Wrap
ping, and Hardware papers, Ac, eVe,
.May 27, I81J. 6m.
rpha public will plea observe that no Brandrelh
-- Pilla are genuine, unless th box haa three la
bels upon it, (the topi the aide and the bottom)
each containing a fc- simile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. B n anna. xt. M. D. These la.
belt ate engraved on ateel, beautifully deaigned,
nd done at an expense nf over f 2.000. Therefore
it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pro.
cure the medicine in it purity, ie to observe these
Remember the top, the aide, and the bottom.
The following respective person are duly auhofi
ted, and hold
cxsRTxoATat or AasxrcY,
For the sale of firandreth't Vegetable Universal
ViU. "
Northumberland county t Milton Mickey A
Chambctlin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewane
ville Ireland Y Meixell. Northumliland Wm.
Forsyth. Georgetown J. Sc 1. Walls.
Union County : New Berlin Bogar cV Win
ter. Selinsgrove George Gundrnm. Middle
burg Isasc Smith. Beavertown David Hubler.
Adamshurg Wm. J. May. Mifflinsburg Mcnach
A. Ray. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg
O. cV F. C. Mover. Lewiaburg Wall cV Green.
Columbia county : Danville E, B. Reynolds
Jt Co. Berwick Shumnn A Ritlenhouae. Ca.
tawissa (', G. Urol its. Bloomsburg John R.
Moyer. Jctaey Town Levi Bisel, Washington
Robt. McCay. Limestone Ballict ft McNinch.
Observe that each Agent has an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation nf
Dr BRANDRETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
the new labeit now used upon the lirandrtth I'ill
Philadelphia, office No. 8, North 8th street.
June 24th, 1843.
Hart, Andrews & ill'Kevcr,
Forwarding and General Produce
Second Wharf above Race St , on the Delaware,
Henry Farnum cV Co. jJatvis, Trabue cV Curd,
Bray. Bsrcroft.cV Co. Louisville.
Williamson, BurroughsiGeo, Luckey, fit Co.
Eckel. Spsngler &Raguel
Reed, Bro. fit Thomas,
Rogers, Brothers & Co.
W. R. Thompson fit Co.
Rol ert Sieen fit Co.
J. fit J. Rrakert,
Mulford cV Alter,
J. R. Webh. E q.
David R. Porter, Eq.
Messrs. J. fit P. Martin,
Wm. K. Hoffnagle, Esq
Lewis Hurford, Esq.
Jones, Murphy fit Co.
E. A. Brown fit Brother.
J. K. Moorehesd, Esq.
Morgan fit Andsrson,
Geo. Pte.bury, Esq.
.S7. Loui
June 3d, 1843. ly
St. John Smith, Esq ,
Joteph 8outher, Esq.,
Hon. Wm. BiKler,
Clearfield, Pa.
ID. Hendricks,
Sunbury, Pa.
K. Hum' s, b.-q.
Robert Crane, Esq.,
Jersey Shore, Pa.
Wm. M'Kelvy fit Co.,
Bloomiburg, Pa.
Walla fit Green.
Ltwizburg, Pa.
T. W. Kin'zing fit Son,
IacIc Haven, Pa.
Stetrettdc Potter,
Lewistmsm, Pa.
Joseph Psxton, Eq.,
, Columbia Co , Pa.
I p
lo J tJ 'Tl
(New Establishment.)
WT ESPECTFULLY informe the citixena of
MMj Sunbury and vicinity, that he baa recently
commenced the
in all ita brioche, in Market ftreet, Sunbury, im
mediately below the pott office, where he will be
ready to receive and execute all ordera in the line
of hia butinea., with prompt nee and despatch, and
in the best style and manner. Hia pricea will be
low, in accordance with the times.
Lumber and Country Produce taken in Ex
change. May 27th 1843. 6m
.Vo. 70 South Sdttrcrt, oppoxite the Exchange,
Formerly of So. 76 South Second street,)
Manufacturer of Improved and Patent File and
Thief-proof Chest and Doora, Water and Pro
vision Coolers, and Filterers, Refiigera
tors. Hoisting Machinea, fite., dec,
Still continues to make
hi. celebrated WATER Cool
ers, and Filterers, Refrigera
tore, both of the round and
quare ahape, with improve
ments, of the best material!
;.and woikmanship.
07" The Chests ore manufactured without
pUnk of any description, of the best msterisl which
is calculated to resiat burglaa and heat as long as
any manufactured in the United Statea a trial ol
which he ia willing to make with any other, pro
vided th trial be made of cheat already sold to
cuatomera, and not nianufjctured tor the express
purpose of a trial. Purchaser are invited to call
before purchasing eltesvhere.
CAU TION. All persona are cautioned sgiinst
making, using, selling or causing to ba aold. anv
Keyhole covera fit Fire Proof Cheata or doora of
any kind, aimi'ar in construction to my patent of
juty tuin. aalhey will be dealt with accord
ing lo the Patent Law.
M iy 27(h, 1843 Gin.
Hover's Ink.
Manufacturer of Writing and Indelli
b!c Ink, No. 100 North Third Street, six
door below Itace, (cast aide,)
"I.) ESPECTFULLY inform country merchant
-s l and others, that he constantly keeps on hand
a large slock of his superior Black, Blue snd Red
Ink, snd hIo a superior quality of Inde llilde Ink.
His ink is put up in bettle varying in aize, from
I to 33 ounce, snd will l sold on reasonable
term. The excellent qualiiiea ofthiaink hs so
thoroughly its character, that il ia now
extensively used throughout th cnuniry,
For sale at ihe ttore of H. B. Masser, Sun
bury. Pa. May 27th. 1843. ly
Not. '29 and 31 North Third Street
Near the City Uttel,
p C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-pectfully in
vs (,,., ,bo attention nf persona deairou of pur
chasing Fumiture. to hia extern! vo 8.1,, Roome,
(both public and Piivate.) fo, every description of
Household Furniture, where can be obtiinej all
lime, a large aaaortment of faahionablo and wtl)
manufactured Uatunct Fumitore, Beds, Main
tie., at very reduced psices, for rath.
(t" Sel Auction, twite a week.
May 7ih, J843.l
rnt Western Indian Panacea
Compounded entirely of Vegetable
Free from Calomel and all other Minerals.
Tot the history of this medicine, and iia unrivalled
and truly surprising success and popular
by, see large bills
IT la recommended aa a general cathartic for
family usein dyspepsia and all bilious dinea
aea, it ie invaluable for Asthma it i considered a
specific, no eise having yet occurred which it haa
fsibd to cure for common colds, imflammatory, rheumatism, affections of ihe liver, dtc
and for females, it ia a safe and excellent remedy.
From Dr. Silas West, of Rmghampton, JV. V.
Mr. Longley Dear Sir 1 I have Used your Groat
Westtrn Indian Psnacea in my family, and hive
repestedly prescribed it for patients under my care,
and am satisfied that it is alwavs a safe, and in very
many casrs an invaluahle medicine. It operate a
a laxative without nausea, or pain and while It ef
fectually obviates coatlvcnef act upon th stomach
and liver as an alterative, correcting acidity, and re-
ftoring the healthy condition of those organs.
Aery repectfully yours, 8. WEST.
For sale by JOHN W. FRILtNO. Sunbury,
JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland.
May 30th.
To tie Voters nf Northumberland County-'
ITELLOW CITIZENS t Through the aoli-
cit.itions of many friend in vsrious part of
the county, I hsve bren induced to ollur mvaelf ts
a candidate for tbe office of
Should I be so fortunate a to receive a majority
of your snflragrs, I pledge myself to dischjrge the
duties of said ollicn will) fidelity-
Sunbury. May 20th, 1813.
HAS laken the office formerly occupied by the
Hon. Charles G. Donm l, opposite the Court
House. He will attend to business in the Court
of Northumberland, Union and Columbia counties.
May 20th, 1P43.
J. D. Waters,
T) ESPECTFULLY informs the citizen of the
--' oorough of Northumberland, snd its vicinity,
that he hs commenced the
Tailoring Itusiiiess,
in a'l ita various branches, in the shop formerly
occupied by Henry S. Thorns, directly opposite
Forsyth's store. As he receives the New York
and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he i enabled
to do all jobs entrusted to him, after the neatest and
lateat atyle, and npon the shoitest notice,
Northumberlsnd, April 22d, 1843. ly
JVo. 237, Sorth Third, above Cuttowhill Sl
JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Penn.ylva.
ni Firmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., late nf A
mertcan Hotel, Columbui, Ohio, lake pleaauro In ac
quainting their friendt and the public generally that
they have tart en the large and commodious Hotel,
recently built by the Messrs. Hart, on the same si to
once oernpied by the old established Hotel known
f the Bull'a Head, in Third stieet above Callow
hill at,
Thia Hotel it finished in the very best possible
manner, and of the beat material. In location ia
very tletirable, particularly for country merchant 1
th arrangements for heating and ventilating each
room ia inch to secure any temperature. The
btdroomsare all light and airy, all furnished in
nest style, so as to insure comfort.
Tin receiving parlora are aUo furnished In a stt
pcrb style, the windows are on Ihe French style,
forming an entrance in a bslcony in front,- whkh
makes a pleasant recess, Pnrtieular attention hs
been given to the beds and bedding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely new.
From yrars experience in hntel business, we
trust, by strict assiduity tc business, to moke this
house a desirable stopping place, Our table will
always be supplied with the very beet our market
can afford, and our bar with the best liquors and
wines of the most approved brand
P. 8. There are fir.t rate atabbng t.nd CarrUae
houeoa attached to the hotel, sttrndeil by ra iT'il
and sober hoMlcrs. rind our ehatpes will be Ijv, lit
accordance with (be pr"ent haid times.
Philadelphia, Oct. 7lh, 142.
sam'iTii iii ilivji i l ii; u,
VERY RESPECTFULLY leg leave to ins
form bis customers, and the public generally,
that he still continue tho
in all its various branches, in the ibop nearly oppo
site the Buck Tsvern, formerly occupied bv Hen
ry liana and him.clf. under the firm of llass ct
Druckemiller, which firm has been mutually (Unsol
ved. He hopes, by hi long experience in the nliove
business, arid strict attention thereto, to render gen
eral satisfaction, and receive a liberal share of pub
lie pntrongn.
Sunbury. Oct. 15th, 1642. ly.
RESPECTFULLY informs thecitixen of Sun
bury and ita vicinity, that he has taken the
office formerly occupied by Dr. John Pesl, where
he will be happy to receive calls in the line of hi
profession. April 22d, 1843.
Daniel Yarick,
BEGS leave to inform the citixena of Sunbury
and ita vicinity, that he has commenced the
in Market street, Sunbury, east of John Bogar's
store, and directly opposite the post office, where he
intends to carry on Ihe business in all its vsrious
branches, including, Turning, Making Mill Irons
and Eliptie Springs, Ironing Carriages, with Ex
tension or Standing lops. Shoeing Horses, 4 c.
Orders will be promptly and punctually attended
to, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro
duce. rjj Horae Shoeing done at (1 per sett,
Sunbury, April 15th, 1813. 6m
Boot &Shoe
Martin Irwin,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
old customers, that he ha removed his
to the frame building adjoining hia dwe'iina houte.
between that and Dr. D. T.Tiitea' oftjee, a few doora
west of his old elat lishment, ir Maiket atreet,
where he intends to carry on the above business
extensively, in all its various branches.
Being thankful for past favors, he hope, by strict
attention to business ind liberal chargea, to give
general satisfar lion ; and that he will continue to re
ceive a liberal t-hare of public patronage.
April 8th, 1843.
O. 19 m-i M a .., , uaiimui tot
vors, respectfully Informs the inhabitants of
ounbury and country around, that he has, taken
his residence slid office in market street, in the east
end of ihe building occupied by John Bogsr's store,
whi te he wilt be happy to wait upon all who fa
vor him with their ells.
Sunbury, Apiil 1st, 1843. dm
George Immcriitilii & .So n.
riHE sutsciil-ers hereby infirm the public, that
A. they have entered into partnership, in the
whxh wi!l herc.fier be carried on at the old
stand in Sunboty, under the firm of ''George
Zimmerman fit Son' where thev will conduct the
lu -inert In all its various branches including 7ur-t.
t'n, Making Mill Irons, faming Cttrr.ages. .VAcx
ing Horses, 4c. Order will be ptomptly a',d punc
tually attend) d to, and work dune cheep, fr j.,),
or country piojure.
gjf Shoving done at one dulWr r at
J. H. TtlMMEjitMAN,
Sunbury, March l ih, 1813,
PH o subsnbeia, hsving entered into a partner-
hip in the practice of the law, will be beppy
lo af.nd to all business entrusted to their care.
Colla.-.tions will be promptly attended to,
They may always be found at their office, in
Market street, fcToribury, formerly occupied by
Wm. Dewsrt, dee'd.. as a slirerox.m.
Bnnhory.Feh. 4ih, 1843. ly.
Freali aoppy oTRlWE OINTMENT." received
and for sale by tt.Jp, MAoSER,
Nov. 19th. 1142.
(General Stage OJfi.ce,)
h: cj .nsr lc3 tst 9
THE Subcrlber respectfully informs his friend
and the public in general, that he has taken
the abovo
and that he is now well prepared to accommodate
all who may favor him with their custom.
His Si.r.r.rtso ArsaTaUSTS are well aired, and
Hia TihLK Ann Bin will always be supplied
with the best the market can afford.
His Stablino, which is good, will be under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He feels confident, by strict attention to business,
and an earnest desire to render comfortable those
who msy patronize him, that he will nnt fail to give
general satisfaction. H. B. WEAVER.
Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1842. If,
T)r, D. T. Trltes, Respectfully Informs th
J--' citixensofSunbury and vici oity, that he has it
moved his office to tho building Istely nctupicd by
George Bright, in market street, Sunbury, whrrei
he may be founii at all hours, unless professionally
DR. TP.ITES returns his sincere thanks for tint
encouragement he has received, in the line of h s
profession, in this place, and tru.1, by prompt a .
tent ion. to the duties of his profession, and reason
able, chargea, that he will continue lo rrccivo a
'iberal share of the public patronage,
SunburyiOct. 1st, 1842. tf
Ts". J. W. Peal begs leave to tender liisVate.
- J ful acknowledgments to ihe people of Sunbuiy
snd surrounding country, foi their past eneonrngc
rnent in the line of his profession ; and Would at
Ihe samto lime announce to them, that he still in
tends to Continue the practice of medicine in all Ita
vsrious departments. He would, therefore, solicit
continuance of their confidence and patronago,
He may le found at all timet al hia office, si the
north eaat corner of Blaiklierry and Deer at feels,
unlesa professionally engaged.
Sunbury, Oct, 1st, 1842 tf
TJESPECTFLTLLY i.dW, the public thm ho
--- bis made Northumberland his permanent
place of residehce, and i ready to attend lo ai.y
cali in the line nf liis profession.
July 1, tan, ly.
Change of Hours.
Ci Ae Attxn StrruPAi, Arair. I, 1843,
The psasecger Iratns will li ave at the following
hour :
Philadelphia anJ Puttrvillc.
From riiiludelphl.1, at 6 A.M. 3 n ..
From I'ottaville, st f A. M. S "
Hours of patting Jieudtwr.
For Pottaville, at 6) A. M,"i n .
For Philadelphia, at 1 A. M.
Both liains pat at Poltstown. The down tra il
breakfisle at Reading, and ihe up train st N orris
town, for which la minute aie allowed at each)
F.I H F. S.
Between Pottaville fix Philada, 3,50 fit f?,5C
Between Heading fit do, 2,25 tc 1,7 5
Between do cV Pottaville, 1,40 fit 1,00
Exrraaioa Ticxxra oooo rok TCRia
xat tt.
Between Potttvilla fit Philadelphia, f 5 Oil
Between Reading fit do. 3 00
Between do. fit Pottaville, 3 I'O
All the train will atop for way pattenger st
the esosl point.
07" All paasengsia are reeuested lo procisie
their ticket before ihe trsins start.
May 21, 184?. tf.