Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 23, 1842, Image 2

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    gn i swu'a) uiiiimi axtau 5 . i n ij.n. iA
llrjini't of the Handy Invest lgntloii
GO We liave not room fur llic report entire. We.
therefore copied ficm tho Lycoming (tajtelte
he following article, In which the rim' fuel
ire condensed. 'I he result ptoves, lh it llieL. S.
) ink furnished mouoy for corrupt purme, which
et-in to have been fraudulently kept by those to
whom it wa entrusted;
"The committee appointed by tho Legisla
ture to enquire whether nny corrupt moans Ivivc
been employed by the Dan'is, or their agents,
to influence the action of tlio Lcrfitdatnrc, or
tiny other department of Government, Iihvc nt
l.'nili ni:u!c llieir report. Mcssr Shuis-wood,
IJ.vine, renniman, and Peford, composing n
majority of tho committee, nnd with one excep
tion unfriendly to the Governor, unite in a re
port that they find no evidence whatever ofcor
r opt ion in the Governor, the IjcgisUtttrc, or
any other officer 0 the Government.
Mr. I,ovvr)Vone of the committee submitted
n minority report, in which he njjroes with the
majority, Hint "THERE IS NO EVIDENCE,
EElJISLATl-RE." Hut Mr. I.mvry very
properly protects against the course of the
Committee, "in receiving hearsay evidence in
all cases, except where reports related to 11
member of the Commit to.' Mr. Ixivvry alj
objects to 1he 'course of the committee, in pry
ing into the private alia i in and buHiier. matters
of individuals not members of the Legislature,
or otherwise connected with these transactions,
and entirely irrelevant to the subject ol inquiry.
Mr Delbrd, another member of the commit
tee, also states in a peperate report, "that there
i: no evidence whatever ofnny nut hority from
the Governor toeny one to ue his name in tho
manner in which it is done in some letters be
fore the Committee, nor does it appear that lie
bad any knowledge of agents being employed
by the Hanks to use any corrupt measures for
the purpose of effecting Legislation for their
The known hostility of a majority of that
committee to the Governor, and to nil the lead
ing friends ol his administration the manner
in which they prosecuted their enquiries, re
ceiving hearsay evidence. prying into private
business transactions, wholly irrevclant to the
matter before them sitting in secret session-'--
obtaining an act of pardon to the guilty to turn
states evidence refusing to produce or read
in a court of justice the testimony in their
possession, in support 'of criminal prosecution
directed by the Governor, and thus tiermittin!
the acknowledged criminals to escape all
these circumstances will free the report of the
committee from the leat suspicion of partiality
for the Governor, or any of his political friends.
If they had found the lenst evidence of corrup
tion on the part of the executive, it would have
been heralded forth in "lowing colors, as a
sweet morsel to be used on electioneering oc
casions, for political effect.
The following extracts from the report will
fhow the decision of the committee, acquitting
the different departments of government of the
c!ier''6 made against them.
"On the -Uh of March, 1 W, the I.oarTlof Hi
recto is of the U. S. Rank, npikiintcd a special
committee of three directors, to proceed to
Hurrisburg, and generally to adopt such uica
s ir s as they may find necessary to protect the
interests of Iho Bank.
On tho aist March, J MO, a voucher was fi
h?il, show, thnt between the "Jllli March
l-ll), and tie 'SU April lrW, the sum uf j-iin.,-.VM
was paid by the Bank to that committee.
Tl. it between the ltilh June 1 ?-!(, and October
17th 1 It, the further sum of KJiLlTj was paid
to the committee ; that according to the testi
mony of the cashier, the greater part of this mo
ney was paid to Geo. Handy, one of the commit
tee (the other members testifying they knew
nothing about the payment or application of the
money) that on the l(Hh March, 11 cor
rupt contract was mndo between Geo. Handy
mid Daniel II. I'roadheud, to which Joseph
ixilmes. President of the Moyamensing Hank
was pr'.vy to procure a release ami suspension
of nil penalties to which the lire now
subject, other than IIhj kKl interest, c.
Tins was to be done in ten days, end was refer
red 'o as necessary in order to secure to Mr.
Van Daren the vote of Pennsylvania. This
contract expired on the yoth March J- in. No
country demands. Their character is now be
fore the country, and their Utters and with nee
together with tlmt of all the other witnesses,
examined by the committor, limy be s.vlcly sub
mitted without fin ther comment, other than the
remark that they all state that they have no
knowledge ot any corruption on the part of the
Executive, members of the legislature, or other
ollicers of Government, nor in their intercourse
with all or any of them during that session, was
there uny thing improper." '"The committee
report, therefore, that the Bank of the United
Slates attempted and intended corruption and
bribery, but there is no evidence before the
committee that a single dollar was paid out by
the agent or agents, to any Ixody, for that pur
pose, directly or indirectly."
The committee then proceed to refer" to
the strong desire of the gentlemen representing
improvement districts', to get some appropria
tion, however small, towards the unfinished
lines, and to other circumstances, being suffi
cient to account for the result, without resort
ing to corruption, direct or indirect.
Not one word of comment upon the forego
ing extracts from the report of I he majority.
It will he remembered that ill the letters deli
vered over to the committee to George Handy,
unwarianted reference were made to vniious
distinguished individuals to wit, Pirsident Van
Buret), Governor Porter, Judge B'ythe, Judge
Burnsidi's, Judge Lewis, Judge Porter, Judge
Barton, Senator Fleming, Auditor General
Packer, Attorney General Johnson, and a h"st
of others. From the mention of their names in
this way, rumors of every kind have been pet
afloat. It is but just to them to remark, that
they have all, with the exception of Presi
dent Vati Huron and Governor Porter, been ex
amined under oath, and expressly declare that
they have no knowledge whatewr of any cor
rupt or improper attempts to influence the Le
gislature, Executive, or other departments of
Government. In this they are fully siis'ained
by the report of the committee, which declares
the unwarrantable references contained in the
letters to be "vile falsehoods, meant to cover up
the fraudulent purose (of BroaUhcad, Sohns &
Reed) of converting the money to their own
use!" It will also be remembered that the
committe state that the letters and evidence of
these men, and nil the other witnesses exami
ned, assert that they have no knowledge of any
corruption on the part of the Executive, mem
bers of the Legislature or other officers of the
Government, or any thing improper in their in
tercourse with nil or any of them.
Saturday, July 3:1, 1842.
We tire indebted to the Hon. John Snyder
for voriotia favors, and ntso to the Hon. Wm. F.
Parker, Gen. Fleming and others, for public docu
rjJ On mir fir-t page we have pi iced ibe bnr.
ecu made in Congress by M Dolt, wi'h n view
nf impeaching IV'B'dt nt Tyler for gross ii'.insc
nf p 'Wrr. Mr. Ai'mis, from tb" comiiii'lcc to
whom V'is trfrr rd the nl j clion nf the President
en nipping the n p rtionim nt bill, ha rcpoitd, 1 1
king aitow; ground list tl.e President as un
cuiistitulinuiil nliil uepri ci di-lilril.
Qj - We have reeeiv, it a i-niummiii-ntion givini!
.111 iH'coiint of 1111 unpohti r, nbiili, limbr n-srnt
J i-irrmnsiiiure einnot nppear. 'J'be nuthur hiin nut
! bTi willi Hi bis inline.
rorrcsponilrncc of llic Sanhury American.
Haninvo, July anth, 1942.
On 1'iido.V, the 15ih, th llmise took up the
inendinrnls made by the Senate to a large Omnibu
bill. The nioul nmterinl of theo amcndim-iita van
one offircd by Mr. Strvrn for the payment of Do
melic ('reditors." It authorise the Stale Treasu
rer to riciive PennaylvaniVs Mlmre of the proceed
of iho Public Linds, and to apply the winir, pro
rain, toward ibe payment of (Joriimctori", &c, for
work done piior to ihe 4ih of May, 1841, until
lhc,o are all liquidated, and then to the p.iytnent of
those who huvo done work tincc thiit lime. Aftir
some disnHHion tbia amend ment was adopted by a
vnn of 62 lo 28. This I" aa il should be. Let tbe
d I'Htie cnditora lie paid out of any fund
can be made available. The old stnlcs are. much
i nt. tied 10 tin so laud, aa i the furim r to hi UJi
rnliivau J wooilldiid, nnd no 11110 but a liiuilniau
ot a dunce would bin nipt to give away tin ae land
or ihe prnreeda thereof, mid ufterwrnd lax our citi
7. 11 to m ike up Ihe amount which tiny have no
f lolisbly It'limjiiished.
On motion of Mr. Wright a proviso wan added.
Or, that he hat rip,h's in action, or nmc interest
in any public or corporate atock, money, or evi
dence of debt, which he unjuatly refuse to apply
lo the payment of any judgements, which ahull
have been tciiib red ngain-l him, belonging to the
complain-ini ;
Or, that be bn asignrd, removed, or diposed
of, or ia about to dipie of, any of hia property
wilh Iho intrril to delinud hi rreditora )
t)r, thnt be frHudub-mly eonlrncled ihe debt, or
iururied the obligation, n-pecliug wliirh suit i
brough' 5
It shall be the duty of the said judge, to issue t of arret in the form following to wit :
Tuoi nt.r. amomi tiik Moumons We noticed
a few dayssince the e.M:oinmiinicalion cf Gen
eral Bennett, of the Nativoo legion of littei
Dav S lints. We now have from the Burling
ton Hawk, his defiance of the prophet Joe.
Nai-viki, Ii.i... June 'JT, 1-1 "J.
Mr. Edwards: In ymir paper of the 'j:'.d,
you allude to the "Trouble among the Mor
mons,' and express a desire or hope that "the
schism is incurable," and I assure you it is real
ly so. The holy Joe fears the consequences of
my disclosure, nnd has threatened to take my
life, and has ordered some uf his Danite band
to effect the murder clandestinely but he slielt '
he 1 jjiosi 1. If he murders me, others wil! a- j
vi nge my blood, and expose him ; if I live, ,
w ill do it to the entire satistact ion of all Just
susend your judgement u few days unt il you
see my u-jmne i;; the Sangamo Journal" of
next week, or the week following, over my
name. In haste, yours respectfully,
Br.xcKiirnnv Smu t. We are indebted to n
friend for Ce following receipt for making
Blackberry Syrup. This fyrup is said to he
almost a specific for the rummer complaint. In
1:V2, it was successful in more than one case
of Cholera. The fruit is now in market, and
the present is the proper time to make it.
To two quarts af juice of Blackberries, add 1
pound brnf sugar, half an ounce of nutmegs, half
1111 ounce nf cinnamon, pulverized, quarter of an
ounce of cloves, half an ounce of allspice, pul
verized. Boil h!I togother for a short time,
and when coU, add a pint of proof brandy.
Qj' The Irgi-hiture have i.nn-r.1 several very
inipot'nit mts r rrnilv, among which is the Suy
Law, I til 1 si, til in another rohimn.
Tbe bill to nboib in.jiri-oioni iit for debt i loo
Ion. fir prblicniimi this week, e bne Iberrfori'
. only given the fir-t few sect ion of ibe act.
(fj" We nre iiulebtid to the linn. John Pnvder,
for hi pprech en tbe Bi'venne IliP. We run onlv
n ini'k at preseni, thnt he ia -nt;ri y mistaken in
regard to the price nt which nnihr.iei'e iron rnn be
mnmirarttitrd. Anihrueitn Iron einnot be deliver, d
nt I! iltimoie at lis tlein -7 per ton. A lew
yeurs more rxprrienre will no doubt em! le ibcin
to reduce the cost ; but in the infancy of ibe Ihim
ncsi, it ih serve, and thould have tbe iroltc'ion of
the govt riilui'iit.
(jTlie sale the of piopirty of J. II. Co vilen,
F.m., on Momlay lat, nt ihi place, niuoiintt'il to
$:b"), (M. Miauiekin Island was kilo. l.c.l down at
U,'J.r0, '
A small black dog. with a white or yellowish
neck, was lost ut N'orthutnlerlnnd, on Sunday, the
I7lh inst. The owner, a little gill, mill be thank
ful for uny information iiKn the subject, b fi ot ihi
fjj By (he Intent account Martin Van Bun n
via nt Detroit, Michigan. If Martin ia on an elec
tioneering tour, ua is generally supposed, he bus
b aa Fasarit ihnn e had supposed. He rn never
acain be eb rti d Pri anient, even though he could
ninnage to get tbe iiominaiion. In Pennsylvania
be Inia always Ueu a dciid dr.ig lo llic pnriy. Al
inosl any olln r democrat would have prevented
ihe dcfiHl of Ibe party in Iftl).
Skctio 1. He it enacted by the Senate ami
1 llmae of liepresenlutirce of the Commonwealth if
Venniylvania in (h-ncral Assembly met, anil it is
htrti'ft tiuicttit by the authority of the tnme. Tint
111 all caeca where Luds, tenements, or hereditj-
I menu, hava ttcn, or hereafter eh ill be bvicd on by
vhtuo of any writ pf fieri facias, or other wril of
elocution, and an imiuest of twelve men, summon
.i 1... . 1. A ..i...:rr n. ,.rni nf ibi. rtii nr
. r . 1 e 1 .. 1 i- t 1 . . . .1 u I,J o not 10, vt iviuuvi v, mil ...
I 11 it if the proceeds of llie rut'lie I.niuU should not 1 ' ' , . ,,
. , , r .1 on 1 1 r . . ! counlica, ngrienhly to the rxuinig laws 0. I'!' v-oin-be
received before Ihe 20ib day of August ni xt.l , . , 1
.. . , .. . . , , , , , ; niotiwenlib, thull find that die lent I -ueu ullu pro-
tliitili.ii the iI.iIiiih ot Loiitiactor foi uoik done; '
, , , , , ,, ' fi' of such property ure not aulficieiit, beyond all
on iiiilitushed lines prior to the 4th nf M ly, IS 1 1, . , ,
, . , , - ., , ,. ! reprises, v ithin ihe space of seven year to aatisfv
slid repair up to Jan 1, 1M2, on fimsbcil lines,! 1 1 J
, ,, , ., , ..... ) the damage and costs, or the debt, interest and costs
htu.U I.A nniil mil . .1 nnv iiiiin..v ill II... I mttiirv tiiO '
1 i :.. i i. ...:. :. .1..0 i. .1.. .1 r.i..
10 hulii mil. ill, ill Hindi, i eiiu in; 111c uuij ill lliv
specific dly appropriated by tbe present legilature.
Mr. I.onry then offered nn amendinenl to pay
same iuque. t to value and appraise the said proper-
1 ' p ... 1 : ..11 ....., ...1 .1,.. .i..i-. ...1-... . .ir..
. r . . e i il anu ill ail law. v.111 ic llic ut it iluaui ui ut it li
mit of the balance of the said money, if any, the I -
1 f 11 . ,. , ...i. 1. . 1 ..... 1. : I dantu shall consent lo a con lenination agreeably to
clii'in ol I imlractois wlio nave done woik since I " J
., r.i r m ion i.- 1 1. 11 1 an act, enlitb d " an act n lating to executions" pas-
Il.e nth of May, 1841, which was dgreed to. Mo- B
.. . , ii-i -i ed ihe IClh June, 1830; and in any cae where
lions to recon-uler were Inen made, whicli occuimu ' '
the balance ol the morning scs-iort.
In the Senate, the bill to dispose (if tho Delaware
Divi-ion of the Pi nny Iv.mia ('un .1 to :he company
ineorporaled by tbe bill, for the sum of fi, 000, (10(1
utter being again some lime under considi ration
nnd n ceiving further oineiidiiieiil, pafcd croud and
finul leading by a vote ol Veu. 2D, to Nay 10, The
fni mU of ibe bill think iheie ac too in my oneious
ri'stiictioiis iiiipom d upon the c inpahv.
In the House, on Satu day, tl.e uinenduieiits ninda
by Senate to the bill providing for a stay of execu
tion on pmperly levied Uon by ibe Sheriff, were
concurridiii by tie Iluure. ubeiefoe the bill has
passed filially ill both Houses, and was aeul to the 1
Governor, who has signed the bill, which has now I
to the proper sheriff, coroner or constable, or hia
aueces-or in office, in like ,ood order and condition
(reasonable wear and teat being allowed,) aa when
Iho aamn wa so as afortanid offered for aale, or
other personal property, eijuul in value, and in like
good order, to be ascertained in Ihe manner afore
said, or in default thereof, for the pay men t of Ihe
amount or the appraisement or valuation with in
teieit and coata, or the amount of tbe debt, inter
est nnd cost, for which the levy was made, and up
on thet'Xecution and delivoty of such bond, llic said
personal property, shall be returned and re deliver
cd into the possession of the aaid defendant or de
fendants : Vrnviihd alto, That nothing in this act
contained shall lie conauuej lo prevent any judg
ment creditor or creditors, from having the proper
ty of any debtor or debtors exposed lo sale el any
time, and ae often as ku. she, f they miy think
proper, after it may have once been eiowaeJ to sa'o
n aforesaid, by poying all ihe coals which nay ac
crue in eonrquenee thereof, except the lime at
which a sale may be effected, according to tho pro
vision of this act, which costs shall be paid out
of Il.e proceed of the sale In other cases.
Nkct. 5. That before any person shall be cnti
ihd Ion stay of execution on real cslnte levied
Upon, he shall pay the interest due on the debt,
tipd the interest due upon prior liens thereon, and
discharge all groimd rents and municipal charge
due on ihe preperty, subject to the judgment, and
shall pay seini-anuuilly during the continuance of
the st y of execution all the accruing interest on iho
judgments and the accruing ground rent.
From the Hiilinuire American.
Washisutos, July 16, 1842.
The sitting of Ihe House of Representatives, in
Committee of the Whole on the Revenue Bill, was
continued, after I clo-ed my letter yesterday even
ing, until the Dill wa entirely gone through
when the Committee rose and it was reported to
the House, and the L) .11 and amendinenl ordered
lo be printed.
The vote in Committer on striking out the para,
graph in the U ill which impose J a duty on Tea
and Coll'ei , wa 75 j eas to 73 nays. Later in the
an inipii.-itinn and condemnation of such estate u
ut.ircsdid, shall not be deemed necessary in law, It
id) ill be the duty of tho sheriff or coroner of the
projrr county, lo summon an imjurst of twilve
good and lawful men of his bailwuk, who shall be
under oa'h or affirmation, and shall ureive ihe same
I ay a jurors nre entitled to in similar cnes,- to va
lue and eppraisc the same, and Ihe sheiilf er coro
ner shall make return of such valuation or nppraisc
iiient wii !i the wr.l aforesaid, to Ibe court from
which the same i.-sucd, and which Valualion or up-
inniicmciit tdi ill I conclusive in any future execu
tion which in ty le levied un the same pr . periy.and I evening amendments were offered thnt Tea and
(f jTbe duly mi Coal, under tbe Tariff just
pa-sed, is fi til) per chaldron ef ;(i bushels.
Qf J- A new French War Sienmer, the (lumrr,
ha ariived at .Now Yoik. She nn nsiiri '1 .IKMI
..ii burtbi ii, and ha engine of 4 0 hor-e power.
The receipts for Ihe Western Hail Road, fir
six davs ending on the 9th of July, amounted lo
$10, 4" I.
In ibe Wesi il i said ihr lime nre so h rd,
I hat even rbii ken luve hard matetill for a liv
ing, and few, if an , lav mote tbiiii one i't!g per
day. It 11 1. lien sugestid that a couiini'l'i' ol
rooster U appointed to r'i-.uiiiiie iu:o ibe uh.
ji ct.
'lirli(l!)IIH'lit Hill.
Tbe imnniiitee ol lonfi rence leported thai they
could mil agree upon a bill. Mr. t'lark llor miI
in n. id u bill, whieb bus passed the lloue. In this
bill N rlhomhi-iliind, ('nhiiubia - Sehnvlkill conn
tics will form one ('onsressiotial District. Union
county w ill be at'achid to Outre and lluntiugdur.
become law. The bill provides that neither ri al
nor personal property shall be sold under ixecutioti
within one year after it shall fail, on trial, to bring
two-third of it appiaised vulue ; but rccjuircsthc
drhlort ip iv up the arrearages of inleie.t on f r.
uier In n, and the interest on Ihe same mid on ihe
debt, semi-annually, duiiug the continuance of the
On a joint resolution submitted by Mr. (iambic,
in relaiion to the payment of the cin n-ei nf Mili
tary Coinmisions, Mr. MeCiihen moved to add a
c lause, taxing the said commission from 10 for
that of a Major (ieueial down to ft for a Muj.uV
commission, the same to Ik' paid lytlie officer on
receiving bis commission.
Mr. Ebaugh offered a section, taxing the sal i
lies of all Ihe officer of liovermiicnl, and mileage
and pay of member, from 15 lo & vt cent. The
amendments of Mr. McC'ahen and Mi. I'haugh
weie both cut ell'. Mr, (iambic' resolution was
lin n pass-d, und M-nt lo Ihe tViiul.-, In tLe Se
uale, the bill to incorporate tbe North lirancli Ca
nal (Jonip.iuy pasted a reading, by a vote ol i
"O lo C.
in cjse of uny wril ol vendi ioni i xp. na. or other
writ ihail issue for the sale of said lauds, tenement
or hereditaments, and the same caiiHOt be sold at
public vendue er outcry for two third or more of
I k,..-t v .ti. ,'tt.n i.r am.r .inrmnl K:.I llin Ami in
such ernes the she.ilTor coroner shall not make
sale of the preiu'lM, hut sh ill make return of the
sjine t,ccoiduigly lo the court which the execution
issued, unJ that lliereupon all further proceedings
for the s .le of such I nJs, tenetneiit, or heredita
ments shall be stay id for one jear from und after
the return day nf the venditioni exponas or other
writ, for the rule of the premises; l'roviihd That
il.e slurilVor coroner h-ll nut be rntiiled lo pound
age, unless in those cases where a sale of the propir
ly shk.ll lake place.
Sn r.2. That in all case where lands, tone,
minis, or Leridilaiueiit, have been heretofore
levied on und condemned or t-x tended, or that here,
ufii r may be extended, in virtue i f any writ of fieri
laeias, and in alien- win re any lauds, I. nrments,
or In ri ailittiiocnts, have been, or benfrr vball be
seized or levied on by virtue nf any writ of levari
l-eias, it shall be tbe duly of the slier ill' or coroner
it I. lie riiwiii ,ur ,4iu '"' ,w , juiu.n.
to any wtit for lint purpose issued, or in pursuance
of suck writ of levari facia, to summon twelve
good and lawful men of bis bailiwick, w ho being
fust sworn or affirmed, shall make a Irue valuation
or appraim inent nf such pio iiy a directed by
the first rictlon nf ibis act.
Sict. 3. Thai in all case where life estate, or
for a tirm of years, in any lands, tciienii ms, or
hereditaments, hate been or shall lie. seized and
levied on by virtue of any w rit or execution, il shall
rjj For the ii.fuiniaiii.n il our rcsdeis, we pub
lish ll e lint ibri e secti. us nf an act leeeiillv pa-st d
ly the le iisUluie, abolishing imprisonment for d. hi
The remainder will lie published in our next.
1 N ACT,
7'o Ahulifh Iinjirifoinm nt for Hilt, and to
J'unish Fraudulent Ih ltors.
Si.ction 1. He it enacted by the Semite and
House of Representative nf the Commonwealth nl
Pennsylvania, in (ifiicral Assembly met, and it is I proceed to advertise and sell ihe premises afore
he ehy enacted by ihe authority of the same, That ' said. In summon an impiest of twlve good and law
from and after tbe passage of Ibis act, no iersun
Cill'io should lie laced among the feu articles, but
ihey were rejected.
Section 10 being under consideration, a fol.
low" :
Sec. 10. ,4i be it further tuactfd. That on
articles not herein enumerated or provided for,
there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of
30 per centum ad valorem.
Mr. W F.I. I, Ell moved lo amend it by adding tho
words "except tea and coffee."
which motion was decided lo be out of order,
the committee having two or three time deci
ded iho unifies shall not be exempt from duly.
Mr. Ull.MIAM appealed from the decision of
the Chair.
And the question being taken, the decision of
the ('hair wa confirmed.
Mr. HAUEKSHAM moved to amend the section
ty imposing a duly of 1 per cent, ad valorem on
lea and coffee.
Mr. ATHCItTON movod to amend Ihe amend
ment I y adding "that the said duty should cease in
thirty day alter the passage of this act."
The amen bnenl 10 the ameriJiiic nt and the a
iin'iidinc ill Wfre rejected.
Mr. FILLMORE, from the Committee of Wave
and Mean, offered a substitute amendment for the
said section, which was iifrrei In.
Amcndmeni weie further offered to this section
S.etioii 12th being under consideiation.
Mr. FILLMOKE moved lo strikeout the words
' except teas " Agreed to.
An amendment was further offered by Mr. SAL
TDNsTALL, as an additional section, providing
for the warehousing system : which, after some trou-
shall lie arrested nr imprisoned on any civil pro
cess, issuing out of any court of this common
wealth, in any suit or proceeding instituted foi ihe
Tina hill, we learn, has since passed in ihe Se- j '""'y V ,non l,uc ul"'" judgemenl or
itecree louiiileil upon coiilrncl, express or imolieil,
or lor the lecovery ol any damage for the mm pel.
lie the duly of the sheriff or coroner beloie he shall j ,,,,, hou, , (1,laMJini WM hy 0M SJ, no. 35, u-
qrud to.
Mr. CUSHINIJ moved to strikeout Ihe S.'ilh
ful men of hi bailiwick, who being first duly i section, i. e. Ihe proviso repealing the Gib section
swoin nr affirmed, shall make a Irue valunlion and of ihe ih-lribu'ion law.
. 1 1 mid Hi u. An athletic Hack man,
while carrying a hod in a building down tow n,
was riiruek uu did head by a calmon brick
which fell front the bcatlold nearly two stories,
high. "lKik mil up dare, ho you throw your
leis.atioii if the kind was obtained, nor any ; hrteks," vociferated the hod carrier, "gucsw you
money paid to llroadhead in putxiaiice of it, j want to kill dis nigger" Whul is tmi
It is iHterred from the evidence, that home new J ttrangu is, thai tho man was not een dunned,
contract nniat huvo been entered intu after the ! mnl the brick was broken in two by coming in
SOlh Aiarch 1K', or the o!d one renewed utter
that time,
"That the! two individual.-', (iVoadliend
tiud Sohu.-) hi Id out to .Mr. Handy that they
were faithfully, between them, currying tins
corrupt baroain into execution, no intelligent
uale, and lias, llieiefoie, no doubt, become the law
of the land.
Ihr Tin iff.
The (ireal Tariff Dill, the most iinporinnt mea
sure l fwe Congress, bast'Ciii pa-sid in the House
of Reprereiitativi s, on Saturday evening last, by a
vole nf 115 lo 112.
Tbe pre-elit bill reiieals the proviso in Iho distri.
butiou net, by which it w as made a condition ihr.t,
in ca-e ilu iesoii any article should at nnv time be
raisrd toexceid Super cent., the distribution should
cease, and Ihe land funds rcdoicd lo ihe treasury
uf Ihe Union.
npprnitcinciit of the same, and if such estate for
life, or for a term of years a aforesaid, alter being
advertised and ofli red for tale by public vendue or
outcry according lo the laws of Ibis Comm mwea't'.i
The vote stood : Aye 70, no.- 105,
So the amendment w.i rejected.
This was decisive nf tho action of the House,
Mr. (iENTKY of Tenn. submitted his propnm.
cannot lie sold for two thirds ol more of the amount 1 t i tt fur the assumption of Slate Debt before refer-
loi manic of any contract, excepling in proceeding ol tbe valualion and appraisement lo le made a red lo in the course of debate in Comm.tlee of ihe
as lor contempt to enloice civil lemedies, actions lor . aforesaid, the sheriff or coroner shall muke return j Whole.
' fines or penalties, or on promises lo marry, on , accordingly, and thereupon all fur'ber 'proceeding n mini his.
Il was voted down by a vote nearly u-
moneys collected by any public officer, or for any for the sale of the s iid premises shall be stayed for
misconduct or neglect in office, or id any proles- one year from the return diy of the said writ ot
sioiud employment, in which cases ihe remedies : execution.
shad leinain us beietofoie, Providi d. Thai this sec- j Sic r. 4. That in all cases where personal pro-
Mr. WM. COST JOHNSOM aU submitted
hi proposition for Ihe assump'ion of Slate Debt
hclore referred to and defending by him in com
miilco. Tellers weie demanded upon this, and
lion shall tu t extend to any pcisoii who shall iml ' petty shall be taken in execution, by virtue of any 1 lwo members (Mr. Johnson and Mr. (Jen-
have resided in this Slate for "0 day previous to
the commencement nf a suit against him.
w r it of fieri facias issued out of any Court of com- ; "'' "f Tenn.) voted in the affirmative.
moil pleas in this commonwealth or by virtue of
Sier. 2. In all ca-es wherthy the proceeding j any execution issued by a justice of tbe peace, it
provision f act, a party to a suit cannot be shall be the duty of ihe officer lo whom such writ
Contact with hi head. llirk. Hi p.
Jltivv to Kun a .Sox. 1. Let him have hii,
reader of the corrctftHjiidence can doubt. '
Their own testimony und conduct as witncs
ocrf, w ith that of tliuir coadjutor, lien. Iteed, f i
vurs the conclusion that '-this was u vu.t: i'Mak
nuun, meant lu cover up their own fraiidulcnl
pnrpooe of converting the luutiey to tlieir ow n
use." 'There is certainly no direct t ideir:e
of a Bingle dollar having been paid by either
of those men to uny body." "(ieoroe Keed,
late Treasurer of tho County ol 1'hiludclphia,
wua ulso one of the paid aenth ot' tho Rank."
He explained his letters by the bold and un
bluehiiic assertion that they were all MK11F.
FABttlCATlDNJS, intended for the purjtote
ef extorting money from lltr Hank." "In re
gard to these men, (I'rondhcad, Solines und
Heed) it inu t be for tha contitutod authorities
todetrjinine what the public judice of the
own way.
J. Allow him free ne of money.
It. Suffer han to rove where he pleased on the
I. (live him free access lo w icked compan
ion). ,". Call hiiii to no a-x'ouiit for his evenings.
(J. Fnriiish him w ith no elated employment.
1'nrsiie either ol llicfe ways, and yon will
experience a iihk-1 inurvellniid ilcltveianc.e, or
you will have to mount over tt debased and
ruiiii'd child. '1 housauils have realized tin:
sad result, und have "one uiuiirniii'' to the
Tin: Iaim The loss by fire in New York
on W'eilnc.-ilay evenino:, is ediiuuled at troiii
&UM,UI0 to If l.'KMKH.
Till, run lit am tiivt. The salary of the
Manr of .evv 4 ll leand, is .( ' K M I ; that of the
.Ma) or ufllurtlbid, Culill., i '10.
( Iiai lti F. Ml U-hell.
In the Court of ('eneral Session in New York,
yesterday, Ibis noted individual was sentenced lo
the Slate Prison.
Tbe article of Tea nnd (Vffi e, il is undciotood, ' arrested or imprisoned, il shall be lawful for Ihe i shall be directed re.-pectivcly , w hen it shall be re- I three year.' imprisonment in
ill pay a duly ol twenty per cent., ad Valorem. j pany who shall h ive roomie need a suit, nr oh- quested bv the debtor In summon three respecia- Milehrll stnted that he came to New York volume
Tho bill ha yet to I acted on by ibe Senate, j i lined a judgement in any eourl or reco:d, to up- hie freeholders or citizen of the vicinage who being j nly, for the purpose of delivering himself into iho
That body it is pifsuiutil, w ill ass it wiihoi.t any i ply to any judge of the court in which the suit 1 first duly sworn or affirmed by the said officer, shall ! custody of the Cottrl, and had procieded as far a
mall rial alteration, ll is, however, geiierallv le- shall have been brought a warniiil to arrest the I vslue and spprabe ihe personal property aforeatid.
heved that Ibe t'resideut will put a vrto the paily agaiusl wbointt.e suit shall hive Uen r in- I for which valualion or appraisement, signed by
bid, on account ot the laud di'triluinii cluu-c con- mi nced, nr the judgement shall have been n' t i mid
iiccted w ell iu III thai case, we presume, another j whereupon Ihe said judge shall require of Ibe said
Ibe appraiser logciher with a schedule of the pin.
peilv taken in execution, shall be annexed lo Ihe
l'anll Uill will be immediately brought toiw.nd, ; parly satislaclory evidence ruber by the affidavit of reloin uu said wrl, nnd in ca.-e said personal pio-
winch will lie so luiued as lo avoid the o'-jiclioiis , p iriy making such application or some oilier
made by Ihe President lo ibe ri-seul bill. j 'rrou or peisons, that ihe.e is a debt or deiiund
- - - ' due In the party miking such application Irom the
NUliKt S. ; other party in ihe suit, or judgeinenl, in which alii-
A most singular lucidcul occurred at the lihle nl j daMi the nature and amount uf the iudtbtedlless
petty, or any part theieof, r.innol lie sold for two
thirds of the amount uf said valuation or appraise
ment, nl a pubiie vendue uf Ihe same of which
notice shall lie given to the plaintiff or plaintiff-,
Philadelphia on his way, when he was arrested and
brought on by process of law. He now request
the Court only lo ruiend his sentence until he
might make some disposition of his (fleets, and
what provision remained in his power lor Ibe sup
p i t of his family. He asked for nothing inoie
fir no living mill was se anxious as himself to see
ihe end of 'hi affair.
He slated that ho had linn doing business as a
his, her, or their agent or attorney, agreeably to j miller, near Zane-vilb-, Ohio, under hia own name,
one of nor most wur by and ie-" i tal le tanner in
litis ueigtiboihood, a lew days since. Ihe l.m.iW
had baked some pits early in the morning, und bad
set lilt in hi the cellar to cool lor dinner. It was
ohservi J before the pie was rut, that it appeared
very full, and no sooner was the knil'e thrust into
it, than a suuke issued nut lo the utter atnua mcnl
and ler'or (if all ut the table. This wss a kind uf
dessert as unwelcome as mo 1 i i led. The snake,
il was supposed, had gol in I Iween ihe CiUsl w bile
the pie w as cooling on the cellar floor.
shall be set forth as near as may be.
ihe dueciion of the first section of tin act, thai
Su r. 3. If the demand set form in iho affidavit . then, ibe ile vf such iiperly shall be stayed for
and with the knowledge of the Recorder and Judge
Noah. J'ii before the sentence was pronourvcvif,
and the Keeoulcr was addie.sing Ihe pri-oaaer, hi
aged mother, dressed iu ljuaker style. cam" inlo the
Court and look her son by the baud, bol.hmj Vl Un
tie such that the parly could not 'iccouling to the j the lerm of twelse months I'ioih lhal date t I'rit
provisioii of this act be ancsled, and if Ihe ulliJ it citi tt. That the nil defend ant nr defend nits, shall
shall estah'ish to ibe sutisliction uf the judge, one execute and deliver lo the shenlf, torener or con-
or moie of the fallowing paiiinil.ns, t., wit : j stable, aa the rase may lie, a bond with one or i ul ihey b'fl ihe room together.
That the parly is utmut lo leuiove any uf bis ! more sulHcienl sureties, in a penalty nf double the : Milt lull's ceunlenance tans worn with aoirow.
proierly out nl ihe junsdiclion ot thi-enurl in which i umoutit ul ihe said valuation or appiaisctnenl, con- I while bis word and general Jeineauoi were those
diiioutd I or Ihe laiihlul foriheoiHing, and delivery ' of n bumMo and niUnt mm. His siluaiioit
ul all and every pari ol ihe said pi isonal pioHily i srriiied lo exrite Ihe sympathy and compassion vl
upon iho cxpiiatiou of the said stay uf execution, ivtiy lululdir. Vhlt. (iu:.
suit is bioiih', w i h lot. nt lo di fi o,d bin cieditoi
Or, ih . I he In pmpuly nr nghis, iu,
which he liauduit inly coiucaU ;