OTE LIST. rOXSVLVAMi. The following list show the curr. nl value of H Pennsylvania Bank Nirtct. The linwt Implicit rc finiire may b placed upon It, it is irery week Btefitlly compared with at d correc'ed from Bivk CcH'e Reporter. Hanks lit Plillndc-Iphln. , DiiC i ftiMI. LoCATtOS. PultAU. NOTES AT PAR. Rank of North America Bank of the Northern Liberties Commercial Dunk of Penn'. . FBrrret' and Mechanic' Batik par pr par par pur p.ir par par par pit par Kensington Bank rhiliidelpbia Bank . Sihuy (kill Dunk . . Soiithwark Bank . Western Bank . Mechanic' Bank . . Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Bunk Conn! r j Ilnnlts. Dink nf Cheater County Westchester par Bank of Delaware County Dik of Ccrmantown Rank of Montgomery Co. Doylojtown Bank E ;lon Bank Farmers' Bank of Buck co. OiTice vf Biink of Pcnn'a. Office do do Office do do Office do do Chester par Germantown pr.r Norris'own pai Doylestown pur Huston par Bristol ..r Harrishurg"! Tlie-e Lancaster I olficcs Beading f du not Easton J issue n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Bank of the United States Philadelphia 4 i 40a45 1J 6 Potlsville 6 Lewistown 7 MidJIetown 3n4 Northumberland 3a4 Bnnk of Penn Township . Oirard Bank . Moyamenaing Bank Hank of Pennsylvania Minera' Bank o'f Pottaville Rank of Lewistown Bnnk nf Middlctown Dank of Northumberland Cnluiiiliia Bank & Bridge co. Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancaster County Bank Farmers' Bnnk of Heading llarri.-burg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bank Meichana'& Mnnuf. Batik Bank of Pittsburg Wtgt Branch IS, ink Wyoming Bank Northampton Bar.k Bcike County Hank OdUe of Bank ofU. S. Do do do Do do do Kensington Sav. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Int. Bunk of Chamberr-burg lWk of Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bar.k Farmer' t Drovers' Bank Franklin Bank Hmiecdale Bnk Monnngalipta Bank of B. Vork Bank Columbia Carlisle Pittsburg Hnllldaysburg Lancaslct Lancaster Hi ailing Harrishurg Lancaster Lrham n Pittsburg Pitlshutg Willie niaport WPkeshaire AIlc ntown Reading Pittsburg Erie New Brighton do do Clumbersbtirg Gettysburg Montrose Erie Wsyneshurg Washington lloie!du!o Brownsville York 3al 3 2 2 1 3.1 1 1 S8 4 4 10 7 E 3 H 4 8u4 N. B. The notes of those batiks on which we omit quotations, and iuhstitutp a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wi'h il.c exception of those which have a letter of nfcrrncv. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Say. Ins. Philu.lt L hia failed failed f.ile.l f.iled li.il.. I no sale closed el.i-e.l b.lle.l I'l.'S. d ln f.ale failed filled failed no mle Philadelphia Loan Co. do Schuylkill Sav. Iiia. do Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyntt, prop.) Towanda Bank Tow aiula Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatura Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' ct Mech'es' Bunk Farmers' & Mech'es' Bank Farmers' & MechVsUank Haimony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of I'a. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumb'd I'nion Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Art. & Manuf. Bank Silver Luke Bank I'nion Bai.k of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Bedford Beaver n.tirirburg Waliiipton e!l. foiite Pituburg Pittsburg Fayette co. (ireenrat,t!e liamioi.y lluiiling.li. n no sale LewiKluwu no sale Wanen failed DundotT no sale New Hope clot-ed Milton no nile Meedtille closed Port Curbon fib d Carlisle fuih d Montrose closed I'liiolilown filled (iieeiisburg tlot-ed Wilkesburre nosule Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. q3 All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bar.k not given in the above list, may be set duwn as frauds. KCW JERSEY. Bank of New Biunsw ick Brunswick Bolvidere Med ford Perth Amboy Bridgeton failed 1 par 2 par par 1 Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank Farmns Bank Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Bub way Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk N. Brunswiik failed Farmers' and Verehantt' Bk Middletown Pt. 3 Franklin Bank of IS. J. Jersey City failed fuil. d failed failed fa.!.. I Hobokrn likp &. uraurig lo Hobuken Jersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics lijr.lt latieison Muniifacturers' Bunk LMIevillo Morris Con.paiiy Bar.k Morristown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold LA, .1 Muliuni.s' Bank Ntwaik 1 .Mechsnics' and Manuf. Bk Tunton j ur Monis Canal and JA Cw Jersey City Poht Notes iOt;;lr Newa.lt Bi g & Ins Co Newaik I New Hope Del Bndpe Co Lainl.eilvilld N. J. MauuLc. ai d Lkg Co Hobuken failed N J J'roteti. i. ox Lou.t ji J Ik Jersey City Orange Bank Orange l'aierson Bank l'a'.ei.on l.ile.i r,l,.l I pur pur I 1 1"" 1 J'coj lea' Bank do I'm etloii Bunk Piineelon Suit m Banking Co Sal. m r-lute Bunk Newark fume Bunk Eliubrihtown State Bank' Cum. leu Siuto Bank of Mnrri Vvru.town Stule Bank Trillion halt-in? and 1'b 'tid "'s:iuf Co S.ih m S ji x Hank New ion Tieuu-n BunLil 'i Co Tiei.ton Utii li Bank Dver W s.hii;u.ii Banking Co. Hat kcnsitk IM.L4H.4ltr. Bk of Wilni &. Lrai.d) wiiit ' V i mington Bank ol Dt'lawan ilmu.gtnn Bunk of Smyrna Kn.yn a Do blanch M.llotd Faumi.' lik of buie of Dtl Dov.i Do branch' V iln.iii.ton Do bianelt (ie.ig.towii Do brum b Jv.'.ie-.sile Union Bank W ntnii. t..r ret Under 6's filled lull, d i p,r '! fiil.il par pai par I l,r par par p.r p.r par a rejf Ou all i auks ma.ked thus () there are i ttSrx connlerkit wr al.ared uoW of the vaiioua tla BotBUrtlions, in circuktion. The best method for the Abolition of Disease is to cleanse and purify the Body. IV K I CHIT'S i.vniAX Ti:i:TinLn pills OP TIIR V-f A American College of Health, Arenow8(k.M.,,iB.Ml to be .he best Me.licine in -he World for the cm- nf EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. ECAl'SK tin v comp'etelT cleanse the sto- ma h and bonds from lh. so hillious and cor- ni t humors ivl.ith are the cause not only oi Headache, (Jid.'inrss, Pnlnitstion of the He.rl, ! Pirns in the B.'net, Rheumatism and Octit, but every mnla.'v incideft to man. SAID INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS are a e.r ain cure for in tern t'ent, icmiiti d, nervous, inflamMoiy snd pti'rid Fevers. hecnu--p they cleanse the p.tdv frem thoe moib:tl humors, which, when confined tothe circu lation, are the cause of all kinds of FEVERS. !o, nlfso. when the same impurity i deposited on the n cmbiii p and ninsclc, ciusing pains, inflama tinns anil swrllinus called RHEUMATISM. GUI T.cVc. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied en as a'wnvs . ertutn to cive r lief, and if persevered with, aceordlng lo directions will mol j ssun(lly, ntiti without lull, rnaKe a ficricci ro t oi lbeabnvppninf.il n.nladie. Fiom three to six of fuld Indian Vrgelab'e Pills taken every nipht go ii g lo be.!, will in a short time so completely rid the body from every thing that is opposed to health, tliat Rlienm;:ti-m, Gout, and p iio of every descrip tion, will be litita'ly DRIVEN FROM THE BO DY. For the nmc reason, when, from sudden changes of atmo'phere, or any other cause, the per spi'Btion is cl cck' d, and the humors wtrch shot. 1 1 paofihv the skin are thrown inwardly, causing HEADACHE. GIDDINESS, naiiren and si. k-nci-s, pain in the h. nea, wa'cry and inflamed eyes, sore throat, hoarsenc'S, rough., consumption', rhetimstic pains in rarious parts ofibeb.nly, and mnnyothir symptoms of CATCHING COLD, Wright's Indian Yrttulle 1'i'h will invariably give immedi ite n lief. From three to six of said Pills taken every night on going tn bid, will in a short time, not only remove nil the above unph as .nt symptoms, but the body wdl, in a short time, be restored lo even sounder heabh ll an before. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH ING. Wright' Indian Yt git able Villi will lo..s en end car.y (IT, by the stomach and bo.veis, those tough hlegmy humors, which stop up H the air cells of the lunes, and are the cause, not only of the above distressing complaint, but when neglected, often terminates in that nioiedieadlul malady rn'led CGNSI.'MPTIoN. It ,-hou'd b a'so ten embi ifd that Wright's Indian Yrgt table 1'ills are o certain cuie for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nan fi a, and sickness, los of appi tiie, costivenrsa. a yi How tinge of the ikiu ai d cyrs. and every other symptom i f a t. rpid or diseased state of the liver; leeause tlipy puree from the body ibose imi urines which if di posited upon ihia important re in, sre the cau-e ol every vaiie'y cf LIVER (.'DM PLAINT. When a nati. n is cii' ulsr.l ly riot , ouibreuks and rebellion, the only means nf prevent ing the dreadful cor iiuerices .f a CIVIL WAR. is to expel all Irniiors. hii.1 evil d spos. .1 ones from the country. In like manner, In n pain or sick ness of any kind, in.liiate li nt the bo.lv is struu elu.R with int. r- ..I (oi s, the true reme.lv is to PEL ALL MORILD HUVOIi.s, ( Tiaiiors to beal li and l.fe,) Health will be the eerlnin riautt. Tl lit the p'ineiple . f t urine di ease, by cleuing and putifyil'g ih" tndy, i sliietly in accord .ni e with tl c laws which govern the animal leoi.on.v; an.' if properly rariied out bv the u-e of the a'ove named WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will rcitainly result In .he compl.te Al o I t on o' Di-e..B. ; wr nil. r ihe l'olioing te-iimoni-ls, fn in p. rs n- i f llie highest re-pectabiliiy in New Yoik, who l.nve terentiy bet n cuied of the ri.nst obsliiiBte eomi'laints. n.lely by the ns- of Winr.H-r'a Ismis Yfokiniin Pills, of the Surth Antcricun CiJbgevf Ilia'th : Jviica. L. I., Juna'nh. 1R4I. Doctor Wil'ia Wripht D. r Sir It is wth pre..t sart facli.-n I inform you of ,.iv hai.e be. n intirely cured of Dyspepsia, of live yiBrs standi, g. by ihe Use of your Im.i n Yun ita hlk Pii.ls. Previous lo niee ing w'nh your cilebiatid m-di-cine, I had b. en under the hands of several Physi cians, and hj.l tried vaiioiis medicines; I lit nil to no ell'ect. After u-ir.g one 25 cent box of vour I Pills, howi ver. I exp. rienced so much benefit, that I resolvnl to pi rsevrie in the u.-e of tl.i m accoidir.it lo directions, vv l.ieh I am ha py to Kiate, I. a i. suit ed in a perfect cure. Incraiiiu.le to y..u f n li e pn-at benefit I have received, and al--i in t'.e hope that others similarly sill. el. d may be milured lo mi.ke I. i d of your xru. idiiniy iiieeieine, I send you tins statement with full libe iy to publish the same, ifyou think pr per. Vours. ic. New Yoik, June 19,1811. G. C. ULACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir 1 have been afflicted for seeral yenis wiih iunar.l weakness ni d general dibility, accom panied at times nh pains in the s'de snd other distressing complaints. A ft. I havini; lrie.1 vaiimis mrdicines wi'lioi 1 1 il'icl. I was pcrsu .l.l by a f. n n l to make trial cf Dr. Wiighl's Indian Vepitahle Pills, which I am bsppy to state, have relieved me in a most Wonderful in.iuni r. I have u-ed ibe me dicine, as yet but k ho.t t o e. and have notion'.!, by a persever.iuee in the use of the m.d.ci .e accor ding l. iliie. tions. ih,l I shall in a short time I e pcrf. ctly rettoipil, I most willingly recon.meinl said Pd's to ..II per sons similirly ntllieted, and in die lt.lt Ix-Iii I iti.u the same heiuTieinl resuita v. ill f. Il .w I In ir in- , I re ii. rin youis sincciily. 1IENKV A. FOOI't:. Wa war-ing, l'ls:er co. N. Y. NW VotlK. Sept. i:0. leu. Tliia is to ceilify tbi.l I have I sed Wiiir.ui's Ivi.iav Vir.i riui.i. Pii.ls w.tli the greatesl bene til ; havirg 1 1, ir. U cured niv.eil'of ll e Ir. qm tit at tacks ol Siek Hi bda. he, to w hit b I ha-l previously Um rubj.cl. ANN MARIA THOMPSON. 'A'J'Z Greenwich s'reHt, N. Y. To Mr. Rieh.-iid D. nnU, Agent lor Wiighl's In dian Vegetable Pi U. C.I V Tl .V. As there are at this lime many wicned persona busily iiieged in stl lug a c. untcrfi i' mtdicine un ib r the iiMne of the Indian Vi g. t il 1c ..nd as il e.e .!. s i rule mi n are an unerly n . kless of con sequences, that many valuable I ves may be I ! in consequence of using llur ilr. i.illul comp. ui d-, In. pul I c are cauli -m-d ng iinst pincluoing any 1 1 1. mi nb ss on the t i.'ifc of the I oi. s ihe f lli.wn g iioi.linp is f tin I : Vi EIGHTS IM'UN VEGKTARLE I ILLS. (....'lull lJ'iix UtlVt.) ur TBI oinu ixiiiiiAi teiiir.i cr uniTii. And s'se to I e rsp. .i-'ly t a-eful i.gi.intl j un-baaing Sxid n. e lieu e ol any person riccpi tlir regu lar advert. sed .ipen'a. .GE.m POU A OU Til I'M I! I'Rl.A .D CO, I't n hsijli tihiii. H. B. Masst r, Sunl nrv I'avnecV Rose, Nor ibumhi il mil J.ieol lliiis. Siisn.okin Sumu. I Herb, M..bon..i I'ifrlv D. Ha a. Au. iii He mr ii F.-llmt r. Mi'ion Irt '.ii .1 & Me.x.ll, Mi Ewe. svi le In A; D arm. a d, Turbtiuvd t J .nil s I'm! l'otl-i?r..t II Rinse, S l.l. r-'.oU H. II. K i abel, P. M. Eh .1 log P. U. W in. I.ei inriii.', P M Union fori er. Oilier i.I'd Ori rr.l D. pel f r ihp saiy of Wngh ' Indian Yfurtalir Tills. boles de anil Rei.il.Nu. lutf RACE Wl'REE I", I'HILADEL THIA. May 21, 143. Jy ROSE OINTMENT, FOR TFTTEn. Rt.NO WON MS, rtMPI.ES O TIIR tkCE, AND 0TI1EH ClTA.NEOl'.l KRI'ITMNS. frt The following cert ifica'e describes one of the i . t: ...... - . r.y-. i... " ""V""" " ... Pntt.trir.tpitiA, February 10. 1839. IOR twenty year I was severely afflicted with TlTTUt on the Face and Head: the disease commencid when I was seventeen tear old, and continued until the Full of 1 8:16, Varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. Ditrinn most of the lime, great part of my fi.ee was coven d with the eruption, frequently attended with vio'ent itch ing; my head swel'ed at timra until it felt na if it would hurst the swelling was so a e .t, that I cou'd scarcely get my hat on. During the long period thai I was afflicted wi h the disease, I nse.i a great many a plications, (among them veral celebrated prep nations) as w II as t.ikinn inward remedies, in. Iodine a number of b .ttb a of Swaim's Panacea, Extract of Sursupitrilht, etc, In fact il w..uld be impivsihlc to enumciaie all the medxinca I used. I was tdso under Ihe Cure of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of ibis city, but without re ceiving nvich bent fit, nnil I despaired of ever being cored. In the f ill of 18;)B, iha thsea-e i.t the lime being very violent, I commenced osina the A'e Ointment, ( prep in d bv Vatmln.n ft Davis.) In a f iv applications the. violent itching c.a-ed, the wi lling aba'cd, the rui'lioii heaan to disappear, mid before I h.d used ajar the dbensn was entirely riiird. It has noiv I een nearly a ynr and a half since, and there is not a vetige of the di-ense re nifiinine, except the sc irs from the deep pits formed by the di-rnse. It i imp. ssihle for in., to deseril-e in a certificate the severity of ihe dispose and my sole ring, but I will be pie .sed lo ctve a fuller nc connl to any person wanting funher satisfaction, who will cull on me. Al the time I co-nmenced using the R. se Ointment I would have gien bun d.tds of do'lais to be rid of the disease. Since U sing it, 1 have recommended it lo -evird persons, (aoionp them my mother, w ho had the disease bad ly on her B'm.) who w. re a I cured b it. J AMES DURNELL, No. lofi, R..ce St. iXj The Rose Ointment is piepaied by E. B. Vnujian. S .u h East comer of Tlnrd and Race lie. ts, Philadelphia, and sold on suencv in Sonbu rv. bv H. B. MASSER, ' May 11th. 112. Asrrnt. Koc OintiBit-iit, tbv Tctlti. A PROOF OF ITS FI'FICACY. Pun aim i.rui A. May 97lli. 18:50. 'PHIS is to cenify ll u' I was severe')' afTI ce.l - with Teller in tin- bauds uliiLf. et for Upwards of forty years ; Ihe disc rse was atiended generally with vioent it. h ng and swilling. I sppl.ed to 4 n iimb. r of h sici ns. and used great many uppli ca mi s wiiln i.t illeetiiig a ci.ro. About a y. ar since, I -ippbed tl e Rose Ointment, w hich entirely slopped .he itch nj; and a f. vv ajipheati ns itiiiiir.li a'. K eloi d ihediMase. w hich there l.a bt en no reium of. although I hml never Iwen rid of il a' any tii.u for f. ity yea.s. RMTl AbD SAVAGE, El.vrnih, lnhm Somee Street. r-j The Ri.r Ointmer.t is pr.-tiared by t. B. Vauihaii. S jiiih East comer of Third and Race Streets, I'hil.idclpt.ia, and s.dd on acenry in Surilui ,y l.y II. B. MASSER. May Mih. 1842. A"f- ITiEEICAL ArrnOBATION Of the ROSi: OI.TMi:.T,fr Teller. VLTHOI'Gll ihe snperiorilv of ihe pr. paiaii n over ..II olln rs is fully es ablishe.l, the pr .pre lors li.ke pi. a-nre in hiyine before the public ihe following certificate from a re-peclable physician, a Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. U.iticb, havinu f.und in ibis .emrily ibal relief f.-r a tedious and di-agr, caM. ufTo. lion which ihe means within Ihe range of l is profession failod to allord has not hesitated lo give il his approbation, although the p" indices and interests of that profession aie . ppose.l to secret Remedies. pMii.ii.Kt.ruiA, S, pi. 19, lrtfi. I was rerer.llv Iroubl.d willi a tedious herpetic eiupti. n. w bit h c.oeed n.jrlvoi.esi 'e of my f.ce, nil. I rxiei.d. d i ver the ear. Mr. Vaiiphan, proprit loi of the Rose Ointment, obseinnu my faee, .nsi ted on mv try ir. a his pri paralioH. of which he han ded me a jar. Ailhouuh in common with the mem bers of mv pr' fessiou, I discount! nance mid disap prove of ihe numerous nosiiuins p.i'm. d upon the public bv knoi vnl r. tenders, 1 feel in jus ice bound toeve.pl Ibe R. se Ointui. lit limn that class of me d enies, mid 1. 1 unf it mv rippi..,nion, ns il enti e ly tired the eruption, nhh ..nati It hid rcsii-ted the n-u I iippbeations. DANE It A I (ill, M. D. Q")" The Rose Oii.tmei I is p.ei..nd by V. B. Vain.di'.n, South East coiner of Third and R-ice St. eels. Pfnlade'phia. and sold on r nci in Sun btnv. l v 11. B. MANSER. May" I lit". I S IC. Ag' W EOLTON&CO. 4; (i i;tl 4 oitiii, fusion ."! i liaitfs, y,-..r the Siir of puur, Ciuiu, Sail. r.. ic. tit, ipr.r r. K . the Merit lPr.'' TFI LLY inform their t.iinds and hauls generslh, il.at they have ta ken i tioe I irge in id rnrn mod ions v harv. s, n iih two D.ks, n. ..lh ol Ch.snul street, on the D. hi ware, locetber ilh the L ie No. 19 S.intti Wharve--, whe.e lllev wot.'.l !' ph-.i-i .1 lo roc. ive con-ign-menl f Grain, F'olir. Se.il, WI i-hev. Iron. Ae, Ac. Bi ii g also well p.ep ne.l I . forw.ir.l nil kinds nl Mt ri'bani!i.-e bv I h. Si -buy Ik ill lid I i. ion, or by be I '! e api ake sue! Ti 'e .tier 'aiials, . s low- hoiits sre I.t pi . jo i ss ly foi the pur cse of tow ing l.oi.ii-1 1 1 I e. i u'r. Men lulls will pie so be p utii ular to send t'.iir p... ds iles i' e.l bv ei I er c.u.i I-, I No. I'.l S.m.iIi V. I i.i ves. In w Ii MnU.l.ilol ('h.'sinil sin c s, on ' the D.l in :oe. with .hu. li ns m ci.rnp n. iog lit. m w hi. h roi e tl.i y w ih tl.etn to he htpi't'-'. 0 j Piusiiriind Sli u'c, at lh lowp-t n ar kit puce. BtiLTON A: C-. N'a'i'li 10, 1812. No. I'.) S,.ut, U I, tries VV Js vp a sr IM.,t n a ciu inr :asi jsr J-ituliiM j , or!2tiinl i Uuitl l'i:uity, riIIE mb-cribir usp-rifu ly iut. iiiis .he public, t Itmt be I us it ilioicl to it. I :ir-.' slid roonno. i'i ii- lir ck House, on Mutl.et vip.are, opposite ll e Court 11. li e, (lonnrilv kept bv llna n Puce,) w l e:e he is now p.rpured lo nce nnmodiite all who may f.iv. r him wi h a call, lleing thankful for pst I'.vors. be hopes by strict attention to business, lo re. t it c a libeial s a.P f public patronage, cVc, CH-RLES U. WHARTON. Sun' u y. March fitli. 18 li. XaI3HE ! LIPIH ! LI1MB I IHE suh-rribrrs are piep'ir d to furnish firiners ni il i theis w it h ar.y qiiiintity of Lime of a eery supt-.ioi quality f r land, oi p'ui-tering, at the fol lowing v. ry n.lui cd prices, vii: 8 rts. per bushel for 1 aid Lime; lOcts. f.ribebtsi qtialny of pl.d l. rir g Lime, oi Die k his.bclow ihe borough of Sun I ii'i. 'Pin y w II alsotb bier, at any place will in the 1 oroug'i of Siji hurv. Lime lo. lun.l, al 10 rente per I usli. I, and Lime for plai-teli. g at lijcenlgpel I'U In I, The subset. t-ers h vcahvaia on h.uid, a Irrge qiiniiy of Lime. Its quality is flood, ami thi n hini'slone is not equalled by any in the inigh horhood SEASIIOLTZ A BERGSTRESSER. Ai:guita, Apiil 2d, 1843. H. B. MASSER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, buubtjuy, ta. Buslnrfg alteudeJ to in the Counties of Nor. thuinl crland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia. It.fer to I Tnoms IInT & Co., Low in .V Binnoir. HAaT, Ci'MMitxoa Ac ITitit, yVhilad. Ri olbs, McFahiah &. Co. SpkhIvo, Goon iV Co., WEAVER'S HOTEL, ftunbury, tVarthteniberlatut Vouutyt I'CIIIIMJ IVIllllil. riHE subscriber, respectfully informs the public I that he has removed to that large snd commo dious Tavern Stand, at Ihe corner of Market and Fawn streets, (sign of the Buck ) foimt'tly occu pied by Jonas Weaver, and lately by Daniel Gils son, where he is now prepared lo accommodate all who may favor him with a call. By strict atten tion to business, and his utino-t endeavor to render satisfaction lo all, he hopes lo receive a lihcral share of public patronage. CHAKLE3 WEAVER. Siiiibury. Match 12th, 1842. C'ountriToKcrN' Hrntli Itlow. rPhe pu' lie will please observe that no Brandteth - Pills are genuine, unless the box has three li bela upon it. (the top, the able and Ihe bottom) eoh containiiii! a fic-siinile signature of my hand writing, thus B. BiiAMinsTti, M. D. These la bel- aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and dune at anetpenseof over J2.000. Then fore it will he seen that the only thing nrcessary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these libels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons ure duly auhori zed, and hot. I CERTICATES Cr AGENCY, For the sale of Urandreth's Vegetable Universal Pills. Northumheilat d county : Milton M ickey A Ch iinl.c'lin. Snnhury 11. B. Masser. M'Ewena ville It. I. n.l V Meixell. Norihuin' erland Win. Forsyth, (ieoigetown F. Midlilig.-r iV Co. Union (y'ltinly: New Berlin J hn IloO'mnn. Sclmsgnive Ever and St hi. lire. Vi.hllchurg Isaac Smith. Beavt-rown J. & F. Bingaman. Ad.imsburg H. iV A. Smith. Mifllinsbuig Swope iV' 1. iir.1 Hattlelon Daniel Long Free burg (!. it F. C. Moyer. Cinlrevile Smiley & l.enhnrl. Lewi-burg Walls ct (i.een. Ciduinbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds V Co. B. rw.ck Shum nivV R Henhouse. Cai lawissa C. A. i t'. G. Urohts. Bhtomshiirg .1 oil n R. Mover. JeisevTown Levi li s. I. Wa khiiigiun Robt. Mi Cay. Limtvtoiic -D. L. Scbmi ck. Obsetve dint each Acer.t 1ms an Engrav. d Cer tificate of Agency, containing a retire, ntaiion of Dr BRANDRE I ll's M tnuf u li ry at Sing Sing, anil upon which will a'so be seen exact enptes ol the nm luleis mtv used upon the ISrundreth J'ill llarrs. Philadelphia, office No. 8, Noiih 8ih street. B. BRANDRE I'll, M. D. January 1st, 112. PGR SjLLE. .()K sale a sma.1 rutin, cunt lining shout cue him. be, I and ten urns, more or le s, situate in I . it t townslitp, . or In. n. i eriai.il r. unit, at.out two miles above NoitliUtlibciln.il, on the to, .in mad h ading from that plat e to D .nvillo, a.ljoiuing laud-, ol John Lcghoti, Je-se ('. Ilurn n and others, now in the nrruptnry t.fSamu.l P,.yi.c. About forty acres of said tract arc clean d, and in good slate of cu livatioll, on which there is u small l.nrri ereet.d. The properly ill be sold on r asonahlc teinis. For further paiticulais, pi i sons art request ed lo apply to the ul fciib. r. 11. U. MASSER, Agent. Nov. 27th, 1812 if Siinbniy. Pa. pj.tkii )i:u i:i;s, LAST ST 1MAKER, No. 71 Cni!.i hii Sircct, riiiliwli'l.hia C'lhrte dui rs above Xeetmd.J CJHOE Findings always lept on I, ami, w hit h be olli rs for sale nn ibe lose t terms. Country Men h ints are pjrtiiul .rly lo c ill and judge fot' theniM-lves. Pnila.lel lii, Novemver 13, 1812. lv. I1 13 '..P ''fs&sSw, OF E ER V DIXRIPTION. NF.W I'A'CILAM) OH, C OMPANY. No. '-Ml North Water Strtct, l'liila. AM'FAC TURERS and d.aleis in Oils of tvery description both for bulling and manulac tir.ng purposes, whn h will be sold ini.eh lower than they can be pro. u red e'sewhere, and ivuriunlcd in quality to equal any ill the city. Any oil sold by ihe con paoy not proving as ie resented, may be returned w- ihout any expense to the j ur ih.ser, and ihe in. in v will I a rt funded. Their slock now i- store consist, ul ihe follow ing oils, i iz : UU.UtlO gallom. Winter Bleached Speim" Oil, GOOD do do do do do do do Colo. less Oil, Fail and Spring Sperm Oil, 15.111)0 moot) so.imo (100(1 1 5,000 200 a i to inter sea Lb bant, do Pressed Whale Summer do .lo ( 'omnion Whale Oil, Oil, do ll..ric Is supi lioi Sua ' till, do Co I Rank Oil, tin Nea.s Foot O.I, 7.r) Casks Olive Oil, Tar ner's ' III C7"'i Ins ('otnpa'V has a number of V esse la cn giged in the Cod l'nhcrv, and Tanners may rely iijoo cet'i' g at all t.mesOil as pure as imported, Phibi,lel hia, Nov. Ll, ly. G. VT.'&L. E'.TATLCR. FFI'.R FOR SALE, al the S,,ulh East Cor tier of Pifih und Murktl Stieets, J'hiladil- phi a Mens I :t!f-sliin Hoots, slilibe.l warranted, d.l do do pegged do do tbv do water proof, double soles and doub'e uppers. do Cull'-skiu do do and uppers, do He ivy Water Leather Boots, do do NeaU do do. do High qusrlei Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do ("tinkers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do do do do do Kip do Calf do Coarse do do Shoes Fine do do do do do d do do Kip tlo do Calf and Seal Shin Pumna. do List Socks with and w ithout soles. do Carpet d do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shot a. Gentlemen.' do Overshoes. With every other description of boots and shoes. Fur l aps of every description. Travelling Trunk of every description. Veiicli.iii Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnets nf all kinds. Palm LtafHsU. Philadelphia, Nas.jnhi 13, IMS ly. CKRTSOLITE POLISH. A N anie'e unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliant rn.lish lo sil ver, Gerinnn Silver, Brass, Copper, Brilt.ii.ia ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriage, Ac. TRY IT. Prepared and Sold at wholesale and retail, bv the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, J toga county, i, i , WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent for Sunbury. Novemlier 20th, 1812. &, BRCTEERi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, No. 122 Cliesnut tSircct, below 4th, riiiladclnhia. TEEP constniitly on hand general assort ment of Books and Stationary ; comprising theological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellane ous and School Bonks, Day Books, all sixes, Led gers, do., r amily Bibles, Pocket Ii, bit's, Wiilmt Pnpers, Wrapping Papers, iVc. Ve which they of hr at the h.est prices to Country Merchant's Pre fessional Gvntlemcn, Teachers, and all othern that may favor litem with their custom. Philadelphia, Noxember 13, 1812. ly. .lEichacl Weaver & Son, ROrE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. AV). 1 3 Kurlh Water Street, Philadelphia, Avh constantly on hand, a generul assort ment of Corduge, Seine Tw inrs, &c, vir. : I ar'd Ronep. Fisl.inc Roiies. White Rones, M.iriil- la Ropes, Tow Lilies for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, ee. such as Hemp Shad and Honing Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twice, Shoe Thread, Ac. cVc. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of whiih they will dispose of on reasonable let ms. Phil.nle'phia, November 13. 1812. ly. .Iil'Ol 1" lltllill & SOIL I ) EsPECTFl'LLY inlorms lln ir frit rids and k ocquatiiti'.uci s ge lerully that they still con tinue to kei p al ihe old stand, No. 2-16 North 3d strrt t. Philadelphia, all V in. Is nf TOltACVO SAI .'"' ASP SPGAHS. Which liny w ill uell n the iiiJi '. accommodaliui and re is. na Ic terms. N. B. A ;l so ds mid v .11 be guai tnteed mid nil orders promptly ill. nihil to. Philadelphia, N. veml.ci 13. IM2. ly. P E TER CITC V ER, Wholesale ami llelail Mice, Huimct, ami l'alm Leal Hat Warehouse. Sa. Cti Sorth 'id tlreet. a few thvrs uLuvc .Irch, Phila.letphiu. A I.SO Tn nks, Cm pel Bags snd Valices, of cv JQL, ery desciiption, nil nf which he t.fl'cis for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Novemher 13. 1K42. ly. J . wTs w A i N , Uitihrella ami l'arasol Manufacturer. A. 37 Sooth "'hail street, tu-u iluurs btlvw Ihe City llultl. Vhili:d,!phia. COUNTR l Meiehunls and others arp solicited lo examine his nssoili.it nl hi fore purchasing elsewhere Phila-VlpWa. Noven.Ur 13. :12. ly. 1. 6c A. KOVOUDT'S China, Glass anil Liverpool Warehouse, Sa lfi1 Sorth Third street, third diMir beow Vine streit, ThilaiUlihia. VTHERE they constantly keep on hand a large assorinicnt of China, Class and Liverpool Ware, which tl.ey will dispose of on the most rex si .liable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1812. ly. TTiiTiri;iTA"7xTTn Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &.C. So. 5 South Third street. faur doors below Market I'luludi Iphiti, T" EEP constantly on h .nd a larpe anJ genera' assortment Conch Lamps, Carriage Bauds, Axle Arms, Eliptic Springs, Patent Leather. cVc. Country Merchants ami sntldleia will be supplied al nil limes on the most reasonable tt mis. They w ill find it to their advantage to rail and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. November 13, 1842. ly. Ki: V NO M)S, M c rAULANlKsTFo Wholesale Dealers in Foreign British anil American Dry Goods. Ao. 105 Market street, l'hiladilphia. OUNTRY Merchant, and others can be sup plied at all tunes with an extensive a-Soil- nii'nl of the est and mcst fashion.ihlc Goods upon the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia. November 1.3, 1812. lv. u)Wu"ltAiiii6xi Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 171 Nohtii Thihii St1 l.T, 1'Hllil.r.Lrni. AT1I ERE their fiiet'ils and customers w ill always find a large and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic 11 aid w aie, w hit h they w ill si 11 al the lowest prices. Philedel hia, November 13, 184?. I r. l.tSllKUICK, 1JANSEI.L GO'S. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. ICC) l-'J Market Street, 1'hila. (i;,hw l'if!h South side) A LWAYS ke. pon h..nd a full mid general as 1 ' rtincnl nf Ho-iery, Luce, and Fancy Goods, I'liuntry Muchanla are respectfully rep:e.-jj to give lh. m a Cull and examine lor the m-clvi . Philadelphia. November 13, 1842. ly. tSlT.Iil NG . G 00D "vi ca No. 13S Market Street, rhiladclj hia. 8NVITE the attention of Countiy Merch mis to the.r extensile asor:nit nt ol Brilirh French and American Dry Goiuls, which ihcy olftr foi.ah on lh." mort it asonnble terms. Philadelphia. November 13, 1842. ly. IVXcCALLA & IIERSE, No 01, Noiili SccoimI hire tt, (ronxiti or coomb's hut.) Where they constantly keep on hand general assortment of CLOTHS, CAESIMEIIES, VESTmaS And a greut turitti rfurticlts of a superior quality, which tl.ey oiler lo dispose of upon the most ieu.onal.le ti rms. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and others will find il to theii advantage lo call and examine Iheir stock before purchakiiig elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. 6. 184 ly JCK1TS tt, CvTlIlTGS. WHOLESALE SHOE, BONNET, Cap anul I'ulm Leaf Hat Sorr, No. IOSoi-th 4m Stekt, PHILADELPHIA, X Mil". RE an eilci..ive a -xoriiueni of ihe above ' ' articles are catxtaully kept on band, foi vale t the oioat reasonuhlu lirtns. Utj 19, 5P13.ly. WINSLO W'S TJAliSAM Or HOREIIOUND, AN unparcllelcd remidy for rotnmnn C'olds, (,'onghs, Asthma, Itifhipur.a, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of ihe Breast and Lungs, lending lo rnnatimplioii; romposed of Ihe concen trated virtues of Hon hound, Bonsit, Bloed Root, Liverwort and several other yegrtablo substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wisatow, Rochester, New Votk. The intioccncp and rnivprsallv admitted pectoral vittucs of the Htibs from which the Halt-am nj Ilorehuund is made, are too generally known to re quire rprommpni'aiion ; it is ll.riefnre only necessa ry lo observe thai this Me.licine contains the whole of their Metlirinnl properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with scveial other vrpe table substances, as to render it the meal speedy, mild and rertnin nmcdy, nuw in Use, f. r ike coin plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammation and nre ncss of the Lungs, loosens tough visi.l phlegm, en ubling the patient lo expectorate with ease and free dom, as.' Usgcs cough, rein vea athmalic and diffi cult ri spiral inn, heals ihe injured parts, opens the pores, mid composes the distuibed nerves, and givrs stn ngih lo the tender limy., and thus produces a speedy and lasting cine. NoBATiTfTiK is Tin: hasvst rnnii; m Mas. We are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollais will, (nt Ihe expense of truth and ho nesty) ciruk up" an nrli. le nnd bring it into rapid -ale; neither ote we willing to temain silent, afief having (eslcd ihe utility of an im rovenient or dis covery in m ience or sit. Our readers will recollect we told them we wt-ic unwi 11 with a sore throat and violent e. ld some few weeks ngo. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSLOWS BALSAM OF HOREIIOUND, and so sudden was the rure, that we forgot we evrr had a cold. Those who aie afflicted, mny tiy it upon our recommendation. l.tieislo" T' lci'rej h. For sale by HENRY YGXTHEIMEH, Sunbury, JACOB BRIGHT, Sort humbei land. Also, by Druggists gener.lly throughout the country. j' Price, 50 cents per bottle. August 1 1th, IS!-'. ly. LIST Or BOOKS, n.H kalk ht ANTIHIN'S Classical Dictionary; l.rmprier'a do.; Ain.-worth's do; ("obb's do.; English and Cfimtiu tin.; Authoi 's Casnr; Anthon's (iranitner; Anlhen's Cicc.o; Man's la in Readei; I 'silly 's do.; Anibew's Latin Less, ns; D. m.tgan's Lexicon; Kisk's Gre. k Exercises; Duvies's Legen.lei; (iraera Major..; Ad. .iris's Romnii Antitpiiiit s; Pinnoek's Goldsmith's En gland; do. Greect ; Lyr'I's Eb mcnla of Geotogv; Mis. l.inci h.'s Boinnv; Eb mi nis of Botany; llri.lg. 's Algil r.; Portn's Kin loricul Header-; Em. rson'a Giogriihy and History; Oh ey'a do.; Pa r It ) 's tin ; Smith'.- Gramme : Kirk hum's do.: Kav's Readers; Cold's do; ('..lib's Aritl.meiick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Ct.l b's Spilling Hot ks; Town's do.; Cobb's Tab'e Books; Etai ptliral Fo il. i'y Lib. an ; Coitiige Bible, j I'mni' v do ; Coll. li r al do.; .vm:ill Bibles and Test .nn i.l-; I'mker's Ex ercise. en Ceniposition; Finil of ihe Spirit; Rux'er'a S iol s Resi; American Involution; Ma.iynti s No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Cl emisltv; Iliad; Cnle. hisni nf American Laws; l.eiterson Natural Magic; Che mistiy f..r Beginner-; Engl sh Excrcins adnited to Murray's Grarnmer; Sequt I lo Comley's Selling Book; Ann rican CUss Bi ok; Daholl's Sehih linns tei's Assistant; A ce il variety of Blank Books, A c. August 28, 1842. ' ATTENTION, j . s 1 1 i: v j i: s , 1 ) EtiL ESTS the attention of his country frit nils Ak. who ore in want, to his very large stock of Carpftings, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings, Stnii I!. i. Is, A c , Ac, tl.ut he has just opened, at his warehouses. No. 18 North "d street, and No. 2 Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila delphia. July 31, 1842 ly. " SPANISH HIDESi TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. Kl i; K 1 AT 1110 K vV SON, Su. 21. Suith Third si net, (nEi i:tx Mtntrr ami chfsvt srnri.Ts,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for s lie a large nnd exee llenl assortment of Spanish Ihdrr, l'atnu Kips. Tunnirt Oil, ic, al the lowt st ininki t priees, t nl r r for cash, ic exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignnn ills nf I rather received for axle, oi purchased si Ibe highest mat ki t prices, Q"j' Leather stoied fire of charge. April I 7. 1842.- ly. IVltiall'S, "TSTTIO are trout led w i.li si, k headache, pain in the side, breast and l ack, loss of appetite, fla tulency, low ne s i.t spiiits, palpitation of the heart, fainting or giddiness, sickness at the stomach, bil. ous uIV.m tions, tightness at the chest, nausea, vomiting, noise in the stomach, flushings of heat, nrd child ness, discuses nf the neives, and organs of dige-li.n, Ar, Ar., these who mav lie thus all. etc. I, should not in g'eel lo pr 'cure Pr. liarlich's Caiupnund Strti.gthtn ng Tonie and Herman Aperient Pills, whieh are winranted lo givp immediate relief. Thousands do we almost daily behold, whose coun tenance and p ile emaciated cheeks bear occular witness to sickness and affliction. Could tho e persons he persuaded lo use ibis invaluable medi cine, tiny would soon find their weak and dehih'a led fr uiics snengbirneu, iheir minds comp. sed. anil ull pain, and distress tliiven from the system, when the body w ill again ri new i's lost vigor, aud ul on a ' new life," nnd dcalh for a while bp dr- lived of its prey. W bat Ii at but f. e's glad t beho!.' tl eir near rclativi s and dear friends, snit ched as it by magic fr.-m that fad di stover Pcalh ye w ho aie Ubontig uiidei tlisi use let not another day or night pas w ill out procuring ihis medicine, as il will in a majority ol eases effect a pcrmnnsnt cure. Keuiemher dtltiys tire dnngernu.ii and if di-iu e is t.cfclcc cd, lis r uag. a will doubly in crease. fjj) Princit Is Oir.ee for the United Slat, s, No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH atreet, where reccomn en .ho ioi s of Iniiidie.'a of h rsi.ns m iy he seen, all of which have been cure I or benefit. id t.y the ni.di.ine. HENRY YOX'I HEIMER. I.ltrr Coitinlalnt. T Ill IS tliscitsp is discovcrcl I y a fix.d ohlu-e pain in 'lie right sn'e uinler the short ri!. attended w lh heat, uneasiness ..Imut the pit of ihe atomacb, lh re is in the nghl side also a distemion ; the pa. licnl lost his n petite, and becomes sick and t.'3ubU ed with vomit ng. The tongue hccomei rough and bbirk, tho countenance rhangea lo a pale or eiiioii color, or yellow like those alllii tod wiih jaun dice, dilTiru'iy of breathing, distu b-d re.l, i.llend.d wiih a dry eonzh, thllicul'v nf lavina on th kit j ai.V, ihe l. dy I ecines wcuk, and fna'ly ihe diseas terminal, s into i no her of a moia srrn.ns nituie which in all probability is far beyond Ihe power cf human skill, lh-. Harlich 4 ttMfMMtid Strength ening Tonie and Get man Aperient I'M, it u ktnat the commencement of this disei.se will c heck it, ar. by continuing the oee of ibe medicine a few weeks, a pcifect cure wilt be perL.iwcd. Thoiissn la can testify lo th.a fact. Ceiiifica a . f many irrsons n ay daily he ae-n of the Ilic .cy of this invaluable medicine, by apply. fv.,,r..,,e MrJic"1 ir,,"e- l. NORTH LlGIini aUwt, Philadelphia. . HENRY YOJTIIEIMF.rt, Oct 3W, 1S43. Agtu