Tim Battle-axe Fanatics. -The founder tsf the Battle Axe doctrine is said to be a man named Gates, who resided sometime since in Philadelphia. His wife is also a believer in this infamous and licentious fanaticism, and a tnong the deluded followers, are twenty or thirty families residing in Chester County. The most frightful crimes have been committed by some of these madmen. But it is hoped that tho conviction and imprisonment of three or four, wHl rouse the others from the delusion. Hie details as given on the trials, are alto gether unfit for publication. One of the wo men who has been convicted, named William son, is believed to be the same female who a year or two ago, attempted to preach in the Streets of Philadelphia, and was committed once or twice for vagrancy. Gates has not yet been vrrested, but it is hoped that he will be, and also that he will be adequately punished. Phil. Museum. A bold robbery was committed at the Cleve Innd (Ohio) Post Office on the morning of the 3d instant, followed by a quick recovery of the stolen properly. A thief effected an en trance into the Post office, broke the glass of the letter box-of Mr. J. S. Lake, Exchange broker, and rifled it of its content, consisting jf a package of $1220 in Bank notes, a drafl ol 4-)00 received by the Pittsburg mail the even ing previous, and a draft of $790 by the Co lumbus mail, and one or two letters. The same Jay one of the lads engaged in the office, whilst in search of an axe ho supposed had been left in an old stove standing in the hall of the third story of the building, thrust his hand into this queer money vault and brought to light the stolen packages with seals unbroken. The presumption is, that the robber, fearing imme diate pursuit, had in his haste made tho stove temporary safe for his plunder. Thus by the merest clianc the stolen property was re covered without loss, and within an hour, pro bably, alVr the robbery was effected. Dalit more American. The Paris correspondent of the National In telligencer, in speaking of a work which has recently appeared in Europe, and which treate of the condition and employment of women and children in various countries, says In France tho employment of women in mines is forbidden by law, and children under ten years of sge cannot be listed for them le gally; but this interdict is commonly infrin ged or evaded. I have seen women toiling in elate quarries, and they are every where enga ged in the tillage and the worst drudgery of the fields and the farm-yards, beyond the severest and grossest fatiguesof the female negro slaves in our Union. It is enough, to witness the cleansing any morning of the streets of this ca pital, to know the latst extremity of degradation and hidcousncss to which the sex can be redu ced. .W .1 ft 1 1 I K , On the 9lh inn'., hy the Rev. G. Bergtrecr, Mr. Sixi'iiC, Rr.an, of Cattawiaca township, Co lumbia cnuniy, to Min Mm As, daughter of Win. Woolvcrlon, of Rush township. On Thursday the Oils inst.. Dr. Rorf.rt II. Awl, formerly of this place, to Miss Eliza Bow ms, both of Gralztown, Dauphin County. On the. 3d inst., by the Rev. Richard A Fisher, Mr. Miimff Oa to Min Asm Howii, loth of Augusta township. On the 5th inst., by the same, Mr. William Marts to Miss Susas Bowis, both of Auguta township. On the 9lh inst.. by the same, Mr. Gforoe KirrrtR to Miss Ei.lz.arTH Weiser, daughter of Mr. Philip Weiaer, of Augusta township. TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS, ASD A IVew Discovery In the WEWSPAPEB BUS 1 29 BBS. A MOST importantsnd invaluable discovery has - - been nade hy a gentleman of this city, by whidi newapera may be printed in their present form, ami, at tSe time lime, capable of twins; con verted at fireasure into a Magazine form, for preser vation This grand imprmrment, which is drstinrd to form a new era in the hr.inss, effecting an entire evolution in the arl of printing mammoth news fpers, will be introduced. ry permission of the pa tenter, i i. to the Philadelphia Saturday Museum, commencing in May next. IMPROVEMENTS IX "THE MUSEUM." "The Musfm"i now -so fairly and firmly es tablished, that we Tori warranted in making anme very extensive and important improvements. By the first of May, we shall have completed all our arrangement. We shall hive, in the 6 rat place, a beautiful, clear and bold type hi tho second, a superb smooth and white pr in the trrd place, sve shall make an ingenious and novel change hi the arrangement of the matter in the fourth place, we shall increase out corps of contributors in all the various ilepartments of a Family Newspaper in the fifth place, webasre secured, at a high salary, the services of Eneas A. Toe, Leq , a gentleman whose tiictl and versatile abilities bats alwnys P"Vn promptly for themselves, and who, after the fir of May, will aid ut in the editorial conducts of the journal. The Narrative of TtAcnMnd's Journey over the Jloclty Mountains, one of the most interesting and valuable ever published, is sent to all new subtcri tiers. At ila conclusion, our readers will find them su I vet in possession of a work which ahntm'M he worth double the subscription to the paper. We shall continoe, also, of course, ths "Bir.grophicsl Sketches and Portrait," which are now exciting ao tinesianplrd an interest. With these and other fea tures continued, snd with the) improvements in con. 4emp1a tian.it remains to be seen whether we do not amply fuffij our determination of making ihe tarry best newspaper in America. Pi r sons wishing to secure six thousand la-ge oc tave paces of useful, iateratting, and uneicepi.ona. ble reaJingfur the select family circle, for the amall sum of Two Dollars per year being at the aston ishingly low rale of tbiity pages for on cent, or equivalent to on hunJred and twenty pages for four eenia should hand their names in new. TERMS. Two Dollars per annum. Three co pies for Five Dollars, r Sixteen copies for Twenty DolUis, is lbs extra inducement offered at piraent lor clubbing. I IIIIMAM U. tXAKK & Co.. Office of ths Ke'urdey Museum, Publishers' Hall, Jto, 101 Liiesnut Mreil, rtuIaulpTiia. A Gold Ming. The Kaycttvillo North Car olian of the 4th inst. ssys : "A gold mine litis been discovered and opened in our neighboring county of Moore, near Mechanic Hill, about 40 miles from Fayettville, which promises great wealth, the extent of which has not yet been ascertained. There are between 50 and 100 hands now at work, who procure from 1 to 8 dollars worth of gold per day. It lias created great excitement in Moore and the adjoining counties." PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthetmer. Wheat, .... 80 Rtx, 60 Cor, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 25 Pork, ...... 6 Flaxseed, ... . 100 BcTTSR, ..... 3 Beeswax, .... 25 Tallow, .... 12$ Drieii AepLEa, 75 Do. Piicnts, . . 200 Flax, ... - 8 Heckled Flax, 10 Eons, ...... 8 Instate or Michael Reed, dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin istntinn on the ratals of Michncl Reed, dee'd., late of Auguta township, have been grunted to the subscriber. Persons imlebtod to said estate, are re quested to make payment immediately, and those having account againat the same, are requested to present them for examination and settlement. JOHN REED, Augusta. March 18. 1843. 6t Adm'r. LIST OP CAUSES. TOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor--- thunV erlsnd County, to be held at Sunbury, on the first Monday of April next, being the 3J. Joseph Trego vs Martin A Stock Yates & Mcfntyre vs Edward Y Bright Oeoree Armstrong v The Shamokin Coal co John Sheriff s John Hans Mary Works va Byerly St Haas Houghton for Wharton vs John Smith Henry Huff vs Christopher Campbell Purscl Sc Pfouts vs Frederick Biikeiibitie A W Johnson c( at vs Jno C Boyd et al Wm A Lloyd vs Martin A Stork John Cooper et al as Seishol't A. Bcrgttreeer Al raham Sharick vs Jno cV H M Davison John Murrsy va Jesse Boston Jacob Kline vs Joseph Vankiik Geo C Welker vs Jacob G.tss John S Martx vs Solomon Eshbacuh Thos 8 Batiham va Caroline Nourso John R Ket'le.r vs John Murray Thcodoru Beck va Thomas Ashbridge cV T G Ashbridge Isaac K"ons St Co vs Reuben Fagrly Sc Co George Hilt va Maitin Wravrr et al Daniel Koidnrmrl va Daniel Zerhe et al Mouteliua St Fuller Ac vs Wm H Miller Iscnh Slutz vs John Stout Sc II Fiiik Same va John Stout Commonwealth of Ta vs F W Pollock Same vs Henry Frirk Same vs F W Pollock Same va Henry Frick John M House! vs Jacob Deetx Thomas Wooda A. Co va Andrew Forsythe John B Miller va Charles Craig Ke Sc Dergsireseer vs Charlea Craig Flack, as-iuneeof A bold va II M Davison -Boone, assignee of Ege vs Same William Moritz va O P Duncan Joseph Metcalfe St Co vs Wm A I.loyd J:iroh Mnlnd vs II Yoxthcimer et al Frrdeiirk Klett vs Same Daniel Itrosioua va John A Shissler Wm G Williams vs William Glnvr r Joseph Mitm.m va The Shamokin Coal St Iron Company WmBurman va John St H M Daviaon Joseph Hill v. Martin Weaver Stephen Wilson va F A K'arht Brown for Krown va Henry Fiick Samuel KetTer vs James lliard Jacob Wheeland vs D L Richard Dougal St McC leery va V H linker 8AMUEL D. JORDAN. Prothonotary's Office, Prolh'y. Sunbury, M.teh 18, 1843. S 13 heieby given, that letters letsmerilary have this day, (Mareh 1st, 1843,) ben granted to the subscriber, in the latt will and teatament of Chris tian Shipman, dee'd., late of Augusta township. All persons, therefore, indebted to said estate, are hereby required to call and make payment, and all persons having cbums against the same, are likewise requiied to present them for settlement. LEWIS DEWART, Sunbury, Msrch 11, 1M3. 6t Executor. BLACKSIYIITHING. George Zimmerman & Son. THE su' acriler hereby informs the public, that ho intends. on the 1st dsy of April neit, to tnke his son Jeremiah II. Zimmerman, into paitneihip with him, in the BlaACESMXTHINO BUSINESS, which will, hftcr that period, be carried on, at the old aland in 8unhury, under the firm of ''George Zimmerman Sl Son," where ihey will conduct the bu-inet-s in all ita various branches, including Turn ing, Making Mill Irons, Ironing Carriages, Shoe ing Horses, d;f. Order will be promptly and punc tually attended to, slid work dons cheats for cash or country produce. 1X7 Shoeing done at one dollar per sett. GEORGE ZIMMERMAN. Sunbury, March 1 lib. 1843. ALL perrons indebted to the subsciilier, for BUikaniilhing or olherwiae, are hereby requeu ed to call and make settlement, on or before the first day of Apiil next, as his books will lm placed in the bands of a Jutice after that lime, for collec tion. GEORGE ZIMMERMAN. Sunbury, Msrch 11, 143. 3t IS hereby given, that th auhecrihers purchased the following articles at constable 'a sale, sold aa the property of Jonathan I'eifer, of Little Mabonoy township, on Ihe 4th of March, 1843, vixt 1 Bay Stud Horse, f 64 00 I Bay Horse, 15 00 1 Bull, 9 25 1 Pg, I 91 I do, 1 67 1 Clock and Case. 31 00 2 Kelts of Horse Gers, 6 75 2 Collars and a Blind Halter, 2 75 1 Cutting Box, 80 Swtngletrrea and Chain, I 25 I Wanton and Body, B0 00 1 Sleigh, 13 25 1 'ow, 10 75 1 Heiffer, 5 50 All of which we have loaned to the said Jona than Peifrr during our pleasure, of which the pub lie will ti k notice. her CHRISTINA H FERST, mark March 1 1, 3 ELIAS PEIFER. SHERIFF'S BY virtue of sundry writ of Venditioni F.spo nas and Levari Faciaa Issued nut of the Court of Common Pleas nf Northumberland county. In ins directed, will be exposed to public sste t the Court House In ths Borough of Sunbury, on Mon day ths 3d day of April next, at 12 o'clock, (noon,) the following described property, to wit 1 A certain tract 01 pice of land sitosts in Point township, Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Eheneexer Greennugh, Eq., Mark J. Biddle and others, and the Norib East branch of the river Sus quehanna, containing 163 acres and 69 perches, more or leas, a large portion nf which is cleared, and whereon are erected a dwelling house snd barn, and a steam sawmill. There ia also an orchard 011 said premises. Also: The undivided onr-th'rd pirt of a certain tract of wood land, adjoining the above derriled tract, lands of Maiks J. Biddle snd oihers, contain ing 75 seres, more or less. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Thomas G. Ashbridge. Alao. A certain tract or piece of land, silnsUi in Rush township. Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Jacob Reed, John C. Boyd, Nathan Pegg anil others, containing 115 acres more or less, a bout 90 acres of which are cleared, wheieon are e reeled a two story log houe, a two story frame house and kitchen, two large frame barna, and frame wojrson house, and nlher nut building. Also: A ceitain tract or piece of land situate in Rush township aforesaid, adjoining landa of Henry Johnson, Georrje Boone, and the above described tract, containing eight acies more or less, all of which is cleared. Also : A certain lot of ground situate in the town of Shamokin, Coal township, Noithnmherlnnd county, in that part or asid town laid nut by John C. Boyd, snd marked in the general p'an nf said town No. 3, bounded on the east by Shamokin street, on ths weat by Rock s'rert, by lot No. 2 on the south and lot No. 4 on the north, containing in breadth 28 J feet and in length 190 feot, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house and kitchen, (painted whi'e.) and a frame i-t.ible. Also: Two other lots, situate in the town of Sham kin aforesaid, in that part thereof laid out by John C. Boyd, and markel in Ihe general plan thereof Noa. 15 ai d 16, In ing contiguous to each other, hounded on the north by Sunbury street, on the south by the Danville and Potlaville Railroad or Commrrce atreet, on the east by Washington street, and on the weft by lot No. 17, whereon are erected a 1 J story fiame bouse and kitchen, and a frame stdde. Seized, taken in exerution, and to be sold as the pro erty of David Faux, A'so: A certain lut nf ground situate in Coal townnhip, Norlhuml'eiland county, in Ihe town of Shamokin, as laid nut by A. Jordan, Esq. and o thrro, adjoining Grova street, Mine alley, and a lot of William Craufurd, containing 30 feet in breadth and 180 feel in length, whereon are ended two large two Mory frame dwelling houses and one kit chen, a large frame stable, s well of water, Ac. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George Armstrong. AI-.0: A certain lot or piece nf ground situate in Snyderslown, Shamokin lown.-hip, Northumber land county, containing one aero more or less, ad joining a lot of Willi.im Farrow on the east, a lot nf William I.erch on the Meat, land of William Farrow on the north, snd fronting on the Main atreet or road leading from Snyder.town to Sunbu ry, hereon are elected a large two story dwelling house snd kitehrn, a store house, grancry and amall stable, well nf water, Sec. Seized, token in execution, and to be solJ as the property of Henry Klare. Also : A crrisin lot or piece of ground ituate in the borough of Northumhi rlaod, and county of Northumberland, containing 5 acres more or less, bounded north by Wetway, south by the West Blanch f the River Su.quvhnnna, weal by a lot of James Kay, and on the east by a road leading to the river, whereon aie erected a large two alory brick mill and dwelling house, known by the name of "The College." Seized, tsken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Josiah Chapman. Also: A certain lot of ground situate in Ihe bo. rough of Sunl ury, Northumberland county, Iwiun- ded on the weat by Fawn atreet, on the south by an ulli y , on the east by an out lot of Jacob Leiern ring, or a iwenty feel alley, and on the north by a lot of William Snyder, containing in breadth GO feet and in length 240 feet, whereon are erectrd s two story log house, (westherboarded.) an out kit chen, a good well of water and a frame stable. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Dsnitl Snyder, with notice to William Snyder, garnishee. Also: A certain tract or piece of land situ. tie in Shamokin lownahip, Northumberland co., bound ed by ihe road leading from Mnvdcralown to the Centre turnpike, landa of Wm. Waters, dee'd., and ihe Shamokin creek on theaouth, and the Danville and Pnttaville Railroad on the north, containing 17 acres more or leas, nearly all of which is cleared, whtieon are erected a laige two atory dwelling houae, (plaetereil,) a ki'chen, and a largo frame bain, a well of water, dec StMznl, t'ken in execution, and to be sold aa the propeity of George Kreager. Alao : A certain steam sawmill, building and the machinery thereof, together with two aer. a of ground appertaining thereto, tituate in Point town, ship, Noithumterland county, bounded by the ca nal on the weat, the North East Braneh of the rier Suiquehanna on the east, and nearly opposite ihe residence of Thomas Aahbridge, Seized, taken in execution, and lobe sold as the property of Tho.nas Ashbridge, Also : A certain tract or pier of land, ailuit in Shamokin or Coal township, Northumberland coun. ty, bounded and described as follows ; l-vpinninj at a while pin rorncr, adjoining landa of Diddle 6l Company ; thence north 75 degrei a esai, 134 lerche to a pile of alone ; thence north 12 de trees wist, l'J6 perches in a post ; thence north 88 degree west, 23 perches to a po.t ; thence north 75 degrees west, bit perches to a pile of stone ; thence south 5 degree west, 48 perches to a po.l ; thence south 80 degrees weat, 30 penhi to a pine ; them south 13 degrees caat, 195 peichcs to the place of beginning, containing 105 acic and 64 perches, and allowance, more or lesa. Also t A certain tract or piece of land situate in Ml a muk in or Coal township, Nortbumberland county, bounded sod deacribed a Mlowa i ttegin ning at whit pine, adjoining Itnd of the Asv lutn Company ; thence north 12 dec rex a weat, 171 perches to a corner ; thence south 81 degrees wel, 46 perches to a corner ; thence south 75 degrees west, 58 perches to pile of atone; Ihenre north 18 degrees west, 8 perches to a pile of stone ; thence south 74 degrees weat, 100 perchi to s pile of atone i thence north 16 degree wesl, 106 perches to a pile of atone ; thence north 75 degrees ea-t, 218 iierches to pile of .tone ; thence n rih 12 degrees west, 80 perches to gum; thane south 75 degrees west, 275 perches to a pine ; Ihenr sou'b 65 degrees we-t, 112 -nhes tJ a rhesnut. (fallen ;) thence south 78 degiees west 1 69 perches to a cbrsnul oak; thence north 54 degrees, 10 a rheanut ( thence wesl, 124 perehs to a cbesiiul t ihenr south 70 degrees west. 55 perch es lo a pile of stone, a corner of Sarah ReeV laud ; thence south 12 drgreea east, 159 perches lo a p jl ; thence north ! degie caat, 215 picbi to pile of stone t thence north 75 degree east, 118 perches lo a pile of stone; ihenrn south 12 dn. grre rant, 388 perches lo a nine ! thence north 75 dngreei ral, 129 perches to a whit pine thence noith I2J degree west, 294 peiche to a pile of stone; thence south 85J degress east, 218 perch es lo a p In of atone ; (formerly a maple ;) thence south 61 degiees enst, 64 ncrchei lo Ihe place ol beginning, containing 1012 vcies and 43 pcicliir, and allownnrn to ihe sime, mor or Iras. Also; All the on fuil equal individinl fourth pait of all those sven tracts nf l .nd, situnte in Coal or Shamokin township, Northumberland county, (hit ia In say : one of them containing nna hun dred and aix'y five acres and 64 perches, and al lowance, more rr leas ; one other of them compos ed nf three several tracts, contsining one thousand and twelve seres, 43 erches, and allowance, more or lo-a ; on other of them on the rond lending from Sunbury lo Reading, in Shamokin or Coal township af .renni.l, containing two hundred acres, ami allowance, more or leas it being pari of a larger tract called Spring Field," surveyed on a wsrrant granted In Daniel Reese, dat'd ihe 17th dav of Decem'tcr. 1792 ; one other ofihrm on a branch of Shamokin creek, in Be.r Valley, now Coal township, conl .tnirig 440 acres, and iillow. ance, more or less ; one other nf them in Shamo kin town-hip, containing 127 acres, 58 perches, nd allowance, more or bss; one other nf them alo in Shamokin lownahip, containing 71 acres, 130 lerchra, anil allowance, more or leas ; and the other of said tracta called "Stone Heniie," on the waters nf Shamokin ere. k, containing 250 acres, 4 perche. and allowance, more or .s. 8e te.l, tnken in execution, and to be solJ as the property of Bttrd Pitierson. Also: A certain tr.ct or piece of land aituate in Ancuat township, N'Olhumlier'and county, bound ed by lands of Adam Sii!e', Jacob Fry, Samuel Savidge and ihfl heirs of Henry Bart-her, dee'd., containing 125 acres, m 're or less, about 80 acres of which are rleare.l, whereon are erected a lurge two story dwelling houae and kitchen, or large two story frame dwelling house and kitchen, (pain'ed while,) a la'ge bank bun, waggon shed and gran ery, a I mo kiln, two wells of water, a spring hnue, and a largA orchard. A'so! A cert tin lot nf ground situate on Sha mokin or Market street, in the borouah of Suti bury, snd marked in the gonnral plan of said town No 9, bound) d eastward by lot of Henry Mas. ser, westward by a lot of William McCarty, and southward by an nib y, whereon are rrectid a large two alory brirk h ue, occupied aa a store and dwelling hoti'e, a brick and frame kitchen, a large fram- .tore house, a log stable, pump of water, Sec. Aim: Two certain contiguous lots of ground situate in the bnrongti of Sunbury aforesaid, front ing on blackberry street, and marked in the general plan of said town .No. 234 and 235. known aa the McA'lama property, bounded eastward by a ol of A. Jordan. K. and westward by a lo nf tl e hri a nflohn L. Finney, containing about of an acre each, wheron are erected a large brick and log dwelling house :nd kitt lien. Alao : Two cettain other contiguous lota of ground in the borough of Sunbury aforrsai I, and numbereJ in the general plan of said town, Nos. 146 and 147, bounded southward by Dew' erry street, noithward by an alley, eastward by lot No. 145, and we-tward by a lot of Ruhr!) .cha or lot No. 148, containing about i of an acre each, w he-eon are erected a two story brirk houe frame potter shop, frame stable, a well of water, dec. Also: Three continuous lo' of ground situate in the town of Shamokin or in Coal township, Northumberland county, in that pirt of said town, laid oul by A. Jordan snd others, fronting the Danville Sc Pottsville Rail Road, and marked in the general plan of said town, Nos. 400, 401 and 402, whereon are erected a large frame dwelling and a'oie house, late in the occupancy of Henry Daw son. Seired, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Henry Yoxihiemer, with notice, to Charles Pleasants, E-q , hia assignee in Bankrupl- Also : A certain lot or piece of ground aituate in Auatista township, NorthumU rl.ind county, bound ed by a lot of Henry Master, a lot of Jacob Painter and the Sbamok;n creek, containing 5 acres more or less, whereon are eree'ed a one and a half alory brewery and dwelling hou-o wiih a spring of wa ter in the cellar, a frame stable, Ac. Seized, taken in execution and lo be sold ai the propcrtv of Philip A Gottlieb Brvmire. FELIX MAURER, SheriJ. ShorilT'e Office, 5 Sunbury. March 11. 1843. $ Tavern Xotlre. To the Honorable C. (1. Donnrl. Esq., President, and his Assocates, Judges of the Court nf (Quar ter Sensions, nf the county nf Northumberland : fTlWYj petition of George Smith of Jackson town L hip in snd county, liuinhly'repn eents, thai he continuta lo keep a public hi u-e of entertain ment, at bia obi stand, in J.tkson t wn-hip, and is well prepared for the accommodation of travellers. cVc. He thert fore prat a your Honora to grunt him a lirenso to keep a tavern durii g the ensuing tear, and he will pray, Ac. GEORGE SMITH. To the Jmoss arove mentioned : The sub scribrra, residents of Jackson, hereby certify, lhat George Soiith the applicant for the license, ia a man of good repute for honesty and temperance, and la well provided for house-room and convenien ces for the lodging and sceomm.idalioii of strangeis and traveller, and that a public houae there is ne cesary : they therefore recommend him as a pro ier person to be lieeused in keep a public house, Benjamin Trion, Isaiah Kehwartz, Samuel Smith, Jacob Brosius, Peter Reed, J. D. HolTinan, Samuel Keitz, Jesse Hens. I, (JeorLte leiae, Ah'ahtiin RubenJall, Jacob Fieyrniie, William D-ppen. George Sbaflfer. March 4th. IH43 3t Orili:aii' Court fcsile. N piiraoance of an order of ihe Orphans' Court of N rthumheiland county, will b exposed to public sale, on Satuiday the 25th day of March, inst., on Ihe premises, to wit: Actinia tract of land, aituate in shamokin township. Northumber land roomy, adjoining lands of Miebuel Taylor, lio' ett FsriibWorth and others, conl lining sixty a cres, mote or less, lite the e:al of Benjamin Tay lor, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'i link, A. M., of raid day, when the conditions of Sale will be undo know n on the day nf sole by SAMUEL FURMAN. March 4th. ISI3. Adm'r. Sficrilt's Sale. KY virtue of an stiaa testatum writ of venditioni exponas, issued mil of the Court nf Common I'le-as of (Schuylkill county, la me directed, will l exposed to puMic sde, at the house of Henry Rea der, in McEwensvil'e, on Saturday the 18th day of March next, al 1 o'cUxk, P. M., the following de ecrihed property, vi(i A certain tract or piece of land situate in Turbut township. Norihuiuberl .ml county, adjoining lands of Peter Shed.ly, Jacob Msxwrll, ilrc'd. and others, conlsimng 100 seres, more or less, about 80 acres nf which are clean d : Whereon are erscted two dwelling houses, to one of which there is kilclon attached, a large barn, stabling, Ac. There ialo a good well of water, and an orehad on said premi ses. S tied, i ikm in ( xerulion, and to be swIJ as the ptojerty of Jacob Luis. FELIX MAURER. Sheriff". Bticrin at Wire, Sunbury, Fb. 2ft, IS "I Tavern Notice. To tfir Honorable C. (J, Donnel Ena , I'retident, and his Associates. Judges nf the Court nf Quar ter Pcssions, of the county of Northumberland rjHE petition nf Peter lleissi l.nf Upper Mahon. A oy township, in said countv, humbly represent, th.it he continues to knep a public houe of entertain merit at hi nld stand, and is well prepared for the accommodation of traveller. See. He therefore pray your Honor to grant bim a license to keep a tavern, during th ensuing year, and he will pray, cVc. PETER BEtSSEI.. To the Jonoxa annvx mestioses t The ut- eribera, residents of Uptier Msbony township, here by certify, lhat Peter Beisel, the applicant for the lic n.e, ia a man of good repute for honesty and tempersnpp, and is well provided with house-room and conveniences for the lodging and accommoda tion nf htrangers nml travellers, and that a public house there is nereatary : ihey therefore recom mend him a a proper person lo be licensed to keep a public house. Jacob Ptraoser, Daniel Fetter, George Htrnuser, Peter Schmidt, Daniel Heim, Solomon Shankweiler, Jonathan Fetier, Jacob II. KautTmati, Henrv IIfTnan, John Mullick, John Beisel, Walter Paul. Msrch 4th. 1813. 31. Tavern IVollce. To the Hnnnrable Ellis Letvis, Esq., President, and his Associates, Judges nf the Court of Quar ter Sessions, nf the. county nf Northumberland ; TIIIE petition of George Conrad, of Auitinta 1 township, in said county, humbly represents, that he continues to keep a public house of enter tainm nt, in hi old aland, in Auatista township, and is well prepared for the accommodation of travellers, A He therefore prav your Honor to crant him a ticens. to keep a tavern, during the ensuing year, and he will pray, Ac. GEORGE CONRAD. To the Ji nors arovs MESTio-irn : 'I he sub scribe:, rosi'ents of August townsh'p, hen by certi fy, thtit George Conrad, the applicant for lieena. is a man nf good repute for honesty and temperance. nd is well provided with houae-ronm and cnnvnl enres for the lodging and accommodation nf Gran gers and traveller, and that a public house there is nece-sary : they therefore recommend him as a pro per person to be licensed to keep a public house. Henry Hyerly, Solomon Kramer, David Reeer, John Kramer, George Keefer, Adam Shissler, Peter Colp. Philip Weiaer. Abraham Shipman, Andrew Beiche'l, Jacob Yordv, jr. Herman Shipman. March 4th. 1843. 3t Tavern Xollre. To the Honorable C. G. Donnel Esq., resident, and his Assrtiate. Judges if the Court nf Quar ter Setsinn of the County of Northumberland ; fllHE petition of Daniel Herb, sen, of Upper Mall A onnv township, in said couoty, humbly repre sents, that he still continues In keep a public hnuse ef entertainmant, at bia nld stand in Upper Mah onoy township, and is well prepared for ths ac- eenvnod .lion of travellers, &. 1I. therefore piays your honors to grant him a licence to keep a tavern during the ensuing year, and he will prav.dxc. DANIEL HERB. Sen. To TBS Jl'DOES AROVE w xnTiosxn : The ub- aeti' era, residents nf Uptcr Mshonv township, hereby certify, that Daniel Herb, cn the applicant for the license, is a man of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is w II provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and ac commodation of strange and travellers, and that a public hou--e there is necessary: They therefore recommend him a a proper person lobe licensed to keep a pubi c houae. J. G. Renn, Eliaa Schnnble, Henry Zerbe, Henry Roop, Gideon Adam, Jacob Krvbe, J Schminkey, Peter Beiasel, Benjamin Martx, Samnel Beia-el, Daniel B'i'sel, Daniel Holrhue. Mai.h 4, 184331. In ths Cmurt of Comma Pitas of .UrlAiim. bertand t'ovntp, .'XTo. 3,.1pril Term, Susan Woodlry, by her next " friend, Charles Weaver, S Pluriu Subpoena vs. ? for Divorce, Jacob Woodley THE said defendant ia hereby required, to be and appear before the Judge of the Court of Common Plea of Northumberland county, at a Court of Common Pleaa to he held at Sunbury, on the first Monday in April next, to answer the com plaint of the aaid Susan. FELIX MAI KEK, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, "ice, ? 4, 1843 $4t Sunhury, March GOOD NEWS FOR AMERICAN YOUTH ! a hsw toirai or ROnCRT MI.RUUS MrSEOI, Edited hy 8. G. Goodrich, author of Peter Par ley's Tales. Commencing January, 1843. SINCE the commencement of this woik now the most popular juvenile periodical extant it ha ever been Ihe aim of the publishers to make il deserving of the liberal encouragement which ha been extended towards it ; and ita subscription list evinces that their efforts have been appreciated by the pu1 lie. tin the first day of January a new volume will commence. The rharucter of the work will not be changed. lU design will remain the aaine, and the publishers would asure their patrons and the pub lic that their t fl rt will le unceasing to render il worth? of bring companion for the young. To plant Ihe see.U of morality and truth in the youth lul heart, to in-til virluous principles snd motives into the mind, to aid in the formation of character, 10 cultivate a tste for knowledge anil improvement, and wiih inatruclion to blend pleasure and amuse ment, the- have leen, mid will continue to be, the end and aim nf ihe woik Every article will be thoroughly digested before it ia admitted into this work, and great rare will he taken lhat it shall not conl mi anything inconsisienl with the object in view. It ia dceigned to tie, nut interesting for the nionv nl only, but of permanent value, and fit to foun part of eveiy FAMILY LIBARY. Some of the leading features nf the Museum are History. Biography, Geology, Natural Hi'tnry, Veogtuphy, Ac. Th.se will lw arcomiisnied ilh lighter matter in the form of I'a'e-, 8 e eh , Ad Vi mures by Sea and Land, Narratives of Ren t- s ble Occurrences, Anecdotes Fable. Allegories, e. c I'oetrv and Music will t e r died in to assist. Eve, rv available means of r nderinii the work spriuhtlv. instruc ing and entertaining, will he put in requisi- 11 n. Numerous and splendid embellishments and illustrations, sm passing what may be found in any olherwork of the kin. I, in this resject, will be in sertrd; and the tys.j;ra hicsl apraiance of th Museum will I such a-, it ia believed, wi I meet the approbation nf i'a pitrons. The publishers would add. that Msny's Museum is ths chrapesl periodical of the kind puhl abed in any part nf th wnildt the annual vnlum ronlaining nearly a much matter aa two volumes of liancroft'a History, w hich sell for four dollsrs and fifty cents. Tats Vsht I. west Terhs. On copy, $1 Six copies, 5 ; Thirteen copies, f 10. I ho great xpense incurred in getting out work like ihe Mu-eu ... rend, rs it nece-y lht the pub hsbern should slnnly adhere in the cash system. All let 'era must be hsi paid, and addiaed to the I'u'ii.'iers ml fropnetora BRADHL'ltY, SODEN A CO. 10 School sl , Bosssn, amaf 127 Nassau it., N- Y. OaSava PA?TlTE2sDHIP. THE auhsnibers, having entered into a partner ship in the practice of th law, will be happy to attend to ll business entrusted to their care. Colle-lion will he promptly attended to. They may alway Ira found at their office, in Market street, Sunbury, formerly occupied by Wm. Dewsrt, doe'd.. s a store-room. WILLIAM L. DEWART, CHARLES J. BRUNER. Sunbury, Feb. 4th, IRIS. m. ciiAicM.s im; vsaits, ATTORNEY AT ZaAW, HAS removed hi office to ths front room nf the brick hon.se, formerly known as Smith'M Tavern, on tho south wet corner of the square on Matket street. Busins entrusted to hi care, i;i this county, and in the counties of Union, Colum. hia and Lycoming, will receive prompt attention. Sunbury, Feb. 4, 1843. 4t. A Tannery Tor Rent. 'PHE Tannery, fixtures, snd tools, in this place, - belonging to the estate of Issac Ziegler, dee'd., now in possesion of Burher Sl Fry, will be rented for a term of years, on reasnnaole terms. Pone sion given on th 1st day of April next. Applv to II. B. MAS8ER. Sunbury, Fob. 4, 1843. Orphans' Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Cou' of Notthuinlieiland county, will be exposed M sale, nl the Into residence of Wm, Garret, Ooc'd,, on Saturday the 25th day of Msrch next, to wit : A certain Irict of wood land, situate in Rush township, in said county, containing twenty fiv acres, adjoining land of E nos Sharpies, Jaco ' Gcarhart's devisees, George Ge.athart and other late tho estate of said dee'd. Sale lo eotnmenco at 1 o'clock of said day when the conditions of a o will te mad known by SilARPLESS TAYLOR, JOHN C. GRIER, Jan. 28. 1813. Admr'i SAM'Ij DUUClwUiTIlLIaEIl, HATTER. VERY RESPECTFULLY begs leave to in form his customers snd Iba public generally, lhat he still continues ths hattxno Btrsxirsss, in sll its various branches, in tbe shop, neatly op posite the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied In Henry Haas and himself, under the firm of Ila . a Sc Druckemillor, which firm ha been mutually di -so'ved. He hope, by his long experience in lb-' above business, and strict attention thereto, lo ret. drr general satisfaction, and receive a liberal sham of public patronage, Sunbury, October 15th, 1842. 6m. UN ION "HOTEL, (Genera! iS'foe OJlee,) -azr m azs isr XiYCOXrimCr COTJNTY, Pennsylvania. T11C Subscriber respectfully inform hi frii it nd the public in genoral, that be has taken the above LARGE ASD COMMODIOUS HOTEL IN THE BOROUGH Or MDNCY, and that he is now well prepared to accommodate all who may favor bim with their custom. His Slekmho AriSTMKST are well aired, and comfortable. Hi Tislb akd Bar will always be supplied with the best the msikut can afford. Hi SraRLtHe, which is good, will be under the charge of good and careful hoctlers. He feel confident, by strict attention to business, and an earnest desire to render comfortable those who may patronize him, lhat he will not fail to give general satisfaction. H. B. WEAVER. Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1812. tf. A CARD. Dr. J. IT. Peal begs leave to tender bis grate ful acknowledgment to the people ufSunbuiy and surrounding country, for thaii past encourage ment in the line of his profession ; and would at the same time announce to them, that be atill in tend to continue the practice of medicine in all i' various departments. Ho would, therefore, suite a continuance of their confidence and patronage He may be found at all times at his office, ia msi ket street, unless professionally engaged. Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1842 if. A CARD. Dr. I. T. TrltCS, Respectfully inform t' ' citizen of Sunbury and vicinity, that he ha s ken sn office in th building lately occupied by Pet Lazarus aa a drug atore, in market atreet, Sunbur where he may be found at all hoar, unless profi. sioimlly engaged. Dll TK1TES returns bis sincere thank for th encouragement he has received, in ths line of h profession, in this place, and trust., by prompt r tentton to the duties of his profrasion, and reaso hlo charge, that he will continue to recetv . liberal share of the public patronage, Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1842. tr. DUTsI. N. SUMNER SURGEON DENTIST. RESPECTFULLY inform the public that I has made Northumberland hia per mane, place of residence, and is ready to attend to ai Calls In the line of his profession. July 8, 1842. ly. TAILORING, ON BIS OWN BOOS. FETES, GETTER. T EsPECTFULLY informs his friends and i' public generslly, lhat he hss commenced I Tailoring 11 u s i n c s . in sll its hrnche, in the house formerly occupo by Win. Durst aa a Tailor Shop, in Blackber atreet, nearly opposite the Prrabylerian Chur. II respectfully solicits a share of the public patri age, and frusta by strict attention lo business s reasonable charge, he will be enabled to give , era! satisfaction. Suubuiy, June IStb, 1812 ly A Fresh suppy of ROSE OINTMENT, recnv and for sale by Ii, B. MASSE K. Nov. 19 th. 1842. BLANKS VOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE.