Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 18, 1843, Image 2

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    1 I II I III 1 r ;i in .I
Tho affair, Involving the aiinpcH! alsUiotinn
of a young lady r South wark, which hastrca
leJ so much excitement in that district, and
caused so much talk and epcculation an over
the city, ince Monday hat, has had an aw til
termination. Uutcliuon Hoberton;1,he prrrsoti
who wa oTiegHl to have abducted the young
lady, list evening fell by the hand of the bra
ther ofthe lettnTtiaving been shot deafl jy
hirn in a closed carriage, in which lie va be
intr privately conveyed ot of tho city hy a
friend on board tbeteambo John Fitch.
Tho oeerarenee took plate just a the bout,
which Jwid left Market street wharf (rbotrt -el
o'clock, waa coming Into the blip at Camden.
The name of the brother who committed this
deed is S. Mooter, a dork m therof Mosm-s.
CarsonA Xewbold, south wharves. It is sta
ted that foe had been -pursuing feherton or
aome daya fftat that beprpo!ed a duel, whtoh
declined. He then Jctermrned to take
torriuie revenge for the outrage upon the fair
fume of his sister, and getting newsef Weber
ten's 'intended flight to Aiew Jonoy, be dak! Jris
pl;m. '
A carringe waa iitred by a friend of Ilchcr
ton, which was driven to irrfFerent parts of the
city, when it drew up tetria friend' door. Tho
carriage waa theo drove down to the ferry4ot
John Fitch. Mercer in the weatitime got on
heard the boat, and took a aland behind a cl
Ihjx. Here lie remained amobeerved, until -the
boat arrived atCemden. He thou stepped for
ward, and presented a Te vetoing pistol, and dis
cliargH four ef jtsfarreli into the carriage.
The fird ball entered Hebertun'u body Jtist.nn
dor the left elxnflder Wade, passing through the
hrinfla of the carriage. The second penrtritted
the body, the third and fourth the dons-of ithe
vehicle. lltbeTtin was cemvoyed tto Cukeu
tavrrn where he almost immediately expired.
Young Mercer waa taken into custoily im
mediately. When the New Tork ..pilot boot
left about 11 o.'dock last night, the .coroner
jury was still investigating tho matter at Cakes'
Ta vern, and Mercer was etill in custody at tho
tavern, and in a state of great excitement.
The fallowing Timber particulars we havecatrac
ted from the Phil iJelphia coiresponJent ofthe ..
Y. Tribune :
Rumors of every character -contirme to cir
culate freely ; and it iset .impossible to learn
anything from the tnieguidei ad miserable
young girl, who has wrought so much misery
uponber friends and relatives Sarah Gardner
Mercer it being alleged that she remains in
a slate of unconsciousness, bordering on mad
ness! I have gathered a few additional (acts, which
I hasten to communicate. They ere, beyond
question, strictly correct, are as follows : On
last Christmas night, Misa Mercer first made
llebcrton's acquaintance, speaking to him in
the street, mistaking him, she save, for an ac
rmninUnce. She, however, permitted him to
accompany her home, and held interviews with
him in a clandeaiine manner, until about two
weekesince, when she informed a female ac
quaintance that she intended to tlope with a
gentleman. On Monday evening last, she cal
led at Jlr.iRichard Palmer's, aecompnnied to
the door by a young gentleman, w ho declined
going in, but preferred waiting outride. Here
Miss 11. did not remain long, tut left in compa
ri) with her friend. Thie circumstance exci
ted a little surprise-in the f unity of Mr. Palmer,
who recollected Iteratory about eloping, when
Mr. P. determined to call upon Ircr Hither and
acquaint him of the saaie. But feia warning
came too late.
Miss Mercer did notTeturn to tier parental
roof, but was next found, by m friend of the dis
tressed family, reclining in a lrpe staffed arm
chair in bouse of I.ouis O'Nefi, notorious
for its infamy. After considerable persuasion
she was induced to rettir home, but mo.'t pos
itively rehised to give any catisfsction to tier
family as to-the cause of locvingMioriie, or who
the person was fhatceompaniel her.
What followed I have already stated.
The friends of Ileberton deny that yeun?
Mercer ever Challenged him, but on the con
trary, that the deceaeed expressed his entire
willincnessto give satisfaction, but rcfui-cd'to
merry Miss M.
i Jos SjtiTn. The Springfield, (III.,) J.AKtial ef
trie J 5th in-t. eiys tbst another requit'iiion will be
snatle upoo fhe Governor f thai -Suie'rur Joseph
6mith, under the firmer indictments, which ci tnr
bus mti rotrbcrv.eisofi, treason nod aaurib c fr'at
this fJ'p e the in.licimcnla ref rredlo ate e re
reinstated. The nflilivit onjer-thesait reui-sion
urn defecti. ; but, -in fcia-case, those concerned
J.miit llievr aoy b'yal il-;ecuon asa4it th
fcjuiiUon can he uiaJe,
tScrw m Ohio Coibt. Tho Judge is
uppurtod an the aiirht and on the left by his
ASWtiiUca, atid u old ldy is called uptogtve
I'residcntJodj.-eTakoofl.your boantl uia-
ldy I would rather not ah.
P. J I dcsiie you to put oft your loiinc-t ma
dam. L Isw infi)rmed that ifl pUli: awml!io
tha wotntn should cover the heud. Sutli "Jie
custom-uiid ol courae, I will not take oiTtny
P. J. .Why, you ere a f retly wonmu in3"od;
J think you had belter come -and fake a scat on
1. I thai k you kindly, air J tut I really
think there are old women vnwijh there alrea
dy. C;n Jirub.
Murda fub, 18, 1813.
(jj"jnst rrc ived nitty lenrna of print-ingrpntirr.-eimiUr
in niie and quililv t thasheit
uioii wriieh this la prlntc.l. Alan 30 reams of u
per Rnyal 41 by 50 inohrs, wljkh will be soil at
coat Mid earriftfie, fir rah.
fgj' We are kinVhtrd t the IIn. Jamea Dueli.
anan ami the linn, iuhn Snyilpf Cir t'cncrrionn!
d.rumn, imd ti Mrs is. Fjer, lluituii, AcM f.r
4t'gil.ttia d.iruoientc.
Th'Te waa a full of snow on M.mJ.ty and
Tuesday (t,vf ikm or twelve iurht'S in dejith, in
this plnre.
rj Tlte utter in a pric-eilina (u Concrrs, in
rrl itinnto the T n pt on nf the ewntd of WlnImiiu
n. and the -cane of Fnnklln, p'een'el hy Mr.
Sitmu-1 WwUngt'n, will be fuJiid en ur flrot
Cj" TwMtl Erkroa(, who was loilanl in jnil a
few wi-et nnre, m'le his esei on Suudny hist,
'hrrifkrna rtmi' the j til wall. Sheriff M iu'er pursued
'him f.rrr.iatih lanille, and OVneo to Turhntvil'e,
the sitm-Tiiehi, wiihi'ni fin.lin( him. OnThti's.
dijy.liowcver, he arrit'en'slly rime cins in
the tasd near Washinainu, ('nluinhia emiMy,
where he arretej him. and had him lodgod i:i jul
theeame evening.
TJ" Fibs. We reuni n ,a.n thrt iKe tl ri'tt
'm house r,f Ahr ram Br evu-, rT Ancus's t.mri.
ship, wns-n i'ily enn.ume.l on Tlnir.'iv ln'. with
all its rnnteeta. The house fook fire from some
tint that was drying up at.ira nrar the st itc P'pe.
This U truly an nfflictinn loss.
fXj- We hae just learned from Hnrrifhu'e that
Pennimnn'a Apporlionment hll passed the Hitine
on VVednesdnf lat. The hill pies ns a ilistrirt
composed of I.Tromlni, tTr.lnmhia, t'lintnn snd
Northumlterlund counties. The Oovernor will ve
to it.
fX" John B. Reck, of Wi!liampoat, has purrhi
sed an interest in the Lycoming OazeMe. The
Oaietie will heiiaftei be concluded by Carter &
rXj" Col. it strs, in his last paper, rails the at
tention of business mrn to a number of new ad
vertisements. Among them we observe one hoih
nrtw and itranqe, in which the Reading; Rail Rnad
nflers its aer vices in attending to businei-a in Clin
ton and Tioga coun'iis. We had not been aware
before that this road hsd winked its wy so far
north. The Colonel is, however, excusable. He
has btely entered into several important partner
ships. fj Thetc appears to he a general religious ex
citement throughout the wbnle country. In this
plnre a number of new members have been added
to the itiiT rent churches, but not to such an extent
as some of our neighboring town. In Selinsgiove,
we under-tand, the Lutheran Churrh has, within
t lie laa' two wevls, rect-ived an weraaion of a large
numbtr of new members, tielwren six and arven
hundred having bren brought undei eonviclion.
We find thl some n tnilu r of ihe Br of
I'ninn rouiiiy have pt fir the removal of the
Supreme Court from thie place to Harribu-g.
Wben the pmpJe once petition for it, the legislature
may probjMy think of it. It would be a fine thing
to enable iheliwyera to fleece their uiifortutiiti'
clients, as the Senator from this county wi ll ktions,
who was once arked fifty dollais, aa an
fee, to argue his case at HarrMiurg, afur the bill
fur its remotal had passed the legislature, a year or
two since, but which the Governor, wisely, veto. d.
(Tj The Canul Cinmis-ioneis, 'we perreive,
have rome in lor a rti"idrahle shsie of abuse from
reriain memhera nf the l gi-l dure, who we piesumr,
must have some personal spleen to ca'ify. The
present fanal Board sie entitled to much creilit, for
the many sa'ut 'ty nd iminutant rt fnrms they hsve
inlrodnreil mforrea which bae aied the
nxinweilih seveil hiiii 'n d thoiifsi'd dollars, and
made t-vr improve merits evm under the eevere
pre-srure of the fast season, yield a netl revmue of
.f half a million. On the Columbia rid road a
lone, the revenue hsa inrri'ased flA.000 in one
Brorth. We base certainly hsrd no complaints
urged against them, out of ihe legislature.
Jjj The li p.ilntu'e would be doing an iinpor'an'
sir.rc to lie I! 'I , f ihia slate, arid to the C'lni'M
i.i'v, Ia p.ssje of a '' authorising the t5o
xrnoT to ej (i.i.i a Sintt- Kji .rl, r.
Zy The h i'n ot Itail Road f oni Bnff.lo , Al
hirry is i e.t'i pi, t d. Time for 'nninng ihrouch.
twenty-live So s. iiu In.l ni? t. pa. I)istaine, a
U-ul tkiUs. Frr ?J cents r mile.
(Zj niTiMxViTe It'll disil at Ins resntenca In
Itiilxlt Irhi i, on Moodsy last, in the fiSth year uf
bis sri. I Mi f. tieval was Couducled w ih grejt
M .lit.. jf a !.',
Tl r papr f.rna Pmt-Au-I'ilnee r ntain an
a T.noit of a drM'urtive fire in that ei'y, on the
9.h i f Ja'.tis-y. in Wh sit hundred h. lu swerj,
hunt. Theloas if J n per y aim utile I tj ,0ut
f l,0U,li(.
raptnln TyliT and tbr Fmrr.
Tie idit,.r of the V. S. Gus-Its, while en a y'l
at Wsshii'gtun, firentlv, ot served in one of bis
morning walks, person engaged dir. rung and
aiding to puttin; d wn a fence, who turned c-ut
to t Prratbirt Tyler. Tba rajit.iin, it would
aem, 1 fl.Vl.M'p'r on rhs fence, ltut fiiend t'l.BU
dli hsa neh tW J lo Inform hs readeesn
ti'Wr i4 die Kiue l.e fuuod tint "Cspiing."
Llrt of Taxable Inhabitants.
tenf tmd Ihirn TSlinit Pnrionn, and Wnret,
' in tfte tcvcral cvwtic tf Pennsylvania.
a H CO ea
A asms, nSlt
AUoglrotif, 18 810 14 13
Armlroug, 4 ADA
Heaver. f. B?0 1 13
Bedford. fi7n It 1
Berks, 13 701 4 Hi
Hiadfrd, 7 197 10 3
Burks, 7 027 1 9
Butler, ft 33$ t
Cambria, t.43t C I
Cut. e, 4.484 IS
Cheater, 13,433
Chirion, 3 311 t
Clearfi Id. 2,230 3 ' 3
Clinton, 3,010
Columbia, fi.CH 11 0
rrwford, 7, MS
Cunibrrlnud, 6,477 It 11
Uatiphin, G CM It 7, 4.JC2 12 4
Ktie, 7,2 s5 2o 14
Fayelt', 7,0D 14 35
Frank'iu, 7 768 4 9, 4 277 1
tuiingdot', 7.4:10 IS 7
Indiana, 4 534 C 8
Jefferson, 1 V 89
.Inniata, 3 4.S9
Lanraater, I3!)n7 2C 34
Lebanon, 4.01)1 It) IS
Lehigh. 6 175 19 3
Lexeme, 7,fif)l
lyri.ming, o.tfl 3
M'Kesn, 1 fiOO
Me.r. r, 7 3S0 7 7
M fflir.. 3J52 3 5
Monroe, 2 374 t
Montgomery, 1 1 f.97 o 3 0. 9 BOI 11 fl
Notthnmterl.n.l. 4 474 II 9
riiilalelhia c tv. 17 659 150 S3
I' m t 31.103 69 '.9
Perry, 3 9S9 13 14
P k. , b9 1
Poter, 917
Schuylkill, 8.0SB
Somerset, 4.423 3
Hii'qurhjlina, 4.910 6 12
Tioga, 4 091 21 3
Union, 6,05.1 11 10
Venaifo, , 3,157 9 4
Warren, 2,593 1
Washington, 9,079 22 28
Wayne, 3,(78
Wetmorel ind, 10,353 2C 6
Wyoming, 1,640 1
York, 10,698
387.646 694 490
fj The I ,te tiiumph uf the British arms in
China and Affghsnistun has made them wonderfully
insoleu. From the t ne of some of their papers,
one would suppose that tlx j could ride over all the
nations of the ! be roughshod, with impunity, if
they fell so di-pos. d. The fol owing is from one of
the late Canada appers
"The termination of the Chinese and Indian
wars leaves Knelnnd comparatively unoccupied.
with a large military and naval force at her
dmposal. After fighting the battles of the
woild in the Iiat, it is a favorable time tor ner
toat-k the rpiention whether she has any quar
rel of her ow n which reoiiire to be adjusted.
Communities may U-come mi corrupt as to
render it abi-olutelv necessary lr tne wenare
of mankind that they should be puni.-lied with t
btronjr arm. A spirit tA liceiittoiisnet-s anu iia
im.rality may In. ve so nth red a Government
as to convert lis statesmen into more ehurpers,
and the budy of its pople into pirates, firi;er8
Ewiiidlers ami rnl.tx r?. ruen a community anu
such a (iovornuient do we believe the l-nited
States to be al die present uiomcnt, and it be-
comes a very t-ernniN quest khi whctlier, alter
the recent exnuiules that have boon aftirded,
lireat I'ritaiu would not be doinr; a service to
tho world and itintice to her own intereiiU by
takinir a linn and (Itruled i-liiiid against the in
Kilent i.n tensKins and mot-t dodioucbt practices
ot that KejHiblic.
(Xj" The followlug ia the i.flicial opinion of the
Ceurl of Inquiry, in felaiion to the mutiny on the
ling Soin. rs :
"The Court arc therefore, of opinion,
That a int. tiny had been or.'iiriizi'il on board
the United States briL' Suiters to murder the
nun-err-' and take ponseeion ot the bri.'.
that I'luliu S.x-iictr, lioat-
swam a Mute CMinuel Cromwell, and Seaman
Eln-ha Small, were concerned in, and guilty ot
Mini mi. in. v.
Tim i hud not 1'ie t xecutien taken place, an
atl'-iupt would Iihvii lakt ii pi, ce t.i re eae tin
pnmiier-, nnir 'er tiiu i.flicer, and take rout'
niHinl ot the br .g.
I hut euch an attempt, Imd it hern matte in
Ihe n iv lit, or diirinj.' a Mjinill, wi.iiKI, in the
jiukruieiit ot the 1'i.iirl, Iroin the tuiiulier and
churucter ofthe rrev, the small mz of the
hrijr, and the derreasin": physical atrenoth of
the: i.flieers, oo'Shioned by alinoet eoislaut
watehiiig ami broken number, have been sue
That Commander MeKenkie, uni'er theae
cirrtiiiitni. (, was nut hound lo rb-k the safe
ly ol tin ve- !, uotl jetiferd the lives id the
O" 1 .1... I. .1 I . .
V illlliy l.lin It- li I II I I lit- ii'j n I" , li a ,rt. ;, ,.
Ut r to secure to the pwlty tii l'nns ot trial,
and that the imnn ointe execution ofthe pri
soners as demanded by duly and justified by
The Court are further of op nhm that through
out all these pmn'iil occurrence, well calcu
lated to disturb the judgment, and try the en
'try 'of Ihe hrave.-t ami in. ..-I et rienceil olH
cer, the cisidticl ot Omiu ander SlrKei.gie nod
his officers, w as prudent, calm and firm, Bird
that he and they honorably performed their du
ty to tho rervrco andtheii country.
Vrer-ident f the I'iiurU
(Si'ncd) MilKN HOFFMAN,
JiKe Advtale."
Iy 'file M u.jrVkirr'..d Md'tuniiV Bank of
riiljde1j)h.ts resunted Sp cis psymeutai
RdltnarlwS Cowdeiiad aart RIttII.
More tbaa 4avo huoaVeal thowsand tioga have
he.ti parted alt Cinoinna'i the present season. 70,
000 hava I ten run into UA.
The Pope, ttis rumored, wiMhein I.andon, at
the eonserratron of a R.mri-oS Cathedral.
The rromlrer of mntiVrs tn he WesV'y so 9orf.
ety inCreat Britain, is 229,747,
Pork ffrfting up. A drwsa of hogs wss carried
into the atr s,me twenty feet, by the blowing up
of a steamboat, lulely.on the MiwiasippL
A man's best fortune, or Ida worst, is bis wife,
Bewsre how yon chonoe her.
TheMohswV lndiafis.ln Tvendinrga, Me., have
shot upwards of aeven hundred ilerr this winter.
The number of eas tig!,ts put up in the d-y of
PbiloJMphia, is 24,195. !
The lady in Maine who petit : limed for a divorce
from her husband, tterause he fried sanaagea in the
warming pan, has wiihdrawn ber (ictitioti ! Gen
erous worn m I
Ario Counterfeit on iht liiinfc nf Drrtrwr.
10s ah. red fimn 2s. Vignette, ship, srhnnnrr and
tie unhojl ; k'fi hand i ml, head of Washington.
The genuine 10a h .ve a drover on ho. a. ha. k. The
word Ten in ihe body ofthe note badly done."
A fined ova of cattle, amounting to about ihi.ty
head, waa lost in ihe Hi. Lawrence, while attempt
ing tocr .es to Montreal on ihe ice. The drovrrs
srap. 4 wi'h some difficulty.
AAre M tltritm. -The New Vork Post saye :
A f male wss taken out of the Ha.lem raihoad
rars on Saturday, in sin-h a state of raving mad-
nea. th it it required f ur rson to hokl h.-r.
Her ins in ty a orcaiuned by the influence of
lh- d.trinea of MdUrism.
A y nf U'ortliip .'I'he following il.iys of the
sve. k are set apart f ,r public w.-rsh.p in dtff ren'
nations : Sunday or ihe Lot d'a Pay, "ny Christ,
iaea; Mond , by the Grecians ; Tuesd-.y bv the
Per-iani ; W.dnesday by the Asfyriana; Thura.
Isv, by the Kgyuiisna ; Fiid y, by the Turks ;
S.iturdav, by the J. wa.
TAe Mrthnlit Epiteopal Church Minu'rs of
the several c -nferrnrea just published, show ah al
this i hurch possesses 4,241 travi I ing preacheia,
7 621 local preache s, 1.00N.901 c. minutiirunts, s
net increaae of 120,123 in 1D42.
Great Inertaite of Writern Penntylmnia.
Amsirong, Venango snd Cla.j.n couxties have
gained in 7 yeara 3299 l.iiah'e i. hihitanta. Jnf-
firs n county has now 17S8 lanhlea, an increaae
of 90 per cent, in 7 yeaia. t' cui.ty con
tains 2133 In I8i)5 the iiumUr was
A woman living in Sixth Avenue, New York,
has len tying in a trunre for the last len days.
Her respiration is alight. At firl they thought s'e
waa dead.
A young lady in Mobile dreamt that her lover
had mulched from her a rapturoua and burning
kiss. She awoke, and found a rat nibbling at her
The Roman Calholi. s of Phil idelphia think of
purchasing the United Stales Bank Bu.ldirg, foi
a Cathedral.
A poor family living in the Borough of Vork.
Pa., has Mien heir to prnierty tituited in a central
part of London, (Fog) valued at about ten millions
ot dollars.
Frightened into Htmeity A Millerile in. Ca
yuga county has promulgated his intention of ma
king a fouifold restitution ere the dreadful twen
third nf April, 1943, to any one whom he may
have wronged.
A Select Committee of the Legislature of New
Vork has reported in favor cfspi rop.iating fMOOO
for the purchase of a numbt r of the celebrated en
gravings of the Patho'"gy of Drunkeneaj. to l e
jo-ted up in auiling vesse l of all kind', whether
in aea, lake, or river, in order to counteract temp
tation of intemperance.
A Paria paper atatea that Dr. E in'tnit'ea, of Mu
nich, has just performed two ritrao dinaiy cures
by mesne of animd megnctisin. He succeeded.
after an attendance of only eight days in restoring
the hearing to two persons whs hsd been deaf du
ring ten years. Last winter he cured, by the
same treatment, a man nf insanity whuae recovery
had len despaired of.
A new Jew'nh Synagogue was consecrated in
New Yo.k, on Friday last. It ia lha a ilh bouae
of worship which the Jews have in that city, and ia
iii'ended principally for emigrants from Germany.
Church rt in Bimcm. There are in Boaton no
lew than aevmty churches Twelve are Baptiat,
an Euiteop il, eight Methodist, five Roman Catho
I.e. an l'niversali-1. two Lul'ier n, one den
bornan, or New Jerus I ni, the real Cotigr. giio..
al. In 1030 there were but twenty worshipping
.:iclis now there ate upwards of eighty.
The Ladies of Philadelphia are nuking offera
through the news aprrs, lo give up a l their jewtda
and plate for the pavmenl of the State debt, rather
thi.n -uffer it to he repudiated. The Fditor of the
North Aine.icau says he is personally acquaintel
with two of them who have made the pro oui, and
ih uiih ihey are not licb. the 'i,,t tbey uifer aie
eqUsI to (700,
j- Silas Wright has been re-elected U. 8. Sens
to from New York. He is one of lbs ablest men in
that body.
The Free Trade advocates of New York
hse nominated J. C. Calhoun for President.
(rj- There ba been del's'e on the su'jeet of Ca
pital punishment in New Vork. Th. Rev. Mr. Chee.
ver in favor, and Mr. O'Sul ivan npiosed lo it.
rjj- The Rouian t'a'h lies of the Hnited Si .tee.
it ia ai l.have inereae,l ?!0,000 the "sit year.
8 nre ihe t..te l'u.llnU .ke, s hole has hern
d -c vereJ in the Miis.p., ne r Mrmph s, ro
wliich a wiakid vsi entirely d aupjsit J.
Corrcspsiidriiee of the Amrrlran.
Hiaaisvt'as, Feb. 16, 1843.
Das 8ia The lesialsTrrre ia busily engaged
in its old and ancarfiowied y.icatVm, tatking a great
deal, and do'rng but little business. Reform lias
been l.mclly talked of, flam tU commencement f
.he sesainn.hirt ibe tmili a, there is scarcely a
member wKo knows where to begin or whst reforms
are neeesaarv. Althoaiglt there isnol aa much said
tn regard to rlie residency aa there was a short
time since, rtwre no doubt bat the wire working
politicians sre busily at work, Tha more heat
and see, lbs more firrrly am I eonvinced, that there
is a deep laid ptan between the Buchanan and Van
Bnren men. to trade the state to the latter. Aft the
leading men In the late Buchanan ernverition Were
the fiends of Van Burert. This alone speaks
ynlnmna npon the subject.
On the Bth, the res diitlnft which fased the
House, Instructing Our Senators and requesting our
Representatives to vote for remitting the fine of
MOOfl, imposed on Gen. J r4ison at New Orleans,
pas.! the Senate by an almost unanimous vote.
There has been a good deal nf t itter feeling and
d bs'e on the subject of electing the Canal Com
missioners by the hgi-laiure. The Speaker made
a most vi dent speech ag tinat them, hut was mo.t
i IT. dually answ. red i.nd silenced by Me,ara. Low-
y. Bariett and others.
In the H ue, on the 9th. Mr. L 'Wrv submitted
the following restdution which pasa. d a final rad
ing by y..te of 67 to 28.
Resulted, That the committee . n the Judiciary
sys'em l ins.ructed to bring in a b II within one
we, k from ibidsy to reluce the pay of all officers
d this Govrrnment, whither salaried i fficcrs or
oi he wine, grading them in prnimrion 1.1 the sev -.
ral sums hy them recied, so as to tn..kf in the ag-
gr. ca e a reducion of not leas than one fourth on
nil die niriceie who en be rracheJ without con
flicting wi h f.e ronstiti tion, and thai they fur: her
provide in the bill thai the members uf ihe pres. nt
and future Sena'e and House of Rrepreaerit..tlvci
shall not re e ve more thin two dollars per day ac
tual y in the eeivire ofthe Commonwealth, and the
siid hill, win n so repotted, hat be the first order
ofevtry day until di-poard nf.
It is, however, doubtful whether the legislature
will act on it, with a view of passing it soon.
Mr. F.lwe l, suhmi ted a j i. t re olut on to sus
pend the operation of the law providing for the can
cellation of relief notes, until the fir-t day of Sep.
tern' er neil, and then thit fifty lh.u-.nul d d'ars
per minth be cncelled. Mr. E. moved to make
this resolution the order of the d .y for to-morrow.
Mr, Ronmfort move.) to m.ike it lha o-der of the day
fr the 4 h of July neit. Mr. Ebvell rose and said
that rather than have this question diseuel all
la, he would withdraw the motion, to m .ke it (he
nnlei for lo m.-rrow. Mr. Lowry hoped that after
the direct ;nuli given to the domestic creditors by
ihe cent'eman from the county in his motion
Mr. Itoumfoit called on the Speaker to exercise his
authority here to preserve memlers of the House
from au h attacks aa these. The Speaker c died ihe
gemlrman from Crawford to order. Mr. Lcwy
replied. Sir, I said nothing imt what wi in order, I
know mv rights here and knowing dare mdntain
them." The subject was then p'tptieJ foi Ihe
In the eoo'se ol 'he violent d. bate on the subject
ofe'ectng t'anal (". mmis-ionrrs, Mr. Heckman,
who had been pretty well heck'ed, taed that even
ihe Journeymen Printe a of Harris' urg had len
induced to offer a direct insult in hm and other
gentlemen who had gone in fir cut ing nfTedrava
gance and plunder, and that he had been honored
with a leather medal that morning from these i' di
vidual , and here it is, hnld ng up s red morocco
Medal in the form of s heart with a binding of blue
ilk ribon, ornamented in the centre with a figure
of a grunter I ahall present it to the House and
a.-k thsl it l e put up in a gilt frame. The gentle
man then cent up lo the chair tha Medal on which
waa the following inscription :
'This Tuken of respect is presented In Jijfernn
K. Ilerkman, hy the Journeymen Printers, for hit
knvwledt aud science in the Art of Printing."
The Speakira id he could not accept it, but thst
it must lie given lo the Hergeant-At-Arma. The
Sergeawt-Al Arm then look possession nf the gift,
and a crowd of the members uf the House gather
ed round lo view it.
On TuMlay,lhe 14th the hill to change the mode
of appointing Canal Comn.i-sionera pas ed the
House by a vote of 02 to Si. Tha dicusions
Uon it have been rf raott protracted, de-ohory
and hitter character, snd were marked throughout
with a degree of excitmenl anJ personality seldom
witoceed in the legislature. This bill provides
f..r the election of Canal Commos.o iers by the
Legislature, wi hin ten days after it becomes s la v,
who sre to hold their offices until October nest,
when sn i lection is to be hsd by the people.
A re olution, directing the Committee on Banks,
lo bring in a bill authorising ihe Banks uf he Com
monwealth to issue amall notes to Ihe amount of
25 per cent, of their capital, waa passed on M nd,iy
last, by s vote of 49 tu3d. This is a measure thit
would afford much relief to the country currency.
X. Y. Z.
SKaoraaiT H, Paswissor Misaissirri. One
of the most eitrsordinary instances i.flhe piwer
of his eloquence was bis speech at II irrudsburg,
in def. nre of Murdough and others. On thai occa
sion Redding, the Comet- r of the affray, appeared
as prosecutor. Against him, as tha real murderer,
the orator diiected bis most envenomed h ift. Tba
firat effect produced on his victim wsaan eipn saion
of inso'ent defiance the next, uf leaentmenl but
as the storm of sarcasm and d.nan iation thicken d
in violence an I is. d in fury, hurhng like hail
around his devoted head aa h s oi relenriii riecu
tioner . d bi n to the hi ink of eternity and p ante I
oat the lormeota piepared f.r his f.e, erjurel
soul lha sui m tr. mhled w i h emotion, a id fin il
ly, unable to rontinl his agony of aha ne and hu
milisl.o.i, buried hie fsce in his hands anil hur t in
to eenvul-ivs t d'S That was a triumph of genius
not u'paeed by the most sj lendiJ r flails ofC'i-.
larro. -V, O. Triple.
AcciarNT ia thb Mikks. On Thursday, mor
ning a!out 11 o'clock a nviiier named Wm. Trew,
whilst working an air shar W Iteilner and S.s
mines wss caught hy a fail of dirt and slate so as to
eompletdy tory him. A hnmher of miners imme
diirt4y went lo av rrk, and after driving through lira
solid coal a distance of 10 yards, reached him about
two o'clock on Friday wrmning. He waa alive
when recovered, and, aTrtaragV badly braised1 had
no bones broken. He escaped from death by
throwing nimselT under a pil'ar of coal as the fait
waa aboat to Like place. Miners' Jour.
Bv fat fhe rratet rnriosity among ns now is the
7.177 dwarf at the Masonic Hal", Geo. Thorn is
ThnmS ss he I eftid. ia 1 1 year old, but 22 irt
ehea higl(. and we(gs only fifteen pounds be
m preets'ly Ms weight when but sit months old.
The General is of fine symmetrical proportion,
sn.1 deridi-dly the moat pfrfret dwarf in the world,
and the mfl.i surprising living curiosity lb it ever
ssioni-hed the put.) c.
He sled all of h:s first teeth three yeifs
since, and now has a e impl -te eeend et. He t
in the mint jierfect health, nev,-r having tnen ill a
day in hi life, VjifeJ. .VttaC'irtl,
ExtevT OP tiiR Rook TtB. A mernorial
to our General Government, prtSTnted at the
last sea-inn. staled thai the number of men em
ployed in all the various departments of the
publishing hiislnemi in the United Slates, Was
more than forty thousand, of whom twenty-fivo
thousand were operative printera of papers and
books; that the amount ofbusinese annually
alone was more than twenty-seven millions ;
that there were twelve millions ot volumes
manufactured annually, besides three milliona
of numbers of periodicals, and three hundred
millions of newspaper sheets, and that the
capital invested in these operations waa more
than fifteen millions of dollars.
A Ciiiwii Cwio Pkopi.b. Some curious
inquirer his ascertained the averarro atten
dance nt the various churches in Boston, the
past year, to be a little short of 27,(X)0, or about
ono fourth ofthe entire population. The at
tendances is set down as follows : at 13 Or
thodox churches 5S")1, averaging f27 to each
church at 4 Episcopal churches 2t2()M, avera
gi"ir "!)12 each at 17 Unitarian churches
0711, averajrin? 390 each nt 5 Universal ifct
churches, 12702, averaging 5o2 esch.
A new patent, stono dressing titnchine has
been introduced into Scot'and, driven by a
steam etioine, which will dre?s the hardest
rock or the freestone used for the finer
fronts nf public buildings. The stones pass
through tho machine on a long train of carria
ges, each cairisje having one stone on it.
The cutting is performed by revolving wheels
having tools fastened in them. The 6tone en
ters at one end of the machine, and comes out
at the other, hewnand polished, and cut straight
and square down the sides.
Soi.dikk Shot. An unhappy sffiiir occurred
at the barracks yet-terday. A wildier for some
offence was sentenced to punishment He at
tempted to run away, was ordered to stop, but
not obeying, the Guard was directed, to fire
upon him. which was done. The ball; entered
near the hi p joint, and brought him down. It
is thought to-day lhat the man will recover.
The shooting a man down under such circum
stances, is, we believe, justifiable by the law.
Buffalo Adv.
The Legi-daiure of New Yotk is cona'derii.g the
rxp'dienrv i.fempl ying the convicted ciiminals of
that State n m.nera.
iii 1
.r . is a i e it
In Lo. kpn-t, N. Y.. on t'e 20 h u'l. by ti e Re.
Mr. , Mr. TmiNta Withustuv. 'f
Nonhuni'H'ilaud, to AaiaaiL Joxas, if ih
form, r place.
On Ihe 9th inst . hv the Rev. Mr. Norton, Mr.
Josiph rinnr. i f Sel negrovf, Cn. on county, tJ
Miss Eliss Kcutx, of Northumberland.
On Thursday liar Sy the Rev. Mr. Be ks.
atre-rer, Mr Jons Ki m aia, of Hush town-hip, lo
Mms IltvataJisi sTa. of tsham.4in
In Milton, on the 7th iot..hy the Rev. M'. WiU
liamann. Mr. Eiiwabd 1i airaso v, of M. Ee..a.
vile, to Ml -a Jta AaasTsiiia, of Turin, t.
In N w lleilin, on Ihe SUt ull , bv the Kc Mr.
Thomp-on, Mr Ja s K Osria, jr of 8. tnsgr ove,
to Miss A as as D Kwiarroan, of ew Berlin.
tin the 2d inst. by the R, v. W. J. Ever, Mr.
Jnoa KTsaiaira, t. Mas SaaaH L. Uauirr,
both of 'a!tawtsa-
On the t'nh ult , by tha Rev. Mr. Tanevhill.
Re. J K. R 'aa. of the Balum .re C..f. renc, t
Mi-a Mtar Hu i i. gt n, I ol rneco.
On ihe 9th inst.. by the Re. Mr, Be krtresaer,
Mr Kubkmt KLiai, nf Rus i tovn-rni. to M.a
MaaiA, d.ughier nf Jos-ph Morgan, ef Augusta.
Io yonthful gl. e. the blooming trride.
To's alt r led ;
Tne ot'j ct of her lover's pride,
E'S beauiy's wrea k has fled.
Mav happiness be ever theirs.
And peace their step at end
Fruition crown their fuiu'e years,
With j ys that nevar end.
i) 1 1: u,
In Peons township L'n on county, on M.mday
Mr. C)I RLES SUA FFER. formally of t:ds
pl.-ee. agrd alsiut 75 years.
On Sutui.Lv tat, in Shamokin townrhip, Mr.
SIN TON, aged sboul tl ye.ra.
In Tu'but lownship. on lha 7th inst., Mr. 8A
MUEL KI SSEL, aged abonf 5 years.
In Liberty tonal.ip. Cdnmhia eo.. on the 3th
u't., Mr. ANDREW B.LLMYES. ated about 39
ye. a
In Cl.i''q.i,qn tnwnahlp, on the SOlh nit., Mrs.
CATHERINE PAIN I KR, relict of John Painter,
aged about 80 years. Mrs. Painter waa among, the
e.ilv a.tteeoii Do aware run, duimg tho iius of
the Indian wa-s.
In M.lioo. en th night of the 4h teal., CARO
LINE, .laughter of Mr. Jao.b thwarts, in bar 5th
In M Into, on the night of .he 6th inst , JOHN,
son of M.r,him Spauh, aje.1 stl.llt 30 years.
In l.ewi-1 org, on the 3 I inst.. Mr. REBECCA,
cO"o,rl ef Mr. J on. a Smith, aged ti yeara,
In Jackson, Mi a. on the I Hih ult, of tha sm ill
p.n, TIIOMS WILSON, foiineriy uf Milun,
aged! 3J yeif.