Arr.t 4sn. The statement of Alexander, in reference to the killing f Mr. Lougee, relets.! to owe of the jury since the trial, it, that "he went in to the office of Mr. Lougee, to get eome Wetttfn money changed j that after the exchange hiJ been f fleeted, Mr. Ti. suspected the note to be hi J; that dispute consequently ernes between them ; the He passed from both parties acroaa the coauter t the prisoner waa ordered to leave the office, but feeling hie dignity wounded, he refused; upon which Mr. L. came round the counter and waa about to aeiie him, when be clutched the dagger, made a paaa with it, and bow or where be struck him. or with what degree of force, he did not know, until after it waa June." PhiL Ledger. The reasons of Gov. PrwASn for dismissing Da vid Moulton from the office of Sheriff of Oneida co. re published in the Albany Journal. It aecma that Moulton went to Washington to demand of the President, by the authority of the Governor, a criminal tlren in the District of Cohimba; that while there, he agreed wuh the man not to arn at him, and to accure the discontinuance of the su t by the prosecutor; that he received for this $180. of which f80 waa lo be tetuined for payment of hi own expenses and the net to lie given lo tlie ecuior; and that on his return, ha demanded and received payment from the State Tre isury of hia expenses for duties which he had not only nt per formed, hut baigaUied.for a pecuniary consideration, not lo perform. Tome ri moni the Governor ihinka abundantly sufficient to justify Lis dismissal. .V. V. Tribune. LAwrsns iff Xiw Hampshire. The f (lowing raoluti,n h ive l-e-en adojrted by the Legislature of New Hampshire, in relation to the practice of law in that atae : 1. "Any person of good moral character on ap plication lo the Supreme Court, shall be admitted io practice as an Attorney. 2. "E'ery party in a cause, prosecution or suit, tnay appear, plead, pursue, or defend in hia proper fiorson, or by any citizen of good moral character." Fi:ri L Accident. On Thuraday night, the eloop Dart, of Urewater'a Creek, waa blown over being in ballast, on her bram cudj on the oyster tied, directly orT (his village, and partially fil ej. Tbe depth of watir did not admit of her sinking, and the next morning she wai seen from each shore. There were four hands on board, Ihree of whom were en deck at the time she went over, and one in the cabin. In the course of the ii'ghl the three left the wreck without an attempt to rescue their fellow sufferer in the cabin, and drifted, hav ing no oars, lo the shore, near Sparta. The next morning, persons from the shore discovering the wreck, and a man on the vessel, ljls and oarsmen from this place, and also from t'ie Rockland land ing, put ufT to bring him to shore, and thus the poor man was restored providentially to his anxious friends in that county .What an anxious night he must have passed in that cabin, holding himself to the upper side, and out of the water ! And how must his companions reel who left him in that eriloua position to perish T The Dart is one of the fastest sailing vessels on the Kiver, and carried usually a heavy press of s.iil Vetcheler Herald. Tlie CrojiiiliiB System lu France. According to the Parisian journals, it aipears the wholesale dcnleia in human hsir have had a most successful harvest this year, not lea than 200,000 llis. weight hsving been procured, liri tiny is the province of France, in which the traf fic ia mostly carried on, and all the faira see regu larly attended by purchasers, bolh male and fern Jc. The Urrtnn peasants have particularly fine hair, and generally in great abundance ; their beautiful tres es they are perfectly willing lo e. II, and it i no ii common siht to see several girls bhear.d one after the other like sheep, and many others stand ing ready for the shears, wild their caps in tlreir hands, and their long hair combed out and hanging down their waists. Every successive crop cf hair is tied up into a whi-p by itself, and thrown into a large basket, placed by the side of the operator. The highest vlue giv. n ly these abominable mer. chants f. r a fine crop of hair, is 20 sous! bul the more frequent consideration ia a gaudy, but (rum p ry cotton handkerchief worth ahoat 16 sous! The profits thus netted by these hair-mongers must be tuoiuious. London paper. Foreign Ilcius. French Comedians. The number of Come dians in Pr-ince is estimated st ten thousand. Begqari.-'h is estimated that Europe contains more beggars than the population of the United H'stce, while and colored. The average number of this class is a trifle more than ten per cent of the whole population of the Continent. In Holland it is fourteen per cent in Denmark five per cent ; in England ten per cent. Tlie Sitter of Bums Mrs. Bagg, a sister of the poet Hums, waa recently found to he in a for. lorn and destitute condition. A few admirers of the poet commence. I a subscription for her relief, which bat amounted to a sum sufficient to pro. ide comfortable uUi'.ei c during the remainder of her life. Goethe. The German Diet haa taken lh Kso lulion to boy the house of ihe poet Ooethe n 1 to pres rve it aa a public and national monument. Playing Card: Fanner, a French Canadian missionary, asserts that it ia not uncommon at Montreal, lo p!sy at raids, during Lent, for prsyers, which, the loser baa to repeal for the benefit of the winner. London Gljbe. Thb Jtwa or New Yobk. The Jewa in New York are said to be ten thousand in num ber. They have six synagogues. Their Be- ticvolent Society has, in the last year, collected ooist 5,00(1 and expended about 4,(100 doll a rs, The kgal litt'ililuc Ihey still lie under in some countries of Kurope, awd tlsa strong prejudices thry fhero have t eneouhter, are, it isaaid,drt thin LMiih tobitk relate Tht Chines, The recent expedition of the British to China will no doubt prove serviceable, in pouring a loodsf light upon the habite and manners of that, in some measure, hitherto mysterious peo ple. One or two works have already appeared from the pens of British officers, which possess no little interest. Utterly wronjj and outra geous as many regard the general features of tho war, it will nevertheless he a gratifying re sult in a Christian, commercial and civilized point of view. The French poet, Lamartine, speaks ofthe expedition as likely to open the gates of a vast world, containing many millions of human beings, to the eyes of other and more social portions ofthe family of man. We have heard other distinguished sources express simi lar views; and look forward in connexion with this subject to still more mighty consequences. While we are willing to anticipnte the best in all such cases, we cannot recognise the doctrine as sound, that crime and outrago are suitable means to attempt the remote accomplishment of good. We annex an extract from a work on China, recently published in England by a Captain Bingham: Boxtnn Alia. ", or Child ofthe Ocean, is one ofthe most extensive rivers in the world, sec ond only to the Mississippi and Amazon. It takes its rise in Thibet, and ere reaching the sea passes over an extent ot y,tn miles ot country in its circuitous route, relieving the Lakes Tongting and Poyang of their superflu ous waters. When passing Nankin it runs with a continual ebb, and with such force as to re quire a strong breeze to sail ngninst it. In its t'ownward courso numerous islands are formed, which are constantly increasing from the quan tity of soil suspended in its wators. The Con way had been employed in surveying the mouths of this mighty river, and her indefati gable captain succeeded in discovering a pas sage by which line of battle ships might be con ducted through the sands which guard its en trance. The Conway did not proceed above sixty miles up, ano even then the ebb was found to run eight hours and the flixd at neap tides was scarcely perceptible. 'The appearance ofthe ship crpnted a great sensation ; and the natives were apparently busy throwing up fortifications, which, being examined by the telescope, proved nothing but mats extended on poles, with painted ports, to give them the appearance of forts ; these poor ignorant people not having the least idea that their real character could be so easily dis tinguished. During the time the dispute was going on between the late Lord Napier and the Chinese authorities, our countrymen at Canton were one morning astonished at seeing the shore apparently bristling with a hundred cannon ; but on examining them with their glasses, they had up in the front of a mat fort a range of earthen j:irs, with their open ends pointed toward the river. We found that it was a constant practice to stick a large round piece of wood into the muzzle ofa thrcc-pound-er, painted white, with a black spot as large as the bore of a thirty-two pounder, and as the white muzzle was continued along t!ic line of guns, it became very ditlicull, by merely look ing at them, to discover the deception." .W .1 R H M K V , On the 29th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Heikairesser, Mr. Inarm Allisos io Miss Elicabktsi Tkp lis, li. tli of Coal township. On the S I ult.. by the Rev. D. Grins, Mr. Jonas Shi it to Mis M o is it Daif.l, both of Turbut. On the 17th ult., ly the same, Mr. Aimii Ntsaiss to Miss Lillia Smith, both of Derry township, Columbia co. By the same, on the 17th ult., Mr. Samiii. Lil i t In Sim A Aihi, both of Tintiul. On the 1st inst., by ihe same, Mr. Wai.McWit. LiiMa to Mit-a FassT Ksauss, both of Chiliscjua qur. On the 27ih ult , by ihe R v. John riowrn, Mi. Cn, A R tVS SlKARKR to Mis Mim Allxaxuiu, both of t'hil squaque. On the 27th ult., by the Rev. D. M. Ilnllid .y, Pacl liiinr. Esq... to Misijist KiTcnts, daugh ter of Wm. Knclien. f!q., of Danville. In Danville, on the 2t I ult., bv Wm. K'trhen, E-q , Mr, Johi Ammsmmos, lo Miss Sasuh Mow bp a, of ihe s n e p!ace. In Cattawisss on tlie 221 ult.. by El'S ft. Hay. hursl, Esq., Mr. J. K. SiuapLtss, to MissMabi M a a o a a T Hasoku, of ihe fame plire. In Madison Columbia Co , on ihe I2ih ult., bv Elder John t-'uitou, Mr. is Heshi, lo Misa MAasAur.r Piatt. In Rush township, on ihe I2ih uli , by ihe Rev. J. D. Jones, Mr. Johs Adams, to Miss Lui issa YisTisE, ofthe same place. DILI), On the 7th ult., at the residence of her father, Mr It. Hirklev. in Clnlisqu nu townsh p, Mrs. PIICEUE PERKY, wife f Mr. David Terry, of Liliety town-hip, Columbia county. In I uiliut township, on the 29th ul'., Mr. WILLIAM M.XGLEY. Age not known. In Milton, on the 23th uli. Mrs. A II EL consort of Mr. A 11. al an sdvanc d ge. In Tuibul township, rn the 6ih uli., Mr. WM. WELCH, aetd a!mt 60 years. Abraham Ilunkrlbergcr's Estate. NO I ICE is hereby given tn nil those indebted t the rstaia of Abraham Duukelhergi-r, dee'd, late of Coal lownhi, Northumheilsnd eoun y, by notes due, or book sceount, in ell and make pay ment on or lfore Ihe Iltltd iy of February next, at ihe house of tlie deceased. All those having claims on said rstnte. are requested to present them, well authenticated, f r ettlrment. SUSANNA DL'NKEI.BERGER, Jan. 7lb, 1843. 5t Adiinitrulrix. i:jtate or Jacob .llalU li, lctM. laVTOTlCE ia hereby gix-en ls all ihose indebli d to the estate of Jacob Milich, dec' J., late of Augusta township, Northumberland countv, ly noses due, or hook accamnt, in call and make u iy merit nn Taidav,the ITih of Jatiuaiy next, at the house of tba dereawd. AM those having clam'-, on said estate, ate reqijxssrd in pieMiot thri; 0i, i,e same dsy, well auiheiittcatid, lor aetileire '. 1'EI ER V.M ICJI, JOH-N .MALKH. Dec. 3It, 1843.-31, Admr. PRICE CURRENT. Corrtft-ed weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer. War. at, - - 60 Rts, . 50 Coma, 4 (1 Oats, - - ' - .2:1 Pobk, ------ ft Flaiskko, ... - 100 HvTTsa, . . .12 Bskswit, 25 Tailow, - ... 2J Dnimi Arrir.n, 75 Do. PSACHKS, 200 Fut, ... -8 HacKLtn Flax, 10 Eas, ...... a) BANKRUPTCY OF HENRY YOXTHEI1MEII. IOTK'E is hereby given, that on the 22d dny of Siqitembrr la -t, the undersigned was ap pointed b? (he District Court ,f the I'niteil States, (or the We-tem District of Pennsylvania, as"!?!!. of Hsvtrt Yi'XTHT.twitn, decreed by Ihe wrt a Dstikrupt. pursuant to the act of Congress paaed August 19th, 1H41, and that said assignee has en tered upon his duties aa aurh, of which all concern ed in any manner whatever will plea-e tn take no tice. CHARLES PLEASANTS, Dec. 3 l.t, 1812. 3i A.itt'znrf. HAVE taken my son Win. I. Greenounh, in to partner-hiii in the practice of tl.e law, in the countv of Northumberland. He will be const nits Iv in httendanee at my office, in the borough of ounnury, rertdy to transact si'ch business as may be entrusted In our care. Merchanta and others may rely upon hi vigilance and fidelitv in the col lection of ra -n y. E. ORE ENOUGH. Punbu-y, Dec 31st, 1842. 6t FAMITERSHIF. flHE Subscribers have entered into partnership JL in Ihe practice of law, in tho several courta of Ihe county of iorthumhriland, anil slate of Penn sylvania. Their office is the ime that haa hither. to ftien nccupiid by E. G eenoneh, in the borough ofSunl ury. E. GREF.NOI JGII. W.I.GREENOUGII. Su bury, Dec. 31st, 1842. St riHE public nrn hereby not fied, th it toe sub JL scrilieis pilrcha-ej of William and J icoti I'lp, of ih' b nous'i of Northumberland, en the 20! I, dny of December inst., two MARES, the one bay and ti e o'hir black. Take notice, that we have loaned Ihe above pro perly to ihe said Wm. mid Jacob L'lp, to bo deli, vered lo uj al any time when called for. WM. Mi CAY. UKAITTIGAM At WATLES. Northutnlcrland, Dec. 31st, 1842. Last Notice, ALL those who are indebted to the subscriber, are requested to call and make settlement, on or before the 10th day of January uexl, by paying up or giving their notes or due bills, as he is in want of cash, and determined to have his accounta settled. The accounts of s'l those refusing to com ply with this request, will be left in the hands of a in .gistnte for col'ection, without respect toper sons. Don't I deceived. Dec. 24. 1842 3t JOHN YOUNG. LIST OF CAUSES. T7OK trial in ihe Court of Common Pleas of Nor- thum'-erland Countv, to be held at SunUiry, on the first Monday of Jan. next, being the 2d. Joseph Trego Vst'-s iV Melntyre fieorge Armstrong Maitin Weaver Hullihen V Elsten Coru'th fit A Jordan Msine Uit J Uowrnan v Manin A Kt.wlc vs Edward Y llriuht va The Sharnnkiu Coal co vs Daniel Heck vs John Miller va Geo W Kithl tt al vs fsme Same for Wm Depen & Co vs Same Robert iley Sc Wife vs tteoree Snyder a adnrs John Nlieiilf va John Haas Jnhn McCahe M .ry Weeks Charles D Wharton Henry Huff E G Ilradford'a adinrs Purs I iV Pfouts A W Johnson it al It.iht D Ciiminings Thomas U iggs et al J are. I Irvine Win A L'nyd Cooper ci Snyder Ahiaham Soarick A lirsh nn'a ei'is John Mu ry Jic.ib Klu.e (!eu C Welker J. hn S Manx Thos S llonham Jno R Kettbr. Theodo s Uerk las ic K"ns & Co George Hilt Wdliam T lloyd D miel Rouilaimel Win Mon'rliua tt al Jacob tshiti Same vs John M. inches J vs Pyeily cV Haas vs Jobn Smith vs Christopher Campbell va Charles A Ilradford va Frederick Unkeuliine vs Jno C Iloyd et al vs Henjirnin Mathews vs Rols rt MeKeo vs Artmau & Knorr va Martin A Stork va Seashobx At Bergeircsjier vs Jno & 11 M Davison vs John Pain'er vs Je-se liaslian vs Joseph Yankirk vs Jacob Gas vs S.ilomon Eshhiuch va Caroline Noursa va John Murrny vs T & T G Aidihridge s Reuben Facely Ac Co vs George Hill's ex'rs vs O P Piiier vs Daniel Zcrhe it al va Wm II Miller va Jno Stout At II Fi ck vs Johh Stout Bergstresssr At Campbell va T At T G Ashbridga Coin til of Pa S.imo Sams S 1 me Jno M Houel va Meinli'g W rollock vs Henry Fri'k va Fleming W Pollock va Henry Fiick vs Jacob Dee' va Mrs M Scott va Enoch I lower's e-t1o va Amhew Forsvthe vs Charles ("raig vs 6ama tt r i 1 in in Mathews Susannah Mower Thoa Weaidi Jno I) Miller Kase & Herpslre a-r Ftach. as-lijine of Ar lin'd va Hugh M Dii-on M M Ege's a-signee vs S imK SAMUEL D JORDXN. Prolhonotuy's Office, Proth'tj Sunbury, Dee. 17, 1842. i:tate of Ororge vValts, i:sq. "laVTO'TICE is hereby given, lhat letters nf admin- ilj isira inn on Ibe eatate of (L oige Walls, Emj , I le of the borough of Northumberland, hive leeu ! ranted to the subscrilsrr, tesidiog ill Sunbuiy Persons indebted lo said esta'e are rerjuested lo msk immediate payment, and those having el urns against Ihe es'aia are ri quested lo present them tor i lamination and selilemeut FREDERICK LAZARl'S. Sunbury, Dec. 14. 1842 fil 12 Daulfl rurmait,n lklic. NOTICE is be.ebv give,,. KegtOer ,4 this county bj, this ay giaMed letiors of ad nitiiistiaiii". up .n '.'. e estate .i D.snel Fwrman, late of 'oainos,, township, dot'd., to the snbscrihiv. All ' . csoii. b.iMng diiHands against lbs estate, are n quested Vfl prt s.wt r1itm, Slid those who see in di4ttd, tn pay hcir resciive accounts In tlie sub scril er, who r aides in Hlismokio lownsbtp ri AM I'LL rUJt.MAsN. Public Notice, fpAKE NO I ICE, that on the 20. h d..y of De JL comla-r, IS42, we pU'clmsed, at Cotist ihlo'a s ile, hc, tiy Edward G. con-tablo for the bo rmtch of Sunbury, die following j.r.icrty of Joseph Marts, In wit : 4 Chairs. f 0 25 I Durniu, I 00 1 Coiner Cupboard, 2 77 I Drown Mars, 4D 00 1 Hth.T, 0 8 1 Hav Mure, 3r lift 1 II niter, 0 51 1 a.xk. 6 1G Ilushcla Corn, at 43 rts. ier bu. 6 84 f f) t 8S The sibl e will therefore take notice, thai we have luaind the above imnistl nrtieles to Jnvjih Martr, nf Augusta township, Nortliuinbeil 11. 1 comi ty, aa purchased by us at cotisinble's tule, and that they ure held l y him in rat older nntr. IRA T. CLE Ml : NT, JACOU MAKIZ. Snnliv. Dc. 24, 1842. 1)1. ii. II. UliMT, OFFERS his professional seivics, to the eilir.ens of Sunl urv, and vicinity. Cilice nexi disirto the residenc" of Revd. R. A. Fisher, where he 111 iy be found, Ui.b'ss engagad in discliargiog the duties of hia profession. Oct sjth, 1812. if. S All' L I R L' C li 13 TI 1 L la i: 11 , HATTER, TERY RESPECTFULLY lea- leave to in ' firm his eu-tomeia and Ihe public generally. that he still continues the IIATTINO BUSINESS, in all its various brandies, in the shop, nea1v op posile the Buck 'Tavern, formerly nccupi d by Henrv 1 1 sis and hunsi If. under the firm ot Itaaa Ac Druckemiller, whith firm hia been mulually dir. solved. He hop.-a. by his long experience in the above business, and strict attention therein, lo ren der ceoeral a itisf iction, and receive a libel il abate of public patronage. Sunburv, Odotier I.Slh, 1812. Bm. UNIOjN hotel, (General Stage OJif,) 3JT TKJ TW CTZ: "W t JaYCOlMINQ COUNTY, l'tiiiisylvaiila. rjlIIE Snb criber respectfully informs hia friend X and the public in general, that he haa tjken the abova LARGE ASD COMMODIOUS HOTEL. IN T II E DOIUJ UG IIOF M U N C Y, and that be is now well prepared tn accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. His SLEkrtao Asastknts are well aired, and comfortable. Hia Tablk avii Bar will always lie supplied with the nest the market can anoril. His Sta ar.1 so, which ia enod. will be under the charge of good and careful hostlers. He frela confident, by strict attention to I u-ines and an earnest desire to render c niforlable tho wlio may patronize him.ihat he will not fiil tngive general satista.-tion. II. U. WEAVER Muncy. Oct. 1st, 1812. tf. A CARD. I. J. v . I'eal begs leave lo temler his grate I'ul atkiiowlcilgiiients to the iieople of SunbU'V and siimiumling country, foi lhii past encourHge- ment tn the line of his profession ; and wnuM at the same time announce tn them, th it he still in temls to continue Ihe practice ot medicine 111 s II Us various di partmcnta. He would, therefore, solicit a couiinounce nf their confidence and patronase He may be found at all tunes at hia office, in mar. ket street, unless professional! v eng iged. Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1842. tf. A CARD. Dr. I. T. TlitOS, Respectfully informs the citixena of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has 'a- ken an ollire in the building lately occupied by I'ete Laz irus as a drug store, in market street, Su bury where he may lie f.und at all houts, unless profes stotiullv eniiaed. Dlt. Tlil TKS returns his sincere thanks for 'he encouiageinent he has icc iveil, in Ihe line of hi protvssion, in this place, and trusts, by prompt a' lent on tn the duties of hia protesaion, and rea-oti able cbaigea, that he will conunuu to receive . liberal -hare of the public patronage. Sunbury, Oct. 1st, IMS. if. r ifoTOfi It A I'll I c "Vo TI C'K M. P. SIMONS, sYo. 173 Chef nut Strret, ilh Story, rHlLADELTIIIA. flWANI FACTI l!EU of DAUUF.IIRF.O- if H TYPE APPARATUS. Surgical an 1 Mi instiire Caoes, linpoitcr of F'eneh CbeniK-als anil (I. . utile vpr pistes for the Daguenenlt pe, adopis this method of iiifonning ihe ritU"iis of Northern Penusv Ivani i. t'lal he c inn 1.11 ihe abova nnsini ss exti nsively, in all us various branches. Persons desirous of obtaining any ot 1 tie above ailie'es, can be promptly aupphed, 011 the lowest terms, for ca-h. All letters (pt paid,) will receive immediate a'tetition. Mh.G R LILI.EKRTDGE. r.ow travelling in the Northern pirt of the Sta'e, will promptly at tend 10 nil orders, give lid es-srv iiifiriiiaiiuli and I'liotoiir .pine instruc:ions n nv person on appli ratim to him. Aucu-t 6th. 1812 On DM. J. N. SUMNKK, SURGEON DENTIST. 11 I SPEC I FI TLY n. forms the pub ic that br It made N"iihuiiiheniiiid bis piini',,,, plsce ot nee, ami is ie iy io at'iii.'. u c ,11- in ibe Ime of hi- rul'csei m. July 2, 1812. Itv. any cr ins own hook. I J Fli'ECTr l LLY irifoim. hi. friend- and ibe iuldtc generally, fhat be has lomrneisrid the Tniloi'iiig Itusiiicss. in all its taaircbea, in the bmj-e fomsisrly occupied liy Wm. Durst as a 1'aitor Sboi, in UlmkbiHry street, tsrartv opposilo the Pr.vbyteriaa Church, He ri-SviHrlly soln-sts s shsre irf itie public fi.iron age, and Irusta tsy slriii anentmn Hi hnsioesa vnfl reasonable t'ba'gve, lie wiH be enuUed to give ge,s TTal satrslactioii, Sunbuiy, Jurra 18th, 184C ly Knah aiippf titsSia OINTMENT, re. . ,vJ and U. li. UAwCEH, Nov. 10th, 1813, fit SI:;ls Jttiili'cv? THE rniLinELrnii, heidixc and m tstille HAIL ROAD. AN EXTRA ACCOMMODATION LINE Will eimimr.nrr running bt tireen Philadrljih.'a xa I'wtnur on the Julluwing day eivtl trfim; On akb astks Mosimt, Mat 9. 1842. Leaving I'ntuvillf, on Momlnys, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. M. Leaving rmladeipltin, on Tue-dsys. I bun.1iry and Saturdays, at UP. M. Hours nf pnfr Rending. For Phil i.lelpl ta, at In . M. 'Tii-weekry, for Putlsville, at T)J P. M. F.t a i: s. IMween roililb .V. Pli lad. f ,fin A- J2,ol lletween Reading At d . 2.25 Ac l,7.r lletween ilo Ac Pot'avi'le. 1.4(1 Ac 100 EicL-asm TirsrTs onna oa sa.tihsiso skxt hat. lletween Pottsvill, tc I'liiladelidiia, f 5 00 ft ttveen R ai! iig Ac do. a DO Dtfiween do. &. PiStsvilb', 2 00 The other passenger trsins will na lfore, at ihe follou ii p h nrs : rhiladr.liiliia and Pot t vi l.'e . From Pliilailelpl. i, at firjA.M. f Fr..m I'ott-vitlfl, t 2 P. M. S Iljuri of patting Re.idmi. For Pottsvilie, at 9 A. M. ) For Philadelphia, at 3J P. M. $ Dai'y Datty. All the trains will slop for way passengcra at the usual p. its. (TJ All paasengers lire reqitested to procrjre then tickets before tbe trains start. May 21, 1842. if. To Country MERCHANTS. THE Sulisi rilier, Agent of Lyon Ac Harris, Hat ii turers. for Nw York, Phil 'delphia, I!iilt iriore slid -jilier laree lilies, "xlosi! Huts are hiuhly cominr.nded I ir sjoon dlt and durability. has o i I. and a Or-t r ite lAWilin 'i.t of HA I d anil CAPS, suita'-le for StiTing site., wh cli will l e sold vi ry lnw, foi cav'i or sppioveil credit, at the nrted cheap xtore, ,V. 40, ISoitn I h rd s'r'.'rt, oppjsl- the iJily 11-'tel. riots lelptna. Kl)in:HT D. WILKINSON. Afent, N. H. Hals m iberuriv prnmitly attend-' .1 m. Tb liighest i rice in cuih -it trade given Fur thin. PlMlailelphi.i, June 11, t S 12 --ly VI. I. peisi na inibbied to t'ie firm of Lvon t ILi'rs, under t-e ag-ncy ft. N Thacher, Hit and Cap M'imifiicturert,?- 40 North Third, strel. Phil ub Ipha, are requested In make I mined I ate aeitlement of 'h ir ai coi.nts iih the suiiscriber. tin ir legally au'borized hgcnt.whit is fully mfiow cled to selllc and rolb-cl it e nccounts nfsaid firm. ROUERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1842. If Agent, WAR HA TED SUPERIOR TO A.VF O Til Ell . A EA R S I'M B UR Y. .1 OHN& HENRV UNO C. h iving reme.1 ihe I. tine Kdn- of lletnv Masar, in 'ui binv have now fur sale il e ls Lime in fiis p ri nf ite eountiy, and w ill c 1 1 " u lo keep rone' n''y on band fres'i Lime f... Pl irteiing, Dili ilon? sihI lor Liming land, on as reaenuaMe terms as can la had Hiivwherein ibe iieiuhboiliOial. May 21, 1842. J. Ac H. L M AU. EAGLE ET ET 43 "JST JSH "EUa. a Cormr of Th rd and Vine Stnett, WILIsIAMSrOHT, PA. IHE subiscriber r spectfully announces title . public, that he h s opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the corner of I bird snd Pine streets, where he will lie fmppy to wait upon thise who may favor him wit their company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni ent, snd furnished in tlie lct modem slle. It is . provided with a large number of well aired and Comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private ( arlors, etc. Persona visiting Williamsioft on bu siness or plea-ure, may re.t aa-ur, d that evrry ex ertion will be used to tender their sijou'ri at the "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. Hia Table will be supplied with the very beat the market af fords, and his bar with 'he c I nicest wines and other liiiiors charges reasonable. The Faille Hotel possesses greater advantages in point of location than any other simitar establishment in ihe borough, being situate in the business part ofthe town, and within a convenient distance of the Court House aud Williaumporl and L'lmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good aud trusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants have lieen rmplnvcd, and nothing left undone thai will add lo the comfoit and accommodation of b'.s guests. There will lie a carriage always in al tends nee at the lloat Landing to convey passenger to and f,om the House, free of chars. ciiarles nnnr.ows. Miv 14th. 1842. VlfC. HSILlrCAlT & CO., t'omnussion & rirvarilin; Mcrciiauts, Fool of W,llw Stmt Rail Ioadx vii th k iniwui;, TTAVIXG sssocitel wi h ib.,.n Joseph Itarnet, ajieof Enstoti. P i., r. t, ei '.inlly in' .im their (rieiid- and the public pe- er.i",v, ill it they have ta ken'.'nt laree and w, I .,.,, store and wh irtst f .. i f Will .w Si'.rl ',a ,ad, (stdv ,unpie. y Jacob Martin, u,c thev U ase d. im a ti'eioral Ci-nm i-se'.i .,, For ndn g Ita-ioe..-. an I f oin he I h-' , n''., .f be pi ice iing cai ii.-cu J wii1. .11 iba public improvemeiiis tSat have their ui m in the ri'v, tl Hit'i r ibeuisi tees ihey dill .' nb 1 1 do tsisnress to as grv it not g ea'.tf ad- vantage, and u-pcui as re is irablc teimsas soy other I h use, and ihev kuie their le. nd Ibat anv con I s i MU IMs made lo lb. m sba I b aVc stru t at ! tendon, atd if ui.mis iiid to bivo entile satis- l.ic xan. Tli' y areata i prepai.d lo n-oive ai d forward g..sls 'o sny pnui' on the Dilas and'll rivers, I'ltsY. u Maocfi 'I Ui.W. l't-ion avid Tlnla 't his, via Delaware livi-i H ai..' 1 -ehi h "an I-; al i. tn anv point ibe Jon'-ts hvh, or vr b and U'sl ll anchfsrtl ibr Nii-f,n- ti.rvna via KebtryL kill eiij Union, or Ttm Cm ap i.lie and Ti.le Walei C on s. For the arooim idatiixi of Bata coming r go. log via 4'hulill and Unn trials, a te mboat t!l ti kpt ripresslv 1"r toamg boats from ihe ttchirvo.rl uriMi d Mhe lel waieaud back, which will en We no n bai ts ia have iheu pimloce sleli ved on rtsi- lie aw 'se. anil their g l- xti. d at sawing o ' 1oT5 er eei.c o the j.-ica f.r h -oli i - tt,h ihisi' sd-si.lg.a thry re iillul'y ao.uil slmn of i ir na e ' - le II r II (I W HEILMAN A William lLilinan, U''SSU VA . .', usspb Cstlitt. ;ylaJ,uil842-, U. S. Mail Coach FOR POTTS VI M-K. STICK TO TUB KI All. COACH! THE Mail Coacb for Pottsvilie leavea Norlhiim berland every morning al 9 o'clock, and arrives in Pottsvilie in tba evening. Fans aalow as any other fine. For seats, apply at Mrs. Withinfritm's Hotel, Northumberland, or afGeorge Vcit::el e,s?t'nbury. A. E. hAPP&CO.. Norihd.,May2l,1843. Proprirtors. ri'jT Paasengers coming from Philadelphia will tlsis, secure their seats at the Whito Swan Hotel, Race tt., before they leave The city. Tasseiigera enminp in this line,have their seata aecurrd in si.y Htageir racket tmat Trom this place. 1 hose cotnir J in the H her line may lie left behind. CLYBE 8c WIZaLIAiyiS ItlanU Hook Mamiftirtory, Oppogilc Prinre't Hotel, 1IARR1SBURG. THEY ar prepared to manufacture b!vk wo k of every oWription, ruled to any pattern, stir h as Iimkels KecordJi, Uty Uooka. I.edaers, Aaiei s r. mi J Collectors' Duplicatca of the finest qaali ry nf srer, tn a stylK rrjual to any made in the Ci lies of I'luladelpbia r New Ymk. All d.seripiiiwa of binding neatly fxecutil. Kc-ip n.ks, Albums and Poilfolioa made looiii- r. La v Dooks, M'Mic and Period cuts bound to ar.y putterr. Old Tkfuki rebound, Jcc. Also C'mm tf papers hound. fX Work Uft al ibe olTice ofthe Sunbury Ame rican, will be romptlv alteudtd to. M ny 21sl. 1842. ly. (Golden swan No. C9 North Third, abnvr Arch Street. rilllDELPIIIA. ACCOMMODATIONS FOfc SEVENTY TERSONa. CHARLES WEISS, late nl the "White Rwaa." and "Mount Yarnon House," respectfully in 'forms his friends and customers, that he I as lit coma the proprietor ofthe abovs well known Hotel. Country Merchanta will fnd the above Hotel a central location, and the best of fare. Persona tra ' ellmg with will find a Img vard and gooil stabling foi horses, ar.d tbe best ef nstlets. Hoarding $1 perdav. May 14th, 1842. if. J. IVIAVLAND, JR. & CO. Snufl' and Tobacco Mnnulaclurers, No. HO North W'eit corner ef Race and Third Strerlx PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned have formed Co-pnrtneralilp under the firm of J, MAYLAND Jh. Jc Co., aa successors to the late firm of Jacub .Maylund A Co., and will continue the btisme-a at th old esls blishment, on their own accm-nt. In nililiticn to their own close attention and experience foi many vests, in the manufacture of tl.etr refebrirted snofT , &c the long experience of the senior of tl late firm, will also be devoted lo tbe interest of tha new concern aud aa no eieition andcaie will la spareil to insure their gmsls, at all tun. 01 the vo ry lst quality, they solicit a Contii ui re nf tl.ri confidence of tba fi ends and riistimier- nl tho lata firm. THOMAs A DA Mil, J. MAYLAND, 2av. Philadelphia, May 1 4th, I84t. ly MERCHANTS HOUSE, .Vo. 237, North Third, above Cvtloi m A 1 rilllADELPlIlA. THE sublet ibera takes in ao,ua".ntis(r. their friends and the publ ic ',n Ceneral, that they have taken tbe large and commsJioua Hold, recently built by the Messrs. H .rt.or-i the same sit once occupied by the old established. Hold known aa the Bull's Head, in Third atteet abova Callows hill al. Thie Hotel ia finished hi the very best possibla manner, and of the best matericle. Its location ia very desirable, particul arly for country merchants j the arrangements for heating and ventilating rach room is such as tn secure any temperature. Tha bedrooms are all light and airv. all furnished in a neat style, so its to in ure vomfott. Tbe receiving p,lors sre also furnished in a . u perb style, the wir.Jow, ara on the French s'vla. forming an enf.ance to a balcony in front, wbiih mukes, a plea sant recess. Particular attention hsa lieen given to Ilia beds and bi dding, which, with iht) furniture, are entirely new. from yr-a's experience in hotel business, wa 'us,, by strict assiduity tc businesa, lo make tbia house a desirable stopping place. Our table wilt uiwjys be supplied with tha very best our market ci,n atTord, and our bar with the beat liquota and wines of the most approved brands. P. 8. Thero are fir.l rate stabling wrdcarr ags houses attached to the hotel, attended by catafut and snlr hosilers, and our charges will bs low, in, accordance with tba present hard times 8HULTZ &. DERR Philadelphia, April 16, 1843. SUSQUEHAN NA HOTEL, CATTAWISSA, COLtTMBZafa. OOv PENNSYLVANIA. THE subscriber respectfully informs the put Ho lhat he baa purchased, and uow octupit tbe and ',mss Cmmodiout iS!iilaTnveri.aVant1. Well knows as tba property, lata of TheoJsSa Wilis, aud formerly kept by bamr l A. Lrady. He is now prepared t accouim o.late aC traveller aud visiteia who may favor hiri with a "a,, and wdl use iveiy efl'ort in hia power to rcnoVr rierv rtfiivenience and comfort to hia customrrs, whiU under hia charge. Ilia aivorr.niodationa are ampli , and hia roiana weB furnisbod. His a'.ablss ixteii ive and in good condition. ITs Tsatt and Has will be turipliij with ttis lasst that the market can ufforJ. lly ui cluutilv and attention, he feels ccnAdm that he will mailt tbe patronage of tbe public. CH VRsVEs HARTMAN- Cattawiiwa, Apail Uih, 1812. HOltKUT CAIITKU & O.V, rAFBR MAJfUrArTUBEJlf, lumbar lr, wultimore, HAVE onsiaiiilv for . Printing Paper of al' sites and qualitie-. Cap Wtiiing Paper, iu. d and plain, Letter l'-l". white and Hue, ruled and plain, Hsngn g isiier, fine and common EnnJ. s Pfer, do. i; medium, doub'a cowji, l t. wti era stirs sixe ' W ippiug Paars,i;uloiti Sodium and R.aya ltM". Uonnit, Hinders' h( .! t.isw ltog Be-da, Tissua Paier, and all artiel.s in Uartui. , .nich they nl aeH on i ce. ro w ii.g jum, ILgbast pi4gevfQ (,lt old rass. RUCEJUr C4KIXR tV &OX. M-rcUlll842. tJiioivW in tie United States, 4 fi