Dnowsrn. On Saturday afternoon las', Mr. DiVtn Fot, of Rush township. Northumberland county, i crossing tho river opposite tliia town with two horse alcigh. When within twenty ysrds of the opposite shore, the ice broke, and the two horses attached to the sleigh, were drowned, Mr. Fox himself making narrow escape. The horses were found some time afterwards a short distance below. Danrille Democrat. On Tuesday las', by (he Re. Wm. R. Smith, Mr. Washihato Smith, of Augusta, to Miss A Miui PcasEt, of this place. On Thursday the 23d ult., by the Rev. O. Berk etreeser, Mr. Joh Hitos, of Danville, to Miss Re ecca If artsexl of Cattawissa township, Colum- bia county. On the 7th ult., by the Rev. Daniel Barber, Mr. 'Charles 3. Chits to Miss Mart Ana Kreahmi, all of Chilisquaque township. On the 21st ult., by the same, Mr. Bowwow I.e. a to Miss Moose, bold of Chili-quaqne. I) 1 L I), On Satii'day Inst, in Augusta township, an in fant daughter of Mr. Joseph (is-s. In Turbut township, on the 14th ult., Mrs. ELI ZA ANN, consort of John II. Wilson, aged about 36 years. At Lewisburg.nn the 16th ult., Mr. WILLIAM HAYS, at an advanced aged. On the 21st of January la-t. In St. Joseph coun ty. Indiana, JOHN McMICHAEL, formerly ..f Northumberland county, aged 70 years. PRICE CURRENT." Corrected weekly hy Henry Yoxlhetmer. SHERIFF'S Wheat, .... 80 Rir, 60 Conn, 40 Outs, 25 Punk. ...... 5 FiAxsren, ... . 100 BlTTTER, ..... 12 Beeswax, ... 2ft Tallow, .... 12$ Drieii ArrLEs, 75 Do. Peaches, 200 Flax, ... .8 Heckleii Flat, 10 Eons, ...... fl rjrn IS heieby given, that letters testamentary have this day, (MnHi 1st. 1843.) hem granted to the subscriber, in the last will and testament of Chris tian Shipman. dee'd., late of Augusta township. All persons, therefoie. indebted to said estnte, are hereby required to call and make payment, ami all persons having claims npainst the same, are likewise rrqui'ed to present them for settlement. LEW IS DEW ART, Sunbury, March 11, 1843. 6t V.xeexitor. BLACKSIMITHINCt. CJ c o r p c Imiiir rnitin & Son. rPHE ful'seri'er hereby informs the public, that JL he intends, on the 1st dav of April next, to take his son Jeremiah H. Zimmerman, into partnei.-hip with him, in the BlaACKSMITHING BUSINESS, wh;ch wi:, kfier that period, be carried on. at the old stand in Sunbury, under the firm of 'Ocorge Zimmerman cV Son," where they will conduct the bu-ine-s in all its vario us branches, including Turn ing, Milking M.lt Irons, Inning Carriages, Shoe ing Horses. iVc. Orders will lie promptly and punc tually attembd to, and work done cheap, for cash or country produce. (fj Shoeing done at one dollar per sett. OEOROE ZIMMERMAN. Sunburv, March 1 1'h, 1813. BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Expo nas and Levari Facias issued nut of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, to me directed, will bo exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Sunbury, on Mon day the 3d day of April next, at 12 o'clock, (noon,) the following described property, to wit i A certain tract at piece of laml situate in Point township, Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Ebeneeier Ureenough, E-q., Marks J. Diddle and others, and the Nonh East branch of the river Sus quehanna, containing 163 acres and OS perches, more or less, a large portion of which is cleared, and whereon are erected a dwelling house and barn, and a stetm sawmill. There is also in orchard on said premises. Also: The undivided one-third part of a certain tract of wood land, adjoining the above described tract, lands of Mniks J. Biddle and others, contain ing 75 acres, nvue or less. Seiied, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Thomas O. Ashbridge. Also. A certain tract or piece of land, situate in Rush township Nurthnmberl nd county, adjoining landa of Jacob Reed, John C. Boyd. Nathan Pegg and others, containing 1 15 acres more or less, a bout 90 acres of which are cleared, whereon are e rectcl a tvo story big h ue. a two story frame house and kitchen, two large frame barns, and frame woggon house, and other out buildings. Also: A cettain tract or piece of land situate in Ru-h tow nship aforesaid, adjoining lands of Henry Johnson. Oeorce Bonne, and the above described tract, containing eight acics more or less, all of which is cleared. Also : A certain lot of ground situate in the town of Shamokin, Coal township, Nntthumbert mJ county, in that part of said town laid out by John C. Boyd, and marked in the general p'an of said town No. 3, bounded on the cast by Shamokin street, on the west hv Rock s'reet, by jot No. 2 on the south and lot No. 4 on the north, containing in breadth 28$ feet and in length 190 feet, whereon arc erected a two story frame dwelling house and ki'chen, (painted whi e.) and a frame stable. Also: Two other bits, situate in the town of Shamokin aforesaid, in that part thereof laid out by John C. Boyd, and markel in the general plan thereof Nos. 15 and 16. hi ing continuous to each other, bounded on the north by Sunburv street, on the south by the Danville and Pottsville Railroad or Commerce street, on the eat by Wa-hingtnn street, and on tbe we-t by bt No 17. whereon ore erected a 1) story fiamc house and kitchen, and a frame kt due. Si ir.ed, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the .roirtv of David Faux Also: A eertnin 1. 1 of ground situate in Coal township, Northumberland county, in the town of Shamokin. ns laid nut nv A. Jo'ilnn, r.sq. ami o thers. adioining drove street. Mine alley, nnd a lot of William Crauford. rnnt.iininL' 30 feet in breadth and ISO feel in length, whereon arc crcted two birge two storv frame dwelling houses and otic kit chen. a large fiame stable, a well of water, cVc. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of (Ieorge Armtrong, Also: A certain lot or piece of ground situate in Snvderstown, Shamokin township, Nnrthumler land countv, contai' ing one acre more or less, ad mining a lot of William Farrow on the east, a lot of William Lerch on the west, land of William Farrow on the north, end fronting on the Main street or road leading from SnydeMown to Sunbu ry, whereon are erected a large two story dwelling house and kitchen, a store house, granery and small stnt'le, well of water, cVc, Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Henry Klaze, Also : A certain lot or piece of ground fituate in the horoudh of Northumlw Hand, and county of Northnmbt rland, containing 5 acres more or less, hounded north by We-tway, south by the West ALL persons indebted to the subscii'er, for in. i : i. : ...i .... t,A,Au., . UiaiKMI I- IIIU Ml l'Uiriwin-,nii' lineup ,,,. , - . , , . , , . r . , , . , ' .',. , i Bianch i f tbe River Susquehanna, west lv a lot ot ed to call and make set lement, on or before the '"" " , . 1 . , , . ,. (first day of April next, as bis hooks will be placed in the hands i f a Justice after that lim, for C' Ibc tion. (JEORGE ZIMMERMAN. unbury, March 11,1 43. 3t krisrmfTsrTrr-,'Tr7 i'fS hereby givrn, that the subscribers purchased 'the following articles at cnns'able's sale, sold as rttie properly of Jonathan I'eifer, of Little Mahonoy township, on the 4th of March, 1843, vtx 1 Bay Stud Horse, $01 00 I Bay Horse, 15 00 1 Bull, 9 25 1 P,g, 1 91 1 do, 1 67 1 Clock and Case, 21 00 2 Srtts of Horse (,'eirs, 5 75 2 Collars and a Blind Halter, 2 75 '1 Cutting Box, 80 Swingletrees and Chain, I 25 T Waggon and Body, 60 00 d SUigh, 13 25 rj Cow. 10 75 1 BekTer. 6 50 All f "wfiich we have loaned to the said Jona- ', han 1V(feTIuring our pleasure, of which the pub I lie will take notice. her CHRISTINA y. FERST, mark ' MjchVl.--St EI.IA8 PEIFER. Jn tke t'murt Bf i "amnion i'Uan f .VktrthuiiUm btrlanil fount y, l3,.ri Tirm, Susan Woodloy.tSy her next ) 'friend, CharrM Weaver, J Pluriua Subpcrna rw. ) for Divoice, Jacob Wo filey ) a "TIE aid ilt'ienCifot ia hereby requirrd, to lie and appear before tbe Judgea of the Court of Common Pleae of Kothumberland county, at a Court i f ('amnion I'leacto le held at Sunbury, on he first Mondsy in April next, to answer the com tiUint ofjtbe si Sovan. VELIX MAURER, iJieriff. SflteiifTs OfTice, ? Sunbury, March 4, 1843. 4t Tavern utUo. 'To the JlonoraUe V, Ikmnrl l'i., rresiilait, and hit Anuveiaut, Jtutgcu oj the Court of (Juur ttr Srtnirmt of the CVtMiar of Sorthumberlund : FIHE petition nf Daniel Herb,aen. of L'pper Mull JL onoy township, in said county, humbly rcpre ents, that he still cxmlinuea to keep a public house f enlcrtainmwnt, at tiw old stand in Upper Man onoy rownship, and is well prepared for the ac rcmnmdatiiin of travellers, eVe. He therefore plays ymir honors to grant him a licence to keep a tavern Juring the flisumg year, and he will prav.&c. DANIEL HEUU.Sen. ToTHe Jrno:a av ursTiosrin: The sub crira, nsidenla of l'pr Mahony township, hereby certify, that Daniel Herts Ben., the applicant for the license, is a man of good reptile for honc.ty nd teniieraiice, and ia wi ll piovidvd with house room and conveniences for the lodging and ac commodation of ttranges and travelers, and that a public house there is necessary : They therefore tccommend htm as a proper person to be licensed to keep a publ e house. J. CJ. Renn, Henry Zerbe, (iideon Ad j in, J Kchminkey, Benjamin Maitz, Daniel Rii-sel, Matih 4, 1813. 3t. Elias Schnable, Henry Roup, Jicob Krelw, IVler Be is I, Ssmnel He is el, Dailitl Ilol.-hue. James Kay. and on the east by a road b ailing to the river, whereon aie erected a large two siory brick mill and dwelling houc, known by the name of" 1 ho College, Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Josiah Chapman. Also: A certain lot of ground situate in the bo. rough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, boun ded on the west by Fawn street, on tbe south by an nil y, on the east by an out lot of Jacob Leiaen ring, or a twenty feet alley, and on the north by a lot of William Snyder, containing in breadth 00 feet and in length 240 feet, whereon are ereetid a two story log house, (w, aiherboanbd.) an out kit chen, a good well of water ami a frame stable Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of D.miil Snyder, with notice to William Sny'ler, garnishee, Abo: A certain tra-t or piece of land situate in I Shani' kin township, Northumberland CO., bound ed by the road leading from Snvderstown to tho Centre turnpike, lands of Wm. Waters, dee'd., and the Shamokin creek on the south, and the Danville and Pottsville H iilroid on tbe north, containing 17 acre more or less, nearly all of which is cleareil. whueon are eree'ed Urge two story dwelling house, (iibistereil,') a ki chen, and a large frame barn, a well nf water, cVc. Seized, t.keii in execution, and to be sold as the iirotierty of Cieorge Kreager. A'so : A censin steam sawmill, building and the machinery thereof, together with two acres of giound appertaining thereto, fciluate in Point town ship, Noilhnmberlanil county, hounded by the ca nal on the west, the North East Branch of the river Su-qu. hanna on the east, and nearly opposite the residence of i homas Ashbrulge, Se zed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Tho.na Ashbridge, Also ; A certain tract or piece of land, situate in Sham kin or Coal township, Northumberland coun ty, bound-d and described as follows; lginiiing at a white pine corner, adjoining lands ol Biddle oV Comiiany : thence north 75 ib grp, a east, 131 perches to a pile of stone ; thence north 12 de grees wist, 1'IG perches to a post ; thence north 88 degries west, 23 iierches to a post; thence north 75 degie a west, 8'J jierches to a pile nf stone; thence south 5 degrees wet, 48 perches to a post; thence south 80 degrees west, 30 erihea to a pirn ; thence south 13 degire east, 195 perches to the place of h ginning, containing 165 actes and Gt perches, and allowance, more or less. Also : A certain tract or piece of land situate in Shanv kin or Coal township, Northumberland county, bounded and described aa follows; liegin ning at a while pine, adjoining lands of the Asy lum Company ; thence north 12 deisreea west, 171 lien lies to a corner ; thence south 81 degrees we-t. 4ti perches to a corner ; thence sou'h 7a degrees west, 58 perches to a pile of atone; thence north 16 degrees we.l, 8 perches to a pile of stone ; thence south 74 degrees west, 1110 perches to a pile of stone ; thence north 16 degrees west, 106 lurches to a pile of stone ( thence north 75 degrees ea-t, 218 perches to a pile of stone ; thence north lidig'.es west, 80 perches to a gum; thence south 75 degrees west, 273 perches to a pine; thence south 55 degrees wot, 1 12 ien lies to a eheanut. (fallen ;) thence south 78 degrees west 169 perches to a cbesnui ask; thence north 51 degrees, to a chrsnut ; thence west, 121 perch' s to a chettiul ; thence south 70 degrees west. 55 p ich. es to a pile of rtoue, a c oner of Sarah lice.' land ; thence south 12 drgr-is east, l!9 perches to a p M ; thence north 85 debtee, east, 245 peuhes to n pile of atone t thence north 75 degrees east, 1 18 perches to a pile, of stone j thence south 12 de. gre a east, 388 perches to a pine ; thence north 75 t degree east, 129 perches to a white pine ; thence north 1 2J degrees west, 2!) t peich-a to a pile of stone; thence aiuth 85 degrees east, 218 iierch es to a p'le of stone ; (formerly maple ;) thence south 61 degrees east, 64 perches to the place ot beginning, containing 1012 aciea and 43 perches, and allowance to the same, rnore or less. Also: All tho one full ennal individual fourth paitof all those seven tracts of land, situate in Coal or Shamokin township. Northumberland county, that is to say i one of them containing one hun dred and sixty five acres and 64 perches, and si- lowanre, more or less : ono other ol tnem compos- ed of three several tracts, containing one thousand and twelve acres, 43 pcrchca, nnd allowance, more or les ; one other of them on the road leading from Sunbury to Reading, in Shamokin or Coal township aforesaid, containing two hundred acres, and allowance, more or less it being part of a larger tract called ' Spring Field," surveyed on a warrant granted to Daniel Reese, dated the 17th day of Dceem'-er. 1792 ; one other of them on a branch of Shamokin creek, in Be.r Valley, now Coal township, containing 410 acres, and allow, ancc, more or less ; one other of them in Sbamo. kin township, containing 127 acres, 69 perches, and allowance, more or less; one other of them sl-o in Shamokin township, containing 71 acres. 130 perches, and allowance, more or less ; and the other of said tracts, called "Stone Henge. on the waters of Shamokin creek, containing 250 acres, 4 perches, nnd allowance, more or . as. Sezed, taken In execution, and to ne sou as mo properly of Burd Patterson. Mao: A certntn tract or piece of land sitnaln in Aueusta township, Northnmiier'nnd county, bound ed by lands of Adam Shiss'c, Jacob Fry, Samuel Savnlgo and the heira ol Henry llartslier, decil., containing 125 acres, more or less, about 80 acres of which are cleared, whereon are erected a large two story dwelling house and kitchen, or large two story frame dwelling house and kitchen, (painted white,) a large bank him, waggon shed nnd gran rry, a lime kiln, two well-i of water, a spring house, nnd a large orchard. A'so ! A certain lot of ground situate on Sha mokin or Market street, in the borough of Sun bury, and maiked in the general plan nf said town No 9. bounded eastward by a lot ol Henry Mas. ser, westward by a lot of William MrCarty, and southward by an alb y, whereon ate erect-d a large two story brick h nise, occupied as a store anil dwell ng house, a brick and frame kitchen, a large frame More house, a log stable, pump of water, ore. Al-n: Two c rtain contiguous lots ol ground situate in the boroneh of Sunburv aforesaid, front ing on blackberry 1reet, nnd marked in the general plan of said town Nos. 231 and 235. known as the McAilams property, ununited eastwanl by a lot ol A. Jordan. I.sq. nnd westward by a lo ol the liens ofl.'hn L. Finney, containing nUiiit of an acre each, win roti are erected a lare brick and log dwe'ling bouse and kitchen. Also : Two certain other contiguous lot of ground in the borough of Sunbury aforesaid, and numliered in the general plan of said town, N"s. 140 and 147, hounded southward by Dewberry street, noilhward by an alley, eastward by lot No. 145, nnd westward by a lot nf Kohrh ichs or lot No. 148, containing about J of an acre rach, whereon are erected a two story brick house frame poll' r shop, frame stable, a w ell of water, Ac AUo: Three contiguous lo!s ol ground situate in the town of Shamokin or in I -nal township. Northumberland county, in that pirt of said town. laid out by A. Jordan and others, fronting the Danville Ac Pottsville Rail Road, and marked in the general plan of said town, Nos. 400, 401 and 402, whereon are creeled a large frame dwelling and s'ore house, late in the occupancy of Henry Daw son. Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as the iroerty of llenrv ioxthiemer, with notice, to Chattes Pleasants, Eq,, his assignee in Bankrupt cy. Also : A certain lot or piece ol grouml situate in Augusta township, Northumberland county, bound ed hv a lot of Henry Mssser, a lot of Jacob Painter and the Shamokin creek, containing b acres more or less, whereon are erected a one and a half slory brewery and dwelling house, wi'h a spring ol wa ter in the cellar, a Irame stable, vc. S. ized, tuken in execution and to be sold as the propcrtv of Philip A Co tlieb Brvmire. FELIX MAL'RER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. ? Sunburv. March 11, 1813. S Tnvrni Notice To the tlnnnndie V. C. Donne!. I'.sq , Vrfidnit, nnd hi A.i.ioriaten.Jintgr nf the Court nf Quar ter ftWoN, of the eountti of Knrlhumhtrland : fllIE petition of Peter Reisaid, n( Upper Million 1 oy township, in said emintv, humbly represents, that he continues to keep n public houe of enlertnin ment athi old aland, and ia well prepared fr the accomntod diori of travellers, eke. He therefore prays your Honors to grant him a license to keep a tavern, during the ensuing year, and be will prny, cVc. PETER BEISSEL. To Ttir.lt puts inoTK r.iTtoitn : The still criliers. residents of l''ier M ibony township, here, by certify, that Peter Be;sel, the applicant for the license, is a man of good repute for honesty nnd temperance, nnd is'well provided with huue-ro"in nnd conveniences for the I alging nnd accommoda tion of strangers nnd travellers, nnd that a public house there is necessary : they therefore recom mend him as a proper person to be licensed to kceji a public hoii'P. Dmiel Fetter, Peter Sel.midl. H domon Shnnkweiler, Jacob II. Kanll'inaii, John M .It.i k, Walter Paul. Jaeo'i Stranser, (Jeorge Strauer, Daniel Meim, Jonathan Fetter, Menrv HnlTiiinn, John Beisel, March 4th. 1813. 3t. TavsTii Xnllcr. To the Hnnnrnhtr. KM Iswi. . Prriident. and hi Avmrintr, Judge of the ( ourt of Quor- lir Srion, of the rnnnti of Sorlhiiniticrliind : IIE petition of (lenrue Conrad, nf Miau-ln township, in said c untv. hunihlv repr "ents, that he continues to keep a inihlic, house of enter t ainiTi' n'. in his old stand, in Ausnsia township, and is well prepared for the accommodation of 'ravellers, Ac. He therefore prnvs your Honors to grant him a license to keep a tavern, during the ensuing year, and he will prav, Arc. OEORCE CONRAD. To the JrnnTs above xetionko : '' he sub serilieis, residents of Aucnsta township. hereby ceiti fv, that (Jeorge Cournd. the applicant for license, is a man nf good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house-room and ronv n; ences for the Induing and accommodation nf stran gers and travellers, nnd that a public house theie is nercsnry : they therefore recommend him ns a pro- .. . Oi l - per person to f licensed to Keep n pumic. nousc. Taw rrii lYolicc. 'J') the Ih'tnrahte C. (1. Donne t, Ln., rrevdent, and hi Anfoeiatr Judge nf the. Court of Quar ter Rei.iinn, nf the eountj nf Northumberland ' rilHE petition of John Speeee, of Sunbury, in I mid county, humbly represents, that he contin ues to keen a house of public rn'ortnintnrnt at his old stand, near the Shamokin Dim, nnd ia well prepared for the accommodation of travellers, Are. He therefore prays your Honors to grant him a li cense to keep a tavern during the ensuing year, and he will prav, Arc. JOHN SPEF.CE To the JrtioES ariite sisnTiosF.n '. The sul scribero, re-id. 'tits of Soiibnrv, hereby certify, that John Speeee, the applicant fir the license, i a innn of good repute for honesty and Temper wee, and is well provided with house-room nnd conveniences for the ld"ing and accommodation ofstrangers and traveller. nil tbat i public lionso meie is ncessarv: 'In v then f oe recommend him ns a proper per son to be licenced lo keep a put'lic House. John Hail' Abraham Erwin, Samuel D. Jordan, C. D. Wharton, Henry Masser. Thomas A. Billington. Solomon Kramer, John Kramer, Adam Shisalrr, Philip W riser. Andrew Beirhell, Herman Shipman. Henry Bverly, David Ree-er, (Jeorce Keeper, Peter Ootp. Abraham Shipman, Jacob Yordv, jr. March 4lh. 1813 31 Tavern otlc To the Honorable C. C Donnrt, flu.. President, and his Aweiotr,Judgr nf the Court of(fuor trr Sriati of the County of Sorthunihrrtnrnl : H'MIE ietiioii of Paul Rhoath, nf Con I towrslup. in said comity, humbly represents, that he still icctipies his old tland at Mount Ca'nv-I," on the Centre turnpike, and is well prepared for the ne. commod ilion of travellers Ac. He therefore prays voui honors to grant him a license to keep a tavern lining the ensuing year, and be will alnavs pray, Arc. PAI L RHOATH. To the Jrnnra jinvtxmirii: The sub- seri'rs, re-idents of Co il township, hereby certify. that Paul Rhoath, the applicant for the license, is a man of good repute for honestv and temperance, nnd is well provided with hnue room Bnd conveni ences for the lodging nnd accommodation of stran gers and travellers, and that a public house there is neces-nrv : I hey therefore recommend dim as a proier person to lie licenced to keep a public house. Jeremiah unmerman, Jacob p. r a in. Tavern Xollcc. To the Honorable C. C Donnet. I'tq., President, and hi Amoiiale, Judgrs of the Court of Quor trr Srssinns, of the county of Sorthumbet land rilHE petition of Ueorge fMiulh ol Jackson town- I hiii in s aid c. untv, humbly represents, that he continues to keep a public hou-e of entertan ment, at his old stand, in J'ikson town-hip, and is well prepared for the accommodation of travellers, Arc. Ho therefore prav a your Honors lo grant hon a license to keep a tavern during the ensuing year and he will prav. &c. OEOKl.E SMITH. To the J c no is above MESTiom.n : The sub scribers, residents of Jackson, hereby certify, th.it (ieorge Smith the applicant for the license, is man of good repute lor honesty and temper ince, and l well provided for house-room and coiiveinen, ces for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers, and that a public house there is ne j cessary : they therefore recommend Irm as a pro er H'rson to lie licensed to keep a public house. James Thomas, Jno. Nicbolls, Samuel Eisenhart, Richard Woolverton, James Wallas, Kimher Cleaver. 1 Stephen Ei-cnhait, John K. Robins, Daniel Evert, Stdlman Eaton, John Reed, John Boochner, Feb 25th. 1813 3t. Tavern ol ! To tl.t Honorable C C. Ihmm l. ?., I'rrsid, u. and hi Aneiatr$.Judi:rof the Court of Quar ter Sennioii of the county if yurlhumherMnd : W E petition nf il lam r arrow ol Miainnkiu. township, in said countv, humbly represents. that he coniinuCH to keep a hou-c of public enter tainment at his old stand in Snydeitown, ai d is well prepared for the act onunodation of travellers. Arc. lie therefore prays your honors to grant him a li cense to keep a tavern, duiing the ensuing year, and he will pray, Ac. WILLIAM FARROW. Tc the J m En above mkxtioshi : The sub scribers, letidepts of Shiumkin township, here hv certify, tint William Farrow, the applicant for the license, is u man of good repute for honesty and temperance, nnd is well provided w ith house room and conveniences for the bulging snd accom modation of stiangers and travellers, and that a pub lie house there is necessary : they therefore recom mend bim as a proper person to be licensed to keep public house. John II. Price, Jotiathnti Plirsel, (!eo. W. K it'ld, (ieo. Mailin, Caleb I'i-her. Thomas (i. Ileeins, Feb 25th, 1813. 31 ASSIGNEE'S "SALE7 l-.sdilp til' llcttrv Voxtlioliiicr, n lliinkriipt. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Assignee of -a d Bankrupt will expose to public sale on Wednesday the 15th dav of March, nl the court house in Stiiihnrv. the following real and H?rsonal e-tate, lately brimming to the sni I Bankrupt : A certain tract of land; sitnnte in Augusta town ship, Northumberland countv, adjoining lands of Jacob Baitsber, Adam Slussler, and others, land of Henry Ynxtheimer nnd others, containing 125 ncres more or less, wherein are erected two large two storv dwelling houses and kitchen, a large bank barn, waggon shed and granary, lime kiln md other out buildings, two wells of water, and an orchard. About 80 acres of said land are cleared. Also : A certain tract of land situate in Augus ta township, Northuml'rland county, adjoining land of Adam Shissler, lacob Snyder, Jacob Bart slier and others, land of Henry Ynxtheimer, con taining 121 acres, more or less. About GO acres of said land are cleared. Also : A certain lot nf ground, situate in the borough of Sunbury, in the countv of Northum berland, bounded on ihe north by Market street, south by an allev. east by lot of Henry Masser, Esq,, west by lot of William McOarly, whereon are erec ted a large two story brick house, occupied as a store nnd dwelling house, brick nnd frame kitchen, frolic, store house, log st ible, and other out build ings, and a pump of water. A'so: Two certai'i lots of ground, situate in the Ixirough ofSonbtiry snd county of Northumberland, bounded north by Blaeklierry street, south by an alley, east ly lot nf A. Jordan, Esq., west by lot of Mrs. Finney, wl er on ate erected a large brick and log dwelling house, and kitchen. Also : Two certain lots of ground, situate in the borough of Siinbmy. Northumberland county, bounded south by Dewlerry street, north by an nl ley, west by lot of Rhorabachs, and cast by lot of , whereon aie erected a two story brick hou-c, frame Mitler shop, frame stable, and a well of water. Alio ; A certain part of lot, No. 130. situate in tbe iMirough of Sunbury, in the county of Northum berland, bounded north by Dewlierry street, south by an alley, east by lot of Lewis Dewart, Esq., and we-t by lot ol Follmers. Also : Three certain lots of ground, situate in Coal township, Northumberland county, in the town of Shamokin, in that part laid out by A. Jor dan, Eq., and others, to wit : Nos. 4(10, 401 and 402, bounded south by Rail Road, west by street, north by stroet, east by all alby, whereon are erected a Urge dwelling and siore hou-e, one and a half stones high, and a Urge two story kitchen, and a well of water. Also: Ac rtain lot of ground situate in Coal township, Northumlierland county, in tbe town of Shamokin, in that part laid nut by A. Jordan, r.nq. and others, to wit : No. 450. bounded south hy tin Rail Road, noith hv street, west by M of ? AB.T1TEP.3HIF. frMIE subnciilssra, having entered into a partner I ship in the practice of the law, will he happy to attend to all businera entrusted to their care. Collection will he promptly attended to. They may always be found at their office, in Market street, Sunbury, formeily occupied by Wm. Dewart, deed., a a store-rrxmi. WILLIAM L. DEWART, CHARLES J. BRL'NER. Sunbury, Feb. 4lh, 1M3. Im. CllAltll PLEASANTS,' ATTORNEY AT X.AW, nAS removed his office to the front room nf the brick hoti'p, formerly known as Smith'a Tavern, i n the sninh west corner of the square on Market street. Business cut'tisled to his care, in this county, anil in the counties of Union, Colum bia and Lvcoming, will receive prompt attention. Sunbury, Feb. 4, 1813 -4t. A Tannery for Unit. 'TMIE Tannery, fixtures, and tools, in this place, belonging to the estate of Isaac Ziegh r, dee'd., now in possession of Bucher Ac Fry, will lie rented for a term of years, on reasnnaole term. Pose. sion given on the 1st day of April next Apply lo Jl- It. J1AL1(. Sunbury, Feb. 4, 1813. Orphan' Court Sale. IN pursuance of aft order of the Orphans' Court of Northumlierland county, will be exposed to sale, nt the late residence of Wm. Garret, dee'd., on Saturday the 25th day of March next, to wit: A certain tr'Ct of wood land, situate in Rush township, in said County, containing twenty five acres, adjoining land of Enos Sharpless, Jacob CSenrhart' devisees, (ieorge Oeathart and others, Ule ihe estate of said dee'd. Sale to commence nl 1 o'clock of said day when the conditions of sale will 1c made known by SHARPLESS TAYLOR, JOHN C. CRIER, Jan. 28, HI 3. Admr't. -, snd Oast by lot of wil l, c iii:TiiM,i:ie, HATTER, VERY RESPECTFULLY begs leave to in form his citomers and the public generally, tliut he still continues the HATTING BUSINESS, in all its various branches, in the shop, neatly op jiosite the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied by Henry Haas and him If, under the firm of Haas Ac Druckemiller, which firm hut len mutually dir solved. He hope, by his long experience in the above business, nnd strict attention thereto, to ren- r general satisfaction, and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Sunbury, Oclolier 15th, 1812. 0m. union ITotelT" Henry Klaso, Sebastian Boughner, Francis Klase, Mahlon Boughner, Matthias I'ersiug, W. R. Water. Benjamin Trion, Samuel Smith, Peter Reed. Samuel Rein, (ieorge Ceise, Jacob Freymire, (ieorge Shaffer, March 4th. 1843.- Isaiah Schwartz, Jacob Brosius, J. D. Ilomnan, Jesse Hensel, Abraham Ruticltdall, William Dcppen. -3t Orphan' 4'ourt Salt. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exiMised to public sale, on Saturday the 25th day of March, inst.. on the premises, to wit: A certain tract of bind, situate in Shamokin township, Noithurn'-er-land county, adjoining lands of Michael Taylor, Uo' cil Furiikworth and others, containing sixty a cres, more or less, late the estate of Benjamin Tay lor, ih-i-'d. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of raid day, when the conditions of tale will be made known on the day of a de by SAMUEL FURMAN, March 4th. 1813. AJ.'"'r- Slieriir's Sale. KY virtue of an alias testatum writ of venditioni exponas, issued out of the ('ourt of Common Picas of Schuylkill county, to me directed, w ill be exposed to public sale, at the house of Heniy Rea der, in McEwensvibe, on Saturday the 18th day nf March next, at 1 o'clock, P. M-, the following de scrilied property, viz : A certain tract or piece of land situate in Turhtit township, Nortbumberl md County, adjoining lauds nf Petei Sheddy, Jacob Maxwell, dee'd. and others. containing 100 acres, more or less, shout 80 iicies of whiill are dialed ! Whereon are rrocled two dwelling houses, to one of w hich there is a kiteln u attai hed, a large barn, sl.ibbng, Ac. There is aim a good well of wntei, nnd an urchin! on said premi ses. Seized, t.kin in execution, and to be si I J us the ptoi ertv of Jacob Liu.. FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. Bhttifi" Office. ? Sunbury, IVb. 25, 1S13. S Martin l.eulv, I-aac Boughner, James l. Mooie, Daniel Smith, William I'crsing, (urge W. Lercll, David N. Lake, Feb. 25th. S1. 3t Tavrrn ol !. To the Homo able C (.'. Donnet, F.m).. I'rriidint, and hi An'ociote Judaea nf the Court of Quor trr Stsion, of the county of Xirlliuml rltiml : 111 I-; H'tition ot vv illiani .ai eavi r, oi fin- liiokui town-hip. in said county , hiimwy repre- S'lit, that he has irnled that well known tavern stand, formeily occupied by Martin Weaver, and is well prepared for the acci mmoilation of travellers. A:e. He therefore prays your honors to grant h tn a license to keep a tavern, during the eiisuiug year, and he will prav, A.f. WILLIAM M. WEAVER. To the Ji niiKS ahove metioxeii : The silts scriU'rs. res dents i f Sham, kill tsp. hereby eeililv, that Wm. M. Weaver, the applicant for the licet se, j m(in.nt oniy nf permanent value, and is a man ol gooil r pine lor nonesiy ami leinperancc, and is well provided with house-room and conveni ences for the bulging nnd accommodation of sir in uers and travellers, and that a public house there is n.ces-ary: thev therefore recommend him as a proer person to be liceus,d to keep a public Iioum'. Thomas liho.t, illi .in Siuhh, W. R. W aters, D aniel Srnnh, John Smith, Michael Wagner. K Daniel J Roth, (ienrge Fox, John Morgan, Andrew Kneir, ( buries Foy. Jess.. II Wanner, Feb. 25th. 1813. 3t. Trir M "s PI tS Hs"i 7"MIY all men by these Piesents, that I, lluirv I'easter, of Augusta township. North- . . . i. .I nun nl md county, have im i.iuiu y a musry, 1813, sold unto John Snvdei, E-q. and Adam Sny der, 1 Brown MircutflO; I Cray llo'se at f 20 ; I Dunn Celt t.l 10 ; 1 mantle dock at f-'i ; I old two horse w aggoii at 5 ; 1 Plow at f't 50, I'm which Adam Snyder p ud to me (?,') 01. uiid John Snyder paid lo inefl2 28, f ir which I agree to piy inlcreri as long as the said Sn ders see lit to lo n the i. hove pro, city to me. In witness where of. I have hereto set my hand and si al, the day and je.ti above written. his HVo,. HENRY XFETF.IJ. ('nt. lis Primm. uia k Fib. 25. 18U.3I. Alsor Part of a certain lot. o. 410, situate in Coal ti'wnsbip, Northumlierland county, in the town of SliBmokin, liounded oh the west by the Branch Hail R ad, north by the Danville and Pottsville Rail Road, and on Ihe east by lot of James Sh irtle. Also: The grain growing in the ground on the farm in Augusta township, consisting of wheat and rye ; nnd any other personal property that may come lo the knowledge and possession nl said assignee, CHARLES PLliASAN I S, Snnbuiv. Feb. 18. 1842. 4t Assignee. (ToUD NEWsT lTlR AflLTiU'lN YOUTH f A MEW TOL1M E OF ItOIII'.IlT Mr.llllY'S jiisr.rn, Edited In S. (!. (ioonincii. author of Peter Par lei't Tars. Commencing January, 1843. SINCE tbe comi'.encement of this work now the most popular juvenile periodical extant it has ever hi en the aim of the publishers to make it deserving nf ihe liberal encouragement w! ich has been extended towards it; and Us subscription list evinces that their efforts have been appreciated by the pu' lic. On the first dav nf Janunry a new volume will commence. The character of the work will not lie changed. Its desiiiii will remain the same, and the publishers would assure their patrons and tho pub lic that their (ft'iirts will le unceasing to render it worthy of being a companion for the young. To plant Ihe seeds of molality and truth in the youlh ! lul heart, to iu-til virtuous principles and motives I into the mind, to aid in the formation of character, I lo cultivate a ta-te for knowledge and improvement, 1 and with instruction to blend pleasure and amuse ' metit, these have been, and will continue to be, I the end ami aim of the woik. Every nrticlewill be thoroughly digested before it is admitted into this work, arid gicat care w ill Lie tuken that it shall not cout iiu anything incniixistciit w ith the object in view, ll is iiis'gncu to tie, not liilcrcoiiiig lor me til to foim part ofeveiy FAMILY LIBAKY Some of the leading features of the Museum are ..on, H-ogrnfihif. Ctobgi, Xuturttl Hiilnry, (ieogtayhy. A c. These will be accompanied w uh lighter mailer in the form of Ta'es, SI.e'ches, Ad vciituns by Sea and Land. Narratives nf Remarka ble I Iccurrencea, Anecdotes, Fables, Allegories, Ac. Poetrv nnd Music will le called in to assist. Eve. rv available alls of rendering the work spriuhtly, insirue'ing and entertaining, will be pu in requisi te II. Numerous ard splendid embellishments and illustrations, sutpa-sing what may be found in any other win U ol tho kind, in this respect, will be in serted; nnd the ty pogra hical apieirance of the Mu-tum will he such a-, it is belo ved, wi I meet tbe approbation of its pitions. The pubhahers would add. that Meriy's Mn-eum is the cheapest periodical of the kind publ shed in any part of the woild : the annual volume containing nearly as much matter as two volumes of Bancroft's History, which sell f,o four dollars and fifty cents. The V.mt Lowest Tehms. One copy, fl Six copies, f'l ; Thirteen copiis, 10. The gie.it iw'iise incurred in getting nut a work like the Museum, renders it neccs-ary that the pub lishers should strictly adhere to the cash system. All letters must lie. post paid, and addieeJ to the I'u'duhirs and Pioprirtois. UIUUIU'MY.SODEN A CO. 10 S. U . , lloitun, and 127 fawu -, .V V. (General Stage Office,) 'OJ .Tr OZ2 m LYCOMING COUNTY, I'c'iiiiMylvaiila. fllHE Subscriber respectfully informs his fnend I and the public in general, that ho has taken the abovo LARUF. AM) COMMoniOF.S HOTEL, IN THE B () R O U (i II OF MIJSC V. and thai he is now well prepared to occommodaM all who may favor him with their custom. Hit SLEKrmo Apahtm ents are well aired, and comfortable. His Table ivn Bar will always be supplied with the best the market can afford. His Stablinii, which is good, will be under the charge of good and careful hostlers. He feels confident, by strict attention to business, nnd an earnest desire to render comfortable thoso who may patronise him, that he will not fail tngivu general satisfaction. II. B. WEAYER. Muucy, Oct. 1st, 1842. tf. A A It IX Tr. J- M'.Poal lgs leave to tender his'grate- ful acknowledgments lo the people of Sutibuty and surrounding country, foi theit past encourage ment in the line of his profession ; and would t.t the same tune announce to them, that he still in tends to continue the practice of medicine in all its various d partments. He would, therefore, solicit a continuance of their confidence and patronage. He may be found at all times at his olfice, in mar ket street, unless professionally engaged, Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1812. if. A CARD. r. If. I . I rllOS, Hespectlully informs me citirens ofSunbury and vicinity, that he has ta ken an office in the budding Intoly occupied by Poter Lazarus as t drug store, in market street, Sunbury, where he may be found at all hours, unless profes sionally engaged. DR. TRITES returns his sincere thanks for the encourngement he has received, in the line of his profession, in this place, and trusts, by prompt al ien! :on to the duties of his profession, and reason able charges, that he will continue to receive a liberal rharu of the public putronuge. Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1812. if. 1)U. J. N. SUMNER, SURGEON DENTIST, 1 ESPECTFULLY informs the public that ho I k I,,,, made Northumberland his iK-imuiieni place of lesidence, and ia icady calis in the line of his profession. July 2, 1812.-ly. to attend to any TAILORING, ON HIS OWN HOOK. ?ET2S?w GETTE?., I ESPECTFULLY infmms his friends and the - vV public generally, that he hat commenced tho T a i 1 r i ii II u s i n e , in sll its blanches, in the hou- formerly occupied by Wm. Dtir.t as a Tailor Shop, in Blackberrv street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church He respectfully solicits a share of the public patron age, and trusta by strict attention tu business an ; reasonable charges, ho will b enubled to give geu iral satisfaction. Sutibuty, June 18th, 1812 ly Fresh soppy of ROSE OINTMENT, received Sllj for tau, by U. B. MASSER. Nov. I'Jth, 1SJ42. RLANKS I OK SALE AT THIS OFFICS.