Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 22, 1843, Image 3

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    General Armnlrnng.
' The editor of the New York Comme rri il Advor.
lisei ijivcs has'y biographical sketch of the late
General John Armstrong, who dirJ a few days
ince near the city of Now York.
Grn. A. wa a native nf Pennsylvania. He was
n officer in the Revolutionary Atmy, and waa tn
AiJ to General Mercer. He fiit t1itinguihol
himself hy the ntliomhip of the famous "Newbtirg
Letters," which, as the army wm about to he dis
solved without payment to the officer, called upon
the whole to holJ themselves together n n army,
and demand payment of Congress.
It will le recollected thnl the first of those li tters
caused Washington great uneasiness. It rallied a
atftim which was not to he met at once. He there,
fore alluded to the letter, and the proposition, in his
next general order. Another letter came with in
creased severity. Washington addressed the offi
cers, and they limited their action to a respectful
application to Congres. The Commercial adds
the following :
In this connection we will rspeat an incident
on re related to us hy the Inte Major Faiilie, of this
city. The Major was a Lieutenant in the Revolu
tionary Army at the close of the war a young
man, full of spirit and enthusiasm, and ready for
advpn'U'e. He had lhought'csly lieen induced to
embark in the project of Armstrong, and was ac
customed to meet in cpnetav. with the officer who
had heen seduced to join the conspiracy not, how
ever, that they thought it exactly a conspiracy, hut
only a combination of pitriotic men to obtain their
rights to demand that justice to which they were
r mil li d at the hands of a country they bad been
serving so faithfully and so long. The I ist meet
ing of the conspirators, according to the .Majors
relation, was broken up in a most unexpected man
ner, and under circumstances which effectually
prevented their ever convening again. They were
assembled in the night, thirty or foity of them ar
dent, hut-headed young men in a place, na they
supposed, of perfect secrecy, and without the knowl
edge, as they imagine.!, of any who were not in
the plot. There they were, in a long room, as
snug as so many mice in a cheese, maturing their
plans, ond not doubting of their success, when sud
denly their door opened, nnd in stalked the majes
tic form of Washington ! He w.lkcd directly j
through the room, with solemn visage and lofty
tread, glancing his eyes at the conspirators on ci
ther hand, until he reached ihe head of the room,
when he turned round, and gave them look of
mingled sorrow and indigr.t!on, which went to
their inmost souls. 'Never,' said the Major to us,
hare I seen such a look , and never did a act of
fellows feel cheaper than we did. They slunk off
as they could, and I, for my part,' he added, 'never
knew how I got away !' "
General Arm-trong distinguished himself aa a
Minister at P.irw, hut lie lost nearly all his credit by
the loss of Washington Cily, when he was Secreta
ry of War," where he was charged with total ne
glect of means to defend the Capitol of the nation,
even after he had been earnestly solicited to supply
those means. That was the end of Gen. Arm
strong's public career. He sppeared to loe no
opportunity to aail, and he was a vigorous writer,
evidently more skilled in the theory, than in the
practice of war, understanding better what an offi
cer should do, than how to do it himself.
V. S. Unzette.
Ship-maw. The Pit'shurg Sun of Tuesday, the
1 1th int., says:
We learned yesterday evening that Shipman ar
rived in this city on Sunday morning last, and im
mediately started on the steamboat Exprcs, for
Cincinnati. He registered his name as "Mr. John
son, of New York." Nothing was known of the j
circumstances while he was in the city. The po- j
lice got the first intimation of the matter yesterday,
twenty-four hours too la'e. lie ia doubtless on his
way to Texaa.
A ne w mode of building farm houses is thus re.
lated in the Western New Yorker ; Hanks arc ob
tained from the saw mill, I inches thick hy 4 in
ches wide and after the cellar walls and sills are
laid, these boards are piled on each other like bricks,
and nailed say at a distance of eighteen inches by
ten penny nail', each of which bind three planks
firmly together at the corners and pirtilinns, they
are laid to hriuk joints I ke tnicks cut to fit be
tween door and window frames, and made to pro
ject when cornices are to i formed the building
ia then roofed in the uua1 way, plastered inside and
clapbnarded, and makes a warm, economical, firm
and very durable bouse. No raising is necessary,
nor breaking of limbs two boys can build it.
PrisiiMr.T i NoiiTit ('moMta. At a re
cent term of the Supreme Court of Wake county,
(N. C.,) William I'ully was convicted of man.
.laughter, in having killed one Uriah Lewis. On
the 7th inst. I'ully was brought into Court for
sentence. The Raleigh Register furnishes the
following report of the sentence, and it inflidion.
Judgment waa then given that the prisoner be
branded with a letter "M" in the brawn of the
thumb of the left band, and be imprisoned for six
months, the hot brand to remain on the hand till
the prisoner should have repeated three fi'mcs, "God
ave the Slate," The branding then took place
forthwith at the bar, in the presence of the Court ;
and the prisoner was conducted to piison.
The Boston Mail etatts on the authority of
an aged farmer in Worcester county, that in
the year 17 (tt the 6now held on to tho depth of
four feet, until the "Oth of April. It then sud
denly thawed oft, and summer came apace ; and
no year before or since, w ithin his memory, ba
equalled that one for productiven.
Salem Gatette.
Doctor Jacob II. Masse r,
TIESPECTKULLY informs iheeitiaensofSun--
bury and its vicinity, that he ha taken the
ofiiee formerly occupied by Ir. John Peal, where
be wil te harpy to receive calls in the line of hta
pr.fesion. Ap-il 32J, If H.
Tin: it 1 1 i ii: ii .
Answers to Enigmas of hist week.
WisnisoTOi IriTtwn,
2, Coitni u.r.n a Mocstai.
I am com poind of nineteen letters.
My 4, S, 7, 12, ft, 19, is a river in the IT. Slates.
My l!, 10, 1 1, 18, fl, 3, is a town in Mexico.
My 4, 1 1, 5, is a capo in tho IT. States.
My 12, 11,4, ft, is an inland in the Atlantic.
My 4, 10, 11, 4, 10, 8, 15, is a town in New Damp.
My 7, 4, 19, 1 1, IS, is a county in N. Carolina.
My 1, 2, 7, 1 1, 4, 1 1, is a cipo in South America.
My I, 2, 7, 4, 5, is a sea in Europe.
My IS, 11, 18, is a liver in Europe.
My 4, 12, 10, 19, 19, is a cape in Afrira.
My 3, 19, 10, 7, is a county in theft. Ilemiphcrc.
My whloe is a lace of men.
I am composed of twelve li tters.
My 13, 10, 3, 9, is a lady's name.
My 1 1, 10, 3, is a building.
My 4, 11, 3, 2, is a number.
My 10, 9, 1 1, 7, is made of iron.
My 8, 2. 1 1 , 7, is a covering.
p;y 1,2, 10, is often mended.
My ft. 7, 2, 2. 1, is refreshing.
My 8, 1 1, 4, 2, is a plant.
My whole, forms a put of tho Uuilod States,
I went to the woods and got it ;
I sat down to look for it ;
The more I looked, the le.-s I liked it,
And not being a!!e to find it, I came away with it.
A Simile.
On the breast of the billow,
The silver moon lay,
Unruffled the mirror,
Unbioken the ray :
Till the zephyr's light pinion,
Swept over the stream,
And broke the repose
Of the wave and the beam.
Like the beam on ihe billow,
Love's spirit will rest,
Pure, peaceful and holy,
In fond woman's breast ;
Till passion's w ild breathings
Have fanned into flame,
To illttmii.e her pathway,
Or perish in shame.
Rnrvn Srotr in lr? 12. The whole amount
of bread stuffs raided in the United States in
the year 1T2, including: corn and potatoes was
710.1 17,950 hubhnls. This allows for the whole
estimated population, nearly thirty-nine btibli
els for each man, woman and child in the country-
.tt .1 k it 1 i: n ,
On tho 1 1th it St., by ihe Rev. E. 8chwarl, Mr.
Dakif.l RktJtntnv, of Danville, to Miss Ni-sas
Kitim, of Valley township Columbia County.
On the 13th iost., by tho same, Mr. F. of Monteur township. Columbia county,
to Miss Mart Fht, fonneily of Danville.
Uy the same, Mr. Micuar.L 13. Bownoix, to
Miss Su.aia, both ul Danville.
In Berwick, on the 10th inst., by ibn Rev Mr.
Hand. Co Hsu i.i tt GirtHfrsox, Esq., to Miss Pol
i.T M'FnLA, both of Danville.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer.
Whkat, R0
Rtr., 60
Con, ...... 40
Oats, 25
f'o hi, ...... 6
Fi.ixn:n, ... . )00
lll'TTKH, ..... 10
Bkf.swax, .... 2ft
Tallow, .... 12$
Dm i.ii AreLrs, - 75
Do. Pucm., . 200
Flax, ... .8
HrcKLtn Flax, 10
EliOli, ...... 8
J. D. Waters
TT ESPEC IFULLY inform the citizens of the
) iV borough of Northumberland, and its vicinity,
that he has commenced Ibe
Tailoring llntinc?,
in a'l ita various I ranches, in the shop formerly
oecu; led by Henry S. Thnma, directly opa-itc
rorsvtlis stoie. As he rcc Ives the INew j. ork .
and Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he i enabled j
In do all jobs eniius'ed to him, alter the neatest and ;
latest style, and upon Ihe sbnilesl nlice.
Northumberland. Apiil I2d. 1 S43. ly
Xurtliumbci laml County, us.
To William Joiinnon, Administrator of Janus
Johnson, Inlr of Point township, in raid
rownl,, Jec'd. CREETIXU :
7"OIJ a'c hereby command, d tn be and appear,
at at Orphans' Court tc be held at Siiubury,
in and for said county, on the fust Monday of Au
gust next, and shew eau- why the Letters of Ad
ministration granted to you by the Register of said
county, upon the Es'a'e of .siilJiiins Johnson,
should not be vacated, and new Letters awanbd to
another person, in ocJer that the teal estato of said
decedent may be sold, or an much tin reof as may
b necessary for the payment of their debts, due
fioin said Estate In W ill. am DonalJsnn.
Witness, the Honroablo (!iin O. Dovsu.,
Esdi'iRC, Piesident of said Court at Sunburv,
the llh day of April, A. 11. IM3. '
Sunburv, Ap'il 22, 1843. 4r.
A LL person indebted to the, pre.
Jj vinua lo the rnmrmnerm. nt of the lale pari
ne'sbip ltweeu him and Dr. N. L- Price, are
hereby cautioned to pay their recounts to no other
person but himself, as he has no constituted agent
to colled ihem. JOHN B. PRICE.
Sunbury, April 22d, 1643. Ml
IS hereby given, that on the 15th inal. I have
sold to Mr. Win. G. Scott, f r which I have re
ce wed payment, thn following personal piopeity,
via) 1 Bureau, I Manila Clock, 1 Corner Cup
board, 20 yards Carpeting, 1 Cutting Box, 3
Swairot of Bet a, 1 Meat Tub, 1 Ash Tub, 1 Me
bogany Table, and one Looking GUs ; all of
which ie now the property of said William (5. Scott,
of which the public will take nntic
April 22d, 1M3.-3I
CAME to the premises of the subscriber, inn
keerer, in Snnbury, on the 7lh inst , a DUN
HORSE, with black legs, mane and toil. The
owner ia requested to come forward, prove proper,
ty, pay charges, and lake him oway, otherwise ho
will be sold according to law.
Sunbory. April 22d. 1843 3t
Orphans' Court Sale
IN pursuance of an order of the Otphana Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed to
publics-lie on SatU'diy the 6.h day of May next,
at the Court House in the borough of Sunbury, to
wit : A certain lot of ground situate in said bor
ough on Whortlebury street, and marked in Ihe gen
eral p'an of said town No. 318, adjoining a lot of
Jacob Young on tVv east, and a lot of Peter Good
hart's estate on the west, late tho estate of Johl
Epley, dee'd.
Sale to commence at 10 o'cl.xk of said d iy,
when the conditions will lie made known by
Sunburv, April 15. 1813 4t. Adntr.
Daniel Yarick,
BEGS leave to inform ihe citizens of Sunbury
and its vicinity, that he haa commenced the
iiLACKsMiTiiixr. in:sixi:ss,
in Maiket streit, Sunbury, cast of J hn II. 'gar's
store, and directly opposite the post office, where be
intends to carry on thn biisincs in all its various
branches, including, Turning. Making Mil Irons
and Eliptit Springs, Ironing Carriages, with Ex
tension or Smnditifr fnps. Stinting, ,e.
Orders will be promptly nnd ptinctu illy attended
to, nnd woik done cheap, for cash or country pro
(T"j Horse Shoeing done at f I per sett.
Sunbury. April 15ih, 1843. fun
MARTIN'S Fall of Jerusalem, an Engraving,
Fall of Jerusalem, Tho Late Dr. Arnold,
History of the, Madame D'Aiblay, Chiui nnd
Christianity, A Scene at the Areopagus, Sir James
Clark on Climate, Secret Communication in An-
j cient Annies, The Lawyer his Character and
i Rule of Life, The American Tiea'y. Remin
i i-cenccs of Men ard Thing, The Police of Paris.
Poftst. Sonnet. On feeing a Child fall asleep
j amid its sport. Something to think of, History of the
J Hat, Ming'rel's Cur e.
I Mrscri.iHT Professor of Mioerolo;y at Cluis
. o .-.i & ... t i. . it . a.-.
uni.ia, j.our y, n vamociir, ipy rigui, aixiini -i.i-na,
Antarctic Circle, Philanthropy nnd Fidelity,
Scii.xer Ann At. Solar Eclipse, Splendid
Meteor, Thermography, Curiosities, Composition
of the lllood, Tailar on the Teeth.
Obit cart. Lady Calcott, Mr. Druminond,
Thomas Hamilton, Esq., M. Clement Uoulanger,
M J . ivc t.
PUBLIC NOTICE in hereby given, thnl on
Monday the twelfth of June next, in pursu
ance of ihe direction of the lloionAni.x Thomas
Rrnxsiiie, Piesidenl Judge, &e. A Sperial Court
of Common Tless, for the of Northumlvcr
bind, will be held at the Coutt House, in the bo
rough of Sunhiny, for the trial of causes by jury,
before the Pres:dcnt Judge nnd Ihe Atsoc.aie
Judges of said county, to continue, if necessary,
ONE WEEK, of which Coii-l, all parties, ofii
ceis. and other persons are notified, and requested
to govern themsrlve af-cordine'v.
FELIX M.M'RER, Sheriff.
God save ihe Commonwealth!
Sunhu'V. April 8, 1843. 101
I IHxnuliitioii or rarlncrsliip.
1 riHE paiinership between Drs. J. B. Piice and
L N. Landis Price, was dissolved on the 3lst
! day of March. 1843. The books of ihe concern
j are left with Dr. N. Landis Price fr collection and
! settlement, of which the people will lake notice,
j Aprils, IS 43, JOHN B. PRICE
Boot & Shoe
!H a r t i ii Irwin,
RESPECTFULLY inform his fri nds and
old customers, that he lis removed his
it(xriy snor. j:stmiusiimi:.t
to the frame biii'.ling adjoining his dwelling house.
between that and Dr. D. T. Tiites" offire, a few doors
west of his old estat lishment, in Maiket stieet,
where he intends In carry on the above business
extensively, in a' its wtrinus branches.
Being thankful for past f.vois, he hope, ley stiiel
attenli m to business and liberal charges, to give
general satisfaction ; nnd that hn will continue to re
ceive a liberal .-hare uf public patronage.
April Bth. 1813.
IS hereby given, that I purchned the following
articles at cnstaMcs sale, sold n the p'icrtv
of Benj uiiiii T. Roney, of Coal township, on the
1st of Aprd. IS 13, viz :
1 Lantern I'.'L 33 Hatters 1 30. 1 Glass lan
tern 2,1 do. 32, 1 Watering p..t fi5. 1 Tin hain
371, 1 Dniercnn 31,1 Spu box 23.0 pi ces
House spout 3 2f, 2 lot Stove pattern 3.'i0, I lot
Wite fi'ii. 3 Dusl pans i l. 1 pair Tinner's she .rs
100. I Spii box 22, 2 Machine for working tin
12 00, I lot Tools 2 00, I lot Bucket eais I 00,
100 sheets Tin 2 00, 1 lot Scraps 2 2.S, I lot Bench
loojf 45. I Furnace 2.), I lot Tin patterns 2 1
Desk 31. I lot Stove ornaments 2fi, I Bickfist
table 3 5 I Bureau 10 25, 3 Wall pu'tuiea 25
All of which I have loaned to the said Benja
min T. Roney during my pleasure, of which the
public will lake notice.
April 8, 18t2.-1t
! "
r. X. I. I'll'?, Thankful for past fa.
miis, respectfully informs the inhabitants ol
Nuubury and country around, that he has, taken
h i residence and office in market street, in ibe east
end of the building occtip ed by John Botar's store,
where he will be happy lo wail upon all who fa
vor him with Iheir calls.
Sunbury, April Ist, I S 13. Bin
United States Bank, for ihe use of ihe Hon. Ellis
Lewi. iu. John 11. Cuwden, Ave.
T'OTU'E is hereby given, lo all iho lien credi
tors i f John II. Cnwden, and others inluest
ej, to show cause by the first M "inlay of May neti,
why the above judgment shall nut ba paid out of
the inuieya arising from iho sale nf the real estate
i f defendant, and ihe residue le distnbu'i d aecoid
inR to law. HEPBURN M CI.URK.
Prothonolary's Office, 1 1'roiK'y.
Wif iamsport, Mxrch 26, I 1 3. 5 f t
i:latc of Ljdla Wiitson, tlcrM.
TIOTICE is hereby given, that leier nf nntnin
JL Istration on the estate r( Lydia Watson,
ibc'd, late of Ihe borough of Sunbury, Notthum
berland county, have lieen granted to (he subscri
ber. Persons indeb'ed to said esla'e, are requested
to make payment immediately, and lhoe having
accounts against (ho nnie, are requested to present
them for examination and settlement.
Snnbury, March 25. 1843. fit Adm'r.
IXsitc of iUlrlinvl Hoc 1, tlrcM.
NOTICE ia hereby given, that Idlers of admin
istration on the estate of Michael Reed, dec.'d.,
lale of AtigtHta township, have been granted to the
subscriber. Persons indebted to sai l estate, arc re
quested lo mike pnymei t immediately, nnd those
having account ng ,inst thn same, are requested lo
present them for examination nnd srlilement.
Augusta. March IS. 1813. fit Adm'r.
Oeorcc ', I m me r m a n & S o n.
rillfK au'ecri'era hereby Inf rm the public, that
.1. they have entered into partnership, in tho
wheh wi'l bere.firr be carried on at Ihe old
stand in Sunbury, under ihe firm nf '-George
Zimmerman V. Son," where ihev will condui t ihe
bu-ine-s in nil it va'iou l r inrhc, including Turn
ing, Making M It tmns, irnry C amages. Shoe
ing ilinsrs, itr. Order will be promptly and punc
tually attend. l lo, and woik done cheap, for cash
or country produce.
fjj Miot ing done at one dollar per sell.
Snnbury. March 1 1'h. IS 13.
rPlir. siibsciibein, having enter 'd into a partner
1 ship in ihe practice of tho law, will bo happy
lo attend to all business eiilrusled to their care.
(. lie. -lions will be promptly attended lo.
They may always be found nt llieir office, in
M uket street, Sunbury, fonneily occupied by
Win. Dcwart, dee'd.. n a store-room.
Sunbury, Feb. 4lh, 113. fi n.
sn ' I. ii m i "ii i :i TiE ll iTT
"7ERY KEPECTFI'LLY legs leave to in.
fo m his riiHtomers, and the public genernllv,
that he still con ioues llio
in all its various branch' s, in the shop neatly oppo
site the Buek Tavern, formerly occupied bv Hen
rv Hnna and himself, under ihe firm of Haas Ac
Druckemiller, which firm Ins been mutually dissol
ved. He ho, by bis long ciM-rieiice in Ibe above
business, nnd strict attention thereto, lo render gen
eral aitisfaction, and a liberal share of pub
lic patronage.
Sunbury, Oct. l.Vh. 1R42 W.
A'o. Zfi, .Xorth Third, ahm el'uttou hill St.,
JOHN DUNCAN, late fioin the Pennsylva
nia Farmer, an I Samuel Pike, jr., ,i'e of A-
merican Hotel, Columbus. ' hio. take pleasure in ac
quainting thrir fiiends and the public generally that
they have taken the large and cntnmo. lions Hotel,
eceiitly built by Ibe Mrssis. II, on the same site
once occupied by the nl.l established Hold known
as the Bull's llcud, iu Third stieet above Callow
hill St.
This Hotel is finished in the very '.iet possible
manner, and of the best nu.iejiti's. Its local on is
ery desitable, particularly for country merchants ;
the airatigemen's for lientit.g and ventilating inch
room is such as to secure any temperature. The
hidroninsaic nil light mid airy, all furnished in a
neat sty'e, so as to in-nie (on tort.
The receiving parlors are oho furnished in a sil
jierb style, the windowa aie on the French style,
f.uming an entrance to a balcony in from, whiJi
make pleasant rices. Pellicular atti nti..n has
been given to the bids and bedding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely new.
f rom yea's' experience in hotel business, we
rust, by strict assiduity tc. business, to make this
house a desirable stepping place. Our table will
always be supplied with the very best our maiket
call afford, and mir bar with ihe best liquor and
wines of ihe most sppiove.l brands.
P. S. There are first rate stabling i.r.d carriage
houses attached lo the hotel, Mlrndcd by ca f il
and staler hollers, and our charges will be low, iu
accordance with the present haid
Philadelphia. Oct. 7th,
Dr. J. IV. I'cal begs leave to tender hi grate
ful ai kuow'edgmenu lo the people of Sunbii'y
and surrounding country, foi thu pa-l encourage
ment in the line of bis profession ; and WuuM at
ihe same time announce to ihein, th .1 he still in
lends in continue ihe practice of medicine in all its
various d. partment. lie would, therefore, solicit
a continuance of their confidence and pilroiiane.
He may be lound at all times at li s office, at Ibe
norih east corner of berry and Deer streets,
unless professionally engigrd,
Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1H42. if.
Dr. I. T. Tl'IffN, ResMclfully informs the
citizfiis nf Sunbury and vici. i'y, thai he bus re
moved bis office to Ibe buibling Intelv o. cii i.-.l by
(Jeorge Bright, in maiket stieel, Su. bury, where
heini.v be f..uud at all hours, unless professionullv
I rnguiied.
llli. TRl l'ES returns his sincere thanks for 'be
encouragement be has tec. he. I, in the line of his
profession, in this place, and tru-t, by prompt ai.
lent on to the duties of hi proleasion, and rea-nn-
I able charges, that he w ill cotniuue to receive it
liberal share of iho public patronage,
Sunbury, Oct. Ist, IK4U. tf.
1.) FSl'EC I Fl I LV informs Ihe public ibul he
t has made Norlhuinberlniid his permanent
place of lesidcnee, and is to ulteud lo any
cilia in ihe hue of his profession.
July 842.-1 y.
Lt. peisona indebted to the firm of Lyon e
Hairis, under the agency of O.N. Thacber,
Jilt and Cap Manufacturers. No. 40 North Third,
slreel, Philadelphia, are requested lo make immedi
ate settlement of ill. ir accounts w ith ihe subscriber,
iheir legally au'hoiized bgenl.who is fully cmpoiv.
eied to se ttle and collect the account of said firm,
June 4th, 1 S 12. If Agent.
1'OK r?ALE AT Tllia (H-TICK.
(!!! dljL
(fenrrnf Staff r Office,)
flHE Soh-criber respecifully informs his friends
1. and the public in general, that he haa taken
the above
la nai: An couuomovs
and. that he I now well prepared to accommodate
oil tiho mny favor him with iheir custom.
His Sm.spimo ArAiiTirsiTS arc well aired, and
Hi Taiuf. ait Bin will always be snppliid
with the best the market can nlhird.
His Stablisjo, which is pood, will he under
the charge of good nn.l careful hostlers.
lie f. els confident, hy strict attention to business,
nnd an earnest desire to render comfortable those
who may patronize him, that he will not fnil logive
general satisfaction. H. B. WEAVER.
Muncy, Oct. Ist, l12. If.
1 'RESPECTFULLY informs hi friend and ihe
' public generally, that he has commenced the
'1' a i 1 o r i ii It ii i ii c ,
in nil it. brnnehes, in the hou c formerly occupied
by Win. Durst us a Tailor Simp, iu Blackberry
street, nearly opposite the Prashytcrian Church.
He rtspeclfully solicits n share of ihe public patron
w;e, and trusts by strict attention to business nnd
reasonable cba'ges, he will be enabled to give gen
eral snti-lac.'ioli.
Sunhuiy, June 1 9th, 1812 ly
'l lie
ll'7f cowirncncr running In tirrrn Philadi Iphta
and I'oltsiillr on thr following days
and hows :
Osj Atn Armn Moshat, Mat 9, 1S12.
Leaving Poltsville, on Mondays, Wedneadaya
and Fiidays, at A. M.
Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesdays, Thursday
and Saturdays, at 1J P. M.
Hours nf pasting heading.
For Philadelphia, at 1 0 4
For Poltsville. at !i
. M.
r.i it e a.
Between Poltsville tc Philada.
3,50 cV f 2,50
2,25 & 1,75
1,40 & 1,00
Between Reading ft do.
Between do c5c Pottsville,
Excvnsiost Tickets oood roa
Between Pottsville cV Philadelphia,
Between Reading ft do.
Between do. & Poltsville,
$5 00
3 00
2 00
The other passenger trains will as before, at
the fnllnwir.g tv nr :
rhit,iW,d,iu and PotUrille.
From Philadel l.i i, at
From Potlss'He, t
Hours of ras ! r
For P.'l'svtltf, Hi
For Philiolelpliin, nt
All the trains will .top I
' A. M.
2' P. M.
S lie -.di' g
y A. M.
3J P.M. 5
r way a.-si liger
the uual point.
tfJ- All passengers requested to
their tieket before the trains fcta.t.
May 21. Ih42. 'f.
OHN A- HENRY LANDAU, having rented
the Lime Kilns nf Henry Masser, in Suubuiv,
huve now for sale the best Lime in this part nf the
country, and will continue lo keep constantly on
baud lreh Lime for Plastering, Building and for
Liming laud, on as reasonable terms as can 1 had
anywhere in the neighliotlKHKl.
May 21, 1842. J. A V. LANDAU.
.4 c lIiovor.v In llic
MOS T impniUntuud invaluable discovery has
i "V been made bv a eenlleman of this city, bv
which newspaeia may be printed iu Iheir present
form, and, at the same time, capable of being con
verted at pleasure into a Magazine form, for preser
vation This grand improvement, which is destined to
form a new ers in the bu-in ss, (Heeling on entire
revolution in the nrt of printing mammoth news
p iM?r., will be introduced, by permission of the pa
tentee, into ihe Philadelphia Saturday Mu-cum,
commencing in May nexl.
"The Museum" is now so fairly and firmly es
tablished, that we feel warranted in making some
very extensive ami important improvements. By
ibe fust of May, we shall have completed all our
a'laiiueineuis. We shall have, iu ibe fust place, a
beautiful, ch ar and bold type in the second, a
Sinn rh unoo b urn! while paier in the thiid place.
we shall make an ingenious and n. v. I change in ,
the arrangement of the mailer iu the I. U'th place, j
we shall mere ise our corps ufcout i'.utor iu all Ibe j
variou department of a Fan.ily $twpopcrin
the fifth place, wrhive secured, nt a high sa'ary, ..
ihe services of Eiioah A. I'oF.. J-.sq , a gen Italian '
bo.-e high and veisitile abilities huve always
spoken promptly for ibems. Lc, and who, at'ler the I
fii-t i f .May, will aid us in the tdiloiid conducts of 1
I h- j.iinn il. j
The ' Sarratire f TownstmT s J u nry over the j
llueky Mmnt tins' one of the most iuteiesiieg nnd ;
valuable ever puhli.-hed, i sent I ' i'l new -ub-cii-
I ris. At it c wliat n, our t ide's w.ll fnnl them ;
n. in p. sse-sio 1 . I a wo'k which .iA".eill I"'
woilli ,lo,i' I, ibe s ii scri; in n to li e I a er. We '
.bail c tnlaiuc, als i, of course, the Bi. er.' h;C ! I
klth.' and Portrait," which aie now rxcilmg o j
tiuexamplid an ii. Iciest. With these and other fen-
tun a continued, and iih the improvement in con.
tempi nion, it remains to Ik- seen whether we do
not amply fulfil cur determination of making the
very bet newspaper in America.
i'trsons wishing to secure six ihousind large oc.
lao pages of useful, inlemrting, and unexceptinna.
hie reading for Ihe select family circle, for the small
sum of Two Dollaia per year being at the aslon.
isbingly low tale of tbiny pages for one cent, or
equivalent lo one hundred and twenty pages for
f 111 cents should band their names in now.
TERMS Two U llns 1 er nniium. Three eo
piiafu Fre Dollars, or Sixteen copies for Twenty
lh.llaf , i the extra iiiduet-inent ntfen d at piesent
forc'u'bi. g 1 ll'MSC. CLARK A Co..
OthVe ol ihe Sa, uiday Mu. urn, Pubbsheia' Hall,
No. 101 t'hesnut Street, PhitadeipUu.
U.S. Mail Coach
von ioiTviM,r.
riHE Mail Coach for Pottsvilln leaves Norihum.
J. hcrlnnd every morning at 0 o'clock, tvud artlvi-e
in Pnttsvillc iu the rvi'iiing.
Fa nans low a any nihir line.
For seal, apply nt Mrs. Withinglnn'a Hotel,
Njrthunihciland, oral George WritxePe, Sunbury,
A. E. KAPP & CO.,
North M.,Mny SI, 1812.,
fXj Passengers coming from Philadelphia will
please secure iheir seats at the White Swan Hod I,
Race St., before Ihey leave the city. Paasengere
coming in this line, have their seats secured in any
Stage or Packet boat from this place. Those coming
iu the other line may be left behind.
D B ffS nr; tt .
f'nrnrr of Third and Vine Streets,
filllE stibscriticr respectfully announces to the
I public, that ho haa opened a Hotel in tho com
modious brick building situate on Ihe coiner nf
Third nnd Pine streets, where he will lie happy to
wjit np.m those who may favor him with their
company. The Eagle Hotel ia large and eonveni-
i eni, nnd furnished in Ihe best modem stvlo. Il H
J provided with a latge number of well aired ami
comr.irt.ible. steeping apartments, rooms, privntn
parlors, Ac. Persons visiting Williamsport on bu
siness or pleasure, may rest nsstind that every ex
ertion will be used to render Iheir sojourn at tho
"Eaglo Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. His Table
will be supplied with the very beat the market af
fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and other
liquors charges reasonable. The Eagle Hold
possesses greater advantages in point of location
than any other similar establishment in the borough,
being situate in tho business part of the town, ami
w ithin a convenient distance of the Court House
and Williamsport and Elmira Kail Road Depot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, ond good and trusty
ostlers always in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants
have been emyilojed, and nothing left undone that
will add to the comfort end accommodation of hie
There will be a enrrisge alwaya in attendance nt
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, free of charge.
May 1 tlh. I42.
Wit. HEILlvC.lT & CO.,
asTTI? afta. nv
Commission & Forwarding Merchants)
Foul of Willow Street Rail Road,
HAVING associated vri'h them Joseph Barn',
late of Easton, Pa., respectfully inform iheir
friends and the public generally, that they have ta
ken that large nnd well known store and wharf nt
font nf Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied by
Jacob Martin, where they purpoae doing a General
Commission and Forwarding Business, and from
the local advantages of the place being connected
with nil the public improvements that have their
outlet in the city, they flatter themselves (hey will
hn ublo to do business to as great, if not greater ad
vnnlagv, nnd Uaan as ressonnblc terms ns any oilier
house, and thev assure their friends that any con
signments made lo them shall have Iheir strict at
tention, and no exertions spared to give cnliie satis
faction. They ore also prepared to receive and forward
gooils 1.) nny point on the Delaware and I.ebieh
livers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila-ih-lj
h.'i, via Di-biware Division and Lehigh Can-Is;
a'..... 1 1 ar.v point on the Juniata river, or Nordi
ae.i! V si P ui.. lies ot'the Susquehanna via Schuyl.
kill an. I Union, ..1 tho Chesapeake ond 1 ide Water
For the acorn i" j.'i .'i n of Boat coming or go.
ii g via chuy!ktll n: ! Union t'sial-, a Sie.mhoat
will ! k pt ef'o-'v t .r towiug In its from llio
Stbtir !, I' ." ni.,,1 t th.- Del.iv i-e an I baek. which
will u.'t.te n ii-! a"'s to hae tb.eir produce deli
ve:ed 00 the Ijelawaie. and ihe rg nsl sl.inp.d at
a saving ot 50 to 75 per cent. 00 the pnees fir
haulirg acios, with these adhtitagca ihey re.
ppeclfully solicit a share nf patronsue.
William Heilmnn, )
William W. KtyserA
Joseph Bnrnet. Thilad .May 14, If UJ ly
Ronr.itT ikiiuy's Mi sn n,
Edited hy S. G. Conunicn, author uf 1'ttrr far
ley's Tales. Commencing January, 1H13.
SINCE Ihe commencement of this woik now
the most popular juvenile periodical extant it
haa ever been the aim of ihe publishers to make it
deserving of the liberal encouragement which haa
been extended toward it; and its subscription list
evinces lhat iheir efforts have been appreciated by
the public.
On the first day of January a new volume will
commence. The character of the work will not bo
chanced. Its design will remain the same, and the
publishers would assure their patrons and the pul
lic thai their efforts will be unceasing to render it
worthy of being a companion for ihe young. To
plant the seeds of morality and truth in the youth
ful heart, to in.-til virtuous principles and motives
into ihe mind, to aid in the formation of character,
to cultivate a laste for knowledge and improvement,
and with instruction to blend pleasure and amuse
ment, these have been, and will continue lobe
the end nnd aim uf the woik. Every article will be
I thoroughly digested before it is admitted into Ibn
j woik, and gieal care will be taken that il shall no'
I contain anything inconsistent with the object it
view. It is designed lo Is?, not interesting for thi
I momi nt only, but of permanent value, and fit t
fotm part of eveiy FAMILY LIBARV.
Some of the leading features of the Museum ai
i '.vori. Biography, Geology, Katural Hitlnrt,
1 Uerigruphy. Ac. These will l accompanied wit'
lighter matter in the foim of Tale, 8k e'ehes, Ad
1 Venturis by Sea and Laud, Narralivea of Remark?
j ble Occurrences, Anecdotes, Fables. Allegoriea. A 1
: Poitrv nnd Music will l called in to assist. Ev
! rv available means of rendering the woik prii;hil
1 ins-rue i"g nnd enleriaiuing, will be pin io iqu's
j ii n N nicer us ai d splendid euibi ilishinenis a
' i'his'mtio. s. suipassina what may be 1 urul iu an
j.iinr-AOik ol" the kind, in this res) ect, will be 11
sert.d; nod the typographical appearance of lb
.Mu.uimwill be such a, It la tsrlieveil, wi I mci
the approbation of i'a pations. The pubbsbe
would add. that Merry's Museum is the cheape
periodical of the kinJ publ abed in any pari of tl
woild : the annual volume containing nearly 1
much matter as two volumes of Bancroft's Hislor
which sell for four dollata and fifty cents.
Tu Vnt Jxiwxst Tas. One copy, fl
Six copies, f5 ; Thirteen copies, f 10.
The gieat expense incurred in getting out a wo
like the Museum, renders it necessary that the pu
babers should strictly adhei. to the cash system.
All Utters must be post-paid, and addiessod
ihe Publisher and Proprietor.
10 StrW tt , Bottoit. and lt7 Sassau tl.. S
AFiea!r.iiipy of ROiE OTN f MEVf. 'eceiv
and for sale by U. B. UA6tCU.
Nov. 10th. U42.