II A X Ii NOT 12 n:xsii.v xi a. The f .Rowing lint shows the current jrsluc nf all Pennsylvania Bank Notes. The tnol Implicit re liance may he placed upon it, It G rti-rv wn-k ran fully enmpsrej with ai A corireted fiotn Hi. k Bell's Reporter. Hitnli. In riilUKlrlphla. NaM K. , I.OCAT.O. j, NOTES AT PA n. Bunk of North America . , E-ank cf the Northern Liberties Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , Fnirrcrs' ami Mechanics' Dunk . Kensington Bank . ' ,' Philadelphia Dank . . Schuylkill Hank . Smithwnrk Bank Western Dank . . . Mechanics' Rniik . . Manufacturers' &. Mechanic' Punk Country lSnnliK. Batik of Chester Count -Westchester par nr I'.ir par l:l pal pnr mr par ". I par pnr Hnnk of Delaware County It ink of ricrmnntowii Batik of Montpnmcry Co. fhiylcstmvn Bank Eastnn Bank Farmers' Bank of Bucks ct. Office of Hnnk of IVnn'a. Oirice do do Oirice ilo do Office do do Chester . par Cermantown pit Nniris'onii nr Doyleatowu par Fusion pnr Bri-tol p-it HarrUliute These Lancaster ofliccs Rending f do not Fusion J issue n. NOTES AT Bank of the United Slates 'lank of Penn Township DISCOUNT, Philadelphia 15.i47 . par l(l .20 . . par . . par Pottsville 6 Lewis-town 2 Middletown 34 Northumberland par Columbia Carlisle 4 J Piltshtiry I Hollidaysburg I Lancastct J Lancaster S Bending j Harrishurg Oat Lancaster j Lebanon ?Jn4 Pittsburg I Pillshuig 4 J Williamsport 40a4'i Wilkesbano 8 Allcntown 80 Iteading 70 Pittsburg faili d Krie do New Brighton do da do Charnliersbtirg 1 Gettysburg 4 Mnntroae SO Krio 6n7 Wnynesburg P Washington 1 a 1 j Honcsdale I . Brownsville 2J Yoik 4a4J Oirard Bank , Moynniciisitig Bank Bank of Pennsylvania Miners Bank of Pottsville Hank of Lcwistnwn Bank of Middlctow-n Bank of Nnrthumhcilnn.! Columbia Bank & Bridge co. Carlisle Bank Exehango Hank Do do branch of Farmers' Bank of Lnncastei Lancaster County Bank Farmers' Bunk of Reading Harrishnrg Bank Lnneasler Bunk Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg Wert Branch Bank Wyoming Bunk Northampton Bank Berks County Bank Ortire of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Kentinelon Sav. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. In. Bank of Chnmbershurg Bank of Gettysburg Hank of Susquehanna Co. Frio Bunk Farmers' & Drovers' Batik Franklin Bank Honcsdale Bank Monnn?ahela Bank of B. York Bank N. B. Tlio note of those omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia do failed failed Philadelphia Loan Co. cH-nuyikiu av. ins. do f.ile-d failed B0a85 no aale closed rioted failcil clusi ll no .-ale failed filled fulled no sale Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyntt, prop.) I'owanda Bank I owancla Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bunk of Beaver Bank of Sn-atnra Hank of Washington Centre Bank City Bai.k Farmer' ec Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' eV Mech'cs' Bai.k Faimera' eV .Mech'cR'Uuiik Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank iiuniberuipu'i) Bunk Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northiitnh'd I'nion Col. Bk North Wehtern Ba-k of Pa. Cilice of Schulkill Bank Pa. Acr. & Manuf. Bank Hilver Lake Batik I'nion Bunk of IVnn'a. etmorelnnd Bank BedforJ Beaver liiinisburg Washington BellefonlC Pittsbutg Pittsburg Fayette ri. (ireencasle Harmony Huntingdon no rule Lenibiown nna.de Warren faded DundaiT no file New Hope cloi-e.l Milton no nile Meadfillo closed Port Curbon CarlUIu M ontiose I ;niontown failed eloseil failed close'd (reeiisburg Wilkesbarre Biidgu Co. Wilkisbdrre noaule All notes purporting to be on uny I'liin-yl-vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set down as fiauds. m:iv ji:iisi;v. Bank of New Biuiisuiek Belvidete Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank CumUrl.nid Dank Farmers' Bank Brunswick Belvidero Medlurd Perth Amboy Bridgeton fuilcd I par U par par . 4 failed li fad.d lail.d failed failed fail. .1 i failed i par Mount Hully Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Xahwav Farmers' and Mechuuics' lik N. Bitiuswiek Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middlttouii I'i, Franklin Bank of .V J. Jerey City Hoboken BkgrV Crazing Co Holmken Jersey City Bank Merliuniis' B ink Manufai lur r-,' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Mortis Canal and B1g Co Post Notes Newark Bkp iV Ins Co New Hope Dtl liudce Co Jersey City Phtlt ISOli Bellceillo Morristonn Freehold New aik Trenton Jersey City Newark l0 sule i failed faile.1 u failed 1. Larnliertsvillo r. J. Manure, and Bkg Co lloliokcn N J Prolect.m & Lumburd I k Jersey City t trance Bank Orange Paterbon Bunk Paterson Peoples' Bank do ' Filiation Bank I'rinceton ' Balcm Bunkuig Co &jb m j Stale Bank New ork biate Bank F.liiabelhtown Btata Bank (Widen fclnto Bank of Morris Morristown Klula Bank Tr.nton Salem and Philad Munul (o Hal, m Suss- Bank Ntwton . . Trenton Dai. king Cu Ticntori l-nicn Bank Dnver Washington Banking Co. Huckeusack iti:i.i tin:. Bit of Wilm Si Brandy wint Wi rnington Bank of Delaieart Wilmingtoq Bank of Smyrna Hmyma Do branch Miltord Farmers' Ek of State of Del Dover 1 Do branch Wilmington Do blanch Ce-oigetowii Do brumu Newcastle t'ninn Bunk U jlmington (T" Under fi's pur : p .r 1 I pnr 4 failed (ailed 11 par 1A failed par par par i I'"' par par ptr par ' par UJ" On all I unks ma'Wd thus () ihrr are n. Iher couiitrrf.il r aberrd mi.-, of ibe vniou8 Lt(.. iijniiniliui.i, in etrcuk'ion. 77, r fast 7ncthoil-Jlr Ihr AMilinn rf Disease tat to chtin.-f ninJ purify the BoJy. wniuirr's' i i i a v i: a i:t a it 1. 1: r i m. s OF TUB ,"'orth .Tin r iff on Calif ft vf IftuVb, Are now m kinne lei's ! In bo ihe beVt Medicine in die Wni'.l for the eiue of F,VI'.I!V VAHlKTY OK DISEASR STftlU' A L'Sl: iIh v roinp'etelv cleanse the stn Ji IS maih and bowels from ih. se hiHiuUsai.d eor " t humor ich are the enUfe not only of Ileadathe, Ci.l 'inf Piilpilntioti of the Heart, I'l'ns in the Bones. 1,'ln uniit'sm and Ootit, but evi iv rn la.'v ir etd. i t to num. fAtD I.NDIAN VI..KTABI K PILLS are a e. r ain cure f, r In tel m 1'enl, temi'ted, nervous', inrlnnufoi v and pli'rid Fevers hrpnltT thr V e'e-mse the p-dy firm thilve moib'd hintors, wbieb, when Confined In the cireu l.tinn. are the rane of all kindsof FKVEItS. So, a'fo, when the sninr impuiity is depnsili d on tbo nembiite and nmaele, eausinu pains, iiiH.nnn ton and swelling ealled lUICUM ATls.M, Ci ll T, cVe. Wrichl's Indian Vt Retnl le Pills may e relied n a nlwava ertidn to liivn n lief, and if persevered v itb, nrroullne to directions will nuM iissuiidlv, and without fail, make a perfect cu e of l:e above pninf. I n iiladir. From three to si i.f -aid Indian V.petab'e Pills lakfli evrry night po- ' ir p to bed, will in a shml time so completely rid the body from every tiling that is opposed to health, tl.at l;iict:innti in, (.out. and p ii of every ileserip- ! lion, will be lit. rally DKIVEX FHO.M THE BODY.- For the mmo reason, x lien, Irom sudden, change of ntmo pb. te, or any olber cause, the per- 1 spiiaiinn iselicckid, mi l the humors wh'eli shoidJ pi-sofl bv th-skin are thrown inwardly, causing HEADACHE, CIDDINESS, nausea and nick- ; liei-a, (lain in the boms, wateiy and iiifiatned ryes, ' sore throat, hoarsrnr s, eoliths, consiimptioiH, rlieilrn.it ir pains in various prts of the b.-dv, ami , many nth. r svniptoms of CATCHING COLD,: BVt'i' linlithi Yrirltihte I'i will inviiriubl? give iinmcdi ite n lief. From thtee to six of snid ; Pills taken every night on p inc to bi d, will in a ahotl time, not only remove nil the above mi h as inl ; symptnms, but the, body will, in a ahorl lime, be restored to even sounder hcnl.h than before. ASTHMA. on DIFFICULTY OF BKEATII- ; INC. Wright' Indian Ytgitulilc Vill will loos- en and cany ell', by the stomach anJ boiv. is, llioe tough phli gmy humor.-', which stop up all the nir I cells of the lungs, and are the cuue, not only of the i above distressing complaint, but w hen neglected, ( often terminates in that mo cdienJful malady ca:led i CONSUMPTION. It fhou'd bealsoicti.cihb.i.d j that Wright' Intlittn Vrgttiihte ' are a ciilain cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppressor., nan- i sea, and sickness, lo-s of ntini lite, cosliveursa. a ' yellow tinge of ihe rkin ai d eyes, and every other symptom f a t rpid or diseased slate of the liver; because they puree from the body those impurities which if ib posited upon this important organ, are the can e of every variety of LIVER COM PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed by iiot-, outbreaks and n hellion, the only mean of prevent ing Ihe dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAII, is to expel nil traitors, and evil disposed ones from the country. In like manner, when pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the body is strug cling wiih internal foes, the true remedy is to EX PEL ALL MOIiBID JHWIOIJjS, (traitors to health and life,) Ihulth will be the eeiiuiit result. Thai Ihe piinciple nf curing di-easp,by cleansing and purifying the body, is strictly in accordance with the laws which govern the animal economy ; nnd if properly carried out by the u.e of the above named W HI CUT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will certainly result In the complete Abo I tion of Disease j we ofTer the following testimoni als, frnm pirsunr of Ihe highest re. pectability in New Yoik, who have recently been cured of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the usi- of Wmiimit's Inux Vor.T nr. Pills, of the Xorth Anurienn Cvlh ge vf Htalth t JeM.iCA, L. I., JuneDth.lSll. Doctor Wil'iaru Wright Dear Sir It is -.villi great Fati-fartion I inform yon of ray having been nlirely cured of Dyspepsia, of five y car studding, by the Use of your I; Kin 4 sr Vriitritiin I'illi. Previous to meeting with your celebrated mdi cine, I had In en under the hands of several Phvsi- citiiis. and bad tried various medicines; but all t. no f fleet. After usinc one 2.1 cent hoy. of tour Pills, however, I experienced so much bet elit, that I re-olv.d In prrseveie in the ue of ihem aceoidinu to directions, which I am happy to stMp, hi s result ed: in a petteet cure. Irirutiludp to you for ll.e great ben. fit I b-iv irc-iee-d, and abo in the hope that others similarly aflliet. d may be induced to make tiial of your exlrunr.lin-ny medicine, I send you this ttaleinnit wiih full liberty to publish the same, if yon think proper. Yours, eVe. New lurk, June 111, S I. (J. C. BLACK. Mr. IJii hatd Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills Dear Kir I have been afflicted for se'eral years wiih inward wei.kness and general debility, worn panied at times with pains in the side and other distressing complaints. Aft. lhavinii tried various niedieiues w i'boi I. iV.ct. I was persu uh-d by a fiicnd lo make trial cf Dr. Wiighl's Indian Vegetable Pills, which I am hsppy lo slate, hues relieved n,e in a most winderl'ul manner. I have n--rd the me dieine. as yet but short lime, and have nodiiuht, by a perseverance in 1I10 use rf the nn-da i iH nccor dint; to directions, ihat I shall in u short lime 1 e perl, city le. lined. I most willii yly recommend said I'd' to sllpir sons siiuilaily hlllietcd, and in the full belie! that ihesnme beneficial resets will fnlh.w llair Use, I re inciii jours sincealy. HENKY A. I'OO'I E. Waiwui-ing, (.'Utcr ces N. Y. Nrw YoilK, Sept. 'VS. lll. This is to eetlify il.i.t I have used Wmiiirr's Im-in Vnit reniK 1'm.i.s with the greatest lie-ne-til; havine ernir, cured mys. lfof tl c IV. ipieiit at Ineks of Sil k Headiiehe, to w hii ll I had previously U-.il subject. ANN MAUI A Tilt i.M I'M l, ' 3U3 t.reeiiwich Uriel. N. Y. To Mr. Hirbnid D. nni, Agent fur Wright's In diaii Vegetable t.ls. As ihere are nl this time many wicked persons busily ingaKcd in sebmc a Counterfeit medicine un der the iihine of the Indian Vegetable Pills and us these desperate men are so uiteily r. ikh ss of con sequences, that ninny valuable lives may be lost in consequence nf using their dreadful compounds, ihe public nre cautioned ngainsi purchasing any I'i'.l, sunless on the 1 ides of the boxes the following wording is f un.l : WKIGHI ' I Mil AN VEGETABLE PJLI.S. (Indian Purgative) Ol THI NOIITU iUMIICtS COLLI b r' Ii F IIHLTll. And slse to be esMia!ly eunful against purcha sing said incdicine of any person ncepi the reou lr advertised iipents. AUF.STS FVll SOIiTIlVMBFIilASn CO, Pennsylvania, H. B. Mai-ser. Sunlnry Wm. Forsyth, Nor ihiimlierlniid Jacob llus, Sbanibkili Samu. I Herb, Mahonov Bverly eV D. ll .s, Aucusla Thomas Follnit r, Milton IrelmJ V Meix. II, MiEwenniile E S. P per, Tuibulsville James Ptcd, PollsBrovf II, Klase, Snvd. utown II. H. KioIhI, p. M.. Lly.lnrg P. O. Win. I.ei-ei.rintj, P M, Union Corner. Olli.c nnd Gnier.,1 Depot for the sale of '. Vrceiobe pi lb, M'bnlcsi,le and Pri.ii, u. lfjy KAC'E fi'M.'EET. PHILADEL PHIA. Msv SI, ISii-V-ly ROSE OINTMENT, VOU TIITTLH. j KiNowoitMs, MMPi.rta oh rur. rtt it, ani 01 nt:it I 'l TANKOI'S l:Rt ITIONSI. I tXj Thr fiilli'U'ing crrtijjca'e thxrr'thex one nftfie 1 must iftruurdiiuiry tuns ivcr effected l,y itmj tippl'tailinn. I'iMLAnr.iriii 1, February 10. 18:19 70K twenty yeats I was severely alllicti d with Ti vmr. on ihn Face nnd Hcudi the disease Ir" Iwuty yeats I was severely nlllict.il with T.i ri a .1... 1.' .... ....I .1... .t:. eommeticnl when I w is seventeen years old, and continued until (lie Full of 18:111, varying in vio lenee, hut without ever ilisappet-iritii;. During most of the lime, great part of my face was covered with ihe eruption, frequently ailcn.b d with vio'etit itch ins; my head swi l ed at linns until it fell aa if it would burst the swell, n; was so g cat. that I eou'.l care, ly get my hat on. During the long period tint I was afflicted wbh the disease, I i:se.l a gre1'.! many n plication', (am ng them 81 vend celebrated prepaiution-) as w. II ae InkitiB inw rr.l rerin ilies including a nuinlier ot i.ntiii ot nii'tum liintifra. Extract of Sarsnpnn'lla, cVc, In fai t it would he tmpo-sihlc to enuittcia'e all the medicines I used. I was also nn.!er the Ciro of two of die most ills- linguishod physicians of ibis city, but without re- j cciving m-'ch beni fit, and I despaired of ever being 1 cured. In ibe fill of IS:i(i, the disea-e :.t the time . being very violent, I commenced usioj the .or 1 Ointment, (prepared by Vaiighan cV. Davis.) Ill : a f iv n plications the violent itching censed, the swelling nha'c.l, Ihe rtit'lion began to disippear, and Ik f. re I h nl used a j ir the ill ease w.n entirely r ctite.l. Il bus now been lietn'y a ymr nnd ahi'l'; since, and there is not a vestige of 1I1.1 diseaM- re- ' main inc. except the scars from the deep pits ferine I I by Ibe di ease. It is tmpi ssildo for me to des. rit e in a crrlificnli' the see. rity of Ihe disease Hid my si ll", ring, bill I v. ill I e pie .s d to uive a toiler nc- connl to nny person wanting further reitir.ictiont who will C ill on me. At the time I rointnerice.l using the 1J sc Ointnirn! I would have given hun .beds of do'hns to be rid of the ditease. Since 11 -sing it. I have reconimendi d il to rev.r.l persons, (among them my mother, w ho had ihe disease bad ly on her ivtiO v bo w. re a'l cured hv it. , J AMES DIJUNELL, No. 15fi, Itace St. iXj' I be l.ose Ointineirl U pn -pared by E. It. Vauhan, Son h I'asl coiner of Third and llace streits, Philadelphia, auj sold on iiL'eucv in Snrdui rv. bv H. B. MASSE It, May Mih, IS 12.' Agent. ?oe Oiuf iiu iH, lot Tt'lUi. .1 I'ltoor or it m f.fficacy. Piin.Aiii.i.riiiA, May 27ih, IS3!. 'PHIS is to certify tl iel I was si vcrely alll.c'e.l i 1 It Teller in the hands nnd f ct for upwards of forty years ; the disease wasuttetaled gi nerallv with violent iti long end swelling. I t'pplied to 1 number of phvsi.-i.-ns, and us. d a great many suppli cations without (Hie ling a enre. About uy ar since, I applied the Kose Oinlmerit, which enlirely slopicd ihe ilehinu.and a f. w applications immedi ately cured ihe disease, which there has been no re-turn of, sllliniitfli I had never been rid of it at any time for f.nly years. lilCHAI.D SAVAGE, El.venth, lelow Sp.uce Street. rj- The Rose Ointment is prepnred by E. B. Vauuhan. S mill East corner of Third and I.'uce Streets, Philadelphia, and suld on naer-cy in Simbu ry.by H. B. MASSKK, May 11th. 1842. Agrst. mEDICAI, ArrnCBATION Of Ihe ROSi: OITMI'T,fur Ttttrr. LTHOUGII ihe superiority of the preparation J- v over all others is fully established, ihe pr.pr e- ; lors lake ph asure in laying be fore iho ublic the ! following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate ol the University of Pcnnsylvani e. Dr. Ilaiich, havine found in ibis icmedv that relief f..r ! a ledi.-us and disagreeable affection w liieh ihe menus within the ranee of bis profession failed to alhird, has not hesitated In give it his approbation, although thn prejudices and interests of that profession aie fpposcd to secret B. in. dies. PiiiLAi.j i.rni, S. pi. 10, I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic crupiii 11, w I it h eoieicil pi arlv one si 'e of nrv f ice, and extended over the ear. Mr. Vauchan. propria - ' tor of the- Kose Ointment, oleiving my farr, mss- 1 led on niv I'ViliE bis preparation, of which he ban- ded me a jar. Although i" common with ih mem- ' beis nl inv rof. ssion, I diseount. n nice and ilisns ' prove ot ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon tlx- , public by i-noidnt pr tenders, I feel in jus ice hound j loexc.pl the Itose Ointment lioni that c'a-s of me- ! tbeines. and lo give it my approbation, ns il entire- 1 ly eured the eruption, nltholiuh il h id resisted the i usual applications. DAM.. BAUGH, M. D. 0 The Hoe Oiiilment is pieimred by E. B. ' Vauuhan, South blast corner of Thud and Uaec Streets, Ptiilude'phia, and sold on i. nev in Snn burv, by II, B. MA-SEK, May Mih, IS42. Ag'iit. J. IVIATZL AND, JR. & CO. ... 1 ... 1 y7, . . SlHtll nml l..li:t.-CO Mnillllarll HflS, ,o. !'. .('7i Wist form r if Unci mid Third .Srrr.v. PHILADELPHIA. 11 1 ii.. 1 i.ia in... rPIIE under-igne.l have formed a Co-pnrtn rship - under the firm of. I. M AYL AND. .In. .V Co.. as successors to the late linn of Jncab ,lm,-ltmd Co., nnd will c mtiiiue the I usiiu-ss at the old esta blishment, 011 tl eir own ueeouni. In addition to their own close attcnlioii nnd experience f.-i ninnv years, in the mnnufrfture rT their cefrbrntcd unill", Ac. ihe lonir 1 xperience of ibe senior pailner of 1 1 e late lirm, will also be devoted to 1I111 interest of the new concern and ns no exrrlion and care will le spared to insure their c"'-ds, nl nil times of ihe ve ry I -est qntihiv, iht-y solicit a continuance of the confidence of the 1'i.ei.dj nnd en-tonu r of the late firm. THOMXS ADAMS, J. MAVLA.XD, J. Philadelpliia, May Mih. sl-.y EAGLE ( 'or 11 1 r vf Trrd and nir Strain, WXIalilAIVSSrOIiT, TA, raltc -.,1 .-i.. .r n .. rlUr. sul-scriber r-ei tfully uniiouncf t the I ,.,,i.i,.. ,i,, i. 1,. . . . ' 1. . 1 : .l put'lic, thai lie 1 s 01 cue.) a llolcl 111 the corn- ......t..,.w i,., ... 1 ..;i n. .. . ... . .1 . moiii.uis l-iii k luililinii s Unite on l ie eonier ..I 'I bird and Pine streets, where he will ho happy lo ! wan rip in tliose w tin may lavor liiinuit'i llicii compriny. The Eaale Hotel is laice nnd coiiw ni ent, and furnished in the le t ne-ilern st le. Ii i provnle.l witli a large iniinlH-r of veil aiied and i-oinn riaiite ttieeping spartnif tit-., rooms, private i I'nnors, c. reimns visiting illiamsport on bii siniss or p'e-ure, tnav ic.t ss nr. d tliril excrv ex ertion will le used to lender their sojourn at the "Etrule Hod I" plensinl and ngr. esh'e. His Table will be supplied with the vriy best the market af fords, and his bar wi h ihe c.! nicest wines and other liquors tliaic.es re 'Sonable. 'I he Basle Hotel possesses greater advaninces in point of location than any other similar establishment in the l oieugh, being situate in the husin. ss part oflhelow n. and within a convenient disli.nre) of the Cniiit House and Wnlinrnsporl and Elmira Bad l.'o.ul D. pot. Sutlii ienl Spibliug provided, uruj guod and trusty ostlers ulwuys in utleiidance. Attentive, secon.mivebiting and hone-t Servants have been 1 inrloed. and liolhing b ft undone th y will add lo the commit and oi'C.mmoilaiion of his guests. There will he carriage always in attendance al the Boat Landing to on.y pssei,gers lo slid from Ihe House, frc of charge, CHARLES BORROWS. May Hlh, IMJ. A TTUUMvV A T I. AW, Business iiileuded to in the Counties of Nor lliuti'l i rland, Union. Lycoming nnd Coluiiib.n. Itefei- lot TriaMis llen-r iV. Co., Low r. 11 A lltnriov. I Hst, ('LviMtuna eV Haht, ',' 11 d. ... ei.. l- .. .1. r. I .si .-.'(.us, ii. 1 n 1. . .111 .eyi. I Sl Kill VII, 'I'llOll eV Co., J To t'oHiidw " .'" ' MERCHANTS, rPHE Subscriber, Agent of I. yon A Harris, Hat Miiniifaelnrcrs, for N. w York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and -jlher large cities, wlosx Huts tire highly comm. tnbal r rj.nd eiij) and durnliilili, ha.i 011 hand a lir-t rate ns'eilin"iit of IIA I'ri and CAPS, suiti1 le for Spring me-, ah ch will 1-e sold vrry low, fm cash or nniouved rredd. at the mtid clienp sturr, ro. 40, Aorlli i li.rd stryvt, oppjsi'e : the City II. .tel. Philadelphia. RODEI1T D. WILKINSON. ,l;erif. N. B. Orders lot Hats in ihrnt-'i. pro.upllv ntten.bt.l to. The highest rice iu null or lrs ! given far t'nr ilin.t. . ; Pbil .dclphia, June 11, IS 12 --ly !' wsBrnH:a:ii3c. "" j Ll. persons iiul. hied to the firm of Lvnn cV ' Hurls, under the agency of n. .. Thaeher. , Hit and Cap Manufacturer!, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are nipiestrd to make iinmcdi. I nte settlement oftlvir m counts oith the subscriber, 1 tin ir legally au'hoiired r.ijeiit.who is fully i mpow I end to si tile and collect ibe nei-nunts of said firm. KOBEI'.T D. WILKINSON, I June 4th, 18 12. tf Agent. ! cTo lITkn" " stYvXn . Tim s r iia.7.ni3 n:. Ao. (i'J jnrth Third, vhnvr Ari h Html, IMIILADELl'lIIA. ! Arr iivvuiiM kins; iuk sf i:MY n t!sos. ! fill .MILES WEISS, l.i-cnf lie-White Sivnti," ! and "Mount Vernon House," resp.clfuliy in i forms his friends and customers, ibal he I a become j Ihe proprietor of thn nbo- well known Hotel. 1 Conn'ry M.-ichants will fnd the above Hotel a j central location, nnd the best of fare. Persons tra velling wiih private conveyance will find a larce j yard and good stabling (or horses, and the best of ostleis. Boarding 1 perdiiv. I May Mih, 1812. if. aM SV S. K it 1 s-.. - 1 i (.'oiniiiissinn A: rorwnrdlti Mcrt-lianl?, i Fimt of Ui'Ioir til ml Hull liuad, ON 'I'll K till WkllK, : IIAVING assori.ii.d " i h tin m Joseph Barret, ! late of Enslori. Pj., ri snei ifi.lly inform their ' friends nnd the public get era'ly, that ihry hav ta. , k. n that large and we'l known store and wharf at j font of Willow Street loirlroad, hit. ly orcnpiel by ' Jacob Martin, where ihey pu-pose doing a G'eneral l.oiumission a 1 1 el I orwat.img Business, and fiom the local advaniaues of ihe place being conm cled with idl the pubi c improvements that have their outlet in the citv, they flatter ihi msi Ies they will be able to do business lo as great, if not g ealci ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other house, and they assnte their fiieuds thnt any co;; 8'gnments made to them shall have tin ir s'rict at tention, ond no excitioiis spaied to give cntiic satis faction. 'J'hi j are also prepared to receive ai d forward goods to any point on the Di laware nnd I.elvnh livers, lietwe. 11 Mauch Chunk, Ejston and I'htla del) his, via Delaware Divisi. n and Lehigh Can Is; also, lo anv point on the Juniata river, or North and Wtsl Blanches of ihe Susquehanna v in Selmyl. kill anJ Union, or tho Ches ipe-uke-and Tide Watci 1 Can a!s. ' For the accommodation of Boats coming or go I ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Sie.liihonl ; will hi kept expressly for tawing boats from the ; Schuylkill around lo ihe Del.iwaieainl back, which will en .hie merchants to have their produce deli vered on the De'aware, and llu irg iods sl.ipp-cl at a saving ol 50 to 7ft per cent, on the prices fr ll inline aco-s, with these advantages they re spectfully solicit a share of psir 'inn-e. W. HEILMAN & CO. William IL ilmin, ) William W. K.jee ',( loseph lb met. 3 Philad .May M, I S 12. ly BOLTON c CO. (Mic-i itl miiiiiIhIoii .tin 4 limits, For thr Sutr if Fluur, Cruin, Seed, te., .'c. --t -f - f r ' M VT$ T' ',TY B 51) ihe .Merchants cener; 1 ken those laree and co.nmo.li form their friends nnd generullv, that they have la- mmodious Whai v; s, w it Ii .vo ' Hoiks, ninth of Chesnut str.cl, on the D. la wire', I Ifuellicr ilh the st.ue ,o. I'J South Irenes, wheie they would be plea-ed lo rcn ivc consign ...... j ""'lit j elc. ments of Grain, Flolli, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, eVe. Being also well prepared to forward nil klniU '. "' M'rchandu-e by the Schuylkill mid I. nioo.or tiy the Chesapeake an 1 Tiile Water Canals, as low boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of towing hunts by 1 i her route. Men bants w ill ple se be particular to send their (;. ds destined l y either c.iniil-, I i No. I'J South Win ivs, betui. 11 Market and (.'hesuut streets, on the Delaware, with ilirecli. ns accomp Hiving iheiu which route they wish them lo be shippi-d, (Vj Plaster and all for sale, at tin- lowest mar ket price. BOLTON & C'. March 10. 1812. No. 19 South Wharves HoisCi: :' t i iiri.it mis, PAPIin K ANUPACTUKERS, Lombard St ml, llult'.niorr. I I AVE Ci'ti.-laiilly for sale, 1 ' r 1 1 1 ; i 1 1 -4 Paper of al sizes and qunliti. s, Cati Wiiiing Paper, ruin! I and plain, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and ! I'laiii, lliinging Paper, hue ami conmiou, LiimIo I .,, ' 1, 1. 1.' 1 .. : I "per, i!o. do. nn Jii in, doub e ciow n, crown at : ,' ,. ,-..- ., ,. , . . sl'-e.l in ping Pat cit, ( o oied Me. mm at plain, Hanging Paper, hue and common, 1 . nv . .-pr and 1 in 11 c I at eri), I o!oie.l Me.'ium and l.'ojnl Papets. Boiiinl, Binders' and Snaw Box Boards, Tissue Paper, and all ailicles in iheir line, which they will sell on 01 ceininodaiing tonus. lUghe-st j-rice given f t old rags. ROBERT CARTER A- SON, March 19, IS Pi. Elkion, Md CSP.-7GCLITS PCLirH. VN arlic'e unequalled for denning slid g.ving a highly durable and most brilliant polish lo sil ver, Gcrimin Silver, Brass, Copper, Diiinuiia ware, Tin, St.el, Cutlery, anil for restoring the lustre mi vnriiisliod carriages, j(c. - TRY IT. - '. ; ' Prepared an I sold at wholesale an.! retail, try the Susquehanna Chryaohto Polish Coinpau, Owego, 'I'iiHia comity, J. V. , . WM, FORSYTH, Agent tor Northum'd. H. B. MASSE K, Agent lor Sunbury. November SOtli, 18 13. VLTVAl I.KWJ'XS. LAST ST MAILER, No. 71 Callowl.il! Street, 1'liiladclpliia. C Three doors above Strand.) C1HOF. FitidiriRs always kept on hand, which hr t"f oil. is for Sule nn Ihe oe- terms. Country Men h int.i are parllculitly lo c ill and ju.ljje foe themselves. Philadclphis, NvivcntHi Id. 1 R ii. ly. ';tH'l'l- isi ill 11 J m.mi C-. Vr. & L. E. TAYLOR. IIT'ER Fl) SALE, at ihr South Eist Cor i p tier of Fifth and Market Streets, t'hiladel i;iV .' 1 -: 1 , ; Metis' (,'alf-sl.in Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double soles and double Uppers, do Onir-rkin do do do nailed and tippers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Nents do do. do High quarter Shoes, Culf-skin. do do do Crockers do do Fine Monroes warranted do Kip do do do do lo do do do Calf do do Coarse do do .to Shoes do Fine do do Kin do do Calf nnd Seal Skill Pumps. do List Socks with and w ithout soles. do Carpet do do do do Pnlenl Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Lndii s' tanned India Rubber slims. Ociitlcmcns' do Over shoes. With every other description of lioots and shoes-. Fur Cnps of every description. Traveli ng Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Bl rckintr. Bonnets of nil kinds. Palm Leaf Hats. Phil ulelphia. Nmcinher Id. IS-12. ly. "'AT'& BPsCTHZ?., ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATION ERS, Xo. 12J (.'licsnut Street, liclow 4tlt, I'hiladdpliin. H 7" EEP constantly on hand a general assort ing 's ment of Books and Stationary ; comprising Tin nlngicut. Law, Midical, (.'las-sical. Miscellatte ous and School Books, Day Books, all sir.in, Led hcts, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket II. Ides, Wiitint Papers, Wra ping Pup. rs. Ac. Ac, w hich they of ler at the h.est piiccs to Country Merchant's Pro fessional Gentlemen, Teachers, and all others that may favor ihem with .heir custom. Philadelphia, Nox.iniber 1.1, 1812. ly. itT.cfcncI Wc.ivcr V .:n, norE MAKERS & IIir CHANDLERS. A. 13 Ai7( Water .Slreet, I'hiludi fjdiia. I fB A V E constanlly on hand, a pem-r d nssort fi merit of Cordage, Sc inn Twines, Ac., i. : I ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow -Lines for Canal Boats. Also, n complete iicsoitincnt of Sitnc Twines. Ac, such as ' Ileuip SI. ad and H. iring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, (.'ott. in Hind and lleniim Twii e, .Shoe Threads, evc. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Ph-iigh I.ines, II niters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Curpt-t Chaitrs, ' Ac. all of which they will disp.-so of on n asonahle j teims. s. , . . .. . I Phtl.nle'phia, Novembai 13, IS PI. I v. J;icul E l isuiiun & Son. j "j EsPEt'TFULLY informs their friends and j scquiiiuti'iiees ge. lerully thai they still run liniio to keep nt the did stand. No. 2 -iti .North 3d stre.t, Philinl. Iphin, 1.11 liuds of 1 Toll A f 'CO SM 'F AM' f-'FCA F.S. ! Which they will mA n Ihe ir. iiicommodmini, ' and reis.iiia le terms. j N. B. All iroi.'ds sol.l Will be guuiutcej i.ud uli -orders promptly tllended to. I Philadelphia, . vemliei 13, 1812. ly. Whulcsnle ami Ucl.-iil Shuc, lloniict,! and ralni l.cal Hat Wari:lintise. So. fiG .YoWA 2. street, u few doors ubore .licit, l'hilaili 'plwa. A I.SO Trunks, Cuipet Bags and Valices, ofev. .ildL rr.v dcsciiplion, nil of which he oiler for sale on ihe iiiosi reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Noven.ber 13, 1S!2. ly. J.W.SWAIN," rmlirt'Ila and Tarasul I;t tii.r.u-tnrcr. .Yo. Ui Ni Thud street, in;, du.rs below Ihe City Hot, I. Phihidelohia. iOUNTR Meiihauls and others nre solicited lo eiaiuiiie his assoiti.u-ul before nuichusini! 1st- w hero . Phila !elj hi i. Novrniter 11. '.A 13. Jy. i' . & a V- licVv 6 1; ) T ' S Cliina, Class nml Liverpool Warehouse. iVo 101 Xorth Third street, third door btlotn Fiie street, Phihiilephia, "T7HERE ihey constantly ketqi on hand a large ' ' assoilmeut of China, Glass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on Ihe most iei sonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13. IM1. ly. TIlKOlMIA'.S-L'r.lV Alamifacl urcr and Importer of Sad llciy, Hardware, &c. ! .Yo. 5 South Third street, fuur Jmft beltua Market et j al ' l'hiladeliihiti. "ITT" EEP constantly on hand a large am! general fcl'A. n.ssor'nient 1 ouch Lamps, Carriage Bands Ay I.) Arms, I'.liptic Springs, Pali lit Leather. Ac. Country .Merchants ud saddlers will be supplied si ' nil times on tho most lejsonnhle terms. 'J hey will find it to their advantage to cull and examine his ! assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ' Philadelphia, Novtml er 13, 18-13. ly. KliYNOLDS, lilcFAKI.AiM) ( O Wliolusale) dealers in I-'orcign Ilritis-li ' and American Drv (loads. So, nit Market street, hlUuhlphia. j COUNTRY Merchant, and others can be sup- plied ut all tiuics with an extensive assort- ment of ihe .a-st nnd uiosl fas'.iionahle Ootids upou . the most reasonable turns. Philadelphia, November 13, 1812. ly. LOW Kit I5A It UO., Importers and Dealers in Forciirn and I )omcslic I lardwarc, j No. 171 North Tiitnv Sthut. rHiumi ntn IT, rHILXMLrillA 71 11C RE their ft iends and t ustoniers w ill always bud a large and g neial a.-aiortuiciit of Foreieu and Domestic Hatdwaie, which they will sell al the lowest pti.es. .- Philedcl hia, November 13, tfi 12. ly. MSHKinCK, 1IA.NSEI.F. ( O S." WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STCKE. Ao. JGO Market Street, 1'hiJa.' ( Heh,u Fifth South tide ) A LWAYS keep on hand a full and general as 2VL. s. rtmenl of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country Merehanla are respectfully requosOd to give them a call and examine for thrm-elvcs. Philadelphia. Novcmlfr 13, ltU y. S 1 K I UNtTT GCK)T)fc TO. Xo. las Maiknt Street, ri.iladtli-liia rv 1 1 l. the attention of Country Merchants j to their extensive assortment of ltriii.h French nd American Diy Gooils, which they ol'i r tot sale on Ihe in t irsscnshls Icrins. PhiUJeljhia, November J, IS-lt. ly. WINSIOWB BALSAM Cr HOllEHOUND. N unparelleled remedy for common Colds, Coiighs, Asthma, InfliienM. Whooping ('migh, Bronchitis, nnd all diseases of ihe Breast nnd Lungs, lending in consumption; composed of the concen trated viitues of Hon hi d, Botisct, Blood Root, Liverwort nnd several nlher vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wissliiw, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universnllv admitted pectoral viitues of the Heibs from which the llnhnm oj llnrehmind is made, are loo generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is iheiefore only ncca ry lo observe thnt this Medicine contains Ihe whole of their Medic inn) properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined w ith several other vegm table substances, ns to render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now In use, f. r the co;n plaints alcove mentioned. The Balsam removes all imfiammntion and iore ness of Ihe Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en nbling the patient to expectorate with ease and free' dom, assuiges cough, relieves alhmatic and diffi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the pores, nnd composes the distuilied nerves, and gives slniiE'h lo the tender lungs, and thus produces a s eedy and lasting cure. iNiiiiATiTt ni: istiik haskst cm mk i Mi. We nro mil among that class of Editors who fit a few dollars w ill, (at the ci perse of truth and do nes'y) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither aie we w ailing to lemain silent, after having te-tc.l the utility of nil itn rovement or dis covery in science or art. Our readers w ill recollect we toll! them we were unwell w it h a sore throat and violent odd some few weeks neo. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREHOI'ND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who are alllicted, may try il upon our recommendation. I.e:i-i.to" T- ferrnph. For side by HENRY YOXTHEIMF.il, Sunburi,, JACOB BRIGHT, Korlhu inheeluiid. Also, by Druggists generally throuihout the country. rjj Pi ice, 50 cents per hot tic. Auust Mih, lSIJ. ly. FC?s SALE. TyOR sale a small Furm, containing ohput enc bundled nnd ten acrrs, more or le s. situate 111 J oint township. Ai.rhuml crlaiul count' , about tw o miles above Nml! uriiberl md, on the nii.iii riiad leading from that place to Danville, adjoining land- of John l.cghou, Jesse ;. Ilorton and others, now in the ivcitpuney of Samiu I Pay re. About dirty acres of said tract are thai, d, and in good .stat.- of cu tiwtlion, 011 w hich there is a small hum erect-d. 'I he properly w ili he sold on r asonable leiuis. For further aiticu'uis, peisons ari request ed to applv to the u!crib. r. II. B. MASSSR, Agent, Nov 27rh. IS 11. tf Siii.lnirv. Pa. OF EVERY DK.CRirno.V. M'.W KM.' I. AM) Oil. CO.Ml'ANV. No. -J!) Ximli Water Siifcl, l'liila. "TV TJANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of JLV.il every description hoih for binning and lul'acturing purposes, which will be sold much lower th.m they can he procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving a icj rosetilcd, may be reliirue.l w lhout nny c ense to the pur chaser, nnd the money will be refunded. 'I heir stock now in store consists ol the following oils, viz : 3(1,000 gallons Winter Blenched Sneinn 5 Oil, fiOOO 15,1'tlO 10,0011 0.0011 root) if), 1100 do do do do do .1.. do Ciiloil.-ss Oil, Fall and S( rinc Sjierni Oil, Winter Scg li. hant, do Pic.sed W hale Oil, Summer do do do I ommon hale t hi, 200 Barrels superior Stra 's Oil, :!i (l 1:0 I '.id Bank Oil, fill do Nears Foot O 1, 7 5 Cavks Olive O.I, T n Tier's 1 li's. ) Cj This ('otnpii y has n number of Vessels" , 11 gage.l in the ('o-l Fish, rv , and 'Fanner- may rely upon petiinc at all times Oil us pore as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 1:1, 1 I-.'.1V. No ."il. i(h . on! slieet, (tUHM.N .-FCi iiMh's eLt.LV.) Wheic ihey constantly kiep on hand a gener-il a-sor nii nt ..f CLOTHS, CASSIlVIEltES, VESTIIfGS And 11 greot nnrirti of art if lis if a snperinr quality, which they oiler to illsHse nf upon the ni"l lea.on il le t, rms. COUNTRY MERCIIANIS and others will find it to lh.ii advantage to call and itainiuc thiir stock liefore purchasing elswhcre. Philadelphia. Nov. 0, 1S I3. ly LIST OP BOOKS, KI. S4Lk KT . "n-iv A NT1 ION'S Classical Dictionary; I .emprii r's y do.; Ailiswoith's do ; Cobb's do.;' English and Geiman do.; Ambon's Cnsar; Amhou's Grammer; .Mitlien s l.ice o; JIait sLaUn Reader; trilby 's do ; At. .bevy's Latin Less. n; D. linegan's Lexicon; Fisk's Gre. k Exercises; Dav ies's Leceiulei; (Jracea Majora; Adams's Romnn Antiquities; Pinnock's Goldsmith's England; do. Greece; Lyell's Elements ol Geology; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of Botany; Bridge's Alge bra; Porter's Rhetorical Ri n ders; Eimrson's Ceournpliy and History; Olney's do.; Parley's do.; Smith's Crammer. Kirkham's do.: Kay's Readers; Cold 'a do.; Cnhb's Aiithmeiicl.; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cebh's Spilling Rooks; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Collage B,blef; Family do ; Collater al elo Small Bibles olid Testaments"; Patkei's Es en iseson Composition; Fiuil of the Spirit; Baxter's . o.-int s tvesi; American Revolutinn; Manyatl's No- v.Ts; Mrs. Phelps cm Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism j f Amcricsn Laws; belters on Natural Magic; Che j inislry r,i Beginners; English Exercises adapted lo j Murray's Grammer; Sequel to Comlcy's Spelling lll'."k; A','',n Clasa u..ok; Dakdi's'sch.siimas. "tJ of Hlauk UooU' "Vr' ' -- ATTENTION. .1 . s 1 1 . 1: v j o 1: s . Ill.H LNlS tlu- attention of hiscunlry Hien.T who are in want, to his very huge stock of I Carpe tings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Slsii Rods, Ac, Vc, that h has just opened, at ' hi warch. uses, No. I ! North 5d street, and No. V , Chinch Alley, next dour to Christ Church, Phila I delphia. July 31, 1812 ly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. n. k 1 n k v a 'v n i c k vV s o Ao. 51, A011 It ltd street, (nrrwiiii st svii chssbut (tRCLTs,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for sale a large and excellent assortment of ipaniih Hides, Patna Kivs, Twitters' Oil, ,tc, si ii- si. niinn prievs, ciunr lor casn, in uchsoge for leather, r upon credit. Cnii.ignnienls U Leather rsceived for atlo. 01 purchased at the highest market prices. 37- Leather sloiud free of thatce. April it, ISli. ly.