Lnmantadble. We are compelled to notice distressing accident which look place at Minersville during the late celebration theie, and threw a tinge of sadness over II who were unfortunate enough to Witness it. The Artillerists had just received their new field piece from the Arsenal, and were firing it on that day for the first time. The persons, engaged in loading the cannon, neglected to keep the vent hole closed a premature explosion immediately took place, and the two men, using the rammer, were shockingly torn and mangled one having his arms so mutilated as to make amputation in each, necessary ; and the other receiving wounds in hia aide and other pans of his body which caus eJ his death hut short time afterwards. The 'names of the persons injured were William Lewis nd George HclTer, neither of whom, we under stand, were memliera of the Company. Too much tare can never Vie expended in handling and using one of those field pieces. It has fullen to our lot to record several accidents of this kind already, and we do urge upon all persona having charge of them, strict arid careful observance of the rules and pre cautions prescribed for using them Miners' Jour. Bi llets. One ofthehillg just passed by Con gress purchases the patent right to a bullet machine, which will, if required, manufacture a tnilliou of bullets in 21 hours. From the 'licvall of Islam." Kurojie and America T BH KLLKV There is a People mighty in its youth, A land beyond Oceans of the West. Where, though with tudest rites, Freedom and Tiuth 7Are worshipped from a glorious mother's breast, Who since high Athens fell, among the rest "Sate like t!e Queen of Nations, but in woe, 'By inbred monsters outraged nJ nppress'd, Turns to her chainlrss child for succor now, III 'draws the milk of Power in Wisdom's fullest flow. That Isnd is like an Eagle, whoe young gixe 'Feeds on tbe noontide beam, whose g.ltleu plume Fronts moveless on the storm, and in the hlaie Of mnrisc gleams when Earth is wrapt in gloom; AnEpitaph of glory for the tomb 'Of murdered Europe may thy fame be made, Great People : ax the sards shall thou become ; Thygrowih is swift as morn when night must faV'e ; The multitudinous Eirih shall sleep beneath thy hide Yes in the desert there is built a home For Freedom. Genius is made strong to rear The monuments of man beneith the dome Of a new heaven. My rails Msemhle there. Whom' the proud lords of man in rage or fear, Drive from their wasted horn. a. A Legal Pnn. As Jekyr was hastening to court ir. his wig. He happened to tread on a veiy small pig; 'That's a learn'd pig" ays he, "or I'm greatly mistaken ; For it is, one may see, and abridgement of Bacon." BALTIMORE MARKET, Office xf the Baltimore America), July II. FLOUlt. There ia scarcely any Howaid st. Flour in mtiket for sale, and the demand U con fined to the triad trade. Sales of about 500 bbls. Susquehana Flour at $6, cash. GRAIN. A parcel of 300 bu.-hela new Wheat, from the Eastern Shore of Maryland, in bad con dition and of inferior quality, w as sold to-day at $1. A lot of Pennsylvania old red Wheat wsa sold at $1 26, and another parcel at $1 30. Wheats re wanted. A sale to-day of Md. while Corn at 5 a 50 cents, and of yellow at 57 cU. MJ. Oats are worth about 32 a 33 CU WHISKEY. the stock is very much reduced and the few sales making sre at an advance. Wc quote hhds. at SI cu. an J bids, at S3 cts. Th Oklt Wat to account for the Biamlreth Pills being so eminently successful in curing every variety of disease, is, that they assist nature in ex pelling from the body all those impure humors, which not only cause, but produce disease. To those of a costive habit, thia medicine is in valuable, being the mildest and most effectual ca thartic that can possibly be administered, and can tiever injure, though taken for any length of time. Be careful to yet the genuine. No druggut has them for sale. Gj" Purchase in Sutfbury, of II. B. Masser, and th' agents published in another part of this paper. LIST OF CAUSES, IOK trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thumberland County, to he heJJ at Sunbury, on the first Monday of August neat, being the 1st. Joseph Tread Badger Tor Badger Elijah Crauford Cein'lh for B Sayie Hmry Frick Andrew Turk va Martin A Stock vs Hugh Hellas vs Jesse Psiker vs John Frick vs Stephen Wilson vs John A I.I yd J as. Bartlet for E I. Piper va H. nry Frick Thorn is M Russet vs David Hartman Yates Si Mclutvre J hii F Deiitlec Win Fry E Y Uright Henry II Burr William Moritz I.uther Basset I) I. Croveruor 6l wife J C B Nour-e George Shihy Coin'ib for E Colin vs Edward Y Bright vs David Watson va Win A Lloyd vs J C H Nourse va J 110 U Boyd va O P Duncan vs Jno & P Oberdorf vs Daniel Snyder Ac vs John Lloyd va George Long va Heniy Gossler et at Nanry Humer's ad's et al va Daniel Robins Hubert Miner vs Win llibler et al Wilson for Bound now for H"Usel Henry Eckh'et George Annstrong V ilium D de Tobias llulr St Co Samuel Gully Martin Weaver vs Wm H Pomp va 11 C Clayton vs The 8 Coal Company v Charlca Crag et al vs Ku'iner Si Lmaius v Hubert W Dunn vs Dmiel Be. k va John Mider llolhhen t Easton Cum'ih of Pa for A Jordan va (ieo W Kiehl et al Kame fir Bowman vs Same Same for W Deppen 4; Co vs Same Geoige McCoy va Kolit McKee Knse St Co va Thomas Ashbiidge Com'ra nf North'd county vs I-ac Woolveiton Robert W1I1 y & wife vs Geo Snyder's adin'rs Jacob Kim va II WemkaV. J Hair MUEL l. JORDN. Frothmiotary's Office, 'a I'roth'y tunbury, July 18, 1611. J PRICE CUUI1ENT. Corretted weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer, Whkat, 110 Ttti, 60 Corsj, . . 40 Oats, 30 Pork, S FtAr.ii, ... . 12R UCTTUR, ..... 12 Brf.swat, . 25 Tuiow, .... 12J Dm an ArPLKs, 76 Do. Piacrks, . - S00 Ft.it, ... .8 HrcKLtn Flat, 10 Eons, . 8 Shall Sickness or Health Prevail! tT is evident that the former will if there is not more care or attention pnid to ourselves. What are the primary causes of the very greet vntiety of diseases which we daily behold. A fTiicb d person, were you not first attacked with bile on the sto mach, attended with sickness, costiveness. a de rangement of the stomach and digestive organs (probably caused by inducing too freely in rich food, a sedantsry life, irregular meals, exposure, late hours, intemperance, &et) These mostly are the cause of affliction at the present day. When these symptoms occur, if you desire heslih to prevail, procure immediately Dr. Harlich's Coatrocvn Strtrkkio and Gkrma Arx.ms.vT Puts, as they are a sure medicine to remove thete dislres sing attacks. The properties of this medicine are first, cleanse the stomach and bowels, remove bile and bilious matters, purify the blood, which, when obstructed, subjects the body to pain and disease. This is eff'cted by a few doses of the German A- rmrient Pills. After this is accomplished, the Strengthening Tonic Pi Is arc usrd to give strengih and vigor to the system, restore the debilitated func tions of the animal economy, AVe. In the course of this treatment, the patient will be restored to per fect health, when all symptoms of dyspepsia., liver complaint, sick headache, pain in the side, lim's, arid other bodily in futilities, will be completely era dica'ed. Principal Office, No. 19. North Eighth street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. July 16 h, 181 Aent. Delegate Meetings. rilHE Democratic Electors of Northumberland M c lunty.are requested to meet at the usual pla ces of holding township meetings, on Satutdav, the 30lh day of July, inst.. for the purpose of electing Delegates, to meet in county convention, on Mon day the first day of August next, at ihe Court House in Sunbury. The Convention will meet tit 10 o'clock, A. M. It is hoped thnt every township will be fully rcpresmtoJ. A. Jordan. Gideon Leisenring, William Fsgely, Will'iim Fnrsyihe, J. F. W. lfincer, July IGth 1815. M'g Committee. MEDICAL CARD. ECC TCP. V. S. SFJGET, pESPECTFL'LLY iuforms his friends in Sun--lk- bury, Northurtiixrlatid and virinitiis, that af ter an alisenee of nearly three years in Philadel hia, (the fountain beaj of Medical Science in the II nited SiBtes,) he has returned and located himself in Northumberland, for the purpose of practicing in all the branches of hia profession. Having em braced the many advantages nf the public nnd pri vate medxal institutions in Philade'phia, he feels prepared to enter upon the responsible duties of his profes-ion, and would thin foro solicit the patron age of a generous public. Noithuniberlimd. July 1 6th, 1842. 4t Take Notice. TTniEREAS a certain Henry W. Cnmp has no- tified the puh:ic not to boy the celebrated Hathaway Hot Air Cooking Stove." Now this is for the information of all concerned, that all who buy of us, or our regul ir auihori.-c l Agmts, shall be kept e'ear of all damages, and that, should we have the pleasure of seeing the regular author f Camp's Caution, we shall lac very likely to find out by what right he published the article. NATHAN MITCHELL ct Co. Lewi-burg, July 9th 1MJ. 3t HE purchasers of prujierty at the sale held by 1 the asMunees of Hiram Piice, are inlormed tt at their r.oles are now due, nnd niut be paid forthwith, or they will be placed in the hands of a Justice of the Peace for collection. GEO. C. WELKER, C. W. HEGINS. July ICth, 1S42. Astigneti. 1 teiii alt 1 1 ii'al loiaTlSiiit e. "TTOTICE is hereby given, that leltt rs of admin istration have leen granted by tbe Regi-ter nf Northumberland county to tlie euWnls-r, resi ding in Shamokin township, upon Ihe istate ot Benjamin Taylor, dee'd, late of said township, AH persons having demands spainst said e.tate, aie r. quested to pre-ent thi m. and those who are in debted to fettle their respective dues with the sub scriber, al the hi Us 1 of John Yordy, Esq., n the 3Uth day of August nest. SAMUEL FUR MAN, July 16lh, 1S13. Ct AJminktrulnr, 523 2 Jg. 121 II iT ISLAND. TIH AT beautiful and va'uable property, of about J.. 230 aerea. and various other Kilt ROHTHrMBKBLAVU ; HOUSES, TOWNXOTS & OUT LOTS, tne properly of John II. t owden, will be sold by the Shi rilTon the lfith July instuit, in Sunbury. Jit Ihene limes, the sales vill be low ; but to pre vent greater sacrifices, at least one, or more of the oldiit judgment creditors will be a itisfied to receive PA YMEXTS AS FOLLOWS: Pur. hases not eiceeding f?00, 20 per ct. down. Purchases above 200, 10 " Of tbe residue of all aales, with interest, on the 7lh Nov. til C 40 " ler nut, . j The balance of the residue, with interest, on the Crst Monday of April not. H. BELLAS, Attorney fur the M. 4 jl. Hank. Sunbu'V, July 9, 1842 CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE, That we have applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thumlierland County, for the benefit of the laws made for the relief nf the insolvent debtois; and that the Judge of the said Court have appointed the first Motid y of Augu I nevt to hear us and our creditors at the Court House in Sunbury, when and where you may attend if you think proper. me JACOB H MILHEIM, melt. JOHN SMITH, of Georgetown, HIRAM PRICE. JOHN PAYNE. J ACOH DEE TZ. SAMUEL DEETZ. JulyS. A11RAHAM HOLLOPETER. DR. J. N. SUMNER, SURGEON DENTIST. RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he has made Northumberland his permanent place of residence, and is ready to attend to any calls in the line of his profession. July 5, 1813. ly. ' ' Treasurer' IVoticc. THE Merchants and Tavernkeep-ra of Northum berland county are ber.by notiflcd that their licenses are ready for distribution, and that Ibey can be obtained at any time at the Treasurer's office, Sunbury. They are requested to come forward and attend to them on or liefore the first of August next, as it ia the duty of the Treasurer to return all de linquent tavern keepers lo the court, before the Grand Jury is dismisaed. GEORGE WEISER, July 2, 1842. 3t. Treasurer. TO Till PI IlLlfJ. WHEREAS I.ettera Patent were granted to Mr. H. W. Camt, in October, 1834, for anew and useful improvement in the descending Ft.ri CnnRism Synyits t I have understood one HATH AWAY is using mv sdtd improvement under the name of "Hot Air Stov :,' which alove involves the principles secured to me. This is to caution all persona against making, vending, or using said "Hot Air St ives," as I sh dl prosecute all who in any way infringe my rights; and I hereby consii lutn Joshua W. Cojuit, Esq. of Danville, my law ful Alt. mey, empowering him to bring suits against any person who shall use mv improvements in any manner whatever. HENRY W.CAMP. Ow. go, Tioga eonnty, N. Y. July 2, 1842. 3m. 5 Dissolution of l'artnerslilp. THE pirtnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, has been diss dved by mutual con sent. JOHN H. PURDY. A. JORD AN. Sunl ury, June 25th, 1842. IB ln.lon .liiiiiivi in uviiitiii) o FFERS himself to the Electors of North 11m. bcilmid County, as t candidate for the otlicca ot PROTHOXOTARY ASD CLF.RK OF 77: SEVERAL COERTS of said county. He trusts, if elected, that hisexpe rienee in the duties of said i.tlices will cna le him to give generel satisfaction lo the public. Sunhury, June 25, 1812 lI;ijor llnvid IV. la.ike. INFORMS the public that he will bo a candidate (or the ull'ico of s ; RIFF of Northumberland County, at the ensuing 1 lection. He respectfully aobcits the sulTr ges of hts fellow ci'iiens, antl shot Id he be elected, he is ill endeavor to discharge the duties of said ollico with fidelity, and saiistailion to the people. Shaninkin, June 2Sth. 1h I2. to "the klkctors OF NOUTIIUM- BEULAND COUNTY. riHE subscriber respectfully inf. rms the electors JL of Northumberland county, that be will be a candidate at the ensuing election, for the offices of Register, Recorder and Clcik of the Orphans' Court. He trusts, if elected, he will he able to discharge the duties of said office! to the entire sa'Uf iction of the community. JAMES BEARD. June 2o. 1812. "'jT-'T gvrvrrrrelrT;'y HOTEL. Miamoltlu, ortliumbcrlan1 Co., PENNSYLVANIA. fl'MIE aubscribera respectfully inli-rni tbe public JL that tlmy have taken that largt and commodi ous HOTEL, in Shim ikintown, in the cuitie of the great Coal Region, lately kept by Jacob Kram, nheie thev are now prepared to accommodate all who may l'.,vor them with their custom. Uy strict attention to but-iness, they h. pe 10 receive a liberal share of public patronage. BATCH ELOR & GOVE. Shamokinlown, June 18th, 1842. "TAlLOiUNG, ON HIS OWN HOOK. PETE?. GETTE?., lF.SPECTFULLY inUms bis friends and the 1 public eenetally, that he has commenced the Tailoring II u i n e s s 1 , in sll its branches, in the hou-c formerly (sreupied by Wm. Durst sa a Tailor Shop, in illacMcrry street, nearly opposite the Pn sbyterian Church. He respcct'ully solicits a shnie of the public patron age, and trusts by strict attention Hi business and reasonable cba-ges, be will be enubled to give gen eral i-sti-ltcion. Sunbuiy, June 1 8th. 1842 ly -CO 3- 5- 5" ? f O ?s?r j 2 IS ? 5 hi. m O , 4 1 2 a g S S Mr? El " 5 - S5 O Tr. H a o c r -CO f S s I? ft ft -CO 7 E vrf 1 1 f 2 -CO X 3 5 " -co FLC'J?., BP. AIT, fed. rp HE i-ula-crihi r ie-arifuily inl..inu the public J that she knps con.lnlitly on hand for sale, at the lowe.t ca-h prices, at the lower end of Fawn street. Sunbury, FLOUR by the hundred, quurter, Vc. BRAN by thebu-h.l, HERRING by ihedoi en. Confection ,iry, Sc. ihe iesirc'fully solicits Ihe patronage of her Inclids and the public geneiaily. IURUARA WEISER. Sunbury, June llth, 1842, To 4 omit rj' MERCHANTS. Til K Subscriber, Agent ul l.yon & Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New Vork, Phil xk'lphia, lUllimore and other large cities, I twj Huts are highly comincudrd l.ir ;iir cdtt and dumUtyt has on hand a fir-t rate nsscrtm-rit of HA Vs and CA PS. suitable for Sa:inf sales, wh ct will I e sold very low, foi cash or appioved redil, al the nr tcd cheup store. No. 40, North 'i hud 'rc-l, uiyjaj' the City Hotel, Philadelphia. ROIUHI ',- D. WILKINSON, Apent. N. B. Ordeis lor IJala .ii tharonV pi iuiplly attended to. The hi-he.t rito iu 'nk Qr Ua'll given for Pur ikin. Philadelphia, Juna II, UiS.- ly TlfK riiiLADELrim, uwm and rnTTsviun RAIL ROAD. AN EXTRA ACCOMMODATION LINE WHl connnrnee running brltrren Philadelphia and Pottsville on the following days and hours : On Avn irTrit Movjuat, Mat 9. 1M2. Leaving Puttsvillc, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8J A. M. Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 1 4' P, M. i Hours of passing Rending. For Philadelphia, at 10 A.M. 3 ... . ., For Puttsvilte, .1 fiJp.M.J '"-'y- r.i HEX Between Pntlsvillo Si Philada. f .r'f Si f 5..M! Between Reading Sl d . 2.25 .V 1, 75 Between do & Pot'sville, 1.10 it 1.00 Exii'HsiOM TtCKr.T noon OK KiTlU.llMI KHr DAT. Between Pottsville Si Philadelphia, f5 00 Between Reading ct do. 3 00 Between do. & Pottsville, 2 00 The other passenger trains will os before, at the following h oirs : Philadelphia and Vothrille. From Philadelphia, at 5 A.M. From Pott-villc, nt 2 P. M. J Hours of patting Heading. For Pottsvilie, at 9 A. M. For Philadelphia, at 3J P.M. $ Daily Daily. All the trains will stop for way passengers at the usual points. rfj" All passengers nre requested to procure their tickets before the trains stait. May 21, 1842. if. NEW GOODS. I'ST leceived, a fresh su ply ol cheap Dry Goods. Croorii a, Hardware, &c. Superior Ladies' black kid Gl ives, J Colored do., l.avMis, Chintzes, Mousselin de laines, Sic. ('loths, ('us-iincres. ('a-hmerets, Linen Dr lltt gs. Muslins, &c. Superior Pint Wine, Pure M.eriil Oil, " Sperm Cundlcs, Rai ins. At. June 4ih. 1S42. II. B M PSER. John Ilifccly, "P FSPECTEULLY informs the Electors ofNor- "k- ihiiml land county, that ho will be a candi date for the office of COROSER. He promises, if elee'ed. to en rt himself to render gr nernl satisfaction, which his experience iu the du ties of s aid office wiil enable him to do, having held it for the term of three jc.ira to the entire sittsfac tion of the pu' lie. Sunbury. June 4th. 1842. LL peisons intb bted to the tirm of Lvon Si Hinrts, under the agency of O.N. Thacher, . und Cup Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are r quested to mnke immcdi ate settlement of ill. ir accounts with the subt-crilx-r. their legally authorized agent, who ia fully eropow. eitd to settle and collect the accounts of said lirm. RODEKT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1842. tf Agent. Felix illourer TbESPECTFULLY informs the Elector of JLtL Northumberland county, that he will he cat.didate for the ollice of SHERIFF, lie promis-ce, if elected, to discharge the duties of said ollice with care and fidelity. Upper Mahonoy. May 28lh, 1812. TO THE ELECTORS OF .XORTll L'M- HEKLAM) COl .XTY. fiHE subscriber re-peetfully oilers hiin-elf as a I candidate for the office of COMMISSIONER, and otters, siiouio ttr ie eiecitti, lo exen nimseii lo render geiivial satisfaction. WILLIAM M. GRAY. Suobnry, May 2Sth TO THE ELECTORS OF SORTIICM- II E REAM) COl.XTY. ri'VIE subacrda?r oir. rs himself to Ihe electors cf A N nhumberland county, as a candidate for the office of PROTI IO.N OTA R Y. Should he be favored with a majority of voles, he will .pare no cterlions to render general satis faction. GEO. MARTIN. Sunbury. Mav 2th. 1912. U.S. Mail Coach roit ror is villi:. STICK TO THE MAIL COACH! rilHE Mail Coach f. r Pottsville leave. Northum X berlai.d t very inorntn i ut 4 oMoi-k, anil arrives in Pottsville in time for the cars to Philadelphia. Fauk as low as any other line. For seals, apply at Mrs. Wiihington's Hotel. Njithuiiibeiland, or at Giorge Weitel's. Sunbury. A. E. KAI'P A: CO.. North'd.. May 21,1 8 12. Proprietors. fj- Pas-eittfcrs coming from Phi!a'el hia will plea-e secure their seat- at tbe White Swan Hon I, Race St., In foie they leave the city. Passci gets Coming in this line, have t'n ir seals a. cuteti in any St ig; or Packet boat from this place. '1 hose coining in the olio T line ni ay l left behind. CLVDB & WILLIAIVIS' LllanU ltoK laiiulatluiy, Oppnsitv i'rinrr' Hotel, llAKKLSl'.l'Rfi. TIHEY are pripind t.i manufacture b'ai.k wmk A of every deM'ription, ruled to i.ny paid rn. audi asDockita breords. Dv B,ik, l.e.lgers, A.se--sot.' and Collector-' Dopticalea of the finest q'J.ili ty of patr, in a te equal I an) in .de in the ci ties of I'hdade pi u or New Y"ik. All dewnpiions of binding tieatly emcuied. Scrap liaoks, Albums and Portfolios ma le to older. La v Books, Music and Periodical hound lo nny . . .a. . . ... .i: r . pattern. Old Books rebound, Vc Al.o ti e- if p'jiera b ni d rj Wmk left at the ntfice of the So.nbury Ame in an, will be promptly attended lo. May SLt, 142. iy. GO LI) K N"SWTN 31-J? H 15 rl7 J&Z Q 1 m A'u. (j'J A'rA Third, uloie Arch Strut, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOM MODA1 ION fOR Ul VKNTV rF.KRttNS). CHARLES WEISS, lateol tl e ' bite Swan." and "Moutit Vernon House," rrsH-ctfully m forma hia friends and cuaioineis. thai be l a- become Hi proprietor of Ihe bon well known Hot. I. Country MeicbauU will fnd the above Hotel a central location, and tbe IkM of fare. !' r.ous Ira vvllinj; with private conveyance will find a laige yard and good stubbng for Iioims, aud tba hist of totlms. Hoarding $ J pet dav. May H h, 1813;- tf. J. XVXAYIjAND, JR. & CO. Snuff nnd Tnlincco Manufaclnt'ors, Ao. W Aor'A West vomer of Race and Third Strrrl PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned hive formed a Co-partnership under the firm of J, M AYLAND Jii. cV Co.. as successors to the late firm of Jarab .Mayhmd V Co., iifld will c iiiliriue the l iisine-s nt 'he old esta blishment, on tbe'rr own aeeoimt. In addition to their own close attention snd experience fn many years, in the manuf icliire nfttieir erffbrnte! snuff , etc., the long experience nf the senior pa'tr.erof the late firm, will al-o be devotr-d to die interest of the new concern and ns no eteilion and care will bo spared to insure their goods, nt all times of the ve ry ls?st quality, tln-y solicit n eontinUiitee of the confidence of the fi ends and customers of ile lute firm. THUMVi ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, J. Pbilsdelphia, May 14th. 1P12 Iv WARR..TEI) SI I'EIIIOR TO AXY OTHER MF.AR Sl'. lil'RY. TJOHN cv HENRY LANDAU, havino rented the Lime Ki'ns nf lleri'v Maer. in Sunbuiy, bave now for sale the Ix st Lime in tliis p irt of the conn 1 1 V , and will continue to keep eoiistntilly on hnnil fpr'sli l.iine for Plastering, Duildittg and for Liming land, on as reasonable terms as can I hail anywhere in tbe iieighboihoixl. M,y 21, 1P12. J.cVH. LANDMT. TO THE ELECTORS OF SORTHVM 1IER1. A SI) COESTY. rnllE Subsciiher n spectlully i fTera himself as a A candidate for the nlTice of l'ROTIIOXOTARY, at the ensuing general election. Should he be so fortunate to lie elected, ho will endeavor to give general satisfaction to nil. May 21. JOHN FARNSWORTH. EAGLE ww. cis :kt2 -w. 9 Corm r of Third and Vine Streets, WIlAIAMSrOIlT, TA. f JHE siibscnl'cr ri sMctfullv announces t the A public, that he h '8 opened a Hotel in the com modious bri.k building Situate on the corner of I bird and Pine streets, where be will he hnppy lo wait rtpon those who may favor him wit'i their company. The E.isln Hotel is large und conveni ent, and furnished in the le-t m' dern st le. It is provided with a large number of well aired and comfort dile sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors, cVc. Peisous visiting WilliamsKirt on bu siness or pleasure, may re.t as-ur.d that every ex ertion wdl Is? used to render 'heir sojourn at Ihe Eagle Hot. I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will le supplied with the very In si the maiket af fords, and his bar with ihec' oicest nines and other liquors chnrg!s re s iimbl.1. Th" Faclo Hottl possesses greater advsn'aees in point of location than any other similar establishment in ihe borough, being situate in the businefs p:irt of the town, nnd within a convenient distance of the Court House nnd Williamsport and Elmira Rad Ro.id lb put. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty o'tlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and hone-t Servants have been emplovcd. and nothing left undone tint will add to the conifoil and accommodation of hia guests. There will he a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from the House, fue of charce. CHARLES BORROWS. Mav 14th. 1842. VlrC. HEILlfCAlT & CO., l umiMisshUi c Forwardinsz Merc hatiis, iW of Willow Strrrt Rail RoaJf ox the iruwur, ii, late of Enston. Pa., r. st eiHfvilly inform their fne ds and the public generally, that they have tn k. n th .t l.inre and we 1 known store and w harf at foot of Willow Street Radroad, lately occupied by Jacob Martin, where they pu pose d.iing a Gen. ral Ci.mmissiion aiul Forwarding Business, and fiom ihe local advantau'Cs of the place bring ennnt Pled wuh sll the public improvements that have their outlet in the cilv, they flatter themselves they will lie ab'e to do business to as gre it, if not giealer ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other ho-jse, and they assure their friends that any con signments made lo them shall have their strict at tention, and no exeittons spared to give entire satis fac'ton. Tiny ere also prepared to receive and forward goods to any point on Ihe Delaware and Lch'iih iivvr-, ta'twei n Mauch Chunk, Eastou ami I'lula ilelj hia, vi Delaware Divisi. n and Lehiuh ('an Is; alisi. to auv point on ihe Juniata river, or North and Wist B.anchesot the Susquehanna via Schuyl kill and Union, or tho Chcb.ipc.ke and Tide Water C.ma's. For the accommodation of Hosts coming or go ing via chuvlkill and I'moti Canals, a Ste.tnboat will b kitl expressly for towing boats from the Scbuvlkll! arout.il to the Del iwaie and hack, wbjch will en .ble merchants to have their produce de.j. veted on the De'aware, and their goods st.ipp.id at a saving ol 5(1 to 75 per cent, on ihe pi ices fir hauling trc.o-s. with these advantage, they re spictfuPy solicit a all are of ptttr too e. W. HEILM AN Si CO. William Hi ibnan, T W.lham W. Kiysc, V Joseph Hamel. Philad .May 14. 1S42 ly AC XLSTDT niM. joiiv pr.iLii, i. t. tiuti'.:s, "W FPE(' TPULLY announce to the citizens Ettjt of Sunbuiy, and its yirii.itv, th- they have tins day entered into cf arwei-hii ;n (be Practice 1 1 Medicine, in all its Various iVpariinent, and hope by tins arrangement, punctual aHent on to bnsine-s. and modctale charges, toieccivea hbeiul share of public vtattousg . ttj'l'r J I'EXL tiiib rshis cr t. ful acknowl edge mei.ts for ihrt very iibeod pat-oi.aie ht re'olore riTvd, and f.rtu ennftdent tiat the rew nr. rangemeol, (tl e iirm of Peal iV Trite-.) will be conducive 1 1 the cotnfort and Welfare of ll.e pub li'.he most respectfully solii lis a continuance of II etr confidence. Sunbury, May 7ih, 1842 fim. I'raiicio I. SrhwarUr., FFERS hiin(elf as a eioduia'e lot the offices of Rigistir Rccordcr,and Chik of the Orphans' t oirrf, at tbe ensu'ns general election. Should hpn.p!e think him capable, no neglect li bi. pot shall pre vent the du'ies of aanl olfices from being crf. rul ed st al Imies. May I4ih. 1WI2. Td THE'EiTTT'ToRS of. ttRTHL M- 1IERLA.XD CtHSXTY. rPIIE subscriber esiecltiilly iiitorins the electors a of Noilhitnibciland county, that be will be a candidate at the ensuing election, for the offices of Register, Recorder and CUik of the Orphans' Court. Having had considerible rxperici.ee in public life, be tiuss, if elected, be will ta'ol lo disehsige the Out es of said offices lo the entire satisfaction ul tbe community. FREDERICK LAZARUS. May tiili, 142. H. B. ATTOItNKY AT LAW, BUZTBVRV, PA. Business, attended to in the Counties of N thutpl erland, Union. L coming and Coluudnu. lttn-r tnt Tiro at a a Hart & Co., Tiowr.it St Uabrov, Hart, Crsisiisjsjs Si ITawt, fi7u Rl TVOLUS. Ml IA R LA Si n St Co Retenun, 'losii Sc. Co., TO THE ELKCTfRTiFNoTmiU M JJE LAND COUNTY. fpllF. Subscriber respectfully informs the Eh A tors nf Northumberland county, that he will a candidate for the oflicca of Rrgixicr, Recorder and Clcrh of the Orphai Court, nt Ihe ensuing renernl election. Shou'd he le lected.he will excit himself to render general sat faclion, which his long rxterlence in the duties said offices, will enable h;m to do. JMav 7. EDWARD OYSTER. TO THE ET.ECTORSOr'yORT. CM TIER I.AM) ( O L.XT Y. riHE sub-Tribcr la ing prevailed on ty bisfrteni I. ri'-'peclfiilty it forms ti c public that be will a candidate for the oll'ice of COMMISSIONER, at the ensfling general ihition. He pTimies, elected, to fulfill the duties of said office, with ca and fidelity. JOHN YOUNG. Mav 7th. I" 12. A ?JJ.1 C?. S.LZS. B"j()R S.de, a Farm containing about 80 HCti more nr less, siluiite in Shamokin towr.-l.t Norlhum! erlnn.l coupy. about seven miles fr Sunbury, or the irmin roail Irsibng fr. m that pin to IVlersburg and Sham kintown, Diljoit intr lar. of Win Farrow, Abraham Klis, S.miui'I Gor nnd Wm, Martz. on which there is a good Itirj Brick Hou-e, with a well of never failing wator the door, s large Barn in good ripair, a good -I1 chard, and ft good sent for a mill or any kind water power. Nearly a'l the land is cb-are.l nnt?' good cultivation twenty-five acres of which is meadow. The Danville and PottsviPe Rail Rn. runs through SHid f rm. It will le sold as the pr pcrty of Wm. Waters, dre'd. Any person XvijV ing lo purchase can do well, a the torms are re sonnhle. Possession and a good title can Le gi next Spr'.ne. For further pa ticula s, persons eqiies'id to apply to the widow, who lives on r' premises, or lo Godfiev Wati-rs or E. fSieeontw Esq. in Sunbury. GODFREY WATERS. C. R. WATERo. Mav 7 tf. Ex'rxnf Wm Water.', tie-.', SlKid!lial ! ! IRST Rate Shad and Herring, fi', nrd of fit " flavor, inspected No. 1 to April, just rrr'.ive. a arol Ijr sale at tho new store of JOHN CHAMBERL & . N . May7;h. IS 12. HOUSE, A'o. 237, Xorth Third. !ee Cdlowh!U It., l'lllLADKl.l'HlA. T 'H E subscribers lakes pleasure in acrju' ntin their fi tends and the public in uenersf . th they have taken the large and commodious Hole recently built by the Mifrs. H ut, on the s rm si! once occupied by the old esiahlit-hed HoliV krnwi as the Bull's Head, in Third sttcct ubovt CuliuW bill st. This Hotel is finished in the very Ve't prsih. manner, and of the lest nihterials. 1 1rs local on i very ih suable, particularly for con nfy nit ich.n.ts the arratigenn ti's for beating and ven.ib.ling , nc! room is uctl as to secure any '.emp 'rature. Tin lirdrooms aie all light and nii-v, nil furnished in i neat sty e, so as to in-uie coi, toit. The r. ccivii g p irlors are al-o I jrni-hed in a m. perb st le, the windows are on the French s yle fonnii g mi entrance to a b dcoiiy in front, w in. h makes a plea-ai t recess. Purfimlar attention ha been given to the bi da and bedjii.g, which, with the furniture, are entirely ne.v. r mm years' experiei ce in hotel htwiness, we trust, by strict assiduity to business, to make this house a desirablo steppum place. Our table wili ulways lMtpplied wuh the Very bit our roatUt can atT.rd. and our barw i h the test liquors and wines ot the most approvcj lrap "n, P. S. There arc firt rale stabling und carr ago houses attached tothehot-.l, attended by ca efull and sober ho-ilfrs, and surcharges will be low, tr accordance with tbe pvesent hard limes. SHUL'IZ & Di:itR. Ph ladelphia. April Ifi, H42. SUSQUEHANNA HOTEL, CATTiWIPSA, CCtUIVIBIA CO, r:.N.v.M.v.i.,i. rWlHE stih-citM-r re-pectddlv int. iins the put li J2 that be has pun h istd, and now occupies the Lnrze and Commodious lltitU Wi.Tnvcrii Slant!, Well known a the prop, rty, late of Theodore WM!s, and f .imcrlv kepi ly Samuel A. L'l dv He is now piepared t i .iccornnioda'e sll travellers and visiters who m .y favor him with a call, ami wdl ii-e i veiy effort iu bis power to render evettf convenience und rot f "l to his cu-t'iners, whl under his ch irje. His aecoivmo 'atiolis are ample, and bis rooms well furnished. His stables (I t'll ive and in good condition li s Tarik and lUn ivi'l be tupplii d ts ith lh lest that the rra'ket can afford. By put duality and ntiei tion. be tul- e. rodent that he wi I meiit the patronagu of the publin CH. MILES HARTMAN. Cattawissa, April nth. 1 S 12. itoiu:u r C iKTIlll & M, PAFEIt MANTJPACTOnEIlS, LtuutttarH Strttt, Jlaitiuiort, HAVE Constantly lor sale, Printing Paper of all sizes and qualities. Cap Writing Paper, luhd arid plain. Letter P. per, while and Hue, ruled und plain, Hanging Paper, fine antl common, Envd Paper, do. do. medium, double crown, crown and exii a sited Wrapping Papers, Cidored Medium su.l Royal Papers, Bomnt, renders' and Suaw Roc Hoards, Tissue Paper, and all urt'elea in 't.cir I n.-, which they will sell on accommodating terms, M ghe.-t price given f r old rags. KOUERT CARTER A SON. March 19. 1 842. E kion. M l, WHARTON'S n a tt 'zar n Suiibui)', oi lliiuiilsriiaud Count j , PENNSYLVANIA. riHE mbscrib.r re.x cttuily informs ibe put ie, A that be baa lemoved lo that largo aud Cuunti. . do. us Urick Hous4', on Market square, opposite il a Coutl House, (foriuCilv kept bv Hira.n I'm..) w heie he is now pteparcd to accoinmud.iie all w. m.iy favor him wnti a call. Being thai kful 'or past l ivors, be hopes by strict alter, lion to husoics, to lecvHve a liberal shaie ol public pairoi.aL'e, CH MILES D. W H.i:i'0N. Sunbuiy, March 6th, It 12.