Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 11, 1843, Image 2

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    Another Tragical ArThlr.
The following letter was received from a
(fiend in Bradford county, by the editor of the
Philadelphia Evening Journal.
"Some eighteen months ago a Rev. Mr. Le
fevre camo to a quiet valley of the Susquehan
na, in quest of a congregation, over which to
exercise his pastoral charge. . Ilia c'othca
were somewhat thread worn, and the wig of
his reverence had evidently seen better days.
His devout appearance and exceeding zeal, ac
companied by considerable talent, noon ingrati
ated him with the people of a most respectable
church, who after some attention to the out
ward man in the way of a coat and wig, placeJ
in their pulpit a man who for months was the
nitmirntion of the surrounding country for his
eloquence, zeal and piety.
It is now discovered that the wig-covered
Reverend has made a young member of his
Church a mother, without its rites. The young
lady is ofa plain but highly respectable fami
ly, herself young, beautiful, unmarried, and
remarkable for the purity of her previous life,
and the exemplary discharge of her filial duties.
Her mother's health had been such for some
years that the daughter in a great measure
supplied her place to the younger children. In
this relation she won the especial regard of all
who knew her. Father, mother, and daughter
were members of the same Church, uniting
their hopes of the next world, as well as tho en
joyment of this. This peaceful fold was inva
ded by the pastor. It is unnecessary to dwell
upon this atrocious abuse of the pastoral rela
tions. The consequences hold forth a fearful
warning. About a week ago the daughter's
situation was known, and the guilt brought
Inline to the reverend father. Her mother was
thrown into convulsions, in which she was yet
lying when her informant wrote, and still more
dreadful, her father, who had through life cher
ished a spotless reputation for himself and fam
ily, on hearing his daughter's shame, and his
pastor's villany, "pressed both bis hands to his
breast gave one groan and died !" Thus
writes to us a friend who may be impli
citly relied on. The Rev. Mr. Lcfevre was
lodged in the jail of Bradford county, on Mon
day lafcU"
I.rffvre the Seducer.
We were called on a few days since by a
clergyman, making inquiry whether the I-efe-vrc
now in the jail of Bradford county is the
same who was formerly an Episcopal minister
i:i New York, and who was silenced for mal
practices, went to Canada, and was understood
to have returned afterwards to the States!
We gave him a personal description of the
man, which he thought not unlike the old coon.
We arc daily expecting information which will
throw liew light upon his dark history. In the
mean time we find the following inquiries in
the Providence Chronicle, R. I. It is plain
that this Lefevre is an experienced villain, or
he bears a very unfortunate name.
'Can any of our readers inform us whether
the Lcfevre charged with the crime of seduc
tion in Bradford county, Pa , was ever a citizen
of this State, a Congregational clergyman, sub
sequently a Baptist, then again a Congregation
alist minister a few years at Slaterville ; after
wards in the, State of New York, where he
ruined a young lady of his flock, ahumloned
his wife, and fled into the Slate where justice
has overtaken him at last! Is this the same
manor another villuin of the same nuine in
clerical robes !" Exchange Regitttr.
The Public Work.
As the subject of ihe sale of the public works is
now occupying a considerable, spare in the public
mind, il may rot be amiss lo lay before Ihe
community a statement nf the cot of llirir con
struction, the revenues Ji rived from them, ami the
expenditures made. In the following statement,
the cost embr.ires the origin il construction, such as
work done, repairs before completion, damages, en
gineering, Ac. and the new workup to the first
of November, 1840. The re venue is made np of
canal and railroad lolls. The expenditure con
fill of repairs, ordimry avj extraordinary, salaries
of agents, motive power, locomotives, ropes, Ac
in short, all expenses necessarily attendant upon
the operation of the woiks. The revenue and ex
penditures extend from Ihe first of Nov., 182!), to
Ihe Hlxt of Oct., 1810. It is taken from a slate
men! prppired last year by the book-keeper, in the
Auditor f IciiprsilV office.
The Eastern division of the Pcnnylonian Oa
nil, extending from Columbia to Duncan's Hand,
43 miles, co?t 1,731,958, CI . The revenue derived
from Ihe same has been 1.047 820.08. Tho ex
penditure 'hereon, 42.18(15,30. The Juniuta di
vision, fiom Duncan's Island to Hol'idayshurg, 130
mi!c, cost .1,417,031,09. R, venae, 491, 104,51.
Expenditures, 592,180,49. The Western divis
ion from Johnstown to Pittsburg, 105 mile, cost
2 801 882,67. Revenue, 887 013 05. Expcndi
turea 889.831,40. The Delaware division, from
Bristol lo Faston, 60 miles, col 1,374,771 42.
Revenue, 580 515,01. Expend. lues, 628,831,1!.
The Susqm hanna divi-ion, from Duncan's Inland
to Northumberland, 39 miles, cost 807.874,37.
Revenue, 141,7.10,05. Expenditures, 314.253,09.
The N.nth Branch division, from Northumber
land to I.nrkawanna, 71 mile cost 1,491.894,07.
Revenue, 63.559.02. Expenditures, 399,021,11.
The West Dr.mch division, from Northumbiland
to Dunsbury, 73 miles, cost 1 ,708,579,82. Reve
nue, CO 859,95. Expenditures. 333,738,36. The
Frrnch Creek division, from Franklin to Conejut
lake 45 miles, cost 784 751,0!. Revenue, 4.767,
42. Exiienditurcs, 133,979,26. The Beaver di.
vision, from Beaver to Newcastle, 25 miles, cost
522,258,98. Revenue, 10,924. Expenditures,
139,082.21. The Columbia and Philadelphia
Railroad, from Columbia to Philadelphia, 85 miles,
cost 3.983,102 (ifl. Revenue, 2,030,339,70. Ex
penditures, 1,88.1 998,15. The Allegheny Portage
Railway, from Holli.laysburg lo Johnstown, 36
miles, cost 1.783,170 45. Revenue, 856 985. Ex
iienditures, 954,879 00. Making Ihe whole cost
of construction 20,652,791,64. Total revenue, rc
reived, 6,181,624,81. Expenditures, 6,691,506 80.
Upon ibis subject I have nothing lo say : I leave
your readers lo reflect upon the subject at their lei
suic. Exchange and Trade Register.
Saturday , March 11, 1843.
ACT The Ollicc of the "SUXDURY
AMKKICAN" has been removed to
the white frame building, in Centre Al
loy, adjoin-ng the New Store of II. P.
Masser. Iiiisincss or orders left at the : litnry and alone," in all the originality of its
own greatness, plnry and grandeur? l'tit that
in your pipe and smoke it, Mr. Mosspr !"
Lycoming Gazelle.
Cry" We hiive, Colonel, and Mew it all out agiiin
al a whiff, from the north eist corner of our mouth.
"Another t the Field. Our friend Masser,
of the Sunlmry American, nominates Lewis
Df.wart, Eq., of Sunhury, os a candidate for
the next Governor.- Sunhury has been deser
vedly fortunate of late in the promotion of some
of her citizens; but this recommendation of the
American's looks liko an attempt to follow in
thepiirntic footstppsof Williamspnrt. Return,
ere it be too late, thou ambitious editor of ihe
American ! There is but one great town in
this state there can be but one preot town in
a commonwealth and in the Old Keystone, by
acclamation it is confessed, that Wiilinrnsport
whose romantic location is known and admired
by all the true lovers of the sublime and beauti
ful in nature; whose citir.ens are alike remark
able for their ta'ents, enterprise, liberality, bos
pitnlity, and pure, unadulterated democracy ;
whose fair danohters are prized for their beauty,
their accomplishments, and Ihe practice of eve
ry homely virtue we say, by acclamation it is
cntessetl Hint illiamsjiort sits enshrined, "so-
Store, will be promptly attended to.
(Jj We harp just received sixty reams of print
ing paper, similar in sire and quality to the sheet
upon win. 'h this is pr.nte.l. Also .10 reams or su- ; Tm, ,ftnntic fa,,,,,,,,, f Wil'iamsporl" indeed !
per noya. . oy a- ...enes, wnicn win ue bom at ye-,,, we Clin(rs. ,omc jn Rf ,,.,, th
cost and carriage, for cash.
great town can lake some awful snide. The
(Tj- ft w ill he s en, by reference lo another part ; Richmond StBr, we believe, makes some mention of
of our paper, thai Ihe Pipsident has made a nnm , a 'd ing legged editor" of Williamspnrt. Who cn
!er of eh tinges in bis Chin. t. Tic majority of he mean ! But then you have the Insurance com
them, however, (he Senate has refined to confirm. ; piny in your neighborhood, to provide again! ac.
dipt. Tyler has his own trouble with (he Senate cidents. But lo talk of "gigantic footsteps,' in
and House, wl o repiy him with veto for veto, connection with tho "fa r daughters'' of Williams-
whenevrr they have an opportunity. Webster, it j port ! Purely, you rapt that to bean attri
appear', is to he got .id of, by sending him to Eng
land. The Ex-Secretary may now rxclnim :
Rriltorla.1, Condensed md Selected.
A bill for tho punishment of "seduction" has
lecn read in the Senate of Pennsylvania.
A number of the ladies of Woodbury, N. J.,
have rarpeted the cell in whieh young Mercer is
confined, and furnished him with a suitable bed.
A new Court House has recently been comple
ted, In Bucks county, Pa., it a cost of $61,000.
It is estimated that more than five millions of
dollars are circulated annually in Great Britain, by
ihe means of horse racing.
Out ofeighteen or twenty in Ihe Lunatic Asylum
in Concord, N. H., twelve are vict:mtof the Miller
Master Arthur lfarvcw, of Halcsworth, aged
right yea' and a half. ha been lecturing on astron
omy, in several of the English provincial towns.
It i. said that 150,000,000 of cigars, valued at
150.000 sterling, are made annually at Hamburg,
and that 10,000 persons are employed in the man
ufacture. The widow of the late Gen. Finland, formerly of
Cii cinnnii. h i presented a Urge farm near Dayton,
Obi i, for Ihe purpose of supporting a fiee school.
Ure Ut 1( is supposed lhat at last one hun
dred live have been lost by the freshet at Red ri
ver, Arkansas.
Whrna mm stnpshis weekly newspaper on ac
count of pecuniary forebodings, we consider him a-
bout ns gone a case, as if he should conclude to
butc of" although it may a -horn. Iv ' ,0P hi "dai,v bread," for fear he shoulj come to
virtue." We are not ambitious, but rather mod. st.
Daniel, tbe pod-like, more Hue glory, exited, feels, j or we might have blazon, d forth our numerous d
Than Tyler, with aS. natejrpping up bis heels. j , our neighbors have done. We miehl
(EJ- Fbfs.ii Sut were in our town for Kale, on ' "peak of the Sunhury Can.d The Sunhury Rail
Thuitday la-t, at 371 eta. They were brought , Ihe Itoulrvw tlr at the upper rn.l. and the
fiom Philadelphia the morning previous. t-rvee si (he lowrr r ml of ihe town. As lo the
. . " . , . , j cl aracler of our young ladies for beauty, inlilli-
OTj" "or ihe benefit and jmu-ement of the Jii- J ' .
veiiile H)rtinn of onr readers, we shall, bere ifter, . . ' '
r .i. :.u . r.. v..: ei l t.- " " "I-" I S'
lUMIIMl ..It-Ill Willi a .1 T J.ll.U'llun, y IIUI .mi .1. .,
original and selected.
fXj Wertgrrl lo learn thai our representative,
.lacob (ieaiheart, K-.l , has been confined al home
for some we. ks past, with aiekness.
(Xj" The "Incoming f. ntine;" is the title of a
new democratic paper, just stirtrd, by John Sloan.
Esq., at Williamsport.
Diir.xMFiL Effeltw of the Eabtiicii aki'. in
nil; WuiT iKPits. In the last Baltiinore IV
triot wo Mud tho folio vinr additiouul particu
lars to those contained in the extract ofa let
ter we publish, of the awful effects of the lute
earthquake. They are contained in an exlruct
of a letter to the owners of the brig Frances
Jane, at that port, from St. Juhns, 1'. R.., dated,
'St. Johns, J K.) Feb. 1 1th.
"We have jutt received advices from the
Windward. The effects of the earthquake of
the hth instant, have been awful indeed. Point
I'etxe, in Gaudaloupc, is totally destroyed, and
toil thousand persons are supposed to have been
killed. The loss of property is immense. At
Antigua, also, there has been a .'rent lo.-s ,
of property, but only five lives were lost. All j
tbe mills and sugar works are more or less in- ,
The Coun t,
Which we mentioned on Saturday as having
been seen in New Btdford, is thus described
by a writer in the the New Bedford Mercury :
"Its brilliancy was almost equal to that of Ve
nus. Its situation is very near the limb of the
sun ; its tail appears about 3 degrees in length.
It may be the comet announced some three
months since in Europe ; it was then travers
ing the constellation Draco ; be it that or ano
ther, it is of rare brilliancy. There are but
three on record, of sufficient brilliancy to be
seen in the day season. The first was 4.1 years
before Christ, and is called 'a hairy star;' it
was seen with the naked eye in the day time.
The second was seen in the year 1102, and
was so brilliant that the lioht of the sun, at the
end ol March, did not hinder people seeing it
ul mid-day ; both its nucleus and its tail, was
to use the language of the day, 'two fathoms
long.' The third appeared in Feb. lth, 1711,
and nearly equalled Venus in splendor, and
many persons saw it at mid-day, without glass
es. 11 may yet prove that the comet ot to-ouy
is the same us that of 1 llfj."
(Jj The Pennsylvania Inl.d'igencer and ihe
Capitolian, publUhcd at llanisburg, have been
unite.!, and are now puMUhod under the title of
the Pcnnyvani i Intelligencer.
fXj The Comet was pi. .inly visible for (he last
few nights, at this place. One of ihe stage driver,
coming in on Monday night lat, was considerably
frightened at the appearance of this unexpected
visitor, which of cour.-e seemed lo portend ihe
most dire calamities, in these days of Millerism
and humbugi-m generally, to ua poor miserable
moitala of ihia mundane sphere.
((3 The Supreme Court of the United Stales
his de. ided, ihnt (he stay laws of the ite a.e
uncorstilulbiiial. It is also supposed by many.
that the Bankrupt law will be pronounced uncon
stitutional by the same
fjjj-The following from (he Cincinnati GazeKe
of ihe 20 1 h ult., shows the vast ent'iit of (be pork
(rade in (he Wisl. We presume there is not much
danger of tl.trvution, where a shoulder of 20 lbs. can
be bought f 2rj da.
"We noticed a sale of about 40,000 lbs.
Hams anil Shoulders at the Canal yesterday,
say 1000 Hums at Itjc and 17(H) Shoulders at 1 J
c cash, and the Chronicle ol la.-t niirht reports a
sale of about 7.0(i0 lbs. extra hue Sides ut !s"2,
00 per Mi lbs."
Bkk.m ii of I'komise. We see by the Ithica
papers thut in the case of Mary Conrad vs.
Jociuh B. Williams, which commenced on the
'-.'.'Id, and was closed on tho 'Jth, at Ithica, N.
Y., at the lute term of court, the jury, after a
short absence came in with a verdict for the
plaintiff of t ight thousand dollars damages.
Mr. Williams is Cashier of the Merchants and
Farmers Bunk. After his marriage last full to
another lady, the brother of Miss Conrad cal
led on him fur his sister's letters, which Wil
liams declined returning ; whereupon Mr. C.
the brother, cow-hided him. Williams institu
ted suit, both civil and criminal, which in the
jured, and the greater part ot the crop wi'l be
lost. Neus, Montrerrut, Barbailoes, &c. are opinion nf Conrad justified his sister in corn
said to have suffered much, but to what extent meiicmg action for breach of promise, and it has
is not known jet. Here and at St. Thomas, resulted as above stated. We advise incon
tho shock was also severe, and lasted ut this 1 a'ant lovers to return all letters instanter. It
place two minutes : bultlierc was no material i better to pay postage even than have thou
sands casting a look, lust, not lingering behind.
Exchange and Trade Rtgithr.
.damage done at either place." j
A IVti KE of Da. JoiiSfcON, a"MnniM; to j Ti fo! low i' .(x.t.t-a J l i f Jl . 17. wiiilen by Win. C.
Muau.av.-Jii religion a bigot ; m teaming '( Ul)aril wag(lulg o.r Uie celebration of (heboid
peuajQt; in mniersa clown ; in the mdulg4uce 1 m& of lle i.riuu in New York ;
of appetite a brute; in ersoual appearance aj ouu,
hideous .toiutof ; a superstitious bcln?wr in ' ..... , .. , .,
' I V ltd was (he day, Ihe w intry sea,
dreams atJ !oU; self-tormentor troui Ua- M.wneJ dly on New England's strand,
ving the coward's -tear of death always I Whrn feat ihe ilmuahiful and the fiee,
him, and the tormenW- uthers from en sctu- 1 .1,l0ur1f''!1":'' ,f"1l1 ,l""Wr' ,
. . : J hev Intle lliougta how pure a light,
V want of power to At UMiimte between what , With yesr should ga( round that d .y ;
woA'Tt" and wbut wus A (.'( ; whose opinions I flow love should Veep iheil nin.iiiis briuhl ;
lluw wi.lo u realm their sons should away.
fi'rtrn ure the on, but girrner still.
iKh.ill uiunj their rprtudmt; fame be wreathed.
Ati J regions now uulrud, shall ih.ill
With r.M'icme when their names are breathed
'l ilt when ihe sun with softi i fin s,
l.o. k- on the vast Pacific's sb rp,
The i tii lil 1 1 it nf the I'ilrim Hirci,
I'liit liuliuw.d day, like ut, hhuli keep.
arc no as much despised as they were once )
loo highly Esteemed. j
.Ajiionj . whom the lot luigraphy eer i
wiLten in na age or in any country, bus been j
written by Ur! 'U'Jleat fool who evi.r wrote u !
Utugraphy; and wbw h sumo stud biography has
uow agaiu Len i dit d by the next (.realt'.-t tool j
o howevejr distiiiguit-I.ed name in u tters ami
4U UtC aflnrs of .late.
I'vnch fa) that Henry the Eighth's usual
way vft'exiiig" for a new wife was by hp
J inx the old ai's head oft".
fXj'The Petinsylvsnian, at Phtlade'phia. and the
It. loiter, at Harrisburg, have both bi'en bordering
on d snrganizalion, for some time pa-l, and have
already commenced irnlire. t attacks on the present
administration. peculiar democrats !elug
lo thai class who are sure to find fault with eve. y
(hing thut doe not minister to their own selfish
wbi.U. The Pennsylv.iiiian, heretofore supH)ilc.l
and pam.ered by custom house patronage, has,
since the administration of Mr. Van Iluten, been
going into a rapid decline. It w as eiliemely onx- !
ious (o seive Sh.-nlV 1'i.rter, of I'hiladelphia, in ad
vertising his sales. The sheriff, however, employ
ed on other Journal to perform that service, and
the consequence -., (hat ibo IVnnsy at
once discovered that Governor Poriei's d. mocracy
was not at all consonant with Philail Ipbia county
radicalism and rowdyism. The Governor, for in
stance, has ..ways been in favor of encouraging do
mestic industry, by imposing a protective laiill'.
The Penns) Ivanian, on the other bund, favored ihe
free-lia.le doctrine. Having but bide sympathy for
ihe laboring or producing was erfectly
content while basking in ihe sunshine of govern
mental p(r.nugt.
The Reporter is a faithful follower in Ihe same
rank. Its very rxbieme depending up.'n the
patron ge of Ihe legislature, il has become soured
by ihe imall alice award, d lo it of late years. Con
duced under a nominal h. ad, the paternity of its
articles was, for a Ions lime, I. fi lo conjecture.
"The child whom m.inv filhera share,
Hath sc . loin known a l.ilhei't care."
Tb'S may in some measure account for its wan
derings and eccentric course. The idea of the Re
porter charging ihe Northern Picas with having
their bands in the vault of (he public Treasury,
w ill nol fail to excite a smile from those acquainted
with lb." character of tint paper.
fjj' Tho Government of Illinois i on a ad pliht.
Sniukc tha', C. loml, if you please.
fXj" An ingenious mechanic in Engbind has in
vent, d a machine, that bi ts fair lo make a enmpb te
rpvnluti'.n in Id .ck-miihing. It m ikr. says the
Manchester Courier, fiftO blows or impressions per
minute ; but from their verv quick succession, and
the work being effected bv an eccentric pressing
di.wn, and sir king the hammer or swage, not the
leasl noise was bea d. The machine will ierform
the work ofihree men and their assistants or stri
kers, and not only so, but complete its works in a
vastly superior manner lo thai executed by manual
labor. For inBtners, m chine makers, smiths in
g. octal, file maker, bolt and screw makers1, or fir
any descrip'ion of work parallel or tacr,it is
most serially adopt. d ; and fi r what is ic.htreal
ly known a reducing, it cannot possibly have a
successful competitor, in proof of which il may be
stand, that a piece of round iron IJ inchrs in di
ameter, was reduced to a square of3-Hh inches, 2
feel 5 inches long, at one heat. The merit of this
invention l long--, it is said, to a gentleman at Dor
ton, of the name of Ryder.
QTj Our pertinacious, persevering, poetical cor
respondent, P. T. (5., has sent us -eeral articles for
publication ibis week. His machine poclry, which,
he as, was ground out by a wutei mill, clogged
with ice, seems to have partuk. n somewhat of the
nature of ihe list na'sed article ; as (he ideas, il
they ever had life, seem to have become cold and
motionless. The following line however, we
make room for, bt ing fully convinced that Pope
in'endrd to illustrate our ports cuse, in hi celebra
ted couplet :
"A little learning is a dangerma thine. deep, or lasts nol the Pierian Spring."
Our friend ha, in some way, got a sip of the
water of Helicon, and has in consequence, become
somewhat fuddled.
Miss Susjr.
I know a liitle country girl,
Mi-s Susy is her name;
Her eve are brown, her hair will curl
A lovely little dame.
With gab, Mis Susy's quite well blest,
And tells most all she knows ;
And she will tell without request,
About her sprichtly beaux.
Miss Susy' very fond of sport,
And often passes joke.
No ditference of what kind or sort,
If they're but clever folk.
Mi Susy like good company,
A most young ladies do:
Young Doctors pay addresses free,
Which all (he hoy c-oi'l do.
Mis Susy dresses very neal,
In muslin and d lar.e,
And without shoes, along the street,
Is scarcely ever seen.
Miss Susy, too, can rook a dish
Of iqeck and souicroul
Can do most u 1 1 lhat you can wish,
Ami turn herself about.
Miss Susy's not as high a some,
ltul then she's very wide ;
She never goes on foot, to church,
When she ran get to ride.
I like Mis Kusy very well,'tU'r far than honey,
For when she squeeze me, I feel
About the guzird, funny. P. T. G.
poverty. In either event he must darve to death
in otder to live independently.
The last London Banker' Circular estimate",
i thai I efore the month of May, ensuing, at least a
mi lion and a half pounds sterling will be shipped
lo Arnerici.
It is said to lie one consolation, that if the world
don't come to a i end ibis yesr, Millerism will.
Tbe Penobscot Indian have in Iheir posses-ion
several nutograph letters from Gen. Washington, partment) was nominated as Secretary of the Trea-addies-ed
to them, urging their neutrality while sury lietwren twelve (midnight) and two-o'cl k
he cont. st for our independence wa raging. i this morning, and confirmed.
The l'nit. d State Mirshal paid into court f 22.- j Mr- W- of Bennsj IvanifS, was com
500. arising from sales on certain goods seized and i f"n" d Gharge lo Denmark.
condemned as fraudulently imported. An order j
of court wag made for the piyment of f3,775 lo
In the Senate, on the 31, Mr. Sullivan submitted
the following resolution, which was postpone! for
the present i
"Reolred, That the Jud'cisry committee be in
structed to inquire into Ihe expediency of so mo
difying the laws in relation lo suit before jjstice
of the pears, that either party to any suit may hae
a jury called if he require it, and thit the right of
appeal from the proceedings be taken away ; and
also inquire whether the grand juries ought not to
be reduced lo sixteen, Ihe honest constitutional num
ber, and the traverse juries summoned to twelve
the deficiency to be m ids up from tha bystanders."
These jury trials before justices, are common in
some of tho States.
On the 4'h, Mr. Kidder introduced a bill lo au
thorize the people nf Columbia county to deci le by
their votes whether the county seat of ihit county
shall be removed from Danville to Bloomshurg.
This vexed question it appear has not yet received
its quietus, although the vote in the Senate was two
to one against it. Judge Blythe has received tha
appointment nf Collector at Philadelphia. This
makes a vaciney on the Benefi for which there
will tm another scramble. Judge Anthony and
some others are talked of as the successor Nothing
definite has yet transpired. X. Y.7..
From the Itiltimtre A merienn nf March fi.
The Cabinet Xom Inn t Ions Reject I oil
A polnime nta.
The Senate went into Executive ression last nighr,
and remained therein to a late hour.
The following nomination were rejected ;
Hr.sav A. Wisr, as a Minister to France.
Caleb Ccaiinn, a Secretary of the Treasury,
Mr. Smith, as Collector of the Port of Philadal
Mr. Wise was three times nominated, and tArra
times rej.xted, it is said, by a vote of about tw
to one.
The Hon. Ei'Wino Evrrktt, at present Min
ister to England, was nominated fji ihe China
Mi-sion, and confirmed.
The H n. Jonx C. SesvcsH (of the vTas De-
John Ca.lwalader, Ksq., and $l,-')r2 to George M.
Dallas, V. q., a special counsels for tbe U. S, in
these cases.
Indiana. It is stated in the Cincinnati Enqui
rer, thai the Indiana nienib. rs were compelled to
go home without either hard or soft money. The
treasury was in the last stage ofa rapid consump
tion. The Supreme Court has decided that the S(ay
Laws of the Slates ours for instance are uncon
stitutional. f Distinction The Louisville Journal, in
Calvi Blttiif. wis al.r confirmed) as C .1-lect-r
of ihe Porl of Philadelphia as were u4so a
score of smaller appointments.
Prc-i.lent Txi.kii was in the Vice President'
room, in the Capitol, on Fiiday evening and nighr,
as is customary si the close of a session, until bulb
House adjourned tine die.
Tbe Prts'd. nt, on Fiiday evening, anpnmd the
Bill fui the repeal of the Bankrupt Law.
Since the above was in type, we have received
the teas and nay in the U. S. Senate on the stove
nominations, and shall publish ihem to-morrow.
Fpon Mr. Ccshisb's nomination, as Serre-
speuking ofa Mr. Crew, who is endeav, ring to ' l'y of tho Treasury, the vote stood 19 for. to 27
force a r. lief law (hr. ugh (he Legislature of Ken
tucky, remaiks that he ha no personal enmity to
tbe man tut he mu-t oppose hi project, he
likes the crow well enough, but abhors his crnr .'
We bain that the Me-sr Scrinlm Grant & en,
have m .de arrangement with the Wyoming Itol
ling Mill Company, lo make bar iron from the
Tub StntMji.MAn:R Abuoak. Among the
moral maxims puslud up in a country school in
England, is the following:
"ft i a sin l steel a pin ;
It is a greater lo steal a Ijter."
They have neither money nor credit. Gov. Ford , pigs, and thai the proces ha already been c un-
stale, lhat he musl pav one .lobar per pound for i mence I, resulting in the production of un arltcle e
qokl to any ever wen in this section ol cout.tiy.
The testimony of our Smith, in its f .vor, is uue
lullow can.b Is on credit. In regaid to postage he
says: "A the government of the I'niled Slat s will
receive nothing but current fond in the payment
of postage, Ihe state absolutely without ll.e means
of gelling a Iclt-r out of the post nflb-e wilhout
(..king auditor's warrants m depreciated paper faun
the lre,sury, and exposing ihem in muiket for j (on will be turned n.t bar a f..t a It ran
what Ihey will bring, to rabe ll.e necessary funds.'. . through the aid'. UWiaharrt A ir.
quivocd. Weh.ves. en horseshoe nail manu
factured fiom the Anlhiatite iron, and certainly
have never seen in.ienal appar. litly so soft, so pb
. hie, and rl so -ton g. Iron to the amount of SOU
forrrspomlrncc of tlic Amrriran.
Hahiiishi-mu, March 0, 1I3.
Drab Sir; There is nothing of much impor
tance to c 'inmuni. a'e at present. The Senate has
not yet acted on the apportionment Bill. In the
House, the bill was supported by all but lluee of
Ihe democratic member. Tho Dill to district the
State will also require a considerable lime and
discussion liefore it "passes through the legislature.
You wiP see that Dauphin and Northumberland
form a Senatorial district, according to the bill re
port, d. There is, however, some objection to this
liscict, and it my be that the old Senatorial dis
trict of Norihumlsfrland and Union will be esta
blished. The following is Ihe Bill, as reported :
Skctio 1, fixes the Senatorial latio ut 1 1 ,028
taxahl a. Districts as follows:
Disi's. Member. Counties. Taxable.
I. 2 Philadelphia city, 17.6.VJ
Philadelphia county, 3:1 ft2
Montgomery 1 1.0'JT. Dela
ware 4.402. If.. 159
Beik 13.701. Chester 13.133.27 134
Bucks, 12.027
Lancaster 18 907. Lebanon
4.901. 23808
VII. 2 Lehigh 6.17S. Schuylkill
3.1IS8. Northampton 9.fi04. 23.865
VIII. 1 Luzerne 7 051. Monroe
2 374. Pike 8(59.
IX. I Susq'a. 4.490. Wayne 3.07t)
Wyoming 1.510.
X. 1 Bradfoid 7.107. Tioga, 4.091.
Potter 917.
XI. I Dauphin 6 C52. Northum
berland 4 472.
XII. 1 Lycoming 5.102. Columbia
5 Gil. Clinton 2.019.
I'nion 5.053. Juniata 2.559.
Millliu 3.112.
Huntingdon 7.430. Centre
4. IS t. Clearfield 2.230.
York 10X98. Adams 0.212.
Franklin 7.7 60.
XVI. 1 Cumberland C.477. Psrry
3 9S9.
XVII. 1 Bedford C.7C3. Somerset
Fayette 7.008. Greene 4.227.
Westmoreland 10.353. Cam
bria 2 433.
Allegheny 18.610. Du li t
Beiver 6 670. Mercer 7.3..C. 14.020
Ciawfoid 7.510. V.nanco
3.157. Clarion 3.311. 13.991
XXIV. 1 Armstrona 4 393. Indiana
4 Jefferson 1.789.
M'Kein t.09. 11814
XXV. 1 E.ie7.2t-'. Warren 2 593. 9,878
against it. I pon hi third nomination the vote
stood 2 yeas, 211 nays.
I'pin Ihe nomination of Mr. Wise, as Minister
to France, the vo'e was 12 yeas, 24 nays. I'poo
his second nomination, the vole stood yeas 8, nays
26. I "pon his third nomination, Ihe vote Blood 2
yeas, 29 nays.
The nomination of Mr. SpExctR, as Secretary of
lb. Treasury, was confirmed by a majority of 2.
Col. Hi.shf.hho .fthe Marine Corps was bre
vet, d Hrig .dier General, and was confirinod by
tho Senate.
Fri; the. same of March 7.
THE CABINET. Tbe last icport Trora Wash
ingtoncoming to us in an apparently authentic
shaj is to the following purport:
Mr. Wi.ustkb i to leave the Department of
State, and will take Mr. Evkbeit's place as Min
ister al the British Court.
Mr. I'csiien is to t transferred from the Navy
to ihe State Depertment.
The big ship Pennsylvania, it is added, i lo c n-
ev Mr. Wr.Brsa lo England, thmro proceed to
China with Mr. Etxbett.
The Ma.lisonian state that the following nomi
nation by President Tttta, have been confirmed
by the U. S. Senate:
George Drown, of Massachusetts, to be Commis
sioner lo the Sandwich I -lands.
A llx-rt Smith, of Maine, to be Commissioner in
cnnfoimitv I the sixth art). e of (he treaty Mwce n
ihe I'niled State and Great Britain, concludeJ on
the 9th day of August, 1842.
Dkatii os one op Nat nit's Nobi.emes. Jo
siah Ward died lately, at I .or am, Ohio. He
was one of the last of that brave band who as
sisted in the destruction of the tea in Boston
Harbor. He served his country through the
whole Revolution wilh fidelity. After the Re
volution was over he settled down upon a farm.
H.121 For forty years before his death he was a
good christian and honest citixetv, llnjfulo
The Widow's Mile.
The tear for others' wo that's given,
Or pity' whispered prayer.
Ascend, like incense, up lo heaven.
And claim a blessing there;
Wh n boons, where gold and diamonds glow,
And cost heat work of art,
Mav no ucb r.rh return twstow,
Not spiinging from ihe heart.
10 721
12 781
'Twa thu when pomp and prije baj thrown
Their off ring to the poor,
A humble widow stood alone,
And gave her little store ;
Though amall the gift 'twas all her board.
And angels with delight
Did on the Hook of Life record
That lovely widow's mile.
"Tiik S ikhii. Mam ( K is Aiikoad !" There'
no mistake in il, and no one can or will den
it atler reading the follow ing question prop.
for the couhhI. ration of a Literary Society,
l'pxr St. Clair township, published for tl
benefit of posterity.
Whi ch has powder
Or paper bean tha
Most lienefit to mankind
in jineral t