Prom the Baltimore Amerienn, TWESTY SEVEXTIt CONGRESS. YViaiiinnToir, Aug. 83, 1842. UNITED STATES SENATE, Revenue 11111, Mr, C. J. INC.ERSOLL vni tailed o the Chair nd (he debate proceeded an honr and ten minutes. Mr. ROOSEVELT of New York commenced the discussion in ipcech in defence of the President The debate wu continued by Messrs. HOLMES of 8. U. and GORDEN and FILLMORE of New York. Mr. Fillmore's remark were most important, and Were listened to with profound attention. He rated very briefly that he ahould vote for the Dill introduced by Mr. McKennan of Penn. which was the Bill which hud passed the two Houses of Con gress with ihe exception of (he 27th section and the insertion of tea and coffee to be free when im ported from beyond the Cape of Good Hoe in A mcrtcan vessels. He should vote for this Dill, and yield the principle of Distribution, against his bet ter judgement against the vote he had formerly given and in reference te the great, prevailing and extended distress in the country. He yielded to the countryto the imperative necessity of the case. The debate ended at 12 o'clock. Mi. BERNARD'S Dill was perfected by amend. tnents from the Chairman of the Committee on the Judicary. Amendments were gone through with, and a great many offeied. The Dill having been amended and perfected, flic question returned upon the substitute proved by Mr. C. J. INOERSOLL. This Dill having been read, the vote was taken by tellers, and but 38 members voted for the Dili of Mr. C. J. Ingor oll. Mr. MeKENNAN'SBill was the next substi tute proponed, and before the Dill wss presented in the form of an amendment to the amendment, there were various propositions submitted in 'the shape of amendments. All of these were rejected. Wben (he Dill came to a vote upon the substitute, tlio House decided to lake the Dill of Mr. McKennan, w ith the Distribution out of it, by a vote of 91) to 97 The Dill was soon reported to the House, and a scene of grent excitement and anxiety followed fur on hour. The first vote was upon concurring in the Ri' port of the Committee by substituting the Dill of Mr. McKennan for that from the Jndicnry Committee. This was considered a test vote, but did not so turn out. and the result was as follows: For the Dill, 102. Against it, 99. The next question was upon the engrossment of the Dill. This vote was taken under an intense feeling of excitement, and the result was for the cngrossuiant 101 ogainst it 101. The enemies of tho Dill received the announce men t with Applause. Mr. R. W. THOMPSON, of Indiana, moved a reconsideration. The vote wss yeas IOC, the nays were 98. The question returned upon the engrossment. The yeas and nays were again ordered, and the Dill was ordered to be engrossed. Ayes 105. Noes 102. The House, while these several votes were be ing recorded and read, exhibited a great feeling of anxiety. The yeas and nays are now taking upon the pas sage. P. S. The Dill has finally passed yeas 105, naya 103. Colts Submarine Battery. The anuooncement, published in the newspa pers last Saturday, that at half-past five o'clock P. M. that dsy there would be a trial of Colt's Scb marie Dat-teut, on the Potomac new the Ar senal, drew an immense concourse of spectators to the contiguous wharves, shores and buildings, which cammanded an eligible view of the vessel, which was moored about one hundred and fifty yards from the shore, and underneath which, at the bottom of the river, waa placed the combustibles to blow the devoted vessel '-sky high." At about half past five o'clock the fine steamer Sidney, having on board the Pa.Ksinr.iiT of the United States, the Heads of Dqwrtmcnts, the Mayor of Washington nd many other distinguished citiiens, passed down the river by the Arsenal, to her appointed atation. The President was saluted by the Marines it the Arsenal; soon after which, the signal gua being fired, the vessel doomed to destruction blew up. Tbe explosion was grand beyond description. An immense body of water, with bricks and frag ments of the vessel, rose perpendicularly to great height, and then descended into the water, at a short distance from whero the vessel was stationed . but the vessel bad suddenly disappeared amidst 'the wreck of matter,' leaving no trace lhind ! The scene was indeed a grand and imposing one. The trial sppeared to us to be completely successful. In about twenty seconds after the signal gun waa fired, Mr. Colt applied his powerful apparatus, (placed five miles distant near Alexandria,) and, in the twinkling of an eye, the vessel entirely disappeared. Every one present, of the vast multitude assembled in steamboats, carriages, on horseback, and on foot, (amounting, we should think, to no less thsn six or eight thousand spectator,) seemed to be highly grutilied with the imposing grandeur of the scene, and to regard the experiment as eminently suo ccssful. We have never witnessed so complete, powerful, and singular an illustrstion of the force of gunpowder, united wiih the power of science. The arrangements seemed to have been admirably plan rd and executed nut the least disoppoiutnient or failure to produce the tremendous and mighty ef fect which was promisud, precisely in the manner and at the lime proposed. It is gislifyiiig to learn that no accident of any kind occurred, during, or in consequence of the explosion. The weal liar was line, and a good apportuuity wasall'orded lor every one to see the gieal and wonderful experiment. ,Vul. Intelligencer. Mexico and Texas. Home of Commons, Tuesday, August 2 Mr, Cobden made some inquiries relative to the destination of the Montetuma sleamfrigste, said to be fitting out at London for an Invasion of Texas and commanded by an officer in the service of the Dritish government. Sir. R. Peel said he believed the facts wet a these two vessels were fiiting out, one at Black well and the other at Liverpool. It was said that those vessels were for the Mexican government Appli cation had been made to the Dritish government to permit them to be manned with Dritish seamen, and that permission had been refused. The Hon. member waa under the impression that one vessel wss to be commailed by an officer who hold a commission in her majesty 'a navy. He could state that in consequence of an application from the Texan minister on the subject, that minis ter had been informed that no officer in her Ma jesty'a navy would be allowed to serve the Mexi can government against Texaa. The Texan go vernment had been informed that if hostilities should tske place, tt waa the intention of the Eng lish government to maintain a perfect neutrality. Ttantvic 8ncTACL.Th it afternoon, a norse attache d to a buggy in which were two ladies, took fright and ran dashing down the hill at full speed, and turning into River atreet the wheel atruck a post, when the ladies were hurled with great vio. lence some ten feet on to the pavement. Strange to say, neither were killed. Doth were severely though not dangerously injured. The ladies were from Brunswick, Medini co. Wo did not learn their names. Cleveland llcrtild. A Bkutc The New Haven Talliidiuin makes mention of a man in that city who last Tuesday saw a child drowning whom lie might have rescued, but 'he did nut like to wet hid clothes,' bo he allowed the little creature to perish. Tns Hiohxst CoMrLt.MKHT that has hitherto been paid to the virtues of the liranilrelh Ycgitn lie Universal Pills, is the fact, that so many Drug gists arc now busily engaged in counterfi iting them. What stronger proof could we have of their excellence ! Does any one for a moment suppose, if they were not really good, that Druggists nid A pothTaries would take such pains to imitate tliern ! No. Il is only Ik cause they are valuable and much sought after, that they are thought worthy of being counterfeited. Dut unfoitunnlely for those who are thus imposed upon the counterfeits resemble the genuine only ill the labels and shape of boxes the Pills theinsclvfs have not the slightest lescm blancc, neither in apea ranee nor in the elici t they have upon the system. Those who thus impo-e upon the public have the merit of excercising a re finement in dishonesty, for whilst the highwayman is centent to depredate upon society at laige, tiict cheat only tin ir patrons and friends, Dr. DuinJ'Clh wishes it distinctly understood that Druggists ate nevci in any cases appointed as agents fot the sale of the Vegetable Universal Pills: and that the only security acainst imiiosiiion is lo purchase of the accredited agents, one of whom m vy be f sand in almost every town in the United Stairs. C7" Purchase in Sunbury, of H. D. Masser, and the agents published in another part of this paper. To the Citizens of Northumberland County: Hav ixo been placed before the public bv the Democratic party as a candidalo for Assembly, I consider it my duly to the friends who nominated me, to say, that any allegation that I am in favor of attaching any part of Northumlcrland county l Columbia county, is incorrect, No person of either county has spoken to me with a view to that ob ject, in anticipation of my nomination or election. I am opposed to such a change myself, and if elect ed, would not sanction any measure of the kind. If I am honored by the ritixens with an election, I shall endeavor to represent the wishes and interests of the county fairly, and with fidelity. Very Tcsfieclfully, your fellow citizen, JACOB GEARHART. The Miltonian will please copy the above. .ft J IS It I H II , At Beargap, Shamokin township, on Thursday last, by Phineas Bird. Esq., Mr. D.T. Roskx of Shamokintown", to Miss Catuxkisi H. Eisklt of this place. At the same place, on the same day , bv the same, Mr. Joseph Dimmicsj of Pottsville, to Miss Sabah Wicks of Shamokin township. D I E , On Thursday last, in this borough, AARON Dl'CH AMMKR, aged about 35 years. On the 19th inst., after an illness of ten days of 1:1: c. . f . i . kff ... nous lever, n u iv iia , son oi wnrisiaiu an J Sarah Campbell, aged 23 years. At Milton, on Mondav the I Tub inst., Mrs. JANE PORTER, consort of John Porter, Esq., editor of tne Ledger, aged about Jl years. In C'hilisquaque.on the ICth iust., Mr. SAMUEL P. IIIHLEH, aged about years. l'lllCli CUKUKNT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtuimer. Wheat, .... 95 Rra, . . . .60 Cos, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 25 Pohk, ...... 5 Flaisied, ... . )io Bl-TTKR, ..... ' BxiSWAT, .... 25 Tallow, . . . 12J Dhieu Arrt.Es, . - 75 Do. Peach ks, - 200 Flax, ... H Heckled Flax, . 10 Elilis, ...... R "l.ooil Intent l'ir' oiiit:iiiy. A STATED MEETINd of the (unpauy will be held on Thursday evening next, at 7 o'clock, at Ihe Court House. Punctual attendance is ro quested. J. H. PACKER, August 27. 1812. Sect tan. lilMMl M ill I'll ' t Oltl:ill.Y." rPIIE meinlieis of the "Oood Will Fire Com. piny" are reqne.ted to meet nt the t'oinl IIoiim1, on Monday Evening, Sept. filli, at 7 o' clock precisely. Punctual attendance is requited. August il. J. II. ZIMMERMAN, Sic. Ir. lliiiili Ii'm COMVOVSt) STltl-WnTHIiSIXa AM) (.' RUM AS A VERIEST VILLS ARE warranted to cure diseases of the stomach and nervous svstem. Mr. Samuel Phillips, West Kensington, Philadelphia, was entirely cured by the above highly and im slimahlo medicine; bis chii f symptoms were pain and weight at the pit of the slom ich after eating, loss of appetite, sour eruc tations, flatulency, coaiiveuess, pain in the side, and weakness In the breast, constant headache, dimness and confusion of sight, nervous irretabibty, which incapacitated him from attending to his business for twelve months, during which time he tried va rious medicines, but found little relief, until by using the Compound Strengthening Tonic and German Aperient Pills, he was enabled in five weeks to re sume his business. Principal Office for the United States, No. 19 North Eighth atreet, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHELMER, August 27lh, 1812. Agent. TO Til J' KCKCTORS OF NOIITIIUM- eeuland count v. AVINO been informed that a number of my Democratic, fellow citizens wish me to stand poll at the approaching election, for the others of Reg inter, Rrenrder, if- Clerk of the Orphans' Court eif Northumberland County, I have consented to the request and I earnestly wish that you will favor me with vnuT support. EDWARD OYSTER. August 27th, 1943. lYoticc lo Crctiilors. flHE undersigned, having been appointed Audi JL tor lo apportion the assets of the estate of James Hoey, dee'd, in the hands of John Landau, the administrator, will attend at bis ollice for tint purpose, on Saturday the 3d day of September next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., of which those interested will take notice. CHARLES W. HEUINS. Sunbury, Aug. SOili, 1812. Auditor. The IVoplV'M C'aiitlidale FOR SHERIFF. DAVID N. LAKE, of Sliamoktii Township, is induced by the urgent solicitation of ma ny (fiends, to offer himself as the People's Candi date for Sheritf. Having had fifteen voles out of ihe thirty-one Delegates met at the court-house in Sunbury Ihe first day of August, and claimed se venteen before they met, but by some misunder standing received only liltien, be thinks that the people should have a choice nt the coming election in Octolx'r next, and therefore shall look to them for his suppoit. Augu-t 20th. I S li. 1'ITOTOK IS AS. I IC xotkt:. M. P. SIMONS, JVo. 1?-1 Chisintt Stmt, th Story, pini.ADEZ.rniA. jaffAMKAOTiiiDu of hAGii:iini:o iVJA TYI'E AVI' A RAITS, Surgical and .Mi niature Cases, ImHrtei of Fiencli Chemicals and double silver plates for the Dagtierieotvpe, adopts ibis method of informing the citizens of Northern Pennsylvania, that be carries on the above ousiness extensively, in all its various branches. Persons desirous of obtaining any of the above articles, can be promptly supplied, on the lowest terms, for ctti-h. All letters (post paid,) will reicive immediate attention. Mh. IS. R. LILLE BR!D(iE, now travelling in the Northern part of the Stale, will promptly at tend lo nil orders, give necessary information and Photographic instructions lo any peison on appli cation to him. August Cth, IS 12, Oin TAKE NOTICE. A LL those indebted lo the firm ot the sulwcriliers will please call and make satisfaction, either by paying up or giving their notes with security. No longer Indulgence can be given. CEO. ROIIRBACH &. BROTHERS. August fith, 1842. TO 'flffTl'LUCTtUiS or SOUTH I'M- HERLAM) COCXTY. 'PIIE subscriU-r respectfully informs ihe electors of Northumberland county, that be will lie a candidate, at the ensuing election, for the ollice of Coroner, Should he be f'avoied with a majority of votes, he will spare no exertions to render general satis faction. CHARLES WEAVER. August lith, 1S42. TirilEREAS Ihe Shamokin Coal & Iron Com ' par.y did, ou ihe 9lh day of July, lt42, tie. cute an assignment of all their property to the suit scribrr, in trust for the benefit of their creditors, all persons indebted lo the said Shamokin Coal and Iron Company are requested to make payment, and those having claims, to present them without delay to John Nichoils at Shamokin, oi to the subscnlur, No. 10 South -ttb fctitet, Philadelphia. B. H. YARN ALL, July 30th, 1S42. Argute. A L.r.GE FLAT FOR SALE. THE Suhscrilier oilers for sate, on reasonable terms, an excellent new FLAT, HO feet long, 3 fort deep, and 14 feet wide. Persons wishing lo purchai-e her, will please call on Mr. Eli Diemer, in Sunbury, or on the sutweriher. WILLIAM CARR. Sunbuiy July 30th, 1842. 3t. Ileiijumlii Tajlor'u lilate. TTOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admiii' Jjj istration have In-en granted by ihe Register ol rSortbumberlHiid county lo Ihe subscrila'r, resi ding in Shamokin township, upon Ihe estate ol ltenjamin '1 ay lor, dec d, late ofsaid township. All n rsoiis liavui'4 ueumiiils ogams! e.lale, are riquesiedlo present them, and those who are in debted to settle their respective dues with the sub scriber, at the bous) of John Yuidy, Esq., on tl.s 30th day of August next. SAMUEL FI RMAN, July Ifith, 1842 fit Administrator. DRTjTN. SUMNKl I, SURGEON DENTIST, 1)ESPKCTFl'I.LY iriforma the public that he t- has made Northumberland his permanent place of residence, and is ready to attend lo any calls in the lina of his profession. July 2, 1812 ly. TO Till: l'l'. A ni EREAS Letters Patent were granted to Mr. ' 11. W. Cami-, in October, 1 r:t 1, lor anew and useful improvement in the descending Fu k CioKiMi Sfoviis: 1 hae uudcistood one II A Tll AWAY is using in v said iuipioeuienl under the name of "Hot Am Srovis," which stove involes the piiuciples secured lo me. This is to caution all persons against making, vending, or using .aid "Hot Air Stoves," u. 1 th ill prosecute all who in any way infringe my ligliN; and I ,en by'A W, Comi.v, Esq. ol ll.tuulle, my law ful All-inev,einpoweiing him to bring soils against any person who shall use niv iiiipioxeiiici.l m any in inner whatever, II EAR Y W.CA.MP. ItWigo, I'ioga county, N. Y. i July 2, 1612. 3in. S TAILORING, ON HIS IWN HOOK. PETE? GETTEP.a J" F.SPF.CTFI LLY informs hi friends and ihe public generally, that be has commenced the T a i I o r i ii II ii n i ii c s , in all its branches, in the house formerly occupied by Wm. Durst as a Tailor Shop, in DlaekU-rry street, nearly opposite the Presbylcrinn Church. He respectfully solicits a share of the public patron age, and trusta by strict attention to business and reasonable charges, he will be enabled to give gen eral satisfaction. Sunbury, June 18th, 1842 ly HOTEL. Sliamoliln, ,ortliiutilerlaii1 Co., PENNSYLVANIA. flHE subscribers respectfully inform the public M. thai they have laken thai large ami rormiui ous HO TEL, in Shamokintown, in Ihe centre of the great Coal Region, lately kept by Jacob Kram, where ihey are now irepared to accommodate all who may favor them with iheir custom. My strict attention to business, ihey hope lo receive a liberal share of public patronage, UATCHELOR A GOVE. Shamokintown, June 18th, 1842. Kniiiiicll II. .Ionian, o FFEl.S himself to the Electors of Northum berland County, .is a candidate for the offices ol I'ROTIIOSOTA It Y A M) CLERK OF THE SEVERAL COI RTS ofsaid county, lie trust, if elected, that his expe rience in the duties of said ollices will enable him lo give geuerel satisfaction to the public. Sunbuiy, June 25, 1812. 8 L J a -CO 'r. 15? t V. E S O - 5- 1 O H I - - ' as 2. H 5 ST -co zr tt 7.' 7Z N c - - i. S3 ,---. ii - w r - - o i - O s W -I : i T - -CO I z 2 !. -CD To t'oiiiili v MERCHANTS. rPHE !ubsirilier. Agent of I yon V Harris, Hal - Maiiufaclurers, lor New York, I'lnl olelpbi i. llaltuiiore and -.ither large cities, whom' ll,:ts me highly coiiHiietided .r imd aim mid dural.ilily. has on Land a lir-t rale assortm -lit of HA I and (.'Al', suit it'll- for Sjiriug ile, wh eh w ill te sold very low, fot cash or nppioved ereilit, at the nt Itii riKii store. No. 40, North Third strerl, oppjsi'e the City Hotel, Phibivlelphia. KOlir.HT I). W II.MSO., Ai'rut. N. I). Orders lor Hats m ilieroKeV promptly attended to. The highest pricw in tu.-U or trade given for Fur ,fri'n,. lMiiladclphia, June II, 1842. ly NEW GOODS. l.'S'F leceived, a fiesh supply ol cheap Dry IioihIs, tirocerii'S. Hardware, iVc. Superior Ladies' black kid Cloves, Colored do , Lawns, (", Mousselin de laines, Ac. Cloths, I'lis-imeres, Ca.-huierets, Linen Drillings. Muslins, c. p'uiierior Pint Wine, Pure Sperm Oil, Sjerin Candles, Rai-ins, Ac. Jiuie lib. is 42. . M sM'lt, LI. peisons nidi bled to Ihe linn ot l.vou tV Hairis, under tbe agency of O.N. Tliacher, Jlttt anil Cup ytanuftieturtrt. No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi ate settlement of th ir accounts w ith the subscriber, their legally authorized agent, who is fully eniw eied to settle and collect the accounts of id firm. ROUERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th. 1842. If Agent. TIIK rillLADELPniA. REAIIINC AND P0TTSV1LLE RAIL ROAD. tf, 'r J " AN F.XTHA ACCO.Mlll HATIi N LINK 1177 romnienee. running beltri en l'liilndi Iplitil anil I'lUtsrille on the following days mid hows : Ox art at:h Monhat, Mat 9, 1842. Leaving I'ottsville, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8 A. M.' Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturdays, at I P.M. Hours of passing Reading. For Philadelphia, at 10 A. M For Pot ls lire, at 6 P. M lladelphia, at 10 A. M. 5 ... . weekly. 3 f vf It K S. Met ween Pottsville A Phihida. f .1,50 A 2,.r0 ltetween Reading A do. 2,25 A 1,75 Between do A Pottstille, 1,1(1 A I, ml ExcrnsioN coon ion ssriiiMNn :T nt. ltetween Poilsville A Philadelphia, ?5 00 ltetween Reading A do. 3 On lleiwceu do. & Potlsville, 2 00 The other passenger trains will ss before, at the billowing hours : Vhiladilphia and t'olhrile. From Philadelphia, at A A.M. ) ,, . From Pottsville, at 8 P. M. $ 1 al -v Honrs of patting Rinding. For Pottsvilie, at 'J A. M. 1 , . F01 Philadelphia, at 3j' P.M. $ ,UMv- All the trains will stop for way passengers at the usual points. Xj" AH passengers are requested to procure their tickets before the trains stait. May 21, 1K42. if. CLYDE & WILLIAMS' ItlauK ItiiiiK llaiuilai loi j , Opposite Prinee's Holt I, IlAKUISIUKt;. rMHEY are ;rinnd to manufacture blank woik I ol every ile-eiipli.01, ruled to any paiieui. such us llinkets bee, o,l. 1 1 . v Hooks. Ledgers, Asses sor.' and t'ollcctors' Dtiphcalcs of the lini st quali ty ol pa; ei, in a slxle equal lo any made i:i the ci ties 1 I I'lnl idelpbia or .New Voik. All deseiiplions ol bindirg nea'ly exerut'-d. Sei.iji Ho iks, Albiiins and Poillolios made to ouler. I.a.v Hoi k-, M iis."K- uii J Periodic. its bound to any pattern. Old Hooks rebound, tVc, Also tiles of ' e I p ipeiK o.iMliO. (J.j- Woik left at Ihe ollice of the Sunbuiy Anie lieuu, will be pioinplly ulleiidid lo. May ;ist, lu 12. ly. U.S. Mail Coach I'OK FOTTK VILLI?. STICK TO THE MAIL COACH I riHE Mail Coach for Potlsville leave Notlhuin 1 berlaml every morning nt 4 o'clock, and arrives in Pottsville in tinre for thf curs lo Phil.idelphia. Famr as low as any mher line. For seats, apply st Mrs. iihingloli's Hotel, Northumberland, o at Ceorge Wcitel's, Sunbury. A. E. Kappa m.." Norlh'd., May 21, 1 842. Proprietors. Cjp Passengers coming from Philadelphia will plea-e secure iheir seats st the White Swan Hotel, Race St., before they leave tbe eitt. Passengers Cuming in this line, have lluir seals secured in any Si.igeor Packet boat from Ibis place. Those coming ill Ihe other line may It left behind. WMlR TEI) St I'EUIOR Tt) SY ttTiir.n m:.r si m ry. fOHN A- HENRY L.M).MT, having rented the Lime Kiln of Henrv Masser, in Suribtiry, have now for side Ihe licsl l.iim in this part of lh countiy, and will continue lo keep constantly on hand fresh Lime for Plastering, lluilding and for Liming land, on as reasonable terms as can In had anywhere in the ricighhoihood. 'May 21, 142 J. eV H. LANDAU. GOLDEN SWAN Art. (i'J North Third, ahore Areh Street, IMIILADF.LI'IIIA. All IIMMItl) VI II toil HKVKNTV ri:HMNS. CMIARLES WEISS, late of Ihe " bile Swan," 1 and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in lorms his friends and customers, that he has become the proprietor of Ihe abov- well known Hotel. Country Meichairts will find the nlsove Hotel a central location, and the best of fare. Persons (ra velling with private conveyance will liud a large yard and good stabling lot horses, and Ihe best of ostlets. Hoarding f 1 per Jay. May 14 Ii, IS42. If. SntilV iiml 'liiacfo iMrtiiulactunris, An. W .orih U'i form r of Rare and Third Strt i ts. ' PHILADELPHIA. rpilE undcr-isoed have furmeil a t'o partnership 1 under the firm of J. M AVbAMI. J. IV. as successors to the late linn ol .hifttli .Muilniid X Co., and will c nliniie the business at iheolil esta blishment, on ibeir onu ihvooiii. Iii addition to their own close altemioii and experience 1 i uiaiiv years, ill tbe inaniif i. line nf (beir ertrbiatetl sniill'-, A c., the long ex perienee ol lire senior paitner of the I ite lino, w ill also Ii- devoled to tlx- interest of ihe new concern and as no exertion and care will be .pared to insure iheir goods, ni all times of the e rv Ivil quality, they solicit a continihince of Ihe confidence of (be Ii rends an. I customers of Ihe late linn. THOMs ADAMS, J. MA Y LAND, Jb. Phitadelphiii, May 1 Ith. ISI2. ly EAGLE di: gs rn. nz ;d ( 'onu r if Th rd and Vine Sin t Is, WILLIAMSrOIlT, PA, FI1I1E siibscriU-r n specllnlly announces to the 1 public, thai he has opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the comer of 'I bird and Pine streets, where Ire will be hnppv lo wail upon those who may favor him wilb iheir company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni ent, ami furnished in the best modem st vie. Il is provided w itli a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartment, roofus, private pallors, Ac. Peisons visiting illiamsporl on bu siness or pica-tire, mav rel assured that every ex ertion will be used lo lender their siouni nt the 'Eagle Hoti 1" pleasant ami agnvabh1. IlisTable will lie supplied wilh the very bi si the market af fords, and Ills bar wi ll ihe choicest wines and otto r liquors vharges re'. The l ajle Hun I possesses greater HiNan'ages in point nt locati.oi than any other similar M ihli-hmciil in ihe borough, being situate in the business p ut ol the town, and within a convenient ihsl mice of Ihe Court House and Willianisport and Eliuira Rail lioml II. put. Sufficient Slubling provided, and good and trusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive accommodating and honest Servants have In-en cnifiloTd, and nothing left vndouethat will mid to the comfoit and accomnuHlation of his guests. TIiitv will le a carriage always m attendarrce at the lloat Landing to convey passengers to and from the House, fice of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. May 1 1th. 1X12. Vri. HEIL1.1T & Commission .V l'orwartlinc Mnoliants, Foot of W illow Street Rail Road, II THK IIKLA WAMK, n AVINO sssiH-iuleil wiih iheni Joseph Darnel, late of Eastou, Pa, resivctfully inform their friends and ho public generally, that they have ta ken Xh it large and welt known store and wharf al foot of Willow StnM Railroad, lately occupied by Jacob Martin, Where ihey purpose doing a tieneral Commission and Forwarding Uusiuess, and fioin the local advantages of ihe place being connected with all the public improvements lhat have Iheir outlet In the city, they duller themselves they will be able to do business to as great, if not gieater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other house, and they assuie their friends that any con signments made to them shall have their strict at tention, and no exettious spared to give cntiic satis fac'ion. They are also prepared to receive and forward good 10 any siiiil 011 the Deljw are ttid Lehigh livers, Im-i ween Matich Chunk, E istou and Phila delphia, via Delaware l)ivii, n and 1 chigl) Can .U; also, in any point on tbe Juniata river, or Nnnh and Wist Iliunchcsol the Susquehanna via Sebuyl. kill and I'nion, or iho Chesapeake and Tide Watei Canals. For the accommodation of lioa's coming or go ing via. Schuvlkill und Cuion I'aiiaU, a Sie.mboal will b kept expiessly for towing b.uts I r 0111 the Sehulkill urouud to ihe I el i aie and hack, which will enable meichaoU lo have Iheir pioduee deli vered on the Delaware, and tin ir g 'isU l.ip d al a saving ol 51) to "i.')s r cent the pi lee I ir hauling ae'o-s, with lliesi- aul.iges they re spcllidlv solicit s share of pair n i.e. W. HEll.MAN A t.'t. William Heiliii'in, ) W :1b. no W. Keso, J. J .s. ph llainel. ' j Plul.iil , Mav I 1, IkI2 ly to thi: ELECTORS or .ORTII I MHER I. I l Of A 7 1. I Ill E siili-i nber Is uig pievuiled 011 by bis IneiuU, n xpeelttdly u.foiiu. Ihe public lhat he will be u candidate lor the ollice ol ((i.mmissi()m:i;, al the iiisiiing giiieial fhetioii. Ho premiss, it et. i n d. 10 lultill the Julie, of oliie, uti caie und (id. hiv. JOHN lOl'NH, May Vlh, ltl. ATTOIINHY AT LAW, SUIIBURY, PA. Pi usiness attended to in tho ('nunlies of Nor ihiiml erland, Union, Lvcoming ar.d Columbia. lt f. r In i Tun . II riT A Co., Lowrn V Uarhoti, Habt, Cvmi;os A Hart, Vhilad,, McFamiinu &. Co. Srtanri, 'Jooii & Co., ESPECTFL'LLY informs the EIocIom of , Noitlmmherland county, that he will be candidate for the office of SHERIFF. He promisvn, if elected, lo discharge the duties nf said ollice wiih caie and fidelity. Vpper Mahonoy, May I:Hth, 1 812. J&k O H !D Ii n. .IOII PEAL & IK T. THITI, Esl'KCTFl'LLY announce to the citizens of Sunbury, and its vicinilv, lhat they have tins day filtered into copartnership in the Practice! ol Medicine, in all fls Various departments, and hojie by rliis arrangement, punctual attention In business, and moderarn charges, to receive a liberal share oVpubltc patrnnag. dj' )r. J. PEAL tenders liis grateful acknowl-edgx-menls for (he very lils-ral patmnegc hcrvtofnni received, and feeling confident thai Ihe new ar ranpeMit, (the firm of Peal V Triles,) will bo conducive to the comfort and welfare of the pub lic, he most ri'SH?clfully solicits a continuance of Iheir ronlidenee. Sunbury, May Vlh, IS 12. fun. TOR, h Farm contniiiing about Wt acres, " more or less, siluirte in Shamokin township. IvniihuiiUH'tliind county, about, seven miles from Sunbury, ot the main road leading from that placo lo Petersburg and Shann kiiilown, adjoining lands, of W-m. Farrow, Abraham Klase, S.nmiel flonser and Win. Martz, on which there i a givnl largo Uriik House, with a well of never failing water at the door, a large Ham in good repair, a pood Or chard, and a pond seat for a niifl or any kind of water power. Nearly all the land is cle;ted and in good cultivation, twen'y-five scrvs of which is good meadow. The Danville and Poilsville Rail Road runs through said firm. It will be sold ss ihe pro-. 'rty of Win. Wateis, dreM. Any person wish ing l'1 purchase ran do well, as the Mms are rea s.'ii.ible. I'dssession and a good till,- ran be given next Spplur. "or further paiticuli'S pet suns am eipies'i il lo apply to the widow, who !ies mi o remises, ol to liodticv Watirsor K. i'cei oiilIi, Esq. in Sunburv. i IM'RKY W A'l ERs, t . Ii W TERS. Ntav 7 tf. E.i'rsnf Win Wir, li'c'il. IIOUSK, An. :IT, AorA 7 'A '. uhomr Cutlou hill St., FHII.AbKU'lllA. f 111 I E subscribers lakes pleasure in ac,ua!ntir. g 1 their tiiemls and the public in general, that they have taken the large and commodious Hold, lecently Imiltby the Mi ssis, Hart, on the same sit once occupied by the old established Hotel known as the Ruffs Head, in Third stieel above Callow, lull M. This Hotel is finished in the very '.sM possible manner, and of the lievt materials. Its Ku ution isj very ih suable, particularly for country merchants ; the arrangements lor bealii-g and veiKihting racli room is such ns to secure any temperature. Tho bedrooms are all light 111 id airy, nil furnished ilia neat sivH, so as lo irisiiie comfort. The receiving pallors are ulso furnished in a all perb slxle, the windows aie 011 the French s'yle, f.oniii g an entrance 10 u b dcoiiy in front, whiih lie kes a pleasant recess. Pitrticular utt nliou has been fl'Veti lo the bids and bedding, which, with the timiiliire, are en' in Iv new. f- rorn iaf-' experience iiil'.Jtel business, vo l-is, I v -iii, 1 as.-:duil t' busiiics-i, to ill k:' this hou-m a deir.ible sti p'iim place. Iliir tilde will always be supplied wnli the very best our market can afford, and out bar wuh the ln-sl liquors and wines ol the most appioved brands. P. S. T,r ie are l:r.l late .-tabling i.r.d carr ago houses a'l iched lo the hotel, Mti luled by ca rl'il and aot-r hostlers, and our charges w ill bv low, in accordance with the present haul limes. SHFI.TZ & TERR Philadelphia. ril It., 1H42. rSUSQUEH A N NA JLOTKL, CATTAWISSA, COLUMBIA CO., J'E YAM LYA.M X. fHHE subsciiber re-pectfully informs tho public jj lhat he bus purchased, and now occupies tho Large and ( 'ommndious lliick Tnvcrii StniHl, Well known as the properly, late of Theodora. Wells, and formerly kepi by Samuel A. Itrady. He is now prepared to accommodate all travellers and visiters who may lavor him with a call, and will use eveiy cllort in bis power to render every convenience and comfort to his customers, while under his charge. His accommodations are ample, and bis rooms well furnished. His stables cxien sive and in good condition. His Taiii.k and Uaii will Iw supplied with tho best that tho market can atford. 11 y punctuality and attention, he feels confident that he wiil meat ihe patronage of the public. CHARLES HARTMAN. Cittawissa, April !th, HI2. T ruu i.K &v M, PAPER MANVrACTUBIIS, Lombard street, Italtiuwre, HAVE constantly for sale. Printing Paper of all sizes and qualities. Cup Writing Paper, ruled and plain, Letter Puper, while und blue, ruled ami plain. Hanging Paper, line and common, Envelope Piqier, do. do, medium, double ciown. Clown uii.l extia sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and Royal Papers, lloiinet. Hinders' and Stiaw Hot Hoards, Tissue Paper, and all articles in their hue, which they wilt sell 011 accommodating terms. U gliest puce given f a old tags. KlliJl.Kl UAKI1.K SU. March I'J. 1S42. Eikton, M l. WHARTON'S as "in" n Miuliiii ), .AoiiliuiiilM'i-luiul oum v, PEKNSVIiVANIA. 'I IHE sobscnlier 1. sn -i t ntly Illinois he ) :' 'ie. ib ,1 be bus euiove i to ib..t large and com-.,. - do. o lloil- , on Ma.kel square, j.. Uih t'ouil llou-C, (loruiem kept bv llliaol 1'ilee,) w lo ie he is now pn puled 10 ace ooaii.dale all via 111.1V favor him wrli a call. ile:ng thai klul lor pa.l la.n, he hope by siiict aliention lo business, 10 ieceis a llb lal sbine of public patronacs, Ac. I'll AUI.I'.s l). WUAKiON. Sunbury, Mairu tub, U.