Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 10, 1842, Image 2

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1 1"I fj Kli. '
-ML. I ,, HiW
The lift hour el which we receive J the Message,
Slid in great length, prevent us from plscing it be
fore oct renJom entire thi wnefc, bill we givo be
low a svnnpsis of it, with copious extract upon tlio
subject of moat genera! interest embraced m H.
The Mc3ff ripens with an expression ef grail
titude to tho grrtt Creator, for the numbrrhat be
refits bestowed upon us as t people.
The President then proceed to consmtulate the
people on the ratification of the late Treaty with
Kngland, upon which he remaik!
I trust that whilst you nmy see in it nothing
objectionable, it nmy be the moans of preserv
ing, tor an indefinite period, the amicable to
intions happily existing between the two l!nv
crntncnts. The question of pence or war be
tween the United States and Great Britain, is
n question of tho ileepest interest not only to
themselves, but to the civilized world, since it
is scarcely possible that a war could exist be
tween them without endangering the peace of
Christendom. The immediate effect of the
Treaty upon ourselves will be felt in the se
curity afforded to mercantile enterprise, which
tio longer apprehensive of interruption, adven
tures its speculations in the most distant sea ;
nnd freighted with tho diversified productions
uf every hind, returns to bless our own.
There is nothing in tho treaty which, in
ford to pny the lowest duty, would have to sub
duct in advance n portion of Ms funds, in oidor
to pay the duties, and would low tho interest
upon the amount thus paid for, all the time the
goods might remain unsold, which might ab
sorb his profits. The rich capitalists abroad,
s well as at home, would thus possess, after a
short time, on almost e.xclu.-ive monopoly oft he
import trade ; and l.iwa designed lor the ben
efit of all, -who would thus operate for the ben
efit of tho few, a result wholly uncongenial
with the spirit ofur institutions, and anti-republican
in all its tendencies. The Ware
housing System would l imbic the importer to
to watch the market, and to select his own time,
for offering his goods for sale, A profitable
portion ol'the rarryintr trade in articles en
tered for the benefit rf drawback, must alo
he most seriously a ffertrd, w ithout Uk! adop
tion of some expedient to relieve tho cash sva-
1 lie W aretmtrsmg System would atlorri i
necessities of tho country, I felt it to Iks my
duty to cause to b submitted to you at the
commencement of your late session, the plan
of an Exchtquer, the whole power and duty of
maintaining which, in purity and vigor, was
te be exercised by the Representatives of the
People n nd the States, and, therefore virtually
by ttie People themselves. It was proposed to
place it under the control and direction of a
Treasury Board, to consist of three Commis
sioners, whose du'y it should ho to see Hint the
law of its creation was faithfully executed, and
that the great end of supplyina paper medium
of exchange, at all times convei table into gold
and silver, should bo attained.
The Rosrd thus constituted, was Riven as
much permanency as could he imparted to it,
w illtotit endangering the proper share of res
ponsibility which should attach to all public a
gents. In ordcrto insure all the advantages of
lem. i ne y aretmmung cysicin woum aiiora , a m., maMlrrfl rKerience, the Commissioners
that relief, since the carrier would have a safe wpre to l(l(J ,hcir office8 for ,hp rCTlcclive pc.
recourse tc, the public storehouses, n"l ""gl'. rkxls of two, four and six vears, thereby seen
without advancinir the duty, resh.p within some Tj1(Jt ,, n)C8 jn ,he maHR?cnient o(- ;he Kx.
reasonable period to foreign ports. A i t.,.er ,),,, mrCes of two men of experience;
elect of the measure w.sjld be to mww le ( ,,, lKe th,,m jn emiAixim to exercise
the sj stems of drawbacks, tl.crchy rffocttia lly p,,T,;,ct independence 0f mm.l and action, 'it
protecting the Government against I rami, as the j waM provi(r( ,int tbeirremoval should only take
tiulit. of debenture wx.nld not attach to P'hkIs J(lt.e (;,r actuPi incapability or infideleity to
nrter their withdrawn I lioni the public stores, . trust, and to be followed by the President
In revising the exist Hi;: should , wjl, rxoo.B,j0n of the causes of such rcmo
you deem it proper to do so at your present ; vn, (.MlM it h w propocC( to cstab-
session, I enn only repeat the suggestion and 1 i- i, 1i,1ii!lt. vnr,u in pnt-li iiftlii StrrTne. tin.
ifiesiighteft degree, compronnts ine nonor or ; recomtnemiutintis wim-n, ii)on several "'C-: ,,,r tl(, Mnlo rct.trjrti,)na am )i,inations of the
oignitv ft either nation. ic.vt to the settle-: sions, I iiave heretotore tell it to lie my uuiy
meiit ol'the boundary line, which must always to offer to Congress. The great primary and
Saturday, Dee. 10, 1842.
flj We have just recrivod sixty reams of print
in; paper, similar In sire and quality tit the sheet
upon which this it printeJ. Also 36 ream of su
per Royal St by 23 inches, which will be solj at
coat i.nd carriage, forcah.
fj Congress met on Monday last, a quorum was
present in the House of Representatives, but the
Senate did not fmm quorum umil Wednesday,
and nf cunrffn tlie President me-sagn wt not di'
livered until (lint day. Mr. Adam jae notice
that he would move to rescind the 211 rule, in rr
l.itions to the rtcrptiou of abohtion petition. The
ntd m m i deteriiiineil if p,iil e, to rxcile more
dillicul y and dulurhance in (nircs, on ihis tub.
j"rt. We hope he miy be tlii-appnintpd. A
iynopi of the niesie will l found on lh;
pge, the arr increment and publication nf which.
ho a matter of difficulty between States ns be
tween iikIiviiIiikIs, the question which seemed
to threaten tho greatest embarrassment, was
that connected with the African slave trade.
The Mcs-age, in connexion wilh the Treaty, al
lui'i to the Vight of Search duimr-d by Orrat
Britnit;. rnd to the Priiident's view upon the sub
ject, r. tXfTcfsid in a foimer misaagi', and coMtu
uts: Jinking the Messnge as his letter of instruc
tions, our then Minister at Paris felt himself
rvrjnirfd to assume the same ground in a re
monstrance which he felt it to he his duty to
present to M. Guizot. and through him to the
controlling interest of the American People is
union union tint only in the mere Inrms of
government forms which may lie broken, but
union fon tided in an attachment of Slates and
individuals for each other This union in senti
f I ... t "I. .. i .1 . II. I
rK.w.To, removal, vriic. . w u.m.e cen n....r.,. : t, with , nines. (f,he pu!.lihr,
Uyod our puper beond the us J djy of publica-lion.
Cj- Our rradi r. wi'l find, in our advenixiug
C'lumr.i, u lint of ShenfT'i. Sale, to tjkc place at
our licit Jitnunry court.
tiublic moneys; and in order tu furnish a sound
paper medium of exchange, the Kxchequer
should retain of tl e revenues of the Government
n sum not to exceed jt'i.tMXI.tXM) in specie, tolie
aid iiiuiffi t i all i3
lent and feeling enn only be preserved by the lho crpJjl at h'ta ovn 0,tjn, vUcr
Irmtrnn ot that course of policy, which neither I ; tnn; ,,r i'vonir ti.,tee of dpiioininnlinns ! :: : r
eivinp exclusive benefits to some, nor impos- : vUmt fivP m(t' vxcvr,lmS one hundred ! . . ' " U' "I"1 "f te f 'u"J ,n ,",crrs,
ingunnereFs:iry burdens upon others, shall con- , ,n11ars. which notes should be redeemed at the t "' umi'1" on c"""e- 1 ll" ,"'t fM'lo" "f Monroe
siiltli.n interests of all, by pursuing a course of . p,.VPra iac,.B t,f j,,,,., ami t0 (,,. receivable at ; IMard in cheating A sceue at n
moderatinn. nnd ther- by seekuiL' to harmonize Mii ,:,. lltv ,...rv tt i.r, , I)aViiieiit of Gov i l-i-i. t.-r
ernnient dues ; with a restraint upon such is- . T . . . ,
sue ofbdls that the same should not exceed the I 1 e " re..p,M.iied D..v,d
maximum of .15.l!tHUsK). In order to guard j Hovkef.-ller Depuiy Surveyor for tin rouniy. A
against all 'he h.-ards incident to fiiictua- j more skilfull and expert deputy ha never U'n op
tions in trade, the !ecret:iry ol the I reasnry pointed in lb s rouniy, and General Suliada i to
UL-1- J.isV -J a-L."JS.LJt.Ll.l-.l !iliJi.I-
1 John O. Colt Atlre or Dead I
To the Editor of the K. Y. Tribune
Excuse my freedom in offering a few thoughts
on ctuppnsed tragic em of John C. Colt. It is
a very dolicate matter to decide ; nevertheless
there are several point in this esse which we of
Connecticut think ought to he made mote phiin
to the public eye. Reports of the existence of Cult
are (pleading whether groundle.i ornuf, and the
whole finale nf the matter ought certainly to be
probed to the bottom. The Committre on the "Cu
pola" are not, I take it, empowered to investigate
whether or no John C. Cult be ttire or (lend .'
Seveml circuinatnnce in the newspaper report
have gone to strengthen my own suspicions, a
well n thne of many in thi place and State.
1. Would a mn of hi (Colt') tact have inquired
about anatomical nark.i, aiterie, &r, 1 2. His
composed demeanor and hi marriage t 3. Post,
ponemrnl of the hour. 4. Leaving him, alone
by tlie Sberiff. 5. Bringing the enffin into the
cell. (Query, what w in it !) t. The com
posed appearance of the bixly whomever it si. 7.
The arrnged plan of the fire. 8. The slight re.
cognition of the hoily in the dusky light nf 4 o'
clock. 9. The imtanfiinmu irquest. 10. The
pnMie hiring of a sie nnlvoxt which brought up on
Sunday h; (Cob's) b.dv. Pleae ex unine thi
mutter with your own m ana nf information. If
theie be any iniquity, show it tip.
"IlABTroni)" Arn "Nfw Hvr."
In reply to the inquiries and in s-itif reiion of
the dou'it of our correspond' nt, we sh.dl btrely
ay that wo have the most implicit belief that John
(', Colt slabbed himself tu the heart in prison in
thi City en the afternoon of the 18ih tilt, and h is
since Im en a (trad as posaihle. There wee iuie
queir doings Hbout the pr at that, but the
Taking npihecsse of only one of the indictment
that in Delaware it will be seen that this move
ment, as far as Marshall is concerned, will form
very remarkable and corioos caseone of the most
so, probably, that ever esme before a tribu
nnl. In the first place, then, tha Governor of Pelt
ware it bound to call, first on the Oovcmer of Ken'
tucky, forth body of the said Marshall to be de
livered up to him j to that reqnrsjtirm the Oovernrrf
return that he i not within his jtrrrsdiciion, ha
ving gone to Washington to attend to- his duties1
a member of Congress. The Goterner of Dela
ware, of course, then applie to the Governor or
Executive nf the District of Columbia, to aViver op
Marshall. The Uxecntive of the District
President himself, and a demand will be maoV or
him to give up a member f Congress. This,
course, will seem to t-ome to bring up the question
of tl e parliamentary privileges possessed by a mem
ber of Concres; but it is well known that thi privi
tcee only rxirnds to civil action, and cannot im
pede for tnemcnt the process oflaw in a criminal
ease. The President, then fore, will have to cause
j Marshall to be arrested f r a criminal offence, and
htniled over to the officer sent by the Governor of
Delaware to take him to Siate le be tried for
! the crime. A'. V. Herald.
Melnnehnljr Shipwreck.
We learn from the, Boston pper that the
barque Isidore, dipt. Leander Fosa, belonging to
Kennel link. Me., sailed thence on Wednesday
m rn;ng, 3(1 h ult., f r New. Orleans, and wa to
tally tost in the easterly gale of the s.ime night, on
Max vs ell's lie ich. near Cspe Neildock. York, Me.
y person rm Imnrd. fourteen or fifteen in num
ber, including the Captain and erew. perithed .'
public opinion, and causing the People every
where to feel nnd to know thnt the Govern
ment is careful of the interests of all alike.
Nor is there nny subject in regard to w hich
moderation, connected with a wise diseriminn-
Tviniv rC I ha Vrnnnij flirnintt U'lmf tins ttonn
rolled thoOnlntimletrcntv : nnd his conduct. ! t,f,n- is l,loro necessary than ill the imposition
in this respect, met with'the approval of this f h""-son imports. Whether reference be , n;v,.rnlr.n, ,,or , sbovld the same ot any
Government. In close conformity with these j 1"ld revenue, the prinnry (.Inert in the impn- j inn r,.LTur,ir, ns ,,cessary, in order to place
views, the eighth article of the Treaty wasfra- Pltion ,"XP- "r the inci.lenta which , heyopd haird the pr-m pt redemption ..f the
mod, which provides that "each nation shall ; T"'? l,",vJr"m ,l,p,r "np-sition. this is en- m- Ut lc ,,ril.n j,,,,, circulation.
Ijeroaftrot in the African sens a force not lew '"ty ' xtravnoant duties defeat their ; -,., , flir, lnniinsr the issue of ftl.-),0(KUHtl
than eighty guns, to net sepcrately and apart, k"d and olyect not. only by exciting in the f)f Fv).lt ,r rfht Hllls,.ln,,aiv on sio,.
under rnetructious from their respective Go- P",,!,r nllnl,, "' hostdity to the nianulnctunn.' j mwm ,, u,.(.pins in circulation nrver
ini-n-iM.-, inn i. iiii.i.i..- u r,, " j idiin one arl one-hnll ilo!l.irs lor every dollar in
gling cp an nle, anu the pramcc or specie. When totliis it is added that the bill?
.., h i ii nnuu i" ii. ....., ........ Hr( not only CViTV Wliere receivnuie in Miivern
tlie utmost vigilance ol Imvcrnment cannot et-
fectually suppress. An opptisite course ol'p"li
be coniiueiidi d fur his excellent selection.
vtrnmeiits, and lor the enforcement oftheir re
spective laws nnd obligations."
From this it will be seen that the ground as-s-.imed
in the Message has hern fully maintain
ed, at tin; same time that the stipulations of the
Tieaty of Ghent are to be carried cut in good
faith by the two countries, nnd thnt all pretencj
is removed for the lntcrftrei ce with our com
merce for nny purpose whatever by a foreign
The dispulo with Great Diitninrin relation to the
Oren Territory, is thrn refered to, and assuran
ces given that the President will continue to urge
it speedy settlement.
Wilh the other powers of Europe our relation
continue on the most amicable footing.
Information has late'y been received from Mr.
Thompson, our Mir.Utcr, that there is n prospect of
the speedy payment of the claim of our ril'zem
upon the government of Mexico, titnliT the con
tention of li e 11th April, 1839.
The complaint of Mexico in lela ion to aid fur
nished the Texians, i refered to and the correspon
dence between our Minister and that government,
communicated In congress. The President cxpreu-
ment itself'would be bound for their ultimate re-
i!i mption. no rational doubt can exist that the
cv would be attenile.l t,y results essentmily ; wj,,, ,h pjXrir(ll.r Wf.ul,l readily civ
different, or which every interest ot society. tpr jnto SPnrTH rirculaiion, and be maintained
and none more than those of the manufacturer, .(, a ,inlpfI Bt or H,MH.e par .j,), po, np(j pj.
would reap important advantages. Among ; VPr . ,,prPi,v realizing tt,e great want of the
the most striking ofits benefits would le that aeanj fulfilling the wishes of the people,
derived from the general m-quiescence of the i "
country in its support, and the ennseqm nt per- j The object i n which have leen made to the
manency and stability which would lie given ; Exrhi quer plan, sre answered at considerable
to all the operations ofindustrv. Iteannot he ': ,.nK,n The me.sge then continues:
tonnfVn repeated that no system, tin.. . T, ,,p b k ;,., 0f pllblic currency.
can he w,Se which is fluctuating and uncertain. , , (. w d ;, a) T)p 1 n) St:ltp - .
Ao interest can thrive under tt. 1 . . . ., ,,, .r !, .
r... , . ii j . stitutions : or, .ti . A representative ot the pre-
...... t.v..iii- " v I ,,:,,, motnlii nr.ii' liu the tn-neral tiovern.
rapiMl in mannfacturing estKbli.-lii.ients, .,.,.' Tlll, SnlTreaMirv
. i t t . n i ' i" .1 nit-ill iiiiuvr lit uu im ii i' ,
or in any oTiier ienrnng pursuit 01 me, 11 ''nve s . , , , f ,
of uncertainty as to whether the - noreliance could be placed
willreTipal to-morrow what it lms ., . . , .,..,:... e' ,i.
on Wl 1SS1TVS 1)1 lin iil iiimi ii jiiuii;-, iui iiitT
it nccesKarilv
l . . .1 I. '
4IOIIO II SIJl'l lir n; I liu I ai hi? i , it
currency for its own use. And this must ever
exists a state
tiovern-nent wiHTea! to-morrow
. . l i TV.r.t . r. l I.:.-!.
c., . . i . ' , i p . inirnos-c of general circulation, i
u threatened with a ruinous reduction by a j i n. i .. i .
... .. , .. . c r, , . nnd unavoidably ailopti-d specie a
vaseil Bling policyon the part or Government ,. , 1 it
will scarcely tempt him to trust the money , . ;nsp linlpps 0Ile "of the ntlier kinda be
(Tj- Col. Johnson, it ii said, intemh emling
ihewint. r at Washington. The Colomlisnow
out of employment, and will devote all his lime to
Drnth of Ileiirv-Mnrrl. '
We annonnre with finrere regret the dentb of
our estimable fellow ci'iien, Henry MnrtK late j
Sheriff of the county nf Philadelphia Mr. Morris, a j
CjT A new mode of m.inuf .curing gasbas been w' ,,'"'n' n1' stiffered for some lime with an i.ff.c-
discovered in N w Vurk. The huht produced, is
said to be much bethr, while the cost is reJuced
one half.
j' The publishers nf the New Wmld have is
sued in a duuMe extra New World, new work,
en'illed Tiir. N i iiiii son, a tale of every d.iy life, j
transited fiotn the Swedish hy Maiy IfowiH, It j
is a tsle of domestic life of deep interest. Price,
18 cs.or f 12 per hun.lrrd.
which he has acquired by a life of labor, upon
the uncertain adventure. I. therefore, in the
spirit of conciliation, nnd influenced by no o.
the opinion lhat the friendly relation between j ther desire than tu rescue the great interests of
the rountry tnun the vortex ot political con
tention, nnd in the disclinrpe of the high nnd
solemn duties of the place which I now occupy
recommend moderate duties imposed with a
wise discrimination nH to their several objects,
as being not only most likely to be durable, but
most advantageous to every interest of society.
The report of the Secretary of War is not eed.
the two countries will not be interrupted.
The message refer brie lly to our relation with
the republics of South Americu
The nnlion and the rmy in partietilai are assur
ed that the Florida War i ended and ihut nothing
but a few occasional outhnak ui 'j be apptehenJ-
services are greatly reduced, nnd thai a strict sys
tem of economy has been iniri diued into the set
The bul.mcc in the Treasury on the 1st of last i nd it is s ated lhat the expenditure, for military
January, cxilusive of the amounts deposited wilh
(he Stale, Trust funds and Indemnities was J2H0.
483,08. The reciipt into the Treasury during (he
first three quarters of the prei-entyear, from all quar
ter is, S26,CIC,5t)3,'J5; of which more than fl l,
0(!o,000, were rercivid from customs, and about
f 1 ,000,000, fr in the public lauds. The receipts for
Ihe4lh Quarter aie estimated at f 8,000 000. The
expenditure for the first quarter have exceeded ! t-mB"'".
twenty-six millions, and it is anuripnied lhat there
will be a deficiency of a half a million on ihe firit
of January m it. Among the expenses are 8.000
000, for public debt, and frt.Ol'O.OOO on account of j
distribution tothea'ates from the piocceJs of the
fublic lanJ. !
In rtferanoe to lire Tariff ihe Piesident says:
The present tariff of dr.ties was somewhat
hastily nnd hurriedly passed near the close of j
. ti.e late sr ssion of Congress. Thnt it should j
l.uvc deft ns cun therefore, be surprised to no
ei f. To remedy such delects ns may be found
used. Thechoice, in the present stnteof pub
lic, sentiment, lies between an exclusive specie
currency on the one hand, and Government is
sues ot some kind rn tin either. That these
issues cannot be made bv a ehnrtered institu
lion, is supposed to be conclusively settled.
They must he. made, th' n, directly by Govern-
ment ajrents. I or severs I year past they have
been thus made in the form r.f Treasury notes,
and have answered a valuable purpose.
The importance of the Kxrhequer to ihe credit
of the CovernmcBt, in a fmanrial point of view, is
, strongly urged.
The shock which American r-rdit ba ti-tained
fj" A Me rebuilt in Sr. Joseph county, Michigan,
who ha opened a new cash store, offers to sell, a-
mong other things Hard Times at three shillings j
per yard, and like wheat in payment at 50 cent
per liiishel. I hat would ju-t make three jieik ol
wheat for one yard of hard ti nes. Now suppose that
Haul Tunes were of equal value in this state, how
ni'my bushels f wheat would it require at the pre
sent prices, to make (hem a guorss lhy were a
few rears
Killtorlal, I'oiitlrnsrit mini Srlrrtnl.
Three young men, of Petersburg, IViry county,
Pa., ricently went to serenade a newly married pair
fhi-v wi re all young men belonging lo Kenmbunk.
per .n who saw Cob' body cannot have been The vese was of 395 ton burthen, was owned
mistaken. There was a great mistake committed j ,v several shipmasters nf Kenne''Unk, including
in n t having it publicly exposed lo the scrutiny at ; r; F0, w fls valued at f 22.500, and insured
lea-t of all those persons pre ent at the Coroner's j for f 22 00(1 at one office in lWon. She probably
Inquest, but that does not bring the dial man to , had a srmll carjoofhay and p.itiloes, of no great
life agiin. V. V. Tribune. v.lue. The Advertiser says lhat Captain Foss
was formerly master of harquo Horace, of Kenne
hunk, which v.ssel went ashore near the same
place, two or three year since, Cipt. Foss having
put in on account of a mutiny among hi crew,
when on a voyage fmrn New-(Jile in to Europe.
(In ihe same night the schooner James Cta'k,
Ct 11 ck.of and from St John, N. D. via Port
land, for llos'mi, went ashore on Kye Beach, New
Hampshire, and six passengers peiished. T heir
names sre Mr. Dennis Mahoney ; Mr. Mary He
bersnn, widow, and Hannah Hebe-son, her child;
Williai., ix nv n'hs old, child of Mr. Margaret
I Hteivnr ; Miss Margaret Whirly, twelve years old ;
' Thmivis Rarrv, boy. The vess.d is a total losj,
, u ilb her cargo of pomtce , old iron, and laths.
: Copt Deck was confined tu hi l ed at Portsmouth ;
' 'hree of the crew hava arrived in Boston, a free
passage having been given them on the Eastern
Itailroad. A'. 1. Tribune.
lion of ihe herf. Yesterday afternoon, about ball
past four o'ebwk, he had been as usual at his offce
and w as returning home, when at the corner of
Sevcth and (Jenrge streets he suddenly fell Be
it g taken into the Pr s'yleii:in bookstore, he expi
red in two or three minu'es.
From the testimony before the coroner's jury, it
appears that the Sheriff was on his way from his
office to that of Wm. M Meredith. E-ii.. in Wal-
j nut 'reer, in company wiih his depulv, Mr Norton.
When nt the corner of Seventh ami fie.irge streets, i
Mr. Noit .li observed him make a p. lite, and in- '
eline to fall ; at which instant Mr. Norton took i
hold of him hv w hich his fall w as broken, and with
the os-isianre of several iei.son conveyed him! Singular A It's I r.
into the office at the corner. The Wilmington (N. C. ) Chronicle of th 2d
Doctor Samuel Mrl.ellnn, Benj. Coale. Caspar : instant slate lhat the following singular affair oc
W. Motris a nephew of the Sheriff, i.nd Wm. Car- eurred in Wuyne coun'y, in that State, a few day
r.aob. were nuirklv e:illeil in. hut before anv niedi. i since.
cal aid could be rendered, if it would have hi en of
a v.i il at all in hi case, the vihd spark had fled.
The verdict nf ihe jury was, that the deceased
came lo his tleaih from an affection of the heart.
We learn thai ju-t before leaving his oilier, he
bad a conversation with M. J. Alexander, now on
in that town, when th.y were tired upon from the j uia f niu,der, who.lesired to sre the Sheriff, and
vice, and the aim as of past year reformed. The i in Europe, from the ind-htednes of ihe state and
fortifications on cur maratime frontier have been ( the failure of some of ibem to pay interest, is no.
prosecuted wiih vigor. Tlie recommendation nf liced. The pro-tration of ihe V. S. Bank, of Penn
the Seen tary, in relation to the improvement of I s Ivsnia, is refered to a a potent eiuse of the de.
the Western watr and ce'lain prominent h irbors I stiuction of our credit abroad. The message, afer
on Ihe lakes, are concurred in and urged upon ! stating ihe mean used lo obtain the loan, author
ized by Congress, and the failure to dofothher in
America or Europe, proc ed.
to exist ri many ot its numerous provisions.
The report of the Secretary of thi Navy, is
briefly nnlici d and the situation of that Depart
ment and of the Navy, commended lo die particu
lar a'lcntion of Congress.
The eirnditure of the Post-office. Department
f. T the current year, are stub d to have bet n trough!
within its income, without lessening; it general
The plan of a Government Exchequer, which
wa-lad U'fore Cmigie i.t iU .it session, is a
nin reci'iniiiemled uh fo Kus i
In view of the tact that, in 10, the w hole
It has now become obvious to all men that
the Government must lin k lo its own means
fur supplying its wants, and it is consoling to
know that these menus are altogether adtijunte
for the object. The Exchequer, it adopted, w ill
greatly nid in hringing about this result. I'p
on what I regit id as a well founded supposition
that its hills would he readily sought for by the
public creditors, ami that the issue would in
a short time reach the maximum of ftl'i.tKKI,-
(KK. it is obvious that l&l(,(NHI,('(K) would t here
by be addeil to the available means of the Treas-
i view ol the tact tha , i.i tlie w hole t wlhout co(4 or ciar,0i Nor ra l ta,l to
k i.r te ciiculatioo within the Lt.ited MateH ., .,i;i (rM., i,i,;, h
i II I In l.lll Kill frf-- ir 1 llrT m I in I . . . . . '.
v.-;!i i: t 1. 1, 1 to claim your serious nut nuon. i iu - . would be produced in all me active pursuits ot
.i . i l ., . . t I r 1 1 , t . 1 1 1 ii it ll.i.r nit mli Hum linil 1 .
ii ....;t b..ti,..r tl,.. rvm tii.n Trt nsurv tuteini nt. ui.d (hut an addition nail
wi;;i uiriu hivjiiiiij kvi ........... , 0
uUA duUes in cash does not call for the ltitro- i been made thereto of the enormous sum ot
dnctiim of n system which has proved highly ' .(KlO.Odii in seven years, (the i ircu!ation
brnt fs-wl m countries wht te it Ims been adop- j on the first January. lto7, heing tinted at iisl
ted. I tt ti r to the Warehousing System. The ', lKV-'.rO,) aided by the (.rent liicihtu s atlorded
first and most prominent effect u hicb it wxmld in obtaining hums from European capitalists,
Itscfftclijunr.n the solvent State banks, while
it would force into liquidation those of an oppo
site character through its weekly settlements,
would be highly beneficial; and with the advan
i;iirs i.t' n Miiind eiirrencv. ihe restorntion of
produce would be to protect the market alike i w ho were seized wiih the snme ts)(Tul(itivo j C07ifiiU-tire un'1 credit woii'ld follow, w ith a nu-
aguut rt ihindatit'or deficient s:iirtilies of fur- I mania which prevailed in the United Mates ni,.rf (is train t fblessiiiLrs. My convictions are
eTgn fabrx.- both of which, in the long run, j ami the Ux-jv importation of funds from u-j n.npt htrng that these benefits' w-ouhl flow frim
are injurii us ns w-vll to the riati'ifuchirer as liie j broad, thi.' result of tstock sales and loans no i )n( B( , (,f t-IH ,m..Jfllri. ; ,-,t i thesesult
inmotter. The cuontity of goods in st.rre being ; one can he siirprised ut the apparent, but tin- . . . , , ndier.-e. there is this security in
at all times readily known, it vi ulU nable t'liiMaunai nine ot prosperity wnicti every
the importer, with an approach to uccuracy. to I where ptevatled over the land; while as lit
ascertain the actual wants if the market, and j tie rnuse of surprise should hu ttlt at the pre
tu reoilhte hunseif Bcct.rdiiily. If, however, I scut prcstration of every thing, and the ruin
he should full into i-rrcr, by iniportmp an ex- w ot lanen so many oi our itiiow cm
cess above the public wants, be could readily K us in the Hidden withdrawal from circula-
I.iiii oi so large nil niiinuui or rmriK issues, isiiice
correct its evils by availing himsrlf of'thc ben
tfits and advantage of the systr m thus estab
lished. In the stun home the pond imported
would await the demand ol the mniket, ami j
their issues would I eova rued by the fixed ;
principles ol'demund and supply. Thus an ap
proximation would be made to a rsteadiness and
uniformity of price, w hich if attainable, would
conduct! to the decided advantage of mercan
lileaml nirrhanical operations.
The apprehension may be well entertained
that without tometiiing lo ainelunate ihericor
of pashpnviiK ills, the entire import trade may
f.,11 into the bands of a few w ea'tby capitalists
in this coun'ry, and in Europe. The una!! im
porter, who r quires all the money be cun raise
For invesnncr.t abrenid, vhc h'it til af
rr.nii.Tiioii with it. that the law creatunr it
may lie repealed at the pleasure of the legisla
ture, w it hunt the blightest implication of its
good fuith.
The Prrsiilt nl recommend congress to lake iulo
consideration the propriety of re tmhursii g the fine
i-.j r xcctling, a. i neiievr o, the amount if j (;,neral Jackson at New Otle.n. at
... .1. -' ... I . . . . .... r KiiprLniiu in. . . rn . I . . . . .. . i
n. l I) in li l 'fi't. li.lil.l!. l.'l lllllllui jrr -
rusi Hiitr ri dt rit to 11)7, it cesses to be a mat
ter of Btonshment that such extensive ship
wreck should have been made of private fur
tones, or lhat difficultiesshouhl exist in meeting
their engagements on the part of the debtor
States. A art from which, if there be taken
ii.ln account the immense losses sustained in
the dishonor of numerous banks, it is less a
matter of surprise that insolvency should have
visited many of our fellow citizens, than that
so tunny should have escaped the llighling in
fluence of the limes.
In lire solemn conviction of these truths,
v. ill ail ardent desire to mcvt h rre ipy
the tin e of ihe attack and r'efenee of thai city, paid
by him; and then f oncludi s by ssying
I hae thus, fellow-citiiens, acquitted my
self of my duty under the Constitution, by lay
ing before you, as succinctly as I have been a
ble. the state of the Union.and by Inviting your
attemion to measures of much importance to
the country. The Executive will most zeal-
ouslv unite it eflorts w ilh those of the l enisla'
live Penartment in the accomplishment of all
that is required to relieve the wants of a con
stituency, or leval ihe destinies of a beloved
country. JUiiiN i
house of (he bridegroom, and all three wounded.
The affair is ah ut lo undergo a judicial invediga.
The Cbilbcolhe Advertiser of (he 10th says, Pork
is selling at that phire for f I 25 t fl 7."). and is
coming in fieelv at those price. Wheat 37 to 40
cenl per bushel.
In the village of Dundee, New York, there is a
salt bore which yields 3C0 barrels of water per day,
or SO barrels of salt.
The Rditor of the New D.-lf ird Bulletin ay,
'It is highly improper for a gentleman to nore o
loud in church as to disturb the rest ol the congre
gation." Kissing goes by frtrnr. When T arson Miller
left Newark for N-w York, many of ihe Indie kil
led him. He chaiged thent to meet him in Heaven
next year.
Veils not to be tiwn.-A celebrated writer on
sight says, lhat the wearing of veil ermanenily
weaken many naturally good cyis, on account of
the endeavor of the eye to adjust i self to ihe
ceaseless ibiationa of that too common aritcle of
Nicholas Pi idil's is writing a series of teller on
the subject of the Stale credit.
Oats is i lling in Berk county at 33 cent. Po
licies CU cent.
Among ihe applicant fr ihe benefit of the
Bankrupt Act in New Yrk. is Mr Arthur Tsppan. I
It is staled thai Mr. Isaac Hill, of New Hamp
sbiie, is engaged as editor of the Madisonian, at a
alary of $2fi00 per annum.
We learn from the Norfolk Beacon, lhat (he I.
S. ship Comiiiution, Capi. Parker, arrived at OIJ
Point Comfort, on ihe 30th ult., from a cruise.
Jujube Paste ha been decided by a New Yotk
jury not to he weatineats, and i therefore duty free
The North river is htrJ froien a' ove the Iowa of
Hudson. U. low that place the navigation i un-.
The last Cleveland Herald says thai a large num
ber of boat have been frozen up in the Ohio State
Canal, and an immense amount of property in trail-
tit h cut iff from market.
The Part' (Mo.) Sentinel ef the 19ih ult. say,
contract f r Pork ' being made in that place at
$1 60 per hundred weight
At Cincinnati, on the la ins'.. Flour was selling
at 3 6'. per hrri4.
A W dow woman si Bangnr. Me., recently com-
ihat upon paning wch (he young man, he said in
a very feelde manner, "I wish you well, my dear
fd'ow." In less than half an hour ufierwards the
spirit of the Sheriff passed from the scene, of this
life. Sor th American.
Tlie KrTect of the TsrlfT.
"Coai. isn Iso. 'f the Pennsilvanians ex
pedeJ lo promote tlie interest oftheir two great
minerals Coal and Iron by the new Tariff, they
have been so far disappointed. The Tariff has put
an end lo the importation of Good generally from I
England, and the consequences is, that vessels
which have gone nut wiih cargoes, find no freights
back, and are compel'ed to b.dlast with whatever is
heavy and rbeip. Ssll, Coal and Iron possess
these qualities, and have been luoughl in surh a
hundanee a lo overload the market. Coal is cheap
er than before the Tariff hill passed, andiron bul
little dearer, ami quire unsaleable."
The above in ihe Journal nf Commerce ef Sar.
nrday. Nolh ng can equal the audariiy of lhat
paier. All summer we have been prnving that an
increase of tin duties on Foreign Products eon
sumed in this C-mntry would by no means in-
crease correnpondingti the cost of thiHse articles u
the consumer. Tt e Fne economics bave j
About four month ago (here came into that
rnuntv a voting man of the name of Orimsley, who
formerly I ved there, but who had len absent for
many years. Shortly after his re'urn, he engaged
himself to a Miss Marlin, of (hit rouniy, and their
marriage was to have taken place on the 34th of
this month. Foor or five day previou to that
lime. Mii-s M. wa making up her wedding bon
net, and reiiu rioe some paper for ihe lining, whilst
in search nf it, she found a newspaper published
two years ago in Mississippi. In cutting up thi
paper, her eye lit upon an adverli-isement by
the Governor of Mississippi, offering a large reward
for two men charged with a murder in lhat State,
one of ihem mimed Orimsh'y, and agreeing pre
risaty in description wiih the man to whom the
was aout to Ire married. She immediately called
her brn'her'e attention to it, who at once called
upon tirirnsley for an explanation. Grimaley de
nied knowing any thing about it. and said he could
prove that he was not in Missiar-tppi at the timeol
the murder, l y person at Snow H ill, (sreene, coun
ty. The brother accompanied him to Snow Hill
but on their arriving there not a soul knew him.
He then said that he could etablih hi innocenn
by iersons living at ano her little village in the
same county. There they also repaired, and will
the I ke success, no rite knowing any thing of him
They then returned to Way neshorough, where r
w irrant was issued aga'nst flrimsley, and be is
now in jail al ih il place, awa ting the demand of
the (ioveruor of M ississi ppi. Since his confinement,
he ha aiknowleilged he was present when the
mu il. r was c mmit eii wnn wrucn ne i tnaigeu
all alont asserted ihe contrary, or more commonly j m advr,,irfiei,, , participant, butdmiea
asumrd il a a lac! unoema-ie. ell ine Miiaca tUll he w nlR;lsrj jn it
Tariff has bin p-ed, laying heavy duties on
W-itfine, December, Wi,
S.ilt, Coal and Iron,' and which theory (land the
test of experience ' Wss Coal rtr lf. re so cheap
Imsostast ran Ct a. Il appears lhat a
Urge portion of (he wealthy and influential hibab
. if..,.. tX .Kid Tlnn.l a rft t w A.I irntl w in.livnttfil uill
at (bis season! Are not Iron and Salt low enough r . .
, , ... . ii . I tne ipamn uovernrnenl liir allowing tne uri tst
lor any mans conscience i Are nm so suns m
Mnufaeiures nearly ss chep ss, and many of
them rhraper than ihey were before the Tsi iff!
Most certainly . S. Y. Tribune.
More Duels rand Duelling.
seems lhat Col. Webh and Ihe Hon. Thoma F.
Marshslf, member of Congm.., from Kentucky, are
likely to meet wkh sharp shooting fiom all qur
tei. It will be remembeieJ that they fought on
the line lhat runs between the State of Delaware
and the Sia'e of Pennsylvania, at a 4ice called
Ne. man's Creik. Webb s'ood in Newcastle Coun
ty. Delaware, and Marshall stood in Delaware coun
ty, Pennsylvania. The Grand Jury of Newcastle
county have indicted both Webb aad Marshall f-f
fighting a duel ; and the Grand Jury of ,,,iwtr
r n: vi,icrJ Mirth" l'obu, -t w.bK
url'hcdt ? ind'ClJ ',n lW b""
.. one, sr j rn, gi probably will 1 punish.
.n the other. And Marshall has been indicted
milled suicide by taking arsenic, on mc fcf f j k,0n ,Wtt sr,alM( for violaUn tha sxprts provis
PVl ,7' . ions of I Hi'.uleiii rscb of those f?tats.
bpamsh Ijovfrnment liir sllowing
lo interfere with (heir social systems of govern
merit, sl ivc tr ide, negr. e , eke. snd lhat a majority
of the white people of Cuba are in favor of throw
ing off their allegiance to the Spaniih government,
and declaring themselvrs free and indeienden'.
This movement, if it take place, will be ultendc.1
with seriou consequences to ihe peace of this
country a well a great Britain. S. Y. Herald,
If you are IbrtunV.e, gel married, for a jocvl
wdc will iiVvreasc your prosperity and render
you. twicc blessed' in the enjoyment of your
If Jouaro 'Unfortunate, gel married. Tlie
cares e' t;,o world are lessened by havings.
wife who takes pleasure in sharing them with
Get married Live soberly, be industrious,
engage in nothing that will deteriorate from
your character as an honest man, pure patri
ot, and a kind husband take our advice, 'and
with all your gettings, get married, '