Vorkingmrn'i Ticket la Centre, The last mrniW ctf th Centre Democrat, which accidentally fell Mo out hum), conlalna the ticket which hit been formed Vy lh DemotmHc Work ingmen of Centre totmty, at Ihe head of which stands the nametvf Chirwks W, Hksiki, Esq.. as their candidate fur SatiaTo. A nomination of this kind, unsought ahd unci peeled liy Mr. ITegtne, rndrcates the high eslima linn in which hit public servict-a are Weld hy a for, tion of line Democratic party of that county, among hom, at this jinrctin-f , Use tdifor of that paper oc m to have fatten. In hit remark upon the qualifications of the candidates presented by the Workingmen, the editor speaks of Mr. Ifcgina as a 'gentleman of more talents than political or moral honesty than which more false and nefarious entente m never written. Mr. ShUgcit, who cpraka thus, w he leve haa not the honor of a perm tial acquaintance with Mr. Heglns, and under pies went ciecwvistanres it is probable wwr will enjoy that pleasure. The political course of the latter gentleman speaks itself1. Whatever talents and nihility tie may poe they have always heen ho tfiestty directed, and firmly devoted to the best inte tests of the country, and whatever he has done, for good or for evil, has heen performed openly, with an independence of spirit and firmness of purpose, th it at once attested his tral in the object of his pursuit, and the uprightness of his intention. He ha, however, at all times, exhibited such an inrlT.i Lle contempt for the puerile and contracted views of a certain class of puny political despcrailoea, that they never let slip an opportunity of scattering their foul aspersions upon his head. Tho instance he fore ua is the most vicious we have seen. Not content wiih an unmerited and unprovoked attack upon his political course, Mr. Shugerl dclilieratcly and recklessly impugns the moral chracter of the gentleman to whom we have alluded. This has iieen done without knowledge and wilhout inquiry ; done either fgnnrandy or maliciously, and wilhout a semblance of truth. No man in this, or any o ther community, stands upon hiRhermnr.il ground, or professes a higher reputation for atern integrity, for honesty of pnrpo-e, for independence of spirit, purity of action and every other quality and feeling that distinguishes an honorable man and a gentle, nun, than does the subject of the unprnvoknil, un just and illiW-ral attack of the editor of the Demo crat. We regret very much the unfortunate disagree ment of ihe confer, cs appointed to nominate a can. didntc for Senator f r this district, and atdently hope, that at their next meeting they willt able to lay aside their sectional aiid personal prejudices, and agree upon a man who will do honor to his constituency, and save the Democratic party of this district from distraction, or disunion of any de sciiption. (JjJ- Jonathan Roberts, Esq. haa been removed from the office of collector at Philadelphia, and T. S. Smith, Esq. appoiutcj in his place. , We never admired the politics of Mr. Rolrerts. But we be lieve he has always sustained (he character of an honest mm. His appointment was unexpected and unasked from President Tyler. Mr. Koberts has published a statement of the whole matter, with the President's loiters to him, among which is one requesting him to dismiss a number of clerks sVc, and to appoint oth.rs, which lie names, in I Iteir places. If ihe slat, incut of Mr. Roberts is correct, Ihe whole transiction plncea Mr. Tyler in a light that must lie as painful to his friends as it is humiliating to the American people, and is mote befitting ihe bigotry and inlnleiance of a churlish ty rant, limn the President of the United Slates. (Jen. Jackson, 4l is true, removed his Secretary of the Tiea-ury, but not on account of his publics! opinions. ".Minn Tyler, (lniiolitor of Captain (Wops her fwoet little tsoul '.) is at lU'ilti.nl Springs. Wonder if she is eii'.'nood !" l,yroiiiiai (int. Xj' Yes, and mairii d t o, so sujs a young fr.cnd of uurs who saw hrr at Bedford. MISCELLANY. K.lltorlal, Condcuwd and Selected. The number ol deaf and dumb jieistna in France, is 22,(100. The charge of carriage hiie for the corporation of New York for a single month was 315 The .Rothschilds of London have agreed to com pound with the Government by paying f 10,000 as their portion of the Isle income lax assessed. From a recent official report, we learn that the a mount of du'y levied upon tobacco shipped from 4his country to Great Britain from 17 'JO to this lime, is f:t 16,000,000. Hlethndi.-ts. Nearly sixty one thousand mem bers have been added to the Methodist Episcop.d Church duiing ihe year ending 1st June. Unit Off -We understand that Pr. Palmer has resigned ihe editorial management of the Boston Tranaciipt, and that it will hereafter lie conducted iy Misa Walter, sister of the late I.ynde M. Walter. The New Y'ork Tribune says : A mad bull yes terday morning look possesion of Whitehall streit, chasing every one dial came in hia way, bruising a (iermnii, tearing off the Sl.nen Island Ferry gale, tlaeking a cab, Ac. till he was Jinally securvd up town, A boy four years old felt from the window of a house in Baltimore, ninety-nun feet, and a rking in soft ground, tscaped with severe bruises, but no br. ken bones. A young man nannd R. B. Ogdrn, from Phil drlphia, who last fall bought a farm near (iiiswold. Illinois, is missing, arid it is U and lhat lie has Iki n murdered. Muriunnt The 8 . Louis Bulletin says. We understand that frly M.-rm ns arrived in this city yesterday, nil hoardibe Uo-alia, from Nauvoo, The bsurililies or villnin.es of Joe Smith are getting too uuirsgeoua (t even his unsled followers. Smith uiid lintiwtll. "I'll lust Ijoiuey, III. Herald lepiearnl that Ciov, Caiiin lud been faitly whipped OHt in hia attempts to arreit Smith and Rockwell, and adds that the Mormons will not giv ; them up, but right In the last j The PMlad. Prtinsylv.mian eya; The har room of Joahoa StUrgis, in O ik street, near tirecn, was i eel n fire on Thursday Evening, by the eipbwion of a tamphine oil lamp. About flOO worth of property was dc-troyed, and Mr, Sturgta narrowly escaped fatal injury. Another lfaleatim,. ia reported, in New York on Thursday, my lira Tribune, lhat the Treasurer of one of the Catholic t't.urehea in that city, is a A duller to tlio amount of f 2:1,000. A Vreut CKr. The EmrirOi, raised in Pyra cuse, New Yoik, by P, N. Rust, is the largest ever known In the United States, and weighs 4100 pounds. Mattewan Factory, at Fishkill, N. Y., employing 40(1 hnds, and another ar Haverstrtw, employing 2110 hands, resumed business last Monday. Mr. O. M. Bevcridge, of Htrnsliurg, F.ancaster county, Pa., has opened a coppet mine, the or- from which yields from nineteen to fifty percent, of me tal ic copper. The very Man for Hard Timet. Joel Swain, from Strairord. N. H. who works for Deacon Far ringlon, Springfield, Roxbury, has sent but 8(i cents since the 24ih of lat March, and incurred no debt during that time. For the last 14 years his expenses have been f 12 per annum. Tl.c numlier of applicants for the Iwuefit of the Bankrupt Law in Kentucky up to the 1st of Sep. tember was 1003. Levi Bray of White Haven, Pa., was kd'ed last week by iho bmsting of a drum in a saw mill, by a frngment of which his sen II was fractured. It is said that five hundren (tersont who were un. rinploved a few days ,ince. are now busily engaged in the factories in Delaware County. There are now two female editors in Massachu setts, Miss Walter of the Boston Transcripi, and Mrs. Green of ihe Fall River Waiupannag. Paper was invei. led in China, 10 years before Christ. The New York Tribune (Whig) calls Henry ('lay, "the Great e.-tcrn." At Knoxvilln. Ti nneasee, nn unprecedented rise in the riv, r Hotston occurred on die 20th ult. The river m e fifteen feel in fifieeii hours, and carr.cd a way bridges, fences and crops. HW.TI.MOHK .tl AHKI.T. Orrc nftlie Baltimobk A.m kimcau, Sep. 12. FLOl'R. Sales of two or three thousand bane's of City Mid on Saturday at f 1,25. Holders nom inally ask lhat price today, but less would I tu k' n. We her.r of no transactions. There is very little Susquehanna Flour in mar ket. Salea of small parcels at ft 25. GRAIN. Sale of Md. red wheats to-day at 70 a SO els, for pood to prime parcels, and common slid inferior lots lower at in quality. No Pennsyl vania W Ilea's at market lor some days. Sales of Md. Corn at 50 cK for yellow, and 50 a 51 cts. for white. Sales of Penna. yello.v at 61 eta. Sites of Md. Rye at 45 a 50 cts. We quote Oats at 20 cts. w hich is die current price lo-d.iy. WHISKEY. Sales of hhds. at 21 ct. and lib's, at 22. 'J'he demand continues quite limited. EritcrsT oh Killi.m; Smkmss. John M. Ilnrmer, living at Fraukford, in the Slate of Penn sylvania, for a period of 12 yea s has been bMlieie.1 with this terrible iliseuse. He bad as many as two oi three fits a mouth, and towards the last had be come idmosl incapable of attending to business. Four or five nionllis have now passed since he commenced using Dr. Brandreth's Yigetable Uni versal Pills, and although he was having fits very feqiient and with increased violence, ycl, since u sing the Pills, he has had only two lit all winter, lie rout nues to lake the Pills and attends to his busiucrs feeis assured that nothing ia wauling t ut a perseverance in the use of them to Uuct a perfect cure. fXj" Purchase in Sunbury, of if. B. Masser, and th'- agents published in an tlier part of this pajier. i More Proof Of Dr. Hnrlieh't Cvmjtound Strrntzlhening Tu nic anil Herman Ajuriint 'ill. MR. JOHN ROBERTSON, of Columbia county Ohio, is happy to stale to the si flieleil the gn at benefits he rert-ivj from the use ol these invaluable medicines. Being atllicled for live or srx ycirs wiih 9 lliiiu nnri .Verrois alfection ami iis natural consequences, during which lime 1 procund many mulieiues, I ul always found them to aguravate Ihe d.sease. in a greater m.asure. Seeing these inedict.ies prrloimmg cure, on many . of my friends. I was ui.lu.ed lo give them a ir.al. ; nappy am I lo say iip.i me uoo.i resuns were soon isihle whn h i n'ir. ly cured me of ih.it ilre.ullul and p. aee de-li. yn g di e is,'. I really hope lhat those similarly all. . led will -e the ... cecity of qu tl.ng j ,., v M , 1( 1,e ,tt(il .,,,. the use of such vile and dra.l.e r .inpoumU ss , A( ( illni,.jllMc. in it irpiear in the public prints, which I am lully j gu,.,,,,,, pe.siM.lfd ..l.nost c.t my life, b. sides bringing on , N,M (J' , ...:i'D(;E. now iravelbng in the piles, which far u.oie ineteased my dtM-as . I Ul. Nlll., ,, tr( , . tSil(e (.....,..lv al heard s.y by many of ,ny luiunate friends, lhat the , , u vi. HH.1...H illlir , , .am., i-niu ...-.. .... , ... ".ij. . feel confident that it persons use those "Dra-lie Ma. di. iucs" a.x'ordiiig lo their diiections that Ihey will give any person die pdis. Whm cimimeiicing wiih Dr. IL lich's M.ili- ines, I found tin in tole an iuvi iilion, viz: an Aperienl Medicine, lo carry i. if ail diseases and un- i purines from Ihe s.siem, aecompaiiied with a "Sirenglln iiiim Tonic" medicine, to give air.-ngil) and lone lo die system uud leanimale the lunclion of the aiiuiid rcoiioiny. These mediciiiea are tru ly invaluable, and Ihe ls' extant. JOHN ROBERTSON. Atiest Wm. Fit pa I'Ht. K, A S.AiiaooK. Cohimbia county, Ohio, May 10, 18111. ' Piriucipal Olliee for die I luted Mules, No. f'J North Eighth street. Pliila d. Iphia. HENRY VO.VIHEIMER. Sept. I till 1812. Aipnt. "rV'Vh, ,r,v,,r,Kru,,Ki71,,',,! I I oil towus'ilii, Northuoiheilaii I roiinlv.olie ' lil ick horsr and t Sears, one IVarhorne Wajgon, one Yoke Oneii, (tj V. ke. V augon and Chain, and ime Itris. I wn.ty-t 'Ur hour C ink, which pro. ieily I have loaned him at my leisure. S. JOHN. SUiiiokm, Sept. Ud1( M12.0.;)t. l'RICE CURRENT. Vnrrreted weekly by Henry Yuxtheitncr, Whkat, Uft Rrr., ...... fio Unas, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 55 Pomk, 5 FLAXsatn, ... . m BirTTaa, ... 1? Dkf.swa., .... 2ft Tallow, .... 12 Dmkm Arpi.m, . tf Do. Pcaciiks, 200 Flax, ... 8 HxcKLsn Flax, . 10 Eons, ...... n to Tim Kt.r.cTons of witTit i m m:n la n vo t t v. riHE suhsrrilier being prevailed on by his friends, 1. respertrully ir.forms the public that he will be a candidate for the office of COMMISSIONER, at the ensning general election. He promises, if elected, to fulhll Ihe duties of saul oflwe, with earc and fidelity. JOHN YOUNG, May 7lh, 1843. .loli ii Vounjr, Of the borough of Sunbury, at the solicitation of his numerous friends, haa consented to their wishes in continuing his name before ihe public, for the oir.ee of COMMISSIONER at the ensuing elec tion. Ever since the formation of the county, one of the Commissioners resided in the county lown, for die purpose of accommodating persons h iving business lo transact in the olliec ; and as Mr. Young had a majoiity of the delegates assembled in con vention, which by some management deprived the people of their rights, we hope the voters of the cou ity will come up to the hIIs on the 2d Tues day of Oetoher next, and support their rights. Sept 17, 1812. if. MANY VOTERS. NOTICrJ is heretiy given thai the partnership which heretofore existed between Ihe suhsrri-U-rs, under Ihe firms of Bear V, Trego and Trego, B.ar A: Co., is ibis il.iv dissolved bv mutual eon sent. All debts due by the linns will be paid by .l.ie.ih II. ar, to whom all the dehiorj of the same, will please lo in. ike payment. JACOB BEAR, JOHN TKEti'O. Shamokin, Sept. lOth. 1812. "3i7'OU are recpiired to meet for Q parade in M iiket-square, Sun bury, nl 10 o'cbK'k A. M. ol Satur l ay. the tilth ilay of Sept. inst, in Summer unifoim, each Memln-r to ( provided with 12 rounds of bl ink raitridge. By order of Caplnin J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Sept. 3d, 18 12. N. B An eleci'on for non com missioned oflieer will Ire held on said dav. TO T11K KCKCTOKS OK Mlin iirM BKIU.ANI) COUNTY. AVINti lee n informed that a number of mv D moer itie fell iw citizens wish me lo stand a mII at the approaching election, for the ollices of Register, lltrarihr, i)'- Chtk of the Orphan' Cmirt of .Xnrtltuinbcrlanil Cminti, I have consenie.l lo ihe rcqucol ; and I earnes'ly wish that you will favor me wiih vonr supnirt. EDWARD OVSTER. August S7ih, 1812. .Aolict1 fo t'rrililoi'M. r1tll undersigned, having heen appoint. d Audi 1 tor lo apportion Ihe assets of the est ile of .lames llo. y, dee'd, in the hands of John Landau, the administrator, w II attend at his olliee for lb it purpose, on Satur lav the 3d day of SeptemU'i next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., of whieh lbo.eiulerr.led will take noli.e. CHARLES NV. H EG INS, Sunbury, Aug. 20ih, 1842. Aud-lur Tlic lt'lrM Cniiilidale FOR SHERIFF. DAVID N. LAKE, ol Shamekiu Tnwnsliip, is induced by the urgent solieitaiioii of tin ny t'leuds, to otl, r himself as the People's ("audi dale for Sheriff. Having had fifteen volea out of the thirty-one Delegates met at the court-house in Sunbuiy the first day of August, and claimed se venteen In fore ihey niet, but by some ini-uinler-standing received only fill' en, be thinks ilmt Ihe K-ople should have a choice ut die coming eh clioii in Octolier next, and therefore shall look lo them for his suppoit. Anuu-t 20th, 1812. iii Kx-cctriiir aoth i:. iM. SIMONS, A. !?'$ 1'litsnnt Sirrt, lh .Story, PHILADELPHIA. ANTFAOri HER of H.H.VEHltlAt TYI'i: A I' I' A HA TLX. Snrg.c .l and Mi !,,,,., ,,, J-", ,.,.(, i:ll.ll,1,.,H and ,,,,,,,. ,.. fM , 1t.m( f j,,,,,,,, , , ,,,'., Peiinsv Ivaiiia, thai hecairiea on the above ooshoss ext. iisivclv, in ull Us various branches. Person-. dt'tOrmts nl iitilfiiiinit, mil' i.l lli.i :ilt.i,.i a.ti.'t.. v.i pi ,,...,... 1IlBlruciions nv ,, amdi- I ration lo linn. Auuiist tiiti, 82. liiu TAKE NOTICE. I L llloixi li d, hied lo die linn ' lie Hll se. il r- w ; ,(.4M. r,, , d make s .list' n lion, ertbe. bv paying up or giving I'n ir no es with svcuiiiy. No longer ii.duluenee ran be giv.n. tiEtt. ROHRUACH oV BROTHERS. August bill, 1812. to tui: 1'i.in'Toiis or .oirnnM- lli:ill.Al coiwty. 'PllE sitbscriber l.'-H-el 1 nl ly iiil.nins tin- .lectors of Noithnmberliuid county, dial be will he a candidate, at Ihe ensuing election, lor the ofliiv of CJ roiicr. Should he I lav. .red with a majoiity of votes, he will spare no exerliona to render eer.eral si is fjction. CHARLES V EAVER. Align. t I'.th. 1812. - ) N. SIJMXKR, ' 1 ) llSI'Lfl Ft I.I, V iidonn. die pnhlic dial hi ' has made N ordiiimhei laud his p. iniaiii iii plaee of icsi.l. ne. and is ready to all. lid lo any Calls in the hue of his ptoli . 1,11, Ju y 2, 1812. ly. TO Till: 11 III.U'. "IA THEREAS Irf'iKrs I'litenl were granted to Mr. -11. W.Cavif, in Oct . Wr4 1831, for a new snd uwfnl improvement in the irescendmg Fwa Cookivo Sii!4: I have undiistiMHl one HATH AWAY fs using mv said imprinenienl under the nanw of "Hot Aia Sriivrs," which stove involves the prinriph-s seeur. il to nie. This is to caution all rrsons against making, vinding, or using said "Mot Air Stoves." as I sh ,11 prosecute all who in nnv way infringe my iigbt and I hrrcbv ronsii luto Jonhi'a W. Cuil.v, En.iif Danville, my law ful Attotuey,emstwering him to bring suits amiiusl any person who shall use mv improvements in any niuiiiier whatever. HENRY W.CAMP. Ow, go, Tioga cnunlv, N. Y. Ju'y 2. 1842 3in. M.'iiiuu'h II. .Iorl:iii, OFFEbS himselt to the Electors of Northnm I ci land County, as a candidate for the olliei ol I'li OTHft() TA II Y A .V I) C! I'.HK 1)1' Tin: si:vi:iiAt. coi hts of said county. He trust--, if elected, that bis expe rience in Ihe duties f s m, otlires will ena ble him lo give generel salisf ii lion to the public. Sunburv, June 25, 1812. ON ins 8WN HOOK. PETE?. GETTE?., J EM'ECTKI LI.V informs hi- friends and the public generally, that he has fominenced the T a i 1 i' i ii Et ii i i ia i' m m , in all its bra iches, in ihe houe formerly nccupiid by Win. Durst as a Tailor Shop, in lll.o kberrv street, nearly opposiie ttie Pn sbvterinn Church. He respeetlnlly solicits a share of the public pilrou nge, and trust by strii t a'd tition lo business iml reasonshle clia ges, he will be eniibletl to give gen I rid sat!l.n"ion. Sunbuiy, June I8ih. 1I2 I v ( .r-- : r Csij: Slitimolt in, oi niimilx i l;ml ( ., PENNSYLVANIA. F 11 IK siili-eriheis lesp.clullv intotm the public 1. thai tlitv have taki u that lure and riwiiunti nun HOTEL, in Sh m kuitown, in ihe ciiitieol ihe creai dml Region, laii Iv kepi by Jacob Knin. wkeie ihev are now prepared lo itccoriiiiindaic ill who may favor diem with their malum. By strict slirniMin to holiness, ihey h " lo leceive a hhiral share of plp'lie palron:ii;e, HATCH KLOR V (iOVE. Shimohinlown, .lone 18th. 1812. CO j: - h -5- t c z T 9 IS?-: f i. 5 " t I us n - " s rt :-! - H k M . c s mm - S -s 6 " M ' S3 c I' tS , t 2 i O .CO c -co s I. 3 1 vO To oitnlr.v MERCHANTS. rPH E Snlwerils'r, Agent ot I yon cV Hirris, Hat Maniif lelurers. for New Vork, I'lnl olelpbi i, Baltimore and odier large cities, 'alow tint are highly comiiH nded I r t;ir civi ijk dnralility. ha. I niid m lir-t rale hs-iiiiti1 i.t II A I s a, t'AI'!. Ulititde fir SprnB sihis, vrh eh will I e sold very low, fi cash or a.pioved credit, at the rir ehiap at are. No. 10, North Third s'r'.'-l, iq p isi'e ihe City Hotel. Phil t lelphia. HOBl'.UT D. ILKINSON. Ai-enl. N. (I. Orders lor Hats in ihe rntit,H. prmnpllv anointed lo, The holiest rice hi ;i -Jr tra'ie given f rr l'nr i . Philadelphia. June II. 1812 --ly NEW GOODS. 1ST iiieiveil, a fresh supply ol cheap Dry t ioodst (ir.tctrii. Hardware, ic. Superior Ladies' black kid til ives, Coloicil do., Liu us, Chint.es, Moiifselin th1 I lines, &c. Moths, Cas-imeres, ( 'ashloeiels, Linen Dr lin gs. Muslins, ,Vc. Siqierior Poit me, Pui! S-rin Oil, ' t4rm Caudles, Rai-ins. Ac. June 4ih. 1812. II. B. M AS.sRH, 60 GI E3- VLL N'isoi.s Huh tiled lo Hie linn ol l.v.iu & Hair s, under lle agency of O. .. Thmh.r. .; f Cap Mantijiirttmrt, No. -Ill North Third, street, Phil.idi Iphoi, are nqnested lo make nnrnedi ate seiili Hu nt n lie ir mco.,iiIs iiti die siiU.er il'er, lloir bgally au'borireil iigenl.who is fully inipovv. etid lo si iilc uud roll.-,-! tl v .icevi.mts ol snid linn. ROIIERT D. II.KINst i., June lib, 1812. if Ainl. m: riiiuni'ii'iin. re hum; ami rimstim: RAIZi ROAD. .J" I VjJ-V w KXTItA A ( (M.Mii).Tlu. LINK II ill i iiaiini in i i a n ii i ii In I tef i n I'liitmh Iphta and I'otlsi iltr on the follou-in" unis uud hoiim ; I'n a in trim Mo y n i , Ma !l, 1812. L av nig I'uli , vtlle, un Mond..ys, Wednesdays and I'nd.iys, at m 4' A. M. Leaving I'hil.idi Iphia, oil Tue-d.ns Thuitul ays and S.ituidavs, i.t , 51.' Unties a' fitn.ulttf llrnding. '..r PI il-d. l, l.n, a'l llH. A. M. , loi IVnisvnV, at .'J P.M. ' "'A''' K-' .: .v lb town Poilsvill, ,V I'll la.li.. ;I.."HI 2..rKI II. I ecu IIi ailing ,V d . 2."" ,V I "i.t ll. 'wcen do ,V li's ille, I. ttl ,V I .(Kl Ex. i Hsio Tn km (.nun ton atri uxiku mr in. Iteiw'een I'ottsville ,V plnl.nl. Iidiia, Joint II. twecu I.', ad-tig , do. .1 till 8 1 10 Betweeit do. vt PoltsV ille, The other passenger l.ains will as N'fore, at Ihe lodou ii.g h. ur : Viiludtlpltiii and I'tiltn il'e. I' rem I'lula.leiphi ., at . . .M. From P..ti -v ille, at S P. M. S ill III IS fl ' plmtil X 1,'inlltijr. For PoMsv ihe, al A. M. i For Philadelphia, ut 'At P. M. Daily Dsdv AH the t Hins w ill etop for Way pa.scng. rs at the u-usl points. 0 T All passengers are re.piestej lo procure then tickets Is lore the liains utait, .May SI, ii2, tf. U.S. Mail Coach roit roTTsviLiai:. STICK TO THE 1MAIL COACH! fjlHE Mail Coach for Pottsville leaves Norlhum- ' .1 lierln. id ever v morning at 4 o'clock, and arrives in Potts, ille in time for die cars to Philadelphia. Fnr as low a nnv mh. r line. For seals, anplv bI Mrs. Witliingion's Hotel, Northumberland, o at (icotgp Wrii7el's, Snnl-ury, A. E. KAPPCO., North'd., May 21,1 812. Prtiprirtnr. CTj" Pas-engr rs coming from Philadelphia will plea-e siT.ire their seals at lbs White Swim lloiil, Race St., laTore they leave the city. Passei gers coming in this hoe, have III. ir seals a. cured in any SI.iij,' or Packet Isiat Iron, ibis plaer. 'I host coming ill Ihe olio r line may l-e left behind. Frlii .flowrcr U FPEC I FI LLY informs die EWtor. of ft Noidiiliid'i rland co.mtv, that he w ill Ire a hi.iIkI.i'o lor tile olliee of SI I EH IFF. He proiiii-e. if t leete I. lo discharge the duties of said olliee w i'lx cir and fid. litv. Cis-r Mali nov. May 28th, IH12. ia 'm n ran nZmm u aim wrr.i) .srrr.moit to ay oTiir.ii m:au si wiiim. 5IHIN ,c HI'.NRV LAMIAC. having rented the l.iioe Kilns of llf.nv Masser, in runhiiiy, have now for sale die Isst Lime, in Ibis p.rl of the country, and w ill continue to keen eoustatilly on band fresh Lime for Plastering. Building and for' Liming land, on us reasonable terms as can be had anywhere in the ncighhoihood. May 21, 1812. J. ft IF. LANDAU. CLTTDD 8c WILLIAXVXS' llliinK IfooK llaiiuiat lor.i , Opposite I'rinre'n lnltt, IIAHItlSP.I H(i. FIMEY are pnpir.d to mi.nuf.ic'.ure blank work 1 of every description, ruled to sny pattern, such as Dockets I er. rds. D,v Ibxiks. Lerlgers, Asses sors' and I'idlectors' Duplicates of die finest quali ty of panei. in a style e.ied lo any made in Ihe ci ties of I'hd tdf'phia or New York. All b setiptiotis of londiiig neatly executed. Scrap lto..(s, Albums and I'oiifolies rn'.de to order. Law B 'ok-. Music and Periodicals '.roiirol lo any p iltern. tlld Books rebound, etc. Also files of papeis bou: d. ijj- Work lel'l at Ihe olliee of the Sunbury Ame. rieaii, will lie prionpllv attended to. May -Jt.t. IS 12. I v. J. XVIAYL ANJ3,"jR. & CO. Sittili' mill 'r.ilnirc.i ,M m mildrliiri rs, An. ll'.l ArirfA lliVrnriKn;' Rarv and Third Struts ' PHILADELPHIA. rY HE nnder-iened hive formed n Co-partnership A under the firm of . I. MAYLAND .In. rV Co.. as sue.-essnrs to the late firm of Jnenh .Way land A, C ii., and will c oitinno the business at ihe old esta blishment, on their own account. In artdiiion to their own close attention anil experience for manv years, in the manuf icttire of their cef. brated sinilV, cVr.. die bins experience of the senior partner ol the late firm, will al.o lie dcvoieil to the inleresl of die new concern and as no exrition and care will be spared to insure their goods, m all timrs of Iho ve ry Ivst qiiabty. they solieil a continuance of the confideiicp. of the fi ends and culoiners of the late firms THOMAS ADAMS, J. M A YLAND, Jr. Philadelphia, May 11th, 1842. ly EAGLE ia ar r n o Comer of Third and Vine Struts, WIIililAlMSrOBT, FA. ffltllE snhscrilK'r ri sptretfully antiounces to die I public, dial he b is opened n Hotel in ihe com iiknIioiis bri. lt linilding silu.tle on the collier of I bird and Pnie streets, where be will be bnppv lo wait up, hi those who may favor him wit. their company. The E.ile Hotel is huge and conveni ent, and furnished n, the l-.t modem stvle. It j. provided with a latge numlH-r of well aired and conili.ft.ihle sleeping apartments, rooms, private pallors. Ac. Persons visiting illiamsport on bn siucss oi p'ea lire, mav rct as-ur.il that everv ex ertion w ill be usvd lo render iheir si-joiim at ihe E:n;le Holi I" pleas.nt and agreeable. HisTahle will he supplied with the very best the ma ket af fords, and bis bar widi the cl nicest wines and other liquors rh.nges re isonable. The Facie Hot' I posess-s preater advantage in point of location than any oibei similar est iblishmetil in dielairough, liemg situate in the Imisiio ss part or the tow n, and wiihiu a convenieiil distance of the Court House ami W illiaiusporl and Khnirn Rail Road lb pot. Snilieieiil tahling jirov ided, and good and tnisty ostlers aKv.i in atl. udniiee. Altculive, iic-oii.uiiMhitiiig and hone-l Servants Ii ixcIh cii i mlo. ed. and null irtg left on. I 'lie that ' will a id lo Ihe comfort and uccoinlnodaiioii of hrs j gue-ls. - j There wi'l be a carriage always in attendance at ihe Boat Lai. dma lo convey p:ihergers to and from I the lloll-e, In e of ('Inner'. CHARLES BORROWS. M iv 1 Mi. 1812. VlrC. HSILlIi-lT & CO., Srr, Mtiinisvi.Mi vV I'lfrw arilrnn MTclitits, Tool of Willow Strut Rail Road, .1 vi 1 11 k 11 1. w u r . I lAYINli ns.oen.tid yi h lh. m .losetHi Baruel, I 1 talent l'..iM,.n, Pa., r. s; ictlollv inform iheir fnei ds mid Ihe public generally, that they have ta k 11 that Inge and ue I known store and wh.irf tl fo.. of W illow Siicel Railroad, lal. Iv .s-CUpied ly Jtenb Martin, here tin y pmpnae doing a tiem ral I '..nnni-si. hi Hiol F..rtv tiding llil-iness, nrnl f om (tie local aiK'aniates i.f ihe pi ice being cooto eteJ widl all ihe 1 nhl c ini.rovi meets thai have thi n ....La .. It... ..ii.- ,t.... il.. .....1. .. .ll I... ..I.VI.. .1.. 1.1.4 i.,i'..i b r.'w h.U I .a... ...i a. .1.1.. ll--11m . ftftl Un iir.iiii' tlifir ftt'i !s ttir.t nnv tn s tin til'' nt i'c ftn (In hi lut'l h;tf (In ir r rt ul- t ril'oli, and 110 e. 1 t ie" 00. Till V H.c ats 1 pr g.i.st 0 a. iv pom' over.. In ii'i 11 M i. Ii 01 si.ire.l I 1 L'tve enflie salts- pair. I to receive and focvard on tie D I." 're an. I l.eh i;!' eh I I 0.1V. La-ton and I'tnl- I del, lna, via Delaware I ) 1 . -1- 11 and 1 ehiuh fan I-; t'n . tn Mil 1 nrnl n lie Joiiiila Hv. r, 01 orh and 1 t It an. In - iO 1I1. Sj tpiitianna v ia Seloiy I. kill so I I 'uion, or tin. I 'h. .apeak, and l ine W att'i Cana's. I P. r ihe aeeomm tdaiioii ot Hoats coming or go ir g viu Seliuvlkill and 1 in n I "si. d, a Sie nihoai will b k.pl tpresslv lor towing li.nu from the Schnvl. I ..r,rtii ,1 i i th, D. I .waie and back, w liich wilt V.I Ide no lehai.ls (.. have their pr.i.l.nv de'l-vc-ed 00 the De aware, and their g.s.1- si 1 1 . . d at u s.vins ol .all to .5 sr cent, no die piii. In h .iiliei! hc o s, with lh.ae nd.kiitig.s they re sp.cllnl'y solicit a share nl pstr 11a e. W. 1IEILMAN A. CO. Wilbam II. Ilinan, ") W Ihalll W . K.)st-,J. Ju..pU B..I...I. J l'hilad,May II, ISC ly H. 3. 1ASSE?, ATTOIIN I) Y AT LAW, ' EUIfBTJRT, PA. Business iitlended to in iho Counties of Nor ihurvltrlaiid, 'nion, Lycoming andCulundua. Itrf-. r im - TlinAa H a aT eV Co i, Low r n V UAnao"v, llAar, Cxi-avinns oV Hatit, VMIaJ. Rkt voi.ns, McFarlarii Ac Co. 8irln, 'toon cfc GOLDEN SWAN aV h ai MI7 W. a .Vo. (il Aor Third, ahm e Arrh Strert, nm.ADKf.pmA. MTOMMoiiyttoNs V(n WA"1:NTV ffinsovs. ''H ARLES WEISS, laieof the " V Iriie Nwan." and 'Mount Yeition House," respirtfully in forms his friends and customers, that be ha become the proprietor of the abovi well known Hotel. Country Merchants will find the almve Hotel a central locstion, and the best of fare. Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a large yard and good stabling fot horses, and Ihe best of CiSI'is. Hoarding $1 per dav. Mav I I h. 1842. If. Irtn. .IOII IWMI II. T. l ltlTI, F.SPECTFCLLY annnnnce lo the citiens of Sunbury, and Its vieiiritv, rttat thev have this day -entered Inn, cnpartupishii in tire Prac'tico ol Medicine, in all its various departments, ami hoie hy diia arrannement, punctual afrctflinn to btisinesa, and modernte charges, lo recerve a 4ibeial share of public patronag . CT-Dr J PEAL tenders his gr.lleful acVnnwl edgements for the very lilierHl piitronace hereiofore rcc ivefl, ami feeling confident that the new ar rangement, (the Rrm of Peal Vt Trite,) will be conducive to die romfcirt and welfare of Ihe pub lic, he most resp-ct fully solicits a continuance of their confidence. Sunbury, May V lh, ! 8 12. fim. M KKCII ANT'S house, .Vo. 12:17, Xnrth Third, aimx r I 'nituwhi1 isl., lMIU.ADKI.l'illA. TJIfE subscribers lakes pleasure in acua ntu j B their fii mis and the public in general, ill t Ihi v have laUti Ihe l ime uud commodi.'' II '. recnitlv luill hv i. Mi ssrs. H ,rt. on tl ' fare si'e one. oer npied by the old r-i.ililiheij Hotel kt ow n as the Bull a lb ad, ill Third stieet above 'Callow -btli s'. This Hotel is finished ill the very best possible manner, and ol tit- best nu.tern's. Its location is cry desirable, particularly forCiHtnlry merchant ; die airrmg. men's lor healtl g and venulaling iti. ti room is such as to secure any temperature. The hrdrooms me all light and airy, all furnished in a neat sty'e, so as to itistlrr (oinfort. The receiving parlors are nl-.t furnishe.l In a su perb sivle.'the windows are oti die French style, formii R an enirance to a batcony in frtnt, whi.h makes a plea-ai t recess, Pnrticular attention has been given to the beds and bedding, which, with the furniture, are emir, ly new. From years' experience in h,itel business, wo trust, by strict assiduity tc. 'business, to make this house a desirable stepping place. Our table will always he supplied with Ihe very best our market ran afford, and cH;r bar with Ihe host liquors and wines of the most a p pi 0 veil brands. P. S. 'Iln're are first rate stabling or dcarr ata houses attached to the hotel, r.lu tided ley caitl'it and solrr hn-ders, and our charges M ill he !, in accordance Willi the present haul liii-es. SHL1TZ A. UERR Philadi lpliis, pril II., 1842. SUSQUEHANNA HOTEL, CATTAWISS A, COLUMBIA CO rr..SYIA AMA. IHE sttlKcrihcr re-ieclfully informs the public lhat he has pun hased, and now occupies the Litrg c and ('onimodimts sas,T Ili-iik Tat cru StaniL Well known as the roperl, late of Theodore W.lls. and formerly kept hy Samuel A. Bmdy. He is now prepared to accommodate ill travefiors and visiters who may favor him with a call, anrl will use every ellort in his power to render every convenience and Co'nforl to his customer, whila under his charge. His accommodations (r ample, and his rooms well furnished. His stable exten siveand in good condition. His TaHlk and llAn will be supplied with the hest'that the market can afford. By put 'duality and tiller. tion. he feels confident that ho will men the patronage ul the public. CH ARLES IIAKTMAN. Catlawissa, Apiil 'Jth, IS 13. KOItr.UT ( iRTLK & so, PAPEH MAN VrACTUIlinS. I.mnharit St ret f, Uallimore, HAVE coiisiandv for sale. Priming Paper of all sizes and qualities. Can Writing Paper, rub d and plain, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, line and cotntroii. Envelope Paper, do. .In. medium, douh'e crown, crown and extra sired Wrapping Papers. Coloied Medium and liOyal r.iHis, Ho.tnet, Hirutrra and Snaw Box ! Boards, Tissue Paper, and all art'elea in their line, 1 which thev will sell on Sccommoda'ing terms. ILuhe.-t price given f. r old rags. ROBERT CARTER StIN. March 10. 18 1. Elkton, Mik WHARTON'S C3 H QD D -B3 B3 -s, o Siiul)ir.v, u llmiiilK i IhihI ( oiiuI) , PENNSYLVANIA. rlHK "-'l' r.HtMlully miorms th ruMio, lli ll he I. as iclnove I to lhat large tfnd coinuin- O1..11. Beck 1 1 oil -i', on Market sunifre, opisMite the I'.. ml Hon e, (tormerlv kept bv Hiram Price.) where he i now prepared to rrrc tnlln'dale all who may favor tti.it wnli a call. Being ihankful tor past f .vois, he hopes by strict attention to htisuies, 10 receive a hl.'rnl share of public patronaee, Ac. CHARLES D. WHARTON. Siuihuiy, March nth. ISPJ. TuimB I lillVIE ! LI1VEE ! Tjl'iE .uS-crdwia are prepar. d to furnish larmers I and . Ihers with any ipianiiiy of Lime or a mv siiperioi .piality I t land, or p'oi-rvrm, al die fob I. .wing v, ry reduced prices, it! 8 els. pT t'Oalnl lor I a. ul I. inn ; III els. for the liest quality of plai I'-rrng Lime, ui the kitns.Kdow ihti iaironuh ol Sim. I mi. Th, y w II als.nl-1 n. al any p' kc wilhin the 1 orotigh ol S.ii.trtfr. Lime loi land, al 111 cents er bush. I, and i.mie 'tor plastering at 12 cents per I'U-hel. The subset i1er. hivealwa.a un hand, a lari' ipi .limy of I ime. Its iprality Is g.snl, and tl.i'tr hine.lonc is uol eijualled by any in the uci-h. horh.HMl. SEASHOLTZ A UERtiSi UESSER. Augusta, Apul 2d, 1812.