Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 29, 1842, Image 2

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    From the Philadelphia Gazelle.
On the occasion of the recent military cele
bration of the surrender of York Town (Octo
ber 19.) held at Washington, the editors of the
National InM'.ijrencer received the following
communication from Mr. G. V. Custis. Any
record respecting a aword that wm more nobly
used and more magnanimously laid aside, than
any weapon ever worn by ancient or modern
warrior, is of interest. The literal statement
tliut "this relic of the revolution has never teen
heard of since the peace of 1793," seems ol
most intended to convey an important figura
tive meaning in the history of Washington and
Ins country.
The nattltRw nrtl.
From thet'usi "Rec llection and private Mem
oir of th Life and Char .clrr of Washington
Wasiiinuton's sword of service was a plain
preeti-fiil'cd hanger. (See an accurate repre
sentation of the same in the original picture
by C. W. Peale, now in the hall of the National
It is matter of regret that this venerable and
interesting relic of the Revolution has never
been heard of since ihe peace of It
was supposed in the army that the batt!e-svord
was given by the Chief to General Greene, at
the earnest solicitation of the l itter ; audit is
since presumed to have been lost at sea, with
the Insijjuge of the General, while goini; round
from Newport to Charlestnwn. President
Jackson was pleased to fay that he would
inipnry to be made amorijr the surviving rela
tives of General Greene; but nothing has yet
transpired totichmg tins most interesting mem
orial of America's heroic age.
At the reviewsand upon occasions of distin
guished cemmmies, Washington wore a dress
sword, with a plum sword knot, but always
resumed the green-hiked liuog.:r as !iis sword
of service.
In 1713, wlien appointed to hi last rom
mnnd, it wat arranged that the costume of
the Lieutenant General should be blue, rrrhlv
embroidered with gold. Washington inquired
whether the embroidery could bo execub-d in
the United States? And being inf. -fined that
it was necessary it should be obtained abroad,
lie declined the arrangement altogether. Some
magnificent plumes of the Carolina boron, of
surpassing size and snowy w hitcnoss, were pre
sented by Mnjor-Gorieral Charles Cotesworth
Pickney as decorations for the hat. Those the
old Chief gave way to his adopted daughter,
Mrs. I ewis, prefering to be attired hi the vete
ran colors of liberty, the blue atid bull, with the
plain three cornered hat and black riband cock
ade, the endearing memorials of the days of
bis country's trial.
A ltatcal In Check.
The Odensburg (N. Y.) Tunes gives the fol
lowing account of a Bigamy case just tried in
thatCSt Iiowrence) County:
William D. Carr, alias, Alfred Vidhurn. wa3
Traijnedon an indictment for Bigamy, lut eins
that he was married some 21 years since in
Vermont, but 6oon came to this State and was
married aaain in Messona in this County about
19 years since to a respectable woman, but soon
loft her and roamed to parts unknown. About
18 or 14 years since he was married to Miss
Ut-becca Clark, of Clica, with whom he lived
for some years, and removed to Deorfield, O-
neida County, lie continued to reside ut Deer-
field till about the Uth of De-ceniber lust, when
be removed to West Turin, Lewis Coun'y,
furnished his tamily with a lew provisions, anil
in a few duvs left a wife and five or six chil
dren to turn ami shill Sir themselves, to brave
Hie rigors of the fierce wintry winds to sutler
with hunger, or to live on the charities of neigh
bors under the lulse pretence of visiting his
father in Connecticut ; but taking the opposite
direction lie soon found himself in Her Majes
ty's Province, and, lorgetting bis second, am)
third love, soon succeeded in wooing the af
fections and wiuuiug the band of another fair
one ; but be tarried scurcely long enough to
form an wqiuiiuUiuct took leae absence,
and was next at work in CimUm under the as
sumed name of Alfred Culburn. Seme time
in the spring he removed to Madrid, and
fcoon turned bis attentions to the daughter of
a widow woman, Mice-ceded in hid object, and
was aain married, under his assumed cog
nomen. It was soon suspected that all was
Hot right, mid he was arrested at the instance of ; lor publication
a few friends ot humanly, and Committed to
j'tll in Cunton plead guilty toun indictment
found uguuist bun at be last term of the Court,
aud was sentenced to five years at Auhurii
Stale Prison Ihe longest term the law allows.
Il is believed his wives (ire all living.
American XVIiie.
We learn from the Louisville Journal that
at the leccnt exhibition of the Horticultural
Society in that city, Mr. John Davis, offered
some bottles of bin domestic wine, the pure
juice of the Catawba grape, accompanied with
the following remarks.
Ludiit and Ucnllemtn : I have the honor
of presenting you with a few bottles of of my
domestic wine. Altera long trial of fitly years,
by numerous citizens of different parts of the
United Stales, of the best grapes from almost
every part of Europe where the vine gmwi,
the European varieties of the vine have been
generally abandoned as being unsuited to this
climate, and an American variety, equal, if
not superior, to the European, and which will
grow and stand the climate in almost any part
of the United States baa been tested and a
dopted. The vine from which I make this el
egant wine grows in the forest, and was fir.-t
found on the holders of the Cntawtm river,
North Carolina. It is mw satisfactorily pro
ved that we can make as good wine from this
grape, as they can in Europe, and more to ihe
same quantity of ground than they e;.n there1.
I succeeded in making; last year, 1,17" gallons
of pnrc wine from om-acre und a half, though
I hud seven a'tres planted in vines, all too
young to bear l,i.-t year, except that acre and a
half. This is a greater yield than I ever knew
in any part of Europe.
"One more word in favor of tire wine: In
Europe, where the vine grows, bread and wine
are generally called the stall' of life, and well
maytlfy be so called. Iouis Philip, king of
the French, in his last estimation, said that
be had seventeen million of inhabitant in hi
kingdom making a good living by cultivating
grapes and making wine. And il we could have
half as many people cultivating grapes in this
country we could buy wine at less than 0
cents per lmttle, and then we wou'd be uble
to save a I'liinlier of millioiiH of dollars thot go
annually from our country to Euorpc for win
inferior to ours-.
A PwiiMi Yu.i.iiN On Sunday night a
bold villiati entered the dwelling of Mr. Thomas
Hotter, situated in 1 lannvr, near Lee street,
and made bis way into a room in w hich n son
of Mr. Kutler slept. In this room was kent an
unloaded musket. The rascal loaded the piece
and so placed it, primed and cocked, on the
mantle piece, that by the slightest touch the
charge could be lodged in the head of the sleep-
Sahtrtiat, flcl. 29, 1842,
(jfj The Wdliirm-p. rt Encampment is represent
ed, by thi e who wi re present, ne having been well
got up. Gov. Porter reviewed the troops on the
19th. On the 20lh Co'. Jolm-on arrived, and
pn ed through abiauliful triumphal teh, ereced
for ihe iu-c.ii'n. Me n addressed by Judge An
thony, .Itiike Lewis nnd others, and rrplird in a
speech lecoiiriting bin slrHgale at Ihe battle ef ihe
Thames. On 'he night i f the 20 h It e Colonel
was ihe guest of Judge Lew is, who hid hit ele
gant mansion handsomely illuminated in honor ol
the gallant Cntoni I.
(TJj On Tliurmbiy last, Mr. Danie1 Fur-nan, a re
a I'eul of Augu-la township, all. nit fit) yu.ts el. I.
who had ln-en missed from home several d iy
pr. viou, was found drowned in the Sliamokhi
cre.k, into which it U supposed he hud accidentally
fall n.
rj"j" Mr. Sieiirrr, ihe Secretary of war, hna com
plcrvly golnur the fence, nnd now proclaims limi
M'lla 111. rough bred Tiler man. He win among
the first hi iViounre 'I'y'er, alia r lI.edi-Hth of Har-ri-on.
Tyler tend red I im an eliice, which at once
ii viiluiii.iii7t tl a I bis former m)IoicuI opinion.
Wclslif. t'ubiri Mtrd ! have now uii-ii in
i the r udbeii ici lo tlie powir that be. Truly, we
ii, bj .v :
The tiny of virtuoun politics are f ar,
And we are dup in ihalefculd pri-leme."
fXj- W- find it xlnmelv iKflrCiill as well as un
pruflt il'lc, to dirtm any mensiiTe willi our neighbor
of ihe (5 i t r, tor ihe simple re.tMin hu fighu
like ii Cofsai k, or in the Fluiida sw:nnps.
He tit er s'iohIk h s ground, but llimto some eoert
il hithi'c plitt-e to renew biaittn-k in amiie other
teini. Iu mil last iioiite in relation to the tariff,
we l.ini to stick lo ihe till." On
ibis Miljitt we nre willinir hi meet any twenty per
cent, fiee Irutle Oilvi ea r. We stated ihl the (laiette
eilvi rait tl ibe 20 ierctni. 'aiilf. wbieti Mr. Hiith
at an ai d all tl e Irailing t!etni-iu in t'"n cress
fiom ibis Mrfte, t'eiioiii cut us a mini otijiit ami
in'qu . us im ssurt-. ami oi e lbt rniiHt I m ax o i n
RdKorUI, Condensed aind Seleeted.
The Lowell Courier state that the Lowell
Manufacturing Company hate begun a new bui d
ing for manufacturing purp ea in that town.
The Colli cter of New York ha seited a lot of
watches, valued at (10,0001a $15,000 a (mugg ed
A Judge of the Supreme Court of New Hamp
shire, (Judge Psrker) recent! resigned hi place to
arcepi the agency of the RufTolk mill. Hi ala
ry a Judne wa only f MOO. Miserable parsimo
ny thi on the part of a Slate.
There are said tn le five hundred drunkard In
the N w York Almshouse.
A gi ntlemanat Hed Hook, on Ihe Hudson rivir,
recently sold twent rnur hundred barrel of apple.
all of hi own raising, for JM600,
jVi'At SicknriM. Thi fearful disease, we learn
rre to nome extent in the nnnhern part of In I'eo le are taken with vomiting, which
cm tirue until death. Il ia generally supposed to
I cmised by the water being impregnated with
seine mineral ; but thi fat-t hat never been fully
Ilir hs in France, 9!i7.000 Mani,iBe, 2C7 000
ju"' fimr babies annually, to t-aih couple. Prt-U
ly fair.
It I derived from the Latin word qualii, (uch,)
and signifies, -tuch at a thing rralty w." And
wht i Christ t Very God and very Mint or,
"Ood mnifeted In Ihe flesh." The phrase then,
"qually of nod," and "quality of M!.," are, when
applied tn Christ, sound and scriptural. But a
g dn, Dr. Jnhntnn. Walker and Webaier define
quality, -Nature relaiiely ronsidered." Now how
mny Nature ha Chr'utt Two Diins and
Human. Then the entence run thusf "Ii was In
cumbent upon Christ, a it lelatei to hi Divine
Nture. (in Id quality of Uml,) to be aboiil," Ae.
, Hence, Amicus can itill eonsider God a h waa
wont to cniider him "the Being of being" nd.
neverihrlef, believe that Christ ha two natures-
very God and very Man and, moreover, that all
men, (Judge not excepted,) are at perfect liberty
to consider him relative to either.
2. Hi God a heavenly Father n The Judge
ha not asserted it. He only said, ' It wa incunv
benl upon him (Christ) lo le al-out hi (Christ's)
heavenly Fiber business. Now a ihe Father
oke from heaven laying, Thitimiy Ltlmrd Son,
and a Christ tn.l hi disciple thai hi Father was
in heaen, we therefore conclude thai Christ has a
Bfc'JL... HI. J I HI rit '
" Jt '
their god, It is true (hat neither they, nof those of
American fabric, now find a market here. 8mug'
gllng will, of course, be attempted, end other mean?
he resorted to. But the machinery of the factories
which are pattern fit moat of those iff Europe,
will te improved and home induatry wifl.ere lOngV
promote home comfort, and home wealth
Naaiy Market.
We are sorry that we cannot notice changes in
businessoft gratifying character. Although the
darknea in which our commercial world was en
veloped just Ik for the adjournment of Congre,
ha meiaiua'dy pami-d awy, and although we oh
serve around u an Improved feeling and indica
tion of same activity, the fact that our Bank can
not dispose of the funds at their command, and that
first-rate paper may be readily negotiated, even in
trrels, at from 6 to 8 per cent., show conclusive
ly that with a currency o limited a oura i at Ihe
present lime, with o much bank capital withdrawn
from ihe market, either by exptolon or other
cause, buaines cannot I very aciive. Indeed, it
is lioL Some liule is doing, and has been in pr.t
gross, ever since ihe commencement of the Fall
hrtivrnly Father, Hence, for saght that ha been j Trade ; but there is nothing like an eager or bound
said to ibe contrary, Amicus ought lo believe that ! 'n8 'pi'-'1 men move along with timidity anJcau-
j Jesu Christ i. a it regard his Divine Nature, j 'ion, as if they had not fully recovered fiom these
j not only equal lo, but co-exiient with the Father. ",,u" panic and disaster with which we have so
I Dot. sav A mien. ibe Son rinnnt 1 ni l l.i. lone been troubled.
The Albany DVily Advertiser say.--We ream F,thor , Do)., , , Wome , a,hcr M . We h,ar no comilailli in the ci,, of ,he w,n, of
hi s son or daughter, Amicus t If o. how lout;? j sjs'cie. On the contrary, our Bank have enough
3. "N God autjert to human parent?" The ( lo spare, and confidence seem to tie fully and tho.
Judge did not siy so. He only said "that Chi 1st, as j roughly rcMoied o far as relates to the ability of
It lelnle lo hi Human Nature, (in his quality of , 'be buaii.ess transacting Institution lo resume. 8e
M m.) was subjrrt lo his earihly pin nt- and so j however, are s ill closed, and wiih no ilUpo
says the Bible. Then let Amicus also believe, that "ition, il would re. mt to wind up altogether.
BickiitlU Hrporter,
thai an attempt wa made on Sunday afternoon lo
firt; the Fourth Pie-byteiiau Church iu Bioadway.
'I be ml about 3 o'clot k, an hour after Ibe
commencement of afternoon seivice, found one nf
ihe imt-houses attached to the churth on fire. The
foe was extinguished, but net until the (looting of
ibe building ws destroyed. The fne was without
doubt set by dt-rign."
t'hrist, as man. was autjert lo hi earthly parent ;
but thai, as (Utd, he ruleth in heaven snd earth.
Il is stated that the officer and workmen of the and has done whatsoever he pleaseth.
Boston Xavy Yard will lo.e (110,0(10 by the fiilure , 4, ..( anvthing lie inrumlient upon G.l 1" '
of Ihe Pho-nix Bank of Charlseton.
On opening a vase lately disrovered in the ruin
if 'llerculaneuni, ihe bari.ed All Farriobiti
found an oiange pre-erved in vinrg ir. It apieara
More Hull llond Accident.
On Monday night last the Locomotive and sev.
eral t'ara I den with Coal from th' place, were
tlnown from the road near Port Clinton, in con-ai-quence
of an iron "chair" having been placed on
one of the Kail by ome fiendUh wretch, whit h
Ye ; but ltd is not what the Judge said. He. said
lhl '-It wa incumbent uron Aim," (Ohriet,) Ac.
Bui what dues "incumlieni" imply ! Duty, obliga
tion. But wherein did the duty of t'hrist consist
that ihe Romans pickletl oranges as we do ghtr- In that he promited not nerrtntriti, but of rhiu're. j caused ihe almost inst mtjnenu death of two men,
Itj,,,, I to answer the demands of a v:oUled law, and nen j "bo were bruised and mingled in a most shocking
vi..... .1 l-t...l,.n.l n iK. 1 -, l f,0 m 1 sr. ! UP new and living way for the salvnlion of man. ! "'aimer. One of the men killed, we understand,
He was under no obligation to inntc this promise, -
er, if lie should awake. Thus prepared, the ! tionthe fame, m-iiiif.e uer-, mcihanir arel
robber proceeded to bis work of pilfering, and
collected a considerable amount of clothing
In the meantime the son awakes and impiirt-H,
'Is that you father V to which question the rob
ber said 'Yes.' 'Are vou sick !' 'Yes.' Shall
I go for a doctor V 'No. I am going out, and
I think 1 will be better in a few minutes.'
The villain left the room then with bis booty,
nnd the son was again soon iu the land of dreams.
In the morning his father waked him, and found !
the gun in the position described, and the room !
wanting in many valuable articles. The con. J
versation which had pased was brought to re-
collection, and all were overjoyed in the singu- j
lar preservation from the intended murder of 1
the burglar, if the contingency should have !
called for such on act. Halt. Sun.
Cohn Stai.k Sigar ( hie day last week,
says the Springfield (III.) Journal, we visited
the farm of Mr. J.K. kiiikaid,on Indian Creek,
in this County, for the purpose of ascertaining
the retiilts of his experiments to manufacture
Sugar from Corn Stalks. We found that Mr.
K. had made some eighty gallons of molus.-es, j
which wa thicker thun New Orleans molasses 1
but that it bad not yet chr)stulizcd. To j instead of indulging in untIik luxuries, are econo-
Is1 ore ot IViiiim bat ia. In ai.swer- In nil this
be givia us an ext'in t fiom ibe .New Yerk Heral.l,
a pi'pcr edited by a foreigner in py of British in
leietli, wbo reluai lo become natural z- d who
has a'wa s ilennuuci d llii c -unlry, and who is oc
krowbt'ged to be ihe mo-t irrklesi b!ik-gunrd in
'.be Ui ion. The tiuze te and ita free trade associ
ate are welcome to thi werthv roitljutnr. A to
our piediit ni.s, it m Hi rs but little wl e her the Ga
ll to ran i t c. ni tl uiii't rstnrul thi m. N'e Matid that
a ft vtt elite tai'fl b II rnisl be pas ed. Tlut such a
bill has paid un editor of a paper aln uld .uri ly
know. In ai.rwrr 10 ibis I e auya : ' Hr mutt confers
tlivt tre u tiul knur u hut kind if u tariff suih u
one is," ludi ed, uf er thi. ruinlid ruiift mi.. 11 of his ig
norance upon so iuiioitaiil a sul jet t, it would nut
be Ri lit mus to pur.ue the sul jet I further.
The Times.
We b arn fiomlhe Philutb Iphis and Nt w Ymk
pnpers (lint intn.ey ia in those cities.
Mt rhc ii now lying nlle, and (he banks bate
net as much good j 0t-i 1 tlried ll.em a lliei tie
.ire. 'I lit sr rim in tiiires aie 1 w ing mainly to the
firt ihsl the l.uitl hasrhetked the exctwive im
perial ion of foreign m rehmidoe, and the people
Flour at Pittsburg on the UlHh. ii M and f 3 5(1.
.. .i.i 1 . . L - in. I. c .
ioiion ai tuiunious,jji., en tuu iiu ins,., u m
6J cent.
The New Orleans Bee says An elmrlive at- j
tempt was mml e on S.tunliy night, 8ih insi. to 1
rob Ibe post nflice in ."ew tlrleans. I n ! tlm, ,; r,.mlnin, he will paitbrn sin.
tli.l net. however, succeed in f.rreii.R an entrance." H. nee, when a sinner are.-p's nf tbe-e con.liti n.
The Ked River Itepubliran mate that Thomas, il j incumbt nt upon G-m.1 t i pardon hi iiis. Nor
a slave belonging lo the estate of John Linton, lis ; J,s ihs riatret ny thing f om hi. sovereignly,
I Imh , nf wldliliini. Itie tivprseer in tbree rrom llm fnrl ih .t li,.1. not nf nrreit u
ibices. He is to b bung on the 4 th of next ! but of elmiee.
month. I We think, iherefoie, that upon a morerloop ,x-
a Pt'illat, who had bten boarding
but ir-irii made it In came a duly ; and, hence, it ' some time at Jacob Geisa' Hotel, in thi Borough.
! was inrumhrut Umn bim lo perform that duty j Gn Tues.lsy, John Delsney, a man employed
I He was obedient unto death, even the death of the , t Junes' Hotel, Philadelphia, in jumping from
cross. But again : 'Can anything be 1 nrumbeut the car at t'onshohorken, wa thrown upon the
ui-nn God !" Yes; (.od has bound himself, lhat, j Rail. anJ both his legs so mutilated by the whe I
1 passing iver them immediate ampul ilion was
. neressiry. The Engineers. Conductors, and other
, iicr-ton engaged on ibi mad, have gained much
j en d t by their uniform at't ntion to the ..f. ly and
i roinforl of pas-engers and we regret to learn fo;n
! the City paper, that the Conductor is ch.irg -d
with rt fus ng lo stop the car when requ red by
Two men who were bitten by a mad dog, at ' aaiin.tion. Amicus will find ihalthefly wm in the ' l,oor I'c'aney. and hence the dnaJful actidmi.
tresrope, and not on the son. PHII.OS.
Sunbury, Oct.2fiih I8t1.
Northampton, Mass. in Anarch last, have since died
of hydrophobia.
A Southern paper mention a rumor lhat the I.",
ni 1 r J State have oflVred to mediate bitween Tex
a and Mexico.
The Missouri Reporter of ibe 7th ea : "It is
rumored that Joe Smith ha been ai rested, ami is
From the U. S. Cuzellr,
The, the Kr tilth, snd the TttrllT.
The English and French pH-rs are greatly occu
pied in denouncing the American larill' in tonet
whi' h would intimaie ih it Ihe United State hid
I'utttcillc Emporium,
Increase of the Episcopal Chnrrh.
The follow'iHg table show the increase for the
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United Sutes
in the last ten yrais, compiled from the most au
thentic documents.
The fust column show ihe number in 1832 ;
now in the hand of ihe proju-r officer awaiting , ll(,t achieved ii imle rndence of Ore t Brit tin, or 1 the ai conJ in lt?t" ; and the third the increa-e.
bis trial."
Muj. r Beatty, of Andrew county, Missou i,
has upwards of fifty acres nf hemp thi season.
In Portugal, as in Spain, money cannot be raised
lo carry on the Government.
The King of Hanover, who ia 72, haa contract
ed a marri.tge with widow aged 40.
paid it del l of grant ti !e to uld France. The m m- '
rier of Heating the au j rt ia idmort ridi.-ulous, a j Maine,
well as exceedingly nil nsive, lo Americans; ami j Mew Hampshire,
the warmlh with which they denounce u-, and ihe I Msacliuseli,
(anlT i only equalled by the ipnor jnee which ome j Vrrmnnl,
td ihetn betray of our institutions, and our means j Rhode Island,
of taking rare of ournelvi . Oonnectirut,
effect this, sometimes, several weeks are re
quired. Mr. 11. says that so fit r as be lias gone in his
investigations and experiments, he dries not
find that Mr. Webb (the discoverer of the pro
cess by which eugar can be made from ctirn
stalks) has iu a single instance misrepresented
facts in this matter. With proper mills fur se
parating the juice from the stalks, nnd a pro
per cultivttt 011 tifthe corn, Mr. Kinkaid be
lieves that the hiohest anticipations of those
w ho have favored bis experiment, w ill lie fully
realized. Mr. Kinkaid will probably fur
nish a statement ben-after of bis experiments
Kfiil. More retiownetl men were probable
iislifitd into the world in l"(i!l than ilurinuany
tith.T year in either nlern or ancient limes.
Aini'iii; the most fumed of these, were the Em
peror NMilron, the Duke of Wellington, Mar
shal Ney, Count I .avalette, Baron I lumlitilt, and
An Aei'i'TM k. The Boston Medici.l Journal 1 rl I iverprad, in 1'urope, and Governor I)e
inn kes me-.ilioii of u paper Irom Eiio,iut uiuiied 1 Witt (Tui'ott, in America !
Charles M11I1111, w ho has been tor some tune
in the IVistou Work house, and wimre appetite
almost ruined liiut excellent establishment.
Jle lias been re-eluppt-d lor Leglauil out ol
fear, we prctuine, that he would cause a lam-
me lieie. The Journal says :
"He could not be sutistinl with eating ; he I
busdevound six pounds u! bread, uml wuein-d I
It down, repeatedly, with tour ipiails t.t'wulcr,
cbocolute or cotleo taking eillier, indillerent
ly, or as they w ere given to him. Uuw cur
ruts, apples, meat and in fact any thing 011
w hich be could lay his bands, he devoured with
ravenous avidity. A pan ol bread was habitu
ally placed by bis bed, on reliiiug, and when
ever he awoke in the night be lunched enor
mously, and with unubuted satisfaction, at the
expense of the city. A case of bulimia, thus
6trongly marked, has not been recognised by
medical gentlemen in this part of the country
for lonff tunc."
Sutsiiir (iuvisviiR ivh (invxaanu in t
Ssm. Governor King sent Governor Arnold
to (i'.miiiioi llnlihurd, to lAe Governor Dier,
I n' (j .m il or Hul.t nrd loltl ovt rii. t Arnold to
'el! rii.'l Kint", that hr, (low-rimr Hubti.ird,
wool.! 11 ttlilrr 1. 1 lien, ( Arnold.) (10.
verimr, for lie giaiilic .11. n ol tioveinoi Kmu ;
abe, tii.v nor II ibbanl, did net ll.i. k Hint he
(ovt iiiiir Kiep, wat a (Jovernor after all and
ihen I ae hud no ligl to aend a (iovernor to a
(...vt n.or It.r a (veinor yVirt'i'tfc Journal,
' mis ng in almost eviry thing. The rrmedy al
though seteie at first, must eventually result in
go d. Since the passage of the land', sfiecie ia no
longer sent ahr.'a I. In (his way leu millions per
ai.num arc ke(. iu ihe country, while some of
ihe city Bank have more in their vaults than they 'I he louts here, i tletd. Vt ry dilfeient.
'I be cu reiiiy is aim rt cxt lusively relii f issuts,
ar tl II t-se are I tceinu g exci iilinjv scarce. Mi n of
weullh and of the most t-x ensivc means are unable
to rai-e 111. In y, simp'y because there i none In
be bad. The Hunks, instead of discounting, are
hus'ikmling their resources, and reducing their lia
biliiie. The varuum thus rrra'rd is enormous.
The Bank of Notlhumberland h i reduced ilscir
riibilioo from f:llHMIU0 In about f 90,0(10. litre,
then, we have withdrawn from rirruUlinn in this
nt-iiibborbooil, no les linn m-o bombed and ten
'h'Us.iiid tlollars, and when we it Met t lhat ihi- mo
rn y, rhmig ng fiom ham) to hand, is made lo pay
ti n lin e li st amount of tle'as, we have the emu.
im ua sum of over a mili 11 f doltms of imlebledne a
uiibtpiitbiti d in C' iisetpu nre dt fitienry 111
our rircu'alii g n.etliiim. These facts, and the
(all ef ihe pi ire if grain, a e all sulficii lit to ar-
count fur the prest nt severe pressure.
France make crrat niitrrv on account of the; New York,
Oenrral ,. The Nashvide Whig of 1 Ju,i,. on wine, and br indie, oveiloeking the fart ! N J""';
Saturday week underataiids ihut lira Jackson re- J ,uli in xWxt cu,fyi t,plb. re ,v'u-et of luxu-y. ' Pennsv Iv.mia,
reived a painful injury in the forehead, on Thura- TUvy pon,,,!,,, ,!, 0f,ie .,rilic duties on si'k- I,
tl.ty, by ihe upsetting of a carriage, near ihe Her
mitage, in which be vv js riJiug out to a itk
-4 t 'unipliiiieiit. I udge Marshall, of England,
in sentencing a man for stealing pattern of print
id good sail', in conclusion, "You meant, a you
duties by ibe pound. The advance ia f.r le.s than ; Maryland,
is supposed, and ihe benefit lo th country is ihe Virginia,
certainty that ibe duties wi. I be paid, if ihe mer- ' North Carolina ,
diamine i impoilrd. South Carolina,
But the worst of the raie i in England. They Georgia,
demand a reriprorirv. Since when has that rerip : Fl. riil,
stale, lo lake ibem to America ; in my opinion the ,,.;,, (houghl of! The duty on American ; Alabama,
tobacco, imporled into England, Can scarcely be ; Misis-ip"i,
reciprocated by any duty upon British good im- . I.ouisi ma,
ported into this couutiy. And if some of our du- Ark.nsa,
j tie should now be bight r than others ot theirs, it Missoni,
will lie long, very long. More the amount leceiv. ' 'I'rnnes-se,
ed will equal lhat which we have paid to them. j Kentucky,
We have not time, now, to notice ihe arrogant 1 Ohio,
tone of some of the British press touching the new Michigan,
land", but we cannot forlear referring to Ihe Ian- 1 Indiana,
guage of the London Bell' Weekly Messenger on Illinois,
thi subject. Th.t pcr declare, that it i opposed Wisconsin,
to smuggling in principle, but at the same time, it . Iowa,
ASriMixTHK. U A son of .ong, and an
uudouli ed genius, the brightness of whose shining
il.uinine ibe foi.sU and prairies of Arkansas, has
aildiissttl a song lo I.. P. Evai , Esq., a candidate
foi l!. iigie in ihe wtstern "diggina," uf whirh
Ihe foil wing it Ibe clonus ;
' (in ii, Evans, wilh a squeeze,
Ami go it with s louse lies;
Or lb figure a you plea.,
II jl don't betray your g. oaenea.
The Pilislmrg Chronicle announces the sppear
sure of counterfeit five franc pieces in city
They are admirably exeruted.
E'eten hundred German, it i. said, were natu
ralized in the couria of llamilt .11 county, Ohio,
wiihin two wet I, ending the 12th.
If any m in proves mine, from the New Ttsta
ment, thai the spotlit b pli-ed ihe. r converts by
iniiin r.ion or submersion, be shall (if he has u
iho.ily to do e) iniineiae me the very next hour.
And if he prove fiom the same tomce thai no in
fanta were received into the Cliurvh of Clnisi, by
baptism, I ahtll puhlicly dichire infant to
be invalid. J. P. KMlMlEL,
Minister of the Lull era Cvng'rgution.
Punbury, P., Oct 24tb, 1642.
most rascally nation in the world, fur they don't
pay my dividends .'"
for f 11 ti mr.aira.
Ma. EsiTtva : A writer in Ihe Miltoniun, who
signs himself " Amicus," ha. animadverted on a re
mark made by Judge Lewis, and endeavor, to show
lhat il lead, lo heterodox view. Bui believing hi
animadversion to be neither secious ner teiiiuent,
I submit Ihe following, which, if you think worthy
uf publication, is at your disposal:
The Judge, in urging the necessity of filial obe
dient e, adduced ihe example of our Saviour a. of , foresees lhat smuggling all along ihe line and else- ; Indian Territory,
great weight and authority. Sjienking of Christ, 1
he remarked: ' In bia quality of God, it waa in- j
eumlient upon him lo lie about hi. heavenly Fa.
I thtr's business at Jerusalem, both hearing the doc
tor and Miking them questions; but in hi qualty
of Man, be b it the temple and all its leaching of
wi.doin, and in olwdienre to the wishes of hi.
earihly parents, went down wilh tin 111 lo Naxarelh,
and wa. subject lo them."
Now mark the strict u re. of " Amicus. "
1. '-UGoda 'yuulity?' I have been accusto
med lo consider him as a Person, a Being, the
Being of being.
2. Hss ("od a 'heavenly Father' a. theJuJge
asarrl! If so, llna God of ihe Judge' musl not
only lie infirinr to the Father of all, but pmltriur
in point of time, for the sou cannot be a olJ a. hi
3. la God 'sulject' to 'human parents? Then
he must have len bom of them, and dependant
upon Ihem.
4. fan any thing be 'incumbent' upon God f If
s.i, he must be under obedience, and not the Sove
reign of ihe Universe,"
Now let ua we if Amicus" baa not '-kicked re
lore he wa (purred" al lent by ihe spuia uf rea
son. 1. I God a quulty f" I answer, lb Judge
baa not said so. He only ij, Chiial -' n hiaqaul
iiy of God." But wb.i is lb nstaoinj of "quality "
where will be carried on. by Ihe American and
British, and il as ignr the follow ing reasons for such j
an opinion .
The goods ihey must have, for they - have no '
faetoriea of iheir own lo supply ihem with cottons
woollens, and hardwire, ex cejit of the most indif
ferent kinds, and therefore, whatever may be their
ptide, ai d by whatever mean tbey can procure
Ihem, w hether by amuggling or fair trade, ihey must ;
have ihem."
Wa there any thing more preposterous 1 Al
th piesent lime, the Americans have the command
of ihe market of South America, and even of Chi
na, for their cotton fabric ; and when the British
tqueexe their goods into the former ports, they
stamp them wilh the nairne of American manufac
tures, and of American factories. And at lhepreent
momt-m, the outriy in thi country against the ta
riff ia that it w ill prevent the collection of dutiea, by
promoting the homemanufaciure. But let the Eng
li.h acold it it natural thiy sh uld Tbey looae by
the relaxation of their own tar. AT lawa. American
pork and beef are finding their way into Iheir coun
try, and their own gooda are not coming hither
Other rircurostanco, besiJes the tariff, are opera
ting. The peode of thi eoumry are in a fit of econ
omy, and it may, we hope il will, become a perma
nent piincipl. There U not a demand foi good
18:12, 1842. Incr.
5 7 2
8 9 1
:ti 55 23
12 26 U
7 19 12
59 92 33
143 207 151
19 43 24
51 106 47
7 10 3
1 82 24
54 98 41
14 30 16
35 49 14
3 10 7
2 6 4
3 13 10
3 9 6
3 7 4
0 4 4
3 16 lit
2 13 II
A 21 13
20 58 38
4 19 15
0 17 17
0 12 12
0 9 9
0 3 3
0 3 2
bfit 1142 578
From ihe above table it will be seen lhat the
number of clergy of the Epiacopal Churrh in the
Cnited Sia'e has somewhat more than douhleil '
in the !.- ten years. The number of liih. ha
Increased from 12 to 21 in the same time. These
are inti resting, fact and will undoubtedly cheer
and animate the heart, of many friend of our be
loved Church. Snuttern Churchman.
From Ihe C S.Va:rtte.
The Coal r Peaan.j Ivawla.
XVMIlit 3.
The impoitant influence of Coal on ciiliili"0,
and its value to a country oue-ing it in ahum,
d mce, ha been (lightly touched upon in my form
er No. The (ubji-cl ha engaged the allentkax oT
so m my distinguished writer in England, a well
a the anxious aolicitude of the givarnaoanl there,
lhat il I only neceary for those who wiah to
make themselve thorooyhly acquainted wilh the
subject, lo l.Kik into th best statUiioal work, and
into thesis film Vol, nf Parliamentary Reports,
pub'uhed at variou period wiihin the last thirty
year, on ilea important branch of National wealth.
Fearful ofth exhaudion of thi fuel, elaborate
calculation have been mad regarding i's duration
end the present ministry, wilh a view ef checking
j and so f.r from its being a fact, thai we mur have J it exportation have placed an export duly upon it,