Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 06, 1843, Image 3

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    The Dcftth f Mr. Jaaoti Rldgvvay'.
Mr. Jacob Rtoo wat, vrho, since the decease of
Stephen Oirard, has hern regarded at the wealthiest
citicen of Philadelphia, departed thii life on Sunday
morning tt II o'clock, at his residence in Chesnut
elreet opposite Independence Hull, in the 75th
year of hie age. lie hid Wn ill Tor some days,
nd wa attended in his last houra by several of
our most eminent physicians. Mr. Ridgway was
V nocked down in the street a few weeks ago by a
horse and vehicle, and was indisposed from the
time of the accident. He wa a self-made man,
and died worth, it is probable, about f 6,000,000 in
property of varioua kinds, tn early life, Mr. Ridg
way waa a ehip-Cariientr-r. He was subsequently
American Consul at Antwerp, during a most criti
cal period of the last European war. He also rr
aided for some time at Paris, and then returned
to this country, where, his health failing, he was
recommended to visit the South. He did n,
but experiencing tittle benefit, he arrived at the
conclusion that the want of employment was the
real source of his disease, and he returned to Phil
adelphia. He resided here for the last yeara of his
life, and was one of the most useful of our citizens,
was constantly engnged in building and other
laudable undertakings, and at the time of his decease
owned several hundred houses in the city and
country, aa well as entiles in different parts of the
Union, especially in Delaware and New Jersey.
His immediate heirs are a son, Mr. John Ridgwny,
and two daughters Mrs. Dr. Rush and Mrs.
Roatch. The latter i a widow; and neither of the
daughters have children. Mr. Ridgway has con.
slantly engaged upward of 200 men, house carpen
ters, painters and ollur mechanics, and hW loss,
therefore, will be seriously felt, He was regardej
aa an excellent landlord. A friend mentioned to
us on Saturday, as an instance of his liberality in
assisting others, that on one occasion he loaned the
late Mr. Guier, his note at 18 months for f 100,000,
which was discounted by Mr. GirarJ. He died
surrounded by his friends and family, and his fune
ral will probable lake place on Wednesday.
Bieknelfs lieporter.
S m fin)' Doliiga In Xcv Orleani.
The New Orleans P.cayune of the 23J (Sunday
week says.)
Military Doings for to-day. We learn that
some eight of our volunteer companies will par
ade this morning, at 8 J o'cl ick, at the Place
J' Amies, under command of Lt. Col. Lahuzan.
After battallion drill they are to ba reviewed by
Col. Rich rd M. John on, ttovernnr Mouton and
suite, and Brig. Gen. Cuvillier and staff. The re
view over, Col. Johnson id be escorteJ to the
sloop of war Ontario, and from thence, on board the
St. Mary's Market ferry boat to Gretna,, where a
collation will ba served.
Previous to these doings, and at 5 o'clock in the
morning, Col. Johnson is to be escorted to the
rontchartrian Railroad depot. He will there visit
the Lake, where the cannoniers are encamped, and
after witnessing a specimen of their skill at target
shooting will breakfast with them. He then visits
the PI. ice d'Armes as mentioned above.
W. G. Jones takes a benefit at the Amphithea
tre to-night, on which occasion Mazeppa and Jack
Rudderly will be presented, with a great variety of
other entertainment, peculiar to the Circus.
At the New American this evening they play
"Nick of the Woods" an I the "Deep, deep Ses."
The lust named burlctta m worth going a mile to
see at any time, but more particularly so when
Miss Petrie personates Perseus. Emma luce,
Mjd. Arraline, and Bennie also appear.
A Nick I aw Point. In publishing the death
of William Ayres, of the borough of Duller, the
Pittsburg American says ;
'. nice leg d question, and one of much impor.
tance, will arise from the circumstance of this gn
t'eman' death taking place at the time it did.
(ten. Ayres was never married, but left an ilbg'ti
mate son, who was to heir his es'ate , and, neglect
ing lo mike any will, he applied t i the Legislature
to have his son legitimatized, an I an act lo that ef
fect was passed and approved, on the 4th uK at a
bout 12 o'clock. (Sen A. died at 4 o'clock in (he
morning of the same day. The question naturally
arises, is the son legitimatized 1 The property lift
is aho jt $200,000. Their are numerous collateral":
Cast or Captai-i Coxasvs, We noticed a
few days since that Cap'. Coziens, of the brig Pil
grim, of Baltimore, had been tried in Guadeloupe
on ihe charge of robbing a house at point Petre of
$10,000 at the time of the earthquake there, con
victed, and sentenced to ten yeaialaW in the gal
leys in France, whither he waa to he sent. A tet
ter has since been received in Ronton from ('apt.
Coziens, written at Guadeloupe, when he was a.
waiting his trial on the above ch rge. He says he
was innocent of any intention of stealing tho mo
ney, which was brought on bord his brig the day
alter the earthquake, by persons to whom, it after
wards appeared, it did not Montr, He adds that it
Was thought by all there that he should be acquit
ted ; but that a petition to the Governor for further
examination had been drawn up by the captains
nd merchants there, in ease he was condemned.
ttis atewaid waa alao Confined aa a PrtT t0 tue
theft, Capt C. haa always borne a good charac
ter beretofoie. . neriean Sentinel.
CtiMM4niR Mac am zii. We see it stated
(hat Commodore Read and Capt. Gwinn members
ef the Court Martial recently convened at New
York for the trial of Commander Mackenzie, have
received notice to appear before John M. Read
and B. Gerhard, Esqrs. who have been appointed
Commissioner for that purpose, to testify aa to the
voles given on the verdict of the Court. These
depositions it is understood are required in conse
quence of a criminal piotecution, which it appears
has been instituted by Commander Mackenzie a
gainst the editors of the New York Journal of
Commerce, for libel in publishing the state of Ihe
vjte en the verdict in question. Ib.
Tut Sumisi Twine MAimtito. The Sia
mcae twins, who have (teen residing for tome
yeara past in North Carolina, where they pur
chased plantation with the avails of their exhi
bition through the Union, have entered intoasts'e
of quadruple blessedness, aa appears by the fol
lowing ! MARRIED,
On Thursdsy, April 13th, were married in
Wilkes county, N. C. by Elder Colby 8parks,of
the Baptist Church, Messrs. Charo and Earn, the
Siamese twin brothers, to Misses Sarah ami Ana
LAtna, daughter of Mr. David Yeates, of Wilkea
county, N. C.
Ten Thousand Dollars Rscovehed. The
suit of Win. Wright vs. the Siieqiiehanna Ca
nal Company, was tried at Gettysburg, Pa. last
week. The amount laid in by the plaintiff was
$1(10,000, for damages alleged to have been
sustained by him in the destruction of certain
water-powers, caused by the erection of the
Company's dam across the Susquehanna at or
near Columbia. The jury returned a verdict
for the plaintiff in the sum often thousand dol
lars damages and costs.
Enlightened. Tho French call themselves
the most enlightened people in the world, and
Paris "the capitale du monde." A French
Geography in the usual classification of coun
tries, puts France and Prussia among the en
lightened countries, and England and Ameri
ca among the civilized. Is there any proof
of this in the fact, that at the beginning of the
present month, three women were exposed on
the public pillory in Paris !
Swinish Mixtitite. The four States of
Ohio, Kentuky, Indiana, and Illinois, contain
nearly eight million of swine.
OTce of 'McBaltimobe America, May 1.
FLOUR. II ddctsof Howard street Flour con
tinue to ask $4, 18j, at which rate we note a sale
or two to-day. There ia but a limited demand.
The receipt price is $4,06.
We hear of no sales of City Mills Flour. Hol
der nsk $1.50, for fresh ground.
A sale of 400 bids. Susquehanna Flubr at $1,25,
GRAIN. There have been no Md. Wheat at
market for the last day or two. On Saturday a
ca go of prime Penna, red was sold at 99 els ; a
cargo not ao good at 95 cts ; and a cargo inferior at
93 cts. Sales to-day of white Com at 55 5G
cents, and ofyellow at 54 a 55 ct. We quote Md.
Oat at 25 a 2G cts.
WHISKEY. Sales of bbls. continue to be
madt at 23 cts. Hhds. if here, would bring 22
, The answer to the Enigma of last wei k,
On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. A. B attain
Mr. Bkck to Miss Ansa C. Marit, all of
this pi ice.
On the 25th ult., by the Rev. C. F. Slocver, Mr.
Michael Crura lo Miss Elizabeth Ghat, both
of Chtlieqil ..que.
On the I3t!i ult., Mr. Jovatiiar Boronkr, of
Dauphin coui ty, to' Mis Jilia Ask Witaklr.
of Danville.
On the 23d till , by James Eckman, Eq., Mr.
Ami C. Barret, of Northumberland, to Mrs.
Cathsrue Sayiiiuk, of Rush township.
On the 2d ult., by Anthony Dengler, Esq., Mr.
Marks William to Miss Ivvthan Davis, both
of Roaring ("reek township, Columbia county.
In Dauvi le. on the 20th ult., by the Rev. D. M.
Halliday, Mr. (ilorck Yanettkr to Miss Eliza
In the same place, by the same, Rev. Matt it aw
U I'a, of Clark' Ferry, to Miss Rebecca
Mow rim MlHl,
I ID),
On Sund.iv morning, the 30ih ult., in this place,
Mr. CHRISTIAN WELKEIt, in the 74th year
of his age.
On Monday morning 1s t. J. P. 8HINDEL,
son of Mr. Andrew Durst, of this place, sged about
7 months.
On Monday Inst, ABBE ELIZABETH, daiigh
ter of Mr. Gid on Leiitenring, of Augusta, sged a
ged about 6 month.
On Tuesday lust, an infant daughter of Mr, Geo.
Roberts, of this place.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthetmer.
Wat CAT) 80
R, 50
Corn, ...... 40
Oat 25
Post;, 6
Flaxseep, ... . 00
Butter, .... to
Bkkswax, 25
Tallow, .... 12
Dhi eii Arr-LEs, - . - 75
Do. Peaches, - 200
Flax, ... .8
Heckled Flax, 10
Eosh, ...... 8
iwaxiTC'itflcz: ira
IS hereby civen, thai I purchased the following
articles, sold as ihe p0ierty of Henry Klase,
nl' Augusta township, on the 25ih day of April,
1813, viz;
1 Bureau. f 8 00
2 Looking Glasses, 6 00
1 Lot H irneas, 10 00
10 yard Carpeting, 3 12)
2 Waiters, 1 37)
1 Table, 3 00
1 Clock and Case, 15 00
All of which I have loaned to the said Henry
Klase, during my pleasure, of which the otitic
will take-notice. VALENTINE KLASE.
April 29ih, 1843. 3t
TS heieby given, that on the 23d day of April t
Bold to Peter Pursel and Philip Renn, for which
t have received payioeat in full, the following per
sonal property, lo will one Gray Mare, two Cows,
one Plough, one Harrow, ail 8h- ep. and two sells
of Horse Gears, all of which ie now the property of
the a iid Peter and Philip, and that they have loan
ed the nme to me, and that I hold ihe above de.
sciihed properly a theirs, and in no other way, of
which Ihe public will uk notice.
Augusts, April 20th, 1813 3
J. B. Waters,
RESPECTFULLY Informs ihe citizens of the
horough of Northumberland, and its Vicinity,
that he has commenced the
Tailoring IIiisincs,
in a'l its varioua branches, in the shop formerly
occupied by Henry S. Thomas, directly opposite
Forsyth's store. Aa he receive the New York
and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he Is enabled
to do all jobs entrusted to him, after the neatest and
latest style, and upon the shot test notice.
Northumberland, April 22d, 1843. ly
ALL persona indebted to the subscriber, pre
vious lo the commencement of the late part
nership between him and Dr. N. L- Trice, are
hereby cautioned to pay their accounts to no other
person hut himself, as he has no constituted scent
to collect them. JOHN B. PRICE.
Sunbury, April 22d, 1843. St
IVorlhtinibc rlaiitl County, tut.
To William Johnson, Administrator of Jamcn
Johnson, late of Point township, in said
rmmiu, aVe'rf. UREET1.XG:
YOU are hereby commanded In he and appear,
at at Orphans' Court tc be held at Sunhury,
in and for said county, on the first Monday of Au
gust next, and shew came why the Leitera of Ad
ministration granted to vou by the Regivtcr offaid
county, upon the Eata e of said Janu s Johnson,
should not be vacated, and new Letter awjrihd to
another person, in order thai the real estate of said
decodent may be sold, or so much thereof a may
he necery for the payment of their debts, due
from said Estate lo Will. am Donaldson.
Witness, the Honroablrt Charles G. DovNitt.,
Esat'iaz, President of said Court at Sunbury,
the 4ih day or April, A. V. 1843.
Sunbury, April 22, 1843. 4t.
TS hereby given, that nn the 15lh
inst. I
-I- sold to Mr. Wm. G. Scott, for which I have re
ceived payment, the following personal property,
viz: 1 Bureau, 1 Mantle Clock, 1 Corner Cup
board, 20 yards Carpeting, I Cutting Box, 3
Swarms of Bees, 1 Mest Tub, 1 Ash Tub, 1 Ma
hoaany Table, and one Looking Glass; all of
which ia now the property of end William U, ecotl,
of which the public will tske none .
April 22d, 1843. 3t
Doctor Jacob It. iTIasser,
T ESPECTFULLY informs the cozens of Sun
bury and its vicinity, that he has taken the
office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, where
he will be happy to receive calls in ihe line of his
profession. Apul 22d, 1R43
"AME lo the premises of tho subscriber, inn
keier, in Sunhury, on the 7th inst , a DUN
HORSE, with black legs, mane and tail. The
owner ia requested lo come forward, prove proper
ty, pay charges, and take him away, otherwise he
will be sold according In law.
Sunbnry. April 22d, 18433t
Orphans' Court Male.
IN pursuance of an ord r of the Oiphara' Court
of Northuinber'anil county, will bo exposed lo
public a de nn SaU'dy Ihe O h day of May next
at the Court House in the borouch of Sunhury, to
wit s A certain lot of ground situate in said b or
ough nn Whorllebury street, and mirke I in the pen
ersl plsn of said town No. 318. adjoining a lot of
Jacob Young on ih" east, and a tot of I. ter tool
hart's estate on the west, late the estate of John
Epley, dee'd.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said dav
when the conditions will be made known by
Sunburv, April 15. 184341. Adoir
Daniel Yarick,
SEGS leave to inform ihe citizens of Sunburv
and ita vicinity, that he haa commenced th
in Market street, Sunhury, east of John Dogar'
atore, and directly opposite the post office, where be
intends to carry on the buainea-i in all its various
branches, including. Turning, Nuking Mill Irons
and hliptie Springs, Iromnir Carriages, with hx
tension or Standing tops. Shoeing Horses, ye.
Orders will Imi promptly and punctually attendei
lo, and woik done cheap, for cash or country pro
rXy" Hoise Shoeing done st f I per sett.
Sunhury, April 15lh, 1843. 6m
S P C C I al "co urt
TJUHLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that on
Monday the twelfth of June next, in pursu
snee i f Ihe direction of Ihe Hororarle 1'homas
Kcnissids', Pies'denl Judue, etc. A Special Court
of Common Plena, for the county of Northumher
bind, will be held at the Cou t Houae, in the bo.
rough of Sunhury, for the trial of causes by jury
lefnre the s-,id President Judge rind the Assocare
Judge of sa d county, to continue, if necessary.
ONE WEEK. of which Court, all parties, ulfi
cee, and other persons are notified, and lequetted
to govern themselves arrnnlii glv.
FELIX M AL'RER. Sheriff.
Gih) save the Commonwealth!
Sunhury, April 8, 1843. 101
Dr. IV. I. lr !?, Thankful for past fa.
vurs, respectfully In forms the inhabitants of
Sunhury and coun'ry around, that he has, taken
hie residence and olfice in market strict, in the east
end of the building occupied by John Borer's store,
whi re he will be happy to wait upon all who fa
vor him wiih their culls.
Sunhury, April 1st, 1843. fun
a vn
ARTIN'S Fall of Jerusalem, an Engraving.
Fall of Jerusalem, The Late Dr. Arnold,
y of the Mat, M idsnie LI Arblay, l;bina and
Christianity, A Hcene at the Areopagus, Sir James
Clark on Climate, eVerel Communication in An
cient Aimies. The Lawyer his Character ami
Rule of IMv Life, The American Tna'y. Remin
iscence of Men and Thine., The Police of Pan.
Poitbt. Sonnet. On seeing a Child fall asleep
amid i s sport. Something lo think of, History of ihe
list. Minstrel' Cur-e.
Mrc ella R x Professor of Mluerology at Chris
liania, S .nth y. Avalanche, Copyright, Mount All
na, Antarctic Circle, Philanthropy and Fidelity
Sciehce ARB Art. Solai Kclijise. Kpl nihil
Meteor, Thirn"grsply, Cuibs-ities, Composition
bf ih Blood, Tailaf on the Teeth.
OaiTDARf. Lady Calcolt, Mr. Drummnnd,
Tbomae Hamilton, Fsj , M. Clemen! Boolangsr,
M. Jjvsi.
Boot & Shoe
HI a r t i 11 Irwin
RESPECTFULLY informs his friend and
old customer, that he has removed hi
to the frsme building adjoining his dwelling house,
between that and Dr. I). T. Trite' office, a few doors
west of his old establishment, in Maikot atreet.
where he intends to carry nn Ihe above business
extensively, in all it various branrhes.
Being thankful for past favor, he hopeby strict
attention tn business and liberal charges, to give
general satisfaction ( and that he will continue to re
ceive a liberal share of public palronftgb.
April 8th, 1813.
George Z I m in c r nl a it & S o rti
flHE eubseri'ers hereby inform the public, that
JL they have rntered into parlnerabfp, in the
whe.h wi I here..fier be carried on at the old
stand in Sunbnry, tinder the firm of (ienrgR
Zimmerman iV Son," where thev will conduct the
business in all its various branches, including Turn
inir, Making M II Iron, Ironin? Carriages. Shoe
ing itorsts, Ae. Orders will be promptly and punc
luallv attendi d lo, and work done cheap, tor cash
or country produce.
(TV Shoeing done nt one itnllar per sett
Sniibiry. March 1 lih. 1843.
rT,IIB suhse.iibeis, having enter d into a partner
ship in the practice of the law, will be happy
lo attend to all business entrusted to their care.
Colle-.tions will be promptly attended lo.
They may always be found at their office, in
Market street, Sunbury, formerly oCcupiod by
Wm. Dewart, dec d.. as a slore-ro,,m.
Sunbury, Feb. 4th, 1843. 6.11,
VERY RESPECTFULLY beg. leave to in.
form his customers, and 116 public generally
thai he slill con'ioues thtt
in all its various branch , in 'he shop nearly oppo
site the Buck Tevern, formerly occupied bv Hen-
rv Haas and himself, under the firm of Haas
Druckemiller, which firm h s lieen mutually rlissol
ved. He hopes, by his long experience in Ihe abuve
business, and atnet Attention thereto, lo render gen
eral satisfaction, and receive a liberal share of pub
lic patronage.
Sunbury, Oct. 15th. 1842. -lv.
A'o. 237, yorth Third, ahove Cutlowhill St.,
OHN DUNCAN, tare from the Pennsylva
nis Fsrnvr. n I Samuel Pike jr., laie of A-
nn ricsn Hotel, Columbus. Ihio. take pleasure in ac
quainting their f iends and the public generally that
Ihey have isken Ihe Inrgn and commodious Hod I,
recently built by the Missis. Hilt. on the sar.v site
once occupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Bull' Head, in Third ttieet above Callow
hill St.
Thi Hotel is finished in the very !sl possible
manner, and of the bent materia'. Its location is
very desirable, particularly for country merchants;
ihe airangemeiiia for heatir.g and ventilating each
room ia such as to secure any temperature. The
bedrooms are all light ond airy, all furnished in a
neat sty'e, so as to insure comfort.
The receiving parlors are sl-o furnished in a kii
perb style, the window are on tho French style,
forming an entrance to a balcony in front, whuh
mrikes a pleasant recess. Pnrtirular attention has
been given to Ihe beds and bidding, which, with
the furniture, are cmiri ly new.
r mm years' eiperience in h Hel huainrsa, e
trust, by strict assiduity tc. business, 10 make this
house a desirable stepping place. Our t ilde will
always be supplied with Ihe very heal our market
Can afford, and our bar with the best liquors ami
wines of the most approved brand.
P. S. There are first rate stslihng und Carriage
houses attached to the hotel, Ettf nled by ra if' il
and solder hostlers, and our charges will be low, in
accordance wilh the present hard
Philsilelpbia. Oct 7th. 1S42.
DI'. J. IV. l'Olll liogs leave to tender hi grate
ful ar knowledgmenta to ihe ieople of SunbU'y
and surrounding country, foi then pit encourage
ment in ihe line of bis profes.ioii ; and would st
ihe same tune am ounce to them, ih t he still in
tends to continue the practice of medicine in all iis
various d- psrtmciit. He would, therefore, solic t
a continimnce of their confidence and patronage.
He may be found et all lime at his office, at the
norih ess' corner of Bla k'any and D. er slrce s,
unless professionally engiged.
Sunburv, Oct. 1st, 1812. if.
r. . T. Trlirtlt Kesncrtrullv mf irtnsthe
cttiaens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he bos
moved hi nlfiee to the building hitelv m cupi il by
George Bright, in market street, Su' hurv, where
he may bv found at all houra, unless profes.aionallx
DU. TR1TE3 returns h; sinct re thanks for th
encouragement he has reoived, in Ihe line of li s
profession, in this plaits and lru-W, by prompt a',
lent 011 lo the ikities of his proles.iiori, and rea-on-ablerhaigea,
that he will continue u receive a
literal share ..f the public patronage,
Sunhury, (let. I .I, I K4'J. tf.
1.) ESPECTFULLY inform, ihe public (hat he
- has marie Norihuiiibenaiid his permaneni
place of residence, and is ready to attend 10 any
Calls in Ihe line of hi profession.
July 2, 1842. ly.
ALL peisona
Hair:, uridi
inib bted to (lie linn of Lvnn Ac
ler tlie agency of O.N. Thaeher.
Hut and Cup Nunufuelurers, No. 40 North Third,
street, Philadelphia, are reqnrsled lo make immedi.
ate settlerneiil of ih. ir accounts wiih the subscriber,
their legally auihoriaed agent, who ia fully empowt
fled to ax ii and collect ihe accounts of said firm.
June 4th, 1841 tf Agent.
Cltnrral Stag Office,)
mm tcj Toj- r3 tsr
fTHE Subscriber respectfully Informs his friends
X and1
and the public in general, that he haa taken
the above
t N T tt E B O R O I? G lt O r M 1 K C Y,
and thai he Is how well prepared Irt accommodate
all who may favor him with their custom.
Hi StErftali Apartaert are well aired, and
Hi Table Avh Bar will a'wsvs be sunplbd
with the best the market tan afford.
His STARttRn, whith (a good, will be under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He ft els confident, by strict atlenVirtn to business
nd an earnest diire to render e- mfortabre those
who may patronite him, that he Will rmi full to give
general satifnction. H. B. WbAVLK.
Money, Oct. 1st, 1842. tf.
IT ESPECTFULLY inf rm- hi friend- and tl,
liuhl'C eene-al'v. ih tt he has f.ommei red lb"
Tailoring IS u i 11 c a s ,
in all ils bte.iches, in the hon-e foimerly occupied
by Wm. Durst aa a Tailor Shun. In lllaekla rrv
street, nearly iipnosfte the Pr ebyiertart Chnnbi
He nsi-ect lilly solints a abare uf Ihe public n itron
oge. and trusts bv strict a'tention to buainess and
reasonable cba-gea, he will b enabled to give gen
ernl satisfacion,
Sunbury, June 18th, 1842 ly
Will commence running between PhiluiU lpnta
and I'ottsvulc on the following days
' anil hours :
Or sun after Mordat, Mai 9. 1842.
Leaving Potl-ville, on Monday, Wednesday
nd Friday. at 8 A. M.
Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesday. Thursdays
and Saturdays, at 1 j P. M.
Hours tf passing tlending.
For Philadelphia, at 101 A.M. ? ,, . .
For Pottaville. at 5J P. M. J1
p. R a a.
Between Pottsville cV Plulada. f 3.S0 6c f2,o0
Between Reading Ac do. 2,25 & 1,75
Between do & Pottaville, 1,40 & 1,00
Excursion Tickets sons roa betCrnInr)
rest DAT.
Bel ween Pottsville &. Philadelphia, f 5 00
B--tween Reading Ac do, 3 00
Between do. &. Pottaville, 2 00
The other pawnger train will aa before, at
the following hours t
Philadelphia and Pottsville,
From Philadelphia, at 6$ A.M. if. .,
From Pottsville. at P. M. J 7
Hours of passing Reading.
For Forvllie, at A. M
For Philadelphia, at 8 P. M
All ihe trains will stop for way passengers at
the usual points.
gj" All passenger are requested to procure
their tickets before the trains start.
May 21. lHf.. if.
inLa II JaVO Bla
"JOHN cV HENRY LANDAU, having rented
Sfp the Lime Kdiis nl llen'v Mssser, in Suuhuiy,
have now for sate the best Lime in this part i f the
cooniry, and ill conlinue to keep ciisinily on
hi. nl t'rcili I, inn for PI inlerng, Buihbng and for
I. lining land, on as reasonable terms as can bo bad
anywhere in ihe neighhoihood.
M iy 21, 1844. J. cV If. LANDAU.
A Xrw niscovory In Ihe
A MOST trnpoit inland nvalna1 led acovery has
been made by a gemleman of thi city, by
which nrwspaiera may he printed In ll eir present
form, and, at the a ime time, capable oT tv itig con
verted at pleuaure into a Mngatine form, for preser
vation This grand itnnrv. merit, wb'ch is destined to
form a new era in ihe bu n si, effee ing an ei.'tlre
r.v luii- n in il e si' i t r in manimoilv
p-pe , w II 1 e in'r. due d ' y eriii-ioii i f the pa
tenie , it dn I'bil i.lelid ia alurd iy Mu-eum,
rnmoieiK ing in M iv n'H.
" 1 h Mnseiini" ia new s.i fiirl a d frndy es
ii'di tod tSit ve (,. I nirmn'ed II ni ik'' g somi
verv nl i s'i.i' hiiI in. ii tanl improvements. H
ihe fi st , f M.iv, we fcha'! f,;iVe r -ni 'l't. f-l ni:r
a ra -i. i-nn r,:n. e a'n'l lwv-. In t'.r first pl.i. e, a
be..i.fii'. el r ai d b.d I type m -be sr-cu.-l. a
sun- r siinio h ml wh.le p., er - in th. li od place,
we sh id make au ingenious unit rn v, I in
ihe arrangement nf ilie matter in Ihe fouMh place,
we sUa'l n'-re ise nut turps nf com i'mlora in all the
varioiu cepu'tnrent- of a Fatuity eiesvcper in
ihe til tt place, v. e h ve secu'ed, ..t a I Igh m V
ihe service nf Kim a a A. I'oa bs , a gen einuii
who-e high ami veis.ule shiluir have olways
ap.-ken -mmpily for ihernsi lie-, and who, s'li t th"
flr-t ,,f May, will aid us in the i Jit.oi .1 conduct of
ihe jomn tl.
The Siirrntivt of TownsencTl J l' nry over the
ItiM-ku Mountains, , on.- nf the mosr ir.tete.iieg and
Valuable ever pul'li.hed, is sent 1 1 sll new suh-rri-lers.
At its conclusion, our readers will find them
w ives in possession of a Woik which ritintwlll be
worth double ihe subscription to Ihe ar. We
shall continue, also, of course, the "tliogrophical
kitches and Portrait.'' which aie now eiciling mi
uoriampbd an li leresi. With the-e nd other fea.
lures continued, and wiih t' e impfoveinehls in con.
tempi i'Ioii, It remains lo lie aeen wheiher we do
not amply fulfil cur determination of making the
rcry best ueU'Spaper in Ameriea.
i'lraona wishing to secure ail thouind UrgBoc.
tavo pages of useful, inte-e.iing, and uneicepiiona
ble leading fof the si lect family eircle, for the small
aum of To Doll n pet year being at Ihe Baton
ishlngly loW ite r thirty pt" forone cent, or
equivalent to one hundred and twenty pagea fur
fiut eenia should hand their name in now.
TERMS Two Dollar per annum. Three to
piiafu Fi Dollar, or Sitteen copies for Twenty
Dollai", is ibe rltr inducement offered at piesent
lorriui bing TlH 'MAS C. CLARK SlV .,
Office of lb Sa uidsy Muaeum, Pabhaheia' Hall,
N-. 101 ChewBl Street, PaJs-illua.
U.S. Mail Coach
roit tMvtavitrt2.
fllHE Mall Coach fot Pottaville leaves Nnrlhnm
J. her I and rVery mofrtihg at o'clock, and arrive
in Pottsville In the evening.
Far as low aa any other linn.
.,lu .1 Mta W'iiliinslnn'a ttl.t.
A ill irnin. ni'i'.j - - - B -" -
Northumberland, or at George Weitref', Suhbkityt
North'd., May 21, tRs2i Proprietors.
rr Psanenoert eomin frrtw PhllidhlnhiH wilt
tileae secure their sa! at the White Swan t!rtttlt
Race St., before they leve the City. Paasengfra
coming in thia tine, have lh ir seats secured in arty
stage or Packet boat from this place. Tboaetothiht
In the nther line may he left behirld.'
r t. n Tl... T- .- ' .
corner or i wra nnn vine isirecls,
THE tuherrihrr respectfully announce loth
public, tb&t ht ha opened a Hotel in the com
modioli brick building eituate dn (his Crttner of
Third and Pine atreet, Where h will be happy ti
Wait npnn those who may favor him with their
company. The Eagle Hotel i large and conveni
ent, and furnished in the best mmleth atvie. It i
provided with a large number of well aired And
Comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private,
parlors, A;c. Persona visiting Williamport on bu
t-inwi or pleasure, ms rest as-urrd that every et
ertion will le usd to tender their siijotirn at the
Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. HisTcbte
will be supplied with the very best the market at
for.i.; nmj hi bar with iho choicest wine and other
liquors charges reasonable. The Eagle Hotel
possesses greater advantages in point of location
than nnv other simitar establishment In the borough,
bimg situ I e in the business part of the town, ami
within a convenient distance of the Court Housa
and Wi'liamsnort and Elmira Rail Roud Depot.
Suffu'ienl Stabling provideil, and good and trusty
ost'era nlwavs in attendance,
Alwntive-, sccon-.mivlnting and honest Servant
have been employed, and nothing left undone that
will add to the cuiliTbit and accommodation of hi
1'here will be a carriage alwaya in attendance at
the Boat Landing to convey passengcra to and from
the House free of charge.
May 14th. 1812.
WrS fiLul J.rrr-1 M
1 laraO-is-aX- al'.I v ir ..'T-
Commission At Forwarding Merchants,
Foot of Willow Street Rail Road
HAVlNU assdtiiated Wiih them Jttsfph Barnat,
late of Eaiton, Pa., respectfully Inform their
friends and the public generally, that they have tai
ken that large and well known atore and wharf at
foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied by
Jacob Martin, where ihey purpose doing B General
Commission and Forwarding Busihess, and from
ihe local advantagr-a of the place being connect!
with all ihe public improvements that bave their
outlet in the city, Ihey flatter themselves they will
be able to do business td ai great, if hot greater ad
vantage, and upon aa reasonable term any other
bouse, end they assuie their friend that any eon
ignmehta mad to them ahall have their strict al
tention, and no exeitiona spared to give entire satis
faction. They are also prepared lo receive and forward
good to any point on the Delaware arid Lehigh
rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Eastdn and Phila
delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Canals
also, to any point on the Juniata river, or North
and Wf st Branches of the Susqushanna via Schuyl
kill and Union, or tho Chesapeake and Tide Water
For tho accommodation of Boata coming or go
ing via Schuylkill and Union ("anils, a Steamboat
will be kept cipressly for towing boats from the
Schuylkill around to Ihe Delaware and back, which
Will en.ible raerchanta to have their produce dell
ve-ed on the Delaware, and their goods shipped at
a aaving of 5l) to 73 pfr cent, on the prices fr
hnulir g across, with these advantage they re
sprctfully solicit a share of patronace.
William lLilman, )
W lham W. Kevser, C
Joseph B.,ri.ei. ' SPhitad.Mayli, 18U.-ly
A Stv TOtf MX OF Muimvvs mrscm.
Edited hu S. O. (inooBicii, author of Peter Par
ley's Tales. Commencing January, 1843.
SINCE the commencement of thia'work nave
the most popular juvenile periodical ettanl it
haa ever been the aim of the publishers to make it
deserving of ihe liberal encouragement which hae
been extended towards it) and ita subscription list
evinces that their efforts have been appreciated by
the public.
On the first day of January A new volume will
commence. I T.e character oi trie worn win noi no
chanced. Its design will remain the aame, and Ihe
publishers would assure their patrons and the pub
lic that their effnt will be unceasing to render it
worthy nf being a companion for the young. To
plant the Bt-ed of morality and truth In the youth,
ltd heart, to instil virluoua principle and motive
Into the mind, to aid in the formation of character,
io cultivate a laste for knowledge and improvement,
and wiih instruction to blend pleasure and smosc
in,..,t,tliee have been, and will continue to be,
t'.. i ri.l and aim of the woik. Every article will be
t'l or ,'iH-h'y d gested before It is admi'tcd into thi
rk. rind : Pit rare will be taken tbst it ahall not
contain snylhing Inconsistent wilh the object in
view. It is' ilei;iir 1 to be, not Interesting for the
miHV ht only, but of permanent value, and fit to
form pot of eve.y FAMILY LtBARY;
Sotrle of the lea 'ir g features of Ihe Museum ar
itiiry, Biography. Geology, Natural History,
Cfogiapfty, dec. Tlnae will be accompanied with
lighter matter in the foim of Ta'e, S'.eirhee, Ad
vintUr. s by Sea and Land, Narratives of Remarka
b?e Occurrence, Anecdotes, Fablra, Allegories, Ac.
Poitry and Music will be railed in to assist. Eve
ry available means bf titidering the work sprightly,
Ins'.rucing and entertaining, will be put in requisi
tion. Numerous and splendid embellishments and
illuslraliona, suipasaing what may be found in any
other work of the kind, in ihia respect, will be in
serted and the typographical appearance of the
Mutt-urn will b such as, it is believed, will meet
the approbation of it patron. The publisher
would add, that Merry's Museum i the cheapeit
periodical of the kind published in any part of the
woild : the annual volume containing nearly aa
much mailer aa two volume of Bancroft' History,
which all foi four dollar and fifty cents.
Tub Vt J.OWEST Teh). On copy, 1 ;
8ii copie. $5 i Thirteen copies, f 10.
The greet ripens incurred in getting out a woik
like ihe Museum, renders it necessary that the pub
lisher should alrictly adhere lo Ih cash system.
All lei'er must be post-psid, and addieaaed to
the Publisher and Proprietor.
1 0 School it., Boaton. and U7 Nassau st., JV. Y.
Fresh auppy of ROSE OINTMENT, isceivid
and for sale by H. B. MA8SER.
Nirv. )9to, 1M2.