Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 24, 1842, Image 3

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    . Ml. L- U
A Casa Stated.
A powerful stream had run over the fall, in a
certain neighborhood, since the creation. The
people on the bunk had long admired the atream
nd fall, but they could not control or use it, hiv
ing neither money nor skill.' The people got theit
living by nixing hop, with a little corn, beam and
potatoes; and poultry waa their principal stork, as
the land, l-eing mostly a pine barren, yielded little
grass. That which was cultivated w is worth on
ly (5 an acre, and much of it was common, worth
A D, and U came among them, bought a hun
dred acrea of Und, including ihe fulls, giving $10
an acre. They laid out f 30,000 in building
strung dam and factory. . They paid $39,000 to
(he people for labor, fur quarrying stones, making
bricks, arid putting up the factory nnd dam, snd
$1,000 went for nails, glues, &e. They paid $ I a
day fr labor, and double for lumber to what it ever
brought before. The clay and s'onrs were before
worth nothing. They paid for labor, a we before
raid, $1, when before lulmr on the spot yielded on
ly 25 cents' worth of hops, potatoes, dec. and when
they went out to woik among farmeis on belter
anil they got $13 a month.
After the factory was finished thry hired all the
young men at $ a day, and the young women at
60 cents. Land rose in the vicitiity, so that many
got $1,000 for that which was not before wonh 100.
The farmera round got one-third more for their hay
corn and potatoes. Vigelables, which wcrs worth
nothing before, except to cat, now brought a ready fusid to sell for less than f4 25, but we hear of no
.nsrket.- The articles manufactured were sol.l to transactions at tbat piice. The receipt price is u
the people lower than ever before, as they were free j nifnrm to-day at $4.
of duties and transportation. A sale of City Mills Flour was made this
At the end of len years they reckoned all up t A ,
B and C had doubled their money. The land for
four square miles was doubled in value in iht
village, eighteen times its former value. Thirty
thousand dollars' worth of houses had been built
from the savings of the laborers, and business con',
Now we commend A, B and C, and consider
them benefactors. Our opponents call tbrtn aris
tocrats, who h ive 'feathered their own nest9 out
of the hard earnings of the laborers, and think
they should I taxed and vexed till they slop busi
ness and set the workmen frre. lluv. C'az.
Tnmnto Figs.
Tk" s'x pnunds of sugar to one peck (or 16 lbs.)
tf the fruit. Scald and remove the skin of the fruii
in the u-ual way. Cook them over a fie, thrre own
juice lieing sufficient without the addition of wa
ter, until the sugar penetrates an I they are clarifi-
ed. They are then taken out, spread on dishes,
flattened and dried in the sun. A small quantity of
the syrup should be occasiouly sprinkled over them
whilst drying ; after which, pack them down in
boxes, Heating earh layer with powdered sugar.
The syrup is afterwards concentrated and bottled
for use. They keep well from year to year, and
retain surprisingly thia flavor, which is nearly that
of the best quality of fresh fig. The per shaped
or single tomatoes answei the purpose best. Ordi
nary brown sugar may lie used, a portion of which
is tegaint d in ihe syrup. -
Vermont, with a population of over 201,000,
has Jive tepresent.ilives in i.ur present Congress,
and South Carolina with a free population not less
than SCtl.tlOO, has re. The surplus revenue in
183G whs distributed in a like manner, and while
each riiiien of Massachusetts received J2 92. the f
citizens of South Carolina received $b 7 j, and the
citizens of Louisiana ?0.
The Rev. Edwsid M.yer, Pastor of the German
Reformi d Forsyth street. New York,
cannot be found. Wairaiiisnre nut for him for
his participation in ihe affray on Sunday week j
an account of which we gae in our last. Several !
of the most active participators have been arre-ted.
This affray is said lo have been the most violent of
any thine that has come off in that city for some
t i me. Reading Cnx.
A Cbim Irs IV sishmkst. We understand
thai a Menominee Indian, near Twin Riveis, in a
drunken frolic, last week, killed his wife and brother-in-law.
When he hi came soiier, and saw
what he had done, he wrapped himself up in his
blanket and laid down beside his wife. While in
this situation his wife's brother came up and blew
his brains out. The thii g to regret about this
matter is that the m.n who s.dd the whiskey lo the i
Indian was not killed with him.-.Witveiuiie Cour.
A Qresi'ioN well pit. A valuable friend
and an able farmer, about the time that the tem
perance reform was beoinning to exert a
iieallhful influence in the country, said to his
new hired man :
'Jonutliun, I did not think to mention to you,
when I hired you, that I think of trying to do : l""''" 'Y "! th. .mirage, ot lis teiiow cu.ze,,..
..... , , , ! Sunbury, Sept. 21. 1S42.
my work this year without rum. JIow much i -
... . i . .i .! 'II II M.4SSKK again notifies all who sre
more inst I sue you to uo w t hotitl '. 7 , V T : ", e t u i
c indebleil to him or tlie firm nf H. H. Masser V Co.,
Oh,id Jonathan, 'I don tcate muck about , lo ca ,n,i wj,hnut ilelay. otherwise iheir ar
it ; you mny give me what you please.' I counts will be placed in lh. hands of a in icis'rate
Well," Mid the farmer, 'I will give yon a ; "''""'lection. Hunbory.M
tUeep in the fall, if you will do without.' j CAUTIONi
'Agreinl,' said Jonathan. I A '''J wrs ns are hir.hy cautioned from puicha-
Tbe oldest Bon then said, 'Father, will you ' , ;n8 ,r "ceiving a pio.u.ssary note given by
. ; tbe ubs lihers to a ceitltin Henry l,)(rs, fir the
give me n sheep if I will do without rum.! j p,yineill f uulllrej Dollar. witU interest.
Yes, Marshall, you shall have a tlieep if you dated April 1 3th. 1K42. The sub. crib, rs having
will do without' I fecivd no consideration for the above note, aie
...r .i i determined not lo pay lh same, unless compet ed
ther, will you give trie a bheep if f will do with
out !'
Yes, Chandler, you blmll liave a eherp aliso
if you will do without.'
I'resently Chandler spt-aku again
'Father Jiadn't you better take a sheep too!'
Thia was a powr ; he hardly thought he
could give up the 'good creature' yet ; but the
appeal was I'rotn a source not to be easily dis
regarded. The result was, the demon was
henceforth bunitdied from the premises, to the
g reat joy and ultimate happiness of all concerned,
A child three or four year of age, at Milton, in
this State, wandered into the wood after ita mo
ther, but going wrong, wandered about until it was
ot. Search was made and continued for several
days, and then giving up in despair. The child
was found right miles from bomahy a bunter of
deer. A hound puppy that followed at his heels
was observed to start suddenly, and run down to a
branch and growl at thia momenta feeble voi-e
whs heard to echo fro-n cluster of bushes, 'Please
sir, don't let your dog bile me 1' Mr. Morris le
paired to the spot, nnd found the child in the midst
of a grove of bushes where he hud evidently hid.
It had been subsisting four days on grapes and bcr
lies 'iV. Y. Sun. ' . f
The Bank of France has in her vaults 800 bar
rels of five franc pieces, each barrel containing fifty
thonamd Francs or about ten thousmd 'dol'ars.
The fiold is parked away in leaden cases, contain,
ing twenty thousand "Imps of one thousand Frwra
earh, in the neighborhood of four 'millions of d d
Inra in each rase; nnd it is represented that an en
tire apartment in the vaulted department is filled
with the cases, some of which have not been
opened for forty years.
Office oflhe Baltimore America, Sep. 19.
FLOUR. There is more inquiry fr Howard
street Flur to-day, and thn receipts being lighter
than for some time past, holders very generally re-
morning al ?4 12, but holders very generally ask
Sales of Susquehanna Flour were made on
S.iturday fi 12 J. None now in market, and want
ed. GRAIN. We have to note an improvement in
the price of Wheats. The supplies to-day an. I
Saturday have been shoit, ami lieing not equal lo
the demand, prices have advanced, say about five
cents per bushel on red Wheats of ihe inferior
grades, and two or three cents on those of the lies'
qualities. We now quote the range nf the market
for Md. .ted at 45 a 83 ren's. A parci I ofPenm.
red whcnt, the only one in market since out last re
port, was sold on Saturday at 83 cents.
S ilcs of Md. white Corn to-day at 51 a 52 rents,
and of Md. yellow at 52 rents. A sale of Pinna,
yellow on Saturday at 52 cents.
We quote Md. Rye at 43 a 45 cents ; and Oats
at 20 a 22 crnts.
WHISKEY. We quote hhds. ot 20 a 21
rents, nnd bbls. at SI a 22 rents.
The wagon
price of bbls. is 19 cts. exclusive of the barrel.
Thf. Fl ti lis asjd Soli us or thk Hi-ma Bo nr.
When we consider that the fluids, or humors
have a superiority over the solids in the ratio of
four to one for it has l?en a-cettained by actual
experiment, in a human body weighing 125
lbs., the bones and mu-clcs, after ihe moistuie has
been extracted, weighed only twenty-five pounds,
thus proving the solids are only one-fifth of the
whole mass. Is it wonderful, then, if the Blood
and o'ber fluids sre corrupt, that the whole h,ly
should he diseased !
Urandieth's Vegetab'e I'liiversal Tills puiifv
those flu. da. They purge from (he body the cor.
rupt and ttignnnt humors, and health must of nc
Ccssiiy follow. Nothing is equal to ridding the vj.
tiated humors with .-6-"'UtiJ medicine cf this
kiml, which ightyfour years have proved never to
do injury but always good,
Purchase in Sunbury, of H. B. Mas-er, and
th agents published in another part of this paper.
Entirely cured lit the use. of Dr. O. P. liar-
lirh's Compound Strengthening und O'er'
man Aperient Pills.
MR. SOLOMON WILSON, of Chester county.
Fa., afflicted for two ye rs with the above dis
tressing ili-ease, of which he hail lo use Ins cru'ch
r.s for eighteen months his symptom weieex
ciucia'ing pains in all his joints, tsp.eiiiby in his
hips, shouhb rs and ankles, pain increasing towir '
evening, attendeil with he it. Mr. ilson at
onetime not aMe to move his limbs on account of
ihe pain being so gnat; he lieii g . Jvisi d hy a
friend of his lo procure Dr. II rhch's l'.ll-, for
which he sent to the agent in West Chester ami
procured some; on using the me 'ieine the thiid
day, the pain dis9.pi?arcd. and I is slrengih inrrei.
j sed fast, and in three wieks was able lo at end to
his business, which he had not done for eig' teen
month'. For the benefit of eithcis afll ced, he
withes these lines published, that ihey may be re
lieved, and again enjoy the plea ures of hialth life.
Principal office. No 10 No.ih Eighth street,
Philadelphia. HEN UY YOXFHEIMER.
Sept. 2tth, lf42. Agent.
(a'corgc dirmit
FFERS himself as a Volunteer Candidate fur
Assembly, at the ensmnc election, and re.
Uw : and have liven notice to that effect to
Huiry P. Hi'v. v. ihe agent of ihe sa il Henry
Moocrs. srKPHE. 1111 I K UEN UEIi,
Shsmokin. Sept. 19th, 1842.
'state or Joint Tcliuii, St n'r,
NOTICE is hereby gi'eo, that toilers of ad nin
islralion on the estaia of John Tehopp. sen'r,.
Lie of Lower Mahonoy township, deceased, were
in due liiim uf la granted lo the suhscibi r, reiJ ng
in said township. All prrs ins indel t. d lo said is
stale will pleas make payment, md those biting
claims will pleasr present them prrqierly authenti
cated fr settlement, on Saturday, the 1st. Oitober
next, at the house of the (Uveas, d.
Sept. 24lh, lli. JOHN TCHOrp.
Correeferf weekly by Henry Yoxtheimtr.
Whkat, .... 05
Rva, ...... M
Uoasj, 40
Oats, ' .25
Fork, 5
FtAXsrkn, . .. . mo
HcTTita, .... la
Hkkswax, 25
Tallow, . 12J
Hiiir.n Applks, 75
Do. 1'sACUKS, ' t 200
Flax, ... S
IUcklsb Flax, 10
Eobs, - ,8
I HAVE this day bought of Samuel Eisrnhart,
cf Coal township, Northumberland county, one
Uhck hoise nnd Gear, one l)eatborne Waggon,
one Yoke Oxen, Ox Yi ke. M'aggnn and Chain,
snd one Urass twenty-four hour Clock, which pro
ie rty I have loaned bitn at mv pleasure.
' S. JOHN.
Sl.amokin, Sept. !)th, 1842-51-3t
ru rni:i:r.KcTons ofoktii
vmm:ri.a md co i r r.
fJlHE suh-eriber bring prevailed on by bis friends,
1. riectfully ir forms the public that he will be
a candidate for the office of
al the ensning general election. He premises, if
eleeied, to fulfill Ihe duties of sniil office, with care
and fidelity. JOHN YOUNG,
May ?th, 1812.
.loli ci Youtifr,
Of ihe borough of Sunhiry, al the soliritati n of
his numerous friends, has consented to theii wishes
in continuing I is name Ivcfore the public fir the
office nf COMMISSIONER at the ensuing elec
tion. Ever since the foimation of ti e county, one
of ttie Commissioners resided in the couniy Inwn,
for the purpose of accommodating persons having
business to transact in the ollice ; and as Mr. Young
had a majoiity of the delegates assembled in con
vention, w hich by some management di privrd the
people of rhrir rights, we hope the voters of th"
coii itv will coin" up to the polls on the 2d Tues
day of October next, and support their rights.
Sept. 17, 1842. if. MANY VOTERS.
"WkTOTICri is hereby given tint the partnership
bich heretofoie existed laMwecn the subser
I ers, under (he firms of Hear fi Trego and Trrgi,
It. -ar cv t'iL, is ilus ilav ilis-olved bv mutual ron
srnt. All debts due by ihe films will be paid by
Jaeul H. ar, to whom all Ihe ilelitora of t!.e same
will please to make pavnuiit.
Shamokin, Sept. 10th. 1812.
YOl are required to meet for
parade in M ai ket-square. Sun
bury, at 10 o'clock A. M. of Satur
day, ihe
2-1 tli day of Sept. insf,
in Summer uniform, each Member
to be provided with 12 rounds of
blank caitndge. .
Uv order of Captain
Sept. 3d, 1812.
N. B An elect 'on for nnn com
missioned officer will be In Id on
said day.
HA VINO been informed that a number of mv
1. fell w rinr.ens wish me lo stand
a poll at the approaching election, for the offices of
Register, Recorder, ej- Clerk of the Orphans'
Court uf Sorlliumhcrlund Couniy,
I have consented to ihe lequest ; and I earnes'ly
wih you will favor me wiih vour suppo-i.
August 27ih, 1842.
The People" iniitlidalc
AVID N. LAKE, nf Sliauiokin Township,
is indiiii'd by i tie uttjei.t solicitation of ma
ny Inends, to oil. r htmselt as the reopl. s Candi
date for Sheriff. Having had fifteen voles out of
tbe ihiny-one Delegates met st Ihe cotin-liuu-e in
Sunbuiy Ihe first day of Augu-t, and claimed se
venteen befoio ihey met, I ut by mmo misunder
standing received only tilt' rn, be thinks Unit the
people should have choice it (he coming diction
in nexi, and therefore shall look lo them
for his suppoit. Alien t 2(lth, 1812.
iUOToTi 15 APIHC iOTIcl2.
So. 173 Chesnut Street, th .Story,
m H" a n r f en .' h e it ..f da'H'f. mi r.o
if I. TYl'R A P PAR ATI S. S.ngic.l mil Mi
mature Casts, Iinpoiter of Fencli Clieimrals and
double silver plates for the 1) iuiierre. lv pe, adopts
this method of informing ihe citizens of Nonhen
IVnnsylvania. that he carries on ill" above ousiness
ext nsivrly, in all ils various branches. Persons of i btaining any ot ihe nbove ailiees, r u
be promptly supplied, on the lowest terms, for coh.
All letters (post paid,) will reieive immediate
Mh.O R LILI.EIlir.DOE. now traveli ng in
tlie Northern part of ihe Siaie, will promptly at
tend to all orders, give neci -ary inforuiation and
I'hotograpbic iiislructioiis to any person on appli
cation to him. AlllIUsI full, I c Iv!. tini
LL those in di bled In ihe firm o' tin- subscribers
will please ( all snd make s oirf n lion, either bv
paying up or giving t'oir no es w ith security. No
longer indulgence can be given.
Auiusl I'.ili, 1842.
'PHE subscriber lespeclfully inlorrns (he i lectors
of Northumberland county, lhat be will l a
candidate, at the ensuing election, for the office of
Should he be favored with a majority nf votes,
he will spare no exertions to rentier peneral satis
faction. CHARLES WEAVE!!.
August f.ih. 1842.
I ) I.Si'EC I Ft LLY mloims the public that he
bus niade NorlhumlieriHiid his perniaiienl
place of residence, and is iesdy to attend to any
calls in the hue of his profi ai, n,
July 3, 181?. ly.
i o tiii: ii liMr.
ITHF.RF. AS Letter I'stetil weie granted to Mr.
H. W, Camp, in Oct- her, 1h:)4, for anew
nnd Useful inipiovemriit in the descending Fl.i'K
Cniininri Stovrs ; have understood one HATH
AWAY is usini! mv said improvement under the
nsttift nf Hot Air Stovi.s," which stove involve
the principles secured to me. This is to caution
all i-ersons ngainst nmkinii, v( tiding, or using said
"Hoi Air Stoves," as I sh .11 prosecute all who in
uny way infiince my lights j and I hereby consti
tute .Insnrs W, ('omit, Esq. of Danville, my law
ful Attorney, cniiowetiug him to bring suits aituiusl
any person who shall use mv improvements in any
manner whatever. HEN HY VV. CAMI.
Ow. go, Tioga county, N. V.
July 2. 1842 3m.
AW..s.Ati 9 H ,
e-ss SSS III. a MW SFS llllllt
FFEbS himse lf to the Electors of Nortlmm-
berlund County, as a candidate for the oliicis
Til F. S K V : R.M, COl R TS
of said roniity. He trust--, if elected, that his expe
lience in the duties nf said office will ena le him to
give cenrrel salisfirtion lo the public.
SunbUTy, June 25, 1842.
T EsPECTFl LLY informs l,i friends and the
--" public generally, lhat he has inmmenced the
Tailoring Itusinc,
in sll its bin ict es, in Ihe hou-e formerly occupied
by VV in. Durst us a Tailor Shop, in lllackhcrrv
street, neailv iqiposiie the Pr-abyterian Church.
He n speetlullv sohc.ts n sliaie oflhe public patron
age, and tiusis by strict a'lention to business Hid
reasonable eha'ges, he will be enabled to give gen
eral snti-lae ion.
Sunbuiy, .lurie 18th, lt2 ly
Sliaiiiolvln, XordsiimlK'iiniMl Co.,
TBMIE siiliscnbei ii-ptcfullv inlorm the public
I thai thev have taken tlx .ii large, and rnutnmdi.
rtM lit)!'!', l in Sh .m 'kintowii, in the ci litre of
the creal Coal Region, lately kept by Jacob,
whe e they aie now (rip. red to iiecoininoda'e all
who limy f.(vor them with iheir cusn-m, Hy sinei
itieution to business, ihey h pe lo leceive a lib' ral
share of pu1 lie paiminige.
Shamiil-intown, June 18th, 1H42.
s. - . bi
? S-S.5
2 M
a- K
3 1 X
S Hi-
- 'jn
5 5
5 -
To 4 ouiitry
rPHE Subsi rtl er. Agent ot I yon V Harris, Hal
-- Manuf n Inrors. for New York, I'hil nlelphi.i,
llallimore nnd 'I'her hirije cities, - oso Hutu me
highly comiiM nded it ptiwd alii and dnndiility.
has on t.niiil n lir-1 ri.. ...nitiv l IIA I'S ut d
CA I'S. suit it le f..r Sprinp s oe, vrh ch will 1 e sold
very low, foi casS or n.poved credit, at the nrtcii
cheap store, Sh. 4(1, North Th rd n'rijvl, o p si'e
the City Hotel. IMiila.lelphiN.
N. U. Orders I. if Hats in ho rnut 't . promptly
attended to. Tbe highest rice in tuih or trade
given f ir Fur rkin.t.
Philadelphia. June II,
I'ST leeeived, a fiesh supply of cheap Dry
floods. (Jrociriis. Hardware, cVc.
Superior Ladies' black kid (iloves,
Col ord do ,
Lauus, (', Mousselin de laines, Ac.
Cloths, Cas-inicres, ("ashmerels,
Linen Di llirgs. Muslins, JScc.
Supeiii.r Port Wine,
Pure Sperm Oil,
' Sperm Candles, Rai-ins. dec.
June 4ib. lf-42. H. U MASSER.
ALIipeisois nidi bled to tlie linn ot I. von &
Hairs, under tbe Hgency of O.N. Thaelur,
Hit and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third,
street, I'll it iili 1 1 ill n, are ri quested lo make immedi
ati- settlement of th-ir a. counts wiih the subscriber,
their leiially auiboiized hgent, who is fully tmpovv.
t ied to settle and coll. ct tl.e iiceounts ot said firm.
June 4lh, IS42. If Agent.
riiiLADLLriiiA. m:iiir. ad pcittsville
' tv' 'w -y'
II ill cnuunruce runnine In twren Philudt Iphta
und Pottsville nn the following days
and hoitix :
Cv Ain a ft i" a Minim, Max 9, KI2.
I.envilig Putt-ville, on Moii..,ys, s.l i s
and Frid i s, ai K,' A M.
Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesdays, Thuisdays
and Saturdays, nt I j P. M.
Hours if possiiiif Heading.
l or I'i II nleld,ia, til V A. I.
l or Potts lire, si fj P. M. J
Helween PoMsvillc I'll lada , fZM
II. twei n Heading iV d 2 2ft vt 1.75
Hetweeu do cV Pot'sville, 1,40 cV 1 .1)11
LxieiisioM Ti km rwiiii nit aircii.Msu
nut HAT.
Hetween Pottsville At Phil adi Ipliia, f 5 00
It. I ween Uiadmg it do. " 3 011
Hetween do. 6i Potlsvjllc, 2 HO
The other passenger ti.uns will as I'efore, at
the follow ii, a h urs :
Philtulelphia and Pttthvil'f.
From Philadelphia, si 6$ A. M. ..
From Potisv.lle, si 2 P. M. S
Hours of paining Reading.
For Potisvilie, at 0 A. M. f ,
Foi Philadelphia. st 3J, P.M. 1 '
All the tisins will stop fur Way passengers at
th Usual points.
CiT " pi,'i,6e" r requestej to ftorure
Iheir tickets before Ilia trains sUil.
My SI, IB42. tf.
V. S. Mail Coach
von pottnvimj-:.
CSPi.S3 k G&XlYZXZUn 2
fjlllB Mail Coach for Pottsville leaves Norlhum
.1. herlaiiil every niornirift trt 4 o'clock, snd arrives
in Pottsville in time for the ear lo Philadelphia.
Faf. as low as sny oihir line.
For seats, atiplv ut Mrs. Wiihing'nii's Hotel,
Norlhumlieiland, or l (ienran Weitel's, Sunbury.
A. E. K AFP & CO..
Korlh'd., May 21, IH-I2. Proprietors.
Cfj" Pns-engi rs coming fro'it Phila 'el tiia will
p'ra-e secure tin ir seats at Ihe Wh te Swan Until,
Race St., before thev Ira' e the city. I'assei gprs
coming in this line, have thir seals ennd in any
Stage of Piirki t boat fro'ti this place. '1 hose coming
in the either line may I liTt behind.
. Vv ilSowvcr
TTft CSPECTFI LLY informs ihe Eleelore of
JitsVi NoitbumbeThind county, that he will be a
ist.didii'o for Hie ofliee nf
He promi-'P. if elected, to discharge tire duties
of said nlliee with care and udilitv.
tT,,per Mahonoy. May 28lh, 1842.
JOHN & HENRY LANDAU, having rented
the Lime Kilns of Henrv Masser, in Sunl'iiiy,
have now for nle ihe lest Lime in this part of Ihe
roiiniiy, ami will continue lo keep consliinlly on
hand fresh l.itne for Flaslering, Huilihng and for
Liming land, on as reasonable terms as can be had
anvwhere in Ihe iicighhothond.
M .y 21, 1842. J. fc If. LANDAU.
ltLink HiioK .IIiuiliM toiy,
Opposite Priner's Holt!,
rj'vHF.Y arc npurid to nianufaciure b'ftnk work
I. of every description, ruled to rny pattern, such
as Dockets bee. 'tils. Diy Hooks. Ledgers, Asses
sors' and Cidlcc'.ors' Dnplic ites of the finest rpjali
ty of paissr, in a style equal to any made in the ci
ties of Philadelphia or New Ymk.
All d.sciiptions of binding neatly executed.
Scrap Ho.iks, Albums ami Portfolios made loonier.
Law Il.'uk-, Music and Period c ds boni.d lo nnv
pattern. Old Hooks rebound, etc. Also fi'es i f
pa'rs boll i d
p-j" Work left nt the nlTice of the Simbn'v rs
rieiiri, will he frmiiptlv titli iidi d to.
May "1st, I si 2. 1 v.
S I'll ill' iltltl Tiiliiifru ,M .i tut hie! II fit's,
A". IM Xorth West rnrrnr vf Race atid 'Flui d
St ret Is '
nHE under-igned Ivive formed a fn-pirtm rship
A under the firm of J. MAYLAND .In. "t Co..
s suci-essors to ihe Inle firm ot Jacob Aluyfatid iV
Co., and will cmliutte the busiuesa nl the old esta
blishment, on iheir own account. In addition to
heir nun close attention and experience fm many
vears, in the manufacture of Iheir i cfi brated snuff ,
cVc., the Ions experience of the senior partner of tl.e
lute firm, w ill aim Is? ilevnled to the interest of the
new concern and as no exertion and care will be
spared lo insure their goods, al all limes of the ve
ry bes qnslitv, ihey solicit a continuance of the
confidence of the fi ends and eustomors of the Isle
Philadelphia, May 14th. I H 12. ly
EE'.Q: SB .'H3 U's m
Corner of Th rd and Vine Sin elf,
wiLiiiAMsroaT, fa.
IHE subscriber r si?i tfullv announces to the
public, that he h oi cued a 1 1ntel in the com
modious briik building s luate on the coiner nf
I hinl and Pine streets, where he will he happy to
w lit ip hi those who may favor him wit. iheir
company. The E igle Hotel is la'ge und conveni
ent, nnd furnished it, the l e-l m- ilnn st' e. Jt i
provided with a large number of well aired and
comf. rtahle sleeping apartments, rooms, private
I arlors, Ac. Peison visiting Williamspnrt on bu
siness oi p'ea ure, mnv re-l iis-nr d lhat evert ex
ertion will le used lo Tei der iheir sojourn st the
Eagle lloti I" pleiisanl and agri cable. His Tal l-'
w ill be supplied w ith the very b s the ina ket af
fords, and his Par wi h 'he el oicesi w ines anil other
liquors charges re s inable. The Eagle Hot. I
possesses pretitcT ndvan'ages in point of location
than any other similar establishment in the borough,
hi ing situate in the business p:irt oflhe town, nnd
within a convenient distance of the Court House
and Williamspnrt and Eltnira Had Ro.d D pot.
Sullirienl Stabling provided, und good ami Trusty
nslleis always in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and hone-l Servants
have heen i in (-loved, and nothing left undone thu
will odd to the comfoit und accommodation of his
Tin re will he a carriage always in attendance at
the Hunt Landing toconvy passengers to and from
the House, free of charge.
Mav 1 -1th. 1812.
WltCTHEIlfCZ-lT & CO.,
(.'ommissiiHi & Forwarding Merchants,
lout of U illoip Street Rail Road,
ot Tin: HKiAWAKF.,
HA VINO associated vi h them Joseph Darnel,
file of EhsIoii, P.i respectfully inform iheir
fuel ds and the public generally, that they have la
k n th it l uge and we'l known store and whaif at
f.i.'t of W illow Sin e! Uailroad, ,,tt lv oi copied by
.Uioti Martoi. vvfieie they .ii pose doing a tiemral
t and Forw ndi"g Husiness, and l oin
the local aiUaiOare nf the pi ice 1 1 ing ele J
with all tbe 1 1 1 I n- iinproveinents thai have their
iMil'i l in Ihe cilv, they flutter tin nisi Ives ibCtll
lie ab'.v to do I usmess lo as gre .1, if not g es"'iTd
vai.lage, and upon as re is .uab'e tei ms as an Other
h -use, anil ibev itssoie iheir (hat any coi
s gi on nls m u'e in iti in shall have tin ir sir el at
tention, uuA no eXi itioiis span J to give enti.e s.ilis
f if on.
'I'll-y are also preo I n rri'-'lve at.d f ov ir-l
goods in stlv pour ims the i l t ,e ,nnl
I-. vu
i Her-, lieHve. n M n ch I i in k, I
,1 I e!
del; his, VI I pel.,
a 'so. I.i sli pot ! . .1 ' i J oio i .1 i i . . i :i
Sill ' si B Slob' - ' ' hSi-i; ..'ill!!, i lit v .. 1
kill sn.l I 'liion, oi lli '!.: .n',:!.. nn.' I..., W e
C oia s.
F. r 'he sccotnill Hjaiioii of Bo..'' i n ' c . g-.
leg viu buy Iklll and I'nioii 'inal-. (St in' ..a'
will fi" k' pi expressly lor towing hooslroinihe
St huylk'l .ooui.d lo the Del iwajie ami bsek. vvi n h
will en Me merchanls la have iheir produce deli
vered on ihe De awaie, m'.d their goisl- si iip. d si
a saving ol 50 to 75 per cent, on the piices fir
h oiling SCO-, w ith these sdvai.tages they re
spiciful'y solicit a share of pair nm e.
W. tl bltsM AN Si. UO.
W ilium Il.llmin, V . K-.js
Jji h U.mei. rhilaJ ,Mjr 14, lfl!. Ij
3 rhii
llusiness attended to in the Counties cif Nor
thuiplcflaitd, Union. Lvmntieig and Columbia,
liefer lol
TllnWAS II ART 5t Co.,
Low hi iV U nnn),
JIt, CimMiitss &. Habt, Phi tad
Rifsioi.ns, McFasiasjii &. Co
Vp:mo, ftoon At 'o.,
An. 6U Ar?i 'Third, above Arch Street,
Aff oMMnrtAi ionsi Fftn sf.vkivtv rERCONS.
CHARLES WEISS, late of il e hiie Swan
and ''Mount Vernon House," respectfully in
forms his friends snd customers, thai l.e hasl.rcotno
the proprietor of the ahnv well known Until.
Cmin ry Meichsnts will fnd the above Hotel a
central I Cation, and the best of fare Ferson Ira
celling with private eoiiveyance will find a huge
yard and good stabling foi horses, and the best of
ostlcts. Hoarding f 1 per use-.
May 14 h, 1812. tf.
Irn. JOII. IM:AI. I'. l ltlTI'S,
ESPEf' TFULLY announce to the eitiren
if of Sunhifty, and ils vicinitv, that they have
this day entered into copartnership in the Practice
ol Medicine, in all its various departments, and
hope by this arrangement, punctual attention to
business, and moderate charges, -toreccivc a libeial
share of public patrnnag
ffj" Dr J. PEAL tenders his grateful acknowl
edgements hir lite very hlierid patronage heretofore
received, and feeling confident that the new ar
rangement, (Ihe firm of Peal &, Trites,) wrll he
conducive to ihe comfort and welfare of the pub
lic, he most respectfully solicits a continuance of
their confidence.
Sunhiiry, May 7th, 1812. Cm.
A'o. 237, Anr7i Third, abnxr ColtowKitl St.,
PIHE siih-nihers lakes pleasure in acc,ni!nlire
1 tbeir f.ieni's nnd tlie public in yeneral. thai,
tiny I r.e t n U u ilie h.rge mid commodious Hotel,
ire. nl'1. ! in i bv I'o' Missis H rt, on the sito
oi' i' - i ' pied bv the ol t csl.ihlihheil Hotel known
-.s il-i- I' i i s (bad, tti 'I'liird street above tyallow-
ol V.
'ft. is l..:.- .j finished in the Very best possihlo
manner, to i! '! Le-t niatt rinls. Its loi at on is
very di sir idle. ariienlarlv for ctitltitry m. r.-h Hits J
the arri.rigi no u s lor hiniii gand vetuilating each
room is itch as t -eenre n y temperature. The
hidri on s are nli bgh' ai d mfv, all lurtiisln-d ill u
ricil sty e, vn as to itiMiie ion fort.
Tl.e n ceivj. g parlors sre al-o furriibe.1 in a so
peib style, tbe windows nie on the French s'yle.
foimi' g nn enirance to n balcony in front. whiJi
nn.kes a pleasant recess. Funicular attention has
been given to the bids nnd bidding, Tvhrch, whh
the furniture, are eirinly new.
From yea's' experience in hatel businrrs, W
trust, hy strict nss duily t. business, to make this
house s de-nabte sli pping place. Out table wifl
always leupibed witli the very beat our mniket
can slVoil. and oui bar vvjih the best liquors and
wines ol tin' most approved h ands-.
P. S. There are first rate stabling carr age.
boues bIIhi bed lo Ihe hotel, ttu tided by ca I fill
nnd sol-er ho llers nnd our charges vi ill be .jw, ill
accordance with th present ha d lin.c.
Philnd.lphia, ,.pril If., IH12.
"TMHE snliseriber re-pectfulry inlorrns the public
'1Ht be ha pun hasnl, sod now occupiee th
Lnr. rsH initk
Commodious iHliftSTavrrn Stands
Well known as the propirly, late of Theodore
Wills, and formerly kept hy Samuel A. Bi-'dy.
He is now prepared to accommoda'P sill !raetlcr
and visile. s who m.iy favor him wiri a calk, ar'l
will use i veiy elTort in his power to Tender eve:
convenience and comfort to his customer, whi'H
under his charge. His accommodation! are ampb
and his rooms well furnished. His stables rxteri
sive and in g.lod condition
His TaHI r. and Bar wifl be supplied with tl v
best that ihe market can afford. Bv pui'dualM
and attenlion, he feels rorfident that he will me..V
the patr.n.nge of the public.
L'aliawissa, April 9th, 1812.
ItOltlHtT l iltTEII & s,
t.ouibinul Stmt, Hulttntorr,
HAVE constantly for sale. Priming Paper of a
sizes snd qualitn a. Can NN'riting Paper, rut 'l
and plain, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled aral
plain. Hanging Paper, line and common, fciivi-lop
Paper, do. do. medium, doub'e ciowih crown ll
extra sized W tapping Papers, Colored Medium ar-l
Royal Papers, Bonnet, Hinders' and Snaw Hot
Hoards, Tissue Paper, and all artxlcs in their lin- ,
whieli thev will sell on accommodating terms.
H'gViest prii-e given f t old rags.
March 19, 1848. Elkton, M.',
n a s-sz bc n.
Siuibur) , ortlitinilorlantl C'uiimI) ,
flHE iib-crdsT iisn. eilnlly mtorm ihe public.
1 that he I as .etnove I to lhat large snd corrilu.
ili. ns l!r ek Hon-.-, on Market square, opposfte tin
jt'ouit H 'li e, II in erlv kept bv Hirtm Piice,')
J wbe e h. is iioa prepared to BCC'.mmodate all who
I m.iy f.iv, r tit i n wiiii a call. Being thankful for
I t v..., be ho pi's by strict attention to btisine,
'. io i. f a li.'jnl ,' a e I public patronage, Ac.
n' ii-v. I ii, !i o h. 1813.
rAVelH ! I:IIv23E3 ! LIME !
n'l-, r 1 1, is are pre par- d to furnish fanners
i theis v ah any quantity of Lime of a rrv
,.-i ipiaht. f r laud, oi p'ai-Tering, at Ihe lol
'!' .: v n r. .Tueed prices, vir. i 8 cis. per btisbi I
'. r I a .1 I. nn. t III ! is. f..i ihe bet quality of plais
t- ru e Lime, at the k his. Mow the borough of Sun
1 it'v. I'll, v w.h atsii deliver, si any place within ihs
!'' of Sin, bury. Lime tor land, at lOcvnts per
lioshi I, and Lime for plaisiering at 1 1 J Cents per
lu-hel. The subset ihers hivealwavs on hand,
large quanii'V of Lime. Its qoaliiy is good, and
tl i ir hmestoiie is noi equalled ly any in the neigh
Augusta, Apiil 2d, 143.