Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 15, 1842, Image 2

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    From the Blptitt lluord.
i':e of the Commonwealth, aglnst Artn
Orixiojt or JrnoK Lrvvta.
V h-'ltioT ronsldered in toeaid to law, morality.
" roigion, thi-i i truely an cxtrsj.iediniry opinion
'l is iinwiiun1 in all. The cie none out nf tin
npplic itinn of minister nf the gesprl. In hold the
defendant to mrety of the peace tlip said defendant
having threatened the complainant with per n A
vin'eine fur luring baptifd hi, tho dedendent '
In ii alitor, n girl of seventeen year of nee, without
the conrcnt nf hrr father. Tho judge Mini over
the d-'fi hdant, to keep the ponce in the sum .f five
hundred elollars, ami, wonderful l. relate, directs
the eomplainmt to pay the. coats of the proceeding.
It is to the course of reasoning, upon which thi
anomalous jui'gmen! is founded, our attention
is to It directed. "If," says the learned judge, ' ilv
pros color was acting within tho line of hi duty
ho ought nut to pay costs ; if lie h is interfered with
the fuller's authority over hi child, he ought to j
iny ll" He thoa determines a baptism v, ,-riptuiul c.ii.ninm'a." AV.-oh . vi.chap. i. 1 ,,cl' thought ho would Watch tho pro-
ohwlaiily sought hy the chi'd, was such an in- . i , r , , , n,0 n fu!Jllr , m,i(.r, ,vi arc j K'0"'8 l'1''11!?3. b,!'"f,r a """'"' ""'. resol
ter.Wtice with the righU of ihe- fat'.er, tho dc- nnpnfcd tu vital r.dinem, wo abandon Cod's or I voJ ' ki" tl,,! Mlakl' u( ,,,re ,,n despoiled the
ri-ion follows accordingly, and the complainant j
ir sentenced to pay the costs.
I agre-e that the act of Assembly, of 2Sth M irch
It 11, authorizes the court, in ciscs ..f (surety of the
pea -e, to direct the deft nJant, the pMM-culor, or
the county to p 15 the costs : Init I presume ilii
is the fnst ca-e in which that authoiily was ever
rxeiciscd in this way. If the charpo h id I ecu
frivolous, or unsupported, Ihe costs might, with
pi rf ct propriety, have been i-nposrd upon the pro
secirnt. U it had been brought through cimr or
miconcep'ion, the county should have borne them ;
but I cannot conceive upon what possible piinclple
or const'iiclion of the Act of Assembly, the pro
priety of tho clnrge can bo mstaincd hy the judtic
and at the same lime the complainant snhje'tid to
costs for hnvirp; ventured to make it.
Wiihi.ut denying the power of the judge to do so,
the justice of its exercise seems tome to he veiy
questional 1c. Some little light is shed upon this
subject by analogy. The Act of Assembly, ngu
biting the verdict of juries, in e.rcsnf ini.-dcnn an.T,
jirovidi-a thil in the event of an acquittal, the jury
inay determine whether the cmin'y, ttie prosecutor,
c the defendant shall pay the c s's. Put in ea-e
of conviction, the costs fall on the defendant of
ronrsc. It matters not what mny have him the
(irovoculion. The provocation in fornUli aoine
reason why the verdict ofguil'y theuld not pass,
but it fuini-hes no reason w hy the costs should not
follow it, having pssscd. No, if the preseivation
of 'lie peace, required the binding over of the party
the law vindieatea (be charge, and certainly it does
not infiicl a penalty upon the individuil who pre
fers i'.
This, however, is but a matter of little concern,
in comparison with the adoption of those princi
ples upon which the judge ventures to assert, that
tiic rights of the father were violated by the bap
tism of the child. I agree that tho parent has the
control over the child, and may diiect its education
or employment, and deiive the product of both
duiin? minority ; but I deny that he has any right
to interfere in any mailer of conscience or religion.
The laws nf f!od can neiiher bo annulled nor im
p;'(!e,l by the mere aitilicijl or technical nibs nf
civil society. No Iruman luw is obligatory, thnt is
opposed to the laws of (iod. IVo father has the
powir to compel his child to worship in opposition
to that child's conscientious conviction. There is
no minority in religion, that imparls to Ihe faiher
any such right, "duller little children to come un
to me. mill ttiein not. is an ni
the iS.iviour milher to be icnii.tcd nor disregarded ; j
mid ifm-ie wuildly uuth.oily were required, the j
Cnn.ntuliuii of the United Mates, Ihe supreme law j
vf the land, Btcurea to every one, th" free ox' rri-e '
of religion ; and the Constiiutiou of the Slate of
Pennsylvania, ailnpting the Mime tolerant doclune,
emptialically ik-clares, that all men have a natural
ami iiidefejahH right in worship Almighty (lod,
colliding to the diciatos of the.r own concieiices,
end that no hum 111 authority, in u try case whatever,
Mi i!i ronlri.l or intcifire with the righta of con-M-ienoe.
The light of the father to tupi rintend and di
re rl the educarion of his child, coniprt-hi-nds n
proper attention to the liter iry, moral, and lelij.'iou
iuslruction of his child, lie may require his child
to atti nd the nrnis'r 1ti1.11 of any particular ri-bgioii
I'Ut the power of (iod is above and beyond trie pow.
cr of the parent, and the father . no
piivili'gc to itileifeie with, or attempt to conti.l
the oprratiou of divine rineo upon the heart. He-
' .
may tiain up the rhilel in ihe wav i. shuiilil go, but
' '
be cannot compel 11 to abaueloii ihe du latrs ot it-
own conseieliie ; ami I utterly deny tlie ilortnne
of the judge, that ulicr the child his le.-n ii.iiieted,
wiih il own free will into 1 religio is sect to
its pn?eiit belong, tin felhi 1 m.i lu'l'uly reslia n
it fiom pl iciin; rsell iin.le r the religious o.oitred .. '
a uiiuicler, whose epiiiio.'ia do not inei i bis appro- 1
l!ut there is Ainiiber strange fe iiuie of this do -u
ment which dcreives 11. t ce. The Judge lenm J!v
rjiieites fiom the Scripture s, and I10111 seer,i wii
(1 rs eni moral philosophy, for the pniposi ot prov nj
that children o.:,.it lo be tils ele nt In beii parei.u.
and lliai parents have riuht to cemtiol, .1,
reel the rduc .lion of their d.iielieii. It We.u!.l
have been just ua a po ite to tie' cane in baud, t
have lahuicd to j love tli ,t l e t' is s t rime. ... 010
denies or daub's the- pi ne r-1 rLl.l nf p irent- t 11
ti.., r the gencijl e'uly ul li t- cl.iM en to .1
lie might Lave spared his ij or tl.J lea ii ii;
I Ilia topic. Lot s has givtu the s-ni im ie
neither of the lid e nor of the uuthots b- ijici, s
upon the sul jee ( befoie him. i lie whole aetivte.
indeed, savor uiaivi lloiisly of
'Jndtjc lidiniig.lijl mskes nos uebiit p! ,
JJul likes the ed of mhiicv ly ihe tail."
f If he bad denied the deictril.e uflhu Ui'.ik- upon
Ihe subject, he would have found it expressed lit
this language, ' He thul loveth fatlitsr and 11101I11
rrwre than me, ia 110I woilhy ol ina." "Kveiy one
that hath forssken father or totther for my
namp'f sake, shall receive an hundreJ fo!J, and ahall
inherit everlasting life."
He quotes Palry'i name, aa teaching his extra
ordinary doctrine. We will trnnacrihe for ihe
Judge what Pahy does write upon the definite
subject which hus calli-J forth this decision.
"A patent ha, in no cae, a right to destroy his
chilli's Inppine ." ,jit. Ed. p. 2HH.
'An acr-Jon to a particular profesaion insy he
inv.iluntsry and uncoiniuerjli'e, then it will f dlow
llist p irents ought not urge their autiioiity, and that
the child i not hound to ohey it." ib.
I'iironls iMitonly prevetil, hut rxiced their just
anlh'iri'v, when they cinault lluir own
intrn at or jnrjuitiec, at the manifest ixpi use of the
chil hen's hiippiuess." p. 23fi.
'1'he Jude quotes from Adam ('lurk, loo, aa if
he ever taught the nion trous djctrinc of his dcii IV "W, Adam (.'laik dues any and the MrtlwJist
Jiidee oul.t to hue known it Purely no child is
Ciiii, j IO ,,,., nnv .. ir , ..,.,..,,.., i or
, CFa a, f,vera. wo are unworthy of any
i,j,u l, 10i.Y,f ,, Mar( T, 37,
Yet ho quotes this writer as mi hnri'v fir his
d.ume and a Methodist Preacher, sitting on the
bench with him, cives Irs asi nt
lie gives a ft n bled extract fiom 'Waj land's Mo
tal Science," eulogizing him as "the great and g. aid
arid le irned I'r. W.iylaml, nf the siime n liginus de
noiniinition the pros-reutor." lie mpno-cd ho
could give the deadliest wound, to the prosecutor, 1
by an urrow frorri thequivei of an eminent leader ed the tree to examine into tho mystery. The '" ('umbeiland the Whigs have succeeded, in coo
in bis own church. i snug litt'c nest was filled with egs, nnd eov- : R'lu,'"r,; a division in the IK mocranc party.
He quotes from the first and third sections f j ered with fVrf . of tht ti hili u.ili .' !
! I -. e. ni it 1 1 i- .
President ay land s ( hapter on the tights Biid
duties of Parents, and lakes no notice of the tc
cond section, which is tho only one bearing uon
the case. This be slipped over, as not iuiiing his
nurcose. It toads :hus : 1
1 1
.. hile ,he aotlinri.y .0 command res,, with the j
Parent, and the duty of submission is imposed up-
on the child, vet the parent is not ul liberty to ex- !
erci-e this authority from caprice, or love of pow
er, or for his own advantage, but from simple love
to the chilil, and for the child's adv intake. 'Unit
pari nt iiLiih it, i. e. his authority.! if he Uses it
with any other motive ih.m duty t,i ti.xl, or Lvcof
his ollspring." ,
We leave ihe .ludc to the uncnviii! e notuiie'y
whieh this uin reci di nted diciiiu will sceure for
. ,, !
hull. U.
.... ,
Amerlcmi Kloiie. . j
The London correspondent of the N. Y. Union.
states the recent discussion in the London ,
papers respecting Ihe relative prices of Hour and j
biead, (ihe complaint I cing, that the miller ami the
baker keep up the price of Hour and bread, wheat
biii g nun h lower in price than fr many years
past,) a cuiious fact has Iransj iied. It appears
that 1 .emails, biscuit-mnker. Thread-needle street
who made an immense f rtiine bv bis lusine-s
foiind that either in biscuit or biead, Aineiiean j ;,nl 0il and nothing else, and the producers of j ritj of 900 vote s. So I .rge a majoiiiy was on
llour will absoib from a 13th to a 7th more of its artj,-l, cannot supply the (leuiatiif, suppos- I ''"'.V unexper teel and unlo.ike I for by e;t'ier parly
weight in wa'er, than any other llour. Mrs. Kuu
iii-11, in her Domestic Cw.hiri (which made more
money for John Mutray of Alben.ade ttrcct, than
li) run's 111 st successful wolks.) states, ulso, lhat
u stone (11 His.) ot Ainerii'in llour, will in ike 2 I
1-2 Ib. of bread, while the best kind of Cngl sh
Ih.ur will fronia like quantity, pr.iduoc only Is 1-2
lb. of This is a cuiious fact, ami as it is
now taking -the rounds" of the public journals,
must nperalf favorably for Ame.icun floor. ;
Hoiiiuiirr lit Kent Life.
The Paris (Ilobe furnishes the following Ne
apolitan romance : Tin; Countess Mulfui'i
was left a rich and beautiful widow, ut the a;e
of'twenty-two. Innumerable suiters came, but
the Duke de Ilerinelln wa.i the only one 'A hose
sighs wire reciprocated. Their union was a
greed upon, and deferred till the term of wid
ow -hood had expired. One day, ut a lete, the
young countess tool; the fancy of consulting a
fortune-teller, who was there for '.ho entertain
ment of the guests, lie, as usual, examined
the lines of her hand, and, with a troubled coun
teiu.itce and tremulous voice, siiel, ''Lady, you
ureal the gate of the temple of happiness, but
yon will pass over its threshold and will die in
despair." The l.nlv was deeiilv affected bv
! ,1 . 1 .,;., 1 11 ,i , iv .,; ... .1
tins preilti'tion, ami nil the allectiotute sootl.-
, , ei . 1 1.. ,. 1 , .
inos ot her luer were scarcely aeleejuate to re-
, , . 1 . . 1 , w 1
I store ht.i iiiind to tranquility. I iinu and pas.
1 , . 111.
I however, had obliterated the impression,
, . . , ,, ,, . . .
te I ...ti flu, I , il. n ito I l.-e-e,. , Vl'i - lit .11 e 1 1! In
oiiu' and Uouutess retired to a convent nnxi-
; ously waiting bis return. Hays, weeks, ami
' inoi.tlis elapsed without tli3 re-appearance of
; her be'trut'nil. At lust came from him the fol
io a ing cruel epistle : "Madame ! we deceive
our. elves in believing that we were destined
1 lor each other. Tu-morrow I shti'l be married
, in the I'rinctsf Maria I) iris. Let us forget
r urch.lnish fancies, but ever remain friends."
Tins wns the strokeof fate, for on finishing the
n"ti r stee satiK lo tlie ground, und was taken up j
a hie b'ss corpse. On the sutne evening her fn- :
.npiea uome, atiu 111c us uner , .i,,,;,,,., f ...pu liation. Speaking ,.f bis in
Ibil.e received three p,uiiiird we.iitielsas he ' .l,!,,,.,!,,,. tl) a hank in Memphis, be ssvs: .YoWA
,1 ll:nf into In.-, carnage, and i xpired on ' .,,tif,i,t.
spot. The ministers, in both conn- ' ..'qu.r. j, , a,KP ,i rP f ,,ctim ol the au-
.1 event--, which have occasioned the deepest
.tr.too in inanv l:ob!e families.
' in the hind writing of the autogiaphisl. We le .1 n ' in an orurn instead of a utirtti form. Tbc edits s
I is Wasiiim.tov There appears h,,y iave C11t bank a gie.t d. ul of money. of the New World soy. that oiler the Vth of Janu
to be no provision for the poor at the cupitul j r.ry paid urtr a th.niMind Jl.',ir, f,ir nurs. We ' ary next, the teg. , l .r of the.r piper willas
i : the nation. Ttie Intelligencer says In.-tan- hops gieat care is taken lo preserve these tnpitul , sumo the same conveiiii lit lui. In ubuJing to
cos have not unfreqtieiitly occurred, within the i and ine-rr-ieg iclics, as sbouM they be AY, we ' ibis wink i f Dr. Liebig's, the e.le'.ors say :
a-t twelve mouths, of persons going about the
I streets of this metropolis berell of reason, home,
r sheltei, protect loll, friends, or any ineuus
w hi.tever to procure thorn food or raiment,
I w hiuh the) ubsolutely netded.
.'i.J . L1 L Ll- 1 'J X. . .. BJ
RcMARKAnLfi cits or Instinct is a Bibd.
One of the most remnrksble cases of in
stinctive knowledge in birds, was often re
luted by my grandfather, who wit netted the
fuct wilh his own eyes. Ho "was attracted to
the door one summer day, by a troubled twit
tering, indicating distress and terror. A bird
who had built her nest in a tree near the door,
wan flyinj back and forth with the utmoct
speed, uttering wailing cries as she went. He
was nt fir at a loss to account for her strange
movements; but they were soon explained, by
the sight of a snake, slowly winding up the
Animal magnetism wns then unheard of ; and
whoever had dared to mention it, would doubt
less have been hung on Witch's I till, without
benefit or clergy. Nevertheless, marvel Inns
and altogether tin.icroimtable stories have been
told of the snake's power to charm birds'. My
grandfather having n to test truth .if j
nest. The distressed mother, meanwhile, con
tinued her rapid movements and troubled
cries; and he soon discovered that she went
imd came continually, w ith something in her
bill, from one particular tree a white ash.
The snake wound his wny up ; but the instant
his bend cnine the nest, his folds relaxed,
nr.d he fell to the ground, rioid and apparent-
ly lifeless. My grandfather made sure of his
death by cutting oil' his head, and then mount-
This little bird knew, if my readers do not,
,IIlt contact with the white ash is deadly to
the snake. This is no idle superstition, but a
tulilf tact in natural hir-fnrv. Tho Indians
.....,...... , c ,f n.,.i t...... i t.. 1. I
cflVC(j Illjoul ,lf.jr , !m,.pfrn iwt j
tmM SlaV0S oftoM take tUc Kanic prc.
. ' j
! I have never heard of any explanation of the jimia,B r,H,n.ies have given Kyei a n-.nj tity of a
i elTect prtMluced by the white ash ; but I know I ,,,, fl(i0i a, iVriv WK fi,;..,,, j r,.,,,,,.,) ,
i that settlers in the wilderness like to have these J invP civt n Ju,' (Whig.) ul out lUO.Htid
' treer around their In? houses, being convinced Hunting.lon, we presume, about 5m). Thm will
I tlmt no snake will voluntarily come near them, j t.aVcKyer a iinj..rity of about 500 in the district.
! When touched bv the hoiii'lif, they are satd
to or(,w suddenly rigid, with strn convulsions;
altera while, thry slu.vlv recover, but seem
sick Hid weak lor some t itne.
-- "
"Ho va. Wiiai U." Uun.ler this caption
l!-e I-o elI Courier contains the following :
Our et.terpribing triends of .New lledtord
and Nantucket are alarmed by (lie. uiterli rence
of lard oil w ith (heir great staple. A few
I'ucts mny relieve their anxiety. Iard oil,
properly made, bears a higher price than sperm
oil. It is a substitute for olive oil. The 'vool-
!en inaiiiilucliirers of tins coiiiitty are tisinej
incr (hat not one nvillon is consumed liir light-
ing purposes. Olive oil is not liiix,rti'il tier
consumption ; a cnrLro was exported from Hus
ton u few weeks since. The price of lard this
year, is ."0 per cent, below its average vultte
i tor ten veais lust. In ISt.r, the price ot lard
ja ui.lIlll0 clUoH wns ,.,.Ill!4 VV1L. tie
Wuo;011 njanufuctures commenced using it, an J
in guvcn ,,,,.,,. lt nw ,,, ,0 L.,.Ilts. ,abl Vl,.lfi
ta,oW watf , ojt bul liie lrice sum
rose, 11 1 id now ii"l ti gtilloti is iiitnie from it.
However useful the umimlacturo of lard oil
may be, the interference is not with tir friends
uUive tiHincd, but with the iuiHirters of olive
oil, who formerly employed a large capital in
the business. Our whalemen have beaten the
world, and they have nothing tofi ar
I A Ghkat Fi at. Ceo. W ., the ureal po. j ,1,e request of his aebniring friends, in the Lyonm
I denrian.a.rived at Trenton, N. J.. at fifteen min- '" 'e know n..t what led to this re
, ules past eleven o'clock on morning, ! H""' 'ut " U4 ' '" l'w'"W theser.,
t at which time he compb-led his fe at of walking six- j wi"t""J 10 I"1" the Judge and lhat he has sullei
ty miles in twelve hours. He hi at twelve o'- j J himself to he most rgreijiously duped."
cbnk on Tuesday iiiKh At Allen' Pace Course This estimation of the Ju.lg.-'s opinion, is cer
near this city. 11ml a' out seven oVI... k on Wed- 1 "'",v ""y I'bila.lelpl.iaii in its chancier, where
, liesday im ru nj s art.d f r Trenton, and arrived l,iey can hardly conceive tint -any good cm come
th. re ul the above lime stated. The horses and ( " "f Nai.irelli,' or that any Judge in the countiy
horsemen which attempted lo a-e.unpaiiv' him on can give an opinion that weu!d compare wi'h lhat
, bis load, gave out -, the last one about five miles
from Trenton. I'hi'ji.l. Chnmirlt,
! A brother yives the fdlowing advice,
1 which if billowed, we think, w.ul.l d mil to re-
st, re tim.v. Who'll try it! sl'M'
dr inking liquor sme kirg sege,rs Maneliug on tl e
corn, rs of the streets and ..:.fing about tntvu
go to hard w,iik. practice the mo rigid .c.siiomy
in all II ings, le lu iiesl un.l lionorablo in all ttimgs
with all men, und if Ihe times do not get easier in
I. si than twelve months then we are neither a fi-
uojitcr or u philosophi r."--Mi?mitiri pujirr.
; ,., Ix Pl-,Nr l:.-phl. r,,,,.r f ,hc Fr,
t ,,jlk,rilljl (T,.n) r.,,1(. j, R f,,,Ui.h an ailribot...
som. tenos n.isiaKen lor t iietn, 11111 iiisiung inipu.
deuce, lie It us unnouuees Ins adlierencr tu tlie 111 oil-
1 M,.
kec inn in the c.itii.ct otitic runner.' and
j doubt wheiher they nsilel lie easily ddl-rtrd again.
Sh.auM the Inn k, however, be o unloriunate us
Ucu,r,,wtMM tbembav another a. hall the
' former price, in of tho irj hard
Saturday, ttrt. 15, 1812,
fXj Ji:sr C. HonTP?f is elected over his two
opponents, hy a majority nf about one thousand
votes. Mnrton'a majority in Centre, about 800.
The licit Venule will stand SO democrats, and 13
Cj"Thc Senate will this winter he composed of
j majority of throe or four Democrats, In York and
! Lancaster, Judge C'hampticys bus been elected. In
j Chester, which was a douluful district, we have also
j feeceeded in cleiing a Democratic Senator. In
j the district nf Union, Huntingdon, Milllin, Juniata
j and Perry, Henry C. Kyei has been elected, in the
place of 15. P. McClay, Whig. In Dauphin we
j 'KIV' elected one of the numbers, and the ."Sheiilf.
eials havo "tucceedi d by about "(MM inajorilv.
Scott, the whig mayor of he city is elected by a
bout 1000. In Schuylkdl we are glad to htar that
Heel ticr the democrats Tarilf candida'e, h a l eal-
'' T,"iin"" efn-
1 'j" J"' T'
has elected the democr atic ticket. Lllwollhas
. . . . .. .r . ... . ,
net n re-i lecteil 111 liraitloril cnuntv. .Mifllin and
U lleilct.ons 111 tins county were clo-ely
conteste.i. 1 in v. lunieer candidate ly a coin
biniiioii of circumstances, reduced very coiisielera
bly.lheveite of the regular ticket. Mr. Oyster as
j K. gi tor A K. cinder, ami Mr. Young as c, minis,
; Honor, it will U s, en, have I ec, elected against
j '" ticket, by several l.und.ed of a n.aj.irity. Mr.
. ' i'"" '"n "'".v 'l"' B'ounii
that a coinini-sinier shoulel reside at the county
seat, and the result, we think, has fnllv show.i tinit I
" irc '-"" '-
j iXj" In t'olumbia countv the n moval paity have
I elecieil their caudal etc. Dun. I Snveler, by a ina-
; weeks since. We da mil t!i nk the risult
fair test. In the upper 1 ud, ihey have long bee n
wanting a division, and hate, we presume, tflineel
tale' t.i our Danville frit lids, more fn the purpo-e
of fiighteriiuc them into their mea-u'i", than with
any serious view of reuiovini; the seat of justice.
fXj1 Tlie Uaptisl Kecorel uf last week, contains a
review ol the opinion of Judge Lewis, in the case
In our reaelers in iy h ive an opportunity
of hearing both ieh, we have tralr-felied the re
view te our columns, which, the Tffer of ihe lie
cord says "i fr.iin the ji.-n of one of the most emi
nent lawyers in this city, ( I'bi a.lelpln i.) in com
parison with whose opinion, lliut of Juilge Lewis
is ns light as air wiih all sci sible inei ," The idi
tor fi miirnks, that "llie leusor a fi r tbiselecis
ion have bein given ul It 1 pi h l y Judge Lewis, ul
of a Philailelphia la'vyei. Now, without intending
', l.iexpiess anv opinion in regard lo the correctness
....... . . .
I or incorrectness of the opinion in is
j jlllt j,1Bj,.e , MV . (., fl W ,t,,.r Ju-
rj,,s j ,lt. hU1Pi .liin Julje l.eni, and with llie
. excepion of Judge King, Philadelphia, can boast
f no Judge lhat is his equal in point of talents
anJ b g .l learning. Tlitrt is nodouM an honest
j.rr, ,,., f ,,:;,, u,, thiol su' j.cU Wc hive
i..,r j f()lll( ,, ! i,,t,.,t,,.,1t divine contend f , r
. t. conectness of the Jud-.-'s decision. Others,
no doubt, con lemo it. The gist of the Judge's
opinion, as we unelersiand it, is, that every parent
has a Irnt right to control die moral and religious
conduct ot his child, during its minority, and we
conic s, we see notliiuj in the review, lb it goes lo
, ,(ll,lro4e,i thst t.o.iiioo. but the oninioti of the re-
..,,., . i,...r
Lit l.i'k Aprirulhiriil 1'ht inixt ry.
The ontivpiining prnprieleus ef tbe New World
or 5 copies for ft. Tins evct Unit woik w ill he
1 "Nil work has ever appeared in the Kn"lisli
to .language, (sissessino tlie ability and interest
1 ' . ' ", f"'"" Ai.K.ei t.l , tt AL I'liKM.s, ttV ; .nd
' a i-eipv, thou h it wi re In coct fiie dvllun in
i ttcitd of' tuiiitij-Jii r r ruts." '
Illir II I U.II1..1 It. 111., I 111.,.. I,. it L ... 1 .1 ..I. In...
Sun' ury,
Little Mahonny,
I'pper Mahonny,
Lower Mahonoy,
Total 1097 795
Oearhurt, Grant.
Sunbury, fi8 ISA
Augusta, 181 113
Northumberland, 103 54
Point, 71 21
Milton, 89 59
Turluit, 294 1 1 1
Chillisipiaque 74 52
Miami. kin, 100 22
Coal, 101 5
llosh, 121 3
Jackson, 1(jG 0
I Lilde Mahonny, H SO
, I'pixr M.ihonoy lfifl 8
j Lower Muhonoy, 27 AO
I To: ul 1 6 IS GOG
! Sheriff, '
! Maurrr, Ijihe,
Sunbury, lti3 38
, Augusta, 192 1:10
: Norlhuuil eiland, 98 72
j Point, M 40
: Mihon, 77 121
j Turbut, 273 147
' Clnlisqu npic, 32 99
Shnmnkin, 79 184
I foal. 54 83
1 Hush, 78 67
.laikson, 178 9
Little Mahonoy, 20 24
Upper .Mahonny, 144 33
j I.owi r Muhonoy, 50 92
I Total, 1502 llll
Ao Opposition.
M orlbumberljnd,
J icksein.
Little Mahonny,
Upper Mahonoy,
Leiwer Mahonoy,
Tot d,
; Rrpistrr mirl Recorder,
llriit, Oy.-trr.
Sunbury, 134 ?5
Augu tu. 210 12(5
Ni rthumberland, 117 11
Point, 7ti 27
Mibon, 51 121
fori 111, 2(13 201
1 t'lidb-qu iquf, ti7 53
StiiiiiHkili, ti7 lu9
C,.l, 51 N2
Ko-h. 3'J 91
Jokson, 40 137
. 1 iille M ilinnov, 17 27
' I ar Malioiiov, 51 12G
I Lower Mabonoy, 5S 72
1 Total, OKI 1351
1 Commissioner,
j Murtz, Ynung,
' Sunburv, 51 151
! Ao-usla, 121 20fi
Noithuiiiber.'aud, 112 55
i Point, .C 24
Milton, 50 141
Turbut. 221 IUG
l't,, 19 lUll
Shamokui, lS'J t3
Cod, S2 51
! Hush. 79 51
j J ickson, 24 156
Little Mahonny, 29 15
I Upper Mahonoy , t7 t5
Lower Mahouoy, 11 1-0
Total, 1157 1117
1 9
7 6
14 1
A" Opponitkin.
' ""''"'Vi
: Auuu.ta,
j lihuluK.r.,nd,
; Mil mi,
I. r"''.l''
1 f hi le.ei asniie.
I sshannlm,
e I ...I'
1 Upp, 1 Mali 11 iy,
1 Lower Mahonoy,
Tolal, I5i9
I Auditor,
Sunbury, 94
i Augusts, 150
I Noribuiiilxrland, 1 1 9
P.iinl, f5
1 Milton, 64
i Turhiil. 191
I I 'hilliseuaque, 75
: Sliamukiii, 113
! Coal, f7
'Push, 110
I I ickson, 3
Little nishonny, 0
J Ups-r Mahon.y, f
j Lower Mahonoy, 3fi
j Total, Hil
.Vl Ojjhi$UiuM,
There wee a few scatte ring voles for Pio
llionot iry, and in Jackson township, (Jeorge Shre
der niu-t have surprised even himself, in receiving
- ! 9rt "' 99 Audrtor. (ioorge, no doubt,
I will try it again on some other occasiou.
KilltnrUI, Condensed and Selected.
Iloimropsthy has made an illustrious convert
hi England. The Duke of Wellington has given
donation of fifty guineas to Homtropalhic
Iron H'frrk 7)estrnied.-The extensive Iron
Works of Reeves, W brisker A. Co, located at
Dridgetoti, fi. J. were destroyed hy fue on Tues
day last. Lose f 20,000 pat li.lly insured.
A son, aged three yer, of Caleb P. Davi, of
Detroit, lately fell into a k tile of boiling water and
was scalded to death.
dtxid Crop.- Mr. Jim FrzgeraM, living not
I far from Jersey ille, IltinoM, laised during the past
! year, from eleten acres of ground, 517 bushels)
gooel wheal, being at the rote nf 44 bushels to the
acre. Mr. F. sowed eleven bushels.'
The stockholders nf the Sooth Dank of Boston
have resolv. d to dissolve the institution and divide
the s ock which is sa d lo be worth nearly pr,
A locomotive made at the Auburn prison is in
use on tbe Attica Railroad.
A poor widow named Mullen, was run over
net killed, on Fiiday, on the Baltimore and Sus
quehanna Rail Reael.
Preifessor IXidd of the Colleae of New Jersey, is
preparing to publish the speeches, and memoir
of the late Mr. Southard.
Dr. Hugh Caldwell was arrested in New York
on Monday, charged with manslaughter. He was
the eloctor who attended the fight and lanced Mc
Coy's eye in order that he might fight longer.
The Iri-h fellow citizens of the lute Dr. McNe
viu of New York, are about lo erect splendid
monument to bis memory.
A Western paper states that they are going 'the
whole hog' in the matter of lard oil, ami thai the at-
j tempt todecry it in the Hast, is 'very like a whale.'
J (Jeorge McDutlie will probably be ihe Senator
j from Suuth Cuioliua, in place of Mr. Preston,
, whose term of service expires on the 4,hof Match
i next.
A letter from Tamp.i Bay, dated Sept. 1 1th, says
; that Tiger Tail, wiih some of the Creeks, will go
west the present mouth.
1 A New Yoik par mentions a rooit that the
mother uf McCoy has become insane.
Circe 11 apples at Pittsburg, 75c a I 12 per bar-
j r-1.
- The manufacturing establishments at Reading
I are again looking up.
1 Up to the 24th September, there have arrived at
j the port nf Quebec, this season, 42,358 emigrants,
' being 14,(170 more th .n arrived there the
. same per bid in 1 84 1.
I Tbe St. Louis New Era says that the crops in
! that region wore never m .re abundant; bul the
' piices were greatly leducid.
j Upwards of 12,000 barrels of flour wcie inspec-
teel in Baltimore last week.
j Business has materially revived in the mnnufac
j luring establishments of Virginia, since tbe passage
of the Tar nT Bill.
I Specie at Mobile was at 25 er cent, premium
on the 2'Jlh n It.
j I 'oaths by consumption in New York, Isst week,
I I he ew 1 eirk Sun says lhat a colore J man is
' now editing disreputable sheet in that city,
A son of Csloh F. Dnis, of Detroit, fell into
I ketde eif boiling water, few daya since, and was
! scalded to death.
j Last year, the total door ase of consumption of
- wines in England, was 425, 25 gallons.
i The average steck of I ullion in the Bank of Eng-
i land, during the month of August, was about A'-0
I 000,000, neatly f 50,000,000.
j Tlie Boston Transcript says: We understand
I thai the Rev. Dr. Esstbuin has accepted both of his
bite calls that of the Assistant Bishop of the Eas
tern Diocese, and the Rertoiship uf Trinity Chuich.
I'trjitri.M the recent se-si m of Ihe Circuit
I Ceeurt, sitting in Delaware county, N. Y., Victor
j Adams was sentenced lo ten yeais' imprisonment
, in tbe State Prison, for the crime of perjury.
1 A new Baptist Church was dedicated at Pitts
. burg, on (he 4th in1.
i The number of church members in tho San.l-
i w"'h Islands, is l'J.210, lieing nearly one-fifth of the
j opulaiior. J he number admitted 'luring the year
I ending 1st June last, was 2413. Number of chil
i drcn in Ihe schesjls 18,000 to 19,000. The king
, has lately joined lb Temperance Society.
During ihe months of April, May and June, Ihe
editors of ihe London Times paid for du ies on ad
j veiOsciiteius, the sum of X':l,l95,or nearly 1'J,000.
i A new Methodist Church was to have been de
dicated in Leiurburg, Washington county, Md ,
1 oil Sunday,
! An extensive ld of Cannel coal has been recent
, ly discovered in Cole county, Missouri. The mine
( is very valuable.
I Tlie amount of Trrasury Notes outstanding on
' the 1st inst.. wan, it is officially slated, f 4,802,070.
,j The funeral of tbe Rev. Dr. ("banning to..k place
I in Tloston on 1 Tiutsduy week last. The bells of all
j '
j the Unitarian and Roman Catholic Churches were
j tolled during ihe services.
' The French lee! root sugar crop of the present
year, is estimated at CI 000 000 lbs.; eipiul to half
, the quantity imported from ihe French colonies.
Dr. I.ardner, who ra'i away with another man's
I wife, and is now living with her, is lecturing in
, Philadelphia, and quite a number of ladies are a
I m ong bis patrons !
I Tbe w hole number in tlie New York Alms House,
October 1st, 2t77.
It is said thai a French Admiial ia looking
through ihe Pacific, for spot wlieieou lo establish
penal settlement.
Sixty thousand dollars in specie went from New