i.. .i Jtf 1 y mil.. . ji J. i i 1 . i . j . i, ix a .ISA Kit ROTIM,1ST. The fil 'owing lisl shows the curr. nt value of nl! Pprf. Bank Notes. The most implicit re- lian-.. nv placed upon it, .as 4l 1 wry tfrvAr r-nr.-f'iil-- m npared with ki d corn cied fmni Ri. k- r-r,'"- !: tor. r'aitl(fl In IMitlntlclpliln. ,. Unr. tv AKU 1.WATI0IT. NOTES AT PAR. Batik rT North America . Bank nf the Northern Ll!ertie Commercial Bnnk of Fenn'a. -. Fartnere' ami Mechanics' Bunk par par par pnr par pnr ar pnr pat Kensington Bank Philadelphia Dunk Schuylkill Bank Hniilhwark Dank Western Bank Mechanics' Dank Counlry ItnnUN. Umik of PhpRtpr ('ounty i rtch vlor linnk of Di'lnwnTP Toinity fl.irrk of Oprmaiitown Bank of MontRompry Co. D.ylratown Bank Easton Tlimk farmpfs' Hunk nfBnr1co ORpp ot Bunk of Prnn's. OfTiPp Io lo OtTicp do An OrTii'P lo -An (liontcr pir tlermantowti fisr Noirii'own pa Ihivh ?tnw ii p?r i'tiKIrm p:r HH-tnl pr Utirri-huio" Thp-p litlP:IRtpr I ofi'irri: lifftditig ( tlo not l'Hstun J itfiic n DIP (Ml KN T. ' riiiluiltljihin MaCO NOTES AT Bnnk uf ti p L'nilcil Stiitfb1 Bnnk of IV nn Townr-Iiiii tiitnr.lTJiink M'li.'.ifartutura' & Mt'cllanic, Chrik Vryirorjjsintr Bunk . B.ink of PcniwvKfiniii Mii.t rs' Bnnk of Poltsville 1-nnk of I.pwi.ilon Ii irk rf Miilillctown Uniik of Nurlhumlirrlnntl PdI'sviTIb J.enintown Midilletown N'otthnmberlatid ''ohinvliia Battk A. UriUge co. 'arlisle Dank Exchange Bank Do 1o brunch of amorl, Bniik of I.nnrtci imcastrr County Bank Farmers' Viunk of litoJing Harritihurg Bnnk Iiancaater Bnnk I.diaimn Datifc Merchants' At Mnnuf. Ian'k Hank of Pittsburg" Columbia Carlisle rittslurp Ilolliduysbirrg Lftncastei IiiMirnster Blading DTarriaburg Lancaster IbanoB Piltoliurg Pitthhutg Willianisport WiikPfharre Allcntiwvoj ending Pittsburg Erie New Brighton do Ao Chnrnlwrfliurg IJcttVfbtl'g Montrorie F.iiu WaynrsbiK-g VarhNigl.i Done d ute Brownsville York Wert Uranrh Bank Wyoming Bank IS'orthamptoti Bank liptki Cotmty Bank OHicp of Bank of U.S. Do do . ila Do Jo do Kensinelfin fav. Ina. A Perm Towosliip Sav. In. Tlnnk of (-hamlH-rnburg Bnrik of pt1y!urg Dunk of Sumjuehanfia 7o. Krie Bank Farmrr'.Si Drm'era' BaiJi Prank (in "Bank Hnnffdale Bank MononRahela Bank of B. York Bank S. U. The notes of thow banks m whttli we omit quotation, and rahstituto a dash ( ) are m.t purchased iiy the Philadelphia hrukcrti, wi h the exception of thiwe which have a Irllrr ot i U mire. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia tSuv. Inn. Philudrlphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do K"huy!kill rav. In. - do failed failed l.ihvl Manual J.nbor lianK ( P. V Dyott, prop.) t illed : I 'tiled I no sab' Ti'aiida llat.k Towat.d'i Alleghany Baiik t-f Pa. Bank of Braver Jmk of Swatata Bank of Wiishingtim Centre Batik City Bank Farmers' & Merh'cs' Bank Farmers' At MeehVs Bank Farmers' &. MrchVa' Bank Harmony Ini-:ilute Ilunlniplor. Bank iuninu Bai.k Dumbertneu'ri Bunk Northern Bnnk of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northnmb'd Union Col. Bk North W'rstiTti Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. A sr. A: Munuf. Batik Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of PennV WpftmorelanJ Bonk Bedford Bejxi r i ' . . , Dnrrisburg eluded t Washington laih il i Belli finite closed I Pitlbuig cxi I)- IttbUirg failed Fnyette co. f.iili il ! (irieiirasl'e fiuled Harmony no sale Huntingdon no sale I.ewii-totsn rios.de Wari"n faileil IhindiilV no le New Hope rloHed Milton no mile Mradville cIophI Port Curium faibd Carlixle faibd Montmse rloM'd I'niontotvn f.iiknl (Ti-rnfbura tlonetl NVilktgliHrre nnsnli Witkosharre Bridge Co. J" All notes purporting to he on anv Piinmyl vnnia Bank not given in the above list, muy be f.t down as frauds. m:m' jo? sky. Bank of New Brunswick Bruribwirk failed I par O I' ' .r 1 fa.hd llelvkloie IlHt.k Burlington Co. list k ('onunercial Bank' Cumberl 11; 1 ll.n.k FainuT..' ! iik Farcur' and Miehantr' Bk Fainnr' tuuJ MtchaiiaV lik 1'urriKrs' i.nd Mtix hantt.' Bk Franklin Lank o! N.J. Bclvidc re Mcdlonl Perth Aniboy Briilpeli.n Mount Holly liuhwsy N. litunswii k Mulilk-town I't. 3 Jersey City f;i. d fa b .1 f. 1 leil f.t I.J tailed 8 fad, , 1 I"' TO tle 1 Koboketi Bkg& (jruziiig Co Hoboken Jersey City Bank JuscyCily Mulianiib' Bank Patlentou Maiiufaclur. rat' Bank Belleville Morris Con.patiy Bank Mornslovvn Monmouth Lk of N. J. Fit e hold Michatiicfe' Bunk Newark Mechanics' ami Manuf. Bk Trriitoo Monu Canal ami Bkg Cu Jersey City Post Notes Newark Bkg & Ina Co New ark New Hope lel Bridge Co I-anrberUrlHu N. J. Manufac. aiul Bkg V) Holsikiri H J Prolrclon & Lonihurd Ik Jcrsi-y City Orange' B.uik Orange l'alrrsoii BniX Patesun t.i:.d 1 hokd ii full, d pur j.ar 1 PeophV Bank Jo I'linct fon Bank Princctoa t-dlctn Banking Co m hUte Bank Newark filate Bank labials ihlown t'lale Bank Ciiinden Htale Bank it or ii Moriiclown Pl .te Bunk Tientsin iSaleut anil Philad Mtiuuf Cat Pali ih Pusm'X Bank 4'iwiiin Trenton Banking (V 'lH i.l..t I'nion Jlaiik Dover UstungttUT" JUtikilie Co. i I ai kenanck 1 I"" 1 failed hole. I i Jmr 'J fail. .1 II All ARF. Bk of Wilm V Brandy wuie V i iiiineioit p. Bank of Dt lawari W i1ii.ii gt. 11 Bank of iinjrn,t Hmyrna Do kiuiuh Miliuid Farinerb' Lk of him.' of Dtl ltov. i Do nruiH-L N'iluii'it:ou Do lialiib (ieog.towtt Do JXulllh NlrUllslit! I'liion Bank V 1I11.11. t.. 11 (TT Unde 1 pi.r 1 1,1 par par pit par par (rjy (J11 all I unk- ma ked thus ( ) tin re are . 1 ther loeml'ifi-.t or ul.ertd noUa of Ihn vanuu. Ue rojuinlon., ui cin t.l.uco. The bcxl mrltwi for the Abolition of Discatc, ' is to clmnf tinff jtttrif'if thf liody. ' ioiAr. VL(a:TuiLC imtli,s Tf Tim .TVWrJi .frjvffwt Ctitfrcr nf ftrnl'h, A ro tin v i.i !; 'c ' ' '' del. t Mi.lroiirf. in ;!a V. ir' i n 'he '!! -it evi-.ey VAUW,i v vv disease. H T, l; ' 1 v ( -in! j. c'e.y ! 'lie sin- Ell it mrv li and !'cf cl from th ee h'llioU" .n d cor rupt humor trh arr ilin c-m-o rift cody rf Hi ndtn he. (Jiil i.i 'i. I'.i'..t lion -r thi. De it, I'a-ns in llir u-rm-w nut l iii'm-phi ""ii w.a.-. everv inaU.lv M riih'i t in in n. PAID IM'IA.Nj VFl.ETAB'l E I'lI.I.s are a r r aiu rur f r in- i tt'Mii ihmiI, 'cini'ti ('. ni'ixrii. inlUmHlo'y and pirnd j Fp'tt brc inap tin v c'ivipfi1 "hi1 p "!v firm thn.-e nimi:d In mors, hit l. hen run fined loth'1 riseii- I. rtiiin arr ::p c ini-i1 nf a'l k ndu of I' I" "E liH. P.i. iImo, when the aiinn- iinpunty iilronid on tl0 I ii'Pr.ibiarp ami miim-li', e.iifntr p.iina, it'tlima- V.ow nml aivpl'imiH called I!1I HI' M ATISM, j f.'til T, Ac. WriiilnV Indian Vinrtnlle Tills mny I l relii d i ti a.-. a'wv i rti'iu r clvo r1ief, itnH it ppihev. td u lib. m-cindli'ff to direction wdl tno- l hpiiii iI!v, ninl uilhoul fail, innke 11 pel fret cu e of II. p nl- pirnfi.l ii.aliiibra. ror.i llin-e In six of -ld liidtnn Vrpi-'nb r Tills t ikrti PvrTy nitfbt CO- 1 ii'C 1n tied, uiM i a -hoit Lipp so romplrlilv n.l the bi'dv fr. in mtv ti: ve tti-ifi "pp ed t I ralih. I tl at I'Teiiti' .ti-ri. (J.'Ot. d p i I i vrrv iWrp- i linn, n il dy. r- tb. eliaii;('fl ot all DirvcN n oi i in: rn ifi-.n!. bev. ?r..m "d i n i-, nr ii v i i .-r i .1 '' 1 i-i"- s rr.i' o-p!u rk- ,l Li.. Fphation i.- i p irlV liy ill at I " - 1 '. -' I : r.' t ' w i . r. ; i 1 mi n HEADA('lli: (JIliLIM'!?1 n usr.i nnii nl. Ic ntss, pain in th' b ins, eiy and ii P.. until ejes, sore thrnal, hoarsrne , ronc consiini 1 ton-. rheumal'C pains in -vaiiooa pirt- i.ftbe b. dy, nnd inairy nth. r svtnp'oiiK f t'S 'I'CHI.Nfi COl.D, Wright' Indian Yrgrftditc I'i'l will irivnriftl.lv give inmiedi te relief. Fri-m Thwr tn si of ai.l Pills taken every night on g inn to h't, will in a short lime, inn only femove M ilie ah.A'e tinp'.eas trt sj nipt, mis, I nl die bo.l-y will, in a short time, be restored tn eeo finiiiiiler lipiil htl an before. ASTHMA, on DIVFICCLTY OF BKDAT" lNOi Wright' Ind'i'i Vi-gititlilr Vi!!.wi. n,w. en and cuT'V i ff. I7 the sloii h and bom m,. those lough plib-gmy hoinor-, wi n h l.ip up al the ir cells of the longs, mid re the rnaise, not only of tlie above disiTcasing cunplnint, bill when iecteeled, often terri iiiales in that mo eihendtul ma'adv ra'led CONSirMI'TION. Il 4. m'd he alsnlC" e'inbe, .l that Writzlifs liufian Ycpfholilr Vitls nro a vifam cure firr PAIN IN THE PIPE, p.rr.-s-in.i, nau sea, and sick nes, iff appi'tre. eostiven. sa a yellow liirge of flte -kin nod ryes, mnl tverv mher i symptom itf n t.rpiil r d-seafrd stirlp of the liver; j l-erausp hey pirrge from the ti.vly those itnpnrilie whii'h if diposircd upon this ini(iortant . rum, are ! the cau-e of every vaiiely if 1.IVEI! CtiM- ! PLAINT. W hen a naii 11 is ennmlHed I v net , j ouibre..Ls and ri belli. n the onl me t of pn vent- : mg the -dreadful conn iii. net's of .1 CIVIL WAH is to expel all traitor mid il il sp.m. d mn from j the efiunlTy. In like run Tn r. li.'i p-iiti or -ii k- I liens of any kind iij.'n tbnt 'be bndv is i-inii!-glii C wlh mti r. i.l f. - l i- I'l'i- 1 d is to EX I PEL ALL MOHKi) HCMOI (Tmiiois 1 ! health and I'b.l I ha I'. t ir.lt ! r-::n rim.l. T!-ftt tl t p'i ' 'pt f i ni'i 1; ib . bv . h'.iK.ri; nr.d pi.r'i'2 'b l"u: , i- -,iu,.',1 in ecord i-ie will, t' e in-.vn wh'cb g.nitn 'I mi in d eoi orn ; iil'.d ll p'Vi er'v cir.ied rut I v ti e tl-e of li e n' ovp iiH.r,-.'. VVIMt. II PS IM'MN VPtJE VABl.E PILi.-". w ill leitnitily result In he conipltte Al o I tion ot Di-easr ; wp ofSr the Ii ll.mimj testimnni n's, ft'-m iiTs..n of t'.re highest rc-icliiiiility in New Yotk, who lime tereutiy been euted of the imkI oblinnte enn p'aints. si.lelv bv the us- of NVitr.in'-s Imhaw VrotrAiiit 1'ii.i.s, of the .V..'i Atiuriri.il ('i ff' f t!rrrt!t : .7 a L. I.. D.Mtor V.'li'ilt' S iltillt li. in t ri'h. 19.J1. r rir ll is w-th t;re..t suti f.ieli. ii I inf.Tio mi ' . l.nxii a be 1. itilirelv nned ol D- P-'a of "i f ears I'm .,! 1 g. by th" one ot yom 1M.10 to t r ui.v I'ii.i.s. lit V 1 1' - - In Ri''P T.tj "'I'll iniT nlr' al in 1' l'la'.' e 1 1 s. ulid ' ..' I 11 ell;.-'. All. I'.l's. h"v.vi 1 nt ell t . f t i-nr 1 til. lb-it .'-1 ''!!:' f le-l. ti 1 ieo!vi d i.l pi : . . 10 d r. 1 t.oi s, u i i: I. I d in a pi r ft el ( lite, en nt Vein fit ' ! e that others simii-olv I 1' ll f.t ibe t' 1 h. pe tldlll-fil in ,!!'; 1 in ke ti'ia' i f iHh v n .' Veil Ibis slnH P.i.li' wnb I same, if yon think p' )h t. New Yoik, Jon. 19. V . .'i. i ! e. 1 -rid ?e t' p..b i'. ih inn -. A c. C.C. I!L CK. i Mr. Richard Dei r i, agt'tit for Wright's Indian Vt'ieir.b!i- PilU. Dear Sir I have I-opn r.fflic'ed for seernl veins i b ii vnrd wt-nkiuss ai d centra! debility, acem I'li ied at tiers ivrh pins in t' e .de and .iht r disiressi g r. mpU'ins. Aft. 1 having tried varVoits nif iiicnes wi'hi i t ?.' rl. I us- tsu .di d hy a fi it'll. I to mi'ke trin: f Dr. Wiiiibl's L dian Y.-crlabl- v l,b I ir ti. - I ve lirvt.l 1, it 1. 11 ino'' v ti-' lint m 'in" r. ll. dieii e. yi . 1 1.1 Ii'. 1 t ' e n 1 v n ) its. . er nr. in Vi t- f ( ':t 1 -i ' s :!i 1 I .!.-.' , I 1 r e !v 1. P I nn.ri v. .In. ii! n 11. n 11 -ed ihe me. ave no doiinl. I i-i r.re.'ir- 1 , 1 son- fiti. 1 . ! f!i. Hit mi' 11 he ti I lulu that li e e in. I n . f t-' hi Is i ill f. II. w ll 1 ir us .1 re mtii. vruts s.tcettlv. IIL.ViY A 1'OO TR. W'a warsing, L'Utct cu. N", Y. N. w YoiiK.S. t. VH, 111. This is to certify thxt I have used U'hikht'h 5m.i YtfitTtliLK I't 1 (. Willi the prt s't'st heiie fit ; hini' it tioir.K fined mv -ell nf tie fn qui nt at tin Us ol Pick I!t ..i! 11 he, tn hit b I bad pieviou-ly lc.iisulj.it. ANN MARIA T1H iMPPON. "Wi (! recti w tch s'r.e'. N. Y. To Mr. h'i. l aid Di lints, Agent ir Wright'. L... di.m tgetabU' VnO. c.i i ti o.y. As tlit re are hi this inw innv vvirKed perrons busily tnitagetl in sil'ii-e a ri in i. rf. i' 111. d, cine ui il. r ti e n-iine ol tl e Indian Vi per .l-l,- ('ill. ,.n,l hs lle-e ilt sptTatf li in ere -s.t inierly r. iVl.-ss of coin si tiueiccs, thai many va'u.iMe I vis may le I, si in consetiiri:cr of lisiuglleir drt ntlftil compound-, iV.ti publ-c me 1 niiii.'i ed scainst pinrlm-iiu snv Pill, sunlit 01 t'n ii.as.if ihe lu xes the Ml.rwtr WtrrdillO is f nn ' ". WRltilil'P PblN VEt.TTABI.E 1'ILI.s. ( ?. '.''.! I'n-ytttu r ) 01 i ta : M.n 1.1 ivtiiitN 1 m 1 n.i: or hihith. lid idse t le t-pt-.i -'Iv ruri fnl m-tinst .tin-l a. sil t iid ii- i'-it v of any pe rson rxcepi Ibe recti I Vir n.lt. r- s, ' 'i 1 irs .if..A'.s i ( j: ' ohTIIVXtti l;j AM) rtt. I ft. nsr'i i;.. 11. v.. il l 11 1 . rt i-',,nls.;-. 1 k ne A t I'.'s, S ,,. , 1 ,,, s. N. - S ,...ie I .1 He.' , ' ' I 11: ' .'. r I M.E -. ... .i i.' j.. 11.es I'l..; 1 -II. II. K n Lei-inrioi', I' i' er' A IV I i a A 11 11 t - r M,l.iin1ri'l .ml A M. x. it. let V lr arm .rd, TinbiiisyiPt ..I- Iir.nt II Klast , S. .1. r-'n 11 P. M.. Ebsbtirg P.O. ui. 1 iil'in ( 'oiocr. HT. 0 i.ril llri.nl ll.p.. I f.r the sale of ll'r pi ' 1 i.V 11 Y-i'ttiil,', I'i'h, V bolt-sale anil h-cuii. N... u;y 1;a; 1; street, piulahel- PIJIA. May SI, Wi. y HOSE OINTMENT, rou ti:ttc. aiNritvoNMn, riMPi i? o tub rAn, and othkk - Cl'TAntiOt'SJ K.1U I'TIONSJ. . The fnlhiiviiicrcrrtiieaic denei-ibt one vj the most tTtrtiordiiurry cures ever tjfixird by any apjdicutitm. ' Pini.4PHPHi. February 10, 1838. IJTtR twenty yes- I wa sevrrely afflicted wilh Ttttm or the Face sntl Hemic tho Jiiww Cnmmrnrsd w hen I w.i scvenrcrn years old, ami .,. ...1 ...1.11 tl. EVIl aF lU'lR ar irvli.lt .111 vltv. j ,.m.o, hut without e'er disappearing. DumiR ; , of li e time, great pari nf my f .er was roven d with the ernplion, frequently a'ti'tided iih vin'ent itch- intt ; my hed swel'cil at timis until it tell ps it it w "tild I'lirft the swellin.. was so RTitt. that I cott'd trarri ly rjet my hat nn. During the long period h it I was aftlif led wi'h the disease, I trseil a preal many a piit-nt i.Ti s. (ami-ng tbrm si vend relebialed prep t'ltion-) as w II as t.ikiim ii w.ntl mnetlies. tnehidiiig a number of b.-tili a of Strrtim'x I'ttiitiCf'a. Extract of Sprttiiptiriln, A c, 1 11 fact it would be imp.i siblp to piinineta'e all the moilieiric I used. I was also under the c ire of two erf the most dis imaiiisbed phy-tcnm of ibis city, but wltlvut re rewing m rll benefit, and I lies-paired nf evet being cnrid. In the f .11 ol lSitil, rhe .disea-e nt the time be'i g vcrv violent, I coiinneniTil using llie Jitue ihtlnm, (prrpired bv ViKtghun Ar Davis.) In a f 'v ni phi'tirmns the ".-iolent ilehing c ased, the fWeliii a nt a'ed. Ihe t nn li.Mi Ivg'in In disappe'ir. and Uf'Te I hul nsid a ; . 1 r ihe di-rare was rntiie'r rtri'd. It has totv been in nr'y a y.nr and n ha'f "lice, nm there is fot n vetigp rf Hip diea-e re-niaii-iiiL' except the sears frnni the dpep pits furnied bv the .Ii ruse. It is impi.ssil le forwme to desi ril-e in n certificate tin- seventy of the disease and my sell' ting I wt I will l-e pleised to givp a fuller ac count t m. v person wai. ting further satisfaction, who will r-H nn lis-. At tlte tin 1 roinmeiTOil u.ing ihe U se (lioiinen. I would have givsm bun beds of do lais to lie rt.! nf ihe tlwrnse. Smoc ri sing il. 1 have rem mint inh d ii to trvirtl persons, fanning them my mother, who had lite di-esso bad ly on her STnA who w. re a I ciik-.I bv n. .1 W1ES DERNELL, No. Lrili, Race St. "7" 'Pi e Rose Ointment is (aepared bv E. I!. Viiiu'h"". e..u h Eisi comer of 'I'hrrd and Race -tie' t-, riiilndt Iphta, and id on UL'cnrv in 11. bu ry, bv H. u. m"as.nv:r, May 11th. TOIL Aiimt. tlov Ointniciit, for IVIltr. a moor or its rrricwr. I 'in 1 tiut.i'in , May STlh, rPIU" is to certify ll ni I was sevore'y afll c eil -A niih TeHi r m tin bunds and f. et for upwards ol f.wlv v ears ; Ibe iie ise was alii lidi-d g. lr.'nllv whh vin'ir.t iteh'iig and swelling. I npplied to 4 iininbi-rof 1 In sic and used a great nninv i.ppli ri ions will.. 1. 1 1 Meeting a cure. A limit n y. ar sine.-. I ' ppl r.1 ti e Kim- Ointinent, which r Hu b lot ed hi iteti i '' and u few BppHc,iti'iis finirrvdi a'i iv e'.irtd ti e diM'ase, which there has bten no n lurn of. mi hmgh I bail never lieen rid ol it nl any tin., b 1 I Hv 'rum. l;l II A l.'I) SSAVALE, ri.vensh. I.el.iw JSp.uce Pliet t (Z'i Th.- R !' t in.iiiii-tit is pTepHted bv E. B. ' i . ' k- M o I. l ast corner of Tl.iul and Race i , !:.:..' ''l.ia. anil s Id on a iienrv in Smilni- v IL B. MASPKK. V .- 1 J-';. I' Agrt. MED :CAI. Aa?I'KCSATIOrr iiiht nasi: (h.tmi:.t, fr Ttttr. LTHl tl'fJII the snperioritv of the prrpartii..n over all nth. r is fully e ablt-lie.l. ihe pr .pr e tors take p. n'ure in laytnij hef.ire ihe public the f. ll.iwing eer'.dicale frnin n respectable physician, a graduate of ihe laiiversity of IViins Ivauia. Dr. ltamtl , having found in this rpmrdy that relief f..r a letbous and tli-agrp.-abl a.Terlion which the nieans wiliiiu tin- range df fis pii'ifessiaii'i.iiled '.0 ail'itd, hn not hei-itati d to give it his appiohnii.m, idlhniigli tlte p'eindiees and ir.'erets of that iirolersi.in aie pp"sc,l In secret Relni dii"S. PlIILA Or l.PBI , Sept. 10, llvHl. T wnsrerer.;ly trsuohd wit 1 a ttilious herpetic evnpii n. which cioti'ed lu-arly one i V ofmv f.ce, and t x'i nded . ver the ear. Mr. Ytiuchan. fiioprie I..I ol the Ro-e I lintinenl, obsriving luv fa.K, msl ted on my tiyuii! his pi. p.irati.Hi, of w Inch he han ded me a jar. A iiln nul. m common with the mem-U-ifi ofmv pr'fe-si.'ti, I tlisiiwuiienance nlid i 1 -11 t pf.ae nl ihe numerals ne strums palmed itftoii ihe n I lie I j i'. ni.i nil m lender.-, I feel in jus ice h.-und t.iexcipt tb.e K"Se Ointinitit fnnn iba' ca- of inti d t uns, mi, I to tiivc it mv -ippnbatimi, as it entire. IV.Ufe.l the c-iuplioil, Hbb'.ugil il h id resisted the u-u.l appbcaii.ins. DAN L II At (.11, M. I i' J' Ihe R.ise Ointniei t is pieni red by E I'.. Vaunhsii. .oulh East eon er ol Third at il Rare Wheels. Pnilode phis, auJ nkl on nc ncv rti P1111 Unv. by 11. B. M AEU. Miv Uih, IS 14. Agrnt. BOLTON & CO. (ciu rtil c omiiiissloii .IIcm liaitis, l,r the Xi.'r nf J'k'ur, tiiuiit. Sitd. tVf-. dc. r.i...-i if . TB-fc EtsPECTFl'I.LY inform tfirir tiietids an. I JJ 5 the Merchants generally, 'hat they hae ta I on ilii.r-1 iric and eomniodio.is Wbnrv- a. v. jili iu-n 1L..I.S, ineth of Chesnul strut, on the D. la wire, I'l.'ether ith t1 e s- le Nn. lit P.Mit'i Whirve-, wlt'.f tbev mi'M h- pb a-ed I 1 receive enn-iyn-. ri, is . f ( r t'ti, l'l. ur. Peed. Wbi-bey, Ir.m, eVe. .V-. Ib'ii'O ah well prepired t i f.nward all kinds ot M. n-bai'dii:.-1 hy the Pi linylkill . lid 1'nion, or by 'he Che npeidiC i.nd Tiile Water Canals, as Inw luials nre kept typrissly for the purpose of towing boats by 1 i I et rntt'e. Men hauls will pie -se lie particular to send their Cod destined Iry eiil'tr canal-. t No. 1(1 South Wh'.rves, hitwet n Market ami Chesnul slree's. nn the Delaware, w ill) directions acconip my ing ihem w Lit Ii r u t.' 'hey w ish them to lie shipped. Q j- Plastir am! Pjlt for fair, at tin lowest mar ket t'ti.e. Btl. TON A. C'. March 10, lP2. N.. tOPooth Whaives. a n as ru? :esq k Suitiiitrj , vi t :ium!m 1 Lui.l litity, PXWN&YLVANIA. rill! E -iilivfd i-T n wi.c:li;ily mti. run -he put he, t thst bet ns emove 1 to tln.t hirgn and ciiinm. di. ll' Br ck llou-,on Market sipiare, oppotote lie C.'U'I II . me (f.riieih kept bv J 1 ita 1. Piiee.) wl.t ir I., i- now 111 pur.. I 1.1 rw O'lni'dale nil who 111 -V f.iv V li.m wi n a call 1'iiiiiu thai kful f.n I pa.-t f.v. rs, hr l.optsby aliict all. lit oil lo bnt-ilie-n In leecive a l.li. nil -I a.c . f public patroi ae... Ac. j I I! KLFS I). WHARTON. Pi.nl my V .t.-n ,! -. iy wit, 1 "Limn mmn i F1 mi1' ' 1 " ire 1 r. par l t i tvrnish f .rmi r 8 and 1 1 1' 1 'ir i ll ai v r, oat oil v of I .hue of a ier riii'tonii tp bl.t- I r l-.ml, 1.1 p ui-lerit.g, at ihe I.. I I'liii a V' r i.dii. i d pr i t -, v ii : fi t i. per l esbel ' r I ad Inn' ; I (1 t Is. f .r lie bc-t qua In v of pl.i 1 1.1 1. 1 . . i.i 1 1 k In-. U I 'W tlm Sorough of tnn '.i". I ; v 11 its.. deliver, ai any place within the ' or it'11 of Sui 1'iiry Lime lor laud, at 10 cents 14-r j hush. I, jnil Lime f..r pi ii-t. r in al 1 2 1 ci nil per 1 lu-lnl. 'The subset ders h.vealwata on hand. l.iige .piantiiy of Lime. Its tpntlily is good, i.ud their biueMoiie is not eijin.lUd by any in the in ih borhiii'd seamioltz a iii:it('j u:s;.sr.R. AnjiMiu, Aj-nl 2J, leii. ATTORN M Y AT LAW, BCWBtJKV, PA. Biisinrsa altetidrd to in the ('ountiea of Nor thumlerlnnd, Ulrion. Lycoming and Columbia. Thomas Hawt V Co., ' I.nwnt At DniRir, Hart, Ci'HMtrrna I!kiouis, Mi T a 111 iii At Co PrF.KINO, flunii cV Co., WEAVER'S HOTEL, inionrj, wVltrlhHmbrrlanil Ortnifjr, I'f-tni.vlt aiiliK rirll E subscriber, Tespccllully informs the rmblic M. that he has rim rived lo that lame and com mo. tlioiia Tavern Pinnd, at the corner trf Market and Fawn units, (-ign of the Buck.) formerly oeeu liied by tf.maa Weaver, and lately hy Daniel (iili smi, where he is now prepared o accommodate all who may favor hitn with a call. By mricl atten tion to bttstness, and hi4tfmn( endeavor to render saiislBctii.n o all. he hope tn receive a liberal ahnre nl public pntronaee. CHARLEa WEAVER. Punbury, Match 13llt. IH42. Count l-f'cil'-l., Dcttlli mow. nhr .u'.lic will please ohseive that no Brarubeth - Pills are grin inn, unless ihe box has three li bels r.pon it, (the lop, the ae'o ami the bottom) e.ih 1 out amino n f-ic-simile signature of my h mil writing, rhus B. En i.nTit, M. D. 'These la. be I rue cnutaved on steel, U'nutifidly ih'sicned, and done at an evpen-e of over ?2,t)( l). Tin refnie it w ill be seen that ihe only tiling nrce-sary to pro. cure the luidicjue mils purity, is to oIim'ivc tltesc l.bels. Remember the lop, the side, and the bottom. The following respeclivo pf-rantis re chily eoliuri 7.C1I, and hold CEHTICATrS Cr Tor tlte salef Hrtmdmtt' Yrgrtubte Universal I ill. Norihonibeihii d eotintv : Milton M n key At t 'h.imbeilrri. Sunhury H.B. Masser. M'Leei.a vilb liilnidit b-iell. Norlhum' eilaml Win. Forsyth, (icoi tetowri F. MitllrMger A. C. 1'nion C.unty: New O.-rbn J. hn H.ilTunn. Pchtrsiirove Ever and St hnure. M iil.'leburn Isaac Mittiih. Beavoriaw n J. At F. Bingaman. Adinisbnru II. At A. Smith. Mitiluisbuig Pwnpp LairJ Haitlelon I) iniel Long. Free htirg ti. At F. Mover. I". nlrevil Ptailcy V Lenhart. Lewi-hiirii Walls At (iieeli. C-oJumbia couiity : Danville E. B. Reynolds At Co. Berw ick Plium in A; U.tKubnuse. Cat lawissa ('. A. Ai '. (. Ilrol ts. Bloomsbtirg John R. Meyer. Jeisey Tnwii Levi Bts.l. Wa shinuton Rnbt. M; Cay. Liiiie-loiie -D. L. Sc hineclc Obse ve that each Acent hn nn Rngrav.d Cer- il'i. ateof Agency, emit lining a repres' nlniioil of I Di UK A MIKE Ill's Manulieii.ry at Ping Sing, I anil upon which will also be seen evert copies nl the ut ti luliettt tit.w until uiini the Hruiidnth 1'ill liiurix. Phd idelphia, office No. 8, Not ill rti sTn-et. B. BRA . PRE Til, M. 1). J Hillary I si, !K42. ?C?, SALE. 7 )U sale a .mall I'mm, cont'iiniug ahmtt 1 nr huiidred and ti n acres, more or le a, situate 111 Point township, Norihund itlaml coMiit., ab..it two nil), s nhiivt) N'oilhnmbeil .iid, 011 the m .in mad loading from that pi ire to Danville, a.ljnitniig kmds of John Lt'hou, Jcwe C Horn 11 and others, no in the occupancy of Sanun I Payne. About forty arr ii, of said hart arr. clrai.d, and in good state of cultivation, on w hich llierc is a small barn erect, d. 'The property will lie. sokl on r. asonable teiuis. For further .ailk ulr, ptriwous art rtipucial ed to ply to-tliu tut sctili. r. H. B. MAPPER, Aerut, Nov. 27th, 1I2. tf iinbuiy. Po. ri.Ti u ih:vi:i;p LAST TtSAirHR, No. 71 Ciiiluuliii' Slrcct. J'liil;ttlijljiiiii ("l'hnt tf n.rs (j.Vrc mnitt.J CMIIfiE Findings always kept on hand, which hf oll'. rs for sale on the lowe t terms. Cumin M.-rch tuts are pattirul uly lo c ill ami jn. lye lu tin insclves, Pbilailelphia. N'ovcm ver 13, 1SI3. lv. Q3 nH"J.13 tty EA EliV DEPCRM'TUiN. nkyv i;m;i..M)oii. co.mi'axy. No. s! Norili Watt-r Si roc t, I'liilii. TJ ANTFAC TI'REKS ami dealers in Oils rvf H every description lnih for binning and uiaiiiitar'unnu' purposes, w hieh will lie sold much lower than they ran be procured e'sewhere, and warranted in quality to eijnal any in the city. Any od sold by the company riot proving as rei-re st ilted, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will lip rx funded. Their slot k now in store coiihists ol the follow ing oils, viz : jii.iiiio gaii.vns vt intei lileatlieit ipim Oil, r.ono lS.nitO XI IMX) 2i.tKin lill(M) 15,000 do do Coloiless Oil, do Fall and Spring Pperm Oil, dn inter S'i Eb haul, do do Pressed W hale Oil, do SummtT do iht do 5 do Common Whale Oil, Silt) Barrels sup. t. a Sua "still, 3l'0 do Cod Bank Oil, fit) do Nea'S Fool O.I, V5 Ca-k Olive Oil, Tanner's tils. 'This Company has a nomlH-r of Vesst-lh eti gaged m the ("od Frsherv, and Tanners may rely upon pet'iiig at all times Oil as pure ai imported. PhiludclpliM, Nov. 13, lS4j. ly. g. v-. &, L. B T ATL c? "kFFER FOR PALE, at the Pnuth East Cor P lit r of Fifth Mid Mur.tt Stints, i'hiLidtt- Jll.lH Metis' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do tlo tlo preyed do do do do water pus.f, double sole and double tippers, do Cull-skin Jo do do nailed and uppers, do Heavy Y.'atcr Leather Boots, do tlo Neat tlo tlo, do High ijiiartci Pbnes, Calf-skin, do do do ('linkers do tlo Fine Monroes warraiilcj do K tp do do do Calf tlo di tin Coarse do do do do Phots ih) do Fine do di tlo Kip tlo do do Calf and Seal Pkin Pumps. do List Socks with and without sole. do Curt do do do do Tan nt Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' tlo do do da Ladies' tanned India Eull-cr shots, (.'i-ntlemt lis' tlo I Ivw shoe. Wvh every other d.'i-T tptioii of Voota ami shoos. Fur Caps- 1. 1 every description. Triivc ll.ug Trunks ol every description. Vi neinm Travt IIiok R.-ip.. Patent (turn llU-ll. Shoe I Di. V inc. Bonnets of all kinds. Palm Leaf Hats. I'lliUd.'ljdlla, .Ntrveiljbir 13, I pi IV. If. CHRYSOLITE POLISH.' A N article unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable trnrl most brilliant polish to sil ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, llrill.inia ware, I in, -Steel, Cutlery, and for Testoiing the lustre on varnished carriages, Ate. THY IT. . Prepared ami sold at wholesale and retail, hy the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owcgo. Tioga enmity, N. Y. VM. FORSYTH, Anet.t for Nor.htim'd, II. B. M APSE It, Agent for Suubury. NovpniliPr Sttth. 1R43. KAT & S?.0THE," HJIOLESALE AND RETAIL EOOKPEL LERS AND STATIONERS, No. 122 Cliesnut Street, Lcluw 4tli, IMiilailorli Jikn, "Tf7"EEP ennstnntly on hand a general assort t'enl nf Books and Stationary ; comprising 'Tlieologirnl, Law. Medical, Classical. Miseellnne firs and School Books. Day Books, till sizes, Led eers, do., Family Bible, Pocket Bibles, Writing Papers, Wrapping Papers. Ac. -Ate, which they ol Iit nt the It west nice td'ounrry Merchant Pre fesniininl Chnllrrnrn, Teachers, and all other that may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia. Nirimber 13. 1812. ly. ilif Iiacl Wcavri' A: Son, TXrE MAKEHS & SHIP CILfiftELEKS 7.V. 1 3 Xirttt Water Slrret. i'liHtidi fjifnti. Tf3 A VE cotis'rmtly on hand, a gMierxl nrsort i Jj mi nt of Cordage, Peine T ines. Ac., viz t I ar'il Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Line for ('anal Boats'. Also, a complete assortment of St hie Tw ines, A c. such as Hemp PJ.ad and Herring 'Twine, Best Patent (Jill ."ni 'TvWtve, Cotton Pliad mid Herring Twii e, Shoe Threads, A c. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Litres, 1 1 alters. Trace. Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, A c. nil of which they will dispose of 011 reasonable lei m, Philade'phia. November 13, 1842. ly. JiMOlr I'l iv.ll. Ill ll & SOU. 1 EPPEC'l FI LLV inlorms th ir trinntls and - neqwain'rvirres gs irnJIy ihst they stifl cim- litiu.' lo keep at the old Maud, No. 2-fj N 01 ill 3d sire. I . Philadelphia, all mils nf TOUACCO HM.TF AM' SLf.'AFS. Which they w:ll of 11 n the n.j . utcou. modality and ress nu le teiuis. N. B. All o.U Mtkl w '1 he gnai vnteed undid- orders promptly Vtt.ii.lrJ lo. ' .' PhiU.h Ipln.i, Ni veint'ct 13, IM3. ly. IrETEP." COlfOTE?., Whulesalo and llctail Shoe, Bonnet, and l'ctlni l.tiaf Hat Warelionse. AVi. 60 Kitrth 2J tlrt tt. a few ilours uboi .ireh, l'ltilatleijdtiu. A LP) Tniiks, Carpet Bags tnd V aliccs, of ev. 'r.v desciiplion, all of whkh he olH-ia for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. J . v . ts w A 1 N , Umlirclla and Parasol jMani.faetnrer. A'n. J7 A'noA "2'httil ktrrrt. tnwi ronra btlnW tht Cit iii.trl, l'titadrptiin. C101'NTR Meiclmuts and oiben. are solichvd ) to examine his asnnti.it nl It-tore rureliaKing elsewhere Phna Vtj Ma. Noven.W 13. :42. ly. r vV A. novontT's ('liina.Hlass and Liverpool Warelionse. A' 104 Sitrth Third ftrrtl. tiird il'inr Worn Vint stmt, 1'liilinlt Ijihin. VX 'HERE they constalilly keep on hand a large " ' nsworl nit-ti t of China, (SUss and Liversml W are. whii htlti'V will dispose of oil UlC' niottt IC 1 Si. liable terms. Pbtl.nlelpbia. Nnvemlf r 13. 1NI2 ly. TlIl-OIMlA'S CVA Maiiiifaolurer and liiiiiter tf Sad dlory, Ilanlware, &c. Aii. 5 Smith Third trrrt.ftiur dm btk.iv Murl.i t I1;ilitdiljihiu. KEEP con-antly onli -nd a large and genera' assortm.ut Coach Lamp-, Carii.ige B inds, Axle Arms, Eliptu- Spnnus. Pali nt IatU'r. A c. Country Mercl, lints and saddles w ill l" supplied at all limes . n the most iea-nnaMr 1. mis. 'I I ev w ill find it to their Hilvaiituge to call ami examine hra assnilineut before pure hasuii! elsewhere. Philadelphia. Noveml tT 13, 1842. ly. U HVNHI.1 )S, M("iiu1aiY& co Wlmlosale Dealers in I-'ureiun Ilritisli arid AtiuMiean Iry (muhIs. A'n. 105 Murkrt utrert. J'ltihuh tjihia. ("OL'N'TIvY MtTihalits, and others can be eup J plied nl all times with an ext. nsive a-sort-ment of the .test and most fashionable Goods upon the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia. N'ovrml er 13. 1842. lv. LOWKlToTTlA HIION, Inijiortcrs and Dealers in Ftircign and Domestic llaidware, No. 171 Noiith 'Tiintn Ptiiht, Titn.int 1 1'iiu X f II El(l) their fi i. nds ami 1 utmcr w ill always ' find a larue and general a-s.n tnn lit of Foreign ami Doiuestic liaidwaie, winch they wills.JI at the Ittwesl prices. Philedelphia, November 13, 184?. ly. KsimnicK, iianskll & cosT WHOLESALE EZIY GOODS STOKE. No. Kit! 1-2 Market Slreet, l'liila. ( ttrlmt' Fifth Smith idr ) ALWAYS keep on hand a lull ami general as . rtnientol llo-tery. Lace, and Fancy (iotsls, t I'untry Meicliania are respectfully requested It tive ihem a call slid examine for thcm-vlves. PtrfU H Iphta. Noveuilwr 13, 1842. ly. SrEPvING, GOOD & CO. No. ih Market Street. lMiilatlelj.hia. SNVITE tlie attention of Country Merchant l.i their t-xteiisne ars.ir.uu nt ot llriti.h French and Amciicau Dry (Jo.hIs. which they ullrr foraule on die in .-t rea.i4.uhle ti mis. Philadelphia, Novemdwr 13, 1812. ly. ItlcCALLA 8c XirSRSB, No 31, N01 111 .H'oiul ktittt, (loiisia urcooMs'a mir.) Where they constantly keqi on hand fjeiitT d asitoritnent of CtOTIIS, C ASSIMEHES, VESTING S, And a lirei.t vurirly tfurticti nf a tuptrwr quality, which they oiler to dmptrse of upon the most reasonable l. rms. COFNTRV MERCHANTS and others wilt find il to iheii advantage to call and examine Hi. ir stock before purchasnng chew lie re. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1842 ly JCH1TO ?7CULCimTGS. WHOLrSALE f.IIOE, BOKi; t'up and Fi lm l-taf lint .,.! No. 10 South 4m Stsist. 'PHILADELPHIA, A ' HERE an C4tt...ive sixoiimeni nf il abme ' artit lt . aie c iiiHamly ,,.pt cm lW,d, lot tale at Ihe moat reasonahlri u imv May C't, I84i. ly, VINTSLtWt aAtSATyl or II ORE HOUND. A IN ttnpnrrlleletl remeily for common Colds, Couch. Asthma, lufhtenea. AVhnnnina- Coiiulu Bronchitis, and nil diseases of the Breast and Lungs, leading 10 consumption ; composed of the rnnrpn trsled virtue nf Hon honnd, B onset, Blood Root, . Liverwort and several other vegi table substances. Prepared only If J. AL Wiilu w, Rochester, New Yoik, The tnnocrnre and ttnlvPTtmllTfiirmiripfl perioral vhtiies of the Heihs from 'which the 1ialtam vj llintlimivil is made, are ton generally known to re quire rcr.immcn Vi.Mi ll is therefore only neressa. ry lo observe that ibis Medirine contains the whole ef their Medicinal pro) cities, highly ronrcn trsled, ed so hspjiilv combined wilh several other vpKe. table u1rs iiees. as to render il the most Btredy, mild and ctri. iii remedy, now in use, f.r the com. plaints shove mentioned. The Balsam TemfTvca all imfiammatinn and sure, ness of the Lungs, lotrseiia tough visid phlrgm. cn aiding 'the patient to expectorate wuhense and free sdiim, assuages cough, relieve athmntic and difli. cult respiraiirrn, rtiiiH he injured ports, ntiens the pores, and composes ihe disltirled nerves, and git?, strength lo the tetidci lungs, and thus produce ( speedy nml lasting cure. T?ri'Bt irvnK istiir nmtrtTrniaEtii Ma.- We are lint ntnoi ff that rlas of Editors who for a few dnllf will, (at the ix perse of truth and ho nc.y) "crack up" nn article and brinn it into rnpid sale j r.eilher ate we wiling to temain silent, after having trslrd the utility of an im rovement or dis rovery in sci. nee nr sit. Our readers will rcrollert we told them we were unwell w ilh a sore throat and violvnt cold some few wetks ago. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINS-LOW'S BALSAM OF lIOi:FHOI'NDkond so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had rold. Thiue who are afflicted, may try it ujon our recommendation. LcwUtim Ti lurrvph. For sale by HEN RY YOXTHEIMER, Smimri;, JACOB BRIUIIT, Nnrthuiiiltrrlawl. Also, Vy DrueeHs genenlly throughout tlie country, rj Price, SO cnt jarr atotlVe. Aut'Atst Utr., IS 12. ly. LI ST OF BC 0 11 sP fort sAtv. t A N'TliON'P ('lassieal Diciionnry; Lcmprirr do.; Aimwouh's tin ; Cobb's do.; English and (Seimaii 1 do.; Aub..i 'a Cnsnr; Anihon s (Jramtner; Aiilhen's Cfci"i; Mail's I. r.:in Ueatlt .; I pill y's do.; Ambi w's Latin Less, ns; D. tmig.in's Ixiron; Fisk's (ire. k Exercutrs; Ditv'ie.'s Lecemlei; (intern Mnj.rra; Adams' Roman Aii'liquiiies; Piunock's (i..tlsinith'a England; do. (ireece; LyelTs Eh mi nis ef (ii-oh-gy; Mis. Lincoln's Botanv; Ebmcntsi Botany: Bridtte's Algebr-; Porter's l.'brtnriral l!ra-ocr-; Em' rsmi's (ieogrnphy and History; Oh.ey's do.; Par'ty V .ki PniilhV (irammei: Kirkhiim's Jou KavV Retibr.--; ('ubl rln '('..'rib's Arilbntr-iitk; Pike's tl ..; Emi rsoii's do.; 0. 1 b's Ppilling Books; 'Tow n's do.; Cobb's 'Table Books; Enia'cliral Fa mily Libiary; Coitarr r.rolrs Family lo; ( -..ll .t. r al tlo.'; Pmali JJiS.lis. nml Test nnrnl-; PaiVei's Ex-erei-e on Composili.m; Fruit isf ihe Spirit; Bax't i's P int's lbs'; AiKruan Revolution; Manvait's No v. Is; Mrs Vl.elpn 1.11 Chemistn ; Ili.ul; C ite, bism of A mericsn Lawp ; I . filers mi Natural M asie; ( 'Ve-nii-lry (ot Betnincr-; Enuhsh Exercises adapted 10 M urrav's (.'rammer; P. ipit I to Coml.-v's Ppelhng B.aik; Ann rn an Cl.rss Book; DabnllV Schn..mas-It-i's As-r-lani; A ite.it variety of Blank Books, Ac. Augn-I 28, 18 12. ATTEXtfTIQN. .1 . SB 1 A i: V .1 O i: S , II Evl EP'TP tin attention of Ins eountiy fiiemls - who are 111 Want, to bis verv large slock of Oarprhtiss, Oil Cloths, Mattitigs, Rugs, Bindings, Plan Rods, Ac , Ac, that he has just opened, at his warehiHises, Nn. IS North 2d street, and No. 2 t'l.titvh Alley, licxt door to Christ Church, I'hila dctplna. Julv 31, 1812 ly. TArj.'.'L'RS' Oil, AND LEATHER. D. Kl 1! K PATRICK vV SON, An. 21. Am th Third ttrrtt, (hktwi.hm MAtiKrr ivn 1 iirsc-r kTnr.KTS,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for sale a larrje nnd excellent assortment of P'H;.-h 11. tit. I'atna Kiji. Tanner thU .r., nl the low. st nvirk.1 pTicr-., eiiht r for cash, ir exchange for Lrail.er, or upon credit. Coiisigtin.it tits of leather received for sale, Ot purchased at tls hitl.est maiket prtretr. fj7 Leather ioied f ree of 1 harge. April 17. 1815. lv. I''l.i;ilC8. RTt T HO are 'troubled w 11 h sick headache, pain in V y ihe rid. ',hre.isi and back, loss of ar;trtite, fi 1 tiih'iiry, lowne a irf spirits, palpitntien of the heart, lioniiiu or giddiness, sicktie at the stomach, bilious alV.-rtions, lig'itm-s at the chest, nausea, vomitiiit;, noise in the stomni h, flushings of Ileal, atsl chillt nrss, dise .s. s of ihe nerves, and oigans of digeti m, Ac, Ac, those who tnav he thus nllicted, should not lit Ve I to pr cure Dr. UnrlicJi Cutiipnuiiii Stnngllitn iii; Tmtie and Utrnitm Aperient t'ilh, wbi.h are w irrinlial to give immediate relief. Thou -an. Is do wo almost daily behold, w hose countenance-- am) pile emaciated cheeks hear occular ui'.ni.st.i i-i. kii.vs and alUiiiron. Could Itio e persons lie pirvnail. il to use this invalunhie mrdi rine, tiny woitU! so.m find their wesk and dehtlihi nd li.itnt-s shviiuhlenco, their miiw's cnnip -sed. and all pain, and distress driven from (ho system, when the body will attain renew i's Inst vigor, an. I I lit (.11 a new life," and death for a while 1h de I rived of iis prt y. What In at hut fiels glad to helm!.' t! eir in ar relatives and dear friends, snatchej asifl y inai'ir fr. m that fatal t'.est oyer Petit h ye w ho are laboring under disease let not another day or nuhl pass without procuring this mxdirinc, asit will in a majority tit eases effect a permntnnt cure, litmntibrr dilny arr dangemu 1 and if dien-e is iteulccted, its ravages will doubly in crease. (jTPrit.ei1r Oft'Ce for the Cnited Pt.it. s, N.v 10, NORTH El i I TTH street, where reccomineii la tin s ol I1.n11l1e.is of persons may !e seen, all of which have lnen ciirel or Unelii'ed t.y the mi drcine HENRY VOA' J HEIMER. Ocl. 80, 1842. Agent. I.ltcr Coinplaliil. rilHIP disease is discovered by a fixt d ohtu-e pain 1 in ihe right ai.'e umW the short ribs, attend. if with hen', uneasiness ahmrt he tiit of ihe stomach ih. re is in ih r'ltl side also a di-leiitinn ; (le pa ticnl lose nsapK liie, and l fcoine -ick and Ir-ubl-ed with vomit lift. The tongue im-c,,,,,, ,.yj.h and bl ark, thn c.iunti nanre cbaimes to a p!,, "ot cilron color, or yellow like liio-e allli. Ie.1 ;. ilice.ilillicu'iy of Itreallihig, dt'stmb-d re.t i.ttrn.le.l with a.lry cmnfA.dillicul.y of iy-m on lh u.tl aide, the body la-cmies we.;Btll,J ,i, v ,hedias. leiininat.s ittlo i.no.l-.,.rf, ,,. r;H ntlutu which In all pr. 'w,iv lfc.far iH.volla ,! Hwer )f hum in a ;., jtr. I ;ar I, c,, , om pu ml Slreni(th- mine ,,ml t.mnrrii A pern ut I'lllx. if 11. ki 11 al '.'ie cmiiicucciiienl uf this dim-use, wil ill ' '.,-rii it, sr.l ly roamiuii.g the use of the ine.liriiui a tew weeks, a perft-et cure will he pcrfoiuied. Tbousam's can testify lo this fact. Certificates 1 I many persons may daily l sc. n of the elite .cy i4 ilus invaluable ii.cJn nic. by apply, me at tlis M.Jk-u1 Olice. No. !, NORTH EICHTit slreet, philad. It his. HENKV VO.VTllFIMr.R. nft.S9J.l8p.. Aswt,